Norfolk Chamber Sustainability

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INTRODUCTION Both the Suffolk and Norfolk Chambers of Commerce are very supportive of growth in the Low Carbon Economy and are taking real action to support initiative by SMEs in all sectors that are developing sustainable products, services and supply chains. Specifically we are developing; n The new Low Carbon Development Unit at the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce. This unit, which will be formally launched at the Suffolk Show, will be developing a Low Carbon Business Network in collaboration with Norfolk Chamber of Commerce. n

The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and other partners are delivering sustainable projects such as Fresh Ways to Work, which promotes alternative methods of getting to work with its ‘Bike it- Bus it- Walk it’ Campaign; and Energywise, the Suffolk Chamber’s energy efficiency business network, delivered on behalf of the Answer Project.

The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce is delighted to be working with partners in supporting the Sustainability 2011 event.

John Dugmore Chief Executive Suffolk Chamber of Commerce It has been a year since the first Sustainability Conference, staged jointly by the Norfolk and Suffolk Chambers. We are pleased to include in our speaker programme an increasing number of local companies that are developing new revenue streams with sustainable products and services – an indication to me that the East is embracing change and finding opportunities for growth in this new sector. In 2011, we have also moved on from simple greening issues to showcase companies that have gained market edge through sustainable business practices – demonstrating that not only ethical objectives can be achieved, but also commercialism – something we are all looking hard for in the current, harsh, economic climate. This conference is very much about business talking to business. I am delighted that we have some of the larger national companies present, highlighting opportunities around infrastructure and energy related projects. Their presence at Sustainability 2011 will aid collaboration and certainly help smaller companies identify business opportunities in this growing supply chain. The East of England Energy Group (EEEGr) has been of great support in assisting us with the Energy Track and we greatly appreciate the hard work of John Best and his team in promoting the East as a national energy hub. This conference has been entirely a collaborative effort. A big thank you to our sponsors British Sugar, Incrops Enterprise Hub, Petrofac, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Anglia Farmers. Events of this kind cannot be staged without fiscal and content support from private sector companies and because of their support we can offer this event free to all businesses. And, a final thank you to Business in the Community (BitC) for its support. I hope you enjoy the day and have the opportunity to glean useful information and contacts that can further your business in future.

Lisa Li Commercial Director Norfolk Chamber of Commerce

GROWING SOMETHING BRILLIANT Being a member of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce is a lucrative and cost effective way to generate more business, while raising your profile too. We are renowned for hosting high quality networking and business education events that meet the needs of businesses from all industry sectors. Some information about the Chamber of Commerce... “I excited be infrastructure hosting the B2B Spring businesses 2011 event, as am We havetothe to provide it is a with fantastic exhibition. With the continually challenging practical support at key stages of their growth economy that we currently have to contend with, anything your business thatofcutting edge or an extra that can Wegive represent businesses all sizes – from micro to spark large of inspiration, has across to be ofallbenefit. corporations sectors event gives businesses chance pick up and “This B2B We hold national purchasing apower fortoproducts some services new ideas and innovations, which is something we are always looking to do at the football club. Given that the event isisfree attendbusiness for all businesses, cannot Ours theto largest network in Ithe world for understand why any business owners or directors customers and local contacts wouldn’t come down to see what B2B can offer them.” We’re independent – our members hold us to Prior to joining Norwich City Football Club in June 2009, account David McNally was Chief Executive at Fulham and Sales Director withbut Celtic. Before working and Marketing We are not-for-profit we understand that in the football industry, businesses are he held a number of roles at blue chip companies including Courtaulds Textiles, Sara Lee, L’Oreal, We’ve overand 200Colgate-Palmolive. years’ business and knowledgeMaxgot Factor sharing experience

We’re an international brand

We are passionate about what we do

To become a member or discuss the benefits visit or call 01603 625977 WWW.SUSTAINABILITY2011.CO.UK SUSTAINABILITY 2011




British Sugar is delighted to be a lead sponsor of Sustainability 2011. We are one of the East of England’s most important companies, recognised internationally as one of the most efficient and progressive sugar manufacturers in Europe.

raw materials, installing leading technology in energy efficiency, gas and water treatment. This substantial investment has increased our operational agility and enabled us to explore new and exciting product stream opportunities.

Our company is committed to the core principles of sustainable development and we aim to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability throughout our business and supply chain.

Sugar production remains at the core of our operations, but using a highly integrated approach to manufacturing, we aim to transform all of our raw materials into sustainable products.

We believe sustainability makes good sense for our business, our people and our planet, challenging us to make commercial decisions which benefit all three areas simultaneously. That’s why we are proud to support Sustainability 2011.

“We believe sustainability makes good sense for our business, our people and our planet.” Karl Carter Technology Director

Economic – a big business, a big customer Around 9,000 different firms are involved in the UK beet sugar supply chain, which is recognised as an important part of the rural economy. UK sugar beet productivity has increased by 50% since 1987, and now averages over 10 tonnes of sugar/hectare. This performance is consistently ranked in the top quartile of EU producers, and is comparable with sugar cane productivity in Brazil. Sugar beet is recognised as one of the most financially secure major arable crops in the UK and over 4,000 growers receive a guaranteed price, with terms and conditions negotiated by the National Farmers’ Union via an Inter-Professional Agreement. British Sugar is the sole processer of the UK’s sugar beet crop and the company remains one of the largest single customers for the engineering sector in the East of England. Likewise, the company’s spend on transport and contractors make it a major customer for many businesses.

Environmental – transforming raw materials At British Sugar, protection of the environment is integral to our activities and we believe that raw materials should be used efficiently and responsibly to achieve this. We’ve invested around £1billion in the last two decades to continuously improve our use of 4


Our factories recycle stones for building materials, soil for landscaping, lime for soil conditioning, beet pulp for animal feed and produce electricity from Combined Heat & Power plants. We even use combustion gases and recovered heat from Wissington’s CHP plant to grow over 140 million tomatoes annually.

Social – our people, our communities We believe that our people are the key to our success. British Sugar’s diverse business holds a multi-skilled workforce with specialists in engineering, business, finance and agriculture and we work as one team to succeed. Each year British Sugar’s workforce participates in over 1000 training courses. This involves all levels from senior managers to new apprentices and our seasonal workers. We also encourage and support our staff to acquire relevant business, technical and professional qualifications and offer financial assistance for continuous professional development (CPD) in appropriate disciplines. British Sugar encourages its sites to play an active role in local communities through media visits, schools activities, agricultural and environmental events. All of British Sugar’s sponsorship and charitable funds are allocated to our employee fundraising activities through a “Supporting YOU to support others” programme. This programme demonstrates British Sugar’s commitment and support to our employees’ charitable organisations, or causes close to their hearts. For more information please visit



The economic opportunities n n n n n

‘We are delighted to support the Sustainability event for a second year, as it brings together businesses from both Suffolk and Norfolk Chamber areas around a common agenda of sustainability.” John French CEO, InCrops and LCIC

The East of England is expected to see 840,000 new households between 2008 and 2033 (DCLG 2010). The UK functional foods and drinks market will grow between 4.5% to 6.5% per year over the next five years The global market forecast for Bioplastics is set to reach 825,000 tons by 2015, with CAGR 20-30% Natural personal care product market is expected to reach in excess of $5bn globally by 2012 Industrial Biorefining has a global value of £35-55 billion and, by 2059, an estimated projected growth of up to 600%

The impact of InCrops InCrops Enterprise Hub were winners of the ’Creating Futures Award 2010 – Low Carbon Innovation category’. Judges of the award felt that “InCrops not only displayed a high level of low carbon innovation, but could also demonstrate how a practical approach had led to the achievement of tangible results.” The work of the InCrops Enterprise Hub is at the forefront of the sustainability agenda in the region and has established itself as a major driver of green economic growth, supporting over 200 regional businesses since 2008. InCrops is specially designed to stimulate the economy in the area of green innovation and green technology development – an important sector for the future development of the UK. It is funded by the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and is operated through a not-for-profit company, based at the University of East Anglia (UEA), with staff located at partner organisations across the region. The team at InCrops provides specialist support to regional companies who are actively developing sustainable and environmentally friendly products and technologies. Our Business Innovation Managers create applied and collaborative industry-led projects with businesses and academic partners. Sustainable business is also supported through the work of the Low Carbon Innovation Centre (LCIC), another University of East Anglia company

and partner in the InCrops Enterprise Hub. Providing a wide range of consultancy support and low carbon insight, LCIC additionally operates the Low Carbon Innovation Fund (LCIF) a low carbon venture capital fund for SMEs in the East of England. It supports companies developing low carbon products, services or improving their processes to reduce their operational CO2 outputs, making early stage equity investments. The LCIF uses £8M from the European Regional Development Fund, matched with around £12M from private co-investment.

What does sustainability look like? Sustainable farming – InCrops has established demonstration and experimental trials on alternative crops and products such as Hemp and Sea Buckthorn, to assist in the transfer of knowledge in innovative crop-derived products for commercialisation. Sustainable built environment – InCrops has worked with a number of regional businesses to develop supply chains of bio-based materials in construction. Recent assistance was given to companies looking at using bio-based insulation materials to replace conventional oil and mineral based materials. InCrops is also co-ordinating ‘The Local House’ project, where a consortium of regional businesses is working together on a project to build a house from locally-sourced materials. Sustainable materials – InCrops has been promoting sustainable packaging in a multimillion pound supply chain, forwarding regional companies to a major national retailer looking to replace conventional packaging for food, flowers, toys, clothing and materials for shopfittings. The retailer’s buyers chose a range of companies to meet with and discuss further opportunities. Sustainable energy – InCrops is working closely with innovative entrepreneurs and SMEs who are involved with advanced fermentation processes, anaerobic digestion technologies, biochemical routes to biodiesel production and thermochemical conversion processes. InCrops Enterprise Hub Low Carbon Innovation Centre Low Carbon Innovation Fund




Supply Chain




8:30 am 8:30 am

MORNING KEYNOTE ADDRESS To be announced Lecture Theatre

9:00-9:20 am

Norfolk Chamber of Commerce Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

9:30-10:00 am

InCrops Enterprise Hub Beyond Carbon

10:10-10:40 am

EDF Energy EDF Energy’s New Nuclear Build Programme

10:50-11:20 am

Anglia Farmers Can Agriculture Be Sustainable?

11:25-11:45 am



11:45-12:15 pm

Thurton Ethical Investments

12:25-1:05 pm

To be announced

1:10-1:50 pm


1:55-2:15 pm

AFTERNOON K 1. Norfolk C

2:25-2:55 pm

Wherry Housing Association How Wherry is Facing up to the Sustainability Challenge

3:05-3:35 pm

Orbis Energy


Correct at time of going to press. Please refer to P

InCrops and The Low Carbon Innovation Centre will be running FREE business clinics at the event. These will help businesses to make savings, increase profits and raise their environmental profile through low carbon activity. For more information contact Julia O’Rourke on 01603 591765.





Deltamech Will your Business Survive the Energy Challenge?

EEEGR Skills for Energy: Local, transferable and sustainable

Norwich Back-Packers Eco-Friendly Budget Tourism

Building Energy Modelling: A Valued Tool to Inform Potential Energy Savings

Mott MacDonald Are Your Construction Projects Costing the Earth?

Generation of Renewable Heat & Sustainable Bio-based Products from Biomass

Create Consulting Engineering

Pyreg (UK)

BITION AND COFFEE BREAK PricewaterhouseCoopers

Iceni Renewable Energy The Snetterton Biomass Plant

May Gurney

REV ACTIVE Wining Business, The Green Way

Sustainability – Turning Global Issues into Commercial Opportunity

Understanding and Responding to Market Opportunities in the Sustainable Supply Chain


KEYNOTE ADDRESS – Lecture Theatre Chamber of Commerce 2. Adnams To be announced

Clean Energy Consultancy Self Funding Renewable Technologies

Spicer Biotech Breaking Into Algae

To be announced

Programme Boards at the event for latest updates.





Petrofac is a leading international provider of facilities solutions to the oil & gas production and processing industries, with a proven track record in the design, construction and operation of infrastructure in challenging environments. Petrofac is quoted on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. With around 14,000 employees, Petrofac operates worldwide from six strategically located operational centres and a further 20 offices, to deliver services across the full life cycle of our customers’ assets.

“Petrofac is committed to supporting this region’s business community and local supply chain, to develop a vibrant and sustainable energy industry for all our futures.” Andy Barber SNS Operations Manager

Since expanding its Offshore Engineering & Operations (OE&O) business into Norfolk in 2003, the company has continued to build its reputation for world-class operations management and engineering and construction expertise. We’ve proven our ability to enhance performance, increase operational uptime and optimise costs for our customers, ensuring a long-term future for the Southern North Sea (SNS). Petrofac’s operations are driven by a strong safety culture and dedication to managing risks effectively. With a target of zero accidents and incidents involving people and the environments in which we work, Petrofac has a relentless commitment to working safely and responsibly.

Specialists in operations and maintenance of offshore and onshore assets The offshore environment is part of Petrofac’s heritage. As a recognised leader in managing offshore assets, Petrofac OE&O has more than 20 years of experience delivering safe operations, with more than 4,000 experienced people currently working in the UK continental shelf. Operating under a variety of flexible commercial models, our services range from the supply of experienced personnel, through to complete asset operations management and transition management. As the size of SNS oil & gas discoveries become smaller and production costs continue to rise, the effective maintenance and management of ageing assets becomes pivotal in assuring the financial viability of long-term production from marginal and mature fields in the SNS sector.



As an industry leader in the provision of operations maintenance and management services, Petrofac’s activities are designed to prolong the life of these assets, thus making future investments into hydrocarbon exploration more financially viable. Roy Armishaw, director UK south operations commented: “We’ve developed a track record for delivery in operations maintenance and management, putting us in a prime position to help our customers ensure their North Sea assets are sustainable, safe and capable of servicing the production anticipated from marginal fields in the future.”

Track record of managing complex and remote operations and maintenance projects With its operations management expertise and proven capability, Petrofac works closely with its customers in the SNS area including: Tullow, Eni, ERT, ATP, Centrica and BP. One of our current projects is based at the Bacton processing site, improving the efficiency of one plant to free up space and resources on the other to allow a gas storage project to progress. The team is also reviewing a number of marginal fields on behalf of customers in the SNS sector and is looking to develop these using a low cost model, whilst utilising the local supply chain as effectively as possible. Ensuring the sustainability of the SNS sector is of core concern to Petrofac, which is why we’re supporting the Sustainability 2011 conference. In doing so we wish to make current and future customers aware of our ability to manage and maintain safe operations on their assets, in turn improving the viability of SNS operations. In addition, we wish to sustain and develop supply chain partnerships that will help to write the next chapter of the SNS story.



At PwC, we recognise that we have a responsibility to minimise the environmental impact of our operations. We’ve stated this as being one of our overarching sustainability objectives. We also acknowledge that we have a shared responsibility to protect and value the environment at large and that our strong relationships with stakeholders – including clients, employees, suppliers and regulators – puts us in a unique position to do this. As a professional services firm, our operational impacts mostly arise from carbon, especially business travel and energy consumption in our buildings. But we also have programmes and metrics to reduce and measure the waste we generate and the resources we consume, like paper and water.

“PwC are proud to sponsor Sustainability 2011. The conference highlights the importance of sustainable issues and practices to our local economy.” Chris Maw Partner In Charge

We believe our responsibility extends right across our business, so we’re working with suppliers and clients to help reduce their impacts, too. Our environmental policy represents our overall intentions for managing and reducing our impacts, and we work hard to make tangible improvements. Since 2008, the environmental management system for all of our operational buildings within the UK has been certified to ISO 14001 – the international standard for environmental management systems. This certificate provides assurance that we meet the commitments made in our environmental policy. We also want to build environmental awareness by shaping the debate on important environmental issues, for example through our involvement in the international study on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) and the Carbon Disclosure Project. Climate change has emerged as one of the most important political and business issues of our time. We have been working with companies and policy makers for the past 17 years, helping to set the agenda, analyse the issues and develop practical solutions for clients. Here in Norwich, we are committed to doing the right thing and we are part-way through five year targets for environmental performance. With regard to waste, we are working towards a zero landfill waste target by 2012. We actively monitor our paper wastage and in March 2011, as an office, we recycled 1,998 kilos

of paper, the equivalent of 34 trees, conserving 599 kilowatts of energy and reducing landfill by 10 cubic meters. In addition to this we have an assigned environmental focus team who collate and, where practicable, implement policy to ensure we maximise our recycling opportunities. In recent years, this has resulted in various forms of recycling pods being installed around our office to collect aluminium cans, batteries, mobile phones, toner cartridges, food waste and plastic. We also feel it is important to take the time to give something back to the communities in which we live and work – all of our Norwich office staff were recently involved in clearing rubbish from beaches on the North Norfolk Coast, for example. PwC are proud to sponsor Sustainability 2011 at the John Innes Centre. The conference highlights the importance of sustainable issues and practices to our local economy and the many opportunities that this presents to local businesses. We have seen several commitments in relation to green infrastructure from government over recent months – from high speed rail and a recharging network for plug-in vehicles, to home energy improvement. The government plans to continue with its support for carbon capture and storage demonstration plants and this could be of real benefit to our local energy sector. The search is on for how to achieve Green Growth and there are opportunities for companies across all sectors. The key challenge in setting out the business case for investment is understanding the ways in which sustainability can benefit an organisation’s bottom line and gathering data to assess the impact of a sustainability initiative. Many of our local businesses are seeking to make sure that the strategy of their company is aligned with the actions that will be needed to deliver on the sustainable development agenda, both to reduce risk and to maximise long-term opportunities. Once there is agreement on how sustainability impacts core business strategy, then it is much easier to agree and act on the priority issues for business, and to keep internal and external stakeholders fully engaged. The East region is well placed to lead from the front on the sustainability agenda and this conference showcases many of the world-class businesses and practices that are right on our doorstep.





“The food chain imposes global environmental impacts larger than most other sectors.” Clarke Willis, CEO, Anglia Farmers

Sustainability in the Food & Farming Supply Chain – is it possible?

against use of food crops to produce energy rather than food.

The food and farming sector is important to everyone. The food chain employs one in seven of the workforce and is the UK’s (and the world’s) largest manufacturing sector, but it also imposes global environmental impacts larger than most other sectors. It is a high user of water, energy and one of our largest natural resources – land.

At Sustainability 2011, Clarke Willis will challenge the audience to think about changes which would encourage the development of a more secure, sustainable, efficient and profitable food supply chain.

Food is one product everyone needs, even in a recession, but this is producing a complex range of global challenges. We have two major failings – hunger remains widespread and many systems of food production remain unsustainable. The rapidly growing world population looking for food security clashes


Bitc Mayday is turning threat into opportunity

“This event is likely to drive forward much of the sustainable thinking which is currently coming of age – and business is, as always, playing a crucial role.” Matt Mellen, Mayday Campaign Manager

The Mayday Network supports businesses to take action on climate change and resource depletion and is happy to participate in Sustainability 2011, an important event at a critical time. It is clear that we are living through a period of immense change. Next year will see Rio + 20, a huge Earth Summit, 20 years after the first in Rio in 1992, which spawned a plethora of new environmental policies and focused minds on the huge challenge at hand. This event is likely to also drive forward much of the sustainable thinking which is currently coming of age – and business is, as always, playing a crucial role. More money than ever is flowing into new technologies and business models. Last year, during our annual Mayday ‘Report Back’, where companies tell us how far

they have progressed in taking action on climate change, 76% of respondents stated that they agreed or strongly agreed that Climate change is as much a business opportunity as a threat. This year ‘Report Back’ is being run through a new SME-friendly online tool which can track your progress and at the same time offer concise tips for how to respond effectively to climate change and other environmental challenges. We are expecting a record response this year and as more organisations share solutions and articulate their vision of a sustainable future, business is increasingly rising to the challenge and seizing the opportunity. We look forward to hearing about your sustainable journey and together moving towards a prosperous and secure future. Join the Mayday Network for free at:


EEEGR A sustainable Energy Future The East of England is key to the UK’s sustainable energy future and our supply chain is ready to deliver the balanced mix of energy that will keep the lights on.

“Sustainable energy means increased business opportunity, which means jobs and sustainable prosperity for our region.” John Best, CEO, EEEGR


As well as an abundance of natural resources like wind, wave, and natural gas, the region boasts a wealth of energy assets both offshore and on land. It has skills developed over decades which bring unparalleled expertise in energy supply and technical knowhow, which transfers across the sectors. A golden future lies ahead, whether in natural gas, wind power generation, nuclear new build, biomass, carbon capture and storage or coal gasification. Simultaneously, the region is moving into a multi-billion pound decommissioning business in the North Sea.


Backed by a highly proficient supply chain and a secure infrastructure, the East of England truly is a worldleading, all-energy hub. EEEGR will be leading as the region moves into a spectacular and sustainable era, which offers unprecedented opportunities. The East of England is fundamental to delivering the balanced energy mix that the UK requires for a longterm and sustainable energy supply. Sustainable energy means increased business opportunity, which means jobs and sustainable prosperity for our region.

Offer open only to the first 50 responses, or until 30th November 2010




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Offer open only to the first 50 responses, or until 30th November 2010



Carbon management and renewable energy Independent and impartial consultancy service enabling you to confidently invest in renewables. Let us assist you to facilitate the FUNDING for your renewable project. Energy saving and renewable technology workshops now available for 2011. Call us to find out how we can save you money, increase your income and reduce your carbon footprint.

Contact details:

Clean Energy Consultancy Ltd, PO Box 213, Norwich NR18 8AT t: 01953 798112 e: w:

Norfolk Adult Education Services is a Grade 2 Ofsted Service and part of Norfolk County Council, a Four Star authority. There are many benefits of investing in training your staff, particularly in the current economic climate. We work in partnership with employers, in the public, private and voluntary sector to deliver training to meet business and sector needs. We deliver Vocational Qualifications (Certificates and Diplomas), Apprenticeships, and short accredited and bespoke courses. We offer work-based, blended and taught training solutions, delivered and supported by a large team of tutors and assessors working across the county and borders. Training is provided in a range of subjects including Health and Social Care, Environmental and Waste Management, Schools and Early Years, Business, Management, Team leading and Administration. If you are unsure of what types of training would be best for your staff we would be pleased to visit you at a time and place to suit you to discuss the training needs of your staff. Our Training Needs Analysis (TNA) service is offered totally free and will cost your business nothing. As a public service we take pride in delivering a high quality, good value, local training service.

General Enquiries: 0344 800 8020 Email: WWW.SUSTAINABILITY2011.CO.UK SUSTAINABILITY 2011


FORTHCOMING NORFOLK & SUFFOLK CHAMBER EVENTS 2011 SUFFOLK MAY 18 Suffolk Business Women – Positive outcomes – Health and wellbeing – Networking Event WHEN? 12pm to 2pm WHERE? Snape Maltings Inspirational Speaker – Kirsteen Ellis – Cancer Survivor. 23 Business Networking Lunch WHEN? 12pm to 2pm WHERE? Snape Maltings Monthly Business Lunch

JUNE 1 & 2 Suffolk Show WHEN? 8am to 6pm WHERE? Trinity Park, Ipswich The Suffolk Chamber Marquee will include three areas: Healthy ambitions, The Business Café and The Low Carbon Office.


15 What can your Chamber do for your business? WHEN? 5pm to 7pm WHERE? The New Wolsey Theatre

WHEN? 10am to 1pm WHERE? Belstead Brook Hotel The Payments Council’s plans and other payment options available.

11, 16 & 18 Export and Import Training Courses

Meet the team and find out more about networking events, membership benefits and business discounts.

WHEN? Times vary

15 Suffolk International Trade Group Meeting


WHEN? 5pm to 7pm WHERE? The New Wolsey Theatre

9 Business Breakfast Norwich: Olympic Opportunities

Peer-to-peer export networking.

WHEN? 7.45am to 9.30pm

27 Suffolk Chamber AGM / Business Networking Lunch WHEN? 12pm to 2.30pm WHERE? The West Wing at Ickworth

WHERE? Norfolk Chamber of Commerce

WHEN? 2pm to 5pm WHERE? Dunston Hall, Norwich Sponsored and presented by Adecco 29 Training Course: Export procedures and documentation WHEN? 9am to 4.30pm WHERE? Norfolk Chamber of Commerce

WHERE? Sprowston Manor, Norwich


Guest speakers Bramley Lakes, Lloyds TSB and a Paralympian.

5 Business Networking Breakfast, Great Yarmouth WHEN? 7.45am to 9.30pm

16 High Five Lunch, West Norfolk

WHERE? Grosvenor Casino, Great Yarmouth

WHEN? 12pm to 2pm

JULY 18 Business Networking Lunch – A Shared Community WHEN? 12pm to 2pm

14 How would the end of cheques affect your business?

23 Chamber HR Forum: Temporary Work Law Update


WHERE? Woodhall Manor

WHERE? Best Western Knights Hill Hotel, King’s Lynn

7 Half Day Conference: Infrastructue East

King’s Lynn business leaders outline their five key drivers for success.

WHEN? 8.30am to 2pm

Ipswich Summer Lunch – Suffolk Foundation For more information or to book, please visit or call 01473 694800.

WHERE? The Forum, Norwich For more information or to book, please visit or call 01603 625977.

EXHIBITORS Anglia Easy Energy Ltd BITC Blackwell Print British Sugar Plc Burton Environmental Consulting City College Norwich Clean Energy Consultancy Limited Deltamech Services Ltd EEEGR

InCrops Enterprise Hub Kinnerton Confectionery Norfolk Chamber of Commerce Norfolk County Council Adult Education Services Norfolk County Council Training Standards Norwich Business School, UEA Orbis Energy Performance Plus Partnership Petrofac Facilities Management Ltd

Correct at time of going to press, please refer to the updated insert for the latest Exhibitors List.



Power Perfector PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Resource Efficiency East REV ACTIVE Scion Sprays Ltd Suffolk Chamber of Commerce The Click Design Consultants


20 OCTOBER 2011 11.00 – 17.00



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