Business Matters 18

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BusinessMatters Quarterly Magazine of West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce

Business Tips from the Top Special Feature Page 10



Solving the problem with IT solutions With the UK economy finally showing some positive signs of recovery, Mold-based company Solvings, a leading IT infrastructure services, support and project consultancy, has recognised the opportunities the developing upturn can provide.

Solvings’ new offices on Mold Business Park, providing the business with extensive office space, a technical staging area and a training suite

The Solvings team, Back row, left to right: Dougie Eaglesham, Steve Lysaght, Mick Rodaway, Mark Hardy. Front row, left to right: Margaret Lysaght, Sharon Marks, Michelle Jones

By ‘Delivering Technology with Integrity’, Solvings designs the system, delivers the infrastructure and supports the client on a range of business opportunities, utilising the industry knowledge, professionalism and imagination of its employees. Over the last six months, the business has appointed a number of key personnel in senior positions – including business development, commercial and operational roles – to strengthen the management team and provide drive and focus for the future. More recently the company, which employs 26 people, has moved into larger premises on Mold Business Park, providing the business with extensive office space, a technical staging area and a training suite. With contractors working across the UK and some high profile partners including HP, Steria and Capita, Solvings was originally set up over four years ago by Managing Director, Steve Lysaght. It initially provided a high-quality IT service focused on working with businesses to develop a reliable and secure IT infrastructure. Over the years its reputation for providing professional, qualified

Business Matters


security-cleared personnel has meant that Solvings is selected for some of the most sensitive projects in the UK, many of which are Defence industry focused. Steve Lysaght explains: “Professional integrity remains intrinsic to our approach at Solvings. Even as we embrace change, adapt and identify new markets, the high quality of our team remains. Many of our team are ex-Forces, and all of them are experts in their fields.” Solvings’ business reach is also expanding, with new interests and strategic opportunities appearing regionally, nationally and internationally. The Solvings team work on many major projects to deliver deployments and implementations of Network Infrastructure, including desktops, laptops, servers and printers, and provide back office expertise to complement these products. As Steve outlines: “While we will continue to deliver all of our existing professional services, we intend to move forward into areas that we believe we can add further value to, such as WiFi solutions, IT training and support desk facilities.”

The Solvings team work on many major projects to deliver deployments and implementations of Network Infrastructure

Solvings training includes: n Technical and Engineering n Project Management n Modern Apprenticeships n Leadership and Management For further information on Solvings please contact Dougie Eaglesham, Practice Lead on Tel: +44 (0) 1352 700103





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Contact: Daniel Shires Communications Manager West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce Riverside Innovation Centre 1 Castle Drive, Chester CH1 1SL Twitter @chamberwcnw LinkedIn Telephone +44 (0) 1244 669988

Production & Design Distinctive Publishing Unit 6b, Floor B, Milburn House Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1LE Telephone 0845 884 2384

Advertising John Neilson Commercial Director Telephone 0845 884 2343 Contributing Editor John Dean & Francis Griss


Distinctive Publishing or West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur, individual products or services advertised or late entries. No part of this publication may be reproduced or scanned without prior written permission of the publishers and West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce.

Business Matters



Launch of High Growth Centre Shares Academic Expertise in North West A new centre to support economic growth and develop innovative products for North West businesses has been launched. valuable advice and support. The facility has been designed specifically for companies operating in the advanced manufacturing, automotive, engineering and environmental sectors, the blend of industry, innovation and academia aims to deliver a boost to these sectors in the region.

The newly-developed High Growth Centre is located at Thornton Science Park (formerly Shell Technology Centre) at Ince, near Chester. Co-funded by the University of Chester and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the High Growth Centre offers small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-up businesses

Companies will be able to access a wide range of specialist equipment and advice with additional support from the University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering working alongside the team of specialist advisors. Advice and help is available in the following areas: business development; export; sales and marketing tactics and strategic planning; supply chain options; personalised intellectual property and commercialisation, in addition to the technical and research and development support. This list of services is accessible to companies based throughout the North West. Up to 41 flexible workspaces are available for enterprises close to the High Growth Centre. Office, laboratory

and industrial workshops are in the process of refurbishment and interested businesses are encouraged to contact the High Growth team to discuss bespoke requirements. Project Leader Vince Hollender said: “The scale, skills and facilities available to businesses to tap into across the region has to be seen to be believed. Regardless of whether you are seeking business or technical support it is well worth an informal discussion with the High Growth team to explore the possibilities.” The High Growth Centre has been set up to encourage new business creation and help existing businesses to develop. It will facilitate the sharing of knowledge between business and the University and develop greater links with local, regional and international businesses. Businesses can find out more about the High Growth Centre by emailing

PM Launches £2000 NIC Discount for Businesses and Charities Businesses across West Cheshire and North Wales can benefit from a discount of up to £2,000 on their national insurance constributions. The scheme came into force in early April. The key benefits are: n Employers won’t have to pay any employer National Insurance contributions at all if they usually pay less than £2,000 a year. n Up to 1.25 million businesses and charities will benefit from the Employment Allowance and around 450,000 businesses and charities won’t have to pay any employer National Insurance contributions at all. Nearly all employers that pay Class 1 National Insurance contributions on their employees’ and directors’ earnings will be eligible including: n Businesses

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n Charities n Community amateur sports clubs To calculate how much your business can save, visit: allowance-calculator In a letter to businesses, the Prime Minister David Cameron said: “Businesses are saying to us they want to invest, grow, and take on new people. The Employment Allowance is about helping you to do that. “The Allowance will cut up to £2,000 from your employer NICs bill. This means £2,000 cashback on the cost of jobs that you can choose how to spend. I hope you will consider using it to take on more employees. “Simplicity has been the priority in designing the allowance. It will be easy to claim, and all you have to do is tick a box on your payroll software.”


New Spring Events Programme Welcomed A blossoming new events programme held across West Cheshire and North Wales and designed to bring networking and opportunity to chamber members this spring has been given the thumbs-up.

West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce has held events across the length and breadth of both regions since February with an aim of providing better opportunities for members at a host of venues.

Abode Hotel, Chester. As well as a delicious free lunch provided by the staff at the Abode, delegates had the opportunity to hear the latest updates from Mr Dwyer, as well as his views on how crime is affecting business in the county in 2014.

The programme has included events in Deganwy, St Asaph, Chester and Northwich, as well as featured a number of informative and interesting guest speakers.

We rounded out April with another Chamber Taster, this time held at Howard Worth Accountants in Northwich. Delegates from more than 12 companies joined us for the event, hearing speeches from Lee Stephens of 147 Consultants and Phil Lewis from MWL Systems.

Rio 2016 Olympic hopeful Chris Russell gave networking a sporting twist on March 10th at a special seminar for business leaders in the stunning surrounds of the Quay Hotel, Deganwy. The Olympic Laser Class sailor gave a special talk to 40 members of West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce at the Quay Hotel & Spa, Deganwy, focusing on the lessons businesses can learn from sport. As well as Chris’ presentation and subsequent question and answer session, members enjoyed a delicious champagne and canapé reception in the hotel’s spectacular conferencing facilities overlooking the River Conwy. A week earlier, the Optic Glyndwr technology centre in St Asaph played host to the first Chamber Taster of 2014, a networking event designed so non members can find out directly from existing Chamber members how exactly membership could help them. More than 30 delegates heard from Darren Speed of Chamber patron members MWL Systems, as well as Pamela Drew from Business Doctors; who explained how their respective organisations benefit and took the opportunity to promote their own work. In mid-April the Chamber was joined by John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire at a special business crime lunch at the

May marked our return to Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden, for the first time in six years. The venue, which is Britain’s only existing Prime Ministerial Library in honour of William Gladstone, welcomed more than 30 delegates who enjoyed an opportunity to network in the stunning surrounds of the Gladstone Room, before Chamber membership manager Debbie Stokes interviewed

Alan Jones from Mako Creative Solutions Ltd about his life and work. Delegates were then taken on a tour of the library and the facilities. Debbie Stokes said: “It’s been a fantastic season of events and we’re delighted so many members have shared their positive feedback of what we’ve been organising. It’s our belief that our members want quality opportunities to network at a variety of different venues and locations, so we’ve listened to their thoughts and will continue to hold more events like these now and in the future. “I’d like to thank The Quay Hotel and Gladstone’s Library for providing free refreshments, as well as all our other host venues for their kindness and hospitality. Also thank you to everyone who has come to Chamber events this spring, we very much look forward to seeing you again soon.”

It’s been a fantastic season of events and we’re delighted so many members have shared their positive feedback of what we’ve been organising. It’s our belief that our members want quality opportunities to network at a variety of different venues and locations, so we’ve listened to their thoughts and will continue to hold more events like these now and in the future. Business Matters


HOWIWORK I’m Lee Stephens, 147 Consultants and This Is…

Tell us a bit about you, your background and what brings you to this role.

throw me off my to-do list and I find it hard not to deal with the unexpected issue as it occurs!

I’ve worked for three major Vodafone partners over the last 10 years in the communications arena, working my way up to become head of sales at my last company. Back in July 2013 I took stock of things and had a look at where I was going with in my work life and felt I was starting to get stuck in a rut. I was becoming unhappy so I decided that the way to solve it would be to set up my own company.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without? My Brother DCP-195C printer/scanner… What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else? Being me! What’s your sleep routine like? I don’t have a set time for going to be but I do like to achieve eight hours a night; if I don’t it’s not the end of the world I just get up and go regardless.

The reality is of course I now work longer hours than before and have the responsibility of ensuring my staff and their families are fed, as well as never switching off! That being said I wouldn’t change it for the world.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Never give up…

What one word best describes how you work? Caringly. What’s your workspace like? It can get very untidy but then I’ll just come in one day and have a massive blowout to make it neat again… I must say it’s a vicious circle. I am lucky that a lot of my business is done via computer so I don’t have a lot of paper flying around. What apps/software/tools can’t you live without? My mobile phone is key to my business as I

need to be contactable at all times when out of the office. Also vital is the NatWest mobile phone app and of course the world wide web. What are your best time saving tricks? Prepare for the next day the night before and always arrive early… you never know if someone can see you for an appointment.

Finally, have you got any other ‘lifehack’ tips for getting things done better you’re able to share? When you are working then be there to work, don’t get distracted by things that are outside the work circle. We spend a third of our life working and so why not give it our all? The ones who work the hardest tend to get to places quicker and reap the rewards!

How do you manage your to-do list? Could do better! Unfortunately there are always things that pop up on a daily basis that

Business Leaders Enjoy Chance to Meet Chester’s MP Just prior the budget Stephen Mosley, the Prime Minister’s Small Business Ambassador visited the Riverside Innovation Centre for the special meeting, where delegates were able to quiz him on a variety of issues.

A small group of Chamber members and business leaders enjoyed the opportunity to meet with and talk to Chester’s Member of Parliament over lunch in March.

Business Matters


Mr Mosley said: “Over a fantastic lunch, we had a broad ranging discussion about business support. I heard from businesses who were already exporting and from businesspeople who were looking to export their goods overseas for the first time. I also heard about the annual investment allowance and the difference it was making to businesses and would continue to make if it was continued. Guests also told me about how the Government could make it easier for them to take new people on. “As I sat in the House of Commons hearing the Chancellor’s Budget, it was as if he had been in the room listening! The Chancellor announced the

most competitive export finance programme in Europe. The Government is doubling the amount of lending available to £3 billion and the interest rates it charges on that lending will be cut by a third. The annual investment allowance has been doubled to £500,000, helping businesses invest in the capital assets the need to keep growing. All of this on top of a further corporation tax cut (21% from 28% back in 2010) and the landmark Employment Allowance, both of which were introduced in April.” Colin Brew, Executive Director of the Chamber said: “We were extremely grateful to Stephen for giving up his time and coming to discuss a number of contemporary issues effecting businesses in Chester. We plan to hold more meetings with local representatives across our regions in the coming months to ensure businesses in our region feel that their views are being heard.”


GROWINGATTHERIVERSIDE Linda Neill and Catherine Richardson Directors The Literacy Company

“In both training and in-school support, we always endeavour to share exciting texts with teachers and pupils as we firmly believe that children should be inspired through a love of them.” That’s the goal of Linda Neill and Catherine Richardson, Directors of The Literacy Company; a consultancy based at Riverside Innovation Centre (RIC), Chester, with the aim of working with schools to enhance the curriculum and improve standards in English through specialist courses and support. “The company was set up in September 2013,” said Linda. “The formation came about after Catherine and I worked together for four years as literacy advisers, during which time we developed our shared vision for the subject.” Linda began her career in education in 1992 following graduation from the University of Chester. She worked across years one to six in a variety of settings, gaining experience of raising literacy standards through leadership of the subject. Later, she took on the role of Literacy Adviser for Cheshire West and Chester Council and was involved in a range of projects including lead teacher programmes, reciprocal reading, lesson study and text based learning. Catherine enjoyed a career 17 years in a host of different schools, providing her with experience across years one to six and senior management. She completed a Masters in Education at the University of Chester and eight years as a Literacy Adviser for Cheshire West and Chester Council. She was lead consultant for successful national projects within Cheshire, for example introducing Assessing Pupil Progress across all schools and Every Child a Writer. Prior to getting up and running, Catherine attended a two-day business start-up course at RIC; an event which would conclude with an opportunity to pitch for the chance to secure office space at the facility, Catherine said: “I attended and was supported in the completion of our business plan and wrote a business pitch. “After winning the pitch, we were provided with one year rent free office space. We also applied for and received a grant of £500 from Cheshire West and Chester which helped us to purchase equipment like laptops, as well as putting in investment ourselves.” Since then the pair have worked to deliver their mission statement of providing ‘outstanding

professional development for schools and educational establishments’ across their target market of primary schools, head teachers and literacy leaders. This market covers Cheshire West and Chester and neighbouring local authorities, as well as online. The overall response to The Literacy Company from their target market has been extremely positive, with delegates leaving glowing feedback to their courses, Linda explained that there has been a wonderful response with people saying how motivated and raring they are to implement new ideas. “We have been praised for the quality of resources we provide to delegates, which is extremely pleasing.” “There have of course been difficulties, such as the time and initial finance of getting the business off the ground, but we’ve had tremendous support from the team at the RIC. It has provided a great

base in a great location, resources, support when we needed it during our first few months, as well as networking opportunities and courses. Catherine added: “It’s also been extremely useful being so close to other new businesses in the centre, with many like-minded people who are either setting up a business or running one already. The businesses here are all based in differing fields, but it’s still possible to share good practice and ideas with them.” Looking ahead, Linda and Catherine have a list of aims and objectives for The Literacy Company in the future, Linda said: “We’re already planning for the September 2014 academic year and will be reviewing all our products to date as part of this. Beyond that, we hope to sustain the business and continue to build customer satisfaction and increase our product range locally and in neighbouring local authorities.”

Business Matters



The Secret of Sustaining Success: MWL Systems Celebrates its Big 30! With the prospect of a great summer just round the corner and tangible signs of a general economic recovery, what better time to celebrate a local company’s continuing success in serving the region’s business community for an impressive 30 years? Also find out how they have managed to succeed through economic ups and downs when many other companies have unfortunately failed. Since MWL Systems’ inception in 1984, when the company was formed from the ashes of another computer firm, saving the employment of approximately 15 people, the company has blossomed into a 45 strong organisation serving over 300 businesses in the North Wales and the North West. With a reputation as one of the region’s leading and most trusted IT specialists, MWL Systems has not only weathered the various challenging economic periods since its formation but expanded its business and recruited more people from the local area, generating wealth and high tech employment for people in North Wales and the North West.

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Peter Young, Finance Director and one of the founder members of the business, said: “The secret of sustaining success is not complicated. In our case, having a clear vision, good ethics and knowing that our customers are our number one priority have proved key factors. “In the early days, our main focus was securing employment and making sure the customers of the previous company were looked after and not left in the lurch. Technology has changed out of all recognition since then and we’ve kept at the forefront of that technology in order to help our customers get the best from it.” Having the right people with key skills in the right jobs has played a major part in the company’s ability to succeed. Peter continues: “Over the years our focus has been to make sure that our team grows and develops, and that their expertise is applied for the benefit of our customers. We look after our people and in turn they look after our customers; and of course, if our customers succeed then so do we!” The strategic and long term partnerships which

MWL Systems has forged over the years with many household names such as Dell and Microsoft ensure that its consultants are always kept up-todate in the latest cutting-edge technologies which drive business efficiencies. Matt Kingsley-Williams, Commercial Director, said: “We are currently experiencing a particularly busy period of growth and expansion. Much of MWL Systems’ new business comes from excellent customer referrals and over the past two years we have invested heavily in staff and technology to meet the increase in demand for IT services from existing and new customers. This sends a powerful message about the strategic direction in which the company is heading and we are proud of the contribution we make to the local economy. “Our clients tell us that they face increasing competition from other firms in the UK and overseas so that more than ever they feel they need to focus on their core businesses and put their IT systems in the hands of a provider whom they can trust to simply take care of it. They can then concentrate on running their own businesses.”


Underground, Overground, to the Moon and Back! At the forefront of supplying cutting edge technology for 30 years, there is no limit to where MWL Systems will deliver innovative and business focused solutions. Already well known to businesses requiring expertise in managing a range of data challenges, the region’s leading IT specialists have recently supported two key regional organisations: Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and Deepstore Records Management. At Jodrell Bank they have assisted in collecting data from the stars and with Deepstore, from more than 150 metres beneath the ground! Jodrell Bank is synonymous with the iconic Lovell Telescope situated at its Cheshire base; less well known are the five smaller telescopes that collect vital astrophysical data at rural locations around the UK. Despite the high-tech equipment of the Manchester University project, the systems were reliant upon the same kind of internet connections that many remote locations use so their requirement was to ensure that important data was collected regardless of any interruptions to internet service. The nature of the locations meant they were using broadband connections which usually maintained good service, but when something went wrong it could take a long time to repair. MWL were

presented with the challenge of finding a way to preserve the collection of important information regardless of interruptions to these services. Where other suppliers were unable to solve the issues, MWL employed specialist technologies including Cyberoam to provide two ADSL connections for each telescope and a fail over system that will switch automatically to allow an uninterrupted flow of data from the sites. They also supplied a large number of IP connections to allow the addition of equipment to the system, allowing far greater flexibility when conducting experimentation. As internet security issues become a growing concern, MWL Systems integrated more stringent safety measures to help keep the project secure. An Engineering representative from the Astrophysics Centre said: “We approached MWL because they have the detailed expertise needed to deliver such an important project. With access to a range of technologies through their partnerships with different manufacturers they were able to use these and their knowledge to devise a secure and effective enhancement to support our work.” At the same time, MWL Systems were devising creative solutions more than 150 metres beneath the residents of Cheshire at the Deepstore Records Management facility in Wilmslow. Deepstore utilises a unique storage space created through the removal of millions of tonnes of salt

from Salt Union’s mine in Cheshire. The storage and records management facility spans the area of 700 football pitches and stores historical records and treasured artworks as well as providing archiving for a range of institutions. Long term preservation of data, secure from natural and man-made disasters is managed deep beneath the ground in the vast caverns which create a challenging environment for the installation of new technologies. All materials stored there are barcoded, so Deepstore approached MWL Systems to install a system to run throughout the vast facility to allow the use of wireless handheld scanners. A survey using location mapping software produced a wireless ‘heat map’ to assess how many access points would be needed and a CISCO solution was installed with 30 access points and a central controller to allow the fast and accurate retrieval of assets. Project Consultant Peter Smith, said: “Deepstore is an innovative business and needed a solution that was the same. MWL Systems’ ability to take a creative, consultative approach to the challenges all kinds of businesses face – whether they are above or below ground – meant they were able to provide a system that met very exacting requirements. The ability to look at a business as a whole and find solutions that will work and grow with it is key to our success and theirs.”

Business Matters



Have you wondered how some of Britain’s most successful business people have achieved their success? In a special feature, we’ve gathered together insight from these heavy hitters which will hopefully give you some fresh ideas and perspectives to support your own business.

Kelly Hoppen

Owner, Kelly Hoppen Interiors

“Don’t rush you choices, always think it through. Dream big, if you truly want something you can go out there and get it, there may be a few obstacles in the way but part of the journey is getting over them, it’s how you will learn. If you have a great idea, sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin. “I have learnt that taking your time is okay and in fact ends up helping you to make more informed decisions. You never want to be too careful as part of being an entrepreneur is following your gut and taking a few risks, but then you need to be careful not to be too cautious. All aspects need to be taken into account when dealing with business; you should always look at the ups as well as the downs! You need to always be aware of the downside in order to prepare; mind maps are a great thing to learn to use to help with this.” Full article available at

Business Matters


Deborah Meaden

Businessperson and investor

“If you want to be successful in business you have to have selfbelief and total confidence in your convictions. This doesn’t mean that you can set your course and never stray from it though. You need to be able to listen to other people’s opinions, ideas and points of view along the way. Sometimes you’ll need to adapt your plans in light of this but you also need to be fairly thick skinned and able to brush off negative comments. If you’ve listened to the negative comments, been really honest with yourself and you still believe your way is right then stick with it. On the other hand, you can’t afford for your own personal pride to stop progress. If you employ staff and they come up with a way that’s better than yours thank them for goodness sake, encourage them to find more. Forget personal pride, you’re there to create a successful business so take all the help you can get!” Full article available at

Karren Brady

Vice Chairman of West Ham United football club

“It’s really important to stay focused. I try and live by the saying that I do the things that need to be done, when they need to be done, whether I’m in the mood or not; that’s the can-do attitude. When you run your own business you have to accept that you’re the financial director, the managing director, the marketing/ sales director as well as general office manager… after all if you don’t champion your business who will? “It’s important to remember all the things you’ve done and all you’ve achieved and to accept not everything goes your way all the time. A mistake is only a problem when it stops you in your tracks and prevents you from achieving what you want to do. Battle on is my motto!” Full article available at

Relationships with people are key. Business and personal relationships should be cherished. Treat people how you yourself would want to be treated. Always remember that people are the lifeblood and engine room of any business Peter Jones

Lord Sugar

Chairman of Amshold Group, Owner of Amscreen and Amsprop

“Don’t start a business on your own if you haven’t had experience in it. For example, you might have worked in the purchasing department of ‘Philip Green’s Shop for Ladies’ Shoes’, and been out in Hong Kong or China to buy shoes and realised they only cost £3, but end up being sold for £39 in the shop. You’re the one who has the expertise, so you develop a little range for yourself and start to sell them. That’s the way you start. But that’s because you’ve amassed some experience, not because you just randomly think it’s a good idea.” Full article available at

Drayton Bird

Owner of Drayton Bird Associates

“Don’t treat your customer like a ****. You can fill in the asterisks to suit yourself. They probably stand for ‘clot’ or ‘fool’. “Since 1993 I have shown in seminars an excellent example of a thank-you letter to my old PA, Denise. However, before she moved to greener pastures she showed me three more letters from this company that arrived at once, all addressing her as ‘valued customer’. “This phrase in fact means precisely the opposite of what it says. It means ‘even though you’ve been buying things from us for 15 years we can’t be bothered to make a note of your name. Don’t use this phrase, whatever you do.”

Richard Branson

Founder at Virgin Group

“I 100% believe that it’s important to have fun and if you’re not having fun anymore, it might be time to move on. You should have fun from the top down and create the kind of environment that’s pleasant to work in. “Make sure that you’ve got the kinds of people running your companies who genuinely care about people, who look for the best in people and who praise and don’t criticise. “People are not that unlike flowers. If a flower is watered it flourishes and if a flower is not watered it dries up and dies and I think the same applies to people.” Full article available at

Peter Jones

Businessperson and Investor

“Tycoons go the extra mile. Perseverance, sheer determination and tenacity are core characteristics of the mindset of a tycoon. Successful entrepreneurs battle against all the odds to build their business and always appreciate when it is time to get out. Try to have flexibility to work outside your own comfort zones in order to bring your dreams to fruition. “Relationships with people are key. Business and personal relationships should be cherished. Treat people how you yourself would want to be treated. Always remember that people are the lifeblood and engine room of any business.” Full article available at

Business Matters



Marie-Claire Ashcroft

“After going back to university to study photography, I couldn’t get funding despite having always paid my student loan on time. I worked two jobs during the degree but was still in debt, so I thought I’d take my skills in languages, work for a big company for a year get the finances sorted then set up my own business... turns out a long commute to Manchester and a ‘difficult’ boss almost sent me potty, so with a month’s pay and a rough business plan I decided to take the plunge.”

Big Bad Boss at FlukePhotography

If I were to describe to you Chester’s ‘most flagrant flasher’, you’ve probably got an idea of what that person looks like, or indeed how they obtained that lofty title...

It turns out that decision would be life changing; in April she celebrated two years in business, two years that have seen her defy the odds and photograph a cacophony of people and subjects, she said: “People said I was mad to try and do this in the middle of a recession, with some thinking I wouldn’t see out a year, but I’m still here!

You’d be wrong however, because Chester’s most flagrant flasher isn’t someone who spends their days being led away by security guards under hastily obtained blankets, it’s Marie-Claire Ashcroft from FlukePhotography. Since setting up FlukePhotography in April 2012, Marie-Claire has become a familiar face at business and corporate events, weddings and everything in-between, attending all with her customary ‘enormous camera and massive grin’, aiming to show business can be fun and if you have a dream you can achieve it. Having trained in seven modern foreign languages, Marie-Claire’s ‘first career’ saw her work in export, sales, translation and collections, however as a creative person she didn’t feel these worlds were right for her, she said: “I felt like a bit of a square peg in a round hole; even though I got to work all over Europe and meet some lovely people, I just didn’t feel happy and this reflected on how uncreative I was being in my spare time. “I got a bonus at work for being awesome, so instead of buying beer, shoes and pizza, I put it towards a trip to Canada and a ‘point and shoot’ camera with a few creative controls. When I got

“I’ve been all over in that time, from mountains in Wales, to Scotland, following vicars to film premieres in Manchester, pushing brides in shopping trollies in Chester, to even being able to boast I’ve used Bono’s toilet in Ireland. More recently it’s taken me further afield, to a wedding in Paris last August and Greece in May.

back, I put my snaps on MySpace and the next thing I know, people are approaching me to photograph their band or nightclub event; I even had the cleaning lady at work telling me I was photographing her son’s wedding... I’d not even been to a wedding at that point! “It all happened by accident and FlukePhotography was born (hence the name).” Marie-Claire stayed in her full time job for a few years more and did photography as an aside for friends and fun, before deciding it was something she wanted to pursue further. She describes the prospect of being ‘sectioned’ as a major motivator, she said: “I’m not joking when I say that, seriously!

“Typical days are a thing of the past, the only certainty is that every day starts with tea and a dinosaur ‘onesie’. I don’t work nine to five, weddings and events happen at varying times and all the post processing work fits in between, as well as the odd day off! “My motto is the best way to capture the action is to be part of it, so my aim continues to be to help people be totally comfortable having their picture taken to really show their experience and how great a time they’re having. “My approach is to be yourself and believe in what you do; if you do these things enough you’ll attract your kind of clients whilst doing something you love (and hopefully making oodles of money whilst doing it)!” To find out more,

My motto is the best way to capture the action is to be part of it, so my aim continues to be to help people be totally comfortable having their picture taken to really show their experience and how great a time they’re having. Business Matters




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New start: Sarah Owens of the Wales Co-operative Centre celebrates a new start with Nicola Price-Rohan and Anwen Ashton of Caffi Florence

Employee Ownership success in Mold We were delighted recently to be able to announce the purchase of popular Caffi Florence in Loggerheads Country Park by a group of its employees. The members of the new worker co-operative bought the award winning business when its owner decided to withdraw from the business. The deal has safeguarded over 15 jobs and several seasonal positions at the café.

Employee ownership should be investigated by all business owners considering their future. It can take a number of different forms and the process can be adapted to reflect the aspirations of the business owner. Many employee ownership transitions are designed to take place over a period of five to ten years allowing both owner and employees time to adjust and learn new skills.

My colleague, Sarah Owens supported the creation of the new co-operative and oversaw the ownership transition process. The new owners were able to take the keys to the café at the end of February. She said,

2-40 people Digital TV screens En suite residential accommodation Full catering facilities

“Caffi Florence is a sustainable business that has been run on strong ethical lines and with high quality standards for a number of years. This proves how important employees are to the sustainability and growth potential of any business. This buy-out has ensured that over 15 jobs in the area are safeguarded.”

Rhian Edwards is Manager of the Business Succession Project at the Wales Co-operative Centre. For more information on the Centre’s Employee Ownership services, visit or call 0300 111 5050.

Gladstone’s Library, Church Lane, Hawarden CH5 3DF / 01244 532350

Business Matters


Microsoft Magic Microsoft Magic Word & Excel 2010 Tricks & Tips

Word & Excel 2010 Tricks & Tips 24 June 2014

ese hands on, byte sized workshops are a must! They’ll save hours of your precious time! u’ll learn new skills that will make short work of the tasks that you perform every day. These These on, byte workshops a must using - they’llMicrosoft save hoursWord of youror precious You’ll learn new skills that will make short work sessions, are hands intended for sized those who areare already Excel time! and would of the tasks that you do every day. These fun sessions, are intended for those who are already using Microsoft Word or Excel and would like to e to consolidate their knowledge and build on their existing skills. consolidate their knowledge and build on their existing skills.

willatbethe heldBusiness at the Business Centre, Llandudno Junction, the to 24th June the 2014. The cost to attend the training sessions is e trainingThe willtraining be held Centre, Llandudno Junction. Theoncost attend £70 for a single session, or you can make a day of it and attend both sessions for £130 with lunch included! You will receive a pen drive prening sessions is £70 for a single session, or you can make a day of it and attend both loaded with fabulous courseware, certificate of completion and a free IT helpline to support you after the training. ssions for £130 with lunch included!

Word Tricks & Tips: 09:15 - 12:30 | Excel Tricks & Tips: 13:15 - 16:30

Word Tricks & Tips: 09:15 - 12:30 ¦ Excel Tricks & Tips: 13:15 - 16:30

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Celebrate Your Success by Entering the Chamber Awards The Chamber Awards are considered to be one of the UK’s most hotly contested and prestigious business awards. The awards recognise and reward excellence in British business and each year organisations of all sizes and from all sectors compete for the coveted titles and prizes on offer.

n Entrepreneur of the Year n Excellence in Innovation The Awards are open for entry until June 27th and regional winners will be announced on September 22nd. The Chamber Awards programme will then conclude with the prestigious gala awards dinner on November 27th at the Pavilion at the Tower of London, where one business will be awarded Business of the Year and walk away with the prizes on offer.

British Chambers of Commerce are now inviting entries in the following categories: n Small Business of the Year n Manufacturer of the Year n Best Use of Technology to Improve Business Performance n Young Person in Business Award

n The Sustainability Award

n Achievement in International Business

n Commitment to People Development

For more information visit

Make Sure Your Business is a Friendly Wi-Fi Site Businesses in West Cheshire and North Wales who offer customers free or paid internet access can help children and young people stay safe online by opting in to a new scheme. The plan was developed in partnership with the government, the Registered Digital Institute (RDI) and the UK’s main Wi-Fi providers after concerns were raised by leading child safety charities that children and young people could be put at risk of viewing and accessing inappropriate material when using public Wi-Fi. In response a commitment was made by the Wi-Fi providers to David Cameron, the Prime Minister, that a minimum level of filtering would be placed across all public Wi-Fi services. These filters help prevent people who use public Wi-Fi from accessing pornographic and child abuse material, whilst also limiting the chances of children becoming exposed to inappropriate material by other internet users when in public spaces. May saw the launch of ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ and now the RDI are inviting applications from UK businesses wishing to join the scheme and support the safeguarding of children and young people online. Businesses who offer public Wi-Fi pay an annual

fee to have their services verified by the RDI, who carry out checks to ensure the correct level of filtering is in place. Once verified and accepted onto the scheme, businesses can then display the ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ logo to their customers on their websites, splash pages and shop windows, to show that their sites are ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ sites. The RDI’s

Businesses signed up to the scheme can display the new Wi-Fi logo to clearly show that they are part of the scheme and that their Wi-Fi provision has been independently verified and access to inappropriate material has been blocked.” For more information on how to join the scheme email or alternatively call 01353 644040.

‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ team will manage customer enquiries and promote each of the scheme’s members on their UK search directory, which sits on their digital consumer website www. Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries said: “The public Wi-Fi offered in cafes, restaurants, shops and attractions across the UK means that it has never been so easy for children and young people to connect to the internet when outside of the home. As a result, the continued safeguarding of children and young people online must become a priority for UK businesses offering the use of their Wi-Fi services. “The new Friendly Wi-Fi scheme allows parents and children to make an informed choice about where they use public Wi-Fi.

Business Matters



Is an opinion still good enough to rely on? Question’s to business owners/directors:

Q. What is the most important part of your business? The people within it? Q. What is the most difficult part of planning your business growth? Having the right people to do it? Q. What is the largest cost to your business? The labour cost? So... Is a recruiter’s opinion good enough to select the staff to join your business? Or… Would you like to see science added to the selection process... an opinion backed up by theory and practice!

KPI Recruiting has set up a new training facility that replicates the exact roles for which people will perform within the industrial sector. The facility which has been designed together with KPI’s clients, using the expertise from companies’ trainers, health and safety managers and production/logistic managers has enabled KPI to set up aptitude tests that can quickly identify where a person skills are suited and importantly …not suited! The aptitude tests include order picking with scanning equipment, manual handling, safe knife use, packing on a working production line, food preparation, container unloading and palletising have proven to have a direct impact on clients productivity. They have proven to reduce cost; attrition and the time spent training new starters whilst also increasing accuracy, quality and standards.

“The initiative has been well received by our clients. We have invested a huge amount of money and time to ensure we are at the forefront of our industry. We use the expertise of our clients to develop aptitude tests and training to ensure we deliver an outstanding service and most importantly have a greater impact on their businesses. Our service has proven successful largely due to the partnership approach and the fact we tailor each test/training to match the clients environment” Ryan Jardine, director The industrial sector has fallen behind many of the other industries as it has been seen for a long time as an unskilled sector. However, if you ask every warehouse manager and every production manager in the country, they will tell you that you can get good loaders and bad, fast packers and slow, accurate order pickers and inaccurate etc. Proof that the industry is not suited to everyone and that simply sending ‘bums on seats’ or ‘arms and legs’ is no longer good enough.

If you would like to make an appointment to see our training / testing facility please call 01244 289800. Deeside a: Evans Business Park, Zone 1 Deeside Industrial Estate, Deeside, CH5 2JZ t: 01244 289800 w: e: Branches also in Crewe and Stoke on Trent





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If you would like more information on the above courses or on any of the other programmes that we provide please contact us. Outreach Rescue Industrial Training 01248 603013 or Business Matters


24HOURS... Matt Burton

arrive I’ll set up my diary for anything that doesn’t require immediate action, brief the team on things which may include previous day achievements, as well as plan the day ahead. I’ll also make a point of getting the first coffee run in.”

Managing Director Matt Burton Associates

His morning generally involves onsite meetings with clients, helping his team and being involved in audit work to ensure MBA are adhering to best practice. Afternoons shift to calls with clients and candidates, particularly as he still likes to be involved in the recruitment process itself, although his day doesn’t finish when the clock strikes 5.30pm, he said: “I finish when my work for the day is done; I work each evening, but have a few rules for doing so. I will, unless it’s absolutely necessary be home to see my children and put them to bed, and secondly I won’t go into the following day with anything in my diary or task list that couldn’t be completed the night before.

How many phone lines do you have in your home? One? Two? Maybe three? I’m guessing you don’t have nine... well, when Matt Burton set up his recruitment firm Matt Burton Associates (MBA) in 2007, he took the old adage ‘it’s good to talk’ to whole new level. “The business as we know it now happened by accident,” explains Matt, 39 originally from Chester but now living in Buxton. “I was in a meeting with the HR Director of my first client and she asked about any contacts I had in volume recruitment. After a few carefully selected questions we found that the volume was 450 roles... MBA became a recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) provider overnight!

“Our clients have come to expect immediate response and this can only be achieved by keeping rule two! The fact we can be really engaged with our clients is one of the best parts of working in this sector; recruitment has come a long way in recent years and I take immense pride in the fact our clients treat us as true partners, it’s a responsibility I take very seriously.

“At that time it was just my wife and I, so in 24 hours we had nine new phone lines put into the house and ended up personally recruiting 300 people in three months. The business has come a long way since then. Whilst our reputation was built on our successful flexible RPO business, we have added a thriving agency proposition in Chester with exciting growth plans for 2014/2015.” After graduating from Oxford University in 1996 he began his career in recruitment, based in the Chester office of an agency focused on financial recruitment. He later became manager of several branches, before taking the role of regional manager of a Plc recruitment organisation based out of Manchester. In 2006 he made the decision to set up his own business, specifically as an executive search and selection recruiter. Matt’s day usually begins at MBA’s Buxton office around 8am, usually


“Time is the biggest problem I face, but I acknowledge I can be a terrible delegator... ironically though I’ve delegated the job of delegating to someone else, I still keep a watchful eye though!”

thanks to the human alarm clocks that are his two children, he said: “At this point I will have already responded to any overnight emails, before an initial daily briefing ahead of leaving for Chester before 9am. “It’s a two and a half hour round trip

at best, but I use the time in the car as part of my diary to make calls and develop plans if I’m not on the phone. I tend to be over in the Chester office two days a week, Manchester once and the remainder in client meetings at our head office in Buxton. Once I

Come the weekend, aside from a couple of hours a day work is off limits for Matt, as he spends as much time as he can with his children, although as he says “if I do get a pass, I’ll either be on the golf course or watching Liverpool FC.” For more information on Matt Burton Associates, visit

Business Matters




College Looks to the Future with Confidence Nigel Davies

Principal & Chief Executive, West Cheshire College

How did you reach your current position? I have worked in further education and skills for about 20 years. Starting as a teacher, I progressed and gained extensive leadership and management experience across a range of college roles. Prior to starting at West Cheshire College I was Deputy Chief Executive at Leeds City College. What skills do you bring to the job? I feel my style and approach is responsive, sensitive and committed with the ability to build and harness sustainable relationships with internal and external stakeholders. What is your view of the major challenges facing the college? The further education sector rarely stands still; I feel the challenges facing the sector can be summarised by the themes of responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency. All colleges need to be both flexible and responsive, and demonstrate innovative ways of working. Pursuing excellence and high quality vocational education and training is what counts – individuals should achieve, if not exceed, their full potential. What makes the college special? I recognise the College has a vital role to play in delivery of national, regional and local economic and social agendas. It is important that we work in collaboration and partnership in order to achieve a stimulating and inspiring vocational experience for all students, employers and stakeholders. I’m delighted to be leading West Cheshire College and confident that our strategic framework,

Business Matters


together with our experience and achievements will significantly contribute to the City of Chester, Ellesmere Port and wider regions. The College creates substantial educational improvements to individuals and collectively these assist West Cheshire College becoming a number one provider of quality education and training within the sector. The rate and scale of recent changes within the further education sector is unprecedented creating a fluid landscape for planning. As a College we strive to maximise the role we play regionally, nationally and internationally and endeavour to enhance the learning experience for students with access to the best learning and education opportunities possible. In response to these changes, I have revised the College’s strategic framework; this sets out our strategic aims, mission and values for the next three years. The framework highlights the unique opportunities and challenges faced by the College in supporting a diverse and dynamic range of needs; it also communicates our road map as an institution to relentlessly pursue and promote excellence in all that we do. Our overarching mission is to be recognised as an exceptional College that provides life changing skills and experiences for all our stakeholders, including individuals, businesses and communities. I am confident that building on our strengths we will continue to provide opportunities for individuals across the wider regions; including some of the most disadvantaged areas in the country. The acquisition of skills and employment opportunities remain dominant factors within the markets we continue to serve, these include 14-19 year olds, adults and community, higher education, employers, and international.

I am confident that we will play a vital role in equipping young people and adults with the necessary skills to both respond to the challenges of the current economic climate, and to grasp future opportunities. Our approach to skills and employability remains clear and we will continue to offer and develop vocational and academic qualifications that are relevant to the needs of individuals and employers. What hopes do you have for 2014 where does the organisation want to be at the end of the year? As anticipated, public finances continue to be further squeezed and

significant reductions have been made to public sector spending. West Cheshire College has already experienced real term cuts in funding and it is expected that the situation may not improve over the next few years. Similarly, it is fully anticipated that the funding situation will create significant operational efficiencies for the College and the further education sector in the medium to long term. The College, like many businesses, will strive to deliver services that underpin an ethos of efficiency, effectiveness and value for money within the ever increasing competitive market place.

It remains a priority for the College to energetically serve and respond to our diverse and dynamic catchment area, we will continue to support existing and future employers with their workforce requirements, ensuring this benefits future inward investment, growth and skills opportunities. The College will actively contribute and work in partnership with the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) 871. We have integrated their overarching priorities into our strategic plan to stimulate employer investment and demand in skills, ensuring

we build the future workforce and skills for growth in key sectors such as low carbon energy production, manufacturing, engineering and construction (STEM related skills), financial services, life sciences and pharmaceuticals, the care and retail sectors. Furthermore the College will support local and regional initiatives such as the Atlantic Gateway and Cheshire Science Corridor. The College also looks to the wider region and will assist other key stakeholders with their priorities such as the SuperPort and the knowledge, low carbon and visitor economies identified by the

Liverpool City Region LEP. Similarly, the College will support other regional priorities as identified by with partners and stakeholders in England and Wales. West Cheshire College is aspirational and operates within a challenging landscape – our shared values, mind-set and vision is clearly underpinned with improving our effectiveness and efficiency whilst ensuring a modern high quality and relevant curriculum, is essential if the College is to survive, thrive and achieve our mission of becoming outstanding.

Business Matters



Sanctuary Group Become Chamber Patrons

Ian McDermott

Chief Operating Officer Sanctuary Group is delighted to announce it has become a patron of West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce. As one of the UK’s leading providers of housing, care and community services, Sanctuary has a significant presence in the North West following the integration of Chester and District Housing Trust and Cosmopolitan into the Group at the end of March last year. From the outset, our commitment to the region has been to sustain existing employment, create new jobs, and provide new and enhanced services to meet local needs, including a new care home for older people. A little more than a year on and we have achieved much. Sanctuary has invested heavily in the region and made Chester one of the Group’s strategic areas of operation.

New National Centres in Chester

One of our key aims has been to locate new ‘national centres’ in the very heart of Chester. This includes our Shared Service Centre, which manages enquiries from thousands of tenants in Chester and the rest of the country. We have also launched a national telecare service ‘Sanctuary365’. Based on ChesterCare, Sanctuary365 has invested in a state-of-the-art system giving customers access to some of the latest advances in assistive technology. The strong client base in Chester and Wrexham has been extended to Sanctuary clients nationwide, creating yet more employment in Chester. Our latest venture in the region has been the opening of a new national training centre in June which will become a centre of excellence for our repairs and maintenance workforce and ensure even higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Business Matters


Investing in Homes

The provision of decent, affordable homes appropriate to the needs of residents is at the core of our purpose and we have invested in both new homes and improvements to existing stock. Over 1,500 existing Chester homes have already benefited from heating upgrades, rewiring, and new bathrooms and kitchens, with more set to follow. Furthermore, we are developing 176 new homes on sites across Cheshire, along with a 62-home, business enterprise and retail development, and a much needed specialist care home to cater for the growing needs of older people in the area.

Creating a Sense of Community

We recognise that providing decent homes is only part of the picture. The work that voluntary groups, residents and charities do is vital which is why we support local and national initiatives covering everything from sports clubs and youth activities through to projects designed to help people into employment. Our financial support can help strengthen communities and bring them together.

Making a Difference

Clearly our investments in Cheshire are bringing a much needed economic boost and the effects are far reaching. Local businesses are seeing the benefits, whether that’s through the supply chain, on building sites, or our offices, whilst residents are benefiting from improved homes and enhanced services. Whilst we have achieved much already, we plan to do more. We intend to grow, innovate and apply new and improved ways of working and, with the support of our partners, including the Chamber, we believe we can play a role in helping drive the economy forward.

About Sanctuary Group n With over 45 years experience, Sanctuary is the UK’s leading provider of care, housing and community services n Not-for-profit, which means we reinvest our surplus income into services, business growth and community initiatives n Have over 10,500 staff and own and manage over 97,000 units of accommodation, including 6,500 homes in Cheshire n Homes include general rented, retirement and supported housing, through to specialist care homes and student and key worker accommodation n Provides a wide range of services which include housing management, maintenance, social care and telecare services UK-wide n £750m national development programme is seeing the delivery of 5,000 new homes across the UK by the end of March 2015.

For more information visit


Chamber and Regus Launch Exciting New Member Benefit Would you like to be able to use more than 1500 business lounges across the globe for free 10 times a year?

The benefit was launched at a special networking event held by the Chamber and Regus at the latter’s office on Chester Business Park on June 5th.

As part of a new benefit launched by West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Regus, Chamber members can! Wherever you are in the world, if you’re looking for somewhere to be productive, you can use your Regus Businessworld Preferred Membership and access the organisation’s host of facilities, which include unlimited internet access and refreshments.

The benefit also gives you access to discounts on booking offices, meeting rooms and videoconferencing, as well as virtual office solutions like a business address, personalised call answering and more.

Debbie Stokes, Chamber Membership Manager said: “This is a fantastic new benefit which we’d urge all Chamber members to access as soon as possible. Literally wherever you are in the world, if you need to work and you can find a local Regus office, you’ll be welcome to come in and use their facilities… that really is a money-can’t-buy benefit of Chamber membership.” To activate your preferred membership, log on to the Members Area of the Chamber website and visit the ‘Your Benefits’ section for further details.

Award Winning ‘App-sperience’ for Steve A local entrepreneur and Chamber member is celebrating after tasting triumph at a prestigious business awards. Steve Westgarth, Managing Director of mobile application software company Footsqueek Ltd won the 2014 Cheshire Business Leaders Award for the Outstanding Cheshire and Warrington Young Entrepreneur at the High Sheriff’s Awards for Enterprise in March. He launched Footsqueek in early 2012 from his home whilst also working for the University of Chester. In June 2012 he had built the company to the stage where he had to make a choice to give up his full time job and concentrate all his energies on his growing company. Footsqueek develops mobile apps for a wide variety of customers including NHS Contracts, Chester Ale Trail and more. They also develop and deliver computer programming workshops in primary schools around the North West, which assist children with the development of story boarding, graphics, editing, literacy, numeracy along with computer programming. Footsqueek schools programming workshops has led to a number of

schools in the region having their own apps developed by the children available in the Apple App Store. The company also work with educators and have developed IT solutions to assist teachers with Ofsted inspections and appraisals along with running sessions for teachers on subjects around the use of IT in schools. In two years the business has built to such an extent that Footsqueek now employs a number of full time staff along with a number of freelance trainers to aid course delivery. Two of Steve’s full time team are recent graduates from the University of Chester and Footsqueek also provides internship programmes to help recent graduates gain work experience. Steve said: “Winning this award is such a privilege for myself and all the Footsqueek team. My thanks to Cheshire Business Leaders for the award and I look forward to working with them over the coming weeks and months. Footsqueek is thriving

in Cheshire and I would love to grow the business from its base here into a national provider of technology

solutions and continue to create employment opportunities for the people of the county.”

Business Matters


Paul Humphreys Credit Insurance Services

With over 25 years experience and a and hard won reputation for outstanding service Paul Humphreys Credit Insurance is very well placed to advise on export and domestic credit insurance. As the long awaited recovery gathers pace do not get caught out by unexpected bad debt. Speak to us, we are happy to discuss general terms and availability of cover on a strictly no cost or obligation basis.

We would be pleased to offer members a 5% discount for the first year on any new credit insurance policy placed though our company.

We are also happy to discuss general terms and availability of cover on a strictly no cost or obligation basis. Please contact Paul Humphreys for further information. 01492 541882 | Fax: 0843 208 5464 | Tyn Y Celyn, Brompton Avenue, Rhos on Sea, Colwyn Bay LL28 4TF


Business benefits from effective IT training Keycom plc, from its training headquarters in Wrexham, offers North Wales and Cheshire companies a full programme of Microsoft computer training courses, including the ever popular Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project and Share Point. Keycom is a Microsoft Silver Learning Partner and the team of experienced trainers works hard to ensure your staff receive the best available training across a wide range of IT disciplines. Sessions are innovative and interactive giving delegates the maximum opportunity to learn by completing hands-on training tasks. Features include pre-course analysis of delegate knowledge and needs and post course support. Courses are available on a two weekly cycle at Keycom’s training base at Ellice Way on the Wrexham Technology Park. However Keycom training is tailored to meet your needs and courses can be run at your office, or a convenient venue, anywhere in the UK. Philippa Watts, head of Training said: “We believe

that the training experience starts from the initial contact and we work hard to ensure that our courses are at the right level to meet your needs. “Many people struggle with limited IT skills and we believe that the right training can have a major impact on staff morale, business productivity and, ultimately, profit. “An analysis of feedback over four years, shows an average score of 4.82 out of five from delegates who were asked to rank Keycom’s trainers for skills in communication, organisation, questions and enthusiasm.” Keycom Corporate Solutions specialises in services to private sector business and other bodies such as housing associations, hospitals, councils and Government departments.

Many people struggle with limited IT skills and we believe that the right training can have a major impact on staff morale, business productivity and, ultimately, profit.

Training that adapts to you Keycom build rewarding training programmes Courses at your location or our dedicated training centre Expert, highly-rated trainers High customer satisfaction 01978 340353 TRAINING Business Matters



Summer success for Powell Williams in improving market

Andy Williams, founding partner Powell Williams

The return of activity in the commercial property market heralds a brave new world for those who not only survived the downturn but have thrived in its wake. Powell Williams, the national building consultancy founded in Chester, is one of those whose recession strategy has since paid dividends in the improving marketplace. This year the firm is posting an increase in profits of more than 55 per cent on last, and is set to recruit across its three offices in the North West, Birmingham and London. With global name clients including international property investment funds and multinational businesses such as Aviva, Standard Life, Apollo, BP and Norbert Dentressangle, the firm has no shortage of interesting schemes, and client loyalty has seen many stick with the practice

The 11th century Crabwall Manor in Mollington where Powell Williams managed a sensitive £1.5m refurbishment project

since it was founded in 1990. These were often the companies able to take advantage of the price correction which came about with the financial crisis, and Powell Williams was central in helping them to enhance their property assets in the increasingly competitive environment.

Williams said: “Both the volume and size of instructions are on the increase, clearly demonstrating significant activity in this sector. International investment funds are seeking opportunities outside London, looking to the regions for the better margins.

Founding partner Andy Williams said: “Our role is to help clients get the best out of the properties they own or rent, are buying or selling. Advising how to maximise their returns, with creative thinking and our many years’ experience, we’ll reconfigure office space, change the face of a shopping centre, upgrade interiors or restore historic buildings, all aimed at attracting new occupiers and increasing the value of the asset in the most cost effective way.”

“Business growth and expansion across all sectors means occupiers are also driving demand, as they grow so does their need for more space. Logistics companies, manufacturers, and big name retailers, are all expanding and looking to upgrade their facilities.

Although a large amount of Powell Williams’ work comes from London-based and international investors and occupiers, instructions in the North West and Midlands are steadily increasing. A recent hike in repeat business from longstanding clients and new instructions has seen the firm take on a raft of new projects across the whole of the UK.

55 Princess Street Manchester, Powell Williams recently completed the Grade A refurbishment of this city centre office building for Benson Elliot

Business Matters


These include insurance rebuilding valuations for a portfolio of 123 commercial buildings nationwide including shopping centres, city offices, industrial estates totalling 5m sq ft for the Apollo fund; 20 sites for national builders merchant Travis Perkins; refurbishment of industrial buildings across Yorkshire and the Midlands for Standard Life and Aviva; the £1.5m sensitive refurbishment of the Grade II-listed Crabwall Manor Hotel in Chester, and work with several developers and property investment clients.

“We are working with both owners and occupiers on everything from advice on moving to new or improving existing stock, to surveys and responsibilities for selling or acquiring property. Having this variety of services and experience across all sectors, allows Powell Williams to add value to clients assets at every step of their involvement.” Contact: t +44 (0) 1244 319 046 m +44 (0) 7811 367 765 e

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Chancellor Announces Export Scheme Billions of pounds of extra loans are set to be made available to UK firms competing in international markets according to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Thousands of Businesses Take Part in Export Week

manufacturing export orders at their highest for more than three years. As a result loans guaranteed by Britain’s export credit agency, UK Export Finance (UKEF), will now come under the Bank’s sterling monetary framework, which provides financial help in times of unexpected stress by agreeing to provide liquid assets in exchange for high-quality collateral. The Chancellor said: “It will mean cheaper lending, saving potentially millions of pounds for large projects. For decades we have not been exporting enough, not just to Brazil, but to all the fastest growing markets in the world. So I am confronting that historic weakness head-on.” Commenting on the BCC’s latest quarterly survey, Director General John Longworth, said: “Confidence is high and our members are determined to continue driving the recovery. We are brilliant at services and very successful at exporting our knowledge-based industries all over the world. This includes everything from accountancy and marketing through to literature and the IT sector.” John Longworth

Banks will have access to a Bank of England service that makes it less risky for them to finance exports under the new plan announced by George Osborne whilst on a trade mission to Brazil. The announcement came as the results of the British Chambers of Commerce’s latest quarterly economic survey were revealed; showing service export orders are at their strongest on record and

The BCC said the survey was upbeat overall, with six of the indicators for manufacturing – domestic sales, domestic orders, employment expectations, investment in plant and machinery, investment in training, and turnover confidence – at record levels. But it said the fall in employment in the service sector over the past three months was a concern. Inflation was the biggest worry for manufacturing and service sector companies. Republished in part from The Guardian Online. Full article available at:

Confidence is high and our members are determined to continue driving the recovery. We are brilliant at services and very successful at exporting our knowledge-based industries all over the world. This includes everything from accountancy and marketing through to literature and the IT sector.

Thousands of companies across the UK took part in Export Week 2014 in early April. The fifth annual event organised by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) featured more than 70 events across the country specifically focused for small and medium sized firms, with representatives from companies attending seminars, trade workshops, intellectual property talks and workshops. Export Week followed Trade Minister Lord Livingston’s announcement that all 8,900 mid-sized businesses in the UK would be offered support from a dedicated relationship manager plus tailored trade advice. Lord Livingston said: “There has never been a better time for Britain’s businesses to break into new international markets and Export Week highlighted the lucrative opportunities available and how we can help firms take advantage. “Exporting helps companies grow and research shows that exporters do better with UKTI’s help. I encourage all companies with global ambitions to get in contact with UKTI.”

Business Matters



Cheshire West and Chester Supporting International Festival for Business Cheshire West and Chester has confirmed its commitment to the International Festival for Business (IFB) as a key sponsor of the Place North West Expo taking pace at St.Paul’s Square in the heart of Liverpool’s commercial district.

PlaceEXPO at IFB will be the dedicated property hub for the seven week festival and Cheshire West and Chester will be showcasing the Chester Business Quarter (CBQ), which offers 400,000 square foot of grade ‘a’ office space and over 100 hectares of key strategic sites in Ellesmere Port.

Benefits of Find-it:

The PlaceEXPO Event will target key investors and overseas delegations focusing on financial and professional services, energy and equine sectors.

n Find potential new suppliers

The IFB will showcase British business and opportunities, with organisations able to register for business brokerage and ‘meet the buyer’ events via the main IFB website, as well as promoting their products and services to international delegations. Each week the festival will have a particular sector theme and will be centered on a specific geographical area. For more information visit The council are planning a series of business breakfasts and early evening receptions from our stand at PlaceEXPO and we are looking to engage with the wider Cheshire business community. All sessions will be free of charge and further information can be found for these events on the PlaceEXPO and the wider programme at Cheshire West and Chester’s events and news related to IFB will also be available on the Find-it in Cheshire and Warrington web portal ( The council would encourage you to register on Find-it to start promoting your company’s products and services to other local businesses.

Business Matters


n Access and advertise business opportunities n Showcase your company’s web profile n Advertise your business n Make new contacts n Source local, cost-effective materials, products, supplies, services and expertise n Employment support and training n Business support and advice n Latest business news n Sign up for free networking events n Find local business events. For more information follow us on Twitter at @FindItCheshire or join our LinkedIn group at

Open for Business Survey Cheshire West and Chester would like to ask readers based in our county to complete our ‘Open for Business Survey’. The survey aims to find out about your business and your interaction with the council. It has eight short questions and should only take a few minutes to complete. To have your say, visit



ProTips The Two Factors that Make You Forgetful

Get Better Results from Survey Questions

Writing a survey from scratch can be no easy task.

Whilst it might seem simple to sit down and craft a list of questions, whether to do with a recent event your company put on or the viability of a new product, it doesn’t always turn out that way. Even if you know what questions you’d like to ask, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the right ones, nor does it mean the first draft of those questions will be 100% unbiased or misleading in some way. Writing on marketing blog Hubspot, Shannon Johnson writes: “And this

stuff actually matters. If you don’t ask the right questions the right way (and there are a lot of ways), you won’t get the information you need to make the informed decisions you’ve been tasked to make.”

n Don’t use jargon. Jargon can make respondents feel unintelligent. Use clear, straightforward language that doesn’t require them to consult a dictionary

The Seven Don’ts of Writing Survey Questions

n Don’t use double negatives. They’re confusing and irritate respondents, possibly to the point of not completing the survey.

n Don’t write leading questions. These will lead your respondents to answer a question in a certain way based solely on the wording of the question n Don’t write loaded questions. These typically contain emotionally charged assumptions that can push a respondent toward answering in a specific way n Don’t assume. Don’t build assumptions about what the respondent knows or thinks into the questions, rather include details or additional information for them

n Don’t write double-barrelled questions This is when you ask two questions at once. If you present two questions at the same time, respondents won’t know which one to answer and your results could be misleading n Don’t let people opt out You’re trying to get people’s opinions, so avoid giving people opportunity to not share what they think. Tips originally published at on April 10th 2014.

Use the ‘Three Whats’ Technique to Structure Your Presentations According to Stanford University lecturer Matt Abrahams, people retain structured information 40% more reliably than random information; making his ‘Three whats’ technique a handy tool for public speaking. Abrahams said: “Having a structure helps you remember what to say because even if you forget the specifics, you can use the general framework to stay on track. For example, when using the problem/ solution/benefit structure (which is good for persuading and motivating people) you first lay out a specific

of your talk and blank out, recalling your structure will tell you that the benefits portion comes next. “My favourite structure is What? So What? Now What?, which can help you not only in planned presentations but also in spontaneous speaking situations such as job interviews.

problem (or opportunity), then detail a solution to address the problem, defining its benefits. If you are in the middle of the solution portion

“When using this structure, you start with your central claim (‘I am qualified for this position because of my experience’) and then explain its significance (‘this experience means I can start contributing to your firm immediately’) before concluding with a call to action (‘when can I start?’).

We’re all a little forgetful sometimes. Whether that’s forgetting to do an errand or losing your keys, it’s easy to get frustrated when you forget something simple. However, as The Wall Street Journal points out, two different factors tend to make us forget things, and they’re pretty easy to correct for…

FourMarketingMetricsYou’re ProbablyNotMeasuring

What gets measured gets improved – a very common business saying that is now taking speed in the marketing world, partly due to marketing automation software simplifying the process. However, it can be easy to rely on the metrics that appear on your dashboard rather than digging deeper into the metrics…

CleverPasswordTricksAren’t ProtectingYourfromHackers Security breaches happen so often nowadays, you’re probably sick of hearing about them and all the ways you should beef up your accounts. Even if you think you’ve heard it all already, though, today’s password-cracking tools are more advanced and cut through the clever password tricks many of us use. Here’s what’s changed and what you should do about it…

BeaBetterNegotiatorwith TheseThreeRules

Negotiations are tough, but even if the idea of negotiating scares you a bit, you don’t have to be a pro to get what you want. Scientific American points to three simple, research backed tips that can help you get what you want…

Business Matters




Users Urged to Give Up on Internet Explorer Businesses and users continuing to run Windows XP have been given another warning after the first major security flaw was discovered since the software entered ‘end of life’. Microsoft issued an alert in late April after the technology giants discovered a ‘zero-day flaw’ in its Internet Explorer software, which caused government internet watchdogs in both the Britain and the USA to advise those still using Windows XP to switch to an alternative browser. The vulnerability is present in all versions of the software onwards from Internet Explorer 6 (including 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) and could allow code to be executed remotely from a user’s system. Detailing the flaw in an online blog post, Microsoft said: “The vulnerability exists in the way that Internet Explorer accesses an object in memory that has been deleted or has not been properly allocated. The vulnerability may corrupt memory in a way that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code in the context

of the current user within Internet Explorer.” According to Microsoft, an attacker seeking to exploit the vulnerability via the web would be need to create a specially crafted website containing code to do so and would also have to convince would-be victims to visit the site. Nevertheless, the company is advising all users to run an enabled firewall, apply all software updates and install anti-malware software.” Writing on Techradar Pro, Stu Robarts reported: “According to Microsoft, an attacker seeking to exploit the vulnerability via the web would be need to create a specially crafted website containing code to do so and would also have to convince would-be victims to visit the site. Nevertheless, the company is advising all users to run an enabled firewall, apply all software updates and install anti-malware software.

“A number of situations have been outlined that will mitigate user risk. By default, Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2 runs in a restricted mode that is known as Enhanced Security Configuration that reduces exposure to the flaw. “Likewise, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, and Windows Mail open HTML email messages in the restricted sites zone, again minimising risk.” At the time of writing Microsoft was yet to release a patch to solve the issue, or provide a date of when one may be available. However Windows XP users will not receive a patch for the vulnerability, with support for the operating system having ended in April.

Apps Could Be Destroying Your Mobile’s Battery Life Do you ever find yourself desperately hunting for plug sockets whilst out and about because your phone suddenly ‘died’?

radio channel open to the device so it can continue sending and receiving messages over a period of time. This also drains the battery.

A new study from Alcatel-Lucent which evaluated the efficiency of mobile applications suggests the problem may not be with your phone, but with the apps you’re using…

Alcatel-Lucent used its mobile network analytics technology to measure app usage by more than 15 million subscribers on mobile networks in North America, Asia and the Middle East.

Messenger apps from Facebook, Yahoo and Blackberry rank amongst the worst offenders for battery drain as they are constantly rousing your phone to send or receive a message. Some apps constantly contact the mobile networks, instructing it to alert the phone whenever an incoming message arrives. This repeatedly wakes the device from its dormant state, in turn serving as a silent battery killer. To counteract this problem, some apps hold a

Business Matters


Conversely the most efficient apps are email based, as developers refined them in a way that reduces the demand on networks (and devices); downloading mail when a user opens the app instead of sending

continuous notifications when each new message arrives. Read the full report at


NEWMEMBERS Conwy Business Centre Junctions Way Llandudno Junction LLANDUDNO JUNCTION Gwynedd LL31 9XX 01492 574574 Mr Rob Evans

Macauley Myers Ltd Riverside Innovation Centre 1 Castle Drive CHESTER Cheshire CH1 1SL 01244 639141 Mr Matt Shepley

1994 Ltd Shipgate House Shipgate Street CHESTER Cheshire CH1 1RT 01244 691994 Mr Pete Avery

Danger Point Granary Court Business Park Station Road Talacre HOLYWELL Flintshire CH8 9RL 01745 850414 Ms Victoria Burrows

Manleys Solicitors Limited 4th Floor 10 St John Street CHESTER Cheshire CH1 1DA 01244 230000 Mr James Roochove

Anmaleve Calibration Ltd 3 The Brae Meliden PRESTATYN Denbighshire LL19 8RB 0845 0946247 Mr Paul Young

Feel Good Weight Loss Morley Bridge House Bridge Trafford CHESTER Cheshire CH2 4JT 01244 300828 Ms Racheal Browes

Barry Callebaut Vending UK Ltd Sovereign Way CHESTER Cheshire CH1 4QJ 01244 370500 Mr Peter Holdway

Free2Network 9 Lon Pedr Business Park Llanrhos LLANDUDNO Gwynedd LL30 1SS 07836 752136 Mrs Nina Sardar

1994 EBS Ltd Millross Beech Lane Marford WREXHAM Wrexham County Borough LL12 8TQ 01244 691994 Mr Pete Avery

CBI Insurance 35 Conwy Road COLWYN BAY Conwy County Borough LL29 7AA 01492 534524 Mr Peter Blundell Chase De Vere Obsidian Offices 4 Chantry Court Sovereign Way CHESTER Cheshire CH1 4QN 0161 848 3300 Mr John Styles Cherry Clever Ltd Military House 24 Castle Street CHESTER Cheshire CH1 2DS 07793 320143 Mr Dale Lord

Holiday Inn Chester South Wrexham Road. CHESTER Cheshire CH4 9DL 0871 942 9019 Mr Paul Ferguson ICIT (UK) Ltd PO Box 371 TARPORLEY Cheshire CH6 6BP 0844 7391245 Mr Tim Mobbs Joanna M Case CHESTER Cheshire CH1 2LU 07919 277001 Ms Joanna M Case Level Marketing Ltd Unit 4 Yew Tree Business Centre Wrexham Road Hope WREXHAM Wrexham County Borough LL12 9RG 01978 762977 Ms Tina Dodd

Michael Glover Personal Training 41 Kingsley Road Boughton CHESTER Cheshire CH3 5RR 07737 870489 Mr Michael Glover Morren Consulting Ltd Well House Sarn MALPAS Cheshire SY14 7LN 01945 770189 Mr Derek Morren OneRec Technical Recruitment Ltd North Wales and Chester 07903 086109 Mr Phill Jones Parker O’Regan Tann & Co 2 Farrar Road BANGOR Gwynedd LL57 1LJ 01248 364230 Mr Garry Tann PDI Ltd Aber Park Aber Road FLINT Flintshire CH6 5EX 01352 736716 Peninsula Business Services Ltd The Peninsula 2 Cheetham Hill Road MANCHESTER Lancashire M4 4FB 07817 319744 Mr Paul Sweeney

Pure Transformation Beauty Bebington WIRRAL Merseyside CH63 3AN 07809 203633 Ms Judith Fenna Push Beyond F5 Sedan House Stanley Street CHESTER Cheshire CH1 2LU 07870 212530 Richards Moorehead & Laing Ltd 55 Well Street RUTHIN Denbighshire LL15 1AF 01824 704366 Rowlinsons Solicitors 9 Church Street FRODSHAM Cheshire WA6 7DN 01928 73533 Ms Linda Hunter Safety Training by Design PO Box 618 CREWE Cheshire CW1 9JD 07517 489950 Mr Jamie Newman Sanctuary Housing Association Sanctuary House Chamber Court Castle Street WORCESTER Worcestershire WR1 3ZQ 01905 334000 david.soothill@sanctuary-housing. Mr David Soothill SD Marketing Events & Training Tudor House 10 Tudor Road SOUTHPORT Merseyside PR8 2RY 0151 230 1692 Mr Steve Dickson Smith Law & Shepherds Financial Planning Guard’s House, Hyde Park Kinmel Bay CONWY LL18 5FN 07971 169607 Mr Martin McCudden

Sunlite LED Ltd Glan y Mor Road Penrhyn Bay LLANDUDNO Conwy County Borough LL30 3NL 07760749082 Mr Peter Denton The Business Partnership Suite 25 Northwich Business Centre NORTHWICH Cheshire CW9 5BF 0845 4664648 Mr Paul Dodgshon The Giants Chester The Giant City Giant HQ Marcher Court Sealand Road CHESTER Cheshire CH1 6BS 07789 425468 Ms Kristine Szuliz The Out Reach Organisation Limited Tan - Y - Bwlch Centre Llanllechid BANGOR Gwynedd LL57 3HY 01248 601546 Mr Tony Emsley WorldPay UK Ltd The Walbrook Building 25 Walbrook LONDON EC4N 8AF 07717 157119 Mr Adam Coward Yonda Aerial Systems Limited 57 Connahs Quay Road Northop MOLD Flintshire CH7 6GP 01352 344580 Mr Nick Edwards Your IT Co 2 Halston Hall Cottages Whittington OSWESTRY Shropshire SY11 4NS 01244 422224 Mr Steve Lewis

Business Matters



FOLLOWME Twitter accounts worth your time ... Drayton Bird: @draytonbird Tweets: 7,087 Following: 525 Followers: 3,500 Why so good? Marketing and advertising expert with common sense, straight talking approach. Desperately keen to help others whilst loathing corporate nonsense. Example: This made me laugh: “What Kind of Marketing Rockstar Are You?” What kind of moon-calf thinks that way? No wonder they fail…

Neil Lewis 1. What brought you to your current job?

6. What was your childhood ambition?

A pure and unrelenting desire for freedom, financially, spiritually and emotionally!

To be free… oh and to change the world!

2. What inspires you?

People who do more than they are supposed to do, who go beyond limits – great mountain climbers who survive incredible odds, people who find new paths to greatness, freedom fighters and leaders who raise other leaders around them to achieve more than they did. 3. Who do you admire?

A host of people including Warren Buffet, John Maxwell, Rex Maughan, Bill Gates, Andrew Carnegie and Ludwig Wittgenstein; I’ve adopted or stolen philosophies and ideas from all of them! 4. What advice would you give someone aiming for a job like yours?

Ignore those people who say you ‘can’t’ do something and believe with all your heart and mind that you can and you will. 5. Tell us about your most memorable moment or greatest achievement in life.

Gosh! I’d say meeting my wife, each child, achieving so many financial and personal goals in business. Having said that, I’m convinced my best years and greatest achievements in life still lie ahead.

Business Matters


7. If you were Prime Minister, what one change would you make to help business?

Stop counting and thinking about creating ‘jobs’ and start counting opportunities. 8. What are you listening to, watching, reading or playing at the moment?

Quite a bit; Rob Parson’s The Sixty Minute Family, Tom Barrett’s Dare to Dream, Work to Win, John Maxwell’s Everyone Communicates, Few Connect and A History of the World in 100 Objects. @startupstowers Tweets: 7,622 Following: 2,651 Followers: 29,258 Why so good? Daily tips for new and small businesses on how to make the most of the time and money. Example: Want to maximise your online presence? Here’s why it pays to invest in email marketing:

9. What couldn’t you live without?

The internet and faith. 10. Describe a perfect Sunday…

A March day with family and friends clambering around the mountains behind our Spanish home in Valencia; the heat of the sun on my back; a huge dish of Valencian paella for lunch; a long lingering sun set; a cool calm evening; spiritual time and peace.

Patrick Norton: @ patricknorton Tweets: 8,482 Following: 377 Followers: 81,000 Why so good? The tech expert everyone wishes they have in their family and a darn good egg to boot. Example: Two Days?!! RT @evan_adams: thanks for the defraggler tip. made my old vista machine usable again! only took 2 days to defrag




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