Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Directory 2010-2011

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Directory & AnnuAl report 2009/2010

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Directory & AnnuAl report 2009/2010

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ECC Contents 14




07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 25 26 29 31 34 38 42 48 53 59 67 81 87 95 99 105 115 123 147 184 185

Annual Report & Accounts 09/10 President’s statement Chief Executive’s Statement Growth Events Renewable energy Business development International trade Policy and representation Office bearers and board members Statement of Accounts Commentary on accounts Statement of council’s responsibilities Notes to the group accounts Partners in Enterprise ECC Business Directory 2010 – President’s welcome SLCI Conference What being #1 means How can we grow your business? How can we save you money? How can we represent your interests? Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Partners in Enterprise Recruitment Finance Offshore Legal Relocation Conferences & exhibitions Training Health & wellbeing Members by category Members by A-Z Notes Advertisers index

A L L EDI T OR I A L & GE NE R A L E NQ UI RI E S Edinburgh Chamber Customer Services Team Tel: 0844 736 2992 Email: customerservices@edinburghchamber.co.uk

ADVERTISIN G Distinctive Publishing, 8th Floor, Aidan House, Sunderland Road, Gateshead NE8 3HU Tel: 0191 4788316 Email: john.neilson@distinctivepublishing.co.uk

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Capital House, 2 Festival Square, Edinburgh EH3 9SU www.edinburghchamber.co.uk

P U BLICATION EDITOR Josef Church-Woods Tel: 0131 221 2973 Email: josef.church-woods@edinburghchamber.co.uk

President: Robert Carr Chief Executive: Ron Hewitt

FEATU RE EDITORS John Dean & Francis Griss Email: deangriss@btinternet.com

P R OD U C T I O N & D E SI GN Distinctive Publishing, 8th Floor, Aidan House, Sunderland Road, Gateshead NE8 3HU Tel: 0191 4788300



Cover image by Thomas Foster

Distinctive Publishing or Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur, individual products or services advertised or late entries. No part of this publication may be reproduced or scanned without prior written permission of the publishers and Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.

ECC DIRECTORY & ANNUAL REPORT 2009/2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 5


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President’s statement Businesses in Edinburgh and across Scotland have been tested these last 12 months by the most volatile and unpredictable economic conditions for generations. In the last year, the number of insolvencies in Scotland has increased by 76% as market activity slowed, asset values declined and banking covenants were re-negotiated. These are the conditions that challenge the most efficient and effective businesses. They

also test those who represent the business community. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce maintained a steadfast course as conditions worsened, then improved. The Chamber network represents a vital source of support

and opportunity for its members – in the best of times and the worst of times. And its role in facilitating growth is essential to a healthy recovery. I am proud that in my first year as President, Edinburgh Chamber reached out to more businesses than every before – maintaining its membership growth, developing new services and joining with partners in devising an agenda for growth. Moreover, Ron Hewitt and his team achieved all of this while generating a surplus of over £200,000, which will, naturally, be reinvested in the organisation and its services to members, clients and customers. The Board of Edinburgh Chamber is justly proud of the achievements of the organisation at a time when business needs us most. Recognition of our leadership of the Chamber network came in November, when the British Chambers of Commerce voted Edinburgh the UK Chamber of the Year. The award represented recognition of the impact this Chamber has had in membership support, economic and commercial development, corporate social responsibility, campaigning, partnership and project management. I am grateful to my predecessor, Richard Jeffrey, who served the organisation with distinction as President from 2006 to 2009 and who stood down from the Board during the year. I would also like to thank Peter Taylor, a staunch Chamber supporter, who stood down as a Past President.

Photo by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography

As Chairman of one of Edinburgh’s oldestestablished law firms – Anderson Strathern – and now as President of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, I’m well aware that more testing times lie ahead. But I’m equally determined that a strong and thriving Chamber of Commerce will play a leading role in nourishing recovery and growth.

Robert Carr president

■ Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce President, Robert Carr



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ECC Chief Executive’s Statement A Professor from the USA’s top business school reminded me recently that six of the top ten world leading brands by market capitalisation were created during a recession. It’s a reminder that there is opportunity in a downturn. Seeing the opportunities and exploiting them distinguishes those who profit from those who merely survive. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit organisation. But that does not mean that we are short of ambition, or commercial acumen. We intend to develop still further our products and services, our support for our members and our influence on government, reinvesting surpluses to fuel our growth.

During the year, our group turnover grew by 10% to £4.3m and surplus by 100% to £233,000. I am immensely proud of the achievement of our staff in delivering such a sparkling financial performance during a year of real challenge and change. Alasdair Kerr and his team in business development and Chamber developments delivered right across the board, supporting more business start-ups, growing businesses, winning more contracts and developing new partnerships, thus increasing our impact and influence on behalf of businesses and social enterprises in Edinburgh and across Scotland. We are the architects of Scottish Chambers International, a new company involving the delivery of enhanced support to Scottish businesses seeking to develop international links and exports. Through our partnership with the leading Chambers in Scotland, Scottish Chambers of Commerce and Scottish Development International, we also secured £7.6m of additional support for Scottish businesses with an interest in international trade. Branded Smart Exporter, this exciting new programme of support is match-funded by Europe and will run over the next three years.

In membership, Graham Birse and his team maintained our leading status in Scotland in spite of the pressures of recession on businesses. Our membership remained over 2,000 strong and an affiliation agreement with our partner Chamber in West Lothian enabled its members to access our services. Our events programme achieved higher attendance and satisfaction than ever before and our Partners in Enterprise family grew by 30% from 12 to 17. Our growing expertise in renewable energy was recognised by the First Minister and Scottish government, who invited us to lead the organisation and delivery of the Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference which will take place at the EICC on September 28 and 29 this year. We expect that this international conference will become the defining event in the calendar for the renewable sector. Finally, my personal and genuine thanks go to all our staff for stepping up to the plate. And to Robert Carr, our Board and our Council, whose support and counsel, freely given, supports and enriches the organisation.

Ron Hewitt chief executive

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Growth In difficult conditions for our members, we retained our status as the largest Chamber of Scotland, representing over 2,000 businesses in Edinburgh and beyond. ■ We led campaigns on issues as diverse as non domestic rates revaluation, planning policy and Edinburgh’s tram project.

Our policy and representation impact is recognised across Scotland. Our member-led policy groups grew by 30% from eight to 12 and we led campaigns on issues as diverse as non domestic rates revaluation, planning policy and Edinburgh’s tram project. Our Customer Services Team was introduced in 2009 to provide account-managed support to members and continues to prove its worth by discussing with members ways in which we can add further value to the membership offer. We completely reviewed our membership benefits package and introduced new services to strengthen the offer, including a new offer with ‘Business Stream’ to facilitate significant discounts on non domestic water rates for our members. We reached out to our partner Chamber in West Lothian and signed an agreement to provide its members with access to national products and services.



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ECC Events Our Events Team continued to deliver the best networking programme in Scotland, increasing the number of events by 28% and the number of delegates by 51%. Over 4,000 members attended our events programme during the year; the value of the programme underlined by a 10% increase in sponsorship and a further 10% increase in our contract management of events for clients. We set the agenda on ‘alternative energy’ with a dinner to announce the Scottish Low Carbon Project Conference, addressed by the First Minister Alex Salmond and James Smith, Chairman of Shell on 4th March. Our Premier Series dinners continued to deliver the best and most influential speakers to an appreciative audience. Keynote speakers included:


Dawn Airey, Chief Executive, Channel 5 Willie Walsh, Chief Executive, British Airways John Micklethwait, Editor in chief, The Economist Simon Francis, Chief Executive of Saatchi and Saatchi Alistair Darling, Chancellor of the Ex-chequer Our breakfast programme also continued to prosper, with the intelligence and analysis of our Budget Breakfasts, provided by Bill Jamieson of The Scotsman, and David Collier of Chiene and Tait, proving particularly useful to members seeking to navigate their companies through the post recession environment.

04 05

01 02

Photos by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography


The then Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, flanked by ECC President Robert Carr (left) and ECC Chief Executive, Ron Hewitt.


Dawn Airey of Channel Five at one of our Premier Series Dinners.


Simon Francis from Saatchi and Saatchi treated members to an impassioned talk on ‘love marks’.


John Micklethwait, Editor in Chief for The Economist, prepares to take to the stage.


Our Events Team – (L to R) Mayan Grace, Events Manager, Jill Davidson, Events coordinator, and Tessa Huntley, Events Administrator.

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Renewable energy We developed our understanding of the renewable sector during the year by listening to companies like Pelamis Wave Power and Aquamarine Power. We formed a Renewables Policy Group to harness expert opinion in the field. We were also invited by the Scottish Government to participate at Board level in the Scottish Low Carbon Investment Project, a Scottish Government initiative providing a unique forum for Government, international finance, utilities and developers of low carbon projects to engage directly on investment

opportunities in order to maximise the economic impact of this emerging sector. We have undertaken to organise the inaugural Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference at the EICC on 28-29th of September. Our ambition is for this international conference to do for renewable energy in Scotland, what the Davos conference has done for economics in Switzerland.

■ First Minister, Rt Hon Alex Salmond, speaking at our ‘Opportunities for Scotland in new energy’ dinner, March 2010

Photo by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography



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ECC Business development Edinburgh Business Development has consolidated its position as Scotland’s leading and most innovative enterprise trust.

Photo by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography

■ Alasdair Kerr heads up our Business Development Division

We exceeded our targets for the creation of new businesses through the Business Gateway, helping to start up 1,585 new businesses - an increase of 7%. Moreover, we worked with 180 ‘high growth’ businesses, approximately half of which we helped to access Scottish Enterprise’s client and account managed services. With projected turnover of £235m and the creation of over 2,000 new jobs, these businesses are expected to have a significant impact on the local economy and on recovery. Our business incubators in Granton, Craigmillar and Wester Hailes went from strength to strength, providing additional business start up support to marginalised groups and in the city’s regeneration areas. Over the year we helped to set up 562 new businesses, creating 647 new jobs. In recognition of our work in the field of urban regeneration, our incubators won a Highly Commended award in the 2009 SURF awards. We have also developed new services to encourage, promote and support marginalised groups into self-employment. These include a Young Enterprise Guide project, targeting 16-24-year-olds, and a programme to assist unemployed housing association tenants. The projects provide additional support and complement existing service provision.

Our work in the field of mentoring has expanded. In addition to the highly successful delivery of Business Mentoring Scotland, which is run in partnership with Scottish Chambers of Commerce, we have delivered two new mentoring programmes. Recognising the need for additional support for executives facing large scale redundancies as a result of the global downturn, EBD worked with the local authority to devise and deliver Executive Skillsbank. This helps displaced executives to register their skills on a central database and to match them with SMEs and social enterprises that would benefit from their knowledge and experience. The service also encourages them to consider self-employment and connects them to employment and work placement opportunities. With our partners in the City of Edinburgh Council, we introduced EARN, the Economic Action Resilience Network, to unify and improve our collective offer to businesses rendered vulnerable by recession. Building on our specialised business development support for social enterprises and the third sector, we have been the lead partner in the delivery of Realise Mentoring, a national mentoring programme to support enterprising third sector organisations, on behalf of the Scottish Government. The programme will work with over 100 organisations over a two-year period, matching them to volunteer mentors with specific expertise to help them to become more commercially focused, reduce their grant dependency and increase their sustainability.

turnover in this area increasing by over 200% over the last five years. Demand for our commercial training and business consultancy services has grown significantly over the year. Through our brand Chamber Business Solutions (CBS), we have delivered a wide range of contracts, professional business services and skills development programmes across the UK, either directly or through our trusted Associates. CBS has built a strong track record of successful delivery, which is strengthening its position as a ‘one-stopshop’ for all business needs. We have seen steady growth in our commercial training and facilitation services, and have been running a popular open course programme. Our work to develop interview skills with school leavers remains popular, with an expanded programme set to be launched in the coming year.

■ We have all the tools you need to make your business a success

We have seen growth in our public sector training services, which support unemployed people through job training and backto-work programmes, meeting increased demand resulting from the recession. Through our various projects and partnerships at local, national and international levels, we have grown and diversified our activity. We are involved in a number of projects that relate to social and economic inclusion, with our

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International trade In progressing our international trade ambitions, there have been two major achievements in the year.

Firstly our International Trade Division spearheaded the formation of a new company, Scottish Chambers International (SCI), to ensure that all Scottish businesses with an interest in international trade are fully equipped with the right skills, information, support services and contacts to maximise their success in overseas markets. Bringing together Scotland’s leading Chambers that provide international trade services, SCI provides Scottish businesses with access to top quality, value added international trade support services consistently across the country. These services include unrivalled technical support in international trade, specialist consultancy services, documentation, comprehensive training and up-skilling support and access to in-market support programmes. Secondly we received confirmation of ESF funding for Smart Exporter, a new private-public sector partnership project to help encourage and up-skill even more businesses across the country to trade globally. Worth a total of £7.6 million over 3 years, this match-funded project was the largest ESF application ever granted in Scotland. ■ We can help you reach new, international markets

0844 344 0000 www.scottishchambersinternational.co.uk



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ECC Policy and representation Our members’ interests must be represented to policy-makers in local and national government. We believe that our ability to grow and prosper as a community is dependent on the success of businesses. Without them, our city and our nation are diminished. Therefore, our member-led policy groups are a vital component of our influence, informing our position on issues as diverse as transport and infrastructure, planning reform and business rates. Our policy groups were strengthened during the year with more active and engaged forums than ever before. They are:

Business Protection Chair: ACC Mike Mccormick,

Skills in the Workplace Chair: Stephen Leach,

Technology Chair: Dr Lindsay Fielding,

Ethnic Enterprise Chair: Roger Horam,

Lothian and Borders Police

Baillie Gifford


Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

Open for Business Chair: Graham Birse,

Property Chair: Ali Ashfar,

Retail Chair: Isabella Miller,

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

AMA New Town

John Lewis Partnership

Renewable Energy Chair: Bruce Farquhar,

Tourism Chair: Jack Munro,

Transport Chair: Ann Faulds,

Edinburgh Hoteliers Association

Dundas and Wilson

Anderson Strathern

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OfďŹ ce bearers and board members President Robert Carr, Anderson Strathern (from 2/9/09) Past President Richard Jeffrey, tie Ltd Vice Presidents Isabella Miller, John Lewis Partnership Douglas Wilkie, Wilkies Ltd


Treasurer Jeremy Chittleburgh, Chiene + Tait Also on the board Alex Callander Roy Durie Charles Hammond Michael Johnston

Baillie Gifford & Co Ryden Forth Ports The Scotsman Publications

Council Members Full Council Members


31 March 2010 Co-Opted Council Members

Michael Apter

Paper Tiger (from 2/9/09)

Iain Burnside

The Royal Bank of Scotland (to 2/9/09)

Walter Bourdelov

Spire Murrayfield Hospital

Lesley Casey

BT Business (to 5/10/09)

Julian Darwell-Stone Tangram Furnishers Ltd

Jim Hunter

Standard Life Assurance Co (to 2/9/09)

Erick Davidson

Tayburn Ltd

Kenneth Logan

Austin Flynn

Morton Fraser LLP

Edinburgh Junior Chamber of Commerce (from 1/1/2010)

Manus Fullerton

Lloyds TSB

Ben Reed

Jones Lang Lasalle

Martin Southern

Laura Gordon

ICS Ltd (to 2/9/09)

BT Lead Consultant for Scotland (from 5/10/09)

Tom Halpin


Louise Swanson

Mary Johnstone

Harley Haddow LLP (from 2/9/09)

Edinburgh Junior Chamber of Commerce (to 1/1/10)

Donald Kerr

Bank of Scotland (from 2/9/09)

Mark McCluskey

Kall Kwik

Resigned Council Members

Jack Munro

Edinburgh Hotels Association (from 2/9/09)

David Rutherford

Cowan & Partners

Thank you to our resigned Council Members who stood down during the 2009/10 financial year. They are:

Nigel Souter

T Ward Shipping Ltd (from 2/9/09)

Richard Sandandreu

Edisc Ltd

Nora Senior

Weber Shandwick (to 2/9/09)

Peter Taylor

Iain Burnside

Royal Bank of Scotland

Lesley Casey


Laura Gordon


The Town House Company (to 2/9/09)

Jim Hunter

Standard Life

Ewan Thomson

First Scottish Group (from 2/9/09)

Nora Senior

Andrew Walker

HBJ Gateley Wareing (to 2/9/09)

Louise Swanson


John Watt

Deloitte LLP (from 2/9/09)

Peter Taylor

Townhouse Co.

Jane Wood

Essential Edinburgh (to 31/3/10)

Jane Wood

Essential Edinburgh

Weber Shandwick


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Commentary on accounts

31 March 2010

The Council Members present the Group Accounts for the year to 31 March 2010. The presentation of these accounts and last year’s comparatives represent a non-statutory consolidation of the financial statements for Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, Chamber Developments Limited and Edinburgh Business Development Limited. A copy of the full statutory accounts for each entity can be obtained from Capital House, 2 Festival Square, Edinburgh EH3 9SU. Each entity received an unqualified audit opinion. Annual General Meeting

Chamber Developments Ltd (CDL)

This report which incorporates the audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2010 will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting on 1 September 2010.

Turnover rose to £985K (2009: £481K). This increase in turnover was achieved in our International division through international consultancy, training and technical support as well as increased export documentation sales due to favourable exchange rates. We have also had a full years income and growth in our Commercial division through our Chamber Business Solution brand which has in a short time established a good reputation. We have also continued our management of the Granton and EICC car parks on behalf of their owners. An operating profit of £115K (after tax) was produced (2009: £69K). Our reserves have been increased to £131K (2009 £16K).

Overview Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce is a membership organisation that retains any surplus from activities to fund future services and benefits for members. The current Operating Board have continued to support Edinburgh Chamber’s strategy of growing our membership. The difficult market conditions over the past year have had a considerable impact on businesses everywhere and this has in turn affected our membership retention. In spite of this, by controlling our costs we have managed to produce a surplus for the year. At the end of 2009/10 the cash position was £685K (2009: £1,028K). During the year funds were used to help fund new projects within Edinburgh Business Development. It remains our intention to invest a portion of these funds to continue our strategy of business growth. Against this backdrop of continued investment another stable financial performance was produced. A surplus of £211K (2009: £146K) was generated during the year. Group income was £4.9M against £4.0M in 2008/09. The overall reserves of the Chamber Group increased to £1,833K from £1,622K


Edinburgh Business Development Ltd (EBD) Turnover increased to £2,503K (2009: £2,107K). Over the past year EBD has continued its core activities of start up and growth support for individuals, businesses, social enterprises, charities and projects across the Lothians through its mainstream and specialist delivery services. During the year EBD secured a number of exciting new projects and has established excellent working relationships with partners at a strategic and operational level. The delivery of a number of projects throughout the year has ensured that EBD has exceeded its Enterprise Trust aims and objectives. EBD continues to identify gaps in service delivery and is working with a number of partners to address these needs in an innovative way. This has resulted in new sources of income for the company. The ongoing success of these activities and improved efficiency produced a surplus for the year of £64K, (2009: £75K). On behalf of the Council

The operating results are derived from the following activities: Robert Carr


Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce


Income rose to £1,424K (2009: £1,406K). We believe this is an excellent result given the difficult trading conditions. Our strategy going forwards will continue to focus on retention including a review of our products and services as well as master classes for members to ensure they gain maximum benefit from their membership and account management. The operating surplus in the core Chamber for the year is £26K (2009: deficit £42K).

23 June 2010


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ECC Statement of council’s responsibilities Council is responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Council is required to prepare financial statements for each financial year which fairly present the state of affairs of the group and the chamber and of the surplus or deficit of the group for that period. In preparing those financial statements, Council is required to:

Council is responsible for keeping adequate accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Chamber. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Chamber and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

■ select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; ■ make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; ■ prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the chamber will continue in business.

Group Income and Expenditure Account* Note

















Interest payable



Surplus on ordinary activities before taxation







Income Administrative expenses Total operating surplus


Loss on sale of fixed assets Surplus on ordinary activities before interest Interest and dividends

Taxation Surplus for the year

*For the year ending 31 March 2010

The Group made no recognised gains and losses in the years ended 31 March 2010 and 31 March 2009 other than the surplus made for these respective periods.

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Group Balance Sheet* Note





Fixed assets Tangible assets




















Net Assets



General Fund



Current assets Debtors


Cash at bank in hand

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year


Net current assets

*As at 31 March 2010

These financial statements were approved by the Council, authorised for issue on 23 June 2010 signed on its behalf by:

Richard Jeffrey Jeremy Chittleburgh President




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ECC Notes to the group accounts

31 March 2010

1 Accounting policies Subsidiaries


The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, “the Chamber”, which was granted a Royal Charter in 1786 by King George III, has four related companies, Chamber Developments Limited, Edinburgh Business Development Limited, Edinburgh’s Capital Limited and Who’s Who in Business in Scotland Limited. Both Edinburgh’s Capital Limited and Who’s Who in Business in Scotland Limited are non-trading. The trading activities of Chamber Developments Limited are included in the accounts.

Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis to write off the cost of tangible fixed assets over their estimated useful lives.

The Memorandum and Articles of Association of Edinburgh Business Development Limited preclude the Chamber from having any right to its assets. However, in view of the significant influence which the Chamber exercises over the company and in accordance with Accounting Standards, the investment has been treated as an associated undertaking using the equity method of accounting.w During the year Chamber Developments Limited subscribed for the only issued share in Scottish Chambers International Limited. This company has not been consolidated as its ownership is temporary while arrangements are put in place to make it a joint venture with a number of other Chambers of Commerce.

Basis of accounting The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective from January 2007) with the exception of the group income and expenditure account and inclusion of an individual entity balance sheet and related notes, and under the historical cost accounting rules.

Depreciation rates in use are as follows: Fixtures and fittings Office equipment IT equipment

10% per annum 10% per annum 25% per annum

Website development costs Website development costs are capitalised and included as part of IT Equipment within tangible fixed assets. These costs are subject to capitalisation, depreciation and impairment review requirements.

Pension scheme arrangements The Chamber operates a defined contribution pension scheme in respect of all employees. The assets of the scheme are held separately from those of the Chamber in an independently administered fund. The pension cost charge in the accounts represents the actual amount paid by the Chamber to the scheme during the period.

Leases Rentals paid under operating leases are charged to the income and expenditure account as incurred.

Cashflow statement


The Chamber has taken advantage of the exemption from preparing a cashflow statement as conferred by Financial Reporting Standard No 1 on the grounds that it is entitled to the exemptions available to small companies.

Investments are stated at the lower of cost or market value where there appears to be a permanent diminution in value.

Deferred Capital House Rental Membership subscriptions Membership subscriptions are accounted for on the basis of the amount received during the period, adjusted for the prepaid element.

The Chamber has negotiated a rent free period of 18 months from the formal date of entry. For accounting purposes the monthly rental costs are accrued during this period and amortised over 5 years (period until renewal).

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Notes to the group accounts

31 March 2010

2 Operating Surplus - analysis by entity

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Chamber Developments Ltd Edinburgh Business Development Limited

























3 Employee Numbers – Average number of employees






Member Relations



Business Development



International Trade






Car Parks









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ECC 4 Tangible fixed assets IT equipment

Fixtures, fittings & equipment



















At 1 April 2009




Charge for year
























Cost At 1 April 2009

At 31 March 2010 Depreciation

Disposals At 31 March 2010 Net book value at 31 March 2010 At 1 April 2009

5 Investments

Unlisted – Edinburgh Business Development Limited Net asset value at 31 March 2010 Net asset value at 31 March 2010 At Council Members’ Valuation Unlisted - investment in Edinburgh Business Development Limited

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Notes to the group accounts

31 March 2010

6 Debtors 2010




Trade debtors



Other debtors









Prepayments & accrued income Amount owed by Associated undertaking

7 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2010




Trade creditors



Subscriptions prepaid













Other creditors Accruals and deferred income Corporation tax Other tax and social security



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Partners in Enterprise Edinburgh Chamber’s Partners in Enterprise are a growing family of influential and successful organisations, who benefit from an account managed support service delivered by the UK Chamber of the Year. During the year the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce family of Partners in Enterprise grew by 30% from 12-17, with the recruitment of accountants Johnston Carmichael, commercial insurers The Barbon Group and the construction and infrastructure development group Skanska. This unique coalition of local, national and international companies has continued to grow in status as a voice for business and a pipeline for business opportunity for its members. We’re committed to delivering lasting value to our partners and thank them for their continued investment and trust is us.

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President’s welcome Welcome to the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce’s new Members’ Directory By Edinburgh Chamber President, Robert Carr

We are proud of our city and proud of our members. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce was voted by its peers UK Chamber of the Year in November last year, an award that has never before come to Scotland, in recognition of the work we do to support our members and the wider business community. ■ Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce President, Robert Carr

In some of the most testing times in recent memory, we are only too well aware of the challenges and pressures of running a business and sustaining employment. And so we have re-aligned our membership offer, adding value and introducing new services to provide you with the support you need to grow and prosper. In these circumstances, businesses that are well connected and well managed, with strong balance sheets as well as loyal customers and suppliers, are in a better position to take advantage of the up-turn that is now taking shape. Businesses that have attempted to stay in the same place, lacking a plan or the will to re-structure and re-align are, frankly, vulnerable. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce provides nourishment to companies that have a plan – and wish to connect with networks that open up new sources of opportunity. By joining the Chamber, you’ve already made a statement about your company’s ambition – but as President I want to make sure that you obtain the best value possible from your membership. Our commitment to you is to save you money, represent your interests and provide you with opportunity. That is why you should take a little time to read this guide and visit our website www.edinburghchamber.co.uk or follow us on Twitter (EdinChamber), Facebook and LinkedIn (we’re Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce on both the latter). By taking the time to understand our membership services, our Chamber Business Solutions products, our mentoring, training and advisory support, you’ll understand how we can deliver for you and your organisation.

Photo by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography


Finally, take a little time to find out about Scottish Chambers International (SCI). The Recession has been a global phenomenon – but recovery is more advanced in some countries and continents than others. With UK growth anticipated to be at around 1.5%, for example, compared to China’s 15%, it makes sense to think about exporting your services, products or expertise. SCI has been formed to enable you to do just that, with all of the free advice and support you need to open up new areas of opportunity. Obtaining the best value from your membership will, I promise, deliver the best value for your company.


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Even for a gardener life isn’t always a bed of roses

When Alistair came to Bethany, his life had fallen apart and his body had almost given up on him because of his alcohol addiction. With support from Bethany, Alistair began to tackle the root causes of his problems and then started to rebuild his life. He has stopped drinking and is now an active member of his community and runs his own gardening business.

We need your support to keep transforming lives. Please donate now to make a difference. For more information, please call 0131 625 5319 or email supporters@bethanychristiantrust.com www.bethanychristiantrust.com ECC Directory 2010.indd 28

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SLCI Conference

The Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference This autumn, Edinburgh Chamber is delivering a major international conference, the Scottish Low Carbon Investment (SLCI) Conference, 28-29 September, supported by the Scottish Government. Part of the Scottish Government’s SLCI Project*, the conference will bring initiatives and investors together, to identify and debate the risks, rewards, opportunities and challenges within the low carbon arena – major off-shore developments, infrastructure and ‘venture’ size projects. The Conference, which will drive debate, funding opportunities and collaborations in Scotland’s emerging and potentially World-leading low carbon sector, is a must-attend event for anyone with an interest in low carbon/renewables. The first of its kind in the world, we are expecting the conference to attract up to 700 international delegates, with a host of high profile speakers and thought leaders creating discussion around low carbon and new energy issues. The Conference is delivered by the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, with support from the Scottish Government and further partnership support from Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Development International, Scottish Futures Trust, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and ARUP.

for finance. The conference seeks to introduce Scotland’s proponents of low carbon projects and technology developers to those sources of finance. Low Carbon Projects The conference will help collate Scotland’s investible proposition in the low carbon space. This could be the financing of a generation project, the development of a technology or the release of equity to develop a business. The SLCI Conference website The website allows for the gathering of data and information on potential investors and low carbon projects, in order to facilitate new partnerships. It’s a one-stop-shop for information on the conference, including an online booking facility: www.slciconference.com

* The Scottish Low Carbon Investment (SLCI) Project is a Scottish Government initiative, providing a unique forum for Government, international finance, utilities and developers of low carbon projects to engage directly on investment opportunities.

Opportunities for Finance Constraints on the availability of capital finance have impacted on all industries including renewable energy and low carbon. It has become more important to look outside Scotland to a broader range of sources Partners:

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29 30/7/10 12:07:52

Border Crossing Media User Experience Matters Understanding the way in which your Customers or users interact with your website is a vital factor in the success of your business. Border Crossing Media specialises in optimising websites and online products to enhance an end-user’s experience. Monitoring what people do on your website allows you to identify and make the improvements that matter to your Customers. Here are three practical things that you can do, for free, today:

2. Content is key Great content is key to any successful online presence. No matter who you are, your Customers are coming to your website for your content. Ensuring that your content is both engaging and regularly updated will encourage repeat visitors and will organically improve your Search Engine Rankings.

1. Speed Up How long does it take your website to load? Speed is critical to both your Customers and also the perception of your brand.

Do you know which content on your website works for your Customers? Are you investing in the right content to drive your business?

It is a common misconception that long page loading times are solely due to large images. The reality is that most ‘bottle-necks’ that currently slow a website down are due to uncompressed scripts, widgets and complex data processing.

You can find out what your visitors are responding to on your website by using free analytic programs such as Google Analytics, Kissmetrics and ClickTale. They will identify where people are spending their time and subsequently where you should spend your money to increase engagement.

The first step to speeding up your website is to find out what is slowing it down! There are some great free tools that you can use to investigate what you need to address. We recommend either Google Page Speed or Yahoo’s YSlow to identify any problem areas with your website. Once you know what is slowing the website down you can fix


it to ensure a user experience that doesn’t frustrate your Customers by making them wait for pages to load.

3. Make it easy The way that your website is architected directly influences the way in which people use your website. Focussing your layout on allowing your Customers to fulfil their needs quickly and efficiently is key to a users’ quality of experience.

The only way to ensure your website works the way your customers want it to is to test it. The first step is to research your users’ main objectives. Once their primary needs are identified you can arrange the layout of your website to allow them to do what they want and influence them to take the actions you want. Decide on the changes to the flow of the website that matter then test them. We use Google Website Optimiser for all A/B testing. This tool allows us to show alternatives to design, content or flow to before fully implementing the changes. The program then monitors and tracks the differing responses to variations and gives you real data as to which alterations have the biggest impact on conversion rates. This way you can make informed decisions that guarantee a return on investment. There is no doubt that monitoring and tracking how your website performs will enhance your ability to communicate and interact with your Customers online. We are offering all members of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce a free consultation if you quote “Chamber of the Year” when contacting us. So for more information about user-experience design and how your company can benefit from it call Esther on 0131 556 6818 today.


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What being #1 means It’s nice to be recognised. And when the British Chambers of commerce awarded Edinburgh the UK Chamber of the Year in November last year, we all walked a little taller and enjoyed the attention. Like any successful team, however, we want to defend our title. And so what matters to us now is to build on the recognition it brings by making sure our membership package adds real, tangible value to you – our members. After all, that’s what a membership organisation ought to be about.

your ongoing support for, and investment in, Edinburgh Chamber. Winning your respect and working in partnership is what keeps us in business and we never forget that membership is a discretionary budget item – and therefore vulnerable in the aftermath of recession.

We’d like to thank our members and Partners in Enterprise for


Illustration by Thomas Foster

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What being #1 means

Going forward in 2010/2011, we will continue to listen to the feedback we get from you and ensure that your views inform the offers, products and services that make up our membership package. We believe that our Chamber of the Year award recognises the skills, endeavour and effort of all our members and clients, as well as all our employees. We are proud of our city and believe in its economic potential, and whether we win the top accolade again or not, the encouragement of having been crowned the UK’s #1 Chamber at the height of recession goes a long way in supporting our efforts to climb back up the hill to economic security.

Photo by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography

■ Edinburgh Chamber staff are presented with the Chamber of the Year Award, November 2009

Alex Kirby, Managing Director, Elastic Creative ■ Edinburgh Chamber was not the only winner at the 2009 Chamber Awards: Chamber Chief Executive, Ron Hewitt (left), presents Richard Braidwood, of Chamber member company Braidwood Associates, with the regional award for Achievement in International Business.

Scotland is a great place to live, work and excel in business. I am not surprised, therefore, that delegates from across UK Chambers are visiting Edinburgh to experience for themselves the ‘secrets of your success’.” The Edinburgh Chamber team is here to help you and your business – we want you to put us to the test – so call our Customer Services Team on 0844 736 2992 and make sure you access the same benefits and opportunities as these members have:

■ Minister of Scotland, Rt Hon Alex Salmond MSP

“This success is a powerful testament to Edinburgh Chamber’s hard work, excellence and commitment to local member businesses. It also demonstrates that despite the recession and a rapidly changing economic climate,


Last year I took ownership of the small, established PR consultancy that I had been working in. I was excited and optimistic but well aware of the gaps in my knowledge and experience when it came to running a business. I turned to Edinburgh Chamber for support and received so much more than was expected. I really value the relationships that I have developed through my Chamber involvement, the skills, experience and contacts gained have given me confidence and I am enjoying the challenges of putting my ideas into action.

Ann Confrey, Chief Executive, Proscot PR Photo by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography

In the words of the First Minister of Scotland, Rt Hon Alex Salmond MSP: “This is a truly remarkable achievement. Not only did Scottish Chambers of Commerce take a quarter of all first places but it was also the first time a Scottish Chamber has been awarded the most prestigious accolade. Being runner-up in the ‘International Chamber of the Year’ award also deserves recognition.

We re-joined Edinburgh Chamber at the start of 2009 and have been extremely impressed. Not only does the Chamber give you access to some of the most useful and inspiring training & networking, but to also have access to legal and HR assistance is invaluable to a small company like us. In fact I would go so far as to say the Chamber is essential for any business. Service, commitment, massive value for money and creative thinking it’s all here! I would recommend joining the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce to anyone.

■ L to R: Genna Nelson, Sharon Duncan and Carrie Wilson in our Customer Services Team would like to hear from you.


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How can we grow your business?

â– 2,000 strong and growing!

We are the largest Chamber in Scotland, with an award-winning events programme full of opportunities for you to make connections and forge new business partnerships. We enjoy making the introductions that help you win new contacts and customers – over 60% of members attending our events report a benefit in terms of new business gained. We can also help you with access to finance, a business health check, free legal and HR advice, mentoring, training and a host of export support. In fact, we have a whole package of development tools, products and services to help your company get to the next level.


Business growth is all about having the right connections and making the most of them. We can help your business grow and prosper, whatever its size, because our business advisors have run their own businesses and understand the challenges, opportunities and problems that you face.


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■ Our networking events are second to none

Personally, as a student employment adviser, I now feel more confident speaking to students who are interested in starting up their own business and have a better understanding of the processes involved. I would feel happy referring any student to the Edinburgh Chamber team and know they would be supported every step of the way with their business idea.

We asked Chamber Business Solutions to design a series of tailored workshops to meet the development needs of the management team from our three restaurants. Over the course of seven sessions, staff covered everything from leadership and motivation techniques to selling skills. Staff found the workshops very useful and enjoyable. Our trainer helped them develop individual action plans which they worked on and meant they could see clear results by the end of the workshops.

Emma Hill, Student Services, Telford College

One word to describe Scottish Chambers International (SCI): fantastic! The service has been outstanding. SCI has assisted with specific contractual issues and is currently advising on third party logistics as well as helping to construct a template for our export requirements. All general assistance is fantastic. Barry Wright, Pro-Stance

Tony Crolla, Managing Director, Vittoria’s Restaurants

I wish to take a moment and congratulate your entire events management team… I have written and edited 21 books in the field of events management during the past 25 years… I believe the Edinburgh Chamber events team is in the top one percent of those I have witnessed at work throughout the world. It is no easy task to keep a large scale event on schedule and at the same time not have the guests feel rushed. Your team accomplished this, which I describe as both the art and science of event planning.

Our Chamber training sessions had an instant impact on the presentation skills of our team. Everyone now feels more confident and our delivery is much improved. I was really impressed at just how much progress we made in two days and that is testament to the well-structured, bespoke and highly interactive training sessions that your trainer delivered. The training was excellent and everyone enjoyed it..... surprisingly! I would recommend your training workshops to anyone, we were 100% satisfied. Ian Duncan, Marketing Manager, Faithful+Gould

Professor Joe Goldblatt, CSEP, Professor and Executive Director, Queen Margaret University

■ We can cater for all your mentoring and business development needs

The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Young Enterprise team has provided a first class service and many students have benefited from the information and advice they have been given.

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If you have a business or technical challenge you’re struggling with, an injection of university expertise through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) could result in innovative advances, producing tangible benefits for your organisation. ■ With grants of up to 67%, KTP projects provide a well-proven framework for

complementing company resources with specialist academic skills. ■ Projects aim to increase profitability by:

- improving existing products or developing new products - developing new systems and frameworks to improve efficiencies in staff or processes - streamlining a design, manufacturing or logistics process - market development

■ Projects are company based and the focus is to bring additional knowledge

and expertise into the company to deliver a result that would exceed that which could be achieved independently. ■ Over 100 companies in Scotland are currently making significant advances

by working with universities to improve their competitiveness in this way. ■ The East of Scotland KTP centre will work with your organisation to help

define your requirements, identify appropriate university partners and facilitate the KTP funding process and project administration.

To find out more about KTP and how access to university expertise and resources could help your organisation please contact enquiries@ktpcentre.com or phone 0131 455 2686 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships is a Technology Strategy Board Programme, accelerating business innovation.

l ve me, love me n t Find out what people are saying about your business online. Sign up for a free report at civicuk.com/love

Technology, marketing and creative thinking



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Missoni Hotel


Sir Robert McAlpine is a leading UK building and civil engineering company with a long history in Scotland of delivering exemplary projects across all the major construction market sectors. From the convention-defying engineering of the Glenfinnan Viaduct to today’s National Indoor Sports Arena and Velodrome in Glasgow and Edinburgh’s Missoni Hotel, our pioneering approach to construction has ensured our presence at the forefront of the industry for more than 140 years.

Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd Scott House, Mid New Cultins Edinburgh, EH11 4DH Tel: 0131 458 4255 Fax: 0131 458 4254 edinburgh@sir-robert-mcalpine.com

HBOS Headquarters

Dedicated to excellence in design and construction, our extensive capabilities mean whatever the scale of the project we have the capacity to deliver. As well as the roads, schools, shopping centres and hospitals which form part of our everyday lives, our achievements include some of Scotland’s most prestigious, challenging and high-profile projects: The Mound in Edinburgh, Glasgow’s Marie Curie Hospice, Torness Power Station and the North Sea oil platforms constructed at Ardyne.

Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd 11 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB Tel: 0141 248 6911 Fax: 0141 221 2192 glasgow@sir-robert-mcalpine.com

Other offices at: Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Hemel Hempstead, London

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How can we save you money?

I recently used the legal advice line regarding a potential new premises lease. I got some great advice which has meant that I’ve been able to renegotiate the lease from a rent and repair lease to something much more palatable/less risky. It’s helped us manage future risk and cut costs, so is much appreciated. Siobhan Tyrell, Tandem Digital

■ Access discounted advertising on our website, which gets over 30,000 hits per month

We understand that our membership subscription has to deliver a return for you in saving your business money. We can help you in finding the services and tools that will allow your business to thrive and cut costs. Whether you are looking to start a new venture or develop an existing one, we can provide a one-stop-shop for all your business needs. Our Chamber Business Solutions package of commercial services offers best value in consultancy, from HR and finance to mediation, marketing and product development.

In addition, membership with the Chamber gives you access to a range of discounts, including Chamber Connect (local and UK-wide member-to-member discounts) as well as special rates on adverting in all our print and online publications, and in The Scotsman/Evening News.

The Chamber’s marketing and support was invaluable. The MicrE renewable energy event that you marketed for us went as well as possible, and this was in no small measure due to your contribution. We very much enjoyed working with you, and hope this may be a taste of things to come. We would certainly like to use your services again. Nick Lyth, Director, International Resources and Recycling Institute Scottish Chambers International has played an integral role in the international activities of Touch Bionics. The team has been of great help with technical assistance both in the Middle East and North America on a range of areas. In addition all of the support that SCI has provided with Export Documentation has been gratefully received. Martin Reynard, Director, Touch Bionics Ltd. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce gave me a range of essential business development support, helping me make the right decisions and secure funding in order to launch my energy business – the advice and mentoring I received from the Chamber team has been crucial to my business’ success. Dr Alastair Martin, Managing Director, Flexitricity Limited

■ Chamber connect gives members access to a vast range of local and national member-to-member discounts



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ECC â– Our portfolio of business support can save you money

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what s next! ?

for your business? Corporate consultancy: ■ Market Research ■ Strategic Development ■ Workshop Design & Delivery We use our experience, experƟse and creaƟvity to design and manage research programmes that inform your decision making process. From there we can help you develop the strategy you need to move forwards. Simple as that.

Small Business consultancy: ■ Problem Solving & CreaƟve Thinking ■ Strategy & Planning ■ Market Research For small and medium sized businesses and chariƟes we’ll help you plan step by step how you get from where you are to where you want to be. And if you’re not sure where you want to be, we can help with that too. If you want us to we can sƟck with you every step of the way as you change your business from what it is to what it could be.

Explore the possibiliƟes. Contact us at: Tel: 07971 406809 Email: info@whats-next.co.uk Web: www.whats-next.co.uk

ECC Directory 2010.indd 40

30/7/10 12:08:29

Cyrenians Organics Recycling Enterprise

Our system is: ● Competitively priced ● Fully licensed vhicles and trained personnel ● Dedicated customer support ● Guaranteed traceability of your food and catering waste to compost

The Cycle Summary



Environmental - Did you know that food waste in the UK was about 20 million tonnes in 2008 and accounted for almost one-fifth of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions? CORE provides you with the a professional, competitive and ethically sound food and catering waste recycling service. Economical - Catering waste can account for up to 70% of the waste generated by businesses. As landfill tax is set to rise by 50% by 2010, separate collections of food waste can generate significant cost savings to your business. ETHICAL

Ethical - CORE is a social enterprise; it is part of Cyrenians, a registered Scottish charity based in Edinburgh. This means that any profit CORE will make, will be reinvested into the charity.

t: 01506 536 102

e: core@cyrenians.org.uk

w: www.core-cyrenians.org.uk

BAXTER STUDIO architecture

Consider improving rather than moving... It might seem counter-intuitive in a period of economic restraint to spend on improving your home or your business premises. However as the quality of the buildings we live and work in has a direct effect on the quality of our lives, it makes sense to look for cost effective ways of enhancing our environment. When finances are tight, people tend not to move house, but extend or alter their existing home to provide for changing needs or aspirations. The same can be true of the workplace. While new computer software or the latest telephone system might be seen as priorities to keep pace with the competition, ensuring that your workforce arrives every morning to an attractive and functional workplace can also reap major dividends.

Retro-fitting should add to the comfort of your home or working environment and may also have the benefit of improving energy performance. Historic buildings can often be made much more userfriendly through alterations which don’t always require special consents. However, whether changes are minimal or radical, the advice of an architect will help to focus your ideas, provide the most effective and attractive solution, keep costs to a minimum and guide you through the legal requirements in terms of Planning and Buildings legislation. An initial consultation is free of charge and can lead to benefits well beyond what you might imagine. A chartered architect can generate those benefits with ideas for extending your house or redeveloping your business premises. Stuart Baxter (RIBA)

40 Eastfield Edinburgh EH15 2PN t: 0131 564 0369 e: office@baxterstudio.co.uk


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How can we represent your interests?

â– Business Comment Magazine, for and by members



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ECC As the UK Chamber of the Year, we’re very proud of our city and proud of our members. Our voice is heard in the corridors of power – from the City Chambers to the Scottish Parliament. So whether your issue is local or national, we can ensure your interests are represented and your concerns addressed.

The new version of Business Comment, launched in October 2009, is a vast improvement of the publication’s previous incarnation; the content is relevant, the magazine looks great, and the whole product now displays a feel of quality.

■ The Chamber has strong links with local, regional and national media

Jim McKie, Production Director, Edmonds UK Ltd.

Our members-led policy groups are acknowledged as some of the most effective in the country, influencing policy and campaigning on issues as diverse as business rates, planning applications and transport projects. Why not get involved by joining one of our policy groups, covering retail, technology, tourism, property, transport, education and skills, ethnic enterprise, business protection and renewable energy. We are the voice of business in Scotland’s capital city. Our spokespeople are quoted daily in the press and interviewed by broadcasters on business and economic issues, enabling us to create the best possible economic climate for the success of Edinburgh’s (and Scotland’s) businesses. We also give you – our members – as many opportunities (free and discounted) to raise your own profile within and beyond our network, via our magazine and website, and, of course, through our programme of training and events.

Since becoming a Partner in Enterprise, the support from the Chamber has reached an even higher level, with a customised service that gives us the assurance that we can call and depend on the Chamber’s entire team. The insights, tips and specifically tailored guidance provided by the Chamber have proven invaluable to our experience in making the Edinburgh Tram Project work. Mike Connelly, Stakeholder Relationship Manager, tie limited

Congratulations on Business Comment. An informative read of direct relevance to its readership, I know from the feedback our clients have received following coverage in the magazine that it is a well-read publication that can lead to direct business benefits to featured members. Susan Christie, Co-founder and Director, Liquorice Media

■ Representatives from the Conservative Party, Liberal Democrats and Labour at our ‘Balancing the Books’ event in February Photo by Graham Carnie, Tuskite Photography

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Welcome to K.S. Leisure Engineering. We are an independant company based in Edinburgh with many years experience working in the fitness and leisure industry. Our aim is to service/repair and maintain a wide range of CV and Resistance equipment at competitive rates. Contact us on: Mobile: 07738392159 Fax: 0131 539 9977 Email: ksleisureengineering@hotmail.co.uk Or visit our website: www.ksleisureengineering.co.uk

With a strong bias toward commercial property, we offer the following services although we would be happy to look at residential requirements dependant upon their nature - please feel free to enquire. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

condition and pre-acquisition surveys planned maintenance dilapidations building reinstatement assessments feasibility studies design and contract administration project / development / technical / quality monitoring and management space auditing / planning and move management survey systems including database design and implementation

T: 0131 516 2960 E: enquiries@alangrantassociates.com W: www.alangrantassociates.com


F +44 (0)131 473 2309

i n f o @ k a l e w a t e r. c o . u k

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A leading UK Contractor, providing the Client with high quality, innovative and reliable services. For more information, please visit www.pihl-uk.com

UK Office: Pihl UK Ltd 20 Queens Road, Aberdeen Scotland, AB15 4ZT United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 1224 562 400 Fax: +44 (0) 1224 562 401 Email: uk-recp@pihl-uk.com www.pihl-uk.com

ECC Directory 2010.indd 46

Head Office: E. Pihl & Søn A.S. Nybrovej 116 2800 Lyngby Denmark Tel: +45 45 277 200 Fax: +45 45 277 100 Email: pihl@pihl-as.dk www.pihl-as.com

30/7/10 12:09:01

Property consultancy Property consultancy services can assist many businesses including: • New Start businesses looking to secure their first property.

All too often, property consultancy advice is sought far too late. This leaves potentially little or no time for a proper understanding of any issues raised by your Chartered Building Surveyor.

• Homeworkers looking to move to their first business property. • Businesses looking to change or adapt their existing property. • Expanding businesses looking to acquire additional property.

Services you may require from your Chartered Building Surveyor are: • Building Condition and Pre-Acquisition Surveys

Knowledge of your property related matters is key in understanding your property commitments and liabilities. In addition, understanding how your property can potentially enhance and augment your business operations could be a valuable market differentiator. For example, do you need to relocate to new premises or could your existing premises be altered or adapted to accommodate your new requirements. “Buyer Beware” is an age old doctrine. Most would not buy a used car without fully understanding its past history and what is likely to cause its new owner problems or money. Likewise, one should not buy, lease or alter property without fully understanding the associated implications, liabilities and costs.

lkpui|yno hwhy{tlu{zGs{k

• Investigation of Building Defects • Dilapidation’s Advice in respect to Leased Properties • Advice on Planned Maintenance and Repairs • Feasibility Studies • Space Planning and Move Management • Design, Specification and Management of Building Works • Building Reinstatement Assessments for Insurance Purposes

Please contact us as early as possible as your property professional is as important as your accountant and lawyer. T: 0131 516 2960 E: enquiries@alangrantassociates.com W: www.alangrantassociates.com

From UK: 0131 313 5313 From outside UK: +44 (0)131 313 5313 info@edinburghapartments.co.uk

Guest comments from season 2010/11 “10/10 on every level” “First class service from start to finish” “Thanks for the stay – it was perfect” “Service flawless – comfort fantastic” We have lots more guest comments on our website

• Holiday Lets • Corporate Lets • Self Catering Apts • Multiple Locations • Long term rentals • Trading since 1995 • Local knowledge • All budgets catered for


10% Chamber discount on selected properties

Early consultation with ALAN GRANT ASSOCIATES, Chartered Building Surveyors can potentially save time and money by providing the knowledge you require to buy, lease, dispose, alter, extend, redevelop your commercial property for your business needs.

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Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Saving you money. Growing your business. Representing you. Here at the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, we are constantly looking at ways in which we can add value to our offering to help our members develop and save money. Whether you are looking to start a new venture or take an existing one to the next level – we can provide a one-stop-shop for all your business needs; representing your interests and helping your company thrive, grow and cut costs. GROWING YOUR BUSINESS ■ Networking opportunities through our award winning events programme ■ Chamber engagement and account managed dedicated customer support ■ Access to our membership database and a range of B2B opportunities ■ Online networking, representation and support via Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook

Go to the ‘Business solutions’and ‘Membership’ sections of www.edinburghchamber.co.uk

■ Developing pipeline for your business ■ Brand awareness – get your business out there ■ Marketing support and publicity platforms ■ Tailored training and development programmes ■ Business coaching and mentoring for growing businesses ■ Business development through our Chamber Business Solutions products and services

SAVING YOU MONEY ■ Free 24 hour HR & legal helpline ■ Free legal insurance cover ■ Free recruitment and HR support ■ Free company health check

Go to the ‘Membership’/‘Savings for your business’ section of www.edinburghchamber.co.uk

■ Discounted training & coaching ■ Discounted merchant services ■ Discounted advertising in The Scotsman & Evening News ■ Discounted water rates from Business Stream ■ Discounted health care and fleet assistance ■ Member-to-member savings with Chamber Connect

REPRESENTING YOU ■ Fighting your corner on local, regional and national issues ■ Taking your case to government ■ Have your say through our policy groups ■ Influencing decision-makers and campaigning for the interests of your business

Go to the ‘Policy & campaigns’ and ‘What’s new’ sections of www.edinburghchamber.co.uk

■ The voice of business in press and media ■ Business Comment Magazine –for and by members ■ Partners in Enterprise – take membership to the next level ■ The Edinburgh Chamber brand at your disposal



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ECC “I wish to take a moment and congratulate your entire events management team… I believe the Edinburgh Chamber events team is in the top one percent of those I have witnessed at work throughout the world. ” Professor Joe Goldblatt, CSEP, Professor and Executive Director, Queen Margaret University


r busin -shop fo p o t s e e on


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49 30/7/10 12:09:09

db Lighting

Domestic environments

I wonder how many people really understand the benefits of light, whether it is for commercial use or domestic. To say good lighting is a life changing experience is not overstated, it is fact.

A home is split into areas and rooms for a reason, each one has a specific function and each one should be lit accordingly. A multi functional space will require multi functional lighting solutions. The secret is how light is integrated into the design and controlled by the touch of a button. It should never be over complicated or difficult to use.

Here is a thought, did you know compact fluorescent lamps can be an environmental disaster, or cost you money, not to forget the gloomy atmospherics when used incorrectly. So, what are you meant to do about improving your lit environment? To start off with it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg; it can actually reduce your electricity bill. Now that’s worth considering in this uncertain economic climate. Did you know you can change the perception of a space with light? In short, don’t spend a lot of money on expensive finishes if you don’t intend to light them properly.

Commercial environments How about improved efficiency, not only do you work efficiently under good light you can be more fulfilled in your achievements. Now you can increase the bottom line through working in good light. We use rest rooms, breakouts, canteens, staff rooms and relaxations areas to escape from the work station and take your mind off the working day. Atmospheric lighting helps to differentiate areas and clearly defines the difference between a working area and a relaxation / rest area. This will create the edge between you and your competitors.

Lighting is not an afterthought; it is a fundamental part of the building process. The more thought goes into a lighting design the better the results, be specific in your objectives. It’s no longer acceptable to flood the room with a 300w pendant just so you can read a book when everyone else has to put their sun glasses on. Think of the safety and practical features of night lights. Great for young children, guests or even getting up early to catch the red eye to London.

Dining out: Where to, is it a canteen or is it an atmospheric dining experience. How often can you recall sitting under a beam of light and the table is in darkness. Wrongly directed light doesn’t do much good for hiding the receding hair line or disguising the results of aging. It’s the table that should be lit and not over lit at that. The bottom line is lighting is a pleasure to work in, live with and enjoy. Now, not everyone knows how this is achieved, but rest assured, if you contact us for a face to face chat with no obligations, then you won’t go wrong.

222 Leith Walk Edinburgh EH6 5EQ Give us a call on 0131 555 4499 or email me at david@davidbrownlighting.com

Marie Louise Cochrane Storyteller Telling stories and singing songs to entertain, educate and inspiree What kind of stories do I tell? Traditional Scottish stories and songs, multi-cultural tales, fairy tales, family, faith and food tales.

Where do I tell them? Everywhere! In parks, museums, castles, mines, pubs, libraries, at parties and ceilidhs and… At festivals Including: The Scottish Storytelling Festival, Edinburgh Book Festival, The Gathering, and Parents Like Us Festival At food events and festivals with my food and family tales. At Scottish themed events with my lively traditional stories. In care settings including Royal Edinburgh and Infirmary Hospitals and regular sessions in Care Homes and Day Centres with older people. At community events and churches with my stories of faith and wisdom In Schools and nurseries with engaging sessions covering a wide-range of themes.


My specialities include ‘Mrs Mash’ and ‘Gulliver’s Chums’ ‘Mrs. Mash the Storytelling Cook’: stories and songs for young children that encourage healthy living and a love of good food. ‘Gulliver’s Chums’: Stories, songs and puppet fun for emotional wellbeing for children up to 7 (including those with additional support needs). To find out more about more contact:

Marie Louise Cochrane

Tel 0131 467 1449 Email: info@marielouisecochrane.com Web: www.mrsmash.com www.marielouisecochrane.com


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Leading producer of ready-to-use pastry

Jus-Rol in Berwick-upon-Tweed General Mills Berwick Limited is the UK’s expert and leading producer of readyto-use pastry through its Jus-Rol brand. Jus-Rol first produced pastry in Berwickupon-Tweed in Northumberland more than 50 years ago, and is the town’s largest employer. The company is also a great supporter of the town’s culture and charities.

General Mills Berwick Ltd, Tweedside Trading Estate, Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 2UX

Tel: 01289 307 737 www.generalmills.co.uk

DTR Services Limited are a full service bespoke HR Consultancy and Training Company. We can help with your Human Resources needs, via our Consultancy Service and can also carry out a free HR Health Check Audit on your or your clients Company Handbooks and Contracts of Employment. At DTR Services we can offer advice on how to ensure that you are up to all of the Employment Law changes and keep your company legal in anything to do with your employees. We ensure that your documentation is kept up to date and that the solution provided to you by DTR Services is fit for purpose and meets your individual company’s needs and requirements, by learning about your business. Size is no object as our typical client size is from 4-5 staff, to circa 100 staff. This service is available as a one off or combined with other areas of our HR Service from our 24/7 HR Helpline, which is there for our clients, to give them

peace of mind on any HR issues, to our Consultancy Service which we can help with on a retained basis, or depending on your needs on a day or per hour basis as and when needed. We can help with your recruitment issues, on a fixed fee basis. For Truck Driver Training we are a Mercedes Benz Training Associates for LGV (Large Goods Vehicles) and PCV (Bus), for Driver CPC Training, which is mandated by law for all PCV and LGV drivers. We have DSA Registered instructors for LGV/PCV courses and have our own training vehicles from C1, through D1, Category C (Rigid) to Category C+E (Artic and Trailer). We can also carry out Category B+E (Car and Trailer) training as well. Further, we also have RTITB Registered instructors for Fork Lift Truck courses, covering a variety of Fork Lift Truck types and can offer from refresher and conversion courses to courses for novices.

DTR Services Limited Lady Victoria Business Centre Newtongrange EH22 4QN Tel: 0131 663 1888, Fax: 0131 663 5936. Email: sales@dtrservices.co.uk

D T R S e rv i c e s – B us i nes s Peopl e i n the Peopl e B us i nes s

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point of sale


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Partners in Enterprise Proud of our Partners in Enterprise Members of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce have an opportunity to join our growing, unique family of Partners in Enterprise. This highest level of membership delivers a truly bespoke package of support which can assist the member company to make crucial connections and achieve its key goals. As you would expect from a true partnership, Edinburgh Chamber works closely with every Partner in Enterprise to understand the organisation and its needs, allowing us to shape a membership package which delivers real value.

It’s a high profile network of local, national and international organisations coming together to share intelligence and work with Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce to influence the business agenda for the central belt and Scotland as a whole. If you would like to discuss how a Partner in Enterprise relationship with the Chamber could work for you, email us on customerservices@edinburghchamber.co.uk or call on: 0844 736 2992

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E-business Promotion E-business Promotion is an industry leading web development and online marketing company based in Edinburgh. Their software iCOMMAND has received critical acclaim for its ease of use, innovative online marketing reporting and outstanding value. iCOMMAND iCOMMAND has all the tools you need to keep your website up-to-date and manage your online marketing. It is flexible, scalable and caters for all business sizes – log in once to take total control. iCOMMAND’s starter package includes a “Web Page Manager” that enables you to edit, create and delete text, images and web pages and view visitor statistics. Unlike many other content management systems, online marketing is at the heart of iCOMMAND and extra features can easily be added as your company grows.

Case Study – Cullen Property

Project Overview Niche Works, a PR & marketing company, asked E-business Promotion to create a website and implement online marketing for Cullen Property, a leading Edinburgh property lettings, investment and management company based in Edinburgh. Key Goals The key goals were to create a new website for Cullen Property that was uncluttered, enabled the client to make updates easily and improve search engine rankings for important keyword phrases. Project Delivered E-business Promotion delivered a clean website built on the iCOMMAND software.Within their admin area Cullen Property are able to update and manage all of their content and property information. Features include: Web Page Manager, Blog, Latest News, Newsletter Broadcast, Property Manager and Property Map. Project Feedback Cullen are delighted with their website and the iCOMMAND features. They have received great reviews from their tenants and landlords. One landlord said:“I found the website easy to navigate and informative.The interactive map is a winner.” Moreover, the website is ranked at the top of the search engines for Cullen’s main keyword phrase in both Google Local and Google Organic results.

“We are delighted with our new website. We will continue to work with Niche Works and E-business Promotion to develop new features and solutions to satisfy our clients’ needs, thus providing a slicker service and differentiating ourselves from our competitors.” Steve Coyle, Cullen Property

“We chose E-business Promotion from a range of other options as we were really impressed with the iCOMMAND product and having local support was essential for this client. Phil and the team understand our client’s requirements and have provided logical solutions to some complex issues.” Fiona Vernon, Niche Works

For more information about E-business Promotion’s services, call 0131 2580307, email enquiry@e-businesspromotion.co.uk, or visit www.e-businesspromotion.co.uk



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You don’t have to be a doctor to help Sick Kids get better! The Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh has 900+ staff serving patients from birth to 14 from the Borders to the north of Scotland. It encompasses 7 Wards, Intensive Care Unit, High Dependancy Unit, 2 Day Wards, 5 Operating Theatres, Out-Patients clinics and an Accident and Emergency Department visited by 30,000+ children every year! The Sick Kids Friends Foundation established in 1992 supports patients, families and staff at hospital. We aim to provide funds to enhance NHS provision in five main areas:

Since 1992 we have completed many projects and bought many items which have a huge, positive impact on the lives of sick children and their families, most notably:

Extra comforts to make a child’s time in hospital more enjoyable Extra child and family-friendly facilities at the hospital Extra state of the art medical equipment Extra support for sick children in the Community Extra highly specialised research and training for staff and parents.

• • • •

• • • • •

Family Support Centre, Sanctuary and Bereavement Suite Drop-In Centre to support families CT Scanner PJ’s Loft and other Parents Overnight Accommodation OR1 – world class operating theatre equipment Funding for our respite houses in Edinburgh and Livingston

We also provide support for Welcome presents, soothing Snoezelin equipment, Clowndoctor visits, Volunteer Services in the hospital, Social Work, Play and Family Support departments. At other community healthcare centres we provide extra child-friendly facilities and equipment. Our current appeal, Sat Nav for Surgeons is to raise £220,000 for innovative new equipment for neurosurgery, currently available in only one other children’s hospital in the UK as well as many comforts for sick children and their families

Visit www.edinburghsickkids.org or call 0131 668 4949 to help us to make Sick kids better

Get business results through team-building with a corporate membership at Edinburgh Zoo Call or email Jodie Kyle to find out more: 0131 314 0309 jkyle@rzss.org.uk Registered Charity No SC004064

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Fulcrum Employers score benefit brokers highest on service Satisfaction surveys conducted with buyers of group insured employee benefits overwhelmingly rank personal service equal to if not more important than cost savings as buyers’ top two reasons for changing their insurance advisers. attentiveness’ as reasons for considering Fulcrum in the first place and ultimately doing business. In some cases, customers specifically claimed that this personal approach was valued above cost savings, adding that the financial benefits of using Fulcrum were ‘a bonus’. While cost is always a factor, decision makers consistently highlighted the value they place on speed and continuity of service. When asked about previous broker services, interviewees ranked these as ‘ok’, ‘fine’ or ‘reasonable’. There were no ‘disasters’ but as Paul McCormack, HR Director of Hermes Europe put it, he didn’t appreciate how reactive his previous brokers were until he started dealing with Fulcrum. “Fulcrum has taken a really proactive approach and brokered a greatly improved employee benefits package. They are small enough to care, and have been there for us every step of the way. A lot of experience, personal time and effort has been invested in getting us the right deals and I would absolutely recommend Fulcrum to other employers.” The main complaint about previous brokers was a tendency to have to deal with several different names and explain information every time, with no opportunity to develop a more personalised relationship. Some customers said their own working lives had improved due to this area of their work running more smoothly with Fulcrum. This was attributed to prompt response times, patient and helpful explanations, pleasant manner – all inspiring confidence that their arrangements were ‘in safe hands.’ Peter O’Grady, Managing Director of TF Tull said: “Fulcrum gives me peace of mind so I can get on with my job.” George Prentice, Managing Director of Ahlstrom said: “I like them, they go that extra mile.” The Fulcrum team are Meg Wallace, Malcolm Brebner and Karen Gray

Two years ago Malcolm Brebner, founder of Fulcrum insured employee benefits ltd, began commissioning independent satisfaction surveys of each of the firm’s newly acquired customers, as and when insurance reviews were concluded. This process continues today and has proven an extremely valuable way to identify what consumers of insurance advice truly value. Telephone interviews conducted by Sarah Urquhart PR ask employers to give a ‘general importance’ score to a number of key deliverables – and then to rank Fulcrum’s performance. In all cases so far, customers have emphasised the value they place on personal service. Interviewees referred to ‘likeability, humour and



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“Malcolm came to me with ideas on how to save money and this is exactly what he has done. I would have absolutely no hesitation recommending Fulcrum to other employers.”

How would you score your insurance broker on the following… Manages my time and keeps me in the loop

Ray Brooksbank, Group Company Secretary, British Polythene Industries PLC

“Research shows our employees clearly value the benefits that come with their packages. That’s why it’s important to us as employers to offer excellent benefits without incurring unnecessary costs. Whereas previous broker services had disappointed, Fulcrum has proved to be a high quality service. Malcolm delivers attention to detail, information in plain English and helped us truly understand the options, with all the pros and cons. He didn’t tell us what to do – simply gave us the tools to make an informed choice. He has been very proactive in his approach to getting us the best benefits for our staff and their needs, and ultimately thousands of pounds of cost savings.”

Responds quickly and shows understanding of my questions Demonstrates good Plan Design knowledge Gives clear Plain English explanations Presents easily comparable insurer pros/cons Guidance on the sustainability of insurer’s pricing Continuity and attention to detail Good accounts and documentation stewardship Personal knowledge and ‘gravitas’

Brendan Coyne, HR Director, Sybase UK

“Today, Fulcrum manages our group life, income protection and medical insurance contracts and has negotiated tens of thousands of pounds in savings. Remarkably, this has all been achieved without decreasing the level of cover offered to staff – in fact, in some areas, the benefits are greater”.

For more information about any of the points in this article please contact Malcolm Brebner on 01506 841 842 or email malcolm.brebner@fulcrumieb.co.uk

George Prentice, Managing Director, Ahlstrom Chirnside Limited

“By identifying and recognising our specific requirements and priorities Fulcrum has helped us to tailor our company benefits around a relatively strong local National Health Service. This has resulted in significantly reduced insurance costs without reducing the speed or quality of care. We have always found Malcolm’s honest and pragmatic approach to be a good fit with our own business”. Graham Baines, Director - Finance & Administration, Unipres (UK) Limited

“The service we have received from Fulcrum has been exceptional. Malcolm Brebner is likable, knowledgeable and very well informed about the marketplace. Our new Medical Insurance package includes added dental and optical cover, greater value for money for the business and has been positively received by employees.” Ros Hardie, Company Secretary, E G Thomson Group

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Intuitive Documentation Ltd Understanding Communication Excellence

Intuitive Documentation Ltd. (InDocs) provides a full range of Technical Authoring and Copywriting services to businesses in any sector.

knowledge or technical information and translating it into documentation that can be approached and enjoyed by your target readership.

As well as writing copy for Technical White Papers, User Guides, Web Sites, and Brochures, Intuitive Documentation specialise in taking very specialist

This is because at InDocs we take clear language very seriously. No matter how complex the subject matter, we will produce documentation using the

most effective and accessible language possible. Intuitive Documentation Ltd was formed in 2010 by Technical Author, Software Developer, and Occasional Musician, Alan Stirling, and is based in West Lothian, Scotland.

Office: 01506 668623 Mobile: 07931 691902 Enquiries@InDocs.co.uk


Welcome to A4e Scotland A4e is a successful international business that delivers services for individuals, organisations and governments. We have made a big difference to the lives of over one million people since we were founded in 1991. A4e began delivering services in Scotland in 2001. Directly, and in partnership with governments, their agencies, local government and employers, we deliver: • Employment and training • Business support services • Fund management and distribution • Financial inclusion and education • Education and skills We excel at bringing new programmes and pilots into new markets, directly delivering services that make a significant iimpact on the disadvantaged and marginalised. O Our vision is to improve people's lives and deliver social change

0131 221 0477 58


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Getting the right people In difficult economic times, it is even more important than ever to select the right member of staff - and in the search for loyal, hard-working creative people companies need all the help they can get. That means using the recruitment industry, which specialises in helping businesses select the right people, a function which is particularly valued at times like these when there are so many jobseekers on the market. Using a professional recruitment company takes the pain out of the process because such businesses handle everything from the advertising of posts to the analysis of applications. At a time when business people must be 100 per cent focused on their companies, having someone to deal with all the paperwork and administer the processes is a real benefit. Recruitment companies also help businesses conduct the interview process, advising them on what to look for and how to select the best candidate. But their role is even more fundamental than that because they are involved right from the start. Recruitment companies have databases of people who are available for work and who have the best skills for the posts which have fallen vacant, which can save a lot of time and result in a more targeted process. With more people on the market than a year ago, that database is another reason why bringing in a specialist company makes sense. Many people are seeking new jobs having lost theirs and that can mean a market swamped with people with differing skills.

Sifting through to find the best candidates is the job done so well by recruitment companies. It is why they are so invaluable. Edinburgh and the surrounding area is blessed with a number of excellent recruitment companies, whose teams understand the jobs markets in which they work and who can bring great experience to the process. Such people are crucial to the recovery of the economy from recession and professional recruiters working in the field are helping many businesses to get it right. They are reporting that not only are some companies seeking to expand but that there is a new fluidity on the market with people prepared to switch jobs to further their careers as they spot opportunities. Difficult economic times can bring about new thinking. Edinburgh and the surrounding area needs those people because it is seeing a dramatic change in its economic landscape - some traditional sectors have suffered, other new ones such as life sciences and reneweables have seen improvements. Such trends underline the need for a specialist recruitment company because they are the ones who can find the talent that is needed to ensure that businesses in the city and its surrounding communities continue to grow.

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At Edinburgh City Private Hire (ECPH) we believe in the highest level of service at discounted rates. Our unique tariff means we can save you 20-30% on the normal taxi meter rates. With our pre priced fixed fares you will know the cost before you travel, this allows for complete control on staff travel spend and budget, no more discrepancies on the same journeys and no more cost on evening and weekend travel times. With an ever growing fleet of over 400 vehicles serving Edinburgh, the Lothians and beyond, now is a great time to move your account to Edinburgh City Private Hire and for a limited period any Chamber member company who opens an account, ECPH will waive the normal 5% monthly administration charge thus saving you even more. If you would like to know more about how ECPH can save you money then please contact Iain Colquhoun on 0131 477 4000 or e-mail icolquhoun@ecph.co.uk who willl be pleased to discuss your enquiry.

All Joinery Work Undertaken All Home Improvements and Extensions Domestic and Commercial Insurance Work Welcome All Trades Supplied

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Free Estimates

B & M Joiners (Edinburgh) Limited 13-15 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EN Tel/Fax 0131 5569816 Mobile 07969 520708 www.bandmjoiners.com

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Recruiting and retaining a skilled, diverse workforce Remploy offer a fast and cost effective recruitment and retention service, with real business benefits. As one of the UK’s leading providers of employment services for disabled people and those with complex barriers to work, Remploy supports the recruitment and retention needs of over 3,500 UK employers, across a diverse range of sectors.

Hold on to your staff and their skills

We fully understand the importance to you of finding skilled and dedicated people for your organisation. Which is why, we work closely with you to understand you business and job profiles, allowing us to match you with right individuals to fill your roles.

Our retention service is designed to support employers to retain staff who may be facing difficulties at work due to a disability or a long-term health condition.

Benefits of working with us: recruitment service to meet your • Tailored business needs • State of the art facilities to candidates with skills specific • Access to your sector only put forward people with the skills, • We ability and desire to work for your organisation your social responsibilities and recruit • Fulfil staff that reflect you local community support, providing you and your new • In-work employee with advice and guidance to ensure sustainability

It takes time and money to recruit and train your employees, so keeping hold of your existing employees makes sound financial sense. Our services are professional and confidential and include: discussion with your employee • Detailed and their line manager plan design and implementation • Action to agreed timescales and guidance throughout the process • Advice through face to face meetings and by telephone support

• Progress-monitoring and review meetings

Join us at: www.twitter.com/Remploy www.facebook.com/Remploy www.youtube.com/user/Remploytv ECC Directory 2010.indd 64

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Last year, we supported hundreds of people into sustainable employment within the Edinburgh area. “Remploy responds to our business needs by offering solutions like work trials to prospective jobseekers – this offers them a taste of what it’s like to work for ASDA and provides us with suitable applicants for our vacancies. We’ve found that communication is a strength for Remploy which makes our recruitment process smooth and hassle-free, from the application stage right through to in-work support.”

Lisa Angel, ASDA, Chesser

“The service we have received from Remploy is fantastic. As an employer we have found Remploy’s advice very helpful when recruiting people with disabilities and health conditions. The quality of applicants has been very high and have fitted into our team very well.”

Mel Gavin, City Facilities, Chesser

To find out more about our enhanced recruitment solutions, please contact: Lyn Cartwright, Edinburgh Branch Manager Tel: 0300 456 8031 Email: lyn.cartwright@remploy.co.uk

or visit: Remploy Edinburgh 22-24 Earl Grey Street Edinburgh EH3 9BN

Creating a brighter future through sustainable employment www.remploy.co.uk ECC Directory 2010.indd 65

Ref: 0418

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Getting the finances right



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Good financial advice is crucial if businesses are to survive and the best advisers are the ones who pride themselves on working with their clients in a way which makes them feel comfortable. They start by finding out what a business needs; it may be help with better financial management or it may be support applying for loans or grants to buy equipment or take on new staff. Bringing in the specialist advisers is crucial because they are the ones who know what opportunities are available and can help bring about the investment that may be required. That means an initial meeting when the adviser, be it a specialist financial services company or based within a bank, sits down with the client and draws up a detailed plan based not just on current needs but also looking to the future - maybe even doing a little dreaming with the client! Key to that is agreeing priorities. What does the client want to achieve in the short term, where do they want to be in the mid-term, what is the long-term vision? Where do they see their company in ten years and what kind of finance is required to make that possible? Through talking things honestly and sensibly, adviser and client can work together to come up with an action plan which is based on a solid financial platform, one that is sustainable and will not create problems further down the line. And the good advisers are flexible: they know that, as life progresses and businesses meet changing situations, their client’s needs and priorities will change. That means a financial plan that can be adapted when necessary. Once that initial plan has been drawn up, the process moves onto the next stage, obtaining the finance to make things happen. One way of obtaining finance is going to the banks but another way for businesses requiring injections of funds is approaching venture capitalists, who are well versed in assessing prospective partners’ financial needs and dovetailing them with their own. Even in difficult economic times, such an approach should not be dismissed out of hand because a bright idea remains a bright idea and can attract funding to turn it into reality. Indeed, there are those who argue that difficult economic times are the most important time to invest in new ideas because innovation is a key way of bringing the country out of recession. The history of British business has been scattered with tales of innovations that arose out of the need to create new markets. Sometimes, as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. However, none of this can happen without finance - and that means calling in expert help.

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Bank of Scotland

Funding for growth Small businesses have faced unprecedented challenges over the past two years, but with the UK economy moving out of recession, now is the time for firms in Edinburgh to assess their current position and consider new opportunities to expand. By investing time and capital in the right areas, companies can boost the effectiveness of their operations, gain a crucial competitive advantage and ensure they are in a strong position to capitalise as market conditions begin to improve. If investing is not a top priority for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at the moment, they should be aware that their competitors may have reorganised their operations during the downturn to become leaner, more efficient and full of new ideas. Whether this requires a firm to restructure its pricing plans, increase marketing spend or diversify its product range, it is important it creates a blueprint for growth by drawing up a solid business plan.

Key financial considerations detailing your current cash flow and your forecast for the next one to three years, including variable and fixed costs, expected turnover, margin and profit. It’s crucial that business plans are reviewed regularly, particularly during a changing economy, as market forces can impact upon product demand, the cost of raw materials and ultimately, profitability. Even if you’ve revised your business plan in the past 12 months, now is the time to revisit it. A good plan should outline how new investments will be financed. This will ensure the company can quickly capitalise on opportunities for growth without putting unnecessary pressure on cash flow.

Planning is key At the root of any business should be a well structured plan that lays the foundations for growth and shares important information with key stakeholders. It should cover a number of things, such as: An executive summary that includes your strategic direction and enables employees to work towards a common goal. A 360 degree review that details which internal and external factors impact your business. This should include the current and future economic climate, your competitors, technology and environmental regulations. It should also cover a detailed analysis of your company’s strengths and weaknesses.


Securing funding By working closely with a funding partner and sticking to a wellresearched and structured plan, SMEs will be in a good position to secure the best financial solutions for their short, medium and long-term needs. Ian Collins from Bank of Scotland, Commercial Area Director for East of Scotland, says: “By drawing up a detailed plan for growth, SMEs are well-placed to put together a strong proposal to secure funding by clearly demonstrating how the finance will enable them to reach their goals.


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“We have a strong relationship with the Chamber and are working with the organisation to promote confidence in funding amongst viable businesses with a turnover of up to £15 million that have opportunities to invest.” “At Bank of Scotland, we are consistent in our commitment by providing businesses with guidance and appropriate financial solutions they require to achieve their ambitions throughout the economic cycle. “Responsible lending and proper credit assessment remain the cornerstones of funding for SMEs, which is why we build close relationships with our customers. Through regular dialogue and updates, we seek to gain a thorough understanding of their needs and tailor our lending accordingly. “There’s no cookie cutter approach to lending, we assess each business on a case-by-case basis, putting together innovative solutions when required.” Whether you require an injection of capital to improve liquidity, seize expansion opportunities or invest in new machinery or premises, Bank of Scotland Commercial can provide a number of funding solutions. Alongside traditional loans and overdrafts, it can also provide European Investment Bank (EIB) loans and Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) loans. Funds have been made available to the bank through the EIB, enabling eligible firms to obtain a standard fixed or base rate loan. Under the initiative, SMEs can borrow up to 12.5 million to fund a project either in the UK or Eire. A typical example would be purchase, renovation or extension of business premises. However, for companies or firms that may not have the assets to back a traditional borrowing request, an EFG loan may be available. The EFG was launched by the Government in January 2009 and is available until March 2011. It is designed to help businesses secure funding typically for business growth or to boost working capital. Under EFG, the Government will guarantee lending to viable businesses and support bank loans of up to 10-year maturity to UK firms with a turnover of up to £25 million. Loans are available from £1,000 to £1 million. Lloyds Banking Group (of which Bank of Scotland is a part of) is one of the most active lenders under the EFG scheme. Since the scheme launched Lloyds Banking group has offered loans totalling £208 million to over 2,990 businesses, accounting for 29 per cent of all EFG loans offered*. *

Figures correct at 2 June 2010.

A pledge for Chamber members Further underlining its commitment to small businesses in Scotland, Bank of Scotland announced earlier this year that it will make available at least £10 million over the next 12 months to SMEs that are members of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.

“They can also act as a sounding board for ideas and can help companies access other sources of support – from specialists divisions within the bank or other professionals in the local community. “We pride ourselves on our long-term relationship-led approach to banking and are committed to providing businesses with a service that goes beyond day-to-day banking facilities.” The £10 million Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce lending will be on competitive, commercial terms and will fall under the terms outlined in Lloyds Banking Group’s 2012 SME Charter, which covers both Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB customers. Launched in November 2009, the Charter sets out a clear threeyear programme to support small businesses, detailing the bank’s commitment to clearer pricing, access to finance and encouraging enterprise. It also includes measures to help 300,000 new start-ups across the UK by 2012 and hold 200 nationwide seminars every year for the next three years. These seminars will provide expert guidance and support for SMEs on starting up, employment, exporting, bidding for government contracts, sustainability and finance. Ian says: “We believe that business optimism is the foundation of any economic upturn and the measures we announced as part of the Charter will help provide companies with the confidence to do business. “Alongside our free business guide ‘Getting ahead of the Upturn’, the Charter is one of many initiatives that will help us deliver on our promise to assist firms through both the business and economic cycle.” For more information on how Bank of Scotland can help your business, visit www.bankofscotland.co.uk/business where you can also follow links to download your free business guide ‘Getting ahead of the upturn’.

Any property given as security which may include your home, may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or other debts secured on it. All loans are subject to status and we will need your permission to carry out a credit check on you and your business. You should not apply for an amount that you cannot comfortably afford to repay. Bank of Scotland plc Registered office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ. Registered in Scotland no. SC327000. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority under number 169628.

Ian “Our relationship managers have knowledge of the local market and are empowered to authorise lending in their area.

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insolvency We look for positives in every Begbies Traynor is Scotland’s leading business re practice. The firm operates through a national netw The firm enjoys a reputation of excellence with fina creditors and all parties involved with corporate re We provide advice to a wide range of organisation individuals encountering business difficulties. Our business where possible and we have a team of d in providing innovative and positive solutions.

For further details please contact Ken Atholl Exchange, 6 Canning Street, Edinburgh, EH T: 0131 222 9060 F: 0131 222 9061 Please visit our website: www.begbies-traynor.c

Offices across the UK (including Channel Islands

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y rything we do! restructuring, rescue and recovery etwork of offices across Scotland and the UK. financial institutions, professional advisors, rescue and recovery. ons, from multinational corporations to ur emphasis is to try and rescue the f dedicated partners that specialise

en Pattullo, Paul Dounis or Alistair Dickson: EH3 8EG


ds and Isle of Man) and overseas

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Caledonia Asset Management Ltd are Chartered Financial Planners specialising in offering holistic financial planning advice, tailored investment management strategies and pension and employee benefit solutions to Private Clients, Pension Trustees, Business Owners and Corporate Entities throughout the UK and overseas. Our service is tailored to each client’s situation and is individual to them. We believe it to offer good value, common sense and pragmatic financial planning giving access to the services of a team of trusted advisers, experienced paraplanners and skilled administrative support. Our advice is impartial, independent and honest. Caledonia Asset Management is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

Caledonia Asset Management Ltd, 5 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DR T: 0131 225 4488 F: 0131 225 9988 E: info@calam.co.uk W: www.calam.co.uk

Would you like to promote your business? If you would like to promote your business in any of our publications please contact Distinctive Publishing on 0191 4788300 or email production@distinctivepublishing.co.uk Please visit www.distinctivepublishing.co.uk to view examples of our publications and a complete list of all the titles we produce.

We have a mag for that...



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FCSPD Why an external Finance Director can help Small & Medium Enterprises Sometimes it seems like accountants are taking over the world. The majority of FTSE 100 companies have CEOs with strong financial experience. Why is this? Not for the individual’s aptitude with a spreadsheet, but more importantly because the finance function touches every part of a business. It is for this very reason that a good experienced FD can add value, not just in the traditional accounting areas but across all aspects of your business. Take for example: • Commercial strategy - encompassing pricing and costing, creating a top quality business plan. • Contractual review - reviewing contracts to highlight watch outs and reduce time needed from expert lawyers. • Risk management - ensuring effective and efficient internal controls are in place, reviewing appropriateness and sufficiency. • Cash management - cash is the key driver for any business and it is imperative the time between your cash outflows and inflows is minimised. Adopting the necessary tools to ensure money due from customers is received quickly and cash outflow is controlled tightly.



• Cost control - opportunities always exist in any business to cut cost and drive out inefficiencies. Diligence here can be the difference between building a long term sustainable business or failure. • New funding - identifying the need and providing successful applications in raising new funds whether this be through the banking network, grants or equity investors. The benefits are clear but the cost of a good experienced FD can be prohibitive for many SMEs. An ideal solution is to have the services of an experienced external FD with the expertise you need to help your business in multiple areas. The flexibility this approach gives can help provide the SME with a cost effective way to acquire invaluable additional skills. Matthew Alsop (www.fcspdsupport.co.uk)




FCSPD Support provides the help and guidance you need to make your business grow, whether your company is a new start up or larger well established organisation. Expert advice is delivered in a practical and dynamic form to achieve tangible results. Services Include: Business Funding: Providing support to secure the finance needed to take your business to the next level Finance:

Financial Modelling, Analysis and Cash Flow Management


Helping to build a sales pipeline and look for new commercial opportunities for product or services


Identifying Opportunities for Growth, creating effective sales strategies and managing resource


Creating your roadmap for success


Comprehensive review of business process, followed by recommendations and implementation of improvement plans

For further information on how FCSPD Support can help to take your business forward contact mralsop@fcspdsupport.co.uk or visit our website at www.fcspdsupport.co.uk

Tel: 07974 795052 (Matthew Alsop)

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AH Bell & Co COMPANY NAME: A.H. BELL & CO (INSURANCE BROKERS) LIMITED WHO: Stephen Stormonth WEBSITE: www.bellbrokers.co.uk 1. How would you describe your role? I am a buyer! NOT a salesman; I assist my clients in buying the insurance protection to suit the particular demands and needs of their business.

2. What is your biggest success of the last 12 months? Client retention; during a very tough period for business; where every penny is a prisoner, to continue to retain the existing customers business gives enormous satisfaction.

3. What are the three most FAQ’s? - Increasingly over the last 12 months it has been “Can we have a quote for that Directors & Officers cover?” - On the rise this year has been the request for higher limits of indemnity; upwards of £10m for Public Liability and £2m for Professional Indemnity? - and as always “can we have a claim form please?”

4. What is the most common advice provided? Read the contract! Often contain conditions that require your business to hold insurance cover of a certain type (Public Liability/ Contract Works/ Rent Payable/ Professional Indemnity) and at what level of indemnity.

5. Work / Life balance – do you manage? I believe I get this right. You wouldn’t dream of being late or missing an appointment with any client – therefore I make sure I treat the family the same way; for example we all eat together each morning and evening.


6. What do you do in your spare time?

Direct rect Line: 0131 442 2493

Spent with the family - watching football, taking the boys to see Queens Park and now that I live in the capital I get along to Edinburgh City games occasionally. More recently I have discovered downhill mountain biking – although there are not enough brave pills in the world that will make me tackle some of the drops these boys take on!

Mobile: 07843 075 434 Fax: 0131 442 4454 E-Mail: stormonths@bellbrokers.co.uk Web: www.bellbrokers.co.uk


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Directors irectors Liability With increasing risks from new legislation changing your responsibilities as a business and the UK’s fast growing compensation culture, you may want to consider if you and your company have sufficient insurance cover in place. For example, consider the following situations and ask yourself whether your company could afford the costs of its defence if: • Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs alleges incorrect payment of tax? • the Health & Safety Executive investigate your business following injury to an employee? • an employee alleges sexual harassment?

A.H. BELL & CO (INSURANCE BROKERS) LIMITED We are an independent owner managed company and a founder member of the highly respected Willis Commercial Network.The Willis Commercial Network places in excess of £400m premium each year into the UK insurance market.The leverage of this considerable buying power enables us to obtain exceptionally competitive premiums and wider policy coverage.

Employment Practice Liability There are now so many Acts introduced that to try and help HR departments/Employment Specialists keep up, they are now only introduced twice yearly, on 1st March and 1st October each year. ■ Unfair Dismissal ■ Constructive Dismissal ■ Unfair Selection for Redundancy ■ Sex, Race, Disability, Age Discrimination ■ Maximum compensation for unfair dismissal is £66,200 ■ Compensation for Discrimination is Unlimited ■ 238,546 employees took their employer to tribunal during 2008 ■ Cost of legal representation at a one day hearing varies between £3,000 and £5,000.These costs are not recoverable if you win the case

Our status as an independent broker enables us to build and maintain close working relationships with our clients ensuring that we offer excellent standards of service not only when first arranging a policy but throughout the year and at renewal. In addition to the traditional covers we are increasingly assisting our clients to buy the following types of insurance protection: Professional Indemnity Why do you need professional indemnity? In an ever-growing compensation culture, the simplest slip can prove ruinously costly and the threat of litigation can shred your reputation as well as company funds. Professional indemnity insurance covers you for liabilities that arise from negligent advice or services provided – helping to protect your good name and giving you the freedom to run your business with confidence.

Telephone: 0131 442 2493 Fax: 0131 442 4454 Email: stormonths@bellbrokers.co.uk 56 Baberton Mains Gardens , Edinburgh, EH14 3BX


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As Financial Planning Consultants we find that the problem facing many business owners and professionals is time. They struggle to deal with increasing paper work, become stressed managing staff and client issues and have difficulty in making key strategic business decisions. As a result of these pressures many successful business people lack the time or inclination to effectively plan for life beyond work. At Brodie MacLean we understand these challenges. We work with successful business owners and professionals helping them to see the wider picture. Through our structured planning programmes we can help you to clearly understand what you want from life, to see where your current arrangements are taking you and to take appropriate and effective action to turn thoughts into reality. Working with Brodie MacLean will save you time. Having a coherent plan will help reduce stress and improve the likelihood of achieving the life you want.

181a Whitehouse Road, Edinburgh EH4 6BU Telephone 0131 625 2005 Web – www.brodiemaclean.co.uk Email: stephen@brodiemaclean.co.uk

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abacus asset

Abacus Asset Finance is one of Scotland’s leading and most progressive independent finance brokers, which has been serving the business community since it was established in 2000. We specialize in making your life easier. By getting to know you and your business, we can provide you with a personalized solution whenever you need to talk about your asset finance requirements. We have the expertise to advise you about a comprehensive range of funding options and our long-standing relationships with many of the major financial institutions have enabled us to secure funding for our customers. We recognise that our continued success relies upon the quality of service we provide, which is why we believe in forming excellent partnerships with our customers and suppliers, creating confidence in our ability to supply the most attractive finance options available. Providing flexible funding packages tailor-made for everything from vehicle and machinery finance to agriculture and computer equipment – be assured, abacus asset finance can find the lender for you. To see how abacus can bring a tailor made solution to your business, call 0131 452 8090 or email info@abacusasset.co.uk.


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iXSurvey SAS 46, Quai Francois Mitterand 13600 La Ciotat - France Tel: +33 (0) 442 71 33 33 Fax: +33 (0) 1 30 08 86 01

iXSurvey Ltd 6 West Shore Business Centre - Long Rigg West Shore Road Edinburgh EH51QT - Scotland Tel: + 44 (0) 131 552 0303 Fax: + 44 (0) 131 552 6619

iXSurvey Australia PTY LTD Unit 8, 333 Queensport Road Murarrie QLD 4172 Australia Tel: + 61 (0) 7 3390 8899 Fax: +61 (0) 7 339 072 42

www.ixsurvey.com ECC Directory 2010.indd 80

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Opportunities presented by the green revolution One of the most remarkable Edinburgh business stories in recent years has been the role it has played in the development of the offshore industry. The city is already home to a number of companies specialising in the type of offshore support services needed by the oil and gas industry and is home to some of the country’s foremost specialists in the field. However, it has also been building on that expertise and has been developing a niche in underpinning the growth of the renewables industry. Strengthening that commitment is the realisation that Edinburgh has been identified as the ideal place to drive forward Scotland’s national commitment to offshore wind turbines. Indeed, the Scottish Enterprise Renewable Infrastructure Plan named Leith as the best site in the country for manufacturing and constructing turbines, which could lead to at least 700 new jobs over the next five years, with the potential to create thousands more. Proposals for a £7 billion offshore windfarm in the Firth of Forth with 600 turbines have already been given the go-ahead as part of a major initiative to develop wind energy, which would see 7,000 turbines around the UK coast. First Minister Alex Salmond has forecast that Scotland can take advantage of that enthusiasm for offshore renewables and that the industry will create 20,000 jobs in Scotland within just ten years. Leith is well placed to fare well after being identified in the National Renewable Infrastructure Plan, which warned that if suitable sites were not found for turbine manufacture and construction there was a risk that offshore wind developers would source equipment outside of Scotland. The report put Leith at the top of the list of sites to be developed in the first phase of locations because it is well placed, not only for the Firth of Forth windfarm, but also those proposed for the Moray Firth in the north and Dogger Bank, off the east coast of England. Now Scottish Enterprise is working with port authorities to prepare more detailed plans and attract investment to the sites. And it’s not just wind offering hope for the future, the tide is turning for another industry as well. The exciting Pelamis project has taken another major stride forward after the first P2 Pelamis was officially named in a ceremony in Leith Docks, Edinburgh, where it was designed and built by Pelamis Wave Power Limited The wave energy convertor, which has been produced for the German utility E.ON, was named Vágr Atferð (Old Norse for wave power) and can use wave power to create electricity, another example of Edinburgh being well placed to take advantage of the renewables revolution. What is also exciting for the area is that number of opportunities provided by the new industries within support sectors with companies using well-established traditional skills to help develop and maintain the new generation of companies.



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IX Survey

Human Excellence... ...Excellent Surveys iXSurvey is worldwide marine survey company specialising in geophysical, hydrographic, oceanographic, and metocean surveys. The company’s experienced survey and engineering personnel deliver: Geophysical site investigations; Hydrographic surveys; Oceanographic measurements; Biological and environmental studies; Sea trials and marine equipment testing. Services are delivered to clients as a specifically tailored, integrated package. Recent projects have been in the renewable energy sector, environmental assessment, nautical charting, cable routes and pipeline surveys, and harbour dredge surveys. Typical survey tools include Multibeam Bathymetry, Side-Scan Sonar, Sub-Bottom profiler, Gradiometer, Dye Tracing and Drogue Tracking and Current Profiling. Data Analyses and 3D Spatial Modelling results and Charting are delivered to client individual specifications, commonly as GIS and CAD data files, and traditional paper Charts.

Hydrographic and Geophysical Surveys

Environmental and Biological Studies Marine and estuarine environments are facing increasing and significant pressures, which include physical and chemical transformation, habitat destruction and changes in biodiversity. Causes of these changes include construction and land reclamation, pollution, exploitation of marine resources, unmanaged tourism, introduction of alien species and climate change. Results gained as a result of detailed environmental and biological surveys provide important information to stakeholders and other users of the marine environment to assist with understanding habitats and to determine the effects and likely effects of changes.

The acquisition of hydrographic and geophysical data is of fundamental importance for ensuring safety of life at sea and is a key stage in the development of offshore and coastal engineering projects. Information from a well planned and executed survey can bring benefits and cost savings, while increasing understanding of marine operating environments. Accurately charted surveys are also vital to the maintenance of safety of life at sea and to effectively assess cost implications of dredging, both in terms of maintenance and extraction.

iXSurvey has extensive experience in the provision of environmental and biological studies in marine and freshwater environments.

iXSurvey has extensive experience in the delivery of single beam and multibeam surveys to IHO specifications, and employs an experienced team of Category A and B Hydrographic Surveyors. The company also undertakes site investigations using a variety of systems, including sidescan sonar, sub-bottom pinger, boomer and chirp profilers, magnetometers and gradiometers and physical sampling equipment.

Sea Trials and Equipment Testing

Meteorological and Oceanographic Services The acquisition of meteorological and oceanographic data is a key stage in the development of offshore and coastal engineering projects.Real-time or measured data may be utilised to optimise the efficiency and effectiveness of a wide variety of marine operations, and to assist in the identification and assessment of the effects of actual or proposed changes in the marine environment. iXSurvey measures meteorological and oceanographic parameters in marine environments ranging from the coastal zone to the deep ocean.

The company carries out a wide variety of data collection surveys, including identification and mapping of habitats, fisheries assessments, and impact surveys on marine benthic communities and food webs. Results from surveys are assimilated and presented using GIS and other software packages.

iXSurvey’s office and workshop in La Ciotat, between Marseille and Toulon, are located in an unique and strategic position in the Mediterranean. Our facilities include adjacent deep-water berths, enabling vessels to tie up alongside the base. The waters offshore La Ciotat offer customers a wide variety of bathymetric regimes - deep canyons and very shallow waters are all accessible within a few hours’ steaming, allowing equipment to be tested under very different and challenging conditions.

6 West Shore Business Centre - Long Craig Rigg West Shore Road Edinburgh - EH5 1QT - SCOTLAND Tel : + 44 (0) 131 552 0303 Fax : + 44 (0) 131 552 6619

The company owns and operates a wide variety of systems, including acoustic doppler current profilers, physical and chemical sampling sensors and wave buoys. Data may be reported, where required, in real time to web accessible servers.



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Mutibeam Bathymetry Image, seabed floor. Created using QINSy, Caris, ArcGIS 10

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Keeping on the right side of the law



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The law, it is said, is a minefield, which is why seeking expert legal advice is crucial in so many situations. Those people who have tried to save money by dispensing with the services of a solicitor have often found themselves deep in trouble because they ignored that basic mantra. The reason lawyers are so important lies in the complexity of law, a complexity that is constantly changing. Very few laws are simple and in an age where a compensation culture is increasingly prevalent, getting the right advice at the right time is important. That is why it makes sense to call in a lawyer - there are no false economies when it comes to legal matters. Take business law: everything from health and safety rules to retail legislation can present challenges and a single mistake can lead to a potentially costly breach. The result of such a mistake could be a fine, a court appearance or a large compensation pay-out - as well as serious problems for valued employees. The damage to the reputation of a company falling foul of such legislation can be huge so it makes sense to understand the way such law works. There is also a myriad of law surrounding competition: when is an advert unfair, is a product over-hyped, are the statements made about it correct, is an unfair advantage being taken over a competitor? What is allowed, what is not? Each and every one of these may require expert legal guidance and it is always worth seeking out those companies that specialise in the field in question, if only to put the mind at rest.. The reason? Whereas much of the law may seem straightforward, there are always elements that are complex, or constantly changing, so it makes sense to employ someone whose job it is to advise clients of such issues. A general lawyer, for instance, can advise on a wide range of legal issues and is often the best place for clients to seek out the help they need. However, a general lawyer may not know enough about more specialised areas of legislation, such as patents or anti-competitive law. Some practices employ specialists who can help or will be able to recommend someone who can assist. Whatever the area of legal expertise, the basic, overriding message is never to mess with the law. Never assume that you know better than the experts, never gamble on the ‘barrack room lawyer’ who reckons they are right. It can cost an awful lot to find out that they are not. Ignoring the advice can be as costly as it comes and the best way to secure reputation and company bank balance is to go to the experts.

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Turcan Connell The power of the joined-up approach The tectonic plates that have defined the professional services market are shifting, probably at the greatest rate for many years. Traditionally, different disciplines have maintained relatively clear and distinct identities. Law firms have been dominated by lawyers providing legal services to a variety of client types, similarly, accountancy firms have been dominated by accountants, stockbroking firms by stockbrokers and IFA businesses by financial advisers. In other words, firms have been defined by the knowledge of their senior staff, rather than by the needs of their clients. The era of “you do your job, I’ll do mine” is passing. Looking back, there are several key drivers that have led to these often strict boundaries being broken down. First, firms have begun to differentiate between services delivered to corporate and private clients, with a strong orientation to one or other group of clients emerging in almost all cases, to the extent that the ‘non core’ activity has often either withered or been separated off. A second influence is regulation, with the constant shift and creep of regulation in all its forms forcing senior management of firms to (re)orientate their businesses, processes and people to suit the most appropriate regulator and regulatory environment. The Financial Services Act of 1986 and ‘Big Bang’ brought de-regulation to the City of London, unwinding fixed commissions and the strict delineation of stock exchange related businesses. In Scotland we are now seeing the spectre of deregulation in the legal services industry, as the impact of Sir David Clementi’s report is felt with the proposed introduction of Alternative Business Structures (ABS). For firms adopting an inter-disciplinary model, such as Turcan Connell, the proposed ABS reforms will allow for professionals across a firm to join the Partnership. This not only illustrates the equal value placed on non-legal professionals, but also reflects the demands a client places on a multidisciplinary business. The third and probably most powerful force is, of course, competition. As the traditional boundaries between different disciplines have eroded, opportunities have emerged for firms led by managers with vision. Competition inherently


Alex Montgomery

breeds innovation and a review of the legal services industry illustrates how firms have been positioning themselves to gain a competitive advantage in advance of the ABS proposals. Traditionally, the defining characteristic of law firms has been the legal training and expertise of their professional staff. Such firms have been the obvious place for each new generation of lawyers to ply their trade, irrespective of their preferred area of specialism. The larger law firms tended to provide a very wide range of legal services to a broad range of clients, including:

individuals; companies; charities and public sector organisations. The biggest firms tended to develop a focus on corporate and commercial work which often left their private client teams in a significant minority. Over the last 10-15 years some of the largest of these ‘full service’ firms splintered, with elements separating out to form niche businesses with a clear vision to focus on a particular area. Examples include the teams that left Dundas & Wilson to focus on private clients (Turcan Connell) and residential property (Olivers). This


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ECC SPECIAL FEATURE increased focus displays a general desire to provide a better service for their clients through an explicit commitment to their core competencies. Another form of change has also been evident, with certain firms broadening their focus, not in terms of target client types but

services being delivered by firms that would previously have characterised themselves as stockbrokers, investment managers, private banks, IFAs, lawyers or accountants. This can be confusing for clients as the term ‘wealth management’ has not yet settled on a clear definition.

on delivering a single service. Our own experience at Turcan Connell is that clients are realising that co-ordinating a range of single discipline advisers is difficult, time consuming and potentially risky. Multiple advisors only exaggerate the risk of errors being made, either through miscommunication or inadvertent mismanagement. This can lead, for example, to missed investment opportunities and avoidable tax liabilities. Clients are increasingly looking to simplify their affairs by reducing the range of advisers and relying on a key trusted and proactive adviser to coordinate all services for them. Where will all of this lead? Ultimately, the logical conclusion must be for firms to extend the development and integration of their services as far as is required, to mould them as effectively as possible to suit all of the needs of their clients. This has been the vision of Turcan Connell since its inception in 1997. Today the firm’s services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team of lawyers, tax planners, investment managers and financial planners working together out of offices in Edinburgh, London and Guernsey. All are involved in knitting together the firm’s expertise to optimise the delivery of a customised, integrated service to suit each client - ultimately in the form of the firm’s flagship wealth management service Turcan Connell Family Office. Turcan Connell Family Office is built around the principle of ‘trusted counsel’ – a constant source of sophisticated advice, guiding the family on every aspect of their affairs. We blend tradition with modern thinking to structure the family’s affairs in order to provide absolute peace of mind that all aspects have been considered in depth and from every angle.

Robin Fulton

rather in terms of service offering to their target clients. One of the clearest examples of this change has been the emergence of the term ‘wealth management’ as a broad definition to cover firms providing financial advisory, investment management and related services to private clients. This has been a recent development, with the new term ‘wealth management’ being used to describe

But why has this new term become so widely used? The reason is an increased demand from clients for greater integration of services. The managers of many firms that now describe themselves as providing wealth management services realised that they could protect and develop their client relationships most effectively if they broadened their range of services beyond their original focus

Each family receives a service that is personal to them and which integrates the skills of a powerful team of professionals including leading private client lawyers and specialists in investment management, financial and retirement planning, property, tax compliance, tax planning and trust accounting. Each family has a dedicated Partner who oversees the service at all times, ensuring the highest quality of stewardship of the family’s affairs. By Alex Montgomery, Partner and Head of Asset Management and Robin Fulton, Partner, Turcan Connell.

For more information on Turcan Connell Family Office, email familyoffice@turcanconnell.com or speak to Joanne Keir on 0131 228 8111. Alternatively, visit our website www.turcanconnell.com.

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Morton Fraser

Employment law: stay connected Employment law is an increasingly specialised area of the law. It is also an area which is susceptible to changing and emerging legislation making it all the more important to keep on top of the latest developments. At Morton Fraser our Employment Team take a very proactive approach and work in partnership with HR professionals to provide the best possible advice. We take our role as legal advisors very seriously and as such know the value of trusted counsel. Nowadays the majority of businesses are focusing on reducing costs and seeking out efficiencies where possible. Our Employment Team is committed to developing new ways of providing services to best suit our clients’ needs as well as communicating with and updating clients and contacts by developing innovative ways of using new technology to do so. One of the ways in which Morton Fraser is able to do this is through the provision of our Employment Protection Package. Launched in early 2010, the package is designed to protect organisations against Employment Tribunal claims. Businesses will receive an annual health check to ensure employment documentation is up to date and a helpline to provide advice on any new matters which arise. This is backed by insurance cover protecting against the risk of most Tribunal awards up to £250,000. Our offering has already proved popular and has enabled us to win new clients in a competitive marketplace.


The value of such protection can be illustrated by referring to the Tribunals Service’s annual statistics for the period 2009/2010. The Report states that the number of Employment Tribunal claims in 2009/10 were 56% higher than the previous year. In total a staggering 236,100 claims were received in 2009/2010. The Report attributes the increase to the economic climate and to multiple claims (claims brought by a number of Claimants together but arising from same or similar circumstances, for example equal pay or Working Time Regulations claims). The costs associated with Employment Tribunals are significant and it is important to remember that even if an employer successfully defends a claim, it is unlikely that the claimant will be required to meet the successful employer’s costs. Our proactive approach means that we can work with you to ensure that the necessary policies and procedures are in place as well as


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ECC SPECIAL FEATURE providing ongoing advice and guidance on employment issues in order to minimise the risk of an employment claim being raised. In addition to our employment protection package, we have also developed a free iPhone application – MF HR MOBILE. The first of its kind in the UK, the application ensures you are kept up to date with the latest legal developments as well as providing instantly accessible employment law checklists and facts and figures. The app can be downloaded in the Apple Store, apps section, by searching for “MF HR MOBILE”. Some of the services the application offers include information about Employment Tribunal awards, family friendly leave rights, a disciplinary meeting checklist, a redundancy checklist and an outline of the statutory retirement process. It also automatically gives access to our monthly Employment E-bulletin which provides details of the latest employment law developments. With the iPhone now available across a number of different networks, it is one of the fastest growing ways of accessing information on the move and an ideal platform to add to the range of ways we communicate with our clients.

We have launched these to be used in conjunction with our iPhone app, as we believe that the app provides an ideal way for users to access our podcasts. Our podcasts can also be accessed here www.morton-fraser.com/services/employment/podcast. In addition, partner and head of employment law Innes Clark writes an employment law blog which provides updates on employment law and HR news and developments as they arise. Our blog can be accessed here www.morton-fraser.com/blog/employment. To find out more about what the Team can do for you and your organisation, contact: Innes Clark on 0131 247 1181 or at innes.clark@morton-fraser.com or visit http://www.morton-fraser.com/services/employment

The Team has also recently launched a series of podcasts which provide audio files containing an outline of some of the most important areas of employment law. These are aimed at providing employers with sound practical rather than legal advice on common problem areas such as absence management, performance management and disciplinary issues.

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A law firm for life science and other innovative nnovative businesses We make the effort to understand your business and your goals, looking beyond nd the obvious legal constructs to identify egotiate your contracts or in the strategy we the best way forward for you. This may be reflected in the way we draft or negotiate rk closely with other business experts around propose for your intellectual property but we also try to look further and work nsultants to marketing and PR firms, as w the world from clinical trial managers to manufacturers and from regulatory consultants well veryone we work with shares our vision of as more traditional service providers such as patent agents and accountants. Everyone providing quality, business orientated support to give your idea the best chance of success. We are particularly pproud of our IP Elevator – an innovative programme combining IP strategy and PR to give youngg companies a boost at critical stages in their development. In addition to providing legal services we also offer mediation of commercial disputes, due diligence for potential investors and training in a variety of topics at both an academic and practical level – popular courses include intellectual property, negotiation skills and various business/management techniques.

To discuss how we might help you develop your business call Patricia Barclay. 0131 202 6527 enquiries@bonaccord.eu www.bonaccord.eu

Immigration Specialists DavidsonMorris is a leading specialist UK immigration law firm. Our clients range from private individuals to multi-national Global 2000 companies and we provide a personal service, responsive to both commercial and individual requirements. We offer a suite of legal services and compliance management solutions to help businesses reduce compliance risk and effectively manage their obligations under the Points Based Immigration System. © f Xw {z i { i b y{ y{ w yw © Y{ ¢yw { | i ~ w z j { H w w yw | { {{ © j { G >]{ { w ? ^ }~ i {z c } w w w yw © _ } w y w y{ w z © _ C~ { w } w z { w

T 0845 413 7000 E info@davidsonmorris.com W www.davidsonmorris.com 94


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Relocating your business to the Edinburgh region It makes good business sense to locate a company in the Edinburgh City Region, which has an international reputation in fields including science, business, education and the arts, as well as being Scotland’s judicial and administrative centre. Edinburgh was crowned the Best Small City of the Future and Top Location for Economic Potential 2010/11 in the Financial Times fDi magazine awards and offers investors plenty of reasons to set up. For a start, the city region offers investors a highly educated and skilled workforce as well as access to UK, European and English-speaking markets, a stable political and supportive fiscal environment, a competitive economy with potential for growth and an unbeatable quality of life. Underpinning a lot of what the city does is Edinburgh City Region’s status as the UK’s second largest financial centre after London and Europe’s fourth by equity assets. It also has vibrant general insurance, corporate finance, broking and professional services sectors and the financial services talent pool is broad, skilled and exceptionally well-qualified, with a high proportion of graduates. Those graduates play a crucial role in the City Region’s burgeoning reputation for innovation, which has given it an international reputation for its knowledge economy, including research and development. Indeed, Edinburgh City Region’s workforce is one of the most highly qualified in the UK with 45.1% of the population holding a degree level or professional qualification. That has helped to make the Edinburgh City Region internationally renowned for its academic research base and track record in commercialisation and technology transfer. Such advantages has made Edinburgh and its environs a magnet for employers and influencers and some of the world’s most important companies have a presence in the city. That has helped Edinburgh create the UK’s strongest city economy, helped by its excellent transport service, good communications networks, potential for quality property investment, a rich creative environment and an excellent quality of life with museums, the famed Castle and other attractions. Crucially for businesses, there are plenty of organisations on standby to help companies make the move into Scotland’s capital city and thrive when they have arrived, City of Edinburgh Council has established a broad strategy for action as it rises to the challenges currently affecting the world’s economy and a wide variety of European Funding is helping new and growing businesses and industries in the Edinburgh City Region. Scottish Development International (SDI) promotes international trade and inward investment for developing knowledge industries in Scotland and can help businesses identify grants and financial assistance available in Scotland. Also, Scottish Enterprise offer a wide variety of funding and support to help develop innovative business ideas. Scottish Enterprise can also help connect private sector investors with Scottish businesses. Can you afford to locate your business in Edinburgh and its surroundings? Perhaps it’s the wrong question. Perhaps the question is can you really afford not to?



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Conferences & exhibitions

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Conferences & exhibitions ECC SPECIAL FEATURE

Providing the personal touch Anyone in business will tell you that, despite the rapid advances in communications technology, face-to-face contact remains the best way of bringing in new contracts and retaining existing ones.

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Conferences & exhibitions

For many businesspeople, the place to do that is conferences, exhibitions and trade shows: humans still have a fundamental need to look each other in the eye when communicating. Flexible and efficient as it is, the Internet simply cannot satisfy that basic requirement and many people like to do their business face to face at such events. Events are also excellent because they offer companies the chance to present their wares in a way which encourages visitors to spend a little time browsing through the material on offer. In an increasingly fast-paced world, having the chance to take a little time is invaluable. That initial interest in your products and services can, in turn, allow for conversations to start, relationships to develop and deals to be struck, either on the spot or in follow-up meetings after the all-important exchange of cards.


Many a longstanding business relationship started with a chance meeting at a conference. So what are you looking for if you are trying to organise an event? Well, one of the key factors is a good location, somewhere easy to reach and attractive for people looking to attend, especially if they will be staying overnight. That means not just having good conference facilities but the scope to provide quality food and relaxing areas where delegates can gather informally. When assessing the venue you are looking for a number of other important factors. Can the venue cope with the numbers expected to be delegates, has it got a good meeting room, will it provide equipment like projectors and Internet access, are the staff friendly and flexible in helping you meet your needs?

If the answers to those questions are yes then the event is likely to be a success. Experienced venue managers and their staff already know what is important to their users and will do everything in their power to make sure that the delegates’ needs are met. Their staff have been training in conference management and know that the human touch is just as important as the right equipment. The good venues are the ones that can tailor themselves to providing the exact needs of the event organisers - and there are plenty of them around. There are also plenty of specialist event organisers, companies that will take the pain out of the process. Their staff know the best venues for a company’s needs and often have good relationships with local venue so that they can secure the best deals possible. Hiring their services is money well spent.


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s ckage a p e t ing: elega Day d day includ w e N er £38 p m o r f ffee o tries and c d tea its and pas t e t i m en m Unli ted biscu p i Equi Unlim dio Visual epads u ot Free A nference n t o fe Free c d Cold Buf n a t o H from

To celebrate the completion of The Lothian SSuite at The Best Western Kings Manor and the n new Conference Packages we are offering some sparkling incentives to our first 50 bookings...

es ackag e p r u o at 24 h deleg r e p £123

The Conference Office Best Western Kings Manor Hotel 100 Milton Road East Edinburgh EH15 2NP Tel 0131 468 8007 Email alister.paul@kingsmanor.com

If you book one of the first 50 of our day packages or 24 hour packages for 40 delegates or more in our New Lothian Suite you will get a choose one of the following: 1. A chocolate fountain to enliven your afternoon tea breaks! 2. A leisure club membership for Fountain Spa for 2 people for a whole month! 3. A free nightaway for two people!


Apex Hotels Stylish hotels in Edinburgh’s city centre

Stylish, Central and Chic Apex Hotels set the standard for the ultimate in city chic. ‘Urban glamour meets contemporary comfort’ is very much the philosophy behind Apex Hotels. Our hotels boast excellent facilities and attention to detail.

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0844 365 0001 or e-mail edinburgh.events@apexhotels.co.uk apexhotels.co.uk Apex Hotels | London | Edinburgh | Dundee

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Getting the training right There is an often-voiced concern that in difficult economic times, too many companies regard training as a luxury, not a necessity, that they see it as a waste of money at a time when budgets are tight. However, the opposite is true because well trained employees are invaluable to the success of a business, particularly when trading conditions are tough. Why? Because in today’s business landscape, training can be the difference between a company surviving and a business that takes advantages of the opportunities as they open up. Train your staff to spot those opportunities and anything is possible So investing in training is important. But why? Well, here are some reasons Improved recruiting A reputation for training staff is likely to attract a better calibre of applicant. Hanging onto staff When people know that a company believes in their personal development, they are more likely to stay with that company for a longer period of time. Some managers complain that they train staff who then leave. Well, it does happen but you lessen the chances if staff see their chances for advancement with their current employer. Improved output A well trained team that wants to stay with company produces stability and results in a more productive, enthusiastic and motivated workforce. But, how can this be achieved? Here’s a checklist Start at the top All layers of the company must believe that training is important and be committed to developing a learning atmosphere. Senior managers should lead the way in this, showing how highly they value training. Fitting in with the company’s aims Training should fit in with the company’s strategic plan. Training should help employees develop both technical mastery and interpersonal skills such as effective communication, dispute resolution, quality management and team building, and it should be wrapped up within the company’s strategy for growth. Finding out what is needed Designing a training strategy should begin with an accurate assessment of what you do well and what needs improvement. Begin by documenting current performance and compare that against what could be achieved. Ask some tough questions: what is holding your team back? What skills do your people lack? What do they need to do the job better? Get the delivery right There are many ways to deliver training – classroom, mentoring, computer-assisted and webenabled. Choose the most effective delivery method for your team given your objectives. Following up After the completion of the training, you must provide an opportunity to apply the skills. People should not successfully learn the skills without being given the chance to use them on the job. Most companies realise that they need help in putting their ideas into practice, and that means bringing in specialist training businesses. Specialists understand now just the subject which they teach but also the way people learn, ensuring that money invested in training is well spent. Ignoring the advice can be as costly as it comes and the best way to secure reputation and company bank balance is to go to the experts.

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Qualifications to do the business SQA is Scotland’s national accreditation and awarding body. Many people know us for the qualifications taken in schools and colleges but we also offer a wide range of qualifications and services designed to support businesses like yours. Qualifications are an essential tool in validating training and learning but they must be relevant and flexible meeting the requirements of industry now and in the future. We understand employers need staff with up-to-date, relevant and specific occupational skills, and SQA qualifications provide these skills and more. Whether supporting the development of new skills, updating existing ones or changing from one skill set to another, our qualifications develop essential and transferable skills and abilities such as the five Core Skills (communication, numeracy, problem solving, working with others and ICT) along with employability, enterprise, and entrepreneurship so that people are prepared for entering the work place, or bring innovation and new ideas to the work they already do. We have a strong and consistent track record of work with employers, Sector Skills Councils and professional bodies. This close partnership ensures that we design and develop qualifications that are fit-for-purpose and reflect the needs of the industries and sectors they support.


In conjunction with Scotland’s diverse business community, colleges and industry organisations we develop qualifications that span all sectors and levels supporting learning and progression from apprentices through to director level. These are available in a wide variety of vocational areas and subjects at different SCQF levels to suit the needs of both employers and learners, covering essential areas such as management, finance and IT to specialist portfolios for sectors such as Oil and Gas and Care. Whatever your need, our extensive experience as an internationally recognised provider of qualifications, assessment and quality assurance can support your business and staff development. Our diverse range of qualifications includes National Certificates, National Progression Awards, Higher National Certificates and Diplomas, Scottish Vocational Qualifications and Professional Development Awards.


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ECC SPECIAL FEATURE National Certificates (NCs) and National Progression Awards (NPAs)

SCQF Credit Rating

Available in a wide range of subjects, these qualifications are designed to provide specific skills as well as underpinning the employability skills that employers are looking for.

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is designed to help both employers and learners understand and compare the range of qualifications and how they relate to each other.

They are a gateway into work on a particular career path, or help learners progress to the next stage of study at college or university.

For qualifications or learning programmes to be included in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), they must have their SCQF credit rating and level formally confirmed. SQA is a recognised Credit Rating Body for this purpose.

Higher National Certificates and Diplomas (HNCs and HNDs) HNCs and HNDs are credible, flexible qualifications, which are designed to deliver the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of today’s businesses. Developed in partnership with further education colleges, universities, and industry and commerce, they are vocational qualifications delivered in colleges and focus on practical skills and their application in the workplace.

Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) can provide a framework for focused, on-the-job training and development. They are an excellent way of making sure that your staff development programme and your business strategy go hand-in-hand. SVQs are based on national standards of performance developed by representatives from industry and commerce.

Your organisation can apply now to SQA Credit Rating Service to have your qualifications and learning programmes credit rated.

SQA Endorsement This service can endorse your qualifications/assessed training programmes or resources. Endorsement by SQA demonstrates your qualification/programme or resource delivers its stated aims and objectives; is constantly reviewed and kept up to date; underpins good practice; and encourages a culture of learning. SQA offers two types of endorsement - of non SQA qualifications/ assessed training programmes or endorsement of resources which support the delivery of SQA qualifications and awards. Companies who are successful in securing SQA Endorsment can use the SQA Endorsed logo on in-house certificates for the endorsed qualifications/training programmes and promotional materials.

There are several ways that your business can implement SVQs. By becoming an SQA approved centre, your organisation can apply to deliver SVQs in-house. For some companies, particularly SMEs, it may be more effective in terms of costs and resources to establish a partnership with a college or training provider or even a consortium of other employers.

Professional Development Awards (PDAs) The need for sharp, flexible, focused education, skills and training at a high level is strongly recognised. Professional Development Awards (PDAs) are designed to develop and deliver these skills. They are quick and cost effective to deliver, so are ideal for developing the skills of young people, graduates, and other adult learners. They are ideal Continuing Professional Development (CPD) so employers can enhance the skills of their employees. PDAs can be undertaken at colleges and other providers across Scotland.

Specialised Awards and Services Customised Awards offers the opportunity to develop a qualification that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of your business. They are competence based qualifications designed to allow the customer flexibility in the design, content and format of the qualification. Support is provided by SQA in the development of the qualification, the creation of the award on SQA systems and the design of the certificate and providing quality assurance.There is also the opportunity to have the award credit rated onto the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Find out More We are committed to the ongoing process of developing new qualifications to meet the ever changing needs of the people of Scotland and the needs of the Scottish economy, while ensuring that access to those courses is open to all. For more information about SQA, our qualifications and services, visit www.sqa.org.uk Our dedicated Business Development Team is on hand to provide expert advice and support. Contact them at mycentre@sqa.org.uk today

Customised Awards can also help a company meet regulatory requirements and to demonstrate the competence of its employees to external parties.

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Able People Development

“In those fields which I have studied, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is much more powerful than IQ in determining who emerges as a leader.” Warren Bennis, ‘On Becoming a Leader’

Specialists in emotional intelligence

A new breed of emotional intelligence coach and consultant is changing the face of learning and development in Scotland. Our innovative leadership training, team development, coaching and facilitation services are now available for the first time in 2010 to help you raise your game and deliver increasingly superior performance for your business.

the root of most cases of poor performance and business under achievement. More than ever, we need emotionally intelligent leadership to help change that.

The hard headed business case for emotional intelligence recognises that academic qualifications and professional skills account for only part of a person’s effectiveness at work. Much more important for long term success and significant contribution to the business is their ability to handle themselves, and their relationships at work, in a collaborative and productive way. Unfortunately, people problems and poor working relationships seem to be at

We aim to make a difference for our clients during this critical phase of the economic recovery, by providing innovative, cost effective products and services, like the new EI-based Individual Potential Accelerator development tool, and the online resource Towards a Coaching Culture (see page 127).

Our mission is to make leadership coaching and personal/team development based on applied emotional intelligence accessible to as wide an audience as possible in Scotland.

And we will seek to positively engage with people through our coaching and development programmes.

Here is just a sample of what we have in store for 2010:

Relationship Management – the essential skill for the 21st century

Emotionally Intelligent leadership – the hard stuff of soft skills

Delivering as a team – healthy team attitudes build cohesion

Living the values – developing congruence in your organisation

If our approach fits with yours, please get in touch with Mac Farquhar, owner and accredited coach, by email mac@ablepeople.co.uk or by phone on 0131 664 5004 or 07710 447770.


COMMUNICATE Interpersonal and Communication Skills Training and Consultancy

Times of significant change require a catalyst for new ways of thinking How productive is your training? Is there a better, faster way to achieve the learning and business outcomes you need for your staff, managers, teams, departments? Now the smart money is on engaging a training expert who will work with your people to help them achieve business goals through practical and targeted skills development. The key: the consultative first step which ■ clarifies your organisational aims for the training ■ identifies individual developmental needs ■ sets the trajectory for measurable outcomes at the end of the training


Established 1987, COMMUNICATE designs fast-paced, highly interactive training events backed by on-line coaching and post-course reference material. We deliver results that positively impact efficiency, morale and sustainable growth. We specialise in interpersonal and communication skills, management development, team building and executive coaching. We’re just a phone call away. Please visit our website or contact us to discuss your priority needs.

COMMUNICATE Tel: +44 (0)131 667 4587 80 Grange Loan Edinburgh EH9 2EP info@communicate-consultants.com www.communicate-consultants.com


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9G success through seeing How can you get the most out of yourself and your staff? Wouldn’t it be good if everyone got on at work? What would it be like if you understood your customers even better? We are 9G, success through seeing - a UK-based training consultancy, and we’re about: • communicating effectively • giving constructive feedback • managing conflict • creating high-performing teams • improving your leadership • transforming yourself Why choose 9G? What makes 9G special is the Enneagram. It has a history dating back 3000 years, but recently it has been developed and shaped by the very latest understanding of personality types. It values every individual and offers clear steps forward for personal development and growth, enabling businesses to:

• build effective teams that are good to work in • resolve internal conflicts through improved relationships • be more responsive to clients’ needs through better understanding.

Who are 9G? We are Eric Foggitt and Tineke Pietersz - members of the Enneagram Institute, professional Enneagram trainers and very experienced in using it. Eric published an article recently based on his work with the Enneagram in health care; Tineke has experience using the Enneagram with banks, council workers and individuals. We’re happy to meet to discuss your needs and talk about how an Enneagram approach could work for you. We believe we can make your workplace a happier and more efficient place. 9G don’t offer instant solutions or fashionable ideas, but rather a creative and sensitive approach to working with people which is hugely informative, highly practical and great fun!

Among the companies making use of the Enneagram are the Walt Disney Company, Silicon Graphics, Kaizer Permanente Research Center, the Federal Reserve Bank and the CIA.

e-mail: info9G@btinternet.com web: www.9Gscotland.co.uk tel: 07891294326 tel: 07888870820 ECC Directory 2010.indd 113

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ASK Business Development Ltd

Winning sales Founded in 1995, ASK Business Development Limited has evolved from a one client business through to multi-client, multi location training and development company throughout the world. Our belief is that self-improvement leads to greater results than spread sheet analysis. We focus on giving people in business the opportunity to sharpen their skills and improve their business development performance in order to build positive, steady, and profitable results.

and we make ‘ASK’ real through highly interactive training and development programmes made to suit Clients’ needs.

ASK Business Development’s original intention was to work specifically within the Engineering sector, attracting clients that ‘make stuff ’. Mike Kean an Engineer who has worked with ICI in both the UK and South Africa created a training business that helps Engineers (like him) develop commercial acumen, building on their analytical and creative skills to produce ‘all round’ business development specialists.

ASK specialise in Sales Management, Sales Training and Sales Presentation, enabling sales teams to maximise their existing abilities.

Some Clients include: Schlumberger, Marathon and Apache Oil, Prodrive, Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Siemens, MacTaggart Scott Engineering and York International. Working through associates ASK Business Development is able to give a global training solution, able to build business acumen that our clients rely on to drive business results. Headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland, ASK Business Development last year held training and development initiatives in 20 countries over the world and is scheduled with similar opportunities this year. ASK Business Development encourage practical principles and processes by designing


ASK train salespeople and transform them into sales professionals who: move from leads into sales, plan how to win business using ‘worked out’ strategic steps, mapping out key decision makers and how to develop new and long term relationships. Our aim is to ensure your sales professionals internalise the ‘sales process’ and learn how to truly understand your client’s needs while developing even more confidence. Mike Kean, Managing Director of ASK, is a highly successful salesperson and trainer, who is renowned for his results in enabling, empowering and equipping managers, leaders and sales personnel to significantly enhance their ability to perform in the workplace.

programmes that offer people the knowledge, skills and practices they need to add value to the business. However, at the heart of the skills development is attitude and ASK Business Development have recognised that the focus on changing people’s mindset is why the programmes are most successful. ASK is an acronym for Attitude Skill and Knowledge


Mike Kean tel: 01506 855757 Winning Sales Workshop ASK Business Development Ltd www.asktraining.co.uk


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Health & wellbeing

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Health & wellbeing

Keeping things healthy In difficult economic times, you need to feel on top of your game and there is an increasing awareness of the importance of getting health and well-being right. It’s important not only from a personal point of view but from the point of view of work as well. Poor health and well-being at work can lead to significant individual, organisational, economic and societal consequences due to sickness absence. Not only does the individual suffer from poor health and well-being issues at work, it can also be damaging to their immediate family, and eventually to the community and society in which they live. So how do you get things right? Where do you go if you have decided that things cannot go on as they have been doing? Well, one key area is nutrition and there are plenty of businesses and agencies that can advise on the right things to eat. Everything in moderation goes the saying and seeking out expert help will allow you to get the balance right. And that does not just mean specialist companies, retailers will be happy to advise on the best foods to eat. Health professionals will also offer help to eradicate one of our biggest killers, the effects of smoking. And on how to ensure that consumption of alcohol is kept to sensible and safe limits. These may be tough decisions to make but they have to be confronted if health and well-being is to increase, and stress at work and at home is to be reduced. Exercise is another key way of ensuring good health. Right across the area can be found companies taking advantage of the growing popularity of the sector. For instance, there are a diverse range of businesses that can help, ranging from hotels to public sector organisations, that run sports centres, gyms and sporting venues, and employ specialist coaches who can advise on building up fitness safely and effectively. Awareness of the importance of exercise has never been higher and for a relatively low input, the effects of taking the issue seriously can have a dramatic effect on health and well-being. A visit to a gym will provide ample evidence of how many people have got the message. If you do not fancy attending a gym then there are all sort of clubs that can help you keep active, everything from running clubs to rugby clubs, cycling associations to tennis clubs. Or head out into the country. Walking is increasing in popularity and is an excellent way of keeping fit. Walking has the added advantage of being something that the entire family can do. Whatever you do, the potential benefits are huge, not just in terms of happier and healthier people but also when it comes to employees better able to take on the challenges of difficult economic times.



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Best Practice “One employee has cost me £37,000 over the past eight years” This was a remark made by one small businessman at a recent event I attended. He went to say that this was just in sick pay but adding the cost of replacement, training and extra pressure on his other staff the impact was greater. This was one example how sickness absence can affect an organisation and the effect of only one employee’s absence can make not only on the business but on its other employees. No employer expects perfect attendance, no person can expect to be in perfect health all their working life but when an employee does go of sick an employer must be prepared. A positive, fair, and easily understood sickness absence policy is the first step in managing ill health absence or even presentism as this is now an added problem at work. As with any policy now there is a minefield of legislation to take into account; Disability Discrimination Act, Human Rights Act, Data Protection Act and now soon The Equality Act. It seems today there are many acts and laws to protect the employee but very little to support the fair and honest employer. Absence must be recorded from day one. The employee must be aware that they have to contact either their manager or the human resource department to report their sickness absence and give a reason and if possible how long they will be off work. The manager or nominate person must keep in contact with the sick employee. Common sense dictates this usually but set illnesses can dictate as well i.e. workplace stress, musculo-skeletal problems. Can workplace adjustments encourage a return to work? Is there a plan in place in case this is needed at any time? Who decides this? Use professional help, source advice, or access treatment if this is possible. This can be Occupational Health, physiotherapy, private health care or employee counselling as examples of help available to employers. Draw up a return to work plan, with review dates and have all parties sign. This is not used for a one off minor ailment but for a person who is frequently off ill or someone coming back from long term sick. Co-ordinate the return to work, have a back to work interview, communicate all decisions and advice to all parties. The H.S.E. recommend including these elements in your sickness absence policy and most other policies which you can source on the internet have them in place but may have different headings.

As with all change this ‘fit note’ will take time for all parties to become accustom to using it but love it or hate it the fit note is here to stay. I have found that most Human Resource departments are seeking advice from their occupational health advisors when faced with any unclear notes or complicated cases. They work closely with the employer to arrange for all employees to return to work safely and supported. Sickness absence control works most effectively with a well structured policy, managerial involvement and a procedure that provides fair and consistent reporting, follow-up and back to work interviews. A common sense approach is also required especially when dealing with long term absence or delicate situations. As an Occupational Health professional I am seeing more and more people who should be absent but are afraid to take time off work for one reason or another. Although they are at work they are blatantly not able to produce their usual quality or amount of work and therefore again are costing the organisation money. In these cases a few days of would help them recover quicker and be more effective on their return. Presentism is a child of these times. As I have said before the internet provides sample policies which can be changed to suit your company, do not re-invent the wheel. There is plenty help out there from the Federation of Small Businesses, various business forums and government agencies, C.B.I., trade union organisations and your local council.Your Occupational Health provider can advise on health issues or return to work plans. If your policy is robust, and the management is fair and consistent you will find your sickness absent levels will stay at an acceptable level for your organisation.

Rosemary Stockman Occupational Health Nurse Specialist Best Practice Occupational Health

What is required to be added to sickness absence policies now is the FIT NOTE. How can employers expect to use this effectively when the doctor using it sometimes does not know how complete the form or they find it difficult to advise appropriately? The easy option was “unfit for work”. But now doctor’s can only write this if the person cannot do any work and it has to for a set time. However previously, it was then usually up to the Occupational Health team to assess what the employee could or could not do and persuade the general practitioner to allow his client back to work on a phased return.



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Comprehensive Health Assessments and Physiotherapy Nuffield Health offers a lot more than simply fitness centres. With direct access to our invaluable new services - health assessments and physiotherapy, we can help you focus on improving you health and wellbeing for the long term

Introducing Health Assessments At Nuffield Health, we’ve put together a contemporary range of health assessments combine innovative technology with the expertise of specially trained doctors and physiologists. They’ll explain your results to you, and provide you with the guidance and motivation you need to make positive changes to your lifestyle. There are a variety of assessments for all ages and stages, so you can choose the assessment which suits you best. You’ll get the help you need to feel happier and healthier.

Physiotherapy Whether you have mild back pain or something more serious, our highly experienced physiotherapists can offer you the best quality rehabilitation available. As the leading provider of private physiotherapy in the UK, we can treat you and have you bouncing back in no time. Here’s just a few of the areas where out physiotherapists can help you:

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Introducing the New Physio Pilates Course The Physio Pilates course is ideal for people returning to exercise after a period of inactivity or after an injury. It differs from a normal pilates class in that it is lead by a physiotherapist. Each course member has a 45 minute physiotherapy assessment before the start of the course to identify injuries and ensure correct technique. The course focuses on retraining muscles to improve spinal stability whilst developing your postural and body awareness. Course details

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A 45 minute physiotherapy assessment 6 week course 1 x 60 minute session per week Classes will be a maximum of six people Venue: The Marketing Suite, Edinburgh Park.

Sports Injuries Spinal or Joint Problems Soft Tissue Injuries Chronic Pain Post Operative Recovery Arthritis Work-Related Conditions

For more details contact Lorna, your on-site physiotherapist. 6 Lochside Place Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DF Tel: 0131 339 9009 Fax: 0131 399 9399 Email: lorna.macdonald@nuffieldhealth.com Physiotherapy Bookings: 0845 045 48 45 www.nuffieldhealth.com

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Cherrybank Dental Spa ECC SPECIAL FEATURE

A new concept in dentistry, now in Edinburgh One of the UK’s leading dentists, Dr Elaine Halley, has opened a new private dental practice in Edinburgh. Cherrybank Dental Spa offers a range of state of the art treatments, set in a unique environment that aims to take the fear out of visiting the dentist. The practice opened on Dundas Street in February, revealing state of the art facilities that have set a precedence for cosmetic dentistry treatments in the city. Cherrybank Dental Spa owner, Dr Elaine Halley is one of the UK’s most renowned cosmetic dentists and is the only Scot to have held the post of President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. “Our philosophy is to ensure our patients are healthy, confident and smiling, and our aim is to educate people on looking after their teeth. Hopefully our new practice will go some way to improving Edinburgh’s dental health.” “Our patients expect the very best in general and cosmetic dentistry, and all of our dentists travel regularly to the USA to train in the latest techniques.”

anxiety including foot massages, lavender neck pillows, paraffin hand wax, hot towels, and lip balms. Cherrybank Dental Spa has won national awards for dentistry, and customer service, and its Perth dental spa has been running successfully since 1995. Their reputation has allowed them to put together a world class team of dentists, hygienists, and also Miranda Philip, one of Scotland’s top Facial Aesthetic practitioners – offering Botox, Fillers and medical facials. Cherrybank Dental Spa is also the first dental practice in Scotland to offer oral cancer screening using the VELscope – an advanced system which allows dentists to carry out a mucosal examination using fluorescence. According to Cancer Research UK, the highest incidence of oral cancer for both males and females is in Scotland. Dr Elaine Halley and her team are dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of early detection and improving the city’s oral health. Call for an appointment on 0131 5501600 www.cherrybankdentalspa.com

Ron Hewitt, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce welcomed the opening of Cherrybank’s new clinic in the Capital. He adds; “I am more than impressed by Cherrybank’s profile as a company. The standards of clinical excellence attested by their past record and their academic achievements as a team, are matched by their business acumen in resourcing a major investment in the heart of the City, to improve the smile on all our faces. “We wish Dr Halley and her team every success in another major addition to Edinburgh’s burgeoning health and life sciences sector.” Cherrybank sets itself apart with a unique spa environment, which aims to dispel the sense of dread many people associate with a trip to the dentist. It’s unique design allows clinical staff to move between the treatment rooms, without coming into contact with patients. Among other relaxing additions are state of the art DVD glasses, which allow customers to watch their favourite programme while they undergo treatment. A variety of options are also available to help ease

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 121

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ECC Directory 2010.indd 122

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Members by category

ECC Directory 2010.indd 123

30/7/10 12:14:39

Members by category ACCESS AUDIT CONSULTANTS Redtable Information Solutions

AIRPORTS Edinburgh Airport Limited

0131 5581108

MacDonald & Muir Ltd t/a The Glenmorangie Company 01506 852929

ACCOMMODATION AGENCIES Dickins Festival & Short Lets



0870 0400007

01224 573904 0131 2256236 0131 2293377 0131 2202820 01786 451745 0131 6657238 0131 4773924 0131 5387777 07897610696 0845 3880265 0131 6595888 0131 5139950

Shiatsu Centre, The

0131 5551875

ALUMNI DEAL Lucy Macdonald


ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT Edinburgh Instruments Limited

Evidencemetrics 0131 3398881 0131 2287979 0131 6669000 0131 5550600 0131 2291200 0131 4777140 0131 6598300 0131 4409030 0131 2262233 0845 3714554 0131 4480600 0131 5540724 01259 750850 0131 2210002 0131 2200880 0131 2211747 0131 2260200 0131 2202203 0131 3177377 0131 2266216 0131 5550474 0131 2253688 0131 2264488 0131 3324400 0131 2218820 0131 4733500 0131 2208233 01506 602674 01506 834700 01383 628800 0800 0811567

ACTUARIES & COMPENSATION CONSULTANTS Buck Consultants Limited Hymans Robertson Services Limited

0131 2404500 0131 6565000

ADVERTISING SERVICES 60W Communications Limited Attacat Limited Big Ideas Media Limited Dynamic Advertising Group Hookson Line Digital Limited Marketing Concepts Limited nexus24 Spree Publications Ltd The Lane Agency

0131 6258254 0131 2201441 07746138502 0131 6678833 0131 5247940 0131 5243260 0131 4678700 0131 5537779 01224 621000 0131 5517777


01506 425300


0131 4498810

AIRLINES BMI Cityjet Continental Airlines Scandinavian Airlines System


01332 854000 0353 18700100 0141 8427555 0208 9907028

0131 6690476 01620 893530

ASSOCIATIONS/SOCIETIES Association of Chartered Certified Accountants 0141 5344810 Deaf Action 0131 5563128 Edinburgh Restaurateurs Association 0131 3344600 Graphic Enterprise Scotland 0131 2204353 People’s Postcode Lottery 0131 5557288 Queensferry Business Association 0131 3311296 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 0131 5271600 Royal Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland 0131 3356200 Royal Scottish Piper Society, The 0131 2254123 Scottish Wholesale Association of Scotland 0131 5568753



0845 0535050

Piotr Ukleja Services

RJC Trading SVA Property Auctions Limited

07525214002 0131 6246640



APPROVALS BODY Water Industry Commision for Scotland

01786 430223


0131 2212520

HEROIT AV ARCHITECTS/ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 7N Architects Baxter Studio Building Design Partnership Campbell and Arnott EHS Architectural Limited EMA Architecture & Design Glassbuild Scotland Limited Guido Maclellan Architects Holmes Partnership Jefferson Sheard Architects KB Architecture + Design Limited Konishi Gaffney Architects LDN Architects LLP Lewis & Hickey Limited Matson Henderson Architects Matthew Hamlett Reiach and Hall SD Designs Slorach Wood Architects Space Solutions (Scotland) Limited Studio Pagra

0131 2205541 0131 6573042 0131 5506560 0131 4686800 0131 4441149 0131 4686595 0131 2581712 0131 5585444 0131 5582737 0131 2267179 0131 7182035 0131 2586950 0131 2222900 0131 3436222 0131 2283212 0131 6682944 0131 2258444 07930259131 0131 3191260 0131 5231550 0131 6542709

0141 9456751

ART GALLERIES Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture

Allan Robertson Anne Skinner Photography Craig MacLeod George Muir Photography Photolook Picture this Creative Photography The Moretti Agency

Scotia UK Plc Sound & Vision AV Limited

0131 2282295 0131 3343324

AUDIO VISUAL HIRE & SALE Cameron Presentations Ltd Tower Productions Limited

0131 6526007 0131 5520100

AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCERS & INSTALLATION/CLEANING Delta Video Limited Global Integrated Solutions Limited

0131 3393950 01292 521221



0131 2256671


ASSET FINANCE EH15 Finance Limited Ian Henderson Business Finance


ANALYTICAL SERVICES ACCOUNTANTS 8020 Financial Management Alexander Sloan Anderson Ballantine Axiano Limited B G Connor & Company Baillie Ingram Baker Tilly Barstow & Millar Bill Hay & Company Bolland & Burke Chartered Accountants Business Equilibrium Limited Cowan & Partners Crombie RM Limited Deloitte Douglas Brotherston Financial Management Fox Fleming Limited ACCA Henderson Loggie Johnston Carmichael Johnston Smillie CA MacGregors Norman Downie and Kerr PKF (UK) LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers Ronald S Rankine and Company Limited RSM Tenon Scott-Moncrieff Stephen Gibbens CA Sutherland Black The A9 Partnership Limited Thomson Cooper Accountants Wagner Associations Limited

0131 7185666 0131 2298157


ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES Acumen Accountants and Advisors Limited Charles Burrows & Co Danzig & Co Euro Accountancy & Finance Services Limited Macfarlane Gray Chartered Accountants Martin Cook Accounting Services Limited New Time Associates O’Donnell & Co Limited Smart FD Systematic Tax & Accountancy Tax Assist Accountants Tax Assist Accountants (Edinburgh West)

Edinburgh International Book Festival Scottish Arts Club

Blue Lizard Media Canongate Gate Clear Solutions Audiovisual Services Limited Mediascape Ltd Northern Light Streamtec Limited

0845 1309009 0131 5554455 0131 6235682 0141 3330110 0131 6229100 01241 436862

AUDITORS 0131 3322087 0131 6212713 0131 4662953 07814532739 07871266808 07967274494 0131 7186018

Chiene + Tait CA

0131 5585800

AUTOMATION SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT Evolve Report Writer Services Limited


BABY GOODS ARTS & CRAFTS Concrete Wardrobe Imagine Arts

0131 5587130 07738096682

Babykool Limited Buggy Huggers Mums on the Move (MOM) Limited

0131 2201902 07845591292 0131 6651085


ECC Directory 2010.indd 124

30/7/10 12:14:41

BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY Shortbread House of Edinburgh Ltd


Bovis Lend Lease Consulting

01236 766851 0131 4564513

Trident Building Consultancy Limited

BANKING/ADVISORY SERVICES Airdrie Savings Bank Clydesdale Bank Plc


BANKS & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Bank of England Bank of Ireland Bank of Scotland Barclays Bank HSBC Bank Plc Lloyds TSB Scotland RBS Group The Co-Operative Bank Virgin Money

Cruden Investments Limited George Hardie & Son (Joiners) Limited Sir Robert McAlpine Limited

0131 4423862 0131 4475327 0141 2486911

Rainbow International

01324 496057

0131 4423400


Advanced Property Care Limited 07768530007


BARS/ENTERTAINMENT Revolution Walkabout Highlight Ye Olde Inn Limited

0131 2205679 0131 5249300 0131 3362437


MKM Building Supplies Limited

Bizlinx International Craigmillar District Business Association Loud Street Limited Orbital Core Limited


0131 6642814 0131 4712166 07931662308 07590618594

BIOTECHNOLOGY Bigdna Limited Ingenza Limited


0131 6207000

BOAT HIRE & CHARTER Edinburgh Boat Charters Limited

0131 5549401

Castle Computer Services Digimis

0131 5514747 0131 4535425 0131 5522591 01968 661188 0131 6678448

BRANDING Because Brands Matter Delta Design Limited Eidikos Limited G.P Wolffe Gibson Consultancy Ignite Your Brand Our Project Limited T/A Project Tayburn Limited Tsuko Limited

07771535614 01506 209946 07808713860 07803242313 0131 3322226 0131 5552756 0131 6620662 0845 6801500

BREWERS Heineken UK Limited

0131 5281000


0131 3353114




Arts & Business Scotland ATLANTA Clear Sky Consulting ExecSpace Limited Red Sky Management Limited Smart Advice Limited Sparks Fly Up Limited The Franco-Scottish Business Club The Infinite Group Thrive for Business Limited Waverley Management Consultants Limited

Selwyn Bierman TBEx Ltd


0131 3455200

Avis Rent a Car Limited City Car Club Mitchells Hire Drive Limited

07729014786 07765885533 01968 682688 0131 7772000 0131 2294978 01252 851008

0844 5447000 0131 4668172 0131 3460800

CAR LEASING & CONTRACT HIRE Arnold Clark Vehicle Management Camargue

0131 6577140 0845 6800911

CAR PARKING & GARAGING Easi-Parks Edinburgh Edinburgh Park and Fly

0131 6675601 0131 3334111

CAR TRANSPORTATION Falkirk Car Carriers Streetcar Limited

01324 482382 0845 6448475

CARE HOME FOR ELDERLY BUSINESS CENTRES Abbey Business Centres Alba Town Business Centres K M Harkins Limited Office Intown Edinburgh

Woodroyd Care Limited 0131 2476700 0131 5246100 0131 3131310 0131 5249400

BUSINESS COACHING Achieving Goals Limited Coaching Direct Expico Limited Gel Coaching Jane Kille Tania Watson Creative Coaching

Cormack Consultancy Limited John Wilkinson KKI Associates Pace Partners International (Edinburgh) The GO Group VB Business Development Vistage International (UK) Limited

CAREERS ADVICE Careers Scotland CSP Scotland

0131 3136057 0131 2266153

CAREERS SERVICE 0131 3396704 07595119672 0131 4661332 0330 4401864 07941893282 01959 534530


01506 460123


0131 5563353 0131 2258730 0131 3396985 0131 5503722 0845 2007820 0131 4478303 0131 5579096 0131 4676680 07912227863 0131 5263104 0131 6621955

BUSINESS ADVISERS Biz Health Control Focus Limited Edinburgh Business Coaching Limited Ernst & Young Positive Changes William Main

0131 2260800

0131 2261760

0131 5569255


0845 2301314 0844 2540200


BOOK-KEEPING Allsquare (Edinburgh) Ltd Baberton Book Keeping Services Ideo Bookkeeping and Payroll Local Bookkeeper, The Neil Palmer Bookkeeping & Accounting

0131 5616262 0845 8340058 0131 7186541 0131 6250155 01343 4673634 0131 6624445 07810114788 0131 4586500


BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES 0131 2006342 0131 2006365

0207 7121725 07980914878

BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES Business Partnership Limited Cartwright Consultancy Limited Elixir Investors In People Scotland Reliably Online Scottish Braille Press Small Business Service (SBS) Sykes Global Services Limited

Colpitts World Travel Beautography Beauty Within Seychelles Visible Results Spa Boutique

07912227863 0131 6618888 07840257725 07763280245

Ambosco Limited Proinnovate Limited

BUILDING RESTORATION 0131 2007240 0131 3311888

0131 5588108 0131 4456105



BUSINESS FUNDING Clean Earth Capital LLP Genecom

0131 2006147

BUILDING CONTRACTORS 0141 2217972 0131 2206686 0131 6591320 0131 4706220 0845 5847427 0131 2254555 0131 5568555 0131 2289973 01603 215521

BANQUETING ROOMS Azure Support Services Dalmeny House

0131 5503882

01721 729942 07970693680 0131 6676012 07769159599 0141 5728300 07955698920 07889630814

Young Set Ambassadors

0131 4724824

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY AMDE Partners Anderson Carpet Care Central Upholstery Repairs Limited

0131 4769660 0131 2026248 01324 492794


0131 4475677

CASES & CASES - CORRUGATED Caledonian Packaging Limited

0131 4435000

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 125

125 30/7/10 12:14:44

Members by category CATERING CONTRACTORS Alba Business Catering Harajuku Kitchen Henderson’s of Edinburgh Heritage Portfolio Limited Hyndberry Limited Love Food Catering OBriens Irish Sandwich Shop Oink of Edinburgh Regis Banqueting Limited Street Life Fare Limited

CHEMICAL PRODUCTS/EQUIPMENT WHOLESALE 0131 5351046 0131 4679850 0131 2252131 0131 5552229 01506 467132



0131 5550522 01890 761355 01236 734444 0131 3393248

0131 6618282 0141 8809070

CATERING SUPPLIERS Galway Gourmet Limited

0131 5535755

CCTV EQUIPMENT CCTV Compliance Director Lothian Vehicle Services Limited

07976913164 0131 4781234

CEILING CONTRACTORS Nightsky Cosmic Ceilings



07801411845 07986662851

CHARITIES & BENEVOLENT ORGANISATIONS Aberlour Child Care Trust Age Scotland AIESEC Edinburgh Apex Scotland Banner of Truth Trust, The Barnardo’s Scotland Bethany Christian Trust

01786 450335 0845 8330200 07872524489 0131 2200130 0131 3377310 0131 3349893 0131 6255326

01324 612695


CATERING EQUIPMENT & MAINTENANCE Andrew Wilson & Sons Limited React Catering Services Limited

0131 2006350

Cclasp Central Scotland Forest Trust Chartered Management Institute Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland Children’s Hospice Association Scotland Cyrenians Community Interest Company Hospices of Hope Kidney Research UK Leukaemia CARE Scotland Lifecare (Edinburgh) Ltd Mercy Corps Oxfam Scotland Pilotlight Scotland Poppy Scotland ProjectScotland RNID Scotland Royal Blind Royal Caledonian Schools Trust Save the Children Scottish Churches Housing Action Scottish Flood Forum Social Investment Scotland The New Pyjamas Campaign Thistle Foundation, The

0131 4677420 01501 822015 01875 614167 0131 2256963 0131 4441900 0131 4752354 0131 2255339 07899995196 0131 2432639 0131 3430940 0131 6625160 0141 2858866 0131 2432765 0131 5272782 0131 2260700 0141 3345330 0131 2291456 01923 215350 0131 5278225 0131 4774500 07825010436 07915557837 0131 6597010 0131 6613366

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Gregor’s Springfords LLP Whitelaw Wells

0131 5574614 0131 4405000 0131 2265822

Jigsaw Childcare Kidzcare Limited Owl and the Pussycat Childrens Nursery, The Sunshine Nursery

0131 3378187 07811386455 0131 6641345 07986054070

CHIROPRACTORS Buchanan Chiropractic Optimal Health Chiropractic Limited

0131 2289099 0131 6626999


We are at the forefront of Christmas design CHRISTMAS and installation. We offerDECORATION a unique service of bespoke displays for residential property, business premises and party venues. Our aim is to surpass all customer expectations.

T: 01383 732521 M: 0791 7821770 W: www.thechristmasdecorators.com E: sandra@thechristmasdecorators.com The Christmas Decorators

01383 732521

CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS Condies Chartered Accountants Grant Thornton

0131 2265373 0131 6598586


CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS Curtins Consulting Engineers The ERDC Group

0131 2252175 0131 3331100


0131 5248420



T: 0131 516 2960


Please help us make a long-term difference in the lives of homeless and vulnerable people across Scotland. To set up a standing order call 0131 625 5319 or email supporters@ bethanychristiantrust.com www.bethanychristiantrust.com


E: enquiries@alangrantassociates.com W: www.alangrantassociates.com

CLEANERS R US CLEANERS R US has over 15 years of experience in the Cleaning profession, and provides domestic and commercial cleaning to clients throughout Edinburgh


CHAUFFEUR SERVICES Butler’s Chauffeur Drive Pinnacle Chauffeur Transport Edinburgh W L Sleigh Limited

0131 3350111 07966083552 0131 3399607


01506 859560

CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS & SUPPLIERS Elementis Specialties Macfarlan Smith

01506 430331 0131 3372434

Mobile 07513 101 018 Citrus Property Care Ltd Eco Clean Solutions K.R.D Property Maintenance Limited Lothian Cleaning Services Limited Maxwell Bennett Ltd (T/A Dublcheck Cleaning) MDC Cleaning Company Mopstars Limited Spotless Commercial Cleaning Limited Squire Services

0131 6100141 07917889144 0131 2282744 0131 2282744 0131 5557591 07912515663 0131 6228501 0131 6234579


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30/7/10 12:14:44

CLEANING EQUIPMENT Really Good Cleaning Company, The


Edinburgh College of Art Edinburgh’s Telford College Jewel & Esk College

COMPUTER SOFTWARE - CONSULTANTS 0131 2216061 0131 5594000 0845 8500060

CLOTHING Big Ideas Hunter Boot Limited Portofem UK Scotshirts Shavik Traders Trespass Limited Walker Slater Wilkies Limited

0131 2262532 0131 2403672 07948557020 0131 4531013 07765452904 0141 5688000 0131 2202636 0131 4462555

CLUBS/SOCIETIES EAC Activity Camps Gambitlive.com Heart of Midlothian Plc Royal Scots Club TheSmartClub Limited

0131 4777574 07884367225 0871 6631874 0131 5564270 0131 3126872



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COACH OPERATORS/HIRE/EXCURSIONS 0131 4404400 01592 645660




0131 4585858



01383 823021

COMPUTER HARDWARE - MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS Sun Microsystems Scotland Limited User2 Computers

01506 672000 0131 6629955


0845 6526862


07902037755 0845 2233116

IBM UK Limited

Cathcart Associates Limited

0131 2204748 0845 3889243 07880647836 07711096787 07877112430 0131 4458640 0131 2252265 0131 6643746 0870 6010100 0131 2080755 0131 4440772 0131 6502703


Ladarnas Network ROI ProNetExpert Limited


0131 2300160 0131 5102210 0131 4732384


01259 219362


01506 823402

Net ID me Limited The E-Security Exchange The Networking Company

0131 4771838

Asset I.T.

0131 5101500

0131 5584000

COMPUTER ROOM SERVICES 0131 2283990 0773158161

Axios Systems Plc E-Talent Systems Limited Gymetrix Limited Heads up Development Limited Interface 3 Intrelate Limited Kinobo Management Solutions Microsoft Limited Muse Mantik Limited NumerIQ Limited Pentland Edge Limited Recommo Limited


Robert M Donaldson Limited

COFFEE/TEA WHOLESALE Edinburgh Teahouses Limited (Pekoe Tea)

0131 2080456 01721 729387 07817014422 0131 4542320 0131 4528444 0131 5533800 0333 3 440440 0131 2714456/4457 0131 4760000

0131 5539700


0845 0944626

COMPUTER CONSULTANTS Amplified IT Coates Associates Epitome Solutions Limited Hosted IT Limited IT Foundations Limited The IT Dept Limited The Onyx Group Trinem Consulting Limited Waverley Lane

Interactive Information Limited Newtyne Limited

COFFEE BARS Espresso Mondo Limited W.V Catering

0131 4557731 0131 5534737



Bredero Shaw Limited

01307 850777 0131 5569900 0131 4438081 01355 272444 0845 4742569 0131 4482400 0131 2255663 0871 2366776


The online resource for progressing a coaching approach in your organisation*

Edinburgh Group Travel Stagecoach Scotland

01383 820011 01786 810810 0845 2002200 0131 6619299 0845 8626600

CELCAT Iformis Limited Orisys Infotech Limited She Software Limited Technology Consult TSG Scotland Vast Blue Limited Webit Technologies Limited


Able People Development


COMMUNITY SERVICES Broomhouse Centre, The Sikh Sanjog

0845 6585445 0131 2021598 0131 6676917 0131 6523954 0131 3127469 0203 2863210

01786 433812

COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS & SERVICES Claude Systems Limited Ogilvie Communications Limited Redstone Communications Limited William Duff Wireless Fibre Systems Ltd

Crocodile Business Solutions Eureka Solutions Limited Gulfstream Software Quorum Network Resources Ltd Tapdrop Limited The Sugar Refinery Limited

COMPUTER SUPPORT Icelantic Targeted Software Solutions Techs in the City VirtuousIT Ltd

0131 3463252 0131 4672371 0845 6210852 01506 637700


0131 2483040

COMPUTER SYSTEMS Dacoll Limited IT Pro Systems-UK Upstream IT

01506 815000 0845 6170954 0131 2207605


01355 813567 0141 6326711 0845 6340844

Pure IT Recycling Limited

0131 2254131

Cloud Logic





0845 2255004

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 127

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Members by category CONFERENCE CENTRES


Dynamic Earth Enterprises Limited 0131 5507800 Edinburgh Corn Exchange 0131 4773500 Edinburgh First 0131 6512189 Edinburgh International Conference Centre Limited 0131 3003000 Heriot-Watt University 0131 4495111 Hibernian Football Club Limited 0131 6612159 Queensferry Hotel, The 0870 1112520 The Hub, Edinburgh’s Festival Centre 0131 4732015

CONFERENCE ORGANISERS & SPECIALISTS European Conferences Holyrood Communications MacKay Hannah Limited

0131 2252892 0131 2722130 0131 5561500


0131 4786461

Cundall Johnston & Partners LLP Harley Haddow L.L.P Mott MacDonald QinetiQ Transolutions (Scotland) Ltd W.A .Fairhurst & Partners

Morgan Ashurst PIHL UK

0131 4453208

Institute of Customer Service, The

COOKERY SCHOOL Bellini Cookery School Edinburgh New Town Cookery School Limited

01506 839050 01224 562405

Pihl UK Ltd PIHL UK LIMTED 20 Queens Road, Aberdeen Scotland, AB15 4ZT United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 1224 562 400 Fax: +44 (0) 1224 562 401 Email: uk-recp@pihl-uk.com www.pihl-uk.com

0131 6226060


Electric Cycle Company, The The Bike Station

0131 5520999 0131 6681996


0131 5574495

Great Circle Communications Limited Kindle Design Ocean 70 Ossian Communications Ltd Redhouse Lane Communications Whitespace (Scotland) Limited

0131 2254646 0131 2254150 01506 841803 01540 673633 0141 2250890 0131 6255500

CORPORATE ENTERTAINMENT/HOSPITALITY Botanics Trading Company Limited Calder Events Dundas Castle Le Monde Mavis Hall Park Limited Royal Yacht Britannia, The Scottish Chamber Orchestra Ltd Whisky Mad

0131 5527171 0844 8550678 0131 3192039 0131 2703939 01875 833733 0131 5555566 0131 5576800 01259 727829



01506 883530


07736015691 0131 6679622

COURIER SERVICES Alliste Limited T/A Express Worldwide Eagle Couriers (Scotland) Ltd

0131 5412015


0131 2265457

DATA CENTRE ScoLocate Limited

0131 3145000


0131 6613335

DATA PROTECTION Computer Law Training Limited

01506 413612

DATA RECOVERY Tierra Data Recovery

0845 0940027


0131 3386112

DAY CARE 01620 895333 01875 815372


0131 5509440 0131 5579300 0131 2201250 0131 2216300 01875 340145 0131 2254072 0131 2201828

0131 5390080

CYCLES & TRICYCLES 07910629924 0131 2264314


Brand IT Scotland Limted t/a PR Promotioms Largesse Corporate Gifts 2007 Limited

Davis Langdon LLP Hardies LLP Peter Graham & Partners LLP RLF Construction and Property Consultants Scope Estimating & Surveying Services Thomas and Adamson Thomson Bethune Limited

CUSHIONS Design-a-Cushions


Benbow Advisory Limited

0131 4640000 01698 735800

0131 3374204



A leading UK Contractor, providing the Client with high quality, innovative and reliable services. For more information, please visit www.pihl-uk.com

Robertson Lothians Skanska

Charles Henshaw & Sons Limited


Jane Adams


CURTAIN WALLING SYSTEMS 0131 5243500 0131 2263331 0131 2212300 01383 435246 07813213243 0131 2256741

01899 830243 0845 1231230

Heriot Hill Nursery House Call Care Support Limited

0131 5579907 0131 6532121

DELIVERY & COLLECTION SERVICES Interlink Express (Edinburgh) MTA Couriers

1506 853665 0844 5679622

DENTAL SURGEONS Polwarth Group, The Stafford Street Dental Care

0131 2298143 0131 2257576


CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Covanburn Contracts Limited Hill International (UK) Limited Holemasters Prospa Change Limited Purvis Group Rok Building Edinburgh Rydale Building Limited

01698 200057 0131 2218180 01506 653303 0131 2581258 01592 780492 0131 3353300 0131 5545138

Bernard Hunter Ltd

0131 6634661


0131 3000085 0131 3127501 0131 4499330 01404 823828 0131 3321709 07985042261 07717738278

CONSULTANTS - GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL Delta-Simons Environmental Consultant Limited 0131 5503749 Ove Arup & Partners Scotland Limited 0131 3311999

CONSULTANTS - SOCIAL INCLUSION Capital City Partnership Martin Gibson Associates


0131 2706037 07900907295

0131 2020575 0131 6616026

DEPARTMENT STORES/RETAIL MISCELLANEOUS 0131 5168880 07581161214 0131 5511234

Jenners Limited John Lewis Plc Primark Stores Limited

0844 8003725 0131 5569121 00353 18880500


CONSULTANTS - BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT & INDUSTRIAL CM Consultants T/A Auditel Craigcrook Management Services Limited Hebco Global Recruitment Limited JB Management Limited Menzies Gibb Associates Limited Sanna Corporate Management Ltd Susan McIntyre Projects and Consultancy

Cherrybank Dental Spa Edinburgh Denture Clinic

Aqua Energy (Scotland) Limited



Claros Imaging Limited CS 360 EQ Design Limited Evolution Design Flock Design & Advertising Limited George Nicol Graphics Limited Lennon Design Moriarti Design and Marketing Shaw Marketing and Design Limited Smart Design & Print Limited StudioLR Taste Design The Fourth Craw Limited The Touch Agency

0131 4471307 01592 782695 01224 622277 0131 5568562 0131 6248913 0131 3320449 0131 5583399 0131 5570101 0131 5575663 0131 5388020 0131 4543200 0131 1112222 0131 3132456 0131 2204545


ECC Directory 2010.indd 128

30/7/10 12:14:55

DESIGNERS - INTERIOR Angela Abernethy Interiors Harmony Ridge Limited Smith & Brown Interior Design Limited

DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT 07734077517 0131 5567171 0845 9000610

0131 4469049 07921164844

Glasgow : Edinburgh Collaboration Scottish Enterprise East Tal Cpt Land Development LLP

0131 4693562 0131 3134000

0131 4456300



Bryant and Cairns Edinburgh Glass & Glazing Farleys Trade Suppliers Limited Four Seasons (Scotland) Limited Ideal Windows and Conservatories Lochinvar Windows Limited Paterson Home Improvements Peter Noble Glazing Company UPVC Manufacturers Limited


07985443075 0247 6667891 0131 2257996 0131 2202106 0131 6595532 01383 621648 07811214038

Edinburgh Napier University Erskine Stewarts Melville Governing Council George Heriot’s School Queen Margaret University St Margaret’s School University of Edinburgh Business School

0131 4556300 0131 3475750 0131 2297263 0131 4740000 0131 6681986 0131 6508070


0131 4402855 0131 3346111 0131 6694010 0131 4497000 0131 4404117 0131 4402100 0131 3341214 0131 6602404 0131 6605993


Get Re-Wired Limited JHP Training Scotland Learn Purple Scotland Scottish Council of Independent Schools Skills Path Tree of Knowledge Twist Training


DOMESTIC SERVICES Scottish Water, Fairmilehead Office

DEVELOPMENT - PERSONAL Able People Development

01620 829700 01506 401800

DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Trinity Domestic Appliane Repairs Limited




DESIGNERS Beautiful Box Boutique Bebaroque

Digitol Solutions Limited


01224 336500

DRIVER & DRIVING SERVICES Journey Scotland Limited



Digital Face Limited Line 3 Media Pufferfish Limited

British Council Scotland Caledonia Education Information Centre Common Purpose George Watson’s College ICS Limited Marie Louise Cochrane New Curiosity Shop, The St George’s School for Girls

0845 4092803 07903741627 0131 6683360

DTR Services Limited Lady Victoria Business Centre DTR SERVICESEH22 LIMITED Newtongrange 4QN



Tel: 0131 663 1888, Fax: 0131 663 5936. Email: sales@dtrservices.co.uk High Quality Direct Mail Solutions don’t have to cost the earth! Communicate provides environmentally friendly bulk mailing solutions that save you money and time! COMMUNICATE MAILING SOLUTIONS Whether you are mailing 100’s or 100,000’s Communicates bulk mailing solutions can be tailored to meet your precise requirements.

0131 550 3720 www.communicatemailing.com Pinpoint Scotland Limited

0131 5574184

DIRECT MARKETING Direct Marketing Association

0131 3154422

UK Business Continuity Limited

0131 6257149

DISTRIBUTORS & DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Distribution Unlimited L.F.T Promotions Limited LFT Promotions Limited Saltire Winds Limited

0131 5556677 0131 5536127 0131 6618122 07837375890

0131 5587688


0131 2580029

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS & ENGINEERS DTR Services – Business People in the People Business

Electrospect Limited

0131 4431692


0131 6635956 0131 6673211 0131 5564337 0131 3390822


0845 2000342


Omnisafe Limited

0131 2252155 07946481337

0131 5588740

ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS 0131 5100670 0131 3322411

EMBROIDERY DESIGN & MANUFACTURE Superlogo Limited Victoria Rigalia Limited

0131 5556940 0131 2253355



EDITORIAL SERVICES Atecs-Text Editing Words Agency, The

01786 449444

ELECTRICAL SERVICE & REPAIRS Greenstone Energy Solutions Limited ML Electrical

ISLI Ltd SELEX Galileo Limited


David Duncan

Dron & Dickson Limited


Cunningham’s Cook and Bakeware Company Limited 01324 872585 Growstory Grow Limited 07503121815 Utoporium 07894236522

Challenges Worldwide (CWW)


0131 5245700 07769794659 0131 2216288 0131 4466000 0141 3061198 0131 4671449 0131 2081900 0131 3118007

0131 4463756 0131 6684355

Citrus4Benefits Ltd Fulcrum Insured Employee Benefits RBC CEES International

07545962239 01506 841842 0131 2223600

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 129

129 30/7/10 12:14:57






0131 4495030

0131 6251011

0131 221 0477 Harmony Employment Agency, The Jobcentre Plus Lawrie Thomson Quality Link Recruitment Limited Quantum Recruitment Contract Services Limited Useful Students Limited

0131 2258888 0131 5558229 0131 2252221 0131 2294208 0131 2206656 01620 822982 01423 879924

EMPLOYMENT LAW Creideasach Peninsula Ramsay Consulting Sentinel Employment Law Worklegal

01259 211210 07772320539 0845 6445485 01698 356814 0131 5100404

ENERGY - ASSESSORS Allan Cumming Associates Limited EPC Options Limited

0131 2265916 0131 3324945

0845 6800491 07785318056

EXPORT/IMPORT AGENTS - CONSULTANTS & MANAGERS Davies Turner Air Cargo Limited ICRIA (East) Limited Newhaven Company (International) Limited

0131 3179977 0131 4433544 01383 625800

KeaGo Limited

01383 733449


ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Changeworks Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust Trees 4 Scotland

Exporter Services Ltd Kenmore Consult


ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Delta Energy & Environment Ltd

0131 3313993


El Dorado Cabaret 07910333601 Royal Scottish National Orchestra 0141 2253557 Social Envy 01259 762333 TMC Corporate Events & Entertainment Limited 0131 6541000


Expense Reduction Analysts

Nelson Two Europe Limited 0131 5554010 0131 6541933 07714343158


0131 3334648

FABRICATION Forfab Limited (Dunfermline)

01383 732266



0845 8333767



0131 6248000 0131 2204160

0131 6623204

FARM PRODUCE Seton East Farm Shop

01875 815946


EVENT ORGANISERS/MANAGEMENT AJA Events Limited B Scenic Construction Limited Benugo Events Big House Events Blueparrot Production and Events

0131 4406000 0131 2581672

FACTORING Bibby Financial Services Limited

ESTATE AGENTS ESPC (UK) Limited Rettie & Co.

Arthur McKay & Company Limited Hybrid Estates and Facilities Management

0131 4401768 0131 5544248 0131 2204833 0131 6696366 0131 5103333

Dalmahoy Farms

0131 3331331

FASHION ACCESSORIES Zipper Tie Company Ltd, The


FAST FOODS Heavenly Pizzas

0131 2286656



0131 2281511 0131 4788531

Redhouse Group

ENERGY EFFICIENCY Carbon Masters Locogen

FILM & VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 0131 5570871 07955924277


ENERGY MANAGEMENT Albatern Energy Services Limited Flexitricity Limited

0131 3361258 0131 2258100

Alan Hendry Greenroom Films Limited Plum Films Limited Sherwood Films Strange Boat Limited



Duncan Bennett

0131 3312272

ENGINEERING SERVICES/CONSULTANCY Abbott Risk Consultancy Braidwood Associates Limited People Effectus Limited

0131 2200164 0131 5585476 07977480150

ENGINEERS - DESIGN Dynamech Engineering Design Limited


0131 4668049

ENGINEERS/CONSTRUCTING/CIVIL & STRUCTURAL Robertson Eadie Thomson & Partners Will Rudd Davidson Edinburgh Limited

0131 4662550 0131 5578470 0131 5575255

ENGINEERS/CONSULTING/MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL Irons Foulner Partnership McLean Engineering Partnership Rybka Limited


0131 2200144 0131 2201860 0131 2288446

0131 5553456


0131 5577764


07887633169 0131 4543440 0131 5551604 0131 6241150 0131 4767211

Crescent Events Limited e j event design Edinburgh Festival Fringe Edinburgh Half Marathon/GB Events Gardening Scotland Henri Forman Event Management Hilltop Events PDF Productions Limited Razzle Dazzle Red Harbour Events Reel Time Events Limited She’s Gott It Limited Viva Events

0131 5548998 07940586077 0131 2260026 07846468664 0131 3330969 0131 5555833 07988499332 01330 822426 01786 461066 0131 2780059 07974375761 0191 3709559 07795465373

DSL Funded Solutions Limited Nucleus Financial

0141 4252930 07747007565 0131 2269802

FINANCE BROKERS Abacus Asset Finance Limited Angelfish Microfinance Limited

0131 4528090 07533329507

EXECUTIVE SEARCH/SELECTION Black Appointments Executive Search Diamonds HR Limited Head Resourcing Limited Munro Consulting

0131 2260960 0131 6616671 0131 6259637 0131 2401080


01823 250930


EXHIBITION ORGANISERS Capital Events (Scotland) Limited

0131 2026866


ECC Directory 2010.indd 130

30/7/10 12:15:00

FINANCIAL & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS A + J Paton Consultants A-Marea Limited ID Financial Management LINC Scotland NJ Shaikh Consultancy Limited NMS - IR Limited Peter Stephenson Vorlich Limited


Freeworld Trading Limited

FINANCIAL ADVISORS Andrew Bruce Financial Solutions Brodie MacLean Limited John Scott Davidson (St James’s Place Partnership) McLean & Melrose Wealth Management P3 Wealth Management Limited Virtuallythere

07852236379 0131 6252005 0131 4599200 0131 3030061 0131 3314191 0131 4774646



Princes Exchange 1 Earl Grey Street Edinburgh EH3 9EE Tel: 0131 228 8111 Email: enquiries@turcanconnell.com www.turcanconnell.com

FOOTBALL VENUES Sports Moving Media

e nc na Fi al ng ci on rs an Pe efin ng R ci ur So g e rin cl to hi ac Ve g F in nt ou e sc r Di Hi e ct ic ra se vo nt a In Co Le e


0131 4767373

FRANCHISING Franchise Route









h rc






01355 586483




Sheelagh Hawkins T: +44 (0)131 243 2500

01289 307737



Forsyth House 2nd floor 93 George Street Edinburgh EH2 3ES

0131 3478560

FOODS - FROZEN General Mills Berwick Limited


For your next financial printing job and/or Virtual Data Room, please consider us. Please do ask around, you will only hear good things about Sterling. Keep it local.

0131 3354400



Sterling has earned an unrivalled reputation in the financial printing and communications industry over the past 25 years, with a pedigree of first class 24/7/365 customer service and rapid responsiveness to all of their clients’ requirements. Based in Edinburgh with offices throughout the UK, Sterling Financial Print & Virtual Data Rooms are true leaders. We are privately owned, local, very cost effective and operate 24/7. Our customers STERLING FP practices. range from large brands to small We also have our own VDR called X-AG which is extremely secure, easy to use and very affordable.

0845 6430406

FOOD/BEVERAGE WHOLESALE - GENERAL Scottish Midland Co-operative Society Limited

abacus asset Sterling is the UK’s leading end-to-end service supplier for financial print, data rooms, media and corporate communications.



07789912318 0131 2439950

0131 5575600


FINANCIAL ADVISORS - CORPORATE Kingdom Capital Partners LLP Tiger Advisers Limited


0131 4782112 +371 25807273 07980316091 0131 4452084 07979642814 0131 5563638 0131 4673567 0131 4470110

British Waterways

To see how abacus can bring a tailor made solution to your business, call 0131 452 8090 or email info@abacusasset.co.uk www.abacusasset.co.uk Aberdeen Asset Management PLC Gem Compliance Consulting Limited Invocas Group PLC MacDonald Orr Limited Mearns + Company Limited Positive Solutions Standard Life PLC Williams de Broë

0141 3326936

FREIGHT FORWARDING Five Star Forwarding & Logistics Limited GAC Shipping (UK) Limited Transglobal Freight Management

0131 5284000 0131 7186051 0131 2222460 0131 5575065 0131 6527333 0131 4688155 0131 2252552 0131 5171000

01506 440800 0131 5549464 0131 3178000

FUND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management

0131 2431050

FUNERAL SERVICES Leith Funeral Service Limited

0131 5541113

FIRE SERVICES Fire Prevention Works Limited

0131 4674707

FIRST AID TRAINING & SUPPLIES Stewart First Aid Training

01698 824945

FITNESS & HEALTH Fitness Factor, The Jeff Sladden (Juice Plus) Lifescycle PureGym Simply Cyan Limited

0131 5380176 01383 861277 07986276976 0845 0773256 0131 4479942

FITNESS INSTRUCTOR Jammin Fitness SoulFit Personal Training

0131 3322060 07971029182


0131 4680764



0131 5397775

FLOW MEASUREMENT Daniel Europe Limited

01786 433400


ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 131

131 30/7/10 12:15:03

Members by category FURNITURE


Azzurro at Work Clock House Furniture Limited Louis James Furniture

0131 5530550 01620 860968 07503178933

Louis James Furniture and Woodwork • Bespoke furniture service • Garden Furniture • Fitted and stand alone items • Handmade Kitchens, Bedrooms, Libraries etc • Children’s furniture and toys • Professional repairs and restoration


GUEST HOUSES 07917787214

0845 2791000

GRAPHIC/WEB DESIGNERS & COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Clear Design Scotland Limited Collaborate Creative Dark Interactive Dawson Creative Edmonds UK Limited Elastic Creative Limited Eskimo Designs Ltd Events Armoury Limited Fresh Ideas Mamook Graphics Ron Burnett Design Route 1 Creative Six Creative Limited Tempted by Design Thinktastic Whitenoise Creative

0131 5548421 01875 871179 0131 4673115 01968 673858 0131 4678333 0131 4677734 0131 4661988 0131 6678888 01224 574999 0131 4763028 0131 5546263 0131 2289800 0131 5533252 07968988608 0131 5542807 0131 5503820

deas to life...


• Commissioned pieces, small or large, make meaningful gifts for all occasions.

or on

For creative and effective design solutions to help your business grow

Please visit the website

0131 5546558


0131 5615641 0131 2251639 0131 5561607 0131 6616899 0131 3340444 0131 5561475 0131 5550708




0131 2254101



01563 548050

Tel: 0191 2374410 01750 725714


0131 6681949 0131 3376888 0131 2292693 0131 5383326

www.whitenoisecreative.com Zero7 Zero4


Castle Park Guest House, 75 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh EH3 9NU Telephone: 0131 229 1215 Email: castlepark@btconnect.com

T 0131 550 3820


Lochend Motor Company

Good news we now have free wifi internet connection and car parking, so now theres no excuse not to come and stay!!!


07503 178933 info@louisjamesfurniture.co.uk

So what are you waiting for...Give us a call or email and HOUSE we willCASTLE be happy PARK to help GUEST you find what you need.

Cascal Hair & Beauty Limited Charlie Miller Hairdressing Limited CK Hair and Beauty Essensse Gylestyle Saks Hairdressing Sesh Hairdressing Limited


Contact Ian Darroch on

Welcome to the Castle Park Guest House A family run guest house close to Edinburgh’s city centre and main attractions.This cosy Victorian town house is not only well located but also great value for money.

Dunedin Guest House Limited Ellersly House Hotel Mardale Guest House Wallace’s Arthouse Scotland


• Traditional and Contemporary styles

07725693725 0131 3326266 07968460153

0131 6693021 0131 2291215

GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS & AGENCIES Scottish Qualifications Authority, The

LOUIS JAMES FURNITURE • All areas of woodwork considered

Raynemaker Furniture Spektakular Wasp Wood Works

Ardgarth Guest House Castle Park Guest House

0845 2636584


01968 674600


GENEALOGY Route 4 Roots.com

0131 3341789

CHHS Edinburgh Branch - IOSH JRB Risk Identification Office Wise OHSS (UK) Limited

GIFT SHOPS Aye Do Balhar Gold Limited Things Pretty

07928728886 07542134165 07783289273



Citation Plc

0131 5380168

Central Training Services Limited QHSEE QSE Training Ltd

0131 2254898

GOLF COURSES Baberton Golf Club Limited Glen Golf Club Musselburgh Old Course Golf Club Prestonfield Golf Club Ravelston Golf Club Limited The Club House Whitekirk Golf & Country Club


01698 744655


GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS Hamilton and Inches Limited

07775692480 01501 763585 01368 860824 01578 730300 0131 6611632

0131 4534911 01620 892726 0131 6656981 0131 6679665 0131 3152486 0131 2283894 01620 870300

01506 829883 01383 739731 0131 2021032



0131 5369000




ECC Directory 2010.indd 132

30/7/10 12:15:05

HEALTH CARE Primary Care Consultant Samh Trustcare Scotland Limited Westfield Health Scheme

HOTELS - CONFERENCE CENTRES 0131 6652940 0141 5687000 0131 5399339 0845 6021629

HEALTH CONSULTANTS Shiatsu Place, The Whole Works, The Work 4 Health Limited

0131 4460666 0131 2258092 0131 4478655

01573 225398

HEALTH SPAS Mary Reid International Spa Academy

0131 2252087



0131 6653135 01875 820153 0131 3349191 01334 837000 0131 6672743 0844 8799136 0131 3331845 0131 3331275 0131 2299131

Apex Hotels Limited Barcelo Edinburgh Carlton Hotel Best Western Bruntsfield Hotel Caledonian Hilton Hilton Edinburgh Airport Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor Holiday Inn Express Edinburgh Royal Mile Houstoun House Hotel King James Thistle Hotel Kings Manor Hotel Radisson BLU Hotel

0131 4410441 0131 4723000 0131 2291393 0131 2228888 0131 5194400 0131 2266001 0131 5248400 01506 853831 0871 3769016 0131 6690444 0131 5579797


HERITAGE MANAGEMENT Museums Galleries Scotland

0131 5504100

HOLDING COMPANIES Acre Care Homes Limited

Tel: 0191 2374410 01750 725714 www.bestpracticeltd.co.uk

Outsourced HR Support and Consultancy.


HERBALISTS Rickard Lane’s & W H Box Limited



HEALTH INSURANCE Caledonian Health Solutions

Carberry Tower Dalhousie Castle and Spa Edinburgh Marriott Hotel Fairmont St Andrews Hotel Ceilidh-Donia MacDonald Rusacks Hotel Marriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club Norton House Hotel Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa

Below the Belt Food Company Limited Greywalls Hotel Hotel du Vin Edinburgh & Malmaison Edinburgh Jurys Inn Edinburgh Kildonan Lodge Hotel Novotel Edinburgh Park Signature Pubs Limited/the Rutland Hotel The George Hotel Victoria Park House Hotel

07769971929 01620 842144 0131 2474900 0131 2003300 0131 6672793 0131 4465600 0131 2219978 0131 2251251 0131 4777033

Gravitate HR offers practical help and support in managing your employees and HR decisions; whatever the sizeGRA or VITATE type of HR organisation. GRAVIT ATE GRAVITATE Interested? Check out our website or give us a call. Phone: 0131 225 7458 Email: margery@gravitatehr.co.uk


0131 6617225

HOTELS HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION - SELF-CATERING Aberfeldy Cottages 0131 3396548 Candusso Properties 01506 434176 Let For You Limited T/A The Edinburgh Address 0131 2021188

HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION Edinburgh Apartments Limited

0131 3135313

HOME CARE SERVICES Bluebird Care Lothian Care Services Limited

0131 2585005

HOME IMPROVEMENTS Handy Buddies Jon Watson Decorator Malmo Home Improvements

0131 2734359 07774564570 0131 6645500


A-Haven Townhouse Allison House City Inn Limited Dakota Forth Bridge Hotel Holiday Inn Express - Edinburgh City Centre Hotel IBIS Edinburgh Hotel Missoni Edinburgh Lennoxlove House Limited MacDonald Holyrood Hotel Novotel Edinburgh Centre Park View House Hotel Parliament House Hotel Premier Inn Premier Inn (Haymarket) Premier Travel Inn - Edinburgh Newcraighall Roxburghe Hotel Six Brunton Place Guest House The Balmoral Edinburgh The Old Waverley Hotel The Scotsman Hotel Town House Company, The Travelodge Hotels Limited

0131 5546559 0131 6678049 0207 9011662 0870 4234293 0131 5582300 0131 2407000 0131 2206666 01620 828619 0131 5504500 0131 6563500 0131 5546206 0131 4784000 0870 9906610 0870 2383319 0870 9906336 0844 8799063 0131 6220042 0131 5562414 0131 5564648 0131 5565565 0131 2266050 01844 358500


01506 855770


0131 5520303

HYDROMETERS Stevenson Reeves Limited

0131 4457151


01506 460029

IMAGE DESIGN Twisted Ribbons

0141 3436206


01383 740782


01506 594710

0131 2257324 0131 3312451

HOT STAMPING FOILS - MACHINES & MANUFACTURERS API Foils Limited International Foiling Solutions Limited

01506 438611 01506 444244

HOTEL BOOKING AGENTS Isabel Thomas Associates

0131 3394080

HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING CONSULTANTS Castle Hotel Management Company Limited Portland Hotel Management

0870 3365000 0845 0178655


HOSPITALITY SERVICES Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh The Hopetoun House Preservation Trust

Miller Developments Sovereign House Developments

0131 4674574 0131 5289966

Dunedin Canmore Group Link Group Limited Port of Leith Housing Association Scottish Veterans Housing Association Limited Trust Housing Association Limited

0131 4788888 0845 1400100 0131 5540403 0131 5560091 0131 4444923

181a Whitehouse Road, BRODIE MACLEAN Edinburgh EH4 6BU

0131 625 2005 www.brodiemaclean.co.uk stephen@brodiemaclean.co.uk

HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTANTS Ash Tree House Consulting Limited Caroline Rochford Consulting DTR Services Limited Fairplace Practical Personnel Professionals Scott Reward Limited Simple HR Smart HR Solutions Limited

01620 880375 07590647235 0131 6631888 0131 2208292 0131 6660873 07702601016 01506 858729 07714987607

Caledonia Asset Management LTD Clarkson Hill Group Edinburgh Risk Management Limited Heritable Limited Independent One 2 One Limited Macleod Financial Consultancy Reid Scott & Ross Scotia Independent Financial Services Stephen Walters (Financial Planning) Limited

0131 2254488 0131 5246111 0131 5562535 0845 6445853 0131 5533341 07788848866 0141 2258500 0131 4784677 0131 4463046

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 133

133 30/7/10 12:15:08

Members by category INDUSTRIAL CLEANING LJ’S Services Limited


Begbies Traynor

0131 4752369

Cyberhawk Innovations



INFORMATION SERVICES & SYSTEMS Computacenter Economist Intelligence Unit Internet For Business Limited Lynx Networking


0131 3177166 0207 5768171 01224 333370 07921658901

01506 592187

INSTALLATION ENGINEERS Television & Data Services

0131 5526977


0131 3320637

INSURANCE BROKERS A H Bell & Co (Insurance Brokers) Ltd, A

Lynx Networking provide an advanced, easy to use, online SMS text messaging system for individuals and enterprises of all sizes. Our carrier grade infrastructure allows you to send messages individually or in batches of thousands to mobile handsets and landlines across the globe. We also provide a developers API to allow our services to be embedded seemlessly into your own software.

Alexander Dockar Practice Archangel Informal Investment Limited Baillie Gifford & Company Brewin Dolphin Brooks Macdonald


✉ ✉ ✉

SMS delivery receipts. Individual or bulk messaging. Scheduled messaging.

Fax: 0131 442 4454


0131 2204252


E-Mail: stormonths@bellbrokers.co.uk Web: www.bellbrokers.co.uk 0131 4432971 0131 2257434 0131 6530588 0131 6236232

INSURANCE CLAIMS ASSESSORS Dunedin Property Services Limited T/A Asprey

★ Fast and easy to use. ★ Carrier grade infrastructure. ★ Web 2.0 AJAX user interface.

MacIntyres of Edinburgh

Mobile: 07843 075 434

Glenavon Insurance Heath Lambert Group Integrity Insurance Premier Commercial Limited

0131 3030050 0131 2219876 0131 2752000 0131 2252566 0131 2403900


Direct Line: 0131 442 2493

+ Send appointment reminders. + Improve your customer contact. LYNX NETOWRKING + Issue text tickets & coupons. £ Free registration!. £ No monthly fees!. £ Pay as you go or monthly invoicing.

0131 4422493


Princes Exchange 1 Earl Grey Street Edinburgh EH3 9EE Tel: 0131 228 8111 Email: enquiries@turcanconnell.com www.turcanconnell.com

Diva Fine Jewellery Krzysztof Borkowski Jewellery Laing the Jeweller Tarnish

0131 6632157 07587326541 0131 2254513 07595957421

JOINERY INSTALLATION Mark Slater One Call Business Assist

0131 6574778

JOINERY 0131 6641626 B&M Joiners (Edinburgh) Limited


INSURANCE CONSULTANTS Barbon Insurance Group Jeffery Associates Insurance Brokers Scottish Widows

0844 5610660 0131 5541510 0131 6558360

INSURANCE INTERMEDIARIES Quarterback Systems Limited

0845 4500937


0207 5396200

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Barrachd Limited Bright Purple Resourcing Limited Byrne Consultancy Limited Collaborative Consulting Limited Ecrm Euro Limited Edge Testing Solutions Edisc Limited Engaging IT Kraya Limited LongLake Studio Omniarc Robertson Technologies Limited Sitekit Solutions Limited Small But Perfectly Formed Company Limited Solutions Plus (IT Services) Limited Spring Technology

Carruthers Agency

0131 3353533

Moleta Munro R Squared Design Limited

0131 5574800 0131 2297127

INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS 0131 2080075 0131 4737030 0131 3313694 0560 2266375 0131 2202820 01236 702088 07790739466 0845 6254028 0131 2478020 07157223411 0131 5168718 0845 8381710 0131 2299020 0131 5563946 0845 2605054 0131 2208533



Sino Spring

0131 4785195

B & M Joiners (Edinburgh) Limited 13-15 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EN Tel/Fax 0131 5569816 Mobile 07969 520708 www.bandmjoiners.com

INTERNATIONAL TRADERS Baltic Trading Company Limited

0131 4688505

INTERNET ADVERTISING Festival Previews Limited Internet Search Marketing Ratingroom Limited

0845 8384680 01289 309884 0131 3373370

Berry Joiners Limited Heritage Construction Ian Mackay Joiners Limited Neil Campbell Construction

JOURNALISTS Bill Magee Communications


0131 4760824 0131 5556669 0131 5553322 0131 6573526

0131 5571340


07971344475 0845 1199900

Edinburgh Junior Chamber of Commerce

0870 6000337

Citidogs Creche

0131 5540724

INNOVATIVE MARKETING Unique Marketing Solutions UP Associates


0131 4470438 0131 6601212



0131 2254557


ECC Directory 2010.indd 134

30/7/10 12:15:31

KILTS, TARTANS & ACCESSORIES Kinloch Anderson Limited Natural Tartan Kilts

LIGHTING CONSULTANTS 0131 5551355 0131 2299118

David Brown Lighting Consultants Limited



0131 3472561


01450 360294


0131 4456050 01620 823726


Princes Exchange 1 Earl Grey Street Edinburgh EH3 9EE Tel: 0131 228 8111 Email: enquiries@turcanconnell.com www.turcanconnell.com


222 Leith Walk Edinburgh EH6 5EQ Give us a call on: 0131 555 4499 or email me at: david@davidbrownlighting.com

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Brindley Associates Limited Harrison Stevens Limited Lempsink Garden Design

01506 858757 07808169730 07737792290


IMB Landscapes IMB Landscapes offers a comprehensive service to the public sector, which are designed to be cost effective at all times, the business also has experienced staff where work will be carried out to a IMBhigh LANDSCAPES very standard.

LEAN MANAGEMENT Ross International Limited

0131 5554499

0131 4497730


Design LED Products Limited

Hayward Jardine Limited (Ecospecialists Scotland) 07920803844

LIGHTING SUPPLIERS Black Moon Lighting Limited Ottimo Limited Shaboo UK Limited


01506 592321

0131 4480435 0131 2264750 0131 4474575

LINEN HIRE & LAUNDRY Johnsons Stalbridge Linen Selfridges



Tel : 01315 383602 Mob : 07513 101018 Excel Landscape Services

0131 6699199

LANGUAGE COURSES French Institute of Scotland Telos Language Services The Confucius Institute For Scotland Xuido Yakety Yak Language CafĂŠ

0131 2255366 0131 5557121 0131 6622180 01798 8400113

LANGUAGE SCHOOLS & CONSULTANTS ECS Scotland English-Speaking Union Scotland Inlingua World Language School Young Development Centre

0131 2265262 0131 2291528 0131 2205119 0131 5385018

A law firm for life science & other innovative businesses BONACCORD

0131 5554090 0131 5533033

LOCAL AUTHORITIES City of Edinburgh Council

0131 2002000


call Patricia Barclay 0131 202 6527 enquiries@bonaccord.eu www.bonaccord.eu

Edinburgh Lock Centre

0131 6679071

MACHINE TOOLS D.P. Machine Tool Maintenance

bto Clerwood Legal Services CMS Cameron McKenna LLP ELP Solicitors EmployEase: The Employment Practice Ltd MacRoberts Solicitors Pagan Osborne Ruth Anderson The Alistair Dean Law Practice Limited

0131 2202777 07932501022 0131 2207676 0131 5548649 0845 1233741 0131 2295046 0131 2264081 0131 5555980 0131 2202755


MAIL ORDER AGENTS & COMPANIES Whisky Barrel (Scotland) Limited, The

0845 2248156


LAWYERS Biggart Baillie DLA Piper UK LLP E-Corporate Environmental Law Chambers Euan Sinclair Johnsons of Edinburgh Maclay Murray & Spens LLP McClure Naismith, Solicitors McKay Norwell Solicitors Morton Fraser LLP Murray Beith Murray NF Smith Semple Fraser LLP The Law Society of Scotland Turcan Connell

Posch RPC Trading Scotland

0131 2265541 0131 2425500 01592 571151 0141 2256499 07785980378 0131 2265918 0131 2287000 0131 2284994 0131 2228000 0131 2471000 0131 2251200 07876453812 0131 2733771 0131 2268893 0131 2288111


LETTING AGENTS Lets 4 U RCP Properties

0844 8470830 07711748094

LIBRARIES/ARCHIVES National Library of Scotland Scottish Business Information Services

0131 6233763 0131 2258488



0131 7180707

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 135

135 30/7/10 12:15:34

Members by category MAILING SERVICES


P M Solutions Edinburgh Mailing Services Limited

0131 4403525 0131 5524085


Escrivo Limited FVRGeo Solutions Limited Kevlar Management Services Limited PA Consulting Group Telos Partners Limited

0131 2258199 0131 2582521 01786 476762 0131 3020018 01753 833377





MANUFACTURING - GRAIN/MALT WHISKY Scotch Malt Whisky Society Limited, The Special Scotch Whisky (Edinburgh) Limited

0131 5543451 0131 2298188

MANUFACTURING - SENSITIVE FILMS Free Collection Service Inserting & Collating Labelling & Sealing Mailsort Services EDINBURGH MAILING SERVICES Postage Discount* Database Management Mailmerge Services Response Handling Next Day Local & National Deliveries

FLEXcon Europe Limited

EDINBURGH MAILING SERVICES LTD info@edinburghmailingservices.co.uk Tel: 0131 552 4085 Fax: 0131 551 5145 24 New Broompark, Edinburgh EH5 1RS

Tel: 0131 552 4085 0131 2255475 07505150296 0131 2208203 01383 861504 07711330632 0131 4435356 01506 472888 01968 661466 07894619361 0131 3322640 0131 4496812 0131 6258500 0131 4789351 0131 4419136 0870 4203938 0131 2082979 07870170641 07960966908 0844 2572335 0330 0770073

MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS/TRAINING 3D Developments Limited Advance Consultancy UK Limited Choudri & Olejnik ICD Partnership Limited Ingenuity (Scotland) Limited Priority Management (Scotland) QA Limited Stratify Limited The 2Gether Partnership Limited Toroa Limited Zinc 2000 Limited


01506 499645 07561476623 07747864539 07773427249 0131 4481075 01875 852988 0141 8470476 07974369186 07733100163 07874052895 0131 5543005



01592 663219



N.G Bailey

01698 743400

0131 6692118


0131 5565600

0131 5575595

MARKET RESEARCH & ANALYSIS Eventus Software Limited Level Research Solutions Lynn Jones Research Limited Scotinform Limited What’s Next Business Consultancy

Allmedia SCOTLAND.com Leith FM

07710721478 0131 5550446



0131 3390728 0131 5553403 0131 6236236 0131 5551104 0131 4781831

Axis Media Blipfoto.com Caledonia Media Informed Edinburgh

0141 2422802 0131 4677740 0131 3313325 0131 5570042

MEDICAL & BIOTECHNOLOGY Omega Diagnostics Limited

01259 763030

MEDICAL CENTRES Centre of Health and Wellbeing

what s next!

MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS 2i Limited Aicoute Consulting Limited Avendris Limited Bremner Management Support Limited Broadreach Limited Charlie Dickson Consultancy Compita Different Conversations Engine 4 Growth Ltd Impact.bpc2 - Business & Personal Coaching instinct4change Meridian Productivity Limited Millican Associates Morago Limited Neil Williams.Biz Limited Purple Sheep Limited Sanderson Bell Enterprise Consultancy Shepherd Consultancy SPC Business Consulting Limited SpiralBridge Limited

07761256433 0131 6257003 0141 4162492 0131 5231430 0131 5640010 0131 2265514 01786 448904 0131 4733666 0131 4788717 0131 2251644 0131 6235038

On-Site Relaxation Limited

International Metrology Systems

Concept Systems Limited

* Depending on mailing meeting criteria

MARKETING SERVICES AVM Marketing Services Bigwood Estates Ltd Blether Media Bob Marketing Solutions Limited Brayleino Limited Caledonian Independent Whisky Limited Copylab Limited Edinburgh Convention Bureau Media Co (UK) Limited Native Agency Group Tandem Digital Marketing


for your business?


Market Research & Idea Development Explore the possibiliƟes. Contact us at:

0131 2006167


0800 0988253


Tel: 07971 406809

Evron Trading

Email: info@whats-next.co.uk Web: www.whats-next.co.uk

01555 895226


MARKETING CONSULTANTS Articulate Marketing Limited Brit Port Denise Horn Consultancy Dunira Strategy Emma Cowan Consultancy Fiona Melvin-Farr Consulting Hamlin Daniels Impact Marketing Solutions Meridian Marketing Consultants Multiply UK Limited Netcontact Pauline Platt Marketing Sponsorship Consulting Scotland Strategy Point Limited The Profit Detective Urban Niche Social Limited

0131 6697919

MERCHANT BANKS Close Property Finance



07846463892 07838469491 0131 6566466 0845 3708076 0131 4762295 0131 5561462 0131 2255113 07906162925 07939592521 0131 7180556 0131 6673463 07767472363 0131 5554045 0131 2081359 0845 3006081

Intelligent Mobile O2 Glasgow Onesoon Limited Secure Telecom UK Limited Veecom Systems

0870 7607030 07540916483 0333 6667366 0131 6639333 0131 5578300

MOBILITY AIDS Bathing Mobility Advisory Services

0131 6682227

MODEL MAKERS Wonderland Toys Limited

0131 2296428




0131 5550503


ECC Directory 2010.indd 136

30/7/10 12:15:37

MORTGAGE BROKERS & CONSULTANTS Cornerstone Mortgage Consultants

0131 5383570

OFFICE RENTAL/PROPERTY LETTING Concrete Letting Evans Easy Space

OFFSHORE SERVICES 0131 5552674 0870 8768000

MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS Autos2U Eastern Holdings Limited Mercedes - Benz of Edinburgh Pentland Land Rover Peter Vardy BMW Limited

07923524264 01506 600000 0131 4668000 0131 2732000 0131 6690900



MOTOR VEHICLES - COMMERCIAL Evans Halshaw Ford Edinburgh

0131 6696261

IXsurvey Ltd 6 West Shore Business Centre - Long Rigg West Shore Road Edinburgh EH51QT - Scotland Tel: + 44 (0) 131 552 0303 Fax: + 44 (0) 131 552 6619


0131 6631863

NEWSAGENTS Lasswade Newsplus

0131 6644792

NEWSPAPER & PERIODICAL PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS Johnston Press Plc The Scotsman Publications Limited

0131 2253361 0131 6208620


0131 3371717

NIGHTCLUBS The Jam House The Voodoo Rooms Scotland Limited

0131 2264380 0131 5567060


www.bestpracticeltd.co.uk BMG Office Equipment One Stop Office Supplies Limited Paper Plus Pentland Format Office Supplies

0131 3461494 0131 4432211 0131 5532929 0131 4482422

Local Free Same Day Delivery


0131 5556662


01506 592126

OIL SERVICES IBS Oil Engineering Services Limited


MUSICIANS Pickled Piper, The



0131 5542838

r m ce n S a t upp d


Tel: 0191 2374410 01750 725714

0207 4936177


0131 6566409


0131 6509073 07810698538


Fa Co m St cili pu at tie te io s r n M S Fu ery an upp rn & ag lie itu Pr em s re int en in t g

0131 2474113

F o Offin t l a




0131 4770772

O All f U A fice you nd va n r er ila ee on bl ds er e oo f.

Heehaw Digital



Tel: 0191 2374410 01750 725714 www.bestpracticeltd.co.uk Abermed L H Occupational Health & Safety

0131 3332525 0131 5379361

OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Claremont Office Furniture Danscot Print Limited Flexiform Kinnarps UK Ltd Tangram Furnishers Limited

01506 415885 0131 5566551


Phone or Email for Special Prices available to all Chamber Members

0131 6532228


01383 843276

OPTICIANS - DISPENSING Wallace Brown Limited

0141 4193600 01738 622974


Unit 20 Imex Business Centre Dryden Road Loanhead Midlothian EH20 9LZ Tel: 0131 448 2422 Fax: 0131 448 0607 email: sales@pentlandformat.co.uk

0131 6690032

OFFICES, SERVICED & FURNISHED ACCOMMODATION Capital Business Centre Inigo Business Centre MWB Business Exchange Office Suites UK Ltd Regus UK Limited SBC Strathmore Business Centres Limited

0131 2211234 0131 2216500 0131 7186000 0131 5557785 0131 2483000 0131 5231400

Spectacles Direct

0131 5539000

OPTICIANS - OPHTHALMIC Jack Brown Optometrists Specsavers Specsavers Opticians

0131 5573531 0131 2408860 0131 5585260



ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 137

137 30/7/10 12:15:43

Members by category PHOTOGRAPHERS - COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL Matt Laver Photography SJH Photography

0131 3320791 0131 6722867


0131 3380896

Colin Hattersley Ross Aitken Photography

0131 2286052 07816418236

Tete A Tete Wallace Artworks

•b buy uyin uy ing in g

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•s sel ellli el ling ling ng

• ins n tall ta all llat lat atio tio ion on

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0845 3883476

• rem mov ovals ova als




07751498654 0844 8794104

• re effu fu urrbi b sh shme hme ment nt nt • de em molit ollit itio tio ion on • sit ite cl clea ea eara arra anc nce e

integrated solutions


Location Scotland 0131 2609612

PAINTERS & DECORATORS Regency Decorators Rolland Decorators

0131 4430288 0131 6674111

PAPER PRODUCTS Ahlstrom Chirnside Limited

01890 818303

Allan Makin & Sons

0131 2255390 0131 3375135 0131 5619787 0131 4784646

0131 5561287

Effective asset management is essential in today’s business environment. Scotlift Systems SCOTLIFT SYSTEMS can offer a tailored solution to business owners, asset managers, insolvency practitioners, auction houses, landlords and developers.

Call 0845 388 3476 to talk about converting your assets into guaranteed returns today.

PICTURE FRAMES Amber Arts Limited

0131 2217000

Turley Associates

01543 495850

JRS Associates Thomson Print & Packaging

0131 6611167


PAYROLL SERVICES Frontier Software

Balanced Physiotherapy & Fitness McNaughton Physiotherapy Clinic Midlothian Physiotherapy Limited Physis

0131 5544494





0131 5610120

0131 5571099

PLANNING - SUPERVISORS 0131 5515395 0131 6574066

T: 0845 388 3476 F: 0845 388 3496 k E: info@scotliftsystems.co.uk

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & COACHING Executive 21 Gentle Leadership Limited Inside Out Mark Lister Coaching Micael Vola

01620 890970 01330 833556 01506 873481 0131 5579552 07788935645


PLANT HIRE Aggreko UK Limited Jarvie Plant Limited

01389 726200 01324 496500


07769875463 07771778187

PEST & VERMIN CONTROL SERVICES NBC Bird & Pest Solutions Robop Limited

07752269108 0131 6576444 07930317157 07757573286


0131 3432610 01875 619991

Lothian and Borders Police

0131 4494536 0131 4747030

Forth Property Developments Limited

0131 6625030


PETROLEUM SERVICES Edinburgh Petroleum Services Limited Petroleum Experts Limited

0131 3082464

PLUMBERS Able Girl Plumbing Absolut Plumbing CN Pluming & Heating Michael Bain Plumbing and Heating

PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS & SERVICES Integhral Limited The Career Management Organisation Limited

0131 3332819


PERSONAL TRAINERS Griffen Fitness Limited

VTS Royalite

0131 5558700


DX Network Services Limited First Scottish Group Ltd Read4sure Limited Royal Mail Group

01506 825060

PHOTOCOPYING EQUIPMENT Capital Solutions Concept Group Limited

0131 5574747 01506 416161

POULTRY Aviagen Limited

PHOTOGRAPHERS - ADVERTISING & FASHION Simon Williams Photography Tuskite Photography


0131 4469181 0131 4776594

01506 818275 01383 826777 07977585174 0131 3167440


0131 3331056


01506 884287


ECC Directory 2010.indd 138

30/7/10 12:15:46


0131 2208346



0131 3178787



Park Consultancy

01324 710501


Clayheath Limited CPM EDINBURGH Edinburgh Office Hannings Limited JMC Property JVR Properties Tower Mains Studios Limited Units-2let.com

0131 4478898 0131 6617394 0131 5503700 0131 4452810 07776302203 0131 3379911 0131 6661196 0131 6643448

PROPERTY INVESTMENT Boland Holdings Limited Equity Bridge Limited F T Linden Limited Glenham Property Management Limited Rutterford Limited


0131 5567535 01506 840402 0131 2267738 0131 5577769 0131 2286060


Direct Line: 0131 442 2493


Mobile: 07843 075 434

Helen Clover



E-Mail: stormonths@bellbrokers.co.uk PRINT BROKERS Sterling FP

Web: www.bellbrokers.co.uk 0131 2432500


PRINTERS - DIGITAL Cova Colour Print Dupliquick Limited Print Vision Ltd Syntax Digital Solutions Limited The Edinburgh Copy Shop Limited The Hidden (Scotland) Ltd T/A The Ink Shop Workflo Solutions

0131 5536036 0131 5571800 0131 6618855 0131 5552800 0131 5566100 0131 3377733 01506 858899

PRINTING INKS Cartridge World

0131 5573557

Company Growth

PROJECT MANAGEMENT Bee Handy Brightedge Project Management Limited Horcon Projects M.M.M.I.T Consulting Limited Maciver Project Services

0131 3364533 0131 4779090 0131 4663226 0131 6698258 0131 6681436

PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS/GIFTS/WARE Copymade Limited Happy Smile Limited


01786 433809

0131 2295432 0871 2882040


Professional Technical Authoring Services

Bannerman Developments Limited Deramore Property Group DM Hall GSS Developments Macdonald Estates Group Plc New Ingliston Limited Whiteburn Projects Limited

0131 5525181 02890 244030 0131 4776000 0131 2024990 0131 2253232 0131 3395541 0131 5582710



Mobile: 07931 691902 Enquiries@InDocs.co.uk

www.InDocs.co.uk Intuitive Documentation Ltd Understanding Communication Excellence

David Macdonald Limited Distinctive Publishing Limited Kall Kwik Minuteman Press Point One Printing Printing Services (Scotland) Limited Printing.com (East Coast Graphics UK Ltd) Stewarts of Edinburgh

0131 5566393 0191 4788300 0131 5230400 0131 4440800 0131 4403377 01383 620919 0131 2211555 01506 405480


0131 3340363

PRIVATE MEMBERS Whisky Club Bogotรก


AMA (New Town) Limited Citylets Eric Young and Company Limited Graham and Sibbald Ryden LLP

0131 2261780 0131 4674864 0131 2262641 0131 2405311 0131 2256612

0131 5168159 0131 4472020 0131 4478191 0131 5551704 0131 5503808 0131 6671525 07773775452 0131 5567814 0131 4437222 0131 5530053 0131 3468989 0131 5100051 0131 6222000 0131 5611080 0131 2257799

PROPERTY OWNERS/PROPERTY MANAGERS Braemore Estates And Property Management Broughton Property Management Geo.C.MacKay Limited LPT Visser Property Management

0131 6246666 0131 4787222 0131 5521070 0131 4423240 0131 4433800

PROPERTY SERVICES 24.7 Property Letting 24Seven Porperty Solutions Wellwood Leslie Architects

01506 414243 0844 2494247 01382 778829

PSYCHOLOGISTS - BUSINESS The St Andrews Consultancy Limited


PROPERTY CONSULTANTS Burns + Shaw Property Consultants Clan Gordon Limited Co Star Cullen Property Limited Edinburgh Spaces GVA Grimley Leithen Property Limited T/A Stacks

Arden Property Management Belvoir (Edinburgh South) Charles White Limited Click-Let Limited Clouds Property Management Edinburgh Letting Solutions Edinburgh Property Manager Limited, The Extra Mile Letting Karaman Lettings & Property Management Orchard & Shipman plc Ross and Liddell Limited Southside Property Management The Property Letting Centre Urban Dream Property Zone Letting Limited

0131 3150029 07887504411 0141 5617300 0131 2211818 0131 2290015 0870 9008990 0845 5193135

Grayling Scotland Invicta Public Affairs Limited Lezley M Cameron DL McEwan Partners News Direct (UK) Limited

0131 5588719 0131 2200159 0131 6675659 0131 2206779 0131 5579999

PUBLIC HOUSES PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING Chris Stewart Group Dap Architecture LLP Duddingston House Properties Limited Head Start Property Limited Mayfield Interiors Limited Morbaine Limited Murray Estates Limited Tiger Developments

0131 2259567 0131 4663321 0131 6528170 07957374213 0131 4668044 0151 4244211 0131 6249666 0207 7584730

Black Bull Inn Reverie

01506 882170 0131 6678870

PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING CONSULTANTS Acumen Lacuna Communications Saville Ferguson

0131 6617027 0131 4409010 07909527629

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 139

139 30/7/10 12:15:59

Members by category PUBLIC RELATIONS Abbeymount Media Limited Benchmark Media Limited Burt Greener Communications Limited Fleishman - Hillard Group Limited Halogen Communications Ltd Hot Tin Roof KDMedia Limited Media House International Limited Pagoda Public Relations PHPR Limited Platform PR PPS Group Proscot PR Sarah Urquhart PR Simon Sheikh Communications Group Tartan Silk Public Relations The Big Partnership The Communications Business Weber Shandwick

RECRUITMENT ONLINE 0131 5612244 0131 2250780 0141 2486007 0131 5584900 0131 2020120 0131 2253875 0131 3376232 0131 2477520 0131 5560770 0131 6695190 0131 2263000 0131 2261951 0131 4687055 07966893353 07817057078 0131 5578885 0131 5555522 0131 5535777 0131 5566649

PUBLICITY EAE Distribution Limited

0131 4409444

PUBLISHERS - BOOKS/JOURNALS Lowther Publishing Ltd Luath Press Limited Saint Andrew Press Church of Scotland

07850938407 0131 2254326 0131 2255722

My Jobgroup Limited Playfair & Noble SME Resourcing

RESTAURANTS/CAFES 0845 0176777 0870 7000092 0845 3599898

RECRUITMENT/PERSONNEL AGENCIES 4 Hire Limited Brae Edinburgh Limited Capital Appointments Limited Dickson Lewis Family Circle Care Limited George Street Recruitment Greig Melville Associates Limited Linton Recruitment Macploy Margaret Hodge Recruitment Maxwell Bruce Limited Media Plane Limited Neo Recruitment Limited RB Hunter Limited Robert Half International Select Appointments Plc Smart Sourcing plc Time Recruitment Services Limited Xpress Recruitment Limited

01592 862309 0131 2262140 0131 2006006 0131 5549500 0131 6241160 01324 628676 07711625401 0131 2266973 0131 2258901 0131 2251126 0131 6652245 01506 201174 0131 3323334 0131 2202171 0141 2489901 01782 860088 0131 6239299 0131 4401960

RECYCLING Recycling and Services

0131 3377473

REGISTRATION AGENTS PUBLISHERS Bright Red Publishing Limited Canongate Books I On Magazine Word of Mouth Communication

Registers of Scotland 0131 2205804 0131 5575111 0131 5554126 0131 2205233

RETAIL TRADERS Brooks Brothers UK Limited Eero & Riley Get Shirty Harvey Nichols - Edinburgh Ladies Golf Centre Ltd, The Paper Tiger The Bed Shop Totseat Limited Valvona & Crolla Limited

0131 2262827 0131 6610533 0131 2204628 0131 5248302 0131 3134446 0131 2282790 0131 5533050 0131 2266064 0131 5566066


RELOCATION SERVICES Symington Mackell Workplace Connections

07723448221 0131 2204447 0131 5575732 0131 5553103 0131 2286666 0131 2210503 0131 2252555 0131 5578184 0131 5380022 0131 5573032 0131 2256464 0131 2296660 0131 2258716 0131 2255979 0131 2210687 07846668132 0131 5560432 07502258843 0131 2260880 0131 2255613 0131 5566171

0845 2608600 07827325344

Stewarton Polo Club Limited



PUBLISHING MISCELLANEOUS Crossan Communications Edit on Time Private Booksales.Co.UK

0131 6596111

Blueberry Hill Café Creelers Dubh Prais Restaurant Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman Gandhi’s Ghillie-Dhu Gusto Restaurant & Bar Iggs Restaurante and Tappas Bar La Cantina La Garrigue Mamma’s Pizza Co Limited McKirdy’s Steakhouse Mercat Bar, The Mussel Inn Piadina Limited, The Pickledgreen - Melven Organics Limited Renroc Sloans The Living Room Group Limited The Witchery By The Castle Vittoria Restaurant

REMOVALS & STORAGE 0131 5531872 07812243182 0131 5533330

Bishops Move (Edinburgh) Limited Clark & Rose Limited Clockwork Removals Ltd D.J.Manning

Harveys Limited 0131 5566666 01786 448383 0131 6690044 01506 827693

0131 4400074


0131 3376535

QUALITY ASSURANCE Verify Europe Limited


0845 6432501

S.B. Roofing Services

0131 6203831

QUALITY CONTROL Search Technical Solutions Spot That Typo Etc


0131 7188076 0131 4493492

Buckstone Roofing Scotland (Limited) Choice Building & Roofing Limited Edinburgh Property Maintenance Limited

Removals and Storage

QUALITY/TQM CONSULTANTS Facilitators International LLP

DJ MANNING Auctioneers andSERVICES Valuers 01224 628260


Records Management

Lot56 Limited Sarah Fleming

QUANTITY SURVEYORS CPD Management Limited Doig & Smith Limited Faithful + Gould KLM Partnership

RACECOURSES Musselburgh Racecourse

Telephone 01506 827693

0131 6689460 0131 3143500 0131 2215600 0131 2219464


0800 289229


0141 3413390

East Coast

0870 0005151

RECRUITMENT ADVISERS Application Recruitment Limitted Change Recruitment Group Contract Scotland Limited Fenwick Consulting Limited NAS Recruitment Services (Scotland) Limited Orion Group Orton Search & Selection Ltd Peace Recruitment


Crown Worldwide Limited Narwiks Transport Services

01506 468150 01506 872207

Renew Services Limited Solar Kingdom Limited

Sapphire Systems PLC 01592 205738 0131 4451251

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 0131 4777643 0131 2257744 01786 446651 01620 824062 01506 400461 0131 2483584 0131 2006003 0131 4674701

Codaoctopus Products Limited Soilutions Limited Tower Mains Limited

0131 5531380 0131 5388456 0131 6647838

RESEARCH ASSOCIATIONS Edinburgh Research & Innovation Limited The Stroke Association

SALES CONSULTANCY & TRAINING Alan Fairweather International Aptia Limited Brain Salad Consultancy Limited Fettes Management Limited General Sales Solutions Limited Hawthorn Business Group Red Current Solutions Limited Sandler Training

0131 3152687 07833700237 0131 4640446 0131 3431222 01577 862231 0131 3150151 07879474673 0845 2575227




0845 3383780 07739042752

Email info@djmanning.co.uk Bridgeness Road, Carriden, Boness, West Lothian EH51 9SF Legal Post LP6, Boness

0131 6652859


0131 4660856 0845 3457749 0131 6621144

0131 6509090 0131 5557240

0131 2006156

SCOTCH WHISKY & OTHER SPIRITS Glen Turner Distillery Limited Ian MacLeod Distillers Limited Inverarity Vaults Scotch Whisky Association, The The Benriach Distillery Company Limited Whyte and Mackay Ltd

01506 468550 01506 852205 07500331858 0131 2229200 01324 682220 0141 2496274


01324 716616


ECC Directory 2010.indd 140

30/7/10 12:16:02

SECRETARIAL SERVICES Accurate Organiser Chalmers McLean Limited

SELF STORAGE 07721314971 01620 892575

Len Lothian Limited

SOLICITORS 0131 5388200


Wolfson Microelectronics PLC

0131 2727000

0131 4732383


0131 7186023


Fountain Court Apartments Frasers St Giles Street Management Hot-el-apartments Knight Residence, The Lets in the City Oakhill Appartments Limited

0131 6226677 0131 2217200 0131 5542721 0131 6228120 0131 5564970 0131 5555704

SHIP OWNERS DFDS Seaways Limited


& W M Urquhart Solicitors, A Allan McDougall & Company Anderson Strathern LLP Brodies LLP Burness LLP Cameron Stephen & Co Davidson Chalmers LLP Davidson Morris Solicitors Dundas & Wilson CS Gillespie Macandrew LLP Harper Macleod LLP HBJ Gateley Wareing (Scotland) LLP MBM Commercial McGill & Co McGrigors LLP Pinsent Masons Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP Shield & Kyd Tods Murray LLP Warner Commercial Wright Johnston & Mackenzie

0131 5562896 0131 2252121 0131 2707700 0131 2283777 0131 4736000 0131 5611090 0131 6259191 0207 0616210 0131 2288000 0131 2251677 0131 2472500 0131 2282400 0131 2268200 0131 2282083 0131 7777000 0131 2250000 0131 2289900 0131 2282381 0131 6562000 0131 6680404 0131 2215560


0131 5541231




8 ALBANY STREET EDINBURGH EH1 3QB SCOTLAND T +44 (0)131 473 2383 F +44 (0)131 473 2309

Aasha Akuti Fashion Footwear & Accessories

0131 4660440



SHOPFITTING CONTRACTORS Bentleys Shopfitting Limited

01382 818800

Cameron Toll Shopping Centre Gibralter General Partner Limited Ocean Terminal Princes Mall Shopping Centre St James Shopping Centre

0131 6662777 0131 6699090 0131 5558888 0131 5573759 0131 5570050

Bounce Sports Management Limited IMG Innovator Sports Limited

01383 611210

Urban Paintball Edinburgh limited

0131 3152800

Dunedin Metalworks

0131 4769200 0845 2268595

Winton House


SPORTS PROMOTION & MANAGEMENT 0131 4457869 0208 2335300 0844 8080442




SIGNAGE Big Advert Signs First Display

0131 3132977 0131 3177388



SPORTS CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS Capital Sports Limited RYA Scotland



i n f o @ k a l e w a t e r. c o . u k ADT Fire and Security PLC

0131 6613097

01875 340222


Make sure we are part of your masterplan ADT FIRE AND SECURITY PLC

SIGNMAKERS Lofthus Signs & Engraving Limited McRobb Display Property Displayed Signs Express Edinburgh

0131 5512494 0131 5569633 0131 5532987 0131 4531232

Andrew Ovens Stationers Limited White Blossom Designs

0131 5544877 0131 6621189

STEEL FABRICATORS James Blake & Co Engineers Limited

0131 5541646

SITE INVESTIGATIONS Land Drill Geotechnics Limited

01506 432020

STEEL STOCKHOLDERS Edgen Murray Europe Limited

0131 3333333


0131 6594730

STEEPLEJACKS Geckotech Solutions Limited

0131 5527073

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT A Tyco International Company

Advance Security UK Limited Clockwork Security Limited Keyholding Response UK Limited SecuriGroup Wilson James

07779142730 0131 5527473 0131 5351113 0870 3600999 01506 497895

Bhulan Limited e-products ltd Epistemy Limited Intelligent Earth Limited LawWare Limited Rubaidh Limited

0131 4661135 0131 5231440 0131 4518298 0131 2476841 0845 2020577 0131 2735271

SOLAR EQUIPMENT Solar Technology Limited

STOCK EXCHANGE The Environment Exchange

0131 4732330

STOCKBROKERS Charles Stanley

0131 5501200


Big Yellow Self Storage Limited

0131 4535769

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 141

141 30/7/10 12:16:05

Members by category STORY TELLING

TAKE-AWAY FOOD SHOPS Lahori Karahi PG Sandwich Shop

Marie Louise Cochrane Storyteller



Telling stories and singing songs to entertain, educate and inspire



Engaging storytelling for young and old. Tales that nourish, Stories that satisfy! Including: Mrs Mash the Storytelling Cook

0131 6211935

McColl Associates

0131 5550721

SDC Limited

0131 2201113


Princes Exchange 1 Earl Grey Street Edinburgh EH3 9EE Tel: 0131 228 8111 Email: enquiries@turcanconnell.com www.turcanconnell.com



Stories and songs for Emotional Wellbeing

To find out more about more contact:

Marie Louise Cochrane TAX/VAT CONSULTANCY

Tel 0131 467 1449

Bond Chartered Accountants Optimum Paye

Email: info@marielouisecochrane.com

0131 5575500 0845 4728204

Web: www.mrsmash.com



Border Cabs Central Radio Taxis (Tollcross) Limited


0131 6677199

With our support, Dawn completed her college BETHANY TRUST course andCHRISTIAN now looks forward to a brighter future. Help make a longterm difference in the lives of homeless and vulnerable people across Scotland. Leave a legacy of hope today.


To discuss your legacy call 0131 625 5319 or email supporters@ bethanychristiantrust.com www.bethanychristiantrust.com Polish Family Support Centre

01721 721212 0131 2212230





0131 4482946

SURVEYORS - BUILDING Objective (Scotland) Limited

0131 2006020

Edinburgh’s LARGEST taxi company




Alan Grant Associates CB Richard Ellis Limited Culverwell David Adamson & Partners JEF Developments Jones Lang LaSalle King Sturge LLP Montagu Evans Surveying Solutions Limited

All Central Taxis accept Credit & Debit cards

0131 5162960 0131 4697666 0131 2266611 0131 2297351 07767611345 0131 2258344 0131 2254221 0131 2293800 0131 2251212

City Cabs Edinburgh Limited Computer Cab (Edinburgh) Limited Edinburgh City Private Hire Limited Edinburgh Select Travel Limited

0131 2285319 0131 2728000 0131 4774000 07968156472


ECC Directory 2010.indd 142

30/7/10 12:16:07

TEA & COFFEE MERCHANTS Brodie Melrose Drysdale & Company Limited

TOUR GUIDES 0845 0601867

Edinburgh Tour Guides

0131 4430548

TECHNICAL AUTHORSHIP & ILLUSTRATION Doc-Department Intuitive Documentation Limited

0203 1623079 07535292163


TECHNICAL TESTING/ANALYSIS Flowpath Technical Development

01968 677860

European Energy Centre Limited Gazing Performance Systems learn direct scotland for business Relationships Scotland Rothera Group Limited SB Learning Consultancy Limited The Imagination Workshop The Performance Tree Training For Care Transform Business and Training Consultancy Ltd


0131 4439933 0131 2026018

TELECOMMUNICATIONS 9 Dots Communications BT Scotland Datasharp Scotland Highnet Limited

0131 4452856 0131 3456004 0131 4533649 0800 9803003

23 Broomhouse Place North, Edinburgh EH11 3UF Tel: +44 (0)131 443 3200 Mob: +44 (0)79 4847 2828 info@edinburghtourguides.com www.edinburghtourguides.com

Mercat Tours Limited Saints & Sinners Walking Tours Viajar Por Escocia

0131 2255445

TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICES Aquarius Contact Centres UK Limited

0844 5442872


0141 2286304

07771918094 07956390058

Bacchus & Beyond Wine Company Limited Ross Tour Consultants

Speciality Scotland Travel



success through seeing 9G Success Through Seeing

07738657495 0131 2295209

e-mail: info9G@btinternet.com web: www.9Gscotland.co.uk tel: 07891294326



07932676841 0131 2261414 0131 5564500 0131 2263133 0131 2266066


TELEPHONES, MOBILE 2DCode Limited T-Mobile UK Limited

TOUR OPERATORS 2 Wheel Tours HET Corporate/HET JAC Travel Scotland Limited Rabbie’s Trail Burners Limited Timberbush Tours

0131 4469479 07887743483 0141 2856000 0845 1192020 01506 203325 0131 6699378 0131 4660148 0131 2263910 0131 5567773 01506 852476

0131 3433770

01505 691311

tel: 07888870820


0870 1452106


01968 671200

0131 5535353

0131 5574700 0131 5530320 0131 2259846 0844 4932100 0131 2200441

TOURIST INFORMATION Flixity.TV VisitScotland.com


Auld Reekie Tours Edinburgh International Science Festival Historic Scotland The National Trust for Scotland The Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre

0131 5571288 0131 4722222

TOURIST SERVICES Time 4 Golf in Scotland Limited

01334 476290


0131 6227786


THEATRES/CONCERT HALLS Assembly Rooms and Church Hill Theatre Festival City Theatres Trust Playhouse Theatre Queens Hall (Edinburgh) Limited, The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company Traverse Theatre (Scotland) Limited

TOYS & GAMES 0131 2204348 0131 6621112 0131 5243333 0131 6683456 0131 2484831 0131 2283223

THEMED ENTERTAINMENT The Edinburgh Fun Casino Company

0131 6525940

0845 0171646

Sock Macmonkey

0131 6202334

Mike Kean tel: 01506 855757 Winning Sales Workshop www.asktraining.co.uk ASK BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT

TRADE & PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Road Haulage Association Scottish Building Federation Scottish Council for Development and Industry Scottish Food & Drink Federation Scottish Tourism Forum

0131 4724180 0131 5568866 0141 3329119 0131 2299415 0131 2206321


Scottish North American Business Council

0141 3303998



Colin Buchanan and Partners 0131 639563


01835 863501

0131 2264693

Tel: 0191 2374410 01750 725714

TRAINING & CONSULTANCY ORGANISATIONS 9G, Success Through Seeing Avante Consulting CW Training Services

0131 4477712 0131 2722728 0131 5575181

www.bestpracticeltd.co.uk BEST PRACTICE LIMITED

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 143

143 30/7/10 12:16:12

Members by category COMMUNICATE Leading training providers in ■ interpersonal skills ■ management development ■ team building ■ performanceCOMUNICATE management



Alba Beverage Company

0131 4479489

Global Virtual Interviews Limited



Visit our website to download a wide range of synopses to support your training plans www.communicate-consultants.com or call us on 0131 667 4587 We tailor solutions to meet your needs

David Kerr Translations Elite Linguists CIC Global Language Services Limited Lingo24 Limited Translation Services UK Verbatim Services Limited Zuzanna

0131 5392755

0131 6241166 0131 2010029 01506 670009 0131 5122095 07738624323

01506 880777



0131 2261045


Visobelle Displays

Window Dressing & Visual merchandising training Provided and brought to you VISOBELLE DISPLAYS Full day courses or short sessions tailored to suit your needs Tuition includes: The importance of window dressing. How to attract customers and improve shop image. Three dimensional display techniques. Covering boards and backdrops. The proper use of signs. Advice on all aspects of retail display.

Tel: 01875 812933 Mob: 07843594190 E-mail: issypiano@btinternet.com A4e Scotland Adam Smith Business Solutions Advantage Learning Limited Ambition Centre for Training Aquarius International Centrex Conference Centre Communicate Derigo Limited Enhance People Consultants Limited Forum Interactive Limited Getting Words to Work GTG Training Ltd Medics Direct Europe Limited Pitman Training Centre Recruitment Training (Edinburgh) Limited Reference Point Training Limited Rhetorical Company SCE Enterprise Spinach Communications Tidalfire Limited

0131 2210477 01592 223400 0131 6682445 0131 3374393 0131 4419555 01506 497777 0131 6674587 0845 8382526 01506 882875 0131 4782368 0131 5573216 0131 4536666 0141 2486294 0131 5565650 0131 5589209 07823773708 0131 4780760 0131 5354800 0131 3127449 0131 5101240

J.Murdoch Wight Limited (JMW) SEStran

EUS Community Learning Centre Swanston IT


0131 5506808 0131 4452552


Transport Planning and Delivery SESTRAN

Event Video Services Speakeasy Productions Limited

SEStran aims to achieve a comprehensive, sustainable transport port system that ensures the economicc future of South East Scotland.

S.C.V.O. - Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations 0131 5563882

0131 4403454 01738 828524


SEStran, 8b McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4LZ T: 0131 524 5150 F: 0131 524 5151

W: www.sestran.gov.uk Tie Limited Virgin Trains

0131 6228300 0141 3354705


0131 7184000

TRAVEL AGENTS & TOUR OPERATORS Cashel Travel Gray Line (Scotland) Limited Ian Dickson Travel Service Murray Travel TFc Travel Management The Travel Company Edinburgh

0845 1196220 0131 5555558 0131 5566777 0131 5573355 0131 4777777 0131 4677000

“The programme matches people from business’ and charities to create a winCOUNCIL win situation. I would SCOTTISH FOR VOLUNTARY highly recommend it to any business ORGANISATION that wants to make a difference”. Brendan Dick, Director of BT Scotland

www.scvo.org.uk/businessonboard businessonboard@scvo.org.uk 0131 474 6154 8LI 7GSXXMWL 'SYRGMP JSV :SPYRXEV] 3VKERMWEXMSRW 7':3 MW E 'LEVMX] VIKMWXIVIH MR 7GSXPERH 2S 7' 7':3 MW E GLEVMXEFPI GSQTER] PMQMXIH F] KYEVERXII VIKMWXIVIH MR 7GSXPERH 2S 7'

TRAVEL SERVICES Storygardenz Edinburgh Limited

0131 2086044

Activity Awards

WASTE MANAGEMENT PMR-GCA Scotland Shanks Waste Management Limited Viridor Waste Management


07969017603 01908 650576 0141 7819151

0131 3467770

WATCHES RETAIL TUTORIAL SERVICES Basil Paterson College, Edinburgh Music Theory Revision Limited

Smiths Watch Co. Limited 0131 2253802 01875 320227

Bawbags Limited



0131 5587777 0131 3393007

0845 6028855



DPM Water Technologies Ltd


Veolia Water


0800 0262226

WATER SUPPLY Business Stream - A Scottish Water Company

Enviroliance Limited


0131 4473706

WATER COOLERS Water Coolers (Scotland) Limited


East of Scotland KTP Centre


0131 4403633 0131 5245150

01324 622171



ECC Directory 2010.indd 144

30/7/10 12:16:19



Coast to Coast


PNE Winds UK Limited

0131 2605900 0131 3030018

Cleen Rite 2000 Limited Greig Avinou National Window Cleaning

07865421835 0131 5566818

Almondvale Windows

WEALTH MANAGEMENT Kleinwort Benson St James’s Place Partnership


WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Activ Web Design Border Crossing Media

01620 826991 0131 6570850


STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD... TO ADVERTISE CALL 0191 478 83 00 Expanding Web Limited Inigo Media Limited Kamala Karthik Lucent Web Design Oribi Designs Limited Pixel Web Studio

07857751053 0131 5551147 0131 6610571 01578 730602 07896307893 07926876596

Cloud Consultancy E-Business Promotion Limited Queryclick Limited Richard Pavey Web Design & Development Varma Business Solutions

07711299282 01875 321921 0131 3161357


07868551674 0131 2580307 0131 2267078 0131 5381988 02866 329323

Ryan Carr

0131 2250850

Royal Zoological Society of Scotland

0131 5526241


WORKWEAR 4 T Tools & Workwear

0131 6610003



Appellation Wines Limited Corney & Barrow (Scotland) Limited Drambuie Liqueur Company Limited, The



0131 6249830

01506 811766



Civic Limited

0207 4694989

0131 3349171



Bluemungus Boom Digital Limited David and Joe Limited EWMultimedia Ezone Software Gravitational FX Web Design Marketspan Limited Newhaven Websites Objective Associates Limited Picodeliq Enterprises Limited Quix Limited SystemsForge

0131 5554505 01875 815547 0131 5105100 0131 2251000 0131 2256622 0800 4488960 0131 6258731 0131 4761834 01786 498079 0131 6673643 0845 3736697 0131 4664091

WEDDING SERVICES Bimah Kahnum Wedding Planning Emma Roy of Edinburgh MS Wedding Photography Purple Penguin Wedding Design

0131 2288838 0131 5572875 07980456928 07786106102


Would you like to promote your business? We have a mag for that... If you would like to promote your business in any of our publications please contact Distinctive Publishing on 0191 4788300 or email production@distinctivepublishing.co.uk Please visit www.distinctivepublishing.co.uk to view examples of our publications and a complete list of all the titles we produce.

ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 145

145 30/7/10 13:05:28

Scottish Flood Forum

Scottish Flood Forum Are you one of these drivers who ignore the warning signs? Low petrol or an unfastened seat belt light may not cause an accident but what if it’s a low oil warning, or worn brakes what do we do then?

And then what about speed limits – as a regular driver though the road works on the A80 at Cumbernauld I am amazed how often drivers ignore the warning signs as they approach the average speed check cameras and when they see those cameras like birds of prey on the gantries on go the brakes to the consternation of other road users. Having worked in Flood Recovery for the past 7 years I am still amazed just how many people do not heed warnings of flooding and its potential risk to Businesses and Homes. In a survey I conducted with over 3000 people their response to the question ‘How did you respond when you received a flood warning’ gave the following results: • 35% Moved Valuables, • 10% warned neighbours, • 5% sealed doors with sandbags, • 8% just stood and watched what happened, • 3% evacuated the property but the worrying thing was that 12% disbelieved the warning and 27% did nothing. • That’s over 800 people from the survey who did nothing – and yes they were flooded. Flooding is becoming a constant risk to all of us. The Scottish Flood Forum has been working in Stonehaven, St Andrews and Dumfries for the past 6 months, and I have seen first hand the impact that flood water can have on businesses and the community. Yet so many people say – “I didn’t think it was going to happen to me I have never been flooded before”, yet in came the water. Many business struggle to maintain trade when they are forced to close down for weeks to allow restoration and repair work to be carried out to the property. The Scottish Flood Forum has considerable and unique experience in flood recovery to communities and properties throughout Scotland. We are an independent organisation who specialise in Business Continuity Planning, offering impartial advice in protecting your property or business from flooding.


For more information or advice please contact us through our web site – www.scottishfloodforum.org or by e-mail paul.hendy@scottishfloodforum.org heeding the warnings might just be the best thing you ever did.

To be kept informed about Floodline Warnings Direct, complete the enquiry form on the SEPA website: www.sepa.org.uk/floodlinewarningsdirect or call Floodline (0845 988 1188)

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) operates Floodline, a 24 hour helpline providing information about flooding, together with advice on how to prepare for floods. In March 2011 SEPA will launch a new service called Floodline Warnings Direct. This service will send messages direct to registered landlines and mobiles in areas covered by Flood Warning Schemes.


ECC Directory 2010.indd 146

30/7/10 12:16:26

Members by A-Z

ECC Directory 2010.indd 147

30/7/10 12:16:38

Members by A-Z # 2 Wheel Tours 42A Forth Street, North Berwick EH39 4JQ T: 07932676841 E: info@2wheel-tours.com W: www.2wheel-tours.com Tour Operators 24.7 Property Letting Unit 4, Hawk Brae, Newyearfield Business Park, Livingston EH54 6TW T: 01506 414243 E: edinburgh@247propertyletting.co.uk W: www.247propertyletting.co.uk Property Services 24Seven Porperty Solutions Leslie House, 6 Allen Road, Livingston EH54 6TQ T: 0844 2494247 E: russellgray@24sevenuk.net W: www.24sevenuk.net Property Services 2DCode Limited 119 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh EH10 4EQ T: 07771918094 E: tclarsen@2dcode.me W: www.2dcode.me Telephones, Mobile The 2Gether Partnership Limited Morham House, 9 Morham Gait, Greenbank Village, Edinburgh EH10 5GH T: 07733100163 E: pip@the2getherpartnership.com W: www.the2getherpartnership.com Management Consultants/Training 2i Limited 18 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PF T: 0131 2255475 E: jellis@2i-it.com W: www.2i-it.com Management & Business Consultants 360Pix Unit 1, West Craigs Industrial Estate, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 0BD T: 0131 3380896 E: info@360pix.biz W: www.360pix.biz Photographers - Panorama 3D Developments Limited 99 Blair Avenue, Deanburn, Bo’Ness EH51 0QP T: 01506 499645 E: 3ddevelopments@blueyonder.co.uk Management Consultants/Training 4 Hire Limited 38 Henderson Row, Edinburgh EH3 5DN E: info@4hire.ltd.uk W: www.4hire.ltd.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies 4 T Tools & Workwear Unit 6, North Peffer, Edinburgh EH16 4UZ T: 0131 6610003 Workwear 60W Communications Limited 4 West Maitland Street, Edinburgh EH12 5DS T: 0131 6258254 E: pete@60w.co.uk W: www.60w.co.uk Advertising Services 7N Architects 22 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AL T: 0131 2205541 E: info@7narchitects.com W: www.7narchitects.com Architects/Architectural Services 8020 Financial Management 25 Craigmount Brae, Edinburgh EH12 8XD T: 0131 3398881 E: gordon.rigby@8020financials.com W: www.8020financials.com Accountants


9 Dots Communications 10a Swanston Steading, 109 Swanston Road, Edinburgh EH12 5JL T: 0131 4452856 E: jdalrymple@9dots.co.uk W: www.9dots.co.uk Telecommunications 9G, Success Through Seeing 49/3 Falcon Avenue, Edinburgh EH10 4AN T: 0131 4477712 E: info9g@btinternet.com Training & Consultancy Organisations

A A & W M Urquhart Solicitors 16 Heriot Row, Edinburgh EH3 6HR T: 0131 5562896 E: enquiries@urquharts.co.uk W: www.urquharts.co.uk Solicitors A + J Paton Consultants 32/6 Littlejohn Road, Edinburgh EH10 5GJ T: 0131 4782112 E: ajpaton.consultants@blueyonder.co.uk Financial & Business Consultants A H Bell & Co (Insurance Brokers) Ltd, A 56 Baberton Mains Gardens, Edinburgh EH14 3BX T: 0131 4422493 E: stormonths@bellbrokers.co.uk W: www.bellbrokers.co.uk Insurance Brokers A-Grade Electrical Services Limited 6 Alloway Loan, Edinburgh EH16 6XH T: 0131 2580029 E: robert.ure@a-grade-electrical.co.uk W: www.a-grade-electrical.co.uk Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering A-Haven Townhouse 180 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH6 4NS T: 0131 5546559 E: reservations@a-haven.co.uk W: www.a-haven.co.uk Hotels A-Marea Limited 17-32 Sampetera Street, Riga LV -1046 T: +371 25807273 E: info@a-marea.com W: www.a-marea.com Financial & Business Consultants A4e Scotland Southern Exchange House, 34 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh EH3 9BN T: 0131 2210477 E: dorothy_hewat@a4e.co.uk W: www.a4e.co.uk Training Services The A9 Partnership Limited Abercorn School, Newton Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 6PZ T: 01506 834700 E: abercorn@a9partnership.co.uk W: www.a9partnership.co.uk Accountants Aasha Akuti Fashion Footwear & Accessories 164 Baberton Mains Drive, Edinburgh EH14 3DZ T: 0131 4660440 E: aashaakuti@gmail.com Shoe Shops Abacus Asset Finance Limited 139 Comiston Road, Edinburgh EH10 5QN T: 0131 4528090 E: Johnkerr@abacusasset.co.uk Finance Brokers

Abbey Business Centres 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ER T: 0131 2476700 E: lstoddard@abbey-offices.com W: www.abbeyoffices.com Business Centres Abbeymount Media Limited Bonnington Bond, 29 Breadalbane Street, Edinburgh EH6 5JW T: 0131 5612244 E: info@holyroodpr.co.uk W: www.holyroodpr.co.uk Public Relations Abbott Risk Consultancy 11 Albyn Place, Edinburgh EH2 4NG T: 0131 2200164 E: info@consultarc.com W: www.consultarc.com Engineering Services/Consultancy Abercorn Memorials 204 Piersfield Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 7BN T: 0131 6692118 E: maryfairbairn@abercornmemorials.fsnet.co.uk W: www.abercorn.info Marble & Granite Services Aberdeen Asset Management PLC 40 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BY T: 0131 5284000 E: ian.massie@aberdeen-asset.com W: www.aberdeen-asset.com Financial Services Aberfeldy Cottages 5 Tenplers Cramond, Edinburgh EH4 6BY T: 0131 3396548 E: geoff@aberfeldycottages.co.uk W: www.aberfeldycottages.co.uk Holiday Accommodation - Self-Catering Aberlour Child Care Trust 36 Park Terrace, Stirling FK8 2JR T: 01786 450335 E: sanjay.singh@aberlour.org.uk W: www.aberlour.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Abermed The Lodge Roddinglaw Business Park, Roddinglaw Road, Edinburgh EH12 9DB T: 0131 3332525 E: joy.mackenzie@abermed.com W: www.abermed.com Occupational Health Able Girl Plumbing 16 Newtonloan Court, Gorebridge EH23 4FB T: 07752269108 E: ablegirlplumbing@hotmail.co.uk Plumbers Able People Development 11 Alnwickhill Road, Edinburgh EH16 6LJ T: 0131 6645004 E: info@ablepeople.co.uk W: www.ablepeople.co.uk Development - Personal Absolut Plumbing 16 Seaview Terrace, Joppa, Edinburgh EH15 2HD T: 0131 6576444 E: Sales@absolutplumbing.co.uk Plumbers Accurate Organiser 14 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BD T: 07721314971 E: lorna@accurateorganiser.com W: www.accurateorganiser.com Secretarial Services Achieving Goals Limited 33 East Craigs Rigg, Edinburgh EH12 8JA T: 0131 3396704 E: peter@achievinggoals.org.uk W: www.achievinggoals.org.uk Business Coaching

Acre Care Homes Limited 8 Lismore Crescent, Edinburgh EH8 7DN T: 0131 6617225 E: fergus@acrecarehomes.com W: www.acrecarehomes.com Holding Companies Activ Web Design 18 Murieston Drive, Livingston EH54 9AU T: 07865421835 E: tommy.laughlin@activwebdesign.com W: www.activwebdesign.com Web Design & Development Activity Awards 25 Ardmillan Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 2JW T: 0131 3467770 E: activityawards@blueyonder.co.uk W: www.activityawards.co.uk Trophies & Medals Acumen 50 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DL T: 0131 6617027 E: info@acumen-pr.com W: www.acumen-pr.com Public Relations/Marketing Consultants Acumen Accountants and Advisors Limited Bon Accord House, Riverside Drive, Aberdeen AB11 7SL T: 01224 573904 E: enquiries@acumen.co.uk W: www.acumen.info Accountancy Services Adam Smith Business Solutions c/o Adam Smith College, St Brycedale Campus, St Brycedale Avenue, Kirkcaldy, Fife KY1 1EX T: 01592 223400 E: jimmcdevitt@adamsmith.ac.uk W: www.adamsmithcollege.ac.uk Training Services Adrok Limited 49-1 West Bowling Green Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NX T: 0131 5556662 E: info@adrokgroup.com W: www.adrokgroup.com Oil & Natural Gas Exploration & Production ADT Fire and Security PLC ADT House, Tannochside Park, Uddingston G71 5PH T: 01698 486000 W: www.adt.co.uk Security Services Advance Consultancy UK Limited 12 Badgerwood, Dechmont, West Lothian EH52 6NZ T: 07561476623 E: ian@advanceconsultancy.co.uk W: www.advanceconsultancy.co.uk Management Consultants/Training Advance Security UK Limited Unit 5 Alderstone Business Park, MacMillan Road, Livingston EH54 7DF T: 07779142730 E: michael.carter@advancesecurity.co.uk W: www.advancesecurity.co.uk Security Services Advanced Property Care Limited 29 Alexander House, Royal Quarter, Seven Kings Way, Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5BY W: www.advanced.propertycare.co.uk Building Services Advantage Learning Limited PO Box 28106, Edinburgh EH6 5WJ T: 0131 6682445 E: info@advantagelearning.co.uk W: www.advantagelearning.co.uk Training Services AEGON UK plc Scottish Equitable House, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9SE T: 0870 6000337 E: information@aegon.co.uk W: www.aegon.com Investment Companies


ECC Directory 2010.indd 148

30/7/10 12:16:39

Aeromark Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7TL T: 07825579783 E: brianl@aeromark.co.uk W: www.aeromark.co.uk Vehicle Telematics Age Scotland Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR T: 0845 8330200 E: sheena.hunter@acscot.org.uk W: www.ageconcernscotland.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Aggreko UK Limited Overburn Avenue, Dumbarton G82 2RL T: 01389 726200 E: sarah.holt@aggreko.co.uk W: www.aggreko.com Plant Hire

Alba Beverage Company Unit 4, Sauchiebank, Russel Road Industrial Estate, Edinburgh EH11 2NN T: 0131 5392755 E: albabeverageco@msn.com W: www.kencovirtualcafe.co.uk Vending Machine Ingredients & Servicing Alba Business Catering 21 Lansdowne Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EH T: 0131 5351046 E: info@albacatering.co.uk W: www.albacatering.co.uk Catering Contractors Alba Town Business Centres 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EB T: 0131 5246100 E: info@alba-town.com Business Centres

Ahlstrom Chirnside Limited Chirnside, Duns TD11 3JW T: 01890 818303 E: john.mckenna@ahlstrom.com W: www.ahlstrom.com Paper Products

Albatern Room 115, Midlothian Innovation Centre, Pentlandfield, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RE E: edward@albatern.co.uk Energy Management

Aicoute Consulting Limited West Mews House, 19 Inverleith Place Lane, Edinburgh EH3 5QS T: 07505150296 E: randle.cowcher@aicoute.com W: www.aicoute.com Management & Business Consultants

Alexander Dockar Practice Melville House, 18-22 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS T: 0131 3030050 E: alexander.dockar@sjpp.co.uk W: www.sjp.co.uk Investment Managers

AIESEC Edinburgh AIESEC Society Office, 60 Pleseance, Edinburgh EH8 9TJ T: 07872524489 E: vpbdedinburgh@gmail.com Charities & Benevolent Organisations Airdrie Savings Bank 56 Stirling Street, Airdrie ML6 0AW T: 01236 766851 E: iain.campbell@airdriesavingsbank.com W: www.airdriesavingsbank.com Banking/Advisory Services AJA Events Limited 3D Station Road, Roslin EH25 4LP T: 0131 4401768 E: tony.aherne@bluebottle.com Event Organisers/Management AKD AKD House, Maulsford Avenue, Edinburgh EH22 1PH T: 0131 6547084 E: info@akd.net W: www.akd.net Air Conditioning Services Alan Fairweather International 6 Keith Row, Edinburgh EH4 3NL T: 0131 3152687 E: alan@themotivationdoctor.com W: www.themotivationdoctor.com Sales Consultancy & Training Alan Grant Associates Caerketton House, Mauricewood Mains, Mauricewood Road, Milton Bridge, Edinburgh EH26 0NJ T: 0131 5162960 E: alan.grant@alangrantassociates.com W: www.alangrantassociates.com Surveyors - Chartered Alan Hendry 35 Earlbank Avenue, Scotstoun, Glasgow G14 9HE T: 07887633169 E: alan.hendry86@ntlworld.com Film & Video Productions Alan Reid PGA Golf West Lothian Golf Club, Airngath Hill, Linlithgow EH49 7RH T: 01506 825060 E: alanereid@msn.com W: www.alanreidpro.co.uk Pga Qualified Golf Professionals

Alliste Limited T/A Express Worldwide Drumsheugh House, Broughton, Peebleshire ML12 6HQ T: 01899 830243 E: steve.lamb@expressworldwide.co.uk W: www.expressworldwide.co.uk Courier Services

Analysys Mason Limited Canal Court, 40 Craiglockhart Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 1LT T: 0131 4439933 E: enquiries@analysysmason.com W: www.analysysmason.com Telecommunications Consultants

Allmedia SCOTLAND.com Third Floor, 44 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2DR T: 07710721478 E: info@allmediascotland.com W: www.allmediascotland.com Media Analysts/Services

Andergauge Limited Harness Road, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen AB12 3LE T: 01224 336500 E: tulloch@andergauge.com W: www.andergauge.com Drilling Equipment & Services - Oilfield

Allsquare (Edinburgh) Ltd 31 Starbank Road, Edinburgh EH5 3BY T: 0131 5514747 E: enquiries@allsquare.org W: www.allsquare.org Book-Keeping

Anderson Ballantine Tower Mains Studios, 18d Liberton Brae, Edinburgh EH16 6AE T: 0131 6669000 E: info@and-bal.co.uk W: www.resultsandvalue.com Accountants

Almondvale Windows c/o Stevenswood, Williamson Garden Centre, Uphall, West Lothian EH52 6PA T: 01506 811766 E: sales@almondvalewindows.com W: www.almondvalewindows.com Windows

Anderson Carpet Care 36 Stenhouse Place West, Edinburgh EH11 3LB T: 0131 2026248 E: info@andersoncarpetcare.com W: www.andersoncarpetcare.com Carpet & Upholstery

Altarus Construction Limited 32 Currievale Park, Edinburgh EH14 5TL T: 0131 4786461 E: sales@altaglass.co.uk W: www.altaglass.co.uk Conservatories/Building & Repair

Anderson Strathern LLP 1 Rutland Court, Edinburgh EH3 8EY T: 0131 2707700 E: bruce.farquhar@andersonstrathern.co.uk W: www.andersonstrathern.co.uk Solicitors

Alexander Sloan 1 Atholl Place, Edinburgh ED3 8HP T: 0131 2287979 E: info@alexandersloan.co.uk W: www.alexandersloan.co.uk Accountants

AMA (New Town) Limited 15 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7AF T: 0131 2261780 E: martin@amanewtown.co.uk Property Agents - Commercial & Industrial

Andrew Bruce Financial Solutions 39/8 Hyvot View, Edinburgh EH17 8PQ T: 07852236379 E: andrew.bruce@guardianadvisor.co.uk Financial Advisors

The Alistair Dean Law Practice Limited 3-5 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PE T: 0131 2202755 E: adean@adlp.co.uk W: www.adlp.co.uk Legal Services

Amber Arts Limited 78 Montrose Terrace, Abbeyhill, Edinburgh EH7 5DP T: 0131 6611167 E: info@amberarts.co.uk W: www.amberarts.co.uk Picture Frames

Andrew Ovens Stationers Limited 42 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH66RS T: 0131 5544877 E: mail@andrew-ovens.co.uk W: www.andrew-ovens.co.uk Stationery

Allan Cumming Associates Limited North Bridge House, 28 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1QG T: 0131 2265916 E: ac@allancummingassociates.com Energy - Assessors

Ambit Solutions Rivaldsereen House, 48C Friarsbrae, Linlithgow EH49 6BG T: 07834362294 E: lmkruhoffer@btinternet.com Computer Training

Andrew Stout Kitchens 86 Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH11 2AY T: 0131 3472561 E: info@andrewstoutkitchens.co.uk W: www.andrewstoutkitchens.co.uk Kitchen Planners & Installation

Allan Makin & Sons 4-5 Summer Place, Edinburgh EH3 5NR T: 0131 5561287 E: info@makinpianos.co.uk W: www.makinpianos.co.uk Pianos & Harpsichords

Ambition Centre for Training 3 Murrayfield Place, Edinburgh EH12 6AA T: 0131 3374393 E: ambitioncentreft@btconnect.com W: www.acft.co.uk Training Services

Andrew Wilson & Sons Limited St Anns Mount - 39 Spring Gardens, Abbeyhill, Edinburgh EH8 8HR T: 0131 6618282 E: john.lees@wilsonscaterhire.co.uk W: www.wilsonscaterhire.co.uk Catering Equipment & Maintenance

Allan McDougall & Company 3 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7AL T: 0131 2252121 W: www.amcdlaw.co.uk Solicitors

Ambosco Limited 29th Floor, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DY T: 0207 7121725 E: info@ambosco.com W: www.ambosco.com Business Processing

Allan Robertson 1 Marischal Place, Edinburgh EH4 3NE T: 0131 3322087 E: allanjrobertson@blueyonder.co.uk W: www.allanjrobertson.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk Artists & Photographers Allen Coding Systems Gateway 1000 Whittle Way, Arlington Business Park, Stevenage, Herts SG1 2FP T: 07768530007 E: scott.wilson@allencoding.co.uk Bar Coding Services Allison House 17 Mayfield Gardens, Edinburgh EH9 2AX T: 0131 6678049 E: info@allisonhousehotel.com W: www.allisounhousehotel.com Hotels

AMDE Partners 19 Crewe Bank, Edinburgh EH5 2JL T: 0131 4769660 E: office@amde.co.uk W: www.amde.co.uk Carpet & Upholstery Amplified IT 21 Albert Street, Edinburgh EH7 5LH T: 0131 2080456 E: info@amplifiedIT.com W: www.amplifiedit.com Computer Consultants Amsan Business Solutions LLP 21 Dryburgh Avenue, Rutherglen G73 3EF T: 0870 1452106 E: info@amsan.co.uk W: www.amsan.co.uk Tender Alerts/ Training & Compilation

Angela Abernethy Interiors 11 Corbiehill Crescent, Davidsons Mains, Edinburgh EH4 5AZ T: 07734077517 E: angelaabernethy@btinternet.com W: www.angelaabernethyinteriors.com Designers - Interior Angelfish Microfinance Limited C/O Morton Fraser, Quartermile Two, 2 Lister Square, Edinburgh EH3 9GL T: 07533329507 E: morna@girlgeekscotland.co.uk W: www.angelfishmicrofinance.co.uk Finance Brokers Anne Skinner Photography 36 Alnwickhill Road, Edinburgh EH16 6LN T: 0131 6212713 Artists & Photographers Apex Hotels Limited 32 Hailes Avenue, Edinburgh EH13 0LZ T: 0131 4410441 E: edinburgh.reservations@apexhotels.co.uk W: www.apexhotels.co.uk Hotels - Hospitality Services

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Members by A-Z Apex Scotland 9 Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh EH3 7TP T: 0131 2200130 E: admin@apexscotland.org.uk W: www.apexscotland.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

Avendris Limited 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 2208203 E: mike.robb@avendris.co.uk W: www.avendris.co.uk Management & Business Consultants

API Foils Limited Firth Road, Houstoun Industrial Estate, Livingston EH54 5DJ T: 01506 438611 E: maureen.delissen@api-foils.co.uk W: www.api-worldwide.com Hot Stamping Foils - Machines & Manufacturers

Articulate Marketing Limited 26 Craigcrook Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 3QB T: 07846463892 E: christina@articulate-marketing.co.uk W: www.articulate-marketing.co.uk Marketing Consultants

Aviagen Limited 11 Lochend Road, Newbridge - Mid Lothian, Edinburgh EH28 8SZ T: 0131 3331056 E: acurtis@aviagen.com W: www.aviagen.com Poultry

Appellation Wines Limited 33 Balgreen Road, Edinburgh EH12 5TY T: 07711299282 E: ashton@appellationwines.co.uk W: www.appellationwines.co.uk Wines & Spirits

Arts & Business Scotland 11 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6LB T: 0131 5563353 E: scotland@artsandbusiness.org.uk W: www.artsandbusiness.org.uk Business & Management Services

Avis Rent a Car Limited 5 West Park Place, Edinburgh EH11 2DW T: 0844 5447000 E: james.scott@avis.co.uk W: www.avis.co.uk Car Hire - Self Drive

Ash Tree House Consulting Limited Ash Tree House, The Maltings, Athelstaneford, East Lothian EH39 5BJ T: 01620 880375 E: michelle@ashtreehouseconsulting.co.uk W: www.ashtreehouseconsulting.co.uk Human Resource Consultants

AVM Marketing Services 23 Portpatrick Terrace, Monifieth, Dundee DD5 4TU T: 07761256433 E: admin@avmarketing.co.uk W: www.avmarketing.co.uk Marketing Services

Assembly Rooms and Church Hill Theatre 54 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LR T: 0131 2204348 W: www.assemblyroomsedinburgh.co.uk Theatres/Concert Halls

Axiano Limited 41 Duke Street, Edinburgh EH6 8HH T: 0131 5550600 E: info@axiano.com Accountants

Asset I.T. 105 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 1DJ T: 0131 2254131 E: contact@asset-it.co.uk W: www.asset-it.co.uk Computer Services/Repairs

Axios Systems Plc 60 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HF T: 0131 2204748 E: assyst@axiossystems.com W: www.axiossystems.com Computer Software - Products

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants 29 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3EE T: 0141 5344810 E: andrew.leck@uk.accaglobal.com W: www.accaglobal.com/scotland Associations/Societies

Axis Media Suit 522 Baltic Chambers, 50 Wellington Street, Glasgow G2 6HJ T: 0141 2422802 E: paul@axismediagroup.co.uk W: www.axismediagroup.co.uk Media

Application Recruitment Limitted 33 Winton Drive, Edinburgh EH10 7EU T: 0131 4777643 E: jmcshane@applicationrecruitment.com Recruitment Advisers Aptia Limited Suite 35, Business Incubator Kirkcaldy, Myre Gormie Place, Mitchelson Industrial Estate, Kirkcaldy KY1 3NA T: 07833700237 E: info@aptia.co.uk W: www.aptia.co.uk Sales Consultancy & Training Aqua Energy (Scotland) Limited 178B Whitehouse Road, Barnton, Edinburgh EH4 6BD E: alastair.brown@msn.com Design & Development Engineers Aqualife Services Limited 10B Broughton Street Lane, Edinburgh EH1 3LZ T: 0131 5565600 E: gordon.jeffrey1@btinternet.com W: www.aqualifeservices.co.uk Marine Consultants/Contractors Aquarius Contact Centres UK Limited 2 Bankhead Steadings, South Queensferry EH30 9TF T: 0844 5442872 E: roddy@aquariusuk.co.uk W: www.aquariusuk.co.uk Telephone Answering Services Aquarius International 4 Dreghorn Park, Edinburgh EH13 9PH T: 0131 4419555 E: tessa@aquariusinternational.co.uk W: www.aquariusinternational.co.uk Training Services Archangel Informal Investment Limited 20 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BB T: 0131 2219876 E: katie@archangelsonline.com W: www.archangelsonline.com Investment Managers Arden Property Management 43 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4DS T: 0131 5168159 E: info@ardenpm.co.uk W: www.ardenpm.co.uk Property Management/Agents Ardgarth Guest House 1 St Mary’s Place, Portobello, Edinburgh EH15 2QF T: 0131 6693021 E: stay@ardgarth.com W: www.ardgarth.com Guest Houses Arnold Clark Vehicle Management Peugeot Complex, 20 Seafield Road East, Edinburgh EH15 1ED T: 0131 6577140 E: kieran.doherty@arnoldclark.co.uk W: www.acvm.co.uk Car Leasing & Contract Hire


Arthur McKay & Company Limited 42 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Loanhead EH20 9LZ T: 0131 4406000 E: enquiries@arthur-mckay.com W: www.arthur-mckay.com Facilities Management

Atecs-Text Editing PO Box 27071, Edinburgh EH10 6YT T: 0131 4463756 E: info@atecs-text-editing.com W: www.atecs-text-editing.com Editorial Services ATLANTA Unit 3a, 13 North Bank Street, Edinburgh EH1 2LP T: 0131 2258730 E: nicky@atlanta.uk.com W: www.atlanta.uk.com Business & Management Services Attacat Limited 28 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh EH3 5AL T: 0131 2201441 E: enquiries@attacat.co.uk W: www.attacat.co.uk Advertising Services Auld Reekie Tours 45 Niddry Street, Edinburgh EH1 1LG T: 0131 5574700 E: info@auldreekietours.com W: www.auldreekietours.com Tourist Attractions Autos2U 53a Ravensheugh Road, Musselburgh EH21 7SZ T: 07923524264 E: grant@autos2u.co.uk Motor Vehicle Dealers Avante Consulting CBS House, 24 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2722728 E: info@avanteconsulting.co.uk W: www.avanteconsulting.co.uk Training & Consultancy Organisations

B&M Joiners (Edinburgh) Limited 2/26 Hesperus Crossway, Edinburgh EH5 1GH T: 07969520708 E: bandmjoiners@googlemail.com Joinery Baberton Book Keeping Services 17 Baberton Mains Wood, Edinburgh EH14 3DU T: 0131 4535425 E: cathy.beggs@blueyonder.co.uk Book-Keeping Baberton Golf Club Limited 50 Baberton Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 5DN T: 0131 4534911 E: manager@baberton.co.uk W: www.baberton.co.uk Golf Courses Babykool Limited 61 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3LJ T: 0131 2201902 E: bryanjrankin@aol.com Baby Goods Bacchus & Beyond Wine Company Limited 14/2 High Riggs, Edinburgh EH3 9BX T: 07738657495 E: info@bacchusandbeyond.com W: www.bacchusandbeyond.com Tour Organisers Bacra Limited 105 Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh EH9 1EN T: 0131 2281511 E: acb@bacra.co.uk Energy Conservation Surveyors & Consultants Baillie Gifford & Company Calton Square, 1 Greenside Row, Edinburgh EH1 3AN T: 0131 2752000 E: general.business.enquiries@bailliegifford.com W: www.bailliegifford.com Investment Managers Baillie Ingram 3 Coates Place, Edinburgh EH3 7AA T: 0131 4777140 E: info@baillieingram.co.uk W: www.baillieingram.co.uk Accountants

Aye Do 13 Murieston Green, Murieston, Livingston EH54 6DR T: 07928728886 E: info@ayedo.co.uk W: www.ayedo.co.uk Gift Shops

Baillie Signs 184-186 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh EH4 2BW T: 0131 3152800 E: sales@baillie.co.uk W: www.bailliesigns.co.uk Sign Makers’ Suppliers

Azure Support Services Tynecastle Stadium, McLeod Street, Edinburgh EH11 2NL T: 0131 2007240 E: cateringsales@homplc.co.uk W: www.heartsfc.co.uk Banqueting Rooms

Baker Tilly First Floor, Quay 2, 139 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh EH3 9QG T: 0131 6598300 E: janet.hamblin@bakertilly.co.uk W: www.bakertilly.co.uk Accountants

Azzurro at Work 16 Tower Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7BY T: 0131 5530550 W: www.azzurroatwork.co.uk Furniture

Balanced Physiotherapy & Fitness 35 North West Circus Place, Edinburgh EH3 6TW T: 0131 2255390 E: judith@balancedphysiotherapy.co.uk W: www.balancedphysiotherapy.co.uk Physiotherapy Services


Balhar Gold Limited 250 Cannongate, Edinburgh EH8 8AA T: 07542 134165 E: banagold@hotmail.com Gift Shops

B G Connor & Company 185 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh EH3 9PW T: 0131 2291200 E: mail@brianconnor.co.uk W: www.brianconnor.co.uk Accountants

The Balmoral Edinburgh 1 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2EQ T: 0131 5562414 E: iartolli@roccofortecollection.com W: www.roccofortehotels.com Hotels

B Scenic Construction Limited 17 East Cromwell Street, Edinburgh EH6 6HD T: 0131 5544248 E: info@bscenic.com W: www.bscenic.com Event Organisers/Management

Baltic Trading Company Limited Catchapell House, Carpet Lane, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6SP T: 0131 4688505 E: sales@baltic-trading.co.uk International Traders


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Bank of England 177 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2LB T: 0141 2217972 E: scotland@bankofengland.co.uk W: www.bankofengland.co.uk Banks & Financial Institutions

Bathing Mobility Advisory Services 7a Grange Road, Edinburgh EH9 1UH T: 0131 6682227 E: bmas@btconnect.com W: www.bathingmobility.com Mobility Aids

Benbow Advisory Limited 50/4 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh EH3 6RG T: 07956416418 E: james@benbowadvisory.com W: www.benbowadvisory.com Corporate Finance & Investigations

Big House Events 1 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh EH15 1DW T: 0131 6696366 E: info@bighouse-events.co.uk W: www.bighouse-events.co.uk Event Organisers/Management

Bank of Ireland First Floor, Ardmore House, 40 George Street, Edinburgh EH1 2LE T: 0131 2206686 E: edinburgh.branch@boi.org.uk W: www.bank-of-ireland.co.uk Banks & Financial Institutions

Bawbags Limited 1 Sycamore Gardens, Edinburgh EH12 7JJ T: 07710461848 E: midge@bawbags.com Underwear

Benchmark Media Limited 57 Queenstreet, Edinburgh EH2 3NS T: 0131 2250780 E: david@benchmarkpr.co.uk Public Relations

Big Ideas 82 West Bow, Edinburgh EH1 2H8 T: 0131 2262532 E: bigideasscotland@aol.com W: www.bigideasforladies.co.uk Clothing

The Benriach Distillery Company Limited The Benriach Suite, Glenbervie Business Centre, Glenbervie Business Park, Larbert FK5 4RB T: 01324 682220 E: bwalker@benriachdistillery.co.uk W: www.benriachdistillery.co.uk Scotch Whisky & Other Spirits

Big Ideas Media Limited 4/22 North Leith Mill, Edinburgh EH6 6JY T: 07746138502 E: info@big-ideas.org Advertising Services

Bank of Scotland New Uberior House, 11 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh EH3 9BN T: 0131 6591320 E: bill_duncan@bankofscotland.co.uk Banks & Financial Institutions Banner of Truth Trust, The The Grey House, 3 Murrayfield Road, Edinburgh EH12 6EL T: 0131 3377310 E: info@banneroftruth.co.uk W: www.banneroftruth.org Charities & Benevolent Organisations Bannerman Developments Limited 17 Craighall Gardens, Edinburgh EH6 4RH T: 0131 5525181 E: amauritzen@btconnect.com Property & Estate Developers Barbon Insurance Group 1st Floor, 70 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BE T: 0844 5610660 E: duncan.codgell@barbon.com W: www.barbon.com Insurance Consultants Barcelo Edinburgh Carlton Hotel 19 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1SD T: 0131 4723000 E: g.fraser@barcelo-hotels.co.uk W: www.barcelo.com Hotels - Hospitality Services Barclays Bank 1 St Andrews Square, Edinburgh EH2 2BD T: 0131 4706220 E: jon.lavers@barclays.com Banks & Financial Institutions Barnardo’s Scotland 235 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 7AR T: 0131 3349893 E: katie.waddell@barnados.org.uk W: www.barnardos.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Barrachd Limited 10 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9RG T: 0131 2080075 E: clark.wilson@barrachd.com W: www.barrachd.com Information Technology Barstow & Millar Midlothian Innovation Centre, Pentlandfield, Roslin EH25 9RE T: 0131 4409030 E: info@barstowmillar.com Accountants

Baxter Studio 40 Eastfield, Joppa, Edinburgh EH15 2PN T: 0131 6573042 E: stuart@baxterstudio.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services Beautiful Box Boutique 1F1/7 Strathfillan Road, Edinburgh EH9 2AG T: 0131 4469049 E: kycameron62@hotmail.co.uk Designers Beautography Liberton Golf Club, Kingston Grange, 297 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH16 5UJ T: 0131 6642814 E: info@edinburghbeautography.com W: www.edinburghbeautography.com Beauty Clinics/Salons/Consultants Beauty Within 16 Bridge Road, Edinburgh EH13 0LQ T: 0131 4712166 E: Imelda@sky.com Beauty Clinics/Salons/Consultants Bebaroque Unit 6, Albion Business Centre, 78 Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5Q2 T: 07921164844 E: info@bebaroque.co.uk Designers Because Brands Matter 16 Dundonald Street, Edinburgh EH3 6RY T: 07771535614 E: david@becausebrandsmatter.com W: www.davidlloydreid.com Branding The Bed Shop 110-120 Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 5DT T: 0131 5533050 E: sales@bedshopedinburgh.co.uk W: www.bedshopedinburgh.co.uk Retail Traders Bee Handy 11b Barnton Park Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 6HE T: 0131 3364533 E: gbee@blueyonder.co.uk Project Management Begbies Traynor Atholl Exchange, 6 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2229060 E: edinburgh@begbiestraynor.com W: www.begbies-traynor.com Insolvency Practitioners Bellini Cookery School 33 Clayknows Avenue, Musselburgh EH21 6UR T: 07910629924 W: www.bellinirestaurant.co.uk Cookery School

Bentleys Shopfitting Limited Balgray Works, Balgray Place, Dundee DD3 8SH T: 01382 818800 E: enquiries@bentleys-shopfitting.co.uk W: www.bentleys-shopfitting.co.uk Shopfitting Contractors Benugo Events Edinburgh Castle, Castlehill, Edinburgh EH1 2SH T: 0131 2204833 E: edinburgh-events@benugo.com W: www.benugo.com Event Organisers/Management Bernard Hunter Ltd 600 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH17 8RY T: 0131 663 4661 E: info@bernardhunter.com Crane Hire Berry Joiners Limited 40 Marionville Park, Edinburgh EH7 6AR T: 0131 4760824 E: steve@berryjoinersltd.com W: www.berryjoinersltd.com Joinery Best Western Bruntsfield Hotel 69-74 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh EH10 4HH T: 0131 2291393 E: fiona.brown@thebruntsfield.co.uk W: www.thebruntsfield.co.uk Hotels - Hospitality Services Bestpet Unit 2 Block A MacMerry Industrial Estate, MacMerry, East Lothian EH33 1RD T: 0845 0535050 W: www.bestpet.co.uk Animal Feedstuffs & Health Products Bethany Christian Trust 65 Bonnington Road, Edinburgh EH6 5JQ T: 0131 6255326 E: christinejohnson@bethanyct.com W: www.bethanychristiantrust.com Charities & Benevolent Organisations Bhulan Limited 1f2, 90 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh EH9 1HR T: 0131 4661135 E: bilal.akram@bhulan.com W: www.bilal.com Software Development

Basically Tool Hire Limited Old Bridge House, Edinburgh EH22 3LH T: 0131 639563 E: colin@basically-toolhire.co.uk W: www.basically-toolhire.co.uk Tool Hire

Below the Belt Food Company Limited 180 St Johns Road, Edinburgh EH12 8BE T: 07769971929 E: info@theretreatcastle.com W: www.theretreatcastle.com Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes

Bibby Financial Services Limited Unit 2 Block B, Kittle Yards, Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PJ T: 0131 6623204 E: enquiries@bibbyfinancialservices.com W: www.bibbyfinancialservices.com/scotland Factoring

Basil Paterson College, Edinburgh 66 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 4NA T: 0131 2253802 E: info@basilpaterson.co.uk W: www.basilpaterson.co.uk Tutorial Services

Belvoir (Edinburgh South) 416 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 5HY T: 0131 4472020 E: grant.lidster@belvoirlettings.com W: www.belvoirlettings.com/edinburghsouth Property Management/Agents

Big Advert Signs 63 Queen Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH6 7EY T: 0131 4769200 E: tom@bigadvertsigns.com W: www.bigadvertsigns.com Signage

The Big Partnership Suite 4/3, Great Michael House, 14 Links Place, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ T: 0131 5555522 E: info@bigpartnership.co.uk W: www.bigpartnership.co.uk Public Relations Big Yellow Self Storage Limited 2 Bankhead Avenue, Sighthill, Edinburgh EH11 4HD T: 0131 4535769 E: edinburgh@bigyellow.co.uk W: www.bigyellow.co.uk Storage Products Bigdna Limited Wallace Building, Roslin, Edinburgh EH25 9PP T: 0131 2006342 E: karen.jervis@bigdna.co.uk W: www.bigdna.com Biotechnology Biggart Baillie 2 Lochrin Square, Fountainbridge, Edinburgh EH3 9QA T: 0131 2265541 E: info@biggartbaillie.co.uk W: www.biggartbaillie.co.uk Lawyers Bigwood Estates Ltd The Clockhouse, Bonnington MIll, 72 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH65QG T: 0131 6257003 E: info@bigwoodestates.co.uk W: www.bigwoodestates.co.uk Marketing Services The Bike Station 250 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1UU T: 0131 6681996 E: info@thebikestation.org.uk W: www.thebikestation.org.uk Cycles & Tricycles Bill Hay & Company 24A Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS T: 0131 2262233 E: bill@billhay.co.uk W: www.billhay.co.uk Accountants Bill Magee Communications 27 (3f2) Hillside Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 5EF T: 0131 5571340 E: billmagee@btconnect.com Journalists Bimah Kahnum Wedding Planning 3 Ettrick Road, Edinburgh EH10 5BJ T: 0131 2288838 E: bimahkhan@hotmail.com Wedding Services Bishops Move (Edinburgh) Limited Bishops House, Pontland Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Edinburgh EH20 9QH T: 0131 5566666 E: edinburgh@bishopsmove.com W: www.bishopsmove.com Removals & Storage

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Members by A-Z Biz Health Westhill Business Centre, Arnhall Business Park, Westhill, Aberdeen AB32 6UF T: 07729014786 E: sales@bizhealth.eu W: www.bizhealth.eu Business Advisers Bizlinx International Mount Parnassus Mid Kinleith, Currie, Edinburgh EH14 6AS T: 07912227863 E: tdew@bizlinxinternational.com W: www.bizlinxinternational.com Business Networking Black Appointments Executive Search 9/10 St. Andrews Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 2260960 E: joannab@blackapp.co.uk W: www.blackapp.co.uk Executive Search/Selection Black Bull Inn Market Street, Mid Calder, West Lothian, Edinburgh EH53 0AA T: 01506 882170 E: blackbullmidcalder@sky.com Public Houses Black Moon Lighting Limited 31 Carbiehill Road, Edinburgh EH4 5BQ T: 0131 4480435 W: www.blackmoonlighting.com Lighting Suppliers Blether Media 83 Ormonde Drive, Glasgow G44 3RF T: 0141 4162492 E: jill@blethermedia.com W: www.blethermedia.com Marketing Services

BOX-IT Spittalrigg, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3SU T: 01620 829700 E: sales@boxitscotland.co.uk W: www.boxit.co.uk Documentational Storage & Retrieval

BMI Donington Hall, Castle Donington, Derby DE74 2SB T: 01332 854000 W: www.flybmi.com Airlines

Brae Edinburgh Limited (T/A) Brae Scotland, Crosshill Business Centre, Main Street, Crosshill, Lochgelly KY5 8BJ T: 01592 862309 E: jayne@braescotland.com W: www.braescotland.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Bob Marketing Solutions Limited 10 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP T: 0131 5231430 E: wardm@bob-marketing.com Marketing Services Boland Holdings Limited 49 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh EH3 6JJ T: 0131 5567535 E: bhl@bolandgroup.co.uk Property Investment Bolland & Burke Chartered Accountants 119 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh EH10 4EQ T: 0845 3714554 E: info@bbca.co.uk W: www.bbca.co.uk Accountants Bond Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 23200, 17-19 East London Street, Edinburgh EH7 4ZD T: 0131 5575500 E: caroline-bond@btconnect.com W: www.carolinebond.co.uk Tax/Vat Consultancy

Brindley Associates Limited Axwell House, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 5AU T: 01506 858757 E: admin@brindleyassociates.co.uk W: www.brindleyassociates.co.uk Landscape Architects Brit Port 63/7 Marionville Road, Edinburgh EH7 6AQ T: 07838469491 E: ficner.m@gmail.com Marketing Consultants

Braemore Estates And Property Management 53 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6RS T: 0131 6246666 E: colette@braemore.co.uk W: www.braemore.co.uk Property Owners/Property Managers

British Council Scotland The Tun, 4 Jackson’s Entry, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8PJ T: 0131 5245700 E: scotland.enquiries@britishcouncil.org W: www.britishcouncil.org/scotland Educational Services

Braidwood Associates Limited 77 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh EH7 5HZ T: 0131 5585476 E: richard@braidwoodassoc.com W: www.braidwoodassoc.com Engineering Services/Consultancy

British Waterways Canal House, Applecross Street, Glasgow G4 9SP T: 0141 3326936 E: alison.mcleod@britishwaterways.co.uk W: www.britishwaterways.co.uk Freight - Inland Water

Brain Salad Consultancy Limited 93 - 95 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 1DJ T: 0131 4640446 E: nathan@brainsaladconsultancy.com W: www.brainsaladconsultancy.com Sales Consultancy & Training

Broadreach Limited 13 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AS T: 07711330632 E: julie@broadreachltd.co.uk W: www.broadreachltd.co.uk Management & Business Consultants

Brand IT Scotland Limted t/a PR Promotioms 25 Station Road, North Berwick, East Lothian EH39 4AS T: 01620 895333 E: sales@prpromotions.co.uk W: www.prpromotions.co.uk Corporate Gifts

Brodie MacLean Limited The Cottage, 181a Whitehouse Road, Edinburgh EH4 6BU T: 0131 6252005 E: stephen@brodiemaclean.co.uk W: www.brodiemaclean.co.uk Financial Advisors

Blipfoto.com The Matrix, 62-66 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH6 5QB T: 0131 4677740 W: www.blipfoto.com Media

Boom Digital Limited 15 Seton Court, Port Seton, East Lothian EH32 0TU T: 01875 815547 E: fraser@boom.uk.com W: www.boom.uk.com Website Designers

Blue Canyon Limited 5-9 St. Patrick’s Square, Edinburgh EH8 9EZ T: 0131 6227786 E: waheed@bluecanyon.co.uk W: www.bluecanyon.co.uk Textile Manufacturers

Boots UK Ltd Divisional Office, 3rd Floor, 79 - 91 High Street, Falkirk FK1 1ES T: 01324 612695 W: www.allianceboots.com Chemists - Sundry Goods

Blue Lizard Media 9 Dryden Glen, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Loanhead EH20 9NA T: 0845 1309009 E: info@bluelizardmedia.co.uk W: www.bluelizardmedia.co.uk Audio Visual Services

Border Cabs 7 Bridge Gate, Peebles EH45 8RZ T: 01721 721212 E: booking@bordercabs.co.uk W: www.bordercabs.co.uk Taxis

Bremner Management Support Limited 3 Inch Avenue, Aberdour, Fife KY3 0TT T: 01383 861504 E: sandy.bremner@bremner.uk.net Management & Business Consultants

Brooks Brothers UK Limited 57 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2JG T: 0131 2262827 E: edinburgh@eu.brooksbrothers.com W: www.brooksbrothers.com Retail Traders

Border Crossing Media 11 Hillside Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 5EA T: 0131 5566818 E: hello@bordercrossingmedia.com W: www.bordercrossingmedia.com Web Design & Development

Brewin Dolphin 7 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7QH T: 0131 2252566 E: nick.liddle@brewin.co.uk W: www.brewin.co.uk Investment Managers

Brooks Macdonald 10 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7LU T: 0131 2403900 E: scott.lothian@brooksmacdonald.com Investment Managers

Botanics Trading Company Limited 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR T: 0131 5527171 E: g.love@rbge.org.uk W: www.rbge.org.uk Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality

Bright Purple Resourcing Limited Eagle Building, 19 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 2RP T: 0131 4737030 E: nick.price@brightpurple.co.uk W: www.brightpurple.co.uk Information Technology

Bounce Sports Management Limited Swanston Steading, Swanston Road, Edinburgh EH10 7DS T: 0131 4457869 E: info@bouncesport.com W: www.bouncesport.com Sports Promotion & Management

Bright Red Publishing Limited 6 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7A4 T: 0131 2205804 E: richard.bass@brightredpublishing.co.uk W: www.brightredpublishing.co.uk Publishers

Blueberry Hill Café 51 Ashley Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 1RY T: 07723448221 Restaurants/Cafes Bluebird Care Unit 4, Castlebrae Business Centre, 40 Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 2585005 E: janeperry@bluebirdcare.co.uk W: www.bluebirdcare.co.uk Home Care Services Bluemungus 121 Giles Street, Edinburgh EH6 6BZ T: 0131 5554505 E: info@bluemungus.com W: www.bluemungus.com Website Designers Blueparrot Production and Events Unit 5, Forth Industrial Centre, Sealcarr Street, Edinburgh EH5 1RF T: 0131 5103333 E: info@blueparrotproduction.com W: www.blueparrotproduction.com Event Organisers/Management


BMG Office Equipment 151 Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH112EA T: 0131 3461494 E: sales@bmgoffice.co.uk W: www.bmgoffice.co.uk Office Supplies

Bovis Lend Lease Consulting 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH T: 0131 5503882 W: www.bovislendlease.com Building & Planning Project Management

Brayleino Limited Quay House, 142 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6LB T: 0131 5640010 E: dkelly@brayleino.co.uk W: www.brayleino.co.uk Marketing Services Bredero Shaw Limited Bredero House, Leith Docks, Edinburgh EH6 6NX T: 0131 5539700 E: jstebbing@brederoshaw.shawcor.com W: www.bredero.com Coatings

Brightedge Project Management Limited 17/1 High Rigg, Edinburgh EH3 9BW T: 0131 4779090 E: roger.colkett@brightedge.co.uk W: www.brightedge.co.uk Project Management

Brodie Melrose Drysdale & Company Limited Newhailes Industrial Estate, Newhailes Road, Musselburgh EH21 6SY T: 0845 0601867 E: enquiries@brodies1867.co.uk W: www.brodies1867.co.uk Tea & Coffee Merchants Brodies LLP 2 Blythswood Square, Glasgow G2 4AD T: 0131 2283777 E: mailbox@brodies.co.uk W: www.brodies.co.uk Solicitors

Broomhouse Centre, The 79/89 Broomhouse Crescent, Edinburgh EH11 3RH T: 0131 4557731 E: admin@broomhousecentre.org.uk W: www.broomhousecentre.org.uk Community Services Broughton Property Management 61-63 Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3RJ T: 0131 4787222 E: info@broughtonpropertyt.co.uk W: www.broughtonproperty.co.uk Property Owners/Property Managers Bryant and Cairns 2/3 Borthwick View, Pentland Industrial Estate, Midlothian EH20 9QH T: 0131 4402855 E: sales@bryantandcairns.co.uk W: www.bryantandcairns.com Double Glazing, Materials & Installation


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BSS Gas Limited Eastfield Industrial Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 8HA T: 01968 674600 E: rconnolly@bssgas.co.uk W: www.bssgas.co.uk Gas Appliances - Supply & Maintenance

Business Partnership Limited 42/3 Hardengreen Business Park, Dalhousie Road, Dalkeith EH22 3NU T: 0131 5616262 E: aimee@thebusinesspartnership.org.uk W: www.thebusinesspartnership.org.uk Business Support Services

BT Scotland Alexander Graham Bell House, 1 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DH T: 0131 3456004 E: brendan.dick@bt.com Telecommunications

Business Stream - A Scottish Water Company 7 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DH T: 0845 6028855 E: customer.service@business-stream.co.uk W: www.business-stream.co.uk Water Supply

bto Hanover House, 45/51 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PJ T: 0131 2202777 E: lawyers@bto.co.uk W: www.bto.co.uk Legal Services Buchanan Chiropractic 54 Home Street, Edinburgh EH3 9NA T: 0131 2289099 E: buchananchiropractic@hotmail.co.uk W: www.buchananchiropractic.co.uk Chiropractors Buck Consultants Limited 17 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AU T: 0131 2404500 W: www.buckconsultants.com Actuaries & Compensation Consultants Buckstone Roofing Scotland (Limited) 49 Buckstone Loan East, Edinburgh EH16 6XD T: 0131 4660856 E: info@buckstoneroofing.com W: www.buckstoneroofing.com Roofing Services Buggy Huggers 8 Royston Mains Street, Edinburgh EH5 1LA T: 0784 5591292 E: sarahhay1984@yahoo.co.uk Baby Goods Building Design Partnership Elder House, Elder Street, Multrees Walk, Edinburgh EH1 3DX T: 0131 5506560 W: www.bdp.com Architects/Architectural Services Burness LLP 50 Lothian Road, Festival Square, Edinburgh EH3 9WJ T: 0131 4736000 E: chris.gotts@burness.co.uk W: www.burness.co.uk Solicitors Burns + Shaw Property Consultants 32 Inverleith Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 5 NN T: 0131 3150029 W: www.burnsandshaw.co.uk Property Consultants Buro Happold Limited 57-59 Bread Street, Edinburgh EH3 9AH T: 0131 3455200 E: kerry.harkiss@burohappold.com W: www.burohappold.com Building & Civil Engineering Burt Greener Communications Limited The Auction House Mews, 43 Thistle Street Lane, Edinburgh EH2 1EW T: 0141 2486007 E: lorna@burtgreener.co.uk W: www.burtgreener.co.uk Public Relations Business Equilibrium Limited 5 Station View, Straiton Business Parc, Edinburgh EH20 9QZ T: 0131 4480600 E: admin@businessequilibrium.com Accountants

Butler’s Chauffeur Drive 8 East Mains of Ingliston, East Field Road, Edinburgh Airport, Edinburgh EH25 8NQ T: 0131 3350111 E: info@edinburghchauffeur.co.uk W: www.edinburghchauffeur.co.uk Chauffeur Services Byrne Consultancy Limited 34 Ashburnham Loan, South Queensferry EH30 9LE T: 0131 3313694 E: info@byrne-consultancy.co.uk W: www.byrne-consultancy.co.uk Information Technology

C C3ntral Limited 71 Greycraigs, Cairneyhill, Fife KY12 8XM T: 0845 6526862 E: enquiries@c3ntral.net W: www.c3ntral.net Computer Installations Calder Events Caledonian Exchange, 19a Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8HE T: 0844 8550678 E: info@calderevents.com W: www.calderevents.com Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality Caledonia Asset Management LTD 5 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DR T: 0131 2254488 E: gordon@calam.co.uk W: www.calam.co.uk Independent Financial Advisors Caledonia Education Information Centre 8 Kings Place, Perth PH2 8AA T: 07769794659 E: honggao70@hotmail.com Educational Services Caledonia Media 37 High Street, Queensferry EH30 9HN T: 0131 3313325 E: charles.fletcher@caledoniamedia.com W: www.caledoniamedia.com Media Caledonian Health Solutions Greystones, Pinnaclehill Park, Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 8HA T: 01573 225398 E: grahamcoates@caledonianhealth.com Health Insurance Caledonian Hilton Princes Street, Edinburgh EH1 2AB T: 0131 2228888 E: guest.caledonian@hilton.com W: www.hilton.co.uk/caledonian Hotels - Hospitality Services Caledonian Independent Whisky Limited 22 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2EP T: 0131 2265514 E: c.shirlaw@ciwhisky.com Marketing Services

Caledonian Packaging Limited 481 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh EH11 3AD T: 0131 4435000 E: info@cal-pack.co.uk W: www.cal-pack.co.uk Cases & Cases - Corrugated Camargue Camargue House, Craigarnhall, Keir Estates, Bridge Of Allan FK9 4NG T: 0845 6800911 E: sales@carsdirect2you.co.uk W: www.carsdirect2you.co.uk Car Leasing & Contract Hire Cameron Presentations Ltd Block 2, Unit 4, Peffermill Industial Estate, Edinburgh EH16 5UY T: 0131 6526007 E: ehire@cameronpres.co.uk W: www.cameronpres.co.uk Audio Visual Hire & Sale Cameron Stephen & Co 16 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BT T: 0131 5611090 E: cameron@cameronstephen.co.uk W: www.cameronstephen.co.uk Solicitors Cameron Toll Shopping Centre Cameron Toll Shopping Centre, 6 Lady Road, Edinburgh EH16 5PB T: 0131 6662777 E: jimmy@camerontoll.co.uk W: www.camerontoll.co.uk Shopping Centres Campbell and Arnott 80 Commercial Quay, Commercial Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6LX T: 0131 4686800 E: info@campbellandarnott.co.uk W: www.campbellandarnott.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services Candusso Properties Bankton House, Muriston, Livingston EH54 9AQ T: 01506 434176 E: inquiry@candussoholidaylets.com W: www.candussoholidaylets.com Holiday Accommodation - Self-Catering Canongate Books Tweedale Court, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE T: 0131 5575111 E: kathleen@canongate.co.uk Publishers Canongate Gate 9 Waters Close, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6RB T: 0131 5554455 E: al@canongate.com Audio Visual Services Capital Appointments Limited 18 Alva Street, Edinburgh EH2 4QG T: 0131 2262140 E: info@capitalappointments.co.uk W: www.capitalappointments.co.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies Capital Business Centre CBC House, 24 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2211234 E: info@cbchouse.co.uk W: www.cbchouse.co.uk Offices, Serviced & Furnished Accommodation

Capital Solutions 101 McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NW T: 0131 5574747 W: www.capital-solutions.co.uk Photocopying Equipment Capital Sports Limited Murrayfield Ice Rink, Riversdale Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5XN T: 0131 3132977 E: scottneil@edinburghcapitals.freeserve.co.uk W: www.edinburgh-capitals.com Sports Clubs & Associations Carberry Tower Carberry Tower, Musselburgh EH21 8PY T: 0131 6653135 E: mail@carberrytower.com W: www.carberrytower.com Hotels - Conference Centres Carbon Masters 3/3 St Vincent Place, Edinburgh EH3 5BQ T: 0131 5570871 E: kevin@carbonmasters.co.uk Energy Efficiency The Career Management Organisation Limited First Floor, 1 Straiton View, Straiton Business Park, Edinburgh EH20 9NQ T: 07771778187 E: rob@tcmo.co.uk W: www.tcmo.co.uk Personnel Consultants & Services Careers Scotland Apex House, 99 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5HD T: 0131 3136057 E: southeast@careers-scotland.org.uk W: www.careers-scotland.org.uk Careers Advice Caroline Rochford Consulting Beech House, Beechbank, Foodieash, Cupar KY15 4PW T: 07590647235 E: info@carolinerochfordconsulting.co.uk W: www.carolinerochfordconsulting.co.uk Human Resource Consultants Carruthers Agency The Annex, Rural Centre, West Mains, Ingliston, Edinburgh EH28 8NZ T: 0131 3353533 E: ingliston_agency@nfumutal.co.uk W: www.nfumutal.co.uk/ingliston Insurance Intermediaries Cartridge World 31 Elm Row, Edinburgh EH7 4AH T: 0131 5573557 E: cwleithwalk@cartridgeworld.org W: www.cartridgeworld.org Printing Inks Cartwright Consultancy Limited 16 Waterloo Bank, Penicuik EH26 8NS T: 0845 8340058 E: info@cartwrightconsultancy.co.uk W: www.cartwrightconsultancy.co.uk Business Support Services Cascal Hair & Beauty Limited 3 Burnbrae Walk, Edinburgh EH19 3FP T: 0131 5615641 W: www.cascal.net Hairdressers/Beauty Salons

Capital City Partnership The Canon Mill, 1-3 Canon Street, Edinburgh EH3 5HE T: 0131 2706037 E: mariawebb@capitalcitypartnership.org W: www.capitalcitypartnership.org Consultants - Social Inclusion

Cashel Travel 39/40 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6JO T: 0845 1196220 E: james@casheltravel.com W: www.casheltravel.com Travel Agents & Tour Operators

Capital Events (Scotland) Limited 115 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4JN T: 0131 2026866 E: j.littlejohn@capital-events.co.uk W: www.capital-events.co.uk Exhibition Organisers

Castle Park Guest House 75 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh EH3 9NU T: 0131 2291215 E: castlepark@btconnect.com W: www.castleparkguesthouse.co.uk Guest Houses

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Members by A-Z Castle Computer Services Stewart House, Pochard Way, Stathclyde Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3HB T: 0845 230 1314 Business Systems Castle Hotel Management Company Limited 32 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RY T: 0131 4674574 W: www.chmcltd.com Hotel Management & Catering Consultants Cathcart Associates Limited 45 Fredrick Street, Edinburgh EH2 1EP T: 0131 5101500 E: sam.wason@cathcartassociates.com W: www.cathcartassociates.com Computer Staff Recruitment CB Richard Ellis Limited 7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AH T: 0131 4697666 E: stewart.taylor@cbre.com W: www.cbre.com Surveyors - Chartered CBS Consulting Limited 152 Morrison Street, Linlithgow EH49 6EJ T: 0845 0944626 E: services@cbsconsulting.co.uk W: www.cbsconsulting.co.uk Competency Management Cclasp 7 & 24 North Leith Sands, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 4ER T: 0131 4677420 E: cclasp@hotmail.com W: www.cclasp.net Charities & Benevolent Organisations CCTV Compliance Director 14 Stamperland Hill, Clarkston, Glasgow G76 8AF T: 07976913164 E: Compliance@camerawatch.org.uk W: www.datpro.co.uk Cctv Equipment CELCAT Celcat North, PO BOX 6995, Forfar DD8 3WU T: 01307 850777 E: info@celcat.com W: www.celcat.com Computer Software - Developers Central Radio Taxis (Tollcross) Limited 8 St Peter’s Buildings, Edinburgh EH3 9PG T: 0131 2212230 E: central@taxis-edinburgh.co.uk W: www.taxis-edinburgh.co.uk Taxis Central Scotland Forest Trust Hillhouseridge, Shottskirk Road, Shotts, Lanarkshire, Lanarkshire ML7 4JS T: 01501 822015 E: info@csft.org.uk W: www.csft.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Central Training Services Limited Unit 5, Links Court Industrial Estate, Bo’Ness EH51 9UD T: 01506 829883 E: info@central-training.co.uk W: www.central-training.co.uk Health & Safety Training Central Upholstery Repairs Limited Unit 22 & 65 Evans Business Centre, Earls Road, Grangemouth FK3 8UU T: 01324 492794 E: centralupholstery@btinternet.com W: www.centralupholstery.co.uk Carpet & Upholstery Centre of Health and Wellbeing 2 Millbank, Balerno, Edinburgh EH14 7GA T: 07769683779 E: lubnakerr@talk21.com W: www.chwb.org.uk Medical Centres


Centrex Conference Centre Centrex House, 1 Simpson Parkway, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 7BH T: 01506 497777 E: cpaton@centrexhouse.com W: www.centrexconferencecentre.com Training Services

Cherrybank Dental Spa Centrum House, 108-114 Dundas House, Edinburgh EH3 5DQ T: 0131 2020575 E: info@cherrydental.com W: www.scotlanddentist.com Dentists/Dental Technicians/Laboratories

Challenges Worldwide (CWW) 54 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7EH T: 0845 2000342 E: info@challengesworldwide.com W: www.challengesworldwide.com Economic Development

Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland 65 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3LT T: 0131 2256963 E: admin@chss.org.uk W: www.chss.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

Chalmers McLean Limited 3 Trainer’s Brae, North Berwick, East Lothian EH39 4NR T: 01620 892575 E: chalmersmclean@btinternet.com Secretarial Services

CHHS 11 Ravelston Park, Edinburgh EH4 3DX T: 07775692480 E: chhs@hotmail.co.uk Health & Safety Consultants

Change Recruitment Group First Floor Miller House, 18 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PF T: 0131 2257744 E: louise.moncrieff@changejobs.net Recruitment Advisers Changeworks 36 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH6 5PY T: 0131 5554010 E: info@leeprecycling.co.uk W: www.leeprecycling.co.uk Environmental Services

Chiene + Tait CA 61 Dublin Street, Edinburgh EH3 6NL T: 0131 5585800 E: chiene@chiene.co.uk W: www.chiene.co.uk Auditors Children’s Hospice Association Scotland Canal Court, 42 Craiglockhart Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 1LT T: 0131 4441900 E: kerry@chas.org.uk W: www.chas.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

Changing Mindz 32 Annandale Street, Edinburgh EH7 4AN T: 07584293861 E: tony@changingmindz.co.uk W: www.changingmindz.co.uk Equality And Diversity Consultants

Choice Building & Roofing Limited Unit 31 Castlebrae Business Centre, Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0845 3457749 E: info@choicebuildingandroofing.com W: www.choicebuildingandroofing.com Roofing Services

Charles Burrows & Co 7 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AH T: 0131 2256236 E: dbrown@charlesburrows.co.uk Accountancy Services

Choudri & Olejnik 48/5 Broughton Road, Edinburgh EH7 4EE T: 07747864539 E: henryolejnik@hotmail.co.uk Management Consultants/Training

Charles Henshaw & Sons Limited Russell Road, Edinburgh EH11 2LS T: 0131 3374204 E: admin@charles-henshaw.co.uk W: www.charles-henshaw.co.uk Curtain Walling Systems

Chris Gay 26 Mortimer Court, Dalgety Bay, Dunfermline KY11 9UQ T: 01383 823021 E: cm.g@virgin.net Computer Graphics

Charles Stanley 2 Multrees Walk, St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH1 3DQ T: 0131 5501200 E: mary.coughlan@charles-stanley.co.uk Stockbrokers

Chris Stewart Group 49 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BG T: 0131 2259567 E: chris@chrisstewartgroup.com W: www.chrisstewartgroup.com Property Development/Building

Citrus4Benefits Ltd The Grove, 7 The Holdings, West Kinfauns, Perth PH2 7JX T: 07545962239 E: howard@citrus4benefits.co.uk Employee Benefit Services City Cabs Edinburgh Limited 1a Atholl Place, Edinburgh EH3 8HP T: 0131 2285319 E: georgie.campbell@citycabs.co.uk W: www.citycabs.co.uk Taxis City Car Club 31 Argyle Place, Edinburgh EH9 1JT T: 0131 4668172 E: enquiries@citycarclub.co.uk W: www.citycarclub.co.uk Car Hire - Self Drive City Inn Limited 3rd Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP T: 0207 9011662 E: david.orr@cityinn.com W: www.cityinn.com Hotels City of Edinburgh Council City Development, Level G:6, Waverley Court, 4 East Market St, Edinburgh EH8 8BG T: 0131 2002000 E: charlie.shanlin@edinburgh.gov.uk W: www.edinburgh.gov.uk Local Authorities Cityjet Swords Business Campus, Balheary Road, Swords, Co Dublin, Ireland T: 0353 18700100 E: kath.townley@cityjet.com W: www.cityjet.com Airlines Citylets 21 Lansdowne Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EH T: 0131 4674864 E: thomas@citylets.co.uk W: www.citylets.co.uk Property Agents - Commercial & Industrial Civic Limited 12 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AX T: 0131 6249830 E: greig@civicuk.com W: www.civicuk.com Web Design & Development CK Hair and Beauty 2/4 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0131 5561607 E: c.khair@btconnect.com Hairdressers/Beauty Salons

The Christmas Decorators 47 Tirran Drive, Dunfermline KY11 8JG T: 01383 732521 E: sandra@thechristmasdecorators.com W: www.thechristmasdecorators.com Christmas Decoration & Novelties

Clan Gordon Limited 8 Craiglockhart View, Edinburgh EH14 1BX T: 07887504411 E: andrew@clangordon.co.uk W: www.clangordon.co.uk Property Consultants

Charlie Dickson Consultancy Aprt 10, 5 Meggetland Square, Waterside Green, Edinburgh EH14 1XP T: 0131 4435356 E: c-dickson@sky.com Management & Business Consultants

Citation Plc Duart House, Finch Way, Strathclyde, Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3PR T: 01698 744655 E: enquiries@citation.co.uk W: www.citation.co.uk Health & Safety Law

Clare Florist 25 Stenhouse Mill Wynd, Edinburgh EH11 3XX T: 0131 5397775 E: Brian@clareflorist.com W: www.clareflorist.co.uk Florists & Sundry Supplies

Charlie Miller Hairdressing Limited 13 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7BR T: 0131 2251639 E: joshua@charliemiller.co.uk W: www.charliemiller.com Hairdressers/Beauty Salons

Citidogs Creche 29 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HX T: 0131 2254557 E: enquiries@citidogs.co.uk W: www.citidogs.co.uk Kennels

Claremont Office Furniture 112 Cornwall Street South, Kinning Park, Glasgow G41 1AA T: 0141 4193600 E: info@claremontofficefurniture.com W: www.claremontofficefurniture.com Office Furniture Supplies

Chartered Management Institute 34 Forthview Walk, Tranent, East Lothian EH33 1FE T: 01875 614167 E: ian.andrew@managers.org.uk W: www.managers.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

Citrus Property Care Ltd Citrus House 10 Ashgrove, Perth, Perthshire PH2 6NU T: 0131 6100141 E: citrussales@aol.com W: www.citruspropertycare.co.uk Cleaning Contractors

Clark & Rose Limited 2 Glentye Road, Broadleys Business Park, Stirling FK7 7LH T: 01786 448383 E: phil@clarkandrose.co.uk W: www.clarkandrose.co.uk Removals & Storage

Charles White Limited 92 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4BY T: 0131 4478191 E: info@charleswhite.co.uk W: www.charleswhite.co.uk Property Management/Agents


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Clarkson Hill Group Alba Business Centre, 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EB T: 0131 5246111 E: simonforster@theclarksonhillgroup.co.uk W: www.theclarksonhillgroup.co.uk Independent Financial Advisors

Clockwork Security Limited 38-40 West Harbour Road, Edinburgh EH5 1PU T: 0131 5527473 E: bryan.eadie@clockworksecurity.co.uk W: www.clockworksecurity.co.uk Security Services

Coaching Direct 31 Glenlee Avenue, Edinburgh EH8 7HQ T: 07595119672 E: kirsty@coachingdirectscotland.co.uk W: www.coachingdirectscotland.co.uk Business Coaching

Close Property Finance 43 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7JF T: 0131 2006167 E: santhony@closebrothers.co.uk W: www.closepropertyfinance.co.uk Merchant Banks

Coast to Coast 13 High Street, Dunbar EH42 1EN T: 07971990361 E: surfing@c2csurfschool.com W: www.c2csurfschool.com Watersports

Cloud Consultancy 3 Old Mill Grove, Redmill, Whitburn EH47 0LW T: 07868551674 E: james@cloudconsultancy.com W: www.cloudconsultancy.com Web Development

Coates Associates 55 Whitehaugh Park, Peebles EH45 9DB T: 01721 729387 E: iain@coates-associates.co.uk W: www.coates-associates.co.uk Computer Consultants

Cloud Logic 91 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES T: 0845 2255004 E: scott.mckenzie@cloudlogic.co.uk W: www.cloudlogic.co.uk Computing Information Services

Codaoctopus Products Limited Anderson House, 1 Breadalbane Street, Edinburgh EH6 5JG T: 0131 5531380 E: sales@codaoctopus.com W: www.codaoctopus.com Research & Development

Clean Earth Capital LLP 18 Great King Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QL T: 0131 5588108 E: david@cleanearthcapital.co.uk W: www.cleanearthcapital.co.uk Business Funding

Cloudberry 193 Whitehouse Road, Edinburgh EH4 6BU T: 0131 5380168 E: juliepearson71@blueyonder.co.uk W: www.cloudberrygifts.co.uk Giftware - Retail

Colin Buchanan and Partners 4 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 2264693 E: edinburgh@cbuchanan.co.uk W: www.cbuchanan.co.uk Traffic/Transport Consultants

Clear Design Scotland Limited 37 Bernard Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6SH T: 0131 5548421 E: info@clearwebsite.co.uk W: www.clearwebsite.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Clouds Property Management 18 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH T: 0131 5503808 E: info@clouds.co.uk W: www.clouds.co.uk Property Management/Agents

Colin Hattersley Flat 3f1, 75 Montpelier Park, Edinburgh EH10 4ND T: 0131 2286052 E: colinhattersley@btinternet.com W: www.colinhattersley.com Photographers - Press & Pr

Clear Sky Consulting 20 Burnbrae Place, Edinburgh EH12 8AR T: 0131 3396985 E: robertson.fiona01@googlemail.com Business & Management Services

The Club House 1 Fountainbridge Square, Edinburgh Quay, Edinburgh EH3 9QB T: 0131 2283894 E: sales@clubhouse.co.uk W: www.clubhouse.co.uk Golf Courses

Collaborate Creative 11 Ballencrieff Steading, Ballencrieff, Longniddry, East Lothian EH32 0QH T: 01875 871179 E: john@collaboratecreative.com Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Claros Imaging Limited 35 Mid Steil, Edinburgh EH10 5XB T: 0131 4471307 E: iain.black@claros4d.com W: www.claros4d.com Design Consultants Claude Systems Limited 4 Bellman Way, Domibristle Ind Park, Dalgety Bay, Fife KY11 9JW T: 01383 820011 E: kimrose@claudesystems.com W: www.claudesystems.com Communications Systems & Services Clayheath Limited 6 Braidburn Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 6ES T: 0131 4478898 E: ohms@live.co.uk Property For Rental

Clear Solutions Audiovisual Services Limited Unit 7, Castlebrae Business Centre, Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 6235682 E: enquiries@clearsolutions.uk.com W: www.clearsolutions.uk.com Audio Visual Services Cleen Rite 2000 Limited Unit 2A Station Yard, Hospital Road, Haddington EH41 3PS T: 01620 826 991 E: iain@cleenrite2000.co.uk W: www.cleenrite2000.co.uk Window Cleaners - Domestic/Industrial Clerwood Legal Services 51 Clermiston Road, Edinburgh EH12 6XD T: 07932501022 E: gavin.tosh@clerwoodlegal.com W: www.clerwoodlegal.com Legal Services

Clydesdale Bank Plc Clydesdale Bank Plaza, 50 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9BT T: 0131 4564513 E: brian.johnstone@eu.nabgroup.com Banking/Advisory Services CM Consultants T/A Auditel 5 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PE T: 0131 3000085 E: mike.jackson@auditel.co.uk W: www.auditel.co.uk/mikejackson Consultants - Business, Management & Industrial CMS Cameron McKenna LLP 101 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES T: 0131 2207676 E: info@cms-cmck.com W: www.law-now.com Legal Services

Collaborative Consulting Limited 48 Antonine Road, Dullatur, Glasgow G68 0FE T: 0560 2266375 E: info@collaborativeuk.com W: www.collaborativeuk.com Information Technology Colpitts World Travel 50 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HF T: 0131 2260800 E: fjeffrey@colpitts.co.uk W: www.colpitts.co.uk Business Travel Organisations Common Purpose c/o Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF T: 0131 2216288 E: edinburgh@commonpurpose.org.uk W: www.commonpurse.org.uk Educational Services Commsworld Limited Commsworld House, Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 6613335 E: info@commsworld.com W: www.commsworld.com Data Communications Equipment & Systems

Company Growth Forsyth House Lomond Court, Castle Business Park, Stirling FK9 4TU T: 01786 433809 E: ian.cook@companygrowth.co.uk W: www.companygrowth.co.uk Professional Organisations Compita 1 Michaelson Square, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 7DP T: 01506 472888 E: enquiry@compita.com W: www.compita.com Management & Business Consultants Computacenter keith House, 2 RedhaughS Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh EH12 9DQ T: 0131 3177166 E: tom.porteous@computacenter.com W: www.computacenter.com Information Services & Systems Computer Cab (Edinburgh) Limited Suite 2/6, Spitfire House, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 0AL T: 0131 2728000 E: anapier@comcab-edinburgh.co.uk W: www.comcab-edinburgh.co.uk Taxis Computer Law Training Limited 8 Middlewood Park, Livingston EH54 8AZ T: 01506 413612 E: tim@computerlaw.org.uk Data Protection Concept Group Limited Concept House, Fairbairn Road, Livingston EH54 6AA T: 01506 416161 E: enquiries@concept-group.co.uk W: www.concept-group.co.uk Photocopying Equipment Concept Systems Limited 1 Logie Mill, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HG T: 0131 5575595 E: info@csl.co.uk W: www.csl.co.uk Marine Instrumentation Concrete Letting 8/6 Sandport Way, Edinburgh EH6 6EA T: 0131 5552674 E: gaynornichol@hotmail.com Office Rental/Property Letting Concrete Wardrobe 50a Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3SA T: 0131 5587130 E: concretewardrobe@hotmail.co.uk Arts & Crafts Condies Chartered Accountants 49 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7EG T: 0131 2265373 W: www.condie.co.uk Chartered Certified Accountants The Confucius Institute For Scotland University of Edinburgh, Abden House, 1 Marchhall Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 5HP T: 0131 6622180 E: frances.christensen@ed.ac.uk W: www.confuciusinstitute.ac.uk Language Courses

Click-Let Limited 123 Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 8NP T: 0131 5551704 E: mail@click-let.com W: www.click-let.com Property Management/Agents

CN Pluming & Heating 16 Edina Place, Edinburgh EH7 5RP T: 07930317157 E: nikkichristie7062@hotmail.co.uk Plumbers

Clock House Furniture Limited The Old Stables, Overhailes, Haddington EH41 3SB T: 01620 860968 E: info@clockhouse-furniture.co.uk W: www.clockhouse-furniture.co.uk Furniture

Co Star Empire House, 131 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2RY T: 0141 5617300 E: afowler@costar.co.uk W: www.costar.co.uk Property Consultants

Communicate 80 Grange Loan, Edinburgh EH9 2EP T: 0131 6674587 E: info@communicate-consultants.com W: www.communicate-consultants.com Training Services

Continental Airlines Bute Court, St Andrews Drive, Glasgow Airport, Paisley PA3 2SW T: 0141 8427555 E: kdonne@coair.com W: www.continental.com/uk Airlines

Clockwork Removals Ltd Unit 4, 173 Duddingston Park Street, Edinburgh EH15 3EG T: 0131 6690044 E: russell.bain@clockworkremovals.co.uk W: www.clockwork.uk.com Removals & Storage

The Co-Operative Bank 2 Lochrin Square, 92 - 98 Fountainbridge, The Exchange, Edinburgh EH3 9QA T: 0131 2289973 E: david.bell@cfs.coop W: www.co-operativebank.co.uk Banks & Financial Institutions

The Communications Business The Cooperage, 86 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6RP T: 0131 5535777 E: christianh@thecommunicationsbusiness.com W: www.thecommunicationsbusiness.com Public Relations

Contract Scotland Limited Scotia House, Castle Business Park, Stirling FK9 4TZ T: 01786 446651 E: sales@contractscotland.co.uk W: www.contractscotland.co.uk Recruitment Advisers

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Members by A-Z Control Focus Limited 4 Edderston Ridge View, Peebles EH45 9NB T: 07765885533 E: michael@control-focus.com W: www.control.focus.com Business Advisers

CPM EDINBURGH 88, South Clerk Street, Edinburgh EH8 9PT T: 0131 6617394 E: cpmedinburgh@hotmail.co.uk W: www.cpm-edinburgh.co.uk Property For Rental

Copycat (Scotland) Limited 1 Brougham Place, Edinburgh EH3 9HW T: 0131 6226060 E: copycatscotland@btconnect.com Copying & Duplicating Equipment & Services

Craig MacLeod 14 Crosswood Crescent, Balerno, Edinburgh EH14 7HS T: 0131 4662953 E: craig784@blueyonder.co.uk Artists & Photographers

Copylab Limited 71 Bobbin Wynd, Stirling FK7 9LZ T: 01786 448904 E: ross.hunter@copylab.co.uk W: www.copylab.co.uk Marketing Services Copymade Limited 3 West Maitland Street, Edinburgh EH125DS T: 0131 2295432 E: copymade@btconnect.com W: www.copymade.co.uk Promotional Products/Gifts/Ware Core Solutions Group Rutland House, 19 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BB T: 0131 2212520 E: john.sturrock@core-mediation.com W: www.core-mediation.com Arbitration & Mediation Cormack Consultancy Limited Portbrae Business Centre, Peebles EH45 8AW T: 01721 729942 E: charles@ccbaltic.eu W: www.cormackconsultancy.eu Business Development Organisations Cornerstone Mortgage Consultants 10 North Gyle Park, Edinburgh EH12 8LE T: 0131 5383570 E: gerry@cornerstone-mortgages.co.uk W: www.cornerstone-mortgages.co.uk Mortgage Brokers & Consultants Corney & Barrow (Scotland) Limited Oxenfoord Castle, Pathhead EH37 5UB T: 01875 321921 E: bryce.fraser@corneyandbarrow.com W: www.corneyandbarrow.com Wines & Spirits Cosmo Architectural Division 515 Lawmoar Street, Dixon Blaze Industrial Estate, Glasgow G5 0TY T: 0773958262 Tile Distributors & Suppliers Cova Colour Print Spider House, 8 John’s Place, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7EL T: 0131 5536036 E: linda@covacolourprint.co.uk W: www.covacolourprint.co.uk Printers - Digital Covanburn Contracts Limited 91 Bothwell Road, Hamilton ML3 0DW T: 01698 200057 E: enquiries@covanburncontracts.co.uk W: www.covanburncontracts.co.uk Construction Services Cowan & Partners 60 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6RR T: 0131 5540724 E: enquiries@cowanandpartners.co.uk W: www.cowanandpartners.co.uk Accountants CPD Management Limited 13/1 Moncrieff Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1NG T: 0131 6689460 E: matthewjohnadams@yahoo.com Quantity Surveyors


Craigcrook Management Services Limited 198 Craigcrook Road, Edinburgh EH4 7BQ T: 0131 3127501 E: williammacdonalduk@yahoo.co.uk W: www.craigcrookms.co.uk Consultants - Business, Management & Industrial Craigmillar District Business Association Castlebra Business Centre, Unit 1-3 Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 6618888 E: neil@cre8te.co.uk W: www.cdba.org.uk Business Networking Cre8te Units 1 - 3, Castlebrae Business Centre, Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 6618888 E: info@cre8te.co.uk W: www.cre8te.co.uk Enterprise Trust Creative Change Counselling 18A (1F2) Mortonhall Road, Edinburgh EH9 2HW T: 07736015691 E: elfcounsel@me.com Counselling Services/Advice/Coaching Creatively Assisted Limited Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EB T: 0800 0988253 E: admin@creativelyassisted.co.uk W: www.creativelyassisted.co.uk Mindmap Sales Training And Consultancy Creelers 3 Hunter Square, Edinburgh EH1 1QW T: 0131 2204447 E: creelers@aol.com Restaurants/Cafes Creideasach Inglewood House, Alloa FK10 2HU T: 01259 211210 E: mail@creideasach.co.uk Employment Law Crescent Events Limited The Cork House, 104 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6AW T: 0131 5548998 E: joyce.borthwick@crescentevents.co.uk W: www.crescentevents.co.uk Event Organisers/Management Crocodile Business Solutions 13 Mortonhall Parkway, Edinburgh EH17 8BW T: 0845 6585445 E: mark@crocodilebusinesssolutions.com Computer Software - Consultants Crombie RM Limited 33 High Street, Tillicoutry FK13 6AA T: 01259 750850 E: richard.crombie@btconnect.com W: www.crombierm.co.uk Accountants Crossan Communications 37 Bernard Street, Edinburgh EH6 6SH T: 0131 5531872 E: info@crossancom.co.uk W: www.crossancom.co.uk Publishing Miscellaneous

Crown Worldwide Limited Cullen Square, Deans Road, Deans Industrial Estate, Livingston EH54 8SJ T: 01506 468150 E: shall@crownrelo.com W: www.crownrelo.com Removals Business/Industrial Cruden Investments Limited Baberton House, Juniper Green, Edinburgh EH14 3HN T: 0131 4423862 E: c.ellis@crudeninvestments.co.uk W: www.crudeninvestments.co.uk Building Contractors CS 360 1 Moray Court, Auchtertool, Kirkcaldy KY2 5XS T: 01592 782695 E: info@c360.co.uk W: www.cs360.co.uk Design Consultants CSP Scotland 8A Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7TH T: 0131 2266153 E: info@cspscotland.co.uk W: www.cspscotland.co.uk Careers Advice Cullen Property Limited 30 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BW T: 0131 2211818 E: info@cullenproperty.com W: www.cullenproperty.com Property Consultants Culverwell 68/70 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LT T: 0131 2266611 E: lorna@culverwell.co.uk W: www.culverwell.co.uk Surveyors - Chartered Cundall Johnston & Partners LLP 19-21 Silvermills Court, Henderson Place Lane, Edinburgh EH3 5DG T: 0131 5243500 E: j.arndt@cundall.com W: www.cundall.com Consulting Engineers Cunningham’s Cook and Bakeware Company Limited 38 Lawers Crescent, Polmont FK2 0RQ T: 01324 872585 E: gordon@cookitbakeit.co.uk W: www.cookitbakeit.co.uk E-Commerce

D D B M Holdings D B M House, Clifton View, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn EH52 5NE T: 01506 859560 Chemical Distributors D.J.Manning Carriden Industrial Estate, Bridgeness Road, Bo’Ness EH51 9SF T: 01506 827693 E: info@djmanning.co.uk W: www.djmanning.co.uk Removals & Storage D.L.S 34 Mayfield Industrial Estate, Dalkeith EH22 4AD T: 0131 6635956 W: www.dlsdls.co.uk Dry-Cleaning/Laundries/Clothing Repairs D.P. Machine Tool Maintenance 10 Deansway Road, Mitcheldean, Edinburgh GL17 0BJ T: 07794529006 E: saraid-dave@hotmail.co.uk Machine Tools Dacoll Limited Dacoll House, Gardners Lane, Bathgate EH48 1TP T: 01506 815000 E: sales@dacoll.co.uk W: www.dacoll.co.uk Computer Systems Dakota Forth Bridge Hotel Ferrymuir Retail Park, South Queensferry EH30 9QZ T: 0870 4234293 E: mo@dakotaforthbridge.co.uk W: www.dakotahotels.co.uk Hotels Dalhousie Castle and Spa Cockpen Road, Near Edinburgh, Bonnyrigg EH19 3JB T: 01875 820153 E: alison.mathewson@dalhousiecastle.co.uk W: www.dalhousiecastle.co.uk Hotels - Conference Centres Dalmahoy Farms Dalmahoy Estate Office, Dalmahoy, Kirknewton, Edinburgh EH27 8AB T: 0131 3331331 Farmers

Curtins Consulting Engineers 35 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7EB T: 0131 2252175 E: edinburgh@curtins.com W: www.curtins.com Civil Engineering Contractors

Dalmeny House Dalmeny Estate, South Queensferry, Edinburgh EH30 9TQ T: 0131 3311888 E: events@dalmeny.co.uk W: www.dalmeny.co.uk Banqueting Rooms

CW Training Services 10/6 Allanfield, Edinburgh EH7 5YH T: 0131 5575181 E: cwtraining@btinternet.com W: www.cwtraining.btinternet.co.uk Training & Consultancy Organisations

Dance Wear 182 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 4BE T: 0131 2265457 E: robbkc@hotmail.co.uk Dancewear

Cyberhawk Innovations Alba Innovation Centre, Alba Campus, Livingston EH54 7GA T: 01506 592187 E: info@cyberhawkinnovations.co.uk W: www.cyberhawkinnovations.co.uk Inspection Services & Equipment Cyrenians Community Interest Company Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5QY T: 0131 4752354 E: admin@cyrenians.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

Dancing Fish Productions 215 Annfield Street, Edinburgh EH6 4JJ T: 07710785336 E: themhalls@dancesforpeas.co.uk W: www.dancesforpeas.co.uk Computer Modelling And Animation (3d) Daniel Europe Limited Stirling University Innovation Centre, Stirling FK9 4NF T: 01786 433400 E: roseanne.gillespie@emerson.com W: www.daniel.com Flow Measurement


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Danscot Print Limited Bute House, Arran Road, Perth PH1 3DZ T: 01738 622974 E: print@danscot.co.uk W: www.danscot.co.uk Office Furniture Supplies Danzig & Co 8-12 Torphicen Street, Edinburgh EH3 8JQ T: 0131 229 3377 E: mail@danzig.co.uk W: www.danzig.co.uk Accountancy Services Dap Architecture LLP 2F2 137 Warrender Park Road, Marchmont, Edinburgh EH9 1DS T: 0131 4663321 E: da@daparchitecture.co.uk W: www.daparchitecture.co.uk Property Development/Building Dark Interactive 9/4 Cobbinshaw House North, 18 Calder Gardens, Edinburgh EH11 4JP T: 0131 4673115 E: dark@interactiveflexi-cards.co.uk W: www.interactiveflexi-cards.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists Datamart 9 Bankhead Crossway North, Edinburgh EH11 4BP T: 0131 4585858 E: carl@datamart.co.uk W: www.datamart.co.uk Computer Consumables Datasharp Scotland 5 Baberton Mains View, Edinburgh EH14 3BR T: 0131 4533649 E: robbie@datasharpscotland.co.uk W: www.datasharpscotland.co.uk Telecommunications David Adamson & Partners 32 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BW T: 0131 2297351 E: edinburgh@davidadamson.com W: www.davidadamsongroup.com Surveyors - Chartered David and Joe Limited 12d Timber Bush, Edinburgh EH6 6QH T: 0131 5105100 E: hello@davidandjoe.com Website Designers David Brown Lighting Consultants Limited 222 Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 5EQ T: 0131 5554499 E: david@davidbrownlighting.com W: www.davidbrownlighting.com Lighting Consultants David Duncan 53 Hillview Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 8RQ T: 07724009242 E: david@duncan41.fsnet.co.uk Edinburgh University Mba Alumni David Kerr Translations 12 Plewlands Gardens, Edinburgh EH10 5JP T: 0131 4479489 E: dkerr@davidkerrtranslations.com W: www.davidkerrtranslations.com Translators & Interpreters

Davidson Morris Solicitors 1 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HR T: 0207 0616210 E: info@davidsonmorris.com W: www.davidsonmorris.com Solicitors

Design LED Products Limited Alba Innovation Centre, Alba Campus, Livingston EH54 7GA T: 01506 592321 E: info@designledproducts.com W: www.designledproducts.com Lighting Goods Manufacturers

Distribution Unlimited 42/44 Swanfield Industrial Estate, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 5RX T: 0131 5556677 E: derek@distributionunlimited.co.uk W: www.distributionunlimited.co.uk Distributors & Distribution Services

Davies Turner Air Cargo Limited Room 2/5 Spitfire House, Cargo Terminal, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 0AL T: 0131 3179977 E: robertnicol@daviesturner.co.uk Export/Import Agents - Consultants & Managers

Design-a-Cushions 74 Drum Brae South, Edinburgh EH12 8TH T: 0131 5390080 E: info@design-a-cushions.co.uk W: www.design-a-cushions.co.uk Cushions

Diva Fine Jewellery 77 High Street, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 1JA T: 0131 6632157 E: diane@divafinejewellery.com W: www.divafinejewellery.com Jewellery

Davis Langdon LLP 5th Floor, 40 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BY T: 0131 5509440 E: donald.reid@davislangdon.com W: www.davislangdon.com Construction Consultants

Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management 25 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PE T: 0131 2431050 E: charles.mullins@db.com Fund Management Services

DLA Piper UK LLP Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AA T: 0131 2425500 E: carolyn.mcghee@dlapiper.com W: www.dla.com Lawyers

Dawson Creative 94 Kirkhill Road, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 8JF T: 01968 673858 E: mark@dawsoncreative.co.uk W: www.dawsoncreative.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

DFDS Seaways Limited International Ferry Terminal, Royal Quays, Newcastle NE29 6EE T: 07970021137 E: allison.graham@dfds.co.uk W: www.dfds.co.uk Ship Owners

DM Audio Block 4, Unit 2 Peffermill Estate, Kings Haugh, Edinburgh EH16 5UY T: 0131 6613097 E: info@dmaudio.co.uk W: www.dmaudio.co.uk Sound & Lighting

Deaf Action 49 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QY T: 0131 5563128 E: jacqui.lees@deafaction.org Associations/Societies

Diamonds HR Limited 4 Lady Nairne Loan, Edinburgh EH8 7NJ T: 0131 6616671 E: info@diamondshr.co.uk W: www.diamondshr.co.uk Executive Search/Selection

DM Hall 17 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 6DD T: 0131 4776000 E: enquiries@dmhall.co.uk W: www.dmhall.co.uk Property & Estate Developers

Deloitte Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2DB T: 0131 2210002 E: mmcgregor@deloitte.co.uk W: www.deloitte.co.uk Accountants

Dickins Festival & Short Lets 17 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QG T: 0131 5581108 E: admin@dickins.co.uk W: www.dickins.co.uk Accommodation Agencies

Doc-Department 22/4 Viewforth, Edinburgh EH10 4JG T: 0203 1623079 E: g.lewis@wbthree.com W: www.doc-department.com Technical Authorship & Illustration

Delta Design Limited Delta House, Carmondean, Livingston EH54 8PT T: 01506 209946 E: studio@deltadesignltd.co.uk W: www.deltadesignltd.co.uk Branding

Dickson Lewis Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EB T: 0131 2006006 E: pauline@dicksonlewis.com W: www.dicksonlewis.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Doig & Smith Limited 1 Pinkhill, Edinburgh EH12 7BA T: 0131 3143500 E: edinburgh@doigandsmith.co.uk W: www.doigandsmith.co.uk Quantity Surveyors

Delta Energy & Environment Ltd 15 Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh EH3 7TS T: 0131 6251011 E: info@delta-ee.com W: www.delta-ee.com Environmental Control

Different Conversations Broom Brae, The Loan, West Linton EH46 7HE T: 01968 661466 E: gill@differentconversations.co.uk Management & Business Consultants

Douglas Brotherston Financial Management 3 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7JY T: 0131 2200880 E: douglas.brotherston@db-fm.co.uk W: www.db-fm.co.uk Accountants

Digimis 10 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9RG T: 0844 2540200 E: steve.donaghue@digimis.com W: www.digimis.com Business Systems

DPM Water Technologies Ltd Unit 2, Bankside Industrial Estate, Abbots Road, Falkirk FK2 7XS T: 01324 622171 E: info@aquacube.org.uk W: www.aquacube.org.uk Water Treatment Equipment

Delta Video Limited Falcon House, Edinburgh Airport, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 9DN T: 0131 3393950 E: ian@deltavideo.co.uk W: www.deltavideo.co.uk Audio Visual Producers & Installation/Cleaning Delta-Simons Environmental Consultant Limited 2 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH T: 0131 5503749 E: info@deltasimons.com W: www.deltasimons.com Consultants - Geotechnical & Environmental Denise Horn Consultancy 29 Carlyle Place, Edinburgh EH7 5RY T: 0131 6566466 E: denise@denisehorn.com W: www.denisehorn.com Marketing Consultants

David Macdonald Limited 25 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL T: 0131 5566393 E: info@davidmacdonald.ltd Printing Services

Deramore Property Group First Floor, Montgomery House, 29 - 33 Montgomery Street, Belfast BT1 4NX T: 02890 244030 E: d.lonergan@deramore.co.uk W: www.deramore.co.uk Property & Estate Developers

Davidson Chalmers LLP 12 Hope Street, Edinburgh EH2 4DB T: 0131 6259191 E: rhiannon.portergray@davidsonchalmers.com W: www.davidsonchalmers.com Solicitors

Derigo Limited 21/1 Mid Steil, Edinburgh EH10 5XB T: 0845 8382526 E: richard@derigoconsulting.co.uk W: www.derigoconsulting.co.uk Training Services

Digital Face Limited Studio 128, Pitt Street, Edinburgh EH6 4DD T: 0845 4092803 E: colin.gilchrist@digitalface.co.uk W: www.digitalface.co.uk Digital Multimedia Digitol Solutions Limited Riverside House, Riverside Drive, Aberdeen AB11 7LH T: 01224 224509 E: info@digital.co.uk W: www.digital.co.uk Document Management

Drambuie Liqueur Company Limited, The 18 Westerton Road, Broxburn EH52 5AQ T: 0131 3161357 E: ian@drambuie.com W: www.drambuie.com Wines & Spirits Dron & Dickson Limited Whitehouse Road, Springkerse Industrial Estate, Stirling FK7 7SS T: 01786 449444 E: stirlingsales@drondickson.co.uk W: www.drondickson.co.uk Electrical Equipment Manufacturers

Direct Marketing Association 41 Comely Bank, Edinburgh EH4 1AF T: 0131 3154422 E: joscobie@dma.org.uk W: www.dma.org.uk Direct Marketing

DSL Moorpark Court, 5 Dava Street Govan, Glasgow G51 2JA T: 0141 4252930 E: info@dsl-businessfinance.co.uk W: www.dsl-businessfinance.co.uk Finance - Commercial

Distinctive Publishing Limited Floor 7, Aidan House, Sunderland Road, Gateshead NE8 3HU T: 0191 4788300 E: info@distinctivepublishing.co.uk W: www.distinctivepublishing.co.uk Printing Services

DTR Services Limited Lady Victoria Business Centre, Newtongrange EH22 4QN T: 0131 6631888 E: andrew.bourke@dtrservices.co.uk W: www.dtrservices.co.uk Human Resource Consultants

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Members by A-Z Dubh Prais Restaurant 123b High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SG T: 0131 5575732 W: www.dubhpraisrestaurant.com Restaurants/Cafes Duddingston House Properties Limited Duddingston House, 105 Milton Road West, Edinburgh EH15 1RB T: 0131 6528170 E: admin@dhproperties.co.uk W: www.dhproperties.co.uk Property Development/Building Duncan Bennett 11 Springfield Place, South Queensferry EH30 9XE T: 0131 3312272 E: d.56bennett@btinternet.com Engineering Equipment Dundas & Wilson CS Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2EN T: 0131 2288000 E: stuart-maclean@dundas-wilson.com W: www.dundas-wilson.com Solicitors Dundas Castle South Queensferry, Edinburgh EH30 9SP T: 0131 3192039 E: lucy@dundascastle.co.uk W: www.dundascastle.co.uk. Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality Dunedin Canmore Group 8 Newmart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL T: 0131 4788888 E: info@dunedincanmore.org.uk W: www.dunedincanmore.org.uk Housing Associations, Developers, Societies & Trusts Dunedin Guest House Limited 8 Priestfield Road, Newington, Edinburgh EH16 5HH T: 0131 6681949 E: reservations@dunedinguesthouse.co.uk W: www.dunedinguesthouse.co.uk Guest Houses Dunedin Metalworks Unit 5 Poltonhall Industrial Estate, Poltonhall Road, Lasswade EH18 1BW T: 0131 6549424 E: info@dunedinmetalworks.co.uk W: www.dunedinmetalworks.com Stainless Steel Fabrications & Finishers Dunedin Property Services Limited T/A Asprey 14 Leadervale Road, Edinburgh EH16 6PA T: 0131 6641626 E: steventerry@aspray.com W: www.aspray.com Insurance Claims Assessors Dunira Strategy 33 West Preston Street, Edinburgh EH8 9PY T: 0845 3708076 E: info@dunira.com W: www.dunira.com Marketing Consultants Dupliquick Limited 28a Great King Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QH T: 0131 5571800 E: info@dupliquick.com W: www.dupliquick.com Printers - Digital DX Network Services Limited Unit K3, Starlaw Business Park, Livingston EH54 8SF T: 01506 818275 E: customersupportscotland@thedx.co.uk W: www.thedx.co.uk Postal Services Dynamech Engineering Design Limited 22/7 Murieston Lane, Edinburgh EH11 2LX E: james@dynamech.co.uk W: www.dynamech.co.uk Engineers - Design


Dynamic Advertising Group 48 Minto Street, Edinburgh EH9 2BR T: 0131 6678833 E: info@dynamicadgroup.com W: www.dynamiccadgroup.com Advertising Services Dynamic Earth Enterprises Limited Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8 AS T: 0131 5507800 E: enquiries@dynamicearth.co.uk W: www.dynamicearth.co.uk Conference Centres

E e j event design 20 Hermitage Gardens, Edinburgh EH10 6BA T: 07940586077 E: contact@ejeventdesign.com W: www.ejeventdesign.com Event Organisers/Management E-Business Promotion Limited 30 Bath Street, Edinburgh EH15 1HD T: 0131 2580307 E: phil@e-businesspromotion.co.uk W: www.e-businesspromotion.co.uk Web Development E-Corporate 17 Dunvegan Avenue, Kirkcaldy KY2 5SG T: 01592 571151 E: mail@e-corporate.co.uk W: www.e-corporate.co.uk Lawyers e-products ltd 10/2 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh EH7 4ND T: 0131 5231440 E: trevor@e-products.co.uk Software Development

East of Scotland KTP Centre G19 Merchiston Campus, 10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DT T: 0131 4552702 E: enquiries@ktpcentre.com W: www.ktpcentre.com Universities Eastern Holdings Limited 8 Westerton Road, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn EH52 5BE T: 01506 600000 E: cswinton@easternholdings.co.uk W: www.eastern-western.co.uk Motor Vehicle Dealers Eco Clean Solutions 107/ 4 Stenhouse Drive, Edinburgh EH11 3NP T: 07917889144 E: solutions@eco-cleansolutions.co.uk W: www.eco-cleansolutions.co.uk Cleaning Contractors Economist Intelligence Unit 26 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4HQ T: 0207 5768171 E: peterreardon@eiu.com W: www.eiu.com Information Services & Systems Ecosse Global Unit 8, Mid Road Industrial Estate, Prestonpans EH32 9ER T: 07840136926 E: john@ecotechwateruk.com W: www.ecotechwater.com Heating Services - Pumps Ecrm Euro Limited 23 Blair Street, Edinburgh EH1 1QR T: 0131 2202820 E: backoffice.staff@eurogroup-ms.eu W: www.ecrm-euro.eu Information Technology

The E-Security Exchange 3/1 30 Hector Road, Glasgow G41 3QD T: 0141 6326711 E: sarah@e-security-exchange.com Computer Security

ECS Scotland 17 Young Street, Edinburgh EH2 4HU T: 0131 2265262 E: info@ecsscotland.co.uk W: www.ecsscotland.co.uk Language Schools & Consultants

E-Talent Systems Limited 16 Mary’s Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SU T: 0845 3889243 E: info@etalentsystems.com W: www.etalentsystem.com Computer Software - Products

ECS Subsea Limited 11 Ravelrig Drive, Balerno, Edinburgh EH14 7NQ T: 01506 592126 E: tom@ecs-subsea.com W: www.ecs-subsea.com Oil & Natural Gas Exploration Equipment & Services

EAC Activity Camps 45 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 1EP T: 0131 4777574 E: info@eacworld.com W: www.eacworld.com Clubs/Societies EAE Distribution Limited Edgefield Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9TB T: 0131 4409444 W: www.eae.co.uk Publicity Eagle Couriers (Scotland) Ltd 35-38 Evans Business Pk, Easter Inch, Bathgate EH48 2EH T: 0845 1231230 E: sales@eaglecouriers.co.uk W: www.eaglecouriers.co.uk Courier Services Easi-Parks Edinburgh 62 St Leonard Street, Edinburgh EH8 9SW T: 0131 6675601 E: info@easi-parks.com W: www.easi-parks.com Car Parking & Garaging East Coast Room 60, South Block, Waverly Station, Edinburgh EH1 1YL T: 0870 0005151 E: angela.mckenzie@nationalexpress.com W: www.nationalexpresseastcoast.com Railway Transport Services

Edge Testing Solutions Atrium Business Centre, North Caldean Road, Coatbridge ML5 4EF T: 01236 702088 E: contact@edgetesting.co.uk W: www.edgetesting.co.uk Information Technology Edgen Murray Europe Limited Newbridge Industrial Estate, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8PJ T: 0131 3333333 E: edinburgh@edgenmurray.com W: www.edgenmurray.com Steel Stockholders Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust 109/11 Swanston Road, Edinburgh EH10 7DS T: 0131 6541933 E: info@elgt.org.uk W: www.elgt.org.uk Environmental Services Edinburgh Airport Limited Edinburgh Airport Ltd, Edinburgh EH12 9DN T: 0870 0400007 W: www.edinburghairport.com Airports Edinburgh Apartments Limited 22 Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH11 2BA T: 0131 3135313 E: enquiries@edinburghapartments.co.uk W: www.edinburghapartments.co.uk Holiday Accommodation

Edinburgh Boat Charters Limited 10 Consitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BT T: 0131 5549401 E: colinh@edinburghboatcharters.com, W: www.edinburghboatcharters.com Boat Hire & Charter Edinburgh Branch - IOSH 21 Blackburn Road, Addiwell, West Lothian EH55 8NF T: 01501 763585 E: helen.pearson@viridissafety.co.uk Health & Safety Consultants Edinburgh Business Coaching Limited 4 Peggie’s Knowe, Dolphinton, West Linton, Peebleshire EH46 7AL T: 01968 682688 E: tonyhoskins@actioncoach.com W: www.actioncoach.com/tonyhoskins Business Advisers Edinburgh City Private Hire Limited 7 Bankhead Avenue, Edinburgh EH11 4BT T: 0131 4774000 E: icolquhoun@ecph.co.uk Taxis Edinburgh College of Art Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF T: 0131 2216061 E: h.bateman@eca.ac.uk W: www.eca.ac.uk Colleges/Further Education Edinburgh Convention Bureau 29 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RN T: 0131 4733666 E: info@conventionedinburgh.com W: www.conventionedinburgh.com Marketing Services The Edinburgh Copy Shop Limited 303 Cowgate, 52 St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SX T: 0131 5566100 E: coalface@edinburghcompshop.co.uk Printers - Digital Edinburgh Corn Exchange 11 Newmarket Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RJ T: 0131 4773500 E: pauld@ece.uk.com W: www.ece.uk.com Conference Centres Edinburgh Denture Clinic 43-45 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DJ T: 0131 6616026 Dentists/Dental Technicians/Laboratories Edinburgh Festival Fringe 180 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1QS T: 0131 2260026 E: admin@edfringe.com W: www.edfringe.com Event Organisers/Management Edinburgh First The University of Edinburgh, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh EH16 5AY T: 0131 6512189 E: edinburgh.first@ed.ac.uk W: www.edinburghfirst.com Conference Centres The Edinburgh Fun Casino Company Copathe, Ogscastle Road Walston, Carnwath, Lanark ML11 8NF T: 0845 0171646 E: info@edinburghfuncasinos.com W: www.edinburghfuncasinos.com Themed Entertainment Edinburgh Glass & Glazing 22 Featherhall Avenue, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 7UN T: 0131 3346111 E: sales@edinburghglass.co.uk W: www.edinburghglass.co.uk Double Glazing, Materials & Installation


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Edinburgh Group Travel Unit 1 Lady Victoria Business Park, Newtongrange EH20 9DB T: 0131 4404400 E: info@edinburghgrouptravel.co.uk W: www.edinburghgrouptravel.co.uk Coach Operators/Hire/Excursions Edinburgh Half Marathon/GB Events 105 Scotland Road, Carlisle CA3 9HL T: 07846468664 E: mikej@gbevents.net W: www.gbevents.net Event Organisers/Management Edinburgh Instruments Limited 2 Bain Square, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 7DQ T: 01506 425300 E: sales@edinst.com W: www.edinst.com Analytical Equipment Edinburgh International Book Festival 5a Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DR T: 0131 7185666 E: lois@edbookfest.co.uk W: www.edbookfest.co.uk Arts Organisations Edinburgh International Conference Centre Limited Conference House, The Exchange, Edinburgh EH3 8EE T: 0131 3003000 E: sales@eicc.co.uk W: www.eicc.co.uk Conference Centres Edinburgh International Science Festival Suite 1, Mitchell House, 5 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BD T: 0131 5530320 E: fiona@scifest.co.uk Tourist Attractions Edinburgh Junior Chamber of Commerce Cowan and Partners, 60 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6RR T: 0131 5540724 E: kenneth_logan@jciedinburgh.org.uk W: www.ejcc.org.uk Junior Chamber Of Commerce Edinburgh Letting Solutions 32 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh EH8 9RP T: 0131 6671525 E: info@edlet.co.uk W: www.edlet.co.uk Property Management/Agents Edinburgh Lock Centre 78 Ratcliffe Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1ST T: 0131 6679071 E: lionel@edinburghlockcentre.com Locksmiths Edinburgh Mailing Services Limited Unit 24, New Broompark, Edinburgh EH5 1RS T: 0131 5524085 E: info@edinburghmailingservices.co.uk Mailing Services

Edinburgh Office 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH T: 0131 5503700 E: eosales@edinburghoffice.co.uk Property For Rental Edinburgh Park and Fly 1C Old Liston Road, Newbridge Roundabout, Newbridge EH28 8LG T: 0131 3334111 E: pgil2000@aol.com W: www.edinburghpark+fly.co.uk Car Parking & Garaging Edinburgh Petroleum Services Limited Research Park, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AP T: 0131 4494536 E: carol.marini@eu.weatherford.com W: www.weatherford.com Petroleum Services Edinburgh Property Maintenance Limited 3 Cluny Avenue, Edinburgh EH10 4RN T: 0131 6621144 E: edinburghpropertymaintenance@hotmail.co.uk Roofing Services Edinburgh Property Manager Limited, The 14/16 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh EH10 5LY T: 07773775452 E: matthew@rentinedinburgh.com W: www.rentinedinburgh.com Property Management/Agents Edinburgh Research & Innovation Limited 1-7 Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh EH8 9TA T: 0131 6509090 E: research.innovation@ed.ac.uk W: www.research-innovation.ed.ac.uk Research Associations Edinburgh Restaurateurs Association Ducks at Le MarchĂŠ Noir, 14 Eyre Place, Edinburgh EH3 5EP T: 0131 3344600 E: info@edinburghrestaurants.co.uk W: www.edinburghrestaurants.co.uk Associations/Societies Edinburgh Risk Management Limited 43 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh EH3 6JQ T: 0131 5562535 E: info@edrisk.co.uk W: www.edrisk.co.uk Independent Financial Advisors Edinburgh Select Travel Limited 64b Bridge Street, Newbridge EH28 8SH T: 07968156472 E: edinselecttravel@btinternet.com W: www.edinburghselecttravel.com Taxis Edinburgh Spaces 25 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BW T: 0131 2290015 E: info@edinburghspaces.co.uk W: www.edinburghspaces.co.uk Property Consultants

Edinburgh Marriott Hotel 111 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh EH12 8NF T: 0131 3349191 E: edinburgh@marriotthotels.co.uk Hotels - Conference Centres

Edinburgh Teahouses Limited (Pekoe Tea) 5th Floor 7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AH T: 0131 4771838 E: info@pekoetea.co.uk W: www.pekoetea.co.uk Coffee/Tea Wholesale

Edinburgh Napier University Craighouse Campus, Edinburgh EH10 5LG T: 0131 4556300 E: b.mcguckin@napier.ac.uk W: www.napier.ac.uk Educational & Training Establishments

Edinburgh Tour Guides 23 Broomhouse Place North, Edinburgh EH11 3UF T: 0131 4430548 E: info@edinburghtourguides.com W: www.edinburghtourguides.com Tour Guides

Edinburgh New Town Cookery School Limited 7 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JE T: 0131 2264314 E: charles@entcs.co.uk W: www.entcs.co.uk Cookery School

Edinburgh’s Telford College 350 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1QE T: 0131 5594000 E: mail@ed-coll.ac.uk W: www.ed-coll.ac.uk Colleges/Further Education

Edisc Limited 31 Lower London Road, Edinburgh EH7 5TE T: 07790739466 E: richard.s@edisc.co.uk W: www.edisc.co.uk Information Technology Edit on Time 68 Bonaly Rise, Colinton, Edinburgh EH13 0QX T: 07812243182 E: viviensw@hotmail.co.uk Publishing Miscellaneous Edmonds UK Limited 23 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BD T: 0131 4678333 E: studio@edmonds.co.uk W: www.edmonds.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Elixir 9-10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 7186541 W: www.elixirincubation.com Business Support Services Ellersly House Hotel 4 Ellersly Road, Edinburgh EH12 6HZ T: 0131 3376888 E: reception@ellerslyhousehotel.co.uk W: www.ellerslyhousehotel.co.uk Guest Houses ELP Solicitors 99 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH6 4ET T: 0131 5548649 E: duncan@elpsolicitors.com W: www.elpsolicitors.com Legal Services

Eero & Riley 7 Easter Road, Edinburgh EH7 5PH T: 0131 6610533 E: suzanne@eeroandriley.com W: www.eeroandriley.com Retail Traders

EMA Architecture & Design The Stables, 38 Baileyfield Road, Edinburgh EH15 1NA T: 0131 4686595 E: info@ema-architects.co.uk W: www.ema-architects.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services

EH15 Finance Limited 9 Bailie Terrace, Edinburgh EH15 3BT T: 0131 6690476 E: bill@eh15finance.com Asset Finance

Emma Cowan Consultancy 70/3 Netherby Road, Edinburgh EH6 4DD T: 0131 476 2295 E: emmajcowan@yahoo.co.uk Marketing Consultants

EHS Architectural Limited 49 Lanark Road, Edinburgh EH14 1TL T: 0131 4441149 E: theteam@ehsarc.com Architects/Architectural Services

Emma Roy of Edinburgh 31-33 Leith Street, Edinburgh EH1 3AT T: 0131 5572875 E: lorraine-roy@hotmail.com W: www.emma-roy.co.uk Wedding Services

Eidikos Limited 87 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DF T: 07808713860 E: simon@eidikos.biz Branding El Dorado Cabaret 2/3 Powderhall Brae, Edinburgh EH7 4GD T: 07910333601 E: morgan@eldoradocabaret.com W: www.eldoradocabaret.com Entertainment Services Elastic Creative Limited 6 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7DD T: 0131 4677734 E: info@elasticcreative.co.uk W: www.elasticcreative.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists Electric Cycle Company, The 3 North Leith Sands, Edinburgh EH6 4ER T: 0131 5520999 E: duncan@electriccyclecompany.co.uk W: www.electriccyclecompany.co.uk Cycles & Tricycles Electrical Hygiene Solutions Clement House, 99 Clement Rise, Dedridge, Livingston EH54 6JZ T: 01506 460029 E: steve_cochrane@electrical-hygienesolutions.co.uk W: www.electrical-hygiene-solutions.co.uk Hygiene & Cleaning Products & Services Electrospect Limited 240 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh EH4 2BP T: 0131 443 1692 E: james@electrospect.freeserve.co.uk Electrical Contractors & Engineers Elementis Specialties Nettlehill Road, Houstoun Industrial Estate, Livingston EH54 5DL T: 01506 430331 E: darran.mckeen@elementis-eu.com Chemical Manufacturers & Suppliers Elite Linguists CIC 1/1 Ambassador Court, Musselburgh EH21 7AQ E: jeanice@elitelinguists.co.uk W: www.elitelinguists.co.uk Translators & Interpreters

EmployEase: The Employment Practice Ltd 17 Melville Gardens, Burntisland, Fife KY3 0DT T: 0845 1233741 E: info@employease.co.uk W: www.employease.co.uk Legal Services Energy Services Limited 26 Cramond Gardens, Edinburgh EH4 6PU T: 0131 3361258 E: cramond@blueyonder.co.uk Energy Management Engaging IT 121 Giles Street, Edinburgh EH6 6BZ T: 0845 6254028 E: allan@engagingit.com Information Technology Engine 4 Growth Ltd 35 Inglis Green Road, Edinburgh EH14 2EY T: 07894619361 E: peter.hillier@engine4growth.co.uk W: www.engine4growth.co.uk Management & Business Consultants English-Speaking Union Scotland 23 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8HQ T: 0131 2291528 E: director@esuscotland.org.uk W: www.esuscotland.org.uk Language Schools & Consultants Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman 46 Queen Charlotte Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7EX T: 0131 5553103 E: info@esibrasserie.com W: www.esibrasserie.com Restaurants/Cafes Enhance People Consultants Limited 102 Langton View, East Calder EH53 0RA T: 01506 882875 E: info@enhancepeople.co.uk W: www.enhancepeople.co.uk Training Services Enviroliance Limited Alba Innovation Centre, Alba Campus, Livingston EH54 7GA T: 01506 592300 E: alan.conner@enviroliance.com W: www.enviroliance.com Water Technical Services

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Members by A-Z The Environment Exchange Hudson House, 8 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0131 4732330 E: info@t2e.co.uk W: www.t2e.co.uk Stock Exchange Environmental Law Chambers Mackintosh House, 5 Blythwood Square, Glasgow G2 4AD T: 0141 2256499 E: barry.love@elchambers.com W: www.elchambers.com Lawyers EPC Options Limited 78/10, Orchard Brae Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 2GA T: 0131 3324945 E: neil.mccreath@epcoptions.co.uk W: www.epcoptions.co.uk Energy - Assessors Epistemy Limited Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Herrot Watt, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS T: 0131 4518298 Software Development Epitome Solutions Limited 49/4 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9DB T: 07817014422 E: ian@epito.me.uk Computer Consultants EQ Design Limited 292 Rosemount Place, Aberdeen AB25 2YA T: 01224 622277 E: gary@eqdesign.co.uk W: www.eqdesign.co.uk Design Consultants Equity Bridge Limited P.O Box 13551, Linlithgow EH49 6YX T: 01506 840402 E: charles@equitybridge.net W: www.equitybridge.net Property Investment The ERDC Group 20 Harvest Road, Newbridge, Midlothian EH28 8LW T: 0131 3331100 E: diane.robb@erdc.co.uk W: www.erdc.co.uk Civil Engineering Contractors Eric Young and Company Limited Capital House, 2 Festival Square, Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9RR T: 0131 2262641 E: info@eyco.co.uk W: www.eyco.co.uk Property Agents - Commercial & Industrial

ESPC (UK) Limited 90A George Street, Edinburgh EH3 2DF T: 0131 6248000 E: malcolm.cannon@espc.com W: www.espc.co.uk Estate Agents Espresso Mondo Limited 116 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9DG T: 0131 2283990 E: graham@espressomondo.com Coffee Bars Essensse 75 Easter Road, Edinburgh EH7 5PW T: 0131 6616899 E: info@essensse.com W: www.essensse.com Hairdressers/Beauty Salons Essential Edinburgh 1 New Parliament House, 5 Regent Road, Edinburgh EH7 5BL T: 0131 6525940 E: info@essentialedinburgh.com W: www.essentialedinburgh.com Town Centre Management ETI Engineering Limited 38 Henderson Row, Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH3 5DN T: 0131 5587688 E: admin@etiengineering.co.uk W: www.etiengineering.co.uk Electrical & Electronic Engineering Euan Sinclair 29 Murrayfield Gardens, Edinburgh EH12 6DG T: 07785980378 E: euan.sinclair@talktalk.net Lawyers Eureka Solutions Limited Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EB T: 0131 2021598 E: enquiries@eurekasolutions.co.uk W: www.eurekasolutions.co.uk Computer Software - Consultants Euro Accountancy & Finance Services Limited 23 Blair Street, Edinburgh EH1 1QR T: 0131 2202820 E: keith.wilson@eurogroup-ms.eu Accountancy Services Euroclean 17 - 19 Newington Road, Edinburgh EH9 1QR T: 0131 6673211 Dry-Cleaning/Laundries/Clothing Repairs

Evans Halshaw Ford Edinburgh 25 Baileyfield Road, Edinburgh EH15 1BT T: 0131 6696261 E: kenny.leblond@evanshalshaw.com W: www.evanshalshaw.com Motor Vehicles - Commercial Event Video Services 84 The Loan, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9AQ T: 0131 4403454 E: mail@eventvideoservices.tv W: www.eventvideoservices.tv Video Production Events Armoury Limited 9 West Richmond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9EF T: 0131 6678888 E: sales@eventsarmoury.com W: www.eventsarmoury.com Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists Eventus Software Limited 66 North Bughtlinside, Edinburgh EH12 8YB T: 0131 3390728 E: kevin@eventssoftware.co.uk W: www.eventssoftware.co.uk Market Research & Analysis Evidencemetrics 62 Craigs Drive, Edinburgh EH12 8UW T: 07979751491 E: alex@evidencemetrics.com W: www.evidencemetrics.com Analytical Services Evolution Design 29 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QQ T: 0131 5568562 E: chamber@evolution-design.co.uk W: www.evolution-design.co.uk. Design Consultants Evolve Report Writer Services Limited 20 Mortonhall Road, Edinburgh EH9 2HW T: 07710774893 E: ellen@consultevolve.com W: www.e-checklive.com Automation Systems & Equipment Evron Trading 5 McKirdy Drive, Lesmahagow, Lanark ML11 0NE T: 01555 895226 E: jeroen@evrontrading.com W: www.evrontrading.com Mining Machinery & Equipment EWMultimedia 58 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 3NS T: 0131 2251000 E: info@ewmultimedia.co.uk W: www.ewmultimedia.co.uk Website Designers

Ernst & Young 10 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2DZ T: 0131 7772000 E: hball@uk.ey.com W: www.ey.com/uk Business Advisers

European Conferences 3 Coates Place, Edinburgh EH3 7AA T: 0131 2252892 E: sue.menzies@ec.u-net.com W: www.europeanconferences.com Conference Organisers & Specialists

Excel Landscape Services 141 Gilberstoun, Edinburgh EH15 2RA T: 0131 6699199 Landscape Gardening & Maintenance Contractors

Erskine Stewarts Melville Governing Council c/o The Mary Erskine School, Ravelston, Edinburgh EH4 3NT T: 0131 3475750 E: bursar@esmgc.com Educational & Training Establishments

European Energy Centre Limited 68/1 Spottiswoode Street, Edinburgh EH9 1DH T: 0131 4469479 E: paolobuoni@EUenergycentre.org W: www.EUenergycentre.org Training & Consultancy Organisations

ExecSpace Limited The Edinburgh Office, 26 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH T: 0131 5503722 E: emmal@execspace.co.uk W: www.execspace.co.uk Business & Management Services

ERT (Scotland) Limited Research Park South, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AP T: 0131 4495030 E: enquiries@ert.co.uk W: www.ert.co.uk Environmental Consultants Escrivo Limited 18 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JX T: 0131 2258199 E: enquiries@escrivo.com W: www.escrivo.com Management Consulting - Information Technology


Eskimo Designs Ltd 10 Viewforth, Edinburgh EH10 4JF T: 0131 4661988 E: info@eskimoonline.com W: www.eskimoonline.com Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

EUS Community Learning Centre New Parliament House, Building 3, 5-7 Regent Road, Edinburgh EH7 5BL T: 0131 5506808 E: ronmcf@eus.org.uk W: www.eus.org.uk Training, Computer Based

Executive 21 24 Stair Park, North Berwick EH39 4DD T: 01620 890970 E: enquiries@executive21.co.uk W: www.executive21.co.uk Personal Development & Coaching

Evans Easy Space Evans Business Centre, Harvest Road, Newbridge, Edinburgh EH28 8LW T: 0870 8768000 E: info@evanseasyspace.com W: www.evanseasyspace.com Office Rental/Property Letting

Expanding Web Limited 16/1 Hermits Croft, Edinburgh EH8 9RF T: 07857751053 E: info@expandingweb.com W: www.expandingweb.com Web Design & Development

Expense Reduction Analysts 1 Wester Dalmeny Steading, Dalmeny, Edinburgh EH30 9TT T: 0131 3313993 E: r.clayton@erauk.net W: www.erauk.net Expense Reduction Consultants Expico Limited 39 Cluny Gardens, Morningside, Edinburgh EH10 6BL T: 0131 4661332 E: williedonald@actioncoach.com W: www.actioncoach.com/williedonald Business Coaching Exporter Services Ltd 5 Haddon Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6EQ T: 0845 6800491 E: Sue.wright@exporter-services.co.uk W: www.exporter-services.co.uk Export Services Extra Mile Letting 12/4 Brunton Terrace, Hillside, Edinburgh EH7 5EQ T: 0131 5567814 E: team@ExtraMileLetting.co.uk Property Management/Agents Eyesupply Limited Unit 55, Imex Business Centre, Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Edinburgh EH20 9LZ T: 0131 4482946 E: jmilligan@eyesupply.co.uk W: www.eyesupply.co.uk Surgical Instruments Ezone Software 31 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AP T: 0131 2256622 W: www.ezonesoftware.com Website Designers

F F T Linden Limited 28 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7BD T: 0131 2267738 E: john@lindenpropertyltd.com W: www.lindenproperty.ltd.com Property Investment FAB Assurance 43 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4HQ T: 0131 7180707 E: colin@fab-assurance.com W: www.fab-assurance.com Life Assurance & Savings Plans Facilitators International LLP St Mary’s Court, 49 Huntly Street, Aberdeen AB10 1TH T: 01224 628260 E: roger.thomas@facilitators.co.uk W: www.facilitators.co.uk Quality/Tqm Consultants Fairmont St Andrews St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8PN T: 01334 837000 E: standrews.scotland@fairmont.com W: www.fairmont.com/standrews Hotels - Conference Centres Fairplace 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 2208292 E: scotland@fairplace.com W: www.fairplace.com Human Resource Consultants Faithful + Gould Canning Exchange, 10 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2215600 E: lee.burgess@fgould.com W: www.fgould.com Quantity Surveyors


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Falkirk Car Carriers Dalgrain Industrial Estate, Grangemouth FK3 8EB T: 01324 482382 E: admin@falkirkcarcarriers.co.uk Car Transportation Family Circle Care Limited 22 Tower Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BY T: 0131 5549500 E: mail@familycircles.org W: www.familycircles.org Recruitment/Personnel Agencies Farleys Trade Suppliers Limited 6a West Telferton, Edinburgh EH7 6UL T: 0131 6694010 E: enquiries@farleyswindows.co.uk W: www.farleyswindows.co.uk Double Glazing, Materials & Installation Farnbeck Limited 32 Swanfield, Bonnington Road, Edinburgh EH6 5RX T: 0131 5535353 E: dm001@post.almac.co.uk W: www.almac.co.uk/farnbeck Textile Coatings FarrPoint Limited 5 Craigmount Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 8BN T: 0131 2026018 E: contact@farrpoint.com W: www.farrpoint.com Telecommunications Consultants Fenwick Consulting Limited 5 Nungate Gardens, Haddington EH41 4EE T: 01620 824062 E: info@fenwickconsulting.co.uk W: www.fenwickconsulting.co.uk Recruitment Advisers Festival City Theatres Trust 13/29 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9FT T: 0131 6621112 E: caroline.brophy@eft.co.uk W: www.eft.co.uk Theatres/Concert Halls Festival Previews Limited Moffat Centre, 219 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ T: 0845 8384680 E: info@festivalpreviews.com W: www.festivalpreviews.com Internet Advertising Fettes Management Limited 3 Kimmerghame Loan, Fettes, Edinburgh EH4 2GL T: 0131 3431222 E: david@fettesmanagement.co.uk W: www.fettesmanagement.co.uk Sales Consultancy & Training

First Scottish Group Ltd St Davids House, St Davids Drive, Dalgety Bay, Fife KY11 9NB T: 01383 826777 E: mail@firstscottish.com W: www.firstscottish.com Postal Services Fitness Factor, The 8/6 Wardieburn Place East, Edinburgh EH5 1DJ T: 0131 5380176 E: austin.75@hotmail.com Fitness & Health Five Star Forwarding & Logistics Limited James Young House, Drumshoreland Road, Pumpherston, Livingston EH53 0LQ T: 01506 440800 E: john@fivestarforwarding.co.uk W: www.fivestarforwarding.co.uk Freight Forwarding Fleishman - Hillard Group Limited 22 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DP T: 0131 5584900 E: claire.gourlay@fleishmaneurope.com W: www.uk.fleishmaneurope.com Public Relations FLEXcon Europe Limited Whitworth Road, Southfield Industrial Estate, Glenrothes KY6 2TF T: 01592 663219 E: Shall@FLEXcon.com Manufacturing - Sensitive Films Flexiform Unit 7, Bloomfarm, Main Street, Livingston EH54 7AF E: frazerd@flexiform-scotland.co.uk W: www.flexiform.co.uk Office Furniture Supplies Flexitricity Limited 4 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7AU T: 0131 2258100 E: rachel.mccarthy@flexitricity.com W: www.flexitricity.com Energy Management Flixity.TV 16 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T: 0131 5571288 E: debbie@flixity.tv W: www.flixity.tv Tourist Information Flock Design & Advertising Limited Suite F3, 11 Maritime Street, Edinburgh EH6 6SB T: 0131 6248913 E: justin@flockthinks.com Design Consultants

Findlay Irvine 42-44 Bog Road, Penicuik EH26 9BU T: 01968 671200 E: davidleask@findlayirvine.com W: www.findlayirvine.com Testing Equipment/Apparatus

Flowpath Technical Development 1 Hopelands Road, Edinburgh EH26 9LH T: 01968 677860 E: flowpathtd@yahoo.co.uk Technical Testing/Analysis

Fiona Melvin-Farr Consulting 22 Howard Place, Edinburgh EH3 5JY T: 0131 5561462 E: fiona.melvin-farr@fmfc.co.uk W: www.fmfc.co.uk Marketing Consultants

Forever Living Products 48 Old Burdiehouse Road, Edinburgh EH17 8BH T: 07704912688 E: aliceflannigan@hotmail.co.uk W: www.aflannigan.myflybiz.com Health Care Products & Equipment

Fire Prevention Works Limited 3A East Craigie Farm Steading, Dalmany Estate, Edinburgh EH4 6DT T: 0131 4674707 E: gbennett@firepreventionuk.com W: www.firepreventionuk.com Fire Services First Display Unit 1a Westcraigs Industrial Estate, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 0BD T: 0845 2268595 E: info@cabads.co.uk W: www.cabAds.co.uk Signage

Forfab Limited (Dunfermline) Pitreavie Business Park, Queensferry Road, Dunfermline KY11 8UE T: 01383 732266 E: sales@forfab.com W: www.forfab.com Fabrication Forth Property Developments Limited 1 Prince Wales Dock, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7DX T: 0131 5558700 E: nathan.thompson@forthports.co.uk W: www.forthports.co.uk Port Authorities & Operators

Forth Sector Space 11 Harewood Road, Edinburgh EH16 4NS T: 0131 6594730 E: marie.murphy@forthsector.org.uk W: www.forthsector.org.uk Social Security Services

Frontier Software 1 Crompton Court, Attwood Road, Burntwood Business Park, Burtnwood WS7 3GJ T: 01543 495850 E: sales@frontiersoftware.com Payroll Services

Forum Interactive Limited 4B Howe Street, Edinburgh EH3 6TD T: 0131 478 2368 E: info@foruminteractive.co.uk W: www.foruminteractive.co.uk Training Services

Fulcrum Insured Employee Benefits Pinnacle House, Mill Road, Linlithgow EH49 7SF T: 01506 841842 E: malcolm.brebner@fulcrumieb.co.uk W: www.fulcrumieb.co.uk Employee Benefit Services

Fountain Court Apartments 123 Grove Street, Edinburgh EH3 8AA T: 0131 6226677 E: john.neil@fcapartments.com W: www.fcapartments.com Serviced Apartments

Funded Solutions Limited 31 Lockharton Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 1AY T: 07747007565 E: stuart.gibson@fundedsolutions.co.uk Finance - Commercial

Four Seasons (Scotland) Limited Riccarton Garden Centre, Riccarton Mains Road, Currie EH14 5AA T: 0131 4497000 E: info@fourseasonsscotland.com W: www.fourseasonsscotland.com Double Glazing, Materials & Installation The Fourth Craw Limited 6 - 8 Alexander Drive, Edinburgh EH11 2RH T: 0131 3132456 E: design@fourthcraw.com W: www.fourthcraw.com Design Consultants Fox Fleming Limited ACCA 17 Fowler Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1DD T: 0131 2211747 E: mail@foxfleming.co.uk W: www.foxfleming.co.uk Accountants Franchise Route 2 Strathconon Gardens, Hairmyres G75 8FN T: 07500337636 E: lesleymcluskey@franchiseroute.net W: www.franchiseroute.net Franchising The Franco-Scottish Business Club c/o Alliance Francais, 3 Park Circus, Glasgow G3 6AX T: 0131 4676680 E: secretary@franco-scottishbc.co.uk W: www.franco-scottishbc.co.uk Business & Management Services Frasers St Giles Street Management 12-26 St Giles Street, Edinburgh EH1 1PT T: 0131 2217200 E: sm.edinburgh@frasershospitality.com W: www.frasershospitality.com Serviced Apartments Freakworks 9 Waters Close, The Shore, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6RB T: 0131 5553456 E: info@freak-works.com W: www.freak-works.com Film & Video Services Freeworld Trading Limited 21 Annandale Street, Edinburgh EH7 4AW T: 0131 5575600 E: sanjoy@freeworld-trading.co.uk W: www.freeworld-trading.co.uk Food Importers & Exporters

FVRGeo Solutions Limited Suite 45, 196 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AT T: 0131 2582521 E: roshini.kumar@fvrgeo.com W: www.fvrgeo.com Management Consulting - Information Technology

G G.P Wolffe North Bridge Studios, 28 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1QG T: 07803242313 E: andrew@gpwolffe.com W: www.gpwolffe.com Branding GAC Shipping (UK) Limited Edinburgh Dock, Leith Docks, Edinburgh EH6 7DW T: 0131 5549464 E: leith.agency@obcgroup.com W: www.obcgroup.com Freight Forwarding Galway Gourmet Limited 64 Jane Street, Edinburgh EH6 5HG T: 0131 5535755 E: sales@galwaygourmet.co.uk W: www.galwaygourmet.co.uk Catering Suppliers Gambitlive.com 60a George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LR T: 07884367225 E: brooke@gambitlive.com W: www.gambitlive.com Clubs/Societies Gandhi’s 50 East Fountain Bridge, Edinburgh EH3 9BH T: 0131 2286666 E: shahinkhn@yahoo.co.uk W: www.gandhis-restaurant-uk.com Restaurants/Cafes Gardening Scotland The Stables, 2 Ingliston Gardens, Edinburgh EH28 8NB T: 0131 3330969 E: info@gardeningscotland.com W: www.gardeningscotland.com Event Organisers/Management

French Institute of Scotland 13 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7TT T: 0131 2255366 E: courses@ifecosse.org.uk W: www.ifecosse.org.uk Language Courses

Gazing Performance Systems 5 Illieston Castle Steadings, Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 5PD T: 07887743483 E: andrew.marriott@gazing.com W: www.gazing.com Training & Consultancy Organisations

Fresh Ideas Grampian House, 46 Virginia Street, Aberdeen AB11 5AU T: 01224 574999 E: enquiries@n-web.com W: www.n-web.com Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Geckotech Solutions Limited Unit 5, West Shore Road Trading Estate, West Shore Road, Edinburgh EH5 1QF T: 0131 5527073 E: spearson@geckotechsolutions.com W: www.geckotechsolutions.com Steeplejacks

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Members by A-Z Gel Coaching (Ginger Carnduff Ltd) Lower Gavelmoss, Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire PA12 4DW T: 0330 4401864 E: jill.carnduff@gelcoaching.com Business Coaching Gem Compliance Consulting Limited 9/10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 7186051 E: into@gemcompliance.com W: www.gemcompliance.com Financial Services Genecom Doherty Centre, Pentland Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik EH26 OPZ T: 0131 4456105 E: james.sinfield@genecombio.com Business Funding General Mills Berwick Limited Tweedside Trading Estate, Berwick Upon Tweed TD15 2UX T: 01289 307737 E: alex.mcneil@genmills.com Foods - Frozen General Sales Solutions Limited 2 Ashwood Steadings, Mawcarse, Kinross KY13 9SB T: 01577 862231 E: gsg@generalsalesgroup.com W: www.generalsalesgroup.com Sales Consultancy & Training Gentle Leadership Limited Newton Of Corsindae, Midmar, Inverurie AB51 7ND T: 01330 833556 E: info@theredhorsespeaks.com W: www.theredhorsespeaks.com Personal Development & Coaching Geo Bar Limited Kingsford House, 14 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0131 5577764 E: geobar@geobar.mobi W: www.geobar.mobi Energy Saving Devices Geo.C.MacKay Limited 10 Kinnear Road, Edinburgh EH3 5PE T: 0131 5521070 E: cron@kinnear-road.co.uk Property Owners/Property Managers George Hardie & Son (Joiners) Limited 9 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DP T: 0131 4475327 E: georgehardies@wwmail.co.uk W: www.georgehardies.co.uk Building Contractors

Glenavon Insurance Suite 2, Chesser Exhange, New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL T: 0131 4432971 E: kenny@glenavoninsurance.com W: www.glenavoninsurance.com Insurance Brokers

George Watson’s College Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5EG T: 0131 4466000 E: r.mallinson@gwc.org.uk W: www.gwc.org.uk Educational Services

Glenham Property Management Limited 14 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0131 5577769 E: miles@glenhamproperty.co.uk W: www.glenhamproperty.co.uk Property Investment

Get Re-Wired Limited 14 Eyre Crescent, Flat3F2, Edinburgh EH3 5ET T: 07985443075 E: douglas@re-wire.net W: www.re-wire.net Educational & Training Consultants

Global Integrated Solutions Limited Gibbs Yard, Auchincruive Estate, Ayr KA6 5HN T: 01292 521221 E: info@globalisltd.co.uk W: www.globalisltd.co.uk Audio Visual Producers & Installation/Cleaning

Get Shirty 134 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 3JD T: 0131 2204628 E: info@getshirty.com Retail Traders

Global Language Services Limited Belgrave Business Centre, 45 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 1EP T: 0131 6241166 E: mail@globaledinburgh.com W: www.globalglasgow.com Translators & Interpreters

Getting Words to Work 18/1 Boat Green, Edinburgh EH3 5LW T: 0131 5573216 E: contact@saraijames.com W: www.saraijames.com Training Services Ghillie-Dhu 2 Rutland Place, Edinburgh EH1 2AD T: 0131 2210503 E: ghillievents@g1group.com W: www.ghillie-dhu.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes Gibralter General Partner Limited c/o Montagu Evans LLP, Management Suite, 32 Fleming House, Kinnaird Park, Edinburgh EH15 3RD T: 0131 6699090 E: liam.smith@fortkinnaird.com W: www.fortkinnaird.co.uk Shopping Centres Gibson Consultancy 173 Craigleith Road, Edinburgh EH4 2EB T: 0131 3322226 E: enquiries@gailgibson.co.uk W: www.gailgibson.co.uk Branding Gillespie Macandrew LLP 5 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8EJ T: 0131 2251677 E: derek.mcculloch@gillespiemacandrew.co.uk W: www.gillespiemacandrew.co.uk Solicitors

Global Virtual Interviews Limited 16 Kennedie Park, Mid Calder, West Lothian EH53 0RG T: 01506 880777 E: alastair@globalvi.com W: www.globalvi.com Video Conferencing The GO Group George House, 36 North Hanover Street, Glasgow G1 2AD T: 0141 5728300 W: www.thegogroup.co.uk Business Development Organisations Graham and Sibbald 11 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7DL T: 0131 2405311 E: edinburgh@g-s.co.uk W: www.g-s.co.uk Property Agents - Commercial & Industrial

Greenroom Films Limited 32 Maritime Street, Edinburgh EH6 6SE T: 0131 4543440 E: admin@greenroomfilms.com W: www.greenroomfilms.com Film & Video Productions Greenstone Energy Solutions Limited Granite House, 18 Alva Street, Edinburgh EH2 4QG T: 0131 2252155 E: info@greenstoneenergy.co.uk W: www.greenstoneenergy.co.uk Electrical Service & Repairs Gregor’s McLeod House, 119 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh EH7 5EX T: 0131 5574614 E: norman@norman-gregor.co.uk W: www.norman-gregor.co.uk Chartered Accountants Greig Avinou National Window Cleaning Unit 8B, West Telferton, Portobello Industrial Estate, Edinburgh EH7 6UL T: 0131 6570850 E: info@greigavinou.co.uk W: www.greigavinou.co.uk Window Cleaners - Domestic/Industrial Greig Melville Associates Limited 20 Woodlands Crescent, Falkirk FK1 5AE T: 01324 628676 E: greigmelville1@blueyonder.co.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies Greywalls Hotel Muirfield, Gullane EH31 2EG T: 01620 842144 E: enquiries@greywalls.co.uk W: www.greywalls.co.uk Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes Griffen Fitness Limited 3 Balfour Street, Edinburgh EH6 5BY T: 07743741088 E: getmefit@tracygriffen.com W: www.griffenfitness.com Personal Trainers

Grant Thornton 1/4 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8LQ T: 0131 6598586 E: jodie.baynes@gtuk.com W: www.grantthornton.co.uk Chartered Certified Accountants

Growstory Grow Limited Suite 8, 2 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6JA T: 07503121815 E: val@growstorygrow.com W: www.growstorygrow.com E-Commerce

Graphic Enterprise Scotland 112 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH T: 0131 2204353 E: info@spef.org.uk W: www.spef.org.uk Associations/Societies

GSS Developments 18 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7LP T: 0131 2024990 E: paul@gss-developments.co.uk Property & Estate Developers GTG Training Ltd 8 Bankhead Drive, Edinburgh EH11 4EW T: 0131 4536666 E: edinburgh@gtg.co.uk W: www.gtg.co.uk Training Services

Glasgow : Edinburgh Collaboration c/o City of Edinburgh Council, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG T: 0131 4693562 E: sara.thiam@glasgow-edinburgh.co.uk W: www.glasgow-edinburgh.co.uk Development - Companies

Gravitational FX Web Design 39/4 Paisley Drive, Edinburgh EH8 7LW T: 0800 4488960 E: info@gravitationalfx.com W: www.gravitationalfx.com Website Designers

The George Hotel 19-21 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PB T: 0131 2251251 E: george.reservations@principal-hotels.com W: www.principal-hayley.com Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes

Glassbuild Scotland Limited 41/1 Bath Street, Edinburgh EH15 1HB T: 0131 2581712 E: info@glassbuild.co.uk W: www.glassbuild.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services

Gray Line (Scotland) Limited 81 Salamander Street, Edinburgh EH6 7JZ T: 0131 5555558 E: enquiries@graylinetours.com W: www.graylinescotland.com Travel Agents & Tour Operators

George Muir Photography 4/14 Colonsay View, Edinburgh EH5 1FH T: 07814532739 E: georgiemuir@hotmail.com W: www.georgiemuir.com Artists & Photographers

Glen Golf Club East Links, Tantallon Terrace, North Berwick EH39 0AL T: 01620 892726 E: secetary@glengolfclub.co.uk W: www.glengolfclub.co.uk Golf Courses

Grayling Scotland 19 Thistle Street, Edinburgh EH2 1DF T: 0131 5588719 E: ross.laird@sc.grayling.com W: www.grayling.com Public Affairs

Gulfstream Software 2/2, 145 St Leonards Street, Edinburgh EH89RB T: 0131 6676917 E: info@gulfstream-software.com W: www.gulfstream-software.com Computer Software - Consultants

Great Circle Communications Limited 8 Doune Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 6DY T: 0131 2254646 E: michael.groves@greatcircle.co.uk W: www.greatcircle.co.uk Corporate Communications & Design

Gusto Restaurant & Bar 135 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4JH T: 0131 2252555 E: edinburghbdm@gustorestaurants.uk.com W: www.gustorestaurants.uk.com Restaurants/Cafes

George Heriot’s School Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9EQ T: 0131 2297263 E: agh@george-heriots.com Educational & Training Establishments

George Nicol Graphics Limited 10A Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 3AA T: 0131 3320449 E: georgenicolgraphics@btinternet.com W: www.graphicdesignedinburgh.org Design Consultants


George Street Recruitment Belgrave Business Centre, 45 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 1EP T: 0131 6241160 E: alan@georgestreetrecruitment.com W: www.georgestreetrecruitment.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Glen Turner Distillery Limited Starlaw Road, Bathgate EH47 7BW T: 01506 468550 E: info@glen-turner.co.uk Scotch Whisky & Other Spirits

Guido Maclellan Architects 77 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh EH7 5HZ T: 0131 5585444 E: guido@guidomaclellan.com W: www.guidomaclellan.com Architects/Architectural Services


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GVA Grimley Quayside House, 127 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh EH3 9QG T: 0870 9008990 E: richard.slipper@gvagrimley.co.uk W: www.gvagrimley.co.uk Property Consultants Gylestyle Unit 1, 17 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9EB T: 0131 3340444 E: gylestyle@blueyonder.co.uk Hairdressers/Beauty Salons Gymetrix Limited Suite 364, 12 South Bridge EH1 1DD T: 07880647836 E: rory@gymetrix.net W: www.gymetrix.net Computer Software - Products

H H&A 13 Claremont Park, Edinburgh EH6 7PJ T: 0131 5168880 W: www.hagraphics.co.uk Creative Services Halogen Communications Ltd 4 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JE T: 0131 2020120 E: info@halogencom.com W: www.halogencom.com Public Relations Hamilton and Inches Limited 87 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3EY T: 0131 2254898 E: info@hamiltonandinches.com W: www.hamiltonandinches.com Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Hamlin Daniels 37 Hill Street, North Lane, Edinburgh EH2 3LQ T: 0131 2255113 E: tracy@hamlindaniels.co.uk W: www.hamlindaniels.co.uk Marketing Consultants Handy Buddies First Floor, The Drying House, Eskmills, Musselburgh Business Park, Musselburgh EH21 7PQ T: 0131 2734359 E: info@handybuddies.com W: www.handybuddies.com Home Improvements Hannings Limited 20 Margaret Rae Drive, Edinburgh EH10 7ER T: 0131 4452810 Property For Rental Happy Smile Limited 15 Kingsknowe Park, Edinburgh EH14 2JQ T: 0871 2882040 E: sales@happysmile.co.uk W: www.happysmile.co.uk Promotional Products/Gifts/Ware

Harmony Employment Agency, The 1 Coates Place, Edinburgh EH3 7AA T: 0131 2258888 E: info@harmonyemployment.com W: www.harmonyemployment.com Employment Agencies & Consultants

Heads up Development Limited 269 Guardwell Crescent, Edinburgh EH17 7SL T: 07711096787 E: andrew@headsupdev.com W: www.headsupdev.com Computer Software - Products

Heritable Limited 38 Henderson Row, Edinburgh EH3 5DN T: 0845 6445853 E: colin.mccallum@heritableltd.co.uk W: www.heritable.org Independent Financial Advisors

Harmony Ridge Limited 8/1 Powderhall Rigg, Edinburgh EH7 4GG T: 0131 5567171 E: gordon.chrumka@harmonyridge.ltd.uk W: www.harmonyridgedesigns.co.uk Designers - Interior

Heart of Midlothian Plc Tynecastle Stadium, Gorgie Road, Edinburgh EH11 2NL T: 0871 6631874 E: arnoldas@homplc.co.uk W: www.heartsfc.co.uk Clubs/Societies

Heritage Construction 24, 1f1 Lorne Street, Edinburgh EH6 8QP T: 0131 5556669 E: heritageconstruction@live.co.uk Joinery

Harper Macleod LLP 8 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS T: 0131 2472500 E: jamie.watt@harpermacleod.co.uk W: www.harpermacleod.co.uk Solicitors Harrison Stevens Limited 1 Cramond Glebe Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 6NR T: 07808169730 E: martin.stevens@harrisonstevens.co.uk Landscape Architects Harvey Nichols - Edinburgh 30-34 St Andrews Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AD T: 0131 5248302 E: gordon.drummond@harveynichols.com W: www.harveynichols.com Retail Traders Harveys Limited Edgefield Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9SX T: 0131 4400074 E: tom.dalgleish@harveys.ltd.uk W: www.harveys.ltd.uk Ring Binders Hawthorn Business Group 24/2 Orchard Brae Gardens West, Edinburgh EH4 2HL T: 0131 3150151 E: brendanwalsh@hawthornbusinessgroup.co.uk Sales Consultancy & Training Hays - Experts in Career Transition 24 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4ET T: 0131 2609612 E: annette.spedding@hays.com W: www.hays.co.uk Outplacement Consultants Hayward Jardine Limited (Ecospecialists Scotland) 64A Victoria Road, Liverpool L23 7XZ T: 07920803844 E: alistair.mcneill@ecospecialists.co.uk W: www.haywardjardine.com www.ecospecialists.co.uk Led Lighting Specialists HBJ Gateley Wareing (Scotland) LLP Exchange Tower, 19 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EH T: 0131 2282400 E: info@hbj-gw.com W: www.hbjgateleywareing.com Solicitors

Heath Lambert Group 101 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES T: 0131 2257434 E: sgeorge@heathlambert.com W: www.heathlambert.com Insurance Brokers Heavenly Pizzas 18 Home Street, Edinburgh EH3 9LY T: 0131 2286656 E: james@heavenlypizzas.com W: www.heavenlypizzas.com Fast Foods Hebco Global Recruitment Limited 1st Floor, 170 Lanark Road West, Currie, Edinburgh EH14 5NY T: 0131 4499330 E: jhebson@antal.com W: www.antal.com Consultants - Business, Management & Industrial Heehaw Digital 8 (B) St Vincent Street, Edinburgh EH3 6SH T: 0131 4770772 E: mally@heehaw.co.uk W: www.heehaw.co.uk Multimedia Heineken UK Limited 2 - 4 Broadway Park, South Gyle, Edinburgh EH12 9JZ T: 0131 5281000 E: enquiry@s.n.com Brewers Helen Clover 12/4 Nelson Street, Edinburgh EH3 6LG T: 07851136399 E: helenclover@ecityfinance.co.uk Property Lending/Finance Henderson Loggie 34 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HA T: 0131 2260200 E: margaret.cuthbert@hendersonloggie.co.uk W: www.hendersonloggie.co.uk Accountants Henderson’s of Edinburgh 94 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 1DR T: 0131 2252131 E: mail@hendersonsofedinburgh.co.uk W: www.hendersonsofedinburgh.co.uk Catering Contractors

HCaI 25/6 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh EH8 9JD T: 07581161214 E: alxzudr@gmail.com Creative Services

Henri Forman Event Management PO Box 23820, Edinburgh EH6 8XU T: 0131 5555833 E: henri@hfeventmanagement.co.uk W: www.hfeventmanagement.co.uk Event Organisers/Management

Hardies LLP 57 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3ZY T: 0131 5579300 E: edinburgh@hardies.co.uk W: www.hardies.co.uk Construction Consultants

Head Resourcing Limited 2 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7DD T: 0131 6259637 E: khenderson@headresourcing.com W: www.headresourcing.com Executive Search/Selection

Heriot Hill Nursery 32/4 Heriot Hill Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 4DY T: 0131 5579907 E: liz@heriothillnursery.com W: www.heriothillnursery.com Day Care

Harley Haddow L.L.P 8 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7BY T: 0131 2263331 E: mary.johnstone@harleyhaddow.com Consulting Engineers

Head Start Property Limited 5/19 Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9TT T: 07957374213 E: justin@headstartproperty.co.uk Property Development/Building

Heriot-Watt University Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS T: 0131 4495111 E: enquiries@hw.ac.uk Conference Centres

Harajuku Kitchen 31 Elmwood Terrace, Leith Links, Edinburgh EH6 8DF T: 0131 4679850 E: harajukukitchen@gmail.com Catering Contractors

Heritage Portfolio Limited 49 North Fort Street, Edinburgh EH6 4HJ T: 0131 5552229 E: enquiries@heritageportfolio.co.uk W: www.heritageportfolio.co.uk Catering Contractors HET Corporate/HET HET, Loch Ness Discovery Centre, 1 Parliament Square, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1RE T: 0131 2261414 E: info@highlandexperience.com W: www.highlandexperience.com Tour Operators Hibernian Football Club Limited Easter Road Stadium, 17 Albion Place, Edinburgh EH7 5PZ T: 0131 6612159 E: club@hibernianfc.co.uk W: www.hibernianfc.co.uk Conference Centres The Hidden (Scotland) Ltd T/A The Ink Shop The Ink Shop, 41 Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH11 2BU T: 0131 3377733 E: sbnicol@theinkshop.co.uk W: www.theinkshop.biz Printers - Digital Highnet Limited 10 Lotland Street, Longman Industrial Estate, Inverness IV1 1PA T: 0800 9803003 E: kim@highnet.org.uk W: www.highnet.org.uk Telecommunications Hill International (UK) Limited 6 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AS T: 0131 2218180 E: dougneville@hillintl.com W: www.hillint.com Construction Services Hilltop Events 6 Mount Lodge Place, Edinburgh EH15 2AB T: 07988499332 E: info@hilltopevents.co.uk W: www.hilltopevents.co.uk Event Organisers/Management Hilton Edinburgh Airport Edinburgh International Airport, Edinburgh EH28 8LL T: 0131 5194400 E: michael.squire@hilton.com W: www.hilton.co.uk Hotels - Hospitality Services Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor Grosvenor Street, Edinburgh EH12 5EF T: 0131 2266001 E: steven.hall01@hilton.com W: www.hilton.co.uk Hotels - Hospitality Services Historic Scotland Edinburgh Castle, Crown Square, Edinburgh EH1 2NG T: 0131 2259846 E: barbara.smith@scotland.gsi.gov.uk W: www.edinburghcastle.gov.uk Tourist Attractions

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Members by A-Z Hithut Recordings Stephen Evans Veemee LLP, 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH T: 07763342936 E: hithut@gmail.com Sound Equipment/Systems/Services

Hot-el-apartments 9 Western Harbour Breakwater, Edinburgh EH6 6PZ T: 0131 5542721 E: ahenderson@hot-el-apartments.com Serviced Apartments

Holemasters Block 2, Unit 6, Whiteside Industrial Estate, Bathgate EH48 ZRX T: 01506 653303 E: lara@holemastersltd.com W: www.holemasters-scotland.co.uk Construction Services

Hotel Ceilidh-Donia 14 March Hall Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 5HL T: 0131 6672743 E: reservations@hotelceilidh-donia.co.uk W: www.hotelceilidh-donia.co.uk Hotels - Conference Centres

Holiday Inn Express - Edinburgh City Centre Picardy Place, Off Picardy Place Roundabout, Edinburgh EH1 3JT T: 0131 5582300 E: info@hieedinburgh.co.uk W: www.hiexpress.co.uk Hotels Holiday Inn Express Edinburgh Royal Mile 300 Cowgate, Edinburgh EH1 1NA T: 0131 5248400 E: info@hiexpressedinburgh.co.uk W: www.hiexpressedinburgh.co.uk Hotels - Hospitality Services Holmes Partnership 10 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh EH1 1LT T: 0131 5582737 E: edinburgh@holmespartnership.com W: www.holmespartnership.com Architects/Architectural Services Holyrood Communications 21-23 Slaters Steps, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8PB T: 0131 2722130 Conference Organisers & Specialists Hookson 30 Annandale Street Lane, Edinburgh EH74LS T: 0131 5247940 E: hook@hookson.com W: www.hookson.com Advertising Services The Hopetoun House Preservation Trust South Queensferry, West Lothian EH30 9SL T: 0131 3312451 E: louisa.kerr@hopetounhouse.com W: www.hopetounhouse.com Hospitality Services

Hotel IBIS Edinburgh 6 Hunter Square, Edinburgh EH1 1QW T: 0131 2407000 E: H2039@accor-hotels.com Hotels Hotel Missoni Edinburgh 1 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1AD T: 0131 2206666 E: info.edinburgh@hotelmissoni.com Hotels House Call Care Support Limited 30 New Street, Musselburgh EH21 6JA T: 0131 6532121 E: info@housecallcare.co.uk W: www.housecallcare.co.uk Day Care Houstoun House Hotel Uphall, West Lothian EH52 6JS T: 01506 853831 E: gm.houstoun@macdonald-hotels.co.uk Hotels - Hospitality Services HSBC Bank Plc 76 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 1EL T: 0845 5847427 W: www.hsbc.com Banks & Financial Institutions

I On Magazine Suite 9, 2 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6JA T: 0131 5554126 E: info@ionmagazine.co.uk W: www.ionmagazine.co.uk Publishers i-CLEAM 7 Richmond Place, Edinburgh EH8 9ST T: 0131 6509073 E: alattili@gmail.com Online Learning And Assesment Ian Dickson Travel Service 50 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6JN T: 0131 5566777 E: ian@iandicksontravel.com Travel Agents & Tour Operators Ian Henderson Business Finance 4 Church Road, North Berwick, East Lothian EH39 4AD T: 01620 893530 E: sales@ianhendersonfinance.co.uk W: www.ianhendersonfinance.co.uk Asset Finance Ian Mackay Joiners Limited 21 Graham Street, Edinburgh EH6 5QR T: 0131 555 3322 Joinery Ian MacLeod Distillers Limited Russell House, Dunnet Way, Broxburn EH52 5BU T: 01506 852205 E: info@ianmacleod.com W: www.ianmacleod.com Scotch Whisky & Other Spirits IBM UK Limited Buchan House, 21 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 1AY T: 0131 5584000 W: www.ibm.com Computer Manufacturers

ID Financial Management 40 Crossburn Farm Road, Peebles EH45 8EG T: 07980316091 E: iandickson@id-fm.com W: www.id-fm.com Financial & Business Consultants Ideal Leisure 132 Maryfield Park, Mid Calder, Livingston EH53 0SD T: 01506 883530 E: ifon@idealleisure.com W: www.idealleisure.com Corporate Golf Organisers Ideal Windows and Conservatories 6 Dryden Place, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Loanhead EH20 9HP T: 0131 4404117 E: ideal.w.c@btconnect.com W: www.idealwindowsandconservatories.co.uk Double Glazing, Materials & Installation Ideo Bookkeeping and Payroll 2 Laverockbank Grove, Edinburgh EH5 3DD T: 0131 5522591 E: accounts@ideo-accounting.co.uk W: www.ideo-accounting.co.uk Book-Keeping Iformis Limited 1 Beresford Gardens, Edinburgh EH5 3ER T: 0131 5569900 E: enquiries@iformis.com W: www.iformis.com Computer Software - Developers Iggs Restaurante and Tappas Bar 15 - 19 Jeffrey Sreet, Edinburgh EH1 1DR T: 0131 5578184 E: info@iggs.co.uk OR info@barioja.co.uk W: www.iggis.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes

The Hub, Edinburgh’s Festival Centre Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 2NE T: 0131 4732015 E: thehub@eif.co.uk W: www.thehub-edinburgh.com Conference Centres

IBP Engineering 11B Camps Industrial Estate, East Calder EH27 8DF T: 01506 884287 E: ian@ibpengineering.co.uk W: www.ian@ibpengineering.co.uk Precision Engineers

Ignite Your Brand 44 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6RS T: 0131 5552756 E: info@ignite-yourbrand.com W: www.ignite-yourbrand.com Branding

Hunter Boot Limited 36 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HA T: 0131 2403672 E: vivienne.sacco@hunter-boot.com W: www.hunter-boot.com Clothing

IBS Oil Engineering Services Limited 14 Manchester Square, London W1U 3PP T: 0207 4936177 E: idabaiba@globalbsl.com Oil Services

The Imagination Workshop 136 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh EH9 1AQ T: 0131 4660148 E: nicki@theimaginationworkshop.co.uk W: www.theimaginationworkshop.co.uk Training & Consultancy Organisations

Hybrid Estates and Facilities Management 23 Craigour Grove, Edinburgh EH17 7PF T: 0131 2581672 E: info@hybridestates.co.uk W: www.hybridestates.co.uk Facilities Management

ICD Partnership Limited Birklea, Perth Road, Dunblane FK15 0EZ T: 07773427249 E: info@icd-partnership.co.uk W: www.icd-partnership.co.uk Management Consultants/Training

Hydrasun Limited Units 15/16 Freskyn Place, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn EH52 5NF T: 01506 855770 W: www.hydrasun.com Hydraulic Hose & Fittings

Icelantic 40 Ashley Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1RY T: 0131 3463252 E: info@icelantic.com W: www.icelantic.com Computer Support

Hot Frog Media 1/2 Grandfield, Craighall Road, Edinburgh EH6 4TT T: 0131 5511234 E: neil@hotfrogmedia.co.uk W: www.hotfrogmedia.co.uk Creative Services

Hymans Robertson Services Limited Exchange Place One, 1 Semple Street, Edinburgh EH3 8BL T: 0131 6565000 E: martin.potter@hymans.co.uk W: www.hymans.co.uk Actuaries & Compensation Consultants

IceRobotics Ltd Bankhead Steading, Bankhead Road, South Queensferry EH30 9TF T: 0131 5412015 E: info@icerobotics.com W: www.icerobtics.com Dairy Equipment & Supplies

IMG McCormack House, 1 Burlington Lane, Chiswick, London W4 2TH T: 0208 2335300 W: www.imgworld.com Sports Promotion & Management

Hot Tin Roof 38 Young Street North Lane, Edinburgh EH2 4JD T: 0131 2253875 E: sarah@hottinroof.co.uk W: www.hottinroof.co.uk Public Relations

Hyndberry Limited 221B High Street, Linlithgow EH49 7EN T: 01506 467132 E: mail@hyndberry.co.uk W: www.hyndberry.co.uk Catering Contractors

ICRIA (East) Limited Flat 2, 11 Meggetland Square, Edinburgh EH14 1XR T: 0131 4433544 E: p.a.hendry@btinternet.com Export/Import Agents - Consultants & Managers

Impact Marketing Solutions 3 Summerside Street, Edinburgh EH6 4NT T: 07906162925 E: emmat@impactmarketingsolutions.co.uk W: www.impactmarketingsolutions.co.uk Marketing Consultants

Horcon Projects 18/6 Brandon Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 5DZ T: 0131 4663226 E: bryan.little.scotland@googlemail.com Project Management Hospices of Hope 6 Hill Street, Edinburgh EH2 3JZ T: 0131 2255339 E: malcolm@hospicesofhope.co.uk W: www.hospicesofhope.co.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Hosted IT Limited 17-21 Assembly Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BQ T: 0131 4542320 E: info@hosted-it.org W: www.hosted-it.org Computer Consultants


Hotel du Vin Edinburgh & Malmaison Edinburgh Hotel du Vin Edinburgh, 11 Bristo Place, Edinburgh EH1 1EZ T: 0131 2474900 E: amy.dewar@hotelduvin.com W: www.hotelduvin.com Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes


ICS Limited 1st Floor, Skypark 5, 45 Finnieston Street, Glasgow G3 8JU T: 0141 3061198 E: laura.gordon@cengage.com W: www.icslearn.co.uk Educational Services

Imagine Arts The Art’s Complex, St Margaret’s House, 151 London Road, Edinburgh EH8 7TG T: 07738096682 E: simonhill2008@live.co.uk Arts & Crafts Imaging Systems Limited 21b Argyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH15 2QQ T: 0131 6697919 E: sales@imagingsystems.uk.com W: www.imagingsystems.uk.com Medical Diagnostic Imaging


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Impact.bpc2 - Business & Personal Coaching 8 South Learmonth Gardens, Edinburgh EH4 1EY T: 0131 3322640 E: info@improvingeffectiveness.co.uk Management & Business Consultants Independent One 2 One Limited 121 Giles Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH T: 0131 5533341 E: colin.stewart@ind121.com W: www.independant121.co.uk Independent Financial Advisors The Infinite Group Mount Parnassus, Mid Kinleith, Edinburgh EH14 6AS T: 07912227863 E: tim.dew@the-infinite-group.com W: www.the-infinite-group.com Business & Management Services Informed Edinburgh 60a Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6RR T: 0131 5570042 W: www.informededinburgh.co.uk Media Ingenuity (Scotland) Limited Bilston Business Centre, 6 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen, Edinburgh EH20 9LZ T: 0131 4481075 E: ian@ingenuityscotland.co.uk W: www.ingenuityscotland.co.uk Management Consultants/Training Ingenza Limited Wallace Building, Roslin Biocentre, Midlothian EH25 9PP T: 0131 2006365 E: info@ingenza.com W: www.ingenza.com Biotechnology Inigo Business Centre Forth House, 28 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BW T: 0131 2216500 E: edinburgh@inigo.co.uk W: www.inigo.co.uk Offices, Serviced & Furnished Accommodation Inigo Media Limited 3 John’s Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EL T: 0131 5551147 E: hello@inigo.net W: www.inigo.net Web Design & Development Inlingua 25 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2DL T: 0131 2205119 E: info@inlingua-edinburgh.co.uk W: www.inlingua-edinburgh.co.uk Language Schools & Consultants Innovator Sports Limited Centrex House, Simpson Park Way, Corktown Campus, Livingston EH54 6RF T: 0844 8080442 E: info@innovatorsports.com W: www.innovatorsports.com Sports Promotion & Management Inside Out Baadsmill Farmhouse, West Calder, West Lothian EH55 8LG T: 01506 873481 E: philsmart@insideout.biz W: www.insideout.biz Personal Development & Coaching

Integhral Limited 10 Tarfhaugh Brae, West Linton EH46 7DP T: 07769875463 Personnel Consultants & Services Integrity Insurance Suite 9, Ground Floor, Stuart House, Eskmills Park, Musselburgh EH21 7PQ T: 0131 6530588 W: www.integrityinsurance.co.uk Insurance Brokers Intelligent Earth Limited 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ER T: 0131 2476841 E: david@intelligentearth.com W: www.intelligentearth.com Software Development Intelligent Mobile 119-121 Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 8NP T: 0870 7607030 E: peter.orr@intelligentproperty.com W: www.intelligentmobile.com Mobile Communication Services Interactive Information Limited 3 Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9HH T: 07770304052 E: enquire@interactive.co.uk W: www.interactive.co.uk Computer Programming Consultants Interface 3 Room 609, Appleton Towel, 1 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9LE T: 07877112430 E: kate@interface3.com W: www.interface3.com Computer Software - Products Interlink Express (Edinburgh) 6A Dunnet Way, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn EN52 5NN T: 1506 853665 E: dept669@btinterlinkexpress.co.uk Delivery & Collection Services International Foiling Solutions Limited Unit 3a, Nasmyth Court, Livingston EH54 5EG T: 01506 444244 E: jamie@interfoils.co.uk W: www.interfoils.co.uk Hot Stamping Foils - Machines & Manufacturers International Metrology Systems 2 Dryden Place, Bilston Glen Industrial Park, Loanhead EH20 9HP T: 0131 4407500 E: graham.sinclair@dmis-cmm.com W: www.dmis-cmm.com Measuring Machines & Systems Internet For Business Limited 387 Union Street, Aberdeen AB11 6BX T: 01224 333370 E: info@ifb.net W: www.ifb.net Information Services & Systems Internet Search Marketing 17d Windmill Way West, Ramparts Business Park, Berwick Upon Tweed TD15 1TB T: 01289 309884 E: da@ism.co.uk W: www.ism.co.uk Internet Advertising

Intrelate Limited Bush House, Edinburgh Technopole, Nilton Bridge, Midlothian EH26 0BB T: 0131 4458640 E: k.campbell@intrelate.com W: www.intrelate.com Computer Software - Products

IT Foundations Limited 1 A Washington Court, Washington Lane, Edinburgh EH11 2HA T: 0131 4528444 E: mail@itfoundations.com W: www.itfoundations.com Computer Consultants

Intuitive Documentation Limited 17 Limefield Road, Polbeth EH55 8UE T: 07535292163 E: enquiries@indocs.co.uk W: www.indocs.co.uk Technical Authorship & Illustration

IT Pro Systems-UK PO Box 28814, Edinburgh EH14 9AN T: 0845 6170954 E: info@itprosystems.co.uk W: www.itprosystems.co.uk Computer Systems

Inverarity Vaults Montrose House, 1 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DJ T: 07500331858 E: fiona@inverarity-vaults.com W: www.inverarity-vaults.com Scotch Whisky & Other Spirits Investors In People Scotland Ocean Point 1, 94 Ocean Drive, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6JH T: 0131 6250155 E: enquiries@iipscotland.co.uk W: www.iipscotland.co.uk Business Support Services Invicta Public Affairs Limited 3 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9QJ T: 0131 2200159 E: mark.cummings@invictapa.co.uk W: www.invictapa.co.uk Public Affairs Invocas Group PLC 2nd Floor Capital House, 2 Festival Square, Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9SU T: 0131 2222460 E: dwilson@invocas.com W: www.invocas.com Financial Services Iron Mountain UK Ltd 4 Nettlehill Road, Houston Industrial Estate, Livingston EH54 5DL T: 01506 401800 E: sales@ironmountain.co.uk W: www.ironmountain.co.uk Documentational Storage & Retrieval Irons Foulner Partnership Consulting Engineers, 48 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HF T: 0131 2200144 E: mail@ironsfoulner.co.uk W: www.ironsfoulner.co.uk Engineers/Consulting/Mechanical & Electrical Isabel Thomas Associates 5 Hoiuson Court, Edinburgh EH4 6AU T: 0131 3394080 E: itahotels@btconnect.com Hotel Booking Agents ISLI Ltd Heriot-Watt University Research Park, Research Avenue North, Edinburgh EH14 4AP T: 0131 5100670 E: info@sli-institute.ac.uk W: www.sli-institute.ac.uk Electronic Engineers

instinct4change 36 Ravelrig Gait, Edinburgh EH14 7NH T: 0131 4496812 E: info@instinct4change.co.uk W: www.instinct4change.co.uk Management & Business Consultants

Intime Data P.O. Box 27122, Edinburgh EH10 5WQ T: 0131 3376535 E: info@intimedata.com W: www.intimedata.com Risk Analysis/Assessment/Management

ISS Facility Services - Landscaping 10 Bellsland Drive, Glencairn Industrial Estate, Kilmarnock KA1 4BB T: 01563 548050 E: jim.brown@uk.issworld.com W: www.isslandscaping.co.uk Ground Maintenance Contractors & Work Construction

Institute of Customer Service, The C/O 15 Hillcrest Road, Glasgow G61 2ED T: 07769978718 E: shirley.mcnabney@icsmail.co.uk W: www.instituteofcustomerservice.com Customer Service

Intowork Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5QY T: 0131 4752369 E: enquiries@intowork.org.uk W: www.intowork.org.uk Information Providers

The IT Dept Limited 99 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 7AE T: 0131 5533800 E: enquiries@itdept.co.uk W: www.itdept.co.uk Computer Consultants

Ixsurvey Ltd 6 West Shore Business Centre, Long Craig Rigg, Edinburgh EH5 1QT T: 0131 5520303 E: info@ixsurvey.com W: www.ixsurvey.com Hydrographic Surveyors & Survey Equipment

J J.Murdoch Wight Limited (JMW) Pentland Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9QH T: 0131 4403633 E: enquiries@jmw-group.co.uk W: www.jmw-group.co.uk Transport JAC Travel Scotland Limited 116 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 5DR T: 0131 5564500 E: iain.limond@jacscotland.com W: www.jacscotland.com Tour Operators Jack Brown Optometrists 30 Elder Street, Edinburgh EH1 3DX T: 0131 5573531 Opticians - Ophthalmic The Jam House 5 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JE T: 0131 2264380 E: jamhouse-edinburgh@luminar.co.uk W: www.thejamhouse.com Nightclubs James Blake & Co Engineers Limited 30 South Fort Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NU T: 0131 5541646 E: info@blakegroup.co.uk W: www.blakegroup.co.uk Steel Fabricators Jammin Fitness 10/1F Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 3AA T: 0131 3322060 E: jamminfitness@hotmail.com Fitness Instructor Jane Adams 20/4 Henderson Row, Edinburgh EH3 5DR T: 0131 5574495 E: jane@jane-adams.com W: www.jane-adams.com Copywriters Jane Kille 14 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5BB T: 07941893282 Business Coaching Jarvie Plant Limited Dalgrain Road, Grangemouth FK3 8ET T: 01324 496500 E: info@jarvieplant.co.uk W: www.jarvieplant.co.uk Plant Hire JB Management Limited Church Lane, Bluebell Cottage, Talaton, Exeter EX5 2RL T: 01404 823828 E: johnbradnam@jbmanagmentltd.com W: www.jbmanagmentltd.co.uk Consultants - Business, Management & Industrial

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Members by A-Z JEF Developments The Red Post, Main Road, North Queensferry KY11 1HA T: 07767611345 E: johnmark@jefdevelopments.com Surveyors - Chartered

John Wilkinson 23 Old Star Road, Newtongrange, Edinburgh EH22 4NR T: 07970693680 E: johnwilkinson@telecomplus.org.uk Business Development Organisations

Jurys Inn Edinburgh 43 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DG T: 0131 2003300 E: jurysinnedinburgh@jurysdoyle.com W: www.edinburghhotels.jurysinn.com Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes

Jeff Sladden (Juice Plus) 1 Monziehall Steading, Fordell, Cowdenbeath KY4 8EX T: 01383 861277 E: jeff@jeff4juiceplus.com W: www.Jeff4juiceplus.com Fitness & Health

Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited PO Box 1988, Simpson Parkway, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 0AB T: 01506 594710 E: thayes@ethgb.jnj.com Hospital Services & Supplies

JVR Properties 64 Lawson Way, Tranent EH33 2QJ T: 0131 3379911 E: vincent@jvr-properties.co.uk W: www.jvr-properties.co.uk Property For Rental

Jefferson Sheard Architects Venue Studios, 2nd floor, 15-21 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T: 0131 2267179 E: john.macfarlane@jeffersonsheard.com W: www.jeffersonsheard.com Architects/Architectural Services Jeffery Associates Insurance Brokers 66 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH6 5QB T: 0131 5541510 E: insure@jeffery-associates.com Insurance Consultants

Johnsons Stalbridge Linen Selfridges 259 Summerlee Street, Queenslie Industrial Estate, Queenslie, Glasgow G33 4DB T: 07827843189 E: leslieaitchison@stalbridge-linen.com W: www.stalbridge-linen.com Linen Hire & Laundry

Jenners Limited 48 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2YJ T: 0844 8003725 E: jennersedinburgh@hof.co.uk W: www.houseoffraser.co.uk Department Stores/Retail Miscellaneous

Johnston Carmichael 7 - 11 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7PE T: 0131 2202203 E: info@jcca.co.uk W: www.jcca.co.uk Accountants

Jewel & Esk College 24 Milton Road, Edinburgh EH15 2PP T: 0845 8500060 W: www.jec.ac.uk Colleges/Further Education JHP Training Scotland Unit 3 Riverstone Court, Siskin Drive, Middlemarch Business Park, Coventry CV3 4FJ T: 0247 6667891 E: enquiries@jhptraining.com W: www.jhptraining.com Educational & Training Consultants Jigsaw Childcare 40 Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 8LX T: 0131 3378187 W: www.jigsawchildcare.com Childcare/Nurseries JMC Property Drylaw House, 32 Groathill Road North, Edinburgh EH4 2SL T: 07776302203 E: john@imc1.co.uk Property For Rental Jobcentre Plus Lyndean House, 199 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 5QP T: 0131 555 8229 E: lindsay.geddes@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk Employment Agencies & Consultants Jobserve Events Limited Chartfield House, Castle Street, Taunton TA1 4AS T: 01823 250930 E: info@jobserveevents.com W: www.jobserveevents.com Exhibition Consultants


Johnsons of Edinburgh 8 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7AU T: 0131 2265918 E: mail@johnsonsofedinburgh.com W: www.johnsonsofedinburgh.com Lawyers

Johnston Press Plc 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS T: 0131 2253361 E: enquiries@johnstonpress.co.uk W: www.johnstonpress.co.uk Newspaper & Periodical Printers & Publishers Johnston Smillie CA 2 Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 6AW T: 0131 3177377 E: mail@johnston-smilie.co.uk W: www.johnston-smillie.co.uk Accountants Jon Watson Decorator 12/2 Drumdryan Street, Edinburgh EH3 9LA T: 07774564570 E: info@jonwatsondecorator.com W: www.jonwatsondecorator.com Home Improvements Jones Lang LaSalle 7 Exchange Crescent, Conference Square, Edinburgh EH3 8LL T: 0131 2258344 E: alasdair.humphery@eu.jill.com Surveyors - Chartered Journey Scotland Limited 4 Westpark Court, Riverwoods, Falkirk FK2 7GJ T: 07595218931 E: bbaird@journeyscotland.com W: www.journeyscotland.com Driver & Driving Services JPM Gas Services 1/2 Hopetoun Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 4AY T: 0131 4668049 E: jpmgasservices@virginmedia.com Engineers - Gas

John Lewis Plc Kings Mall, St James Centre, Edinburgh EH1 3SP T: 0131 5569121 E: jl_edinburgh@johnlewis.co.uk W: www.johnlewis.co.uk Department Stores/Retail Miscellaneous

JRB Risk Identification, Assessment and Control Se 6 Roxburghe Lodge Wynd, Dunbar EH42 1LP T: 01368 860824 E: jrussell.brownlie@btopenworld.com Health & Safety Consultants

John Scott Davidson (St James’s Place Partnership) 18-22 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS T: 0131 4599200 E: johnscottdavidson@sjpp.co.uk W: www.johnscottdavidson.com Financial Advisors

JRS Associates 20 Easter Warriston, Edinburgh EH7 4QX T: 0131 5515395 E: rsandham@blueyonder.co.uk W: www.jrsassociates.co.uk Planning - Supervisors


Kenmore Consult 13 Lennox St, Edinburgh EH4 1QB T: 07785318056 E: ck@kenmoreconsult.com Export Services Kevlar Management Services Limited Office 10, 3 Whitehouse Road, Stirling FK7 7SP T: 01786 476762 E: info@kms-aim.co.uk W: www.kms-aim.co.uk Management Consulting - Information Technology Keyholding Response UK Limited 21 Lansdowne Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EH T: 0131 5351113 E: info@keyresponse.co.uk W: www.keyresponse.co.uk Security Services

K M Harkins Limited 34 Russell Road, Edinburgh EH11 2LP T: 0131 3131310 E: harkins@apexpropertycare.co.uk Business Centres

Kidney Research UK 14 Tait Place, Tillicoutry, Tillicoutry FK13 6RU T: 07899995196 E: davidfoley@kidneyresearchuk.org W: www.kidneyresearchuk.org Charities & Benevolent Organisations

K.R.D Property Maintenance Limited 13 Grove Street, Edinburgh EH3 8AF T: 0131 2282744 E: krdproperty@btconnect.com Cleaning Contractors

Kidzcare Limited Norwood House, 9 Kilgraston Road, Edinburgh EH9 2DX T: 07811386455 E: fraser.quin@kidzcare.org W: www.kidzcare.org Childcare/Nurseries

K.S Leisure Engineering 63 Silverknowes Road, Edinburgh EH4 5HA T: 07738392159 E: ksleisureengineering@hotmail.co.uk Leisure Industry Operators Kalewater Limited 8 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0131 4732383 E: info@kalewater.co.uk W: www.kalewater.co.uk Security Consultants Kall Kwik 17 Silvermills Court, Henderson Place Lane, Edinburgh EH3 5DG T: 0131 5230400 E: info@edinburgh.kallkwik.co.uk W: www.kallkwik.co.uk/edinburgh/ Printing Services Kamala Karthik 1st Floor, Thistle Foundation, Queens walk, Edinburgh EH16 4EA T: 0131 6610571 E: kamala@noveldesigns.co.uk W: www.noveldesigns.co.uk Web Design & Development Karaman Lettings & Property Management 18 Hutchison Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 1QE T: 0131 4437222 E: yvonne@karamanlettings.co.uk W: www.karamanlettings.co.uk Property Management/Agents

Kildonan Lodge Hotel 27 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh EH16 5PE T: 0131 6672793 E: info@kildonanlodgehotel.co.uk W: www.kildonanlodgehotel.co.uk Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes Kindle Design 51a Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 1LH T: 0131 2254150 E: info@kindle.uk.com W: www.kindle.uk.com Corporate Communications & Design King James Thistle Hotel 107 Leith Street, Edinburgh EH1 3SW T: 0871 3769016 E: edinburgh@thistle.co.uk W: www.thistle.com Hotels - Hospitality Services King Sturge LLP 7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AH T: 0131 2254221 E: john.clement@kingsturge.com W: www.kingsturge.com Surveyors - Chartered Kingdom Capital Partners LLP 22 Corbiehill Road, Davidson Mains, Edinburgh EH4 5DY T: 07789912318 E: saftar@kingdom.com W: www.kingdomcp.com Financial Advisors - Corporate

KB Architecture + Design Limited Drumsheugh Toll, 2 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3BL T: 0131 7182035 E: kerr@kbad.co.uk W: www.kbad.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services

Kings Manor Hotel 100 Milton Road East, Edinburgh EH15 2NP T: 0131 6690444 E: info@kingsmanor.com W: www.kingsmanor.com Hotels - Hospitality Services

KDMedia Limited 4-6 Coltbridge Avenue, Edinburgh EH12 6AH T: 0131 3376232 E: kirsten@kdmedia.co.uk W: www.kdmedia.co.uk Public Relations

Kinloch Anderson Limited Commercial Street/Dock Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6EY T: 0131 5551355 E: francesm@kinlochanderson.com W: www.kinlochanderson.com Kilts, Tartans & Accessories

KeaGo Limited 8 Dewar House, Enterprise Way, Dunfermline KY11 8PY T: 01383 733449 E: info@keago.co.uk W: www.keago.co.uk Export/Import Brokers

Kinnarps UK Ltd 8 Lindsay Square, Deans Industrial Estate, Livingston EH54 8RL T: 01506 415885 E: sales@kinnarps.co.uk W: www.kinnarps.co.uk Office Furniture Supplies


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Kinobo 74/ 3 Rose Street North Lane, Edinburgh EH2 3DX T: 0131 2252265 Computer Software - Products KK Interactive Limited 5 2F1 Kinghorn Place, Edinburgh EH6 4BN T: 07971344475 Internet Services/Provision KKI Associates 16 Moston Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 2DE T: 0131 6676012 E: kevin@ednet.co.uk Business Development Organisations Kleen Cleaners 10 St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SU T: 0131 5564337 E: kleencleaners@btconnect.com W: www.kleen-cleaners.co.uk Dry-Cleaning/Laundries/Clothing Repairs Kleinwort Benson 18 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DF T: 0131 2605900 E: chris.arbuthnott@kbpb.co.uk W: www.kleinwortbenson.com Wealth Management

La Cantina 72 Commercial Street, Commercial Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6LX T: 0131 5380022 E: info@lacantina.org.uk W: www.lacantina.org.uk Restaurants/Cafes La Garrigue 31 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DH T: 0131 5573032 E: lagarrigue@btconnect.com W: www.lagarrigue.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes Lacuna Communications Centre House, Midlothian Innovation Centre, Roslin EH25 9RE T: 0131 4409010 E: andy@lacunacoms.co.uk W: www.lacunacoms.co.uk Public Relations/Marketing Consultants Ladarnas 8 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AS T: 0131 2300160 E: info@ladarnas.com W: www.ladarnas.com Computer Networks

KLM Partnership Bruntsfield House, 6 Brunstfield Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 4EX T: 0131 2219464 E: martinjarvie@klmp.co.uk W: www.klmp.co.uk Quantity Surveyors

Ladies Golf Centre Ltd, The 18 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5JZ T: 0131 3134446 E: info@golfing-lady.com W: www.golfing-lady.com Retail Traders

Knight Residence, The 12 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh EH3 9DJ T: 0131 6228120 E: info@theknightresidence.co.uk W: www.theknightresidence.co.uk Serviced Apartments

Lahori Karahi 47-49 Duke Street, Edinburgh EH6 8HH E: shujamalikuk@hotmail.com W: www.reallahorikarahi.com Take-Away Food Shops

Konishi Gaffney Architects 11/A Bellfield Lane, Edinburgh EH15 2BL T: 0131 2586950 E: kieran@konishigaffney.com W: www.konishigaffney.com Architects/Architectural Services Kraya Limited 5 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7JA T: 0131 2478020 E: david@kraya.co.uk W: www.kraya.co.uk Information Technology Krzysztof Borkowski Jewellery 41/5 Muirhouse Park, Edinburgh EH4 4RJ T: 07587326541 E: krzysztofborkowski@yahoo.co.uk W: www.borkowskijewellery.com Jewellery Kwik Ironing Limited 12 Strathalmond Court, Edinburgh EH4 8AE T: 0131 3390822 E: ironing@kwikironing.com W: www.kwikironing.com Dry-Cleaning/Laundries/Clothing Repairs

L L H Occupational Health & Safety NHS Lothian University Hospitals Divison, Astley Ainslie Hospital, Grange Loan, Edinburgh EH9 2HL T: 0131 5379361 E: deborah.mcmichael@lpct.scot.nhs.uk Occupational Health L.F.T Promotions Limited Units 12 & 13 Leith Walk Business Centre, 130 Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 5DT T: 0131 5536127 E: info@lftpromotions.com W: www.lftpromotions.com Distributors & Distribution Services

Laidlaw Contracts 14 Church Hill Place, Edinburgh EH10 4BD T: 0131 4475677 E: norman@laidlawcontracts.co.uk Carpets & Floorcoverings - Shops Laing the Jeweller 29 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ND T: 0131 2254513 E: mnl@laingjeweller.co.uk W: www.laingthejeweller.com Jewellery Land Drill Geotechnics Limited 5 Kingsthorne Park, Houston Industrial Estate, Linlithgow EH54 5DL T: 01506 432020 E: info@land-drill.com W: www.land-drill.com Site Investigations The Lane Agency Fettes Park, West Wing, 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2DL T: 0131 5517777 E: ali@thelaneagency.com W: www.thelaneagency.com Advertising Services Largesse Corporate Gifts 2007 Limited Unit 3, Whin Park Industrial Estate, Cockenzie, East Lothian EH32 9SF T: 01875 815372 E: info@largessegifts.com W: www.largessegifts.com Corporate Gifts Lasswade Newsplus 156-158 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 5DQ T: 0131 6644792 Newsagents The Law Society of Scotland 26 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7QR T: 0131 2268893 E: sarahprior@lawscot.org.uk Lawyers

Lawrie Thomson 3 Alva Street, Edinburgh EH2 4PH T: 0131 2252221 E: info@lawriethomson.com W: www.lawriethomson.com Employment Agencies & Consultants

Let For You Limited T/A The Edinburgh Address 20/1 Steads Place, Edinburgh EH6 5DS T: 0131 2021188 E: info@theedinburghaddress.com W: www.theedinburghaddress.com Holiday Accommodation - Self-Catering

LawWare Limited 9/10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0845 2020577 E: innovate@lawware.co.uk W: www.lawware.co.uk Software Development

Lets 4 U 19 Burngrange Court, West Calder EH56 8HA T: 0844 8470830 E: karen.stephen@lets4u.net Letting Agents

LDN Architects LLP 57 - 59 Bread Street, Edinburgh EH3 9AH T: 0131 2222900 W: www.ldn.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services Le Monde 16 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PF T: 0131 2703939 E: kim.laidlaw@lemondehotel.co.uk W: www.lemondehotel.co.uk Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality learn direct scotland for business Alhambra House, 45 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6HS T: 0141 2856000 E: info@Ids4b.com W: www.lds4b.com Training & Consultancy Organisations Learn Purple Scotland 11 Randolph Place, Edinburgh EH3 7TA T: 0131 2257996 E: gavin@learnpurplescotland.com W: www.learnpurplescotland.com Educational & Training Consultants Leith FM 17 Academy Street, Edinburgh EH6 7EE T: 0131 5550446 E: studio@leithfm.co.uk W: www.leithfm.co.uk Media Analysts/Services Leith Funeral Service Limited 72-74 Leith Walk, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 5HB T: 0131 5541113 E: leithfuneral@aol.com Funeral Services Leithen Property Limited T/A Stacks 135 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4JS T: 0845 5193135 E: williamkyle@stacks.co.uk W: www.stacks.co.uk Property Consultants Lempsink Garden Design 2/5 Craigleith Avenue South, Edinburgh EH4 3LQ T: 07737792290 E: lisa@lempsink.co.uk W: www.lempsink.co.uk Landscape Architects Len Lothian Limited 11 Bankhead Broadway, Sighthill, Edinburgh EH11 4DB T: 0131 5388200 E: info@lenlothian.com W: www.lenlothian.com Self Storage Lennon Design 66 Henderson Row, Edinburgh EH3 5BJ T: 0131 5583399 E: alan@lennondesign.co.uk W: www.lennondesign.co.uk Design Consultants Lennoxlove House Limited Lennoxlove Estate Office, Haddington, Haddington EH41 4NZ T: 01620 828619 E: ken-buchanan@lennoxlove.com W: www.lennoxlove.com Hotels

Lets Barter.Biz Limited 24/2 Wauchope Terrace, Edinburgh EH16 4NU T: 0131 6566409 E: onlyforyou@letsbarter.biz W: www.letsbarter.biz Online Business Bartering Lets in the City 32A Haddington Place, Edinburgh EH7 4AG T: 0131 5564970 E: enquiries@letsinthecity.com Serviced Apartments Leukaemia CARE Scotland The Melting Pot, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PR T: 0131 2432639 E: scotland@leukaemiacare.org.uk W: www.leukaemiacare.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Level Research Solutions 7 Noble Place, Edinburgh EH6 8AY T: 0131 5553403 E: jane@level-research.co.uk Market Research & Analysis Lewis & Hickey Limited 1 St Bernard’s Row, Edinburgh EH4 1HW T: 0131 3436222 E: edinburgh@lewishickey.com W: www.lewishickey.com Architects/Architectural Services Lezley M Cameron DL 12/5 Mayfield Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1SA T: 0131 6675659 E: lezleymcameron@msn.com Public Affairs LFT Promotions Limited Room 1.21, The Arts Complex, St Margarets House, 151 London Road, Edinburgh EH7 8AE T: 0131 6618122 E: info@lftpromotions.com W: www.lftpromotions.com Distributors & Distribution Services LGC Limited Doherty Building, Pentland Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik EH26 0PL T: 0131 4456050 E: john.bannister@ldc.co.uk W: www.lgc.co.uk Laboratory Services Lifecare (Edinburgh) Ltd 2 Cheyne Street, Edinburgh EH4 1JB T: 0131 3430940 E: enquiries@lifecare-edinburgh.org.uk W: www.lifecare-edinburgh.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Lifescycle Bonnington Mill Business Centre, Edinburgh EH6 5QG T: 07986276976 E: theteam@lifescycle.co.uk W: www.lifescycle.co.uk Fitness & Health LINC Scotland 11 Queen Margaret Close, Edinburgh EH10 7EG T: 0131 4452084 E: howard_flint@lincscot.co.uk W: www.lincscot.co.uk Financial & Business Consultants

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Members by A-Z Line 3 Media 18/4 Harrismith Place, Edinburgh EH7 5PE T: 07903741627 E: guthrie.neil@googlemail.com W: www.line3media.co.uk Digital Multimedia Line Digital Limited 77 Brunswick Street, Edinburgh EH7 5HS T: 0131 5243260 E: ross@line.uk.com W: www.line.uk.com Advertising Services Lingo24 Limited 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 2010029 E: paul.sawers@lingo24.com W: www.lingo24.com Translators & Interpreters Link Group Limited Link House, 2c New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL T: 0845 1400100 E: cs@linkhaltd.co.uk W: www.linkhousing.co.uk Housing Associations, Developers, Societies & Trusts Linton Recruitment 6/9 Orrok Lane, Edinburgh EH16 5HF T: 07711625401 W: www.lintonrecruitment.co.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies The Living Room Group Limited 113-115 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4JN T: 0131 2260880 E: imogenedeery@thelivingroom.co.uk W: www.thelivingroom.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes LJ’S Services Limited 9 Elphinstone Road, Tranent, East Lothian EH32 9RN T: 01875 616009 E: info@happybins.co.uk W: www.happybins.co.uk Industrial Cleaning Lloyds TSB Scotland Henry Duncan House, 120 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH T: 0131 2254555 E: maureen.preston@lloydstsb.co.uk W: www.lloydstsbscotland.co.uk Banks & Financial Institutions Local Bookkeeper, The Eaststead, Bordlands, West Linton EH46 7DE T: 01968 661188 E: angelapoplawski@live.co.uk Book-Keeping Location Scotland Leith Business Exchange, Suite 5, Mitchell House 5 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BD T: 0131 5610120 E: info@locationscotland.com W: www.locationscotland.com Photographic Equipment, Sales & Service

LongLake Studio 102/99 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6LT T: 07157223411 E: balazs@longlake.co.uk W: www.longlake.co.uk Information Technology Lot56 Limited 49 West Bowling Greent Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NX T: 0845 3383780 E: kevin@lot56.com W: www.lot56.com Sales Agents Lothian and Borders Police St Leonards Police Station - Div HQ, St Leonards Street, Edinburgh EH8 9QW T: 0131 6625030 E: executive.support@lbp.pnn.police.uk W: www.lbp.police.uk Police Authorities Lothian Buses Plc 55 Annandale Street, Edinburgh EH7 4AZ T: 0131 5544494 E: mail@lothianbuses.com W: www.lothianbuses.com Passenger Transport Operators Lothian Care Services Limited 3/15 Portland Gardens, Brittania Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6NY E: enquiries@lothian-care.org W: www.lothian-care.org Home Care Services Lothian Cleaning Services Limited 13 Grove Street, Edinburgh EH3 8AF T: 0131 2282744 E: info@lothiancleaningservices.co.uk W: www.lothiancleaningservices.co.uk Cleaning Contractors

LS Starrett Company Limited, The Oxnam Road, Jedburgh TD8 6LR T: 01835 863501 E: info@starrett.co.uk Tool Manufacturers & Suppliers Luath Press Limited 543/2 Castlehill, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 2ND T: 0131 2254326 E: sales@luath.co.uk W: www.luath.co.uk Publishers - Books/Journals Lucent Web Design 111 Galashiels Road, Stow TD1 2RF T: 01578 730602 E: j@lucentwebdesign.co.uk W: www.lucentwebdesign.co.uk Web Design & Development Lucy Macdonald Woodlea, Tweedale Avenue, Gifford, Haddington EH41 4QN T: 07855545921 E: Lucycmacdonald@googlemail.com Alumni Deal Lumison 12 Dock Place, Edinburgh EH6 6LU T: 0845 1199900 E: sales@lumison.net W: www.lumison.net Internet Services/Provision Lynn Jones Research Limited 6 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7LA T: 0131 6236236 E: info@ljresearch.co.uk W: www.ljresearch.co.uk Market Research & Analysis Lynx Networking 13/6 Tower Street, Edinburgh EH67BX T: 07921658901 E: support@lynxnetworking.co.uk Information Services & Systems


Lothian Vehicle Services Limited 10/5 Hailsend Grove, Edinburgh EH14 2QQ T: 0131 4781234 E: info@themeterman.co.uk W: www.lothianvehicleservices.co.uk Cctv Equipment

M.M.M.I.T Consulting Limited 77 Duddingston Road, Edinburgh EH15 1SE T: 0131 6698258 E: malcolmmc_millan@yahoo.co.uk Project Management

Loud Street Limited 8 Melville Street, Edinburgh T: 07840257725 E: sam@getbloop.com W: www.getbloop.com Business Networking

MacDonald & Muir Ltd t/a The Glenmorangie Company Macdonald House, 18 Westerton Road, Broxburn EH52 5AQ T: 01506 852929 E: efoster@glenmorangie.co.uk W: www.glenmorangie.com Alcoholic Beverages Manufacturers

Louis James Furniture Kaimhouse Lodge, West Linton, Peebleshire EH46 7BH T: 07503178933 Furniture

Lochend Motor Company 50 Stanley Place, Edinburgh EH7 5TB T: 0131 5546558 E: ashapall@hotmail.com Garage/Motor Vehicle Repairs

Love Food Catering 23/3 Restalrig Road, Edinburgh EH6 8BB E: daniela@lovefoodcatering.co.uk W: www.lovefoodcatering.co.uk Catering Contractors

Lochinvar Windows Limited 38 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Loanhead EH20 9LZ T: 0131 4402100 E: sales@lochinvar.co.uk W: www.lochinvar.co.uk Double Glazing, Materials & Installation

Lowther Publishing Ltd Po Box 28948, Gorebridge EH22 9BD T: 07850938407 E: info@edinburgh-life.co.uk W: www.edinburgh-life.co.uk Publishers - Books/Journals

Locogen 2/2 Portland Row, Edinburgh EH6 6NH T: 07955924277 E: awlyle@googlemail.com W: www.locogen.com Energy Efficiency


Lofthus Signs & Engraving Limited Unit 1 West Shore Trading Estate, West Shore Road, Granton, Edinburgh EH5 1QF T: 0131 5512494 E: robin.williamson@lofthussigns.co.uk W: www.lofthussigns.co.uk Signmakers

LPT Harvesters Business Centre, 75 Harvesters Way, Edinburgh EH14 3JH T: 0131 4423240 E: whlpt@btconnect.com W: www.whlpt.com Property Owners/Property Managers

Macdonald Estates Group Plc 112 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4LH T: 0131 2253232 E: info@macdonaldestates.co.uk W: www.macdonaldestates.co.uk Property & Estate Developers MacDonald Holyrood Hotel Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AE T: 0131 5504500 E: info@holyrood.macdonald-hotels.co.uk W: www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk/holyrood Hotels MacDonald Orr Limited 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 5575065 E: cwmacdorr@aol.com Financial Services MacDonald Rusacks Hotel Pilmour Links, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9QJ T: 0844 8799136 E: Marc.millar@macdonald-hotels.co.uk W: www.macdonald-hotels.co.uk Hotels - Conference Centres

Macfarlan Smith A Johnson Matthey Company, Wheatfield Road, Edinburgh EH11 2QA T: 0131 3372434 E: msl@macsmith.com W: www.macsmith.com Chemical Manufacturers & Suppliers Macfarlane Gray Chartered Accountants Macfarlane Gray House, Castlecraig Business Park, Springbank Road, Stirling FK7 7WT T: 01786 451745 E: info@macfarlanegray.co.uk W: www.macfarlanegray.co.uk Accountancy Services MacGregors 21 Melville Street Lane, Edinburgh EH3 7QB T: 0131 2266216 E: sandymacgregor@tchonline.co.uk W: www.tchonline.co.uk Accountants MacIntyres of Edinburgh 2nd Floor, 26 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 2JR T: 0131 2204252 E: info@macintyres.co.uk W: www.macintyres.co.uk Jewellers Retail/Wholesale Maciver Project Services 121/1 Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh EH16 5AJ T: 0131 6681436 E: lynne.maciver@maciverps.co.uk W: www.maciverps.co.uk Project Management MacKay Hannah Limited Crichton House, 4 Crichton’s Close, Edinburgh EH8 8DT T: 0131 5561500 E: enquiries@mackayhannah.com W: www.mackayhannah.com Conference Organisers & Specialists Maclay Murray & Spens LLP Quartermile One, 15 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9EP T: 0131 2287000 E: marketing@mms.co.uk W: www.mms.co.uk Lawyers Macleod Financial Consultancy Birchwood, 129 Bankton Brae, Murieston, Livingston EH54 9LB T: 07788848866 E: alasdairmacleod@thinkpositive.co.uk W: www.macleodfinancialconsultancy.co.uk Independent Financial Advisors Macploy 3a Melville Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7HW T: 0131 2266973 E: macploy@btconnect.com W: www.macployworks.co.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies MacRoberts Solicitors Excel House, 30 Semple Street, Edinburgh EH3 8BL T: 0131 2295046 E: maildesk@macroberts.co.uk W: www.macroberts.com Legal Services Malmo Home Improvements Within Klondyke Garden Centre, Frogston Road East, Edinburgh EH16 6TK T: 0131 6645500 E: gary@malmohi.co.uk Home Improvements Mamma’s Pizza Co Limited 28 - 30, Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2JU T: 0131 2256464 W: www.mammas.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes


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Mamook Graphics 1B Gardiner Grove, Edinburgh EH4 3RT T: 0131 4763028 E: janey@mamook.co.uk W: www.mamook.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Mary R. McQueen & Co 2B New Mart Raod, Edinburgh EH14 1RL T: 0131 4453208 E: info@maryrmcqueen.co.uk W: www.maryrmcqueen.co.uk Conveyancing Services

Management Solutions 1 Leadervale Road, Edinburgh EH16 6PB T: 0131 6643746 E: dh@mansol.com W: www.mansol.com Computer Software - Products

Mary Reid International Spa Academy 43 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BG T: 0131 2252087 E: enquire@maryreidspaacademy.com W: www.maryreidspaacademy.co.uk Health Spas

Mardale Guest House 11 Hartington Place, Edinburgh EH10 4LF T: 0131 2292693 E: enquiries@mardale-guest-house.co.uk W: www.mardale-guest-house.co.uk Guest Houses

Maryanne Johnston 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 2208346 E: mj@maryannejohnston.co.uk W: www.maryannejohnston.co.uk Presentation Coaching/Training

Margaret Hodge Recruitment 1 North Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH2 4HR T: 0131 2258901 W: www.employ.co.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Masons Mortar Limited 77 Salamander Street, Edinburgh EH6 7JZ T: 0131 5550503 E: sales@masonsmortar.co.uk W: www.masonsmortar.co.uk Mortar Manufacturers

Marie Louise Cochrane 5/3 Gladstone Place, Edinburgh EH6 7LX T: 0131 4671449 E: marielouisecochrane@blueyonder.co.uk W: www.mrsmash.com Educational Services Mark Lister Coaching 52/8 Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3SA T: 0131 5579552 E: mark@marklistercoaching.com W: www.marklistercoaching.com Personal Development & Coaching Mark Slater 47 Magdalene Gardens, Edinburgh EH15 3DN T: 0131 6574778 Joinery Installation Marketing Concepts Limited 2 Commercial Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6JA T: 0131 4678700 E: enquiries@marketingconcepts.co.uk W: www.marketingconcepts.co.uk Advertising Services Marketspan Limited 20 Arthur Street, Edinburgh EH6 5BZ T: 0131 6258731 E: info@mspan.co.uk W: www.mspan.co.uk Website Designers Marks & Clerk LLP Atholl Exchange, 6 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2217000 E: edinburgh@marks-clerk.com W: www.marks-clerk.com Patent Agents - Chartered Marriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club Kirknewton, Midlothian EH27 8EB T: 0131 3331845 E: emma.sutton@marriotthotels.com W: www.marriottdalmahoy.co.uk Hotels - Conference Centres Martin Cook Accounting Services Limited 19 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh EH21 6RR T: 0131 6657238 E: martin@mcaccounting.co.uk W: www.mcaccounting.co.uk Accountancy Services Martin Gibson Associates 18 Spring Gardens, Edinburgh EH8 8HX T: 07900907295 E: mfglgibson@yahoo.co.uk Consultants - Social Inclusion

Matson Henderson Architects 5 Barclay Terrace, Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH10 4HP T: 0131 2283212 E: mail@matsonhenderson.co.uk W: www.matsonhenderson.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services Matt Laver Photography 1/27 North Werber Park, Edinburgh EH4 1SY T: 0131 3320791 E: info@mattlaver.com W: www.mattlaver.com Photographers - Commercial & Industrial Matthew Hamlett 44 Prestonfield Road, Edinburgh EH16 5EC T: 0131 6682944 E: matthamlett@sky.com Architects/Architectural Services Mavis Hall Park Limited Mavishall, Humbie, East Lothian EH36 5PL T: 01875 833733 E: info@mavishallpark.co.uk W: www.mavishallpark.co.uk Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality

McColl Associates Gladstone House, 6A Mill Lane, Edinburgh EH6 6TJ T: 0131 5550721 E: mail@mccollassoc.co.uk W: www.mccollassoc.co.uk Structural Engineers McEwan Partners 18 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL T: 0131 2206779 E: info@mcewan-partners.co.uk W: www.mcewan-partners.co.uk Public Affairs McGill & Co 34 Lochrin Buildings, Edinburgh EH3 9ND T: 0131 2282083 E: gmcgill@mcgillandco.co.uk Solicitors McGrigors LLP Princes Exchange, 1 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh EH3 9AQ T: 0131 7777000 E: enquiries@mcgrigors.com W: www.mcgrigors.com Solicitors McKay Norwell Solicitors 5 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AX T: 0131 2228000 E: mail@mckaynorwell.co.uk W: www.mckaynorwell.co.uk Lawyers McKirdy’s Steakhouse 151-155 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8AG T: 0131 2296660 W: www.mckirdyssteakhouse.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes McLean & Melrose Wealth Management 18 - 22 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS T: 0131 3030061 E: m&m@sjpp.co.uk W: www.mcleanmelrose.co.uk Financial Advisors McLean Engineering Partnership 28 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1QG T: 0131 2201860 E: mepconsult@btinternet.com Engineers/Consulting/Mechanical & Electrical

Maxwell Bennett Ltd (T/A Dublcheck Cleaning) 2 Clayhills Park, Balerno EH14 7BH E: jo.bennett@dublcheck.co.uk W: www.dublcheck.co.uk Cleaning Contractors

McNaughton Physiotherapy Clinic 81 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DF T: 0131 3375135 E: info@physiomac.co.uk W: www.physiomac.co.uk Physiotherapy Services

Maxwell Bruce Limited 20 Alva Street, Edinburgh EH2 4PY T: 0131 2251126 E: roddy.donaldson@maxwellbruce.com W: www.maxwellbruce.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

McRobb Display 70 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh EH7 5JA T: 0131 5569633 E: info@mcrobb.co.uk W: www.mcrobb.co.uk Signmakers

Mayfield Interiors Limited 160A Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3AP T: 0131 4668044 E: info@mayfieldinteriors.co.uk W: www.mayfieldinteriors.co.uk Property Development/Building

MDC Cleaning Company Unit 107, Bourse Business Suites, Edinburgh EH6 6QH T: 0131 5557591 E: mildreth@mdc-ecofriendlycleaning.co.uk Cleaning Contractors

MBM Commercial 5th Floor, 7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AH T: 0131 2268200 E: info@mbmcommercial.co.uk W: www.mbmcommercial.co.uk Solicitors

Mearns + Company Limited 81 East London Street, Edinburgh EH7 4BQ T: 0131 6527333 E: info@mearns.uk.com W: www.mearns.uk.com Financial Services

McClure Naismith, Solicitors 3 Ponton Street, Edinburgh EH3 9QQ T: 0131 2284994 E: edinburgh@mcclurenaismith.com W: www.mcclurenaismith.com Lawyers

Media Co (UK) Limited 29 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3HP T: 0131 4788717 E: info@media.co.uk W: www.media.co.uk Marketing Services

Media House International Limited 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ER T: 0131 2477520 E: louisa@mediahouse.co.uk W: www.mediahouse.co.uk Public Relations Media Plane Limited 108 Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh EH21 8QT T: 0131 6652245 E: guy@northseaoiljobs.com W: www.northseaoiljobs.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies Mediascape Ltd Unit E2 & E3 Port Dundas Business Park, 100 Borran Street, Glasgow G4 9XG T: 0141 3330110 E: info@mediascape.ltd.uk W: www.mediascape.ltd.uk Audio Visual Services Medics Direct Europe Limited 34 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 4DF T: 0141 2486294 E: rachel@medicsdirect.com W: www.medicsdirect.com Training Services Menzies Gibb Associates Limited Fairwinds House, 33 Blinkbonny Gardens, Edinburgh EH4 3HD T: 0131 3321709 E: menziesgibb@aol.com W: www.sarco-scopper.com Consultants - Business, Management & Industrial Mercat Bar, The 28 West Maitland Street, Edinburgh EH12 5DX T: 0131 2258716 E: info@mercatbar.com W: www.mercatbar.com Restaurants/Cafes Mercat Tours Limited Mercat House, 28 Blair Street, Edinburgh EH1 1QR T: 0131 2255445 E: info@mercattours.com W: www.mercattours.com Tour Guides Mercedes - Benz of Edinburgh 12 Edinburgh Road, Newbridge, Edinburgh EH28 8QW T: 0131 4668000 E: medgar@easternholdings.co.uk W: www.mercedes-benzofedinburgh.co.uk Motor Vehicle Dealers Mercy Corps 40 Sciennes, Edinburgh EH9 1NJ T: 0131 6625160 E: info@mercycorps.org.uk W: www.mercycorps.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Meridian Marketing Consultants 34a Moat Terrace, Edinburgh EH14 1PS T: 07939592521 E: rob.mungavin@meridian-marketingconsultants.co.uk Marketing Consultants Meridian Productivity Limited 36 Atholl Crescent Lane, Edinburgh EH3 8ET T: 0131 6258500 E: info@meridianproductivity.com W: www.meridianproductivity.com Management & Business Consultants MGW Seafood Limited Unit 6, The Red House, Shieldhill Road, Redding Muirhead, Polmont FK2 0DT T: 01324 716616 E: mgwseafoods@yahoo.com W: www.britnett-carver.co.uk/mgwseafoods Sea Food Processors

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Members by A-Z Micael Vola 172 (2F1) Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH11 2EG T: 07788935645 E: mvola@me.com Personal Development & Coaching Michael Bain Plumbing and Heating 87 Speedwell Avenue, Danderhall, Midlothian EH22 1RA T: 07757573286 E: michaelbain9386@yahoo.com Plumbers Microsoft Limited Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EG T: 0870 6010100 E: stephenn@microsoft.com W: www.microsoft.com Computer Software - Products Midlothian Physiotherapy Limited 40/2 Hardengreen Business Park, Dalhousie Road, Eskbank, Dalkeith EH22 3NU T: 0131 5619787 E: info@midlothianphysiotherapy.co.uk W: www.midlothianphysiotherapy.co.uk Physiotherapy Services Miller Developments Miller House, 2 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DH T: 0870 3365000 E: keith.miller@miller.co.uk W: www.miller.co.uk House Builders Millican Associates 34 Lygon Road, Edinburgh EH16 5QA T: 0131 4789351 E: jock@millicanassociates.co.uk W: www.millicanassociates.co.uk Management & Business Consultants Minuteman Press Unit 6-7, New Lairdship Yards, Broomhouse Road, Edinburgh EH11 3UY T: 0131 4440800 E: richard@myminuteman.com W: www.myminuteman.com Printing Services Mitchells Hire Drive Limited 2-4 Glasgow Road, Camelon, Falkirk FK1 4HJ T: 0131 3460800 E: edinburgh@mitchellshiredrive.co.uk Car Hire - Self Drive MKM Building Supplies Limited 29 -31 Murrayburn Road, Edinburgh EH14 2TF T: 07500886697 W: www.mkmbs.co.uk Building Supply Agents ML Electrical 21 Northfield Park, Edinburgh EH8 7QU T: 07946481337 E: mlelectrical@tiscal.co.uk Electrical Service & Repairs Moleta Munro 4 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DT T: 0131 5574800 E: info@moletamunro.com W: www.moletamunro.com Interior Decorators/Designers/Furnishers Mollywood 123 Liberton Brae, Edinburgh EH16 6LD T: 0131 6211935 E: mollyrbuchanan@hotmail.co.uk Tattooists Montagu Evans Property Consultants, 4th Floor, Exchange Tower, 19 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2293800 E: edinburgh@montagu-evans.co.uk W: www.montagu-evans.co.uk Surveyors - Chartered


Mopstars Limited 8/10 East Pilton Farm Rigg, Edinburgh EH5 2GD T: 07912515663 E: info@mopstars.co.uk W: www.mopstars.co.uk Cleaning Contractors Morago Limited Flat 5, 2 The Cedars, Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH13 0PL T: 0131 4419136 E: bes@morago.co.uk Management & Business Consultants Morbaine Limited The Finlan Centre, Hale Road, Windes, Cheshire WA8 8PU T: 0151 4244211 E: alexbrodie@morbaine.co.uk W: www.morbaine.co.uk Property Development/Building The Moretti Agency 107 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 7AE T: 0131 7186018 E: info@themorettiagency.com W: www.themorettiagency.com Artists & Photographers Morgan Ashurst Unit 8, Ashwood Court, Oakbank Court, Livingston EH53 0TH T: 01506 839050 W: www.morganashurst.com Construction & Development Moriarti Design and Marketing 157 Broughton Road, Edinburgh EH7 4JJ T: 0131 5570101 E: info@moriartidesign.com W: www.moriartidesign.com Design Consultants Morrison Construction PLC Grange House, West Mains Road, West Mains Industrial Estate, Grangemouth FK3 8YE T: 01324 496057 E: nora.mcintosh@morrisonplc.com Building Maintenance & Repairs Morton Fraser LLP Quartermile Two, 2 Lister Square, Edinburgh EH3 9GL T: 0131 2471000 E: infodesk@morton-fraser.com W: www.morton-fraser.com Lawyers Mott MacDonald Caledonian Exchange, 19A Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2212300 E: andy.girvan@mottmac.com W: www.mottmac.com Consulting Engineers MRC McLean Hazel Limited 3 Hill Street, Edinburgh EH2 3JP T: 0131 2261045 E: info@mrcmh.com W: www.mrcmh.com Transport Strategies/Projects MS Wedding Photography 5/9 Sheriff Park, Edinburgh EH6 6PY T: 07980456928 E: chief.martin@gmail.com Wedding Services MTA Couriers Unit 75 44-46 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4BF T: 0844 5679622 E: matthew@mtacouriers.com Delivery & Collection Services Multiply UK Limited 26 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AL T: 0131 7180556 E: stuart.duncan@multiplyuk.com W: www.multiplyuk.com Marketing Consultants

Mums on the Move (MOM) Limited 12 Newhailes Crescent, Musselburgh EH21 6DS T: 0131 6651085 Baby Goods Munro Consulting 8 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7TH T: 0131 2401080 E: mandy.schmitt@munroconsulting.com W: www.munroconsulting.com Executive Search/Selection Murray Beith Murray 3 Glenfinlas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AQ T: 0131 2251200 E: marketing@murraybeith.co.uk W: www.murraybeith.co.uk Lawyers Murray Estates Limited 10 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DR T: 0131 6249666 Property Development/Building Murray Travel 3a Elm Row, Edinburgh EH7 4AA T: 0131 5573355 E: murraytravelltd@btconnect.com Travel Agents & Tour Operators Muse Mantik Limited Appleton Tower, Room 6.04, 11 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9LE E: mz@musemantik.com W: www.musemantik.com Computer Software - Products Museums Galleries Scotland The Stack, Papermill Wynd, MacDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4QL T: 0131 5504100 E: inform@museumsgalleriesscotland.org.uk W: www.museumsgalleriesscotland.org.uk Heritage Management Music Theory Revision Limited Crian Cottage, 33 Edgehead Village, Pathhead EH37 5RL T: 01875 320227 Tutorial Services Mussel Inn 61-65 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 2NH T: 0131 2255979 W: www.mussel-inn.com Restaurants/Cafes Musselburgh Old Course Golf Club 10 Balcarres Road, Musselburgh, East Lothian EH21 7SD T: 0131 6656981 E: secretary@mocgc.com W: www.mocgc.com Golf Courses Musselburgh Racecourse Linkfield Road, Musselburgh, East Lothian EH21 7RG T: 0131 6652859 E: musselburghracecourse@eastlothian.gov.uk W: www.musselburgh-racecourse.co.uk Racecourses MWB Business Exchange 9-10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 7186000 E: dfallon@mwbex.com W: www.mwbex.com Offices, Serviced & Furnished Accommodation My Jobgroup Limited 2 Wardsend Road, Sheffield, Sheffield S6 1RQ T: 0845 0176777 E: lauren@myjobgroup.co.uk W: www.scottishjobs.com Recruitment Online

N N.G Bailey Phoenix Crescent, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3NJ T: 01698 743400 E: bill.richardson@ngbailey.co.uk W: www.ngbailey.co.uk Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Contractors Nairn’s Oatcakes Ltd 90 Peffermill Road, Edinburgh EH16 5UU T: 0131 6207000 E: info@nairns-oatcakes.com W: www.nairns-oatcakes.com Biscuit Manufacturers Narwiks Transport Services 20 Grant Street, West Calder EH55 8AG T: 01506 872207 E: enquiries@narwiks.com W: www.narwiks.com Removals Business/Industrial NAS Recruitment Services (Scotland) Limited Tron House, Quarrywood Court, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6AX T: 01506 400461 E: infoscotland@nas-group.com W: www.nasscotland.com Recruitment Advisers National Library of Scotland George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW T: 0131 6233763 E: k.gallacher@nls.uk Libraries/Archives National Museums Scotland Chamber Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF T: 0131 2474113 E: g.rintoul@nms.ac.uk W: www.nms.ac.uk Museums & Preservation Societies The National Trust for Scotland 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4ET T: 0844 4932100 E: information@nts.org.uk W: www.nts.org.uk Tourist Attractions Native Agency Group 52 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QR T: 0131 2251644 W: www.native-agency.com Marketing Services Natural Tartan Kilts Unit 31, Castlebrae Business Centre, Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 2299118 E: info@naturaltartankilts.com W: www.naturaltartankilts.com Kilts, Tartans & Accessories NBC Bird & Pest Solutions Clonard, 3 Drylaw Gardens, Blackhall, Edinburgh EH4 2AT T: 0131 3432610 E: ian.cain@nbcbirdandpest.co.uk W: www.nbcbirdandpest.co.uk Pest & Vermin Control Services Neil Campbell Construction 6 Durham Road South, Edinburgh EH15 3PD T: 0131 6573526 E: lenacampbell@hotmail.co.uk Joinery Neil Palmer Bookkeeping & Accounting 9 3F2 West Newington Place, Edinburgh EH9 1QT T: 0131 6678448 E: neilmpalmer@hotmail.com Book-Keeping Neil Williams.Biz Limited 25A Victoria Terrace, Dunfermline KY12 0LY T: 0870 4203938 E: nw@neilwilliams.biz W: www.neilwilliams.biz Management & Business Consultants


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Nelson Two Europe Limited 7 Hillview Cottages, Ratho, Edinburgh EH28 8RF T: 0131 3334648 E: nelsontwo@btinternet.com Exporting Buying Offices

Newsbase Limited 4th Floor, 108 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 5DQ T: 0131 4788531 E: news@newsbase.com W: www.newsbase.com Energy Conservation Surveyors & Consultants

Novotel Edinburgh Centre 80 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DE T: 0131 6563500 E: inge.vanooteghem@accor.com W: www.accorhotels.com Hotels

Office Intown Edinburgh 7-9 North St David Street, Edinburgh EH2 1AW T: 0131 5249400 E: Aine@theoffice-uk.co.uk W: www.theoffice-uk.co.uk Business Centres

Neo Recruitment Limited 16 Anderson Green, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 8PW T: 01506 201174 E: claire@neorecruitment.com W: www.neorecruitment.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Newtyne Limited 6 Howe Street, Edinburgh EH3 6TD T: 0131 2256952 E: info@newtyne.com W: www.newtyne.com Computer Programming Consultants

Novotel Edinburgh Park The Point Hotel Ltd (In administration), T/a Novotel Edinburgh Park, 15 Lochside Avenue, Edinburgh EH12 9DJ T: 0131 4465600 E: H6515@accor.com W: www.novotel.com Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes

Office Papers Limited Unit 19 Sauchiebank, Russell Road Industrial Estate, Edinburgh EH11 2NN T: 0131 3371717 E: officepapers@yahoo.com W: www.officepapers.co.uk Newspaper Deliveries

Net ID me Limited Nasmyth Building, Nasmyth Avenue, Technology Park, East Kilbride G75 0QR T: 01355 813567 E: mail@netidme.com W: www.netidme.com Computer Security

nexus24 The Bond Building, 27-9 Breadalbane Street, Edinburgh EH6 5JW T: 0131 5537779 E: connect@nexus24.co.uk W: www.nexus24.co.uk Advertising Services

Nucleus Financial 39 Thistle Street Lane, Edinburgh EH2 1EW T: 0131 2269802 E: rebecca.christensen@nucleusfinancial.com W: www.nucleusfinancial.com Finance - Commercial

Office Suites UK Ltd The Bourse Office Suites, Suite 103, 47 Timber Bush, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6QH T: 0131 5557785 E: enquiries@tbbc.net W: www.officesuitesuk.com Offices, Serviced & Furnished Accommodation

Netcontact 15/7 Ardshiel Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 7HR E: thomas.halliburton@blueyonder.co.uk W: www.netcontact.co.uk Marketing Consultants Network ROI Stobo House, Midlothian Innovation Centre, Roslin EH25 9RE T: 0131 5102210 E: enquiries@networkroi.co.uk W: www.networkroi.co.uk Computer Networks The Networking Company Union Buildings, 4 Back Row, Selkirk TD7 4LP T: 0845 6340844 E: pauline@thenetworkingcompany.co.uk W: www.thenetworkingcompany.co.uk Computer Security

NF Smith 27 Clark Avenue, Edinburgh EH5 3AY T: 07876453812 E: neilthesmith@btinternet.com W: www.nfsmith.co.uk Lawyers NHS Lothian Deaconess House, 148 Pleasance, Edinburgh EH8 9RS T: 0131 5369000 W: www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk Health Authorities & Services Nightsky Cosmic Ceilings 104 Coillersdean Avenue, Edinburgh EH15 2LG T: 07738299947 E: mjgreenan@googlemail.com W: www.nightskycosmicceilings.co.uk Ceiling Contractors

New Curiosity Shop, The Newbattle Abbey College, Newbattle Road, Dalkeith, Edinburgh EH22 3LL T: 0131 2081900 E: mail@newcurioshop.com W: www.newcurioshop.com Educational Services

NJ Shaikh Consultancy Limited 24/2 Magdala Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5BD T: 07979642814 E: choni.enterprises@googlemail.com Financial & Business Consultants

New Ingliston Limited Gogar Mains House, Gogar Mains Road, Edinburgh EH12 9BP T: 0131 3395541 E: lingram@highland-properties.co.uk Property & Estate Developers

NKD Clothing Limited Suite 2 - Broughton House, 31 Dunedin Street, Edinburgh EH7 4JG T: 0131 5587777 E: enquiries@nkdclothing.co.uk W: www.nkdclothing.co.uk Uniforms/Business Clothing/Staff Wear

The New Pyjamas Campaign 12a Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2DP T: 0131 6597010 E: info@newpyjamas.org W: www.newpyjamas.org Charities & Benevolent Organisations

NMS - IR Limited 80 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BU T: 0131 5563638 E: nadja@nms-ir.com W: www.nms-ir.com Financial & Business Consultants

New Time Associates 145 Buccleuch Street, Edinburgh EH8 9NE T: 0131 4773924 E: madin@edin54.fsnet.co.uk Accountancy Services Newhaven Company (International) Limited 16 Comely Park, Dunfermline KY12 7HU T: 01383 625800 E: elaine@newhaven.cc Export/Import Agents - Consultants & Managers Newhaven Websites Flat 2, 5 Newhaven Main Steet, Edinburgh EH6 4LJ T: 0131 4761834 E: jeremy@nehavenwebsites.com W: www.newhavenwebsites.com Website Designers News Direct (UK) Limited 2nd Floor, 11/3 Tweeddale Court, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE T: 0131 5579999 E: kirsty@newsdirect-uk.com W: www.newsdirect-uk.com Public Affairs

No 1 Currency 11 Glenfinlas Street, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH3 6AQ T: 0131 4767373 E: colinmclauchlin@no1currency.com W: www.no1currency.com Foreign Exchange Services Norman Downie and Kerr 130 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6AJ T: 0131 5550474 E: jbk@ndkleith.co.uk Accountants Northern Light 35/41 Assembly Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7RG T: 0131 6229100 E: info@northernlight.co.uk W: www.northernlight.co.uk Audio Visual Services Norton House Hotel Ingliston, Newbridge, Edinburgh EH28 8LX T: 0131 3331275 E: enquiries@handpicked.co.uk Hotels - Conference Centres

NumerIQ Limited 3/4 Bedford Court, Edinburgh EH4 1JX T: 0131 2080755 E: doxley@numeriq.co.uk W: www.numeriq.co.uk Computer Software - Products

O O’Donnell & Co Limited 11 Stuart Green, Edinburgh EH12 8YF T: 0131 5387777 E: steve@odonnellandco.co.uk W: www.odonnellandco.co.uk Accountancy Services O2 Glasgow Sky Park 4, 8 Elliot Place, Glasgow G3 8EP T: 07540916483 E: andrew.bremner@o2.com W: www.O2.com Mobile Communication Services Oakhill Appartments Limited Thorntree Park, 3 Thorntreeside, Edinburgh EH6 8FE T: 0131 5555704 E: ask@oakhillapartments.co.uk W: www.oakhillapartments.co.uk Serviced Apartments Objective (Scotland) Limited Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EB T: 0131 2006020 E: info@objectivescotland.co.uk W: www.objectivescotland.co.uk Surveyors - Building Objective Associates Limited Pavilion 3, Castlecraig Business Park, Springbank Road, Stirling FK7 7WT T: 01786 498079 E: alex.ogilvie@objectiveassociates.co.uk W: www.objectiveassociates.co.uk Website Designers OBriens Irish Sandwich Shop Unit 56a Ocean Terminal, Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH6 6JJ T: 0131 5550522 E: jeremystebbing@aol.com Catering Contractors Ocean 70 Pinnacle House, Mill Road, Linlithgow EH49 7SF T: 01506 841803 E: alex@ocean70.com W: www.ocean70.com Corporate Communications & Design Ocean Terminal 98 Ocean Drive, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6JJ T: 0131 5558888 E: dennis.jones@oceanterminal.com W: www.oceanterminal.com Shopping Centres

Office Wise Glencairn, 219 Galashiels Road, Stow TD12RE T: 01578 730300 E: Office.Wise@BTinternet.com W: www.officewise.org.uk Health & Safety Consultants Ogilvie Communications Limited Pirnhall Business Park, Edinburgh Road, Stirling FK7 8ES T: 01786 810810 E: philip.pugh@ogilvie.co.uk W: www.ogilvie.co.uk Communications Systems & Services OHSS (UK) Limited 3 Dalgety Avenue, Edinburgh EH7 5UF T: 0131 6611632 E: OHSSED@aol.com W: www.ohss.org.uk Health & Safety Consultants Oink of Edinburgh Reston, Eyemouth TD14 5LN T: 01890 761355 E: info@reivor-foods.co.uk Catering Contractors The Old Waverley Hotel 43 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BY T: 0131 5564648 E: lkiteley@oldwaverley.com W: www.oldwaverley.co.uk Hotels Omega Diagnostics Limited Omega House, Hillfoots Business Village, Alva FK12 5DQ T: 01259 763030 E: odl@omegadiagnostics.co.uk W: www.omegadiagnostics.co.uk Medical & Biotechnology Omniarc 1-3 St Colmes Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 5168718 E: contact@omniarc.co.uk W: www.omniarc.co.uk Information Technology Omnisafe Limited 5A Eildon Street, Edinburgh EH3 5JU T: 0131 5588740 E: enquiries@omnisafe.co.uk Electrical Testing - Safety & Interference On-Site Relaxation Limited 27 Craigs Avenue, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 8HS T: 07759944135 E: relax@on-site-relaxation.co.uk W: www.on-site-relaxation.co.uk Massage/Massage Equipment One Call Business Assist 4c New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL E: info@onecall.net.uk W: www.onecall.net.uk Joinery Installation

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Members by A-Z One Stop Office Supplies Limited Hailes Park, 19 Dumbryden Drive, Edinburgh EH14 2QR T: 0131 4432211 E: james@onestopos.co.uk W: www.onestopos.co.uk Office Supplies Onesoon Limited 22-24 Greenwood Street, Altrincham WA14 1RZ T: 0333 6667366 E: info@onesoon.co.uk W: www.onesoon.co.uk Mobile Communication Services The Onyx Group Sirius Buildings, The Clock Tower, South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9LB T: 0333 3440440 E: fiona.jackson@onyx.net W: www.onyx.net Computer Consultants Optimal Health Chiropractic Limited 70 Newington Road, Edinburgh EH9 1QN T: 0131 6626999 E: info@optimalhealthchiropractic.co.uk W: www.optimalhealthchiropractic.co.uk Chiropractors Optimum Paye 21 Netherbank, Selkirkshire, Galashiels TD1 3DH T: 0845 4728204 E: brian@optimumpaye.co.uk W: www.optimumpaye.co.uk Tax/Vat Consultancy Optos Plc Optos European Service Centre, Unit 2, Citygate Court, Dunfermline KY11 8PS T: 01383 843276 E: ukinfo@optos.com W: www.optos.com Optical Systems & Components Orbis IP Limited 9-10 St Andrews Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 7186023 E: pjaco@orbisip.com W: www.orbisip.com Security Products Orbital Core Limited Moffat Centre, 219 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ T: 07763280245 E: tominglis@orbitalcore.com W: www.orbitalcore.com Business Networking Orchard & Shipman plc Anderson House, Breadalbane Street, Edinburgh EH6 5JR T: 0131 5530053 E: edinburgh@orchard-shipman.com W: www.orchard-shipman.com Property Management/Agents Oribi Designs Limited 60a George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LR T: 07896307893 E: mail@oribi.co.uk W: www.oribi.co.uk Web Design & Development Orion Group Regus House, 10 Lochside Place, Edinburgh EH12 9RC T: 0131 2483584 E: audrey.parker@orioneng.com W: www.orionjobs.com Recruitment Advisers Orisys Infotech Limited 16/2 Hutchison Medway, Edinburgh EH14 1QQ T: 0131 4438081 E: info@orisysinfotech.co.uk W: www.orisysinfotech.co.uk Computer Software - Developers


Orton Search & Selection Ltd 152 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EB T: 0131 2006003 E: adrian@ortonsearch.com W: www.ortonsearch.com Recruitment Advisers

Pagoda Public Relations 4 Eyre Place, Edinburgh EH3 5EP T: 0131 5560770 E: info@pagodapr.com W: www.pagodapr.com Public Relations

Ossian Communications Ltd Daluaine, Main Street, Newtonmore PH20 1DP T: 01540 673633 E: lorraine@ossiancommunications.co.uk W: www.ossiancommunications.co.uk Corporate Communications & Design

Paper Plus 7 Carron Place, Edinburgh EH6 7RE T: 0131 5532929 E: graham@paperplus.co.uk W: www.paperplus.co.uk Office Supplies

Pentland Format Office Supplies Unit 20 Imex Business Centre, Dryden Road, Loanhead EH20 9LZ T: 0131 4482422 E: sales@pentlandformat.co.uk W: www.pentlandformat.co.uk Office Supplies

Ottimo Limited 44 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 3NL T: 0131 2264750 E: info@ottimolighting.com W: www.ottimolighting.com Lighting Suppliers

Paper Tiger 53 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DJ T: 0131 2282790 E: michael@papertiger.ltd.uk W: www.papertiger.ltd.uk Retail Traders

Pentland Land Rover 1 Lanark Road, Edinburgh EH14 1TG T: 0131 2732000 E: pentland-landrover@john-clark.co.uk W: www.pentland-landrover.co.uk Motor Vehicle Dealers

Park Consultancy Haypark Business Centre, Polmont FK2 0NZ T: 01324 710501 E: susan@parkconsultancy.co.uk W: www.parkconsultancy.co.uk Procurement Agents

People Effectus Limited 24 West Ferryfield, Edinburgh EH5 2PU T: 07977480150 E: pete@larsen.me.uk Engineering Services/Consultancy

Our Project Limited T/A Project 9 Stoneybank Drive, Musselburgh EH21 6TB E: paul@thisisproject.com W: www.thisisproject.com Branding Ove Arup & Partners Scotland Limited Scotstoun House, South Queensferry EH30 9SE T: 0131 3311999 E: arup.edinburgh@arup.com W: www.arup.com Consultants - Geotechnical & Environmental The Owl and the Pussycat Childrens Nursery 1 Claverhouse Drive, Edinburgh EH16 6BR T: 0131 6641345 E: owlandpussycatuk@aol.com Childcare/Nurseries Oxfam Scotland 207 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4HZ T: 0141 2858866 E: khopper@oxfam.org.uk W: www.oxfam.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

P P M Solutions 24/4 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, Loanhead EH20 9HX T: 0131 4403525 E: ron@pmsol.co.uk Mailing Services P3 Wealth Management Limited Rooms 9-11 Royal Elizabeth House, Royal Elizabeth Yard, Kirkliston EH29 9EN T: 0131 3314191 E: info@p3wealth.co.uk W: www.p3wealth.co.uk Financial Advisors PA Consulting Group 9-10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 3020018 E: audrey.stewart@paconsulting.com W: www.paconsulting.com Management Consulting - Information Technology Pace Partners International (Edinburgh) 98 Greenbank Road, Edinburgh EH10 5RL T: 07769159599 E: alisonhartley@pacepartnersinternational.com W: www.pacepartnersinternational.com Business Development Organisations The Pacific Institute 4/11 Huntingdon Place, Edinburgh EH7 4AT T: 07801411845 E: alistair.rutherford@pacificinstitute.co.uk W: www.thepacificinstitue.com Change Management Consultants Pagan Osborne 55-56 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 3PA T: 0131 2264081 E: sjcalder@pagan.co.uk W: www.paganosborne.com Legal Services

Park View House Hotel 14 Hermitage Place, Leith Links, Edinburgh EH6 8AF T: 0131 5546206 E: info@parkviewhousehotel.co.uk W: www.parkviewhousehotel.co.uk Hotels Parliament House Hotel 15 Calton Hill, Edinburgh EH1 3BJ T: 0131 4784000 E: info@parliamenthouse-hotel.co.uk W: www.parliamenthouse-hotel.co.uk Hotels Paterson Home Improvements 23 Fox Covert Grove, Clermiston, Edinburgh EH12 6UJ T: 0131 3341214 E: alanpaterson.6ap@googlemail.com Double Glazing, Materials & Installation Pauline Platt Marketing 27 Mayfield Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1RY T: 0131 6673463 E: info@paulineplatt.com W: www.paulineplatt.com Marketing Consultants PC Emergency 5/8 Appin Street, Edinburgh EH14 1PN T: 07902037755 E: office@pcemergency.info W: www.pxcemergency.info Computer Maintenance PC Support Group 28 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BW T: 0845 2233116 E: angus.kerr@pcsupportgroup.com W: www.pcsupportgroup.com Computer Maintenance PDF Productions Limited Ashvale, Watson Street, Banchory, Abeerdenshire AB31 5UB T: 01330 822426 E: events@pdfproductions.co.uk W: www.pdfproductions.co.uk Event Organisers/Management Peace Recruitment 5 Grierson Road, Edinburgh EH5 2BQ T: 0131 4674701 E: chris.peace@peacerecruitment.co.uk W: www.peacerecuitment.co.uk Recruitment Advisers Peninsula 7 Cameronian Place, Bellshill, Lanarkshire ML4 2UG T: 07772320539 E: john.malone@peninsula-uk.com W: www.peninsula-uk.com Employment Law

Pentland Edge Limited 10/5 North Meggetland, Edinburgh EH14 1XS T: 0131 4440772 E: robert.forbes@pentlandedge.com Computer Software - Products

People’s Postcode Lottery Suite G4, 14 Links Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ T: 0131 5557288 E: claire@postcodelottery.com W: www.postcodelottery.com Associations/Societies The Performance Tree 111 George Street, Edinburgh EH12 4JN T: 0131 2263910 W: www.theperformancetree.com Training & Consultancy Organisations Peter Graham & Partners LLP 28 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HR T: 0131 2201250 E: mail@pg-p.co.uk W: www.pg-p.co.uk Construction Consultants Peter Noble Glazing Company 44/3 Hardengreen Business Park, Dalhousie Road, Eskbank, Dalkeith EH22 3NX T: 0131 6602404 E: pnobleglazing@aol.com W: www.nobleglazing.co.uk Double Glazing, Materials & Installation Peter Stephenson 20 Belford Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 3EJ T: 0131 4673567 E: peters_stephenson@sky.com Financial & Business Consultants Peter Vardy BMW Limited 19 Seafield Road East, Edinburgh EH15 1ED T: 0131 6690900 W: www.petervardyedinburghbmw.co.uk Motor Vehicle Dealers Petroleum Experts Limited Peter House, 10 Logie Mill, Edinburgh EH7 4HG T: 0131 4747030 E: edinburgh@petex.com W: www.petex.com Petroleum Services PG Sandwich Shop 129 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8AT T: 07917367991 E: ebony2005@hotmail.co.uk Take-Away Food Shops PGI 3rd Floor, 151 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2JJ T: 0141 2286304 E: chris.thomas@pgi.com W: www.pgi.com Telephone/Video/Web Conferencing Photolook 53/5 Stuart Park, Edinburgh EH12 8YE T: 07871266808 E: ewalabuda@yahoo.co.uk Artists & Photographers


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PHPR Limited Communications House, 3 Lower Joppa, Edinburgh EH15 2ER T: 0131 6695190 E: penny@phpr.co.uk W: www.phpr.co.uk Public Relations

Pinsent Masons Third Floor Third Floor, Quay 2, 139 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh EH3 9QG T: 0131 2250000 E: info@pinsentmasons.com W: www.pinsentmasons.com Solicitors

Physis 26 Craighall Road, Edinburgh EH6 4SA T: 0131 4784646 E: admin@physis.uk.com W: www.physis.uk.com Physiotherapy Services

Piotr Ukleja Services 121/4 Barn Park Crescent, Edinburgh EH14 3HS T: 0131 4782088 E: marukl@pocztaonet.pl Antiques - Sale/Restoration

Piadina Limited, The 5 Conference Square, Exchange Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8AN T: 0131 2210687 E: lynn@contrastconsultancy.com W: www.contrastconsultancy.com Restaurants/Cafes Pickfords 62 West Harbour Road, Edinburgh EH5 1PW T: 0800 289229 W: www.pickfords.co.uk Removals & Storage Pickled Piper, The 33 Newbattle Gardens, Eskbank, Dalkeith EH22 3DR T: 0131 6631863 E: enquiries@thepickledpiper.co.uk W: www.thepickledpiper.co.uk Musicians Pickledgreen - Melven Organics Limited 158 - 162 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DT T: 07846668132 E: hello@pickledgreen.co.uk W: www.pickledgreen.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes Picodeliq Enterprises Limited 205/5 Pleaseance, Edinburgh EH8 9RU T: 0131 6673643 E: anna@picodeliq.com Website Designers Picture this Creative Photography 91 Flat 2 London Road, Edinburgh EH7 5TT T: 07967274494 E: claramassie@yahoo.co.uk W: www.icanpicturethis.co.uk Artists & Photographers PIHL UK 20 Queens Road, Aberdeen AB15 4ET T: 01224 562405 E: wab@pihl-uk.com W: www.pihl-uk.com Construction & Development Pilotlight Scotland Thorn House, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PR T: 0131 2432765 E: chorne@pilotlight.org.uk W: www.pilotlight.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Pink Nik Designs Croftfoot, Main Street, Polmont FK2 0PS T: 0845 2636584 E: info@pinknikdesigns.com W: www.pinknikdesigns.com Garment Services Pinnacle Chauffeur Transport Edinburgh Box 60, 44/46 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4BF T: 07966083552 E: neilmorrow@wedriveyou.co.uk W: www.wedriveyou.co.uk Chauffeur Services Pinpoint Scotland Limited 9 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh EH1 3NT T: 0131 5574184 E: hwatson@pinpoint-scotland.com W: www.pinpoint-scotland.com Direct Mail Services

Pitman Training Centre 26 York Place, Edinburgh EH2 3EP T: 0131 5565650 E: edinburgh@pitman-training.net W: www.pitmantrainingscotland.co.uk Training Services Pixel Web Studio 52/6 Waterfront Park, Edinburgh EH5 1FG T: 07926876596 E: info@pixelwebstudio.co.uk W: www.pixelwebstudio.co.uk Web Design & Development PKF (UK) LLP 17 Rothesay Place, Edinburgh EH3 7SQ T: 0131 2253688 E: avril.gentle@uk.pkf.com Accountants Platform PR 22 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2EP T: 0131 2263000 E: linda.bruce@platformpr.co.uk W: www.platformpr.co.uk Public Relations Playfair & Noble 13 Queens Park Avenue, Edinburgh EH8 7EE T: 0870 7000092 E: alex.crovetti@playfairandnoble.com W: www.playfairandnoble.com Recruitment Online Playhouse Theatre Live Nation UK (Theatres) Ltd, 18-22 Greenside Place, Edinburgh EH1 3AA T: 0131 5243333 E: james.haworth@livenation.co.uk W: www.cclive.co.uk Theatres/Concert Halls Plenish Limited 11 Randolph Place, Edinburgh EH3 7TA T: 07768857273 E: helen@plenish.co.uk Food Industry Consultants Plum Films Limited 100B Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AW T: 0131 5551604 E: info@plumfilms.co.uk W: www.plumfilms.co.uk Film & Video Productions PMR-GCA Scotland Unit 11,Prospect III, Gemini Crescent, Dundee DD2 1SW T: 07969017603 E: pmrandgca@hotmail.co.uk W: www.pmrandgca.org.uk Waste Management

Polish Family Support Centre 10 North Grange Grove, Prestonpans EH32 9JP T: 07723492612 E: pcpr2009@yahoo.co.uk Support Services Polwarth Group, The 33 Polwarth Gardens, Edinburgh EH11 1LA T: 0131 2298143 E: practicemanager@polwarthgroup.co.uk W: www.polwarthgroup.co.uk Dental Surgeons Poppy Scotland New Haig House, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HR T: 0131 5272782 Charities & Benevolent Organisations Port of Leith Housing Association 108 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AZ T: 0131 5540403 E: info@polha.co.uk W: www.polha.co.uk Housing Associations, Developers, Societies & Trusts Portakabin Paton Plant Limited, Newbridge, Edinburgh EH28 8SY T: 0131 3353114 E: david.murphy@portakabin.com W: www.portakabin.com Building Systems - Modular Portland Hotel Management The Portland Suite, Edinburgh Capital Hotel, 187 Clermiston Road, Edinburgh EH12 6UG T: 0131 5289966 E: bill.paisley@portlandhotels.co.uk W: www.portlandhotelmanagement.com Hotel Management & Catering Consultants Portofem UK 9 Roseburn, Edinburgh EH12 5NX T: 07948557020 E: realfashion@portofem.co.uk W: www.portofem.co.uk Clothing Posch Ocean Apartments, 102/41 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6LS T: 0131 5554090 E: posch23@hotmail.com Lingerie Positive Changes 69 Balgreen Road, Edinburgh EH12 5UA T: 0131 2294978 E: beverley.wainwright@gmail.com Business Advisers Positive Solutions Broomhills Business Centre, 49 Frogston Road East, Edinburgh EH17 8RT T: 0131 4688155 E: tom.tait@thinkpositive.co.uk W: www.tomtait-ifa.co.uk Financial Services PPS Group Forsyth House, 93 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES T: 0131 2261951 E: donald.anderson@ppsgroup.co.uk W: www.ppsgroup.co.uk Public Relations

PNE Winds UK Limited 24 Creechurch Lane, 2nd Floor, London EC3A 5JX T: 0207 4694989 E: george.mager@pnewind.com W: www.pnewind.com/www.pnewind.co.uk Wind Farm Developer

Practical Personnel Professionals Orchard House, 32 Kirk Brae, Edinburgh EH16 6HH T: 0131 6660873 E: admin@triplep.gb.com Human Resource Consultants

Point One Printing 1/6 Borthwick View, Pentland Industrial Estate, Loanhead EH20 9QH T: 0131 4403377 E: sales@pointoneprinting.co.uk W: wwwpointoneprinting.co.uk Printing Services

Praxa Limited 10 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9RG T: 0131 2483040 E: directors@praxa.co.uk W: www.praxa.co.uk Computer Systems Integration

Premier Commercial Limited a Lansdowne Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EQ T: 0131 6236232 E: crawford@premiercommercial.co.uk W: www.premiercommercial.co.uk Insurance Brokers Premier Inn Edinburgh City Centre, 82 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DG T: 0870 9906610 E: edinburghcitycentre.pi@premierinn.com W: www.premierinn.com Hotels Premier Inn (Haymarket) 1 Morrison Link, Edinburgh EH3 8DN T: 0870 2383319 E: darren.beeby@whitbread.com W: www.premierinn.com Hotels Premier Travel Inn - Edinburgh Newcraighall 91 Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh EH21 8RX T: 0870 9906336 W: www.premiertravelinn.com Hotels Prestonfield Golf Club 6 Priestfield Road North, Edinburgh EH16 5HS T: 0131 6679665 E: gavincook@prestonfieldgolf.com W: www.prestonfieldgolf.com Golf Courses PricewaterhouseCoopers PO Box 90 Erskine House, 68 -73 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 4NH T: 0131 2264488 E: louise.j.gallagher@uk.pwc.com Accountants Primark Stores Limited 47 Mary Street, Dublin, Ireland T: 00353 18880500 E: cfarmitage@primark.co.uk W: www.primark.co.uk Department Stores/Retail Miscellaneous Primary Care Consultant Smeaton House, 28 Carberry Road, Inveresk EH21 8PR T: 0131 6652940 E: linda.pollock5@btinternet.com Health Care Princes Mall Shopping Centre The Management Suite, Princes Mall, Princes Street, Edinburgh EH1 1BQ T: 0131 5573759 E: enquiries@princesmall-edinburgh.co.uk W: www.princesmall-edinburgh.co.uk Shopping Centres Pringle of Scotland Limited Glebe Mill, Noble Place, Hawick TD9 9QE T: 01450 360294 E: sandie.stoianovici@pringlescotland.com Knitwear Manufacturers & Wholesalers Print Vision Ltd Unit 12, Castlebrae Business Centre, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 6618855 E: print_vision@btconnect.com Printers - Digital Printing Services (Scotland) Limited 11 Broomhead Drive, Dunfermline, Fife KY12 9DT T: 01383 620919 E: scottishprint@aol.com W: www.printingservicesscotland.com Printing Services Printing.com (East Coast Graphics UK Ltd) 8 Home Street, Tollcross, Edinburgh EH3 9LY T: 0131 2211555 E: edinburgh@printing.com W: www.printing.com Printing Services

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Members by A-Z Priority Management (Scotland) Seton Dean House, Seton Mains by Longniddry, East Lothian EH32 0PG T: 01875 852988 E: sallyt@prioritymanagement.com W: www.prioritymanagementeurope.com Management Consultants/Training

PureGym Quartermile One, 15 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9EN T: 0845 0773256 E: justin.way@puregym.co.uk W: www.puregym.co.uk Fitness & Health

Private Booksales.Co.UK Flat 3F3, 104 Duke Steet, Edinburgh EH6 8HL T: 0131 5533330 E: martin.moonie@btinternet.com Publishing Miscellaneous

Purple Penguin Wedding Design 9 Sheriff Bank, Edinburgh EH6 6ES T: 07786106102 E: enquiries@purplepenguinweddings.com W: www.purplepenguinweddings.com Wedding Services

The Profit Detective 2/7 Western Harbour Breakwater, Edinburgh EH6 6PA T: 0131 2081359 E: Rob@TheProfitDetective.com W: www.TheProfitDetective.com Marketing Consultants

Purple Sheep Limited 48 Marketgate South, Crail, Anstruther, Fife KY10 3TL T: 0131 2082979 E: info@purplesheep.org W: www.purplesheep.org Management & Business Consultants

Proinnovate Limited 40 Greenbank Gardens, Edinburgh EH10 5SN T: 07980914878 E: stuart.roebuck@proinnovate.com W: wwwproinnovate.com Business Processing ProjectScotland 20 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh EH7 4GH T: 0131 2260700 E: rucelle.soutar@projectscotland.co.uk W: www.projectscotland.co.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations ProNetExpert Limited La Belle Esperance, The Shore, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6QW T: 0131 4732384 E: info@pronetexpert.com W: www.pronetexpert.com Computer Networks Property Displayed 20a Tennant Street, Edinburgh EH6 5ND T: 0131 5532987 E: propertydisplayed@fsmail.net Signmakers The Property Letting Centre 64 Newington Road, Edinburgh EH9 1QN T: 0131 6222000 W: www.onlineplc.co.uk Property Management/Agents Proscot PR 4/3d Catchpell House, Carpet Lane, Bernard Street, Edinburgh EH6 6SP T: 0131 4687055 E: mail@proscot-pr.co.uk W: www.proscot-pr.co.uk Public Relations Prospa Change Limited PO Box 28843, Edinburgh EH13 9AD T: 0131 2581258 E: prospadev@btinternet.com Construction Services PTS Consulting (UK) Ltd 50 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 7PR T: 0207 5396200 E: info@pts-consulting.co.uk Information Technology - Consultants Pufferfish Limited 252 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1UU T: 0131 6683360 E: andy@pufferfishdisplays.co.uk W: www.pufferfishdisplays.com Digital Multimedia Pure IT Recycling Limited 14 Riveresdale Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5QT T: 0131 3379298 E: bobby@pureitrecycling.co.uk W: www.pure-services.co.uk Computers - Mini/Micro


Purvis Group Thistle House, Cartmore Industrial Estate, Lochgelly, Fife KY5 8LL T: 01592 780492 E: don.alexander@purvisgroup.co.uk W: www.purvisgroup.com Construction Services

Q QA Limited Portland House, 17 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 5AH T: 0141 8470476 E: renu.bhardwaj@qa.com Management Consultants/Training QHSEE 21 Tarmachan Road, Dunfermline KY11 8JF T: 01383 739731 E: crawford@qhsee.com W: www.qhsee.com Health & Safety Training QinetiQ South Arm, Rosyth Business Park, Dunfermline KY11 2XR T: 01383 435246 E: pkcarnie@qinetiq.com W: www.QinetiQ.com Consulting Engineers QSE Training Ltd 42/3 Hardengreen Business Park, Dalhousie Road, Dalkeith EH22 3NU T: 0131 2021032 E: abw@qsetraining.co.uk Health & Safety Training Quality Link Recruitment Limited 133-135 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8AJ T: 0131 2294208 E: hazel@quality-link.co.uk W: www.quality-link.co.uk Employment Agencies & Consultants Quantum 91 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES T: 0131 2206656 E: jill@quantumpeople.com W: www.quantumpeople.com Employment Agencies & Consultants Quarterback Systems Limited CVD Building, Coddington Crescent, Eurocentral, Motherwell ML1 4YF T: 0845 4500937 E: tracy@wedoiq.com W: www.qbsiq.com Information Services & Systems Queen Margaret University Queen Margaret Drive, Edinburgh EH21 6UU T: 0131 4740000 W: www.qmuc.ac.uk Educational & Training Establishments

Queens Hall (Edinburgh) Limited, The Clerk Street, Edinburgh EH8 9JG T: 0131 6683456 E: adrianh@queenshalledinburgh.org W: www.thequeenshall.net Theatres/Concert Halls

Ratingroom Limited 10 F Ardmillan Place, Edinburgh EH11 2JU T: 0131 3373370 E: info@ratingroom.com W: www.ratingroom.com Internet Advertising

Queensferry Business Association c/o JW Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics, 27 High Street, South Queensferry EH30 9PP T: 0131 3311296 E: info@qba.org.uk W: www.qba.org.uk Associations/Societies

Ravelston Golf Club Limited 24 Raveston Dykes Road, Edinburgh EH4 3NZ T: 0131 3152486 E: ravelstongc@hotmail.com W: www.ravelstongolfclub.com Golf Courses

Queensferry Hotel, The St Margaret’s Head, North Queensferry, Fife KY11 1HP T: 0870 1112520 E: sales.queensferry@bespokehotels.com W: www.bespokehotels.com/queensferry Conference Centres Queryclick Limited Top Floor, 50 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QR T: 0131 2267078 E: solutions@queryclick.com W: uk.queryclick.com Web Development Quix Limited Bathgate Business Centre, Whitburn Road, Bathgate EH48 1HH T: 0845 3736697 E: info@quix.co.uk W: www.quix.co.uk Website Designers Quorum Network Resources Ltd 18 Greenside Lane, Edinburgh EH1 3AH T: 0131 6523954 E: info@qnrl.com W: www.qnrl.com Computer Software - Consultants

R R Squared Design Limited 28/1 Rutland Street, Edinburgh EH1 2AN T: 0131 2297127 E: roger@rsqd-design.co.uk W: www.rsqd-design.co.uk Interior Decorators/Designers/Furnishers Rabbie’s Trail Burners Limited 207 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1PE T: 0131 2263133 E: tours@rabbies.com W: www.rabbies.com Tour Operators Radio Forth Limited Bauer Radio, 13-17 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LE T: 0131 5569255 E: cathy.kirk@radioforth.com W: www.forthone.com Broadcast Reporting Radisson BLU Hotel 80 High Street, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 1TH T: 0131 5579797 E: reservations.edinburgh@radissonblu.com W: www.radissonblu.com Hotels - Hospitality Services Rainbow International Unit 23, Dumbryden Industrial Estate, Dumbryden Road, Edinburgh EH14 2AB T: 0131 4423400 E: c.stenhouse@rainbow-int.co.uk W: www.rainbow-int.co.uk Building Restoration Ramsay Consulting Delta House, Carmondean Centre, Livingston EH54 8PT T: 0845 6445485 E: mstreet@ramsayconsulting.co.uk W: www.ramsayconsulting.co.uk Employment Law

Raynemaker Furniture Myerside, Gifford, East Lothian EH41 4JA T: 07725693725 E: andy@raynemakerfurniture.com W: www.raynemakerfurniture.com Furniture Razzle Dazzle 5 South Kersebonny, Steading, Cambusbarron, Stirling FK8 3AR T: 01786 461066 E: rostrummail@rostrum.co.uk Event Organisers/Management RB Hunter Limited Hudson House, Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0131 3323334 E: info@rbhunter.com W: www.rbhunter.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies RBC CEES International Exchange Tower, 8th Floor PO Box 23535, 19 Canning Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EG T: 0131 2223600 E: elaine.anderson@rbc.com W: www.rbc.com/cees Employee Benefit Services RBS Group The Gemini Building, 24/25 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 1AF T: 0131 5568555 E: robin.carson@rbs.co.uk Banks & Financial Institutions RCP Properties 14 Inch Crescent, Bathgate, West Lothian EH48 1EU T: 07711748094 E: claudia@rcpproperties.co.uk W: www.rcpproperties.co.uk Letting Agents React Catering Services Limited Unit 16, Evans Business Centre, 68-74 Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Hillington Industrial Estate, Glasgow G52 4NQ T: 0141 8809070 E: service@reactcateringservices.com W: www.reactcateringservices.com Catering Equipment & Maintenance Read4sure Limited 3 Union Road, Linlithgow EH49 7DV T: 07977585174 E: peter.ness@read4sure.com Postal Services Really Good Cleaning Company, The 2 Stewart Grove, Edinburgh EH22 1QY T: 07795806409 E: taylor@thereallygoodcleaningcompany.co.uk Cleaning Equipment Recommo Limited 17/2 Melville Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1LY T: 0131 6502703 E: maciek@recommo.com W: www.recommo.com Computer Software - Products Recruitment Contract Services Limited 7 Hope Park, Haddington EH41 3AH T: 01620 822982 E: enquiries@rcsscotland.com W: www.rcsscotland.com Employment Agencies & Consultants


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Recruitment Training (Edinburgh) Limited 32/34 Heriot Hill Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 4DY T: 0131 5589209 E: info@rtl-training.com Training Services Recycling and Services 48 Craigleith View, Edinburgh EH4 3JY T: 0131 3377473 E: athomerecyclingservice@hotmail.co.uk Recycling Red Current Solutions Limited Dean Brae, Dean Foot Road, West Linton EH46 7DX T: 07879474673 E: info@redcurrentsolutions.com W: www.redcurrentsolutions.com Sales Consultancy & Training Red Harbour Events 15, Flat 4 Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 3QJ T: 0131 2780059 E: claire@redharbourevents.com W: www.redharbourevents.com Event Organisers/Management Red Sky Management Limited 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0845 2007820 E: info@redskymanagement.co.uk W: www.redskymanagement.co.uk Business & Management Services Redhouse Group PO Box 15494, Bathgate, West Lothian EH47 7WW E: admin@redhousegroup.biz Fencing Redhouse Lane Communications 4th Floor The Hatrack, 144 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5LQ T: 0141 2250890 E: info@redhouselane.com W: www.redhouselane.com Corporate Communications & Design Redstone Communications Limited Phoenix House, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3NJ T: 0845 2002200 E: enquiries@redstone.co.uk W: www.redstone.co.uk Communications Systems & Services Redtable Information Solutions 4/4 Piershill Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 7ES T: 07795105984 E: rob@redtable-is.com W: www.redtable-is.com Access Audit Consultants Reel Time Events Limited 5 /11 Merchiston Grove, Edinburgh EH11 1PP T: 07974375761 E: events@reel-time.co.uk W: www.reel-time.co.uk Event Organisers/Management Reference Point Training Limited 38 Henderson Row, Edinburgh EH3 5DN T: 07823773708 E: alanmwatt@btinternet.com W: www.rptltd.co.uk Training Services Regency Decorators Unit 32, West Gorgie Park Industrial Estate, Hutchison Road, Edinburgh EH4 1UT T: 0131 4430288 E: info@regencydecorators.com W: www.regencydecorators.com Painters & Decorators Regis Banqueting Limited Seafar House, Allanfauld Road, Seafar, Cumbernauld G67 1HP T: 01236 734444 E: sales@regisbanqueting.co.uk W: www.regisbanqueting.co.uk Catering Contractors

Registers of Scotland Meadowbank House, 153 London Road, Edinburgh EH8 7AU T: 0131 6596111 E: keeper@ros.gov.uk W: www.ros.gov.uk Registration Agents Regus UK Limited Regus House, 10 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9RG T: 0131 2483000 E: edinburgh.exchange@regus.com W: www.regus.com Offices, Serviced & Furnished Accommodation Reiach and Hall 6 Darnaway Street, Edinburgh EH3 6BG T: 0131 2258444 E: valerie.mitchell@reiachandhall.co.uk W: www.reiachandhall.co.uk Architects/Architectural Services Reid Scott & Ross 211 - 213 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2LW T: 0141 2258500 E: enquiries@reidscottross.co.uk W: www.reidscottross.co.uk Independent Financial Advisors Relationships Scotland 18 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP T: 0845 1192020 E: enquiries@relationships-scotland.org.uk W: www.relationships-scotland.org.uk Training & Consultancy Organisations Reliably Online Suite 31, 5 Jameson Place, Edinburgh EH6 8NZ T: 01343 4673634 E: mark@reliablyonline.com W: www.reliablyonline.com Business Support Services Renew Services Limited 21 Lasswade Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH16 6JR T: 01592 205738 E: douglas.prentice@renew.coop W: www.renew.coop Renewable Energy Renroc 91 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh EH7 5HZ T: 0131 5560432 E: renroccafe@yahoo.co.uk W: www.renroc.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes Restored Hearing Limited Nova UCD, Belfield Innovation Park, University College, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland E: info@restoredhearing.com W: www.restoredhearing.com Hearing Aids/Audiometers/Screening & Protection Rettie & Co. 1 India Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HA T: 0131 2204160 E: mail@rettie.co.uk W: www.rettie.co.uk Estate Agents Reverie 1 Newington Road, Edinburgh EH9 1QR T: 0131 6678870 E: info@thereverie.co.uk W: www.thereverie.co.uk Public Houses Revolution 30a Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1HU T: 0131 2205679 E: edinburgh@revolution-bars.co.uk W: www.revolution-bars.co.uk Bars/Entertainment Rhetorical Company 11a Windsor Street, Edinburgh EH7 5LA T: 0131 4780760 E: info@rhetoric.co.uk W: www.rhetoric.co.uk Training Services

Richard Pavey Web Design & Development 12 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AX T: 0131 5381988 E: mail@richardpavey.co.uk W: www.richardpavey.co.uk Web Development Rickard Lane’s & W H Box Limited 35 Hamilton Place, Edinburgh EH3 5BA T: 0131 3152130 E: monica@napiers.net Herbalists RJC Trading 8/12 Colonsay View, Edinburgh EH5 1FH T: 07525214002 E: robclemence@gmail.com W: www.auctionroomsedinburgh.co.uk Auctioneers RLF Construction and Property Consultants 8-12, Torphichen Street, Edinburgh EH3 8JQ T: 0131 2216300 E: david.thomson@rlf.co.uk W: www.rlf.co.uk Construction Consultants RMS Ettrick Riverside, Dunsdale Road, Selkirk TD7 5EB T: 0845 8333767 E: jim@mspos.co.uk W: www.mspos.co.uk Epos RNID Scotland Empire House, 131 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2RX T: 0141 3345330 W: www.rnid.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Road Haulage Association Roadway House, The Rural Centre, Ingliston, Newbridge EH28 8NZ T: 0131 4724180 E: p.flanders@rha.uk.net W: www.rha.uk.net Trade & Professional Associations Robert Half International Ardmore House, 40 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LE T: 0131 2202171 E: katie.hunt@officeteamuk.com W: www.rhi.net Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Rok Building Edinburgh Rok Centre, Alexander House, 21 Cliftonhall Road, Edinburgh EH28 8PW T: 0131 3353300 E: sharyn.wilde@rokgroup.com W: www.rokgroup.com Construction Services Rolland Decorators 56 Buccleuch Street, Edinburgh EH8 9LP T: 0131 6674111 E: natalieb@rollanddecorators.co.uk W: www.rollanddecorators.co.uk Painters & Decorators Ron Burnett Design 18 Ryehill Gardens, Edinburgh EH6 8ES T: 0131 5546263 E: ron@ronburnettdesign.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists Ronald S Rankine and Company Limited 6 Dene Court, 2 Orchard Brae Gardens, Edinburgh EH4 2HJ T: 0131 3324400 E: ronald@ronacc.co.uk W: www.ronacc.co.uk Accountants Ross Aitken Photography 95/8 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 7AE T: 07816418236 E: info@ross-aitken.com W: www.ross-aitken.com Photographers - Press & Pr Ross and Liddell Limited 6 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5DR T: 0131 3468989 E: n-mayall@ross-liddell.com Property Management/Agents Ross International Limited 6 Pilmuir Grove, Balerno, Edinburgh EH14 7FD T: 0131 4497730 E: brenda@rossinternational.co.uk W: www.rossinternational.co.uk Lean Management Ross Tour Consultants 18 Warrender Park Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1EF T: 0131 2295209 E: rosstourconsultant@hotmail.com Tour Organisers

Robert M Donaldson Limited The Harlands, New Alloa, Alloa FK10 1TB T: 01259 219362 E: john.peden@rmduk.com W: www.rmduk.com Computer Room Services

Rothera Group Limited PO Box 2044, West Lothian EH54 0DU T: 01506 203325 E: info@rotheragroup.com W: www.rotheragroup.com Training & Consultancy Organisations

Robertson Eadie 6 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 4HR T: 0131 4662550 E: mail@robertsoneadie.co.uk W: www.robertsoneadie.co.uk Engineers/Constructing/Civil & Structural

Route 1 Creative 7 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh EH9 1HY T: 0131 2289800 E: steve@route1creative.com W: www.route1creative.com Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Robertson Lothians Robertson House, Castle Business Park, Stirling FK9 4TZ T: 0131 4640000 E: lothians@robertson.co.uk W: www.lothians.robertson.co.uk Construction & Development Robertson Technologies Limited 121 Giles Street, Edinburgh EH6 6BZ T: 0845 8381710 E: info@robertsontech.com W: www.robertsontech.com Information Technology Robop Limited Peregrine House, 14b Haddington Road, Tranent EH33 1HW T: 01875 619991 E: john.donald@robop.co.uk W: www.robop.co.uk Pest & Vermin Control Services

Route 4 Roots.com c/o Grieg 41 Clermiston Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 6XD T: 0131 3341789 E: enquiries@route4roots.com W: www.route4roots.com Genealogy Roxburghe Hotel 38 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4HQ T: 0844 8799063 E: gm.roxburghe@macdonald-hotels.co.uk W: www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk Hotels Royal Blind PO 500, Gillespie Crescent, Edinburgh EH10 4HZ T: 0131 2291456 E: hilary.douglas@royalblind.org W: www.royalblind.org Charities & Benevolent Organisations

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Members by A-Z Royal Caledonian Schools Trust Unit 75, The Wenta Business Centre, Watford WD24 7DN T: 01923 215350 E: admin@rest.org.uk W: www.rest.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JQ T: 0131 2257324 E: l.deane@rcpe.ac.uk W: www.rcpe.ac.uk Hospitality Services Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Nicolson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9DW T: 0131 5271600 E: l.macdonald@surgeonshall.com W: www.surgeonshallcomplex.com Associations/Societies Royal Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh EH28 8NF T: 0131 3356200 E: francesd@rhass.org.uk W: www.rhass.org.uk Associations/Societies Royal Lyceum Theatre Company 30b Grindlay Street, Edinburgh EH3 9AX T: 0131 2484831 E: klongmate@lyceum.org.uk W: www.lyceum.org.uk Theatres/Concert Halls Royal Mail Group Tallents House, 21 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9PB T: 0131 3167440 E: scottish.affairs@royalmail.com Postal Services

Rubaidh Limited Stuart House, Esk Mills, Musselburgh EH21 7PB T: 0131 2735271 E: mathie@rubaidh.com W: www.rubaidh.com Software Development Ruth Anderson 207/1 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh EH6 5RU T: 0131 5555980 E: msruthanderson@hotmail.co.uk Legal Services Rutterford Limited 20 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BB T: 0131 2286060 E: mrutterford@rutterford-ltd.co.uk Property Investment RYA Scotland Caledonia House, 1 Redheughs Rigg, Edinburgh EH12 9DA T: 0131 3177388 E: admin@ryascotland.org.uk W: www.ryascotland.org.uk Sports Clubs & Associations Ryan Carr 17 Burnbank, Straiton, Edinburgh EH20 9NE T: 07876220331 E: ryan.carr@hotmail.co.uk Woodworkers Rybka Limited 24 Ruthland Street, Edinburgh EH1 2AN T: 0131 2288446 E: engineers@rybka.co.uk W: www.rybka.co.uk Engineers/Consulting/Mechanical & Electrical

Royal Scots Club 30 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE T: 0131 5564270 E: info@royalscotsclub.com W: www.royalscotsclub.com Clubs/Societies

Rydale Building Limited 102 Restalrig Road, Edinburgh EH6 7PD T: 0131 5545138 E: john@rydale.com Construction Services

Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture The Mound, Edinburgh EH2 2EL T: 0131 2256671 E: info@royalscottishacademy.org W: www.royalscottishacademy.org Art Galleries

Ryden LLP 46 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BN T: 0131 2256612 E: general.mail@ryden.co.uk W: www.ryden.co.uk Property Agents - Commercial & Industrial

Royal Scottish National Orchestra 73 Claremont Street, Glasgow G3 7JB T: 0141 2253557 E: Louise.Goodlad@rsno.org.uk W: www.rsno.org.uk Entertainment Services Royal Scottish Piper Society, The 127 Rose Street South Lane, Edinburgh EH2 4BA T: 0131 2254123 E: danjlean@yahoo.co.uk Associations/Societies


RSM Tenon 160 Dundee Street, Edinburgh EH11 1DQ T: 0131 2218820 E: edinburgh@tenongroup.com W: www.tenongroup.com Accountants

S S.B. Roofing Services 27/3 Christian Crescent, Edinburgh EH15 3AD T: 0131 6203831 E: benson.steven726@googlemail.com Roofing Contractors/Supplies

Royal Yacht Britannia, The 100 Ocean Drive, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6JJ T: 0131 5555566 E: enquiries@tryb.co.uk W: www.royalyachtbritannia.co.uk Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality

S.C.V.O. - Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB T: 0131 5563882 E: Gordon.Nelson@scvo.org.uk W: www.scvo.org.uk Voluntary Services

Royal Zoological Society of Scotland Edinburgh Zoo, Murrayfield, Edinburgh EH12 6TS T: 0131 334 9171 E: cpouso@rzss.org.uk W: www.edinburghzoo.org.uk Zoological Gardens

SaBRE Lowland House, 60 Avenuepark Street, Glasgow G20 8LW T: 0141 9456751 E: lo-employer@lo.rfca.mod.uk W: www.rfca.org.uk Armed Forces

RPC Trading Scotland Unit 8 North Leith Sands, Edinburgh EH6 4ER T: 0131 5533033 E: raymond.carr@sky.com W: www.lingeriehoney.co.uk Lingerie

Safetray Products 1F2, 68 Montpelier Park, Edinburgh EH10 4NQ T: 07950291951 E: alison.grieve@sine-events.co.uk W: www.safettrayproducts.com Manufacturing - General

Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited Murrayfield, 39 Westfield Road, Edinburgh EH11 2QW T: 0131 3478560 E: manager.murrayfield@sainsburys.co.uk W: www.sainsburys.co.uk Food/Beverage/Tobacco Stores/Supermarkets Saint Andrew Press Church of Scotland Publishing Committee, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN T: 0131 2255722 E: acrawford@cofscotland.org.uk W: www.churchofscotland.org.uk Publishers - Books/Journals Saints & Sinners Walking Tours 26 Gogaloch Syke, Edinburgh EH12 9TB E: phamrun@aol.com W: www.edinburghsaintsandsinners.co.uk Tour Guides Saks Hairdressing 10 Jeffery Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DT T: 0131 5561475 E: edinburgh@sakshairandbeauty.com W: www.sakshairandbeauty.co.uk Hairdressers/Beauty Salons

Saville Ferguson 4 Grosvenor Gardens, Edinburgh EH12 5JU T: 07909527629 E: richard@saville-ferguson.co.uk W: www.saville-ferguson.co.uk Public Relations/Marketing Consultants SB Learning Consultancy Limited 33 Coillesdene Crescent, Edinburgh EH15 2JJ T: 0131 6699378 Training & Consultancy Organisations SBC Strathmore Business Centres Limited 10 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP T: 0131 5231400 E: anna.watson@sbc-uk.com W: www.sbc-uk.com Offices, Serviced & Furnished Accommodation Scandinavian Airlines System Dep: Lonad, World Business Centre, Newall Road, London Heathrow Airport, Hounslow TW6 2RE T: 0208 9907028 E: jo.ashman@sas.DK W: www.flysas.co.uk Airlines

Saltire Winds Limited 5/15 Powderhall Brae, Edinburgh EH5 9LF T: 07837375890 E: peter@saltirewinds.co.uk Distributors & Distribution Services

SCE Enterprise Bankhead Avenue, Edinburgh EH11 4DE T: 0131 5354800 E: enquiries@sceenterprise.com W: www.sceenterprise.com Training Services

Samh Cumbrae House, 15 Carton Court, Glasgow G5 9JP T: 0141 5687000 E: enquiries@samh.org.uk W: www.samh.org.uk Health Care

ScoLocate Limited The Clocktower Estate, South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9LB T: 0131 3145000 W: www.scolocate.com Data Centre

Sanderson Bell Enterprise Consultancy 56 Manse Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 7SS T: 07870170641 E: liz.sanderson@btconnect.com Management & Business Consultants

Scope Estimating & Surveying Services 12 The Glebe, Pencaitland EH34 5EZ T: 01875 340145 E: rob@scopeqs.co.uk Construction Consultants

Sandler Training York Place Business Centre, 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EB T: 0845 2575227 E: iswanston@sandler.com W: www.scotland1.sandler.com Sales Consultancy & Training Sanna Corporate Management Ltd Kilchoan, Drumbeg Loan, Killearn, Glasgow G63 9LG T: 07985042261 E: sannacorp@gmail.com W: www.sannacorp.com Consultants - Business, Management & Industrial Sapphire Systems PLC Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EB T: 0131 2006156 E: greig.codd@sapphiresystems.com W: www.saphiresystems.co.uk Sap Consultancy Sarah Fleming Upper Dean Park Farm, Mansfield Road, Balerno, Edinburgh EH14 7JX T: 07739042752 E: sarahlfleming@yahoo.co.uk Sales Agents Sarah Urquhart PR 3 Craigmount Bank West, Edinburgh EH4 8UG T: 07966893353 E: enquiries@sarahurquhartpr.co.uk W: www.sarahurquhartpr.co.uk Public Relations Save the Children Prospect House, 5 Thistle Street, Edinburgh EH2 1DF T: 0131 5278225 E: a.law@savethechildren.org.uk W: www.savethechildren.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

Scotch Malt Whisky Society Limited, The The Vaults, 87 Giles Street, Edinburgh EH6 6BZ T: 0131 5543451 E: events@smws.com W: www.smws.com Manufacturing - Grain/Malt Whisky Scotch Whisky Association, The 20 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8HF T: 0131 2229200 W: www.scotch-whisky.org.uk Scotch Whisky & Other Spirits The Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre 354 Castlehill, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 2NE T: 0131 2200441 E: t.dick@whisky-heritage.co.uk W: www.whisky-heritage.co.uk Tourist Attractions Scotia Independent Financial Services F1 11 Maritime Street, Edinburgh EH6 6SB T: 0131 4784677 E: bsmith@scotiaindependant.com W: www.scotiaindependent.com Independent Financial Advisors Scotia Radio Services 33 Townsend Street, Port Dundas, Glasgow G4 OLA T: 0141 3413390 E: nicbeattie@scotia-radio.co.uk Radio Communications & Equipment Scotia UK Plc 2/4 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2DP T: 0131 2282295 E: enquiries@scotiauk.com W: www.scotiauk.com Audio Visual Equipment Scotinform Limited 12b Timberbush, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6QH T: 0131 5551104 E: dorothy.mcnicoll@scotinform.co.uk W: www.scotinform.co.uk Market Research & Analysis


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Scotlift Systems Limited 16 Hamilton Drive West, Duddingston, Edinburgh EH15 1NR T: 0845 3883476 E: info@scotliftsystems.co.uk W: www.scotliftsystems.co.uk Plant Removal & Installation Scotshirts 5/6 Bankhead Workspace, Edinburgh EH11 4DY T: 0131 4531013 E: gail@scotshirts.com W: www.scotshirts.com Clothing The Scotsman Hotel 20 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1YT T: 0131 5565565 E: shelley.mccarroll@thescotsmanhotelgroup.co.uk W: www.thescotsmanhotel.co.uk Hotels The Scotsman Publications Limited 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS T: 0131 6208620 E: enquiries@scotsman.com W: www.scotsman.com Newspaper & Periodical Printers & Publishers Scott Reward Limited 27 Meggetland Terrace, Edinburgh EH14 1AP T: 07702601016 E: eddie@scottreward.co.uk W: www.scottreward.co.uk Human Resource Consultants Scott-Moncrieff 17 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PH T: 0131 4733500 E: info@scott-moncrieff.com W: www.scott-moncrieff.com Accountants Scottish Arts Club 24 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 23W T: 0131 2298157 E: manager@scottishartsclub.co.uk W: www.scottishartsclub.co.uk Arts Organisations Scottish Braille Press Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh EH16 5NB T: 0131 6624445 E: enquiries.sbp@royalblind.org W: www.royalblind.org Business Support Services Scottish Building Federation Crichton House, 4 Crichton’s Close, Holyrood, Edinburgh EH8 8DT T: 0131 5568866 E: lynne@scottish-building.co.uk W: www.scottish-building.co.uk Trade & Professional Associations Scottish Business Information Services George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW T: 0131 2258488 E: enquiries@scotbis.com W: www.scotbis.com Libraries/Archives Scottish Chamber Orchestra Ltd 4 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5AB T: 0131 5576800 E: info@sco.org.uk W: www.sco.org.uk Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality Scottish Churches Housing Action 44 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2DR T: 0131 4774500 E: info@churches-housing.org W: www.churches-housing.org Charities & Benevolent Organisations Scottish Council for Development and Industry Campsie House, 17 Park Circus Place, Glasgow G3 6AH T: 0141 3329119 E: enquiries@scdi.org.uk W: www.scdi.org.uk Trade & Professional Associations

Scottish Council of Independent Schools 21 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7PE T: 0131 2202106 E: information@scis.org.uk W: www.scis.org.uk Educational & Training Consultants

SDC Limited 28 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RN T: 0131 2201113 E: admin@structuraldesignconsultants.com W: www.structuraldesign.com Structural Engineers

Scottish Enterprise East Apex House, 99 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5HD T: 0131 3134000 E: fiona.milne@scotent.co.uk W: www.scottish-enterprise.com Development - Companies

Search Technical Solutions 9 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 7188076 E: David.Stark@search.co.uk Quality Control

Scottish Flood Forum c/o Sepa, 7 Whitefriars Crscent, Perth PH2 0PA T: 07825010436 E: paul@hendymail.co.uk W: www.scottishfloodforum.org Charities & Benevolent Organisations Scottish Food & Drink Federation 4a Torphichen Street, Edinburgh EH3 8JQ T: 0131 2299415 E: sfdf@sfdf.org.uk W: www.sfdf.org.uk Trade & Professional Associations Scottish Midland Co-operative Society Limited Hillwood House, 2 Harvest Drive, Newbridge EH28 8QJ T: 0131 3354400 E: mbrown@scotmid.co.uk W: www.scotmid.coop Food/Beverage Wholesale - General Scottish North American Business Council University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ T: 0141 3303998 E: j.shedden@enterprise.gla.ac.uk Trade Advisory Organisations Scottish Qualifications Authority, The The Optimia Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DQ T: 0845 2791000 E: customer@sqa.org.uk W: www.sqa.org.uk Government Departments & Agencies Scottish Tourism Forum 29 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RN T: 0131 2206321 E: mail@stforum.co.uk W: www.stforum.co.uk Trade & Professional Associations Scottish Veterans Housing Association Limited 53 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8BS T: 0131 5560091 E: info@svronline.org W: www.svronline.org Housing Associations, Developers, Societies & Trusts Scottish Water, Fairmilehead Office 55 Buckstone Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 6XH T: 0131 4456300 E: customer.service@scottishwater.co.uk W: www.scottishwater.co.uk Domestic Services

Secure Telecom UK Limited Unit 7a Poltonhall Industrial Estate, Polton Road, Lasswade EH18 1BW T: 0131 6639333 E: info@securetelecom.co.uk W: www.businessphoneshop.com Mobile Communication Services SecuriGroup Venlaw Building, 349 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4AA T: 0870 3600999 E: paul@securigroup.co.uk W: www.securigroup.co.uk Security Services Select Appointments Plc 38 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 1LU T: 0141 2489901 E: edinburgh@select.co.uk W: www.select.co.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies SELEX Galileo Limited Sensor Systems Division, Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2XS T: 0131 3322411 E: penny.mcpherson@selexgalileo.com W: www.selex-sas.com Electronic Engineers Selwyn Bierman Apartment 2, 6 Myreside View, Myreside Grange, Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1AG T: 07739885730 E: selwynbierman@hotmail.com Brokers Semple Fraser LLP 80 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BU T: 0131 2733771 E: info@semplefraser.co.uk W: www.semplefraser.co.uk Lawyers Senjin Creid Solutions Ltd, Forsyth House, Lomond Court, Castle Business Park, Stirling FK9 4TU T: 01786 433812 E: robin@senjin.co.uk W: www.senjin.co.uk Commercial Investigations Sentinel Employment Law Sentinel House, 52 Young St, Wishaw, Lanarkshire ML2 8HJ T: 01698 356814 E: jacqui@sentinel-law.com Employment Law

Scottish Wholesale Association of Scotland 30 Mcdonald Place, Edinburgh EH7 4NH T: 0131 5568753 Associations/Societies

Sesh Hairdressing Limited 50/52 Bernard Street, Edinburgh EH6 6PR T: 0131 5550708 E: seshhair@hotmail.com Hairdressers/Beauty Salons

Scottish Widows 69 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8YF T: 0131 6558360 E: andrew.cochran@scottishwidows.co.uk W: www.scottishwidows.co.uk Insurance Consultants

SESTRAN 1st Floor, 8b Mcdonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4LZ T: 0131 5245150 E: alex.macaulay@sestran.gov.uk W: www.sestran.gov.uk Transport

SD Designs 5 Brixwold Park, Bonnyrigg EH19 3FF T: 07930259131 E: sd-designs@talktalk.net Architects/Architectural Services

Seton East Farm Shop Fishers Road, Longniddry EH32 0PG T: 01875 815946 E: setoneastfarmshop@tiscali.co.uk Farm Produce

Seychelles 201 St Johns Road, Edinburgh EH12 8SQ T: 07931662308 E: michelle.wegg@btinternet.com Beauty Clinics/Salons/Consultants SF Flooring 71 Niddrie Marischal Grove, Edinburgh EH16 4LD T: 0131 4680764 Flooring Contractors Shaboo UK Limited 10 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh EH10 5LY T: 0131 4474575 Lighting Suppliers Shanks Waste Management Limited Dunedin House, Auckland Park, Mount Farm, Milton Keynes MK1 1BU T: 01908 650576 E: robin.stevenson@shanks.co.uk W: www.shanks.co.uk Waste Management Shavik Traders 44, Carrick Knowe Drive, Edinburgh EH12 7EB T: 07765452904 E: shaviktraders@gmail.com W: www.shaviktraders.com Clothing Shaw Marketing and Design Limited Panmure Court, 32 Carlton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DP T: 0131 5575663 E: enquiries@shaw-online.com W: www.shaw-online.com Design Consultants She Software Limited Nasmyth Building, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride G75 0QR T: 01355 272444 E: crawford.burns@shesoftware.com W: www.shesoftware.com Computer Software - Developers She’s Gott It Limited Forster House, Forster Business Centre, Finchale Road, Co Durham DH1 5HL T: 0191 3709559 E: info@shesgottit.com W: www.shesgottit.com Event Organisers/Management Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP 1 Exchange Crescent, Conference Square, Edinburgh EH3 8UL T: 0131 2289900 E: info@shepwedd.co.uk W: www.shepwedd.co.uk Solicitors Shepherd Consultancy 20/13 Yeaman Place, Edinburgh EH11 1BU T: 07960966908 E: alix@shepherdconsultancy.co.uk W: www.shepherdconsultancy.co.uk Management & Business Consultants Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa 1 Festival Square, Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9SR T: 0131 2299131 E: grandedinburgh.sheraton@sheraton.com W: www.sheraton.com/grandedinburgh Hotels - Conference Centres Sherwood Films Belgrave Business Centre, 45 Fredenck Street, Edinburgh EH2 1EP T: 0131 6241150 E: tim@sherwoodfilmsltd.com W: www.sherwoodfilmsltd.com Film & Video Productions Shiatsu Centre, The 3 Granton View, Edinburgh EH5 1BP T: 0131 5551875 E: admin@tssed.org W: www.tssed.org Alternative Medicine

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Members by A-Z Shiatsu Place, The 40 Comiston Road, Edinburgh EH10 5QQ T: 0131 4460666 E: info@shiatsuplace.co.uk W: www.shiatsuplace.co.uk Health Consultants Shield & Kyd 15 Rutland Street, Edinburgh EH1 2AN T: 0131 2282381 E: pdt@shieldandkyd.co.uk W: www.shieldandkyd.co.uk Solicitors Shortbread House of Edinburgh Ltd 25 Tennant Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NA T: 0131 5555212 E: info@shortbreadhouse.com W: www.shortbreadhouse.com Bakery & Confectionery SHRED-IT Block 10, Unit 1, Glenfield Industrial Estate, Cowdenbeath KY4 9HT T: 01383 611210 E: eastofscotland@shredit.com W: www.shredit.com Shredding Signature Pubs Limited/the Rutland Hotel 51/1 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DJ T: 0131 2219978 E: gillianmyles@signaturepubs.com W: www.signaturepubs.com Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes Signs Express Edinburgh Unit 25 - Dumbryden Industrial Estate, Dumbryden Road, Edinburgh EH14 2AB T: 0131 4531232 E: edinburgh.w@signsexpress.co.uk W: www.signsexpress.co.uk Signmakers Sikh Sanjog 22 Laurie Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7AB T: 0131 5534737 E: info@sikhsanjog.com W: www.sikhsanjog.com Community Services Simon Sheikh Communications Group PO BOX 5091, Leicester LE4 7XX T: 07817057078 E: info@sscom-group.com W: www.sscom-group.com Public Relations Simon Williams Photography 15 Corrennie Drive, Edinburgh EH10 6EG T: 0131 4469181 E: simon@simonwilliamsphotography.co.uk W: www.simonwilliamsphotography.co.uk Photographers - Advertising & Fashion

Smart Design & Print Limited Unit 11, West Gorgie Park, Hutchison Road, Edinburgh EH14 1UT T: 0131 5388020 E: sales@smartdesignandprint.com W: www.smartdesignandprint.com Design Consultants

Six Brunton Place Guest House 6 Brunton Place, Edinburgh EH7 5EG T: 0131 6220042 E: contact@sixbruntonplace.com W: www.sixbruntonplace.com Hotels

Smart FD 3A Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DD T: 07897610696 E: cyril.picardi@smartfd.co.uk W: www.smartfd.co.uk Accountancy Services

Six Creative Limited 15 Summerfield Place, Edinburgh EH6 0AZ T: 0131 5533252 E: iantraynor@mac.com W: www.sixcreative.me Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Smart HR Solutions Limited 4 Lovedale Crescent, Balerno, Edinburgh EH14 7DP T: 07714987607 E: valery.hurst@smart-hr.co.uk Human Resource Consultants

SJH Photography 45 Guardwell Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 7JA T: 0131 6722867 E: sjh@sjh-photo.com W: www.sjh-photo.com Photographers - Commercial & Industrial

Smart Sourcing plc Silk Mill House, 21 Marsh Parade, Newcastle ST5 1BT T: 01782 860088 E: TonyWhite@SmartSourcing.plc.uk W: www.smartsourcing.plc.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Skanska Excel House, 1 Renshaw Place, Eurocentral, Lanarkshire ML1 4UF T: 01698 735800 W: www.skanska.co.uk Construction & Development Skills Path Unit 4, Peffer Place, Edinburgh EH16 4BB T: 0131 6595532 E: skillspath@btconnect.com Educational & Training Consultants Skoogmusic Limited 27 Albert Street, Edinburgh EH7 5LM T: 0131 5542838 E: info@skoogmusic.com W: www.skoogmusic.com Musical Instruments & Accessories Sloans 96 Raeburn Place, Edinburgh EH4 1HH T: 07502258843 E: sloan2007@blueyonder.co.uk Restaurants/Cafes Slorach Wood Architects The Station Master’s Office, South Queensferry EH30 9JP T: 0131 3191260 E: caroline@slorachwoodarchitects.com W: www.slorachwoodarchitects.com Architects/Architectural Services

Simple HR 43 Badger Park, Broxburn EH52 5GY T: 01506 858729 E: info@simplehr.co.uk W: www.simplehr.co.uk Human Resource Consultants

Small Business Service (SBS) 100B Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6AW T: 07810114788 E: fionacconnell@hotmail.co.uk Business Support Services

Simply Cyan Limited 17 Riselaw Road, Edinburgh EH10 6HR T: 0131 4479942 E: janiceelizabeth@gmail.com W: www.simplyslimming.com Fitness & Health

Small But Perfectly Formed Company Limited Flat 2F1, 2 Howard Street, Canonmills, Edinburgh EH3 5JP T: 0131 5563946 E: hta@smallbutperfect.co.uk W: www.smallbutperfect.co.uk Information Technology

Sino Spring 1/5 Caledonian Road, Dalry, Edinburgh EH112DA T: 0131 4785195 E: annazeng@sinospring.co.uk W: www.sinospring.co.uk International Communications Sir Robert McAlpine Limited 11 Elmbank Street, Glasgow G2 4PB T: 0141 2486911 E: glasgow@sir-robert-mcalpine.com W: www.sir-robert-mcalpine.com Building Contractors


Sitekit Solutions Limited Sitekit House, Broom Place, Isle Of Skye IV51 9HL T: 0131 2299020 E: james.wilson@sitekit.net W: www.sitekit.net Information Technology

Small Media Large 34 Peace Avenue, Quarriers Village, Bridge Of Weir PA11 3SX T: 01505 691311 E: neil@smallmedialarge.co.uk W: www.smallmedialarge.co.uk Television Production Smart Advice Limited 7/4 Falcon Avenue, Edinburgh EH10 4AL T: 0131 4478303 E: eamonsmart@ireland.com Business & Management Services

Smartlift Engineering Limited 34 Frogston Road West, Edinburgh EH10 7AJ T: 01383 740782 E: a.renton@smartlift W: www.smartlift.eu Hospital & Medical Equipment & Furniture SME Resourcing Venture House, Arlington Square, Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1WA T: 0845 3599898 E: info@smeresourcing.com W: www.smeresourcing.com Recruitment Online Smith & Brown Interior Design Limited 21 Regent Park Square, Glasgow G41 2AF T: 0845 9000610 E: info@smithandbrown.co.uk W: www.smithandbrown.co.uk Designers - Interior Smiths Watch Co. Limited Units 7, 8, 9 Morningside Business Park, 14 Springvalley Gardens, Edinburgh EH10 4QS T: 0131 4473706 E: smithswatch@aol.com W: www.smithswatch.com Watches Retail Social Envy Suite 172, 12 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1DD T: 01259 762333 E: info@socialenvy.co.uk W: www.socialenvy.co.uk Entertainment Services Social Investment Scotland 2nd Floor, 1 ST Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2BD T: 07915557837 E: craig.campbell@socialinvestmentscotland.com W: www.socialinvestmentscotland.com Charities & Benevolent Organisations Sock Macmonkey 10/21 Milton Street, Edinburgh EH8 8HA T: 0131 6202334 E: gill@wordsareeverywhere.co.uk W: www.sockmonkey.co.uk Toys & Games Soilutions Limited Catchpell House, Carpet Lane, Edinburgh EH6 6SP T: 0131 5388456 E: john.curran@soilutions.co.uk W: www.soilutions.co.uk Research & Development

Solar Kingdom Limited 25 Oxgangs Road, Edinburgh EH10 7BE T: 0131 4451251 E: peter2.randall@blueyonder.co.uk W: www.solarkingdom.co.uk Renewable Energy Solar Technology Limited 124 Magdalene Drive, Edinburgh EH15 3BE T: 0131 2580020 E: t_morley@solar-technology.co.uk W: www.solar-technology.co.uk Solar Equipment Solutions Plus (IT Services) Limited Playfair House, 6 Broughton Street Lane, Edinburgh EH1 3LY T: 0845 2605054 E: info@solplus.co.uk W: www.solplus.co.uk Information Technology SoulFit Personal Training 11 Otterburn Park, Edinburgh EH14 1JX T: 07971029182 E: colin@soulfit.co.uk W: www.soulfit.co.uk Fitness Instructor Sound & Vision AV Limited Unit 16, Bilton Glen Industrial Estate, Edinburgh EH20 9LZ T: 0131 3343324 E: info@savav.co.uk W: www.savav.co.uk Audio Visual Equipment Souness & Boyne Unite 8, Adam Ferguson House, Station Road, Eskmills, Musselburgh EH21 7PQ T: 0131 6532228 E: info@sounessandboyne.co.uk W: www.sounessandboyle.co.uk Office Refurbishment & Refitting Out Specialists Southside Property Management 50 East Crosscauseway, Edinburgh EH8 9HD T: 0131 5100051 E: info@southsidemanagement.com W: www.southsidemanagement.com Property Management/Agents Sovereign House Developments Dryburgh House, 3 Meikle Road, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 7DE T: 0845 0178655 E: colin@sovereignhouse.net W: www.sovereignhouse.net House Builders Space Solutions (Scotland) Limited 6 Beaverbank Business Park, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HG T: 0131 5231550 E: contact@spacesolutions.info W: www.spacesolutions.info Architects/Architectural Services Sparks Fly Up Limited 39 (2F2) Barony Street, Edinburgh EH3 6NX T: 0131 5579096 E: banks_dg@yahoo.co.uk Business & Management Services SPC Business Consulting Limited 11 Spindle Drive, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2UQ T: 0844 2572335 E: lcharles@spcconsulting.org W: www.spcconsulting.org Management & Business Consultants Speakeasy Productions Limited Wildwood House, Stanley, Perthshire PH1 4PX T: 01738 828524 E: info@speak.co.uk W: www.speak.co.uk Video Production Special Scotch Whisky (Edinburgh) Limited 224 Morrison Street, Edinburgh EH3 8EA T: 0131 2298188 E: info@specialscotchwhisky.co.uk W: www.specialscotchwhisky.co.uk Manufacturing - Grain/Malt Whisky


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Speciality Scotland Travel 14 (2) Learmonth Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 1PG T: 0131 3433770 E: douglas@speciality-scotland.co.uk Tourism Consultant Specsavers 14-16 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RN T: 0131 2408860 E: dir.shandwick@st.uk.specsavers.com W: www.st.specsavers.co.uk/shandwickplace Opticians - Ophthalmic Specsavers Opticians 27 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1SB T: 0131 5585260 E: dir.northbridge@st.uk.specsavers.com W: www.specsavers.co.uk Opticians - Ophthalmic Specsdiscount 41 Viewcraig Gardens, Edinburgh EH8 9UW T: 07946933702 E: lambertino@hotmail.fr W: www.specsdiscount.co.uk Opticians - Retail & Wholesale Spectacles Direct 25 Stewartfield Industrial Estate, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 5RQ T: 0131 5539000 E: info@spectaclesdirect.com W: www.spectaclesdirect.com Opticians - Dispensing Spektakular 6 Seaforth Avenue, Blackhall, Edinburgh EH4 2BS T: 0131 3326266 E: llotabrink@hotmail.com Furniture Spinach Communications 25 Barnton Park Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 6ES T: 0131 3127449 E: j.ozkan@bt.internet.com Training Services SpiralBridge Limited 1 Clarence Street, Edinburgh EH3 5AE T: 0330 0770073 E: contact@spiralbridge.eu W: www.spiralbridge.eu Management & Business Consultants Spire Murrayfield Hospital 122 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 6UD T: 0131 3340363 E: julie.campbell@spirehealthcare.com W: www.spirehealthcare.com/edinburgh Private Hospitals & Medical Care Sponsorship Consulting Scotland 5/4 Eyre Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 5ET T: 07767472363 E: graeme.davies@sponsorshipconsulting.co.uk W: www.sponsorshipconsulting.co.uk Marketing Consultants Sports Moving Media 28 Hawbank Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G74 5EX T: 01355 586483 E: admin@sportsmovingmedia.com W: www.sportsmovingmedia.com Football Venues Spot That Typo Etc 35 Currievale Drive, Edinburgh EH14 5RN T: 0131 4493492 E: billwroberts77@hotmail.co.uk Quality Control Spotless Commercial Cleaning Limited Unite 9 Peffermill Industrial Estate, Peffermill Road, Edinburgh EH16 5UY T: 0131 6228501 E: roger.green@spotlessclean.co.uk W: www.spotlessclean.co.uk Cleaning Contractors

Spree Publications Ltd 3 Albert Street, Aberdeen AB25 1XX T: 01224 621000 E: enquiries@spreebook.com W: wwwspreebook.com Advertising Services

Stephen Walters (Financial Planning) Limited Blackrock House, 2-8 Millar Crescent, Edinburgh EH10 5HW T: 0131 4463046 E: info@waltersandshek.co.uk Independent Financial Advisors

Spring Technology 13 St Andrew Square, 95a George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES T: 0131 2208533 E: philip_durkie@spring.com W: www.spring-technology.com Information Technology

Sterling FP 93 George Street, Edinburgh EH23 3ES T: 0131 2432500 W: www.sterlingxag.com Print Brokers

Springfords LLP Dundas House, Westfield Park, Eskbank, Edinburgh EH22 3FB T: 0131 4405000 E: mail@springfords.com W: www.springfords.com Chartered Accountants Squire Services 6 - 8 Alexander Drive, Edinburgh EH11 2RH T: 0131 6234579 E: squireservices@talktalk.net Cleaning Contractors The St Andrews Consultancy Limited 53 St Albans Road, Edinburgh EH9 2LS E: standrewsconsult@aol.com Psychologists - Business St George’s School for Girls Garscube Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 6BG T: 0131 3118007 E: asl@st-georges.edin.sch.uk Educational Services St James Shopping Centre Centre Management Suite, 1 Leith Street, Edinburgh EH1 3SS T: 0131 5570050 E: marketing@stjamesshoppingcom W: www.stjamesshopping.com Shopping Centres

Stevenson Reeves Limited 40 Oxgangs Bank, Edinburgh EH13 9LH T: 0131 4457151 E: sales@stevenson-reeves.co.uk W: www.stevenson-reeves.co.uk Hydrometers Stewart First Aid Training 20 Rosebank Avenue, Blantyre G72 9BB T: 01698 824945 E: info@stewartfirstaid.com W: www.stewartfirstaid.com First Aid Training & Supplies Stewarton Polo Club Limited 5 The Glebe, Edinburgh EH4 6NW T: 07974706045 E: stewartonpolo@btinternet.com W: www.stewartonpolo.co.uk Riding Schools & Stables Stewarts of Edinburgh 1 Lister Road, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 7BL T: 01506 405480 E: terry.ohare@stewarts.eu.com W: www.stewarts.eu.com Printing Services Storygardenz Edinburgh Limited Suite 1, Beaverhall House, 27 Beaverhall Road, Edinburgh EH7 4JE T: 0131 2086044 E: info@storygardenz.com W: www.storygardenz.com Travel Services

St James’s Place Partnership 18-22 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS T: 0131 3030018 E: tom.hay@sjpp.co.uk Wealth Management

Strange Boat Limited 3 Restalrig Terrace, Edinburgh EH6 8EA T: 0131 4767211 E: david@strangeboat.com W: www.strangeboat.com Film & Video Productions

St Margaret’s School East Suffolk Road, Edinburgh EH16 5PJ T: 0131 6681986 E: principal@st-margarets.edin.sch.uk W: www.st-margarets.edin.sch.uk Educational & Training Establishments

Strategy Point Limited 5/8 Western Harbour Way, Edinburgh EH6 6LP T: 0131 5554045 E: davidw@strategypoint.co.uk W: www.strategypoint.co.uk Marketing Consultants

Stafford Street Dental Care 24 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7BD T: 0131 2257576 E: info@staffordstdental.co.uk W: www.staffordstdental.co.uk Dental Surgeons

Stratify Limited Leith Business Exchange, Mitchell House, 5 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BD T: 07974369186 E: audrey@stratify-business.co.uk W: www.stratify-business.co.uk Management Consultants/Training

Stagecoach Scotland Offices 47 -51, Evans Business Centre, John Smith Business Park, Kirkcaldy KY2 6HD T: 01592 645660 E: julie.christie@stagecoachbus.com W: www.stagecoach.com Coach Operators/Hire/Excursions

Streamtec Limited 2 Kirkgate House, Baden Powell Road, Kirkton Industrial Estate, Arbroath, Angus DD11 3LS T: 01241 436862 E: info@streamtec.com W: www.streamtec.com Audio Visual Services

Standard Life PLC Standard Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH2 2XZ T: 0131 2252552 E: danielle_pinnington@standardlife.com W: www.standardlife.com Financial Services

Street Life Fare Limited 5 Braehead Road, Edinburgh EH4 6BN T: 0131 3393248 E: david@streetlifefare.com W: www.streetlifefare.com Catering Contractors

Stephen Gibbens CA 1 St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AA T: 0131 2208233 E: stephen@sgibbens.co.uk W: www.sgibbens.co.uk Accountants

Streetcar Limited Melbury House, 51 Wimbledon Hill Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 7QW T: 0845 6448475 E: edward.tucker@streetcar.co.uk W: www.streetcar.co.uk Car Transportation

Stress Management SCOTLAND 1/6 4 Sciennes House Place, Edinburgh EH9 1NW T: 0131 6677199 E: tom.cottrell@which.net W: www.stressmanagementscotland.com Stress Management Consultants The Stroke Association Links House, 15 Links Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ T: 0131 5557240 E: scotland@stroke.org.uk Research Associations Studio Pagra 7 Lothian Terrace, Newtongrange EH22 4QL T: 0131 6542709 E: grant.wm@btinternet.com Architects/Architectural Services StudioLR 25 The Bond Building, Breadalbane Street, Edinburgh EH6 5JW T: 0131 4543200 E: Andy@StudioLR.com W: www.StudioLR.com Design Consultants The Sugar Refinery Limited Room 20, 12 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AX T: 0203 2863210 E: sales@thesugarrefinery.com W: www.thesugarrefinery.com Computer Software - Consultants Sun Microsystems Scotland Limited Springfield Mews, Linlithgow EH49 7LR T: 01506 672000 E: peter.hull@uk.sun.com Computer Hardware - Manufacturers/Suppliers Sunshine Nursery Longstone Primary School, Redhall Hall Grove, Edinburgh EH14 2DU T: 07986054070 Childcare/Nurseries Superlogo Limited 24-26 Coburg Street, Edinburgh EH6 6HB T: 0131 5556940 E: andrew@superlogo.co.uk W: www.superlogo.co.uk Embroidery Design & Manufacture Surveying Solutions Limited 34/36 Rose Street North Lane, Edinburgh EH2 2NP T: 0131 2251212 E: edin@surveying-solutions.co.uk W: www.surveying-solutions.co.uk Surveyors - Chartered Susan McIntyre Projects and Consultancy 7/5 Murieston Crescent, Edinburgh EH11 2LG T: 07717738278 E: susanjmcintyre@yahoo.co.uk Consultants - Business, Management & Industrial Sutherland Black Stadium House, Alderstone Road, Livingston EH54 7DN T: 01506 602674 E: rmeredith@sutherlandblack.co.uk W: www.sutherlandblack.co.uk Accountants SVA Property Auctions Limited 13 Great King Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QW T: 0131 6246640 E: info@sva-auctions.co.uk W: www.sva-auctions.co.uk Auctioneers Swanston IT 111 swanston road, Edinburgh EH10 7DS T: 0131 4452552 E: info@swanston.co.uk W: www.swanstonit.co.uk Training, Computer Based

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Members by A-Z SwiftLab Appletree Centre, Samuelston, East Lothian EH41 4HG T: 01620 823726 E: george@swiftlab.co.uk W: www.swiftlab.co.uk Laboratory Services Sykes Global Services Limited Calder House, 599 Calder Road, Edinburgh EH11 4GA T: 0131 4586500 E: alice.menzies@sykes.com W: www.sykes.com Business Support Services Symington Mackell 3a Dublin Meuse, Edinburgh EH3 6NW T: 0845 2608600 E: richard@symingtonmackell.com W: www.symingtonmackell.com Relocation Services Syntax Digital Solutions Limited Ocean House, 108 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6NF T: 0131 5552800 E: info@syntaxdigital.co.uk W: www.syntaxdigital.co.uk Printers - Digital Systematic Tax & Accountancy Hudson House, 8 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0845 3880265 E: info@systematic-tax.co.uk W: www.systematic-tax.co.uk Accountancy Services SystemsForge 9-10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 4664091 E: dbell@systemsforge.co.uk W: www.systemsforge.co.uk Website Designers


Television & Data Services 8 Trinity Crescent, Edinburgh EH5 3ED T: 0131 5526977 E: tom@tvdataservices.co.uk W: www.tvdataservices.co.uk Installation Engineers

Thomson Bethune Limited 6 Forres Street, Edinburgh EH3 6BJ T: 0131 2201828 E: bobj@thomsonbethune.co.uk W: www.thomsonbethune.co.uk Construction Consultants

Tapside Limited Kinneil Road Business Park, Bo’Ness EH51 0AY T: 01506 823402 E: sales@tapside.com W: www.tapside.com Coffee/Tea Machines Supplies

Telos Language Services 37/17 Pilrig Heights, Edinburgh EH6 5FB T: 0131 5557121 E: cmartowicz@gmail.com Language Courses

Thomson Cooper Accountants 3 Castle Court, Carnegie Campus. Dunfermline, Fife KY11 8PB T: 01383 628800 W: www.thomsoncooper.com Accountants

Targeted Software Solutions 2 Grange Crescent, Edinburgh EH9 2EH T: 0131 4672371 E: graham@targetedit.com W: www.targeted-software-solutions.ltd.uk Computer Support Tarnish 5/11 Portland Gardens, Edinburgh EH6 6NQ T: 07595957421 E: ericastahl@hotmail.com W: www.tarnishcraft.com Jewellery Tartan Silk Public Relations 29 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QQ T: 0131 5578885 E: mail@tartansilk.co.uk W: www.tartansilk.co.uk Public Relations Taste Design 25a Stafford Street EH3 7BJ T: 0131 1112222 E: claire@tastedesign.co.uk W: www.tastedesign.co.uk Design Consultants Tax Assist Accountants 105 -107 Easter Road, Edinburgh EH7 7PP T: 0131 6595888 E: lizlaing@taxassist.co.uk W: www.taxassist.co.uk/leith Accountancy Services

Telos Partners Limited Hogarth House, 31 Sheet Street, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1BY T: 01753 833377 E: cwaymark@telospartners.com W: www.telospartners.com Management Consulting - Information Technology Tempted by Design Abbots Glade, 6 Abbots Croft, Tantallon Road, North Berwick EH34 5NG T: 07968988608 Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists Tete A Tete 22/7 Comiston Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 6AH T: 07751498654 E: info@teteatetefoto.com W: www.teteatetefoto.com Photographers - Social TFc Travel Management Flight House, 3-4 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6JA T: 0131 4777777 E: enquiry@ftctm.com W: www.tfctm.com Travel Agents & Tour Operators Theatre of Change Limited 6/3 Glenfinlas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AQ T: 0131 2261760 E: paul@theatreofchange.co.uk W: www.theatreofchange.co.uk Bullying & Harassment Consultancy

Thomson Print & Packaging Unit 3, West Telferton, Edinburgh EH7 6UL T: 0131 6574066 W: www.thomsonprint.com Planning - Supervisors Thrive for Business Limited 1 North Charlotte Street, Top Floor, Edinburgh EH2 4HR T: 0131 5263104 E: amanda.kremer@thriveforbusiness.co.uk W: www.thriveforbusiness.co.uk Business & Management Services Tidalfire Limited 42 St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SX T: 0131 5101240 E: info@tidalfire.com W: www.tidalfire.com Training Services Tie Limited Tie Limited, 65 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5HD T: 0131 6228300 E: comms@tie.ltd.uk W: www.tie.ltd.uk Transport Tierra Data Recovery Unit 8, Buckle House, Mcsense Business Enterprise Park, 32 Sycamore Road, Dalkeith EH22 5TA T: 0845 0940027 E: info@tierra.co.uk W: www.tierra.co.uk Data Recovery

TheSmartClub Limited 1 Corbie Hill Park, Edinburgh EH4 5EQ T: 0131 3126872 E: fiona@thesmartclub.com W: www.thesmartclub.com Clubs/Societies

Tiger Advisers Limited 91a George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES T: 0131 2439950 E: office@tigeradvisers.co.uk W: www.tigeradvisers.co.uk Financial Advisors - Corporate

Taxi Training Services 17 Swanston Gardens, Edinburgh EH10 7DJ T: 0131 4771352 E: jekerlin@aol.com Training, For Taxi Driving

Things Pretty 23A Magdala Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5BD T: 07783289273 E: eleanor@thingspretty.com W: www.thingspretty.com Gift Shops

Tiger Developments 9 Clifford Street, London W1S 2FT T: 0207 7584730 E: ep@tigerdevelopments.com W: www.tigerdevelopment.com Property Development/Building

Tal Cpt Land Development LLP Maxim 3, The Management Suite, 2 Parklands Avenue, Euro Central, Lanark ML1 4UF Development - Companies

Tayburn Limited 15 Kittle Yards, Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PJ T: 0131 6620662 E: tayburn@tayburn.co.uk W: www.tayburn.co.uk Branding

Thinktastic 89 Giles Street, Edinburgh EH6 6BZ T: 0131 5542807 E: mike@thinktastic.co.uk W: www.thinktastic.co.uk Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Timberbush Tours 555 Castlehill, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 2ND T: 0131 2266066 E: tours@timberbushtours.com W: www.timberbushtours.com Tour Operators

Tandem Digital Marketing Mitchell House, 4 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BD T: 0131 6235038 E: siobhan@tandemdigital.co.uk W: www.tandemdigital.co.uk Marketing Services

TBEx Ltd Ashley House, 4 Bon Accord Crescent, Aberdeen AB11 6DH T: 01224 574123 E: info@tbex.com W: www.tbex.com Brokers

Thistle Foundation, The Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh EH16 4EA T: 0131 6613366 E: fundraising@thistle.org.uk W: www.thistle.org.uk Charities & Benevolent Organisations

Time 4 Golf in Scotland Limited Upper Ground Floor, 11a Alexandra Place, St Andrews KY16 9XD T: 01334 476290 E: yen.ren@time4golfinscotland.com.cn W: www.time4golfinscotland.com.cn Tourist Services

T Ward Shipping Limited 3 John’s Place, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7EL T: 0131 5541231 E: shipping@tward.co.uk W: www.tward.co.uk Shipping & Forwarding Agents

Tax Assist Accountants (Edinburgh West) 21/1 Mid Steil, Edinburgh EH10 5XB T: 0131 5139950 E: reneemackay@taxassist.co.uk W: www.taxassist.co.uk/reneemackay Accountancy Services

T-Mobile UK Limited Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9BW T: 07956390058 E: alex.fowlis@t-mobile.co.uk W: www.t-mobile.co.uk Telephones, Mobile

Tangram Furnishers Limited 33/37 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DH T: 0131 5566551 E: julian@tangramfurnishers.co.uk W: www.tangramfurnishers.co.uk Office Furniture Supplies Tania Watson Creative Coaching 4 Pear Tree Cottages, Main Road, Knockholt, Kent TN14 7JA T: 01959 534530 E: tania@twcreativecoaching.com W: www.twcreativecoaching.com Business Coaching


Tapdrop Limited 16 Cramond Glebe Gardens, Edinburgh EH4 6NZ T: 0131 3127469 E: info@tapdrop.com W: www.tapdrop.com Computer Software - Consultants

Technology Consult 60a George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LR T: 0845 4742569 E: robin@technologyconsult.co.uk W: www.technologyconsult.co.uk Computer Software - Developers Techs in the City 21 Hill Street, Edinburgh EH2 3JP T: 0845 6210852 E: info@techsinthecity.co.uk W: www.techsinthecity.co.uk Computer Support

Thomas and Adamson 10 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh EH3 6DL T: 0131 2254072 E: mail@thomasandadamson.com W: www.thomasandadamson.com Construction Consultants Thomson & Partners Thomson House, 4A Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LD T: 0131 5578470 E: mail@thomson-partners.com W: www.thomson-partners.com Engineers/Constructing/Civil & Structural

Time Recruitment Services Limited 10 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2DP T: 0131 6239299 E: ianburns@timerecruitment.co.uk W: www.timerecruitment.co.uk Recruitment/Personnel Agencies Time Twisters Limited Unit 5 Catalyst Trade Park, 2B Bankhead Drive, Edinburgh EH11 4EJ T: 0131 3082464 E: info@timetwisters.co.uk W: www.timetwisters.co.uk Playground Equipment


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TMC Corporate Events & Entertainment Limited 40/12 Hardengreen Business Park, Dalhousie Road, Dalkeith EH22 3NU T: 0131 6541000 E: info@tmcentertainment.co.uk W: www.tmcentertainment.co.uk Entertainment Services Tods Murray LLP Edinburgh Quay, 133 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh EH3 9AG T: 0131 6562000 E: susan.mcfadyen@todsmurray.com W: www.todsmurray.com Solicitors Tom Brown Inspections 7 Wester Drylaw Drive, Edinburgh EH4 2SS T: 0131 3320637 E: tom@tombrowninspections.co.uk Instrument & Control Equipment Toroa Limited Flat 4, 36 Leinster Square, London W2 4NQ T: 07874052895 E: michael@toroa.net W: www.rockdynamic.com Management Consultants/Training Totseat Limited 8 Doune Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 6DY T: 0131 2266064 E: info@totseat.com W: www.totseat.com Retail Traders The Touch Agency 4 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7AU T: 0131 2204545 E: martin@thetouchagency.co.uk W: www.thetouchagency.co.uk Design Consultants Tower Mains Limited 18E Liberton Brae, Edinburgh EH16 6AE T: 0131 6647838 E: info@towermains.co.uk W: www.towermains.co.uk Research & Development Tower Mains Studios Limited 18 Liberton Brae, Edinburgh EH16 6AE T: 0131 6661196 E: towermainsstudios@blueyonder.co.uk Property For Rental Tower Productions Limited Unit 8, Forth Industrial Centre, Sealcar Street, Edinburgh EH5 1RF T: 0131 5520100 E: ben@tower-productions.com W: www.tower-productions.com Audio Visual Hire & Sale Town House Company, The 35 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RN T: 0131 2266050 E: reserve@townhousecompany.com W: www.townhousecompany.com Hotels Training For Care 12-14 Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4EZ T: 0131 5567773 E: info@tfcscotland.org.uk W: www.tfcscotland.org.uk Training & Consultancy Organisations

Translation Services UK 273 High Street, Linlithgow EH49 7EP T: 01506 670009 E: info@translationservicesuk.co.uk W: www.translationservicesuk.co.uk Translators & Interpreters Transolutions (Scotland) Ltd Suite 14, 196 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 4AT T: 07813213243 E: iain.lamb@transolutionsonline.co.uk Consulting Engineers The Travel Company Edinburgh Murrayburgh House, 17 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 6DD T: 0131 4677000 E: enq@ttce.com W: www.ttce.com Travel Agents & Tour Operators Traveleads 7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AH T: 0131 7184000 E: mmonteith@traveleads.net W: www.traveleads.co.uk Travel - Business Travelodge Hotels Limited Sleepy Hollow, Aylesbury Road, Thame, Oxon OX9 3AT T: 01844 358500 E: ruth.mcpherson@travelodge.co.uk W: www.travelodge.co.uk Hotels Traverse Theatre (Scotland) Limited 10 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh EH1 2ED T: 0131 2283223 E: info@traverse.co.uk W: www.traverse.co.uk Theatres/Concert Halls Tree of Knowledge Unit 21, Dunfermline Business Centre, Izatt Avenue, Dunfermline KY11 3BZ T: 01383 621648 E: happy@treeof.com W: www.treeof.com Educational & Training Consultants Trees 4 Scotland 12 Silverknowes Eastway, Edinburgh EH4 5NQ T: 07714343158 E: gus@trees4scotland.com Environmental Services Trespass Limited 149 Vermont Street, Kinning Park, Glasgow G41 1LU T: 0141 5688000 E: fraserc@trespass.co.uk Clothing Trident Building Consultancy Limited Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, The Exchange, Edinburgh EH3 8EB T: 0131 2006147 E: stewart.rutherford@tridentbc.com W: www.tridentbc.com Building Consultants Trig Avionics Limited 42 Heriot-Watt Research Park, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AP T: 0131 4498810 E: enquiries@trig-avionics.com W: www.trig-avionics.com Aircraft Accessories

Transform Business and Training Consultancy Ltd 12 Forkneuk Road, Uphall EH52 6BL T: 01506 852476 E: barbaramccrory@btinternet.com Training & Consultancy Organisations

Trinem Consulting Limited 9 Sanderson House, 11 Maritime Street, Edinburgh EH6 6SB T: 0131 2714456/4457 E: info@trinem.com W: www.trinem.com Computer Consultants

Transglobal Freight Management Unit 1C West Craigs Industrial Estate, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 8NR T: 0131 3178000 E: carol.mcnaughton@tgfml.com Freight Forwarding

Trinity Domestic Appliane Repairs Limited Unit 8, 5 Tartraven Place, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn EH52 5LT T: 01506 852715 E: enquiries@trinitydomestics.co.uk Domestic Appliances

Trust Housing Association Limited 12 New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL T: 0131 4444923 E: ameldrum@trustha.org.uk Housing Associations, Developers, Societies & Trusts Trustcare Scotland Limited 92 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6RP T: 0131 5399339 E: trustcare1@aol.com W: www.trustcarescotland.co.uk Health Care TSG Scotland Pentland Estate, Loanhead EH20 9QW T: 0131 4482400 E: tom.ohara@tsg.com W: www.tsg.com Computer Software - Developers Tsuko Limited 4 Shore Place, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6SW T: 0845 6801500 E: enquiries@tsuko.co.uk W: www.tsuko.co.uk Branding Turcan Connell Princes Exchange, 1 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh EH3 9EE T: 0131 2288111 E: louise.keane@turcanconnell.com W: www.turcanconnell.com Lawyers Turley Associates 2 Multrees Walk, Edinburgh EH1 3DQ T: 0131 5571099 W: www.turleyassociates.co.uk Planning - Consultants Tuskite Photography Lake View, Mill End, Bardwell -On-Sea Minster, Essex CMO 7HJ T: 0131 4776594 E: graham@grahamcarniephotography.co.uk W: www.grahamcarniephotography.co.uk Photographers - Advertising & Fashion Tutornet Limited 10 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP T: 07810698538 E: martin@tutornet.co.uk W: www.tutornet.co.uk Online Learning And Assesment Twist Training 2 Laurel Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1NY T: 07811214038 E: jo@twist-training.com W: www.twist-training.com Educational & Training Consultants Twisted Ribbons 24/4 Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 4BL T: 0141 3436206 E: alison_sinclair@hotmail.co.uk Image Design

U UK Business Continuity Limited 16 St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SU T: 0131 6257149 E: info@edinburghcontinuity.com W: www.edinburghcontinuity.com Disaster Recovery Unicorr Consultancy, The 36 Mayfield Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1RZ T: 0131 6679622 E: christina@unicorrconsultancy.co.uk W: www.unicorrconsultancy.co.uk Counselling Services/Advice/Coaching Uniformity 5 North Gyle Road, Edinburgh EH12 8ET T: 0131 3393007 E: kay.haxton-thomson@blueyonder.co.uk Uniforms/Business Clothing/Staff Wear

Unique Marketing Solutions 15/4 The Steils, Edinburgh EH10 5XD T: 0131 4470438 E: info@uniquemarketingsolutions.co.uk W: www.uniquemarketingsolutions.co.uk Innovative Marketing United Wire Limited Granton Park Avenue, Edinburgh EH5 1HT T: 0131 5526241 E: info@unitedwire.com W: www.unitedwire.com Wireworkers & Wireweavers Units-2let.com 151 Liberton Brae, Edinburgh EH6 6LD T: 0131 6643448 E: mumtaz664@hotmail.com W: www.units-2let.com Property For Rental University of Edinburgh Business School 7 Bristo Square, Edinburgh EH8 9AL T: 0131 6508070 E: sandra.peddie@ed.ac.uk W: www.business-school.ed.ac.uk Educational & Training Establishments UP Associates 8 Hursted Avenue, East Houses, Dalkeith EH22 4HR T: 0131 6601212 Innovative Marketing Upstream IT 40 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4HQ T: 0131 2207605 E: info@upstreamit.co.uk W: www.upstreamit.co.uk Computer Systems UPVC Manufacturers Limited 29/1 Hardengreen Industrial Estate, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 3NX T: 0131 6605993 E: invisiontrade@fsmail.net W: www.invisionwindows.co.uk Double Glazing, Materials & Installation Urban Dream Property 16 Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7BT T: 0131 5611080 W: www.urbandreamproperty.co.uk Property Management/Agents Urban Niche Social Limited 77A Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3RJ T: 0845 3006081 E: info@urban-niche.net W: www.urban-niche.net Marketing Consultants Urban Paintball Edinburgh limited 8/14 Western Harbour Terrace, Edinburgh EH6 6JN T: 07908739553 E: robin.knox@yahoo.co.uk Sports, Indoor URS Corporation Limited 8B McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4LZ T: 0131 5248420 E: colin_s_mcpherson@urscorp.com W: www.urscorp.com Civil Geotechnical & Structural Engineers Useful Students Limited Hilltop Hall, Hilltop Lane, Pannal, Harrogate HG3 1PA T: 01423 879924 E: andrew@usefulstudents.com W: www.usefulstudents.com Employment Agencies & Consultants User Vision 55 North Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3QA T: 0131 2250850 E: chris@uservision.co.uk W: www.uservision.co.uk Web Hosting

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Members by A-Z User2 Computers 4 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh EH8 9JE T: 0131 6629955 E: info@user2.net W: www.user2.net Computer Hardware - Manufacturers/Suppliers Utoporium 47/6 Cumberland Street, New Town, Edinburgh EH3 6RA T: 07894236522 E: greig.anderson@mac.com W: www.utoporiun.com E-Commerce

V Valvona & Crolla Limited 19 Elm Row, Edinburgh EH7 4AA T: 0131 5566066 E: sales@valvonacrolla.co.uk W: www.valvonacrolla..co.uk Retail Traders Varma Business Solutions Aum House, 131b Sigo Road, Enniskillen, Cofernianagh, Ireland B174 7JY T: 02866 329323 E: svarma@skvgroup.com Web Development Vast Blue Limited 111 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4JN T: 0131 2255663 E: ben@vastblue.co.uk W: www.vastblue.co.uk Computer Software - Developers VB Business Development 6/17 Commercial Wharf, Edinburgh EH6 6LF T: 07955698920 E: vb@vbbd.co.uk Business Development Organisations Veecom Systems 4 Broughton Market, Edinburgh EH3 6NU T: 0131 5578300 E: nick@veecom.co.uk W: www.veecom.co.uk Mobile Communication Services Vegware PO Box 27119, Edinburgh EH10 5WN T: 0845 6430406 E: info@vegware.co.uk Food Packaging & Materials Veolia Water Seafield WWTW, 20 Marine Esplanade, Edinburgh EH6 7RS T: 07717720188 E: alex.mctear@veoliawater.co.uk W: www.veoliawater.co.uk Water Treatment Verbatim Services Limited 8 Rattray Crescent, Edinburgh EH10 5TT T: 0131 5122095 E: sue@verbatimservices.co.uk W: www.verbatimservices.co.uk Translators & Interpreters Verdex Roslin Biocentre, Wallace Building , Roslin, Edinburgh EH25 9PP T: 0131 2006350 E: bill@verdex.co.uk W: www.verdex.co.uk Chemical Products/Equipment Wholesale Verify Europe Limited 1 Turpyn Court, Woughton On The Green, Milton Keynes MK6 3BW T: 0845 6432501 E: verify@verify-europe.net W: www.verify-europe.net Quality Assurance


Viajar Por Escocia 25/1 Crighton Place, Edinburgh EH7 4NY E: info@viajarporescocia.com W: www.viajarporescocia.com Tour Guides Victoria Park House Hotel 221 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH6 4NN T: 0131 4777033 E: info@vphotel.co.uk W: www.vphotel.co.uk Hotels - Restaurants/Cafes Victoria Rigalia Limited 9 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL T: 0131 2253355 E: enquiry@victoriarigalia.com W: www.victoriarigalia.com Embroidery Design & Manufacture Virgin Money 4th Floor, 15-21 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T: 01603 215521 E: steve.love@virginmoney.com Banks & Financial Institutions Virgin Trains 5th Floor, Caledonian Chambers, 87 Union Street, Glasgow G1 3TA T: 0141 3354705 E: karen.hattie@virgintrains.co.uk W: www.virgintrains.com Transport Viridor Waste Management Dunbar Laudfill, Oxwell Mains, Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1SW T: 0141 7819151 E: cbarber@viridor-waste.co.uk W: www.viridor-waste.co.uk Waste Management Virtuallythere 68 Saughtonhall Drive, Edinburgh EH12 5TL T: 0131 4774646 E: info@virtuallytherefinance.com W: www.virtuallytherefinance.com Financial Advisors VirtuousIT Ltd Unit 2, Bathgate Business Centre, Whitehill Industrial Estate, Bathgate EH48 2EP T: 01506 637700 E: enquiries@virtuousit.co.uk W: www.virtuousit.co.uk Computer Support Visible Results Spa Boutique 76/4 The Green, Edinburgh EH4 5BH T: 07590618594 E: williamina.obrien@gmail.com W: www.visibleresultspaboutique.co.uk Beauty Clinics/Salons/Consultants VisitScotland.com 6 Fairways Business Park, Deer Park Avenue, Livingston EH54 8AF T: 0131 4722222 E: marco.truffelli@visitscotland.com W: www.visitscotland.com Tourist Information Visser Property Management 3 Allan Park Crescent, Edinburgh EH14 1LE T: 0131 4433800 E: vpm@inez.demon.co.uk Property Owners/Property Managers Vistage International (UK) Limited 8 Redhall House Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 1JJ T: 07889630814 E: gary.weston@vistage.co.uk W: www.vistage.co.uk Business Development Organisations Vitares 83 Craiglea Drive, Edinburgh EH10 5PQ T: 07986662851 E: james.mcginley@vitares.com Change Management Consultants

Vittoria Restaurant 113 Brunswick Street, Edinburgh EH7 5HR T: 0131 5566171 E: info@vittoriarestaurant.com W: www.vittoriarestaurant.com Restaurants/Cafes

Walker Slater 16-20 Victoria Street, Edinburgh EH1 2HG T: 0131 2202636 E: paul@walkerslater.com W: www.walkerslater.com Clothing

Viva Events 27 Craigmount Bank, Edinburgh EH4 8HQ T: 07795465373 Event Organisers/Management

Wallace Artworks 1 Whitson Road, Edinburgh EH11 3BZ T: 0844 8794104 E: info@helenwallace.co.uk W: www.wallaceartworks.co.uk Photographers - Social

The Voodoo Rooms Scotland Limited 19a West Register Street, Edinburgh EH2 2AA T: 0131 5567060 E: info@thevoodoorooms.com W: www.thevoodoorooms.com Nightclubs Vorlich Limited 13 Woodburn terrace, Edinburgh EH10 4SJ T: 0131 4470110 E: db@vorlich.com Financial & Business Consultants Vtech Solutions Limited 1 Avonhead Road, Condorat, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G67 4RA T: 07990553974 E: vtec@vtecsolutions.co.uk W: www.vtecsolutions.co.uk Monitoring & Tracking Devices & Systems VTS Royalite Clifton Hall Road, Newbridge Industrial Estate, Newbridge EH28 8TW T: 0131 3332819 E: sales@bitasheetgroup.co.uk W: www.vitasheet.com Plastic Products Manufacturers


Wallace Brown Limited 8/9 Baileyfield Crescent, Edinburgh EH15 1ET T: 0131 6690032 E: sales@wallacebrown.co.uk Office Supplies Wallace’s Arthouse Scotland 41/4 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 7BG T: 0131 5383326 E: cawallaceshaw@mac.com W: www.wallacesarthousescotland.com Guest Houses Warner Commercial 26 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LD T: 0131 6680404 E: bgibson@warnersol.com W: www.warnersol.com Solicitors Wasp Wood Works The Hayloft, Old Cardrona, Cardrona Mews, Edinburgh EH44 6PS T: 07968460153 E: wasp.wetherall@hotmail.co.uk Furniture Water Coolers (Scotland) Limited Kelty Industrial Park, Kelty, Fife KY4 0DT T: 0800 0262226 E: info@watercoolersscotland.co.uk Water Coolers

W L Gore & Associates (UK) Limited Kirkton South Road, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 7BT T: 01506 460123 E: lsneddon@wlgore.com W: www.gore.com Cable Manufacturers & Suppliers

Water Industry Commision for Scotland Suite 4 Ochill House, Springkerse Business Park, Stirling FK7 7XE T: 01786 430223 E: mark.nolan@watercommission.co.uk W: www.watercommision.co.uk Approvals Body

W L Sleigh Limited 11a West Craigs, Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh EH12 0BD T: 0131 3399607 E: enquiries@sleigh.co.uk W: www.sleigh.co.uk Chauffeur Services

Waverley Lane 56 Hanover Street, Edinburgh EH2 2DX T: 0131 4760000 E: mail@waverleylane.co.uk W: www.waverleylane.co.uk Computer Consultants

W.A .Fairhurst & Partners 43 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2H3 T: 0131 2256741 E: edinburgh@fairhurst.co.uk W: www.fairhurst.co.uk Consulting Engineers W.V Catering 45 Ashley Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1RY T: 0773158161 E: waltervassie@hotmail.com Coffee Bars Wagner Associations Limited 39 Barclay Place, Edinburgh EH10 4HW T: 0800 0811567 E: leo.wagner@2tax.co.uk W: www.2tx.co.uk Accountants Walkabout Highlight Units 6 & 7 Omni Leisure Development, Greenside Place, Edinburgh EH1 3AA T: 0131 5249300 E: walkabout.edinburgh@intertainuk.com W: www.walkbout.eu.com / www.thehighlight.co.uk Bars/Entertainment

Waverley Management Consultants Limited 5 Savile Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 3AD T: 0131 6621955 E: info@waverley-consultants.com W: www.waverley-consultants.com Business & Management Services Weber Shandwick 9 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EB T: 0131 5566649 E: edinburgh@webershandwick.com W: www.webershandwick.com Public Relations Webit Technologies Limited 8 Stormont Place, Perth PH2 6SR T: 0871 2366776 E: info@webit-tech.co.uk W: www.webit-tech.co.uk Computer Software - Developers Weir LGE Process Young House, 42 Discovery Terrace, Heriot-Watt University Research Park, Edinburgh EH14 4AP T: 0131 3178787 E: sales@lgeprocess.com W: www.lgeprocess.com Process Engineering Contractors


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Wellwood Leslie Architects Fort Street House, Fort Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 2AB T: 01382 778829 E: info@wellwoodleslie.com W: www.wellwoodleslie.com Property Services

Whole Works, The Jackson Close, 209 Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 1PZ T: 0131 2258092 E: enquiries@thewholeworks.co.uk W: www.thewholeworks.co.uk Health Consultants

West End Store 7 Melville Place, Edinburgh EH3 7PR T: 0131 2254101 E: kashfiyousaf@hotmail.com Grocery & Provision Merchants

Whyte and Mackay Ltd 310 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5RG T: 0141 2496274 E: hazel.clark@whyteandmackay.com W: www.whyteandmackay.com Scotch Whisky & Other Spirits

Westfield Health Scheme Westfield House, 87 Division Street, Sheffield S1 1HT T: 0845 6021629 E: swatt@westfieldhealth.com W: www.westfieldhealth.com Health Care What’s Next Business Consultancy 98 Blackford Avenue, Edinburgh EH9 3ES T: 0131 4781831 E: fay@whats-next.co.uk W: www.whats-next.co.uk Market Research & Analysis Whisky Barrel (Scotland) Limited, The PO BOX 23803, Edinburgh EH6 7WW T: 0845 2248156 E: info@thewhiskybarrel.com W: www.thewhiskybarrel.com Mail Order Agents & Companies Whisky Club Bogotá Number 3, 36D Murrayfield Road, Edinburgh EH12 6ER T: 07803242313 E: andrew@gpwolffe.com Private Members Whisky Mad 32 Castle Street, Clackmannan, Clackmannanshire FK10 4EJ T: 01259 727829 E: regis@regiswhiskymad.co.uk W: www.regiswhiskymad.co.uk Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality White Blossom Designs 3F1 164 Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh EH16 5DX T: 0131 6621189 E: whiteblossomdesigns@yahoo.co.uk W: www.whiteblossomdesigns.com Stationery Whiteburn Projects Limited Clock Tower, 1 Jackson’s Entry, Holyrood, Edinburgh EH8 8PJ T: 0131 5582710 E: john@whiteburn.co.uk W: www.whiteburn.co.uk Property & Estate Developers

Wilkies Limited 85 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4AY T: 0131 4462555 E: d.wilkie@wilkies.co.uk W: www.wilkies.co.uk Clothing Will Rudd Davidson Edinburgh Limited 43 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3HP T: 0131 5575255 E: edinburgh@ruddconsult.com Engineers/Constructing/Civil & Structural William Duff 31 Lochend Gardens, Edinburgh EH7 6DG T: 0131 6619299 E: william@duff00.freeserve.co.uk Communications Systems & Services William Main Ewshot Hall Cottage, Heath Lane, Ewshot, Farnham GU10 5AL T: 01252 851008 Business Advisers Williams de Broë Donaldson House, 97 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5HD T: 0131 5171000 E: laura.hutton@wdebroe.com W: www.wdebroe.com Financial Services Wilson James Centrex House, 1 Simpson Parkway, Kirkton Campus, Livingston EH54 7BH T: 01506 497895 E: jamie.macpherson@wilsonjames.co.uk W: www.wilsonjames.co.uk Security Services Winton House Winton House, Pencaitland EH34 5AT T: 01875 340222 E: julie@wintonhouse.co.uk W: www.wintonhouse.co.uk Stately Homes

Whitekirk Golf & Country Club Whitekirk, North Berwick EH39 5PR T: 01620 870300 Golf Courses

Wireless Fibre Systems Ltd Unit 3A, 3 Michaelson Square, Livingston EH54 7DP T: 0845 8626600 E: info@wirelessfibre.co.uk W: www.wirelessfibre.co.uk Communications Systems & Services

Whitelaw Wells 9 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AT T: 0131 2265822 E: mail@whitelawwells.co.uk W: www.whitelawwells.co.uk Chartered Accountants

The Witchery By The Castle Castlehill, Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 2NF T: 0131 2255613 E: mail@thewitchery.com W: www.thewitchery.com Restaurants/Cafes

Woodroyd Care Limited 1 Rattray Loan, Edinburgh EH10 5TQ E: igilchr@aol.com Care Home For Elderly Word of Mouth Communication 33 India Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HE T: 0131 2205233 E: info@wordofmouth.co.uk W: www.wordofmouth.co.uk Publishers Words Agency, The 20 Minto Street, Newington, Edinburgh EH9 1RQ T: 0131 6684355 E: chris@thewordsagency.co.uk Editorial Services Work 4 Health Limited The Red House, 1 Cluny Gardens, Edinburgh EH10 6BE T: 0131 4478655 E: work4health@hotmail.com W: www.work4health.co.uk Health Consultants Workflo Solutions Unit 4, East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn EH52 5NE T: 01506 858899 E: contact@workflo-solutions.co.uk W: www.workflo-solutions.co.uk Printers - Digital Worklegal 23 Ellliot Road, Edinburgh EH14 1DU T: 0131 5100404 E: tdy@worklegal.co.uk W: www.worklegal.co.uk Employment Law Workplace Connections 94 Oldwood Place, Livingston EH54 6US T: 07827325344 E: tony@workplaceconnections.co.uk W: www.workplaceconnections.co.uk Relocation Services World Language School 89 Kingsknowe Road North, Edinburgh EH14 2DG T: 0131 5385018 E: vintham.winston@gmail.com W: www.wlsedu.com Language Schools & Consultants Wright Johnston & Mackenzie 18 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DF T: 0131 2215560 E: enquiries@wjm.co.uk Solicitors www.side-spin.com Flat 9, 16 Avonmill Road, Linlithgow EH49 7QX T: 07917787214 E: stephen@side-spin.com W: www.side-spin.com Golf Equipment


Whitenoise Creative 26 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH T: 0131 5503820 E: dstrang@whitenoisecreative.com W: www.whitenoisecreative.com Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists

Wolfson Microelectronics PLC Westfield House, 26 Westfield Road, Edinburgh EH11 2QB T: 0131 2727000 W: www.wolfsonmicro.com Semi Conductors

Xpress Recruitment Limited First Floor, Unit 1 Straiton View, Edinburgh EH20 9NQ T: 0131 4401960 E: gaynor@xpressrecruitment.com W: www.xpressrecruitment.com Recruitment/Personnel Agencies

Whitespace (Scotland) Limited 7/8 Randolph Place, Edinburgh EH3 7TE T: 0131 6255500 E: iain@whitespacers.com W: www.whitespacers.com Corporate Communications & Design

Wonderland Toys Limited 97 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9AN T: 0131 2296428 E: iainandrewreid@btconnect.com W: www.wonderlandmodels.com Model Makers

Xuido 25/1 Crighton place, Edinburgh EH7 4NY T: 01798 8400113 E: info@xuido.com W: www.xuido.com Language Courses

Y Yakety Yak Language Café 7 Mortonhall Park Grove, Edinburgh EH17 8SJ E: mail@yaketyyak-languagecafe.co.uk W: www.yaketyyak-languagecafe.co.uk Language Courses Ye Olde Inn Limited 25 Main Street, Davidson Mains, Edinburgh EH4 5BZ T: 0131 3362437 E: grant@etiennegroup.com Bars/Entertainment Young Development Centre 14/12 Dumbiedykes Road, Edinburgh EH8 9UR E: uk@youngydc.com W: www.youngydc.com Language Schools & Consultants Young Set Ambassadors Edinburgh Technology Transfer Centre, Aldrick Building, Kings Building, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JL T: 0131 4724824 E: enquiries@youngsetambassadors.com W: www.youngsetambassadors.com Careers Service Yours Sincerely 4 Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh EH12 9DQ T: 0131 3386112 E: info@yours-sincerely.net W: www.yours-sincerely.net Dating Services

Z Zero7 Zero4 60 Loganlea Road, Edinburgh EH7 6NP T: 07917683366 E: graham@zero7zero4.com W: www.zero7zero4.com Graphic/Web Designers & Commercial Artists Zinc 2000 Limited 6/11 Western Harbour Place, Edinburgh EH6 6NG T: 0131 5543005 E: tinaf@zinc2000.co.uk Management Consultants/Training Zipper Tie Company Ltd, The 2/14 East Pilton Farm Rigg, Edinburgh EH5 2GD T: 07595032238 E: chrisgibson@me.com Fashion Accessories Zone Letting Limited 30 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh EH3 5AL T: 0131 2257799 E: info@zoneletting.com W: www.zoneletting.com Property Management/Agents Zuzanna 12/2 Tower Place, Edinburgh EH6 7B2 T: 07738624323 E: anakocela@googlemail.com Translators & Interpreters

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ECC Directory 2010.indd 184

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Advertisers index 9G Success Through Seeing 113, 143

First Scottish Group 186

A H Bell & Co. (Insurance Brokers) Limited 76, 130, 134

Fulcrum IEB 56

A4E Scotland 58, 130

General Mills Berwock Limited 51

Abacus Asset Finance Limited 79, 131

Gravitate HR 133

Able People Development 112, 127

Heriot AV 124

ADT Fire and Security PLC 141

Hithut Recordings 100

Alan Grant Associates 45, 47, 126

Hot Frog Media 128

Apex Hotels Limited 103

IMB Landscapes 135

Ask Business Development Limited 114, 143

Integrity Insurance 78

B&M Joiners (Edinburgh) 63, 134

Intuitive Documentations Limited 58, 139

Baillie Signs 33, 62

Ixsurvey Limited 80, 84, 137

Bank of Scotland 66, 70

K S. Leisure 45

Baxter Studio - Architects 31

Kalewater Limited 45, 140

Begbies Traynor 72

Kings Manor Hotel - Best Western 103

Best Practice Limited 118, 132, 133, 137, 143

Louis James Furniture 132

Bethany Christian Trust 28, 126, 142

Lynx Networking 134

Blue Parrot Production and Event 62, 100, 130

Marie Louise Cochrane 50, 141

Bonaccord 94, 135

Mecy Corps 27

Border Crossing Media 30, 129, 137, 143

Mercedes Benz of Edinburgh 06

Brodie MacLean 79, 133

Morton Fraser LLP 92

Caledonia Asset Management Limited 74

No 1 Currency 122

Caledonian Health Solutions 177

Nuffield Health Medical Centre 120

Cameron Presentations Limited 100

Pentland Format Office Supplies 137

Castle Park Guest House 132

Pihl UK Limited 46, 128

Central Radio Taxis 142

Remploy 64

Cherrybank Dental Spa 121

Royal Zoological Society of Scotland 55

Civic Limited 36, 145

Scotlift Systems Limited 138

Cleaners R Us 126

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisation 144

Communicate 112, 144

Scottish Flood Forum 144

Communicate Mailing Solutions 129

Scottish Qualifications Authority 110, 188

Curtins Consulting Engineers 142

SEStran 144

Cyrenians Community Interest Company 41

Sir Robert McAlpine Limited 127

David Brown Lighting Cons Limited 50, 135

Smart Design Print Limited 139

Davidson Morris Solicitors 94

Sterling FP 131

Dawson Creative 45

TAL CPT Land Development LLP 98

Distinctive Publishing 74, 145

The Christmas Decoration 126

DJ Manning Limited 140

The Sick Kids Foundation 55

Dron and Dickson Limited 03

Those Media Guys 144

DTR Services Limited 51, 129

TIE 44

East of Scotland KTP Centre 36

Turcan Connell 86, 90, 131, 134, 135, 142

E-Business Promotion Limited 02, 04, 54

Visobelle Displays 142

Edinburgh Apartments Limited 47

Webit Technologies Limited 60, 127

Edinburgh City Private Hire Limited 63

West Lothian College 104, 108, 129

Edinburgh Mailing Services 53, 136

What’s Next Business Consultancy 40, 136

Edinburgh Tour Guides 143

Whitenoise Creative 52, 132


ECC BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010 ECC Directory 2010.indd 185

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First Post

ECC Directory 2010.indd 186

Legal Post

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Legal Searching Services

Document Management

01383 826777

www.firstscottish.com ECC2010FRONTCOVER.indd 2

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Directory & AnnuAl report 2009/2010

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Directory & AnnuAl report 2009/2010

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