voic e
Keeping up in an ever-changing world
Big Interview
Cover Feature
Science Park ideally placed to take advantage of opportunities
LEPs begin to make a difference
Norfolk Chamber of Commerce NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2014
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As this is the last issue of Norfolk Voice in 2014, rather than look back, I am really excited about looking forward to 2015. Chamber members have never been so engaged and determined to grow their businesses and ensure that their local environment is fit for purpose. Norfolk Chamber members working together with our public sector partners and MPs, have made great strides towards getting significant funding into the County and the infrastructure improvements that are so overdue. There is still a long way to go, but we do get the feeling that Norfolk is well and truly on the Government’s agenda and we need to ensure that this turns into action not platitudes. Fast Broadband speeds and good mobile coverage are no longer ‘nice to haves’ within the business world and finding solutions to achieve this is a major priority for the Chamber in 2015.
18 25
Business Support
Chamber News
30 33
05 06
Members News
36 39
Commercial Property
08 09
Members News
10 11
Chamber Policy
International Trade
16 17
The Big Interview
26 29
Cover Feature
42 45
Members News
13 15
Chamber Events
Members News
New Members
A Week in the Life of
The Last Word
To really move forward, we need to understand better the issues, wants and needs of the Norfolk business community. The generic issues are well evidenced, but what we are looking for, is for you, its business members, to articulate what would specifically help your business to be even more successful. Read about our progress towards a Business Plan for Norfolk on page 28. We are delighted to welcome Norfolk County Council’s new Managing Director, Wendy Thomson, not just to Norfolk, but as our main interviewee this issue page 16. Wendy’s first official business engagement was the opening of our ‘best ever’ October Business 2 Business Exhibition and the Chamber is very much looking forward to working with her and her team during 2015. It has been a tough economic year but as it draws to a close I feel very proud to be part of a Norfolk business community who has had the quiet confidence to continue to grow their business. By taking advantage of new opportunities, using innovative technology and developing a loyal and skilled workforce. It is still tough out there but the Norfolk Chamber Team will be around to help its members take advantage of every opportunity in 2015!
44 Norfolk Voice is a Norfolk Chamber of Commerce publication. ALL EDITORIAL AND GENERAL ENQUIRIES: info@norfolkchamber.co.uk NORFOLK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Norwich Office: 9 Norwich Business Park, Whiting Road, Norwich NR4 6DJ Tel: 01603 625977 Fax: 01603 633032
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Caroline Williams CEO Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
A Business Plan for Norfolk – what does it look like?
Living Wage Norwich. If your business employs workers on the Minimum Wage – or sub-contracts work to other businesses that do - you need to be abreast of the Living Wage campaign and how it might affect you.
Ian Hacon President of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
As you will see from this edition of Norfolk Voice we are currently devising a Business Plan for Norfolk which, with help from our partners (New Anglia LEP, Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough LEP, Norfolk County Council and others) will focus on what is important in Norfolk. I urge you all to let us know exactly what is important to you. We recently met with our Representation Council to debate this. I was really taken with the comments from one of our larger members, who talked about better Broadband. Having better Broadband is one of the things we have campaigned for a long time. My main thoughts around this were linked to our big creative sector, engineering and other businesses who traditionally collaborated with large files being shared. Our larger member turned that on its head slightly and pointed out how they are now increasingly using video conferencing as the preferred choice over travelling to meetings. Thus pointing out that broadband was in effect replacing road and rail, as there was less need to travel. Video conferencing is not new by any stretch of the imagination, but the advances in it in the last few years have made it a highly effective medium for a meeting. I have used a certain free service a number of times for one to one coaching sessions in my business and yes, whilst face to face can be a little richer, it was highly effective. With our ever increasingly busy lives, the long day’s travel we have all done for that one hour meeting, is another contribution to the feeling of being overwhelmed by life and work that hits us all from time to time. So next time you are thinking about travelling for a meeting, think long and hard, could it be done by video conferencing?
The Living Wage is currently 20% higher than the National Minimum Wage and is designed to allow working people to experience a basic standard of living without over-reliance on charities and tax-payer funded benefits. Living Wage Norwich believes that paying people less than a Living Wage is unacceptable but we know that businesses also need to look at the bottom line.
So how can the Living Wage be beneficial to you? The Greater London Authority polled Living Wage employers and found cost-savings in several areas, in particular, recruitment and retention of staff, absenteeism and productivity. Staff turnover dropped by up to 18% and employers reported “substantial” savings on the costs of recruitment. They also reported a better quality of applicants. 80% of companies believed that work quality improved and others linked the introduction of the Living Wage to work re-organisations, while also reporting better relations with Trades Unions in their workplaces. All of the firms felt that there were reputational benefits, and this corresponds with public opinion; the Living Wage is popular - 83% of people believe the Minimum wage “isn’t enough to meet living costs” (Source: Survation 2012). There is good evidence of the impact on sales. Three quarters of working people (74%) said they would be “more likely” to buy products or services from a company that pays its workforce the Living Wage, and a majority even if “they had to pay more”. Over the past decade or so, many retailers and producers have come to understand the consumer appeal of ethical branding like “Fair Trade”. The Living Wage is “fair trade for British workers” and has its own logo for accredited employers. It is a powerful incentive for buyers, tapping into both the ‘soft’ sector of altruist-consumers and to the more traditional end of the consumer spectrum. Maybe it’s time you looked at how your business might become a Living Wage employer?
Norfolk Chamber AGM. Notice has hereby been given that the 118th Annual General Meeting of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce will beheld at the Dunston Hall Hotel, Ipswich Road, Norwich on Friday 28 November 2014 with registration at 10am for commencement of the meeting at 10.15am. The agenda and all relevant documentation was posted on the Norfolk Chamber website 28 days prior to the date of the AGM.
Women in Energy Network Group - WEN. WEN Group is an invitation based business networking group for Women Leaders in the Energy industry. With the aim of promoting independence, empowerment and boosting self-confidence to help women achieve their potential.
Emma Bishop, the Chair for WEN has been a Senior Manager in the energy industry for more than seven years. Emma is not alone in saying that the industry has many opportunities for development and growth for both males and females but without collaboration and investment from the major players the current status quo will remain the same. The East of England Energy Group (Eeegr) has provided WEN with some interesting statistics, based on their memberships just 19% of members are female, with 1% representing women at director level. Armed with this information WEN has the opportunity to increase these percentages by engaging the industry and offering support, advice and mentoring to women wishing to carve a successful career in the energy sector.
WEN was established in June 2014 by Women leaders in the East of England. The group’s main purpose and focus over the coming 12 months is to: n Provide Networking opportunities for local women leaders in the Energy industry; n To provide motivational support structures and activities; n To raise the profile and awareness of Women Leaders in the local Energy Industry; n To accelerate the advancement of women locally in the Energy industry; n To share best practise, education and experience; n To support the development of females in the industry in leadership and technical skills;
n To highlight the gender deficit and encourage businesses to proactively redress the current imbalance Without a doubt, the offshore industry is male dominated … statistical evidence shows that 96.3% of offshore workers are men. There are several reasons for the energy industry not appearing to be attractive to females … a lack of career guidance given during educational years regarding roles available offshore, the perception that the industry can be harsh, lonely and male dominated and where career progression for women would seem unlikely.
Emma said: “A key part of the group’s charter is to dispel any negative image the energy industry may have, especially to young aspiring female leaders. Also to create greater awareness, offer support and encourage the development of women in all areas including management and technical roles while sharing best practice” With the focus and commitment of the WEN members, the group believes it can help the industry unlock it’s true potential by embracing diversity and therefore make a real and positive contribution to the Southern Sector of the North Sea.
Top customer service scores for Abellio Greater Anglia employees. Abellio Greater Anglia has recognised employees at its Customer Contact Centre for delivering excellent customer service which saw them score top marks in a recent ‘mystery shopping’ survey. Amanda Green and Estelle Christie, both from Norwich, work in the train operator’s Customer Contact Centre in Norwich as Customer Relations Advisors and were praised for their
friendly, helpful and professional manner when dealing with customers’ enquiries on the telephone. Both received a score of 100% for excellent customer service when secretly assessed by mystery shoppers whilst carrying out their duties – Amanda’s eighth 100% score in the last two years! Amanda has clocked up 23 years’ service with the railway since joining at the age of 19 and working first as an On Train Catering Assistant and then in Retail Communications as a Train Announcer before joining the Customer Relations team.
New office KTIB wins ‘Commercial for Hugh Insurance Broker of the Year’. J Boswell. KTIB Corporate Risks in Norwich have just scooped the highly prestigious accolade of ‘Commercial Insurance Broker of the Year’ at the UK Broker Awards 2014, despite it being one of the most hotly contested categories of the event. The gala award ceremony took place at The Brewery in London and was attended by over 500 of the industry’s most influential figures. Robin Plaster, Managing Director, said:“Winning this award recognises the extent to which KTIB Corporate Risks has evolved over the past few years, to become what is widely acknowledged as one of the most dynamic and innovative Insurance Brokers in the UK”. John Knowlden, Broking Director (pictured) attended the event and accepted the award on behalf of the company.
Hat trick for JRT Renewables. JRT Renewables has had a successful three years in business since launching in 2011 and has been nominated in each of these years at the National Energy and Efficiency Awards. In 2012 the companies owner and installer Jason Hodds was Highly commended for “New MCS Installer 2012” and in 2013 went on to win “Rising Star of the year”. This has been a fantastic achievement for Jason and JRT who have now gone onto to be shortlisted in the highly coveted “Biomass Installer of the Year” for 2014.
Hugh J Boswell is set to expand its reach in the southern regions of East Anglia by opening a second office in Bury St Edmunds. Serving clients nationwide, the company has been supplying commercial insurance and risk management solutions from its Norfolk headquarters for more than a century. Having seen significant recent growth in its East Anglia client base outside Norfolk, Peter Foster, Managing Director, explained that a second branch was needed. He said: “We have been keen to develop a base in Bury St Edmunds for some time so that we are nearer to our clients in Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex and can be more effectively integrated within their business communities. This is the right time to make the move.” With the new office opening in September, the first new recruit at the Bury St Edmunds branch was Joanne Hocking, who joins the company as an Account Executive to support the continued growth of the Community Broking division.
Traded Network present £540 to charity. Traded Network Limited who runs Chariti.org.uk, an online business directory that raises money for good causes, presented a cheque for £540 to the East Coast Truckers Charity at their 29th annual convoy celebrations in Great Yarmouth. Jonathan White, Managing Director of Traded Network said, “Since May this year 36 local businesses have joined the directory in support of the East Coast Truckers charity. Each business
that joins the directory chooses a charity to which we donate part of the annual fee. It’s a great way for businesses to connect with local charities and in return it provides them with a unique way to market their own business. East Coast Truckers is an amazing charity delivering loads of fun to special children throughout the year and we are delighted to have them onboard which enables us to help with their fundraising.”
Do you know if you are making the best impression on your customers to keep them coming back? Shopper Anonymous is a leading mystery shopping company in the UK, fast becoming known for its quality feedback, detailed reports and client support.
Over the past 19 years, Shopper Anonymous has completed more than 250,000 mystery shops and is renowned for its quality and professionalism. Using a variety of mystery visits to track the experience, and a highly trained team of shoppers, our clients receive third party feedback on all aspects of the customer journey from first to lasting impression using some of the most detailed and factual reports in the marketplace.
to really give our clients’ teams the confidence they need to develop a great service standard.
In addition, we offer powerful, bespoke customer service and sales training solutions
Research shows that we have a very discerning customer and so with this rising customer expectation, we believe that to stay competitive,
We support and mentor a range of businesses where the customer is integral to them. Our vast portfolio of clients from independents to multi-national companies with a variety of needs include those in legal services, retail, garden centres, hospitality, care homes, optical, tourism and education.
organisations must invest in customer insight and continuously review their customer service skills, capabilities and standards. If you are keen to grow sales and profits through a service driven culture, we would be delighted to help. Judy Randon, Regional Director, Shopper Anonymous Norfolk & Suffolk Tel: 01508 499156 Email: judy.randon@shopperanonymous.co.uk www.shopperanonymous.co.uk
Firms urged to seek undiscovered ‘pot of gold’. An exporter advisor is urging businesses to join the growing numbers of companies seeking the undiscovered ‘pot of gold’ offered by foreign markets.
willing to explore the opportunities presented by international trade. Put simply, businesses can grow their profits by taking a few simple steps. “We’re working to encourage this growing export movement. We create new and improved revenue sources for UK businesses by opening up exporting opportunities in existing and additional markets.” Of the 2,000 companies surveyed, more than one in 10 expect to export beyond the EU and the US markets, which traditionally dominate UK trade. Almost one in five entrepreneurs aged 25-44 are trading with China already and one in six are trading with India and Russia, the report found.
Six in 10 small firms expect to be exporting by 2016 representing a 20 per cent increase on current levels, according to a new YouGov survey.
Tim has more than 15 years’ experience as a government export adviser and a further 15 years working in the private sector as an exporter.
Tim Jelley, founder of Export Explorer which helps business create new opportunities overseas, said British businesses should not just rely on their UK trade.
He added: “As well as an extensive knowledge of international trade, we also have the local experience required in each country to win new business. From travel, culture, negotiation and routes to market, we’re specialised in all aspects of exporting.”
He said: “There’s a big wide world out their with undiscovered pots of gold available to those
Red Arrows return to SaxonAir.
Tim Jelley
Business students seek next big idea.
SaxonAir once again hosted the Royal Air Force Red Arrows, one of the world’s premier aerobatic teams.
Students on the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy business with enterprise course at City College Norwich are hoping that their innovative product and service ideas for Jessops and Canon will impress bosses and be turned into reality in high street stores.
The Reds visited the Business Aviation Centre at Norwich Airport and SaxonAir were especially privileged to be a part of their ongoing celebration for their 50th display season.
Twenty two students, working in four teams, have embarked on this exciting business challenge, which has been set by the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy (PJEA), Jessops and Canon. Students from the PJEA network nationwide have been tasked with identifying and proposing viable and innovative new business opportunities for developing photographic products and services to existing customers and recruiting new customers. The City College Norwich students have already begun conducting market research activities and have until mid-November to complete a team PowerPoint presentation to highlight their business proposals and solutions, along with a
promotional and advertising campaign and short team video. Business with Enterprise PJEA student Tate Parry, 16, from Norwich, said: “Now we’ve got our group idea we’ve really started to enjoy the challenge. I think we’re onto a winner with our new product idea!”
Group poised to capitalise on region’s growth. Capitalising on this rich seam of opportunity is a primary reason why the company has chosen to base themselves within Norwich Research Park’s new hub building, Centrum.
Centrum, Norwich Research Park’s research, innovation and business hub, is the ideal location for the new private investor network, giving the company direct access to the movers and shakers at the Park and beyond. According to Struan McDougall, Chief Executive of Anglia Capital Group “The agri-tech, food, life sciences, engineering and energy sectors, all vital for future economic prosperity, are experiencing rapid growth in the region.”
Anglia Capital Group is a private investor network developed to link angel investors to the right opportunities in Norfolk and Suffolk. The group is managed by Anglia Angels Ltd, a company established by founders and local Norfolk based members of the successful Cambridge Capital Group, which has grown to 60 member investors and supports high tech businesses around the Cambridge cluster. Through this relationship with Cambridge Capital Group, Anglia Capital Group is already well connected with most active investment funds in the region. Struan is confident of the benefits of being based at Norwich Research Park and feels it is the ideal location for Anglia Capital Group to have a presence, placing them at the centre of the innovative science and research taking place on the Park, in addition to facilitating easy access to other high growth sectors such as engineering, energy and digital technology that are thriving in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Swarm Apprenticeships expands into Suffolk.
Do you have a business challenge UEA could help with? Brent Council did. UEA graduate Leeana Pitt contacted UEA’s Research and Enterprise Services to help with a customer service training need in 2013.
A joint celebration marked the official start of the Swarm Apprenticeships into Suffolk and the Fresh Aspirations Forum, an initiative helping young people fulfil their potential.
Leanna was put in touch with *Cast, UEA’s role-play services company, who were asked to deliver a series of 22 role-play sessions aimed at improving the communication skills of Brent’s social workers.
Addressing an audience that included councillors, youth leaders and EADT editor Terry Hunt, Robert Ashton and Chris Perry, of Swarm, explained their aim to offer young people entrepreneurial apprenticeships in a business setting.
The resultant training was such a resounding success that Brent Council saw an increase in ‘excellent’ customer experiences from 58 to 73 per cent with no poor customer experiences recorded at all after the sessions.
“It’s fantastic to bring Swarm back to the place where for me the original idea of Swarm was conceived. It was during an apprenticeship focus group right here at the Framlingham Technology centre that the concept of was born after hearing the feedback from the businesses taking part in the group.” Robert Ashton said. Robert then went on to talk about the Swarm journey so far and introduced Chris Perry, who had been recently appointed as Swarm’s new Managing Director. “Being a Swarm apprentice is about showing innovation, ability, aspiration and desire – not
Want to provide a challenge?
just following orders,” said Chris Perry. “We coach our Enterprise apprentices to develop an intrepreneurial mind-set by encoraging them to want to stand out from the crowd, be proactive and think creatively about their approach to a task,” he added.
The Customer Service training, which received consistently positive feedback from the delegates, was based on a review of the current performance of a group of 200 social workers, care assessors and contact agents. The review highlighted the need for a more reflective social care practice when communicating with customers, and the importance of a diverse ability to adapt communication styles depending on the needs, age, and culture of the client.
Work starts on the ‘Business Plan for Norfolk’. The group talked about some of the key issues, including continued support for improved rail infrastructure; the energy sector; better broadband; the visibility of Norfolk; improvements to the A47 and the concept of a central brand for the East of England. Key areas considered were businesses competitive advantage; value for money; Norfolk’s proximity to London and Europe; quality of life; and the need to ensure Norfolk’s key selling points are visible to the rest of the UK and overseas. Over the next few months the Norfolk Chamber will survey the different areas of Norfolk’s business community to ensure that all their main priorities have been taken into consideration in the Chamber’s Business Plan for Norfolk. The West Norfolk business survey was undertaken in September/ October and other areas will be surveyed shortly.
The latest meeting of the Norfolk Chamber’s Representation Council was held at Barnham Broom Hotel. The members looked at a briefing document outlining Norfolk Chamber’s ‘Business Plan for Norfolk’. The document pulled together the key priorities of the two Local Enterprise Partnerships; the British Chambers of Commerce; and Norfolk County Council and the local authorities. Both Chris Starkie, Managing Director of New Anglia LEP, and Tom McCabe, Director of Environment, Transport and Development at Norfolk County Council attended the meeting to add their input into the discussion.
Ian Hacon, President of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce said “Norfolk Chamber is keen to ensure that the outside perception of Norfolk is that we are ‘open for business’. The Norfolk business community has lobbied hard over the years for improvements in Norfolk’s infrastructure and the success in getting the last section of the A11 dualled, shows the power of the ‘voice of business’ in Norfolk. We now need to rally together to continue to call for improvements to the A47, rail links and broadband.” Caroline Williams, Chief Executive said: “We are keen to ensure that the Chamber Business Plan for Norfolk is a comprehensive document that truly reflects the needs of the business community to ensure that we create jobs and economic growth for Norfolk.”
Northern Distributor Road. The Norwich Northern Distributor Road (NDR) is a proposed 20km dual carriageway road that will run from the A47 at Postwick, east of Norwich, to the A1067 north of Taverham.
proceedings on 02 June 2014 and must complete their investigations by 02 December 2014. A recommendation will then be made to the Secretary of State.
The NDR will;
The improvement of the A47 junction at Postwick has already been approved as a stand-alone scheme to unlock business and housing development in the area.
n Tackle existing and future travel and transport problems to the north and east of the city n Support business, jobs and the local economy n Bring relief for communities that endure ratrunning and congestion n Ensure that planned new housing does not put further strain on the existing road network n Carry around 40,000 vehicles a day between the Airport and the A47 at Postwick n Halve the journey time from Fakenham Road at Attlebridge to Rackheath, saving nearly 16 minutes, and even relatively short journeys will be quicker and more reliable The NDR is now going through the planning process and will be examined in detail by the Planning Inspectorate before a recommendation is made to the Secretary of State. The Planning Inspectorate commenced
Nova Fairbank from the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce said: “Investment in the NDR will unlock thousands of jobs that are required by our young people and will provide the infrastructure for up to 10,000 new homes.” “It will open up the north east sector of Norwich, including Norwich International Airport. This will benefit a broad spectrum of the business community, from transport and logistics through to retail and tourism. The NDR will also provide better access through to North Norfolk. Tourism is a huge part of the Norfolk economy and easier access into North Norfolk is an essential part of ensuring the continued success of our tourism industry.” “Overall the NDR will help contribute to economic prosperity in our region. It will deliver
Nova Fairbank
greater accessibility, provide infrastructure for new homes and new jobs and will be welcomed by many of the Norfolk business community.”
Support continues for the Great Eastern Rail Campaign. Norfolk Chamber and its members continue to support the Great Eastern Rail Campaign. The campaign is calling for: n Significant investment in track infrastructure n Better trains and a higher quality travelling experience n Greater capacity with more seats and more carriages
Below are some of our members comments: Tim Dodd – Director Thermaglow Ltd, Great Yarmouth “As a manufacturing company based on the east coast of Norfolk we support the Great Eastern Rail Campaign because of the positive effect it could have on our business. In particular it would make visits to and by customers from London and the Home Counties and beyond more cost effective, less stressful and more convenient than currently is the case by car.”
Simon Watson – Partner Lovewell Blake, Norwich “Improved travelling times can greatly enhance the actual and perceived attraction of doing business with Norfolk businesses and facilitate attracting the calibre of people required by employers in our region.” Ben Cowell – Regional Director, East of England National Trust, Blickling “A faster, more reliable train service will help to encourage more people to discover for themselves what Norfolk and the other Eastern counties can offer – whether for business or for leisure.”
Norfolk business community is upbeat. Recent meetings of the Norwich, Great Yarmouth and West Norfolk Chamber Councils highlighted the bouyant and upbeat feel of the Norfolk business communities. Norwich area council received an update on Norwich International Airport, Great Yarmouth
area council debated the needs of their town centre and West Norfolk area council discussed the first draft of the Chamber’s ‘Business Plan for Norfolk’. Meanwhile the Transport, Planning & Development Group reviewed Norfolk’s rail links. Richard Marks – Managing Director John Lewis, Norwich “John Lewis Norwich supports the campaign calling for greater improvements and investment on the Norwich to London, Great eastern Mainline. Any improvements to accessibility to Norwich, Norfolk and Suffolk as a region is good news for our customers and our Partners and will help to sustain our business success into the future.” Edward Action – Vice Chancellor University of East Anglia, Norwich Ease of travel between Norwich and London is vitally important for the University of East Anglia. Any reduction in journey times would further enhance UEA’s appeal to applicants, whilst benefitting our staff and visitors.
Charity day winners.
UEA rises to 14th in prestigious league table. The University of East Anglia (UEA) has leapt to 14th in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2015, its highest ever position in this well-respected league table.
ESE chose Norfolk at the Pictures as the recipient of its July charity day. Having received 5% of online profits on the last Friday of July, the charity was presented with a cheque for £420.00. Marc Atkinson provided a tour of the cinema when he told them what the money will be used for. The project aims to collect and preserve memories of cinema-going in Norfolk as well as offering an educational aspect, both to schools and the general public. The funds will be used to renovate part of the building offering better facilities including a lift offering much improved disability access to their premises.
Argosy wound care converting.
According to the guide: “The University of East Anglia is seldom outside the top 10 in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide analysis of the National Student Survey (NSS) – and this year is no exception, ranking fifth in the UK for student satisfaction. Its 15,000 students appear to like the scale of this relatively small campus university, as well as the quality of its courses and the accessibility of staff.” The guide also highlighted the university’s world-leading Creative Writing programme, its fast-developing health studies schools, and UEA’s sharpened focus on employability with a strategy that promotes the development of the academic and wider skills that employers demand through the curriculum.
Vice-Chancellor Prof David Richardson said: “It is extremely pleasing to see the hard work of staff and students recognised with this tremendous result.
£8 million waste recycling facility starts processing. The £8 million redevelopment of Norse’s recycling facility on the outskirts of Norwich began processing new waste streams on October 1. The site’s expansion includes a 3,110m2 extension to the existing building, together with new advanced processing machinery and the latest mobile plant. In a ground-breaking move aimed at increasing the county’s recycling, seven district, borough and city councils in Norfolk have formed a Joint Venture Company (JVC) with Norse Commercial Services to manage dry materials recycling.
Argosy machinery has secured a order for another wound care converting machine from a well known wound care dressing manufacturer. This will be the company’s second machine from Argosy in the last 12 months.
The seven councils making up the Norfolk Waste Partnership, Broadland, Breckland, North Norfolk, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk, and South Norfolk District councils, Great Yarmouth Borough Council and Norwich City Council, together with Norfolk County Council will all have boardlevel representation in the new JVC, Norse Environmental Waste Services Ltd, (NEWS).
The 10-year agreement sees NEWS handle materials recycling from kerb-side collections across the county, including for the first time glass bottles and jars, food pots, tubs and trays and cartons.
NITAG is back by popular demand!
Norfolk Chamber’s latest series of International Trade Events have begun.
Our first year was a great success and we are therefore delighted to continue with NITAG in order to assist all exporters in Norfolk, achieve success overseas. The Norfolk International Trade Advisory Group (NITAG) was formed to help brainstorm particular issues that exporters face, in order to help come up with solutions. The Group Members all play a significant role within the field of International Trade, so are a great team to consult with. Stuart Mackie, Senior International Commercial Manager has taken the position of Chair, as Mark Gaskins, Business Development Director of Lawtronic Ltd stepped down after our inaugural year. “I’m delighted to be taking on the role of Chair of the Norfolk International Trade Advisory Group. Mark did a great job last year and I hope to continue the good work that has been done so far. NITAG is a fantastic group for all local businesses to connect with. The real aim of the group is to help the business community increase their export confidence and output. I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experience of what is needed when exporting” Tracey Howard, International Trade Director at Norfolk Chamber and Founder of NITAG said, “We have now been running NITAG for a year and are really pleased with the feedback we have had from delegates.
The first event, Expanding into Poland was held in October and was well attended by local firms interested in trading with Poland. Patrick Ney, Director of the British Polish Chamber of Commerce travelled over to join us and explained the wide services available to UK firms, who are looking for that invaluable support needed when entering a new market. Paul Norman, Business Development Manager of Syrinix Ltd, have been assisted by Patrick’s Team for quite some time. Paul explained the services they have used and how useful that support has been to them. Kevin Bunting of Lovewell Blake, who is sponsors of the events, explained to delegates of the Accounting and Tax Issues associated with exporting to Poland. These events are specifically aimed at companies who are looking to open up in new markets. Sign up to attend the forthcoming events which are FREE TO ATTEND, and make sure you don’t miss out on valuable information and advice that is available to you.
Timing 3.45pm – 6.00pm followed by networking and refreshments
Dates and Topics of forthcoming events: Tue 11 November 2014
Expanding into Mexico At Barnham Broom Hotel Honingham Rd, Norwich NR9 4DD Tue 09 December 2014
Expanding into Hong Kong At The Kings Centre 47-51 King St, Norwich NR1 1PH
Nigeria, Czech Republic and Kuwait will be covered in early 2015.
For more information on our new series, take a look at: www.norfolkchamber.co.uk/featured-event/ expanding-overseas
n Getting Paid, Exchange Rates, Credit Insurance n Market Entry Ideas and Assistance n Red Tape, Bureaucracy
n Wednesday, 25 February 2015 n Wednesday, 03 June2015 n Wednesday, 30 September 2015 Venues will differ for each meeting but timings will always be 3.00pm – 4.30pm. Details are available at www.norfolkchamber.co.uk/export
n Business Opportunities
We want local businesses to be more confident with their export activities and feel that having a group of people that they can talk through their issues with, is a great way of finding solutions.”
n Documentation
Each meeting will allow delegates to ask all manner of questions, relating to International Trade covering topics such as:
Forthcoming dates have now been set a follows:
n Shipping n Language Barriers
All businesses are welcome to join us but you must book your place so that we can allow for car parking, refreshments etc. To book, just email Tracey at: tracey.howard@norfolkchamber.co.uk
n Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Market Focus: Hong Kong. economies, such as Japan, the US and Germany are currently important trading partners, and will continue the trade flowing through Hong Kong. However, these economies will not be the main drivers of future growth. Rather, emerging Asia will be the most dynamic source of growth in goods trade for Hong Kong. Exports to Vietnam, India, the Middle East and North Africa region are expected to provide Hong Kong with new opportunities for trade growth.
Opportunities With £29billion of investment scheduled until 2016 across a number of infrastructure projects, Hong Kong offers great opportunities for UK Businesses. The infrastructure projects in particular offer opportunities in design, engineering and construction related services as well as a vast array of supply chain opportunities for small and medium sized businesses. Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a major trading and financial hub in Asia and is also an important gateway into the Chinese market and the rest of Asia. It is a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation and free trade. The economy has been moving up the value chain, shifting towards higher value added services and more knowledge based activities. The Hong Kong dollar is the 8th most traded currency in the world.
Economic outlook Hong Kong’s economy grew moderating by 2.9% in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the previous quarter. Domestic demand continued to drive growth, while the external sector was still constrained by an unsteady global economic environment. The domestic sector is expected to remain resilient, with local consumption supported by favourable job and income conditions. Ongoing infrastructure works and a thriving inbound tourism should provide support to the local economy. Hong Kong’s GDP growth forecast for 2013 was 3.1% with 4% in 2014.
Other Sectors that offer great opportunity include healthcare and green sectors.
Swot analysis STRENGTHS
Leading financial hub
High labour costs
Strategically located for business in Asia
Limited land and space
Strong infrastructure OPPORTUNITIES
Government support for companies
Limited government intervention
Low and simple tax regime
Slowdown in China
Trade outlook China will remain the most important trade partner in the medium term. However, as Hong Kong begins to geographically diversify its trade patterns, exports to China are expected to slow. A number of large developed
Want to know more? Come and join us at our Expanding into Hong Kong event being held at the King’s Centre on 9 December 2014. See page 13 for more information.
Mexico. Mexico is considered both a newly industrialised country and an emerging power. Mexico has the 14th largest nominal GDP and the 11th largest by purchasing power parity. Mexico recently surpassed Canada and the US as the largest North American auto-producing nation. The industry produces technologically complex components and engages in some research and development activities. As an export-oriented economy, more than 90% of Mexican trade is under free trade agreements (FTAs) with more than 40 countries
Economic outlook The performance of the Mexican economy last year continued to be constrained by a weak global environment. At the close of 2012 the economy continued to grow at a pace of 0.5% compared to the previous quarter. The service sector performed particularly well in the last quarter, with an estimated growth of around 3.5% annually. Mexico continued to grow at above 3% in 2013. The implementation of energy and fiscal reforms will boost investment potentially increasing GPD by a further 0.9%.
Trade outlook In 2012 almost 80% of all goods exports from Mexico were destined to the US. Although the relative importance of North America is set to fall in the medium term, it will still account for around 70% of Mexico’s exports, remaining the most important trade partner. India will also become one of Mexico’s top five export markets, as its rapidly expanding middle class demand more consumer goods. Over the medium term, Mexico’s trade will become more global and less regional in focus. The fastest trade growth will be with countries outside the Americas, with China and India likely to increase at a particularly fast pace over the medium term
Opportunities Mexico is a country of huge potential which has demonstrated predictable, stable economic growth. It is a dynamic market and analysts predict that its economy will be the world’s 7th largest by 2050. Mexico offers UK businesses
Swot analysis STRENGTHS
Slowdown of the US economy
Structural reforms
Growing Infrastructure
Reliant on oil exports
Mexico City
well-established and integrated supply chains, an increasingly skilled workforce, and free trade agreements with 44 countries.
Want to know more? Come and join us at our Expanding into Mexico event being held at Barnham Broom Hotel on 11 November 2014. See page 13 for more information.
Sectors offering the greatest opportunities for UK Companies include: Manufacturing, Transportation, Telecommunications, Retail and Automotive Sectors
International Trade Training Courses. Norfolk Chamber’s export training courses are proving very popular, with many delegates attending the courses to ensure they are fully informed of export processes.
Forthcoming dates and topics: November 2014 20th
Agents and Distributors (Morning)
Inward and Outward Processing Relief (Afternoon)
January 2015
The courses have been specifically designed for staff involved in exporting and/or importing cargo to and from the UK.
Understanding Exporting (Full Day)
Letters of Credit/Methods of Payment (Full Day)
February 2015
Our courses are delivered by Mike Strawson who is one of the most experienced trainers in the UK in the area of International Trade. He was the fourth person in the country to receive accreditation under the BCC/IOEx Joint Export Training Standards, and one of a handful of accredited trainers who is competent to deliver subjects ranging from creation of a strategy, market selection through to documentation and payments from personal hands on experience in a wide range of industries.
over full and half day sessions. They are individually and collectively relevant to SMEs who wish to improve the skills and competences of their staff.
Norfolk Chamber in association with British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) is now able to offer ten nationally accredited export courses. The set will be accredited by the BCC and offered as a family of short courses, delivered
Candidates achieving Pass or Merit in any of the courses will receive a uniquely numbered certificate in each area, and those who pass six courses will achieve a nationally recognised Foundation Award in International Trade.
Customs Procedures & Documentation (Morning)
Preference Rules of Origin (Afternoon)
Export Documentation (Full Day)
All of the above listed courses, form part of the accreditation. If you would like further details such as the content of these courses, please take a look at www.norfolkchamber.co.uk To book your place, please email export@ norfolkchamber.co.uk
THE BIG INTER Challenges and opportunities lie ahead for council. Few managing directors can have entered such a challenging scenario as that faced by Dr Wendy Thomson when she recently took up her role at Norfolk County Council.
Right from the beginning of her tenure, she has had to face up to the harsh economic challenges that lie ahead and which were laid out at a recent meeting of the policy and resources committee. Councillors heard that, although the authority’s spending for next year had been reduced, there was still £13m to be found due to a lowerthan-expected level of funding from central government.
That means that, although a review of services identified savings and additional income of £163m between 2014 and 2017, including £69m of savings this year, more is needed. While acknowledging the difficult situation, Dr Thomson believes that the council should not lose sight of its work attracting investment and supporting local businesses. She said: “There are certainly big challenges for the authority and finance is one of them. We have had to take a radical look at how we spend our money. Are we efficient? Are we spending it effectively?” “However, with challenges come opportunities. We still have a budget of £1.4 billion and spend around £700m each year with the private and voluntary sectors and the NHS. We have to work smarter and be more innovative and be outward-looking.” She cites as an example the ground-breaking Digital Norfolk Ambition agreement, which aims to improve public services by harnessing new technology and is a joint venture between Norfolk County Council and HP, with partners Microsoft and Vodafone. Digital Norfolk Ambition will enable more than £10 million of savings from the council’s IT budget over five years, while providing front-line staff with the latest technology to help deliver services.
The council’s leadership has identified the economy, creating jobs and excellence in education as its main priorities because when we achieve them, the county will prosper.
Dr Thomson believes that the initiative highlights the type of changes that councils must make, saying: “The Digital Norfolk Ambition initiative is an example of what can be achieved. It is a different way of working and one that has the potential to change and improve the way we communicate.” Her willingness to champion such new ways of working has been shaped by a successful career in which change has been a recurring theme as councils face up to increasing pressure on budgets. She became Norfolk’s Managing Director having previously been Director of the School of Social Work and Professor of Social Policy at McGill University in Montreal, Canada but before that, she worked extensively in local and central government in England and was
recognised with a CBE for her work on public service reform. Dr Thomson’s roles have included three years as Chief Executive of the London Borough of Newham, six years as Assistant Chief Executive in the London Borough of Islington and being director of Best Value Inspection at the Audit Commission and the founding director of the Office of Public Service Reform, a post which brought appointments to a number of Cabinet committees, advisory bodies and think-tanks in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. She argues that Norfolk County Council cannot allow itself to be wholly occupied by the impact of austerity on its operations. Dr Thomson said: “Coming to Norfolk from outside, I can see that the council does have challenges but that it must not be absorbed by them.” “The council’s leadership has identified the economy, creating jobs and excellence in education as its main priorities because when we achieve them, the county will prosper.” “We have to support our local economy and our local companies as well as working to attract investment.” “I am aware that Norfolk does have a certain image with people outside the area; I was aware of it when I decided to come and work here.” “It is important that we change that, as organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce have argued.” “I do think that the perception is changing, that people no longer think that this is just a place of windmills and seasides.” “Yes, it is important that it is a good place to live but I think we have to get over the idea that it is also a forward-looking place, somewhere to do business.” “We have to emphasise some of our business success stories, such as the digital initiatives, our business centres and our biotechnology sector.” “The council will play its part. We are currently recruiting some senior people and we are saying that this is not a place to come and look towards retirement.” “We want people who can bring energy and a passion to deliver our services and serve our communities.”
By John Dean deangriss@btinternet.com
Dr Wendy Thomson Managing Director Norfolk County Council
Create a healthy workplace culture for growing businesses. ADVERTISING FEATURE
The Resilience Partnership is an exciting new joint initiative between Norwich & Central Norfolk Mind’s Wellbusiness team and the NHS Wellbeing Service. In other words, the experts specialising in supporting organisational and individual mental health and wellbeing. In partnership with the NHS Wellbeing Service, Wellbusiness (part of Norwich & Central Norfolk Mind) are providing an innovative opportunity for organisations to access support, guidance and training to create a healthy workplace culture for growing businesses or organisations that are looking to restructure internally.
The Resilience Partnership will offer bespoke services for organisations, including;
For more information, or to book a service, please contact;
n Stress Resilience Workshops
Morgan Self – Project Lead at The Resilience Partnership
n Organisational Wellbeing Audits n Masterclass Sessions for Managers n Access to the newly formed Working Well Network
Special offer to fellow members of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce and readers of NV magazine only.
20% reduction on:
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We mention this as we know that sound advanced planning is essential before undertaking any commission. Every job, no matter how big or small is important to us and we are well aware that attention to detail is essential in any successful campaign. As Approved Contractors with Constructionline and Safecontractor plus members of the NICEIC and Exor high standards are expected and delivered. Telephone 01603 821035 www.eisukltd.com E-mail admin@eisukltd.com
T. 07909 257658 E. wellbusiness@norwichmind.org.uk www.resiliencepartnership.org.uk Norwich & Central Norfolk Mind, 50 Sale Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 9TP
Apprenticeships and Traineeships available in a number of fields. ADVERTISING FEATURE
Norfolk Adult Education Service offer Apprenticeships and Traineeships in a number of fields from Business and Finance, Working with Children, and Performing Arts to Construction, Engineering and Sport and Fitness. Working closely in partnership with SWARM Apprenticeships we also offer the Enterprise Apprenticeship for young people with an entrepreneurial attitude. The programme provides an opportunity for businesses to attract and retain the best talent for the company, by way of injecting energy, vibrancy and enthusiastic young people with fresh ideas into the organisation.
DSP Supplies is a leading supplier of aggregates and building materials throughout Norfolk. They have been supplying aggregates to local builders, civil engineers, farmers, concrete suppliers and public customers for over 60 years and pride themselves on their excellent customer service. Shane Clark, Manager of DSP Supplies attended a launch event in Sheringham where Norfolk Adult Education and SWARM spoke to businesses keen to recruit apprentices to their workforce. After closer consultation they took on Matthew as an apprentice and have already noticed huge benefits to the company and changes in Matthew himself. “Having Matthew with us has really spread the workload, it’s enabled us to make plans for the future and it has been great to see his personality develop and play a part in the team as a whole.” Norfolk Adult Education has a dedicated apprenticeship team promoting and training
apprentices. For more information about the Apprenticeship and Traineeship programme or for an informal discussion with one of our advisors please call 0344 800 8020.
Norfolk Adult Education Take on a new Apprentice or train your existing employees through an Apprenticeship We offer flexible, tailored Apprenticeship Training Programmes to support your specific organisational needs. For more information call or visit
0344 800 8020
Norfolk Voice 17 Oct.indd 1
10/17/2014 2:28:37 PM
Is your business protected from the unexpected? Professional IT support, consultancy and business telecoms At Breakwater IT we recognise that companies require a customised approach to their IT support and security. Our experienced team will work with you to provide practical and honest advice on the technology solutions required to keep your business protected. We offer a wide range of services including support, consultancy, internet connectivity, telephone systems, mobiles and much more. Contact us today on 01603 709300 for a free initial consultation or visit www.breakwaterit.co.uk
A platform to empower your business
Time to start your migration, as Windows Server 2003 accelerates towards the end of its road. ADVERTISING FEATURE are practised in developing and deploying successful migration plans. We can talk you through the options available and the factors your choice could be based upon.
The Microsoft clock is most definitely ticking, signalling the end of extended support for Windows Server 2003. The date has been set as 14 July 2015 and, in the realms of IT, this really is a deadline that is, perhaps for some, ominously looming. So what does the end of extended support actually mean? In simple terms it represents the demise of paid per incident support, security fixes, and an absence of further design changes or feature requests – to give a framework to the latter points, 37 critical updates were released in 2013. Businesses also need to pay great heed to the fact that, in a world post extended support, 2003 Servers used in environments requiring regulatory compliance will most certainly struggle to meet their targets. Another crucial consideration for many small and medium sized businesses is the prevalent system, Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003. As Windows Server 2003 forms the base for SBS, the removal of extended support will most certainly compromise its usage. Without a plan in place you are, as the current short timeframe dictates, getting ever closer
Whatever solution you select, the jump from Server 2003 is a significant one from a technology viewpoint. It might even be that now is the time to realistically consider applications that can move to the cloud. Cloud based deployment might not be the choice you would make for all of your applications but, with the advantages it can leverage, it is certainly worth considering.
to a date that signifies a less secure and solid infrastructure for your business. The significant financial implications associated with not migrating should also be observed, as you may find that maintenance costs escalate for aging hardware. We have established then that it will be both difficult and costly to avoid embracing a new Server come next summer, but the migration process does not have to be unsettling. At Breakwater, our experienced team of engineers
Our advice would be to try to reap the benefits that this migration can offer; it is also an opportunity and one that can propel you forwards in time for the next initiation of IT. Get in touch with Breakwater today and make the right decisions to benefit both your software and future return on investment. Contact us on 01603 709300 or visit www.breakwaterit.co.uk
How to win new business and influence people! Business Data Management Solutions
Improve your office working environment Anglian Archives are specialists in all aspects of professional paper document off site storage and data management including electronic media tape/ disk back up rotation and scanning of documents including large format scanning for architectural plans and similar. Anglian Archives are able to provide cost effective tailor made solutions for all data storage and management requirements including rapid file and box retrieval as needed via a bar coding system. Additional services include secure document shredding, cataloguing and scheduled destruction of your files to whatever date you set. We work with a number of blue chip companies across the private and public sector in a vast array of industries from construction and engineering, to financial and insurance, to solicitors, surveyors and architects, to local government and public services, to education and training and many in between! We pride ourselves in our quality of customer service and flexibility so why not put us to the test? For further information please contact Anglian Archives T: 01603 766404 E: info@anglianarchives.co.uk www.anglianarchives.co.uk
By Lindsey Mack, Co-founder and Director of CloudQast lindsey.mack@cloudqast.com It sounds perhaps underhand to associate winning new business and influencing people in the same sentence. But let me explain what I mean by influencing people. I don’t mean manipulation or anything underhand – I mean thinking yourself into the other person’s shoes and then, with that knowledge, attempting to influence them positively: ‘Are they unsure about me in which case I will help them to understand I’m one of the good guys that they can trust’ or ‘what’s really going on for them which perhaps they don’t wish to discuss – that’s what I need to understand to further this relationship’ etc. etc. It sounds pretty basic stuff and I suppose it is but so little time is spent trying to understand how those around us are feeling and what they might be thinking – our staff, our suppliers, our existing and our potential clients. Many years ago, my first employer, a man named Peter who remains a good friend, said to me ‘you know, Lindsey, life’s about human relationships. They will affect practically everything you do in your life. If you get them right, you’re laughing!’ I’ve thought long and hard about his over the years and I am reminded how right he was nearly every day. It may seem strange that I am discussing all this so-called touchy-feely ‘softskills’ stuff as someone who co-founded and runs a business, CloudQast, which offers a way of allowing clients to place compliance and other training online - but the most important aspect of what we do in writing, filming and even performing the video content for our clients is not the technology, impressive as it is, or our knowledge of compliance and learning & development, it’s our ability to think, feel and relate as human beings in order to better understand, appreciate and appeal to those we are trying to reach. And, like so many of you, I expect, I’m always trying to find new clients – and just a little effort trying to understand them better makes the task of winning business from them so much easier. That’s why a vital part of our offering is to help our clients win the bids they make to their clients too. Please drop me an email if you’d like to further the discussion. And thanks again, Peter – that was some of the best advice I’ve ever had. Lindsey is a co-founder and Director of CloudQast, a Compliance and Communication Company (www.cloudqast.com)
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Business development outsourcing; assists SME’s understand and target key markets quicker and more effectively. ADVERTISING FEATURE
Outsourcing of key activities within any business is not a new concept. Companies have been outsourcing their HR, IT, Training and Accounts services for the past 40 years. However, outsourcing of business development is not a concept that has previously sat well with company owners and directors. Business Development has always been seen as the lifeline that keeps a business going and one that has to be undertaken by competent skilled individuals. This is why senior staff members from within a business are often reallocated to business development roles when operational activities are slowing down and revenues are dropping off. Then, once revenues and sales pick up again, these key individuals within the
business are transferred back into their original positions to manage operations. This style management creates peaks and troughs within an SME’s sales intake and does not allow for a company to plan and grow a business based on constant revenue. To help alleviate these peaks and troughs, Wellton Energy has been working with several SME’s from within the UK, Europe and further afield to help support their business development efforts and create a constant sales intake revenue. This business development strategy
has been adopted through several different mechanisms, from trade show marketing right through to dedicated sales executives providing B2B business development support and has proven to be extremely successful. Wellton Energy will be exhibiting at the forthcoming EIC Connect exhibition and conference in Manchester on the 25th and 26th November and would look forward to welcoming you on stand A44 to discuss any of your business development requirements.
Outsourced Business Development Services We offer a range of services suited to each individual clients’ needs which include: > Strategic Sales Planning and Management > Business to Business Selling – Dedicated ‘field’ or office based Business Development Executive > Business Marketing and Brand Awareness > Sales and Market Analysis Prior to Market Entry > Market Intelligence and Project Specific Information > Qualified Lead Generation and Appointment Setting Please contact us to arrange for a free initial consultation
Hethel Engineering Centre,
T: 01603 280466
Chapman Way, Hethel,
E: info@wellton-energy.com
Norwich NR14 8FB
W: www.wellton-energy.com
Charity sponsorship marks launch of new Executive Search division. ADVERTISING FEATURE
To mark the launch of its new Executive Search division, recruitment consultancy Cooper Lomaz has announced plans to sponsor the construction of the new CEO’s office at charity Nelson’s Journey. Smiles House, located in Little Plumstead, will be built next year to provide Colin Lang, chief executive of Nelson’s Journey, with a state-of-the art office from which to run this growing charity which provides support to Norfolk’s bereaved children and young people. The idea for the sponsorship was seeded when Jane Lovell, left, managing director at Cooper Lomaz, met Colin at a business event. She explained: “I was very touched by the work that Colin and his team does for Nelson’s Journey and the unfortunate children they deal with. For charities like this their main aim is to raise funds that they can use to help their beneficiaries but Colin explained that the offices they were working out of were pretty poor and they were struggling to fund an upgrade. “At Cooper Lomaz, it’s in our DNA to help the communities in which we operate. Our new Executive Search division helps companies and charities to recruit for senior positions including CEOs so we understand the stresses and strains under which they work. The opportunity to help Colin with the funding of the new building was too good an opportunity to miss.” Responding to the offer, Colin said: “It’s fantastic that Jane and the Cooper Lomaz team have decided to support us for such a critical project. All of us at Nelson’s Journey are extremely grateful to them. We will be able to repay their kind donation by being able to deliver a more effective service to the children and young people we help every day.” Cooper Lomaz has provided benchmark recruitment services to businesses across the East of England and beyond for over 20 years. Earlier this year it launched its Executive Search division to provide a bespoke service for sourcing high-calibre candidates for senior roles. Its team of specialist consultants use their network of contacts to cherry pick the right person for specific roles for a variety of sectors, functions and regions. Dave Sneddon, Head of Cooper Lomaz’s Executive Search division, said: “We offer our clients a focused, proactive approach to recruitment. Because we are so well connected, when we get a brief from a client we can go straight to the potential candidates. For too long, companies and charities looking to fill senior positions have had to use Londonbased head hunters but now that same calibre service is available in the East of England.” Twitter: @CooperLomaz
A little help can go a long way. ADVERTISING FEATURE
After some of the most difficult times in economic memory we are seeing a general improvement and businesses are more optimistic about the future. That said, as a small business it’s often difficult to devote the time to planning the next phase that will make the most of opportunities that will present themselves and this is where help is at hand. It may be blindingly obvious that you need to find new customers at the same time as keeping your existing ones happy but how many businesses actually take a conscious decision to create a sales and marketing strategy that encompasses both? It’s hard to pin down the actual statistics as few will admit to it and despite plenty of research, the results tend to
be subjective at best and don’t always reflect reality. John Miller, managing director of A2GO Consultancy comments: “There’s a general misconception that defining a strategy is complicated and just having a plan is enough. It doesn’t need to be difficult but to get the most out of it, it does take some investment to thoroughly review and understand your business and importantly where you want it to be in the next 3 - 5 years. With a financial services background I’ve seen many businesses over the last 30 years that have weathered the economic peaks and troughs because they knew what they were good at, what they wanted to achieve and how they were going to get there”.
enormous satisfaction from beginning a business relationship, gaining their trust and working with them to reach their goals. I like to be seen as a ‘critical friend’ that might well ask some difficult questions but always has your best interests at heart”. Visit www.a2goconsultancy.co.uk or call John on 07841 645011. You can also follow John on Linkedin http://uk.linkedin.com/in/ johnhmiller1a2goconsultancy/ and Twitter (@wearea2go).
John added “A2GO Consultancy is my trading name and clients deal exclusively with me. The aim is to give small businesses the help they need at the time they need it and in a way that doesn’t drain their finances but does deliver results. With a long history of sales and marketing gained with some of the leading brands and a desire to ‘keep it simple’ I get
John Miller Managing Director of A2GO Consultancy
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Norfolk_Voice_110(h)x185(w).indd 1
17/10/2014 12:16:02
Keeping up in an ever-changing world. We live in a technological age where communications are ever faster and the options are bewildering. For businesses, harnessing the power of communications is crucial, a process assisted by two recent Chamber-supported events. In September members attended a relaxed evening of networking with an interactive technology element at John Lewis, Norwich. Delegates at Gizmos and Gadgets were able to hear from some of the biggest names in modern technology about how you can use the most recent gadgets to develop your business. Representatives from both Google and Sony gave live demonstrations of their latest gadgets and technology, with a prize draw at the end. And in its fifth consecutive year, Click and Connect, the half day showcase on 25 September, featured keynote speakers, interactive workshops and exhibition.
Cancer Research; Thomas Brown, Chartered Institute of Marketing; Lynsey Sweales, Social B and Sabelline Chicot, For Bobby Burrage, Creative Director of The Click Design Consultants, an award-winning creative branding agency, such events are important because understanding how to use the technology is crucial. Bobby, a board member of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce, said: “The main question an organisation should give thought and consideration to prior to choosing any social media platform is ‘how will it benefit my brand?” “Assuming you identify a clear benefit to using social media - there normally is if it’s used well) then it’s a case of choosing the right platform(s).” “At The Click, we use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. We’ve dabbled with other platforms, Pinterest and Behance for example, but we have made a conscious decision to stick with a few main platforms – each for a specific reason, endeavoring to use them all differently – as opposed to simply duplicating the same message and/or content across each.”
Following the theme of connectivity, the showcase provided insight and practical advice to enhance your existing online activity and review its success.
“None of the social media platforms would be hugely beneficial for us in isolation, however, as part of a wider content strategy, they form a layered, inter-connected, engaging and holistic approach.”
A top team of national and local expert speakers brought over 100 delegates who registered to attend up to with the latest in online marketing and social media.
“People need to remember that social media is just one facet of your brand communications.”
Delegates heard from a range of forward thinking experts who breathe online and social media every day including - Prue Watson,
“It can be a powerful tool but it’s normally best when it feeds in to other channels and forms part of an overall brand image.”
Bobby’s views on some of the main platforms Twitter - offers us the ability to converse with others, share relevant and interesting content – both created by us and third parties. Facebook - allows us to be a little less formal – we share more personable insights that we wouldn’t necessarily do with Twitter or LinkedIn. LinkedIn - for us, generally consists of corporate (individual) connections and we, in turn, ensure our posts and content is more formal than say on Facebook. We have personal accounts on LinkedIn, whereas on Twitter and Facebook, posts are written in the voice of and under the flag of ‘The Click’ as a whole. Instagram - we’ve used this differently. For example, my own Instagram account is dedicated to a self-initiated project called ‘Type Found’. It consists purely of letterforms I have found on my travels. Rather niché, hey? Yes, however, it adds another dimension to our social media arsenal. It conveys passion, dedication and specialist knowledge in practice – contrasting to the conventional use of social media.”
Top tips from Thomas Brown from the Chartered Institute of Marketing: Understand your customers’ digital lives and where you fit (help or hinder).
Understand the etiquette – don’t just barge into someone else’s conversation.
You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen first!
Be clear on expectations: under-promise and overdeliver, not the other way around.
Keep what you do on social media honest
See the presenters slides here: www.slideshare.net/NorfolkChamber?utm_campaign=profiletracking&utm_medium=sssite&utm_source=ssslideview
Gizmos and Gadgets
Click and Connect
In September members attended a relaxed evening of networking with an interactive technology element at John Lewis, Norwich. Delegates were able to hear from some of the biggest names in modern technology about how you can use the most recent gadgets to develop your business.
In its 5th consecutive year, Click and Connect our interactive half day showcase on 25 September featured key note speakers, interactive workshops and exhibition. Following the theme of connectivity, the showcase provided insight and practical advice to enhance your existing online activity and review its success.
Representatives from both Google and Sony gave live demonstrations of their latest gadgets and technology, with a prize draw at the end. Full article at www.norfolkchamber.co.uk/news/ chamber-news/great-networking-interactivetechnology-element-gizmos-and-gadgets
Chamber social media
Aug-14 Change
Twitter 3315 4329 31% Facebook 777
A top team of national and local expert speakers brought over 100 delegates who registered to attend up to with the latest in online marketing and social media. Delegates heard from a range of forward thinking experts who breathe online and social media every day including - Prue Watson, Cancer Research; Thomas Brown, Chartered Institute of Marketing; Lynsey Sweales, Social B and Sabelline Chicot, Further. Full article at www.norfolkchamber.co.uk/ clickandconnect
Linkedin 1821 2234 22% Google+ 402
659 63%
Overcoming the barriers to economic growth. Norfolk businesses have long battled against many obstacles to business growth. Now, the Chamber is drafting a Business Plan for Norfolk, which aims to highlight the opportunities and challenges facing the county. In this article we assess the impact of improvements to the A11; and canvass views of West Norfolk businesses. We will examine Norwich and Great Yarmouth in our January/February edition. Many business people see the improvements to the A11 as crucial if Norfolk is to grow its economy. The A11 connects Norwich to Cambridge and London and the dualling of the final section between the Fiveways Roundabout (Barton Mills) and Thetford is seen as a crucial. Research has shown that the improved road could deliver more than £600 million in economic benefits after it is completed in December.
Caroline Williams, Chief Executive of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce, said: “The dualled A11 will allow Norfolk businesses to maximise their potential. It will attract new businesses along this strategic growth corridor and will allow existing businesses to expand, thereby contributing towards economic growth and more jobs for our region.”
Simon Long, Managing Director of Simon Long Removals Ltd, in Thetford, also welcomes the A11 improvement. He said: “Along with other Thetford businesses, we have been campaigning for the work on the A11 for a long time.” “You only have to look at the map to see how critical Thetford is to the area but without the road improvement people stayed on the other side. The improvement is the last piece of the jigsaw and will open it up.” “The other big thing that needs sorting is access to broadband. We do a lot of office moves and more and more people look to see what access to information will be like in an area when they are seeking to set up a business. If you have areas where broadband is slow, that can deter them.”
Sally Ann Forsyth, Chief Executive of Norwich Research Park, said: “The upgraded A11 will provide improved reliability of journey time and reduced congestion – up to 25 minutes off peak time travel once dualled.” “Improved journey times could encourage more skilled workforce to consider the commute from, for example, Cambridge or West Norfolk to Norwich on a daily/regular basis, bringing a more diverse skill set to the area.” “The reduced time spent travelling in the course of business also enables more time to be spent on productive work, unlocking scope for developing businesses, creating capacity for innovation and increased enterprise. Importantly, the reduced costs also create the capacity for investment in these businesses.” “Whilst improved infrastructure and continually developing transport links will undoubtedly play a big part in further opening up the region, there is also a lot of positive work already going on to enhance the Norfolk area in general, which can be built on.” “West Norfolk could look to Norwich in particular as a prime example of how to encourage businesses to start up, locate, grow and diversify successfully within the current infrastructure.”
Richard Bridgman, Chairman of Thetfordbased Warren Services Ltd, agrees. He said: “The A11 work will be great for us because we get clients who come from London and it can take them a long time to reach us.” “However, my real concern for the future of the local economy is the skills shortage, which is being seen across so many sectors.” “I think we have devalued the importance of Apprenticeships and that is something that our company is working to change.” “We are talking to schools to get the message over. There is so much emphasis on going to university but so many of them are coming out at the other end and working in supermarkets. We have to make people realise that Apprenticeships are important.”
Abbie Panks, Centre Manager at the Vancouver Quarter Shopping Centre, King’s Lynn, said: “When completed, the dualling of the A11 will help drive growth in King’s Lynn, even though vehicles using it won’t travel anywhere near the town centre.” “It’s more than just a road - it’s going to give our retailers the chance to expand, give the town a chance to further highlight our rich heritage and will most certainly boost tourism in Norfolk.” “We are also hoping that the road‘s completion will act as a springboard for wider investment and hopefully the improvement of the A47.” It took 30 years of hard campaigning to get the A11 dualled but now we hope it’s completion will really be a start for what should follow next.”
West Norfolk’s targeted potential growth up to 2021 is 5,000 new jobs and 8,000 new houses and making the area attractive to businesses is one of the most important factors for Tony Hall, Chief Executive of Freebridge Community Housing in King’s Lynn. Freebridge has invested heavily in the regeneration of the Hillington Square area of the town and Tony said: “There is a danger that the investment that we are seeing going into Cambridge does not find its way over to West Norfolk so, for us, projects such as Hillington Square are about creating a sense of place.” “There are still issues of perception about the area, including a sense that we are isolated - indeed, we still struggle to recruit senior people - but improved transport links are having a positive effect in persuading people to come and look at the area. When they come, they see that is a good place to live and work.” “As a company, we are seeking to raise aspirations for the people that live in our houses, working towards a Better West Norfolk and celebrating all that we have to offer in this part of the country.”
The dualled A11 will allow Norfolk businesses to maximise their potential. It will attract new businesses along this strategic growth corridor and will allow existing businesses to expand, thereby contributing towards economic growth and more jobs for our region.
Getting the finances right. ADVERTISING FEATURE Good financial advice is crucial if businesses are to survive and the good advisers are the ones who pride themselves on working with their clients in a way which makes them feel comfortable.
plan based not just on current needs but also looking to the future - maybe even doing a little dreaming with the client!
Their role is particularly important as firms seek the funding they need to survive and thrive.
What does the client want to achieve in the short term, where do they want to be in the mid-term, what is the long-term vision? Where do they see their company in ten years and what kind of finance is required to make that possible? Are the newly-created funds applicable, are there other avenues to explore?
Advisors start by finding out what a business needs; it may be help with better financial management or it may be support applying for loans or grants to buy equipment or take on new staff. With the world of finance support changing all the time, and new Government-backed funds being created, bringing in the services of an expert makes a lot of sense. Specialist advisers are crucial because they are the ones who know what opportunities are available. The way they work means an initial meeting when the adviser, be it a specialist financial services company or based within a bank, sits down with the client and draws up a detailed
Key to that is agreeing priorities
Through talking things honestly and sensibly, adviser and client can work together to come up with an action plan which is based on a solid financial platform. And the good advisers are flexible: they know that, as life progresses and businesses meet changing situations, their client’s needs and priorities will change. That means a financial plan that can be adapted when necessary.
One way of obtaining finance is going to the banks and Government-backed funds but another way for businesses requiring injections of finance is approaching venture capitalists, who are well versed in assessing prospective partners’ financial needs and dovetailing them with their own. Even in difficult economic times, such an approach should not be dismissed out of hand because a bright idea remains a bright idea and can attract funding to turn it into reality. Indeed, there are those who argue that difficult economic times are the most important time to invest in new ideas because innovation is a key way of bringing the country out of recession. The history of British business has been scattered with tales of innovations that arose out of the need to create new markets. None of it can happen without finance - and that means calling in expert help.
Once that initial plan has been drawn up, the process moves onto the next stage, obtaining the finance to make things happen.
Newman & Co Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors
Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) is designed to increase the level of investment in the early development of high growth potential businesses. The scheme is similar to the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) but focuses on smaller, early stage companies carrying on, or preparing to carry on, a new business in a qualifying trade. It was announced as part of the 2014 Budget that the scheme is to be made permanently available. The scheme provides Income Tax relief worth 50% of the amount invested by qualifying individual investors on a maximum annual investment of £100,000. Your income tax bill could therefore by reduced by £50,000. The scheme also offers a 50% exemption from Capital Gains Tax on gains made in 2013-14 where the proceeds of the gain are reinvested in shares within a SEIS.
The availability of both Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax relief makes the scheme very popular but investors should still ensure that their investment is sound and offers the possibility of a return on their investment. There are a number of conditions which must be met both by the individual investor and the company issuing the shares in order for the investment to qualify for the reliefs. SEIS presents opportunities for higher rate tax payers to significantly reduce their tax bills and for small companies to attract new shareholder investment.
Wayne Goddard FCCA ACA (Director of Newman & Co. Chartered Accountants)
4b, Church Street, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4DD T: 01379 640640 | E: diss@newmans-online.co.uk
W: www.newmans-online.co.uk
Auto-enrolment – are you ready? ADVERTISING FEATURE
“Auto-enrolment just means that I have to set up a pension scheme for my workers, right?” If only it were that simple. Auto-enrolment is a relatively complicated compliance process, involving a number of steps to get to the point of setting up a pension scheme and auto enrolling workers. There are also ongoing administrative, governance, recordkeeping and compliance requirements. To date, only larger employers have had to comply with the legislation and they have typically had HR, IT and payroll support in place, frequently with existing workplace pension provision and relatively high membership. As we enter the next phase smaller employers will be impacted. The resources available will lessen, but compliance with the auto-enrolment process remains the same; very complex. As smaller employers focus on their readiness for auto-enrolment, many have not anticipated all the requirements that are involved and have underestimated the costs, the complexity and communication challenges that auto-enrolment poses. The priority for the employer is to find out the staging date (you can find this out on the Pensions Regulator website) and then start to prepare 6-9 months in advance of that date.
Your scheme needs to be in place by your staging date and you must complete The Pension Regulator’s ‘Declaration of Compliance’ within five months of this or you are likely to receive an automatic fine.
It is critical that you have a robust payroll solution that can cope with the demands of auto-enrolment and also integrate with your selected workplace pension provider. Data cleansing is a vital step as is the need to check if any existing pension provision meets the qualifying rules.
Download your FREE guide to auto-enrolment by visiting www.alanboswell.com/pensions or call 01603 218388 for more information. David Perry is Head of Employee Benefits at Alan Boswell Group
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Alan Boswell & Company (London) Ltd is an appointed representative of Alan Boswell & Company Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Norfolk Voice Advert.indd 1
09/10/2014 15:28:31
The nights are shortening …more time to plan? It was quite a surprise when the Chancellor’s Budget earlier this year announced the doubling of the capital allowances annual investment limit from £250,000 to £500,000 with effect from 1 January 2014. Nonetheless, it will have helped those businesses who regularly spend at this sort of level and have previously had to accept that tax relief was received over a number of years.
2013, which prompted many businesses to commit to spend last year and they therefore had only limited funds available when the further increase was announced.
In this context, expenditure eligible for the annual investment allowance will be purchases of assets that serve a function within the business rather than being part of the setting in which the business is carried out. Items will vary hugely from one trade to another. Computers will count, as will tractors, printing presses, vans, desks and chairs, and so on.There are special rules for cars which means they are only eligible for writing down allowances.
It would be convenient to imagine that this sort of allowance will continue but the politicking has already started ahead of the general election next year and at this stage, nothing can be ruled in … or out.
The annual investment allowance gives 100 per cent tax relief on capital expenditure up to the limit set and this relief is used as a tax deduction against the profits from the accounting year in which the purchase is made. Expenditure that is not 100 per cent relieved is eligible to writing down allowances at either 18 per cent or 8 per cent depending on the type of item that is bought. In this way it can take many years before expenditure is fully written off for tax purposes. For the majority of smaller businesses, £500,000 is well beyond the level of annual expenditure they would be able to contemplate.And of course, the limit had previously increased from £25,000 to £250,000 for expenditure from 1 January
Diane Deller, Senior Manager
Even if you have no plans to spend hundreds of thousands, you may well need to spend more than £25,000 in the relatively near future.Although the current Government has set a limit that is due to remain in place until December 2015, if there is a change of government, this will almost certainly change. It was Benjamin Franklin who coined the famous adage,“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”As accountants, we are often employed to report on the past, but we should also be used to plan for the future.
For more information, contact Diane Deller at Larking Gowen on 01603 624181 or at diane.deller@larking-gowen.co.uk This article is designed for the information of readers. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, information contained in this article may not be comprehensive and recipients should not act upon it without seeking professional advice. Larking Gowen is registered to carry out audit work in the UK and Ireland by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. ©Larking Gowen.
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Over 4,000 local businesses trust Credo. ADVERTISING FEATURE
Credo Asset Finance are specialists at arranging funding and investment that can help local businesses grow.
quote from your current provider, you can save many hundreds of pounds by getting alternative quotes. It’s the same with finance, but with much bigger savings on offer. The advantage of coming to Credo is that we’re completely impartial, and one conversation with us and we can do the work for you across many lenders to find the best deal.”
With the ability to help with purchases ranging from cars to manufacturing equipment; from agriculture to IT; and technology to construction and vans, Credo is proud of its local roots, being based in Norwich and now with thousands of customers, private and business, across East Anglia.
Finding the right product can be confusing, with many different options in the market. Simon continues, “The first thing we do with any customer is to really listen to what they’re looking to achieve, to understand their particular circumstances and to get to know their business. That way we can make sure that the options we arrange are not just very competitive, but also the best fit.”
The key to Credo’s success lies in a combination of having access to a wide range of finance lenders, alongside a dedicated sales team focused on tailoring each solution to the specific requirements of that business. Being able to call on 17 different lenders is a critical element in the customer growth Credo have seen over the last few years. Managing Director Simon Gray says “People understand now that when you are buying insurance, it pays to shop around. You don’t just accept the first
Recently Credo’s outstanding customer service awarded them a place in the EDP’s Future 50 and also finalist for the second year running in the EDP Business awards for 2013. Sales Director Julian Pilkington commented “If you have an asset in mind that you are looking to finance then we would love to hear from you and let you know how our services can benefit you. Alternatively, if you have an existing provider why not check if you’re still getting a good deal? It’s always good to get two quotes.”
Credo also act as the finance provider for businesses that offer their customers credit terms, whether B2B or B2C. If your business offers monthly payment terms to your customers, whether you sell goods or services to private individuals or to other companies, then it is worth getting in touch. Improving the credit terms you can offer to your customers, or putting the option in place, could give a welcome boost to your own sales, and Credo will do the paperwork for you or speak to the customer directly so you can concentrate on driving your sales. You can follow Credo on Twitter or Facebook, or alternatively visit our new website which outlines all the products and services on offer. To find out what Credo could do for your business, call Simon Gray or Julian Pilkington on 01603 703180, go to www.credoassetfinance.com or email sales@credoassetfinance.com
5 improvements LinkedIn could make, that everyone would love to see. I am a fan, in fact; I am a big fan of LinkedIn.
personal profiles simply make their lives easier & you can bet your bottom dollar they will like you for that!
I spend a good deal of my time evangelising the benefits a company can derive from having a well put together presence on LinkedIn.
So here’s a few things that have got my goat!
So, why is it that when you attempt to create this beautiful and effective presence on LinkedIn, you come up against a dinosaur of a backend that on occasions does its best to stop you? Within the last week, I have been working with a client to have them establish an effective Company page to promote their business successfully. The company is called ES Global, a fascinating business who are one of the biggest players in global sports overlay and touring stage hire. A company page is an unbelievably good tool for any business who can spare the time to make it work for them. A company like ES Global with a worldwide footprint receives a lot of benefits when it comes to foreign clients looking to act in due diligence. Your company page and
Business interruption.
n Crashed Showcase page loads n Clunky posting options all round n Frustrating web link loading n Web links that leave a blank image n The Problems that need Solutions Why LinkedIn does not give the option to upload your own custom image is beyond me?
If you are unfortunate enough to have experienced a serious fire, flood, explosion, act of vandalism or any other insured loss damaging your buildings, contents and stock, you will know that settlement of your insurance claim for these items does not guarantee the financial security or recovery of your business. Immediately after this loss, you may be in a position where: n You cannot open your premises for business fully n You cannot fulfil outstanding orders and begin work on new orders
John Davy Dojo Media Consulting
n You may have to wait for specialist machinery to be replaced n You incur additional labour / suppliers costs to satisfy existing orders Yet during this time you still have to continue to meet fixed expenses such as wages, rent, rates, bank interest and a multitude of other costs. These can all stress a business.
Securing your website: should you switch to HTTPS? Many people will recognise websites running over HTTPS, even if not directly familiar with the term. When you purchase something online or log in to a secure area of the web (email for example) you will see a padlock in the browser address bar indicating the web page is secured and data being sent over the web is encrypted. HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is the protocol which ensures data is encrypted. It adds an additional security layer to prevent unauthorised users intercepting and reading data, usually with malicious intent, whether that is simply emails, credit card details or other sensitive information. Over the last few years there has been increased talk amongst the tech. community of making the web more secure by switching from HTTP to HTTPS protocol. This culminated with Google publically announcing on 6th August 2014 that it would start using HTTPS as a ranking signal, effectively encouraging website owners to switch their websites from using HTTP to HTTPS. So, not only would traditionally secure web pages such as
eCommerce checkouts be encrypted during transmission over the web but entire websites would be sent using secure HTTPS transmission.
Business Interruption Insurance can de-stress this situation, arranging payments on account to help your business carry on through this difficult time and plugging the financial gap until your business is hopefully back to the same financial position as it was just prior to the loss.
John Knowlden Director, KTIB
Why move your website from HTTP to HTTPS There are three broad reasons to consider moving a website from HTTP to HTTPS: n improved website security n the opportunity to improve website speed, and n the promise of improved website rankings should Google weight HTTPS as a positive ranking signal
Terence Gray Onestop Webshop
By investing in creating content that helps answer questions for your target customer, you’re establishing a trusting relationship that makes them more comfortable investing in you as a business partner or solution provider. Make potential customers aware of updates in your sector and share it on our website under our Knowledge section www.norfolkchamber.co.uk
Here to help. Meet the membership team.
Left to right: Jack Edwards, Simon Hedgecock, Jason Williams, Chris Nielsen
Introducing our new Membership Team, Chief Executive Caroline Williams explains their roles within the Chamber.
The interface between The Chamber and our members is the single most important relationship we have. We are our members, and to help you get the best out of the Chamber it was important that we have the right people in place to help. The new team has been structured to ensure that all the key areas are covered. Smaller businesses, larger ones, the existing membership and overall membership administration are the main sectors and each has been allocated to a specific team member.
Looking after companies with up to 10 staff is Jason Williams - Small Business Manager. With a background in sales Jason joined the Chamber staff almost five years ago. Since he arrived he’s honed his skills in digital technology and has contributed to the development of the Chamber’s website and use of social media channels. With his grasp of B2B communications he’s ideally placed to advise businesses on how to get the most out of Chamber membership, and our digital services. Simon Hedgecock – Business Manager will be taking care of our member companies who employ 11 and more people. Helping them see how they can get involved in the local business community and be aware of issues affecting business he will draw on his 28 years’ commercial experience and knowledge of sales, account management & business development. He’ll work with members across the county, helping them to become more successful and to improve the Norfolk economy. Next up is Chris Nielsen – Membership Advisor. Having run his own business Chris is just the person to deliver contact and
support for our existing members. Ensuring that they’re constantly reminded of the benefits of membership Chris will analyse and identify our relationships creating real engagement. Retention of members is vital to the Chamber and this is an essential role calling for pro-active support all year round. Monitoring on a daily basis will be Jack Edwards – Membership Administrator. Having gained experience of work through part time roles Jack joined the Chamber and put his technology skills to good use. He is responsible for all of our membership administration including the new packs, renewed packs and issuing certificates. Jack is also heavily involved in our membership engagement system. I’m delighted that we’ve structured such a proactive and enthusiastic team to work directly with our membership. There’s nothing more important to us than helping you, our members, to do better business. And the team is here to help.
Exciting times at Beacon Park. This year promises to be the most significant year so far in the delivery of Beacon Park, which stands equidistant between the deep water harbour at Great Yarmouth and the port at Lowestoft.
Robin Neve, Project Manager for Great Yarmouth Borough Council’s centrepiece development, said that, since 2012, the team has delivered more than 5,600 sq metres of commercial floorspace for identified occupiers including Virgin Atlantic, National Oilwell Varco and MacLeans Electrical from Aberdeen. In addition to this achievement, last year saw the bold decision by the Council to embark upon substantial speculative development phased across the Park, aimed at delivering premises suitable for immediate occupation. Phases 1 and 2 have delivered nine small industrial and office units to a high quality finish and four are now occupied with two under offer and one of the remaining offices used as a marketing/show suite. The third phase will be complete by the end of the year and adds two industrial buildings of 1,911 and 1,415 sq metres and takes the investment to more than £6 million.
The Park was created in the 1980s when it was identified that the offshore and electronics sectors were increasingly prevalent in Great Yarmouth and the town’s economy was less reliant on traditional industries. These sectors brought the potential for more higher quality jobs yet many businesses were located in established industrial estates that were not appropriate for modern requirements which could lead to outward migration of important employers. The vision was to provide choice, quality and flexibility for existing businesses and new companies, particularly high tech industries, with higher quality design and landscaping, tighter estate management/control and to create a major new extension to Great Yarmouth with a modern, sustainable, complementary mix of uses. Approvals and Planning allocations were put in place followed by funding package and site assembly, with the first signs of the development being the planting of 35,000 trees to create the surrounding treebelts in 1995. Development began in the last decade with the construction of a trunk road roundabout on the A12 Great Yarmouth to Lowestoft and led to the completion of 364 houses and business premises, notably the Beacon Innovation Centre, the Council’s managed office space in Minerva House and offices for PKF accountants (now BDO) in spite of very challenging economic conditions and depressed local property values. A significant change occurred with the coincidental start on some speculative office and industrial development and the award of Enterprise Zone status to the Park in 2012, bringing the advantage of a business rates
holiday for five years to qualifying companies up to a maximum of £275,000, simplified Planning through a Local Development Order and superfast broadband. The Park is rapidly setting new property values for the sub-region with an acceptance that the right location carries a premium price and comparison with existing second-hand available premises is inappropriate, something which is evidenced by committed transactions. The progress made in 2014 will continue into next year with the Council adding another 5,458 sq metres of speculative office and industrial floorspace together with infrastructure, roads and servicing. This will add a further £14.66 million expenditure at the Park with a complex funding arrangement, including support from the Department for Communities and Local
© Mike Page
Government’s Building Foundations for Growth fund and the Department for Transport’s Pinch Point fund assisting with the delivery of the link road to the A143 Beccles Road through the heart of the Park and opening up land for significantly more development. The private sector has been encouraged to join in and development is under way for new premises at the Park at a cost of about £8 million for 8,424 sq metres of commercial floorspace and will be ready for occupation by three identified key energy sector businesses. And it doesn’t end there because detailed proposals have been issued to two further possible occupiers that would deliver about 12,400 sq metres of floorspace at a cost of around £13.8 million. In summary, the development is fast proving to be the location of choice for business expansion
and inward investment with over £34 million recently spent or committed delivering around 25,300 sq metres of floorspace with the potential to bring 800 jobs to the Park, not forgetting the new Sainsburys superstore of 4,500 sq metres, construction of which it is hoped will start in the new year. For more details please visit the Park’s website www.beaconpark.co.uk or contact joint marketing agents Daniel Bycroft at Bycroft Commercial or Craig Knights at Arnolds Keys.
Since 2012, the team has delivered more than 5,600 sq metres of commercial floorspace for identified occupiers including Virgin Atlantic, National Oilwell Varco and MacLeans Electrical from Aberdeen.
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What is Public Relations and do you need it? Defining PR is not as easy as it seems, but put simply, PR is all about looking after an organisation’s reputation. The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) definition starts “Public relations is about reputation – the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you.”
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UK Boards4U have been producing quality message boards for over 35 years and have always been proud to be based within the heart of Norfolk. During this time we have supplied some of the country’s largest wholesalers, pub chains, restaurants and shops with the best quality pavement signs, chalkboards, white boards and notice boards of descriptions We produce only the finest products using the best quality materials available on the market and can make any board to any size requested. Get in contact today and see what special offers we have available to help advertise and organise your business.
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The Norfolk Suite, Marquee at Sprowston Manor, A
Marriott Hotel and Country Club
The Norfolk Suite Marquee is a permanent structure situated in the grounds of Sprowston Manor which ONE OFour NORWICHS MOST VERSITILE SPACES overlooks beautiful hole Championship golfEVENT course. The perfect for: ONE18 OF NORWICHS MOST VERSITILE EVENTvenue SPACES Suite Marquee a permanent situated in thesituated groundsinof Sprowston which The Norfolkis Suite Marquee structure is a permanent structure the grounds ofManor Sprowston Manor which •The Norfolk Corporate Dinners overlooks our beautiful 18 hole Championship course. The for: venue for: overlooks our beautiful 18 hole golf Championship golfperfect course.venue The perfect • Awards Nights • Corporate Dinners • Corporate Dinners • Team Building • Awards Nights • Awards Nights • Trade Shows • Team Building • Team Building • Exhibitions • Trade Shows • Trade Shows • Auctions • Exhibitions • Exhibitions • Charity Dinners • Auctions • Auctions • Conferences • Charity Dinners • Charity Dinners Catering up to 300• people for a dinner or 500 people for a theatre style conference. The Norfolk Suite, Marquee Conferences • its Conferences has own bar area, cloakrooms, LED coloured lighting, stage and dancefloor. With 480 sq. metres of open plan Catering up to 300 people for a dinner or 500 people for a theatre style conference. The Norfolk Suite, Marquee space it’sup thetoperfect canvass to transform yourpeople event intoa whatever your business desires. Catering 300has people forbar a dinner or 500 for theatre style conference. The Norfolk Suite, its own area, cloakrooms, LED coloured lighting, stage and dancefloor. With 480 sq. Marquee metres of open plan has its own bar area, cloakrooms, LEDcanvass coloured lighting, stage and dancefloor. With 480 sq. metres of open plan space it’s the perfect to transform your event into whatever your business desires. space it’s the perfect canvass to transform your event into whatever your business desires.
To talk through your unique requirements please call our Events Team on 01603 410871To talk through your unique requirements please call our Events Team on 01603 410871 To talk through your unique requirements please call our Events Team on 01603 410871
01842 751103 13, Kelvin Place, Thetford, IP24 3RR
Sprowston Manor, ASprowston Marriott Hotel Road,Wroxham Norwich,Road, Norwich, Manor,&ACountry Marriott Club, Hotel Wroxham & Country Club, NR7 8RP MarriottSprowstonManor.co.uk NR7 8RP MarriottSprowstonManor.co.uk Sprowston Manor, A Marriott Hotel & Country Club, Wroxham Road, Norwich, NR7 8RP MarriottSprowstonManor.co.uk
Are you getting the most from your agency? ADVERTISING FEATURE
polkadotfrog recruitment specialists, with offices in Cambridge, Ipswich and Norwich, is advising companies to ensure their recruitment agency is comprehensively researching the suitability of candidates before they’re presented for an interview.
talking on the phone it’s important to conduct a comprehensive face-to-face competencybased interview to understand an individual’s personality and to know what they are wanting from their next position. This interview process gives an agency a valuable and unique insight into a candidate’s personality and suitability and ultimately this is what a client is paying for.”
The buoyant economy and the more active jobs market means that agencies are busier and may be cutting corners with candidates to save time. But this is a false economy and unsuitable applicants will reflect poorly on the agency.
Lucy Tufts
Lucy adds: “Agencies should also visit their clients. A face-to-face client meeting helps an agency understand the role in detail, the future of the role, the ethos of the company, how it looks after its staff and the personalities within the organisation. Sadly many recruiters do not spend enough time with their clients leading to valuable time wasted on unsuitable candidates whose personalities, background and future aspirations are not suitable for the position and organisation. polkadotfrog is proud to say that 87% of all their placed candidates stay within the position for longer than 5 years.
Lucy Tufts, Director at polkadotfrog comments: “The role of an agency is to match candidates with jobs on behalf of their client. It’s essential an applicant’s suitability for a position is fully researched. As well as reviewing a CV and
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We are a small company offering excellent customer service and full support. Our approach is based on transparency, simplicity, and clear advice. We break the process down into simple stages, delivered at a pace that you are comfortable with. Our goal is to build long-lasting relationships with our clients, supporting them at every step along the way. Please contact Paul White on 01603 662132 or visit our website www.afaconsultancy.co.uk for further information.
Diary Dates 2014-2015. NETWORKING EVENTS Oil and Gas Debate: A Great Yarmouth Business Breakfast WHERE: Great Yarmouth Race Course WHEN: Thursday 13th November, 07:30 – 10:00 Join us for an Oil & Gas Debate over breakfast with an opportunity to have your say and network with like minded businesses. Sponsored by Ashton KCJ. Members only event.
Norwich Christmas Business Breakfast WHERE: Sprowston Manor, Norwich WHEN: Thursday 11th December, 07:30 – 09:30 WHAT: Join us for a morning of festive fun at Sprowston Manor, meet new people, connect over an ice breaker and enjoy a delicious breakfast. With a variety of Christmas icebreaker activities relax and set your business up for 2015, by making the right contacts in 2014!
Great Yarmouth Business Breakfast WHERE: The Comfort Hotel, Great Yarmouth WHEN: Thursday 22 January, 07:30 – 09:30 WHAT: Join us in Great Yarmouth for a morning of business networking over breakfast whilst you make those important business connections. Member only event.
Super Bowl Challenge WHERE: Hollywood Bowl, Norwich WHEN: Thursday 29 January 18:00 – 20:00 WHAT: The Super Bowl Challenge is a fantastic evening full of networking opportunities in an informal setting, over a game of bowling, followed by a buffet. Register as a team of up to 6, or as an individual to be allocated a place on the team. Member only event.
SPECIAL EVENTS An Audience With...? WHERE: Dunston Hall, Norwich WHEN: Friday 28th November, 07:30 – 10:00 WHAT: Following the success of The Chancellor, George Osborne’s, visit to the region last year we have secured another exclusive date with a Senior Member of the Cabinet to speak with Norfolk Chamber members. Members only event. See page 43 for full details.
The MPs Event 2015 WHERE: Dunston Hall, Norwich WHEN: Friday 6th February, 15:00 - 18:00 What: Bringing together Norfolk’s Nine MPs to discuss key issues affecting Norfolk. Last year over 200 influential Norfolk businesses took part in the event, your company could forms part of this influential delegate list. Members only event. See page 43 for full details.
Sell responsibly.
Meet the Buyer 2015 WHERE: Norwich City Football Club, Norwich WHEN: Thursday 19th March, 10:00 - 16:00 WHAT: The essential supply chain event for the region where you can pre-book appointments with key buyers matched to your business, actively seeking your services. Book, plan, pitch. Open to all businesses. See page 44 for full details.
HR FORUMS HR Forum: Family Leave, An Equal Share? WHERE: Dunston Hall, Norwich WHEN: Wednesday 12th November, 14:00 – 16:30 WHAT: In this HR Forum, Steeles Law will examine in detail the new entitlement for parents to take shared parental leave, and consider some of the practical difficulties that may arise. Open to all businesses.
Over 70 members from across Norfolk attended the historical Great Yarmouth Town Hall for a breakfast on the topic of sell responsibly, get results. Our host John Morse, president of the Great Yarmouth Chamber Council introduced Blue Sky Leisure and NBC Bird & Pest Solution who spoke passionately on how being responsible business and giving back to the community can have multiple business benefits.
A city briefing.
HR Forum WHERE: Dunston Hall, Norwich WHEN: Wednesday 28 January, 14:00 – 17:00 WHAT: Join the Chamber for an afternoon of accessing specialist knowledge essential for any HR professional or business owner. Sponsored and delivered by Cozens-Hardy. Open to all businesses.
CHAMBER SESSIONS Free training delivered by members for members at the Norfolk Chamber office in Norwich. See page 45 for full details
For more information and to see a full list of events visit: www.norfolkchamber.co.uk
Norwich Economic Breakfast in October was a great opportunity for members to hear from two expert influential speakers from HM Treasury and Bank of England on the current state of the economy and the plans for the future. Over 80 delegates joined us for an exclusive event held under Chatham House rules, which was hosted and sponsored by Steeles Law.
Return of Norfolk’s Nine.
The Norfolk Chamber’s high profile policy event is back for 2015, bringing together Norfolk’s Nine MPs to meet with local businesses and discuss key issues affecting Norfolk.
Last year’s event focused on unlocking the potential of Norfolk’s young people and was an overwhelming success on Friday, with nearly 200 people taking part. The Return of Norfolk’s Nine takes place on Friday 6 February, 3pm-8pm at Dunston Hall, Norwich. Featuring a packed programme of speakers, MPs, roundtable discussions and feedback sessions. Book your place today www.norfolkchamber.co.uk
Audience with.... Following the success of The Chancellor, George Osborne’s, visit to the region last year we have secured another exclusive date with a Senior Member of the Cabinet to come to meet businesses in Norfolk.
This exclusive business leaders breakfast on Friday 28 November at Dunston Hall, Norwich will enable Chamber members to learn insight from one of the country’s key decision makers. Due to security reasons we cannot reveal the name of the Minister approx. 2 weeks before the event but do not wait until then to book as we expect to be sold out. For more details or to book now to secure your place visit: www.norfolkchamber.co.uk
Region’s premier business to business exhibition. On Wednesday 15 October, both floors of Norwich City Football Club were packed with the region’s very best businesses showcasing their products and services to the Norfolk business community. The B2B Exhibition 2014 had over 90 exhibitors divided into six different business zones, wowing the 600+ delegates who attended with their quality and range of services. The exhibition was opened by Wendy Thomson, Managing Director of Norfolk County Council who also judged the best stand award. Wendy remarked on the variety of exhibitors at the event and after much deliberation she announced the winners Tipsy & Tumbler.
The 2014 exhibition saw a record level of exhibitors and visitors
In addition to the exhibition, delegates also had the opportunity to attend 20 minute expert bitesize sessions providing expert advice and top tips across three varied subject areas. Overall there was a real buzz around the exhibition, there was plenty to see and do, from meeting Hazel the Harris Hawk at the NBC Bird and Pest Solution stand to having a health check provided by Wrightway Health. n Don’t forget to put a date in your diary for next year’s B2B Exhibition on Thursday 15 October 2015. The Best Stand awarded to Tipsy & Tumbler who tailor made their stand using wood and lighting
Carole from osbornenash giving her top tips on creative marketing to attendees
Meet the Buyer 2015. Meet the Buyer 2015 is a unique opportunity to engage with the county’s supply chain. This is the Chamber at its most commercial, most connected and most confident. Get yourself in front of the region’s top purchasers at ‘Meet the Buyer’ with up to give high quality appointments with key buyers, expert led workshops and a networking lunch. Even in the digital age there’s nothing quite so exciting as face to face contact with people already predisposed to buying from you. The
meetings you’ll have at ‘Meet The Buyer’ are packed with even more potential. Not only have the buyers matched to precisely your market sector, you’ll have the opportunity to further refine your contacts to those you’d most like to talk to. Meet the Buyer 2015 takes place at NCFC, Carrow Road on 21 March 2015 and is open to all businesses. It’s more than an event, it’s a crucial part of your sales strategy. For full details visit: www.norfolkchamber.co.uk
Better your Business through Chamber Sessions. Expert advice, professional trainers and free attendance combine to create the Chamber Sessions. Free weekly training sessions delivered by our expert Chamber members for our Chamber members every week at Norfolk Chamber offices in Norwich. Available at both breakfast and lunch to suit your diary, the sessions cover a range of subjects all aimed at enhancing your business. Learn direct from those in the know about key ways to further your personal development and better your business. We have an exciting line up for Series 5, starting this November, with topics ranging from creative marketing to building rapport with clients. Tuesday 18 November, 08:30-10:00
Tuesday 9 December, 08:30-10:00
Be Better at Building Rapport with Clients
Be Better at Advertising in the Digital Age
Tuesday 4 November, 08:30-10:00
Rapport isn’t just about matching and mirroring, Ermine Amies of Sandler Training, will look at the top tips for building relationships and rapport with clients.
In a world where information is available at the touch of a button, Jamie Brown of Archant will talk about the how to use online advertising to get results.
Be Better at Solving Business Problems
Tuesday 25 November, 08:30-10:00
Tuesday 16 December, 08:30-10:00
Identifying the problem is often part of the solution. Sarah Jones and Steve Palmer, WLP will equip you with the tools to identify the true cause of any business problem and how to implement sustainable solutions.
Be Better at Creative Marketing
Be Better at Presentation Skills
How can you be creative with your marketing while remaining consistent to transmit the right message to your customers? Learn from Carole Osborne, osbornenash.
Want to speak in front of groups with confidence? Su Ingle of Su Ingle Media will guide you through how to overcome nerves, express yourself effectively and engage your audience.
Thursday 6 November, 12:30-14:00
Tuesday 2 December, 08:30-10:00
Thursday 18 December, 12:30-14:00
Be Better at Selling in a Tough Climate
Be Better at Strategic Marketing
Be Better at Time Management
Hear from an expert with 20 years of experience, Michael Gurney, The Point, will share his top tips for developing a marketing strategy and how by being intentional you can deliver leads and increase sales.
Ever feel there aren’t enough hours in the day? Hear top tips from Rachael Blackburn of US2U Consulting, discover how you can manage your time even more and increase your capacity.
Hear from Steve Gaskin of the Right Group, who will provide tips from what he has learnt from starting a new, thriving company in a recession. Tuesday 11 November, 08:30-10:00
Be Better at Growing Your Business What is stopping your business from growing? James West, New Anglia Growth will help you identify the barriers impacting your growth and provide practical advice on how to position your business for the future.
Thursday 4 December, 12:30-14:00
Be Better at Face to Face Networking Chris Liles, expert networker from Relationship Doctor offers a 1 hour ‘Surgery’ looking at body language through to business cards, badges to simple questioning & listening.
For more information on FREE training for members and to book your place please visit: www.norfolkchamber.co.uk
Norwich solicitors welcome two new partners.
CTR Learning reach Mont Blanc.
Cozens-Hardy LLP has announced that commercial property associates Caroline Linsdell and Dan Evans have been appointed Principals of the firm. Caroline has over 25 years commercial property experience and deals with all aspects of property-based transactions, including secured lending, site acquisitions, commercial development and commercial leases. Dan Evans joined the firm in 2007 as a trainee specialising in commercial property and was appointed an associate last year. Dan, who was recently recognised by the Legal 500 guide as standing out for ‘patience and determination’ in challenging deals, also specialises in the full gamut of commercial property matters.
Passion, the Palm and Personal Development. Developing the Middle East Learning and Development theme, Rachel Blackburn delivered a Personal Development Planning and Leadership Coaching Project for a client in Media City, Dubai.
CTR management reached the heady heights of 4810m on the 8th of September 2014 and proudly raised the CTR banner on the summit. This achievement was part of an effort to showcase CTR in every environment and to promote the ethos of the company, highlighting that CTR Learning are always prepared to overcome any obstacle and always go above and beyond in their application of learning, leadership and support… Adrian Kent who is an accomplished Mountain Leader within the UK, spent the last week ascending various peaks within the Mont Blanc massif, finally summiting Mont Blanc itself. To raise the profile of CTR Learning by showcasing the company at the top of one of the most iconic mountains was something that also helped raise money for one of our charities.
“It was great to share some of our expertise with our international clients and working on the 37th floor is in complete contrast to working in rural Norfolk in the UK!” said Rachel.
Rachel rolls into the Jungle. Norfolk-based public relations agency, Jungle PR, has appointed Rachel Stevenson to the position of Account Director. Having previously worked at global integrated marketing agency, Iris Worldwide, the Cabinet Office, working at the heart of the government and most recently Cambridge based agency, KISS Communications, Rachel joins the team as an experienced PR professional with six years industry experience.
She joins the team at Jungle PR with a BA (Hons) in Journalism from The University of Lincoln and will be focussing on strategic planning and leading account services across the agency’s diverse client portfolio. Rachel brings an impressive portfolio of B2B and B2C client experience to the agency, including involvement in high profile brands such as Home Retail Group (Argos, Homebase and Habitat), Brown Forman (Bonterra wines), Spirit of London Awards, Reckitt Benckiser (Cillit Bang), Robinsons and Vistaprint, as well as working on the The Football Association’s CIPR Award Winning campaign for FA Women’s Super League and introducing Movember to the UK.
Is your business fighting fit? ADVERTISING FEATURE
The average person in the UK spends just over 39 hours a week at work – that’s over 150 hours a month. For a lot of us, that’s sedentary time sat in front of a computer – and unfortunately those routine trips to the kitchen for a cup of tea don’t really count as physical activity. As awareness about the importance of physical activity grows, looking at ways to increase fitness levels while at work will prove to benefit employers as much as employees. Employee sick days currently cost UK businesses almost £29 billion annually. Recent evidence by the Department of Health shows that physically
Active Norfolk’s Fit4Work Project Officer works with employers to create a holistic workplace health improvement package. The programme is tailor-made to address your employees’ needs and interests. That can be anything from organising on-site sports activities to boost morale and teamwork, signposting to relevant health related services, conducting a comprehensive Health Needs Assessment, or simply getting a team together to compete in a Workplace Challenge competition. And it’s all for free.
active employees take 27% fewer sick days, are better motivated, and ultimately more productive. That’s why Active Norfolk is offering the Fit4Work programme. With funding support from Norfolk County Council’s Public Health and South Norfolk Council, Fit4Work is a free workplace health scheme that provides employers access to a wide range of opportunities to improve their employees’ overall health.
The benefits of physical activity to your employees’ health are clear, but the benefits of teamwork, camaraderie and just having a laugh together are also important. With the Fit4Work programme you’ll get access to a host of ideas to inspire and engage your employees. The benefits are numerous, but the call to action is simple. Contact Active Norfolk today on 01603 731 569, and find out how Fit4Work can benefit your business.
Is Your Business Fighting Fit?
Employee sick days cost UK businesses £29 billion annually.
How can FitWork help my business?
Employees that are physically active:
Fit4Work is a workplace health programme that can help improve the health and wellbeing of your employees.
n take 27% fewer sick days
Active Norfolk’s Fit4Work Project Officer will work with your organisation to create a holistic workplace health action plan based on your individual employees’ needs. This can include organising sports activities, addressing specific health issues, or getting involved in fun competitions through Workplace Challenge.
n are better motivated n less likely to suffer from major health problems, and n more productive
01603 731 569 www.activenorfolk.org/fit4work
Supported by
New Members. A2GO Consultancy Ltd 07841 645011
www.a2goconsultancy.co.uk Consultants (Business/Management)
Allman Woodcock Ltd 01603 610243
www.allmanwoodcock.com Surveyors
Asbestos Control Environment 07876 335960
www.asbestoscontrolenvironment.com Safety Equipment
Charity Backroom 01603 756726
www.charitybackroom.org.uk Charities
Commonsense Services (Norfolk) ltd 07468 570471 Coaching & Mentoring
Connect-Education and Business 01473 740219
www.connecteb.co.uk Educational Service
Desire Marketing Ltd 01603 722 957
www.desiremarketing.co.uk Marketing Services
Develop EBP 01603 387086
www.developebp.co.uk Training Providers/Services
East Anglian Air Ambulance 01603 269320
www.eaaa.org.uk Charities
Export Explorer 01162 792738
www.exportexplorer.co.uk Consultants (Business/Management)
Figures 01603 436727 Accountancy Services
Mancroft Communications 01986 788011
www.mancroftcommunications.co.uk Public Relations
MS Therapy Centre Norfolk Ltd 01603 485933
www.mstcn.org.uk Charities
Presenting for Profit 01953 860430 Training Providers/Services
Qualified Education Ltd 07967 649913
www.qualified-education.co.uk Training Providers/Services
Rawlins and Company Ltd 01508 470387 Health Care
Real Time Reception Ltd 01263 517075
www.realtimereception.com IT Services
Realworld-Travel.com Ltd 01603 283 517
www.realafrica.co.uk Travel Services
REED 01603 751760
www.reedglobal.com Recruitment
Reflection PR 01603 219191
www.reflectionpr.co.uk Public Relations
Roger Pemberton Ltd 01508 494414
www.actioncoach.com/rogerpemberton Business Advisor
Round House Limited 01502 515220
www.roundhouselimited.co.uk Engineering (Design)
Satnat Limited 01508 548 807
www.satnat.co.uk Business Services
SFF (UK) Ltd 01603 633647
www.sffgroup.com Offshore Services
Shield Health & Safety 01508 218721
www.shieldhealthandsafety.co.uk Training Providers/Services
Shopper Anonymous Norfolk & Suffolk 01508 499156
www.shopperanonymous.co.uk Consultants (Business/Management)
SocialB Ltd 01223 258000
www.socialb.co.uk Marketing
Socium Marketplace Limited 01603 274490
www.sociummarketplace.co.uk Business Services
The Private Chef Experience 07787 161148
www.theprivatechefexperience.co.uk Catering
UK Boards Ltd 01842 751103
www.boards4u.co.uk Manufacturing (General)
Women in Energy Network 07739 546888
www.wenuk.com Energy
A week in the Life of... Philippa Bindley, Senior Events Coordinator
There is time to quickly check my emails before heading into 9am Monday morning meeting which is a roundup of what every member of staff has got planned for the week ahead. This week is extremely busy for the events team with only one week until our B2B Exhibition, as well as having a business breakfast on Friday – it’s all hands on deck. In the afternoon I visited Norwich City Football Club, the venue for the B2B Exhibition to have one final check over of the placement of the 90+ stands and run through the tasks for on the day.
We have a chamber session this morning, so the office is busy with lots of our members enjoying a cup of tea and croissant before the training starts. Today I’m receiving the final proofs for the B2B Exhibition Supplement that is being sent out on Thursday with the Eastern Daily Press. The 20 page publication needs to be carefully checked through before going to printers.
My morning starts with one to one meetings with the three members of the events team to discuss what events they are leading on and to sign off any marketing material. In the afternoon, I have a call scheduled with a very senior cabinet minister’s office to discuss logistics for an event that this ‘a senior cabinet minister’s office’ is speaking to our members in November.
My day is mostly meeting free, allowing time to concentrate the events calendar for next year which contains over 60 events. This includes brainstorming event concepts, potential speakers and marketing for each event.
It’s an early start setting up for our Business Breakfast at Dunston Hall. It is a great morning event and brilliant opportunity to catch up with some familiar faces and meet some of our new members. After the event, it is back to the office to unpack the equipment, and progress with the current projects I’m working on. Finally, before I leave for the day, it’s time to write that all important ‘to do list’ ready for next week.
Welcome to future team member!
Philippa Bindley
Hansells Bowls Cup Final honours go to Fleggburgh. The Hansells Cup – the final piece of silverware in the 2014 Norfolk Bowls Association season - was won by village club Fleggburgh. Receiving the trophy from Mari Vallgren, partner at sponsors Hansells Solicitors and Financial Advisers, non-playing captain Frank Brown was a proud man. Frank, who built and paid for the club green himself, said: “We have a very small pool of players and field just one team in the league. Last year we were relegated from East Division 1, but have come back at the first time of asking to be champions of Division 2. To win the Hansells Cup on top of that is just wonderful.”
Abi, Neil and Monty Charter
Abi Charter, the Chamber’s Events Team Manager introduced her new arrival to the Chamber team. Monty George Charter was born on 27 August 2014.
In the morning semi-finals, with sunglasses and tanning cream the order of the day, Fleggburgh beat Central Division 2 champions Wicklewood by 10 shots (64-54), winning on two of the three rinks. South 2 winners Wortwell were also victorious on two rinks to beat West 2 winners Shouldham A (74-57) by 17 shots.
The final was never in doubt as Wortwell succumbed to a bout of second game syndrome. Fleggburgh took an early lead and went on to open a 20-shot margin. Wortwell, who had former county president George Hunter and Norfolk Middleton Cup team member Robert Hadingham in their team, had the consolation of winning the final rink by one shot with the last wood of the afternoon.
The last word. Name: Corrienne Peasgood Company: City College Norwich Jon Title: Principal Biog:
Corrienne Peasgood took up her role as Principal of City College Norwich in September 2012, in the latest phase of a career that has taken her from the plumbing workshops to the boardroom. She has a clear vision of the type of educational environment that will provide not only the best opportunities for students, but also the right conditions for the whole College to develop. This broad perspective has become the signature for her approach to management. City College Norwich is a provider of vocational Further and Higher education. The College provides excellent preparation for students’ career development and progression. All courses have strong links with employers and the world of work, meaning that the vocational skills and knowledge that are developed with us are up-to-date, relevant and in demand from employers. The College has extensive links with employers across all of our curriculum areas, from health and social care to engineering, and we continually update our courses to take account of the current and future higher skills needed by employers. The College recognised early that employers are looking for more than just the relevant skills and qualifications from today’s students. That is why City College Norwich, as part of the Gazelle Group of colleges, is leading the way in providing unique opportunities to develop enterprise and entrepreneurship skills as a key element of every student’s course. What this means in practice is that there are actively promoted opportunities to get involved in student-run enterprises – both ‘for profit’ and social enterprises – in order to gain hands-on experience of being part of a small enterprise, managing projects, using creative skills to develop new products or services, problem-solve, and learning how to promote ideas.
What was your first job and what was the pay packet?
If you were Prime Minister, what one thing would you change to help business?
As a business person, what are your three main qualities?
I left school at 16 and received £15 a week as a trainee plumber. Since then, all of my learning has been done alongside work.
I would make apprenticeships easier to understand so that employers could see what a great route they provide to grow their business.
Resilience, positivity and an entrepreneurial outlook.
What do you always carry with you to work? I am trying to be as environmentally friendly and paper free as possible; I always have my iPhone and iPad with me. What is the biggest challenge facing your business? Inspiring and engaging young people to study Maths and English GCSE until they achieve grade A*-C when they have already ‘failed’ at school.
What can you see from your office window? Out of my window I am fortunate to have a view of Ipswich Road, lots of greenery/trees and our College flag. If you could do another job, what would it be? I used to run the annual camp for North Norfolk Pony Club which I loved so I would like to be Chef d’Equipe of the British Eventing team.
What was your biggest mistake in business? Closing the family business, but for a very good reason – to concentrate on having a family of my own. What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs? Do something that you love, take small steps and plan as you go, risk no more than you can afford to lose and learn as you go along. Who do you admire most in business? Anyone who inspires others to succeed.
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