Norfolk Voice 26

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norfolk Big Interview

Cover Feature

Business Editor sees cause for cautious optimism as economy recovers

A look into the future proves rewarding


Norfolk Chamber of Commerce JANUARY FEBRUARY 2015

Norfolk C of Com hamber m erc Meet th e Buye e – r Eve 19th M arch 20 nt Norfolk 15


The market leader in Health & Safety pre-qualification • CHAS is the largest and fastest growing Health & Safety

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th busin wi

ership rtn

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CHAS 2013 Ltd, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX


Contents. 03


18 23

Business Support

04 05

Chamber News

36 39


06 08

Members News

40 41

Conferences & Exhibitions

10 11

Chamber Policy

52 54

Commercial Property

12 13

Members News

A New Year is so refreshing. All the challenges from the previous year start to fade and there is a feeling of optimism in the air.

14 15

International Trade

24 25

Members News

The Norfolk Chamber had a pretty good 2014 but we did have our challenges. I would like to formally thank all our members for their positive support which you gave us whilst we went through our ‘little trauma’. We are through to the other side – stronger and wiser.

30 31

The Big Interview

32 35

Cover Feature

44 45


48 51

Chamber Events

In our article on page 10 we look back to what we have achieved as a network and I think it can be described as making Norfolk more visible in Westminster i.e. ‘Look at Norfolk. See Success’. Of course we had help from our partners but the fact that the year ended with a direct request by the Prime Minster to meet with Norfolk Chamber members was very positive.




New Members


A Week in the Life of


The Last Word



To help our lobbing in an election year, we are pulling together a ‘Business Plan for Norfolk’ which will draw together what our two LEPs are already planning but will also identify local needs which you as members are telling us would assist your businesses. High on the agenda are: improvements to Broadband and Mobile coverage and speeds; further improvements to the A47; the Norwich to London rail franchise specifying what we need; and work to improve business/education links. Our own business plan for 2015 will be evolution not revolution. There will be more of what has worked and less of what hasn’t! We do like to experiment and with the dynamic young team we have here at the Norfolk Chamber you will not be disappointed. We are very excited about our website development page 42. When we created the current one we had very little member content, now we have an increasing amount so have redesigned the site to maximise your content which we will continue to tweet out to our 5k+ twitter followers. More to follow on this but you will not be disappointed - it’s going to be brilliant. 2015 will be a great year of achievement if we work together. On behalf of the team at Norfolk Chamber we wish you all a very prosperous year ahead.

50 Norfolk Voice is a Norfolk Chamber of Commerce publication. ALL EDITORIAL AND GENERAL ENQUIRIES: NORFOLK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Norwich Office: 9 Norwich Business Park, Whiting Road, Norwich NR4 6DJ Tel: 01603 625977 Fax: 01603 633032

 Distinctive Publishing, Unit 6b, Floor B, Milburn House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1LE
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 John Neilson, Commercial Director Distinctive Publishing, Unit 6b, Floor B, Milburn House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1LE
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Distinctive Publishing or Norfolk Voice cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur, individual products or services advertised or late entries. No part of this publication may be reproduced or scanned without prior written permission of the publishers and Norfolk Voice.


Caroline Williams CEO Norfolk Chamber of Commerce





Have you found your calling yet?

EDP Business Awards – Small Business of the Year Winner. The winner of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce sponsored EDP Business Award for Small Business of the Year 2014 was Selesti.

Ian Hacon President of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce

The same day I allocated to writing this column, I was also preparing a speech to Sixth Formers at one of our local Academies. When I finished the speech I realised that the whole thing was just as relevant to people in business as it was students. I talked to them about finding a role with Meaning, that gave them Pleasure and that they had the Skills for. Baz Luhrmann once said “the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.” They haven’t found their calling yet. They do a job that doesn’t give them pleasure, or meaning or they are not very good at it. If you thought the pursuit of money would be the answer, think again. According to Gallup in their 2008/9 study1, they found that in America after income reaches $75,000, there is no noticeable change in a person’s happiness. They go onto say it was one of the flattest lines he had ever seen statistically. You see our primary needs have all been met at that level then we are just earning more money, to buy more stuff we don’t actually need, just want or desire. I am explaining this to the Sixth Formers and then going on to explain the MPS Process2. This simple process looks at three things; n Meaning – What gives you meaning, what do you care about n Pleasure – What do you enjoy doing n Skills – What are you good at In a table you simply list as many things as you can in each column, and then look for the common ground amongst all three, for instance you get meaning from helping children, you enjoy reading and you are very good at English. This could mean that a career as an English Teacher could be your calling. I am fortunate that at 45 I have gone through that process and found my calling. What is your calling?

1 The study, by economist Angus Deaton and psychologist Daniel Kahneman, who has won a Nobel Prize for Economics, analysed the responses of 450,000 Americans polled by Gallup and Healthways in 2008 and 2009. 2 The MPS Process was created by Harvard professor and best-selling author, Dr Tal Ben-Shahar, and was published in his book, “Happier.”


This Norwich-based company is an exciting and dynamic company who are achieving great things both in Norfolk and on a national basis. They place emphasis on fun and creativity around the office but they is are also very serious about continuing to grow their business. In winning the award, the company demonstrated strong growth both organically and through acquisition with a clear sustainable business plan, while it has also taken advantage of opportunities within the business and shown strength in diversification. With a clear five to ten year vision, the firm impressed judges in a range of areas from staff development to corporate social responsibility. Ollie Blackmore, Managing Director of Selesti said: “We have got all sorts of plans to encourage growth in the company, staff is the main thing and we can’t do that without our team in place.” He said the business was also targeting further growth and expansion. “We are going to utilise our expertise in social media to attract a lot of new personnel,” he said. “We are looking to expand into a lot of new territories around the world. Not necessarily to move to them, but obviously we can work remotely. Because we have got that beauty of working digitally, we can look at having people anywhere in the world, with the expertise we require. It’s absolutely fantastic. We are really passionate about local business, local community, and the corporate social responsibility around our neighbourhood. To win this, it really does add so much kudos to what we do. “We are flying the flag nationally and we want to for Norwich as well.” Ian Hacon, president of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce said: “Small business is the lifeblood of the UK economy, making up the majority of all business, and that statistic is even higher for Norfolk. Based on what we have judged this year, it is clear that small businesses are doing really well Selesti are passionate about their sector and try to fly the flag locally.”


Chamber congratulates all the winners at the NOSCAs.

Norfolk Chamber was proud to once again sponsor the Chief Constable’s Special Recognition Award at the Norfolk Safer Community Awards (NOSCAs). The awards combine internal recognition with local communities voting for police officers they feel deserve an award for their contributions to their local community. The Chief Constable’s Special Recognition Award is an opportunity for the Chief Constable to recognise the work of an individual or team where their contribution to delivering the Constabulary’s performance has been significant, yet under-recognised.

This year’s winner of the Chief Constable’s Special Recognition Award was Tim Stapleford. Tim has worked tirelessly to try and fill the gap with the closure of a local youth club, which was run by police in Norwich. He now provides football coaching and games for young people in the Vauxhall Street area. Tim has recently sought funding to reopen a disused shop to turn it into a young person’s ‘hang-out’ in the evenings to keep them from committing crime. Tim’s schemes, including a local community Games Day, has helped dramatically reduce

anti-social behaviour and given young people a safe environment to spend their evenings in. Nova Fairbank of the Norfolk Chamber said “We are extremely proud to support the Chief Constable’s Special Recognition Award, as part of our partnership working with the Norfolk Constabulary. It goes without saying that the Norfolk Constabulary plays a vital part in maintaining the growth of the Norfolk economy by supporting part of what makes Norfolk such a fantastic place to live and do a business.”

ABP thanks customers with Chamber of Commerce membership. ABP’s Port of King’s Lynn has teamed up with the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce to offer port companies a year’s guest membership in one of the biggest business networks in the country. As well as a thank you for their business, the scheme aims to give the port business community a bigger voice. The ABP Ports in East Anglia contribute £340 million to the UK economy each year and support over 5,000 jobs nationally. With a Chamber of Commerce membership, businesses will be able to expand their reach and influence in professional networks and grow their business support services.

James Cooper, ABP Chief Executive, said: “We take our responsibility to contribute to the economic wellbeing of the region seriously. One of the best ways to do that is to support our customers to make the connections they need to become even more successful.” “By making their voice heard and taking part in the business life of the region, they will also have the chance to play a part in making our region a better place to do business. And that’s something we can all benefit from.” The Norfolk Chamber of Commerce offers members a multitude of services including: lobbying at local and national levels, support for

key business functions at a discounted rate and connection and networking opportunities for their business. Each local Chamber of Commerce is run by and for their members offering a dedicated focus on improving conditions for local business members. Caroline Williams CEO Norfolk Chamber of Commerce said: “It has never been a more important time for the business community to work together to do better business and to ensure their collective voice is heard by local and national government. We very much look forward to working closely with ABP and their customers through this very innovative scheme.”





Abellio Greater Anglia launches new website. Abellio Greater Anglia has launched a new website to improve its customer service and information provision to the 30,000 people who visit daily.

New range of tours to southern Brazil.

The new site will run parallel to the existing site at while the train operator listens to feedback from customers and ensures the new site is running smoothly. It is accessible from the home page of the existing site, which will continue to be available for the next few weeks to ensure a smooth transition. The new website, designed and built by marketing agency Jacob Bailey, will improve the service offered to Abellio Greater Anglia customers as it is able to adapt to a range of different devices and offer the same level of functionality whether the customer is using a smartphone, tablet or PC. It will also respond to each device differently, ensuring that pages fit correctly and that the most important information is on screen for the user (eg, for mobile phones it will condense the information on the home page to show mainly travel information and updates).

There are also more links from the homepage and the site has a new ‘Commuter Zone’ and ‘Business Zone’ to make navigation easier and faster. Abellio Greater Anglia’s Commercial Director, Andrew Camp, said, “It is extremely important that we have the ability to provide customers with information when they need it and the ability to offer a fast, consistent website that is easy to use across a number of devices means that customers will be able to access accurate and timely information on the go.”

Rogers & Norton to acquire Nicholas Daykin Solicitors. Rogers & Norton Solicitors, currently based at the Old Chapel, Willow Lane, Norwich have agreed to acquire Nicholas Daykin Solicitors, a well established legal practice in Attleborough. Managing Director Richard Etheridge said: “We have been actively looking for some time to expand our business. We believe that with the major improvements to the A11, Attleborough will continue to thrive and expand. We see this acquisition as a strategically important extension to our business, which will enable us to offer our comprehensive range of services to a wider audience in the future. Nick Daykin has built up a well respected practice in Attleborough and we believe that we can provide an even greater range of legal services to the local community in the future”. It is anticipated that the purchase of the business will be completed on 1st December 2014. The Attleborough office will continue to trade from the existing premises at Connaught House but will operate under the Rogers & Norton name from that date.


Bespoke Brazil, in partnership with Go Brazil Wines, has started offering a new range of exclusive Brazilian wine tours to southern Brazil. Bespoke Brazil, the Norwich-based UK specialist for travel to Brazil, in partnership with Ipswich based Go Brazil Wines, the UK’s only importer specialising exclusively in high quality Brazilian wines, offers a new range of exclusive Brazilian wine tours, incorporating the leading vineyards of the Serra Gaúcha and Santa Catarina regions of southern Brazil. Bespoke Brazil director Simon Williams said: “As the UK’s specialist for travel to Brazil we are always looking to introduce new areas of Brazil to our product portfolio so clients can experience the vast diversity this amazing country has to offer”. “When we were approached by Go Brazil Wines to create a bespoke wine tour we were delighted to partner with a company that shares obvious synergies with us, as well as a real passion for Brazil”. Nicholas Corfe, Managing Director of Go Brazil Wines, said: “Brazilian wines may be new to many but, with a history that can be traced back to the 19th Century Italian emigration to the Americas, Brazil can boast a wine-making industry with a long and proud heritage.”

Declare your support for our Armed Forces by signing the Corporate Covenant. ADVERTISING FEATURE

The Armed Forces Corporate Covenant is an Enduring Covenant between the People of the United Kingdom, Her Majesty’s Government and all those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces of the Crown and their Families.

n promoting the fact that you are an armed forces-friendly organisation;

n publicise your commitments through your literature and/or your website.

n seeking to support the employment of veterans young and old;

To sign up to the Corporate Covenant go to and search Corporate Covenant.

n striving to support the employment of Service spouses and partners; n endeavouring to offer a degree of flexibility in granting leave for Service spouses partners before, during and after a partner’s deployment;

The key principles of The Armed Forces Covenant are:

n seeking to support our employees who choose to be members of the Reserve forces, including by accommodating their training and deployment where possible;

n no member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen

n offering support to our local cadet units, either in our local community or in local schools, where possible;

n in some circumstances special treatment may be appropriate especially for the injured or bereaved. You can choose how best to support our Armed Forces by selecting any of the following areas which best suit your business and local community:-

Once you have signed the Corporate Covenant why not be recognised by the Ministry of Defence through the Employer Recognition Scheme? For further information and assistance in pledging your support please contact Kristina Carrington,

n aiming to actively participate in Armed Forces Day; n offering a discount to members of the Armed Forces Community; n any additional commitments you could make based on local circumstance;




Petans unveils winning helicopter design.

Wayne Rooney, the Captain of the England Football team, was given a special treat in preparation for his 100th England cap when he spent an afternoon with the Lambda team.

Congratulations to Ryan Powley of The Hewett School for his winning design in a special helicopter-based competition.

Ryan’s design was chosen for its professional design, simplicity and clever use of the logo and colours. Congratulations also go to George Ribbons of Aylsham High School (2nd place) and Emily Buckle of Flegg High School (3rd place). In February last year, Petans launched its Helicopter Design Competition at five schools in Norfolk (The Hewett School, Aylsham High School, Flegg High School, Sewell Park College and Wayland Academy). The organisation’s training helicopter needed a new coat of paint and they invited aspiring graphic designers to give it a fresh new look. Petans is a registered charity and one of its aims is to invest time and resources into education and skills. “We are undertook this project to raise awareness amongst school children of the oil and gas and wider energy sector in Norfolk and Suffolk,” said James Wortley (Business Manager).

When Rooney met Lambda.

Lambda Films headed down St George’s Park, the 330-acre English Football Association’s national football centre, in Burton-upon-Trent. There, the Lambda production team worked with the The FA, Vauxhall and YouTube football celebrity Steve Roberts of STR Skill School to produce an exclusive one-on-one interview with the England Captain about his upcoming 100th cap, and his top five goals.

“We feel it is important that local children are aware of the industries on their doorstep and the opportunities that are available to them.” During his internship, Ryan also produced a new design for the 2015 course calendar which is now live on the website. Ryan said: “I feel like I’ve gained a lot of confidence from the internship, as I was handed an important task and I feel like I completed it to the best of my ability, I also learnt what it’s like to work in an office as part of a larger company and I think these are two skills that will really help me in later life” said Ryan.

The video was edited overnight and released the following morning to take advantage of Rooney’s impending 100th game. With the help of tweets and Facebook updates from the FA, the England Football team, Vauxhall and Rooney himself, the video garnered over 83,000 views in just a couple of days and continues to increase. As well as the interview, the Lambda team worked with Steve Roberts and Wayne Rooney to produce a series of football tutorials for the STR Skillschool YouTube channel, one of the most successful football channels in the world.

Ryan’s teacher, Matthew Bilverstone (Faculty of Arts and Design) said: “We’re delighted that Ryan won the competition. He produced a really simple design which fulfils the brief perfectly. It was a great opportunity for the students to work in a real life context and to see the results of their work come to fruition. We’re going to use the prize money to buy a new printer for our Graphics and Art students to use.”

Jungle PR scores a hat-trick. The Jungle PR team scooped three Gold awards at the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) regional PRide Awards which were revealed at the Cambridge City Hotel. The CIPR PRide Awards is the only UK-wide awards scheme that recognises excellence in public relations and communications work across Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and six English regions. Jungle won all three of the awards that they were shortlisted for in the East Anglia and Thames & Chiltern region. They were: n Best Not-for-Profit for its PR work on the GoGoGo Gorillas! outdoor art trail


n Best Integrated Campaign for its rebranding, PR and marketing campaign for Amazona Zoo n Best Outstanding Small PR Consultancy Kate Morfoot, Managing Director of Jungle PR said: “We’re really proud to come away with three awards at the CIPR PRide Awards which recognise and reward the inspirational work of public relations teams and consultancies. “We have a wonderful set of clients and have worked hard to raise their profiles and to help them grow their businesses. We are absolutely delighted to have been given this fantastic accolade.”


Roche Chartered Surveyors helps Kinnerton Confectionery with expansion. Kinnerton Confectionery Limited is expanding its Fakenham factory to meet growing demand for its chocolate products.

is further land of approximately 22 acres that is potentially available. Kinnerton plan to vacate the site in early 2015.

As a result, its satellite site at South Creake in north-west Norfolk is surplus to requirements. Roche Chartered Surveyors and Pearson Commercial have been appointed as joint agents to handle the sale.

“The availability of Kinnerton’s premises at South Creake provides a relatively rare opportunity to purchase extensive food-grade premises that have been comprehensively refurbished in recent years and which comply with the stringent requirements of a number of the UK’s largest food retailers,” said James Allen of Roche Chartered Surveyors who is dealing with the sale of the property.

The property extends to approximately 40,900 sq ft on 4 acres which includes production and storage space, along with ancillary offices. The overall site includes two houses and there

Businesses learn about online presence.

Norwich Sunblinds raise £1,128.

More than 30 local businesses gathered for a free seminar at the Open Youth Trust in Norwich which was cohosted by Jonathan White, Managing Director of Traded Network, the online marketing company that uniquely raise money for good causes. In the first of its kind, Traded Network educated local businesses on the importance of website structures for local search positioning, how to use social media more effectively and creating different ideas on what type of content can be written which will engage with customers. In addition Jonathan discussed how working with good causes could help increase business profitability and enhance personal development skills. Rosalie Collins, CEO of The Open Youth Trust gave an insight into the work that is carried out by the charity and Hayley Gerrard, Events and Marketing Manager presented how the SOS Bus in Norwich provides a safe haven for people to attend at times of need. Jonathan said: “The feedback received has been great with lots of people thanking us for the evening and through feedback the content marketing part of the seminar was the most welcomed section. I think lots of people know that they need to publish content online via blogs, posts and social media, but often struggle to find enough engaging content to write

about. We presented ideas such as producing tips, articles about the best products, reviews, case studies and even the day in the life of an employee.” Attending the seminar was Jan Roberts, Director at Inspire Norfolk said “ coming along to the event gave me a huge insight in where we need make improvements to our online marketing strategy and will continue to seek the help and guidance from the Traded Network team.” Businesses left the seminar with lots of new learning’s and how they could use one of Traded Network’s websites, uk to support their own online marketing and raise funds for the two charities as they donate a proportion of the fees directly to them. Every business that joins the marketing solution receives a detailed online business profile which includes all their contact details, social media and website links, business description, an unlimited image and video gallery and a link to the good causes that they choose to connect to. Every good cause then displays the business logo and a link back to the business profile page.

Norwich Sunblinds have been donating a £1.00 for each curtain, blind and roman fold sold to a charity each month. The East Anglian Air Ambulance was the charity for the month of October and they managed to raise £1128.00. Alan Smith received the cheque on behalf of The East Anglian Air Ambulance he gave the staff at Norwich Sunblinds a brief talk about the work the Air Ambulance and crew manage to do and the work that he as a volunteer does to get funding.




Chamber influences Government decisions.

David Cameron, Prime Minister

Chuka Umunna, Shadow Business Sectretary

That’s the message we conveyed in 2014. Now it’s time to celebrate, and build on our increased visibility in 2015.

The beginning of the New Year is inevitably a time for reflection on both what’s happened in the previous twelve months, and what’s planned or hoped for in the next. It’s seldom been more appropriate for Norfolk to consider those issues than right now, at the start of 2015.

George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer

Last year saw the county become more visible on the political agenda. The Norfolk Chamber of Commerce was influential in securing audiences with key politicians, at national level, and giving the region the opportunity to have its business voice heard. Chukka Umunna, George Osborne, Vince Cable and David Cameron all came here at the Chamber’s direct invitation, and their primary reason for doing so was to hear what our members have to say, and see what we have to offer. Just as importantly it was an opportunity


to inform them what we need to realise the county’s demonstrable potential. It’s potential that will be made deliverable with better infrastructure. Five years ago the A47 and A11 struggled to get on to the government’s agenda. Now they know that the A11 is vital for the growth of the local economy, and improvements to it could deliver over £600 million in economic benefits. What’s more, the work on the A11 is complete. Norfolk Chamber members from start-ups to large scale organisations, together with the rest of the business community, the LEPs and our MPs have been very successful in highlighting the business case for improvements to the A47. The message was that improvements along this route will open up opportunities for Norfolk businesses to deliver more economic growth, housing and jobs for our county. The result of our being seen and heard is that David Cameron has pledged that the Government will commit £300million for work along the A47 route but we do need to continue to lobby for the dualling of the Acle Straight and the all-important Dereham, Swaffham, King’s Lynn corridor. We’ve shown that we’re on the road to success and we need to build on this success. The rail links are as vital as the roads, and again the Norfolk Chamber business community has been successful in bringing its needs into focus.


Caroline Williams, Ed Miliband, Leader of the Labour Party, Lara Norris Labour PPC and Trevor Wainwright, Leader of Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Improvements put forward by the Great Eastern Main Line Campaign will boost our ambition to be a mobile and accessible economy. Our voices were heard and, following the commitment to a rail Taskforce by the chancellor at a Chamber event last November, in this year’s Autumn Statement we have a commitment from Government to ensure that ‘Norwich in 90’ becomes a reality. The signals are set at go. The poor strength of of our mobile and broadband signals is firmly on the agenda going forward. The Chamber actively engaging members in surveys and gathering opinion to inform our dialogue with Government has allowed us to, collectively, make it known that it’s essential for every business in our region to be digitally enabled beyond the minimum on offer. Superfast broadband should actually mean superfast and not what is mainly on offer.

Prime Minister talks to Chamber members

Chuka Umunna meets Chamber members

Feedback clearly shows that accessing skilled staff is considered a key concern and restricts growth. With greater connectivity and innovative technology expanding the economy, comes the need for additional employment and the challenge for businesses to find people of all ages with the right skills. There has been a great step forward with the development of apprenticeships, but the business links with schools still has a long way to go to ensure that our young people understand the world of work and which careers are open to them. Westminster must understand our needs and help us to encourage schools to work closer with business.

we have made 2014 a vital and firm rung in the ladder to our success as a region. We have proved that the business voice counts. Government has heard us. They’ve seen that looking at Norfolk means seeing success. And we can and must celebrate that.

Central to all of this increased visibility for Norfolk has been the ‘business voice’. Working with our members, our MPs, the educational establishments, businesses and our partners

Now that we have a focus, and are clearly in focus, we can be sure that when commerce and government look at Norfolk, they see success!

To climb to the next rung is the work for 2015. We’ve shown what we can offer. We’ve successfully made our case for the tools we need to deliver it. We must now, with the same collective and cohesive determination, ensure that the promises are kept, and that we get on with the job and build on what has been put on the table.

Dr Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business Innovation & Skills




Celebrating 40 years in Practice.

Alan Boswell Group wins private rented sector Award. A Norfolk-based Insurance Brokers has been voted ‘General Supplier of the Year’ in the prestigious Landlord & Letting Awards for the second year running.

Paul Robinson Architects, of Great Yarmouth, celebrated 40 years in business at The Imperial Hotel, Great Yarmouth on Thursday 30th October.

The awards, which were introduced in 2009 with the aim of recognising and rewarding excellence and contribute to raising standards in the private rented sector, were held in Coventry and hosted by TV favourite Tommy Walsh. Alan Boswell Group, whose head office is in Norwich, beat off stiff competition to win the award at the ceremony. The ‘General Supplier of the Year’ category is a fiercely fought contest with finalists from across the country in the running for the award which recognises the ‘best of the best’ when it comes to providing services to the sector.

With many contacts from the region and far away joining them to toast the anniversary, there was much to celebrate.

Steve Cox, Account Executive at the Group, was in attendance when the award was made and said: “We’re absolutely thrilled to have kept hold of this coveted Award. We work very hard to ensure that we provide outstanding customer service and to be recognised for this effort makes it all worthwhile.

After a presentation, the practice unveiled its new branding, designed by Adam Kimberley at Archant.

“We have over 17,000 landlord clients throughout the UK and they all rely on us when it comes to their property insurance. It’s vital that those

clients receive the very best service whether it is when they purchase their policy or if the worse happens and they need to make a claim. “Every landlord receives either a dedicated account executive or telephone access to our specialist landlord’s team meaning there is someone at the end of a phone they can talk to. It is an important factor in delivering a level of personal attention that can be sorely lacking with some providers.”

We added new lines to a successful brand. Pure & Simple, making good dog food less complicated. With grain free diets in demand and pet food manufacturers, in a hurry to get to market, confusing consumers with technical jargon and complicated messaging. Lovejoys® recognised an opportunity in the market, launching a grain free wet food. We advised a straightforward and consumer-friendly approach, naming the new sub-brand Pure & Simple to convey honesty and trust. Market research proved that many owners prefer to feed their dogs on the type of food they eat themselves. It’s called the humanisation of dogs and it’s a growing trend. With this in


mind we took a radical step with the packaging design to make it look more like a ready meal for humans and something you might expect to see on the supermarket ready meal shelf! The wet food trays were launched to great acclaim and with impressive orders to match. And if that wasn’t enough proof the values of the Pure & Simple brand stacked up with the consumer, to the client’s surprise there were also immediate demands for a dry food equivalent. The dry food range was efficiently put into production and launched to market at the Interzoo show in Nuremberg. The response was overwhelmingly positive and the complete Pure & Simple range has been on sale, with sales steadily increasing, since September 2014.


Explore the Black Forest from Norwich International. houses and of course you will find the eponymous cuckoo clocks. The holiday includes return flights, good quality 3 or 4 star half board hotel accommodation and fully escorted excursions including visits to historic cities like Strasbourg and Freiburg the unofficial capital of the Black Forest, and river cruises.

New for 2015, leading specialist tour operator, Omega Holidays is providing a fully escorted 8 day holiday to Germany’s Black Forest from Norwich International on 2nd August. This unique opportunity is a first for Norwich International and is expected to sell fast. The Black Forest region is full of thickly wooded valleys, sparkling lakes, waterfalls and quaint lakeside villages with decoratively painted

Andrew Bell, Chief Executive of Norwich International Airport, said, “Our objective is to provide an ever increasing range of top quality holiday destinations and product to the holidaymakers in our region. We are delighted that for the first time we are now able to offer a holiday to Germanys Black Forest region, this is a great news for local holidaymakers giving them further choice from their local airport”

Fruitful relationship continues to grow.

Dino Toouli, Head of Trade Sales at Omega Holidays commented “We are delighted to be able to offer holidays to the Black Forest region of Germany along with options to Austria this summer from Norwich International. We are certain these established destinations will prove popular within the region.”

P & R Hydraulics appointed Hy-Pro distributor. Norwich-based P & R Hydraulics (P & R) has recently signed a distributor agreement with Hy-Pro hydraulic control valves.

Three members of the US2U Consulting team travelled to Spalding to witness the opening of a new storage facility at Worldwide Fruit. The company’s new facility was officially opened by former Worldwide Fruit CEO Robert Balicki. Guests were then given a tour and even got the chance to sample the cold temperatures of the storage units, which can range from -.1.5 degrees to 5 degrees.

The purpose of the agreement is to increase sales and awareness of Hy-Pro product lines and brand in the South and East of England. P & R will carry a selection of products from the Hy-Pro range including monoblock and sectional directional control valves, and a range of line mounted valves. P & R Hydraulics was founded in 1975, originally to supply parts to the earth moving industry. Today, customers hail from the agriculture, marine, offshore, construction, turfcare and renewables industries. The experienced team at P & R will provide sales, service and technical support for Hy-Pro products which are particularly suited to the marine industry: a market historically well served by P & R. Operating since the 1960s, Hy-Pro has developed a tried and trusted range of sectional valves

manufactured using the latest machinery and techniques, to the highest quality standards. Richard Howard, Sales Director at P & R Hydraulics commented, “It is an exciting time for both P & R and Hy-Pro as we forge our new partnership and expand our customers and market reach together. The partnership also strengthens P & R’s ability to continually bring hydraulic solutions to our customer base.”

Newly-appointed CEO Steve Maxwell said the facility was part of creating a stronger future for the company. He said: “The facility will allow us to provide better quality products and maintain a strong position in relation to our competitors.” US2U Consulting Director Rachel Blackburn said: “Having worked with Worldwide Fruit since I first formed US2U Consulting, it is great to see them thriving and investing in a successful future.”




Powerful Global Network for Norfolk companies. e-zCert eXpress. What is e-zCert eXpress? e-zCert eXpress is an online service delivered by Norfolk Chamber of Commerce allowing exporting companies to apply and receive electronic export documentation.

What are the benefits?

The Government’s aim of transforming the British economy by 2020 by doubling annual exports to £1 trillion and increasing the number of UK exporters by 100,000 is undoubtedly a challenge to UK business and support networks.

Rising to this challenge, UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) and the British Chambers of Commerce are developing a global network of businessled organisations to provide practical business support to exporting companies in the UK, offering a seamless journey from their local Chamber of Commerce to fully accredited British Business Centres overseas.

desking to PR and discounted advice from experts – across 40 high growth markets. The markets in this programme are Brazil, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, UAE and Vietnam; Kuwait, Algeria, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Burma, Philippines, Cambodia, Pakistan, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique, Angola, Chile, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Japan. Although a developed market, Japan is included because it is often a less easy for UK SMEs and China already has a fully-operational China Britain Business Council which acts in this capacity with UKTI China. Building a global B2B network has started by connecting the new overseas British Business Centres to UK Chambers. The East of England is fully involved in this initiative and has recently appointed a Regional Coordinator to link accredited Chambers in this region to the networks overseas. For more information go to

The Prime Minister launched an £8m programme to enhance these overseas business networks designed to provide SMEs with practical vibrant spaces in which to land and get started in overseas markets. In addition to the support offered by UKTI and Chambers, these business centres will provide other services – from hot


Everything from applying for the documents to the Chamber stamping is all completed online within minutes. Any inaccuracies can quickly and easily be rectified rather than going backwards and forwards by post. The system saves hours and even days for time-pressed exporters and has been warmly welcomed across the UK SPEED: By forwarding your export documents to Norfolk Chamber electronically, you can have them checked, certified and returned to you for printing at your premises. Think of the time and cost saved by using this service! Think of the ability to move goods faster! SERVICE: A faster service from Norfolk Chamber creates efficiency for you by freeing up staff normally used for delivery and collection of documents. Think of the ability to provide a better service to your client! SIMPLICITY: Forwarding and receiving documents electronically and printing them off at your own premises is quick and easy—could you have it any simpler? SECURITY: You have absolute security in the processing of documents. Think of the time and costs saved by not having to use expensive couriers. You can apply for all of the following documents on e-zCert eXpress: EC Certificates of Origin, Invoices, EUR1’s, ATR’s, Health Certificates, Free Sale Certificates and much more...

How do I register? e-zCert eXpress allows exporters to set up their own account instantly, and a series of tutorials and help which is available throughout the site to guide new users through setting up their account, completing documents and submitting them to Norfolk Chamber. For further information, please contact the International Trade Team on 01603 729712


ATA Carnets.

Do you have to take samples with you on your overseas sales trips? Do you participate in Overseas Trade Fairs or Exhibitions? Do you ever need to take Professional Equipment overseas? If the answer to any of the above is yes then you may find that using an ATA Carnet will make the trip so much easier. The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that permits duty/tax free temporary import of goods for up to one year. Now applying for an ATA Carnet has never been easier. This can now be done via our online portal e-zCert. You complete the information online which will then be sent through to ourselves. Once it has been checked the ATA Carnet will be printed out in our office and posted directly to you. For more information on the ATA Carnet scheme or how to apply online please telephone Jack Bailey at Norfolk Chamber on 01603 729712.

Norfolk Chamber members can get up to 50% discount on International Trade Services

Norfolk Chamber’s FREE TO ATTEND “Expanding Overseas” series of events continues in 2015 with Nigeria, Czech Republic and Kuwait.


These countries form part of the Overseas Business Network which is an initiative of the British Chambers of Commerce in partnership with UK Trade & Investment.

Expanding into Nigeria

3.45pm – 6.00pm followed by networking and refreshments

Dates and Topics Tue 20 January 2015

UK companies who are looking to enter new markets will be connected to British Business Centres overseas, to access support and services which will complement those currently offered by the overseas UKTI posts. Delegates can expect to hear from people who can assist them to get into a market. Our sponsors Lovewell Blake will also explain about the taxation issues when trading with each of the countries.

Key Sectors: The following sectors have been identified as important for their individual country. If you supply in any of these sectors find out how easy it is to export your product. Nigeria – Infrastructure, oil and gas, healthcare services and medical equipment, electrical power generating equipment, computer hardware/software, telecommunication equipment, automobile parts and accessories and construction.

At Barnham Broom Hotel Honingham Rd, Norwich NR9 4DD Tue 24 February 2015

Expanding into Czech Republic At The Kings Centre 47-51 King St, Norwich NR1 1PH Tue 17 March 2015

Expanding into Kuwait

Czech Republic – Food and drink, consumer goods, retail, science & technology, education & training and advanced engineering Kuwait – Automotive, oil and gas, retail, infrastructure, education & training, healthcare, financial and professional services and power (including renewables) For more information on our new series, take a look at: expanding-overseas

At Barnham Broom Hotel Honingham Rd, Norwich NR9 4DD




Great Yarmouth College launches its Business Partnership initiative. ADVERTISING FEATURE

Over 60 local business people attended GYC on Thursday 4th December for the launch of a brand new Business Partnership initiative. The college is firming up its links with local industry and employers and proactively seeking their input into the future curriculum in order to ensure that its students are equipped with the skills required by our local employers and “future proof” for sector developments. As well as enjoying a festive dinner provided by the college’s training restaurant “Ambitions”, visitors were invited to take part in short workshops to research future industry needs and current skills gaps and furthermore how the college can better serve the development of existing employees through continuous professional development. The college is offering a whole host of new courses in the New Year and is developing a programme of twilight sessions for local businesses to use to update and up-skill their workforce. Members of the new Business Partnership (membership is free) will have preferential access to events and a 20% discount on professional development courses! Employees of these partners can also benefit from discounts in Ambitions Restaurant – a high quality training restaurant offering excellent value for money for lunch or dinner (subject to timetable and availability). Feedback from the evening, which was presented by Stuart Rimmer, Principal and Tony Wright a GYC Governor and Business Development Advisor at Gardline, was extremely positive.


Julia Howard, Director of Strategic Development for GYC said of the event “This has been a successful, initial, opportunity for college managers and business partners to share ideas on how the college can best support the training needs of local enterprise. We are looking forward to developing our relationships with these key employers and ensuring that our students are equipped to meet their needs and those of the developing sector”. Membership to the Partnership is free and offers a host of benefits, for further information and to apply visit or call 01493 419283


Ever wondered if your company could be eligible for a Grant? The grant world can seem a confusing place and some companies appear to be better than others at gaining funds to help them grow. Grants are not only designed to help businesses develop, but can also help install energy saving equipment, help with R&D, implement expansion plans, move premises, employ new staff, train existing staff purchase new equipment… the list is endless and there are up to 4000 business grants out there to help you. Business Shaper Group specialises in grants, helping businesses in the region gain access to these funds. In addition to this, as part of your growth strategy we can help you with all aspects of marketing, HR and business planning. If you are looking to carry out a phase of expansion, why not find out if you could be eligible for a grant? If you would like to find out how grants can help you, call Emma Douglas on 01953 605521.

Grants • Funding • Growth Call us to find out if you could be eligible for a grant 01953 605521

This can cause you to lose Power!! Change, progress and tension often go together - Commonsense Services can help Whatever business you’re in you’ll know that nothing stands still and nothing seems as easy as it should. Every business needs to develop and change and, at times like these, relationships with colleagues or employees can feel fraught with tension. That’s when our help can come in handy. At Commonsense Services we have a unique combination of skills and experience to support your business through all these issues. If you need extra help to plan or implement change, if conflict between staff is getting in the way and needs resolving or if you just want help seeing the wood for the trees, we can help. No fuss, no jargon, just straightforward practical help. Our support packages start from a little as £50 and we offer a free 30 minute up-front consultation. Contact us:

Are you able to keep your business running if the power is lost? Talk to Standby Power suppliers: Crucial Power (UK) Ltd For DC and AC UPS, Batteries, Generator, Supply, Maintenance Contracts, Consultancy, Power Factor Correction Equipment and Maintenance We can travel Offshore to any Battery or Standby equipment needs

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Cooper Lomaz Announce EACH as Corporate Charity. ADVERTISING FEATURE

To mark its 25th year in business, Norwich-based recruitment specialist Cooper Lomaz has announced that its nominated staff charity for 2015 will be East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH). It will run a number of fund-raising events throughout the year with the proceeds going to this very worthwhile charity. EACH was selected after staff at Cooper Lomaz were invited to vote for the charity of their choice to support. EACH attracted by far the most votes. EACH cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and Essex. Care is tailored to each individual child and family, with support provided at children’s homes, in the community or at one of three hospices in Ipswich, Milton and Quidenham. “We’re very pleased to announce EACH as our corporate charity next year” said Charlotte Cooper, Joint Managing Director of Cooper Lomaz. “Both management and staff at Cooper Lomaz recognise the importance of giving back to the community. The care EACH provides can really make a difference to children and their families, so we are proud to do our bit to support that.” Because this is Cooper Lomaz’s 25th anniversary staff want to make a special effort to raise as much money for EACH as possible so they are already planning the first fund-raiser. It’s going to be a busy 12 months ahead. Twitter: @CooperLomaz



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New office and staff for region’s leading IP Firm. ADVERTISING FEATURE 2014 was an exciting year for ip21 with the opening of a new office in Bury St Edmunds and the recruitment of additional professional staff. The new office is located in St Andrews Castle, right in the heart of Bury St Edmunds, and bridges the gap between ip21’s Norwich and London offices to offer a more supportive service to clients throughout the whole of East Anglia. Jeff Morris comments, “I’m delighted to be heading up the new Bury office for ip21 due to my local family ties and my engagement with the local business community. It is highly encouraging to see a number of our clients flourish despite the ongoing difficult business environment which is testament to the entrepreneurship and innovation that is rife amongst Norfolk and Suffolk businesses.” Ip21 has also expanded its professional team with the addition of Rob Carter, formerly a senior IP Lawyer for the Royal Dutch Shell Group globally. Rob is a graduate chemist with first class honours and is a qualified lawyer with over 30 years’ industry experience. As a senior member of the Shell IP leadership team, Rob was involved

Rob Carter

in the development and implementation of IP strategies for Shell’s worldwide businesses, and brings his unique combination of scientific, industrial, legal and management experience to ip21’s clients across the board. Chloe Arbisman has also joined ip21, recently joining the Norwich office as a trainee patent attorney after completing her MSc (Hons) in Natural Sciences from the University of Nottingham.

Chloe Arbisman

Ip21’s Chairman Bill Jones comments, “It is fantastic news that Rob and Chloe have both joined ip21 to strengthen our professional team. Rob’s extensive experience of commercial IP law while at Shell is a real asset to our IP advisory team, while I’m also proud to welcome Chloe as a trainee patent attorney at a time when very few firms in our profession are willing to take on trainees.”

A specialist Intellectual Property company that moves with the times ● Patents ● Trademarks ● Licensing ● Design Rights ● Litigation ● Portfolio Management ● IP Valuation ● IP Budgeting

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Comms Supply – investment in end to end solutions for businesses. ADVERTISING FEATURE

Norwich based business communications provider Comms Supply has had a year of investment and transformation, with the business moving away from traditional telecoms services to bespoke communications solutions. With more than £700,000 of new business having been generated already in 2014, the company is confident that its investment in new technology and services will take it to a new level. Still fulfilling the traditional phone system side of the market with leased lines, internet connections and hardware, Comms Supply has also become one of the first telecoms businesses in the county to become a Virtual Network Operator, by investing in space at two London datacentres. Virtual Network Operators (VNOs) provide network services to customers without owning the underlying telecommunications infrastructure. A VNO typically leases bandwidth from wholesale suppliers and then passes solutions on to its customers. Comms Supply becoming a Virtual Network Operator enables the business to control its costs; rather than being at the mercy of the main Internet Service Provider networks as the majority of other telecoms providers are. This means Comms Supply can offer clients more cost effective solutions.

and often customers don’t have a backup of their configuration. Time spent reconfiguring network settings is time when a business is not online and working. If a client’s router fails, Comms Supply’s management device ensures they have a live back-up and can get the business up and running in minutes. “This device monitors uptime, takes scheduled back-ups and can ensure the latest firmware is released to our customers in a timely manner,” continues Karl. “For many of our customers the management device is probably more important than lower prices.”

Karl Alderton, managing director of Comms Supply commented, “Having our own virtual network also means we are able to control what services run over our network, ‘end to end’ and can provide quality assurances depending on the individual client’s needs.” Comms Supply’s investment also includes a network management device which monitors customers’ end devices, meaning that they are often well on the way to resolving issues before the client has even noticed a problem. Whilst many organisations back up data on a regular basis, router settings are frequently overlooked


“Our business is no longer just about phones. We are focused on making life easier and businesses responsive by providing connectivity and communications solutions – enabling the businesses we support to be more efficient and in control. We’re continually thinking about new ways to help our clients work smarter and provide them with the reassurance that if things do go wrong, we have systems in place 24 hours a day to solve problems quickly,” concludes Karl Alderton. For more information on the range of broadband options available please visit or call Karl Alderton on 0333 2020 900.

for seamless telecommunications talk to Comms Supply We create bespoke communications and connectivity solutions which seamlessly fit into your existing businesses structure helping you to manage telephone and internet systems efficiently and effectively. Our business is about providing you with connectivity and communications solutions so you can go about your business as normal.

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RS Occupational Health growth creates new jobs.

Saffron Group reveals Chair Designate. Saffron Housing Trust, the social housing provider with more than 5,000 homes in East Anglia, has appointed a Chair Designate. Following more than ten years as a NonExecutive Director and latterly Chair, Michael Harrowven’s term of office comes to an end in September 2015. Saffron is delighted that Catherine Guelbert, the Chair Designate, will be working with the Chair, Board and Executive Team of Saffron to ensure a smooth transition. The successful candidate was appointed following interest from people across the country and Saffron is delighted that so much interest was shown by many worthy applicants. Michael Harrowven said: “‘I am delighted to welcome Catherine Guelbert as Chair Designate of Saffron Housing Trust Group to succeed myself when I stand down in September 2015, having served my allowed term of office.

The ongoing growth of a leading occupational health company has prompted the creation of new jobs in Aberdeen, Inverness and Great Yarmouth. RS Occupational Health, which was acquired by Houston-based DISA Global Solutions Inc. earlier this year, has recently welcomed 18 members of staff to the UK-wide team, with the majority taking up brand new positions which have been created due to the company’s increasing expansion. RS Occupational Health, which is headquartered in Aberdeen, continues to experience growth across its chosen marketplaces including oil and

gas, construction, engineering, manufacturing and the public sector, and the new roles have been added in all areas of the business including clinical, administration and operations. Further new appointments are expected to be announced before the end of the year. Fiona Sommerville, of RS Occupational Health, said: “It is vital to have the right people in place to help meet the needs of a growing client base, and we are delighted to welcome new personnel across our departments. We are confident that these additional people will play an important role in realising future growth ambitions.”

Shield Health & Safety adds to portfolio. Shield Health & Safety are now able to offer Abseil Escape from VNA/Man up/MEWPS Trucks that are designed to elevate the operator position more than 3000mm above ground level will be provided with means by which the operator can reach the ground safely in the event of the operator position becoming fixed in the elevated position. In an emergency situation it is important for staff to have the correct knowledge and training to escape from working at height equipment as safely as possible.

Some of these machines are already equipped with a rope evacuation system, where this is the case, regular practical training is necessary on the correct use of the system. Shield’s courses cover an introduction to the specific equipment as fitted to your machine followed by controlled escapes and descents from increasing heights until your staff are happy and proficient in the use of the equipment. All the training is conducted ‘on-site’ as this is the real environment that your employees will be using on a day-to-day basis.


“Catherine’s experience as a Director, Trustee and Chair in several different environments gives her a broad and deep understanding of the requirements placed on those who choose to lead or find themselves leading people and organisations. Catherine will continue to build on the key elements that have made Saffron the success it is today, clarity of focus, clear vision, planning and the ability to empathise and see things through the eyes of fellow Non-Executive Directors, staff, tenants, and business partners. Saffron is one of the most innovative housing providers in the East of England and I want to enhance and maintain that reputation, build on the foundations that are already established and through the board, working with the executive team, staff and tenants, ensure that we have a sound, realistic and deliverable strategy for the future. I am very proud to be joining the Trust” Catherine is a Director of Aqcuity Ltd and has been a qualified mediator for five years. She is also an experienced health service manager who will bring her range of skills to enhance Saffron’s Board.


LSI Architects new Arthur Rank Hospice project receives green light. towards providing Arthur Rank Hospice with the building that their fantastic hard work deserves. The new Hospice will provide every patient and visitor with a direct connection to the outside, with the external space being treated as equally as important as the internal environment.”

South Cambridgeshire District Council has announced that planning permission has been approved for LSI’s new Arthur Rank Hospice. The hospice will replace the existing hospice on the Brookfield site, Mill Road, Cambridge and will have 24 beds, double the number of beds currently available with 16 single rooms plus ensuite facilities and two, four bedded bays.

The hospice is designed to cater for the increasing population of Cambridge and the surrounding area and also the rise in the number of people who will live longer but at the end of their life have multiple medical conditions which will make their care more complex.

Plans include a commercial kitchen which will be able to provide freshly cooked food for patients, staff and visitors – this will be a significant improvement on the current cook/ chill facilities and super new educational facilities to enable the hospice to train other healthcare professionals in good end of life care. The setting at Shelford Bottom is green, leafy and tranquil and the building has been designed to fit sympathetically into the landscape. Dr Lynn Morgan, CEO of the charity, said: “The new hospice is light, airy and modern. We were hoping to get a hospice which would raise

people’s spirits and I believe LSI has definitely achieved this. The lead architect, Louise Knights, has worked closely with all of our staff to ensure that the hospice really meets our needs and will function very well”. Louise Knights, Associate at LSI, said “Receiving planning permission is a significant milestone

The building work will begin in January 2015 and will be completed in summer 2016. The build will cost in the region of £10 million, £5.5 million has already been raised. The charity stressed that they are very keen for people to donate to this very worthy cause and hope that when people see the new hospice going up they will be encouraged to contribute. Cambridgeshire County Council has agreed an interim loan to enable the charity to start building

“It is good to be Green”.

Steeles Law boosts private client team.

Citrus Security Shredding are this week celebrating a win at the Lowestoft and Waveney Chamber Awards.

Steeles Law has boosted its busy wills, probate & tax team with the recruitment of a Trainee Legal Executive and a Paralegal.

The company, who provide licenced collection and shredding services across Norfolk and Suffolk, won the Sustainability Award in recognition of their commitment to providing a sustainable service as well as demonstrating sustainable practices and processes themselves. Director Jules Shorrock said: “We were thrilled to win the Sustainability Award, Citrus Security Shredding prides itself on it’s commitment to reducing both ours and our customer’s carbon footprint. We have also built partnerships with local schools and colleges to try and encourage them to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.” Citrus Security Shredding for the 3rd year sponsored the ‘Young Environmentalist’ and ‘Sustainable Schools’ Awards, which recognised the work of students and educational establishments that promote sustainability and reducing their carbon footprints.

Cathy Savvas joins the solicitors having completed her Chartered Institute of Legal Executive (CILEx) studies whilst working at two other local firms. Also a graduate from the University of Kent, Cathy specialises in Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, probate and Court of Protection applications and is due to qualify as a Chartered Legal Executive in 2015. Katherine Bearman, a 2014 Law graduate from the University of Lincoln, also joins the team as a Paralegal. Katherine is undertaking her CILEx training and will qualify as a Chartered Legal Executive in 2018. Stephen Drake, CEO at Steeles Law, commented: “We are delighted to welcome Cathy and Katherine to our long established private client team. As a firm, we’ve always strived to identify and nurture the best young legal talent – ensuring that our firm is future proof”.

In a further nod to investment in the future of the business, Steeles Law has recently undergone a striking rebrand, working in partnership with local agency Armstrong Design.



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The challenge starts 5th January! ADVERTISING FEATURE Take a creative approach to the January festive bulge bust by joining in the Workplace Challenge - the national workplace activity programme that is taking England by storm. On Mon 5th January, the 8 Week Challenge commences! Use the online activity log to record your levels of sport, physical activity or active travel. Set yourself personal goals and track your progress online – like doing 150 minutes physical activity each week of the Challenge, cycling to work 3 days a week, or organising a social 30 minute lunchtime walk 3 days a week – it’s up to you. Or if you’ve a competitive edge, challenge your colleagues, friends or other organisations to see who can accumulate the most points through the Workplace Challenge leaderboards. Every activity you log will allocate points to you and your workplace...and enter you into a weekly prize draw! There will be 3 challenges in 2015: the January 8 Week Challenge, a weeklong challenge in May, and a final 4 Week Challenge in September. Monthly themed activities will inspire you to keep logging your activity points year round. The Challenges are a great way to motivate yourself and your colleagues in the New Year, enjoy some office banter and improve your energy and stress levels. When you sign up to the Challenge you will receive the weekly newsletter, with inspiring case studies and news about upcoming local events that you can take part in to build your point total.

Starts 5 January 2015

In Norfolk we are proud to have the highest number of employees logging their physical activity on the Workplace Challenge leaderboards of any county across the country. In 2014, almost 2,000 individuals across 240 workplaces logged over 55,000 activities. Let’s make 2015 even better and keep Norfolk top of the country for active workplaces. For more information or to register for free, visit activenorfolk, or contact Katie Tierney at Active Norfolk on 01603 731 569.

Challenge yourself Challenge your colleagues Challenge other organisations Win prizes

Get ready for the January 8 Week Workplace Challenge! Set yourself, your colleagues, or your organisation physical activity challenges in 2015. Use the Workplace Challenge website to create your own private activity target and monitor your progress throughout the 8 Week Challenge and beyond. Encourage your colleagues to sign up to Workplace Challenge and enjoy

some friendly competition. Get some office banter going and improve your energy and stress levels. Every activity you log will allocate points to you and your workplace...and enter you into a weekly prize draw! Get creative – what about a Beat the Boss Challenge?

To sign up for free, visit


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THE BIG INTER Business Editor sees cause for cautious optimism as economy recovers. Few figures in the business community are better placed than Ben Woods to assess the strength of the economic recovery now under way in Norfolk.

His experience as the Business Editor of the Eastern Daily Press & Norwich Evening News gives him a unique overview of how the county’s businesses are performing as the dark days of recession recede into memory. Based on that experience, Ben‘s view is that local businesses are feeling more confident as the national economy recovers but are still tempering that optimism with caution. Ben, aged 28, came to his current job having started as a journalist with the paper four years ago, initially carrying out work experience at the Dereham office and quickly being bitten by the journalism bug. Having trained with the Press Association in Newcastle, including working on local papers in the North East, he returned to Norfolk to work on the EDP as a general reporter in Norwich, Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, where his work saw him covering more and more business stories, particularly on the energy sector.

It was not long before he moved onto the business desk, becoming Business Editor in August 2014. Since then, he has reported on the recovery gathering pace in Norfolk as sectors from offshore technologies to manufacturing and services begin to expand again. He said: “Since moving onto the business desk, I have definitely noticed a growing sense of confidence returning to the business community in Norfolk.” “We are seeing many small businesses putting their heads up and taking a look round and being prepared to recruit people, often for the first time in a while.” “They are mixing that confidence with caution, though. They know that, although the recovery is under way, there will still be blips in the economy. They know that there will be some bumps in the road.” One of those bumps in the road is the health of the European economy, which has not shared in the buoyancy being experienced by the UK and causes concerns for exporters. Ben believes that, although many Norfolk companies now acknowledge the importance of exporting, they are concerned at the impact of problems in the Eurozone. He said: “East Anglia has always had a strong record for exporting. Yes, there are still some companies that remain unsure about it but most realise the danger of focusing just on the domestic market.”

“They realise that they have to take advantage of the exporting opportunities that are out there and there is certainly plenty of support available to help them do that.” “However, although we have seen companies prepared to export and developing links with the States, the Far East and Europe, there do remain concerns, primarily about the spectre of what is happening in the EU.” Another barrier for Norfolk businesses over the years has been the age-old perceptions of Norfolk as a ‘backwater’ and, as a leading opinion-shaper, the EDP is acutely aware of the need to challenge the view. Ben believes that the success of Norfolk businesses over recent years is changing the outdated view of the area. He said: “I think we are moving beyond the old perception of Norfolk. People are now seeing it as somewhere where they can do business, somewhere where companies have put their head above the parapet and got on with it.” “If you look at the A11 improvements and the campaign to improve the rail network, you realise that you would not get that kind of investment unless people outside Norfolk viewed it as somewhere that was worth it.” All of which leads Ben to take an optimistic view of 2015. He said: “I do think that the recovery and the confidence which we saw in 2014 will continue into 2015.” “However, I do think that the caution will continue as well. I do not think that we are going to see a spike. I think the recovery will be much more gradual than that.”

We are seeing many small businesses putting their heads up and taking a look round and being prepared to recruit people, often for the first time in a while. They are mixing that confidence with caution, though. They know that, although the recovery is under way, there will still be blips in the economy. They know that there will be some bumps in the road.




By John Dean

Ben Woods Business Editor of the Eastern Daily Press & Norwich Evening News




Look at Norfolk. See Success. 2014 saw Chamber members lobbying for a better deal for Norfolk – what opportunities does 2015 hold?

To find out, Norfolk Voice did some crystal ball gazing and asked a selection of local businesses for their take on the next twelve months. We found plenty of confidence to gladden the heart. New contracts, growing markets and job creation are painting an optimistic picture across sectors ranging from manufacturing to professional services, engineering to offshore technology.

Launch of the Rail Prospectus for Norwich in Ninety

Lobbying for improvements to A47

Growth set to continue with global contract Great Yarmouth-based offshore firm CIS (Conductor Installation Services) is poised to continue its impressive growth in 2015 after sealing a global contract with Weatherford International, the world’s fourth largest oil and gas service company. Since its launch in 2005 as a subsidiary of Acteon, CIS has become established as a major player in its field of expertise, using giant hammers to drive down the foundations of oil and gas wells.

Over a decade, the company has grown its workforce to nearly 50, 34 based at its headquarters in North River Road, and managing-director Andy Penman said the new multi-million pound deal would ensure continued steady progress despite a global slow-down in the industry. Mr Penman, a member of Great Yarmouth Chamber Council, said it was the largest and most significant contract that CIS had entered into.


He said: “It will open up new markets and further establish our presence in existing markets.” “The combined effect of these factors signals a period of dramatic growth for CIS in terms of revenue, market share and standing in the conductor and pile installation sector.”


Chamber members task Prime Minister to improve mobile and broadband speeds

Jonathan Denby Head of Corporate Affairs, Abellio Greater Anglia

2015/16 will be an exciting time for Abellio Greater Anglia as we see the roll out of the major investment and upgrade programme we will be delivering for the intercity trains which operate between Norwich and London. Customers, businesses and the wider community will benefit from smarter trains with plug points, new carpets, new lighting, new toilets, new seat covers and an interior and exterior repaint, plus more standard seating. With the ongoing work of the Great Eastern Main Line taskforce, in which we play a key role, it promises to be the start of a decade-long improvement programme for this crucial rail route for our region.

Celebrating the opening of the A11 – Matthew Hancock MP, Liz Truss MP, Caroline Williams and Patrick McLoughlin, Sec of State for Transport

Growing numbers speak more positively Peter Foster, Managing Director of Norwich-based business insurance brokers Hugh J Boswell, said: “Whilst trading conditions within the industry remain challenging, early data suggests insurers have enjoyed a more encouraging year.” “The UK motor and liability insurance markets made losses of over £50m and £800m respectively in 2013 but several of the main insurance providers look set to turn a profit in 2014.” “A growing number of our clients are speaking more positively about the trading environment which will help the sector grow in 2015.” The coming year is set to be another exciting one for us. We continue to grow organically and this will be further helped by the development of our presence in Suffolk through our new Bury St. Edmunds office, which opened in September. “We’re also set to grow our team and will be welcoming additional staff to our Norwich office, initially in the form of Phil Marler, who

is joining the business as a Client Services Manager in January.” “In 2015 we’ll be hosting our flagship event for the fourth successive year; a charity supper in aid of the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Last year we raised nearly £4,000 on the evening and we’ll be aiming to increase this yet again.” “We’re also launching our insurance offering designed specifically for companies operating within the leisure and tourism sector. As a company, we’ve been insuring businesses in this industry for many years so we’re excited to be developing this area of our business.” “In 2015 the business will strive to realise our mission statement; to be the trusted advisor for insurance and risk solutions in the communities in which we trade. We’ll achieve this by continuing to be active in the local business community and using the relationships we’ve built with local firms and suppliers, in order to offer added value to our clients.”




Norfolk & Suffolk Chamber Westminster delegation to lobby Energy Minister

Tackling equality and diversity issues

Superfast broadband is the fastest growing area of our business Barry Ward, Director of Sales, of King’s Lynn-based communication’s provider Swains, said: “Swains Plc works in the dynamic telecom and data market place, where technology changes are offering clients some very exciting features to benefit their companies that in the past would have only been commercially viable to larger organisations. That is not to say that simple isn’t the best answer.” “Whilst our market place has become extremely competitive, we are working harder than ever to move our business and our clients’ business forward. The increased availability of choice in how you communicate and the diminishing knowledge gap on high end data services is having a positive effect in generating new leads of business and generating closer partnerships within the IT sector.”

“With the demand for ultra reliable superfast broadband connections this is the fastest growing area of our business.” “For Swains in 2015, we want to continue developing a stronger presence through sponsoring key events, such as Click and Connect with the Chamber and as lead sponsors of the Theatre Royal Norwich’s Spotlight on Business to build our reputation as not just sales consultants, but become the knowledge expert in our sector to turn to in Norfolk.” Claire Swain Mason, Commercial Director, said: “We are going to concentrate on our online presence by doing knowledge pieces on social media, Chamber website and competitions to encourage people to look at our website and learn more about services available in our sector.”

Our new five year business plan begins in 2015 which means a 10% reduction in bills and the start of £5bn private investment in the region. And we will have a new government overseeing the introduction of competition in the industry for business customers. So an exciting New Year coming up, which sees the biggest changes in our industry since privatisation, as we encourage everyone to value water as key to underpinning economic growth, to a flourishing environment and to the health of 6m customers in the thousands of communities we serve.


“We have been one of five test sites in the UK for BT’s new Hosted Contact Centre, which is due to fully launch in 2015 and this will be one of the exciting new products to enter the marketplace, providing one of the most advanced inbound and outbound contact centre features hosted in the BT core network, therefore using trusted cloud innovation boasting a significant 99.999% availability. This in terms of resilience for your business is outstanding.” “Following on from the successes of providing services with partners, due to demand we are launching a Wholesale arm of our business in the first quarter of next year, with a bespoke portal to manage the services.” “After successfully achieving Investors in People Gold, we are planning a celebration party for all the staff and making 2015 the year of Gold deals.”

Mark Pendlington Group Director of Corporate Affairs, Anglian Water


Efficiency and quality of work is key to maintain strong order book Arjan Meijer Managing Director of Norfolkbased aircraft maintenance specialist KLM UK Engineering of Norwich, said: “The demand for aircraft maintenance is growing due to the significant growth in aircraft deliveries over the past decade. This growth requires an increasing amount of in depth maintenance with the increasing age of the world-fleet. KLM UK Engineering (KLMUKE) now offers five bays of heavy maintenance on all Boeing 737s, Airbus 320s, Fokker jets and BAe146 aircraft. Especially the B737/A320 maintenance market, already representing the majority of our business, is expanding rapidly.” “The challenge for KLMUKE is to keep attracting this labour intensive work to Norwich in an environment where competition from East-European companies on labour-rates is very strong. Our ongoing drive towards efficiency and quality of work is key to maintain our strong order book.” “KLMUKE has embraced the Lean philosophy since 2013 to continuously improve processes. The company has appointed

dedicated “Lean Black Belts” who drive this change internally and have a dedicated “Room 4 Improvement” to assist them in doing so. Using these Lean methodologies, several improvement projects were started and finalised during the course of 2014. Initial results are already visible, but the full benefits are expected to come to fruition in 2015.” “To ascertain our long-term feed of skilled staff, preferably from the Norfolk area, KLMUKE is increasing its focus on the KLMUKE Technical College.” “The short term goal is to increase the output of our current training programmes. For the longer term KLMUKE is strongly involved with local partners in the Norwich International Aviation Academy (NIAA) initiative. KLMUKE looks forward to the formal approval of NIAA building in 2015.” “Over the past few years, and expected to continue in 2015, airlines are shifting their maintenance work away from the peak summer season, trying to optimise their return

on investments. As a result, maintenance companies are forced to adjust their capacity accordingly. KLMUKE also needs to adjust to this trend. One initiative is to work towards a more balanced work portfolio, for example by focusing more on dismantling and recycling work in summer. Another initiative focuses on shifting indirect activities (e.g. training) towards summer and increasing staff flexibility between summer and winter.” “Following the approval of our A320 capability in 2013, and the first inputs performed during 2014, we strive to increase the number of Airbus inputs significantly in 2015. Our goal is not only to further strengthen our heavy maintenance order book, but also to bring more aircraft to Norwich for dismantling and recycling.” “From a college perspective we hope to increase our student numbers on our current training programme with Kingston University and to increase the amount of subscriptions to our Virtual Learning Environment Programmes.”

At a time of budget reductions and upward pressure on labour costs, I expect the new year to be challenging for all businesses operating within the Public Sector. At Norse we will continue to pursue our national expansion strategy: this will generate the additional sales that will assist us in supporting our public sector clients. However we recognise that over the next few years the trading environment will put pressure both on our margins and those of our suppliers.

Internet demand is increasing significantly Richard Dix of Heacham-based Rural Broadband is upbeat for 2015. He said: “Demand for internet everywhere is increasing significantly and many of our key market areas such as Satellite Broadband, Vehicle WiFi, Digital Signage and Venue WiFi are now becoming very powerful when run on 4G.” Rural Broadband has obtained a grant from New Anglia LEP to help its growth. New Appentices have been recruited via Norfolk-based Swarm apprentices and recruitment of additional installer/engineers to the team have been put in place to cover the work already on the books for the first quarter. 2014 was a transformative year for Rural Broadband, some of which required the team to work long hours and learn very quickly as the pace of chance on connectivity never slows. Rural Broadband boss Richard is looking at 2015 with a positive attitude but says: “We always need to keep an eye on developing markets within the communication sector and this we plan to do.”

Peter Hawes Managing Director, Norse Commercial Services

Looking to recruit additional staff in 2015 Great Yarmouth company CSS Computers celebrated its 25th year in business last year and is looking forward to 2015 with confidence.

more positive and looking to invest for the future. We have been running at 100% capacity all year, and are looking to recruit additional staff very early in 2015.”

The firm installs networks and PCs for local businesses, then takes on a full IT support and management role, in effect offering a full out-sourced IT department.

“We were 25 years old last year and, although being so busy prevented us from celebrating as much as we would like, we did have a very successful Open Day in September, which apart from a great opportunity for businesses to network contributed significantly to our total of more than £4,000 raised for our Charity of the Year The Benjamin Foundation.”

Peter Green, who set up CSS Computers in Great Yarmouth in 1989, said: “At CSS we had a cracking 2014, our best ever, and the order book is now well into 2015.” “There was definitely a different attitude among local businesses in 2014, much




Helping businesses access the funding they need. ADVERTISING FEATURE

Gaining access to finance is key for many businesses but sometimes it can feel like the help is not there. The Government and many other organisations, including the Chamber of Commerce, are working to change that and in this feature we round up some of the opportunities.

Voucher scheme backs research The Growth Vouchers research programme helps small businesses to find strategic advice from private sector suppliers who can help their business to grow. It is a joint programme between the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Behavioural Insights Team in the Cabinet Office. Growth Vouchers offer expert advice in areas such as:

Credit scheme helps with exports

n raising finance and managing cash flow

UK Export Finance, the UK’s export credit agency, recently launched its £5 billion Export Refinancing Facility (ERF).

n improving leadership and management skills

The ERF will enable UK-based exporters to offer competitive long-term financing to overseas buyers who require loans in excess of £50 million to purchase UK capital goods and services.

n attracting and keeping customers

ERF is targeted at project sponsors in emerging markets who need longterm loans to finance investment-related capital goods and services for high value opportunities such as large-scale construction or infrastructure development projects. More information is available at

n recruiting and developing staff n marketing n making the most of digital technology More information is available at

Financial support for apprenticeships Chancellor George Osborne has announced new funding packages to further encourage small businesses to take on more apprentices and support degree level and postgraduate apprenticeships.

Workplace pensions advice made simple

A total of £170 million of additional finance will be made available, made up of £85 million in 2014 to 2015 and £85 million in 2015 to 2016, split across the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Education as the initiative covers the 16 to 24 age bracket. The benefits include: n removing any barriers to smaller businesses taking on new apprentices


n employers, who have not had an apprentice in the last year, can receive a £1,500 grant for up to the first ten apprentices they employ in their business

With over 35 years of experience, we “tailor” employer pension schemes big or small, to meet your Auto Enrolment needs

n the extension of the grant into 2015 to 2016 will ensure apprenticeship take-up by small businesses continues to be supported.

• Full consultancy support programme

Also, £20 million of new finance is being committed to further support degree level and postgraduate apprenticeships. This is being allocated as £10 million in 2014 to 2015 and £10 million in 2015 to 2016.

• Professional, friendly dedicated point of contact • Liaise with employers & management teams • Advising on appropriate scheme & costs • Implementing scheme with workforce including onsite presentations

This investment will part-fund the training of degree level or postgraduate apprentices, with the rest of the cost of the training met by the employer.

• Ongoing review and advice as necessary

More information is available at department-for-business-innovation-skills

Let Tailored Solutions pension experts guide and support you through the challenges of Workplace Pensions to enable you to implement your own scheme as smoothly as possible. The sooner you start planning, the easier the financial and administrative transition will be.

Millions go into supporting growth

Call us on 01603 221160 or email on today to arrange an appointment to discuss your requirements or simply to find out more. We are conveniently located near Norwich Station at 16 Thorpe Road Norwich NR1 1RY.

The Government’s Regional Growth Fund (RGF) is investing millions in projects across the country which are designed to create jobs and fuel business expansion. The RGF is a government pot to create sustainable employment and growth in a wide range of sectors across the country. It supports areas that are traditionally more reliant on the public sector to increase private sector investment and encourage businesses to expand. More information is available at department-for-business-innovation-skills



Pension flexibility from April 2015. ADVERTISING FEATURE Understanding all the new regulations and permutations for the new Flexi-Access Drawdown (FAD) plan can be intimidating but with the Taxation of Pensions Bill looming seeking professional financial advice surrounding planning for retirement and accessing your pension funds has never been more important. Currently Flexible Drawdown can only be accessed if an individual has ‘other guaranteed retirement income’ of at least £12,000 per annum and is capped at 25% of your pension pot. The introduction of the FAD plan in April 2015 will remove both these limitations. You will no longer need any guaranteed retirement income and you will be able to take as much or as little from your pension fund, once you have reached age 55, as you wish (or potentially sooner if an individual is in ill health). FAD will retain the benefit of a tax-free lump sum of up to 25%, with the remaining 75% being designated to provide regular or ad hoc income withdrawals without limits. However, aside from the 25% any amounts withdrawn will be added to the individuals taxable income in that tax year. Whilst this may sound tempting the reality is that with people living longer and adopting

Unfortunately this greater flexibility will not be available to everyone; those with definedbenefit (final-salary) pensions that are unfunded, such as certain individuals in the public sector, will not be able to access FAD. This new flexibility demonstrates the Government’s commitment to allowing the public to make their own decisions when it comes to accessing and using their money but it is crucial that before you are tempted to access your savings you understand all the longer term implications. healthier life styles it is crucial that a longer term view has been considered. Another major change is in the level of pension contributions you can continue to make, which benefit from tax relief, once you opt for drawdown. This is known as your ‘Money Purchase Annual Allowance’ (MPAA). For anyone already in capped drawdown before 6 April 2015, they can continue to make contributions up to their £40,000 MPAA each year. With the new regulations, if you access your pension, your MPAA will be cut to just £10,000. This means you will only be able to boost your pension pot by £10,000 (and receive tax relief) each year.

There are other changes; Tax charge on death, income recycling, triviality and small pot rules are all being amended as part of the reforms. All in all pensions are more confusing than ever and getting some advice is the best advice we can offer! If you would more information on your options please visit or call John Whitehead on 01603 218066 at Alan Boswell & Company Ltd. Please remember current tax benefits depend on individual circumstances and rates of tax relief may be altered or withdrawn without notice.

FLEXI ACCESS? Money Purchase Annual Allowance, Crystallised funds, tax charge on death, income recycling, UFPLS, small pot rules... Cut through the jargon and find out what the new pension rules mean for you.


Alan Boswell & Company Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Norfolk Voice Advert - Pensions.indd 1

02/12/2014 14:52:50




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Landlords targeted by HMRC A new scheme aimed at landlords who may owe tax was launched in September 2013. The campaign will run for at least 18 months and HMRC will allow landlords to come forward voluntarily throughout the entire time period that the disclosure opportunity remains open. HMRC have confirmed that taxpayers that come forward voluntarily as part of the initiative will receive better terms and lower penalties in relation to tax due on their undeclared income than if targeted by HMRC. Landlords that are contacted by HMRC directly in relation to undeclared rental income will lose the opportunity to make a disclosure as part of the campaign. Landlords can then face penalties of up to 100% of the tax due together with possible criminal prosecution if HMRC discover tax due on rental profits that has deliberately not been declared. The campaign is open to all residential property landlords including those that have multiple properties and single rentals as well as specialist landlords such as student or workforce rentals, and holiday lets owners.

Wayne Goddard FCCA ACA (Director of Newman & Co. Chartered Accountants)


Newman & Co Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors have been serving local businesses and individuals in East Anglia for over 20 years. We offer a range of services tailored to suit our clients’ individual needs that include: Tax Returns, Advice and Planning Preparation of Annual Accounts l Bookkeeping services and Management Accounts Preparation l Payroll Services including Real-Time Processing l VAT Returns and Advice l


We provide an efficient, friendly and competent service through our professionally qualified staff and believe that there is real value in developing long-standing professional relationships with our clients. Please contact us to arrange a free initial consultation. 4b, Church Street, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4DD T: 01379 640640 | E:



Over 4,000 local businesses trust Credo. ADVERTISING FEATURE

Credo Asset Finance are specialists at arranging funding and investment that can help local businesses grow. With the ability to help with purchases ranging from cars to manufacturing equipment; from agriculture to IT; and technology to construction and vans, Credo is proud of its local roots, being based in Norwich and now with thousands of customers, private and business, across East Anglia. The key to Credo’s success lies in a combination of having access to a wide range of finance lenders, alongside a dedicated sales team focused on tailoring each solution to the specific requirements of that business. Being able to call on 17 different lenders is a critical element in the customer growth Credo have seen over the last few years. Managing Director Simon Gray says “People understand

now that when you are buying insurance, it pays to shop around. You don’t just accept the first quote from your current provider, you can save many hundreds of pounds by getting alternative quotes. It’s the same with finance, but with much bigger savings on offer. The advantage of coming to Credo is that we’re completely impartial, and one conversation with us and we can do the work for you across many lenders to find the best deal.” Finding the right product can be confusing, with many different options in the market. Simon continues, “The first thing we do with any customer is to really listen to what they’re looking to achieve, to understand their particular circumstances and to get to know their business. That way we can make sure that the options we arrange are not just very competitive, but also the best fit.” Recently Credo’s outstanding customer service awarded them a place in the EDP’s Future 50 and also finalist for the second year running in the EDP Business awards for 2013. Sales Director Julian Pilkington commented “If you have an asset in mind that you are looking to finance then we would love to hear from you and let you know how our services can benefit you. Alternatively, if you have an existing provider

why not check if you’re still getting a good deal? It’s always good to get two quotes.” Credo also act as the finance provider for businesses that offer their customers credit terms, whether B2B or B2C. If your business offers monthly payment terms to your customers, whether you sell goods or services to private individuals or to other companies, then it is worth getting in touch. Improving the credit terms you can offer to your customers, or putting the option in place, could give a welcome boost to your own sales, and Credo will do the paperwork for you or speak to the customer directly so you can concentrate on driving your sales. You can follow Credo on Twitter or Facebook, or alternatively visit our new website which outlines all the products and services on offer. To find out what Credo could do for your business, call Simon Gray or Julian Pilkington on 01603 703180, go to or email




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1 Location The venue location needs to be at the heart of your event plan. It should have good transport links, or parking space nearby. Ensure that the location is somewhere that makes sense for the bulk of your guests, as well as being a desirable spot. Here at OPEN we have the advantage of being in a central city location.

2 Size and layout The size and capacity of the rooms must be just right, being too small will create overcrowding; whilst being too big will give a sense of emptiness and an unsuccessful event. We have the flexibility to adjust the layout of our conference rooms so that your event will always feel just right.

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Our Conference team can advise you on different menu options to meet your budget. Be sure to remember alternatives for people with special dietary requirements or food allergies.

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Move fast if you want that candidate! East Anglian recruitment firm polkadotfrog is advising companies to move quickly to secure the best IT candidates as the economy continues to flourish.

important to communicate quickly and offer feedback.

Nick Hunter, Divisional Manager of IT Recruitment at polkadotfrog explains: “The number of suitably qualified candidates coming through is not keeping pace with the expansion of high-tech businesses in Norfolk and the skills required are constantly changing as the world of IT rapidly evolves.”

polkadotfrog specialises in Office, Sales & Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, HR, IT, Legal and Shipping & Transport sectors across all levels for permanent, temporary and contract positions. It has offices in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge and celebrated its 10th birthday in 2013.

The IT skills shortage is part of the bigger economic picture which saw the unemployment rate fall to six percent in the three months to October*, the lowest for six years. It is expected to continue falling as more jobs are created as forecast. Nick advises that candidates are often getting multiple job offers and will move fast if an offer is on the table: “If you see a CV that you like, act fast and get them in for an interview. Good IT

“The tables have turned,” he continues. “During the recession employers had an oversupply of applicants for jobs but now they’re finding it harder to fill their vacancies with high calibre candidates who are moving fast when they’re offered a good opportunity. The early bird catches the worm!”.

Nick Hunter

candidates don’t stay on the market for long. If you sit on CVs and delay interviews you will lose fantastic people.” “We are now out of the recession and seeing a steady growth in IT jobs. This means that permanent job applicants can pick and choose and often don’t need to wait for a response from a prospective employer. It’s likely they will have submitted their CV to a few companies and will take a position from a company that comes across professionally and acts fast, so it’s

*Source: Office for National Statistics For more information visit Follow @polkadotfrogltd. Tel: 01603 337000

So you have a story – what next? Most businesses have a story to tell. Whether you have a great new product or service, new plans, an event or a success to announce or your staff have done something amazing, the art of storytelling can help build your reputation and raise your profile. How to make the most of this? Think about your audience, how newsworthy the story is, the angle to take and who best can bring it to your audience.

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The alternative ‘Big Interview’ Chamber website speaks up.

As an essential element in the Norfolk Chamber’s communications strategy, is constantly evolving. And its benefits to Chamber members are vast. Frankly, it’s a little unusual to be interviewing a subject that, not to put too fine a point on it, isn’t a person. ‘I take your point, but think of me as a virtual person. And what’s more, think of me as a real team player. I have a challenging and exciting role within the Chamber.’

So begins my conversation with It is indeed true that this website has an important part to play in the Chamber’s communications strategy. Having a website is now simply a given for any commercial organisation, and the days when not having a www address are all but a distant memory. ‘Yes, before me there were of course newsletters and phone calls, even what I think were called ‘letters’ produced on paper and sent by mail, which wasn’t of course e mail. They all had their roles, and some survive to this day. In fact many commercial messages are conveyed in what you now call the ‘traditional media’ to make people aware of websites like me. ‘Traffic driving’ it’s called. It’s very useful.’

THE MAGAZINE OF NORFOLK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY is plainly aware of life before the digital age, but is very much of today. The challenge it faces is that it has to deliver two key functions. Informing members of Chamber events, news, developments and achievements on the one hand, it also has to provide a platform for members to share information about their businesses. A demanding task, surely. ‘It is demanding, but I’m more than capable of handling both aspects. Simultaneously! I’m digital. I’m cutting edge.’ From its first appearance, which is some time ago now, has been an essential part of the Chamber. However, increasing awareness of online commerce, the need to acquire information faster and the growth of the Chamber itself have all fuelled its

MEMBERSHIP development. Today, the Chamber’s website carries a constant flow of news and data to inform and promote members.

‘Naturally. Did you expect anything less? I’m totally interactive with Twitter, Facebook and Google+. What’s really good is that if you, as a member, upload your news, events and offers on to the Chamber website, or if you post a blog, I share your content on all those social media. That reaches around 6,500 followers, on top of the 6000 visitors that visit me every month. And then, I make sure your content is also put forward for editorial in our bi-monthly magazine which has a readership of 10,000. That’s this magazine of course. Norfolk Voice. There’s still a very important part to be played by my offline relative.’

From a member’s point of view it offers enormous benefits. is a valuable resource. The easy to navigate home page quickly leads to news about events, diary dates and upcoming conferences. Plus there’s a full directory of members, and details of who best to contact at the Chamber for its wide range of services. And there is a lot to be gained from the services, including financial, legal and HR help. The Chamber’s policy statements are available on the website, and there’s very useful information for exporters, both the experienced and the novice.

An interview with is proving to be an enlightening experience. This website is bigger, has more to offer and is more interactive than perhaps we realise. Maybe we’ve begun to take it for granted as the ‘shop window’ of the Chamber, checking in occasionally to see what’s on, or using it to register for a Chamber Session or conference and not a lot else, when in fact we could be making much more use of it. It’s definitely more of a business resource than some realise, and it’s certainly the key to unlocking services that many members would benefit from. Contributing to it is a genuinely valid marketing tool, spreading knowledge and raising your own profile.

‘Yes, all of that is true, but remember, as a website, I offer a two way street. One of the main benefits I offer members is the opportunity to contribute. A vital part of that is my ‘Knowledge’ section. If you’ve got experience of a particular business practice, a useful case history from your recent marketing or sales activity, or perhaps some research you’ve carried out, get it in to my ‘Knowledge’ section. It’s easy to upload, and it performs two really important functions. Firstly it shares that knowledge with your fellow members, helping them to do better business. Secondly, it positions you as an expert, raising your business profile and marking you out as the go to person or company in your sector.’

‘I made that point earlier.’ Sorry.

And this applies to any business? ‘Very much so. The Chamber isn’t concerned about how big or small you are as a company. It’s about people with the right attitude. People who want to know what’s going on, and who want to make a difference. That said, if you click on my ‘Membership’ tab you’ll see that, rather helpfully I think, the details of joining and what you get from it are broken down into various bands, from start-ups to big businesses. Which sums up Chamber membership now I think about it.’ This website has a lot to deal with. Just the events put on by the Chamber are an ever changing list in itself. Free training, in the form of The Chamber Sessions, networking events, business breakfasts, conferences and the now highly regarded ‘Audiences with….’ are updated constantly. ‘If I could stop you there for a moment. You mentioned our ‘Audiences with…’. These are an exciting part of the Chamber’s offering to members. As a leading business network we have the gravitas, the position, to invite keynote speakers, often from national government to tell us what their policies are regarding Norfolk. And more than that, they offer you the opportunity to influence and lobby government about the issues that matter to this region. It’s a vital part of the Chamber’s role. And you find out about them, and read the reports of them, here, on

Interesting. Just how senior are the politicians that give the Chamber an ‘Audience with….?’ ‘We got George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Senior enough for you?’ Point taken. There is in fact a considerable amount of information on the bigger issues, and the political and social implications for Norfolk, within the ‘Policy’ pages of the website. It covers key questions such as transport and the road network, better broadband, quarterly economic surveys and the Chamber Blog.

‘It’s fine. It’s worth repeating. The point is I am pretty clever. I’m fast, easy to navigate, packed with information and I have loads of services and benefits, all listed out and explained for members. I’m also constantly updated, both in terms of the information I carry as well as the technology that makes me better and easier to use. But, slick as I am (and I am really rather good) I need content. I’m hungry for it. The Chamber team feed me with all the information they have, but I’m constantly looking for knowledge, case histories, opinions, offers and updates from members. So upload. Now.’ - it’s been a privilege to learn more about you. ‘Thanks. The pleasure was all yours!’

‘Yes, a blog is very much part of my world. It’s short for weblog. People already seem to have forgotten that. A means of running a diary or updates via the internet. Anyway, Caroline Williams, Chief Executive of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce regularly blogs in the ‘Policy’ pages to bring members up to date, share opinions and throw out questions for members to debate.’ Sitting as it does, as a central communication portal for the Norfolk Chamber, is of course fully linked with all the social media.


By Peter Goodrum Writer and Broadcaster



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Diary Dates 2015. NETWORKING EVENTS Efficiency or Effectiveness? Great Yarmouth Business Breakfast WHERE: The Comfort Hotel, Great Yarmouth WHEN: Thursday 22nd January, 07:30 – 09:30 WHAT: With technology keeping us totally connected all of the time it’s increasingly important that we learn to establish the right priorities. Learn from Ian Hacon, Founder of Yellow Brick Road on how to assess the relative importance of tasks, overcome procrastination and show the technology just who’s in charge! This is the breakfast you have to make time for! Sponsored by Norse. Members only event.

Super Bowl Challenge WHERE: Hollywood Bowl, Norwich WHEN: Thursday 29th January, 18:00 – 20:00 WHAT: The Super Bowl Challenge is a fantastic evening full of networking opportunities in an informal setting, over a game of bowling, followed by a buffet. Register as a team of up to 6, or as an individual to be allocated a place on the team. Member only event.

The ever-changing world of media: Norwich Business Breakfast

Meet the Buyer 2015 WHERE: Norwich City Football Club, Norwich WHEN: Thursday 19th March, 10:00 - 16:00 WHAT: The essential supply chain event for the region where you can pre-book appointments with key buyers matched to your business, actively seeking your services. Book, plan, pitch. Open to all businesses. See page 49 for full details

Oil and gas debate.

HR FORUMS HR Forum: Cutting Edge Employment Law WHERE: Dunston Hall, Norwich WHEN: Wednesday 28th January, 14:00 – 17:00 WHAT: Employment law is a fast paced and constantly changing area of law that requires those involved in the sector to keep themselves abreast of the latest developments. This HR Forum will provide an overview of the changes throughout the last year and their impact as well as a look ahead at what is on the horizon. Sponsored and delivered by Cozens Hardy LLP. Open to all businesses.

HR Forum: Employment Law Update

WHERE: The Library Restaurant, Norwich

WHERE: Dunston Hall, Norwich

WHEN: Friday 27th February, 07:30 – 09:30

WHEN: Wednesday 4th March, 14:00 – 17:00

WHAT: Join us in Norwich for a morning of networking over breakfast with a unique opportunity to hear from Jeff Henry, Chief Executive from Archant on the ever changing world of media and how to keep up with it. Sponsored by Barclays Business Norfolk. Members only event.

WHAT: This HR Forum will focus on the impact of recent European and UK case law decisions addressing the calculation of holiday pay and provide strategic advice for HR professionals tasked with handling this difficult issue, as well as guiding them through the new right of shared parental leave and the implementation of this regime in practice. Sponsored and delivered by Howes Percival LLP.

Taking place during National Oil and Gas week, the Norfolk Chamber held a Business Breakfast on this subject in November at the Great Yarmouth Race Course. John Morse, President of the Great Yarmouth Chamber Council & Commercial Director of Gardline hosted the breakfast and led a discussion on the skills gap in the oil and gas industry with Petans, Opito and EEEGR contributing with perspective and knowledge.

Chamber Christmas.

SPECIAL EVENTS The MPs Event 2015 WHERE: Dunston Hall, Norwich WHEN: Friday 6th February, 15:00 - 18:00 WHAT: Bringing together the region’s MPs to discuss key issues affecting Norfolk. Last year over 200 influential Norfolk businesses took part in the event, your company could form part of this influential delegate list. Members only event. See page 49 for full details

CHAMBER SESSIONS Free training delivered by members for our members at the Norfolk Chamber office in Norwich. See page 51 for full details

For more information and to see a full list of events visit:


Over 90 members joined us for a morning of festive fun at Sprowston Manor at the Norwich Christmas Breakfast. With a variety of Christmas themed icebreaker activities and a delicious breakfast, it was a great environment to meet new people and set your business up for 2015.


Meet the top buyers in the region. Some of the fantastic buyers already confirmed to attend the Meet the Buyer event

Meet the Buyer creates the opportunity to get in front of buyers actively seeking the products and services you supply.

Our specialist software matches suppliers to buyers who have identified what they are looking to procure in 2015. Leads don’t come much warmer than this. This is your opportunity to see buyers who you usually would not be able to have 1-2-1 face time with. Last year saw 60+ buyers, this year we have 70+ buyers. Book 1-2-1 ten minute appointments with the most important buyers in the region, take part in workshops and network over lunch. This is the chamber at is most commercial, most confident and most connected. Taking place at

Norwich City Football Club on Thursday 19 March 2015, this is an event you do not want to miss. Appointments go live on Tuesday 27 January. Be the first to book and register your interest today at

Look at Norfolk. See success.

The Norfolk Chamber’s high profile policy event is back for 2015, bringing together Norfolk’s MPs to meet with local businesses and discuss key issues affecting Norfolk. Last year’s event focused on increasing the visibility of Norfolk by accentuating all that’s

positive about the county and its commerce was an overwhelming success, with nearly 200 people taking part. The Return of Norfolk’s MPs takes place on Friday 6 February, 3pm-6pm at Dunston Hall, Norwich. Featuring a packed programme of

speakers, MPs, roundtable discussions and feedback sessions. Book your place today at




Dr Vince Cable meets with Norfolk businesses.

Event Sponor, Geoff Tucker, Norse Commercial Services, Dr Vince Cable and Chamber President, Ian Hacon

On Friday 28 November over 150 delegates joined the Norfolk Chamber for a morning of networking, a delicious breakfast and the chance to hear directly from a senior minister, whose name could only be released one week before the event due to security reason. At the event the guest of honour Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills addressed local businesses and spoke on

the Government’s industrial strategy and how it relates to Norfolk. Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “Industrial Strategy is about government working in partnership with businesses to give them the confidence to invest. Together we are delivering the skills, infrastructure and research funding we need to create long-term prosperity. East Anglia has much to offer as a centre of

manufacturing, agriculture and clean energy, and the Government wants to support the local companies that are creating jobs and driving growth.”

Essential training for women who mean business! Norfolk Chamber of Commerce is giving local businesswomen the opportunity to get up to speed with Superfast Broadband that is already being Women-led rollout across the businesses now country. representing The initiative is part of the £1million Challenge Fund launched by the of all SMEs Government in in the UK May to help enable female entrepreneurs to work effectively, access new markets and grow their business online.


Named ‘Faster Women’ the programme will offer FREE advice, training and workshops to women living in Norfolk who want to increase their knowledge of social media, and websites

and find out how superfast broadband can help grow their business. Following on from the success of the Introduction Workshops held in December we are offering FREE practical workshops to take your knowledge to the next level. With two levels of workshops to attend, these are ideal for beginners to the more internet savvy. You can book onto both levels if you wish as they are on the same day based on location.

FOLLOW UP WORKSHOPS Norwich WHEN: Wednesday 21 January 2015 WHERE: OPEN, Bank Plain, Norwich Level 1 - 9:30am – 12:30pm Level 2 – 1:30pm – 4:30pm


The Introduction Workshops already took place in December in Norwich and King’s Lynn and received excellent feedback.

King’s Lynn WHEN: Monday 26 January 2015 WHERE: Yours Business Network, King’s Lynn Level 1 - 9:30am – 12:30pm Level 2 – 1:30pm – 4:30pm For more information about Faster Women or to book a place on the workshops, please visit:


Better your Business through Chamber Sessions. Expert advice, professional trainers and free attendance combine to create the Chamber Sessions. Free weekly training sessions delivered by our expert Chamber members for our Chamber members every week at Norfolk Chamber offices in Norwich. Available at both breakfast and lunch to suit your diary, the sessions cover a range of subjects all aimed at enhancing your business. Learn direct from those in the know about key ways to further your personal development and better your business.

THE CHAMBER SESSIONS SERIES 6 Tuesday 3 February, 08:30 – 10:00

Be Better at Linked In

Tuesday 24 February, 08:30 – 10:00

Thursday 12 March, 12:30 – 14:00

If you think LinkedIn is just another social network, then you are missing a great opportunity to represent and promote your company. John Davy, Dojo Media Consulting will cover company pages dos and don’ts, linking company and employee pages for powerful results and much more.

Be Better at Lean Management

Be Better Forming a Brand

Lean management is an approach to running an organisation that supports the concept of continuous improvement in order to improve efficiency and quality. Learn from Keith Betts of Lean Management Training the tools and techniques that can help give you a competitive advantage, not just in manufacturing, but also in office and service environments.

You might have a great product, but have you got your branding right? Discover the importance of brands with Ben Handford, Naked Marketing with top tips on how to form a cohesive and consistent brand.

Tuesday 10 February, 08:30 – 10:00

Be Better at Improving your Digital Marketing Strategy This session is aimed to get delegates thinking about how their website and more importantly their business/ brand is found, viewed and perceived online. Michael Townsend of Social B aims to cover digital marketing topics including – PPC, SEO, Social Media, Website Content, Blogging, Digital Strategy, Website Analytics.

Tuesday 10 March, 08:30 – 10:00

Be Better at Google AdWords A high Google ranking is essential for many businesses and Google AdWords Pay-PerClick (PPC) advertising is the closest thing to being able to guarantee a page 1 ranking on Google. Matt Brown from One Vision will explain how businesses can find competitive advantage by including online advertising within their marketing toolkit.

Thursday 26 March, 12:30 – 14:00

Be Better at Customer Care Everyone knows what good customer service looks like, but do you know how to manage it throughout your business, and turn “good” into “excellent”? Fiona Temple of OPEN Contact will help you understand the purpose of customer care and how you define it for your organisation.

For more information on FREE training for members and to book your place please visit:





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property for a second time as your family expands or as you change jobs, if you are moving to a new area or are retiring or downsizing, we can provide guidance on the types of survey available and what meets your needs as well as your pocket. We are recommended by estate agents, solicitors and mortgage lenders because they know that their clients are in safe hands.” “For commercial property (shops, offices and industrial units) we can undertake a wide variety of services including landlord and tenant advice, rating appeals, dilapidation claims, schedules of condition, valuations and rent reviews.”

As trusted Chartered Surveyors for more than a century, we offer a range of services to purchasers and owners of both residential and commercial property in Norwich, Norfolk and East Anglia. Ray Smith, Head of Valuation and Survey, said: “What we offer is a fast, reliable, professional and personal service at a competitive fee. If you go back a few years, people were prepared to wait for a couple of weeks for a survey to be carried out all that has changed and today we are turning round homebuyers’ surveys in three days and building surveys inside five days. Our team is well known for producing high quality work, which gives the client peace of mind.” “People know by our reputation that they will receive an accurate and independent assessment of their property. Our Valuation & Survey Department is growing at an extraordinary rate, as we are able to respond to calls and book local surveyors to visit property over five counties. Our

Ray said: “It really is important to use the services of a chartered surveyor as they offer the kind of expertise you need to make sure you get the right advice before making a financial commitment to a property.”

Ray Smith

surveyors live and work in the areas that they value, understanding the market and recognising potential constructional defects and problems in all types of buildings.”

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“We offer a wide range of services, from condition surveys and valuations for probate, matrimonial, shared ownership and lease extensions and our work is regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. For homeowners, whether you are considering purchasing your first property or you are purchasing a

What we offer is a fast, reliable, professional and personal service at a competitive fee. If you go back a few years, people were prepared to wait for a couple of weeks for a survey to be carried out all that has changed and today we are turning round homebuyers’ surveys in three days and building surveys inside five days. Our team is well known for producing high quality work, which gives the client peace of mind.





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Norse and Great Yarmouth Borough Council in new joint venture. Cllr Penny Linden, the borough council’s cabinet member for communities, said: “This new joint venture company aims to make sure all maintenance and improvement work is done to the highest standards, in the most effective, efficient and economic way.

Norse Commercial Services and Great Yarmouth Borough Council have formed a new Joint Venture Company to manage and maintain the council’s community housing stock. GYN Asset Management Services took over the asset management and building maintenance of the Borough Council’s stock of 6,000 houses as of October 1st.

“By operating more efficiently, the borough council will be able to make savings, which will benefit tenants as the savings will be re-invested in council homes.

The 10-year agreement is initially worth around £6 million a year, and is expected to rise over the coming years. It extends Norse’s partnership with Great Yarmouth Borough Council – GYB Services, another joint venture between the two organisations, handles local services including refuse collection, cleaning, grounds maintenance, pest control, and other frontline services. The new partnership will take over Strategic Asset Management, Responsive Repairs, Voids Maintenance (housing stock that becomes vacant), Major Works, Planned Improvements, Cyclical and Statutory Maintenance, Neighbourhood Plans and New Builds. There will be significant investment in new vehicles, and in IT aimed at improving efficiency and responsive repairs timescales.

“And the new approach will also mean improved waiting times, a better quality of work, and overall better customer care, while providing a range of apprenticeships and increased opportunities for local businesses.”

“We are really pleased to be building on our long-term relationship with Great Yarmouth Borough Council, which goes back to the formation of GYB Services in 2002,” commented Norse Managing Director Peter Hawes. “This new partnership takes the number of joint ventures Norse Group has with UK local authorities to twenty-three, with a combined annual turnover of more than £140 million.”


This partnership follows the recent formation of Newport Norse, a joint venture in South Wales, and the company expects further significant growth over the next few months. Norse Sales Director Geoff Tucker said, “With these new partnerships, and a large number of contract awards across the UK, we have seen a 15% increase in turnover this year, and we expect this success to continue.” 18 additional staff TUPE transferred into the new company.


Let’s do business. Chamber membership helps bigger businesses do better business!

Chamber membership means big benefits for the smaller business!

Established and sizeable businesses still need to grow and develop. Chamber membership creates the opportunities to be seen as a key player in the region’s commercial sphere, and have a voice in its development. It offers real business benefits too.

Membership of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce brings real benefits to the smaller business. It’s all about raising your profile and making connections. Take a look at just some of the ways in which being a member means better business,

Raise Your Profile

Release your potential

Get your news, events and offers on to the Chamber website. You can even post a blog.

As a Norfolk Chamber member you’ll have the opportunity to raise your business profile and extend your network of contacts across the region.

The Chamber website has an average of 6000 visitors a month, and your content will be shared on Twitter, Facebook & Google+ to another 6,500 followers.

Save time and money Chamber members, in all sectors, have access to a wide range of services including legal, HR and financial advice.

All of your content is then put forward for editorial in our bi-monthly magazine which has a readership of 10,000

Save yourself money and protect your business

Take part in events We host a variety of events and conferences throughout Norfolk every year. These range from networking breakfasts, evening social events, HR forums and high profile conferences. All of them are invaluable opportunities for you to make new contacts, grow your business network, and build lasting commercial relationships.

Our business services are here to help save your business money, and protect you. You have access to these valuable services: Chamber Legal – A free legal helpline and legal expenses insurance Chamber HR – A free online HR resource for documents, contracts and legislation

Make your voice heard

Make more contacts

The strength of the Chamber enables us, through our members, to lobby local and national government, and influence change for the benefit of Norfolk businesses.

Chamber membership offers you great networking opportunities with like-minded people, and they’re all potential clients and suppliers! On average 70-80 delegates attend our business breakfasts, and there are many more events during the year.

Upskill your workforce The ‘Chamber Sessions’ are delivered by our members, for our members. These FREE training sessions cover vital topics such as Branding, Sales, Marketing, Social Media, IT and Security. They’re a cost effective opportunity to complement your employees’ training and bring your staff up to speed on current best practice.

Improve your skills The Chamber Sessions take place at our offices on Tuesday mornings and Thursday lunchtimes. It’s FREE training, delivered for members, by members who are all experts in their sectors.

Make the most of it

Be proud! Be known!

Chamber membership encompasses the whole company, not just an individual. Involve your team and take full advantage of our training, networking and resources that will help you do better business.



Website visits a month


Facebook Page Likes

As a member you can use our logo on your website and literature. It shows the world that you are part of the Chamber of Commerce network – the region’s premier business organisation.


Google+ Followers

2345 LinkedIn Group Members


5055 Twitter Followers




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Eastern Screen Print 01603 484000 Printers

Eminence Training Solutions 01603 34 35 36 Training Providers/Services

01603 666101 Marketing Services

Canham Consulting Ltd 01603 430650 Engineering

Chemanglia Ltd T/A Anglian Chemicals 01328 851407

Cleaning Services (Comm/Indus/inc window cleaning)

CITYPAC Ltd 0845 862 3055 Courier Services

Consort Insurance 01621 890285

Insurance Companies/Brokers/Adjusters (all types)

D.A.R Enterprises 01508 518051 IT Services

01842 754639 Property Development

Digital Copier Systems (Eastern) Ltd

01328 738333

Keystone Development Trust

Flexipump Irrigation Ltd 07782 163466 Agricultural (Goods/Services)

Greenworld Sales Ltd 01553 772590 Agricultural (Goods/Services)

Gus Auker Pipe Installation 01553 768127 Construction (General)

Horncastle Executive Travel 01603 598280 Travel Services

Iceni Magazine Limited 01603 510 856 Publishers


Lighthouse Financial Advice 07526405983 Finance

Lynn Shellfish Ltd 01553 772 520 Fish (Processing)

Mancroft Communications 01986 788011 Public Relations

Motiv8 Exercise and Fitness 07557 517644 Health Care

Office Water Supplies 01953 451753 Office Supplies/Equipment

Radley’s Salhouse 01603 263910 Retail/Café

Sita UK Ltd 01553 767938 Recycling Services

The Lean Six Sigma People 07899 007083 Consultants (Business/Management)

Tipsy & Tumbler Ltd 01603 568089 Software Developers

Turning Factor 01603 881689 Training Providers/Services


A week in the Life of... Chris Nielsen, Membership Advisor


Throughout the week I am in contact with the members of the Chamber and Mondays are the time I hand in my report to the CEO of what Chamber members’ needs from us and what the future holds for them. These reports are examined every month to make sure that we voice the opinions of the Norfolk business community and that we stand together on these.


This morning I am out making promotional videos for our new website, which we are aiming to launch by the end of January. The videos will function as an easier guide into unleashing the full potential of the membership, and also create a greater interaction with the members. In the afternoon it is time to plan the Chamber Catch Up event. I try to make the agenda as tailored as possible by assessing the delegates and identifying how the Chamber can help each of them.


I attended the latest Representation Council meeting, whose aim is to set the policy direction based on what the Norfolk business community needs. This is also the day I normally run my informal Chamber Catch up seminars. These are particular good

for members who want to get more out of the membership and want to have a voice about what happens in the region.


I spent the morning following up on yesterday’s Chamber catch up. I review the Catch up session for the pros and cons to take them into consideration for next event. I am pleased to say that there will always be enough cookies from now on! This is my big sports evening. I play handball (thats right Handball) down at Wensum Sports Centre, with the first Handball Club at Norwich, so I tend to keep my Thursday afternoon free from physical strains.


Networking is a big part of my week at the Chamber, whether it is me networking with members or facilitating member to member networking at our events. This week was our ‘An Audience with Dr. Vince Cable’, where he presented to the local business community he thoughts on Westminster and his Industrial Strategy. Friday is the evaluation day of the week, what has been good/bad and what can I take into following week and what needs to be addressed.

Chris Nielsen

Network event for STEM Ambassadors. Professionals working in the fields of science, technology, engineering and maths joined science teachers and students from schools across Norfolk at a special event to champion how industry and schools can work hand-inhand to encourage young people to consider science based careers. Connect Education and Business hosted the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Ambassador Network Celebration at The John Innes Centre, Science Research Park, Norwich. The STEM Ambassador programme is a part of a national scheme that helps young people to understand future career opportunities in STEM subjects and brings a real work context into the classroom. In Norfolk, STEM Ambassadors go into schools to give talks, practical demonstrations, attend careers fairs and run science clubs. It plays an important part in the wider skills agenda

by ensuring young people are aware of the opportunities available in the region’s science and technology sectors and understand the qualifications and other attributes they will need to access them. New STEM Ambassadors are being recruited to meet demand from schools across the county for more professionals to go into the classroom to talk to students about the opportunities these subjects can bring. Angela Gant, CEO of Connect Education and Business, who manages the STEM Ambassador programme across Norfolk, said: “STEM Ambassadors are a wonderful free resource for Norfolk schools, people with many, many years’ experience in science subjects who can share their real life expertise to enthuse young people about the potential and relevance of the subjects. I’m delighted that the STEM Ambassador programme is gathering pace across Norfolk supported by many of the county’s employers and professional bodies.”




The last word. Name: Fiona Ryder Company: Managing Director Jon Title: Mustard TV Biog: Fiona has extensive experience in senior leadership roles in the media, film, TV and technology sectors. A former commercials producer, she has spent the last 20 years, developing companies in the broadcast, digital and out of home markets. Over the past two years Fiona has taken Mustard from a concept to a new local TV station, broadcasting on Freeview and Virgin to viewers in the Greater Norwich area. Mustard TV is a wholly owned subsidiary of Archant and was the first ‘from scratch’ channel to launch having been awarded a local TV licence by OFCOM in September 2012. Fiona studied Film and Photographic Arts at the University of Westminster (BA Hons), is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Royal Television Society.

What was your first job and what was the pay packet? My first job was at the tender age of 5. I helped the baker with his delivery round after school and earned the massive sum of £1.00 per week. This was supplemented by some of the baker’s customers who were generous tippers. It was a fantastic way of spending an hour or so after school and I thought I was rich beyond belief. My first proper pay packet was after University. I started work at a Special Effects company in Wandsworth as Production Assistant on a salary of £9k per year.

What do you always carry with you to work?

we reach a significant number of people. Many local businesses are surprised at how affordable advertising on Mustard is and at the results it produces.

If you were Prime Minister, what one thing would you change to help business? Better tax breaks for entrepreneurs and greater incentives for investors. Finding capital to launch new businesses in the UK is still much harder than it should be.

What can you see from your office window?

Passion for the business, optimism and my iPad.

What is the biggest challenge facing your business? Educating new local advertisers about Mustard and the power of TV advertising. Now that we’re available on Virgin and Freeview


The Archant car park!

If you could do another job, what would it be? Take a gap year.

As a business person, what are your three main qualities? Tenacity, passion and drive.

What was your biggest mistake in business? Underestimating a new competitor in the market. I set up my first company in my mid twenties and it rapidly found traction in its market sector. A new competitor emerged on the scene who was significantly better funded. It squeezed my company out of the industry in two years. A painful but very valuable lesson.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs? Don’t start any new business unless you genuinely understand what problem your new business is solving and why there is a need for it. If you can’t articulate the idea and the opportunity to others in 30 seconds or fewer, it probably needs rethinking.

Who do you admire most in business? I’d have to cite my biggest influence. My Grandfather. He built a significant business from scratch on principles of hard work and dogged determination. And he still managed to have time for his friends and family.

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