Distorted Magazine May 2007

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| MAY 2007 | ISSUE 06 | ISSN 1754-3746 |




SEAGULLS, beer AND A FEW PUNK BANDS SECTION 5 - Guns on the Roof - The Duel Submerse - outl4w - The Exposed - sham 69 GOLDBLADE - LOVE & .45 - DRAGSTER - GBH DISCHARGE - peter & the test tube babies COCKNEY REJECTS - stomper 98 - [spunge] strawberry blondes - Argy Bargy - SMACKRATS vice squad - templars - dun 2 def and many more!



It’s for the birds... EDITOR/Co PUBLISHER_ Cerven Cotter




RESEARCH/Co PUBLISHER_ Nikola Cotter nikola@distortedmagazine.com SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR_ Skanking Steve Noble steve@distortedmagazine.com CONTRIBUTORS_ Lola, Grillyx, Tim Drunk, Fungal Punk/OMD, David Brown, Craig Burton, OPG. Contact information_ Distorted Magazine 9 Bridle Close, Surbiton Road, Kingston Upon Thames Surrey, KT1 2JW London, UK info@distortedmagazine.com www.distortedmagazine.com Distorted Magazine is published by Distorted Ltd. ISSN 1754-3746 All content is copyright protected © 2006 - 2007. Distorted is a trademark of Distorted Ltd.

Views expressed in the magazine’s content belong to the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers. The contents are believed to be correct at the time of publishing. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors, ommissions or for changes in the details given, © 2006 - 2007 Distorted Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in a whole or in part of this magazine is strictly forbidden without prior written consent of the publishers. | page 02 | MAY 2007 |

Skanking Steve & the Ed.

A few nights back I had a this brilliant idea for this

issues editorial. But to be honest, most of those great ideas are born somewhere between 8 ciders and a bottle vodka. Now I really should find a way to record my thoughts but I know when I wake up (or roll out of bed) in the morning, most of my ideas are best left at the bottom of the glass... I guess the pint (sorry , point) I’m trying to make is this - If you got a good idead, don’t get drunk and forget it, because you may just end up writing a half arse editorial like I’ve proceeded to do. But before I leave you, I just want to extend a HUGE! thank you to all those involved in the Concrete Jungle festival, it was a huge success and Distorted is very proud to have been a part of it. Oh yes, if you didn’t buy the two guys a drink in the photo above, well, shame on you! Until June, enjoy the 6th issue of Distorted. ~ Cerven Cotter Editor

...for more ramblings and other items of some interest: blog.myspace.com/deathdestroy

This page: The fuck’n gulls - see the Concrete Jungle story for more. ON THE COVER: RISE AGAINST. Photo by Anthony Saint James



Features CONCRETE JUNGLE ........ 14


RISE AGAINST ........ 34





Editor Notes...... 02 Headlines & nuggets...... 04 Previews!...... 08 SupportSlot...... 10

Punkspace in a nest....... 12 Soundchecking eggs..... 43 Seagull Reviews...... 50 Close Up’s of birds...... 60

| MAY 2007 | page 03 |

H EADL INES News and other things you need to know

The Latest...

Victory Records has announced a series of special vinyl releases to be issued on May 1st, 2007. The label has put together five different albums spanning the label’s catalogue including Bad Brains, Comeback Kid, Bayside, Blood for Blood and Atreyu. Leading the pack is vinyl release of the classic out-of-print 10-inch, Omega Sessions Also scheduled is Blood for Blood’s Spit My Last Breath as well as more recent albums including The Walking Wounded, A DeathGrip on Yesterday and Broadcasting.... The label is promising many more vinyl releases this year. Asian Man Records has begun taking pre-orders for the second Plea for Peace compilation. Due out in April, the disc benefits the foundation of the same name. The label has recieved a donation from Fugazi in the form of discs 21-30 of their live series, all pre-orders will be entered into the draw. The disc features 52 songs from acts like Big D and the Kids Table, Cursive, Alkaline Trio, Samiam, Throwdown, Dead To Me, Rx Bandits, Tim Barry, The Aggrolites and many more. Label boss and Plea for Peace organizer Mike Park also contributes a song.

| page 04 | MAY 2007 |

Billy Bragg, Hard-Fi and Clash bandmembers Mick Jones and Topper Headon are to play a benefit concert for striking firefighters. The gig will mark the fifth anniversary of the now legendary show that Joe Strummer performed with his former bandmate Jones at Acton Town Hall in 2002 - just weeks before his death. The show - Arms Aloft - will take place in Acton Town on November 15, and is backed by the Fire Brigades Union. A portion of the proceeds from this year’s show will go towards a new Billy Braggfronted campaign entitled Jail Guitar Doors, which aims to put musical instruments in prisons up and down the country, in the memory of Strummer. Punk pioneers Mick Jones of The Clash and Tony James of Generation X are to reunite under the name Carbon/Silicon. The duo will release their debut EP for digital download on May 21, followed by a 7” vinyl and CD a week later (May 28). The EP features four tracks - ‘The News’, ‘Why Do Men Fight?’, ‘I Loved You’ and ‘Ignore Alien Orders’.

Got some interesting news? Send it to: nikola@distortedmagazine.com


mail us on letters@distortedmagazine.com Dear Distorted Folk, And those young Outlaws make you Just thought I’d drop you a line or two sick. Add all their ages together and to say how much I enjoyed the Concrete they’re still HALF my age making a terJungle at Pontins (or is that Punkins?) at rific noise. What are they gonna be like Camber last weekend. when they grow up. Watch out! Three days of the best music, great comWith regard to the organisers and sponpany, ENORMOUS amounts of booze sors I think they’ve done a great job, a few and no trouble. And we had good weath- ‘teething’ problems that will no doubt be er too! Amazing. ironed out before next year’s event but There were too many bands to be able no major disasters. There will be a next to see everybody and hardly a duff set in year I hope. Please say there will be a the lot. Old school, new school...what- Concrete Jungle EVERY year. ever you wanna call it, it was a punk rock Anyway, that’s me lot. Great magazine smorgasbord of delights. you’ve got floating through the ethernet My personal highlights would have to be so keep up the good work. Vice Squad, Goldblade and Discharge on ~ DJ Rockula Bacchus. the main stage and Batteries Not Included, The Exposed and Dun2Def on the We had an awesome time too! Check Chaos stage. But absolutely everybody out the article on the event in this isgave their all. sue. You didn’t buy us a drink did you?

...AND NOW PLAYING Tara Rez is the frontwoman of The Duel and this is what she has been listening too: Go To Hell – Sick On The Bus The Richard Hell Story - SPURTS We’re living like weasels - Cyclones Hotline to Hades - DRONGOS For Europe Dirk Wears White Socks - Adam & The Ants Caberat Rat - Scaring Little Albert Every Weekend – Dun2Def Wild is The Wind - Nina Simone Love, Janis - Janis Joplin SEX – too fast to live, too young to die Go visit her bands website over at: http://www.myspace.com/theduel | MAY 2007 | page 05 |

H EADL INES News and other things you need to know

10 MINUTES WITH: Brandon van Eeden

Guitarist for one of South Africa’s longest running straightedge punk bands we thought we’d chat to him ahead of Artists Against Animal Abuse charity benefit show to be held at Burn in Durban, South Africa. Distorted: Crossing Point have been around for a good few years now and still pack venues...what’s your formula for success? Brandon: The band is 100% committed and passionate about what we do. Every show we try and make as hard-rocking as possible with every member putting their heart and soul into making the event as memorable as possible in all ways. Its a team effort.We are fans of other bands too and know what its like to be at a show that really KICKS! We want our shows to melt faces and blow rooftops off! You are known as a band that have a good belief system, do you think you are having a positive influence on the kids that attend your shows? We made a band decision to rather just let our lyrics and personal actions speak for themselves. We are all Christian, addiction free, and I like to think we are having a positive influence on people as I’d really be unhappy if we were having a negative one! You are currently in the studio doing your new album. How did this one vary from the previous offering? Different on so many levels. Lyrically (with a change in singer), musically (we feel we are | page 06 | MAY 2007 |

recording and producing music to the lute best of each of our personal abilitie spiritually (each band member is at pea themselves and in love with man’s saviou Christ)

When will it be released and will fans ov be able to get their hands on a copy? We are focussed on the recording proce now. Once thats done it will be mixed an tered overseas as we feel the expertise an ity in that process is not available loca want a world class international produ a kid anywhere is going to appreciate. same time we are putting feelers out the international labels to hopefully release/ it for us. So... date for release is unknow no matter what, it will be out this year will be touring our asses off on it!

Crossing Point are headlining the Against Animal Abuse charity show at t of the month. Why did you decide to s this cause? Its an issue close to the hearts of not o vegetarians Ray and I, but also Rich an think anybody would want to support that works towards eliminating or re the unnatural godless torture inflected i animals lives. Although animals were cally placed on earth for our benefit, w also made their guardians and protector responsibility has fallen to the waysid mankind has merely become an exploite living things for selfish personal financi This is unnatural and evil incarnate. Th we have taken animal experimentatio ploitation as product (pets), clothing, an MUST BE STOPPED. The only way for

e absoes), and ace with ur, Jesus


ess right nd masnd qualally. We uct that At the ere with /license wn. But and we

happen is if each one of us to make a conscious effort to be aware of how their lifestyle choices affect areas beyond those which are in their immediate realisation. Great foresight is required to be considerate. Creating awareness is the stepping stone to a revolution. And lastly, what can the world expect from CP in the future? Well, without being cliched. We feel as if we are only getting stronger and more confident in what we do. This power does not come from within ourselves, but from our Father who we thank every day for our really blessed existence and the talent and drive we have been given to be able to do this and hopefully inspire others.


Joy Division lead singer Ian Curtis commits suicide on May 18, 1980 at the age of 23

Artists the end support

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27 May 1977

The Sex Pistol’s God Save the Queen is released and reaches number 2 in the charts. The single is band by the BBC.

| MAY 2007 | page 07 |

PREVIE W ! P R E V I E W ! Tours and shows you have to know about.

| page 10 | MAY 2007 |


| MAY 2007 | page 11 |

with... T O L S T R O P SUP Revenge of the PsychotronicMan After the demise of punk n’ roll band, McGraw, three members (Andy - bass/vocals, Dave - guitar/vocals and Big Hands - drums) decided to start a new band in 2004 and Revenge of the PsychotronicMan was born. The band takes it’s name from the b movie of the same name, after Andy and Dave discovered the film in a pound shop. The makers of the film have since made a music video for the bands track ‘Alcohol is not a drug’. Liam joined the band on guitar and vocals in 2005 and shortly after the band recorded their debut album, ‘Shitty Zombies’. Their first UK tour took place in the summer of that year and since then Revenge of... have toured four times and have now played well over 100 gigs. The follow up to the album was recorded this year. The new EP, ‘Party in the Van’ features six new tracks.. Whats it like for a young band trying to make headway in a scene that is drenched with talent and diversity and how do you try and stand out and make an lasting impression? Andy Psychotronic: There are so many bands around you have just got to work hard and try to get your name around. I think our live show is pretty exciting so it helps us stand out from some bands. I also think it’s important to play the right sort of gigs, to the right audience and with bands who are in | page 10 | MAY 2007 |

the same ball park. This is a lot of the reason why we started our own night. There are bands that play loads of non-descript gigs which are not going to get them anywhere. Davey Psychotronic: It’s all fun. I think the way we are on stage is a great way of standing out and making a lasting impression. We just make fools of ourselves amongst some good music and people love it! Liam Revenge: I guess we’re almost oblivious to all that really. We’ve never really set out a definite ‘plan’ as such, we just write songs, play lots and lots and lots of gigs, put 110% into every one and hopefully enough people like us for it to be all worthwhile. There’s no cynical marketting ploys here mate! Big Hands: I don’t ever think about standing out, we do that just by being a bunch of twats. If you concentrate on being the best band or competing too much, it’s just not fun anymore. I see that you guys work damn hard on the circuit and put in loads of practice so as to give that finished edge. Spending so much time together can be a real chore for some

bands but you seem really comfortable in each others company. Why is this? Davey: See how comfortable you get sleeping in the back of a van for a week with these guys, good friends are hard to come by! Liam: We’re really are all close friends though and we’re all pulling in the same direction so I guess when we do have ‘differences of opinion’ its almost always resolved amicably. Like Davey says, when you’ve gotta spend half your time living in the back of a van with the fuckers, you sorta sometimes have no choice but to get on. It does bring you together though, you put any differences aside for the good of what you’re all there to do, and I think our friendships have strengthened to this point because of it. Saying that, Andy DID break Big Hands’ wrist this weekend! Andy: It’s definitely nice to be in a band with your best mates. I guess we all know each others good and bad points now though. Big Hands: We have to. Andy will break your hand or something if you don’t get on with him though.. Tell us about some of the best gigs you’ve played

and what made them so special? Liam: Playing main support to the Subhumans in front of a sell-out crowd going absolutely apeshit has been the highlight of being in this band for me so far, but I guess we’re equally as comfortable playing in front of 30 people as we are 300. Its so up and down though; we can pull a good crowd in some towns, yet in others, we play to almost no-one. Andy: Recently Subhumans and Angel Cake in Manchester have both been ace. They came at the end of a really cool week on tour and were the ideal climax. Davey: I really enjoyed Discharge at Academy 3 cause of the big stage to go mad on and a difficult crowd was won over. Recently I’ve mostly enjoyed our end of tour party at Tiger Lounge and I thought supporting Subhumans was an absolute corker! The crowd at both these gigs made them so much fun to play. I enjoyed Subhumans so much I thought I was going to die at the end. For more information: myspace.com/revengeofthepsychotronicman | MAY 2007 | page 11 |

| page 14 | MAY 2006 |


Bands you should check out on myspace.com

1 3 1. The Diesel Whores 2. 13 Tons of Napalm

2 4

3. GBG punx 4. Arrested Why not drop us a line and recommend a band? (All photos from the bands myspace profiles.)

| MAY 2006 | page 13 |

| page 14 | MAY 2007 |

| MAY 2007 | page 15 |

Story by Stevo. Wisecracks and tongue-in-cheek captions by Tim Drunk. All uncredited photos by the Distorted family.

Section 5 - this page and the spread before. We liked them so we gave ‘em two photos... and they didn’t even buy us beer... | page 16 | MAY 2007 |

ther ‘Wasted Festival’ s already billed as ano wa al tiv fes ge if gle Jun ete The Concr traveling on a pilgrima ng the Ed and myself, bei rt We sho d. its ive of s arr age we before from all the ich boasted punk bands festithe and sic mu you will, to a festival wh the in you’re more interested enough existence. Now I know ting there. One simple get y rne jou the to t firs you e at haptak wh me t’s let t tha val, bu it, because to Hastings, an hours wa Camto y rne jou s bu g train ride from London Hastings, and a lon in y enc qu fre s nces, sse gla bu pens with the hanged a dozen y Ed and myself had exc ead alr and lf, itse ds ber San ht fucking place? asking, are we in the rig The only thing that kept us going on the country bus ride through more farms, hamlets and crops of sheep to our hopeful destination were two Australian punks. They alone were saving us from the dreaded expected embarrassment of rocking up at Camber Sands, or Pontings family beach resort, to be precise, all punked up and ready to go [laptop and toiletries in tow because that’s punk as fuck] only to find out we are a weekend early. So far so good. Drinking late the night before probably wasn’t the best choice pre festival, as the three-days-to-come were bound to be late, drink fueled and hopefully fun, and the festival

excitement still hadn’t kicked in on the last leg of the bus ride towards Pontings. But then it appeared over the horizon and into view, the blue and white [over described] chalets that were to be home for the weekend. First things first, and using our press elitism we jumped, hopped and skipped past queues in the large dominant main building, to claim our AAAs [which were to be oh-so useful] and make our ways past the growing lines of already staggering punks, skins, hawks, and drunks, and into home sweet temporary home. Now expectations aside, this already wasn’t a normal festival. Lodg-

ings indoors at a festival are a first for me, and pretty comfortable ones too. The double storey U-shaped complexes of accommodation are actually good for enforcing the family vibe, and a festival for a scene which so often has that feel to it, it was extremely apt. The only disturbing neighbour was the foulest looking seagull making rather too intelligent enquiries into our abode. Drinks out and the sun warming up nicely, we set off in search of the stages, as you do, for a music festival. A short half an hour walk encompassing the whole site, we were pretty confused and realized the stages were indoor, and the sounds of Oi from

| MAY 2007 | page 17 |

the only pub onsite- The Queen Vic, were in fact the sounds of the indoor stages, stupid us to assume outdoor stages. We made our way indoors again, past the giant octopus on the ceiling, and the arcade games to the side, [you had to be there] and upstairs to the main stage. The hall was large enough to hold a good couple of thousand people, and looked like a gutted out bingo room. Bars on the right hand side and a large wooden dance floor in front of the stage, with tables and chairs at the back of the room. There are a few hundred people at best in the room, so it’s looking a bit sparse. The first band had already started up, I could be wrong but I think they were the 85s? [Forgive my journalistic inaptness here] but they played some good sounding old school 70s punk rock. The sound in the hall was good enough, but the crowd felt like it was still early days, and most were intent on drinking up before giving the bands their attention. To be honest no band really caught my attention for the next couple of hours, but plenty of Oi and street | page 18 | MAY 2007 |

Goldblade - What you don’t see is that out o right, some punter said he didn’t believe in took a ‘creeper’ to the head. Don’t mess wit another band who never bought us drinks... Photo by David Brown (who didn’t buy us b

of frame on the rock n roll and th Goldblade... . beer either.)

| MAY 2007 | page 19 |


punk was already filling the rooms. We made our way to see the 2nd stage of the weekend, the Chaos stage, again there wasn’t anyone memorable playing at the time, the room was much smaller and the sound not great, which unfortunately would be a feature all weekend. After ambling some time away, and adding a few beers to the expanding waistline, we were chatting to skins, punks and all the other collectives that had made their way to the festival waiting for a band to really kick start the Friday’s activities. Thankfully that band came in the form of Section 5….. They just added the energy that was missing up till then and the crowd reacted favorably, playing rock and roll and punk in the street way, with powerful guitars and melody but hard all the same. Thank you Section 5, the festival had begun.

Guns on the Roof - If I knew better these guys were drinking Redbull instead of beer... only way to explain their energy. Photo by David Brown | page 20 | MAY 2007 |

Now that there was more of a frenzy to the room, Roddy Radiation And The Ska Billy Rebels played a pretty great set of ska, rock infused reggae -Ala the Clash -and rockabilly, and certainly had the feet moving on the wettened wooden

floor, causing a few slips and more spills, and one journalists sore knee the following morning. Roddy Radiation [former guitar player of the Specials] is a formidable front man, mainly down to his immense experience, and their blend of twangy rock and roll bought the smiles to faces of the crowd, and judging by their ages, a fond memory of years gone by. Following them Argy Bargy played a powerful set of Oi and streetpunk, which didn’t ever bore or feel monotonous, which I’m afraid so many Oi bands did succumb to over the weekend. Energetic and tight, they were definitely a highlight.. For me, that was the last band of the night that did anything for me, GBH and Anti-Nowhere League finished off the night, but I

never got into either of them, maybe music overload, tiredness and drinking caught up, but our fears that some bands were being played more on respect for longevity in the scene rather than quality were ones we had feared with a festival like this. Saturday morning started off after too early for any late night drinking session. But after making bacon eggs in our chalet [see, no normal festival]- and the same seagull sneaking a peak in our room, already sussing out what he could eBay and make off with-we headed over to the Chaos stage,

© Grillyx

OutL4w - Although they rocked hard, I highly doubt they got served at the bar, but once they’ve reached the legal drinking age, they owe us a beer. Photo by David Brown | MAY 2007 | page 21 |

Old School...

...Pre School...

...The Entire School! Mmmm... somebody on this page did buy us a drink, thanks for that! | page 22 | MAY 2007 |

with beer in hand to catch the end of Love and a.45 . This would also be the first female fronted band of the weekend, and Kate on vocals with a razzy rather than high pitched voice, fronts the 4 piece very well. They deliver effective melodic power punk, and could be one to watch out for. Early lunch and we headed off for a break from the indoors to enjoy the sun, a couple hours later after a hunt for a decent meal successfully ended with a steak and ale pie, we return to the festival gates[ oh when stocking up on supplies before the festival, and doing the booze shopping there are 2 shops there, not to endorse either, but shop at the one on the right hand side to save some cash], drinks in hand and in search of something to kick start the day, as Section 5 had done the day before. Sadly in the more quiet moments between the bands, the go-karting and other fun activities which are regular features on a normal family weekend there are not accessable, can’t trust a punk…..

name suggested more than music was on offer… again female fronted, they rely on shock value I suppose, but musically just didn’t deliver for me at all, maybe there is more to it, but based on what I saw, its more hype than anything [and the hype wasn’t musical!] We made our way to the main stage to catch the second half of the Strawberry Blondes. I had seen them play quite recently supporting Westbound Train, and felt the crowd was there for ska and skanking alone. At this show I was impressed again by the energy and there is quality in their musicianship, but I’m not sold on their individuality as a group to stand out from the crowd. From there we make our way through the merch room to see what’s on offer, and if pay day had been around the same time, or if I hadn’t deliberately left my cash card behind, I would have been spending

big time. There were lots on offer, if you’re looking for LPs and CDs…… in fact I’m going to stop there because I still have a few websites to visit when I can splurge my cash! Back to the music, a host of female fronted bands impressed….. The Duel, obviously drunken and disorderly, they play through their songs quite shambolicaly, but this isn’t TV nor Pop, and the crowd [albeit most seem to know the band already] reacts well to their stage antics and songs. Straight from there we take our way to the main stage and catch the end of Vice Squad and their cover of Ace of Spades, which goes down well, and kind of makes me think I backed the wrong horse on this one, no disrespect to Tara or Bheki….. Spunge impress on the main stage, with upbeat ska fuelled rock and pop, which is surprising not because

Over lunch we had heard of Spitroast being tagged as great live show, and the | MAY 2007 | page 23 |

they are a bad band, but because the crowd got really going and that was good to see. The oldstarts supporting the upstarts… Back on the Chaos stage, were the most impressive band of the weekend, Outlaw, a 4 piece consisting of three brothers and all under 17 years old. Age alone never impresses but the quality of the group, the songs, energy and influence over a crowd mostly double their age at least and veterans of music for decades. If Outlaw doesn’t become huge then there is something very wrong with the music world. Finishing off the night on the main stage Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Templars and the Cockney Rejects all showcase 30 years of music and Oi. They impressed in reverse order with Peter and the TT Babies for me upstaging their more esteemed peers on the main stage. Before the night ends the organizer confirms rumours we had heard earlier in the

day that some idiot had smashed his room up, and asked all present to treat this as a family event and look out for each other and the future of the festival by not tolerating reckless abuse of the trust that has been places on all our shoulders. Hear hear.. A few too many drinks later and antics I can’t reveal end off the night, and we stumble back to bed, with our local seagull bum still guarding the door… Sunday morning was pretty similar to the previous days events; bacon and eggs, the same noisy intruder, cartoons accompanying breakfast and some JD. A walk past the collective of 70 odd Swedish skinheads, and to the stages. The final day was the best of the fest. In terms of diversity it was the most complete and that’s the main criticism of the festival up to that point. There was for me too much Oi and old school, and not enough diversity on the main stage. In

fact I would like to see the smaller bands protected a little bit more on the Chaos stage, as the sound was poor, there was less organization over the running order and a simple thing like music between sets would have done a world of good to keep people sticking around. Suggestions for next year’s event would be to alternate the lineup starting times between the Chaos and main stage so that there aren’t gaps nor overlapping bands… A festival like this needs to attract a diverse crowd in terms of the many sub genres within punk and age. To do that it needs to appeal to all of these groups, I’m not talking commercial appeal, but the type of punk rock on the main stage. Obvious bias towards main stage, forgetting about the Chaos stage, and that’s that’s where you will draw a younger crowd in to add to diversity is something that needs to be addressed. Even though it can’t happen due to the type of venue, outdoors would have been preferable, as after a while it seems less like a festival but more like a series of gigs….. Stomper 98, German based

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Something like Concrete Jungle wouldn’t be complete without the leading ladies. I’m sure a few guys bought them drinks... Clockwise from left: Love & a .45, Dragster (photo by David Brown) and The Duel.

| MAY 2007 | page 25 |

street Oi with horns [yup, that’s right] impressed first up, and set the tone for the day. Back on the Chaos stage, Submerse impressed again with the amount of energy, and some great quick catchy punk rock which fueled the growing buzz of the day. Smackrats go down as the punkest show of the day, all stage antics aside [and there was an abundance of that if you consider the front man singing in front of the barrier, dry humping fans and rolling around ala Iggy] they play a great set and are pretty damn tight which is impressive as I would have stopped just to watch the frontman. Guns on the Roof [Main stage] suddenly bumped Section 5 as band of the weekend, with a set that easily elevates them to one of the best young punk bands in the country. They are young, gifted and played parts of the crowd into frenzy with their massive sound and roaring guitars, incredibly fast and one name that kept ringing in my ears all weekend. They have not supported some of the best bands around purely to bring down the average age-they are the future. Sonic Boom Six followed, keeping the sets younger and more fresh than previous days and with an attractive lead you could be forgiven its all looks-based, but they play a pumping set of pop and ska [minus the horns] & hip hop, bouncing the crowd into gummy-bear life. Very modern take on old sounds and I | page 26 | MAY 2007 |

liked it. Highlight of the weekend, Goldblade played their cathedral rockabilly punk [with a dash of soul], to a captive audience. John Robb, the man fueled by life, playing his crowd like putty in a Iggy Pop/ Henry Rollins performance and intimidation. The 5 piece wide, monsters of sound and energy, blow away everybody at the festival while guitar machine gunning them away. It’s a euphoric, life altering experience and although theatric- knocks everyone down to build them up again, with a new found love of my new favorite band. Rushing down to the Chaos stage we catch the better half of female led Dragster. The name and look suggest psychobilly through and through but their sound deceives their appearance. Playing fast rock and roll under the punk guise, an impressive short set made more so by the fact their drummer had played a total of one session with them! The Exposed again showed that young bands are in good hands. Melodic-sounding, like the Bouncing Souls but with a bit more rawness like the Hellcat sound, that has become so predominant. Another one to add to the’ look out in the future’ list. Ending off the Chaos stage are Dun 2 Def [I don’t like the name] but that’s aesthetics really, because they

Discharge - The beard, the hawk and the leopard. Now where is that beer we were promised? Oh wait, it wasn’t you, it was the other dude with a mohawk... Photo by David Brown

| MAY 2007 | page 27 |

Sham 69 - We tried to get people to like us by buying them beer. Maybe it is something to consider? Strange that nobody bought us beer... Photo by David Brown. | page 28 | MAY 2007 |

do blend old and new, not only in their personnel but their sound. They seem to sound like a bit of a mish mash of older punk bands, but are pretty distinctive in what they do, and live they are full of everything you want n a punk band, the crowd loves them and they love playing. 2 lead singers are pretty unique and their respective age difference with a great band in tow lend themselves to being the perfect icebreaker at a festival which was more in the old vein than the new, if only they had played the main stage and on one of the earlier nights…. Almost finishing off the whole festival are Discharge, who yes play fast, aggressive, and have probably earned their near top spot for their contribution to the genre, but their sound to me-a youngster in comparison, is dated. I couldn’t even gauge from the crowd how well they went down……with the most un-punk looking grizzly guitarist, who didn’t open his eyes once, and front man bursting with energy and gnarl, they were here for the old skool and respect to that. Second last event of the evening and Symond thanked everyone for their support in aiding what by and large was successful festival on first attempt, and promised to be back next year organizing bigger better event….introduced Poly Styrene to do the raffle and ushered on the last act of the weekend…. Sham 69, written in the annuals of punk rock history, are deserved headliners based on that alone, but I don’t know if the future is looking as bright. Their latter more rock sound was predominant and the crowd was very anti from the get-go since the controversial departure of Jimmy Pursey and

now Scazz on vocals. To their credit Sham played on through some abusive rants from the crowd, but they would have expected it, and Scazz tried to confront it early on by saying one man was not Sham, as Sham69 was and is the fans - fair enough. I think the credibility is fading and they could turn out to be a reunion band that doesn’t quite work. All that said when the song most were waiting on comes along, the crowd does break out in a sing along of ‘If the Kids are united’, old remembering their youth and the young wishing they had been there 30 years ago…even the Ed joined them onstage to sing loud and proud. Mid-set of Sham 69, one of my favorite moments of the festival. One of the many fantastic staff at Pontings clearing up after the drunken hundreds, was sneakily making his way towards the stage and snapping photos as if a James Bond himself. I went up to him and asked if he wanted me take a picture with his disposable from close up [using the AAA pass] .Now he was probably in his 50s at least and he broke into a smile of amazement and appreciation as I brought back pics of a band he had watched when he was a youngster, like a giddy schoolgirl. He was so thankful and told us honestly and from the heart that this was the best group of people that had visited the resort in the time he had worked there, friendly, polite and as a unit had changed perception of punk amongst all the small town staff. The times are a changing and I would like to thank all of you for assisting this revelation in one middle aged man, and making me proud to see his near teary reaction. One last night of drinking, conversing and drunken epiphanies, and at some point | MAY 2007 | page 29 |

PEOPLE SPOTTING at Concrete Jungle



| page 30 | MAY 2007 |

the Ed passing out mid sentence, half eating pizza……it seemed liked an apt finish to it all…. Weary eyes, packing up, early the next morning, we bid farewell to the winged fool who gave us a middle finger response, we made our way out of Pontings back to London via Hastings…..tired, in awe at some bands, and disappointed at others, I pencil in my diary Concrete Jungle 2008.

Thanks to the organizers, the bands, the staff, Pontings, the British, Irish, American, Swedes, Germans, Spanish, Greeks, Australians, Dutch, South Africans, punks, skinheads, rockers and kids.

“For no REAL reason whatsever” DISTORTED/CONCRETE JUNGLE AWARDS 2007 by Tim Drunk The Punkest Bird

That dreadful brown shitty looking seagull hovering around our chalet.

Punk as Fuck Set

The SmackRats on the Chaos Stage

Preacher of the Weekend

John Robb of Goldblade... “Do you believe in the power of rock n roll?”

Best Female Mohawk

Oonagh with her multicoloured ‘hawk.

Most Energetic Punks Guns on the Roof

Best Tour Van

Submerse, they crashed theirs into a church...

Most Metal Moment

ViceSquad’s cover of Motorhead’s ‘Ace of Spades’.

Youngest in the Pit

That little kid rocking out at the Chaos Stage.

Most Uttured Phrase

“Are we getting another drink? “ - probably said by everybody...

Funniest Quote

“Who is Mike Ness?”, asks the dude wearing a Social Distortion jacket.

Best AAA Abuse

Tim Drunk, to get onto stage with Sham69 to help out with “If the kids are united...”

| MAY 2007 | page 31 |

From Stren to Strength

Rise Against

| page 34 | MAY 2007 |

ngth h:


Words by Cerven Cotter. Photos by Anthony Saint James

From the first time Rise Against stepped out into the world, punks everywhere knew they had found a special band. Over the last few years, this Chigago based four piece have released four powerful albums and they graduated from an indy label to a major without loosing any respect from their peers. With yet another UK tour looming, we caught up with vocalist/guitarist Tim McIlrath... | MAY 2007 | page 35 |

As I sit in front of my computer on the phoneand wait to be connected to Tim, I suddenly realise that I’m about have a conversation with the voice of Rise Against. The moment the thought entered my head, my entire list of questions vanished - one could probably hear the wind whistling through the empty space where my brain used to be... “Hello, Tim from Rise Against here.” The interview kicks off with the usual pleasantries and we get straight onto the subject of their upcoming UK tour. Their final show on their last tour saw them sell out their first venue in the UK, the Meanfiddler in London. So how does he feel about selling out the Astoria (yes, Rise Against sold out the Astoria, so good luck trying to get legit tickets.) | page 36 | MAY 2007 |

Tim was rather surprised and wasn’t aware that their London show was going to be jam packed. “It’s sold out already? Awesome!” was Tim’s response - the excitment filtering it’s way through the phoneline.

The History

Rise Against is a band that came together after the demise of 88 Finger Louie back in 1999. Since then Rise Against has continously risen up the ranks as a well respected band. What does Tim have to say about their rise? “It’s really crazy because it is still going on and everyday is a surprise.” He also goes onto add that in today’s world where there are so many bands out there, it is even that much harder to make. Every magazine is showcasing hundreds of bands, and even hundreds more are ready to take over those places. One

quickly gathers a sense of humilty from Tim as he talks about where his band is. Every word he utters is filled with appreciation and gratitude. “If you had told me that a band that started out on Fatwreck Chords back in 2000 would be selling out the Astoria, I would have laughed at you.” Again, you can feel Tim’s excitment flowing through the phoneline. His statement was ironic because back then he would have told you that the world is going in the way of emo and screamo and that there is no space for punk bands. His humble attitude slips for a second and comments that there are a few bands out there that have kept the punk side of things alive, his band being one them. Now you cannot take this

Photos © DustinRabin.com

From Strength to Strength

“It’s like a horror movie, except it is real, it it reality”

| MAY 2007 | page 37 |

as arrogance, it is simply a statement, a statement that Rise Against are continously proving more true with each show, with each song and with each album released. “We’ve always played this type of music, I guess more people are just coming around to it now.” Although Rise Against are quickly becoming a household name, they spent their very first year trying to solidfy their line up. Many hours were spent


Once the band had come together, things got going pretty quickly for them. Joe Principe (bass guitar) knew Fat Mike from Fatwreck Chords back from when he was in 88 Fingers Louie. He called Mike up and told him he had a new band, sent him the demo and Mike didn’t like it. “Yeah, Mike didn’t like it at first, he was like yeah, I’ll put out a 7inch if you want.” Well, as most of you know, Rise Against did

“Mike (Fat Mike) didn’t like it at first, ‘I’ll put a 7inch if want’...” in a Chigaco basement writing material and recording demos - and trying to find the right members. “We went through a whole year of false starts. Just practising, no shows. It was largely due to the fact that we couldn’t find a drummer, couldn’t find a guitarist. Then when we did find guys, we wanted to be sure that these were the right people and not just go play shows.”

| page 38 | MAY 2007 |

sign to Fatwreck Chords and they put out The Unraveling (2001, re-issued in 2005) and Revolutions Per Minute (2003). Rise Against soon found them selves releasing Siren Song of the Counter Culture in 2005 on Geffen Records. How exactly did Rise Against make the transition from indy to major but retain all the credibility which so many other punk bands have lost when ‘selling out’? This

proved to be a very interesting topic of discussion with Tim. “When we left the label, he kept them in touch with everything going on. You know we’ve got this major label calling us and we’re not sure what do to and we’re really not sure what we’re going to do, do you have some advice for us, but we just wanted to let them (Fatwreck) know about it. I think that they were appreciative that we let them know about what was going on and stuff like that. We told them everything every step of the way. We didn’t just call them one day and go, ‘Oh by the way, we’ve been meeting a major behind your back for the last 6 months and we’re signing contracts as we speak - see ya later!’. We owe so much to them and not just because they put out our records and stuff but because of our first shows.” Tim then goes onto recall their very first UK tour with none other than Sick of it All. “It’s because of things like that, that is why we’ll always love Fatwreck, they helped us out so much.” He continues to mention

From Strength to Strength other bands including Anti-Flag, No Use for a Name but spoke very highly of Strung out who he says were instrumental in getting rise Against out there. “All of those bands took us under thier wings and let us play for their fans.” True to their roots, today Rise Against keep in touch with Fatwreck and when they’re about to head out on tour, they ring them up and find out which bands need road time. Tim admits that the relationship they share with Fatwreckchords is a bit of a fairy tale - not many bands leave their indy homes and stay ‘friends’. “We’re really lucky, we found a family out here for what can be a dog eat dog world.”


Rise Against are no strangers to political activism and particular animal rights. The bands is actively involved with PETA and can be found endorsing a number of their campaigns. With the Seal Hunt season just opened a few days before this interview, I though it would be a interesting to see Tim’s view points on what was going on. Tim warms up as I mention Rise Against being a politically active band, a socially aware band. “When people say things like that, I really appreciate those comments, infact I’m actually flattered by them. To me, punk rock and politics have always been synomous. It is the reason I started listening to the Dead Kennedy’s instead of Poison. Punk rock was a response to the mainstream bullshit.” Band names such as Blag Flag, the Descendants | MAY 2007 | page 39 |

and Minor Threat are now popping up in Tim’s talking but he quickly referrers to both Jawbreaker and the Descendants, as even though they had almost nothing to do with politics, but it was there music was political, it was that response to everything else going on. The subjects shifts bands onto the plight of baby seals and you could actually hear the frustration in Tim’s voice as he spoke, “Yeah, that is a

it, he pints out that this is only just one of many injustices facing the world today. “If we can’t stop people from killing seals today, then we must at least try monitor the way it is being done so that it isn’t what is now essentially torture.” Tim’s beliefs in animal rights are strong but he doesn’t force his view point onto others. He says even if two people cannot see eye to eye about meating eat, he firmly believes nobody can advocate the torture of animals. “ W h a t ’s the point (to animal torture)? There is no point to it. It doesn’t do anybody any good”.

“What’s the point (of animal torture)? There is no point to it. It doesn’t do anybody any good” terrible problem. But what is the difference between that and deer hunting season or whatever? But I suggest going online and doing some research and you’ll see that it is a really violent way for these seals to go out. Hunting is just barbaric. The manner of clubbing and skinning seals right there on the spot - it is just so cruel. It’s like a horror movie, except it is real, it is reality.” As Tim talks more about | page 40 | MAY 2007 |

Although the interview didn’t end there, we went onto discuss their recent arena tour with My Chemical Romance, the departure of guitarist, Chris Chasse, the affect the song ‘Swing Lfe Away’ has had on people all over the world, skateboarding, one quickly realises that Rise Against are never going to go away.

From Strength to Strength

| MAY 2007 | page 41 |

| page 15 | FEBRUARY 2007 |


Guns on the Roof

In this issue, we find out the in’s and out’s of energy driven punks from Leeds, GUNS ON THE ROOF. Members

Liam (Bretty) Brett (Vocals) Marc Miles (Bass) Danny Sharp (Guitar) Joe Sefton (Drums)

What do THEY play: Melodic Punk/Rock


Pure Punk Rock Therapy (Released on Abrasive UK. Owned by Dave Ryan former member of Abrasive Wheels)


Rancid, Clash, Uk Subs, Offspring, Donnas... All things punk rock really.

How long have THEY been together:

3 years but Pure Punk Rock Therapy was writen 2 years ago. New lead singer Bretty joined the band in November 2006 and his first gig with the band was supporting Rancid at Glasgow Barrowlands.

Dream tour:

where did THEY THEIR debut show:

Bretty & Marc - JD & coke. Danny & Joe - Carling

Joseph’s Well in Leeds.

best gig played: Supporting Rancid.


photo by David Brown Rancid, The Offspring, even +44 would be great fun...

Drink of choice:

THEY Recommend:

Outl4w and The Wildhearts

URL: www.myspace.com/gunsontheroofuk | APRIL 2007 | page 43 |


PROMOTER PERILS A chronological account of the original and unique

Spit and Sawdust Punk Rock Tour

as seen through the eyes of the event organiser. PENNED & EXPERIENCED BY FUNGALPUNK/OMD

WE CONTINUE EXPOSING THE SAS TOUR DIARY... for part one see the April issue ENTRY – 28/5/06 Home late last night and up early this morning – Portland here we come. No TV, no phone, no radio, no nothing. Just wife, little un’ and lots of wildlife – oh man. ENTRY – 3/6/06 I’m back and on the phone. After a week of birds (feathered of course), butterflies, lizards and botany plus some quality family time I am mentally refreshed. First call to a few bands. Apparently Rhyl was a struggle due to an | page 44 | MAY 2007 |

overpricing on the door which was out of mine and Andy’s hands and therefore resulted in a poor turn-out. Dudley Dave what have you done? Also news of Kamikaze Sperm and The Slash Monkeys pulling out of next days gig at Wakefield did nothing but dampen my enthusiasm for ringing anybody else. Does no one realise what’s happening? Punk my arse! Fucked off already and wondering what the fuck you have to do to make bands understand the

words commitment and dedication I had a few more chats with people and went to bed. ENTRY – 4/6/06 Having already been informed by the bringer of bilge news Banjo that One Man Stand weren’t doing Wakefield either I received the expected call and got the dreaded confirmation. Now if this would have been anybody else I would have my doubts but Bert (OMS frontman) is a pretty decent bloke and had been given a right ear bashing

from his good lady about not doing enough with the family. No arguments there then but a bit more notice in future wouldn’t go amiss. Anyway Bert dropped off the backdrop with missus and kids in tow and off he went to some museum in Manchester. He’d better have a good fuckin’ day! With 2 bands left out of an original 5 and only a few hours to the gig I called Fish (Headclinic/Skeptix/Section 5) and told him the score. Still up for it he contacted Red Necked Zombies, confirmed they’d do it and we left it at that. Cheers man. ENTRY – 5/6/06 Down but not out the tour so far has been a right roller coaster of a ride for all the fuckers, farts and genuine gals and geezers involved. I think at this moment we are holding are our own despite the deviants singing ‘Ten Little Indians’ etc. etc. We’ll see. ENTRY – 8/6/06 With a trip to Scotland this Saturday for a gymnastics competition with my daughter and next day a long drive in pursuit of Chequered Skipper (it’s a butterfly you twats) I would miss the Huddersfield gig. Knowing its in Andy’s safe hands convinces me again

what a good comrade in crime I have and I look forward to hearing how it went. In fact Andy popped down and we had a cuppa and chat regarding what we think so far and next year’s plans (yeah I know – gluttons for punishment). Andy seemed in quite a jovial mood and the fact that two hours previously I had come off my daughters skateboard whilst trying to impress my good lady wife thus resulting in a busted ankle seemed to make Andy all the more merrier. Vindictive bastard.

sound system playing up because bands wanted to be louder than each other (silly buggers) and with Suspicious Stains headlining despite having no singer. Everyone I spoke to said they were fuckin’ excellent and I can’t help feeling so proud for this lot and hope they continue in this crowd pleasing mode. Take note everyone because these lot are genuine and deserve all the good press and rewards they get. Solid attitude and just gets you back on line a realising why this tour is taking place.

ENTRY – 12/6/06 Back again and Scotland went well with my daughter not winning a medal this time basically because we have been away so much and she hasn’t practiced and me and my missus forgot her music for her routine. Reason – my trip to hospital getting my ankle sorted just before we set off for Jockland – wot a cunt. Anyway unprepared and with different music my young un’ got up there and gave it her best shot and had a reet good day – smiling all the way. What a star! Pity some of the bands don’t have this attitude! Oh we saw the butterfly as well so that’s a bonus too. Feedback from Huddersfield was mixed with the

ENTRY – 14/6/06 Just a quickie (no not that kind). Bolton looks sorted with the line –up as follows – Swallow, AFS, Crouch Mog. Should be fine – fingers crossed. Oh and we got fined £60 and 3 points for doing 40 in a 30 mile an hour zone whilst lookning for The Snooty Fox a few weeks ago – loverly! ENTRY – 16/6/06 Another quickie (just pack it in). Anyway as said Bolton was a cracker and all systems go for Retford. AFS pulled it yesterday but I think we’ll be fine despite a Nottinghan Punx Picnic and a birthday bash at the Thatched House. Here’s to a good un’. | MAY 2007 | page 45 |

ENTRY – 18/6/06 Woke up shattered after yesterdays gig and a week of late nights due to mothing and other gigs. I am quite upbeat at the moment after the gig at Retford with knowledge that the bands that want it are getting credit for a honest approach and also the forthcoming Stockport gig is sorted thanks to Jim (S. Stains guitarist) coming up trumps with a PA system. Bloody nice bloke too and a pleasure top work with. Cheers man. Also I didn’t upset a few people I thought I had with my drunken ramblings at Retford – which is nice! ENTRY – 20/6/06 Trying to sort out last minute digs for Morecambe is hard work. Got Ivan trying his luck but top man and good chum Ronnie Rome comes up trumps with a tent arrangement. What a star. Hopefully the weather will be just as obliging! Here’s to a good un’ for all concerned. ENTRY – 24/6/06 I should be at Morecambe today but circumstances dictate otherwise. Time with family, a chance to rest my aching foot, a desperate need for sleep (after some late night mothing amongst other things) and financial | page 46 | MAY 2007 |

difficulties all help build the argument ‘Stay at home’. So here I am, feeling guilty but knowing I made the right choice. I give Big Ivan a ring to see if alls well and he seems fairly happy. The crowd is not as big as he expected but that’s a familiar story with punk these days. Hopefully I’ll see him tomorrow and give some support. Now its time to loaf about and watch that film I taped last night. ENTRY – 26/6/06 Well we got down to Morecambe yesterday and saw 6 bands at the end of an apparently long weekend. Not the greatest turn-out in the world. ENTRY – 27/6/06 Well those twats England have qualified and the Stockport gig is now similar to Arthur Mullard in a phone booth – a very tight squeeze indeed. Bastards – despite playing like shithawks on tranquilisers the team has managed to get into the last eight of the world cup and everyone wants to see them play. Like a nymphomaniacs nipples the gig now needs a few tweaks. Pass me the phone. ENTRY - 29/6/06 The calls are made and everything’s looking A-OK as

the doomed pilots say before going into battle. The Bolton and Wakefield gig still needs attention but what the fuck! ENTRY - 3/4/06 Rumours are afoot. I am an arrogant, disorganised, pissed-up promoter. Well 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. I presume arrogant roughly translates into speaking my mind and disorganised because I let bands get on with things. Or maybe I am a twat! Hey ho. Pissed-up – well – fair comment. Sometimes being so honest and dedicated pricks the piss-artistes conscience and all the slack jawed crowd followers get shaken. I’m doing something right then. ENTRY - 4/7/06 Apparently AFS didn’t make Wakefield due to bad traffic and shitty weather (poor buggers were livid and abusing passing cars in no uncertain terms) and Annoyed didn’t make Bolton due to simple-mindedness on their part. Hey ho – it’s gone far enough not to not concern me. Shit can only smell so bad for so long until it comes to a stage when your nasal passage becomes turd tolerant – get the drift! Must mention a nice couple of things that have happened recently. Firstly I

PART TWO told Andy today about the aforementioned rumours regarding my character and promotional skills. His reply – ‘Well at least you’ll always have one friend and ally’. One comment can mean so much and make a tour worthwhile and you know when someone is for real. Cheers mate. Also Nat (of Suspicious Stains) related her tale of someone telling her about my organisation of gigs and drinking misdemeanours and she put em’ right in true straight talking style – cheers love! Nice ain’t it! As I always believe the minority are always worth that extra bit of effort and anyone who knows me will realise I never let down friends (I protect them all the way) and I don’t tolerate enemies (I just ignore the fuckers). ENTRY – 6/7/06 Sat on a park bench watching some old blokes indulge in a spot of crown green bowling I started reflecting on the tour in general. Quite a strange sensation really – all the stress and work has abruptly stopped and despite the niggles it caused I can’t help having a feeling of being unfulfilled. It’s now I realise what a joy the tour has really been

and in a small way a minor success. Andy has proved himself a top chap and several bands and their members have been worth their weight in sherry. Strange how a quiet moment can bring to light true inner feelings. ENTRY – 7/7/06 Well Suspicious Stains can’t do the end of tour party due to illness and the Barrow-in-Furness show is off because of a change of management who said they knew nothing of the event. Fuckity-fuck-fuck. Me and Andy are no longer in the mood to shovel shit and argue the toss so we let it float away into the unfinished business of punk. Here’s to a good party though where we can all give an autopsy of the tour and say a sad farewell to an all to fleeting project. I suppose there’s always next time! THE PARTY Ah ha. Where is everyone – surely me and Andy are not to be insulted this way! Nevertheless we carry on and Ambush UK knock out a nice set, with Boredom, Slash Monkeys and C-Lite (a Churchill 3 piece) doing a bit too. Me and Andy shake hands in the bog and look at each other through

tired and I supposed half beat eyes and say cheers – we both admit we wouldn’t have done it any other way and with anybody else. A nice moment really and to be honest just that makes it worthwhile. It’s good to go into a partnership venture knowing no matter what goes on the other half is doing it the way he deems best. I do things and Andy does things in total contrast to the way as individuals we would do them but we trust each other and get the job done. By hook or crook we get it done and we both believe in the cause. It’s enough for me. Reflections Not much to reflect whats not been said. We did it and in some ways that says a lot. Looking back I think we may have been unhinged by what we were trying but… A new tour is planned for 2007 all of which will be diarised from the outset in more detail than this years (if I get time). What are we thinking of… 2007 CATCH THE LAST INSTALLEMENT IN THE JUNE ISSUE OF DISTORTED... IN THE MEANTIME - VISIT: www.fungalpunk.co.uk | MAY 2007 | page 47 |


Don’t take our word for it, make up your own mind!

KEEP IT GOING Mad Caddies (FatWreck)

The latest offering from the ska rockers is produced by Wayne Jobson (No Doubt, Gregory Isaacs) and offers a pretty complete taste of the previous 4 full length albums. It combines elements of rock, ska, swing punk, reggae, jazz and punk with that distinctive Caddies take on combining in it all into a mix of catchy, upbeat rocking skanking tunes and reggae bopping toe-tapping classics. It has a more reggae roots sound than some of their previous offerings, in some ways going back to | page 50 | MAY 2007 |

their own roots. A 5th release is expected to show signs of maturity in all aspects of their sound and writing and they tick all the right boxes for me. As ever they are band that have a huge reputation for live shows, but their albums have never suffered from being played loudly, and Keep it Going is definitely a wake me up album and is itching to be played. There is such an audible party and good times vibe to the album, that it demands to be played loud, and will transform your tapping fingers into crazed dancing legs. The opener ‘The Dirge’ has some great energy and the horns set the album off to a great fiery start. ‘The right state of mind’ is probably my favourite and emphasises the quality of the singers [Chucks] voice [and the fact it accompanies the sound of the Caddies so damn well!] From there on in its party

time with Today and Tired Bones great upbeat songs and Don’t Go will be an instant crowd pleaser sing along in the chorus. The Caddies have always had Sublime connotations and Pyramid is a reminder of that punky rock ska infusion that Sublime did so well. The near final track with guest vocals from Ducki Simpson on the cover of Delroys Wilson classic Riding for a fall, is probably going to be used to end their shows and completes a great album which is actually quite scary in how many elements and styles of music the Caddies have packed into one album with out ever feeling like its too much of a good thing. Songs, styles, quality and diversity aside [and all of it top quality] it’s the mood that Keep it Going creates that really gave me the biggest smile. Its such easy listening, and infectious, that the only downside is I have to wait until the next live show to add my voice to their sound. ~ Steve





I have noticed a little trend developing, no it’ isn’t that ‘emo’ trend but the people becoming haters of pychobilly and almost everything associated with. But why? What is wrong with people. Fair enough, some people don’t like stand up bass or quiffs but what does it really mean at the end of the day. As far as I’m concerned rockabilly and pyschobilly are part of punk. So you disagree with me then? Well, step into my deathray and I’ll let Dragster play you 12 songs that will make you rethink everything. Grab this album for your collection, I dare.





While on the whole topic of pyschobilly, I’d like to bring your attention to The Exposed. They’re so pyschobilly they’re actually punk. They write some great melodic songs that you’ll love. I can only imagine the hate mail they would get if they kicked out their current bassist and threw in a stand up bass. So what is with the deal with punks not liking pyschobilly? Is it just a trend? I don’t see punks hating punks who have slight political undertones in their music, I mean come on, soliders on your album cover, now that is punk rock!

If it is the horror angle that is annoying punks and making them turn their backs on pyschobilly, then Juicehead will alienate them even further with their rather classic debut release. The recording process sounds as if it was done in somebody’s bedroom, but you know, at first I didn’t like it but after the 3rd listen I was completely lost in the album. The dodgy production actually makes this album a keeper. So if you’re a fan of horror punk, pick this up and while you’re at it, pick up some pyschobilly and become disliked...


| MAY 2007 | page 51 |


Don’t take our word for it, make up your own mind!






(G&R London)


If you’re one of those opposed to the whole pyschobilly side of life, then you’re going to want to suck your brain out of your ear with a straw. With a total of 31 actual songs, the first and last being classic movie soundsclips (I ain’t telling which one’s because you should them!) you’re going to find some realy gems on this album. Favourites for me - and yes I enjoy my side order of pyscho and rock - abilly, are Demented Are Go, REZUREX, The Peacocks, Sewer Rats and Hellsonics. I’m sure you’ll have your favourites and that is a good thing, no point in all of us thinking alike now is there? | page 52 | MAY 2007 |

The Rudimentals

Some of the herb grown in the UK is incredible stuff. But here is a little secret, on the tip of Africa, there is a city called Cape Town and they seem to have some of the best green ever. What the hell has this got to do with the Rudimentals - well, roll yourself a nice phatty, sit back, put this album on and you’ll understand completely. The Rudi’s have bounced back with this being their 2ns album and have really showcased what this skanking outfit has to offer. Top notch production combined with brilliant songs makes this a contender for a High Times award!

Cockney Rejects No matter is said about this album, whether it be good or bad, there are only two words to describe the latest release from the fathers of Oi, and those two words are, Cockney Rejects. It is one for the collection, its an album that will look amazing in your record collection. Just one thing I would like to add. If you’re into pyschobilly and you don’t know who the Cockney Rejects are, if I was you, I’d buy the album anyway, say you own it, you love it but it doesn’t matter, it is the Cockney Rejects and this is their latest release, so stop reading this babble and go get it!


DVDs For me live shows are essential but this is a nice taster and reminder for those into psycho and rock and roll. and with its recent revival in popularity it gives you a great insight into who the scene leaders are. And were. - Stevo

Revenge of the Psycho Cats Various Artists The sequel to the 2003 release ‘Psycho Cats’ this important collection of 32 live gigs and promotional footage and music videos is a must have for any fan of the rockabilly/ psychobilly genre. Covering some of the more influential bands of the first 15 years of the scene from the early 80s such as the Meteors, it showcases the rising of a popular genre far less sophisticated, straight up and rock and roll that its scene counterparts. With footage from various small venues and festivals like The Big Rumble Festival which exposed the UK to international acts, this varied collection in terms of song quality and video production[ oh the 80s!] also shows the evolution of the styles within psychobilly in terms of dress and sound.

Big Audio Dynamite Live E=MC The birth of B.A.D after the demise of Mick Jones’s involvement in the Clash, would herald the introduction of another influential innovative crossover sound. There are very evident similarities to the Clash here, as the continued fusion of rock and reggae and more modern introductions of beat box, all pre dance revolution. As with Strummers Mescelaros the sound is rooted in the Clash but here its a gradual evolution riding Mick Jones’s influence. [Continued on the next page...]. | MAY 2007 | page 53 |

RE V I E W S Don’t take our word for it, make up your own mind!


After the initial outburst of the punk revolution something special was needed to re-ignite an already flickering flame. ‘The Feeding of the 5000’ not only created an inferno of rebellion but opened up many a new avenue for the socially aware to explore. Lyrically this masterclass is a lesson in questioning angst that is still hard to beat and is still very listenable and provocative. After purchasing this record my punk rock future was secure and the focus and reason was confirmed as the

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crass-clan musically raged about things we all deemed important. Despite being brtutally raw and unpretentious the songs adhere to the mental soul which is always a good sign of something worthwhile. The quality of songs are mainly down to the industrial simplicity and literal brilliance with ‘Do They Owe Us A Living’, ‘Punk Is Dead’, ‘Reject Of Society’ and the superb ‘Banned From The Roxy’ honest examples of the DIY ethic. The entire construction is artistically perfect in the fact that its unaffected approach adds to the final excellence. From ugliness we have beauty, from the victim we have a survivor - a real gem that rebelled against the mother from which it was borne. A wonderful moment in time. - Fungal Punk / OMD

...from the previous page... Shot in 1990 in Londons Town and Country Club, the footage is the sell out show at the venue showcasing the band at its prime. Full of energy, the atmosphere oozes from the celluloid as the reformed line-up of the group in its form as BAD II delivers some pretty impressive songs considering the date of its release. Definitely for a fan of the band, and all things Clash, the live performance of Jones and Co is a formidable one. Only 7 songs long, but more than 50 minutes of performance is the biggest reminder this was no longer punk rock but influential none the less. - Stevo

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100 Club, London (5 April 2007)

30 years ago the Adverts brought something to the burgeoning punk scene which was quite different from the Sex Pistols, the Clash and the Damned. TV Smith had been a singer / songwriter for sometime but realised punk was a vehicle he could use to express his views on what was occurring around him, social commentary at it’s best. Travelling up to London with his partner Gaye, it was not long before they were playing regularly often with their mates the Damned, and releasing their first single the classic “One Chord Wonders”. After some changes with record companies they released their first album, the classic “Crossing the Red Sea with the Adverts.” Tonight 30 years later we gather at the 100 club to celebrate that and a certain birthday, TV like the rest of us is 30 years older The 100 club was pretty full by the time TV Smith and the Bored Teenagers took the stage, it felt to me that pretty much everyone there was an Adverts / TV Smith fan so there was an obvious feeling of warmth and friendliness amongst the crowd. TV came to the stage wearing a DIY jacket with lapels covered with DIY badges just as I remember from back in the day. I know TV is well up for this, as excited as the appreciative audience gathered in front of him. “Welcome to the year 2077, this is not a copy - ONE CHORD WONDERS”. Straight into “One Chord Wonders”, and the waiting throng

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TV Smith © OPG

came alive, like a teenager who had fallen asleep in 1977 waking with a start in case they missed something. Performed with all the energy and belief of someone who has never given up performing, never lost the passion he had from back in the day. Looking around the crowd, he is not alone; the magic that started then is still very much real and relevant. TV Smith performed each song with the belief and energy he had 30 years ago. Watching TV perform back then and today it is obvious he has never lost the passion he always had. “Bored Teenagers”, “No Time To Be 21”, “Great British Mistake”, “Gary Gilmore’s Eyes” all sounding fresh as the day they were written. Why? Because the man who wrote them continues to believe in them, believes in their

relevance. People say to me, why are you wasting time trying to recreate what happened 30 years ago, move on. Well, if we were trying to recreate it then that would be a fair comment, but for me and many others, the spark that started of 30 years ago has never gone out. The feeling of belonging to something real and genuine is uniquely punk to me. The relevance of what was being said holds true now, more than ever. TV Smith 30 years ago gave punk a different slant, unique and personal; no one ever doubted the genuiness he had, the honesty in his work. He has never lost that, and my belief in what is genuine and honest will never go either. TV Smith and the Bored Teenagers last song was “The Good Times are Back”, they have never gone. - OPG


Camden Underworld, LONDON (11 April 2007)

Behemoth concrete vision-obstructingpillar aside, the sound issue is something that can destroy a show from the audience perspective at the Underworld. However this night it’s the lack of a good crowd that threatens the show. First up the Strawberry Blondes play their quick melodic punk and rock and roll with sheer determination and to their credit largely avoid the lack of active or sizable crowd. They have a definite Hellcat records sound to them, and influences of The Clash and

Rancid are very evident in their sound and appearance. Guitar roaring, and sharp songs, they play a very decent set of melodic anthematic songs, and the energy levels are always impressive. They also introduce brass for a few songs which im not convinced on; as they try and infuse the reggae rock and roll the Clash did so very well. The songs are quick and melodic, and too be honest I like large parts of what I hear, but sound issues and a crowd waiting on a ska headliner detract from the performance and songs. I don’t feel this show is one that should be used to judge the band, as it doesn’t feel right. Place them in a different environment with a more willing atmosphere and receptive crowd, the steadily growing buzz on the Blondes could turn into something special. The danger of course is ending up typecast Rancid wannabes. Headliners for the night and pulling in a more ska frenzied crowd are Boston based Westbound Train. Already placed in the Hellcat family, the proper 7 piece ska band mixes all the right elements of reggae, dub, soul and energy into the room. I’ve said it before but I love ska because you can’t do anything but feel good about it, I don’t dance but this is my skanking music. Westbound Train quickly remind me of the Slackers, and that not a bad group at all to be compared with. The front-man doesn’t steal the limelight; instead the whole group adds their essential mix to complete the group’s sound and groovy onstage presence. In some ways they are

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the Barry White of ska, as the songs are oozing old skool groove, romance and good times. The horns, the keyboards, the guitars, drums and vocals are perfectly blended to deliver some of the best live mix of ska, reggae, funk and fun I have seen. Despite the small crowd, the whole room is filled with energy and as each member of Westbound Train has a chance to showpiece themselves, the connection between them and the audience is personalised and special. I have seen ska shows where I don’t know the groups songs, quietly turn into a bore as they lack diversity. Westbound Train are special, and what they do, they do extremely well…if you get bored of them live, you’re dead already. - Steve-da-skanker


(7 April 2007)

Dagenham doesn’t automatically spring Even though I am based in Kent I can’t say I have ever been to Deal to see a band, let alone a punk band. But tonight that is where I am heading, to see the band the Sex Pistols Experience. Generally, I donít do tribute bands, they aren’t really my thing. But these guys are different, they are passionate Sex Pistols fans and put on a show to give old punk gits like me an idea of what it may of been like back in the day. Since I saw them last at the 100 club, they have got a new “Johnny”, I have

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heard lots of things about him and tonight I will find out if what I heard is real. The venue is an old theatre, think Notre Dam Hall, that will give you an idea of what it is like. Following Ed Tenpoles very unique and enjoyable set, the intro music starts, Paul Crook (drums) Steve Bones (guitar) and Kid Vicious (bass) take to the stage, Johnny is out back getting pissed I hear. He joins the lads on stage as the intro to Holidays in the Sun is delivered, and believe me this man could well be a clone of the man himself. Dressed in the unique style that was Johnny Rotten’s back in the day and with just the right amount of sneer and self confidence to convince. This is the perfect line-up of the Sex Pistols Experience I have seen. They play faultlessly the bollocks album, this is how these songs should be heard, live and loud. Those of us at stage front were well into it, pogoing and barging like any good mosh pit. Running through all the classics, New York, I wanna Be Me, Pretty Vacant, they were all there. Johnny is the business, at one point some fella got on the stage and he literally threw him off! Great fun :) Johnny leaves the stage as Kid runs through Something Else, My Way and Paul does Silly Thing. This is the complete Sex Pistols show. Johnny returns to the stage now dressed in San Francisco garb, and they do a perfect version of No Fun you really have to pinch yourself, it is like looking at the man himself. Rock n Roll Swindle is introduced, I have not heard them play that before, a worthy addition I think, then Ed Tenpole returns to the

> ALBUMS > EPs > BOOKS > GIGS stage for a great version of a Swords of a 1000 Men. A great end to a fantastic show. This June to celebrate the infamous boat trip, the Sex Pistols Experience are going to take a boat down the Thames, and play the classics under the bridges of London. This promises to be a great show, Steve Diggle will be playing an acoustic set, and Alan Parker will be signing copies of his new book. With a bit of luck we will be all arrested just like back in the day, it will be a great night :) As ever, I was not disappointed by the show. It was all filmed for a forthcoming DVD release, so look out for that. If like me you are a lifelong Sex Pistols fan, and you want to hear those songs played and performed something like it could have been back in the day, I recommend going to see the Sex Pistols Experience, you wont be left with the feeling youíve been swindled. - OPG SPE © OPG.

Hot Rocket Trio/The Sharons/ Dirty Love Bar Monsta, Camden (13 April 2007)

Not a good bleeding start. Not enough amps for Dirty Love. Must be Friday the 13th. Finally it all kicks off, twenty minutes late and Dirty Love’s Lizzi raunches into her act, all corset and lipstick in your face.. Fucking marvellous. These guys can play dirty rock and roll and it’s rammed down your throat mercilessly. Go get the album. But Lizzi has barely finished screaming “Bleed Me” in her prime when the plug’s pulled on them and they have to clear off and make way for The Sharons’ last ever gig. A travesty indeed. “We fucking hate each other” announces Adam. Well I saw these a few weeks ago and they played like they had met for the first time on the way to the gig and picked their “play in a day” books up at the front door. But here they are masterful, with songs like “Gay Girlfriend” you just can’t go wrong. And they look like they are finally enjoying themselves and the crowd love them.. And so to Hot Rocket Trio, wielding now obligatory double bass and seamlessly blending Elvis and the Clash into one psychobilly extravaganza. The boys are on form tonight and they beat the audience to a pulp, recklessly strumming their way through “Zombie Surfers are Go” and “Dead by Dawn” before climaxing with the Cure-on-speed version of “Lovecats”. The boys are going places. Another (nearly) perfect evening. - GrillyX

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TIME AGAIN Š Craig Burton. | MAY 2007 | page 63 |

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