1 minute read

Tips For Saving Money On Bills

With life getting busier and bill paying getting easier with automatic payments, it can be months, or even years, before we take the time to review them!


Avoid lock-in contracts wherever possible.

Pay on time discounts/late fees –stay on top of due dates to avoid excess charges.

Payment method – some companies charge for paying by credit card, ask for alternative ways to pay to avoid these charges.

Cancellation fees – be aware of any costs for cancelling.


If possible, when purchasing a new phone, buy it outright. Plans that come with a phone are often less competitive than stand-alone plans. Determine average data usage and choose the lowest plan needed and move up to a higher plan only if, or when, necessary.


Are you paying for a data plan, but your tablet is rarely used outside of your home or business? Connect to Wi-Fi and cancel the plan or get a long-expiry plan.

*Hot Tip – data only plans are often more expensive than a regular voice/data plan – either can be used in a tablet, so go for the cheaper option!

Payment Processing:

Did you know that you can change your EFTPOS provider without the hassle of changing your bank account?

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