In this Issue: •
Digital Communications and its Effect on Perception
Costly Mistakes When Insuring Your Business
Grant Gives Joondalup Businesses an Edge
Case Study – Corporate Choice Communications Australia
Day in the Life – Starring Dean Keating
Interview – Lainey Weiser, Just Start IT Founder
ceo update
difference • Finalists and recognition in Belmont, Joondalup and Wanneroo Small Business Awards for Business Excellence • 550 Small Businesses have 2015 was a terrific year for attended our open events District32. Having launched in • Huge endorsements with sponApril we’ve had many wins for the sorship from Business Station, small businesses of Perth. Here ECU and Business Associations are some highlights of the year: • Events featured in Business News, local newspapers and local • Over $4m passed to Exclusive radio Providers in direct sale leads • Crown Resort invite D32 clients •Huge plaudits received with for presentation and tour on how to launch featuring international access tenders/contracts. Fantasspeakers and 130 business owners tic recognition for District32 in attendance • Invited to be contributors to the • SME “Spectacular” with 240 Global Entrepreneurship Week with business owners in attendance all major stakeholders in Perth with $120,000 in prizes given to which included local government, small businesses councils, economic advisors and a • Over 50 Exclusive Providers number of business organisations coming on board to experience the
We would like to thank all of our customers, team and supporters throughout our first 9 months of business. We look forward to working with you all in 2016. Lorraine Garvie
contents Christmas Sundowner - Niche Bar photos
1 & 32
CEO Update
Digital Communication and its Effect on Perception
Costly Mistakes When Insuring your Business
Business Station & District32 What Goes Around
Day in the Life - Dean Keating
Grant Gives Joondalup Businesses an Edge
Partners 8 & 9 10 Tips for Business in 2016
10 & 11
Case Study - Corporate Choice Communications Australia
Using a Registered Tax Agent Vs Self-Managed Bookkeeper
The Freedom you Should Exercise
Am I Better off Buying Insurance Through my Super?
Instagram Statistics
Interview - Lainey Weiser
Epilepsy Australia Action
What is an Exclusive Provider?
Exclusive Providers
District32 Stirling Small Business Centre 43 Delawney Street Balcatta WA 6021 1300 552 293 info@district32.com.au district32.com.au 2
Copyright All content and images in this publication are copyright of the author. Reproduction of any part of this magaines is prohibited without written prior permission. Disclaimer The views and comments expressed by the authors may not always be those of the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of content, District32 accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or resultant damages or loss due arising from content in this publication.
article Digital Communication and its effect on Perception The interplay between human consciousness and technology is a new key aspect of what creates perceptions in human beings. The conclusion of social neuroscience regarding the potential conflict that arises in office environments, where technology is dominating human interactions, is insightful. Basically the conclusion is, there is in all of us a tendency to interpret digital communication through perceptual filters which give distorted outcomes. One of the recent findings of neuroscience is the finding of what is termed “mirror neurons”. This concept relates to how our “fight and flight” Autonomic Nervous System works with our brain to resonate positively or negatively with others, based on bodily non-verbal communication. What is going on here relates to a key neuroscience principle, that in face to face contact any two persons employ a sophisticated set of parallel processes in the brain to read the body language, eyes, facial muscles and postural changes of the other to understand if that person is a friend or a foe. The amygdala has always been that part of the brain associated with our emotional limbic brain “fight or flight” responses. New research confirms that it is also that part of our brain which co-ordinates processing others’ movements, gestures, inflections and micromovements of facial and other expressive muscles. This happens in a way which allows us to firstly mirror others internally in order to understand and interpret them, and then activate a move toward or a move away from response, in relation to that person. Neuroscientist, Antonio Damasio’s somatic marker theory, explains how the brain of an observer constructs social knowledge, at least in part, by simulating the emotional state of an observed person. In a sense we know how other people feel because we mirror
their feelings internally. The neuroscience work of trauma researchers such as, Stephen Porges, and Bessel Van Der Kolk, also illustrates how the myriad of striated muscles in our face have a connection to our heart and the emotions we generate from the heart are then mirrored through our facial gestures. For example, our unconscious perception of a customer’s apparent anger may be relayed from our sense awareness organs to the amygdala part of the brain. We are then primed to feel angry too, as our mirror neurons fire in sympathy with the anger we perceive with the customer. We may in turn then get angry or, if we have “an issue” with anger, we may trigger an adaptive response of fear instead. A key network of brain linked nerves known as the Myelinated Vagus, also acts to increase the calming of the person and reducing fear. This amazing enhanced regulation of facial muscles results in greater voice expression, improved listening, and greater emotional expressivity. This key information is received and processed by others but is missing in digital communication. The absence of this critical information means that the same receiver neural processes have limited information upon which to process. The digital data it takes in as information will tend to draw conclusions that are based on less sensory data, and are less correlated and translated. This highly complex but largely subconscious part of our social interaction process with others is a critical safety mechanism and social guidance part of our reality.
and social guidance mechanisms. In terms of our emotional brain centres we are now travelling blind. The net effect is that we as humans are more prone to misinterpret and misread electronic communication with a negative bias. The brain still uses “safety seeking” and “meaning making” processes when faced with digital information, but with limited information and context, it is more likely to assume foe more so than friend as a default stance. Digital stress, caused by information processing overloads and volumes of outstanding emails, can increase this risk of reactive processing of digital traffic by staff. Digital stress is now linked to a rise in illness in the workplace due to staff ending up in “fight or flight” mode as the brain becomes defensive and hyper-aroused by digital stimulus. Copyright 2015
Richard Boyd
Conscious Business Australia 0407 577 793 richard@cbau.com.au cbau.com.au
When we start to rely on electronic communication to ”socialise” we are stripped of our primary safety 3
article Costly Mistakes When Insuring Your Business that may have been covered elsewhere for an additional premium, you may well have been better served paying that little extra in the beginning. Many policies available through an Insurance Broker have additional benefits that may not be available (or have a lower value) in the direct market. These do attract higher premiums however they can provide you a greater claims settlement at the time of a loss, saving you from having to foot the bill. Step 4 - Having an expert on your side at the time of a claim. How does this help you? Brokers will be: Discover how you can wipe out costly errors and potentially save yourself thousands of dollars. Do you understand what your business insurance covers? With the below steps you can ensure your insurance policy will provide for you when something goes wrong. There is nothing worse than paying your premiums year in, year out, to only have a claim denied and having to foot the bill yourself.
Discussing your business with an Insurance Broker allows all relevant and pertinent information to be asked and provided to Insurers, allowing full disclosure and responsive cover. Step 2 - Become aware of what coverage is available to your industry.
Step 1 - Discuss your business arrangements with a person rather than processing online.
Beware! The direct online insurance market is very limited. You are missing out on access to over 90 Insurance Companies / Agencies by not speaking with an Insurance Broker. Many specialise in an industry sector offering competitive products and they cannot be approached directly.
You are an expert in your business and offer your knowledge and expertise to your clients. Why would you therefore not speak with an expert when it comes to your insurance?
Knowledge of the different insurance products available to you will ensure that the most appropriate cover can be provided with full advice as to how this may or may not fit your circumstances.
Depending on your industry and circumstances, additional information specific to you may need to be disclosed to ensure you have the correct cover. With generic online offerings, these tailored questions may not be available to gather this detailed information, potentially leaving you with a policy that does not provide sufficient protection.
Step 3 - Do not select a policy on price alone.
Did you know that cheap in the short term, may burn a hole in your pocket long term? It is critical to remember, if there is a difference in premium, this can mean there is a difference in cover. Should you have a claim for an uninsured risk
- Fully aware of the cover that has been placed on your behalf. - Have extensive knowledge of extensions under a policy which may provide additional payments to you above any actual repair/replacement costs. - Do not take “no� as an answer should this be the initial response. Claims staff may get things wrong. An expert is there for you to fight for your cause. At EMS Insurance Solutions we take pride in getting to know our clients and their expectations. If you would like to explore your options, feel free to call us for an obligation free review.
Alison Evans EMS Insurance 08 9206 4004 alison@emsinsurance.com.au emsinsurance.com.au
day in the life dean keating District32 Sales Director Dean Keating is usually out on the road meeting clients and prospects. See what a typical day looks like for Dean.
0700 - Network event with In
Cahoots in Hillarys. This has been an excellent informal group and has led to introductions with potential clients. A number of D32 clients are involved so it’s always good to catch up. A fun group and a good way to start the day.
0930 - Quick sprint to Leederville to meet up with a signage company. They are looking to increase their profile and revenue for 2016. Great reaction to what District32 does for its clients and the various avenues in which we are proactive. Always nice to get an insight into how a business developed and where it’s looking to go.
1100 - A quick glance at emails and a number of follow up calls from the mobile office - commonly known as the car. A couple of meetings secured and request for information. 1200 - Short drive to Wembley to meet with an accounting firm. We crossed paths at a network event and from a follow up call they were happy to meet.
Focus of the meeting for me is to give a good introduction to District32 while seeing if there are synergies for the firm or their client base. There would appear to be good opportunities with their client base.
1400 - Flying up the freeway to Joondalup for an interesting meeting with a travel agent. Again, initial contact was at a network event. I get a great insight into their business while giving them a good flavour of District32. (Psst...a tip to pass on - it’s often cheaper to go to a travel agent to make arrangements and a great way to support local.)
connections and introductions that can be made to assist other District32 clients.
1830 - It’s back to the ‘real’ office with a proposal due tomorrow and a number of emails from both clients and prospects also requiring attention. It’s been A Hard Day’s Night filled with interesting characters, a few laughs, and positive results for our clients.
1530 - Attending the launch of Bendigo Bank’s new branch in Kingsway Shopping Centre. District32 is delighted to support Bendigo which is active in the local community. It’s also a great opportunity to network with local businesses and cross paths with a couple of District32 clients. It’s a well organised event - I get mistaken for a politician and advise I've been mistaken for JFK on a number of occasions.
1700 - It’s not a bad last
appointment as a short trip to Hillarys harbour to meet with a new District32 client. It’s amazing how much information you get from meeting someone a number of times, and the
Tristan Cockman & Dean Keating
ARTICLE Grant Gives Joondalup Businesses an Edge Engagement Coach were the winners of a City of Joondalup innovation fund that will see Joondalup businesses participate in a six month trial to provide valuable insights into their customers. The $20,000 innovation fund allowed Engagement Coach to build a platform that captures information from wifi enabled smart phones being carried by pedestrians. The analytics wifi platform will be installed at the Joondalup Square before the end of January. Engagement Coach owners Todd Sainsbury and Paul Trappitt are looking forward to generating the data and making a difference for the businesses involved in the trial. For a number of years businesses have had access to information around their online activities such as Google Analytics and Social Media Follows but this is the first opportunity for most to collect information about the physical location of their business. The data will include peak periods, arrival and departure times, total visits, customer loyalty and engagement. A number of businesses have signed up to take part in a 90-day customer engagement action plan where they can implement, track and action customer interactions across a variety of mediums. Businesses interested in this technology can take part when it rolls out across Perth in February. More innovative businesses can join the program once it rolls out in February.
growth regions. This platform can help them do that.” As well as the northern suburbs councils, Engagement Coach has had interest from other Perth councils and business groups. Todd went on to say, “The aim of businesses should be to engagement with potential customers and provide them with the products and services they want which grows the bottom line of business at the same time providing a better customer experience so business owners and their customers benefit.”
In addition to receiving essential data business owners can also access Business Coaching. Coaching will demonstrate how “If we can assist a sole business operator by proving the information business owners can convert more pedestrians who are close they need to grow their business by into visitors, and ultimately and employ staff then we’ve done customers using social media. The our job,” Todd said. platform works on a subscription basis where business owners are Paul added, “Both the City of asked to pay $100 per month to Joondalup and City of Wanneroo receive monthly insights into their are keen to create jobs in the area business with the potential to to get people off the freeway and increase business growth. build strong economies in these
City of Joondalup, Mayor Troy Pickard, was eager to add his support to Engagement Coach: “Advances in technology, including the digital economy, have changed the way businesses, government organisations, consumers and the community work, interact and live. Boosting innovation along with increasing productivity and competitiveness, will ensure that our local businesses are successful on a global playing field, and this will ultimately generate more jobs locally and provide a boost to the local economy.”
Todd Sainsbury
0419 867 135 todd@engagementcoach.com.au engagementcoach.com.au
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to Peard offices, cafes and hospitality and retail outlets across the city, onto Mandurah and down the coast to Margaret River. The magazine was a finalist in the Custom Magazine of the Year awards in 2014, quite an achievement for a title under a year old.
Our experienced and international team of professional editors, writers and designers enable us to always run original, unique and exclusive copy especially designed to cater directly to each individual publication’s target readership.
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For over two years, Premium Publishers has been producing Perth’s only monthly lifestyle and property magazine, PRIMOLife, on behalf of the Peard Real Estate Group. With a consistent increase in readership, each month 25,000 copies are distributed
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partners Looks Divine Conveniently located at Level 1, 663 Hay Street Mall, Perth Looks Divine is one of Western Australia’s premier aesthetic and anti-ageing clinics. We specialise in non-invasive aesthetic and anti-ageing treatments as well as beauty treatments. Our state of the art Cutera Laser, Limelight IPL, Titan Skin Tightening, Venus Freeze, Cosmetic Injections, Collagen Induction Therapy, Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion and Microhydrabrasion treatments are designed to restore, rejuvenate and revitalise.
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The Looks Divine team comprises a qualified Aesthetic/Cosmetic Doctor, an experienced Dermal Therapist and a Beautician, ensuring the highest standards of professionalism and safety are maintained at all times. We are passionate about keeping ahead of the latest trends and technology. At Looks Divine, we are not simply focused on the result. We believe true beauty and wellbeing is a journey and are equally committed to the experience as the outcome. You are not our customer you are our guest who deserves the finest level of service.
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IT Mooti is Australia’s premier Customer Relationship Management and Business Automation company. We facilitate company growth through the injection of smart business workflow and marketing automation solutions. “Outsourcing to Systems” is our mantra and we have a proven track record of growing companies by orders of magnitude through our systemised approach. Imagine for a second all the processes in your business managed by intelligent and highly personalised software systems that run 24/7. What would this mean to you? Well, it means that your
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article 10 tips for business in 2016 Start the New Year the right way with these helpful hints from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia.
1. Match your margins
3. Examine productivity Productivity is a balancing act between what you pay in wages and what your business can generate through sales.
Wages are consistent, but the same cannot be said for the amount of revenue that comes in. You can check your productivity Your margins are the difference by measuring progress regularly, between what it costs to do business and the prices you charge implementing a strong review system (for both staff performance – make sure they match or you’re and internal processes) and by in trouble. You should know how being clear with your team about much you need to sell to cover what you expect from them. costs and make a profit. How did you go last year? Was it a good year? No? Get back to basics.
quieter periods for your business, now is a great opportunity to check your SuperStream option is ready – visit www.ato.gov.au/Super/ SuperStream/.
5. Check your award rates
Are you paying your employees correctly and are they under the right award? With more than 120 awards and even more state awards, you should probably double-check. Awards are legally binding documents that set minimum wages and other terms and conditions of employment that must be followed, including Regularly update your pricing when You could also try using your penalty rates, loadings, allowances suppliers increase their costs or if highest performing team member and overtime. Failure to meet as a benchmark by which to your internal costs change. Watch award requirements can lead to out for the common trap of aligning measure your other staff members’ significant underpayments and efficiencies. your prices with competitors, or fines of up to $54,000 per breach undercutting –definitely keep track of the award, so save yourself the of your competitors’ prices, but headache and start the year the prices should reflect the margins right way. of your business (not someone else’s.) 6. Sales and marketing - digital
2. Fill in the skills gaps
business development
Look at last year and find the shortfalls. Where were the gaps? What were you missing? Or, more importantly, who were you missing?
How is your digital business development strategy? The online market is fierce, but you can keep up with your competitors by keeping it simple. Identify your target market, actively seek them and don’t over complicate your efforts – make it easy for your customers to see what you have that your competitors don’t.
It is tempting in challenging economic conditions to put recruitment and training on the backburner, but don’t make that mistake. You simply cannot afford not to invest in talent management. Decisions about staffing should not be subject to short-term costcutting measures – they should be based on long-term strategic objectives of your business. Your business will not be able to recover, adapt or grow if you don’t have the right staff in the right roles at the right time, so resist the urge to rein in talent and training programs. 10
4. Get ready for SuperStream SuperStream is the new way of making super contributions which the Australian Tax Office (ATO) says will cut admin times by around 70 per cent.
Use video marketing to educate, make your website mobile-user friendly to catch people on the go, As of 30 June 2016, all employers develop an effective marketing with 19 or fewer employees plan that delivers quality leads and must send super contributions be sure to map your sales process. electronically in the SuperStream standard format. Depending on the It’s also a good idea to offer size of your business, SuperStream something of value on your website could save anything from 1.5 hours that customers can download in exchange for their details. to a whole day’s effort in admin times per payment cycle. The ATO is encouraging small businesses to 7. be prepared cross SuperStream off their ‘to-do’ list ahead of the 30 June deadline. Do you know what to do when things go wrong? Most businesses consider catastrophic risk to be an If December and January mark
extreme event but a fire next door or a serious computer malfunction can actually lead to catastrophic risk for the company. To recover from incidents in the shortest time possible, good preparation and planning is required. Like any project a business undertakes, a project manager is normally appointed to lead a team responsible for developing and maintaining an organisation’s Business Continuity Plan. If you don’t have a plan in place, get one ready for the New Year.
holiday season is perfect to sort the pesky policies and procedures that you’ve been putting off. Also, don’t overlook written employment contracts, record keeping requirements, performance management processes and updates to the minimum employment standard most claims for underpayment of wages and other entitlements arise because employers were not aware of their obligations.
9. Go global With free trade agreements finalised or underway between Australia and China, Korea, Japan and more than 12 countries from across the Pacific Ocean, there has never been a better time to broaden your horizons and look beyond local borders.
8. Human resources – policies and procedures Don’t get left behind by paperwork before you even start. The
imports, exports and everything in between.
10. Become a CCI member Becoming a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) is like adding 300 experts to your team. With specialist services covering all of the above areas and more, there is no better way to start 2016 than by calling CCI’s membership team on 1300 4 22492. Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Western Australia 1300 4 22492 membership@cciwa.com cciwa.com
Between negotiating tariffs, understanding local customers, Australian made branding, customs documents and overcoming language barriers, CCI’s International Trade team can help your business navigate
Over $4,900++ value Per year for only $49 per month! Green Shoots is aimed at both new and established businesses that need a kick-start in a range of areas to gain the momentum to grow and be profitable. The program provides the best and most cost effective networking, education, promotion and most importantly access to local business EXPERTS. Join the District32 family as a Green Shoots member and enjoy the following benefits for only $49 per month with no lock-in contract! • Displayed on our website as a District32 member (Value $1,200) • Group buying discounts on business services & advertising (Value $600) • 50% discount on quarterly training events (Value $150) • 50% discount on District32 extravaganza events (Value $150) • Access the Experts – up to 10 – Tell us what you need and let us connect you to an expert for a complimentary consultation (Value $2,800)
PLUS … • Invitations to open 2 x monthly networking events • District32 local focus news of upcoming events / discounts • Invitations to free monthly Social Media workshops • Monthly Sales and Marketing workshops The District32 mission is to promote, support and invest in local SMEs for the benefit of all: local businesses, local consumers and local communities. district32.com.au/green-shoots 1300 55 22 93 info@district32.com.au
case study corporate choice communications australia I first made contact with my client, a packaging company, during one of my ‘telesales’ days (where I try to contact at least 20 potential customers in any one hour). The company’s Head Office is in Perth and has other offices around Australia, with manufacturing facilities in Thailand, Singapore and New Zealand.
their knowledge. I noticed that most of the costs were from calls made in metropolitan and regional areas along with international calling and expensive roaming data charges.
At the time, Vodafone were offering a customised plan that would cut customer wastage by 63%. The package included data sharing amongst all users and roaming in the overseas countries At the initial meeting with for only $5.00 extra per day, the I. T. manager, I found that allowing them the flexibility of the company was looking using their phones as they do in to cut wastage from their Australia. With the $5.00 roaming telecommunications invoices. fee, they can access data, call and They have 8 landlines and 18 text in more than 50 countries mobile phones and required simple contract terms, a proactive around the world. Roaming can be activated at any time, however local account manager, reliable if the service is not used there mobile phone coverage, and a are no charges. A further benefit streamlined billing solution. for my client is that Vodafone They also required a degree of will SMS the end user when data flexibility within the contract, as reaches 50%, 80% and 100%, they may wish to increase data which results in capped pricing. usage in the future. One of the company directors also required I then looked at the clients lanan efficient system to provide dlines. After extensive research remote mobile coverage to his with many of the landline providhome. ers, we utilised the services of Commander, who not only showed The client was contracted to one great savings with their ‘all you of the larger telecommunications companies at the time. They can eat plans’, they provided a new telephone system for the cliwere not receiving any account management and their data plans ents Head Office included in the price. The client was delighted. were being changed consistently resulting in excessive additional costs. To top this off, the company The Company Director living in the Perth Hills, had virtually no mobile was connected to out of date phone coverage from any of the mobile and landline plans dating networks within the vicinity of his back to 2009. home. We provided and installed some additional equipment to Checking the monthly provide perfect coverage throughinvoices and scrutinising the out his home. Again the customer small print, I found that the was delighted. telecommunications company they were contracted with was By listening to the client and automatically re-signing the client into 24 month plans without understanding their needs, I 12
Stuart Sommerville
was able to provide the perfect solution for them, which resulted in 63% being shaved from the cost of their telecommunications. The end result is a happy customer who now refers other prospective customers to me.
Stuart Sommerville
Corporate Choice Communications Australia 9240 6661 stuart@corporate-choice.com.au corporatechoice.com.au
article Using a Registered BAS Agent vs Self Managed Bookkeeping Some business owners choose to manage their bookkeeping by completing it themselves in an endeavour to save money. It is a common misconception that hiring a bookkeeper will be expensive and that all that is required is good accounting software. However, this approach can become costly, both in money and time. Therefore, it is important for the business owner to weigh up the risks when deciding whether or not to outsource your bookkeeping. Be aware that a bookkeeper must be Registered with the Tax Practitioners Board in order to provide services related to BAS preparation and lodgement. Registered BAS Agents are fully qualified practitioners who are required to have professional indemnity insurance and follow a professional code of conduct. This not only protects the business owner but ensures that the business will not incur penalties to the ATO for incorrectly declaring income tax and overclaiming GST. A registered BAS agent can assist you by providing: 1. Timely and accurate bookkeeping 2. Improved business performance due to regular reporting cycles 3. Extended ATO deadlines for BAS lodgements 4. Protection under the ATO safe
harbour clauses 5. Assistance when negotiating a payment plan with the ATO.
there are things that you can do to maintain a measure of cost control. By implementing a good system of document organisation you Business owners are specialists in will ensure that your accounting their field, but unfortunately may professional can get started without not always understand or appreciate delay. The more time you spend the importance of the bookkeeping sorting the papers out in advance, functions. If your accounts are the less time your bookkeeper will treated as an after-thought or need to spend doing this for you and are managed incorrectly, small the more money you will save. mistakes can compound into larger problems, which if left uncorrected, A Registered BAS Agent can may result in higher Accountant advise you on available accounting charges later on. A Registered BAS software packages and other tools Agent will perform routine checks such as bank feeds and receipt and balances on to prevent your bank that will help to keep costs accounts from spiralling into a down. In addition, you may also be costly mess. able to agree on a fixed price for the outsourced work to assist you with Accurate, regular and well prepared overall cashflow and budgeting. reports will assist you in reviewing key business information in a Whichever way you choose to go with timely manner that will enable you your accounting and bookkeeping to assess how your business is functions, remember that the travelling. When your bookkeeper sooner you start implementing and regularly prepares the financial following a good system, the sooner reports for you, more time can be you will be able to determine how spent anlaysing the key figures well your business is performing. and taking the appropriate action The right decision now can save you required at the right time. money and time down the track. Aside from this, your time is better spent doing what you do best. After all, that is the core purpose of your business. If you are concerned with the cost of hiring a Registered BAS Agent,
The BAS Agency is a Perth based business and Registered BAS Agent that provides quality bookkeeping services at your office or via remote cloud based services. Our pricing includes both fixed price and hourly rate. Why not engage the BAS Agency to provide your BAS Agent services and take advantage of our special BAS Express service? $250 Bas lodgement (including up to 3 hours of bookkeeping).
Angela McGuinness
The BAS Agency amcg@basagency.com.au basagency.com.au
ARTICLE THE FREEDOM YOU SHOULD EXERCISE Nearly every single one of us will enter into, or deal with, a contract daily. Whether it is a contract for the sale of bread or the obligations we agree to abide by when signing up to a phone company, there is no escaping contracts. Studying contract law at university, one becomes amazed at the legal steps that occur when you purchase a newspaper. Although no words are exchanged, the six elements of contract law occur and no one even notices them. The six steps being; offer, intention, agreement, consideration, legality, capacity and genuine consent, which together make up ‘the six elements’ - each deserving a whole chapter or two in any door stopper of a law book. However, together they are the fundamental elements of all commercial transactions, whether one is buying a newspaper or entering a multi-billion dollar contract. We at Appius Lawyers offer the
service of reviewing contracts and transactions for clients, but it has become quite apparent that something more fundamental than the six elements is being missed; your freedom to contract.
If all consumers, or at least a significant few, actioned their freedom to contract, no provider would be able to rely solely on their standard contract with its standard terms, which are generally more favourable to the provider to Freedom to contract means parties the detriment of the consumer. to negotiations should have the utmost liberty to bargain. That means Each consumer should consider parties have the power to enter the terms of the contract offered into a contract or not, and, if they to them in relation to their circumenter into a contract, they have a stances. Look at the transaction say over the terms of the contract objectively and determine what is that they accept. in it for them. Is the price and associated product or service repreIt’s worth noting that, because sentative of the value you assign to of your freedom to contract, your that product or service? Standard signature on a document carries contracts should be amended special significance binding you to and returned to the provider with the agreement. the consumer’s list of terms to be deleted or amended, where necesIt appears that consumers have sary. forgotten this. Providers have standard contracts with standard There will be those who say that terms. Providers get the ease of they will not get what they want this approach, we believe, because if they trouble the provider, but consumers have forgotten about consumers must realise that a their own freedom to contract. contract is for the benefit of both parties. Consumers get a product or service and providers get the consumer’s money. Unless a provider is the sole source of the product or service, it would be prudent, and in the interest of the consumer, especially if the consumer is a new small business, to seek out a more beneficial bargain with another provider. Make a bargain that is in your interest, and force the provider to impress you by providing you a fair and equitable contract. Use the Freedom of Contract.
Yashar Bahmani
08 6181 0600 yashar@appius.com.au appius.com.au
ARTICLE AM I BETTER OFF BUYING INSURANCE THROUGH MY SUPER? When it comes to arranging insurance it’s important to decide what types of insurance are available to you and what you’ll need for your particular life circumstances. From here you’ll need to consider whether you should keep it inside your super fund or set it up separately.
What are the benefits of insurance through super? 1. Get more for less It can be cost effective to buy insurance through super. That doesn’t mean you won’t find cheaper cover outside your super fund. But it’s likely you’ll be better off because tax benefits mean you could end up paying less overall and group buying power - which normally comes with insurance through super - often gives you more for less.
2. Boost cash flow In super you can pay for your insurance using before-tax money rather than dipping into your take-home pay, which can also be a tax-effective way to pay your premiums. Or, you can simply have the premiums deducted from your existing account balance. Be sure to keep an eye on your super balance though - less super may affect your lifestyle in retirement.
tax on death benefit claims they receive.
2. Limited beneficiaries Payments (following death) can only be paid to superannuation dependants. If you have insurance outside of super there are generally no restrictions (unless your insurer specifies otherwise).
3. Longer timing on payments When it comes to payments for some policies, including life insurance, total and permanent disablement and temporary salary continuance, the money will normally be paid by the insurer to the super fund first. The trustees can then pass it to you or your beneficiaries in accordance with the fund’s rules and the Superannuation Industry Supervision Act which means payments can take longer.
Wealth Financial Strategies (ABN 93902916649), trading as Wealth Financial Strategies and Russel Molin, are authorised representatives and credit representatives of AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited, Australian Financial Services Licensee and Australian Credit Licensee. Any advice is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters. If you decide to purchase or vary a financial product, your financial planner, their practice, AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited and other companies within the AMP Group will receive fees and other benefits, which will be a dollar amount and/or a percentage of either the premium you pay or the value of your investments. AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited and its authorised representatives do not accept any liability for errors or omissions in the information supplied.
Russell Molin
Wealth Financial Strategies 08 6363 0611 russel.molin@ampfp.com.au wfs.amp.com.au
3. Access government help You could make after-tax contributions to your super and use these to pay for your insurance. If you do, you may be eligible for a government co-contribution.
What are some of the down sides? 1. Tax on claims Depending on your circumstances, you may pay tax on disability claim payments when your insurance is held through super. And certain beneficiaries may be subject to 15
interview lainey weiser Just Start IT is an 18 week program for high school students to work with mentors; to take an idea from concept to product and create a viable technology powered startup. Tammy George spoke to Just Start IT co-creator and owner Lainey Weiser about her innovative program and where she hopes to take it in the future.
How did it all begin? I was working at Curtin University and we were getting more calls for IT graduates than we could supply, so we thought we’d start encouraging students at the high school level but they didn’t understand the concept. I gained approval to start a program for high school students. We practised what we preach – built a minimum viable product, tested it in the market and learned it was fantastic. We started with 11 Schools and 120 students in WA during 2014. Due to significant demand we expanded into over 50 classrooms, 42 mentors and 2,000 students in 2015. We are now officially expanding into VIC, NSW and QLD in February 2016, where a number of schools have signed up due to word of mouth.
How does the program work? To create their own tech start-up, students work in teams of six – two hackers, two hawkers and two hipsters. Students choose what they are good at because we believe that if you work at your optimal self you get to bring your special gift to the business. The program ticks all the boxes for the Australian National Curriculum and is also a Certificate 3 in Business. Schools can choose to run it as part of their business, IT or vocational studies or as a gifted and talented program.
Is this the new way of education? Most definitely. I really want to change the way the world experiences education. It’s so archaic that we expect students to sit for an hour listening to a teacher when they have all this energy to use up. It’s the 21st century - education needs to move on. This is where education meets industry. Students complete tasks without even realising it. We encourage students to step outside their comfort zones, to say it if they think it and not have any fear. Students who may not be doing well in other subjects can be very successful in the program because it allows them to use their talents in a way they enjoy. We’ve had 14 teams continue on after the program and take their ideas to market. Technology is replacing jobs every day so we have to teach kids to create their own jobs rather than be job reliant when they finish school - Job creators not job dependants.
Does customer service play a part in the program? Yes, very much. The program is based on problems being solved. Business exists when there is a big enough group of people to warrant them paying for a solution. Students need to research and test with their potential customers. They soon understand if their idea is viable and what the market is willing to pay for that idea.
also talking to a number of large organisations to form national partnerships and hopefully make the program available to all Australian schools in the future. I’m a big believer in surrounding yourself with the right people to scale. No one can take a business to market by themselves; all businesses need other people. I’m a real people person and I love sales and forging relationships, so I’m in my element.
Do you hope to take it international? Most definitely. Once we’ve expanded throughout Australia and other first world nations, I’d love to take it overseas. It’s an ideal program for third world nations but we’ll need sufficient funding from the first world to take it there.
Lainey Weiser
Just Start IT 0497 955 322 info@juststartit.co juststartit.co
What does the future hold for the program? It’s very exciting. We’re scaling to the eastern states and are currently in talks with the Victorian government. We are now officially rolling the program out in some New South Wales, Victorian and Queensland schools. We’re 17
cause epilepsy action australia Did you know? Epilepsy is the world’s most common serious neurological condition, it is more than three times as common as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Cerebral Palsy. It is estimated that over 250,000 Australians are living with epilepsy and approximately 3% of Australians will experience the condition at some point in their lives.
emergency medication and epilepsy awareness
Epilepsy is a physiological condition yet can have profound social, physical and psychological consequences. People with epilepsy can face social stigma and exclusion. A fundamental part of reducing this stigma is to raise public and professional awareness.
includes a Seizure Management Tool using an online template, Strong Foundations for parents of school aged children with epilepsy, a Psychosocial module for adults and a youth resource called Equip and My Epilepsy Diary
Beginning in 1952 as a local association, Epilepsy Action Australia has developed into the largest national provider of specialist epilepsy services in the community for people with epilepsy and other seizure disorders; their carers; families and the broader community. The organisation has developed high level expertise and a rich base of epilepsy information, particularly vested in our Epilepsy Nurse Educators. Services are delivered by phone, videoconference and internet, with a physical presence in many states and territories. Currently there are two Epilepsy Nurse Educators supporting people within Western Australia. Epilepsy Action Australia provides a range of services including:
Information – a wide range of
information on epilepsy and related topics in the form of fact sheets, newsletters, quarterly magazine, brochures, and posters
Training & Education – individual or group training in seizure first aid, seizure management planning, 18
The Epilepsy Action Online Academy - delivering tailored epilepsy education via the internet. The Online Academy also offers a range of courses including accredited courses for nurses and GPs
Online self management tools –
with clients and their families to provide information about epilepsy and services
Emotional & Social Support – for adults and children living with epilepsy and parents and other family/carers
Those families living with epilepsy in WA maybe interested in our Action Adventure Camp being held at Point Walter next year. This is an opportunity to meet other families sharing similar journeys and experiences, learn more about epilepsy and join in activities which are both therapeutic and FUN!
Epilepsy Action Australia’s income is primarily received adolescent camps providing an through generous community opportunity for fun and support from individuals, trusts, meeting others with similar foundations and businesses. experiences The organisation requires more than $7 million a year to keep Individual Programs – service plans providing their current level and seizure management plans of services. There are many tailored to each ways to support us: become a client’s circumstances member, buy a lottery ticket, make a donation or with Purple Clinics – supporting hospital clin- Day approaching on March 26th ics with a Registered Nurse who become a fundraiser yourself! is available to meet For more information, to request services or training, register for camp or to make a donation please call us on 1300 374537, email epilepsy@epilepsy.org. au or visit the website at www. epilepsy.org.au
Residential Events – family and
ARTICLE what is an exclusive provider? An Exclusive Provider is a local Business Owner who locks out the competition to become the only service provider delivering a specific service within their local area. Exclusive Providers tender for their Exclusivity and are committed to delivering a great service for a fair price. Exclusive Providers are also avid believers in supporting and buying local.
Why Become an Exclusive Provider with District32 COMPETE WITH THE BIG BOYS Most small business owners offer a great personalised service but simply don’t have the marketing power to compete. District32 exists to assist small business owners to compete with the big boys through a collective marketing, promotion, education and training service.
POWER IN NUMBERS As an Exclusive Provider, you can achieve far greater marketing
exposure and reach more potential customers than you ever could on your own. By pooling local SME subscription fees we guarantee better marketing, advertising and promotion than you’re achieving now.
WHAT YOU’LL GET • Promoted as the Best of the Best and supporting local • Featured in our monthly newsletter distributed to 1000’s businesses across Perth each month • A full page listing on our website including photos, videos and testimonials • A listing in our District32 mobile app – 100s of downloads each month • Promoted to our massive social media following and our private groups • Invitations to Exclusive Networking Events • Quarterly exclusive training workshops • Quarterly business advisory / account management meetings • Group buying discounts through
the exclusive network • High quality referrals from the District32 network • Promotional opportunities through District32 massive PR events • Access to the best of the best service providers for your business • The right connections for growth • Lead generation specifically for your business (optional – please enquire)
WHAT WE’LL ALSO PROVIDE • Promotion of District32 (housing the Best of the Best) as a collective through: • Radio advertising • Newspaper advertising • Email marketing • Pay per click advertising and SEO • Large PR events • Collaboration with many business advisory / education / support bodies
BEAT THE REST We at District32 believe passionately in empowering ordinary people to make real choices; ‘to shop small and buy local’ and not be at the mercy of the big chains; and to feel actively involved in the regeneration of their communities. By redistributing profits back into the community, we help to ensure consumers feel a sense of belonging and experience the benefits of shopping local.
How to Become An Exclusive Provider Contact us at info@district32.com. au, call on 1300 55 22 93 or visit district32.com.au to receive a tender application form. We’ll complete our due diligence to ensure that you are the best of the best i.e. we’ll check your insurances and customer references and if successful we’ll gather the necessary information to promote you as the best of the best in your local area.
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS mullaloo massage & pilates zone J - joondalup
Matwork pilates with a focus on controlled movement, strength, endurance, flexibility and posture.
• Remedial Massage • Pilates • Health 0415 55 4446
Showstore & Tell Tax willetton marketing zone c - canning vale • Accounting & Taxation • Bookkeeping • Business Structures 0422 244 203
zone o - stirling • Human Resources (HR) • Contracts of Employment • Business Advice
Riana Van der Mescht
Tax Store has been designed to cater for all of your day to day business needs including: -Individual Tax Returns -Bookkeeping -BAS/FBT -Business Structuring -Tax Planning -Preparation of Financial reports -Business Tax Returns -Superannuation -Cash Flow Problems etc.
my hr adviser
1300 466 947
Small specialised massage and pilates practice. I have 12 years worth of experience as a physiotherapist in the UK, and now with a diploma in remedial massage, can bring all my skills to the table. Together we look at your short term pain relief, as well as long term improvement of function.
Durgesh Joshi
If you need help with the Fair Work Act, Modern Awards, pay rates and contracts of employment but don’t need a full time HR person, why not outsource to local experts? We’ve helped dozen of clients find the right staff, manage staff expectations, undertake staff reviews and overhaul pay structures. We make the people stuff easy by providing simple solutions and processes for all HR aspects of your business - essential things that take up your time, attention and energy.
Jayne Griffiths
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS Your Virtual business centre zone L - Melville
Clients use our services on an ongoing basis as well as short-term for telephone redirection during holidays. We have experience working with businesses across all industries.
• Phone & Diary Management • Database Sourcing • Productive Mailouts 0427 822 356
Your Virtual Business Centre offers a professional phone answering service personalised to your business so customers’ calls never go unanswered. We also provide diary management and a range of administrative services including word processing, data entry, scanning, printing, photocopying, binding, mailouts and social media management.
Show & Tell marketing
Not sure how to generate new leads? Hi, I’m Alan Cox from Show and Tell Marketing. We’re all about how you can use video to get more leads. Videos give your audience a crystal clear understanding of how you solve their problem. Videos help you to:
• •
• • •
zone o - stirling
Create Quality Content Promote Content on Social Media Remove Stress from Mar-
keting using Social Media 0414 288 050
Authorised Warranty Centre Authorised Reseller Status Quality Personal Service
zone N - victoria park Inspections: Identify Causes Testing: Biological, Pollutants Remediation: Safe, Effective
08 9355 1060
Alan Cox
We are not merely box movers, rather, we are solution providers. We have internal processes in place where we evaluate each sale prior to supply being made. Auscorp IT is an authorised warranty centre for Brother, Kyocera, OKI & Lexmark and an Apple Authorised Reseller and HP Authorised Reseller.
Indoor Air Quality Solutions • • •
Interactive video enables your viewers to take immediate action. No messing around because the buttom is right in front of them.
Auscorp IT have developed strategic partnerships with leading vendors for various Consumables, IT Hardware and Printers to enable us to offer an extensive range of office, industrial related IT products and a strong level of personal service.
zone E - morley
0403 218 100
Reach your Audience Engage your Viewers Convert Leads into Customers
auscorp it • • •
Karina McDonald
Parag Mehta
IAQS - we fix mould and other indoor air quality problems. Whatever your worry - water damage, chemicals, mould, dust, odours or any other indoor pollutant, IAQS has the expertise and experience to understand the cause and determine how to fix the problem the first time. We are proudly Perth based so our key, experienced professionals are right where you need us; we can typically respond within 24hrs of receiving your call. We care about your health, the health of your family and your employees and provide expert service to ensure their safety.
Jacqueline Campbell
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS Give your business image a facelift Most businesses require some element of design over a period of time. The majority of this is required when a business is starting out, but further refinements are required throughout the life of that business in one form or another.
Pink Piranha zone o - stirling • Graphic Design • Logo Development & Branding • Promotional Material 0403 444 660
Acquest Financial Services zone N - victoria park • • •
Home Loan Finance Investment Property Finance Vehicle & Personal Finance
0415 297 154
zone j - joondalup
Logos & Visual Branding Marketing & Business Communications Advertising & Media Design
0411 743 373
zone j - joondalup
Diagnostic Assessments Mental Health Intervention Autism Spectrum Disorder
0414 251 967
Penny Askin
Considering buying, re-financing, or investing? Daniel and the team at Acquest Financial Services are focused on you reaching your dreams and putting together a financial plan that will work for your personal circumstances. At Acquest Financial Services we aim to find you a loan that not only meets your personal requirements, but exceeds your expectations. Daniel Reid is an authorised credit representative of WLS Corporation Pty Ltd ATF Bonnet Family Trust T/As Acquest Financial Services. ACN: 165 598 005 - ABN: 95 321 378 611 - Australian Credit License #: 447074 - Credit representative #: 398944
Daniel Reid
Whether you are a brand spanking new start-up business or you need to update your marketing materials, Dillon Graphics can help. Sandra Dillon has worked with Perth SMEs for over 20 years. She personally takes every brief so you speak directly with the designer. Dillon Graphics understands the importance of your brand and how it fits into the marketing mix. We provide tailored graphic design solutions and value-add at every opportunity to present your business with a well considered visual identity.
Western Australian Psychology Services • •
dillon graphics • •
This can range from rolling out a brand, to catalogues promoting products, or campaigns and advertising. To ensure brand consistency, all design work for businesses should ideally be created by the same designer. A business deserves quality design and value for money and that’s where Pink Piranha comes into the equation.
Sandra Dillon
WAPS specialises in assessment and intervention with children/young people (0 - 18 years) and their families. Our experienced psychologists provide a range of assessments, including developmental, ADHD, ASD and cognitive assessments and the subsequent comprehensive reports can be used to access supports and funding, where appropriate. WAPS also offers individual intervention for children presenting with mild to moderate mental health and psycho-social difficulties, including anxiety, depression, bullying, self-esteem issues etc. A variety of therapeutic groups and parent education workshops are also offered by our Psychologists.
Susann Keating
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS RightFit Resourcing Group
Recruitment doesn’t have to be a difficult process, we take a no pressure approach, the time to understand your requirements and only recommend candidates that are the RightFit.
zone G - north perth
At RightFit Resourcing Group, we handle every step of the process, from placing advertisements to arranging interviews and reference checks. At every stage we’ll give you honest, realistic advice. Our goal is to find the exact person you need whilst providing an affordable service. We value people before profits, which is why we put community first.
• Recruitment Services Provider • Resume Review/Writing • Interview Coaching 08 6114 4653
Action Coach Business Coaching
Suzzanne’s job and passion is to help small, medium and large Perth businesses grow to their full potential. One way that Suzzanne does this is through her monthly 2 day Business Planning Workshops.
zone o - stirling
These workshops take you through all aspects of owning a business and by the end you will have a solid understanding of running a successful business and a business plan to help you reach your ultimate business goals.
• Business Coach • Business Mentor • Business Growth Strategist 0414 943 823
groupsupport pty ltd zone N - victoria park • • •
Servers, Software & Backups Business Computers & Networks Customised IT Solutions
08 9277 1768
zone o - stirling • Shipping & Courier Services • Design, Print, Copy • Private Mailboxes 08 9444 7785
Suzzanne Laidlaw
Groupsupport are a Perth (owned and based) IT company providing business technology, servers, workstations, networking and reporting for clients across Australia. We sell, configure and support all the software you and your business need in a one-stop-shop preferring local products and solutions where possible. We have trained and qualified database engineers, web designers, networking technicians and cloud specialists. We understand local business and local issues to provide you reliable and cost effective service to keep your business up and running.
Postnet osborne park
Eric Grossman
Peter Trenaman
PostNet Osborne Park is your one stop business solutions provider. We are designed to meet the needs of business professionals like yourself so you can focus on what is important - growing your business. We provide printing, copying, shipping, private mailboxes and everything in between. At PostNet Osborne Park, we care about putting together the right services and products to meet your unique needs. PostNet Osborne Park is the business behind your business.
Serene & Eddie Chee
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS Profitable Personnel
Profitable Personnel specialises in return on investment recruitment and maximizing the ROI from existing employees. We offer a 12 month guarantee and monthly coaching and training for all employees we place.
zone j - joondalup
David Osborne, Managing Director of Profitable Personnel has spent the last nine years hiring staff for some of Australia’s fastest growing entrepreneurial and global multibillion dollar companies. David’s philosophy is that if you do not know what value you are providing a company then the chances are the Return On Employee Investment is not being optimised.
• ROI Recruitment • Finding the Right Employees • Maximising Existing Employees
0428 780 859
zone f - fremantle Decoding Other People Be Master of Change Unlock Unique Potential
0421 772 448
Building Products Building Materials Bricklaying Tools
Insurance: Fire, Flood, Chemicals Residential: New, Repaints, Ceilings Commercial: Office, Factory
0417 927 083
Tim March
West Coast Coatings was formed in 1995. Jimmy Tainui has exceptional experience working within a variety of industries since the company was formed. West Coast Coatings have a speciality in the area of fire, flood and restoration.
zone I wanneroo •
Wayne Cook
Tim has recently opened a retail outlet specifically to solve the industry problems of losing trade, time, money and productivity for bricklayers when they need to stop production to collect more materials for the job. With our fully stocked retail outlet in Wangara you can be assured that we can meet any job requirements - we are specialists, we deliver and we can’t be beaten on price.
West Coast Coatings •
Nominated for both the 40 under 40 and the Ric New Medal Awards, Tim is a leader in business.
zone i - wanneroo
1300 423 966
You are the key – you are the solution – you are the way forwards in your business and life. This is where I come in - as a Personal Coach – I’m the Locksmith to assist you to UNLOCK your potential.
Beyond Cement and Tool Sales • • •
David Osborne
For your business are you looking for that product or service that will give you business-breakthrough? The more you think about it, the more confusing it all gets? Does that plan, concept or strategy elude you?
wayne cook coaching • • •
They are a key contact within the building insurance industry due to the high quality of work. With an experienced team of six painters, West Coast Coatings have consistent requests for both residential and commercial premises. Jimmy oversees all quality control which has been instrumental in a consistent workload based on referrals.
Jimmy Tainui
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS Peak Strategies (WA) Pty Ltd zone L - Melville • • •
Chartered Accountants Pharmacy Specialists Bank Panel Approved Valuers
08 9315 3117
zone A - the city zone e - morley
• •
Perth Premium Cleaning Services Business & Residential Guaranteed, Affordable
0439 704 328
zone j - joondalup
We also try to save you having to get several different contractors in by offering complete cleaning packages. Please see our website for further details or call us today for a personal quote. Premium cleaning with a personal touch. You relax, we clean.
perthpremiumcleaning.com.au G & M Wenham
When you went into business you dreamed of doing that job better than the guy before you. Little did you know that you’d have no time left to enjoy life because of all the financial admin inherent with owning a business.
Amanda Wright is a risk management, health and safety consultant with 25 years experience in major government and private sector infrastructure, engineering and industrial organisations.
zone o - stirling
Amanda communicates and focuses on effective risk and HSE to businesses, establishing practicable and effective solutions. Riskwright services include: • audit and inspection • health and safety planning, policy and procedure writing • risk profiling to identify, measure and treat risk • incident investigation • claims management review.
• • •
Safety Health Environment Compliance Risk Management
0400 517 470
John Thornett
Errant Venture’s tailored accounting processes are more photographs and less calculators giving you time back to grow your business. No scratch that. More time back to do the things you love (e.g Grow your business). Business is a journey. Contact a Traveller Guide today.
Bookkeeping Payroll CFO Solutions
1300 866 679
We take the Premium Cleaning in our name seriously and we take pride in providing Perth with a service that exceeds expectations - and is often considerably better than some of our competitors. Our work is guaranteed to be done the way you wanted it done, at a simple fixed price and at our very competitive rates.
Errant Venture • • •
Our goal is to reduce your compliance burden so you can get on and concentrate on what you do best.
Perth Premium Cleaning Services •
We are Chartered Accountants who specialise in pharmacies and medical professionals, specifically in regard to their compliance, valuations, external management accounting and business improvement strategies.
Neil Gerrard
Amanda Wright
Whether you are looking to buy your first home, renovate, refinance or invest, Amani Finance is here to find and negotiate the right home loan for you. We’ll meet with you and then do all the legwork on your behalf.
zone j - joondalup
With access to hundreds of loans from a wide variety of lenders we’ll find the perfect loan to suit your individual circumstances. We’ll even help you analyse the options and help you make the right decision.
• Finance Brokers • Home Loans • Investment Property Loans 0426 250 944
zone Q - claremont • Residential & Commercial Builds • Value For Money • Diversified Specialists
zone a - the city
Building Resilience Equipping for Healthy Lifestyle Developing Good Mental Health 0438 938 049
zone o - stirling Registered BAS Agent Certified Financial Trainer Bookkeeping & Admin
08 9243 0681
Lewis Jee
Armed For Life exists to equip people to live a healthy and resilient life by addressing issues that we all struggle with. The reality is when we are not healthy, whether it is our physical health or our mental health; we struggle to be effective in any area of our lives including the work that we do. We help people by providing one on one counselling and running group seminars including topics such as: Health and Wellbeing, Avoiding Serious Illness and Disease long term, Self Esteem: Changing our Thoughts and How We Feel, Bullying in the Workplace: How to Identify it and Change It, Stress Management: The Impact on the Body and How To Manage It, and many more.
The bas agency pty ltd • • •
Residential clients benefit from their builder and trades’ attention to detail on their renovations, improvements, new house and unit builds. With all the trades and services available under the one roof, LJ Building Consultancy ensure clients enjoy the building process and end result.
armed for life • •
Mayank Pankhania
LJ Building Consultancy are experienced commercial and residential builders providing clients with all the services they need. From plans to interior design and fitout, commercial and retail spaces are planned and delivered on time and budget to the highest possible standard.
LJ building consultancy
08 6364 3744
Adam Przytula
The BAS Agency are experienced bookkeepers and trainers who can help you improve and better understand the financial health of your business. Our fixed price, hourly rate packages can assist you with Admin, Bookkeeping and Training services, either remotely or on site at your workplace. Our staff have extensive experience with Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks.We are Registered BAS Agents, Certified Xero Advisors as well as MYOB Professional and Receipt Bank partners. With our more efficient, streamlined accounting and bookkeeping processes, we can help you have LESS book work and MORE time for everything else.
Angela McGuiness
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS Do you remember your favourite book as a child? Remember reading with your mum, cuddled up and feeling special?
The Lemon Tree Book Company zone h - Midland • • •
Childrens Personalised Books Interactive Reading App Kids Craft Activity
0439 352 803
Now imagine you were the main character in that book, going on an adventure! Would you love your children to feel that way? The Lemon Tree Book Company supplies personalised books that can make your child feel really special, helping to develop a love of reading, the greatest gift you can give to a child. See our range of books at lemontreebookco.com.
Moments for you massage
Nicola Filardi has over 5 years experience in massage therapy and specialises in natural pain relief. The natural pain relief system will quickly and effectively relieve your aches and pains and leave you feeling rejuvenated.
zone J - joondalup
Nicola is a practitioner in The Emmett Technique, a safe and simple muscle release therapy developed by Remedial Therapist Ross Emmett. It is used to address pain and discomfort, improve body movement and can restore a positive emotional state. Whether you need pain relief or simply would like to relax and de-stress, give Nicola a call.
• • •
Natural Pain Management Corporate Massage Adult & Child Massage
0401 094 840
zone j - joondalup • Child Portraits • Portrait Photography • Vintage Photography
Toni has discovered a niche in which she finds herself enthralled with enthusiasm, for every shoot and bucket loads to come.
Toni Rochford
Terrace Print offer a full suite of services for the legal, corporate and government clients. We specialise in high quality printing, exceptional customer service with a fast turnaround. At Terrace Print we understand, manage and respect clients expectations , confidentiality and privacy.
Terrace Print zone A - perth city • Preparing Legal Documents • Training Manuals • Business Stationery 08 9325 5619
momentsforyoumassage.com Nicola Filardi
Toni relishes the joy in creating not just a photograph of you and / or your children, but a true representation of their individuality and personality. A memory of a time that will pass too quickly, and a beautiful image in itself that can be displayed with pride as a piece of art forever.
toni rochford photography
0401 165 817
Tracey Regan
Conveniently located in Perth CBD on Barrack Street we collect and deliver in Perth CBD free of charge.
Yvonne Coyne
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS EMS Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd zone j - joondalup • Friendly, Emphatic, • 60+ years Experience • It’s About You 08 9206 4004
zone j - joondalup • Construction • Renovations • Maintenance
zone N - victoria park • Perth Premium Painter • Repaints • Wallpaper Application
Alison Evans
We cover all metro areas and would happily travel to country regions to assist with any plumbing requirements. Our services include new builds - residential or commercial, renovations and general maintenance. In addition we also do gas installations, hot water systems, gas heating etc. Soon we will also be able to assist you with all your gas servicing needs for a complete service.
Brad Deutscher
We’re passionate about painting and decorating and it shows in the quality of the paints and products we use and the attention to detail in our finishes. Painting Solutions is a long awarded Dulux Accredited Painter with many years experience in the industry and commitment to superior workmanship. You can be assured Painting Solutions will turn up when they say they will - at the time and on the day they say they will. Painting Solutions reputation is key to our success, so we will ensure we uphold that reputation at all times.
PACT Forensic and Corporate Psychology Services Pty Ltd
Element Plumbing and Gas is an owner operated local business based in Beldon. We pride ourselves on quality customer service and quality workmanship.
Painting Solutions
0429 384 982
Most importantly we hold your hand should you have a claim and ensure the best outcome for you. So call us for a cuppa and make sure you have the right cover in place. And more importantly, know you do as you have had it explained and you now understand it.
Element Plumbing and Gas
0439 099 048
We work with small medium businesses and get a real understanding of the business and the expectations wanted from their insurance. We work together to get the right program and educate so you understand where your hard earned dollars are going.
Derek Holland
Psychological assessment and counselling for children, adolescents and adults, individuals, couples, families and organisations. Helping you find meaning and wellbeing in your life.
zone N - morley
• •
Psychological Counselling Psychological Assessment (medico-legal, educational) • Parenting & Relationships 0411 651 274
Kirstin Bouse
Opulent Elegance’s focus on customer service, client satisfaction and quality treatments will have you feeling fabulous every time.
zone q - claremont • • •
Threading Specialist Makeup Artist Spray Tanner
0422 393 882
zone N - victoria park Graphic Design Web Design Video & Audio Editing
0477 865 839
Yasmine Kongras
Workplace Anomalies are a team of Multimedia Specialists here to cater to all of our clients Multimedia conundrums from logos/brands designs and updates, business cards, stationery, brochures, promotional material and web design.
Workplace anomalies • • •
Tranquil salon located in West Leederville servicing women in all aspects of beauty specialising in Threading, Makeup & Spray Tanning.
It’s our aim to meet and fully understand our clients goals and from here design with our client to ensure their vision is achieved. Our clients happiness with our work is our main goal after all its our clients who keep us doing what we love.
Tara McGrath
Free on loan fully automatic coffee machine. Free monthly service and maintenance. No lock in contracts, cancel anytime. Just purchase 5kg of coffee per month at $35/kg.
perth coffee supplies zone a - perth city • Fully Automatic Machine • Italian Design • Exceptional Coffee 0400 982 998
shapechanger zone a - perth city • • •
Richard Serrano
At Shapechanger, we change people’s lives through personalised, holistic training and education for becoming “Fit for Living, Well for Life.” Everything Shapechanger does is for YOU, to ensure Shapechanger offers you the opportunity to bring optimum balance, harmony and wellness to you on every level of your being. Your personal training is only one part of the equation.
Happier, Healthier, Stronger When we work with you on breathing, posture, meditation Reclaim Personal, Work Life and yoga poses to release blockages you have created, we are working on your SOUL. Feel Calm, Focused & Loved 0407 939 818
Gwenda Smith
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS smart systems training zone j - joondalup • • •
Infusionsoft CRM Hands on Training Marketing & Automation Strategies
0404 301 985
zone f - fremantle News & Current Affairs Media Production, Videography Media Liason, English, Cantonese, Mandarin
0408 828 684
At Smart Systems Training, we offer hands-on training designed specifically for you to master and implement Infusionsoft, regardless of your current level of experience. Our three day training course is the fastest way for you to build a scaleable and saleable business through effective marketing and automation strategies.
West australasian media network • • •
Infusionsoft has a reputation of being THE most intelligent business CRM application on the market. This powerful cloud based system has the ability to completely transform your business, organise your contacts, convert leads into customers and turn your customers into raving fans.
West Australasian Media Network (WAMN News & Media) is Perth’s independent source for news and current affairs. We produce an award winning weekly evening newscast and current affairs program on Sunday. Ivan’s news work has attracted media coverage from the ABC 7.30 Report, The West Australian, AAP and Hong Kong Cable News. Apart from journalism, WAMN Media also produce videos or media liaison for our clients in an affordable rate. Our service is flexible and designed assist our customers to achieve their goals. Please feel free to contact us for a no obligation quote.
appius lawyers
We provide pro-active, results oriented legal service. Our model is simple, when a client comes to us we explore the issue, review the evidence and provide advice early.
zone a - perth city
This enables the client to make an informed decision. It creates certainty. It allows the client to understand the issue, lay a plan and resolve the issue as effectively as possible.
• Solicitors & Barristers • Commercial & Family Law • Pro-Active Legal Service 0433 757 220
phase one audio zone i - wanneroo •
Audio Equip Hire &Production • Tech Event Management • Staging, Lighting, AV
0412 777 710
Jason Paizes
Ivan Leung
Yashar Bahmani
Phase 1 Audio is a technical event production company. We supply all facets of equipment and labor to facilitate and produce events from a technical perspective. Our service includes the management, hire and operation of large and small format audio systems, staging, stage lighting, audio visual equipment and associated production equipment.
Jon Caisley
EXCLUSIVE PROVIDERS advanced cleaning environmental solutions zone M - yanchep • Hard Floor Cleaning, Sealing and Maintenance • Carpet Cleaning • Outdoor Pressure Cleaning 0498871241
ACES will work closely with our customers, endeavouring to provide a level of service second to non. with ACES as your preferred contractor, we will deliver standards of work far above customer and industry expectations.
Show & Tellchoice corporate marketing communications aus zone o - stirling • Oldest Business Telco Consultants in Perth • No Success No Fee • Mobility 0430 27 0000
Jen Dwyer
Corporate Choice Communication Australia is a prominent independent telecommunications consultancy company operating in the West Australian market for the last 16 years. We provide advice, assistance, management strategies and solutions specifically designed to cut wastage, which results in minimizing the expense and hassle, whilst maximizing the efficiency of an organisation’s Telecommunications infrastructure.
Tim Salik
Inception Video Production is an award-winning and accredited producer of some of the best corporate videos in Perth. Our creative videos help our clients reach their ideal audience and leave a lasting impression.
inception video zone I - wanneroo • Professional Video Prod • Social Media/ Website promotional videos • Conferences/ Seminars & Events Videos 0412 400 930
Advanced Cleaning Environmental Solutions offers all floor cleaning, stripping, sealing and ongoing care and maintenance. This also includes high pressure cleaning and sealing of outdoor surfaces. ACES’s personal approach to customer service means our customers can rest assured knowing that they will receive professional ongoing contact.
We’re dedicated to producing innovative and high-impact videos whether to engage, inform or entertain your audience.
wealth financial strategies
Michael Jepson
Need help with getting your SUPER sorted? Let's talk about the benefits of consolidating multiple SUPER funds, salary sacrificing and getting your SUPER to pay your life and disability insurance premiums. Your SUPER can be a tax effective way to invest your money.
zone O - stirling • Financial Planning • Wealth Creation • Wealth Protection
0434 497 223
Russel Molin
1300 55 22 93