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Clary 's Corner


On May 3, 1975 we have an important D-4 7 election Each club president & EVP, all elected District Officers and Area Governors have a vote You should be preparing for this election by knowing what questions to ask each candidate They wil l be coming to toyr Div or Area and perhaps even to your club Find out how much they know about TMs and the position they are seeking Foe instance, those who are aspiring to my position, Lt Gov for Education, you might ask them: cont'd , p.3

What are the 7 primary duties of the Lt Gov - Edu as outlined in TM District Officers Manual ?

What chairmanships are the responsibility of the Lt Gov. - Edu ?

How do you plan to motivate your chairmen to do their job ?

Who have you picked to fil l these "chairs" for which you are responsible ?

How many clubs are there in D-4 7 ?

How many Toastmasters ?

What is the function of the Region and the International in the TMs operation?

What benifit do they provide the clubs ?


While other candidates for this office may have many accomplishments, I believe by reviewing my qualifications, you wil l want to support me for the highest office in the District.

Continuous membership in TM since I960, held every club office, A G three times, LGND two and a half times, DT M #99, Outstanding TM of D-4 7 ('71-72), organized 6 TM Clubs, conducted many Speechcraft, Youth Leadership and the Patrick Henry programs, D-4 7 Member Progress Chm'n & Reading Plan Chm'n

As you may know, the Northern Div has not had a candidate for D G in several years It is now quite strong and can certainly support a DG Something to consider besides the man himself

-Conduct timely and effective cabinet, meetings

- Find better methods of financing the Sunshiner

- Encourage Companies to recognize ATM and DTM designations on a level with other professional designations

- Promote installation of TM emblems on Civic Bulletin Boards entering cities

-Encourage Colleges and Univercities to give credit for "Manual" completions

-Effectivly advertise TMs (TMI programs as well as others)

- Use the other good ideas suggested by YOU


(continued from page 3 )

A candidate for Sr. Lt. Gov.-Edu. , the second highest office in D-47 , should be able to draw the organizational chart of TM I from memory Ask him or her what they know about it Find out just how much homework they have done and how much they researched the job they seek Ask the candidate these questions Find out who the best one is and vote for that one Now, do this for all the offices !

As DG , I have a dozen goals to strive for:

-D-4 7 Distinguished District award, '75-'76

-Use Speechcraft to increase membership & strengthen clubs

-Present to TMI an alternate Speechcraft course that can be conducted effectivly outside a regular TM meeting

-Organize new clubs on solid foundations for permanent survival

-Promote effective performance of all officers

A footnote to the candidates: Those of you aspiring to the office of Lt Gov.-Edu. , or any office, you'd better do your homework and know the answers to these questions They wil ! be asked




I announced for the office of Sr. Lt. Gov . of Edu because I believe what I practice in TMs I don't want to see this office used as a means to an end. This important job is one not to be taken lightly You, the TMs of D-47 , should be well aware of each candidates past record. Take the time to ask others What are their stands on various issues ? Does each follow through, completing projects they undertake ? How have they performed in other District offices ? DON'T always depend on long winded promises or flowery terms refering to what they think you need or what they will do DO ask yourself and others what each has actually done for TMs

Make your vote count, ask questions !

I have been a TM for 5 years in Tampa Was runner-up for outstanding A G

As Lt Gov WD, I was awarded for Outstanding Leadership in the District '75- '75 I served as Dist. Secretary, & assistant to DG Smith As an ATM, I am looking forward to my DTM this May

As SLGE, I plan to initiate a training course in leadership opportunities to encourage TMs to participate in District leadership activities We must work more toward strengthening existing members Only then can we look to successfully adding new members Each educational session for next year has been planned , » cont d p **

My TM experiences include: Runner-up for Outstanding Area Gov. , D-47 Mr "Enthusiasm" winner, Top Ten Club Bulletin Editor, Top Ten D-4 7 Sunshiner Assist. Editor, Organizer & Chairman of numerous YLP, Speechcraft & Executive Development Programs, etc .

But more important than what I have done is what I wil l do as Sr Lt Gov Edu :

1. Chair the Dist. Edu. Committee in the educational programs for the District,

2 Plan and present educational sessions at al I District meetings, WOO D WILL WORK these creative programs at District Conventions !

3. Train the Area Governors,

4. Insure that each A G develops experienced members to assist at Area Council meetings.

WOO D WILL WORK to provide A G s with Area level educational programs in each Area like: Incoming officers' training, Improving in club programs (club bulletin, reading plan, creative evaluation), Outside activities (Speechcraft, YLP, etc.) , Fun with Parliamentary Procedure

5 Offer educational assistance to every club where needed,

WOOD WILL WORK by distributing each month to club Pres & EVPs, creative, successful, lively and fun education programs . cont'd, p.

To Be Listed In The Toastmasters International Hall Of Fame 1973-1974 ref Sept issue - The DIC K ANClToastmaster Magazine ' Page 29.

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