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Clary 's Corner

Clary 's Corner

Floyd Sewell has the proven experience in leadership, not just a sudden interest. Having done his homework, he is able to represent you 100 % from the first day BACKGROUND. "proven accomplishments" for Lt. Governor of Admimistration

Graduate of FSU / Mgr 6 yrs @ Ford Motor Co. / St. Farm Ins. Agent 5 yrs. / 1st V-P , Optimist Club / Married to TM Hilda Sewell (honeymooned @ D-47 Convention..

EXPERIENCE... "It makes the difference" Held all club offices / Past Area 12 Gov. / Current LGND / Fla Topics winner, '73 / Chm'n. St. Convention, twice / Sponsored 3 new clubs / Coord. 8 Speechcraft/ Coord, 7 YLP / Increased Div membership 50%

PLATFORM.. "The heart of this job beats with the ability to inspire others." Administer TM functions "on time". / Reduce paperwork necessary to effectivly run a club, area and division while reflecting District Goals and Distinguished Club Plan objectives Provide executive training workshops at each convention / Work for continued growth in membership and stronger clubs in D-47

If you think the District needs more fuel, cast your vote for R Floyd Sewell .the right man. .at the right time .for the right job !

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