In the news
Noodlottige byt JAMEY THOMAS
Storms ravage Helderberg p 3
Dubbele vonds uit die see bl 4
www.helderberg.com | Tel: 021 853 0211 Thursday | 16 August 2012 | R5.80
WELBEKENDE Strand-inwoner en eienaar van die ouditeursfirma, Sandra Carpenter en Kie, is Dinsdag as gevolg van ’n spinnekopbyt oorlede. Carpenter (53) is dood nadat ’n sakspinnekop haar twee weke gelede aan haar lies byt het. Haar vriendin, Anne Joubert, sê sy het op 1 Augustus agtergekom het dat Carpenter met moeite loop en haar daarna uitgevra. “Sy’t gesê dat sy ’n pitseer op haar bobeen gehad het en dat dit gevoelig was nadat sy dit uitgedruk het,” vertel Joubert. Volgens haar het sy medikasie vir Carpenter by die apteek gekry om die wond te ontsmet. Twee dae later was die wond egter groter en Carpenter, ’n diabeet, se suikervlakke het die hoogte in geskiet. Volgens haar suster Nila Nel, het Carpenter eers die Sondag dokter toe gegaan waar die wond ontsmet is en sy antibiotika voorgeskryf is. “Sy is ook aangesê om die wond met ’n pluisie skoon te maak en dit die volgende dag, in ’n houertjie, na die dokter neem vir toetse,” sê Nel. Die toetsuitslae is verlede Woensdag
ontvang en volgens Nel het die dokter gesê dat die toetse twee bakterieë opgetel het, maar dat dit geen rede tot kommer was nie omdat Carpenter reeds die regte medikasie gebruik het. Teen Vrydag kon Carpenter egter nie loop nie, en was daar blase regoor haar buik. Nel het ongeveer middernag die nooddienste ontbied wat Carpenter na die hospitaal geneem het waar sy in die waakeenheid opgeneem is. “Die dokter aan diens het Sondag (12 Augustus) vir ons gesê dat Sandra deur ’n sakspinnekop gebyt is,” vertel Nel. Volgens Nel het Carpenter later nie meer op enige behandeling gereageer nie. Sy is tussen 09:30 en 10:20 op Maandag (13 Augustus) oorlede. Volgens Nel en Joubert het die spinnekopgif haar organe aangetas wat haar longe later laat ingee het. Nel onthou haar suster as ’n mens wat altyd enigiets vir ander sou doen. “Sy het die sagste hart gehad en haar werk was haar lewe,” vertel sy. Carpenter word oorleef deur haar suster Nila Nel en broer André Bester. Sy word Vrydag 17 Augustus om 14:00 uit die NG-gemeente Lourensrivier in die Strand begrawe.
Sandra Carpenter
Wat jy moet weet oor die sakspinnekop
New life after operation p 6
Sakspinnekoppe is gewoonlik geelkleurig met ’n swart kop. Dit is ’n baie aggressiewe spinnekop en is verantwoordelik vir meeste spinnekopbyte in Suid-Afrika. Dié spinnekop is berug vir sy geniepsige byt. Die meeste mense word saans deur die spinnekop gebyt wanneer hulle onverwags daarmee in kontak kom. Sakspinnekoppe se gif bestaan uit sitotoksiese gif – die byt self is nie so pynlik nie en lyk soos ’n muskietbyt. Ná ’n paar dae, sal die bytmerk opswel
en pynlik wees, en later ’n groot letsel vorm. Geen teengif is beskikbaar nie en antibiotika moet deur ’n dokter voorgeskryf word om infeksie te voorkom. Die wond kan vier weke (soms tot ’n dekade) neem om te genees. Hospitalisasie is nie nodig nie, maar plastiese snykunde is soms nodig om die beskadigde weefsel te verwyder. http://www.parent24.com/Focus/ first_aid/more/Spiders-and-Spider-Bites20120216
Thursday, 16 August 2012 SOMERSET-WES
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Boewe teiken kantore JAMEY THOMAS
DRIE kantore in die Libri Besigheidsentrum in Somerset-Wes was die afgelope naweek deurgeloop onder inbrekers. Die Food Invest en KGA Life Limited-kantore, en ’n kantoor wat deur die eienaar van die gebou gebruik word om klere en skoene te stoor, is Vrydagnag deur boewe geteiken. Volgens Food Invest se bemarkingsbestuurder, Adriaan du Toit, het een van sy kollegas hom Saterdagoggend om 10:00 gebel en die nuus aan hom oorgedra. Du Toit sê hulle vermoede is dat die inbrekers deur ’n dakvenster toegang verkry het tot binne-in die kantoor waar die klere en skoene gestoor word. Om toegang tot die ander kantore te verkry, moes hulle van die deure oopbreek. “Hulle het ook in gevalle waar hulle nie die deure kon oop kry nie, ’n klere-reling gebruik om gate in die mure (dit is droë mure) te kap,” verduidelik Du Toit. Die inbrekers het twee rekenaars en hard-
eware, ’n skootrekenaar, ’n aantal USBstokkies en allerlei rekenaarbykomstighede gesteel. Van die klere en skoene is ook buitgemaak. Du Toit sê die inbrekers het hulle selfs aan die droëvrugte wat hul maatskappy uitvoer, gehelp en hul koeldranke in die kantoor-yskas gedrink. Die leë koeldrankblikkies en -botteltjies en droëvrugte het die hele kantoor vol gelê. “Hulle het een van die bokse as toilet gebruik, en die gemors net daar gelos.” Tydens DistriksPos se besoek aan die kantore, het almal van hul persoonlike rekenaars gebruik gemaak om hul besigheid te bedryf. Intussen is ’n sekuriteitswag deur die eienaar van die gebou aangestel en ’n alarmstelsel sal ook binnekort installeer word. Volgens Du Toit is jare se data oor hul maatskappy, asook persoonlike foto’s en dokumente wat op die rekenaars en USB-stokkies gestoor is, nou weg. Hulle sal byna enige iets doen om dit terug te kry.
Du Toit wys waar skade deur die boewe aangerig is. “Ek bied ’n beloning aan van R5 000 vir die persoon wat die rekenaars, USB-stokkies of die spesifieke data aan ons terug kan besorg,” sê Du Toit. Drie klagte van inbraak is by die Somerset-Wes-polisie aanhangig gemaak en word tans ondersoek. Mense met inligting kan vir speurder sersant Evan Jacobs by 0 021 850 1322 bel.
Wall-wrecker owns up THE person who crashed into Rudi Oosthuizen’s vibracrete wall and then left without a trace has come forward. Oosthuiszen approached DistrictMail last week in the hopes of finding someone had seen the crash, or who knew what hap-
pened to the wrecked portion of wall surrounding his property in Gerring Street, Somerset West. His neighbour had informed him that in the early hours of Saturday morning 28 July, while he and his family were away,
a Combi was seen towing a car from his yard while a “few young men” stood around. Oosthuizen says that, on Thursday 9 August at 10:00, the perpetrator – who Oosthuizen believes must have seen the notice in the newspaper – owned up. “I am very glad that the person came forward. I don’t mind if you crash into my wall – as long as you pay for it!”
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Storm lays waste, fills dams NIKITA SYLVESTER
THE raging winds and pelting rains of last week wreaked havoc in the Helderberg, causing roofs and trees alike to take flight. The City of Cape Town reports that the homes of more than 500 people living in informal settlements throughout the Helderberg were severely damaged by the extreme winter weather. The City’s disaster risk management teams remain on high alert to assist the affected residents with essentials. The Sir Lowry’s Pass flood victims were moved to higher ground temporarily, but their happiness was short-lived when this spot too succumbed to the heavy rains. Despite the destruction that winter has so far brought, it appears that some good has come from the heavy rains – the dam levels continue to rise. Shehaam Sims, the City’s mayoral committee member for utility services, says that in the past week the Steenbras Lower Dam level has risen by 7,1% and now stands at a total of 100,3%. Last year the maximum was recorded at 64,6%. The Steenbras Upper Dam level, meanwhile, increased by 1,5% and now stands at a total of 101,8%, com-
pared to 97,4% last year. “Ideally, when one dam overflows all dams should begin overflowing, thereby maximising the storage of the system,” Sims says. “Very high demand loads are currently being placed on the Steenbras Upper and Lower Dams to minimise spillage after the good rainfalls, and to make space for transfer of excess water in the Palmiet River system.” Sims reminds residents that the City has an integrated bulk water supply system, which means that no areas are solely dependent on supply from the nearest dams. The integrated bulk supply system also has the advantage of being able to provide alternative supply routes to most areas within the city.
INDEX The powerful winds that ripped through the Helderberg over the past week destroyed the front of the LCD Liquor Store and Somerset West Fisheries businesses in Caledon Street, Somerset West, on Tuesday night.
Find us on the web A was roof ripped from a house in Malan Street, Somerset West.
NEWS SUMMARY SANDRA CARPENTER (53), Strand resident and owner of auditing firm Sandra Carpenter Auditors, died on Tuesday after she was bitten on the thigh by a spider two weeks ago. Anne Joubert, a friend of hers, says that on 1 August she noticed Carpenter was struggling to walk and asked her about it. Carpenter told Joubert she had a boil that had become sensitive after she’d squeezed it. Joubert says she then went to the pharmacy to purchase medication to disinfect Carpenter’s wound – but Carpenter’s sister, Nila Nel, says a doctor told her on Sunday (12 August) that Carpenter had been bitten by a sac spider. Nel and Joubert say the spider’s venom affected her organs, eventually causing her lungs to collapse. –Page 1 THREE offices in the Libri Business Centre in Somerset West fell victim to burglars this past weekend. On Friday the Food Invest and KGA Life Limited offices, as well as an office being used by the owner of the building to store clothes and shoes, were broken into. Food Invest’s marketing manager, Adriaan du Toit, says they suspect the burglars gained entry first through a skylight in the office used for storing the shoes and clothes. The thieves had to smash locks and break down doors to enter the other offices. –Page 2
Steenbras Dam is overflowing. Photo: Peter Bee
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Die see gaps eers, maar gee toe terug JAMEY THOMAS
STRAND-inwoner Dominique Pieters (16) se selfoon en nuwe voorskrif-leesbril is tydens twee afsonderlike voorvalle deur die see ingesluk, maar gelukkig elke keer weer uitgespoeg. Dominique het sowat twee maande gelede eers haar selfoon op die strand verloor. Sy en haar vriendin Lauryke Roos (14) het op die strand gaan stap toe haar selfoon vermoedelik uit Dominique met haar selfoon en leesbril. haar baadjiesak geval het. “Ek het eers besef my selfoon is gryp, was dit deur groot branders weg toe ek die aand by die huis weggespoel. kom,” sê Dominique. “Ek en Lauryke het gesoek en geMáár, nog voor die werklikheid soek, maar kon geen bril kry nie. van sonder ’n selfoon klaarkom nog Ek was só benoud om sonder my kon insink, is dit deur ’n weldoener R3 000-leesbril huis toe te gaan,” aan haar terug besorg. Volgens Do- vertel Dominique, wat toe vir tyd minique het iemand die volgende en wyl van haar voorskrif-sonbril oggend haar selfoon in ’n rotspoel gebruik moes maak. gevind en die selfoon gebruik om ’n Week ná die voorval het Domihaar op te spoor. nique en haar ma, Astria, die brief “Die persoon het my oupa se Bril gevind op die Strand, in Disnommer onder my kontakte gekry triksPos (1 Maart se uitgawe) raaken die selfoon gebruik om hom te gelees. bel. Én dit ná die selfoon vir ’n hele In die brief verduidelik Wilhelaand in die water gelê het,” vertel mien van der Merwe, wat gelukkig sy, steeds verwonderd oor die feit ook saam Dominique se pa in Steldat die selfoon nog werk. lenbosch werk, hoe sy tydens haar Slegs ’n maand later, het sy haar 06:00-stappie op die strand ’n voorvoorskrif-leesbril verloor. Sy en skrif-bril in die vlak water opgetel dieselfde vriendin het weereens het. strand toe gegaan, maar hierdie Wilhelmien het die bril aan Dokeer vir ’n swem. Net voor hulle die minique se pa gegee, wat kon beveswater ingegaan het, het hulle al hul tig dat dit wel haar bril is. besittings en klere in ’n sak op die Dominique meen dis pure geluk strand gelos. dat sy haar selfoon en leesbril terug Nadat hulle uit die water gekom gekry het. het en hulle handdoeke uit die sak “Ek is loskop en verloor als, haal, het haar leesbril in die water maar kry op een of ander manier geval. altyd dit wat ek verloor terug,” lag Dominique sê voor sy dit nog kon sy ewe verleë.
Thursday, 16 August 2012 STRAND
Residents band together to stop prostitution A GROUP of Helderberg residents have united to stop what they believe is a male prostitution syndicate on Strand beach. They have started distributing pamphlets warning people in the area about what they believe is going on, and have written to Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille and Western Cape premier Helen Zille. The men are allegedly engaging in sexual acts in bushes close to the Son Surf School and the toilets in Beach Road. André Burrows, whose sons are members of the surf school in Beach Road, says he has seen men, mostly middle-aged, walk down the path next to the surf school and disappear into the thick bushes. “They’re normallooking men, neatly dressed and of all races.” Burrows says he investigated the spot, and indeed found used condoms strewn there. He says photographs of the men coming from the bushes, as well as photos of their cars, have been taken. He adds that he has noticed a bald, middle-aged man in the area whom he suspects is the coordinator of the syndicate. He reckons many of the unemployed men he has noticed in the area have been turning to prostitution to make money. Lucy Warner, meanwhile, says her 13-year-old son, also a member of the surf school, was approached by a man in the area in the recent school holidays. “A man called him, saying that another, older, man with him was a policeman and wanted to question him.” Fortunately the youngster was not fooled, but he has not gone surfing since then.
This pamphlet is being distributed in response to fears that a prostitution ring is operating at Strand beach. Warner says the suspicions of prostitution have been reported to the police, who she adds once raided the bushes – resulting in about five middle-aged men dispersing in all directions. The police, however, say they would have to catch the perpetrators in the act before they could lay any criminal charges. Warner recalls a recent incident when she and her sister took
their children to the each and a man masturbated in full view of them. The concerned residents believe the area should be patrolled by police, and feel that if more residents were to stand up against them the sex syndicate would move away. “The situation has spiralled out of control because they can get away with it.”
Thursday, 16 August 2012 SOMERSET WEST
Honest man finds, returns stolen goods ILLANA FRANTZ
BEING a law-abiding citizen, Vivian Torlage (67) pulled over to the side of road when he received a phone call – but in return he fell victim to an opportunistic criminal. However, his faith in mankind was restored when he received a phone call from a stranger a few hours later. Torlage says he was driving on the N2 from Strand to Cape Town on 30 July. He had just passed the R300 turn-off at 10:00 when his cellphone rang. He pulled over to answer it. As he was finishing the call, a young man appeared at the passenger door, pulled it open and grabbed his bag – which was on the seat – before sprinting off. “I was negligent for stopping there and for not locking my doors,” he says. “I tried to run after him, but he was very young and he disappeared into the township.” The bag contained money, bank cards, his ID, his wife’s death certificate, and photos of her, and Torlage was devastated at the loss. He drove to Home Affairs in Somerset West to apply for a temporary ID. As he
was standing in line, his cellphone rang again. A stranger greeted him – and to his joy informed him that he had found all Torlage’s stolen belongings. The good Samaritan said he’d seen the items were greatly important, and he wanted to give them back. “At first I was very suspicious, thinking it was the robber who was laying a trap for me. I told him that he must meet me on the spot where the robbery took place, and that he must come alone.” Torlage drove back there and saw a man with a plastic packet in his hands. It was not the thief. “I called him to the car, kept the doors locked and the engine running. He gave me the bag, and inside were all my belongings. I was astonished, and could not believe he had done this.” Torlage explained to this good Samaritan that he was unable to give him a reward as his money had been stolen, but the man did not care about that. “I can only praise this man, known to me as Monwapise from Khayelitsha, for his exceptional honesty and kindness,” Torlage says. “I can give him a cash reward, but I would like the public to know what he did for me.”
CARING THROUGH SHARING Caring commitment: Once a year the Helderberg Society for the Aged honours a group for their commitment to quality care for older people. This year’s Caring through Sharing Award was handed to Geratec at the society’s AGM last week. Geratec has been taking care of catering and cleaning services for the society for 14 years and has claimed the award twice. Here, the society’s Barbara Segalla (left) and Danie Dique (right) present the award to Margie van Zyl and Heinrich Kriek of Geratec.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Local doctor changes a life ILLANA FRANTZ
THANKS to the teamwork of a number of caring people, a man with a rare condition got a new lease on life after a giant growth was removed from his back earlier this month. Roland Uhunmwangho (32) from Nigeria was born with Von Recklinghausen’s disease (neurofibromatosis), a genetic condition that causes skin lesions and benign
Dr Nico Coetzee
tumours known as neurofibromas. would not be affected.” One of these has been growing since he Roland was taken into surwas four years old. gery, and six hours later the Despite consultations with many doc- growth – weighing 15 kg – was tors, no one was willing to assist Roland as gone from his back. He rethey felt removing it would be too risky. mained in hospital for four Then pastor Allen Inyinbor, a good days for monitoring. friend of Roland’s who has been living in “I feel much better now,” Grabouw for the past 10 years, started his says Roland, with the help of quest to find help for the man. pastor Allen as interpreter. “I Allen runs the Glad Tidings Assembly can sleep on my back and walk Church in Grabouw and one of his congre- up straight. I am very happy, gation, Jan Plaatjies, is an employee at and I feel that now my life can Mediclinic Vergelegen,who told a doctor at finally start.” this hospital about Roland’s condition. AfThis past Monday Roland ter seeing a photograph went to the hospiin April of the growth tal for a check-up, Roland had to carry with and Dr Coetzee is him every day, general happy with his Roland, after the operation surgeon Dr Nico Coetzee progress. “He has agreed to see him. full functionality of his arms He arrived here from and other movements. EveryNigeria on 31 July and, thing seems in order.” after a brief examinaAsked why he decided to tion, Dr Coetzee agreed help Roland when so many to operate on Roland on other doctors were not up for 2 August. the challenge, Dr Coetzee re“During the 10 years I sponded, “There is a certain worked at Tygerberg satisfaction involved when you Hospital I encountered Roland Uhunmwangho are able to make such a drastic many of these types of difference to a person’s life.” growths, of all sizes. They are complicated, Roland, who now for the first time in his because the tissue and the nerves might be life is able to get a normal job, is staying intricately connected, especially where his in Grabouw with Allen. He can do handiwas positioned. We first had to make sure work, and needs employment. If you would the spinal cord and other important organs like to help, phone him on 0 072 912 2537. Roland, before the
Thursday, 16 August 2012 SOMERSET WEST
Masikhule’s R50 000 vote of confidence ILLANA FRANTZ
SOMERSET West resident Léanne Keet has been announced the winner of R50 000 towards her brainchild, Masikhule – a nonprofit organisation providing a valuable service to women and children in poorer communities. The money was awarded by the Professional Providence Society – of which she is a graduate – in conjunction with the Personal Finance Professional Woman of the Year Award, for the role she as a woman plays in the community. The competition is a national event, and Léanne says she did not expect to win when she entered three weeks ago. When she received the good news last week, she was ecstatic. “It was a wonderful surprise, and I was quite shocked. But this has encouraged us to continue, and it has filled us with positive energy.” Léanne founded Masikhule in June 2005. The services this organisation provides in-
Macassar-inwoner: Patricia (Patty) Maloi, ’n bekende inwoner van Macassar het Maandag gesterf. Sy word oorleef deur haar vyf dogters, 12 kleinkinders en agt agter-kleinkinders.Maloi word Saterdag 18 Augustus om 08:30 vanuit die Victory Worship kerk, 1 Charlie Brown-straat, Macassar begrawe. Vir meer inligting bel die familie by 076 099 9470.
clude skills training, job creation, employ- in making toys and other creative items from ment opportunities and early childhood waste materials. development work. For the competition, one of the requireLéanne, an occupational ments was to state how the organtherapist, started Masikhule afisation would put the money won ter identifying a great need in to good use in its community. the community. “People were Léanne says the project they at in need of women to take care Masikhule had in mind was to of their children, but they reprovide women with basic busiquired these women to have the ness skills through workshops necessary training. I started covering basic bookkeeping, doing this on a small scale, but budgeting, drawing up a business later expanded as the need beplan, and the day-to-day workcame greater.” ings of a business. Léanne says Masikhule’s They did not previously have core function is to offer training money they needed to kick start in early childcare to unemthis endeavour, but winning this ployed women, crèche and com- Leanne Keet award has given them the impemunity workers, and employed tus. “This award is not about me domestic workers. Staff also maintain a data- as an individual, but for us as an organisabase of attendees so as to place these trained tion to remind us that we are on the right women in jobs as child minders. path with what we are doing,” she says. Masikhule also offers support to commuFor more information, pay a visit to the nity crèches, and gives them practical skills organisation’s site at www.masikhule.org.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Residents act against prostitution Hats off to the group of beach users and businesses in Beach Road, Strand who have joined forces to stop what they believe is prostitution in their area. This bold group of pro-active citizens have taken it upon themselves to act against these alleged sexual acts. They did ask the police to intervene, but the police told them they could’t really do anything about the situation, unless they catch the offenders red-handed. So to deter these alleged prostitutes and their clients from engaging in sexual acts in open public places the residents are themselves taking the offenders on. They have a widespread network of people who are on the lookout for suspicious-looking people and as soon as they are spotted, they jump into action. The beauty about their operation is that they are not taking the law into their own hands, they are just stepping in to try to prevent a crime from happening. Far too often we just sit back and expect things to sort themselves out, instead of getting involved and trying and do something about it ourselves.
No one is immune to hardship! Sê jou sê THANK you, Ian Greer from the Helderberg Street People’s Centre and councillor Stuart Pringle, for the recent letters in DistrictMail. The issues of homelessness and people in need should be in constant conversation among those who have the privilege of food, accommodation and a livelihood. I am reminded daily of the wealth in our area. There are many people who stay in homes who battle to pay bills, struggle to feed their families and may have just lost their source of income, but there are often options, like selling the home, family support, etc. Being homeless without anything but a blanket if you are given one is the lowest position on the social scale. We tend to look upon those staying at the shelter or living on the streets as deserving of their position due to wrong choices and bad lifestyle. No one is immune to hardship, suffering, stupidity and abuse inflicted by others. When I connect with those in desperate need of assistance I realise there is very little separating me from them. The dividing factor is my possessions!
Ian is right in saying that the issue of homelessness is complex, and that there are various needs. The Night Shelter staff and committee are working to increase effectiveness of operations at the shelter. The shelter is mostly full, with a short waiting list, but the availability of a bed only takes a day or two as we are able to help more people exit the shelter than ever before. Some go back to family, some to specialised places of care, and most become self-reliant. What the shelter and the Helderberg Street People’s Centre need more than ever before is assistance from the public. We need you to donate clothing, food and money – please don’t give money to the man at the traffic light by the Lord Charles, the woman harassing you outside the post office, etc. The shelter and the Street People’s Centre are better equipped, staffed and stocked to help. What we struggle with is cash flow, so instead of individually distributing an accumulatively large amount of finance among those petitioning for support, our humble request is that
you redirect your finance to the organisations at the heart of the matter, dealing with the issues daily. And if you feel we are not assisting the individual you have connected with, then please, we challenge you to get involved. Phone us and let us know; we will go and do what is needed. Our shelter’s short-term goal is to get to the point of being run at the highest level of effectiveness, and to be known as the best shelter in the Western Cape. Thereafter we want to establish or assist in establishing at least two other shelters in the Helderberg, one for women and children and one for those under the influence alcohol and drugs. It doesn’t stop there – old age homes and places of care for mentally challenged and ill adults only having a government grant amount available and not being able to be placed in institutions are also challenges, so this list of what we need in the Helderberg is a continuing one.
Mnr Graham, ons om verskoning soos alreeds bespreek. Chantelle en Steven Aan Gerny, sy fans en buurman (die coach), jammer maar sy spelpyl het drasties gedaal. Maak oop jul oë en hou op om hom te bejammer. Tyd vir veranderinge MC! Hi, wil net almal laat weet van modeling show op 31 Augustus vir oud en jonk. Bel 084 642 4882 vir meer inligting. Why are the Ster-Kinekor movies not published in DistrictMail anymore? Third week not being published. Please start publishing it again. Thank you. Regular As published in the DistrictMail, 26 July edition, Ster-Kinekor has made the decision to stop advertising film schedules in print newspapers. Ed Hoekom word daar nie foto’s van huise tussen R250 000 tot R350 000 in Mail geplaas nie. Onbekend Dankie aan almal wat die “Aborsie en Penis Cream” plakkers afskeur! Dis ons dorp, help dit skoon en netjies hou! Maureen Please pray for Micaela Jordaan. Granny Rina Bezuidenhout will have a operation at Helderberg Hospital on 15 August. Love Gail, Cor, Micaela and Lientjie. Heeltemal tereg kol.van Wyk ma agterblewende gemeenskappe moet ook verantwoordelikheid neem vir hul diere. Sommige van hulle het meer as twee! Baie geluk aan my pragtige dogtertjie, Lily, wat vandag 4 jaar oud is! Mamma het jou oneindig lief! Tanya, Greenways
Stuur jou sms na
Begin die sms met die woord MENSE en tik dan jou boodskap.
A big thank-you to Sencit and staff I WAS involved in the life of a family who lost everything. One of the family members is a frail, sick lady. As their situation became unbearable, we tried to find alternative residence for the old lady. After weeks of phoning various old age homes and welfare organisations, it seemed there was no hope. D-day came, and prayers were answered – an angel from Sencit old age home opened their doors and offered this lady a bed, comfort, warmth, food and care. But with their rooms only able to accommodate so many people, and needing to keep their only two frail-care beds open for the aged living there falling ill, they could only offer her accommodation for two weeks.
With her two weeks past, where to now? Sencit is being kind enough to keep her on for now, until other accommodation becomes available. We are hoping and praying that, by the grace of God, they will be able to offer her a permanent room as the frail lady is so happy, loves the staff and is so content and that she does not have to be uprooted again. If anyone doesn’t believe in miracles, well, this frail lady has been bedridden 24/7 for the last six years, with oxygen needed to assist her breathing, and hardly moveable – but as you read this, the staff at Sincet have given her all the TLC she needed, and she is now sitting in a wheelchair without oxygen and doing very well! Sencit deserves all the commit-
ment from our community in whichever form it may be, especially financially, so that they can carry on doing such amazing work and be able to accommodate the next old person who may fall prey to such a situation without anyone to turn to. If you are able to assist, please don’t hesitate to give Sincet old age home a call (021 845 8502) and offer your assistance to them in whichever way you can. A special thank-you to all who helped this family over the last threemonths–Sincetoldagehome, the Nappy Shop, Howard, the Bay Family Church, the Methodist Church, EMO Ambulance Service Strand and ACVV Strand, Sonja.
Daar is nog baie eerlikes onder ons DRIE weke gelede het ek per ongeluk ’n pakkie in my winkeltrollie by Somerset Mall gelos en huistoe gery. Sonder enige hoop dat ek dit weer sou terugkry, het ek maar die kans gewaag om die onderdak
personeel te skakel en tot my verbasing het iemand dit wel kom aanmeld en veilig by haar gehou. Nadat ek haar gekontak het, het sy dit weer aan my terugbesorg. Ek wil net weereens baie,
baie dankie se aan Corneille Barnard. Ek is bly om te weet dat daar nog eerlike mense onder ons is.
Top response A SPECIAL thank-you to the Somerset West police and Vetus Schola Boland Armed Response for their swift response in assisting us at the Department of Labour when we had an explosive situation at our offices on Friday 10 August. Although I had to hold the line for quite a while to report the incident to the police, their response time was very efficient. VetusSchola Boland Armed Response was excellent, and I would like to thank both entities sincerely.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Tercia droom groot TERCIA Jacobs van Gordonsbaai is gekies om teen twaalf ander deelnemers mee te ding om in ’n nuwe werklikheidsreeks, ’n pos by Huisgenoot los te slaan. Saktyd is ’n reeks waar 13 deelnemers meeding vir ’n werk by Huisgenoot. Daar is verskillende take wat die deelnemers se vaardighede toets, maar daar kan net een wenner wees. Tercia (27) is oorspronklik van De Aar, maar het in 2002 op soek na beter geleenthede, na Kaapstad verhuis. Sy het haarself in Gordonsbaai kom vestig en in 2005 aan Strand Sekondêr gematrikuleer. Voordat sy vir die kompetisie ingeskryf het, het sy as huishulp en au pair gewerk en naweke het sy ook by die Eersterivier-hospitaal uitgehelp. Tercia beskryf haarself as iemand met groot drome en sy het besef dat sy haar klein geboortedorpie moet agterlaat as sy dié drome wil bereik. “Daar was baie min werksgeleenthede en ek het besluit dat ek na Kaapstad moet verhuis, ter wille van my drome. Ek glo om iets in die lewe te bereik, moet jy ’n sterk wil hê en die lewe positief aanpak.”
Tercia is vriendelik en amusant, maar het tog stil en skaam eienskappe. Haar belangstellings sluit onder meer in dans en modelwerk. Mode en televisie is haar passie. Sy sê haar ongelukkigheid in haar huidige posisie het haar gemotiveer om aan die kompetisie deel te neem. “Ek wou ’n kans vat, want wie nie waag nie, wen nie. Ek wil ook uit my gemaksone kom want ek weet ek is tot meer in staat as waar ek myself tans bevind.” Haar verwagtinge is groot vir Saktyd en sy glo sy kan wen. “Niks is onmoontlik nie en uit die kompetisie kan net positiewe dinge kom. Ek is ’n bietjie senuweeagtig, maar ek dink dit is natuurlik. Dit is ’n kans van ’n leeftyd wat nie sommer weer verby gaan kom nie.” Op skool het sy uitgeblink in netbal en sokker en sy het ook in die skoolkoor gesing en was betrokke by die dramaklub. Tercia is gaande oor joernaalprogramme soos Kwêla en Pasella wat as haar inspirasie vir die kompetisie dien.
Is die Genesis-verhale net stories? Dr. Willie Mc Loud hou Don-
Tercia Jacobs. Sy meen eienskappe wat ’n goeie joernalis moet hê is om op hoogte te bly van die jongste nuusgebeure, goeie menseverhoudinge en jy moet ook nuuskierig wees om stories te kan uitsnuffel. Tercia is reg vir bekendheid en glo dit gaan nie die mens wat sy is of haar persoonlikheid verander nie. Kyk Dinsdae om 19:30 op kykNET hoe Tercia in die kompetisie vorder.
Rangskik met lyne en kurwes: Die
Bright beauties: All Things Bright and Beautiful, an exhibition hosted by the Helderberg Quilters’ Guild (HQG), is being held in the Dutch Reformed Church hall in Somerset West this weekend. Every two years the HQG hosts an exhibition, where over 100 exquisite quilts are put on display. The Embroidery and Lace-making Guilds will also show off their fine work. The exhibition runs today (Thursday) and tomorrow from 10:00 to 16:00, and from 10:00 to 13:00 on Saturday.
Strand Blommeklub vergader die eerste Dinsdag van elke maand in die Gereformeerdekerksaal, Altenaweg, Strand om 09:00. Gedurende Augustus se vergadering het Billy Thomson lyne en kurwes treffend uitgebeeld. In die kompetisie-afdeling vir lede het Kobus Conradie (foto) het eerste plek behaal met sy 84 % en Elsa Smit het tweede plek met 83 % behaal. Vir meer inligting, bel Elsa by 021 853 6430.
Win big with HB Hospice WELL DONE to the Helderberg Hospice Club 1 000 members who won prizes at this month’s lucky draw. Blaine and Associates, Trudie Loots, Dr N Hurst and Mrs M Dockrall each won R250, while BG Venter claimed the R500 prize. Ms HP Taljaard pocketed R1 000 thanks to her loyal membership, and the big prize of R10 000 went to Irene van Beeck.
The Hospice thanks each winner who has helped sustain the special care of Helderberg Hospice with their monthly membership fee. Just R50 per month for the next year puts you in the running for one of seven monthly cash prizes. Get a membership form from Hospice or at www.helderberghospice.org.za. Phone Patricia on 0 021 852 4608.
derdag 16 Augustus die bekendstelling van sy boek, Op soek na Abraham en sy God. Die boek is ’n studie oor die historisiteit van die Genesis-verhale. Op soek na Abraham en sy God is ’n tydige boek oor ’n uiters relevante onderwerp. Dit lewer ’n belangrike bydrae tot die kontemporêre gesprek oor die betroubaarheid van die Bybelse verhale. Daar is vandag al meer mense wat wonder of ons nog die Genesis-verhale kan glo? Of Abraham regtig gelewe het? Of ons die verhale oor die Toring van Babel, die taleverwarring, die vloed en die tuin van Eden nog ernstig kan opneem? Vir sommige is die tradisionele antwoorde net nie meer aanvaarbaar nie. Sekere dinge word net nie meer geglo nie. Maar beteken dit dat die Genesis-verhale maar net stories is? Beteken dit dat ons daardie verhale maar as onbetroubaar kan afskryf? Die inhoud is aktueel, stimulerend en bied beslis stof tot nadenke. Die bekendstelling begin om 19:00 in die Strand-biblioteeksaal. Bel Willie by 072 611 9431. ) Een gelukkige leser kan ’n kopie van die boek wen. SMS die titel met jou naam en van na 34421 voor 12:00 op Maandag 20 Augustus. Elke SMS kos R1,50.
GT-s uncompromising quality GT-s Restaurant (the old Jimmy’s Killer Prawns) is still owned by Jeandré Smuts. It was de-franchised from the group in April. “I want to thank all my loyal customers who have been supporting me through this period, and I also wish to see you, my new customer, soon,” she says. Their menu changes on a regular basis, and they offer the most amazing specials through the week, for lunch and dinner. The establishment caters for families, and kids have great games to play. The Tuesday night sushi special is still on, and customers can look forward to their new summer breakfast menu soon. Whether you visit for busi-
Thursday, 16 August 2012
ness or pleasure, they have free Wi-Fi for you to stay in touch. “It is always nice when you pop in, whether it is for coffee, just a drink or a meal, and our aim is to give you what you want – great quality and fantastic service,” Jeandré says. GT-s Restaurant is open seven days a week, and only closes during the winter on Sunday nights. During the winter months, you can relax close to one of their thee real wood-burning fireplaces. “So come kick back, relax and have fun while my team looks after all your needs,” says Jeandré. GT-s Restaurant is situated at 178 Main Road, Somerset West. For more information, or to book, call 021 852 3839.
After Mark Haze s success on Idols SA, he landed a three-album deal with Universal Music Group. On 6 February, Haze and his band members began recording, and his debut album, Where Angels Fear to Fly, was released on 27 June. Now he, along with his band, will perform special live and unplugged versions of these tracks and more at Bertie s Moorings at 17:00 on Sunday. Entrance is free. Phone 0 021 856 3343 to book your seat as tables are limited.
Muso duo hit SW: For its August concert, the Somerset West Music Society will host virtuoso violinist Marc Uys, accompanied on piano by Lara Pauna, as part of the duo s South African tour. After gaining a music degree at UCT, Marc Uys toured extensively from 2002 to 2006 as first violinist and manager of the Sontonga Quartet, widely regarded as one of the leading string quartets in South Africa. He s performed at venues such as the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Barbican in London, and Lincoln Centre in New York. The concert takes place this Sunday at 16:00 in the Somerset West library hall. The programme includes sonatas by Mozart, Richard Strauss and Peter Klatzow, among others. Tickets are available at the door at R55 for adults and R30 for students. Phone Essie Koekemoer on 0 021 856 1847 for more information.
Time to get funky: Augustin s C est la Vie kicks off its weekend performances with the C est la vie Jazz Quartet this evening (Thursday) at 20:00. It features Adolf Thelen on piano and organ, Mark Augustin on drums, Duncan Combe on bass and Peter Plato on saxophone. All jazz and blues musicians are invited to hit the stage and perform their own pieces. The Rock and Blues Jam takes place tomorrow night at 20:00, while the new C est la Vie Funk Band will perform on Saturday 18 August at 20:00. R20 gets you in to enjoy the vocals of Lezanne October, the drums of Mark Augustin, the piano of Alexander Jacobi and the bass of Duncan Combe. For more information phone 0 021 851 8504.
Session to rock at new venue: Popular Helderberg band Session are performing at the newly opened Sparrows Family Pub & Grill in Sir Lowry s Road, Gordon s Bay, tomorrow (Friday). The band will be playing great hits from bygone years, as well as newer material, from 20:00. And if one performance isn t enough for you, follow them to The Cove at Harbour Island on Saturday, where they will be playing some more well-loved music from 21:00. For further information give Jock a call on 0 083 757 9133.
Ready to rock: This weekend Stoneage is back at Bart s Tavern in Strand on Sunday from 15:00 to 19:00 and all the Stoneagers out there are invited to go along and burn up the dance floor while this five-piece band performs a large repertoire of 60s, 70s and 80s rock. Phone Janet on 074 194 4160 for more information.
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Thursday, 16 August 2012
@t he
of f i c e
How to stay calm at work IF you end each work day with a sore neck, it could be that you need a holiday. It could also be that you simply need to apply these relaxation techniques. Naturally, there are times that you’ll be stressed at work – like if you’re an air traffic controller and there’s a power failure. But most people should adapt to what their job throws at them on a daily basis. Here are a few ideas on helping make that happen. Stop multitasking. Focus on completing one task at a time. Turn off all the browsers and screens except the ones you need. Draw up a to-do list. Exert yourself. Go to gym, go for a run or sprint up 12 flights of stairs. It’ll get the oxygenated blood fizzing around in your bloodstream and you’ll feel like a human being again. Get some sun. A few minutes of sunshine can make the whole PowerPoint presentation you just deleted seem less important. Substitute that extra cup of coffee at 11:30 for a few minutes of sunlight and you’ll have a more productive afternoon. Play some music. Whether it’s the ethereal harp sounds of Andreas Vollenweider or bone-crunching Red Hot Chilli Peppers, music can alter your mood. Try a CD with the sounds of nature mixed over easy-listening classical music. Baroque-era music and ballet can work well too. If your colleagues complain, use headphones.
Diary Send diary entries to: jamey.thomas@media24.com
Weekly deadline: Monday, 12:00
) The Helderberg Quilters’, Embroiderers’ and Lace Guilds hold the All Things Bright and Beautiful Exhibition at the NG Kerk in Andries Pretorius Street from 10:00 to 16:00. The exhibition also takes place tomorrow from 10:00 to 16:00, and on Saturday from 10:00 to 13:00. Entry: R10. 0 Cheryl: 082 588 6724.
Strand: ) Die boekbekendstelling van Dr Willie McLoud se nuutste boek om 19:00 in die biblioteek-saal. Die boek, Op Soek na Abraham en sy God, is ’n studie oor die historisiteit van die Genesis-verhale. Almal is welkom. 0 Willie: 072 6119 431.
Vrydag 17 Augustus Strand:
) Die NG-gemeente Strand plaasmark in Faganstraat; 09:00–11:00. 0 Jakkie: 083 384 0843. ) Tweedehandse klerasie en goedere te koop van 09:00 tot 12:00 by die Strand Dienssentrum. 0 Estelle: 021 854 4552.
Somerset West: ) The Helderberg Stroke Support Group meets at Vonke House in Lourensford Road at 10:00. 0 Loma: 021 854 8118.
Saturday 18 August Somerset West:
) The Western Cape Watercolour Group meets in the library hall at 14:00. Local artist Dan du Toit will show a presentation by international watercolour artist Alvaro Castagnet, titled The Passionate Painter in Antwerp. Entry fee: R10 for members, R20 for visitors (includes refreshments). 0 Diane White: 021 851 2520.
Kleinmond: ) Join Stellenbosch Hiking Club on a 12 km hike from Jean’s hill to the Palmiet River. Those from Stellenbosch, meet in front of the JS Marais building at 07:30. R20 for visitors. 0 Sophia Buys: 021 851 8943.
Somerset West:
Somerset West:
Date: Venue:
) The Somerset West Bird Club visits the Koeberg Nature Reserve. Time permitting, Intaka Island will also be visited. Take coffee and lunch. Meet at the Waterstone Village parking area at 07:00. 0 Jill Mortimer: 021 852 3615. ) Tai chi and Chinese kung fu classes at Chinatown at Meltz outside Somerset Mall on Saturdays, 10:00 to 13:00. R50. 0 Master Suliman: 082 391 8621.
Sunday 19 August
Thursday 16 August
Have some tea. Sip a cuppa. Have a raw carrot and a piece of fruit. Send your partner an e-card. Then back to work. Clear your desk. Start and end each day with a pristine work surface, a perky office plant and a clean coffee mug. It’s good karma. –William Smook, Health24
) The Somerset West Music Society’s violin recital featuring violinist Marc Uys and pianist Laura Pauna happens at 16:00 in the library hall. Non-members: R55 adults, R30 students. 0 Essie Koekemoer: 021 856 1347.
Monday 20 August Somerset West:
) Mindfulness and meditation drop-in classes with Buddhist monk Gen Pagpa from 18:30 to 19:30. 0 021 685 3428. ) The Compassionate Friends Support Group meets at 19:00 in the Mediclinic Vergelegen restaurant. Topic: the effect stress and trauma has on one’s body, and what can be done to protect oneself against it. The guest speaker is Dr Carel Bredell. 0 Alta Volschenk: 021 856 0717.
Dinsdag 21 Augustus Somerset-Wes:
) Die maandelikse vergadering van Helderberg Geestesgesondheid Ondersteuningsgroep om 18:00 in die Mediclinic Vergelegen restaurant. Kliniese sielkundige Muriel Brent is die gasspreker. 0 Alta: 082 576 8218, of 0 Ronel: 021 851 3384. ) The public meeting of the Somerset West Community Police Forum at 19:00 in the library hall. All Somerset West and Sir Lowry’s Pass residents are invited.
Wednesday 22 August Somerset West:
) The AGM of Helderberg Hospice starts at 12:00 at the training centre at the Helderberg Hospice House in 21 Old Stellenbosch Road. All welcome. 0 021 852 4608.
Friday, 17 August 2012 @ 10:00 & Friday 31 August 2012 10:00 The Interchange, Somerset Mall, Somerset West From Thursday 16 August 2012 till Start of Auction.
General Household Appliances: Radial Arm Saw on Stand, Bicycle, Industrial Coffee Machine, Assorted Plasma and LCD T.V’s (not working), Single Bed Mattresses, Washing Machines, Lot of Linen and Bedding, Assorted Lounge Furniture, T.V Stands, Drawers and Pedestals, Assorted Lots of Smalls and much more.
In-house Auction Somerset West Date: Venue: Viewing:
Tuesday 21 August 2012 @ 10:00, Tuesday 28 August 2012 @ The Interchange, Somerset Mall, Somerset West From Monday 20 August 2012 till Start of Auction
Upmarket and General Furniture: Double Bunk Beds, Assorted Bar Stools, Lounge Suites, Bedroom Furniture, 2 Seater Couches, Beds from Single to Queen Size, 10 Piece Dining Rooms Suites, T.V’s from 54m to 74 cm, Marble Top Wash Stand, Book Shelves, Office Desks, Wall Mirrors, 3 Piece T.V Unit, Chest of Drawers, Coffee Tables, Assorted Smalls etc.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Business for breakfast: Somerset College hosted Nicky Newton-King, CEO of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), at its yearly Business Breakfast, held at Stellenrust wine estate. Newton-King spoke on The JSE: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; she detailed the strides the JSE has taken over the past two decades, and emphasised her determination to lead an organisation of world-class operations and standards. This dynamic woman grew up in Somerset West, and attended primary school at Somerset House. Profits from the event were donated to a JSE charity. Seen here are Newton-King (middle) with Jan de Waal (Somerset College junior school headmaster) and Dr Tim Nuttall (senior school headmaster).
Deur na volgende ronde: Laerskool Lochnerhof se o.13A-netbalspan het die week Laerskool Beaumont met 11–9 in die uitspeelronde geklop. Lochnerhof sowel as Gordonsbaai Primêr sal in die Helderbergsone wat binnekort in Kuilsrivier gehou word, speel. Van links is Esti Jacobs, Chërise Louw, Chantal Barker, Nicole Bryant, Kayla Chatburne,Petra Linde, Clarise Lerm en Anël Lotter.
Movers and shakers: Dean Erasmus and Amee Heyburgh from Sume’s Dance Studio were part of a Cape Town–based dance group who represented South Africa at the Prague Dance Festival 2012. The team, under the direction of Viv Pullen, competed against teams from the USA, Australia and Panama – and won eight awards, including first place for their contemporary piece and first for choreography all round. Dean won the award for best young talent in the competition.
Dean Erasmus (back, left) and Amee Heyburgh (front,left) with the rest of the dancers who competed at the Prague Dance Festival.
Zandvliet se musical: Zandvliet Sekondêre skool sal op Vrydag 31 Augustus en Saterdag 1 September hul eerste musiekblyspel ooit, Moves like Jagger, aanbied. Die opvoering word in die Macassar Hoërskoolsaal gehou en sal musiek van die 70’s asook Amy Whinehouse, Adele, Michael Jackson en Destiny’s Child insluit. Volgens Trevor Forbes, ’n onderwyser en koördineerder van die musiekblyspel is hy en sy talentvolle span van 40 leerlinge reeds vir die afgelope ses maande besig met die produksie. Forbes, ook die skrywer van die drama, sê die opvoering handel oor elkeen se doel in die lewe, hul probleme, uitdagings en moontlike oplossings om dit te oorkom deur musiek. Ashley Rhodes, ’n student aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad, rig die musikante af en tree ook as choreograaf op.Kaartjies is R30 vir leerlinge en R50 vir volwassenes. Die groep benodig egter nog fondse om hul opvoering ’n sukses te maak en doen ’n beroep op individue en besighede vir hulp. Bel Trevor Forbes by die skool by 021 857 1016 of 072 429 9451.
Hoërskool Parel Vallei kry Groen Vlag: Eko-kommiteelede van die Hoërskool Parel Vallei glimlag breed met die onlangse toekenning van hul Groen vlag van die EKO Skole Vereniging.Omgewingskwessies wat aangespreek word deur die skool is: herwinning, biodiversiteit, gesonde leefstyl, en die Lourensrivier as ’n plaaslike kwessie. Leerlinge van links op die foto: Josh Nel , Ilona Mauerman en Kyle Green (in die agtergrond is Andrea Harrison, Emma Boonzaaier en Desiree Malherbe).
Voortrekkers: Marco Bezuidenhout van die Hoerskool Valsbaai is onlangs die hoofleierswag deur die Voortrekkers toegeken. Die gr. 12 Voortrekkerlede het in April ’n toets geskryf vir toelating tot ’n gesamentlike toetskamp in die Junie-skoolvakansie. Die hoofleierwag is, soos die presidentverkennerstoekenning, ’n nasionale toekenning.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
District Socials Amazing pace: Michelle and Deon Spesiaal: Mavis en Michael Gordon van Dubbele viering: Edward en Florence GaSend all social photos to: illana.frantz@helderberg.com
lant het hul 25ste huweliksherdenking én Florence se 50ste verjaardag met familie en vriende op 4 Augustus gevier. Hier is hulle saam met hul dogter Tracy-Lee.
Macassar het op 2 Augustus hul 43ste huweliksherdenking gevier. Michael het ook sy 62ste verjaarsdag op dié dag gevier asook die paartjie se kleinseun Grant se vyfde verjaardag.
Sestigste verjaardagviering: Monica Pienaar (middel) het haar Die verjaardagdame hier saam met haar broers en susters 60ste verjaardag op 29 Julie met familie en vriende in Macassar gevier. By haar is haar kinders (van links) George en Jasmine Pienaar, Ann Oransie, Monica, Jenny, Monique en Godfrey Pienaar.
(van links) Rose van Willing, Attie Plaatjies, Dawid Plaatjies, Monica Pienaar, Klara Levendal en Monica se seun George.
Celebrating womanhood: Good spirits were shared among the women who attended a Women’s Day luncheon at MacIvan’s in Strand in support of RR Franks Elsen Practical Centre. Women from Monteith Farm, as well as other guests, were treated to a talk, entertained with singing and spoiled with a gift.
Seen here (from left) are Denise Tamboer (Hearts of Women), Valda Stevens (guest speaker), Yolandi Jeremiah (Hearts of Women) and Merika Sedgewick (a soloist).
Marston from Strand participated in the Toot4 Amazing Race recently, and sped into fourth place. They walked away with a weekend for two at the Fairy Knowe Hotel in Wilderness.
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16 • 17 August 2012
Affordable country living in SW PAM Golding Properties has acquired the mandate to market Somerset Country Estate – a gated village located within the greater Heritage Park development in Somerset West. There are 44 opportunities to purchase in the current phase, with prices ranging from R1,21 million to R1,55 million, on a plot-and-plan basis. PGP says the estate is an ideal home for those just starting out in the property market, or scaling down from larger homes. Heritage Park occupies 200 ha of land in the foothills of the Helderberg Mountain range, between the N2 highway and Old Sir Lowry’s Pass Road. The site was once a farm known as “Die Bos”, which was granted to the Morkel family in 1718. It has remained in the family’s hands ever since, and five generations later Morkel descendants still occupy the farm’s old Cape Dutch homestead. PGP’s area manager for Somerset West, Linda Killick, says it was their vision, brought to life by Asrin Property Developers, that laid the seeds for the development of Heritage Park in 2005. “The aim was to create a secure community with its own homes, schools, shops, parks and places of worships,” she says, “where neighbours could live in harmony and safety, enjoying a rural lifestyle on the fringes of the city. That vision is a long way towards realisation, as Heritage Park is now more than 50% developed, and includes several residential communities, an office park, church, parks and a private school. “The existing woodlands and mountain streams were retained
A completed home in Somerset Country Estate. The gated village is located within the greater Heritage Park development in Somerset West, on the foothills of the Helderberg Mountain range. during the development process, and as a result the estate resonates with the song of abundant birdlife. A two-kilometre network of walking and jogging trails allows residents to exercise in safety while drinking in the magnificent views, which extend from mountain to ocean.” Somerset Country Estate will ultimately comprise 206 homes, each within its own private perimeter. This means residents will get to enjoy the peace of mind of three layers of security – their own private boundary walls, the state’s electrified perimeter fence, and the protected perimeter encircling the entire Heritage Park area. There are only two access points into Somerset Country Estate, one reserved for residents and the other for both residents and visitors.
Erven range in size from 400 m² to 672 m², with most homes offering at least 150 m² of living space. The architect-designed homes are surrounded by a landscaped green belt, and are intended to offer an easy, low-maintenance, lock-up-and-go lifestyle. About 50 homes have already been built, with others under construction or soon to begin. Buyers can choose from one of 10 design options, offering either three- or four-bedroom homes, all with two bathrooms and double garages with direct access. The overriding design theme is a modern Tuscan aesthetic, with charcoal roof tiles and neutral, earth-tone wall colours. The use of cladding and natural stone is encouraged, and homes all have full-length sliding doors leading onto their pa-
tios and terraces. Finishes include ceramic floor tiles in all living areas, and granite kitchen counters. A review committee approves all plans to ensure a cohesive character for the estate, and to preserve the harmony of the built environment with its natural surroundings. Buyers can interpret the design guidelines to suit their own personal needs and taste, and have two years from date of transfer to complete the construction of their homes. Levies are currently set at around R800 per month. PGP’s MD for the Boland and Overberg regions, Annien Borg, says the pricing is extremely competitive for Somerset West, especially given the high levels of security on offer, and the convenient central location. “The estate has
R9 200 000
easy access to the N2 highway for those who work in other areas or need to commute into Cape Town,” she says. “Stellenbosch University is just 15 minutes away, while Cape Town International Airport can be reached within under half an hour. The magnificent beaches of Gordon’s Bay and Strand are also close by, as well as the Mediclinic Vergelegen, a number of leading golf courses, and the Somerset Mall with its extensive shopping and recreational facilities.” To view Somerset Country Estate, or for more information, contact PGP agent Anneri Voges on 082 654 0333 or 021 851 2633. PGP’s area manager for Somerset West, Linda Killick, can be reached at linda.killick@pamgolding.co.za.
R2 400 000
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For the security conscience, this exceptional home offers spacious accommodation and top-class finishes. Established surroundings in prime neighbourhood. KAMPUS R1 195 000 STELLENBOSCH R5 350 000 STELLENBOSCH R4 650 000 WELGEVONDEN
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Slaapkamers 2 | Badkamer 1 | Parkering
De Zalze Winelands Golf Estate. French Get all your friends talking about Snoesige beginerswoning in ‘n Moderne 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Flair. Patio with grapevine and views. gewilde blok. Naby Ingeneursfakulteit. veilige omgewing. your excellent investment.
Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garages 2
Established home in the ever popular Mostertsdrift at market related price.
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
R9 FR 59 OM ,0 00
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
ON SHOW SUN 2:30-4:30PM
Like us on Facebook Search for Harcourts Platinum
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
Get a piece of history at the Goedeverwachting Farm homestead auction THE in-house Michael James Organisation auction of movables from the immaculate and historic Goedeverwachting Farm homestead will take place on Tuesday 21 August. The auction starts at 10:00 in the organisation’s auction centre at 63 Victoria Road in Somerset West. Goedeverwachting Farm was first established in 1795 as an inn for travellers headed over Sir Lowry’s Pass into the hinterland. Then known as Brink’s Inn, it provided fresh oxen teams to haul wagons over the daunting Sir Lowry’s Pass. A number of
years later, it became known as Goedeverwachting Farm and gained a prominent place in South African history after the Battle of Blaauwberg between British and Batavian forces. The invading British forces, commanded by General Beresford, pursued General Jannsens – then governor of the Batavian Cape Colony – and his army to Sir Lowry’s Pass, eventually forcing his capitulation. After some parleying, the Batavian forces’ articles of capitulation were signed by Jannsens and accepted by Beresford at Goedverwachting farm. This capitulation
led to the surrender of the Cape to the British on 18 January 1806 at Treaty Tree in Woodstock. Over the years, various owners have maintained Goedeverwachting homestead in immaculate condition and furnished it to a high standard. For any collector or investor wishing to own a piece of furniture from this historic homestead, or simply wishing to enjoy the luxury of some of the furniture, the Michael James Organisation auction is where they need to be. Also on offer at this feature auction are
the contents of a De Zalze home, modern furniture from an upmarket Hermanus home, and the entire contents of a Harbour Island apartment and various other estates. An Ursus 4512 tractor, PTO weed-cutter, cropsprayer and large farm trailer are also up for grabs. The items may be viewed between 08:00 and 16:00 on weekdays from Wednesday 15 August. For more information, or to get a catalogue, give Erik a call on 0 021 851 7007. Alternatively, you can send him an email at 2 erik@michaeljames.co.za.
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
Real estate and you SO just what does it take to be a successful estate agent? The real estate industry is really competitive, but really over-traded. The volume of sales isn’t sufficient to support the number of agents. That’s why the number of licensed agents in South Africa dropped from over 80 000 in 2005 to about 30 000 today. That doesn’t mean real estate isn’t for you. There are many successful estate agents today. So what does it take to be in the 10% who make it? It’s a combination of factors, of which the following are the most critical. ) Personality: You need to love helping people. What sets the best apart is their genuine interest in helping people. You need to be able to listen to customers’ needs, and identify which product or service they need. Then commit totally to delivering it. ) Skills: Good oral and written communication skills are important. Computer skills are needed to use technology well. Local area knowledge is a bonus. What you lack in skills can be taught, provided you have access to training – and the right attitude. ) Attitude: This, with your personality, will determine your success. Determination, disciplineandtheabilitytoworkexceptionally hard are critical. Nothing will just happen; you have to make it happen. Can you focus on goals? Can you discipline yourself? Are you hungry enough to find business? Are you courageous? And are you prepared to work with a team, or you are all about yourself? The best real estate agents fit the description above. But in addition to these qualities, the best need access to resources that will enable them to be the best they can be. Without the correct resources you just won’t be able to compete. The best agents
need the best technology. It’s technology that let’s you do more in less time, stay in contact with customers, deliver real-time reports and marketing Talking Property by instantly to mulSteve Caradoc-Davies tiple customer bases, and deliver Principal, Harcourts Platinum Director, Harcourts South efficient service. Africa. Without the Contact him on blog best training you harcourtsplatiwon’t be able to num.wordpress.com or steve.cd@ provide your cusharcourts.co.za tomers with the best marketing and selling methods, or advice on legislation and taxation. One of the most critical resources is marketing. An agent can have amazing skills, the ideal personality, and a great attitude – but if they don’t have the ability or resources to market, they won’t succeed. Marketing is key. And I’m not just referring to a logo . It’s the ability of a company to market, electronically and through print, where buyers shop. If you meet these criteria, a career as an estate agent could be for you. Team up with a company that offers the best training, technology, marketing and coaching, and you will be successful. For a no-obligation chat about real estate, feel free to contact me. ) Steve Caradoc-Davies is principal of Harcourts Platinum and director of Harcourts South Africa. Read more property advice at harcourtsplatinum.wordpress.com. Mail him at steve.cd@harcourts.co.za.
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
17 UNITS SOLD Luxury Retirement 16 IN
Catapult SRV058
Houses from R1,82m
two bed apartments le still availab
Claim your stake NOW!
Apartments from R975 000 Show units open: Monday - Friday 10:00 to 17:00 Sundays 11:00 to 17:00 Tel: +27 (021) 852 0821 • Russell: 083 457 2007 • David: 082 410 7465 • Christina: 082 330 1209 E-mail: russellm@iafrica.com or david@exactcape.co.za • Website: www.schonenbergvillage.co.za
The village is constituted in terms of the Retirement Act No. 65 of 1988.
HELDERBERG | August 16 -
For sales & rentals
in the
lifestyle estate in Somerset West Shaun Harris
082 956 0599
Kelly Harris
082 733 6259
schonenberg real estate
R 2 900 000
R 2 530 000 (VAT INCL.)
ON SHOW DAILY 3 bedrooms; 2.5 bathrooms; 2 garages Lovely position - views will not be taken away! This lovely home offers 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms as well as a guest toilet and study area. Stunning open plan kitchen. Stacking doors leading out to the entertainment area. North facing, looking onto the park area. Lots of light and private. Exposed trusses, stunning finishes, landscaped garden and double vanity in the main bathroom and dressing area.
R 2 895 000
ON SHOW DAILY 4 bedrooms; 2 bathrooms; 2 garages Elegant and modern with only the best finishes This North facing double storey 4 bedroom home offers 2 bathrooms (large en-suite bathroom) and features open plan living with state of the art finishes. Kitchen with spacious separate scullery gas fireplace, gas stove, under-floor heating undercover entertainment area with built in braai and splash pool with low maintenance garden.
design • www.gstudio.co.za
R 3 300 000
3 bedrooms; 2 bathrooms; 2 garages NEW; spacious - big ground & entertainment area Situated high up on the estate, 3 bedrooms with a study or 4th bedroom (very spacious). Large open plan lounge and dining area. Main bedroom en-suite. Fireplace, caeser stone counter tops, outside undercover braai area. Extra length garage and store room. Plenty of landscaped garden. A lovely home, to make your own. 2 balconies with stacking doors.
4 bedrooms; 2.5 bathrooms; 2 garages TRANQUILITY Spacious family home with 4 bedrooms, study, guest toilet, 2 full bathrooms (main en suite and dressing room). Open plan living / dining room area with bar. Kitchen with separate scullery, large undercover patio and landscaped garden, automated double garage with direct access. Designer finishes with attention to detail. 3 of the bedrooms have private patios. Situated on a corner high on the estate.
R 2 850 000
R 2 550 000
ON SHOW DAILY 3 bedrooms; 4 bathrooms; 2 garages Experience peace and tranquility This magnificent home offers 3 Bedrooms, all en-suite. Study with guest cloak room and shower. Airconditioning and under floor heating throughout the house. Living and dining room. Modern open plan kitchen with scullery. Undercover patio entertainment area with braai, Sparkling pool. Landscaped garden with irrigation system. IN A LEAGUE OF IT’S OWN.
3 bedrooms; 2 bathrooms; 2 garages Stylish, with edge - VERY light; PRIME LOCATION Newly built designer home, with a stunning wood top kitchen, chandeliers and gas stove. Sep. scullery, large open plan living & dining area with ‘close burner’ fire place. Exposed trusses more chandeliers & a great flow out to the undercover entertainment area. Swimming pool. 3 bedrooms, large main bedroom (en-suite) 2 full bathrooms. All bedrooms lead outside onto the garden. High up on the estate situated on public open space. Landscaped garden.
STELLENBOSCH | August 16 -
R2 650 000
R2 150 000
TREK NET IN!! SPLINTER NUUT EN REG VIR INTREK! Kamers 3 Badkamers 3 M/Huis 2 WEB 270567 Kamers 3 Badkamers 2.5 M/Huis 2 Die huis het pragtige wit aluminium vensterrame en deure word afgewerk om jou droom huis te word. [K] 021 843 3368
CLAUDINE 072 610 1416 GERHARD 076 590 7758
R1 595 000
WEB 262563
Ruim woning met groot spasie en heerlike vloei met studeerkamer of 4de slaapkamer. [K] 021 843 3368
GERHARD 076 590 7758 CLAUDINE 072 610 1416
R 659 000
LEASE ATE SPACIOUS NORTH FACING APARTMENT SPACIOUS ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT NDATE Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1 WEB 264377 Bedrooms 1 Bathrooms 1 Parking 1 WEB 271937
130m² Apartment with a 20m² lock up garage close Sunny and spacious 1 bedroom apartment with a to popular schools and amenities. Balcony with views. balcony that overlooks the river. Close to campus and Stellenbosch CBD. [O] 021 886 7905
LEON 082 575 7356 LISBE 084 666 0011
R1 750 000
[O] 021 886 7905
MARISKA 082 823 0718
R 975 000
BESTE PRYS TANS IN AREA! Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1
LA BELLE VIE WEB 264410 Kamers 2 Badkamers 1 Parkering 1
Netjiese woning met ekstra motorafdak en omheining met uitbreidingspotensiaal. [K] 021 886 7905
DROEKS 082 685 9189
Verseker akkommodasie in 2013 vir jou studente kind. Noordfront, moderne afwerking, uitstekende waarde. [K] 021 886 7905
R1 395 000
DROEKS 082 685 9189
R2 150 000
EXCELLENT LOCATION Bathrooms 2 Bathroom 1
PRENTJIE MOOI WEB 265087 Kamers 4 Badkamers 4 M/Huis 2
WEB 203148
Sought after unit in the heart of Stellenbosch. Close to campus, popular coffee shops and galleries. Lots of potential.
Karaktervolle ruim woning met groot oopplan kombuis/leefarea. Studeerkamer. Swembad. Gevestigde tuin. Kaggel.
[O] 021 886 7905
[K] 021 886 7905
JACQUES 083 989 1249
R2 160 000
LEONIE 082 773 0655
IDEAL STARTER HOME Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garage 1
IDILLIES WEB 269183 Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1
WEB 263769
Great opportunity to acquire a compact but spacious home with all the extras. Visit our virtual tour on private property reference no. M85740.
Gesogte area. Karaktervolle toesluit-en-ry met 2 leefareas, ekstra onderdak parkering vir 2 motors. Geëlektrifiseerde heining en privaat tuin.
[O] 021 886 7905
[K] 021 886 7905
HETTIE 083 263 0559
LEONIE 082 773 0655
STELLENBOSCH | August 16 -
STELLENBOSCH | August 16 -
Stellenbosch Boland Sold 16.08.12 New Template_Layout 1 13/08/2012 04:46 PM Page 1
Wat een huis ’n aantrekliker opsie as die volgende maak HUISKOPERS kan deesdae kies en keur tussen eiendom wat te koop aangebied word. Dit is daarom nie ongewoon dat hulle dit moeilik vind om te besluit watter een van twee of meer regtig spesiale huise hulle moet koop nie. Dit kan veral ’n moeilike besluit vir eerste huiskopers wees, sê Berry Everitt, besturende direkteur van die Chas Everitt International-eiendomsgroep. “Maar daar is één beproefde resep om dié onsekerheid te oorbrug, en dit is om basiese beginsels in aanmerking te neem. “Begin deur al die vereistes wat jou in die eerste plek laat besluit het om ’n (ander) eiendom te koop neer te skryf. Dit gaan hier nie net oor prys nie, maar ook oor die aantal slaapkamers, badkamers en onthaalareas wat nie onderhandelbaar is nie sowel as enige nie-noodsaaklike kenmerke wat nogtans aangenaam sal wees, soos ’n dubbel-motorhuis, ’n be-
troubare sekuriteitstelsel, ’n swembad, en ’n lapa of onthaalarea in die tuin. “Vergelyk dan al die huise waarvan jy hou met jou lys om vas te stel hoe goed dit aan die noodsaaklike behoeftes voldoen en watter eiendomme met die opsionele ekstras op jou lys ooreenstem.” Die volgende stap, sê hy, is om huise te vergelyk ten opsigte van die afstand na skole, winkels, en ontspannings- en mediese geriewe; roetes na werkplekke; munisipale belasting, plaaslike soneringsregulasies; en die toestand van omliggende eiendom, paaie, parke en selfs straatbeligting. “Met al dié inligting gaan een huis waarskynlik bo die ander uitstaan.” Sou jy egter steeds sukkel om ’n keuse uit te oefen, is dit raadsaam om die verkoopsagent of -agente uit te vra oor elke huis se vooruitsigte vir waardevermeerdering en dan die een te kies wat die beste opbrengs gaan lewer.
SMS the web reference to “38573” for more info*
Sole Mandate
Offers from R2 995 000
Web Ref 194217
A peaceful ambiance in this 4 bedroom home will enchant you, the location of this property will excite you. Within walking distance to schools & easy access to main routes. Features include a cosy fire-place and under floor heating. Asking Price: R3 495 000 Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
Web Ref 203211
Joint Mandate
R3 330 000
NEW RELEASE - Well maintained home with heaps of potential. Spacious with many options & well located in quiet, tree-lined street. Covered patio/braai area next to the pool. A separate 2 bedroom flat completely self contained is an added bonus. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
Sole Mandate
Offers from R2 595 000
Sole Mandate
Studente huis met reuse huurinkomste – 18 kamers, 18 en suite. Modern, netjies – uitstekend bestuur! Kontak: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645
Web Ref 193228
Sole Mandate
R2 845 000
Wonderlike geleentheid om in ‘n baie gewilde omgewing jou voet in die deur te kry. Gerieflike, netjiese woonhuis met hope potensiaal as jy jou stempel wil afdruk. Kontak: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645
Web Ref 150579
Web Ref 186314 Sole Mandate
Situated in Dalsig, close to top schools & easy access to main routes if working out of Stellenbosch, this newly renovated home with modern finishes will pleasantly surprise you, offering 4 bedrooms, study & direct access from the double garage. Asking Price: R2 735 000 Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506
Web Ref 199688
R1 300 000
New Release
Sole Mandate
R11 150 000
R7 500 000
Woon op ‘n plaas in die dorp! Hierdie besonderse woning met hope spasie vir onthaal en ongelooflike ligging is enig in sy soort. Naby aan die skole en dorp maar nogtans omring met ‘n paradys van ‘n tuin, waterstroom en lower groen grasperke! Kontak: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645
Web Ref 195680
R725 000
This secure complex offers a swimming pool for resi- One of the last stands tucked away in a sought after dents and easy access to main routes. Within close neighborhood. 768m² with incredible mountain views. proximity to campus this townhouse is most suitable for Contact: Estelle Denys 072 1414117 students. Offering 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a large living area with secure parking inside the complex. Christine 082 417 2506 / Graham 084 308 3540
Rozenmeer Estate
On Show: Sunday 11h00 - 13h00
Biggest and Best Property guide in the Boland
DistrictMail Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin
Michelle Marston 021 841 4285 Geraldine Menellevie, Justin Cupido of Salomie Haskins 021 887 2840
Ilse Fourie 021 870 4600
Sole Mandate
Web Ref 184459
Starting at R895 000
3 Bedroom freestanding and duplex homes in picture perfect Rozenmeer Estate in Klapmuts. Plot and plan options, all bond and transfer costs included. Contact: Bronwyn Boyd 083 420 1747 40 Bird Street, Stellenbosch. Tel: 021 809 2760 Fax: 021 809 2779 www.sothebysrealty.co.za
Email: admin@sothebysrealtystb.co.za
*R1.50/SMS. Free SMS don’t apply. T&C’s Apply
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
R3 250 000
R1 200 000
GROOT ERF PLUS WOONSTEL WEB 255469 Kamers 4 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1
MODERNE OOPPLAN Kamers 3 Badkamers 3 M/huis 2
Informele droomhuis met swembad, binnebraai, patio en lieflike kombuis en spens. Ekstra groot motorhuis en mooi tuin. [K] 021 872 2223 LITA 083 498 1018
R2 695 000
WEB 271056
As jy spasie soek, hier is dit. 1100 m² erf met huis met 2 leefareas. Reuse woonstel met nog 2 slaapkamers (±85m²) en toesluit motorhuis. [K] 021 872 2223
083 498 1018
R469 000
DO YOU LIKE A CHALLENGE Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 WEB 267868 This unusual home is waiting for your touch - Close to N1, opposite KWV on Main Road. Erf of 1400m² with swimming pool. Living area with fireplace. Extra flatlet. [K] 021 872 2223 RACHELLE 084 400 4525
FYNBOS ONTWIKKELING Kamers 2 Badkamers 1 M/huis 1
R450 000
WEB 271083
Fase 2 is nou in proses. Nuut geboude huise. Kom kies jou eie afwerkings. Geen oordragskostes. [K] 021 872 2223
BERENICE 072 423 1455
R1 295 000
STUDENTE VERBLYF Kamers 1 Badkamers 1 Parkering 1
A CLASS APART! WEB 268213 Beds 2 Badrooms 2 Garages 2
WEB 272057
Ruim bachelors woonstel in die baie gewilde De Fonteine woonstel kompleks. Teenaan kampus.
Stunning townhouse of 186m² in very popular estate with 24h security. Laminated floors, 2 living areas, open plan to granite kitchen and covered patio.
[K] 021 8642948
[O] 021 864 2948
CARMEN 082 490 0994
R1 085 000
PRICE TO GO ... WEB 268577 Beds 1 Bathrooms 1 Parking 1
Familiehuis op boomryke groot erf. Loop afstand vanaf skole.
MARISA 079 877 4177
R2 750 000
R399 000
WEB 266866
This is your chance to own your first property. Good investment with rental income of R 2200 p/m. Bachellor flat [O] 021 864 2948 LINDA 083 379 3769
R950 000
PLAAS ATMOSFEER Kamers 4 Badkamers 3 Parkering 3
BEKOSTIGBAAR EN NETJIES. WEB 264606 Kamers 3 Badkamers 1 M/huis 1
Groot gesinshuis met hope karakter. Groot erf met ouma woonstel. Gebou in 1905. [K] 021 864 2948
GEWILDE AREA Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1
[K] 021 864 2948
MARISA 079 877 4177
TERTIUS 082 877 7534
RENTALS Boschenmeer - Thys 082 646 0932 Paarl - Vicky Bester 074 158 8016 Wellington - Mari 083 626 8567
WEB 261608
Siersteen huis met baie potensiaal. Aparte buitekamer met badkamer. Netjiese afdak voor garage. [K] 021 864 2948 LINDA 083 379 3769
How to get the best out of a home inspection THERE’S no argument that paying to have a home inspected by a professional before you buy it is money well spent if the property turns out to be problematic. However, says Berry Everitt, MD of the Chas Everitt International property group,
it can be money well spent even if the findings are positive. “For a start, the inspector’s report should give you a good picture of exactly what has happened to the property since it was first built. You will know, for example, if there were any major problems
with the original construction that had to be attended to – even if these are no longer an issue,” he writes in the Property Signposts newsletter. “You will also know whether there have been any additions or alterations over the years, where they are and whether
they were well built. And you should also have a much better idea of the quality of the materials and parts that went into the home – bricks, doors, windows, geysers, wiring and plumbing, for example – and how long they are likely to last.” Having a home inspected should give immediate insight into its history and probable future. “This is very valuable, because while you can easily see when a kitchen has been remodelled, for example, and will probably not need attention for years, it can take a while to get to know the unseen aspects and maintenance requirements of a new home. You may not realise that the roof, in such good condition now, will need waterproofing every two years, or that you need to budget to have machinery such as borehole and pool pumps regularly serviced. Most people deal with such aspects of home ownership on an ad hoc basis, which can play havoc with their finances. “With a detailed home inspection report in hand, however, you should be able to plan a proper preventative maintenance and replacement schedule for your home, and have the peace of mind that comes with being able to budget for these costs – and protect your investment in the process.” Home inspections generally cost around R3 500 to R5 000, and should be done by a company registered with the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors.
16 • 17 August 2012
Beachfront building to be reborn DIY financial planning STRAND residents may be wondering what is happening on the site of former landmark Rialto Cinema, which has been in limbo for two years. Scaffolding recently appeared on the 85% complete building, which has been bought by Clusten19, represented by local businessmen Andre du Plessis and Arjan Ockhuisen. “We’re passionate about the Strand, and will upgrade and complete this building by November this year,” says Du Plessis. “We have given it the new name of 97 on Strand to reflect its rebirth as a hallmark of luxury, location and vibe. We are working together with major local players to deliver a luxurious apartment building that will do its superb setting – one of the oldest beachfront sites of central older Strand – proud.” 97 on Strand will include 31 apartments on nine floors, with a large commercial space on the ground floor to be occupied by one or more convenience stores. Uniquely for Strand, all the units will include a lockable garage. The entrance is also being revamped. “It is extremely rewarding to work with the new owners and realise the full potential of the building and position,” says Abrie Jordaan of Somerset West–based Jordaan Architects. “We are recreating 97 on Strand, bringing together an appreciation for the older Strand while providing its residents a modernday lifestyle, fully appreciating the all-round beauty of this very special environment.” Ockhuisen says 97 on Strand will be launched to the public and potential buyers in September, when there will be completed units to view. “Strand Municipality supports the completion of this landmark building and the positioning of a new anchor retail tenant in the Strand CBD, since this contributes to the much-needed renewal of the Strand CBD,” says Ockhuisen. Contact Andre du Plessis on 082 255 9555 or Arjan Ockhuisen on 076 043 4640. Send an email to info@97onstrand.com or visit www.97onstrand.com.
From left: Pierre Uys (PPR Construction), Doreen Mynhardt (managing director of Multi Projects Property Management), Abrie Jordaan (Jordaan Architects), Andre du Plessis (co-owner), Annetjie van Rooijen (STBB) and Arjan Ockhuisen (co-owner) in front of 97 on Strand, which is set to be completed by the end of the year.
IN the United States, 20% of all investment business is placed directly with investment companies, bypassing financial advisors. This trend is likely to gain momentum in South Africa as the consumer becomes more “aware”. That said, it is a brave person who searches the web for DIY financial solutions, considering the tens of thousands of sites offering “free advice”. The financial services industry might have itself to blame through years of self-serving advice. Even today, with strict legislation governing financial advice, some “advisors” still put their personal financial interests before those of their clients. I had a client who came see me regarding his imminent retirement. The client had begun his own “research” and knew just enough to be dangerous. He was aware of the importance of costs and was very concerned about not losing money. He had completed a risk questionnaire, which indicated that he was a conservative investor and should therefore invest in cash and bonds. This tick-box, DIY approach to financial planning might save on advice fees, but will ultimately cost the client much
more. The first step in retirement planning is to determine if you have adequate capital to support your income requirement. The next step is to construct a portfolio capable of delivering on the income and growth objective. For this particular client a conservative investment would not be capable of providing the income he required, and he would in all likelihood have run out of money. My advice is to seek professional advice when retiring, but be careful whose advice you are willing to pay for. Uncompromising advice requires independence and accountability – and then only is it worth paying for.
Mark Williams Mcomm, CFP, HDipTax 0 021 851 3746 2 mark@synfin.co.za
Sakekamer bespreek batebestuur
Motorgroep ondersteun gemeenskap: Wim Jansen van Rensburg (links), handelaarshoof van Honda Helderberg (lid van die Rola Motor Groep), oorhandig die sleutels van ’n voertuig wat hulle borg aan Louis Smith (regs) van Helderberg Omgee. Smith is die bemarkingsbestuurder by dié Christelike gemeenskapsorganisasie wat nasorg verskaf aan middelafhanklike persone in die Helderberg-omgewing. Honda Helderberg is trots om saam met hulle ’n verskil in ons gemeenskap te maak.
DIE volgende ledevergadering van Helderberg sakekamer vind Dinsdag 21 Augustus plaas te Ivory Heights, Somerset-Wes. Monte Jordaan HUB Multi Projects is die gasspreker by hierdie maand se sakekamer-vergadering. Die tema, Waar is jou bates vandag veilig met goeie opbrengs? Is dit in: ) jou woonhuis ) beleggings eiendom ) vaste deposito in n ’n bank ) geldmark fondse ) koop van buitelandse valuta ) aandele ) beleggingsfondse by versekeraars ) goud ) diamante Hy gaan vertel waarvoor ons moet uitkyk en wat ons moet vermy. Die vergadering vind plaas om 18:00 vir 18:30 teen ’n koste van R120 per lid en R150 per nie-lid. RSVP Vrydag 17 Augustus, teen nie later nie as 12:00 by Juanita Lombard 086 111 1227 of navrae@sakekamer.org.za.
Thursday | 16 August 2012
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FUNCTION VENUE 185 Main Rd. Strand Brand new upmarket function venue available for rent - incl braai facilities. Ideal for weddings & company functions. Sarene 082-453-6421 sarenem@absamail.co.za JUMPING CASTLES en waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 8533999 of 083-513-9493.
ENGLISH CLASSES; TEFL courses; Private lessons; The International English School. Call 021-8528859 or ties@english.za.net
MINIATURE MALTESE POODLES, 2 x Males. 6 Weeks. Pedigree not registered. R1 500 each. Call 083 285 6600.
HELDERBERG HILLBILLIES LINE DANCING SCHOOL Mondays from 18:30 to 20:30. It's good fun and god exercise for all. Ph. Beryl 021-8562373 or 0828 55 44 78.
Tel: 072-125-8962 SPRINGKASTELE, heliumballonne, koeke, roomyskoeke, party packs. Kontak Riana 083 308 5050 of Chevonne 076 659 4026.
HONEY RAW unfiltered Eucalyptus & Fynbos Honey available in 3.5kg, 7kg & 30kg. Buckets R45.00 / kg Graham Hill 0828985258 AERIALS & DSTV & accessories for your TV, video, DVD/alarm system. TopTV. Best prices at Microtronics since 1989 021-8538433
SNAP qualified tutor available in the afternoons from 14:00-18:00. R100 / hour. Will come to your house. Have 5 years experience with children with special needs. Contact Jouré at 082 357 6477.
We’d love to install your
ABANDON your search! CASH for modern clothes, shoes, children's clothing, fancy dress, linen, kitchenware, books. I collect! ( Carol 082 890 5749.
ABOUT FURNITURE WANTED: Queen Ann and Victorian lounge suites, Grand Father clocks and Roll Top desks. Call 021 853 1341 or 082-771-3650.
* Venetian * Vertical * Bamboo * Roller * Wooden QUOTATIONS FREE En ons praat Afrikaans!!!
ANGLO AUCTIONEERS We buy and auction for cash Household Furniture, Antiques, Catering & any movable assets. Contact: Johan 021-851 2542 / 072 490 2312
(021) 853 4994 082 445 4242
AUCTION WAREHOUSE Buyers + Sellers of Domestic & Industrial Goods. Fridges, Freezers, Lounge Suites, Beds, etc. 11A Rumboll Street, Strand. 084 799 1044 / 021 853 0967
Contact 021 856 1095 or sms "Debt" to 074 645 8402 NCRDC294
4111 L 3607F
1 2 10 CASH LOANS LENINGS TOT R200 000 Swartlys welkom Goedkeuring in 5 minute 021 762 7079
EK KOOP Munte, note , mili-têre medaljes, meganiese horlosies, bajonette, skilderye, goud en silwerware, ( James 082-421-3644
Carports/Afdakke Patios/pergolas. Treated & SABS timber. Smart finish using 22 years exp. Great product @ great price! Tel: 083-414-8103/021-8581873
SILVERLINERS LINEDANCE STUDIO Dancing solo in lines! - to Country, Latin, Pop, Disco and Irish music. Classes Mon. - Thurs. on all levels. Please ph. Martie 083 287 7040 SARENE'S DANCE STUDIO 185 Main Rd. Strand . Social . Wedding dances . Ballroom & Latin . Karate Sarene 082 453 6421 sarenem@absamail.co.za ALLIANCE FRANCAISE: FRENCH CLASSES. All levels. Mornings/evenings. Diploma offered. ( 021-851 8149 COUNTRY GUITAR WORKSHOP No experience needed Call for booking 076 338 8555
TANGO is ons 6 maande oue Beagle. Hy het in die omgewing van Waterstone / Schonenberg weggeraak. As enige iemand iets van hom weet of weet waar hy is kontak asb. vir Jacques 082 377 3515 of vir Jean 082 821 3604. Ons bied 'n beloning van 'n R1 000.00 aan.
TOWNSHIP ANIMAL RESCUE will be at Steynsrust Road Bridge on Sat. Aug 18th, with all their pets on show for adoption. Cute kittens and pups and older dogs. We will be there from 11:15-1 pm or, if it is raining, phone 021 855 1824 for an alternative venue. We are urgently in need of foster homes. www.townshipanimalrescue. co.za
CASH & CARRY Store fittings & equipment: Racking (HD & Light), shelves, baskets, cold room, compressors, freezer panels, 11m Island fridge, pay counter, trolleys, etc. admin@africansources.com 083 383 0174
We don’t select, we give you one price for job lots and take it all. Hassle-free 4 U
Scavenger of 2nd hand goods, be it building materials/ furniture/what have you.
Pls contact 021 850 0884
Why hang curtains?
READINGS WITH A DIFFERENCE. I offer indepth insights to your present life situation, assisting you to shift from fear to inner peace. Tel Julia 021 8510567.
SAFE AND SURE I can drive you anywhere in the Helderberg area, i.e C.Town Airport etc.
FOR SALE ASICS men's running shoes Gel-Kayano 18, latest model. Great running shoes in spotless almost brand new condition. Size 11,5 US or EURO 46. R950 onco. Phone Des Leatt on cell: 082 857 0050 OR 021 851 6903
0412 L 37CDF
0 ATTENTION 0 Elite House Office Cleaning provides service daily/weekly for Spring Cleans, Windows & Ironing. From R80 per shift ( Dalien 082-335-5027/021 8526122
Thursday |16 August 2012
4711 L 36DFE
CASH FOR FRIDGES & FREEZERS Working or not Tel 083 442 0061 EMBUIA, Stinkhout, Geelhout en Swarthout meubels gesoek, asook "Queen Anne" & "Victoriaanse" sitkamerstelle. Kontak Freddie by 8543998 of 082 9237 283. FURNITURE, FRIDGES, ANTIQUES. Thinking of selling any item? I will be keen to make you a cash offer. Kindly phone Ronnie 082-823-9944.
SOLIEDE EIKEHOUT KOMBUIS in uitstekende toestand. Bestaande uit verskeie eenhede. Alle deure, laaie en sypanele is van soliede eikehout. Karkasse is van 16mm wit "melamien bord" en 'n dik soliede eikehout raamwerk aan die voorkant. Kaste is reeds uitgehaal. Installasie kan gereël word. Prys R35 000 o.n.a. sonder installasie. Hier is 'n geleentheid om 'n baie goeie kombuis teen 'n lae prys te bekom. Om te besigtig tydens normale werksure in die Strand. Kontak 071 382 1900.
HASSLE FREE one price For whatever & all your Building Materials/ Furniture / Anything inbetween. Please call 0736802736. WANTED Passap knitting machine Contact 078 701 8181 WE BUY BEDDING, LINEN, Curtains, baby/children clothing, Tv's, fridges & any household items. Ph. 084 989 6712
A Domestic to die for We are Relocating Eva needs any 3 days Tel 0763931290 or 0726983198 or Eva 073 433 5179 A HARD WORKING and reliable domestic looking for additional days of work during the week. Contact Lorna 083 925 5301, or Kyle for reference 072 384 9956. A HARDWORKING Zim lady is looking for domestic work, everyday, sleep in or chars. For more info call Luccy 0735615345. Refs avail, ready to start now.
2911 34765
A Professional NURSING CARE GIVER is looking for work. Have valid drivers licence. Please call Norma at 082 398 6018 or 021-842 0074.
A ver y reliable and hardworking 29 year old Zimbabwean male needs work for Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and every second Saturday. His name is Lovejoy 071 088 4564. He can do any maintenance work and gardening. Please phone George Goussard 083 357 9436 for a reference. A ZIM LADY looking for chars. Reliable & hardworking. Refs available Good in ironing & cleaning. Please contact Martha on 078 574 7164. AMOS Malawian man looking for a job as a gardener or painter, house keeper. Contact him on 0 7 3 1 3 5 3 9 2 5 o r 0833528077 or for ref call 0824848142. ANDREW Malawian aged 31 looking for job as gardener, housekeeper or general purpose work. Call 0736056569. ANTON Malawian man looking for job as gardener housekeeper. 2 Yrs exp. For ref call Mrs Bettac 021 8550769 or call 0789871074. I AM A DRIVER looking for a job. I am loyal, sober and trustworthy. With code 10. Cell 078 748 6651. I AM COSMOS Malawian looking for a job from Monday to Friday as driver, gardener or any other job or chars. Code 8 & 10 S/A licence. Call 0769935854 I AM EMELY. I am 36 years old and I'm looking for a job, domestic work or chars. Reference is available and I am hardworking. Call 083 891 8289. I AM GRACE Malawian lady looking for a job as a housekeeper. Contact no 071 738 2200 or 083 248 3298. IT TECHNICIAN Available immediately. Please phone 0799916910. LIMBANI a Malawian guy is looking for a job as a housekeeper, garden boy or any domestic work. Please call 0717132738 for more information. MANUEL A MALAWIAN, hardworking, looking for a job as a gardener, housekeeper, painter, waiter. Full/Part time work. Ref 076 885 2080. Valid permits. Call Manuel 071 770 0812. MARTHA Malawian looking for a job as domestic worker Call 0735333386 or call Jacob on 0780803380. Refs available 0722177568. My young Zim lady char is seeking work on Tuesdays and Fridays. She is extremely hardworking, trustworthy and presentable. Phone Kathy - landline: 021 851 1183, Cell: 082 335 6818. NCEDISWA Eunice Maki is looking for a job as a house maid, sleep in and chars. Please call her on 0739164625 OTHILIA is looking for chars o r e v e r y d a y. C a l l 0727451999. Valid refs available. I am available immediately. REGINA soek chars of elke dag werk, kan 3 tale praat en verstaan. Met 3 jaar ond e r v i n d i n g . Te l 0734116952.
SYLVIA is looking for everyday work or chars. Reference available Call 0787223157. WE ARE ZIM LADIES aged 27 and 28 looking for domestic work, sleep in or chars. Contact Faith 083 545 8771 & Patience 078 276 6502. Ref available. YOHANE A MALAWIAN is looking for a job as a gardener, housekeeper or general work. Ref available. Contact 078 128 3521.
BENODIG VOORMAN .Wat planne kan lees .Kan uitsit .Toesig kan hou .Eie vervoer Faks na 021 8514583 Betrekking word aangebied vir die dienste van 'n VERKOOPSPERSOON. Salaris onderhandelbaar volgens ondervinding. Vereistes: . Matriek sertifikaat . Bereid wees om flexi ure te werk. . Vorige verkoops ondervinding sal as aanbeveling dien. Stuur slegs verkorte CV maksimum 3 bladsye (geen sertifikate) na: 021-976 7506
CANOPY FITTER We require the services of an experienced bakkie canopy fitter for our outlet in Strand. Valid Drivers licence required. Call John on 082 760 7960 2 X PLUMBERS with minimum 10 years experience required for plumbing company in Helderberg. Send shortened CV to 086 663 8043.
CASH CRUSADERS SSW Looking for experienced Retail Manager to start ASAP. Salary R5 000 plus incentives. E-mail CV to ccswest@telkomsa.net DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Experienced person required for Reception and billing. Must have exp in Medical Practice & Dental Software. Please fax CV to 021 8511733. DOMESTICS NEEDED for housecleaning service. No sms's or missed calls. Tel. 083 283 7576
SEAMSTRESS with upholstery experience. Call Swemmer Upholstery 021853-3566. VACANCY FOR A DYNAMIC EXECUTIVE PROPERTY AGENT A vacancy exists with a well established proper ty development company of high repute, for a mature (30+ Years) sales person with experience in property sales. The following criteria would be a definate requirement of any aplicant. . Fully bi-lingual in English and Afrikaans . Professional in dress and appearance . Have a passion for people and the ability to converse with high profile clients . Be computer literate with Spread Sheet experience being an advantage. . Have drivers licence and own reliable car . Working hours 10am to 6pm 5 days a week plus every 2nd week end with two days off in lieu. . Ability to work in a team High Earning Potential Interested Applicants to send CV to the Manager, Westacre Devco, P.O. Box 457, Somerset West, 7130 VIBRANT CALL CENTRE IN SOMERSET WEST If you are serious about earning money and you have an excellent marketing track record, then join our vibrant outbound call centre team and earn good money.
REP NEEDED with own transport. Contact 083 356 1114.
We are currently looking for 10 top notch Telemarketers. The core focus of this role is to market telephonically. No selling involved.
SEAMSTRESS required with experience for cutains and cushions. Ph: 0766 78 77 67
Call now for an appointment - 071 255 9348 / 087 150 2240.
DSTV INSTALLER with minimum 2 years expe-rience, valid drivers licence with matric certificate. Salary negotiable. Fax 1page CV to 086 684 8673. DY N A M I C O U T B O U N D SALES CALL CENTRE situated in Somerset West requires the skills of experienced Call Centre Personal. A proven track record in Outbound Sales will secure the right candidates a competitive Basic + incentives. Our work environment is both challenging and exciting with scope for above average earnings. Our 10 seater Powerhouse is situated in the Somerset Mall. Call Leonie for an interview: 021-852 8544. EARN EXTRA INCOME Sms XTRA to 45633 R1.50 / sms. Franchise pizza outlet in Strand and Gordon's Bay looking for ass manager and manager. Willing to work shifts and only people with relevant food industry experience need to apply. Please fax CV to 0866905636. HAIRDRESSERS AND NAIL TECHNICIANS WANTED New hair salon opening in Strand in October. Need qualified staff in a large shopping complex. Only candidates with experience and contactable references need to apply. I also have space available for 2 Nail Technicians. We offer an attractive package. Please emails or fax your CV to gizelle.devilliers@gmail.com or 086 239 7357.
PROMOTERS Require outgoing, well groomed, confident, reliable male and female promoters to implement promotions in various retail outlets. All areas. Contact: 021-591 4245 (weekdays only) E-mail: admin@nspromotions.co.za
JEFFREYSBAAI - 1 en 2 ruim slpk w/stelle naby Albatros en Supertubes in Wavecrest. S/s. Slaap 4-6 persone. Vanaf R150-R250 pp/pd. Skakel 0824660493. Lente naweek in Langebaan / Club Mykonos. R3000. Vrydag 31 Aug Maandag 3 Sept. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel slaap 6 persone, volledig toegerus met Tv en braai area. Tel. 083 965 7318
GORDON'S BAY - 2 Bed, ground floor in upmarket golf security complex. Bath & shower. Parking bay. Safe & secure. R399 000. 0823761461/021-855 2369. STRAND - 2 slaapkamer woonstel R1.1miljoen 3 Slpk, R1.4miljoen Kusweg see uitsig Property Active Corrie 084 351 1821
ALL FRIDGE AND DOMESTIC REPAIRS Mobile Workshop WENTZEL 083 897 2928 081 443 3396 All building plans professional CAD drawn. Cheapest rates, all areas. Contact Rory 021-8510792 or 083 456 2823 info@theplanco.co.za
EK KOOP ALLE KARRE en bakkies vir kontant. Enige toestand. Skakel Marius op 082 380 9528. FOR SALE: Toyota Tazz 2000 for R20 000. Good condition. Colour Green Call Lindi 0783358940 MAZDA STING 323 1.3 SILVER SEDAN Year 2001 Low Milage 157 400 Radio / CD Price: R30 000,00 Contact: 082 773 9856 Avail in Somerset West MOTORS EN BAKKIES GESOEK Skakel 079 777 1729
JUNIOR ADMIN KLERK Jong dame om indiens opleiding te ontvang. Boekhouding, Administrasie en Bemarking as belangstelling. Pastel ondervinding sal u aansoek bevoordeel. Vergoeding binne perke onderhandelbaar. Beskikbaar onmiddellik. Faks alleenlik 'n 2 bladsy CV na 086 651 9120. KASSIER BENODIG Dame met ondervinding. Verkieslik woonagtig in of naby Onverwacht (Die Bos) in die Strand. Âą R2500 pm 082 849 9505
GORDON'S BAY - 3 Bed, garage. Mews. R625 000. STRAND - Broadlands. 3 Bed, tiled, extra kitchen BIC fully enclosed R340 000. 021-8552369/082-376-1461
ORAL HYGIENIST Busy practice in Strand is seeking a fulltime oral hygienist to commence work on 3 September 2012. Please forward your cv to zdent@medi.co.za or you can drop it at 89 Broadlands Road, STRAND. We are looking forward to hear from you. Forward cv to; Attention Dr. Z. Chetty. Pick 'n Pay Gordons Bay seek experienced Muslim Deli and Butchery assistants for our new Halaal Deli / Butchery. Please fax CV and ID copy to 086 564 9167. Pick 'n Pay Gordons Bay We are seeking experienced: - Cashiers - Till Packers - Deli Assistants with Excellent Customer Service - Bakers required for weekends. Experience not compulsory, instore training provided. Fax CV+ ID to: 086-5649167
Ac cre d i ted ins talle r
GARDEN IN NEED OF TIDY UP Contact Esme Helderberg Area: 072 8227 081. 0 Alle OPRUIM & VERWYDER van tuin- & bouafval Saag van bome & tuinwerk Vervoerwerk Braaihout te koop! DIRK 082 8484 213
112 BESIGHEDE Antomar Makelaars Vir lys, navrae of webblad: www.antomar.co.za
Tel. 021-8552603 TE KOOP - BESIGHEID IN HERMANUS Baie gewilde en bekende koffiewinkel, uiters sentraal gelee met goeie omset en wins. Slegs gekwalifiseerde kopers is welkom om aanbod te bring. PRYS R320 000.00. Skakel 072 659 7844.
3111 L 34BCC
AU PAIR IN THE USA from New York to LA Free flights, accommodation and food Earn $196 per week Females aged 18-26 Matric certificate Childcare experience Driver's licence Contact OVC on 021-886 6672.
0612 38256
Thursday | 16 August 2012
Somerset W est (021) 851 5153 Stellenbosch (021) 883 2226
Thursday |16 August 2012
BUILT IN CUPBOARDS & KITCHENS B e d r o o m s , Va n i t i e s , Kitchens, Doors & Skirtings. Contact us for a competitive quote. Quality service guaranteed 079 779 3316 weca@telkomsa.net
5011 L 3748E
TEL: 021 851 4068 GORDON: 082 413 3442
FAX: 086 666 7930 0812 L 386C1
~ Building Alterations ~ Renovations ~ Commercial & Residential ~ Project Management 082 550 6155 021-858 1015 rocon@mweb.co.za
4411 3668F
Top TV, HD, Extra View Tune-ins Installations & repairs 24 hrs/7 days Problem solving
1012 LH 38AEC
CARPORTS Patio Covers Pergola's Excellent work. Good affordable prizes. 15 Years experience. Contact No 073 044 2364 / 084 421 4076.
MOLE AWAY!!! Let us worry about your moles!!!! Ph: 021-8532180 (w) or 083 769 2428 INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083-704-0115.
Carports/Afdakke Patios/pergolas. Treated & SABS timber. Smart finish using 22 years exp. Great product @ great price! Tel: 083-414-8103/021-8581873
Thursday | 16 August 2012
DISHES, LNB's & accessories at good prices! Quality Electronics, Twin Palms Cntr, C/o Altena Rd & Broadway, Strand - ( 021-854 4581 JHS HANDYMAN: Repairs as well as plumbing, electrics, painting, etc. No job too big or too small. Tel. Jan 082-5588-990 or 0218532434. VERWYDERING VAN TUINVULLIS EN HUISROMMEL, SKOONMAAK VAN GARAGE PLASE Marius 072 367 9992 APPLIANCE AT ALL Repairs at your home Fridges & Freezers, Stoves, Washing machines & Microwaves. Call 071-755-3390
STRAND - NOORD Tuinwoonstel te huur. Eie private ingang. 2 Slaapkamers, enkel afstandbeheer motorhuis. Geskik jong werkende persone. Jammer geen troeteldiere. R3 500 pm. Elektrisiteit ingesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 083-287-7040
Dringend gevra - Strand Kamer in huis vir Duitse student van 29 Aug. tot einde Nov. Tel: 083 412 7193
4811 37016
L I G H T N I N G P L U M B E R S * Blocked Drains * Burst Geysers 24 * Taps Hours * Burst Pipes * Bathroom Renovations COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE Serving Strand, Somerset West, G/Bay, Stellenbosch
Fast ... Friendly ... Affordable Martin
0 7 2 5 7 1 6 1 7 9
Gordonsbay to share Attr mod 2 bedr flat with 1 furn bedr to rent in sec coplex with swpool. Avail from 1st Sept. or soonest R1850pm. 082 896 7172. HOLIDAY ACCOMM Self-catering unit, R650 for 2 persons/day + R100 for 3rd person. Lower rate for weekly accommodation. Phone 083 754 2493
SOBER, Solvent couple living in Hermanus require selfcontained room or granny flat in Somerset West or on farm. Call 0761692246. SOMERSET WEST 3 Bedroom house / flat, furnished & equipped from Âą R9 000 pm for October 2012 - May 2013. Call 082 9200 799.
AT SOMERSET-WEST naby Lourensford en Vergelegen Wynplase 1 Groot kamer in huis. Ten volle gemeubileerd. R1 800 pm. Veilige Parkering. Slegs 1 persoon. Baie stil en veilige omgewing. Skakel 083 360 9592. STRAND / Cortlandt Place R925 pm Kontak Frikkie 021 8544779 STRAND - One bedroom with toilet, shower and small kitchen. Available from 1st September. Tel 021-853 6984 / 082 563 2179 / 021809 1616.
STODART TREES cc. Afsaag, snoei, oorplant, uithaal ens van bome. Gratis kwotasies. Christoffel: 082 924 8989 Kantoor: 021 850 0277 of 021 903 8842
STRAND R 3400.00 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1 vol badkamer. Oop-plan leefarea en kombuis. 1 Klein troeteldier welkom. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272.
STRAND R 3850.00 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1.5 badkamers in sekuriteits kompleks. Swembad in kompleks. Geen troeteldiere. Kontak: 021853 6527 of 079 136 9272. BEDSITTER in Somerset West near HH Hospital. Furnished. W&E included. Separate entrance. Singles only. Avail imm. R1 800 pm. Call 082 936 8000. Edna Brink 083 629 7879 R2 500: 1 Slp, ruim leefarea, sek, G/B, 1 SEPT R3 800: 2 Slp, 2 badk, sek, G/B, ASAP R3 300: 2 Slp, grond, vol badk, sek, G/B, 1 SEPT R2 600: 1 Slp, grannyflat, Strand, 1 SEPT
STRAND R 4200.00 - 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1.5 badkamers in sekuriteits kompleks. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea, kelder parkering. Geen diere. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272. STRAND R 7300.00 - 3 Slaapkamer woonstel met 2 badkamers in Kusweg op die Goue Myl. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea met see-uitsig. Kontak 021 853 6527 of 079 136 9272. STRAND : Separate Entrance:1 bedr, kitchen & bathroom. R1500pm. incl Elec. Single female. 021 8459506 or 081 391 6368.
STRAND: 3 Slaapkamer huis. Dubbel motorhuis. Onderdak braai. R5 200 pm. Vanaf 1 Sept. Skakel 021-854 6469.
FOREST GROVE, Somerset West. 2 Bedr flat in secure complex. Good area. Regret no pets. R4 500 pm. Call owner 082 928 1153. GORDON'S BAY: Fairview/Fairways 2 Bedr flat, R2 900 & R3 200 pm. Call 082 416 3522 LA RIVIERA - 2 Slpk woonstel in sekuriteits kompleks. Toesluit motorhuis. R3 000 pm. Skakel 082 576 7392. Sonnige 2 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer woonstel met pragtige berg en see uitsig in Kusweg Strand. Kelder parkering. R4700pm. + Dep R4700. Tel 082 953 9086 STRAND / Marykehof 2 SLPK / PARKERING R3 025.00 Kontak Frikkie 021 8544779
1 BEDROOM apartment in secure complex Gordond Bay Mont Blanc. Kitch, l/room, Ground floor, garden swimming pool, lockup garage. R3500 incl water & levies. 0833915502 SOMERSET - WES: 2 Slaapkamer dupleks woonstel, 1 motorhuis in sek kompleks. Geen diere Property Active Christo 082 572 4555 2Skm wstel Gpark Strand baie netjies, baie ing kaste 1/9/12 R2500 pm+dep. Geskik vir 2 pers. max Sekuriteits kompleks 24uur Sekuriteit. Swembad met braai. Slegs streng gekeurde huurders. Kontak 082 091 4260
STRAND / Rosarum 3 b/r flat @ R3 710, no parking & 1 b/r flat @ R2 350 both avail IMMEDIATELY and 2 b/r flat @ R3 660 garage included available 1 September 2012 close to amenities. Steer & Co Properties Office: 021-426 1184/5 or visit our website on www.steer.co.za STRAND - Bachelor Flat Full Bathroom, Pool & DSTV, Secure Garage, Electric & Water inc. Own PVT Entrance. Avail: 1st September. R2200+1mth deposit. Ph. 0763212384 STRAND KUSWEG 3 Slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar 1 Sept. R6 600 pm. Skakel 082 923 7609.
HOME - STRAND. 4 Bdrms, 2 bthrms, 2 Living area's, Dbl garage, Exterior braai and entertainment area. R9 000 per month, W&L excluded. Contact Enid at 074 145 2483 or 021-853 0121.
SOMERSET WEST R5 300.00 pm. 3 Bed, 2 Bath Duplex with study & small garden, close to Waterstone Village and De Hoop Primary School. Available 1 September 2012. Contact: Lulu le Roux 021-850 0192 / 074 123 1774.
46 | DISTRICTMAIL STRAND: 3 slpk huis, dubbel motorhuis. Vanaf 1 September. R5 500 pm. Skakel 082 576 7392.
CAPE BAY Somerset West 2 Bedroom townhouse, large lounge/diningroom, garage & parking bay. Available 1 Sept. Rent R5500pm+w&e. Call 0725737478.
RAWSON STRAND: R2 300: Baltimore small 1 bed 1/9 R2 500: Soteria 1 bed 2nd floor 1/9 R2 800: Green Acre 2 bed g/floor imm R3 200: Soteria 2 bed 1/9 R3 300: Chianti 2 bed g/floor 01/09 R4 000: Leonor 2 bed duplex imm R5 700: The Beaches 2 bed 2 bath sea view imm GORDON'S BAY R2 700: Gordon Villas 2 bed flat g/floor & 1st floor imm R2 800: Gordon's Bay Golf Terrace 2 bed g/floor R2 950: La Bella 2 bed loft apartment imm R4 300: Nagua Beach 2 bed flat 1st floor imm Please call: Manda @ 084 240 9451 Weekdays between 08:00 - 19:00.
2 Slaapkamer huis te huur in Duckpond Village, Strand. Huur R4500 p/m. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 September 2012. Kontak Carin by 0828296311
GOLDEN ACRE S/W: Dual living? 7 Bedroomed home. Spacious double garage, pool, lovely garden. Avail. imm. R16 000.00. Call 082 936 8000. 1 1 3 Ku sw e g S t r a n d : Bekostigbare selfsorg verblyf. Senior dames vanaf 50 jaar. Permanent/Semi huur. Opsies vir deel met vriendin. Skakel Melanie 0837583841
SOMERSET WEST R11 500: Traminer Street: 3 bed, 2 bath, study, pool, servant quarters, immediately available R3 600: Somerset Place: 2 bed, 1 bath, balcony, parking area. No pets STRAND R3 200: Ottavia - 2 bed, 1 bath, parking area, near station, no pets R5 700: The Beach - 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan, no pets R4 000: Leonor - 2 bed, 1 bath, duplex, basement parking GORDON'S BAY R3 200: Fairview Golf Village - 2 bedroom flat, stunning views Call: Marietjie @ 084 6885 481
SOMERSET WEST: Central 2 Bedroom flat, close to primary school and shops. R3 650.00 pm. Avail Imm. GORDON'S BAY: Modern 2 bedroom flat in security complex with s/pool, tennis & squash courts. R4 500.00 pm. Avail 01/09. STRAND Bachelor, close to beach & shops. Secure parking. R2 600.00 pm. 2 Bedroom flat, easy access to transport & beach. R3 750.00 pm. Avail imm. CONTACT - Ruth: 021852 1440 / 082 643 4426 S/West. De Waterbosch. 3 bed, 2 bath, study, pool in complex. Avail 1 Oct. R6,300 p.m. Tel. 076 2204 186. STRAND GOEDEHOOP 2 Slk, 2 bad ruim Townhouse in stil sek kompleks. Motorhuis + parkering R4850. 15 Aug. 2012. No pets.( 0726463008 STRAND R 10 000.00 - 3 Slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers, kombuis, groot leefarea, onderdak braai en motorhuis. Kontak 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272. STRAND TWIN PALMS 3 Slaapkamer, waskamer dubbel motorhuis. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Sept teen R5700pm. Tel 021 854 3746 / 082 873 1443.
STRAND R 5500.00 - 3 Slaapkamer duplekse met 1.5 badkamers, oop-plan kombuis en leefarea, enkel motorhuis, privaat patio en klein tuintjie. Kontak 021853 6527 of 079 136 9272.
Stuarts Hill - Compact 3 bedroomed house in lovely quiet area. Palisade fenced garden, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, alarm. R8500 per month plus one month upfront deposit. Call Gill 082 497 2640 or 021 8500322 TE HUUR Strand Noord: 3 slaapkamerhuis met buitekamer. Toesluit-motorhuis & afdak. Langtermyn kontrak beskikbaar. Vanaf 1 Okt 2012. R6500pm. 021 8537515 / 082 801 5309.
OFFICE TO LET - PASTORIE PARK - Approx 100m² with secure parking. R2 750.00 pm. Contact Ruth Bird Properties 021 852 1440/082 643 4426 OPEN PLAN OFFICE, studio to let in Somerset West. Suitable for gallery, evening training, clean, noiseless manufacturing. R5 500 excl VAT, 148m². Available 1 August. Cell Carol 083 306 2107.
Thursday |16 August 2012 FACTORY TO LET 481m² 2 Offices, Eskom 3 phase, high roof, large doors, close to N2. Available 1 September. info@gantouw.com 083 383 0174 OFFICES to rent in Harbour Island. Please contact Paula on 082 555 9318. SOMERSET WEST CENTRE - ±125m² as a workshop. Behind Standard Bank, lots of parking. R5 000 pm. Available 1 July. Contact Mrs. Da Silva 021 856 4528 / 083 494 5411. 2 FABRIEKE TE HUUR in Gordonsbaai 90sqm. R2500pm. elk Skakel E Vermeulen 0824910877. STRAND / Sentraal 30m² Ontvangs en kantoor R2 225 pm Kontak Frikkie 021 8544779
NOTICE OF CURATOR In terms of Section 75 of the Administration of Estates Act, No 66/1965 (as amended) notice is hereby given of the termination of such appointment as from the 27th May 2012. Estate no: CR218/2009 Person under Curatorship: ELAINE BALL Robari Lodge, New Street, Somerset West 7130 Name and Address of Curator: JACOBUS CHRISTIAAN KRIGE c/o Morkel and De Villiers Inc. P O Box 43 Somerset West 7129 Tel: 021-850 9700 KENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle: TERTIUS MOMBERG Identiteitsnommer: 520304 5044 08 3. Van: Aerodromeweg 83, Strand wie oorlede is op 24 Mei 2012 en nagelate eggenoot Jeanne Letitia Momberg, Identiteitsno: 550214 0094 08 7 Boedelnommer: 8378/2012 Alle persone met vorderinge teen bovermelde boedel word versoek om sodanige vorderings binne 'n tydperk van dertig (30) dae vanaf datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing by die Eksekuteur in te dien. Geteken te Somerset Wes op 01 Augustus 2012 J H VAN ZYL MILLER BOSMAN LE ROUX POSBUS 880 SOMERSET MALL 7137 TEL: (021) 840 8000 SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that Jax Cables C C , R e g . N o . CK2005/128086/23, intends selling the business known as Jax Cables which conducts its business at No 12 Derrick Drive, Somerset West, 7130 as a going concern within a period of 30(thirty) days after the last publication of this advertisement to Spencer le Roux Motors CC, Reg. No. CK2003/035564/23, who will thereafter conduct the business at No 34 Fabriek Street, Strand, 7140 Dated at Somerset West this 20th day of July 2012 CECIL KILPIN AND CO PO BOX 61, STRAND,7139 TEL 021 - 854 3704
NOTICE Estate Late JOSé COSTA FERNANDES GERAL, Identity Number 451101 5027 180, Self employed of 19 Huising Street, Somerset West and who at his death on 29 May 2012 was married out of community of property to CRISTNA GERAL, Identity Number 511031 0078 086, which marriage was not subject to the accrual system in terms of Section 2 of the Matrimonial Property Act, 1984 (Act 88/1984). Estate Number: 9842/2012 Creditors and Debtors are required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days of date of publication of this notice, 17 August 2012. MORKEL & DE VILLIERS INC Executors and Agents The Forum 13 Drama Street P.O. Box 43 SOMERSET WEST 7129 Tel: 021-850 9706 JCK/hjvr (KG000005) KENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle: GEORGES FERNAND ALBERT GHISLAIN C O L E I L L E Identiteitsnommer: 290522 5166 18 8. Van: Paarl Valleiweg 154, SomersetWes en wie oorlede is op 6 Maart 2012 Boedelnommer: 5179/2012 Alle persone met vorderinge teen bovermelde boedel word versoek om sodanige vorderings binne 'n tydperk van dertig (30) dae vanaf datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing by die Eksekuteur in te dien. Geteken te Somerset Wes op 01 Augustus 2012 J H VAN ZYL MILLER BOSMAN LE ROUX POSBUS 880 SOMERSET MALL 7137 TEL: (021) 840 8000 NOTICE FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN ESTATE LATE DORRIEN INEZ SAPSFORD, Identity Number 141019 0006 080, A widow of Silver Oaks, Reitz Street, Somerset West, who died at Somerset West on the 29th of April 2012. Estate Number: 7010/2012 NOTICE is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town & of the Magistrate, SOMERSET WEST for a period of 21 days as from 17 AUGUST 2012. MORKEL & DE VILLIERS INC. Agents for Executrix The Forum 13 Drama Street P O Box 43 SOMERSET WEST 7130 JCK/hjvr (KS000015)
Thursday | 16 August 2012
your knowledge partner
Call for a Partner to Establish a Community HCT Centre
your knowledge partner
The Community Aids Prevention Project (COMAPP) is a collaboration between the Desmond Tutu TB Centre, City of Cape Town, Provincial Government of the Western Cape and Non-government Organisations (NGOs). Funding is available to establish a HCT site in Somerset West or immediate surrounds in the Eastern sub-district. NGOs that already work in this area will be given preference. NGOs with experience in employing HCT counsellors or in running non-medical HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) sites, are invited to apply to partner in this initiative. Current funding is available for operational and staff costs from 1 October 2012 to 29 September 2013. NGOs interested in partnering with the Desmond Tutu TB Centre need to meet the following requirements: • Registration under the Non-profit Organisations Act No 71 of 1997. • Experience with employing HCT counsellors or already providing non-clinic HCT services. • Adequate infrastructure capable of providing good management (including financial management), delivering the services that have been funded and ensuring adequate monitoring and evaluation of the project. • Willingness to enter into a contractual agreement (that sets out the terms of the project, standards required, service levels and targets) with Stellenbosch University and to be held accountable for funds allocated to them. • The capacity to manage the service and to sustain the initiative in the long term. • Current experience in the geographic area where the Community non-medical HCT Centre is to be established. Organisations interested in participating in the partnership are requested to attend a compulsory briefing meeting at the Desmond Tutu TB Centre on Monday, 20 August 2012 from 10:00 to 11:00. Venue: Room 0053, Lower Ground Level, Faculty of Health Sciences, Clinical Building, University of Stellenbosch Medical School (off Francie van Zijl Avenue). R.S.V.P. to Ms A. Coetzer on tel: 021 938 9879 or via e-mail: anjec@sun.ac.za 107697
Ceres Fruit Growers Ltd., een van die leidinggewende vrugteverpakkings - en bemarkingsmaatskappye in SA, benodig ’n energieke en professionele persoon in die volgende betrekking by sy Ceres aanleg:
Produsente Diens Inligtingsbeampte Die posbekleër rapporteer aan die Bestuurder: Produsente Dienste en sal deel uitmaak van ’n dinamiese span wat omsien na die maksimering van produsente inkomste potensiaal en sal onder andere die volgende verantwoordelikhede en take aanvaar (sleutelprestasie-areas): • Insameling, voltooiing en verwerking van inligting vanaf vrugteprodusente wat insluit Oesskattings, leweringskedules, Boomsensus-opnames ens. • Die Produkkoördineerders behulpsaam wees met kultivar- en uitsoek strategieë op plaasvlak en aanbevelings aan produsente doen • Waarnemings maak tydens vrugteverpakking en terugvoer/aanbevelings aan produsente gee • Ondersteuning verleen in voorbereiding en tydens plaasoudits, registrasie van boorde, insameling van spuitprogram inligting • Plaasopnames tov. kultivars, boordrekords en ander landbou en landbou Ekonomiese verwante produksie inligting • Algemene administratiewe en verwerkingsfunksies. Toepaslik gekwalifiseerde kandidate moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: • Naskoolse kwalifikasie in Landbou/Finansiële/Ekonomiese Bestuurs-wetenskappe • Minimum van 2 jaar toepaslike ondervinding in verkieslik ’n landbou-omgewing • Bogemiddelde analitiese- en syfervaardighede • Goeie kennis en aanvoeling van vrugte verbouing en vrugkwaliteit sal as sterk aanbeveling dien • Uitstekende kommunikasievaardigheid in Afrikaans en Engels • Bogemiddelde rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Excel en Word • Vermoë om onder druk te funksioneer, selfgeldend op te tree • Eie vervoer en geldige rybewys. Ons bied ’n markverwante vergoedingspakket aan wat aangevul word deur die voordele en aangename werksomstandighede wat met ’n vooruitstrewende maatskappy vereenselwig word. Stuur asseblief u aansoek, met vermelding van u huidige vergoedingspakket en drie verwysings waarmee in verbinding getree kan word, aan: Bestuurder: Menslike Hulpbronne, Ceres Fruit Growers Limited, Privaatsak X67, Ceres 6835 of per faks na: 086 502-7332 of per e-pos na: cjvr@cfg.co.za Sluitingsdatum: 20 Augustus 2012. Indien u nie binne drie weke na die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Ons ondersteun die beginsels van gelyke geleenthede. www.humanjobs.co.za
Human Communications (Cape) C95176
Thursday |16 August 2012
Thursday, 16 August 2012 CYCLING
20th Coronation Double Century looms THE 20th Coronation Double Century will start and finish in the picturesque town of Swellendam on Saturday 24 November. The Coronation Double Century is a 202 km team event limited to 200 teams of between 6 and 12 riders each – totalling 2400 or so cyclists. There is a cutoff time of 10 hours and 30 minutes from each team’s official start time to complete the scenic route, which passes through a number of beautiful areas in the Overberg region, including Ashton, Montagu and the infamous Tradouw Pass – including Op de Tradouw.
Entries for the prestigious 2012 Coronation Double Century opened yesterday (Wednesday 15 August). Teams can enter online at www.coronationdc.co.za. Riders can make use of the notice board at www.coronationdc.co.za/notice-board to help put their teams together. Cyclists are encouraged to enter early to avoid disappointment. For event-related queries, contact the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust events office on 021 681 4333 during office hours. Alternatively, follow @CycleTourTrust on Twitter for regular updates.
Medaljewenners: Die Helderberg Dojo het by die onlangse Suid-Afrikaanse Shotokan Karate Akademie se nasionale kampioenskap in Johannesburg 13 medaljes verower. Vier lede van die span, Michelle Bester, Chris en Anné Kuun en Franzé Lötter, neem in Oktober deel aan die World Union of Karate-Do Federation, se Wêreld kampioenskap in Serwië. Anné Kuun het reeds op die vorige Wêreld kampioenskap in Brasilië brons verower. Sensei Paul Fourie (4de Dan) is gekies as die hoofafrigter van die Saska nasionale span. Voor van links: Franzé Lötter, Michael Rossouw en Anné Kuun. Agter Lana Lötter, Karmen van den Berg, Michelle Bester, Sensei Paul Fourie en Chris Kuun. Cyclists take on a previous Coronation Double Century.
Tee-off times The annual CSV/DistrictMail Charity golf day will be played on the Strand Golf Course on Friday 24 August. Herewith are the tee-off times for the four balls playing in the competition.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Snoek spread from Hout Bay to Hermanus AFTER the rough seas this past weekend, a number of smaller fishing boats encountered good catches of snoek just outside Hout Bay on Monday. The fact is that every few years snoek are caught during these midwinter months between Cape Point and Hermanus. Several years ago, when Walvis Bay in Namibia had large shoals of pilchard and other bait fish, there were thousands of tonnes of snoek caught by boats in that area. As those in the know have advocated, these massive shoals of pilchards have stayed on the West Coast, stretching from Saldanha to Cape Point. This season the bait fish and snoek are widespread, from Hout Bay, around Cape Point and all the way past Hermanus. The snoek have proven to be plentiful – and more good news is that it appears the Department of Fisheries has eased off on its strict policing, and is allowing the embattled subsistence fishermen a little more leeway to make a better living. It has also been alleged that Marine and Coastal Management has found that the Navy cannot manage the policing of boat fishing, and discussions are under way to allow
a private company in to clear up the mess. The South League Western Province Inshore Competition, which was due to be held during the past weekend, was called off due to the unsuitable weather and sea conditions. An interesting piece of trivia is that Carla Rautman (5) has been fishing as a novice with her father Gus for the last 10 months. While fishing from her father’s boat Seekat during a recent WP inshore competition, Carla boated five snoek. Gus, who skippers his own boat, is one of the WP’s skilled boat anglers. Snoek fishing can be very tricky, as snoek
have very sharp teeth and snap at anything nearby. If the person holding the fish does not sling it under his arm and quickly snap the neck, serious injuries can occur. One hand holds the top of the fish and the other carefully grips the snoek under the jaw and breaks its neck. Newcomers on the boat desperately try to grip a snoek between their legs or quickly haul the snoek over the side and throw it directly into the fishing box. By the time the fisherman has removed the dolly or hook from the flapping fish, he has either been bitten or lands up with the hook in his finger and a “pap” snoek due to incorrect handling and clubbing. Meanwhile, the experienced crew have several snoek with broken necks in their boxes in front of them. When a finger has been bitten by a snoek and the wound doesn’t stop bleeding, a fastfix cure aboard the boat is to slice open the eye of the snoek and then smear the fluid from the eye on the wound. This sometimes stops the bleeding. These snoek bites take weeks to heal, and in the old days after a snoek “dik”, fishermen were often seen minus a finger. The average snoek is between three and six kilograms, and smaller snoek are called “China snoek”. Snoek of up to eight kilograms have been weighed at competitions. The biggest snoek weighed in a club competition was 13 kg, and was caught by Mr D Shannon in a club competition off Hangklip on 17 May 1959. This past weekend shore anglers had little to report except for one or two galjoen and other bank fish. Johan Uys of the Strand had one dassie and one galjoen from Platbank alongside the Strand tidal pool. He was using red bait. Carika Meyer wrote to me earlier this week saying that, two years ago, I included a short story and photo about her eightyear-old daughter Kira Bester who had caught a spotted grunter with her tiny fishing rod at Witsands on Women’s Day 2010. This past weekend they again spent Women’s Day at Witsand, and Kira again caught a grunter.
WP COLOURS Tricolour triumph: Somerset West Primary School pupil Breyton Poole was recently awarded his third set of Western Province Schools Colours for the year after claiming a silver medal in the WP u.12 Boys’ Cross-country Championships. Breyton will now represent the WP schools team at the Western Cape Schools Cross-country Championships to be held on Saturday 25 August. He was also selected for the WP schools u.12 rugby team, which will play in a coastal rugby tournament during the September holiday. Earlier this year (in March) he won a gold medal for high jump in his age category at the WP Primary Schools Athletics Championships, and was selected to represent the WP primary schools team at the Western Cape Athletics Championships.
Kira Bester (10) holds up the spotted grunter she caught with her bare hands while at Witsand recently. Carika said Kira, now 10 years old, still tries to fish wherever they go. She has upgraded from the tiny rod, and is looking forward to returning to Witsands. This time she caught the spotted grunter with her bare hands. Carika said there were no anglers in sight and Kira was the only person fishing, but she refused to give up. She said that, while fishing from the harbour wall, they saw something splashing below close to the rocks – and in a flash Kira was down on the rocks to catch the fish with her hands. News from Somerset Sport in the local mall is that the new Shimano Beastmaster has arrived. This is a heavy super-new carbon rod made with the latest technology to make the rod far lighter and stronger to handle big fish and cast farther. The Power Pro and Suffix braid is also in stock; it’s very popular, and is used as backing on shark reels and for casting on multipliers and coffee grinders. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 0 021 854 3831. Send your fishing news and photos to 2 bjridgway@telkomsa.net.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Local clubs are pushing hard for promotion WITH no matches being played this week, I’ve got the perfect opportunity to have a look at how our clubs are doing as we go into the home straight of the season. With many of our clubs still fighting it out to be promoted, I urge local fans to continue supporting their teams in numbers; hopefully we can have as many teams promoted as possible. Helderberg Berge are placed first in Super League B, but mainly due to an excellent first round of fixtures and thus far having remained unbeaten at home. Speaking to senior members at the beginning of the season, it was always a realistic goal to win the league and put things in place for next season competing in Super A. Their current position does not, however, secure them a league win, especially after their lacklustre performance against Kuils River and, most recently, their loss to NNC. Something is definitely not gelling at the moment, but they have two weeks to sort that out. St Georges After an up-and-down first round, St Georges have suddenly picked up 19 points from a possible 20. This has propelled them to third place on the log, but more impor-
tantly they have their fate in their own hands, with the big fixture definitely being hosting Kraaifontein at Gustrouw. Last year they found themselves in a similar position and then lost to Goodwood, so let’s hope they can pull it off this time round. With a few too many players in the twilight of their careers, I wish them the best of luck. Macassar Macassar are having their best season in years, having been unbeaten at home and thus far having won all their derby matches. Being placed first in Premier B means everyone will be gunning for you, but they seem to be handling the pressure well. A great balance between youth and experience in vital positions has carried them well, but their deciding match is definitely the return fixture against Sir Lowrians. Sir Lowrians The Navy Train were always billed for promotion contenders, but I think that they are placing too much pressure on themselves to win the league. As they did last season, they thrashed everyone in their path, but fell short in the real crunch matches. This season it’s neighbours Macassar breathing down their necks, and any sort of complacency is going to cost them dearly again.
Strand United United can definitely not be happy with their season so far, especially having an average of over 50 players at training throughout the year. With just four points separating them and the bottom two clubs, they should turn their attention to surviving in the Premier B. What United do have in their favour is four home games left out of the six. Strand Strand are well placed for promotion in Division 1. Having two games in hand is putting pressure on their closest rivals. It all comes down to pressure and who can handle it, and I believe coach Allie Harris has put everything in place for them to go all the way. Raithby Universals RU have had a topsy-turvy season. They seemed to struggle under coach Ryan Harris, but are suddenly performing well under Desmond Williams. What must be a concern for Raithby is their ability to beat traditionally stronger clubs while losing to weak teams. They still have a chance of promotion, but winning matches with bonus points will be vital. All Saints All Saints are having a great season, and are placed second in Division 2. Winning more consistently on the road has been their key thus far, but the real tests are yet to come.
The results of facing Atlantis at home and Violets at Chukker Road could well determine Saints’ fate this season. I think they are good enough to pull it off. Strand Pioneers Pioneers have gone through a complete make-over, with a virtually new executive, new coaches and many new players. An inconsistent away record has been a concern, although it was almost expected with the number of youngsters in the team. With an outside chance of promotion, they still have a lot to play for, but coach Anwar Josephs and his assistants will have to keep it together for six more weeks. A strapping course will be hosted by The Sports Foundation Helderberg in conjunction with Dan Grobler and Mueller Sports on 31 August and 1 September. To find out more call Lyndon Julius on 0 076 412 6616. Remember that Rematch Sport has relocated from 9 Hole in the Wall Centre to unit 7. All rugby gear is being marked down by up to 40%.
Taariq van der Ross 2 taariq@rematch.co.za
De Beers u.17s fight back from the bottom of the log
Karate kampioene: Karateka Faeez Abrahams en Dillion Kroukamp (voor) en Stacey Jacobs (agter), hier saam met hul Sensei Andre Jacobs, het uitstekend gevaar in verskeie onlangse karate-proewe. Die eerste was die Boland-proewe in die Paarl waarna hulle deurgedring het na die Wes Kaapse proewe in Kaapstad. Hier het hulle ook goed gevaar en gaan nou na die SA Kampioenskap in Durban op 25 Augustus. As hulle hier goed vaar sal hulle kwalifiseer vir die Wêreld Kampioenskap. Hulle word afgerig deur Sensei Andre Jacobs en hulp afrigter Clinton Adams wat gekontak kan word op 079 1293 801. Klasse word Dinsdae en Donderdae by Bruckner De Villiers van 18:00 tot 19:00 aangebied.
Cricket practice
PRE-SEASON training for all Helderberg Cricket Club (HCC) members starts on Wednesday 22 August at 18:30 at the Helderberg Cricket Development Centre, 5A Julian Way, Heritage Park, Somerset West. All members are urged to join these important pre-season sessions. For more information call club secretary Randall on 0 071 677 1250.
DE BEERS Football Club’s u.17 team are slowly but surely making their presence felt in their league after initially being totally written off. The season started badly, with no coach and only three registered players – plus they had to forfeit a number of 3–0 games as they did not have enough players to field a side. However, they were determined to play and did all they could to get a team on the field. The team’s young, inexperienced and ever-hopeful Ryan Porter, who put up his hand to coach the team, reports that they played against a determined fifth-placed Garden Village side last week, and won the match 2–1. After the shocking news of having six points deducted from their total of four points, the team’s morale was low going into this match with minus two points on the log. De Beers, however, played well and had a minimum of 70% of the possession throughout the game, as well as the best goal-scoring opportunities. “We lacked the accuracy we needed and paid the price by going one–nil down late
Navy Train keen to set the record straight WITH the Springboks playing Argentina in the Champions League on Saturday, Sir Lowrians’ next fixture will be the big derby against Macassar at Sir Lowry Park on 25 August. The Navy Train will be hungry for a win after Macassar’s upset first-round victory. A capacity crowd is expected at Sir Lowry Park for the derby; over 2 800 people attended the game at Macassar. Sir Lowrians have had great season to date, dominating most teams – a fact reflected in their
superior points difference of 371 after 12 games, including a bonus point in each game. Macassar had a couple of close games recently against Eerste River and Lagunya, but managed to win despite some shaky rugby. The major difference between the two rivals is the kicking game of Macassar’s fly half Bradley Daniels, who punished Sir Lowrians for every penalty conceded in their own half. Sir Lowrians will look to be more disciplined and keep Macassar’s main scoring op-
portunities to a minimum. If Daniels’ boot is kept out of the game, Macassar will need to use their back line more effectively. Home advantage played a significant role in the first round, with the crowd in full voice backing Macassar. Spectators this time will need to get to the field early for the best seats. Sir Lowrians’ third team will play their replay match against Milnerton tomorrow (Friday) at the Theo Marias Sports Complex in Milnerton at 19:00.
in the first half, but fought back with a great performance and clinched a goal in the second half,” says Porter. “We dominated possession with great passing accuracy and good communication throughout the game. “Captain Kyle Cox played an outstanding role as a central defender and a leader, being very vocal and lifting team spirits.” He adds that everyone in the team played a crucial role in securing a point against Garden Village, with the winning goal coming from striker Vuyani Ralawe. “I was thrown in the deep end, never having coached before, and started off with six players training and only three registered for the first two weeks of the season. At present we have 16 guys at training sessions, with 14 registered players with practically all their subs paid. “I feel like we are almost at the top of the mountain – maybe not in points, but in the progress we have made – and believe that with the last few games we can push hard to get away from the bottom of the log. “I would like to thank Gareth Gelderbloom for his assistance in helping me coach the team throughout the year.”
The views expressed in columns are not necessarily the views of DistrictMail.
www.helderberg.com | Tel: 021 853 0211 Thursday | 16 August 2012 | R5.80
Helderberg’s robust, hard working number 8, Umraan Jadwat (in black), in action against NNC in Parow. Helderberg lost the match 35–20.
Photo: Peter Bee
Helderberg disappoint HELDERBERG paid the price of irresponsible tactics in last Friday evening’s Super League B clash against second-on-the-log NNC at Parow, losing the match 35–20. The visitors, trailing 18–10 at the break, came away from the defeat with few reputations intact. Helderberg started the match on a high, when after only four minutes fullback Christo Southey set off on a run from his own 22 m line. As he got to the NNC 22 m line he passed to captain and outside centre Enrico Swartz, who was unstoppable (5–0). Then things went awry. First, NNC’s flyhalf slotted a penalty in the eighth minute, then a senseless long pass into the wind was intercepted for a runaway try, metres from the NNC line (10–5). In the 25th minute, NNC again intercepted against the run of play to score another long-range try (15–5). In the 36th minute, Helderberg scrumhalf Armien Bailey took a quick tap penalty to send lock De Wet Neethling away for a corner try (15–10). Just before half-time, NNC added another penalty (18–10). With the wind at Helderberg’s backs in the
second half, a lot more was expected of them, but in the 11th minute NNC claimed another penalty (21–10). Minutes later, hooker Zane Raimondi took a tap penalty and passed to number 8 Umraan Jadwat, who rounded off in the corner (21–15). NNC then rubbed it in with two converted tries (35–15). Near the end of the game, left wing Bradley Mentoor scored a try for a consolation bonus point (35–20). Among Helderbergers who excelled were fullback Christo Southey, number 8 Umraan Jadwat and flanker Gary Williams. The absence of loose forward Carel du Preez, with a shoulder injury, was sorely felt. Other results against NNC (Helderberg listed first): second teams 31–15; third teams 20–3; u.20 A’s 17–3; Helderberg IV 20, Milnerton 0. Due to the Champions League test at Newlands on Saturday, there is no club rugby this weekend. However, the long-awaited men’s reunion at Helderberg Rugby Club is on Friday evening. Admission is R50. Phone Gerrie Koorts on 021 853 6824 for reservations.