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Over 1 000 Grabouw residents have been protesting about poor living conditions since Monday. The protests have spilled over onto the N2 near Sir Lowry’s Pass, leading to the daily closure of the national road. PHOTO: DAVID MORRIS
Bloeitydperk vir Strand DALEEN FOUCHÉ Ná byna ses jaar se droogte in die Strand-ontwikkelingsmark is die eerste tekens van oplewing besig om kop uit te steek. Verskeie ontwikkelings is in die pyplyn en kenners meen nuwe ontwikkeling sal hernuwing van die Strand meebring. Ontwikkelaars hoop om binnekort skouer aan die wiel te sit met een so ontwikkeling wat vir meer as ses jaar stilgestaan het en dit te omskep in ’n vyfverdieping luukse woonstelblok.
Dit sal die eerste keer wees sedert die resessie in 2008 getref het, dat daar ’n nuwe ontwikkeling in Strand Noord beplan word, sê Pieter du Toit, eienaar van Re-Am Real Estate, wat die bemarking vir die R135 miljoen ontwikkeling doen. Die ontwikkeling in Millsstraat (ook sigbaar van die Hoofweg), is ses jaar gelede begin en was oorspronklik bedoel om ’n aftreeoord te wees. Die omgewingsgoedkeuring en stadsbeplanning is ses jaar terug voltooi, maar met die aanbreek van die resessie moes ontwikkelaars, Perthpark Group, ’n keuse tussen twee ontwik-
Inwoners kan verwag om oor die volgende 12 maande die bou van nuwe wolkekrabbers in Strand te sien
kelings maak. Du Toit verduidelik dat Perthpark destyds toestemming gekry het om voort te gaan met ’n privaathospitaal in Rondebosch. Du Toit sê Perthpark het onlangs marknavorsing gedoen en gevind dat aanvraag vir woonstelle in die Strand bestaan. Perthpark het ’n aansoek aan die Stad Kaapstad gestuur om die aftreeoord te omskep in woonstelle. Du Toit verwag die Stad sal voor die einde van die maand ’n besluit neem. Die ontwikkeling, waar die strukture van die oorspronklike konstruksie steeds sigbaar is, sal bestaan uit twee woonstelblokke met 71 woonstelle elk en ’n ondergrondse parkeerterrein met spasie vir 220 motors. Verderworddaar’ntuinvan1 000 m², ’n speelpark en ’n swembad beplan. Nog ’n beoogde ontwikkeling vir die Strand is ’n aftreeoord van byna 200 eenhede naby die Strand se sentrale sakekern. Wouter Joubert, aandeelhouer by Rawson Properties in Strand, sê bestaande geboue in Wesleystraat sal platgeslaan word om
plek te maak vir dié ontwikkeling. Joubert verduidelik dat die ontwikkeling reeds drie jaar gelede van stapel gestuur is, maar ’n tekort aan belangstelling het die projek op ys geplaas. Die mark is onlangs weer getoets en volgens Joubert is daar nou drie keer meer belangstelling as drie jaar gelede. Hy sê nog ’n voorbeeld van die Strand eiendomsmark se herlewing is die sukses van 97 on Main in Kusweg. Hy sê die gebou is ’n paar jaar gelede begin, maar ontwikkelaarshetbankrotgespeelendiegebou is aan die begin van 2013 verkoop en teen die einde van die jaar voltooi. Joubert sê uit die 32 woonstelle is daar slegs vier woonstelle tans beskikbaar. Kobus Lubbe, van Seeff in Strand, sê Seeff is besig om met verskeie ontwikkelaars te onderhandel. “Daar word verskeie nuwe ontwikkelings in die afsienbare toekoms beplan – van vrystaande enkelvlakhuise wat onder R1 miljoen begin, tot pragtige duplekseenhede in veiligheidskom-
plekse wat begin by R1 miljoen.” Hy sê die luukse woonstelmark is ook stadig besig om te herstel met ’n “ultra-moderne” klein blok wat in die volgende maande op die strandfront vrygestel gaan word. Monté Jordaan, hoof- uitvoerende beampte vir Multi Projects in Strand wat verantwoordelik was vir ontwikkelings soos Hibernian Towers en Ocean View, meen die klimaat is nou weer reg vir eiendomsontwikkeling in die Strand en sê inwoners kan verwag om oor die volgende 12 maande die bou van nuwe wolkekrabbers in Strand te sien. Hy verduidelik dat daar nog eiendom vir ontwikkeling beskikbaar is in die Strand en dat die belangstelling dáár is, alhoewel die planne nog vasgemaak moet word. Jordaan sê met die vorige oplewing in eiendomsontwikkeling in die Strand in 2007 was daar ’n ooraanbod van eiendom en met die ineenstorting van die ekonomie het baie beleggers “pyn” beleef. Hy sê die mark is nou besig om te normaliseer.
2 DistrictMail Bridgewater needs new solutions
Nuus News
18 September, 2014
Police resources under scrutiny DALEEN FOUCHÉ
DALEEN FOUCHÉ A mother and resident of Bridgewater on Monday night shared her frustration at criminals who hide among hard-working people that travel daily through the suburb from the Van der Stel train station to the CBD. The mother was questioning the police and local authorities during a public meeting about crime on Monday in the Somerset West town hall. She described how young children threw rocks at her two-year-old and her frustration at not being able to do anything. “If I were to chase and punish them, I would get into trouble.” She said big crowds of mostly hard working people move through Bridgewater on a daily basis, but added that there are criminal elements among them who threaten the safety of Bridgewater residents. The woman described how the major portion of the railway line along Voortrekker Road is not fenced and how this provides easy access to Bridgewater. In response, Stephen Leppan, organiser of the meeting, encouraged residents of Bridgewater to meet on a regular basis and discuss these problems to try and find solutions. Stuart Pringle, ward councillor of the area, said residents near Southey’s Vines in Somerset West had similar problems, as the park was used by criminals. He said the City of Cape Town made the park available to the Wannabees Cycling Club who, along with the Mountain Biking Club of South Africa, constructed a popular mountain biking route in the park. Pringle said that since the park is now being used by residents, criminals no longer use the park, because “hundreds of people” visit and enjoy the park daily. He encouraged residents of Bridgewater to find a creative use for the public open spaces in Bridgewater so that the community can claim back the space.
The limitations of Somerset West Police Station’s resources formed one of the main talking points at a public meeting on crime in the town on Monday evening. About 350 people attended the meeting in the town hall. The meeting was organised by Stephen Leppan, founder of the Somerset 1 Facebook group and organiser of the March Against Crime, held in the Somerset West CBD in August. Colonel Mary-Anne Williams, station commander of the Somerset West Police Station, revealed that only one vehicle is on patrol in each of the town’s three sectors at any point in time. The Somerset West police precinct spans over 276 km² and is divided into three sectors. The first sector includes the Somerset West CBD, Garden Village, Land en Zeezicht, Erinvale Estate, World View, La Sandra, and Stuarts Hill. Sector 2 includes Helderzicht, Paardevlei, Somerset Mall, Waterstone Village, Victoria Park, Westridge, Pearl Rise, Spanish Farm, Helderberg Estate, Bel Aire, Helderberg Village and Heldervue. Sector 3 includes the top section of Van der Stel, Somerset West Business Park, Somerset Country Estate, Dennegeur, Schapenberg Estate, Somerset Park, Sir Lowry’s Pass and all farms in the area, Chris Nissen Park, Bizweni and areas around Mediclinic Vergelegen. Williams said the station has a staff count of 174, which includes support staff and court orderlies. After a resident asked Williams to stipulate how many police officers actively
Here John Kleyn, deputy chairperson of the Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch, addresses residents. To his left are Hugh Roe, operational manager of Helderberg Crime Watch (HCW), Colonel MaryAnne Williams, station commander of the Somerset West police, Marian Shinn, the DA’s parliamentary member for the Helderberg and Stuart Pringle, the local ward councillor. In front of the stage is Stephen Leppan with local residents waiting to ask the panel questions. PHOTO: DALEEN FOUCHÉ patrol Somerset West, Williams explained that there are 16 police members doing patrols, with two per vehicle. Four members are assigned to the Sir Lowry’s Pass satellite station. She said that if a crime hotspot is identified, more resources are dedicated to this area. Up to ten police members are involved in intelligence-driven operations. The meeting was addressed by several roleplayers in the fight against crime and included Williams, John Kleyn, deputy chairperson of the Somerset West Neighbourhood Watch, Hugh Roe, operational manager of Helderberg Crime Watch (HCW), Stuart Pringle, the local ward councillor and Marian Shinn, the DA’s parliamentary member for the Helderberg. Williams acknowledged the communi-
LAPTOP GAINED BACK: Ser geant Jovanne Meyer of the Strand Police with the laptop of a policeman that was found after it was stolen last Tuesday. The laptop was sto len from a house in 7th Street, Rusthof and was found later the same day in the possession of a suspect (32), who wanted to sell it at a secondhand shop.
ty’s frustration with crime, but emphasised that the entire community needs to step up and do their bit in the fight against crime. Stephen Leppan, organiser of the meeting, said he was happy with the turnout of about 350 people, but was disappointed in the lack of questions focussing on crime in Somerset West. He further hoped that more business owners from the CBD would have attended. Leppan, however, said that despite the lack of focus on local crime, the meeting was a success and a good starting point to get the community to debate important matters. He said the next event in the “War Against Crime” series will be focused on the local judicial system. He added that a similar public debate about people living on the streets is also needed.
This bicy cle, worth R9 500, was stolen from a ga rage in Anchorage Park on Monday night. It has a distinctive round magnet on the front wheel as well as three stick ers. Phone Warrant Officer Cobus Greeff on 083 234 6354.
Nuus News
18 September, 2014
The N2 near Sir Lowry’s Pass has been closed off several times since Monday due to dangerous protest action. PHOTO: DAVID MORRIS
Ses’Khona supports Grabouw protest CASSY VAN EEDEN The Ses’Khona People’s Rights Movement chairperson, Andile Lili, has confirmed that the protesters who have been causing havoc on the N2 since Monday are indeed members of Ses’Khona. Lili says that the protest action is in response to the “very bad living conditions and high levels of poverty in Grabouw”. The protest action by more than 1 000 people has been taking place since Monday this week on the N2 near Sir Lowry’s Pass. Traffic came to a grinding halt when the road was closed off by the Grabouw police. The protesters have caused serious damage to municipal property, including setting the Grabouw fire department alight, Colonel Tembinkosi Kinana, spokesperson for the provincial police, said on Wednesday. Kinana confirmed that protesters threw stones at vehicles travelling on the N2 and placed rocks, wood and burning tyres in the
road “after they were dissatisfied with the response from the authorities” about poor service delivery. Kinana confirmed that police are investigating charges of housebreaking, theft, malicious damage to property, public violence and intimidation against several protesters. Kinana said that 11 of the protesters that were arrested are now in police custody. The provincial police also said that they are currently working on clearing the rubble on the N2, “whilst they are negotiating with the protesters to refrain from blockading the road and damaging property”, said Kinana. “Police are currently at the scene and the situation is being monitored closely to prevent a further spread and flaring up of the violent protest,” Kinana confirmed yesterday (17 September). On Tuesday, the Western Cape Minister of Education, Debbie Schäfer, condemned “the ANC Western Cape, Ses’Khona Peoples Movement, the South African Communist Party, the Grabouw Civic Organisation and
individuals in their leadership” for being “completely irresponsible and undermining our learners’ constitutional right to education”. Schäfer confirmed that on Tuesday over 6 000 Grabouw learners were affected by the protests. Lili said that learners in Grabouw are affected on a much larger scale on a daily basis, compared to the protests. “Learners cannot perform in the poor conditions that they are surrounded by and none of them can get university exemptions,” said Lili. Lili said that he urges the Western Cape government to use their resources to address the poor living conditions in Grabouw “with immediate effect”. “We encourage our members in Grabouw to continue to stand up for themselves,” said Lili. To see the Western Cape Minister of Education’s full statement, visit
Nuus News
18 September, 2014
Vote for CBD The canvasing of votes for the approval of a Special Ratings Area (SRA) in the Somerset West CBD is gaining momentum, with only seven days remaining for commercial property owners to have their say.
Magel Grové, a member of the SRA steering commit tee, brags with the consent forms supporting the pro posed SRA. PHOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS
The deadline for the vote is on 25 September, with the application being submitted to the City of Cape Town on 30 September. If approved, the SRA will be implemented from 1 July 2015. Commercial property owners in the demarcated SRA area will pay additional rates and a committee will administer the budget to address security, marketing and cleaning services in the Somerset West CBD. Magel Grové, a member of the SRA steering com-
mittee, said on Wednesday that they already have 69 votes in favour of the proposed SRA. She said the steering committee is hoping to get 150 positive votes, which is more than the 50% plus one votes needed to get the application considered. Grové said there are 235 commercial properties in the demarcated CBD area. Municipal and residential properties, however, do not qualify for the vote as they will not be paying additional rates if the SRA is approved. To find out more about the proposal, visit To cast a vote, visit the Nadmic office on the corner of Main Road and Oak Street in the Somerset West CBD or phone the office on 021 851 7604.
FIRST AID TRAINING: A group of Helderberg residents have been trained as Emergency First Aid Responders (EFAR). The course, developed by Stanford University, aims to enable the layperson to assist and stabilise patients immediately until an ambulance arrives. The oneday course was initiated by the Sir Lowry’s Pass Community Police subforum, in conjunction with Metro Ambulance Services. CPF member Sue Buckland says the longterm plan is that fully trained EFARs train the rest of their communities. Anyone who is interest ed in doing the course can send an email to to request an application form. Here is the group who completed a recent course.
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18 September, 2014
Nuus News
18 September, 2014
Woman hijacked CASSY VAN EEDEN
Police outside the Van Niekerk residence.
A Strand resident was hijacked outside her Strand home on Thursday last week. According to Constable Mbulelo Mafuna, spokesperson for the Strand Police, the woman was followed into her driveway in Van Niekerk Street by a silver Volvo at around 19:25. Three men exited the car and proceeded to attempt to break the windows and force open the doors of the woman’s car. It is alleged that all three men
were armed with guns, said Mafuna. When the woman’s husband went to investigate, he was forced to the ground. The suspects fled the scene in the couple’s silver Ford Focus and the Volvo, with the woman’s handbag, driver’s license, house keys and her cellphone. Mafuna confirmed that a case of hijacking is being investigated and that no arrests have been made yet. Anyone with information pertaining to the case can contact detective constable Nonzukiso Booi on 021 854 9100.
A 30-year-old woman was robbed of her handbag and groceries on Tuesday 16 September in Oak Street, Somerset West. The incident occurred when the woman was walking towards the railway station and two women approached her. One woman grabbed her handbag and the other woman her groceries, and fled. The two women then climbed into a black Volkswagen Polo that sped off. The registration number is unknown and no arrests have been made. Anyone who may have witnessed the incident can phone Detective Warrant Officer Valton Lategan on 021 850 1310/25. Tik and dagga were confiscated in two separate incidents in Somerset West last Friday. According to Sergeant Suzan Jantjies, spokesperson for the Somerset West police, tik was found at a well-known drug house in Marilyn Street, Garden Village. Two suspects (17 and 32) were arrested. On the same day two more suspects (22, 32) were found in possession of dagga on a farm in Somerset West.
Nuus News
18 September, 2014
Konstabel Hazel Jako (35), ’n lid van die blitspatrollie, is op 7 April in Broadwayweg doodgery toe sy en haar kollega, Konstabel Thanduxolo Mbonyane, vir Cheswill Adendorf by ’n padblokkade pro beer stop het. Mbonya ne en Jako was le wensmaats en hul baba was ten tye van haar dood slegs ’n paar maande oud.
Ambulansman van Strand in hof ná misdaadorgie JANA BREYTENBACH / DIE BURGER Hy het na bewering binne drie dae 18 misdade gepleeg – onder meer die doodry van ’n polisiebeampte op die N2. Nou staan ’n Metro-ambulansman tereg op 22 aanklagte van onder meer moord, 15 aanklagte van diefstal, huisroof, poging tot roof, roof met verswarende omstandighede en ontvoering. Cheswill Julian Adendorf van die Strand het Vrydag vir ’n voorverhoor in die WesKaapse hooggeregshof verskyn. Die staat het aangedui dat Adendorf moontlik nog ’n pleitooreenkoms met die staat sal sluit. Die saak is tot Oktober uitgestel vir verdere konsultasie. Adendorf se misdaadvlaag het luidens die klagstaat in Februarie begin toe hy by die Helderberg-hospitaal in Somerset-Wes, waar hy gewerk het, ’n radio-telefoon ter waarde van R15 000 en ’n voertuig uit die parkeerterrein gesteel het. Daarna het hy in Maart glo by ’n huis op die plaas Morgenster ingebreek en verskeie artikels en ’n Renault Clio gesteel. In dié motor het hy na bewering op 2 April by die Engen-vulstasie in Macassar R796,40 se petrol gesteel. Toe begin die naweek waartydens hy na bewering by nege motors inge-
breek en verskeie artikels, waaronder selfone, spaarwiele, radio’s, luidsprekers, klere, ’n rekenaar, ’n visvangpermit – alles ter waarde van sowat R62 370 – gesteel het. Hy het ook glo by drie verskillende vulstasies petrol gesteel. ’n Vrou wat in Gordonsbaai ’n saamrygeleentheid by die beskuldigde gekry het, is gedreig en van haar besittings beroof. Verder het hy na bewering by ’n Suzuki probeer inbreek terwyl die bestuurder nog in die voertuig was. Die Sondagoggend vroeg het hy luidens die klagstaat ’n man ontvoer en hom met ’n skroewedraaier gedreig en hom glo van sy besittings beroof. Op 7 April het die polisie hom in die gesteelde Renault Clio gesien, maar Adendorf het in die rigting van die N2 gevlug. ’n Padblokkade is op die N2 opgestel om Adendorf te keer, maar hy het na bewering ’n polisiebeampte, Nokulunga Hazel Jako, by die blokkade doodgery. In sommige van die voorvalle het hy medepligtiges gehad en hulle staan onderskeidelik saam met hom in die Strand- en SomersetWes-streekhof op soortgelyke aanklagte tereg. Die beskuldigde is deur uitkenningsparades, vingerafdrukke en kringtelevisie met die misdade verbind. Baie van die gesteelde goedere is ook in sy besit gevind.
Nuus News
18 September, 2014
HHH class of ‘74 to host first reunion The Hottentots Holland High School class of 1974 is having their first reunion in celebration of 40 years since they matriculated. An estimated 60 people out of a class of 99 will be returning from as far afield as Vancouver and England. Half of the student council will also be there. A function will be held
at the school on Friday 26 September, at Vergelegen Wine Estate on Saturday 27 September and at Erinvale and Lourensford Wine Estate on Sunday 28 September. Ten of the class’s teachers will be joining the class, including Danie Schoeman. Anyone who would like to attend can contact Ed Lunnon on 082 496 0874.
PEACE MARCH: Sir Lowry’s Pass residents were surprised when they saw a handful of men clad in orange walking their streets recently. The men, all parolees, were part of the Walking for Jesus peace march, which was organised by the sta tion commander of the Sir Low ry’s Pass police, Warrant Officer Deon van der Westhuizen.
Gospel evening at Macassar School A Gospel Evening will be held at Macassar Secondary School on 21 September. Artists performing include Chosen Family, God’s Crew Hip Hop,
Peace Gospel Band, God’s Crew Spiritual Dancers, New Identity, AFM Worship and many more. For more information contact 021 857 1016.
Informele handel in Macassar bekyk Macassar-inwoners het tot Maandag 22 September om kommentaar te lewer of om kapsie te maak teen die voorgestelde informele handelsplan vir Macassar.
straat word 25 (2x3 m) stalletjies beplan wat kos, koeldrank, vrugte, groente, klere, eiers en snoek sal verkoop. Volgens die Stad Kaapstad se dokumentasie is die doel van die informele handelsplan om ’n onDaar word tans 73 informeledersteunende en goed bestuurde handelstalletjies in agt gebiede omgewing te skep waarin inforin Macassar voorgestel. mele handelaars kan handel dryf Informele handelaars kan die en hul besighede kan uitbrei om stalletjies by die Stad Kaapstad sodoende selfonderhoudend te huur teen R80 per maand. Macassarinwoners het tot Maandag 22 Sep wees en ’n positiewe verhouding Daar word 15 (3x3 m) stalle- tember om kommentaar te lewer op die met die formele handelsektor op tjies beplan vir Link Road waar voorgestelde informele handelsplan vir Ma te bou. vrugte en groente verkoop sal cassar. ’n Informele handelaar in Macassar Ná die openbare deelnameproword, en vier (2x2 m) stalletjies doen hier besigheid. ses sal ’n formele verslag by subby die Macassar-kliniek, waar raad 22 ingedien word wat ’n kos en peuselhappies verkoop sal te- en vrugtestalletjies beplan en by aanbeveling aan die burgemeestersword. Op die hoek van Link- en Alba- die Macassar-taxistaanplek word komitee van die Stad Kaapstad sal trosstraat sal twee (3x3 m) stalletjies tien (2x2 m) stalletjies in die vooruit- maak. Die stadsraad sal die finale bewees wat groente en vrugte verkoop, sig gestel wat kos, koeldrank, snoek, sluit neem. en op die hoek van Link- en Barracu- vrugte en groente sal verkoop. Kommentaar op die voorstelle kan dastraat word vier (2x2 m) stalletjies In Hospitaalstraat word sewe aan Shirley Alexander gefaks word beoog vir die verkoop van vrugte en (2x2 m) stalletjies beplan wat in kos, by 086 514 9886 teen Maandag 22 Sepgroente. koeldrank, vrugte, groente, klere en tember. Op die hoek van Musical- en So- eiers sal handel dryf. Vir navrae, stuur ’n e-pos na Shirpraanstraat word ses (3x3 m) groenOp die hoek van Link- en Petersen-
Nuus News
18 September, 2014
Healer accused of leading bundu assault Throughout the hearing, Bhenya had his hands folded across his chest and smiled and He was stoned and beaten with knobkier- shook his head as Giyama relayed the inciries and sjamboks, surrounded by 250 re- dents to court that led to his arrest. sidents baying for his blood. If police had Giyama was one of several police officers not intervened, the 20-year-old theft sus- called to the scene on the day. He testified pect would probably have died. how Bhenya approached them on arrival, asking who had called them, and saying that On Tuesday, Masibongwe Bhenya faced the they were not needed as they (the crowd) was court as the accused leader of the crowd on handling the situation. the day. Bhenya (33), a resident of the MasaGiyama testified how Bhenya pulled Sisukhane informal settlement in Lwandle, is a lu out of sewage water he had fallen into and traditional healer and was dressed in the yel- hit him with a sjambok and a knobkierrie low T-shirt of community activist organisa- in front of the police. tion, Ses’Khona. When police tried to intervene, Bhenya inA huge crowd atcited the crowd to tended his bail appliprevent the police cation at the Strand from rescuing SisuMagistrate’s Court. lu. Three more poHe has been charged lice officers were with the attempted then called to the murder of Luxolo Siscene, where two sulu (30) on Monday vehicles were al8 September in the ready standing. informal settlement Warning shots were of New Village. He is fired too. Police also charged with eventually manthree counts of maliaged to get Sisulu cious damage to from the clutches of property. the angry crowd Constable Alfred and loaded him into Giyama, the arresta police van. ing and investigatBhenya then tried ing officer, testified to pull Sisulu from how Sisulu was asthe van and repeatsaulted by a mob of Masibongwe Bhenya, who appeared on a edly hit the van with about 250 people af- charge of attempted murder. a knobkierrie, Giter he was identified PHOTO:DELIAH BRINKHUIS yama testified. He as the suspect who also pulled open the had broken into the house of a woman in New passenger door of the police van and hit the Village. The woman had not laid a charge at dashboard with a stone. the police station. Sisulu, who had wounds all over his body, Giyama testified how police arrived on the was admitted to the Helderberg Hospital and scene of the assault at about 10:00 but were later transferred to the Tygerberg Hospital prevented from saving the young man. because of the serious nature of his injuries.
Giyama testified that, later that day, a crowd broke down the shack of the woman who had called the police out to the scene. He testified that Bhenya had allegedly been the first person to take a hammer to break the woman’s house down. She had re-erected it the following day, only to have it broken down again by a neighbour. The woman’s clothes were later also allegedly thrown in Onverwacht Street and set alight. Giyama said Bhenya was also the leader of the crowd in this incident. The woman was ordered to leave the area and is now staying with family in Lwandle. Bhenya was arrested on Thursday 11 September at the Strand Regional Court, where he had appeared for allegedly kidnapping security officers who were guarding Sanral land from fur-
ther occupation following evictions in May. On Tuesday, Giyama testified how Bhenya had resisted arrest by pushing him. Six police officers eventually managed to arrest him and he was taken to Pollsmoor Prison. In granting bail of R1 000, Magistrate Karen Scheepers said that Lwandle had been in the news frequently since the evictions in May this year. She said tensions between supporters of political parties were rife, and that refusing bail would perhaps aggravate the situation. She warned Bhenya that he would be arrested if it was found that he had interfered with the police investigation or intimidated witnesses. Bhenya will appear in court again on 28 October.
Hoofartikelblad Leader Page
18 September, 2014
Mail Strand gaan weer bloeityd binne Die DistriksPos se voorblad pronk die week met verskeie ontwikkelings wat beplan word vir Strand na ’n paar jaar se droogte in die mark. Multimiljoenrand-projekte soos woonstelblokke en ’n aftree-oord is reeds in die pyplyn met voorspellings dat dit slegs die begin is van ’n nuwe ontwikkeling-bloeitydperk. Die resessie van 2008 het ’n skielike stilstand van die ontwikkelingsontploffing in die Strand meegebring, maar kenners meen die gety is besig om te draai en ontwikkelaars se navorsing toon die aanvraag vir eiendom is besig om te groei. Dit is goeie nuus vir Strand, ’n dorp wat besig is om hard terug te veg teen die verval van die middedorp en ou infrastruktuur deur inisiatiewe soos die daarstelling van Strand se sentrale opgraderingsgebied. Die lang verwagte opgradering van die paviljoen-area en die seemuur deur die Stad Kaapstad sal verder bydra tot die vernuwing van ’n dorp wat vir te lank deur die Stad “vergeet” is. Daarom moet daar seker gemaak word dat die ontwikkelingsbelasting vir grootmaatdienste aan die Strand bestee word en nie in ander dele van die stad nie, om sodoende te verseker dat infrastruktuur by bly met die beplande eiendomsontwikkeling. As al die bogenoemde ontwikkelings en opgraderings plaasvind, kan Strand-inwoners ’n definitiewe ommeswaai en vernuwing in dié dorp verwag. Dit sal Strand weereens een van die top-vakansiebestemmings in die land maak.
Get a paper with your cuppa Get a kick in your step with DistrictMail’s caffeine-injected promotion at De Helderbosch Kwikspar in Old Stellenbosch Road, Somerset West. The first 100 customers to buy a Lavazza coffee on a Thursday from 08:00 will get their copy of DistrictMail free of charge! The promotion is valid every Thursday from Thursday 18 September until Thursday 9 October.
When will taxi drivers learn? On Friday I was travelling from the Strand in Main Road towards the Broadway inter-section. There are two lanes at the robot. I was in the right lane and about two cars from the robots. There was also a string of cars in the left lane. The robots were red. Suddenly this taxi (see photo) squeezed its way past the cars in the left lane and stopped in front of the first car at the robots. While the robots were still red, the taxi slowly moved forward and crossed Broadway. Unfortunately I couldn’t get my camera out quick enough to snap this
Sê jou sê
idiot. Only later when he stopped to drop off passengers opposite Midas, did I manage to take a photo of his taxi. What really gave me shivers down my spine was that he had illegally crossed over a busy inter-section while the robots were red at that very same spot where a school girl was killed a couple of years ago. I don’t know if there is much we can do to stop drivers like this from doing as they please, but maybe we can expose them in some way or another. Maybe he should be blacklisted.
Beau Schoeman saw this taxi skipping a red light in Broadway, Strand recently.
Tribute to a caring vet who gave my dog a new lease on life About a month ago I had to make the decision to have my beautiful Labrador either put down or to fight for her life. She has bone cancer. After seeing a few vets, there was one vet in particular, Dr Karin Wilson from Teva Animal Clinic in Somerset West, who saw how much I love my Mischke and that I would do anything for her. She has the most amazing empathy and understanding and hence my Labrador’s hind leg was amputated. It was not an easy decision to
make, but with the calm and soothing way in which she talked me through the process and told me that it was not a death sentence, but giving her new quality of life, that I could make the decision. I am just a pensioner and with the help of various animal activists and friends on the internet, the account was fully paid up in two weeks. Mischke is now on chemotherapy. It is a new kind of treatment that is not detrimental to your dog’s well-being. I can see it in the way my Mis-
chke is happy and not being affected by the treatment. I believe, as a Christian, that she is on her way to complete healing. There is still such a lot of good out there in human beings. I can only thank God for all these people and mostly for Dr Wilson, who takes the time to email me now and then to enquire about her patient. What a wonderful lady she is. Thank you Karin.
Why is matric 40 days celebration such a big deal? I find it peculiar that the 40 days dress up has become such an issue. I am of the opinion that the young man (referred to in the DistrictMail article on page 3 on 11 September) took it too far. Also, why would the principal be so ultra conservative in this day and age? When we left school on our last day as a scholar, our 40 days celebration was huge. We left school that morning at 11:00 after the whole school took leave of us. By convoy of about 20 cars with
balloons and streamers blowing in the wind and constant hooting we made our way to Melkbaai where we all jumped in the sea in our school uniforms. My husband on the other hand, at Paul Roos, had a fancy dress parade on their 40 day celebration. One of his friends came to school dressed as a cowboy and riding a real donkey. At break a lot of the kids attemptedtoridethepoordonkey.Another guy smeared his whole body with black shoe polish and came as a Zulu warrior.
That morning they were paraded one by one onto the stage in front of the whole school amidst loud cheering. Apparently the principal became teary eyed while shaking each of their hands. The 40 day farewell should be such fun that it becomes printed in the minds of the departing matrics forever. Rather come dressed as a bride than burn down the school!
) Well done to the DA for sup porting the Somerset West SAPS with calls for additional resourc es to fight crime. ) DA call for greater support for SAPS shows that they really care for all the people. ) ’n Polisiestasie in Somerset sentraal sal goed wees, maar ons makeer ’n ambulansstasie, Hel derberg het nie een nie. ) Mense, is dit nie snaaks dat daar niks misdaad in die Strand is nie? Of is Strandpolisie te swak om hulle verslae deur te stuur na die DistriksPos? Dog ek vra maar net, want ons wil ook weet wat in ons dorp/gemeen skap gebeur. Van Bekommerde Inwoner. ) I agree that we should clean up after our dogs. But there’s an other side to the story. The ladies employed by dog walkers to help keep Radloff Park clean are paid for their work. No dog poo no job! Maybe they would prefer it if we sometimes leave some poo for them!? ) I am very upset, you are a typi cal example of motorists ignoring the rules of the road and doing as they please. When fined for your undisciplined behaviour you have a mouthful to say. ) Simone Pregnalato of Absa Helderberg, God bless you! You made my day, may your strength be renewed. Mrs Beukes
Stuur jou sms na 32465
Begin die sms met die woord MENSE en tik dan jou boodskap. Sê dankie, geluk, jammer, lief jou....
Menings Views Pupil leaves PV after ‘drag’ debacle: ) Kudos to the young pupil. I wish him the best of luck with the exams he is writing at the moment and for his finals. A harmless tradition turned into a fiasco. Cheryl Frost ) Dave Schenck is a decent man caught in an unfortunate situation. Well done Dave, stick to your guns. Tim Connellan ) PV Class of 2006 crossdressed, attacked an yone with water balloons, locked teachers in classrooms, handcuffed a teacher to the stair case, bricked the tuck shop entrance, carried a Ford Bantam upstairs. I can’t even remember eve rything else that happened that day. Clinton Bas son ) Well done Parel Vallei! You handled this one very well! We support David Schenck with every thing he does. Great Job! Corne Enslin de Kock
18 September, 2014
DA wants CBD police station: ) The police station is 900 m from the CBD! Are the DA crazy? Gideon Joubert ) It won’t make a difference! Michelle De Lacey ) From the sublime to the ridiculous. It was their predecessor, the DP, that proposed the move OUT of the CBD. Colin Meyer ) Meer voetpatrolies sal die probleem aan spreek. Polisie was reeds in die CBD en hulle
Net paar dae oor om te stem vir spesiale tariefarea Ons vorder mooi met ons stemwerwing vir die spesiale tariewe-area vir Somerset-Wes se middedorp. Gebou-eienaars wat nog nie bereik is nie, word genooi om te kom stem vir die spesiale tariewe-area by die kantoor van Nadmic op die hoek van Hoofstraat en Oakstraat in die middedorp. Gebou-eienaars kan meer uitvind oor die spesiale tariewe-area op ons webwerf: Daar is nog net tyd tot 25 September om te gaan stem en ons sal dit waardeer as geboueienaars sal kom stem. Die aansoek moet in wees teen 30 September en die stembriewe moet nagegaan word vir korrektheid en daarom die sperdatum van 25 September. Verder nooi ek, Magel Grové, as voorsitter van die Somerset West CBD Building Owners Forum (SWCBDBOF), alle gebou-eienaars uit om gratis aan te sluit by die forum. Ons is baie aktief en daar is voordele vir
almal om as lid inligting ten opsigte van gebeure wat hul eiendomme raak te bekom . Wanneer gebou-eienaars stem sal ons waardeer as hulle gelyktydig aansluit by die forum. Belangstellendes kan ’n navraag stuur aan Ons sal dan graag hul besonderhede laai en e-posinligting aanstuur. Ons hoop om in die toekoms met die lede se samewerking ’n webblad saam te stel waar al die gebou-eienaars hul verhuurbare spasies kan adverteer. Verder sal dit ook as ’n soort geelbladsye dien vir al die besighede in die middedorp. Ons wil ook al die ander forums en verenigings wat aktief is in die middedorp bekendstel op die webblad. Ons sal dit waardeer as belangstellendes vir ons kontak vir hierdie doel.
het geskuif, Hoekom? Jannie du Toit ) This is what I have been saying for quite some time now. When we had the police station in the middle of Main Road opposite Standard Bank, we never had these problems of shop hijackings. This has now become so serious that families will stop shopping in this area due to the fear factor. Deborah Symmonds ) They should never have moved out of the CBD. Jonelle Jacobs ) Prayers, wishes and politicians will not help you. Becoming a caring community will. Have u met your neighbours yet? Erica Inches ) Net ’n mors van geld, net nog staatsamptena re wat gaan sit en slaap terwyl die kriminele rond en bont steel. Wynand Calitz ) Ek stem saam – we need more active patrols on foot on bicycles in cars – not a kiosk where they play on their phones all day. Glynn Smithers
Urban growth brings new shopping centre: ) It should have been a Spar or Woolworths. Wynand Calitz ) Kry eers die middedorpe reg. Ian Buunk Woman hijacked in Strand: ) When we moved here six years ago it was the most beautiful amazing place ever. I remem ber loving it because I always came here as a child with my family. But what is happening to this beautiful part of Cape Town now is extremely sad. I just wish it would all stop. Kylie Giselle Hicks ) The only way we as a community can make a difference is by joining our local neighbour hood watches. We have had so much success working together with SAPS and all the security companies. Fighting crime together as one, a dif ference can be made. Christopher John Furnell
Algemeen General
18 September, 2014
Timetravelling with the ’Mail What were the newsworthy events in the Helderberg 60 years ago? DistrictMail delved into its archives this week – and found some really interesting news items. We will be sharing snippets from our archives with our readers in this new feature, “Time-travelling with the ’Mail”. This week we looked at the Friday 17 September 1954 edition of The Stellenbosch District Mail. The two major front page stories were Canning factory for The Strand and Scheme for Control of Rivers. The first story announces an application by Edward M Gant, from the Lourensford Estate, to build a “large fruit canning factory on land situated between the National Road and the Lourens River Road”. “Councillors expressed their strong approval of the project,” the lead story states, and council decided to expedite the scheme
as much as possible. The factory was to give employment to 200 to 300 people in the five months of the year in which it was to operate. The application was eventually successful and the Gants factory was established. It was eventually closed, though, and the land redeveloped into what today is known as the Gants Centre. The second front page story proves how history can repeat itself. It details how measures to control the flooding of the Lourens River were discussed at the monthly meeting of the Hottentots Holland Farmers’ Association. “After the recent floods and overflowing of the Lourens River at Somerset West, some of the owners of land along the river banks were anxious to know further particulars of the scheme to help them,” the article states. The meeting was addressed by an official from the Agricultural Department, Stellen-
bosch. “It was explained that the scheme was of a temporary nature, and was chiefly to deal with the course of the river, which had changed its course in parts during the recent winter floods, or threatened to do so, and to bring it back to its original course, as well as to strengthen the danger points along the banks of the stream.” Sixty years later, controlling the flooding of the Lourens River remains a challenge – although short-term measures are currently being implemented, while long-term measures are under consideration. And finally, a word from our sponsors. The front page advertisement was by De Wet Bros. in Main Road, Somerset West and exhorted women to “Greet the spring with a fresh, crisp cotton frock”.
Stellenbosch District Mail on Friday 17 September 1954.
DistrictMail challenges local businesses The DistrictMail challenges all local businesses to take part in our Adopt-a-School project. Businesses adopt a local school by sponsoring newspapers for them. They can sponsor between 30 and 50 newspapers to be distributed to learners each week for a period of six weeks. The business will receive recognition in our Adopt-a-School feature articles. The aim of the project is to empower learners from disadvantaged schools and promote reading. By giving them access to their local newspaper, schools can assist learners in improving their reading, writing and mathematical abilities to ensure a brighter future. Local businesses and organisations that are currently supporting the project include Caltex Greenways, EET Investments, MSQ Fitment Centre, Access Auto and Helderberg Rotary. Contact Kim Solomons on 021 853 0211 for more information and special pricing packages..
Strand Library closed for maintenance The Strand Library will be closed for maintenance from 29 September to 15 December. Books may only be returned and not borrowed during this period. Telephonic renewals will also be accepted. Contact Erika van Staden on 021 850 4173 for more information.
Leefstyl Lifestyle
18 September, 2014
Ina Paarman guest speaker at charity event Famous foodie Ina Paarman will be the guest speaker at a Rotary Anns tea to be held in Somerset West on 30 September. At the event, which has been organised in aid of local charities, Paarman will talk about her family business, Paarman Foods, and her story. The talk will take place in the Dutch Reformed Church hall in Somerset West at 10:30. Tickets are being sold for R80 and can be purchased through Elza du Plessis on 082 504 3046 or at Dante Art and Décor at Waterstone Village.
South African kitchen extraordinaire Ina Paarman will be the guest speaker at a talk hosted by the Rotary Anns.
Gelukkige Nasionale oorskietBraaivleisdag! Koos Kombuis Toe ek rondsoek na ’n onderwerp om oor te skryf hierdie maand, was ek aanvanklik so verbyster deur al die verskriklike dinge wat aangaan op ons planeet dat ek heeltemal aan stilstuipe gely het. Is daar nog iets positiefs om te haal uit al die waansin en haat wat die mensdom bedreig? Toe dink ek aan Nasionale Braaidag, wat volgende week Woensdag is. Dit het my dadelik in ’n beter stemming geplaas. Veral toe ek besef het dat die dag daarna dan inderwaarheid Nasionale Oorskiet-Braaivleisdag sal wees. Want, met ’n bietjie geluk, soos ná enige suk-
sesvolle braai, is daar die Donderdagoggend, en dalk selfs tot Vrydag toe, darem nog ’n paar koue tjoppies of stukkies wors oor iewers in die yskas. En, al sê Tim Noakes ook wat, wat kan dan lekkerder wees as ’n koue braaibroodjie of twee? As daar nog iets oor is, wees dankbaar vir daardie erfenis, en dink ook, terwyl julle daaraan smul, aan die wat minderbevoorreg is, en nie so geseënd is om vleis te kon bekostig nie, of wat nie eens yskaste besit nie. Here, seën ons waansinnige, verdeelde wêreld, en mag daar ’n dag kom dat almal geld sal hê vir ’n lekkerny van hul keuse, en die troos van ietsie ekstra wanneer mens dit die nodigste het . . .
New art gallery at Lourensford In celebration of the opening of the new Aleit & iS Art Gallery at the Lourensford Wine Estate, the public is invited to attend the opening of a group exhibition. On 25 September from 18:00 to 21:00 selected works from over 20 artists will be displayed. RSVP to Alisha Erasmus before 21 September on 021 876 2071 or The exhibition can be seen until the end of November.
Vermaak Entertainment
18 September, 2014
Weekend GIG Guide Friday 19 September: ) Local band Session will be rocking Ye Olde Bell in Somerset West Main Road from 20:30. Entry is free. ) Dowwe Dolla will be performing at Die Boer restaurant theatre in Durbanville. ) The band 3D will be performing at the newly revamped Picasso in Somerset West from 20:00. ) Piet Botha and Akkedis will be performing at Berties starting at 21:00. Entrance is free. Sunday 21 September: ) The legendary due Arno Carstens and Albert Frost will be performing at Buena Vista on the R44. Contact Buena Vista for tickets: 021 855 5554. ) Valiant Swart and Basson Laubscher will be performing at Berties from 18:00. Entrance is free.
Symphonic Wind Ensemble to wow Stellenbosch University ’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble will be performing their annual September concert as a part of the Endler Concert Series. On 19 September, internationally acclaimed Dr Phil Golson from the United States will act as the guest conductor for the ensemble from 20:00. Golsen is a tuba player, director of the Wind Ensemble and assistant professor of music at the University of Winconsin-La Crosse. The ensemble’s artistic director, Pamela Kierman, commissioned a transcription - especially for this concert - of the New Azanian Overture from John Simon, who is one of South Africa’s most celebrated composers. Other works that will be performed include Crossing Lines Crossing by South African composer and guitarist Graeme Less, and Eternal Father Strong to Save by Claude T Smith. Windworx and the City of Tygerberg Choir will also perform pieces such as Orient Express by Philip Sparke and Phantom of the Opera Medley. Tickets are available at the door for R50 and R30. For more information call 021 808 2358 or
Markgoed in the Forest at Forest 44 The Markgoed in the Forest market will take place at Forest 44, La Pineta between Somerset West and Stellenbosch. Entrance is R20 per person and will run from 30 September to 2 October from 10:00 to 19:00. Contact Jean or Sonette on 072 376 4935 or 082 774 1077.
The University of Stellenbosch’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble, conducted by Dr Phil Golsen from the USA, will be performing the New Azanian Overture.
Emo Adams in town Popular musician and comedian Emo Adams will be performing at the Mondeor Eco School in Sir Lowry’s Pass’s fundraiser on 26 September. He will be performing at the All Star Theatre in Brackenfell at 20:00. Doors open at 19:00. Tickets are R100 per person. Call 021 858 1309 or email for more information.
Leefstyl Lifestyle
18 September, 2014
Biltong festival fun for all ages The third annual Somerset West Biltong Festival takes place on Heritage Day (24 September). The fun day will be hosted on the Beaumont Primary School premises and promises to be yet another bumper event with food, beverages and fun for all ages. The event is a fundraiser for various local and national charities. A Fun Run/Walk will be held before the festivities start and
fives rugby will take place during the day. The Kids Camp will include trampolines, wall climbing, jumping castles, clowns and magicians to keep children entertained for hours. There will also be a driving challenge for all those with valid driving licenses with the chance of winning a 4x4 driving course. The event will include potjiekos and cake-baking competitions and entrance into these competitions is free.
Heel gebraaide lynvis met gemmer en koljander ) 1 groot lynvis, omtrent 1 kg. Vra jou visverkoper om die vis skoon te maak en die skubbe af te kap. ) 80 ml grondboontjie-olie ) 15 ml sesam-olie ) 15 ml sojasous ) Sap van twee suurlemoene ) 30 ml rysasyn ) 15 ml gerasperde vars gemmer ) 80 ml gepakte vars koljander ) Sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper 1) Maak insnydings aan albei kante van die vis. 2) Meng al die ander bestanddele en giet oor die vis. Bedek en verkoel vir twee tot drie uur. 3) Haal die vis uit die marinade en hou die marinade eenkant. 4) Plaas die vis in ’n toeklaprooster en braai vir 10 tot 15 minute aan elke kant tot gaar. Bedruip gereeld met die marinade, wat liggies gekook is.
Bacon wrapped mushrooms for the braai Ingredients: ) 24 white button mushrooms ) 24 slices of bacon, cut just long enough to wrap around a mushroom ) 24 Soaked toothpicks ) Good quality barbeque sauce Method: 1) Wrap each mushroom in a slice of bacon and secure with a toothpick. 2) Dip in barbeque sauce and place on braai. 3) Keep turning until bacon is crisp. Source: SA Mushroom Farmers Association.
Breakfast will be served from 09:00 and various food stalls will offer eats during the day, while there will also be a variety of arts and crafts stalls. Contact Stephan or Liza for more details on 082 883 0044 or 082 564 6563.
The annual Biltong Festival, held in celebration of Heritage Day, will include entertainment and fun for the whole family.
18 September, 2014
Promosie Promotion
Promosie Promotion
18 September, 2014
NAMSA, serving the community Local family business NAMSA Scrap Metal, situated in the Gants Centre, has been serving the community for more than 20 years. NAMSA has a passion for paying special attention to each customer, buying products at competitive prices and preserving the environment. The business was established in Bloemfontein in 1983. The family established the business in Strand in 1993, after relocating to the Helderberg.
Owner, Sandra de Villiers, says that NAMSA prides itself on “doing the right thing” by protecting the Helderberg environment and reducing the impact of harmful substances and prioritising recycling. “We have a passion and a respect for our environment,” says De Villiers. NAMSA minimises waste through source reduction and encouraging a culture of recycling in the Helderberg. NAMSA Scrap Metal is a community orientated business with specific
focus on giving each customer an individual experience. The company’s customer base ranges from large construction companies to local schools, hospitals, and even old age homes. The company purchases all types and grades of both ferrous and nonferrous scrap metal. NAMSA Scrap Metal is now being run by the second generation of the family and, according to De Villiers, the company will continue to stay in the family.
The NAMSA premises in the Gants area where each cus tomer is given special attention and provided with the best quality in products.
Sosiaal Social
18 September, 2014
Quilting excellence exhibited The Helderberg Quilters Guild and the Helderberg Embroiderers’ Guild held their annual exhibition at the NG Church in Somerset West on Saturday 13 September. The Helderberg Quilters Guild gets together at the Somerset West library on the first Monday of every
month to encourage the art of quilt making. For more information phone Christa van Rensburg on 079 525 6032. The Helderberg Embroiderers’ Guild also meets at the Somerset West library on the second Friday of every month. For more information, phone Dawn McKechnie on 079 906 2177.
At the back from the left are: Els Bar nard, Eldri Ma lan and Lor raine North. In the front are: Rosemary Peir san Luriaans, Christa van Rensburg and Dawn McKech nie.PHOTOS:
OPGETOOI VIR LOSLITDAG: Die personeel van Jackie’s Clea ning Services het Loslitdag behoorlik gevier. Eienaar Liesbet Rauten bach het plakkers vir elk van die 42 werkers gekoop en hulle het hulself met blink bybehore opgetooi. Rautenbach sê hul kliënte was baie beïndruk met hul vrolike loslitdrag.
Elmarie Smedema and Ronell Pistorius enjoy the quilt exhibition.
Kathleen Krynauw and Erin Gibson from Sew’n Sensations.
Uitstalling ’n groot sukses Anneline Swart, Elize du Toit (hoof van die Ruimtesentrum) en Liana Keller.
District Churches
Die Ruimte-sentrum, Millsstraat 96, Strand se jaarlikse kunsuitstalling ten bate van die Pikkewouters Kleuterskool en Ruimte Nasorgsentrum het onlangs plaasgevind. Besoekers kon ’n verskeidenheid kunsvorme, demonstrasies en ’n teetuin geniet.
Die kunstenaars se werke wat ten toon gestel is (agter, van links) Flip Potgieter, Annedie Smith, Johanna Botha, Judy Kossatz, Annemarie Luckhoff, Anne Borg, Marie Siebrits, Tienkie Albertyn, Sonja Grün bauer en Frans Fourie. Voor: Dan du Toit, Ina van der Merwe en Sieglinde Scriven. FOTO’S: JAMEY GORDON
Sosiaal Social
18 September, 2014
District Socials
Stuur alle sosiale foto’s na / Send all social photos to:
21ST CELEBRATIONS: Meagan Kotze from Macassar celebrated her 21st Birthday in August. PHOTO: BERNEDETTE ROSSI WEBLEY
School hosts crazy hat dance CELE BRATING HALF A CENTURY: Mariana Kitas cele brated her 50th birth day with family and friends in the Macassar Secondary School hall on 18 August.
Danie Ackermann Primary will host a “Crazy Hat Dance” on Saturday 20 September at the Strand Town Hall. Strand Combo will entertain guests from 19:00 to midnight.
AGT DEKADES OUD: Lionel Wessels van Sir Low ry’s Pass het op 30 Augus tus sy 80ste verjaardag met familie en vriende gevier. FOTO: HENRY THOMAS
Tickets are R100 per person. Bring your own platter and drinks. All past-learners are asked to support the fundraiser. Phone Melissa Hendricks at the school on 021 852 1634.
GRADUATE: Saman tha Nadine Brinkhuis from Sir Lowry’s Pass obtained her National Diploma in Business Management and her National Certificate in Human Resource Management at Boland College. She is currently working in the financial de partment at Afriline Civils. PHOTO: JULIAN KRÜGER
HUWELIKSHERDENKING: Charlotte en Ivan Esau van Gordonsbaai het op 11 Augus tus hul 25ste huweliksherden king gevier.
PRESIDENTIAL INDUCTION: The Gordon’s Bay Lions Club inducted their new president, Paula Lang (left) on 6 August. Seen here with Lang is Lion Jimmy Lang displaying the charter of the Gordon’s Bay Li ons Club at the occassion.
Lion Vic Bisogno, the oldest member of the Gordon’s Bay Lions Club re ceived the “Gordon’s Bay Lion of the Year” award for his on going com mitment for various club projects which he participates in. With him is Lion President Paula Lang.
Sake Business
18 September, 2014
A group for Golden Girls with great ideas The Golden Girls Recruitment GroupFocus, a think-tank for people over the age of 50, started in the Helderberg on 15 September. “Many experienced and senior business people over 50 years of age are no longer employed for whatever reason. “Their experience and valuable skills are going to waste, and some are also suffering financially,” said Susan Holdsworth, who is starting the Group-
Focus. “Unplanned early retirement, poor economy, business downsizing, bad financial pension planning and retrenchments have turned hard-won talents into wasted opportunities,” she said. “These talents should rather be harnessed,” she explains, and this is the aim of the Golden Girls Recruitment GroupFocus. The purpose of a GroupFocus is to pool together the talents of its members to “germinate new start-
up companies,” said Holdsworth, “of which they can then become shareholders.” The personal details of each member is stored in a recruitment database. “The only commitment is to treat what is learned in strictest confidence, so that good ideas will not be stolen.” Anyone interested in joining the Golden Girls Recruitment GroupFocus is invited to contact Susan Holdsworth on 078 283 3616.
Mike Eaton, founder Group Focus, and Su san Holds worth, chairper son of GroupFocus Helderberg. PHOTO: DALEEN FOUCHÉ
CONTINUED SUPPORT: The Somerset College hockey community enjoyed another spectacular end of sea son event at the showrooms of Helderview BMW. Following three years of sponsorship of Somerset College hockey, a highlight of the evening was the announcement by Jaco Uys, the director of Helderview BMW, that they will be extending their sponsorship for another year. Somerset College is grateful for their continued sup port. At the event were (from left) Jade Batchelor (girls’ first team captain), Carl Runkel (dealer principal, Helderview BMW), Quentin du Toit (head of hockey, Somerset College), Jaco Uys (director, Helderview BMW), Monica Uys (organiser of the event, Helderview BMW), Meg Fargher (head of Somerset College Senior School) and Jason Raubenheimer (boys’ first team captain).
The recent prestigious Burger Mountain Bike event was held on the trails in the Helder berg. Some of these trails have been devel oped over the past three years and are managed by the local Wannabees Cycling Club. The Wannabees were given the op portunity by the Burger and Dirtopia to help host the event on the trails through assisting in the preparation and marking of the routes, marshalling and establishment of some of the water points around the course. In return for their efforts and commitment the club received a generous cash donation from the main organisers. In turn the Wan nabees donated R10 000 to Aanhouwen in support of the work that they carry out for those with special needs. From left are Christie Fritz (Aanhouwen manager), Ralph Rudd, ward councillor, Stuart Pringle and Hannes Slabbert.
HHH BERG FIETSRYER: Sari ta Swart, ’n on derwyser aan die Hoërskool HottentotsHol land, het tydens Die Burger Berg fietsuitdaging ’n tweede plek in die 75 kmuitno digingafstand be haal. HENDRIK LOUW BLINK UIT IN VASVRA: Laerskool Hendrik Louw het die tweede plek in die South African Agency for Science and Technology Ad vancement (SAASTA) se jaarlikse Astro quizkompetisie vir gr. 7leerders inge palm. Hendrik Louw was een van 85 skole wat aan die kompetisie deelge neem het. Van links is Tiaan Engel brecht, Niël Smith, Bronwinn Reyneke en Chris Langeveldt.
GOOD HOCKEY SEASON: Somerset House girls’ 1st hockey team has just complet ed an excellent season. They played 43 matches, winning 38 and drawing 5. The team scored a total of 112 goals and conceded only three. They also enjoyed a tour to KwaZulu Natal where they returned undefeated after participating against top hockey schools such as St Marys’, Durban Girls’ College, Umhlai and Thomas More College. They also won the Umhlali Hockey Festival while there. Back home their suc cess continued as they won the Hermanus Tournament, the Kenridge Day/Night Tour nament and qualified as one of the top two teams in the Helderberg to participate at the WP Top Schools Tournament. Somerset House played their pool matches against Kenridge, Springfield, Micklefield, Eversdal and Panorma. The team won their pool comfortably and met Beaumont in the semifinals. After a dingdong battle, this match ended in a draw and went to showdowns. Unfortunately for Somerset House, Beau mont’s goalkeeper had an amazing game and ensured they went through to the fi nals. Somerset House competed against 120 schools in the WP Tournament where they finished in third place.
HS SE RUGBYTRUIE: Callie de Wet, ’n ou er, het die spelers se name op hul rugbyt ruie laat aanbring. De Wet is die pa van die eerste rugbyspankaptein, Jaco de Wet. Hier is Morne Kotze, die afrigter, en spanbestuur der, Wikus van Dyk, met hul truie.
HOCKEY CHAMPS: Beaumont’s u. 14 hockey girls did extremely well this season. They won all their matches during the second half of the season, and also won a tournament in Mossel Bay, their interschools match against De Hoop Primary, as well as “The Ball” against Somer set College. They then qualified for the Western Province Top Schools Tournament, which was held at Hartleyvale. After eliminating Somerset House in the semifinals, they proceeded to play in the finals against Bastion Primary. They won this match 42, clinching the title of the best u. 14 girls team in the province for 2014. The girls are (back from left) Samantha Smuts (captain), Jade Southon, Megan Bamberger, Mieke de Wet, Shana Bruil, Kira Louw, Bianca Nieuwoudt, Amber Bruil, Taylor Yates, Kayla Buchanan (vicecaptain), Brogan Kearns and Nicolas Lobi (umpire). In front are Jennifer Smuts, Mollie Smuts (coach), Ankia de Wet, Amy Bamberger, Kristy Mederer, Rachel Paulse, Michelle Cousins, Demi Leahy and Laurel Kearns.
2015 LEARNER COUNCIL: Parel Vallei High School announced their 2015 Learner Coun cil. They are back row, from left: Liam de Bliquy, Andrew HarrisonMigochi, Emile Gouws, Justin Skeat, Giovanni Matthews, Janku Koekemoer, Liam Walsh, Steffen Engelmann, Tiaan Claassen and Craig Smith. Third row, from left: Rory Lind, Gustav Eichstädt, Jeandré de Beer, Arend Moelich, Francois Botha, Emile Majewski, Jacque Gericke, Johan Smit and Sebastian Nieto Lawrence. Second row, from left: Joshua Farmer, Nicoline Moelich, Margaret Kuhn, Rachel Kaps, AmyLee Buchanan, Rouxvé Meyer, Cheylin Wertheim, Tamsyn Jack, Katelyn Wolfaardt, Carly Beavon and Seth van Graan. In front row are Michelle Marais, Amy Ward, Micaela Helders, Laura Smit, Angelique Marais, Andrea Harrison, Kate Boonzaier, Nicole Barr, Danijela Savic, Kayla Berry and Megan Grobbelaar.
Parel Vallei High School and Somerset College butted heads on Satur day 30 August, the schools’ Derby Day. The final score was 343 to Somer set College. Pic tured here are Danie Janse van Rensburg and Kayle Tes sendorf.
Somerset College player Jasper Ockhuisen (cele brates) as team mate Rijk Diepeveen scores a try.
LOSLITDAG: Nico en sy sus sie, Anneri Havenga, leer ders van Talanja PrePrimêre Skool was uitgetof vir Loslitdag. By hulle is hul ma Sarah Havenga, die voorsitter van die skool se beheerliggaam.
SPRING HAS SPRUNG: Beaumont Primary School learners Danae du Toit and Kirsten van Reenen wear floral crowns to embrace the start of Spring.
EISTEDDFOD STARS: These Gordon’s Bay Primary learners ex celled at the recent Helde categories, and walked away from the event with a total of 34 cum laudes. These learners won prizes for sterling performances on the piano and recorder. They are (back, from left) Nestah January (10), Autumn Moos (9), Jeandré Rous souw (11), Tasnim Murphy (12); (front) Heinrich Roussouw (8) and Marcel van der Merwe (8).
WEBSITE COMPETITION: Somerset West Private School was the winner of the laptop in the Best in the Boland online schools competition. The competition was launched in the second term by DistrictMail and its sister papers at Boland Media. Learn ers from all schools in the Boland could write an essay on the great place they call school. Somerset West Private School’s originality, sincerity and enthusiasm earned them the lap top. Learners had to submit their es says online, and they are now all published authors. To read all the Helderberg entries, go to the District Mail website at www.district, and click on the “Youth Journo” section under “News”. In the above photo Daleen Fouché, District Mail’s website administrator, hands over the laptop to Jessica Andras, whose essay was the winning entry. With them is Petro Hayward (far right), English teacher at Somerset West Private School.
STUDENT COUNCIL: The 2015 Student Council for Helderberg High School has been selected. They are (back from left) Petro Gey van Pittius, Bastian Gast, Arnüh Hose, Savannah LeeWarden and Zani Bothma (teacher). In front are Rion Naude, Joshua van der Merwe, Lynette Clas sen and Sibabalo Sokupa.
Hoërskool Strand reik uit na ander
Graad 8leerders van Hoërskool Strand maak slaapsakke uit koerante en swartsakke.
110JAAR GEVIER: Die ACVV vier hul 110de jaar van diensle wering en die ACVV Somerset Wes se Versorgingsoorde, Tinktinkie en Heidikleuterskole het ook die mylpaal gevier. Alta du Plooy, Tinktinkieskoolhoof, en haar personeel en die 58 kleuters het by hul buurvrou, Heidi Kleuterskool, gaan kuier en die nuwe skool hoof, Retha Ashkettle, op haar eerste dag verwelkom.
NUWE LEIERS: Hoërskool Strand het onlangs hul leerderraad vir 2015 bekendgestel. Die leerders is, gr. 8: Carlin Fisher, Jandre de Necker en Oren Renoster; gr. 9: Emja Langeveldt, Jovan Snyman en Tino Viljoen; gr. 10: Andrea Cordy, Janneke de Necker, Johan Eybers, Misha Eras mus, Ruhan Kruger en Tiana Coetzee; gr. 11: André Viviers, Catheleen Mostert, Chrismari Fourie, Delia Meyer, Dylan Matthews, Elke Brieden hann, Herman Gerber, Lindi Strombeck, Louw Coetzee en Peter de Klerk.
Die afgelope jaar het Hoërskool Strand se leerders weereens gewys dat hulle harte het wat omgee. Ti amo is die skool se Liefdadigheidsorganisasie wat oor ’n groot ledetal beskik. Ti amo gaan weekliks op uitreike om die swaarkry van mense op een of ander wyse te verlig. Die vier instansies wat Hoërskool Strand in 2014 ondersteun is Bright Ligts, die nagskuiling, Zandvliet-versorgingsoord en Turn a Round. Hulle het by die jaarlikse Liefdadigheidsbyeenkoms donasies van die skool ontvang.
2015 LEADERS: Somerset College has announced their student leaders for 2015. The head students (from left) are Ambar van der Wath (deputy head girl), Rhys Williams (head boy), Gytha Lategan (head girl) and Mark Reuter (deputy head boy). The other student leaders are Isabella Gebers, Emily Dyssell, Maya de Villiers, Thomas Jansen van Rensburg, Nata sha Furness, Tim Taylor, Sean Richardson, Sophie Ge bers, Nicholas Farrell, Andrianna Kappatos, Holly Garlick, Nikita Tessendorf, Rijk Diepeveen and Sinead van Eeden.
DRAMA SEI SOEN: Parel Vallei se dramaafdeling het weer net hulle beste gelewer en stel elke jaar net ’n nog hoër stan daard. Dié jaar was daar drie pro duksies: The Pro ject, Die Man in die Lugballon en WolkKop. Al drie produksies het uit stekend gevaar by verskeie toneelfees te soos die Klein Libertas, Durban ville en Fraser burgdramafeeste. “WolkKop”, deur Mari Borstlap, het skitterend gevaar toe die toneelstuk die Klein Libertasfees op Stellenbosch gewen het en aangewys is as die wenner van die ATKVTienertoneelkompetisie in die WesKaap. Agter, van links: Ira Blanckenberg, Jane De Wet, Ben Albertyn, Mari Borstlap, Jacques Meyer, Charlene Erlank, Gerrit Schoonhoven, Joshua Olivier, Christian Jolly en Charl Van Heyningen. Voor, van links: Wilhelm van der Walt, Ilse Oppelt, Tony Mcpherson, Eddie Turner, Ja co Potgieter en David Brink.
WISKUNDEPRESTASIE: Hoër skool Strandleerder Kezia Rietoff (gr. 9) het vir die tweede agtereen volgende jaar deurgedring na die Harmony Wiskunde Olimpiade se derde ronde nadat sy landswyd onder die top100 presteerders in die tweede ronde geëindig het. El ger Braasch (gr. 9) en Kezia het al bei aan die onlangse Interprovinsi ale Wiskundekompetisie deelge neem nadat hulle baie goed in die Universiteit van Kaapstad se Wis kundekompetisie gevaar het.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
18 September, 2014
LEGAL 1440
ENID J ODENDAAL 23.09.1920 - 09.08.2014 No longer with us but never far from our thoughts. Memorial service to be held 27 September 2014, 11am at Strand Methodist Church, Church Street, Strand.
ON SEPT 13 we said goodbye to a loving wife, mother and dearest friend Jean Merl Young. nee Wessels. A funeral service will be held 8 am at St. John's(Strand) 20 Sept 2014. You will be dearly missed sister. RIP from the Wessels and Young family.
PAIGE Mona 14.06.1932 - 12.09.2014 Will be lovingly remembered by family and friends. Memorial service to be held on Saturday 20 September 2014 at 10:00 from the New Apostolic Church, Onverwacht street, Strand-South. Private Cremation
CURTAINS, duvet covers and cushions etc. expertly made. % Jean (021) 8500767 or 083-233-6139. LOANS 1445
LOST/MISSING Atson Funeral Home 326 Main Road, SWest Tel: 021-851 1592
FAIRBAIRN : BASIL 19.09.2004 Precious are the memories of my husband, our father and grandfather who passed on ten years ago. We hold you close within our hearts And there you will remain, To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again. Ever remembered by Joan, Lincoln, Rene, Michelle, Celeste and families. FAIRBAIRN : BASIL Your life was full of loving deeds, Forever thoughtful of our special needs. Today, tomorrow, our whole lives through We will always love and cherish you. Mavis, Marie and Samantha.
PIET VAN AS 26.08.1958 - 25.09.2013 Een jaar is verby. Die see was jou lewe. Nou rus jy in vrede. Ons mis jou Piet Van Ma en familie.
A GLAD PLASTIC PACKET containing several valuable rings. Possible area: car-park of Vergelegen hospital, or other. Please phone desperate owner 021 852 9444. Date 15/16 July.
SUKKEL JY MET JOU SKULD Sms help to 082 457 0292. MEDICAL 1450
REGTERHAND MANS LEERHANDSKOEN in swart verloor in Somerset Wes area. Kontak 021 851 7978 of 084 213 9704. PERSONAL SEVICES CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT 1405
JUMP 4 HIRE Jumping Castles and slides for hire. We deliver, setup and collect. Ph. Christo 083 566 3061. JUMPING CASTLES en waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 8533999 of 083-513-9493.
COMPLETE AND SUBMIT your 2014 income tax return. Professional and quick. Get back what SARS owes you! Contact us on 021-853 7725 or ONLINE BUSINESS Annual Returns, CC's Companies & Websites % 021-903 8062 or
Business Registration Register a Company Director Changes Trading As Names CC Changes Trusts Register a Sole Proprietor 021 852-4444
TIP TOP LAUNDRY service Collect and drop off R5 per km(one direction) Blankets R100 double Curtains R120 Contact 072 089 5772
H LEARN TO DANCE H for Weddings, Functions, Parties, Matric Balls & Social Murray 0844345490. Dance Stars Helderberg. TRAINING & EDUCATION 1480
FOUND 1215
LISENSIEHOUER I.M PUNT 03.07.1961 is gevind in Radloff Park, Somerset Wes. Kontak 021 847 1640 of 082 728 1407.
ALLIANCE FRANCAISE: FRENCH CLASSES. All levels. Mornings/evenings. Diploma offered. % 021-851 8149 Specialised Tuiton All ages English, Maths & Science Phone 072 058 48 94
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
18 September, 2014 MISCELLANEOUS 1655
SECOND HAND BATTERIES. Cars, bakkies & trucks. From R350. Call 082 556 2058.
2DE HANDSE en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne,kombuisware & meubels, alle elektriese ware,ensovoorts. $ HARDE $ KONTANT $! Tel: Johan 083 305 1668.
ARE YOU MOVING? BEST PRICES PAID for bed linen, curtains, furniture or any household items. Ph 084 989 6712 or 021 853 7334.
ABOUT FURNITURE WANTED: Queen Ann and Victorian lounge suites, EMBUIA, Stinkhout, Grand Father clocks and Geelhout en Swarthout Roll Top desks. Call 021 853 1341 or 082-771-3650. meubels gesoek, asook "Queen Anne" & "Victoriaanse" sitkamer-stelle. Kontak Freddie by 8543998 of 082 9237 283.
Teken & ontwerp van nuwe huise & aanbouings. REG. MET SACAP. Skakel Riaan % 082 415 9696 All building plans professional CAD drawn. Cheapest rates, all areas. Contact Rory 021-8510792 or 083 456 2823 2DE HANDSE en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne,kombuisware & meubels, alle elektriese ware,ensovoorts. $ HARDE $ KONTANT $! Tel: Johan 083 305 1668. Lala 076 552 5008
INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083-704-0115
FURNITURE, FRIDGES, ANTIQUES. Thinking of selling any item? I will be keen to make you a cash offer. Kindly phone Ronnie 082-823-9944
WE BUY BEDDING, LINEN, Curtains, baby/children clothing, Tv's, fridges & any household items. Ph. 084 989 6712
ENGLISH CLASSES; TEFL courses; Private lessons. The International English School. Call 021-8528859 or
ALL STEELWORK: Palisades, Carports, Fencing, Steel construction, Devil's fork. Any other welding work. Call Gerrit on 073 654 4345 GARDEN & IRRIGATION 1825
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
0 AA : ELITE REMOVALS of furniture, building rubble, household refuse and any small loads and Treefelling. Danie 082 3379532 / 021 852 6122 BOUROMMEL, TUINVULLIS, PRUNING 4 Ton Tipper. Free quotation. Nicky 082 227 9580. MOLE AWAY!!! Let us worry about your moles!!!! Ph: 021-8532180 (w) or 083 769 2428
FOXLOAD RUBBLE REMOVAL Plot & garden, building rubble, household refuse. Free quotation. Contact Ryno 076 159 4949 Garden Refuse Removal and general waste. Large & small loads 1 Ton bakkies & trailers. Tel. 082 7392 895 or 072 770 6873
BAKKIE for all small loads, rubble removal and furniture removal. Call Gerrit on 073 654 4345. SECURITY 1865
IRRIGATION / BESPROEING Installations, repairs, service. Professionals. Best prices, ref. avail. Francois 081 801 9120.
CARPORTS/AFDAKKE Patios/pergolas. Decks. Treated & SABS timber. Smart finish using 22 years exp. Great product @ great price! Tel: 083414-8103/021-8581873
FRIDGE DOC Buy dead or alive Regas at R180 Call 072 669 8747 or 076 552 0272
H BUGS BE GONE H Full house maintenance. Treat house outside, inside, inside roof and drains. In 40 minutes from *R350.00. No need to evacuate. SABS products. 078 776 0058.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
18 September, 2014
MOTORS EN BAKKIES GESOEK Skakel 079 777 1729
STORAGE: 88 ON MAIN STRAND 24 Hours security Armed Response 34 Secure Units from R300 per month plus Vat TRANSPORT & STORAGE 1870
Contact: Gerhard 021 8418556
FACTORIES TO LET: STRAND 481 & 706m2 Contact: factories@ / 083 383 0174. GORDON'S BAY, BEACH ROAD 65m2 - Commercial Unit. 2 Rooms, reception & kitchen. R3300. Call 083 775 0921 / 021-853 5575. HIGH EXPOSURE RETAIL SHOP TO LET ON N2. Phone 082 924 3736
DUPLEXES CCTV INSTALLATION & Handyman. Maintenance & SIMPLEXES TO LET 3225 fault finding. Any general handyman work. Please STRAND R 6 655.00 per call Tony on 082 421 6564. maand – 3 Slaapkamer dupleks met 1,5 badkamers in sekuriteits kompleks. Oop-plan komSERVICES buis en leefarea met gaste 2420 toilet. Privaat patio, braaiplek en tuintjie. Enkel motorhuis.Kontak 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692.
STRAND - 1 SLPKMR woonstel. Parkering op perseel. Geen troeteldiere. R3 000pm + 1 maand deposito. Beskik 05/12/2014. 021 854 3880.
STRAND - Broadlands Village. 3 Bed, fitted kitchen with hob/oven. Newly painted. 1.8m Vibracrete wall + gate. R340 000. Private sale. 0823761461.
STRAND - 3 SLPKMR, 2bdkmrs, son stoep met see uitsig. Toesluit motorhuis + 1 parkeerplek. Geen troeteldiere. Deposito 1 maand. R8 500pm. Beskik 5/12/2014. 021 854 3880
STRAND - Rusthof. 2 Huise op 1 erf: 3 Slk, 2 kombuise, sit- + eetkamer, vol teëls + 2 slk huis. Nuut geverf. R600 000. 021-855 2369 / 082 376 1461.
STRAND - Garden Flat: R3,500 pm. Lounge, Kitchenette, Bedroom, on suite shower and toilet. Separate from house. Secure parking. Peaceful surrounds. Available immediately. Contact 084 701 3333.
96 JURGENS EXPO Side tent canopy Double door fridge freez, microwave, new tyres, tv dish, flatscreen tv, trapezium, many extras. Selling due to ill health. R46 000. Tel:021 856 0166 or 084 506 0645.
EXP DOMESTIC WORKER seeks work also trained in guest house. Immediately avail. Refs. avail. Ph Vivienne 071 089 7191.
STRAND R 6 000.00 per maand – 3 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1,5 badkamers in sekuriteitskompleks. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea. Kelderparkering, geen diere. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692.
Gordonsbaai R 3 388.00 per maand – 1 Slaapkamer eenheid met 1 badkamer (slegs stort) in sekuriteitskompleks. Oopplan kombuis en leefarea met parkering. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692.
CHAR: PAULINE a mature, reliable, trustworthy, Christian Zimbabwe lady, with excellent references, seeks char work 2/3 x a week. Please contact Karin on 082 877 0949 for reference or Pauline on 074 357 4325 or 078 026 1461. DAPI IS LOOKING for work as a gardener, h/keeper or any gen work. Hardworking with contactable ref: 082 551 9011. Contact Dapi: 078 947 7124.
STRAND R 4 200.00 per maand – 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 1 vol badkamer in sekuriteitskompleks. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea. 1 klein troeteldier welkom. Kontak 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692.
AM ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 30 looking for domestic work, chars full time. Am hardworking, honest and reliable. Ref available. Contact me 073 353 0026. CARER/TRAVEL COMPANION for elderly or physically disabled, petsitting, homeschooling. Qualification: Teacher. Exp. HK/Mngr. Retirement village. References Sjana Prins 083 604 0676,
CHARLOTTE VICTORIA HEIGHTS - La Concorde 3 beds, 2 bath, lounge, dining room, modern kitchen. Family room, guest bathroom and dbl garage. Secure complex. R19 500pm. STRAND R 12 000.00 per maand – 3 Slaapkamer woonstel met 2 badkamers Tim 083 379 5412. Avail 1 Oct 2014. in Kusweg. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea met balkon. Kelderparkering, geen diere. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272 of 079 521 6692.
TEN VOLLE gemeubileerde 1 slaapkamer woonstel te huur te Wavecrest, Beach Road, Strand. Sekuriteits onderdak parkering. Onmiddellik Beskikbaar. R5950.00 per maand. Kontak Pieter Pelser op 083 700 0049.
STRAND - 3 Slpk, 2 badk, oop sit / eetkamer / kombuis, toe motorhuis. Geen diere. Skakel Corrie 084 351 1821.
Aanbevole. - Verblyf 3 Ster w.stel & B/B of kamers in STRAND vanaf R250 p/kamer. 0799600359 GORDON'S BAY - 3 Bed, 2 bath, b.i. oven, hob & extr, double garage with remote, irrigation system. R6650 pm. Avail 1 Oct. Call 083 457 0620. GORDONS BAY 3 bdrm dbl storey with b.i.c, 2 bathrms, garage, carport, fencing, wendyhouse, garden, braai. R7 500pm. . Ph 071 263 9363.
HELDERVUE - Deck with sea views, 3 bed, 2 bath, laundry, office with sliding doors to stoep. Wendy, GARDEN FLAT single Lapa. Alarm, Electronic person, Heldervue. No gate. R11 000 pm. SOMERSET WEST 2 pets,no smokers,furnisAvailable 1 Nov. Lettie room apartment, upmarket hed. W+E+TV+Internet 0828508318 area, single person, non included. R2 800 + deposit. Avail 1 Nov. 021 855 3645. smoker, proof of income. R3 300pm, water & elect included, dep required. GEMEUBILEERDE Phone Jan or Magda 083 bachelors woonstel. Loop 448 7982/3 afstand van Waterstone Mall. R2 500 pm. Skakel Susan 083 446 0020. FURNISHED ACCOMODATIONS 3256 S-WES / STRAND Groot gemeubileerde Greenways Golf Estate woonstel (70m2) op eerste 2 bedroom apartment, vloer van woonhuis. newly renovated, fully Onderdak parkering, eie furnished. Available 1-31 ingang met balkon, October 2014, R6 000,00 volvloer matte. Alle neg. Contact Melanie benodighede + stoof. 0835731747 Outomatiese wasmasjien. Krag & water ingesluit. Geen diere of kinders nie. HOUSES FOR SALE Vanaf 1 Oktober 2014. 3275 Prys R3750 + deposito. . Kontak 083 478 9366. COASTAL HOME FOR SALE S/WEST REGENT PARK Fleur Park Gordon's Bay. 2 Bdrms, full bthrm, lots Very close to sea. of b.i.c, undercover Open plan lounge, parking, mntn & sea views, diningroom and kitchen. security complex, R5 100. Two bedrooms. Contact Dick 084 822 2288. Phone 082 924 3736.
STRAND: Netjies gemeub. kamers vanaf R150 p.d. SKAKEL 072 745 7421
0 ATTENTION 0 Housewives - Elite House Cleaning provides services daily/weekly for Spring Cleaning, Windows & Ironing. Dalien 082 335 5027
I AM MALAWIAN looking for a job as housekeeping or gardener. Experience 3 yrs. Call me on 078 744 2646, 084 440 0709. Ref 082 475 8911. I AM MALAWIAN lady aged 29 am looking for work. I will be glad if my application are considered. Cell 063 004 3965 I AM MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as housekeeper, cleaning and nanny. I have contactable references 083 595 2581 and Chikondi call me on 061 958 2574. I AM Niffa Mileka, Malawian lady 38 year old am looking for job as housekeeper. My phone no 073 148 0327 or 074 481 2527. I AM SUSAN hardworking lady looking for domestic work three days a week or chars. Good cleaner, housekeeper. My number is 078 861 4409. I AM ZUKISWA a hardworking lady. I am looking for domestic job, chars, nanny or house cleaning. 073 963 3346.
I'M A LADY looking for a job as a domestic worker or as babysitting everyday FLORENCE IS LOOKING or chars. Please contact for domestic work. Good in Diana at 081 064 0258. cleaning & caring for kids. I'M CHRISTINE ZimbabHardworking, honest & reliable. Refs avail. Call me wean lady looking for housekeeping or cleaning 078 598 4400. job, chars or everyday. Ref Mrs Coetzee 083 233 6220. GENERAL WORKER My number 074 796 5587. looking for garden work and painting. Honest and hardworking. Contact me 063 068 9653 or 071 715 6815.
I AM 28 yrs old lady looking for a job Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I can take anything and willing to learn. Contact 060 323 8186. I AM a 25 yr old lady looking for job . I can take anything capable of domestic work. I am a Zimbabwean. Contact 071 789 6991. Full time job. I AM a lady aged 35, single Malawian looking for a job as housekeeper. References available and permit. Contact 071 825 4206.
I AM a Malawian lady looking for a job as houseA HANDYMAN is looking keeping or nanny. 4 Yrs exp. Refers available and for work as bricklayer, certificate of nanny. Call plaster, skimming, painon 078 118 9656. ting and much more. Part or full time. Quality approved. Call Chris 084 I AM A ZIM LADY aged 273 0264. 38yrs. I am looking for job as housekeeper. 6Yrs exp. AM GRACE looking for a Honest & keen. Please call Winnie 060 375 0510. Ref job. Am hardworking call 082 372 7728. person. Any job which is available. Domestic work, housekeeper. I am I AM a Zim lady looking available any time. My no for a job as housekeeper, 083 694 2944. sleep in or out. I can do all the duties and can prepare AM MONALISA Zim lady breakfast. Please call 083 367 9767. looking for full time domestic work. I am hardworking and also good I AM a Zimbabwean lady with babies. I have ref aged 30. I am looking for avail. My no 060 430 8514 a job everyday or chars. Reference available and 100 percent faithfulness. AM SOUTH AFRICAN 061 098 8086 lady looking for a job
everyday or chars. I have a reference and am good in cleaning, ironing and always on time. 073 850 2576
I AM LOOKING for a job as code 14 driver. 4 Years experience with PDP. Contact 073 858 2984.
I'M GIFT SUNDAY looking for a job as a gardener with good experience. My number is 073 152 7117. Reference number 083 661 8688. IM PRECIOUS Zim lady with permit. Im looking for everyday chars. Am aged 40. Call me on 078 906 7488. JOY A MALAWIAN lady aged 36 is looking for a job as a housekeeper and domestic work. Contact nr 073 181 6740 / 073 689 9600. LADY 27 LOOKING for a job as a housekeeper or cleaner. Chars Mon, Wed, Thur, Friday. Contact Talent 073 049 2739. LADY AGED 33 looking for a job as a housekeeper or cleaner and ready to start. Monday - Saturday Contact Valerie 078 835 7082. MALAWIAN LADY aged 26 is looking for permanent job as domestic worker. 3 Years experience + asylum paper with contactable ref. Call me 061807 8742. MALAWIAN MAN MALACH is looking for a job as gardener, general work. Reference. Mr John Wiltshire 072 207 0350. Contact 078 478 2047. MSOWOYA CHIPILIRO Malawian lady aged 31 yrs looking for job as housekeeper or chars or any job. Call me 079 043 5748. MUFFIN A 23 YR old Zim lady is looking for domestic work. Exp with ref avail. Good with kids. Please call 073 422 2837.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
18 September, 2014
MY NAME is Blessings a Malawian man looking for a job as a gardener or painter fulltime or chars. Please contact me on 060 451 5015.
DOMESTICS NEEDED for housecleaning service. No sms's or missed calls. Tel. 083 283 7576
PHILMON a 36 yr old Malawian is looking for work as a gardener or any other gen work also welcome. Mon, Wed & Fri. 5 Yrs exp. 073 755 5990.
Dringend benodig Plumbers verkieslik met bestuurslisensie en woonagtig in Helderberg area + 5 jaar ondervinding. Kontak 021 854 3822 of 081 784 3498.
REGINA IS LOOKING for domestic work. 9 Yrs exp with ref. Good in cleaning & ironing. Full time or chars. Ref 072 308 1702. Call me 073 801 7428.
DRIVERS REQUIRED for deliveries at Steers and Debonairs. Motorcycle provided. Phone Jack 083 494 4297.
SOEK DRINGEND tydelike werk. 10 Jaar bou ondervinding, light frame, steel produksie, bestuurder by Wet Cast Plant en Steen Plant. Tel 081 528 3773. Watson Nyirenda, Malawian man aged 37. Looking for a job as gardener for two days, Tuesday and Thursday or any job. Call me on 084 536 2545. ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 30 looking for a housemaid job or nanny. Have 5 yrs experience. My contact 078 463 1796. Ref 072 065 2600. Am a hardworker.
99% Sal nie reageer op hierdie advertensie nie. Inkomste potensiaal deeltyds: Âą R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen deur-tot-deur bemarking nie. Skakel: Hein 072 807 8603/Kantoor: 0218508184
Werk behels 5 dae per week, n volle rekeningkundige funksie vanaf die pos van brondokumente op PASTEL , salaris berekeninge, voltooiing van BTW/LBS/WVF/WCAopgawes tot by finale proefbalans en maandelikse rapportering aan direksie teenoor formele begroting. Ouditeure stel jaarstate op. Vereistes: Formele graad of diploma sal aanbeveling wees. Minimum 10 jaar bewese ervaring in rekenmeesterspraktyk of soortgelyke omgewing. Kontakbare verwysings vir die laaste 10 jaar. Vlot in beide Afrikaans en Engels. IsiXhosa sal aanbeveling wees. Kandidaat moet ook bereid wees, om betrokke te raak by die organisasie se aktiwiteite, buite kantoorure en oor naweke. Dui aan vergoeding verlang. Rig CV aan of faks na 021 854 4522 voor 24 September 2014. STOREMAN MOTOR INDUSTRY To start A.S.A.P. Fax CV to 021 853 8767 Email:
ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 30 looking for domestic work. Have 2 yrs exp. Ref 011 946 2026. My contact number 060 456 2205 or 078 463 1796.
REKENMEESTER Gemeenskapsorganisasie in Somerset-Wes, benodig n rekenmeester.
LOCKSMITH NEEDED for busy, well established business in the STRAND area. Please contact Lee 02 571 4199.
RECEPTIONIST We are a well established retail outlet in the Strand looking for a receptionist. Duties to include reception, switchboard, cashier and general admin. If you enjoy dealing with customers and have a minimum of 3 years experience, please email your CV to
Busy supermarket seeking experienced RETAIL STAFF. SALES PERSON Please fax CV and ID to Our shop is looking for a 086 564 9167. DIY person with good sales experience for a small retail shop. Drivers licence is a MUST. Suitable candidate must be hands on, have excellent customer service and good communication skills. Ph 082 890 1701. SALES PERSON We are looking for a sales person with with a vibrant personality and well groomed. Must have good peoples skills and be a quick learner. Must have minimum grade 12 or graduate. Ph 082 890 1701.
STAX VIDEO'S Somerset-West benodig voltydse video winkel assistent met graad 12 en kontakbare verwysings.E-pos CV na WELDER REQUIRED to manufacture steelgates and railings. Tel: 082 457 5726 or 021 851 6915.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
18 September, 2014
NOTICE OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN A meeting of the Council of the City of Cape Town will be held on Thursday 25 September 2014 at 10:00 in the Podium Block, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. Please note that limited seating is available for members of the public and, therefore, seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If you wish to attend the meeting, you are requested to contact Zizipho Gawulane on 021 400 1244 between 09:00-16:00. All requests for attendance must be received by no later than a day before the meeting. You will be required to provide your surname, initials and contact telephone number. Visitors are kindly requested to be seated by 09:30.
Sport Sport
18 September, 2014
MIN 12°C
WIND: 21km NW SUNRISE 06:41
SUNSET 18:39
MIN 10°C
WIND: 11km S SUNRISE 06:40
SUNSET 18:40
MIN 10°C
WIND: 11km S/SE SUNRISE 06:38
SUNSET 18:41
MIN 14°C
WIND: 7km S/SW SUNRISE 06:37
SUNSET 18:41
18 Sept 05:35 | 18:17
11:53 | -- : --
19 Sept 06:32 | 19:03
00:17 | 12:45
20 Sept 07:12 | 19:37
01:03 | 13:23
21 Sept 07:44 | 20:06
01:38 | 13:54
Boat anglers happy to report good catches of snoek and yellowtail Now that the weather pattern has improved and the high swells have calmed slightly, boat anglers are once again able to get to sea. While there was the full moon there were quite heavy seas because of the spring tide making fishing difficult. During this last weekend many skippers ventured to sea in search of yellowtail at Cape Point and Rocky Bank. Boat anglers that went to Table Bay area located snoek and yellowtail at a number of venues. A number of katonkel were also boated here. Boat anglers also reported catching the occasional oil fish between the other species. The oil fish is sometimes passed off as butterfish and the specie of oil fish caught during the past weekend is known as “Escolar” (Smith’s book no 861) and can attain up to 1,8288 metres (six feet) in length. The flesh is oily and when very fresh is edible, but if the fish is kept too long the oil is separated and the fishcanbecomeanintestinalirritant.
There have in fact been numerous cases of severe food poisoning from eating this fish. The large eyes enable it to live at the great depths of between 200 to 275 fathoms. Local small boats fishing in Melk Bay, Die Poort and Die Gaatjie areas reported reasonable catches of smaller kob, dassie and white stump. On Saturday and Sunday there were a number of ski boats that had varying catches of fish from theCapePointandRocky Bank area with some skippers being more fortunate than others. At Simon’s Town on Saturday the skipper on Finkie caught 27 yellowtail and five katonkel. While fishing on the boat Chilli Tart on Sunday, Earl Fenwick boated 11 yellowtail, a few katonkel and some chokka from Buffel’s Bay. Earl mentioned there must have been 50 skiboats and other boats fishing in the Cape Point area at the time. I wonder how many readers know that according to Joe Mara’s book A Fisherman’s Tale’ (written in 1945)
Riaan Steyn (left), the Pearly Beach Angling Club cap tain, being congrat ulated by Mike White (chairman Goodwood Angling Club, second from left, and Wouter Meiring (Pearly Beach Club chair man – right) after his club won the re cent shoreangling competition against Goodwood.
Hannes Smuts of the Pearly Beach Angling Club with the 7,15 kg mus selcracker which he caught during the recent shoreangling competi tion between the Goodwood and Pearly Beach clubs in the Pearly Beach area. This was also the win ning fish in the competition. the late Headen Grey launched his skiboat from the Durban beach, near Vetch’s Pier. In doing so he became the first boat angler to launch his skiboat from the beach and set in motion a new mode of fishing. In those years
he used only twofive horse poweroutboard engines. I was a laaitie of 15 when this occurred! Skiboats today use up to two 300 horse power outboard engines. Local shore angling “die hards” are still bagging a few nice size and smaller galjoen and also a number of kob up to 4 kg from the Strand reefs. On Sunday, while fishing alongside visiting angler, Johan Uys (who caught one galjoen and one smaller kob), he told me of another angler who caught a kob he estimated to be between 14 kg to 15 kg which put up a spirited fight. A spokesperson for the Pearly
Beach Angling Club’s competition held against Goodwood on Saturday said 16 members of each club participated in the event. Pearly Beach won the competition and Hannes Smuts won the individual competition with a 7,5 kg musselcracker. Second place was Barry Muller with two galjoen and one hottentot and third was Deon Mostert with a musselcracker of 4,5 kg. Only six anglers weighed in fish, but a number of smaller fish were returned to the water. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 021 854 3831 Send your fishing news and photos to
Sport Sport
18 September, 2014
Wayne rocks the boat in the USA Talented young tennis player from Somerset West, Wayne Montgomery, left home for the USA on 7 May to attend the University of Georgia on a tennis scholarship and is already making a name for himself. He has to date played in two tournaments and been victorious in both. Montgomery will play for the University team for the next four years if all goes well. He attended the University’s summer school from May to August and now started there with the regular semester. In a tournament played on Monday, 15 September Montgomery defeated Oklahoma’s Alex Ghilea 6-1, 3-6, 6-2 to Wayne Montgomery win the Southern Intercollegiate Championship Division 1 singles title at tournament and was pleased he managed the Dan Magill Tennis Complex. to win it. “Wayne was very impressive in each On June 15 Wayne won the Tennis Valmatch throughout the tournament,” said ley Open Championship, a USTA sanchead coach Manuel Diaz. tioned tournament. “It showed what these next four years Second seeded for the tournament, are going to be like. He’s a tremendous Wayne defeated the No 1 seed Gonzales player and showed a lot of resolve and Austin 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. willingness to battle through tough moMontgomery did not lose a set in the ments. first five rounds of the tournament on his “He had some tough challenges and way to reaching Monday’s final. handled them well, and I’m really imMontgomery has won numerous SA pressed with his ability to concentrate and African junior titles and represented and focus and stay with the game plan.” South Africa internationally in team and Wayne said he trained really hard in singles events and reached an IFT (Interthe summer with his teammates, and national Tennis Federation) u. 18 world said he felt pretty confident entering the ranking of No 7 in 2013.
Two weeks of Play in the Classic exciting rugby to support charity awaits club fans Now that we have come to the “business end’’ of the season, the focus will be on the President’s Cup knockout semi-finals and the promotion/relegation matches over the next two weeks. With Strand and St Georges eliminated from the President’s Cup, it is now up to Strand United and Raithby Universals to keep our region’s flag flying high. Raithby Universals vs Langa (Super C semi-final). With promotion already secured for RU, the question needs to be asked if Raithby can lift themselves for this match after the disappointment of losing out in the league. Langa are very unpredictable but Raithby should still be too strong and structured for Langa. If Langa are allowed to play their expansive game, they could pose problems for any opposition. Prediction: Raithby to win. Strand United vs Franschhoek League winners Franschhoek have never been this confident about winning a match. United on the other hand are arguably at full strength for the first time this season with many players returning from injury. United have proven to be at their best when the chips were against them and when it mattered most. Prediction: United to win. A first all Helderberg final will be the cherry on top of a great season for our region. Strand United u. 20 will also be involved in a semi -final on Friday night at Brookside. In the Super C leagues bottom 8 final, Stellenbosch Coronations face Silverleaf at Brookside. Silverleaf won the league fixture between these teams, but Corries should be stronger opposition this time around. Prediction: Corries to win the final. Next week St Georges play arguably their biggest match in their long history as they face Kuils River for a spot in the Super A League. Next week I will take a closer look at this fixture and what the experts have to say.
Taariq van der Ross 2
If you enjoy a round of golf and would like to assist a good cause, then book your spot for the annual Rotary Golf Classic to be played at the Strand Golf Club on Friday 31 October. The Rotary Club of Gordon’s Bay together with Pick n Pay Gordon’s Bay will be hosting this popular annual golf competition for the 13th time and they need your assistance to help raise funds for this their main annual fund raiser towards projects in the community. The Rotary Classic takes the format of a Betterball Stableford Competition and the entrance fee is R300 per player or R1 200 per four-ball. The organisers also guarantee fun for all competing with prizes galore and a floating trophy for the winning team. There will also be a wheelbarrow hamper raffle to the value of R2 000 to raffle and tickets are being sold at R10 a ticket. Visit the Strand Golf Club to book your four ball now or contact Pauline Topham on 084 678 2620 to book or find out more information about the gold day.
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LOG WINNERS: The Somerset West Hockey Club’s women’s master’s team were the winners of the women fourth league this season. They are (back row, from left) Mollie Smuts, Pippa Cartens, Gail Strapp, Mandy Mac Ilroy, Becky Blaauw, Lynn Bredell, Maryka van der Merwe and Eleanor Swanepoel. In front are Fiona Nel, Michelle Cameron, Mandy Thompson, supporter Tuck Bakker and her mother Anouke Bakker. Absent: Lisa van Wyk (goalie), Sharon Penderis, Jenny Cloete, Stella Rossouw, Tony Hughes, Christy Christiaans and Yolanda Laurie.
SW Hockey Club’s ladies masters win L4 league Congratulations and celebrations were the order of the day last weekend when the Somerset West Hockey Club’s women’s fourth team (Masters) emerged as victors in the 2014 Ladies fourth league. They had much to celebrate on Saturday after beating their arch-rival Milnerton for the second year in succession. Durbanville finished third on the log.
This is a particularly fine achievement for this team as Somerset West ladies masters only advanced to the L4 this year and had to play more skilled and younger opponents on astro turf. Despite the challenges they faced they played consistently well throughout the season, showing great commitment and perseverance, losing only one game to Fish Hoek and drawing against UCT, Milnerton and Durbanville.
Price: R6.20 | Tel 021 853 0211 | |
The Helderbergbased rugby players included in the WP Sevens team to play at a tournament in Kenya are (from left) Ricky Petersen (WP sevens head coach, Sir Lowrians RFC head coach), Ashwill Peters (Sir Lowrians RFC), Aldon Hess (St. Georges RFC), Errol Jaggers (Helderberg RFC) and Deon Isaacs (team manager, Club Cap tain at St. Georges RFC). Armien Bailey (Helderberg RFC) was absent at time of the photograph. PHOTO: ECKARD PRINSLOO PHOTOOGRAPHY
WP 7s team brimming with Helderberg talent LYNDON JULIUS Four Helderberg-based sevens players have been included in the Western Province sevens squad, to play in the Safricom Sevens Tournament in Kenya later this month. The squad, under the watchful eye of Sir Lowrians head-coach Ricky Petersen, are into their final preparations for this prestigious event which includes host nation; Kenya, the Fijian second side, Auckland (NZ), Argentina, HFW Wailers (England), the infamous
Samurai 7s squad and many more teams. The Helderberg-based players in the squad are Errol Jaggers and Armien Bailey (Helderberg RFC), Ashwill Peters (Sir Lowrians) and late inclusion speedster form St. Georges RFC, Aldon Hess. Hess was called up following the withdrawal of UWC’s RFC stalwart speedster, Frederick Muller who had to withdraw due to study commitments. “This has given Aldon the opportunity to slot in,” said Deon Isaacs, the team manager commenting on Hess’ late inclusion.
The squad departs on the evening of 24 September for Nairobi where they will build on their European sevens circuit success earlier this year. “We finished in tenth place at last year’s European circuit, so finishing in fourth place this year has certainly showed signs of major improvements in our structures. “We have a good mixture of youthful speed and seasoned sevens experience”, concluded Petersen, who has coached this up-and-coming side since 2012. He was confident that his squad would fare well in the tournament.
Macassar is through to top 8 President’s Cup final Two successful penalties by Macassar in a penalty shoot-out against Collegians, after a 13 all draw at the end of regulation time, secured them a spot in the Top 8 final in the President’s Cup Top 8 competition. Collegians started the top 8 semi-final, played at Brookside in Claremont, like a runaway train and Macassar’s defence was stretched to the limit. In the third minute a long floating pass by Macassar flyhalf, Garth De Bruyn, was intercepted by a Collegians player to score the first points. The conversion was successful and Collegians took a 7-0 lead. Two minutes later they were successful with a penalty kick to stretch their lead to 10-0. Macassar struggled in the scrums and Collegians pinned them down in their own half of the field. Only courageous defence by the young Macassar back line kept Collegians from scoring more tries. Macassar scored their first points in the 24th minute when De Bruyn succeeded with a penalty goal to change the scoreline to 10-3. Collegians hit back immediately with a penalty goal to restore their ten-point lead, score 13-3. On the stroke of half-time Macassar fullback, Cheslyn Cyster, scored a great try after some good interplay between forwards and backs. De Bruyn added the extras and half-time arrived with Collegians leading 13-10. The second half was a replica of the first, with Collegians attacking and Macassar on the backfoot and defending. Ten minutes after the restart De Bruyn levelled the scores at 13-13 with his second penalty goal.
Macassar’s goal line was now under siege from a rampant Collegians team who attacked from all over the field, but brilliant defence kept them out. In the 25th minute their efforts were rewarded with a successful penalty goal to take a lead of 16-13 . Three minutes later De Bruyn had an opportunity to level the scores again, but he missed the easy kick. With five minutes of regular time left the Collegians flyhalf had the chance to secure victory for his team, but he missed the two easy penalty attempts. With time running out Macassar threw caution to the wind and attacked from deep inside their own half of the field and were awarded a penalty in stoppage time. De Bruyn levelled the scores and the referee signalled the end of regulation time. The winner now had to be decided by a penalty shoot-out, three kicks at post by three by different players. De Bruyn lifted the flags for Macassar on his first attempt but his direct opponent, the Collegians flyhalf was not successful with his kick. Franklin Gabone then succeeded with Macassar’s second kick and the pressure got to the Collegians kicker who missed from right in front to give Macassar a 2-0 victory. Macassar will now play Hamlets at Brookside, Claremont, on Saturday 20 September to see who will win the President’s Cup Top 8 competition. Macassar ended in 11th place in the Super League B log, placing them in the Top 8 competition. Clubs in positions one to six play in the Presidents Cup Top 6 competition and those in positions 7 to 14 play in the top 8 competition.