MULTI-ANNUAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT ON PROYECT TO SUBMIT TO THE EUROPEAN CULTURE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 CALL 2010 Madrid, 17th September 2009 Mrs. ………., being of age, with identification nº …………., resident in …………….., as legal representative of ………………………, with head office in ……………………and with official register number …………………………………, Mrs. ………., being of age, with identification nº …………., resident in …………….., as legal representative of ………………………, with head office in ……………………and with official register number …………………………………, (number of partners)
MANIFEST First.- That as documented in their respective statutes or regulations concerning the creation and assignation of competences among their main activities are to be found those developed in the cultural field. Second.- That within the said field they share a common desire to cooperate in the conception, carrying out and financing of multiannual cultural projects within the framework of the European Union Cultural Programme 2007-2013 and, specifically, of the 2007 proposals Announcement. In virtue of the aforesaid, for the purposes of fulfilling the conditions outlined in the said Announcement, the present common documents formalized, in accordance with Spanish law, by which the parties are obliged, freely and voluntarily to the observance of the following
STIPULATIONS First.- The signing parties commit themselves to cooperate in the conception, carrying out and financing of the project……………..presented to the 2009 Announcement of proposals the European Union Cultural Programme 2007-2013, accepting the basic conditions of the said Announcement. Second.- The objectives of the Project are the following: (…) Third.- The adopted initiatives to achieve the mentioned objectives in the Second Stipulation will be the following: (…)
Fourth.- The estimated total cost of the Project is…………………….euros. Fifth.- The function of the Entity ……………………… coordinator of the Project, as its director, and in terms of its participation in the concept, financing and carrying out the Project, is the following: 1.- Conceptual role: (…) 2.- Implementation role: (…) 3.- Co-financial participation: ……….euros (…) Sixth.- The function of the Entity ……………………….. as co-organiser of the Project, and in terms of its participation in the concept, financing and carrying out the Project, is the following: 1.- Conceptual role: (…) 2.- Implementation role: (…) 3.- Co-financial participation: ……….euros (…) (number of partners) The present document is signed in the place and dates as indicated above in six copies, one copy for each organizer and two copies for the Project coordinator, one of them is to be attached to the Application Form for the Project within the 2009 proposals Announcement of the European Union Cultural Programme 2007-2013. Name, Entity
Name, Entity
(number of partners)