S, M, L, XL, 2XL OREDERING Visit for all the details of how you can order. DETAILS DIT crest on the front with the class below. Your name on one sleeve, DITSU’s logo on the other sleeve and a slogan on the back. FUN FACT
If you fancy we can print this on a sweatshirt without the hood similar to the general DITSU merch!
MESSAGE FROM DITSU PRESIDENT 2016/17; BONI ODOEMENE Hey Everyone! First of all - well done for being elected as class rep. It does take a certain amount of courage to accept such a role, so brilliant stuff on taking that first step! However, this is just the first step. You now have a fantastic opportunity to really develop yourself personally and professionally. In your Students’ Union we really want to make it clear to you how much power you have as a class rep. Class Reps have changed college facilities, created services within the college (e.g.: Academic Writing Centre), planned fantastic class events, developed initiatives and organised fundraisers for RAG, not to mention mobilised a student body on issues that were effecting them directly. There is no question that the Class Rep is very influential and is something I want you to be proud of. From Programme Committees – which deal directly with your course and how its run – to class parties and activities you can make this a year to remember for you and your class. Remember, we here in DITSU will be with you every step of the way. We are there to guide, support and advise you on all things here in the DIT. I wish you the very best this year, myself and the team really look forward to working with you throughout the year. Just do go for it!
FOREWARD FROM DITSU VICE PRESIDENT EDUCATION 2016/17; KIERON PIERSON Hiya, The role of the Class Rep is, by far, one of the most important roles within the whole of the Students’ Union. Being a Class Rep is an amazing opportunity for someone who is actively looking to get involved and broaden their horizons during their time in college. By putting yourself forward, you’ve show that you’ve the ability to be a leader and that is something that will follow you even after you’ve gotten your degree. You might not think it, but Class Reps have a chance to make a real difference to student life here and we in the SU want to help you with that as much as we can. The skills you’ll develop as a Class Rep will be helpful to you both inside of college and beyond. The Students’ Union is always there to help you in any way that we can as you are always there to help us. Every Class Rep is amazing and we will always sing their praises, but there are some Reps that absolutely go above and beyond for their class and we want to reward that. To do this, we have the Top Rep Awards. Every year we open it up to the students to nominate their Rep to make sure that they get the credit that they deserve. DITSU will let you know when the nominations open each year.
WHO’s WHO IN DITSU: DIT Students’ Union (DITSU) is the representative body of all students within the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT). DITSU is wholly independent of DIT. Every registered student in DIT is automatically a member of DITSU. Each student pays a student contribution charge and a portion of this charge goes towards running DITSU.
Class Reps are the foundation on which DITSU is built. Each class is entitled to one Class Rep who represents the interests of the class, and is the student member on the Programme Committee. Class Reps are elected by their class at the start of each academic year. School Reps act as a link between the Class Reps and the Head of Schools within their College. Each School is entitled to one School Rep, and they are elected by Class Reps. School Reps assist and advise Class Reps and are automatic members of Student Council.
Student Council is where all decisions, affecting the work DITSU conducts on behalf of students, are decided. It consists of the Executive Council (11 members), School Reps (22) and other students elected at Class Rep Meetings (CRM’s). The total membership is 100. Council makes policy, approves the Elected Officers plans of work and makes sure the Union delivers services to students. Student Councillors ensure that the members of Executive Council, i.e. the Sabbatical Officers, College Officers and the Post Grad Officer are doing their jobs, and to make DITSU policy. Elections are held at the CRM by secret ballot, and each Class Rep has a vote.
College Officers are the Chairperson to the CRM and College Forum, and look after their local campus. Each main campus is entitled to a College Officer and elections are held with the Sabbatical Elections, where all registered students can vote. The College Officers for 2016/17 are: Aungier Street: Pierre Yimbog Grangegorman: Lina Scalzo Bolton Street: Ali Aydin Kevin Street: Dean Murray Cathal Brugha Street: Jess Morris Rathmines and BIMM: Leah O’Donnell
The Post Graduate Officer is Thomas Butler. He the liaison between post graduate students, DIT and DITSU. Any registered student studying a course higher than level 8 may run for election. Elections are held by secret ballot, and take place at the beginning of the Academic year. All postgraduate students can vote. Sabbatical Officers look after students’ interests at meetings such as Governing Body, Academic Council, College Boards etc., where they lobby for improvements in services for students, and work to protect student’s rights and entitlements. Elections usually take place in March on all sites and all registered students can vote by secret ballot The Sabbaticals for 2016/17 are: The President is Boni Odoemene. He is the chief spokesperson for DITSU, and sits on DIT Governing Body, Academic Council, USI National Council and is the Chairperson of Executive Council. He is also responsible for democracy, campaigns, advocacy, human resources, and finance.
Vice President for Education is Kieron Pierson who is responsible for the Class Rep system, training and recruitment; exams and assessments; quality assurance; academic policy, student printing, library services etc. He is a member of the Academic Council and its sub-committees. Vice President for Events is Diarmuid Cleary. He organises all DITSU events and social activities, works closely with Clubs and Societies and is responsible for sponsorship and marketing. Vice President for Welfare is Tara O’Brien. She is responsible for student welfare matters - student health (mental, physical and sexual), accommodation, employment, finance, grants, the Student Assistance Fund as well as buildings and facilities. She is also a member of DIT Governing Body
CLASS REPS ROLE AND FUNCTION: Class Reps provide an essential link between students, their programmes of study, DIT and DITSU. We rely on reps to be active members of DITSU, assisting us in our work to improve the overall student experience for all students. Reps express students’ views to DIT and DITSU, and are an important contact point for students to get information on all DITSU activities, campaigns and events. They provide the most effective way for classes and individual students to bring problems or issues to DITSU, and back to the class. This flow of information is crucial as it enables DITSU to be responsive to student needs and in turn strengthen the power of DITSU to lobby for any change needed. Each class rep is also a member of DIT’s Programme Committee. It is very important that reps attend these meetings to raise issues, give feedback and make suggestions (by contacting your local Student Advisor or emailing, so students have a say in how the course is run. Reps can flag problems and assist in resolving them, improving the overall quality of the programme and the learning experience of all students.
Responsibilities of the Role You are the class voice on your Programme Committee. You represent the opinions of your Class and not your own. You need to share any news or updates that you get from DITSU with your Class. If an issue arises that you feel can’t be solved by approaching a lecturer, you need to gather the thoughts of the Class before coming to talk to us. Going to CRM’s, is extremely important, as they are the best place to have your voice heard. It also gives you an opportunity to get to know other reps and hear of their experiences in dealing with similar problems in the past. You are the eyes, the ears and the mouth of your Class: The eyes: Watch how things work in your classes and be aware of any issues that develop. The ears: Listen to the opinions of your Class so you can represent them properly. The mouth: If you are speaking to a lecturer or us about an issue, you are speaking on behalf of your class.
Dealing with Class Problems
Keeping a Record:
It’s hard to predict what issues/problems you and your Class may face over the coming year. Because of the ongoing effects of spending cuts in higher education and the effects of the embargo on recruitment, DIT continues to struggle to stretch resources. This has particularly affected staffing in libraries, labs and part-time lecturing hours have been severely affected.
It is important to keep a record so you can follow up any issues. The best way of keeping records is through email. Whenever you email a query or request to someone in the DIT you should copy it to the relevant DITSU officer, this helps us to keep records of students concerns.
Examples you encounter can include: classroom facilities, Library services, printing and photocopying, lecturing standards/issues, programme workloads, feedback on continuous assessments, feedback following semester exams, equipment issues, timetabling issues, health and safety, site issues, welfare queries - although problems come in all shapes and sizes. Remember, you are not expected to be an expert in these areas, and you should refer a student to the appropriate service to best deal with the issue. If in doubt contact your local DITSU Office.
This is important because:
What to do:
It allows us to track issues from year to year, and help the officers and staff see what different types of training reps need.
Once a problem is identified it’s important to establish who can fix it. For example, a workload issue can be dealt with by discussing details with the lecturer or the Programme Coordinator. Perhaps it was an oversight in the allocation of work, whereas issues with a lecturer should be dealt with through DITSU, in order to maintain anonymity and protect you as a Rep. Once you know who can help, let them know what the problem is. If it’s an issue for DITSU, you can raise the issue in your CRM or with the College Officer or Student Advisor on your site. If you don’t know who to contact, just call into your local DITSU Office where the Student Advisor will be able to give you the information needed or refer you to the relevant person or service. You are not expected to know how to solve the issue, but are part of a chain getting a solution for the class or individual. It is best for the student or class to get advice from the best informed and experienced person or service. Refer the issue on sooner rather than later.
DITSU officers can start identifying recurring issues and try to address them proactively DITSU can’t always act on one complaint but it doesn’t mean the issue isn’t serious. Recording a number of complaints will strengthen our hand when we raise your concerns at DIT committees.
DITSU can represent students’ needs better. Always remember that you are committing yourself once it is in writing, so be careful what you say. If you need someone to check over an email or document, DITSU Staff officers will be happy to help.
PROGRAMME COMMITTEES: Each programme in DIT is overseen by a Programme Committee. The Committee is made up of all the staff teaching on the Programme and senior academic staff such as the Head of School and Heads of Department, and at least one class rep from each This committee’s main task is to ensure that the Programme is delivered with what has been approved and set out in the Programme Document and is compliant with DIT quality assurance policy and procedures. The Programme Document is the formal document that describes the Programme as it has been approved by academic and industry experts. It contains the definitive information on every aspect of your Programme. It explains what the lecturers should be doing, why they’re doing it and how they should be doing it. The learning outcomes of each module, methods of assessment and how the programme is administered are listed as well as the marks and standards and regulations for the assessment etc. Your Programme Document should be available on-line in the Library section of or in hard-copy in the Library on your local campus. As a member of the Programme Committee, it is important that you understand that you represent your classmates views, not just your own. In order to express what your class thinks you need to find out what their opinions are. DIT Staff know that they have a duty to listen to you, take your opinions and suggestions on board and respond to them appropriately. Consult Your Class As the Rep you have a responsibility to your class, if you aren’t representing their perspective, then their issues won’t be addressed. Programme Committees are not very time consuming as they generally only meet two or three times a year. Minutes, agenda and other documents should be emailed to you in advance. You should also be given the chance to add items to the agenda; this is your chance to raise issues that have been brought to you as the Rep by students. Be sure that the class are clear on your role and remind them throughout the year what it is that you do and do not do.
As a student member you can make sure your involvement in its activities is effective by following some simple rules: • Read the agenda before the meeting and discuss with your class. Write down any comments you plan to make, and read the minutes from the previous meeting (Available from the chairperson) • Ask your predecessor (if possible) to learn about any ongoing issues and how meetings operate • Know when and where the meeting is, turn up in time, or send apologies if you can’t attend • Participate effectively! Pay attention, make notes, contribute, and ask the chairperson to explain if there is anything you don’t understand – don’t be afraid to ask questions or speak up • Make your point clearly and positively – but do not be confrontational • Don’t agree to anything you are unsure of. If necessary ask to defer the decision to allow you to consult with your Class so you can make an informed decision. If the decision isn’t deferred to allow this, then make sure you object strongly and that this is noted in the minutes. Remember you represent your class on the committee, decisions you agree to may be difficult to reverse. • Feedback the discussions and outcomes to your class
DEVELOPING YOUR SKILLS: These are guidelines, tips and tricks are all designed to help you become effective in your role as Class Rep and to ensure you can meet any challenges and enjoy the experience. If you want a bit of advice in dealing with any aspect of your role you can ask Kieron – VP Education, your College Officer, School Rep or any staff member (see for contact details and other useful info). Communication One of the things Class Reps experience as a difficult part of their job, is finding an effective way of communicating with their class. Whatever method you use to communicate it is useful to bear in mind these three points: 1. Why should students communicate with their Class Rep? Some students don’t communicate with their class reps because they don’t understand what a class rep does. You will need to explain what you do - students can approach you with positive and negative feedback about their course, and you will pass the information onto the relevant staff (Programme Chair, Tutor). 2. What difference does speaking to a Class Rep make? If students don’t believe that the Class Rep System works, or that it cannot make a difference to their learning experience, then a vicious circle starts with more and more students feeling that the system doesn’t address their concerns. This effects how representative you can be of your class at meetings. It is important that you encourage students to comment. It is also important that you provide information for students about what has happened at meetings and the issues that you have raised on their behalf. This means that you can demonstrate to others that speaking to a Class Rep can make a difference. 3. How should I communicate with my Class? Here are some suggestions which are aimed at helping you find out information as quickly and easily as possible. Remember the sooner you start communicating with your Class the more information you will gather. • Ask your lecturer/tutor to give you a few minutes at the start or end of a class so you can explain what a class rep does, how important it is and how and they can contact you.
• Give everyone a sheet of paper and ask them to write one thing they think is going well about the course and one thing they think could be going better. At the end of the class collect all the sheets of paper and then give this feed back to your Programme Chair. • Some Class Reps hold ‘meetings’ where students can drop by somewhere convenient to discuss issues they have. • You could hold an ‘open discussion’ before the Programme Committee meeting. This will enable you to discuss with your class mates any issues that the School/Programme Committee want to raise, as well as issues you have been asked to raise. • Don’t underestimate the potential of coffee-breaks and chats before and after lectures. It is only natural that issues about your course will crop up as it is one of the things everyone has in common. The best way to discover the views of your class is to be accessible and encourage them to approach you. Listening skills are very important, try not to interrupt people when they are talking to you. Make notes and then ask for clarification if you don’t understand any items.
Making a Plan
After you have the facts follow these four steps:
When speaking to your class you will become aware that some things are perceived as negative or positive by others, but not necessarily by you. It is important when passing this information on to academic staff (and DITSU) that you are able to give details and background information.
1. Assess the situation It will be up to you to determine the key issues and order of events. Once you have this information confirm with the class what you understand to be the most important issue.
The following questions will assist you in collecting more information and hopefully get a better grasp of the issues you have been asked to communicate. • What is the issue? Try and spell out as simply as possible what is right or wrong about the course • Why is it an issue? E.g. ‘It affects teaching quality or impacts on the students’ ability to learn’ • How do you know it’s an issue? What complaints/comments have been made, what students have spoken to you (here you are attempting to provide evidence for what you are saying)? • Where is this issue? Is it in one module or programme or year? • Who does the issue affect? Just certain groups or streams, the entire year or certain cohorts (males, females, parttime or international students, mature students...)? • When is it an issue? Should the academic staff/School be aware of deadlines or timescales around the issue which may affect it?
2. Identify Objectives Ask your class what they hope to achieve by raising an issue, and what their preferred outcome would be. This will assist you in determining a strategy. 3. Agree Objectives with your Class Decide what action is to be taken and by whom and set timelines. In terms of developing a strategy you should consider: • Should the person/issue be referred elsewhere? • Can you take it up informally with staff or should the issue go to the Programme Committee? • If you need to raise it at a Committee, must you submit a report in advance? • Should it be discussed first with the DITSU Officers/ staff? And do you need any support, advice and/or representation from DITSU if you feel the matter is outside your remit. 4. Provide Feedback It is important to keep your class and DITSU informed of progress. It can be frustrating if the feedback cycle is broken, which will end up making your job more difficult.
Being Effective at Committees
Class Reps will be involved in a variety of communication and negotiation activities by liaising with individual students and academic staff, and representing student views at the Programme Committee and CRM’s. It is important to develop your communication and negotiation skills. Informal routes of negotiation can sometimes be the most successful routes. Try to solve problems at the lowest level possible, i.e. in the first instance speak informally to lecturers on the module/ programme. Programme Committees may only meet once a semester and often towards the end of it.
1. Know the Rules Find out the terms of reference for the committee, and where it fits into DIT’s decision-making process. Check how often the committee meets and how to get put items onto the agenda.
If there are problems with the course students will want a resolution to these issues, earlier than a mid-semester committee will allow. In such circumstances it is probably best to approach the Programme Chair or Head of School to discuss the problem, and attempt to negotiate a solution to it. Check in with the class for five minutes before or after a lecture to ensure that you have a clear understanding what the issues are. When an issue is particularly controversial, it is advisable to prepare a report to present at the Programme Committee. DITSU can provide assistance with this. Negotiation is all about compromise. If no one compromises an agreement will not be reached. Part of the art of negotiation is for you to appear to make more concessions than the other side. Tactically if you make the first concession it may well be beneficial for you later on in the course of negotiation, because you will be in a position to remind the opposition that you made the first move to compromise and now it is their turn. Always have a bottom line, below which you are not prepared to go. Try to conduct an “analysis” once the negotiations are over as it will give you a chance to evaluate and hopefully learn from your successes and mistakes.
2. Learn from the Past Talk to former Reps about their experience on committees and look at past papers and minutes. Find out what other committee members are like, and if there are any members to watch out for! 3. Be Prepared Check meeting and agenda deadlines and confirm dates and times of meetings. Prepare notes on any issues you are going to speak about. Ask for a slot at the end of lectures to ask for student feedback from your class. 4. Participate In order to be effective, you must participate at meetings. If you are unclear about anything, ask for clarification from the Chair, try avoid being negative and if you agree with something, say so. 5. Be Assertive and Clear Being assertive requires the belief that you have needs to be met, other people have needs to be met, you have rights and you have something worthwhile to contribute. It’s also about feeling confident and having confidence in others and taking control of a situation. 6. Report Back It is important that you feedback to your class the results of any meetings you attend on their behalf. Ask your lecturer if you can have time at the end of a lecture to give feedback or updates.
CLASS REP Boundaries & DO’S and DON’ts: Boundaries and Confidentiality From time to time, you may be contacted by someone in your class about a sensitive matter. This may be an emotional or personal issue that they ask for advice or assistance with. No matter how prepared you may feel to deal with such issues, do not deal with student welfare or education cases! It is not in your best interest or the student’s best interest for you to do so. The best way for you to be effective is to listen and refer students on to the proper DIT or DITSU service. There is a huge network of professional, trained and experienced staff within DIT and DITSU who are there to deal with these situations. In order to give the best service, you must resist the impulse to do this yourself. Be aware that the fall-out for misguided, misplaced or wrong advice can be very serious. Issues that are not within your remit include: bullying or harassment issues, personal issues (relationships, health/ medical problems and family issues) and accommodation problems. You should refer the student to their Doctor, the Gardaí, DIT Counselling Service, DIT Health Centre or DITSU. If you have to discuss a student’s issue with anyone you must have their permission to do so. If you are unsure about what do, you can get advice from DITSU whilst maintaining confidentiality, and respecting the student’s right to confidentiality. If you feel a student is at risk of harm, you should get help from the DIT Counselling Service or Health Centres. In relation to academic issues, you must seek permission from the student before taking any action or discussing their details with others. Not only is this simple good manners, but it could be embarrassing if the student decides they no longer want to pursue the issue. If a student has issues with an individual member of the academic staff - DO NOT bring this up at a Programme Committee. This is not the appropriate place; contact the DITSU Office for advice.
Do’s • Attend CRM’s, College Fora and Programme Committee meetings • Come to the DITSU office and make sure you’re registered as the DITSU Class Rep • Introduce yourselves to the local College Officer, School Rep and Student Advisor • Refer any issues or problems to the College Officer or Student Advisor, who will make sure that they get followed up by the Sabbatical team and professional staff. • Never think that any problem is too small (or too big!) to refer to DITSU for follow up. • Treat all fellow students and staff members with respect. Don’ts • Use your own phone to contact the class on behalf of lecturers • Do assignments for your class mates • Do administration for the lecturer • Incur any personal costs on behalf of another student or staff member • Undertake to raise any funds for official class trips • Accept any harassment or bullying from either students or staff • Deal with sensitive student issues. Class Reps should refer such matters to the Student Advisors • Do not try to solve personal disagreements within your Class
CLASS REP USEFUL SUPPORTS: DITSU recognises the importance of supporting you during your time as a class rep. Along with the elected officers; DITSU has full time professional staff who can give you information, advice and support on your welfare and education. Who can I talk to? There are Student Advisors, the Student Welfare Manager and Student Academic Affairs Director who are available to give you information, advice and support. DITSU has an open door policy, so pop in at any time or make an appointment if you wish. Where do I go? You will find a Student Advisor on the following sites in the SU Office: DIT Aungier Street – Trish Cullen DIT Bolton Street – Micheál Gallagher DIT Cathal Brugha Street – Niki Gilsenan DIT Grangegorman – Eve Donnelly DIT Kevin Street – Sarah Coll There are also other staff members who you might see - do feel free to say hello! If there is no front line staff available, one of these staff members will be able to point you in the right direction. DIT Services Students may need extra support and guidance from other services within DIT and our front line staff will be able to refer you on to the correct service as required.
Contact details for key support services: Counselling Service Gabby Lynch (for appointments) 01 402 3352 or text to 086 0820543 Counsellors have offices in all the main DIT sites. Careers Service DIT Aungier Street (Room 2038) 01 402 3082 DIT Bolton Street (Room 149) 01 402 2961 DIT Student Health Centre Northside: Linenhall opposite DIT Bolton Street 01 402 3614 Southside: DIT Aungier Street, Room 3051 01 402 3051 DIT Chaplaincy Service There are Chaplains on all the main DIT Campus Buildings.
STUDENT HANDBOOK: Under DIT Quality Assurance regulations, every Class must receive a Student Handbook at the start of each academic year. The Handbook is prepared by the Programme Committee for distribution (electronically or in hard copy) to the students of the programme, and should contain module content, details on assessment and exams, timetables, lecturers contact details, a general schedule of examinations and assessments, relative weightings in modules etc. - in short, all specific and useful information relevant to your studies for the year. What’s supposed to be in them: Welcome a. welcome by Chairperson of the Programme Committee b. Introduction to the Institute and brief outline of its facilities. Programme Details a. duration of the programme and minimum and maximum periods of registration b. list of those lecturers on the programme together with an outline of their areas of interest c. Class timetables d. list of (a) recommended and (b) reference textbooks e. general schedule of examinations and assessments, relative weightings of courses/modules, re-checks and appeals f. regulations for progression through the programme g. regulations for module exemptions based on RPL h. Recognition of the programme by appropriate professional bodies.
Programme Management a. programme management: Programme Committee, Programme Tutors, staff/student meetings, School Board, College Board, examination boards, internal and external examiners, annual monitoring, review b. student feedback, staff/student meetings, student representatives on Programme Committee, student survey questionnaire c. Programme quality assurance and enhancement procedures. Guidance to Student a. planning study programme and study techniques b. School/College support and Institute-level support for individual student needs, i.e. mature students, students with disabilities etc c. information on laboratory safety, production of reports, regulations for usage of computer facilities, library, other facilities d. Other relevant information, such as teaching locations, etc. e. Relevant student clubs.
CLASS PARTIES THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE: You want a night out with your course; you want everyone to have a massive time and for the right price! Make sure everyone is alright to get home and hopefully snap a picture that will come in super handy when that 21st comes round! Here’s the easy step guide to ensure you have the best class party possible! 1. So firstly, you don’t want your lecturer out for blood because you took your course out on a mad one the night before and now everyone is hanging and missed the morning class. Pick a night that has a later start to the morning; give yourself and your fellow comrades that extra bit of time, it means the world when you can’t find the door out of your gaff! 2. Check that everyone has a place to stay after the night out. Ask anyone who lives in town to help out the furthest travelled people first just in case, if not we can list off cheap hostels around the city for whoever needs them. 3. Have a Fb/Whats App chat going so if plans change, you need numbers for taxi’s etc. It’s also useful if a few of your party go wondering. Communication is key! 4. Find out who can go, who’s the youngest and what music you all are into! When you got that info, you contact me! From here I will list you what I can sort out for you all, take note and get your courses input. Opinions matter when it comes to sorting a solid night for you and your crew. 5. If you decide on pre drinks which you most likely will, keep in mind time and travel, don’t cut it fine and risk missing out on free in or concession. It happens and can put a dampener on the night from very early on.
Tips • Cover you drink when you are stationary, it takes seconds for someone to spike you. • Have a glass of water after every few drinks, you aren’t gonna lose cred or your man card for having glass of water… • If one of your crew has passed it, take them outside and feed them a pint of water, make sure they drink it and keep their head up until they come out of it. • Don’t sneak drink into a club, you aren’t a magician. They will find it. • Student cards are not state issued, you will get turned away, and you need that date! • Hide some $$$ from yourself, means when you are truly stuck for cash you aren’t… if you get me. Wallet pocket or bottom of your bag for example • You ain’t Nanny, remember to enjoy yourself, just keep a general eye out for your crew. • Some drinks can be watered down a lot; bottles are always a safe option. • Doormen love the power, so dress well, don’t flirt if you can and don’t be cheeky. ID and stand straight, if they say get a coffee, it doesn’t mean you aren’t getting in, so don’t kick up a fuss! • If one or some of the group are under the influence of drugs, all depending on what it is, just be sure you keep a watchful eye on them, if they are pale/ red faced or over heating be sure to help them, water in moderation and know where staff are to help if needs be. I hope it doesn’t happen to you. • Have a great time yourself!
For further information please contact; KIERON PIERSON, DITSU VP Education