What If Exams FAQ

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WHAT IF Graham Higginbotham VP Education Hey Everyone, Having to sit exams, write essays and complete assignments and projects comes with the territory when you’re a student. This can be stressful and you might feel that you are under enormous pressure but with a bit of planning you will sail through it. Being up to speed on the rules and regulations is also useful so that is why we’ve compiled this “What If...” Guide to make sure you’re informed. These FAQs are based on the most common questions that we get asked by students about exam and assignment issues. If you have any other query or if you want more detailed information drop into any of the DITSU Offices where the Education & Welfare staff will be happy to help. Alternatively you can email your questions to helpdesk@ditsu.ie and we will respond. On behalf of all my colleagues in DITSU the very best of luck with your exams and assignments. Graham VP Education



I want to defer my exams/assessments? Yes, you can once you have valid reasons and make a formal application to your Head of School in plenty of time. You can get more information from your local DITSU Office or your Tutor. The Deferral form is available from the SU Offices and the Exams offices.


I’m sick in the middle of an exam? If you are feeling unwell during the exam, notify one of the Invigilators (the person supervising). You are allowed leave the Exam Hall temporarily and must be accompanied by one of the staff at all times. If you are able to continue you will be allowed to do so and may be given extra time at the end.

I’m sick on the day and miss my exam? I’m late for an exam? This really depends on how late you are as the Regulations state that if you arrive more than a half an hour after the start time you won’t be allowed in. In some rare and unusual circumstances the Exams Officer may allow you in but you don’t have a chance if another candidate has left the Hall already.

It’s not the end of the world if you’re sick the day of the exam, although it might seem so at the time. Unexpected illness happens to us all so don’t panic. Make sure to get yourself checked out by a Doctor who will be able to sign your PC1 Form to confirm your illness. This might mean that you’re given the chance to take the exam as a first attempt at the next sitting.

WHAT IS A PC 1 FORM What is a Personal Circumstances Form (PC1)? Personal problems can affect a student’s academic progress. Family issues, health matters, personal difficulties etc can all have a negative impact on your studies and performance in assessments. If you are in this situation you can fill out a PC1 form & with the Professional Opinion form as confirmation, formally advise the academic staff of your situation. You need to be aware of what the PC1 process can /cannot do, the timescales for submitting documentation, what supporting info is required etc. You can get all the details and a copy of the Form from your local DITSU Office, the Exams Office or your Tutor.. TIP: All PC1 forms must be accompanied by the appropriate Professional Opinion form / Doctor’s Cert to be considered valid. You can get precise details from your local SU Office. TIP: PC1 forms must be submitted in advance with your assignment or within 2 days of your final exam.

Do I need to have Personal Opinion (PO) form? Is a Doctor’s Cert enough? The Regs state that either will suffice. In some instances it’s more convenient to get the PO form signed but don’t stress if you don’t have it.

Do I give the PC1 form to my lecturer/ Tutor? No. The Exams Office is responsible for collecting the PC1 forms and ensuring that the Exam Board is notified when a student has verified personal circumstances. By all means inform your Tutor or the lecturers - you could email them to indicate that you’ve had some unexpected difficulty or give them a copy if you wish.



I find a mistake or something missing on the Exam paper during an exam? Tell the Invigilator straight away. They will contact the Exams Office who will get the lecturer who wrote the paper to clarify the mistake for all. You should be given extra time to make up for any delay that this causes.

Can I bring any sort of calculator into my exams? No. There’s a list of calculators that are approved for your modules and if you bring in an unauthorised calculator not on the list it will be confiscated and it may be considered a deliberate breach of the Regulations. You may face serious penalties. So ask the Exams Office for the approved list and stick to it.


I injure myself / break an arm/leg/finger etc. before or during the exams? If this happens and you are allowed by your GP / Medical Expert to sit the exams you should contact the Disability Service and your local Exams Office and let them know. DIT is committed to ensuring that students with any temporary or permanent disabilities are in no way disadvantaged in Exams. Specific examination and other assessment arrangements may be made that are intended to enable candidates to perform to the best of their ability; they are not intended to give any unfair advantage to the candidate. If you have an accident in the run up to or during the exam period and are incapacitated in some way you may be able to get a scribe, extra time and/or the use of special equipment. While every effort will be made to provide the necessary facilities, it may not be possible to meet all requirements in every case. Further details of specific arrangements for students with disabilities can be obtained from the Disability Services Office by email to disability.services@dit.ie

WHAT IF I FAIL a module, can I get COMPENSATION? If you don’t reach the pass mark in a module but have performed well in all others you may be allowed an overall pass by transferring the ‘extra’ marks to bring you up to the pass level. NOTE: ‘Pass by Compensation’ when applied, enables the student to pass the entire year overall – it cannot be used to minimize the numbers of repeats a student will have to undertake at the supplemental exams (repeats). And be warned; compensation doesn’t automatically apply. It’s a general principle that it may, but the decision is at the discretion of the Exam Board, bearing in mind the rules of each specific Programme. On some programmes core modules are exempt from compensation. In some instances the Board may consider that it is in the student best academic interest to retake a module or exam.

I want feedback on my marks? Once your results are published online you then have a ‘Four Days for Feedback’ period to view your script and have a discussion about the marks etc with the lecturers before using the more formal recheck/remark/appeals processes. This is your chance to get feedback on your work. These discussions with the lecturer are designed to clarify the basis for how marks were awarded. Following your Feedback session if you still think or know there are errors in how the marks were calculated you can apply for a Recheck (€15 per module); hand the form to the Exams Office within 3 working days.



I want to have the Exam/Assessment RE-MARKED? If you have discussed your marks in detail with your lecturer and are convinced that you should have received better marks you can get the work Re-marked. You fill out the A/R2 form (available from the Exams Office/ DITSU Offices/ www.ditsu.ie), pay the €60 fee and submit to the Exams Office within 5 days of the feedback being given on your results. If the Re-mark application is successful the fee will be refunded. One thing to watch out for here is the possibility that your marks may stay the same or drop and you will have to accept the revised mark.

I want to Appeal? What’s the story then? There are 3 grounds for Appeal:

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That the Regulations of the DIT not been properly implemented A circumstance occurred that is not specifically covered by the Regulations N ew attested, documented and relevant information is provided

The Exam Regulations state very clearly that students cannot have any ‘unauthorised’ material or equipment with them at an exam. This includes notes of any description and MOBILE PHONES! There has been a significant increase in the number of students caught with their phone in their pocket, on the desk or nearby in recent years. Many students were in breach of the Regulations and were penalised as a result. The only equipment allowed is that which has been authorised by both the Examinations Office and the Disability Service. All students are expected to be aware of and abide by DITs regulations. Ignorance or saying you were aware not accepted as an excuse, neither will making a mistake, being forgetful, in a hurry etc .



I’m caught breaking the Rules… accidentally or on purpose?

You have 7 working days from getting feedback to submit an appeal with an A/A1 form. The fee is €75 but your money will be refunded if you’re successful. If your appeal is eligible (i.e. within the 3 grounds specified), the Appeals Board will meet to consider your case and you will be requested to attend the Hearing.


You cannot appeal on the following grounds: · · · ·

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That the exam didn’t follow previous formats or the format you expected; That someone you know did better than you when you would usually score the same; That your lecturer didn’t provide the class with sample/pilot papers. It’s nice when they do, but they’re not obliged to; That you did well in all your continuous assessments during the semester. Exams and continuous assessments are different and you can’t make assumptions from one to the other; That you didn’t do a lab or class you needed to have done. That you ‘think’ you should have done better. Appeals that start with, ‘I hoped to do better....’, I was disappointed with my mark.’ will just be turned away.

This seems like a LOT of info, what are the rules? All DIT assessment is governed by the General Assessment Regulations, this is available on the DIT website.

Remember you can always get more information on any of these topics from your local DITSU office.

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