architecture portfolio

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Divakara Murthy.V selected works DIVAKARA MURTHY .V selected works

International recognisition Thesis drawing titled ‘Hiranyagarba-in and out of gold mine’ shortlisted in International level

and selected for deplay in Sir John Soane museum, London,UK


(word of Vedic Origin; meaning `the Womb of Gold) Hand drawn– 841mm x 1189mm; sketchy color & charcoal rendering, on handmade paper

Hiranyagarbha, drawing inspired by the idea of ‘atmosphere’ in architecture and it explores methods of creating the experiential spaces through design. It uses sensorial qualities as a device in developing spaces. The spatial narrative, that precedes this idea is evolved from archetypal memories of `cave’ and ‘labyrinth’, often associated withvery traits of the subterranean cavernous mines.Needless to mention, that the project uses representational technique of hand drawing to capture the ‘atmosphere’.


Structure+Aesthetics There is a networks of shafts spread across the entire K.G.F ,all connected at underground level. Of all the shafts in the area the Gifford shaft is of particular importance due to its depth [it’s one of the deepest shaft in Asia].The selected area of intervention includes this shaft and Tennent shaft which lies in its proximity .Also in the site is a huge dump composed of stone ,excavated from these mines which are said to have an adverse ecological effects . Hugging the shafts are dilapidated industrial buildings of colonial era which stand as a reminder of its past heritage.





A’ B’

stone dump

green spaces wooden instalation interwoven along the built spaces.

Master plan

Section at BB’

Section atAA’

interior view


The REVIVAL exterior view of Grifford shaft


a spacial learning aid for rural folks location: Kuppam,A.P,India programme: campus design scope : exploration with alternative local materials. attempt to findout design explorations in alternative learning. attempt not to disturb the natural elements in site

A new way of looking at learning as looking into the past and walking into the future. The project is located amid the ‘OASIS’ that was fomed in Kuppam,AP by the efforts of agasthya foundation.The site consists of numerous neem and eucalyptus trees, surrounding a lake.And the boundaries between humans and nature are eliminated.The design strives to preserve the terrain and the hence the building is designed as to not touch the ground,hence retaining its natural profile. The materials used are intended to reflect the past and futuristic ideas of sustainability-local materials such as mud,stone.

01 planetorium 02 admin 03&04 class rooms 05 workshops(informal) 06&07 training center for farmers 08&09 pre university class rooms (formal) 10&11 staff housing 12 sunken entrance 13 sunken courtyards 14 oat and plaza 15,16,17&18 library

sections showing the human intervention sitting on the natural elements without disturbing its ac -tivities.

perspective section of library library is designed along the exiting valley which takes the runoff water to the proposed lake.proposed library is interwovened with linear courtyards and sitouts and attempts to blur the boundaries between in and out.

axonometeric and section of proposed library showing material exploration in structure and detail local materials such as jute,stone,eucalyptus tree branches.

plan at +10m plan showing classrooms and staircase landing acts as collective interation spaces and exploration in rammed earth for classroom walls.

clay trays to collect rain water hallow bamboo trees to drain water green roof facade RCC frame work mud wall infill in RCC frame work stone lintel stone copping mud parapet stone flooring

brick infill

mud mural wall mud mixed with stone aggregate mud parapet wall RCC frame work in elevation stone fins concrete lintels

stone tread gap for perculation

wall section showing material details

section of proposed school

aerial view of proposed school

landings as collective interaction spaces

entrace view to the school

the elements of the space acting as learning tool.


an industrial hub 5th sem design studio work

location: Bangalore,India programme: printing press industry attemt to explore inoscope : vation in ‘big box architecture’ attempts to explore the steel details attemts for material expression.

This project attempts to rethink the spacial qualities of ‘big box architecture’ and it also attemts to explore the steel material in its structural aspects and to its finest details. The site located by the side of the national highway which leads towards siliocon city from west . The main pedestrian spine divides the builds form on either side based on its programmme to acheive the loop which involves in printing.The truck acces is along the peripheral of the site to make loading and unloading effeciently. The entire structure has steel frame work and attempts to detail in both strucatural and aesthetics aspects to acheive material expression.

ground floor plan

1 2 7 6



first floor plan


entrance admin pre press pedestrian walkway printing and post press truck ramp for loading and unloading exit 7

1 2 3 4 5 6

wall section to show material details

hand rendered on cartridge to atempt the depth ,light shadow and material details.

section at aa’ hand rendered to attempt the depth ,light and shadow to enhance the spacial quality.

elevation showing structural and aestheic details (structural glass and steel)

wall section showing structural details

ink on cartridge Tennent shaft Kolar Gold Fields

Kiosk design

Product design kiosk designed for a group of artists called Heal +Learn who does art theraphy shows in gathering spaces.The design facilitates to teach portrait art through Alberti method which will be easier for beginners to draw portraits.The form is organic to enhance the connection between the art and space..The materials like fibre ,glass and stain steel is used to mould this form and to reduce the weight of the structure.

art as automotive

water on handmade Kopergaon,MH

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