2009-2010 Annual Report

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Office of Diversity Initiatives 2009-2010 Annual Report Valarie Greene King, Ph.D., Director

The mission of the Office of Diversity Initiatives is to assist the University of Central Florida in reaching its strategic goal to become more inclusive and diverse. Much of our work is done in collaboration with other units to provide diversity education and training, classroom and workshop presentations, and cultural and leadership programming to enhance the cultural competence of our students, our workforce, and the communities we serve. All of our projects and programs support the university's diversity goal, and effort is made to support and reflect other UCF goals and our commitment to a viable city-state. Areas of Focus for 2009 – 2010 • Promote Implementation of the UCF Diversity Plan • Provide Increased Faculty Development and Support Across the Curriculum • Address the needs of the UCF Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender Community • Facilitate Opportunities for Partnerships and Community Engagement Promote Implementation of the UCF Diversity Plan - The Diversity Plan is a comprehensive document that contains five areas of focus: Organizational Structures, Campus Climate, Recruitment and Retention, Education and Scholarship, and Outreach and Engagement. These categories were identified as critical to enhancing diversity and inclusion at UCF. Working in concert with the university’s strategic planning process, the diversity plan was distributed to all colleges and major divisions for implementation. Diversity champions, representing designated colleges and divisions, were assigned the task of ensuring that elements of diversity would be present in strategic plans and ongoing university operations. The Diversity Champions and their respective areas are:

UCF Strategic Planning Diversity Champions Last Name First Name President’s Division Balanoff Janet Office of the President Last Name First Name Vice President’s Division Bradley Linda Regional Campuses Cobbs Karen Information Technologies & Resources Exum Terry Student Development and Enrollment Services‐ Regional Campuses Himmer JB UCF Foundation Huff‐Corzine Lin Provost's Office Martinez Maritza Community Relations Matos Rebecca General Counsel Modianos Doan Strategy, Marketing, Communications, and Admissions Pates Patricia Student Development and Enrollment Services Pittman John Administration & Finance Reed Brian Athletics Reinhart Debra Office of Research and Commercialization Kittinger Fred University Relations Schuckman Gregory Federal Relations

Last Name Armacost Blackwell Brodie Delfyett Dupuis Hara Harrison Hastings Hayes Illasarie Korosec Nnadi Parham

First Name Robert Christopher Lyman Peter Martin Tadayuki Keith Sally Grant Waheeda Ronnie Fidelia Jennifer

College Medicine Nursing Arts and Humanities Optics and Photonics Honors Rosen Business Science Education Engineering (Staff) Health & Public Affairs Engineering (Faculty) Graduate Studies

Provide Increased Faculty Development and Support Across the Curriculum - The Office of Diversity Initiatives has been involved in faculty development since the office was established in 1994. In fact, the impetus behind the development of the UCF Summer Faculty Development Conference was a proposed Diversity Faculty Development Institute modeled after the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication. Since that time, ODI has continued to facilitate faculty development activities, not only during the summer, but also throughout the academic year. In 2007 we focused our attention on cultural competence and we have successfully worked with members of the faculty to develop a list of 21 cultural competencies for undergraduate students to master, prior to graduating from UCF. In addition to individual consultations, one of the primary instructional mechanisms we have used in working with faculty is the Summer Faculty Development Conference Diversity Track in which we focus on specific teaching and learning topics and strategies over a four-day period. This year, 26 faculty members participated. The chart below shows the participation by department:


We also targeted the regional campuses for involvement in education and training activities. Barbara Thompson, assistant director for training and faculty engagement, spearheaded the majority of our faculty initiatives, including those with regional campuses. Below is a chart that shows our 2009-2010 participation:

Address the needs of the UCF Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender Community - As a designated area of focus for this academic year, Michael Freeman, assistant director for training and student engagement, was identified as the point-person relative to LGBT issues. His work, in collaboration with many others, has helped to advance several LGBT concerns to the forefront of campus life. A 2009 campus climate survey indicated a gap in how our campus was positioned to address the issues impacting the LGBT community. As a result, the following are some of the important actions that have occurred in support of this area of focus: • Launched the lesbian, gay, and bisexual Empowerment Group out of the UCF Counseling Center • Hosted a webinar to review best practices at other institutions of higher learning on LGBT issues • Expanded the Allies Program • Launched PRIDE Virtual Resource Center • Created Knight Allies (student ally organization) • Expanded LGBT- health training to Nursing, Social Work, Sociology, and Women’s Studies • Partnered with College of Medicine in creating LGBT health curriculum for medical students • Collaborated with the Wellness Center on the development of a training and education program for providers at the UCF Health Center • Conducted four focus groups for LGBT students • Provided panels of LGBT persons for School of Social Work and College of Nursing classes • LGBT RSO (GLBSU) changed its name to EQUAL at UCF to recognize our transgender population • Provided educational sessions for campus community on transgender issues (500 attended) • Planned and hosted the Florida Collegiate Pride Conference of LGBTQ university leaders • Contributed to the addition of gender identity and expression to the Golden Rule Facilitate Opportunities for Partnerships and Community Engagement - The role of the Office of Diversity Initiatives has substantially increased relative to community engagement and opportunities for partnerships. We have established relationships with some of the most influential organizations in our community, as well as with several regional and national entities such as: Hindu University, Florida Hospital, Central Florida Community Task Force on Sexual Violence, Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Harbor House, Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Walt Disney World, First Congregational Church of Winter Park, Central Florida Interfaith Council, Global Peace Film Festival, Association of Fund Raising Professionals, Universal Studios, Florida Diversity Conference, and the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.


Although we do not have a relationship with Google, Inc., we are extremely appreciative to them for awarding the Office of Diversity Initiatives an unsolicited grant for $20,000 as a means of acknowledging and rewarding our diversity and inclusion leadership and achievements. Areas of Focus for 2010 – 2011 • Monitor and Promote Implementation of the UCF Diversity Plan o Five Areas of focus • Engage in a comprehensive self-study of the ODI with recommendations for the future • Collaborate with units and divisions to address the needs of selected student groups The Office of Diversity Initiatives has several programs and projects that occur on an annual basis, regardless of our involvement in other activities. Some of our ongoing initiatives include: Diversity Week (October 19-23, 2009) - The Office of Diversity Initiatives plans and executes the UCF Diversity Week celebration that begins with the annual Diversity Breakfast. This year our theme was Finding Our Way Home: A Salute to the Courage, Commitment, and Sacrifice of Freedom Fighters. The breakfast keynote speaker was Admiral David Brewer, Retired, U.S. Navy. Leadership Enhancement Program - The LEP has existed at UCF in some form since 1996, except for a brief hiatus in 2000. This was the third year of UCF’s participation in a LEP consortium with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Daytona Beach. The 2010 class was composed of 9 USPS, A&P, and Faculty scholars from UCF and 6 representatives from ERAU. Sessions were held on a monthly basis alternating between campuses. The annual Leadership Institute and commencement program were held at UCF. Carmen Afonso, senior executive secretary, worked with Dr. Valarie King, LEP executive director and the program director at ERAU to implement the LEP. LEGACY - Under the leadership of Lynnsey Hicks, fifty student scholars participated in the Legacy Leadership and Mentoring Program designed to combat the attrition of students of color. The Legacy four pillars of success are Scholarship, Identity Development, Career Development, and Leadership. During this academic year, 20 students graduated from UCF with one continuing on to graduate school. Legacy scholars successfully implemented a community service project in which they assisted Oak Hill Elementary School students prepare for the FCAT. President’s Multicultural Advisory Council - The mission of the PMAC shall be to advise the President of the University of Central Florida in matters of policy and practice relating to diversifying the racial and ethnic composition of the faculty, staff, and student body. Further, members of the Council are to serve as local and regional ambassadors to support the development and enhancement of programs, services and opportunities for members of racial and ethnic minority groups at UCF. Staff support for the PMAC is provided by Katie Pomp, administrative assist, and Dr. Valarie King. Separately, an annual report has been developed and submitted by the Chair of the PMAC, Dora Casanova de Toro. UCF Community VHP - The University of Central Florida has partnered with the Library of Congress to implement the UCF Community Veterans History Project within the Central Florida region. This project was initiated by Dr. Valarie King as a component of our 2009 Diversity Week celebration. The UCF Community VHP is designed to collect, preserve, and make accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans from World War I through the present Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. This is our most recent initiative and it is a collaborative venture with the History Department, Burnett Honors College, Library, and Veteran’s Services.


Training - Education and training sessions for members of the UCF community (faculty, staff, and students) occupy a major role in the Office of Diversity Initiatives’ operation and continue to be one of our most successful ventures. Our diversity educators are Michael Freeman and Barbara Thompson. Yara Asi, program coordinator, supports training activities. The charts below show the expansion of our education and training program by participants, workshops, and topics from 2006 to 2010:


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