Program MEET Congress 2014

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Radisson BLU Hotel Nice, France

7th Annual Joint Meeting of ISES & MEET MEET 2014 Course Directors Max Amor Patrice Bergeron Piergiorgio Cao Nicholas Cheshire Eric Ducasse Nicola Mangialardi


Scientific Committee Hakim Benamer Benjamin Faurie Mario Lachat Richard McWilliams RenĂŠ Milleret Claudio Rabbia Sonia Ronchey Peter Schneider Gunnar Tepe Isabelle Van Herzeele


Founding Directors Max Amor Patrice Bergeron Honorary Directors Luigi Inglese Thomas Ischinger Klaus Mathias Dieter Raithel


MEET is compliant with the Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice 14 CREDITS

Welcome to the MEET 2014! It is a great pleasure to come back to our roots on the French Riviera, in the beautiful city of Nice with its unique light, refined lifestyle and multiple perfumes and flavors. As you know, and in order to achieve our multidisciplinary educative ambition, we will favor more videos, more clinical cases, more interactivity and discussions. This year again all the plenary sessions will be broadcast on Internet. Tell your friends and colleagues they can also follow us from home. Over 3 days, we will present an extensive program dedicated to all endovascular techniques, focusing on Veins, Thoracic branch stent grafts complications, new developments in carotid stenting, EVAR challenges, renal artery stenosis and denervation, BTK & CLI, CTO management and how to chose the best covered stents. Take your time to visit the exhibition and discover the Industry news as it is only thanks to their precious help that we could achieve our ambitious program and do not miss the Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific, and Medtronic symposia. In parallel, on Sunday, a special program has been organized for the nurses and technicians over one full day, for them to follow an intensive course. If you have not yet registered for the official dinner on Monday night, we invite you to enquire at the registration desk and hope to have you with us for a convivial buffet dinner on the Radisson Hotel’s beach privatized for us. Finally, welcome to the capital City of the French Riviera, we look forward to building endovascular synergies with you and our outstanding international faculty. The MEET Directors

COURSE DIRECTORS 2014 Max AMOR, Essey-les-Nancy, France Patrice BERGERON, Marseille, France Piergiorgio CAO, Rome, Italy Nicholas CHESHIRE, London, United Kingdom Eric DUCASSE, Bordeaux, France Nicola MANGIALARDI, Rome, Italy


SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 2014 Hakim BENAMER, Aubervilliers, France Benjamin FAURIE, Grenoble, France Mario LACHAT, Zurich, Switzerland Richard MCWILLIAMS, Liverpool, United Kingdom René MILLERET, Montpellier, France Claudio RABBIA, Torino, Italy Sonia RONCHEY, Rome, Italy Peter SCHNEIDER, Honolulu, USA Gunnar TEPE, Rosenheim, Germany Isabelle VAN HERZEELE, Gent, Belgium FACULTY 2014 Flavio AIROLDI, Milan, Italy Vladimir ALEXANDRESCU, Marche-En-Famenne, Belgium Jean-Marc ALSAC, Paris, France Max AMOR, Essey-Les-Nancy, France Takashi AZUMA, Tokyo, Japan Hakim BENAMER, Aubervilliers, France Patrice BERGERON, Marseille, France Jérôme BRUNET, Avignon, France Clifford J. BUCKLEY, Temple, USA Jacques BUSQUET, Saint-Cloud, France Sante CAMILLI, Rome, Italy Sylvain CHASTANET, Nice, France Laurent CHICHE, Paris, France Philippe COMMEAU, Ollioules, France Gioachino COPPI, Modena, Italy Jean-Paul DE VRIES, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands Koen R. DELOOSE, Dendermonde, Belgium Edward DIETHRICH, Phoenix, USA Eric DUCASSE, Bordeaux, France Mark A. FARBER, Chapel Hill, USA Benjamin FAURIE, Grenoble, France Roberto FERRARESI, Milan, Italy Ciro FERRER, Rome, Italy Jean-Luc GÉRARD, Créteil, France Jean-Luc GILLET, Bourgoin-Jallieu, France Yann GOUËFFIC, Nantes, France Alison W. HALLIDAY, London, United Kingdom

Olivier HARTUNG, Marseille, France Réda HASSEN-KHODJA, Nice, France L. Nelson HOPKINS, Suite Buffalo, USA Emmanuel HOUDART, Paris, France Luigi INGLESE, San Donato Milanese, Italy Elixène JEAN-BAPTISTE, Nice, France Xiongjing JIANG, Beijing, China Kiriaki KALLIGIANNI, Athens, Greece Piotr KASPRZAK, Regensburg, Germany Zvonimir KRAJCER, Houston, USA Julien LEMOINE, Essey-les-Nancy, France Nicola MANGIALARDI, Rome, Italy Armando MANSILHA, Porto, Portugal Klaus MATHIAS, Hamburg, Germany Richard McWILLIAMS, Liverpool, United Kingdom Claude MIALHE, Monaco René MILLERET, Pezenas, France Piero MONTORSI, Milan, Italy Stefan MÜLLER-HÜLSBECK, Flensburg, Germany Furuzan NUMAN, Istanbul, Turkey Fausto PASSARIELLO, Naples, Italy Atul PATHAK, Toulouse, France Michel PERRIN, Chassieu, France Ivo PETROV, Sofia, Bulgaria Paul PITTALUGA, Nice, France Bernard PRATE, Cannes, France Thomas PROEBSTLE, Mainz, Germany Enrique PURAS MALLAGRAY, Madrid, Spain Claudio RABBIA, Torino, Italy Zoran RANCIC, Zurich, Switzerland Donald B. REID, Wishaw, Scotland, United Kingdom Timothy RESCH, Malmö, Sweden Sonia RONCHEY, Rome, Italy Natzi SAKALIHASAN, Liège, Belgium Antoine SAUGUET, Toulouse, France Peter SCHNEIDER, Honolulu, USA Francesco SETACCI, Rome, Italy Gunnar TEPE, Rosenheim, Germany Jörg TESSAREK, Münster, Germany Matthew THOMPSON, London, United Kingdom Giovanni TORSELLO, Münster, Germany Jos VAN DEN BERG, Lugano, Switzerland Isabelle VAN HERZEELE, Gent, Belgium Fabio VERZINI, Perugia, Italy David WRIGHT, London, United Kingdom

congress synoptic Sunday June 8

Monday June 9

Tuesday June 10

08.00 New developments in carotid 08.00 BTK & CLI: How to succeed? stenting

09.45 10.30

13.00 VENOUS SESSION 13.00 Tumescent less saphenous ablation 13.57 Preservation of saphenous trunks 14.41 New trends


Industry sponsored symposium Coffee break

7th Annual Joint Meeting of ISES & MEET


Coffee break

11.00 EVAR challenges: followup, endoleaks and complications

11.15 Choosing covered stents



Lunch break

14.15 Industry sponsored session

ePosters competition session

Coffee break

16.00 Thoracic branch stent grafts complications

10.00 Industry sponsored symposium


Coffee break

Lunch break

14.00 CTO management

15.45 Oral presentations and videos competitions

16.30 Industry sponsored symposium 17.15 Renal artery stenosis and denervation

17.30 Awards ceremony & Adjournment

18.10 Honorary guests lectures

19.00 MEET & ISES Welcoming drinks 18.50 20.00

End of the sessions

Official dinner

Sunday June 8 Session paramĂŠdicale (program p4)






Sunday June 8

Dimanche 8 juin 2014

Session paramédicale Level 0 COMITÉ SCIENTIFIQUE Florian ROBERT et Julien POOR, Service d’angiographie, Clinique Louis Pasteur, Essey-Les-Nancy, France FACULTÉ Max AMOR, Essey-Les-Nancy, France Christian BRETON, Essey-Les-Nancy, France Denise HENQUET, Société ABBOTT VASCULAR Francois HORN, Nancy, France Julien POOR, Essey-Les-Nancy, France Enrique PURAS MALLAGRAY, Madrid, Espagne Florian ROBERT, Essey-Les-Nancy, France Florence VASSEUR, Nancy, France

Modérateurs : J. Poor, F. Robert 14.00 Prise en charge non chirurgicale des faux anévrysmes, J. Poor 14.15 Les guides : fabrication et utilisation, D. Henquet 14.45 Echographie au bloc d’angiographie, E. Puras Mallagray 15.15 Le remplacement de valve aortique percutanée (TAVI) : rôle du manipulateur et de l’infirmière, F. Vasseur, F. Horn 15.30 Pause café au niveau -1 16.00 Gestion de l’anticoagulation : les NACO, C. Breton 16.15 Imagerie endovasculaire : utilisation de l’OCT, F. Robert 16.30 La thrombectomie mécanique : le Rotarex, M. Amor 16.45 Débat sur la radioprotection

12.45 Opening remarks E. Ducasse, M. Amor, P. Bergeron

13.00 VENOUS SESSION 13.00 Tumescent less saphenous ablation Moderators: J-L. Gérard, R. Milleret

13.00 Lafoss: laser and foam, J-L. Gillet 13.13 Superglue, T. Proebstle 13.26 Cryo-Sclerosis revisited, R. Milleret 13.39 Standardized microfoam for saphenous vein ablation, D. Wright 13.52 Discussion

13.57 Preservation of saphenous trunks

Moderators: M. Perrin, K. Kalligiani, B. Prate 13.57 Office Based Chiva, F. Passariello 14.10 External Valvuloplasty, S. Camilli 14.23 ASVAL, S. Chastanet 14.36 Discussion

14.41 New trends

Moderators: T. Proebstle, J-L. Gillet 14.41 Complications after endothermal ablation, J-L. Gérard 14.54 Does varicose vein surgery have a future? P. Pittaluga 15.07 Iliac vein’s stenting in pelvic congestion syndromes, O. Hartung 15.14 Discussion


Coffee break in the exhibition hall

17.00 Fin des sessions

FREE WEBCAST OF THE WHOLE CONGRESS 16.00 7th Annual Joint Meeting of ISES & MEET Thoracic branch stent grafts complications Moderators: N. Mangialardi, D. Reid, M. Thompson

16.00 Improving outcomes with advanced imaging techniques, M. Farber 16.09 How does EVAR affect the treatment and outcome of type A dissection, P. Bergeron 16.18 Hybrid repair, P. Cao, C. Ferrer 16.27 Fenestrated devices (custom and homemade), T. Azuma 16.36 Branched devices (custom and homemade), T. Resch 16.45 Discussion 16.54 Treatment of short-term complications after TEVAR for acute B dissection, G. Torsello 17.03 Open surgery for false lumen enlargement after TEVAR for B dissection, N. Mangialardi 17.12 Hybrid repair for complicated chronic B dissection, Z. Rancic 17.21 Endovascular repair for complicated chronic B dissection, M. Farber 17.30 Ruptured TAAA, E. Jean-Baptiste 17.39 Complications management after branched/fenestrated stentgrafts, P. Kasprzak 17.48 Simulation to reduce complications in TEVAR, I. Van Herzeele 17.57 Present state of the multilayered flow modulator, E. Diethrich 18.06 Discussion 18.11 Video session Moderators: E. Ducasse, S. Müller-Hülsbeck 18.11 Chimney case in the arch, Z. Rancic 18.19 Fenestrated case in the arch, M. Thompson 18.27 Branched case in the arch, T. Resch 18.35 Local repair in aortic dissection, S. Ronchey 18.43 TEVAR of zone zero in dissection, N. Mangialardi 18.51 Discussion


MEET & ISES Welcoming drinks

MEET Official dinner

Limited seats: book your dinner at the desk

Monday June 9, 20.00 till midnight

Radisson Blu Hotel Participation fee: 60 € VAT incl. per person (buffet dinner) Dress code: casual chic


Monday June 9 08.00 New developments in carotid stenting Moderators: K. Mathias, N. Hopkins, A. Halliday

08.00 Endovascular treatment of carotid artery occlusion in acute stroke, K. Mathias 08.07 Stenting of carotid dissection at the acute phase, E. Houdart 08.14 Carotid stenting in subtotal carotid stenosis, I. Petrov 08.21 OCT evaluation of micromesh carotid stent, J. Lemoine 08.28 CAS 2014: where are we for symptomatic patients? N. Hopkins 08.35 CAS 2014: where are we for asymptomatic patients? A. Halliday 08.42 Simultaneous bilateral carotid artery stenting vs unilateral carotid artery stenting: early and long-term results, X. Jiang 08.49 Why asymptomatic carotid stenosis should be treated, C. Buckley 08.56 Flow reversal for carotid protection in difficult cases: tips and tricks, P. Montorsi 09.03 Discussion

09.12 Case reports and videos with MCQ 09.12 A new area for CAS with a novel stent, M. Amor 09.19 A safe cervical access for CAS using US guidance and closing device, P. Bergeron 09.26 A Silk Road case, N. Hopkins 09.33 Discussion

09.45 Industry sponsored symposium

(program p10)



Coffee break in the exhibition hall

11.00 EVAR challenges: follow-up, endoleaks and complications Moderators: I. Van Herzeele, S. Ronchey, Z. Krajcer

11.00 Debate 11.00 11.07 11.14

11.20 11.27

If you don’t have an effective follow-up program, don’t do EVAR, M. Thompson Not every EVAR patient needs strict follow-up, R. McWilliams Vote & discussion

Iliac endograft thrombosis after EVAR, A. Mansilha Enlargement of the proximal neck, P. Cao, C. Ferrer

11.34 How do I treat type I endoleaks? 11.34 FEVAR, T. Resch 11.41 Endoanchors are the way forward, J-P. De Vries 11.48 Chimps, Z. Rancic 11.55 Vote & discussion

12.02 Treatment of type II endoleaks, J. Van Den Berg 12.09 Why not prevent endoleaks before they become a frustrating problem? C. Buckley 12.16 EVAS: initial experience with NELLIX, J-M. Alsac 12.23 Late results of secondary interventions for endoleaks, F. Verzini 12.30 Intentional occlusion of fenestrations and sidebranches for endoleak treatment: incidence, underlying reasons and techniques, J. Tessarek 12.37 Rescue EVAR for ruptured AAA: clinical success doesn’t mean technical success, F. Setacci 12.44 Discussion 12.48 Infected stent-grafts 12.48 PET-CT in the follow-up of EVAR-treated AAA complicated by aorto-duodenal fistula, N. Sakalihasan 12.55 Conservative, endovascular relining or conversion, L. Chiche 13.02 Discussion




Lunch break: buffet lunch served on the roof top, coffee served in the exhibition hall

Industry sponsored session (program p10)

ePosters competition session Jury: I. Van Herzeele, S. Ronchey (program p11) Presentations in the exhibition hall

Coffee break in the exhibition hall

16.30 Industry sponsored symposium

(program p10)

17.15 Renal artery stenosis and denervation


Moderators: H. Benamer, M. Amor, X. Jiang

17.15 What is the place today of renal angioplasty, A. Sauguet 17.25 Rational for the renal denervation in resistant hypertension, A. Pathak 17.35 Results and a French experience of renal denervation in resistant hypertension, H. Benamer 17.45 Anatomic datas in renal denervation, M. Amor 17.55 Simple to complex renal denervation cases, H. Benamer 18.05 Discussion

18.10 Honorary guests lectures

18.10 18.30

The Pioneers in endovascular area: what did they all have in common? E. Diethrich State of the art on carotid aneurysm, Z. Krajcer


End of the sessions


Official dinner


Tuesday June 10 08.00 BTK and CLI: how to succeed?

Moderators: P. Schneider, F. Airoldi, E. Puras Mallagray

08.00 Developing concepts 08.00 What do we really know about pedal angiosomes? When is the collateral circulation adequate to heal the foot through indirect revascularization and how do we know when we have done enough? V. Alexandrescu 08.07 The first commandment of angioplasty for CLI: respect the “landing zone”, R. Ferraresi 08.14 Pedal angioplasty: in which cases does it help and when is it too risky? F. Airoldi 08.21 Discussion 08.26 New tools 08.26 Tools and options for crossing long tibial occlusions, J. Brunet 08.33 Dedicated, self-expanding, drug eluting stent for the BTK arteries: the Stentys device and 6 month trial results, K. Deloose 08.40 Is there a place for very distal BTK stenting? What are the options for acute PTA failure? E. Puras Mallagray 08.47 Bifurcated BTK stents: when and how to do it, G. Coppi 08.54 Discussion


09.00 Debate 09.00 BTK drug coated balloons will eventually solve our problem with CLI, G. Tepe 09.08 Drug coated balloons are dangerous in CLI. How about PTA or atherectomy with bailout DES when needed? K. Deloose 09.16 Discussion 09.20 Next steps 09.20 What evidence do we have for an “endo first” approach to CLI? Is it good marketing or good science? P. Schneider 09.28 These are the trials that need to be done to advance CLI, K. Deloose 09.36 Discussion


Panel discussion

10.00 Industry sponsored symposium


(program p10)

Coffee break in the exhibition hall

11.15 Choosing covered stents

Moderators: L. Inglese, C. Rabbia, S. Ronchey

11.15 History of covered stents for small and medium size vessels, L. Inglese 11.25 Why I prefer to use conventional stents instead of covered stents for renal artery stenosis, C. Rabbia 11.35 Covered stents vs coiling or in combination for bail out of visceral vessels aneurysms, F. Numan 11.45 Covered or semi covered stent for CAS. A glimpse into the future? N. Hopkins 11.55 Choice of covered stents for chimney, parallel or sandwich procedures, Z. Rancic 12.05 World clinical experience with TriVascular Ovation System, Z. Krajcer 12.15 SFA & POP a. restenosis: is there a role for covered stents? P. Schneider

12.25 Which type of neointima could we expect after covered stent deployment? What and how long should we anti aggregate? K. Mathias 12.35 Discussion


Lunch break: buffet lunch served on the roof top, coffee served in the exhibition hall

14.00 CTO management

Moderators: E. Ducasse, M. Farber, P. Schneider, R. Hassen-Khodja

14.00 Evidence for endovascular treatment for TASC C and D femoral lesions, K. Deloose 14.10 CTO long recanalization: tips and tricks for crossing and re-entry, R. Ferraresi 14.20 Retrograde accesses and possibilities for CTO recanalization, E. Ducasse 14.30 Long stenting for CTO management, Y. GouĂŤffic 14.40 Focal stenting for CTO management, P. Schneider 14.50 DEB for CTO management, G. Tepe 15.00 Covered stent for CTO management, F. Verzini 15.10 DES for CTO management, P. Commeau 15.20 Recanalization management for CTO with previous stent, S. Ronchey 15.30 Video case of CTO management, A. Sauguet 15.40 Discussion

15.45 Oral presentations and videos competitions Jury: J. Busquet, P. Bergeron, G. Tepe

Oral presentations 15.45 Endovascular treatment of internal carotid artery aneurysm under protection, Rumas Aslam 15.50 Perioperative aortic dissection rupture after endovascular stent graft placement for treatment of type B dissection, Jian-Fang Luo 15.55 The application of various devices and techniques in aortic endovascular repair, Xiaodong Li 16.00 Compliance with surveillance protocols, following elective endovascular aneurysm repair, Abigail Morbi 16.05 Technical success with a balloon-positioned subintimal crossing device: subgroup analysis from the Re-ROUTE trial, Koen Keirse 16.10 Comparison of venous hemodynamics between conventional surgery and endovenous LASER ablation (EVLA) in great saphenous varicose veins, Yoongseok Park 16.15 Silent cerebral infarction following thoracic endovascular aortic repair, Anisha Perera 16.20 Complications in endovenous LASER ablation for great saphenous varicose veins, Yoongseok Park 15.45

16.30 Video presentations 16.30 Tagliatelle technique: a new option in the vascular access of the lower limbs, BenoĂŽt Boura 16.35 Retrograde angioplasty, Mosaad Soliman 16.40 ICA pseudoaneurysm, Robert Ferguson


Awards ceremony & Adjournment FREE WEBCAST OF THE WHOLE CONGRESS


Industry sponsored symposia & session 09.45 - 10.30


HTN Technology matters

Return on experience

Chairman: Max Amor Renal denervation: technology and perspectives, Jean-Pascal Peyre The Vessix Technology, Piero Montorsi

4.15 - 16.00 MONDAY JUNE 9 1 Meet the companies: Hot topics & the newest interventional techniques

Moderators: C. Mialhe, R. McWilliams, F. Setacci S ustained durability of the new generation stent graft: the Endurant case example. Presenting the results of the ENGAGE registry at 3 years, A. Sauguet 14.25 Treating EVAR challenging anatomy with anatomical fixation, J-P. De Vries 14.35 A novel carotid artery stent for sustained embolic protection, M. Amor 14.55 New devices (S.M.A.R.T® Flex and SABER™ .018) for PAD treatment and BTK, E. Ducasse 15.15 BATTLE: the rationale for comparing BMS and DES, Y. Gouëffic 15.25 New perspectives in Atherectomy and Thrombectomy, G. Piana (Boston Scientific) 15.35 New Use of 4 Fr SES for peripheral treatment: options and advantages, E. Ducasse 15.45 Treatment of arterial and venous occlusions with Rotarex and Aspirex mechanical 10 debulking, M. Amor


16.30 - 17.15


Current endovascular treatment of the SFA

Chairman: Max Amor Speakers: Massimiliano Di Primio, Jonathan Sobocinski Review of recent clinical data Unique character of the SFA and the different stent designs Review of the current treatment options Abbott Vascular current and future solutions

10.00 - 10.45 TUESDAY JUNE 10 Prime time for drug eluting balloons? Hard facts and recent outcomes

Chairmen: Max Amor, Yann Gouëffic Introduction and objectives Latest Evidence about In.Pact DEB usage in fempop segment, Gunnar Tepe Role of stenting in DEB era, Marianne Brodmann Panel discussion & take home messages

ePosters 14.15 - 15.50 MONDAY JUNE 9

Jury: I. Van Herzeele, S. Ronchey

14.15 PV patency and integrity problem percutaneal management by stenting, endoluminal RFA&angioplasty or endoluminal RFA&stenting, Malkhaz Mizandari 14.20 Innominate artery and right internal carotid artery PTA and stenting via right radial artery, Cinzia Moncalvo 14.25 EVAR for a Streptococcus group A infected aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Saziye Karaca 14.30 Feasibility and safety of laparoscopic aortobifemoral bypass using a clampless and sutureless aortic anastomotic technique, David Horn 14.35 Case report of a seldom vascular aneurysm, Dietmar Pixner 14.40 Transbrachial angioplasty of Chronic Total Occlusion in iliac and femoral arteries: a safe and durable option, Mosaad Soliman 14.45 In stent restenosis of superficial femoral artery: an off - label, but long-lasting, treatment, Cinzia Moncalvo 14.50 Percutaneous pulmonary artery stenting for extrinsic malignant compression: case report, Arnaud Kerzmann 14.55 Use of drugcoated balloon angioplasty as first line treatment for all SFA lesions, Koen Keirse 15.00 Cystic adventitial disease of the popliteal artery, Yann De Bast 15.05 Are stent grafts the solution for In-Stent Restenosis after SFA stenting, Koen Keirse 15.10 Fusiform aneurysm of the occipital artery, Michael Bogoyevac 15.15 Use Of 4 French systems for treating Fem-Pop lesions: advantages and disadvantages: lessons from the 4EVER trial using Astron Pulsar stents and no closure devices, Koen Keirse 15.20 Endovascular repair of below knee para-anastomotic pseudoaneurysm following multiple vascular procedures, Ibrahim Sharaf 15.25 Endovascular cure of giant false popliteal aneurysm (90 mm) with a good longterm patency and fonctional result, Yann De Bast

LIVE CONFERENCES ON Rewatch online for free the authorized presentations after the congress


Find all abstracts received from the congress presentations on


General information LE PIOL










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Radisson BLU Hotel

To the airport (10 min by car)

Novotel Nice Arenas 10 min by bus

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Carotid lesions covered by a novel double layer micromesh stent

Carotid artery stent

*Data on file

Terumo is a registered trademark and Roadsaver® is a trademark of Terumo Corporation



Radisson BLU Hotel Onsite congress desk + 33 646 10 48 26

General organization Vérane Bergeron Moreau (Executive manager) +33 621 78 87 16

Registrations & information desk Sunday June 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.30 - 19.00 Monday June 9 . . . . . . . . . . . 07.30 - 19.00 Tuesday June 10 . . . . . . . . . . . 07.30 - 19.00 MEET official dinner Monday June 9 20.00 till midnight Radisson Blu Hotel Participation fee: 60€ VAT incl. per person (buffet dinner) Dress code: casual but chic

Registration & accommodation Michèle Caboste + 33 646 10 48 26 Faculty & marketing coordination Christine Arzouyan +33 613 96 08 70

17, rue Venture 13001 Marseille France Tel. +33 491 57 19 60 Fax +33 491 57 19 61

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Exhibition Hall



Toilets Lifts

Registration desk




Stairs 11 2 Storage room 9




Preview 8

















Straub Medical




Boston Scientific


Assut Europe


Bentley InnoMed




Silk Road Medical


Abbott Vascular




Trivascular / Vascular Therapy

Sponsors 2014

Partners 2014

Exhibition hours Sunday June 8 12.30 am - 7 pm Monday June 9 8 am - 6.30 pm Tuesday June 10 8 am - 2.30 pm





Controversies Update






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Registration & housing form Pre-registration before May 15, 2014

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Please return to Michèle Caboste

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Cardiologist q Radiologist Vascular Surgeon Industry Professional Vascular Technician & Nurse Resident & Fellow Student Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Registration fees (20% VAT incl.) Attendee

q Abstract, video or poster presenter

q Industry Professionnal

Physician & other (first participation) Industry professional, ISES member & Former MEET attendee Resident, Fellow, Nurse, Technician, Presenters Industry professional without booth Paramedical session

Before April 7

After April 7

755 e 605 e 385 e 1 805 e 155 e

855 e 755 e 505 e 2 005 e 170 e

q MEET Official dinner participation (VAT incl. per person, buffet dinner)

60 €

Hotel accommodation (10% VAT incl. - Breakfast incl. - City tax not included to be paid at the hotel) Refund of fee: a 10% administrative charge will be applied to cancellations up to May 8. After May 8 no refund will be given (including cancellation of social events).

Name changes are requested before May 27. After May 27 no name changes will be accepted. No-shows at the congress will be charged the full fee. Refunds will be processed until end of September 2014. One night deposit needed to confirm any hotel booking. The whole stay has to be paid before May 8 to avoid cancellation of reservation. Single Double Choice order (1 to 3)

q R adisson BLU Hotel

FULLY BOOKED city view 195 e FULLY BOOKED sea view 235 e q M ercure Nice Centre Grimaldi FULLY BOOKED 145 e

215 e 255 e 155 e

223, promenade des Anglais, 06200 Nice 6, rue Grimaldi, 06000 Nice

q N ovotel Nice Arenas

140 e

155,50 e

q A dagio Access Nice Magnan FULLY BOOKED

118 e

126 e

455 Promenade des Anglais - 06299 Nice 12, avenue de la Californie - 06200 Nice

Booking details Arrival date Nb. of nights

Departure date Type room: q Single q Double q Twin Rate per night. . . . . . . . . e

TOTAL DUE Registration . . . . . . . . . e + Hotel deposit . . . . . . e = . . . . . . . e (q 1 night q whole stay) Payment by q C redit card q Visa q Mastercard (no other card) Credit card Number security code* Expiration date Cardholder’s Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardholder’s Signature** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q C heck enclosed Please make check in Euro payable in France to divine [id] q B ank transfer Beneficiary SARL divine [id]


Banque Martin Maurel FR 76 1336 9000 0434 0207 0101 854 BMMMFR2A – RCS Marseille B 308 365 576


* 3 last numbers at the back of the card ** Your signature authorizes your credit card to be charged for the total payment due. We reserve the right to charge the correct amount if different from the total listed.

q q q q q q



Système de réentrée


Dispositif CTO

V-14 & V-18 TM



Cathéter de support 0.035“ • 0.018“ • 0.014“**







Guides Tip Loads V-14™ 3 • 6 g V-18™ 6 • 8 g


Guides Tip Loads 12 • 18 • 25 • 30 g

* Contrôle du franchissement ** 0.035“ = 0.89 mm • 0.018“ = 0.46 mm • 0.014“ = 0.36 mm Dispositifs médicaux ou Dispositifs médicaux de diagnostic in vitro, consultez les notices [ou le cas échéant, les étiquetages] spécifiques à chacun pour plus d’information ou, pour les documents destinés au grand public, consultez votre médecin ou votre pharmacien pour plus d’information. PI-169708-AA July 2013 © 2014 Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

L06_BV07414_Master_the_Cross_Newsbanner.indd 1

27.05.14 11:12


Plus de

140 000

patients traités avec Endurant dans le monde depuis 5 ans*

SYSTEME DE POSE A BAS PROFIL† AVEC GAINE HYDROPHILE GAMME DE JAMBAGES ILIAQUES ETENDUE RADIO-OPACITE AMELIOREE POUR AUGMENTER LA VISIBILITE NECESSAIRE A UNE MISE EN PLACE PRECISE.** Medtronic France S.A.S. 27 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - CS 30001 92513 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex Tél. : 01 55 38 17 00 Fax : 01 55 38 18 00 RCS Nanterre 722 008 232

ENDURANT® II est un dispositif de classe III, fabriqué par Medtronic, Inc. – CE n°0086. Il est destiné au traitement endovasculaire des anévrysmes de l’aorte abdominale infrarénale ou des anévrysmes aorto-iliaques (se référer à la notice pour les indications complètes et les caractéristiques des anévrysmes concernés). ENDURANT® II est inscrit sur la LPPR : 3196239, 3157400, 3128433, 3187217, 3178230, 3148996. Lire attentivement la notice avant toute utilisation.

* Product Detail Report - février 2014 ** Marqueur situé à l’entrée du moignon controlatéral. † Pour la prothèse bifurquée de 28 mm.

UC2014ENDO1232FF © Medtronic, France 2014. Crée en mars 2014. Tous droits réservés. Crédit photos Medtronic, Inc.

Endurant II

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