MEET 2015 Program

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MEET 2015 Course Directors Max Amor Nicholas Cheshire Eric Ducasse Mario Lachat Nicola Mangialardi Peter Schneider Isabelle Van Herzeele Honorary Directors Patrice Bergeron Piergiorgio Cao Luigi Inglese Thomas Ischinger Klaus Mathias Dieter Raithel


8-9 2015 nice

Scientific Committee Jérôme Brunet Massimiliano di Primio Roberto Ferraresi Yann Gouëffic Ian Loftus Richard McWilliams Sonia Ronchey Founding Directors Max Amor Patrice Bergeron



12 European CME credits

Welcome to MEET 2015 It is a great pleasure to welcome you on the French Riviera, in the beautiful city of Nice with its unique light, refined lifestyle and multiple perfumes and flavors. More videos, clinical cases, interactivity and audience discussions will ensure that MEET 2015 offers a multidisciplinary educational platform. Over the two-day congress, our wide-ranging, interactive program will include the whole range of endovascular techniques and procedures and focus on femoropopliteal and BTK disease, the management of thoracic aortic dissection, EVAR challenges and carotid artery stenosis. Do not miss the interesting work-in-progress and case reports presented by the associate faculty members, including trainees, on Tuesday afternoon. Nurses and technicians will have the opportunity to participate in an intensive, one-day, special program tailored for them in a parallel room on Monday. Take your time to visit the exhibition and discover the Industry news as it is only thanks to their precious help that we managed to organize this congress. As usual the plenary sessions will be broadcast live on Internet. Do tell your colleagues at home. Do not miss our privileged official dinner on Monday night on the Radisson Hotel’s beach privatized for us to share with you a unique moment of conviviality. Again, welcome to the capital City of the French Riviera, we look forward to building endovascular synergies with you and our outstanding international faculty. The MEET Directors M. Amor, N. Cheshire, E. Ducasse, M. Lachat, N. Mangialardi, P. Schneider, I. Van Herzeele


COURSE DIRECTORS 2015 Max AMOR, Essey-les-Nancy, France Nicholas CHESHIRE, London, United Kingdom Eric DUCASSE, Bordeaux, France Mario LACHAT, Zurich, Switzerland Nicola MANGIALARDI, Rome, Italy Peter SCHNEIDER, Honolulu, USA Isabelle VAN HERZEELE, Gent, Belgium HONORARY DIRECTORS Patrice BERGERON, Marseille, France Piergiorgio CAO, Rome, Italy Luigi INGLESE, San Donato Milanese, Italy Thomas ISCHINGER, Munich, Germany Klaus MATHIAS, Hamburg, Germany Dieter RAITHEL, Spardorf, Germany SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Jérôme BRUNET, Avignon, France Massimiliano DI PRIMIO, Le Chesnay, France Roberto FERRARESI, Milan, Italy Yann GOUËFFIC, Nantes, France Ian LOFTUS, London, United Kingdom Richard MCWILLIAMS, Liverpool, United Kingdom Sonia RONCHEY, Rome, Italy FACULTY Flavio AIROLDI, Milan, Italy Max AMOR, Essey-Les-Nancy, France Patrice BERGERON, Marseille, France Jérôme BRUNET, Avignon, France Jan BRUNKWALL, Köln, Germany Jacques BUSQUET, Saint-Cloud, France Nicholas John W. CHESHIRE, Londres, United Kingdom Jason CONSTANTINOU, London, United Kingdom Raphael COSCAS, Boulogne Billancourt, France Jean-Paul DE VRIES, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands Koen R. DELOOSE, Dendermonde, Belgium Massimiliano DI PRIMIO, Le Chesnay, France Eric DUCASSE, Bordeaux, France

Roberto FERRARESI, Bergamo, Italy Mauro GARGIULO, Bologna, Italy Yann GOUEFFIC, Nantes, France Alison W. HALLIDAY, London, United Kingdom Luigi INGLESE, San Donato Milanese, Italy Elixène JEAN-BAPTISTE, Nice, France Xiongjing JIANG, Beiking, China Piotr KASPRZAK, Regensburg, Germany Tilo KOLBEL, Hamburg, Germany Ralf R. KOLVENBACH, Düsseldorf, Germany Mario L. LACHAT, Zurich, Switzerland Thomas LARZON, Orebro, Sweden Ian LOFTUS, London, United Kingdom Lieven MAENE, Aalst, Belgium Nicola MANGIALARDI, Roma, Italy Armando MANSILHA, Porto, Portugal Klaus MATHIAS, Hamburg, Germany Richard MCWILLIAMS, Liverpool, United Kingdom Davide PACINI, Bologne, Italy Andranik PETROSYAN, Bron, France Raffaele PULLI, Firenze, Italy Enrique PURAS MALLAGRAY, Madrid, Spain Zoran RANCIC, Zurich, Switzerland Vincent RIAMBAU, Barcelona, Spain Sonia RONCHEY, Roma, Italy Antoine SAUGUET, Toulouse, France Thomas SCHMITZ RIXEN, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Peter SCHNEIDER, Honolulu, USA Francesco SETACCI, Rome, Italy Carlo SETACCI, Siena, Italy Kenneth SNYDER, Suite Buffalo, USA Johnny STEUER, Uppsala, Sweden Fabien THAVEAU, Strasbourg, France Rao Srinivasa VALLABHANENI, Liverpool, United Kingdom Jos VAN DEN BERG, Lugano, Switzerland Isabelle VAN HERZEELE, Gent, Belgium Frank J. VEITH, Riverdale, USA Pierfrancesco VEROUX, Catania, Italy Fabio VERZINI, Perugia, Italy

congress synoptic Monday June 8 Main program 08.30

Opening remarks


BTK strategies and best options

Tuesday June 9

Session paramédicale

Main program 08.15

Carotid Occlusive Disease


Coffee break

State of the art of BTKCLI treatment 10.00

Coffee break


BTK strategies and best options Tips & tricks and complications


Thoracic pathology

How I deal with the aortic arch: from planning to followup 13.00


Café d’accueil


Carotid Occlusive Disease Session paramédicale 1

12.15 13.00

Rooftop lunch break

Thoracic pathology Dissection Descending aorta


Highly complex lesions in femo/pop. What do I learn from my daily practice?


Coffee break


Femoropopliteal disease



Moving toward Drug Eluting Solutions Rooftop lunch break

The A-Z of A-I disease Access Imaging AAA

Session paramédicale 2

Pause sur le hall d’exposition et fin des sessions

Femoropopliteal disease

TASC C/D femoropopliteal lesions Managing complications


Associate Faculty and Trainees program


Awards ceremony & Adjournment

Strategy TASC A/B femoropopliteal lesions 18.21

End of the sessions


Official dinner

MEET is compliant with the Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice CASE REPORTS AND RECORDED VIDEO CASES




Monday June 8 08.30 Opening remarks Course directors

08.35 BTK strategies and best options

Moderators: R. Ferraresi, A. Sauguet, E. Ducasse

State of the art of BTK-CLI treatment

08.35 Arterial status, angiosome, arterial calcifications, is it possible to plan treatment at BTK level? M. Gargiulo 08.43 Big vessel versus small vessel disease: what is the true cause of critical limb ischemia? R. Ferraresi 08.51 BTK long lesions: devices and optimal treatment, R. Ferraresi 08.59 Insight about ultrasound in planing, access and control of BTK angioplasty, E. Puras Mallagray 09.07 BTK bifurcations: best treatment, F. Airoldi 09.15 Discussion State of the art: 09.20 Drug eluting stent in BTK disease, K. Deloose 09.28 Bare metal stent in BTK disease, E. Ducasse 09.36 Drug eluting balloon in BTK disease, K. Deloose 09.44 Distal bypass in BTK disease, P. Schneider 09.52 Discussion, M. Di Primio 10.00 Coffee break in the exhibition hall 4

Tips & tricks and complications

10.30 Challenging BTK case, E. Ducasse 10.40 When coronary devices could help? A. Sauguet 10.50 Below-the-ankle angioplasty and stenting for CLI, J. Brunet 11.00 Extreme distal revascularization with conventional and alternative techniques, M. Di Primio 11.10 Discussion

11.20 Thoracic pathology

Moderators: S. Ronchey, F. Veith, A. Bray

How I deal with the aortic arch: from planning to follow-up

11.20 My experience in ascending aorta TEVAR, I. Loftus 11.28 Open surgery conventional: discrepancy in results (lights and shadow), D. Pacini 11.36 Ascending aorta: is the endovascular approach realistic? T. Kรถlbel 11.44 Off the shelf solution: selection based on planning, N. Mangialardi 11.52 My planning for arch Chimney, J. Brunkwall 12.00 Endoleak after arch Chimney, R. Kolvenbach 12.08 Hybrid repair: technique for total debranching, P. Bergeron, A. Petrosyan 12.16 Stroke rate and mortality in arch procedures, M. Lachat 12.24 Endovascular arch repair following ascending aorta open surgery, T. Kรถlbel 12.32 Complications of supraaortic debranching, S. Ronchey 12.40 Demonstration (crazy arch case), T. Larzon 12.48 Discussion 13.00 Buffet lunch served on the rooftop, coffee served in the exhibition hall


14.00 Thoracic pathology

Moderators: J. Busquet, F. Veith, M. Lachat, N. Mangialardi


14.00 We do treat all - and why, N. Cheshire 14.08 I do treat when appropriate, J. Steuer 14.16 The false channel occlusion technique, T. Kölbel 14.24 TEVAR for chronic dissection, I. Loftus 14.32 News from imaging will change our attitude, L. Maene 14.40 Discussion

Descending aorta

14.50 TEVAR European guidelines, V. Riambau 14.58 How I fix endoleak in TEVAR, P. Kasprzak 15.06 Clampless sutured anastomosis technique, Z. Rancic 15.14 Long-term results for TEVAR after BAI, R. Vallabhaneni 15.22 Access vessels challenges and best access route, F. Setacci 15.30 Discussion

15.45 Highly complex lesions in femo/pop. What do I learn from my daily practice? 15.45 Clinical case review, J. Brunet 15.57 Clinical case review, M. Amor 16.09 Discussion 16.15 Coffee break in the exhibition hall

16.45 Femoropopliteal disease - Part 1

Moderators: Y. Gouëffic, K. Deloose, P. Schneider, C. Setacci


16.45 Anti-platelet therapy: who needs it and what to prescribe, K. Deloose 16.53 Popliteal artery aneurysm - What is the best mode of treatment? T. Schmitz Rixen 17.01 Radial access for femoropopliteal lesions: tips and tricks, R. Coscas 17.09 Closure devices: treatment of complications, J. Van den berg 17.18 Discussion

TASC A/B femoropopliteal lesions

17.20 Is connected stent the good option for TASC A/B SFA lesions? E. Ducasse 17.30 Discussion Debate. TASC A/B femoropopliteal lesions treatment 17.35 Stent should be the first line treatment, J-P. de Vries 17.43 Two-year results of a low-dose drug-coated balloon for revascularization of the femoropopliteal artery (ILLUMENATE FIH Trial), Y. Gouëffic 17.51 DES should be the first line treatment, J. Van Den Berg 17.59 Discussion 18.05 Are current stents ready for the « surgical landing-zones »? L. Maene 18.13 Lecture from China: Selective stent placement versus balloon angioplasty for renovascular hypertension caused by Takayasu Arteritis: two-year results, X. Jiang 18.21 End of the sessions 20.00 Official dinner (page 7)


Tuesday June 9 08.15 Carotid Occlusive Disease - Are we ready for the next breakthrough? Moderators: M. Amor, P. Schneider, K. Snyder, L. Inglese

08.15 State-of-the-art: promising next steps, K. Mathias 08.30 What the data is telling us: the first 30 days need to be safer after any carotid repair, but how? C. Setacci 08.38 New stent designs: will they improve results? P. Schneider 08.46 New access technologies, N. Cheshire Controversy 08.54 Best medical therapy has improved: but how much, and will BMT be good enough to replace repair? I. Van Herzeele 08.59 Carotid endarterectomy remains the treatment of choice. The data proves it and stents cannot compete, A. Mansilha 09.04 Discussion 09.09 What is the optimal approach to asymptomatic carotid stenosis? Intervention or not? We cannot all be correct!, A. Halliday 09.17 Challenging case: the worst complication of the year. Can you help me problem solve? M. Amor 09.25 Emergency management system: how to handle evolving stroke, K. Mathias 09.33 Selection of stent and protection technique: which stent for which lesion, M. Amor 09.41 Mechanical thrombectomy for acute stroke, K. Snyder 09.52 Discussion 10.00 Coffee break in the exhibition hall 6

10.30 Results from the ROADSTER Trial and EU Experience, I. Van Herzeele 10.38 CAS revival is now, P. Bergeron 10.46 Get organized for in hospital stroke (jatrogenic or not) acute rescue, L. Inglese 10.54 Discussion 11.00 How I see the future of CAS, F. Veith

11.15 Femoropopliteal disease - Part 2

Moderators: Y. GouĂŤffic, K. Deloose, P. Schneider, C. Setacci

TASC C/D femoropopliteal lesions

Managing complications

11.15 Heparin bounded graft could challenge endovascular repair for TASC C-D lesions? R. Pulli 11.23 Intra versus subintimal routes to treat femoropopliteal CTO lesions: techniques and results, F. Thaveau 11.31 Endovascular treatment of occluded popliteal artery aneurysm, P. Veroux 11.39 Discussion

11.45 How should we manage acute in-stent thrombosis during femoropopliteal recanalization? Y. GouĂŤffic 11.53 Recurring in-stent restenosis: what is the best management? E. Ducasse 12.01 Acute popliteal endograft occlusion: frequency and management, E. Puras Mallagray 12.09 Panel discussion


12.15 Moving toward Drug Eluting Solutions Moderator: M. Amor

12.15 Clinical results Majestic trial, K. Keirse 12.35 Experience of drug eluting technologies, M. Sibé 13.00 Buffet lunch served on the rooftop, coffee served in the exhibition hall

14.00 The A-Z of A-I disease

Moderators: R. McWilliams, I. Van Herzeele


14.00 How I do PEVAR? – Video, Z. Rancic


14.08 Overlay and dose reduction during aortic procedures, J. Constantinou


14.16 Will EVAS replace EVAR? I. Loftus 14.24 EVAS and EVAR: What are the differences in case selection, deployment and surveillance? F. Torella 14.32 Single sided access for EVAR: the future, M. Lachat 14.40 Review of the literature on type II endoleaks, R. McWilliams 14.48 Late endoleak management – case discussions – MCQ’s, J. Van Den Berg 14.56 State of the art – How I do FEVAR? P. Kasprzak 15.04 Troubleshooting after FEVAR, R. Vallabhaneni 15.12 Iliac branched devices versus Iliac branched endoprothesis – differences in selection and usage, F. Verzini 15.20 The lessons I have learned from RCT on RAAA management, F. Veith 15.28 New evidences for hypogastric artery preservation during EVAR, E. Jean-Baptiste 15.36 Tips and tricks for the CERAB technique, K. Deloose 15.44 Is the endovascular world ready for 3D-printing and... vice versa? L. Maene 15.50 Discussion

16.00 Associate Faculty and trainees program From start to excellency

Jury: N. Cheshire, P. Bergeron Oral presentations in the auditorium, listed on page 8 Jury: N. Mangialardi, E. Ducasse ePosters presentations in the exhibition hall, listed on page 9

18.30 Awards ceremony & adjournment

MEET Official dinner

Radisson BLU Hotel Monday June 8 - 20.00 till midnight Limited seats

Participation fee: 60 € VAT incl. per person (buffet dinner) Music Entertainment Dress code: casual chic


Oral presentations • Long-term performance of closed cell design self-expanding stainless steel stents in the treatment of Cockett’s Syndrome, Luis Loureiro • Loss of kidney function after endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial disease, Lars Bolt • Novel innovative endovascular technique to salvage acute limb ischemia in Hostile Groin, Virendersingh Sheorain • Management of long flush superficial femoral artery occlusions with ipsilateral antegrade common femoral artery access, Amr Aborahma • Percutaneous imaging guided techniques of PV patency and integrity management - catheter directed local thrombolysis, stenting, endoluminal RFA & angioplasty or endoluminal RFA & stenting, Malkhaz Mizandari • Neurocognitive functioning after carotid endarterectomy and carotid stenting with filter protection or flow reversal, Maarten Plessers • Mid-term outcome of hybrid revascularisation procedures for TASC C and D aorto-iliac and femoropopliteal disease, Vassilios Zymvragoudakis • What is the best solution for in-stent restenosis after SFA stenting: redo-PTA by use of POBA, drugcoated balloons or stent-grafts, Koen Keirse • Adjunctive procedures to lower risks of neurovascular complications in thoracic endovascular aortic repair: experience in the Oxford Regional Vascular Unit, Francesca Fratesi • Thrombosis of femoral-popliteal graft treated with ultrasound assisted catheter – directed thrombolysis and stenting, Cinzia Moncalvo 8

• Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair increases cardiovascular risk, Vimal Gokani • Does reintervention influence the late results of EVAR? Diletta Loschi • Early outcomes of patients transferred with ruptured suprarenal aneurysm or dissection: implications for the organisation of vascular services, Nung Rudarakanchana • The Re-entry catheter system for subintimal recanalization of chronic total occlusions in femoropopliteal arteries: primary safety and efficacy results of the Re-ROUTE trial, Koen Keirse • Percutaneous recanalization of occluded renal arteries in patient with resistant hypertension and high rennin activity, Ivo Petrov • Vertebral stenting, Iveta Tasheva • Intervention for acute lower limb ischemia: a 3 year single center experience, Keisuke Fukuda • Wich stent graft system can be used for challenging anatomy in EVAR cases, Koen Keirse • Three cases confirming the appropriateness of “centralization of flow concept” in aortic dissection, Ivo Petrov • Artificial intelligence algorithms to quantify arterial calcification, Ahmed Aber • Carotid Artery Stenting: is it possible to reduce complications? Cinzia Moncalvo • Endovascular repair of mycotic thoracic aneurysm, Baris Ozdemir • Is there a place for a prosthesis in the treatment of aortic graft infection? Sebastien Deglise • Overcoming difficult CTO increasing the applicability of endovascular intervention to patients with challenging Re-entry, Ahmed Tawfik

LIVE CONFERENCES ON Rewatch online for free the authorized presentations after the congress

ePosters • Carotid artery stenting with cerebral embolic protection: a single-center initial experience, Pablo Nuñez • Microcoil embolization for an acute bleed from ruptured middle rectal artery aneurysm, Vivek Vohra • Atherosclerotic plaque analysis in the lower limb may help predict outcome following endovascular intervention, Vassilios Zymvragoudakis • Use of drug-coated balloon angioplasty as first line treatment for all femoropopliteal lesions: twelve month results, Koen Keirse • Percutaneus exclusion of subclavian artery aneurysm with endoprosthesis, Cinzia Moncalvo • Revascularization of the plantar arch: its impact on foot salvage in critical limb ischemia, Mosaad Soliman • Interventional treatment of an intracranial left vertebral artery stenosis in the state of contralateral vertebral artery occlusion, Svetlin Tsonev • Percutaneous exclusion of renal artery aneurysm with endoprosthesis, Cinzia Moncalvo

Notes ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................


Lundi 8 juin 2015

Session paramédicale Rez de chaussée COMITÉ SCIENTIFIQUE Julien POOR, Service d’angiographie, Clinique Louis Pasteur, Essey-Les-Nancy Florian ROBERT, Service d’angiographie, Clinique Louis Pasteur, Essey-Les-Nancy Muriel ZAGO, Cadre du bloc opératoire, CHU Bordeaux FACULTÉ Max Amor, Radiologue Interventionnel, Clinique Louis Pasteur, Essey-Les-Nancy Michaela Dupont, Manipulatrice en Electro Radiologie Médicale, CHU Bordeaux Marie Etlinger, Directrice Marketing, Boston Scientific Fabienne Lamniai, Manipulatrice en Electro Radiologie Médicale, CH Nantes Karine Malo, Infirmière IBODE, CHU Bordeaux Sophie Pichon, Manipulatrice en Electro Radiologie Médicale, CH Nantes Julien Poor, Manipulateur en Electro Radiologie Médicale, Clinique Louis Pasteur, Essey-Les-Nancy Florian Robert, Manipulateur en Electro Radiologie Médicale, Clinique Louis Pasteur, Essey-Les-Nancy Robert Valette, Manipulateur en Electro Radiologie Médicale, La Timone, Marseille Magali Vial, Infirmière IDE, CHU Bordeaux

10.00 Café d’accueil sur le hall d’exposition 10.30 • Le point sur les dernières recommandations de revascularisation, TBD 10.45 • La radioprotection en salle de cathétérisme, Robert Valette 11.15 • L’utilisation d’un amplificateur mobile dans une salle conventionnelle lors de la prise en charge d’endoprothèses vasculaires : comment adapter la radioprotection au bloc opératoire ? Michaela Dupont 10 11.30 • Acquisition 3D et fusion en salle hybride pour les revascularisations périphériques, Fabienne Lamniai, Sophie Pichon 11.50 • Discussion 12.10 • Les ballons d’angioplasties périphériques, Marie Etlinger 12.25 • Drug Eluting Devices-aspects spécifiques, Karine Malo, Magali Vial 12.40 • Discussion 13.00 Déjeuner sur le toit terrasse 14.00 • La thrombolyse artérielle in situ le point sur les bonnes pratiques, Florian Robert 14.15 • Les moyens de protection cérébrale en angioplastie carotide percutanée, Max Amor 14.30 • Les abords artériels non conventionnels en angioplastie périphérique, Julien Poor 14.45 • Préparation du matériel endovasculaire/anticipation nécessaire, Karine Malo, Magali Vial 15.00 • Points de ponctions artériels/anticipation de la préparation et installation du patient, Karine Malo, Magali Vial 15.15 • Complications hémorragiques et complications des points de ponction, Karine Malo, Magali Vial 15.30 • Discussion 16.00 Pause sur le hall d’exposition et fin des sessions

General information LE PIOL







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To the airport (10 min by car)




Radisson BLU Hotel Registrations & information desk Monday June 8 . . . . . . . . . . . 07.30 - 18.30 Tuesday June 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . 07.45 - 18.00

General organization Vérane Bergeron Moreau (Executive manager) +33 621 78 87 16

MEET official dinner Monday June 8 20.00 till midnight Radisson BLU Hotel Private Beach Participation fee: 60€ VAT incl. per person (buffet dinner) Music Entertainment Dress code: casual but chic

Registration & accommodation Michèle Caboste Faculty & marketing coordination Christine Arzouyan +33 613 96 08 70

17, rue Venture 13001 Marseille France Tel. +33 491 57 19 60 Fax +33 491 57 19 61

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Exhibition Hall



Toilets Lifts 1



Registration desk AUDITORIUM


Storage room




ePosters BUFFET


9 8












Abbott Vascular











Boston Scientific


Bentley Innomed





Gore Exhibition hours Monday: 08.00 - 18.30 Tuesday: 07.45 - 16.00


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Organization General organization Vérane Bergeron Moreau (Executive manager) +33 (0) 491 57 19 61 + 33 (0) 621 78 87 16

Système d’endoprothèse périphérique

Excellents Résultats Cliniques à 3 ans

Registration & accommodation Michèle Caboste +33 (0) 491 57 19 60 Faculty & marketing coordination Christine Arzouyan +33 (0) 491 57 19 63 +33 (0) 613 96 08 70

Fracture à 1 an dans toutes les analyses1,2

Absence de revascularisation de la lésion cible dans SUPERB à 3 ans4

lorsque déployé nominalement4*

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3* de perméabilité primaire nominalement (K-M) dans SUPERB à 12 mois3

Patients étudiés dans l’étude SUPERB2 Patients “real-world” analysés mondialement dans 7 méta-analyses rétrospectives1

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17, rue Venture 13001 Marseille France Tel +33 (0) 491 57 19 60 Fax +33 (0) 491 57 19 61

Données disponibles chez Abbott Vascular.

* Quand déployé à +/- 10% de la longueur nominale.

SUPERB est une étude sponsorisée par Abbott Vascular (IDEV) et demandée par la FDA. Endoprothèses périphériques SUPERA; dispositifs médicaux de classe llb. Organisme notifié CE0086, Supera est fabriqué par Abbott Vascular. Mandataire Européen Abbott Vascular International BVBA. Se référer aux informations de la notice d’instructions qui décrivent les informations de bon usage du dispositif. Veuillez lire attentivement les instructions figurant dans la notice. SUPERA est pris en charge par l’assurance maladie. Pour plus d’information, visitez notre site web Les informations contenues dans ce document sont destinées à la distribution en France uniquement. Ne pas reproduire ou modifier. Photos prises et conservées par Abbott Vascular. Toutes les illustrations sont des rendus d’artistes. ©2015 Abbott Vascular. Tous droits réservés. 2-FR-2-4982-03 04-2015

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