2011 Anniversary Issue - Celebrating 4 Years

Page 1

The Power of Giving

with the Tuohy’s From “The Blind Side” Movie

D r . J .W. Wa l k e r I I I o n

Self-Reliance &

How To

Loving Yourself

Start &


Cupcake Craze

Run a


2 0 1 1

A n n i v e r s a r y Vo l 3

No 3

I s s u e

Cathedral of Faith Collaborative BuILDInG COMMunItY PartnersHIPs

The Cathedral of Faith Community Church is the lead agency in collaboration with Tennessee Department of Children's Services (DCS), working with children and families in the local area. Children need their families; families need their communities; and DCS needs partners to adequately meet the needs of children and families within their own communities. The child you save could be your own.

seeking Foster Parents for teens and sibling Groups

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 Clothes Closet  Food Pantry  Counseling  GED  Affordable Housing  Senior Support Group  Family Visitation Site  Furniture Bank  Mentoring  Child Care Learning Center Cathedral of Faith Community Church 2212 Jackson Avenue, Memphis, TN 38112 Contact: Mrs. Connie Booker phone: (901) 327-1616 or (901) 949-8226 fax: (901) 324-8028 email: cofcc1@yahoo.com website: cofccministries.org

Our Partners

Buckman Laboratories, Inc. Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home North Branch Library Cypress Middle School Friendship Baptist Church Springdale Elementary School Scenic Hills Baptist Church Youth Striving For Excellence (YSE) Klondike Co-Act Unit Klondike-Smoky City CDC Neighborhood Christian Center Holy Tabernacle Rhodes College (Shasta Central) Turning Point Partners Memphis Institute of Barbering Gifts of Life Church Issa Ministries, Inc. Katie Sexton Community Center SOLID (Scope of Life Illuminates Destiny) A New Beginning Community Organization Kingdom Concepts Christian Counseling Foster Adoptive Families of Memphis (FAFM) The National Council for the Prevention of Drug Abuse Restoration Outreach Ministries

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VOL 3 NO 3


IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Simply Divine - Publisher’s Piece 6 Reflections 19 Lyrical Café COLUMNS & Fitness 8 Health 7 Reasons To Hire A Personal Trainer


Chart Toppers


DIVINE Destinations


Fashion & Beauty

Literature & Entertainment

Choosing A Cruise

Accents & Accessories By Jewelry Designer, Elizabeth Nichols

16 17

Food Forte

Cupcake Craze

Money Market How To Start & Successfully Run A Franchise

Heavenly Bodies

COVER STORY 10 The Power of Giving with the Tuohy’s Photo Credit: Mark Tucker

Spiritual Gifts Time Off Total Being: Inside & Out

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simply divine

p u b l is h e r ’ s pi e c e

Endure Until The End We’d all like to hurry and get to our prizes in life. Graduate high school, breeze through college, marry our dream husband or wife, have perfect kids, purchase the biggest and fanciest home, drive the most luxurious car, soar to the top in our career, vacation in the most talked about spots, set our parents up for retirement and live a comfortable life. However, most people won’t experience life in that order nor will they attain every prize that they set out to obtain. In fact, most people will have a hard time trying to figure out how to cope with how their life unfolds. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how you finish in life, just as long as you finish. Ecclesiastes 9:11 reminds us that “the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong”. In other words, the race is not given to the swift or to the one who seems to have it all in a moment’s time. Neither is the race given to the strong or to the one who seems to be the smartest or the bravest. Matthew 24:13 adds, “but he who endures to the end will be saved” therefore the one who finishes the race is the one who will earn the true reward.

Finish and Finish Strong The key to true happiness and peace is being a finisher. If you only have a high school education, Finish. If you are a single parent, Finish. If your kids are causing you grief and anguish right now, Finish. If you live in an apartment, Finish. If you drive an old, beat-up car, Finish. If your relationships are less than perfect, Finish. If you work for minimum wage, Finish. If you’ve never been on a vacation, Finish. If you don’t know how you’re going to take care of your parents, Finish. If you’re still trying to figure out how to make a comfortable living for yourself and for your children, Finish. No matter what your circumstance is in life, whether you planned to be where you are right now or not, finish and Finish Strong. Finishing the race may mean something different for every person in that unique situation and how you finish is completely up to you and God. While you’re finishing your race, resist the urge to get frustrated, to start comparing your life to others or to come down so hard on yourself that you start believing that you are a failure. Remember that you are victorious and you are not in a race with anyone but yourself so go ahead and obtain your degree at your own pace,

Megan R . Mottley

publisher | publisher@divinemagazineonline.com


2011 Anniversary Issue

DIVINE raise your children how God is leading you, drive the car that fits within your budget and work the job that makes you happy.

A Humble Finish In a similar way, if you have worked hard and you can afford to send your children to the best schools and go on a vacation every year, Finish. If you’ve made it to the top of the career ladder and you’re able to rub elbows with prominent people, Finish. If you planned ahead and you’re able to provide your parents with the best retirement experience, Finish. If you drive a nice car, can eat at fine restaurants and dress in high-end fashion, Finish. When you’ve been blessed to accomplish great things, resist the urge to forget where you’ve come from or to turn your backs on those who need you most. When God has blessed you with an abundance of gifts and talents, remember your Creator. Finish your race with humbleness and allow yourself to be driven by your ability to give, to motivate others and to leave a lasting legacy.

Finish with Hope Everything you desire can come to pass with faith, obedience to God’s will, and fortitude. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). Even if at a point in your life you chose to go left instead of right, accept that you took a detour from God’s path for your life and immediately get back on track and finish the race. Use hope as your fuel to endure until the end. The Anniversary Issue that you hold in your hands is an example of a race that had to be finished. Four years ago, I started the race of publishing DIVINE Magazine and never had I experienced a quarter like the beginning of 2011. It was very challenging and the decision to continue as a print publication weighed heavy on my heart. After months of praying and seeking God for direction, it was made clear to me that the print version should and would continue. I personally planned to finish this particular race (and this issue) months ago, but I had to trust that God was extending and redirecting my path so that I could connect with you at the right place and at the right time. As I progressed down my path with determination and renewed hope, the advertising and sponsorship support began to pour in like a flood. As God promised in His word, He saves those who endure until the end. I encourage you to remain steadfast and finish your race! s

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Self-Reliance and Loving Yourself One of the guiding principles that I teach as I travel around the world pertains to self-value. Everyone should possess a clear understanding of the potential that resides within. So many people go through life unaware of this reality; consequently, they allow others to diminish and taint what God intended for their lives. Make no mistake about it, how you see yourself is how others will see you. Self-reliance and loving yourself should not be confused with arrogant isolated independence. We all need healthy friendships and relationships. These associations help to challenge, encourage and inspire us to be all that we can be. I once said to a group of single folks, “people need to qualify for you”. If people have to qualify for a house and a car, why don’t they have to qualify for you? The value of an item often determines the criteria necessary to obtain it. The stringent application process weeds out persons who have not demonstrated evidence of proper stewardship in the past. It is impossible to love yourself and play yourself at the same time. The Bible says “love your neighbor as yourself”. The key word is “as”. How you love you is the paradigm by which you love others. I want to offer three principles that I believe will unleash the greatness inside of you. I am confident that these principles will help you love yourself as you should and develop the confidence to accomplish anything you put your hands to. The First principle is “Being Complete”. This is a foundational principle that must be applied to your life. Oftentimes, people go through life looking for someone to complete them. When you do this, there is an assumption that you are not whole. It is so important that you never become co-dependent upon others to define and affirm you. Your destiny is not in the hands of man, it is in the hands of God. Whether you like it or not, God made you the way He wanted to so be confident. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You don’t have to augment God’s finest creation to please people. You need to have people in your life who love you for what’s on the inside. When you are complete, you don’t sit and wait on someone to take care of you. You have a mind, gifts and talents. It’s important that you pursue a house with your name on it, get a car with your name on it, and you should come to the table with your own stuff. I offer this metaphor to single people: When I met my late wife, we were students. We went from the lobby of a hotel all the way to the Penthouse. When the Lord called her home, I said when I married again I would not go back to the lobby. My next mate had to at least be at the club level. You need a key for that floor. I think you get the point. The second principle is “Refusing to Live in the Past”. Many people cannot move forward with their lives, because they are tormented by yesterday. There comes a time when you have to move beyond the hurts and pains of your past. Get counseling and ask God to move you beyond what happened. Your future is awaiting, but you will never arrive there carrying the luggage of yesterday. The Apostle Paul said, “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching for those which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14. I tell people all the time that there is a reason your windshield is larger than your rear view mirror. One is for glances and one is for gazing. You should only glance at the rear but gaze toward the future.


I encourage you to claim the victory over your life. Cry your last tear and move on. What’s ahead of you is far greater than what is behind you. Remember that your set-backs were nothing more than set-ups for your comeback. Everything that happened to you was designed to make you stronger, wiser, and better.

2011 Anniversary Issue

The final principle that I want to share with you is one that changed my life. I have deemed it “Pursuing Purpose”. If there is any evidence that you love yourself and have moved forward in self-reliance, it is purpose. Each of us was born with a purpose. It is the fulfillment of that purpose that must consume our lives. This is why it is essential to have the right people in your life. You need positive and progressive people who can motivate you toward excellence. You don’t need people who are negative and gossipers. You need people who are going somewhere and who are not intimidated by what God is doing in your life.

When you pursue purpose, you commit yourself to a path toward destiny. Within you lies great vision. There are some things that you want to accomplish and there are other things that God is showing you that are so big that you may have difficulty sharing it with those around you. You must remember this about vision. When God gives vision, He desires that vision to be under Divine supervision. I know you are self-reliant, but you cannot accomplish this without Him. Once it is under Divine supervision, He assures provision. You will never have a vision that you can afford. Vision is always bigger than your budget. It is always bigger than your bank account. Remember, if it’s His will, it’s His bill. Chase it. Go after it. Don’t allow the thing that God has shown you to be hindered by circumstances. You were born to do great things. If there ever was a time to believe you can do it, it is now. Yes, you can! In closing, remember that when you love you there are investments you are willing to make from within. When you recognize the value God has placed within you, you are not validated by others. The world awaits you. Go complete God’s will for your life. Go looking forward. Go pursuing purpose. God promises if you go, He will go with you. Who wouldn’t love that? Dr. Joseph W. Walker III is a popular preacher, with the highest educational degrees from Southern University, Vanderbilt University and Princeton, who at the age of 24 began his pastorate at Mount Zion with only 175 members. Currently his ministry has grown to over 25,000 members with eight weekly services in three church locations in Nashville, Tennessee. Additionally, in 2010, Dr. Walker accepted the honor and position of “National Spokesman” for the Association of Marriage and Family Ministries. www. josephwalker3.org

By Dr. Joseph Warren Walker, III


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7 Reasons To Hire A Personal Trainer


It is common knowledge, that old habits are heard to break. PTs will hold you accountable to prevent setbacks. However, in the event that you do have a setback, your PT is there to get you right back on track.

By Travis McGarr

We are only a few months into the new year and some people have already given up on their new year’s resolutions to become fit and healthy. Some simply lack the discipline needed to continue their exercise regimen; however, others may not know where to start. Don’t become intimidated. A personal trainer will be there to support you and educate you while on the road ahead to becoming a healthier you. Hiring a personal trainer may seem overwhelming, but I can assure you that it will be a good decision. Here are 7 reasons why a personal trainer can be instrumental in helping you to reach your health & fitness goals.


Personal Trainers (PTs) help set realistic goals


Personal Trainers provide education about nutrition

Without clear goals, you may not produce the results you want. PT’s allow you to set goals and provide you with the most effective way to reach them.

Do you really know what foods are good for you? PTs often introduce food plans that aid in weight loss.




Personal Trainers are great motivators Motivation is something that you must possess in order to be successful. PTs will give you the motivation you need while on your fitness journey.

Personal Trainers will help you increase your knowledge of exercise

Most people don’t know what kinds of exercises will benefit them the most. PTs are there to instruct and provide an exercise program that helps you understand how your body can be physically sculpted. PTs will also assess your results and modify your program, if needed.

2011 Anniversary Issue

Personal Trainers will hold you accountable


Personal Trainers can be life coaches


Personal trainers set great examples

Once you reach your goal and even while you’re going through the process, you will not be the same mentally. PTs help to instill the confidence and assurance that you can stay fit on your own and that you can conquer challenges outside of the gym.

You wouldn’t want an out of shape person trying to help you get in shape would you? PTs set the example of looking good and feeling good.

Personal trainers are there to support you. If you are considering hiring a PT, make sure that they are certified and knowledgeable. In my opinion, it is an investment that will yield a great return. Having a personal trainer could make the difference between success and failure.

Travis McGarr is a certified personal trainer and owner of Starfit Xtreme in Nashville, TN.

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This project is funded as a result of grant awards from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and Shelby County Government.



The act of giving is a powerful concept because it impacts both the giver and the recipient. In their new book, In A

Heartbeat, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy discuss the power of giving and most importantly, cheerful giving. The Tuohy’s invite readers into their world providing a glimpse of their lives and what really motivates them to be such giving people. One well-known person that the Tuohy’s helped was Michael Oher, who they took in and later adopted. The best-selling book and Oscar-nominated movie, The Blind Side, was based on the true story surrounding their adoption process. For the first time since the motion picture of The Blind Side, the Tuohy’s are able to share their personal accounts including the truth about their split second decision to keep driving that night or pick up Michael. DIVINE sat down with the Tuohy’s to discuss the details of their new book! DIVINE – How do you define cheerful giving? Tuohy’s – This type of giving is not to impress someone who may be watching, and it’s not giving because you feel guilty. The Bible says it best: “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:7 DIVINE – How do you respond when people marvel at the risks you took as you brought Michael Oher into your family? Tuohy’s – You know, you take a risk every day of your life. When you get in your car and drive across a bridge you take a risk. You don’t know if your tires are good, or if the pilings are going to hold, or if the bridge will fall in, but you don’t really stop and think about it, do you? You don’t get up every morning and kick all four of your tires. You don’t stare at the bridge and say, ‘Yeah, I think it’ll hold me.’ How did you know that bridge wasn’t going to fall? Yet, you went right ahead and crossed it. Everybody takes risks, every day. You just don’t realize that’s what you’re doing.

Th e P ow er of

DIVINE – What can someone with limited resources do when the person in need requires tangible resources? Tuohy’s – Too often we think we lack the means to improve someone’s lot. We’re wrong. The Popcorn Theory doesn’t require you to write a large-scale check, or take a hungry boy with eyes like leaping flames into your household. But it does require that you perceive a person standing right in front of you, and extend a hand in kindness. Consider this story we heard from a U.S. Senator during a recent trip to Washington for an Adoption Coalition convention: There is a little-known Congressional initiative to give internship to young people who were so unwanted that they have aged out of the foster care system. This Senator employs one such young man. One day the Senator passed by the mailroom, and paused and turned around. He noticed that his intern, fresh out of foster care, had reorganized all the old files. “This room has never looked so clean,” the Senator said. “You did a great job.” A few minutes later the Senator decided to get a cup of coffee. He returned to mailroom and found that his intern had tears streaming down his face. “Son, did I offend you?” he asked. “No,” the young man said. “That’s the first time anyone has ever told me that I did something good.” His gift had nothing to do with money. What this kid needed most was encouragement and self-worth, and that’s what he was given. DIVINE – In your last answer, you mentioned “The Popcorn Theory”. In the book you sum this up as your philosophy of giving, please share a little bit more about what the theory means.



Tuohy’s – The Popcorn Theory is about noticing others. It’s about seeing, not turning away from the immediacy of someone else’s need. It starts with recognizing a fellow soul by the roadside –even if he doesn’t seem to belong in your lovely red brick neighborhood and he is the biggest piece of popcorn you ever saw and his problems seem too immense to take on. It’s about assigning that person’s value and potential. Like popcorn, you don’t know which kernel’s gonna pop. They just show up. It’s not hard to spot ‘em. The Popcorn Theory goes like this: “You can’t help everyone, but you can try to help the hot ones who pop right up in front of your face.” DIVINE – Why is it important for husbands, wives, families and communities to work together to help those in need? What specific thing have you done to set examples for your children and what is the message that you want to send to the future generations? Tuohy’s – Generosity is not just a personal value but a core value for our entire family. One of our practices is something we call “Get one, give one,” which means when you receive something, give part of it away. To impress the lesson on our daughter Collins, we sent her to camp with underprivileged kids and on a searing mission trip to the Guatemala City Dumps, where she saw families living in lean-tos amid the garbage, yet with pictures of Christ hung amid the wreckage. Collins came to understand how fortunate she was: “He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” Acts 14:17. She also learned how important it was to share some of what she’d been given. Long before Michael came into our lives, Collins and Sean Jr. learned to accept the presence of kids sleeping on the sofa, lounging around the house or friends from Briarcrest School whose parents worked two jobs. DIVINE – In the book, you point out that the most important gifts your children gave each other had nothing to do with money. Share more about those types of gifts.

Giving with the Tuohy’s

Tuohy’s – As Michael became a member of the family, he and our other kids gave each other two small but crucial mutual gifts— loyalty and protection. At Ole Miss, Collins and Michael went everywhere together, and they and their friends achieved a new level of racial integration at that old southern school. Even now, when our family attends Michael’s games, he remains extremely protective of his sister, insisting on one occasion that his teammate walk her to the car to keep her away from unruly male fans. And for Sean Jr. having Michael in his family means they do more as a family—he gets much more of each of them.

This is one of the blessings of cheerful giving. We have always felt that Michael gave us far more than he received. All we did was put a roof over his head. He has given back a stronger sense of home and family. DIVINE – Besides dominating the New York Times bestseller list, The Blind Side has also broken Hollywood records. Why do you think your family’s story has captivated so many people? Tuohy’s – We think people love the story because they recognize some aspect of themselves there. We want to be the kind of people who really make a difference in the world, but so many people are convinced that they don’t have the resources to be that kind of giver. We wrote In a Heartbeat to share our story in our own words and precisely so that people will begin to realize that they can be the kind of people who can help change someone’s life. The Tuohy’s have taught us a very important lesson in cheerful giving and that it should never be limited by money nor people. As long as giving comes from the heart, it emits an unbelievable sense of power for everyone involved. Never forsake the power of giving. Always strive to make a difference right where you are.

In A Heartbeat: Sharing the Power of Cheerful Giving by Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy with Sally Jenkins. Available in Bookstores Everywhere.



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T o A dvertise C ontact 1 . 8 5 5 . 4 5 6 . 4 4 7 5

CHARTToppers literature & Entertainment

Top 10 Christian Books 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo & Lynn Vincent Jesus Calling by Sarah Young Leaving by Karen Kingsbury 40 Days With Jesus by Sarah Young Crazy Love by Francis Chan & Danae Yankoski Radical by David Platt Someday by Jae Henderson Life After Birth by Summer Owens The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper

spi r it u a l gi f ts

Top 5 Christian Albums 1 Until The Whole World Hears – Casting Crowns 2 Blessings – Laura Story 3 Hundred More Years – Francesca Battistelli 4 What If We Were Real - Mandisa 5 Awake – Skillet

Top 5 Gospel Albums 1 Hello Fear – Kirk Franklin 2 Something Big – Mary Mary 3 WOW Gospel 2011– Various Artists 4 Church On The Moon – Deitrick Haddon 5 Love God. Love People – Israel Houghton


DIVINE Destinations

tim e o f f

So Many Choices, How to choose the right cruise for you!

By Melody Hennessee

If you are considering a cruise vacation, start with the basics. Ask yourself a few questions, get a good mental picture and then follow your dreams! First things first: Who is going on the vacation? Is it your core family? Do you have children – toddlers, tweens, teens, or young adults – in your family? Is it an extended family reunion or are you a single person wanting to meet people? Do you want to cruise with a bunch of friends or other married couples? What are your goals for the cruise? Do you want to relax and do “nothing?” Do you want to see the sights, learn some history and get a feel for the culture and cuisine of the place you’re planning to visit? Do you want to experience an adventure – soar to new heights, dive to greater depths or go really fast? Do you want a mix of everything above? How long do you plan to take? Do you have a few days, an extended weekend or a few weeks to go on your cruise? Don’t forget to factor in travel time to and from your cruise embarkment location. What kind of climate do you prefer? Do you want a sunny, tropical location or a cooler, brisk setting? Do you want to wear shorts and t-shirts or bundle up in your winter warmest? What’s your budget? Do you have a ballpark figure for what you’d like to spend? In addition to the cost of the cruise, you should include airfare or transportation, tips for porters, waiters and servers, excursion costs, taxes and souvenirs. It is always best to get an all-inclusive package that includes taxes and fees so you won’t be surprised by hidden charges. If you’re unsure of all these facts, it’s OK. Just start imagining all the possibilities and the details will fall into place. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a cruise: Best Cruise Locations: Plainly stated, there is no ideal cruise location. There are cruises that sail almost anywhere in the world these days: Africa, Alaska, Antarctica, Europe, Asia and everywhere in between. The “best” location is where you really want to go! Sail from Miami or Fort Lauderdale, FL to Cozumel, Mexico; Key West, FL; Grand Bahamas Island, Nassau; Great Stirrup Cay or Coco Cay. These are popular excursions at affordable rates with beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters. Choose your location; then find a boat that will take you there. Reasons to Take a Cruise: Most people want a mix of relaxation and adventure on their cruise experience. Research all the shore excursions that are offered on your cruise. Go online to some of the popular cruise lines and see what excursions they offer. That is the best place to start. From kayaking and snorkeling to swimming with the dolphins and taking carriage rides, there is sure to be an adventure for you. If you are leaning toward the relaxing and “doing nothing” cruise then stay on the ship when everyone else takes an excursion. Enjoy a spa treatment, soak up the sun and be the first in line for soft-serve ice cream.


2011 Anniversary Issue

DIVINE Specialty cruises come in all shapes and sizes. There are music festival cruises like the ones offered by Premier Christian Cruises. There are historic cruises, conference cruises, couples-only cruises, and wholesome cruises that are geared toward families with young children. Cruising Costs & Keeping to Your Budget: Cruises can cost as little as a few hundred to as much as several thousand dollars. So many factors play into the cost – from cabin selection and cruise length to added excursions and spending money for souvenirs! The best way to save is to go in the “off season” – not in the middle of summer – and to go during the week, instead of over the weekend. If you plan ahead, you can take advantage of easy payment plans or – if you can be flexible and jump onboard in a moment’s notice – cash in on last minute deals. If you choose to wait, there is always a risk the cruise will fill up and sell out. You could be left with nothing more than a postcard from your friends who planned ahead! Another great way to save is to gather a group of friends and get in on deals that offer free tickets for group leaders! Entertainment Options: As if gorgeous sunsets, shore excursions, spa treatments and all-you-can eat buffets are not enough, many people like to consider the entertainment options on various cruises. Some cruises – like the K-LOVE Friends & Family Music Cruise and The Music Boat - offer music festivals at sea with nightly concerts in several locations on the ship, as well as clean-cut comedians, inspiring speakers and wholesome entertainment for the children. Other cruises specialize in building relationships like the couples-only “Love Like You Mean It Cruise,” and the fun with friends “Girl’s Get-Away Cruise.” Both of these specialty cruises offer speakers, comedians and artists that draw the participants closer in their walk with God and each other. New this year at Premier Christian Cruises is the “Karen Kingsbury & Friends Cruise,” for people who are big fans of the No. 1 Christian fiction author and her famous fictional family, the Baxters! Once you’ve gotten your punch list of everything you’ve GOT to have in a cruise, your next step is to talk to a Cruise Consultant. Whether it’s your first cruise or your annual adventure, you are sure to find the right one for you. Happy sailing! Melody Hennessee is a Marketing Assistant with Premier Productions, the No. 1 promoter of Christian events in the nation and the parent company of Premier Christian Cruises. For more information about cruises offered by Premier Christian Cruises go to www.premierchristiancruises.com or call 1-800-889-5265.

fashion & beauty

t o ta l b e ing : insid e & o u t

Accents & Accessories

created by Jewelry Designer Elizabeth Nichols Inspired by the desire to see women distinguish themselves with their accessories and accent pieces, Elizabeth Nichols began designing custom necklaces and bracelets in 2007. With a classic European flair coupled with influences from the fashion-hub of Los Angeles, custom pieces can range from exquisite to affordable. Nichols uses real gemstones such as onyx, opal, agate, and coral to create bold, vibrant pieces but she also incorporates various crystals, pearls, and other neutral-colored, high quality stones to design classic pieces.

“All of my pieces are unique, but they accomplish the same goal, which is to accentuate a woman’s personality and take their style to the next level.” “My goal is to create pieces that don’t just complete an outfit, but set-it-apart in a big way from anything that someone else might be wearing.”

pieces that provide “ Ithedesign wow-factor of Hollywood, and class of Paris and Milan.

combined with the elegance

ASK Elizabeth

For Men - Want a custom piece for that special someone? Know Your Mate

Larger, brighter gemstones might work better with outgoing personalities. Do your research and find pieces that match her persona and accentuate her positives.

Build on the Uniqueness

All of my pieces are different and therefore deserve to be given to her in a romantic setting or in an unexpected way.

Consider Her Wardrobe

Look at her clothing style. Make note of her favorite colors, patterns, and materials and pick gemstones and necklace lengths based on what you’ve learned.

For Women - Looking to buy for you? Look in Your Jewelry Box

Take inventory of what you have and make a list of what you’re missing. Think of custom pieces that might be the perfect complement to a set of earrings or rings you may already have.

Don’t Underestimate Neutrals

It’s not difficult to make a statement with bold colors. But remember, there is always an unspoken elegance with neutral colors like crystals, pearls, and other neutral-colored gems.

Dare to Be Different

You know what you’ve bought in the past, so don’t be afraid to take a risk or follow a trend. Don’t’ forget that buying custom jewelry should be just as fun as wearing it.

A graduate of Lemoyne-Owen College, Elizabeth is also a trained color analysis specialist and image consultant, certified by the Fashion Academy of Memphis. Elizabeth provides wardrobe consulting services for numerous career women in the community and offers color analysis services to ladies of all ages at seminars and events throughout the city. Photo Credit: Jewelry Pieces Photographed by Monroe Ballard, Optimum Studios

To view more custom jewelry, check out www.elizabethnicholsjewelry.com or visit Boston Fine Jewelry located at 5384 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee.


food forte

vi r t u o u s l iving

Cupcake Craze

Mignon Francois, owner of The Cupcake Collection,

is as sweet as her Signature Vanilla Frosting. Her pleasant attitude and beautiful spirit go right into each and every cupcake that she bakes daily at her cute and colorful bakery. Mignon can easily be spotted wearing a bright hat at her purple painted house turned bakery nestled in the historic area of Nashville. Her team always greets and assists guests with a smile and is made up of her husband, her children, and her friends. The Cupcake Collection is completely customer-driven and is one reason her bakery has soared above the competition.

Tips For At-Home Baking:

Go the extra mile to spruce up your cupcakes. “Buy special wrappers for your cupcakes. My favorite place to get wrappers is from Bella Cupcake Couture.” Create a tower to display your cupcakes. “It’s so fun to use different size boxes wrapped in news print or colorful paper. Stack the boxes from smallest to largest and use these as a stand for your delicious desserts.” Mignon’s Cupcake Suggestions for Your Special Occasions: Birthday Cupcake Bouquet Anniversary Cupcake Bouquet Keepsake Boxes Holiday Sweet Potato (Thanksgiving) Peppermint (Christmas) Eggnog (New Year) Weddings Almond Buttercake with Signature Vanilla Frosting 1213 6th Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37208 615.244.2900

In recent years, there has been a Cupcake Craze and people of all ages have come to enjoy grand decadence in a bite size form. “In this economy, it’s all about affordable comfort and the luxury to have something delicious without the guilt,” says Francois. At the Cupcake Collection, Francois and her team make cupcakes that are decadent, enjoyable and reasonably priced.

With the sudden popularity of cupcakes, the decision of where to go and how to choose the best cupcake can seem hard, but the search is over. Let your cupcake cravings lead you to The Cupcake Collection where you, the customer, get to decide the top cupcake flavors of the day or which new flavors to develop. “We only listen to what our customers say,” explains Francois. “The Strawberry cupcake was an invention from one of my top customers who informed me that I just couldn’t be in Nashville without a Strawberry cupcake,” says Francois. After putting a spin on her Grandmother’s original recipe, adding her own twist to make it her own and a few customer tests, the Strawberry cupcake became official.

“If we ever have a request, we will create it and give out free samples to get feedback from our customers.”

The flavors to be sold each day are based on customer demand as well as the atmosphere of the bakery. There are a total of 9 top flavors each day: the Daily 6 which includes 3 of the customer’s picks and 3 of Francois’ picks, then there are 3 additional choices that may be seasonal or just for fun with 2 picks from Francois and 1 customer choice. With these types of options, there’s no surprise that The Cupcake Collection sells out on any given day! “My Favorite Day for cupcakes are Sundays because you have families who stop by or people who need to pick up dessert for Sunday dinner,” says Francois. Unlike most bakeries, The Cupcake Collection is open on Sundays which gives many customers a delightful option for their weekend frolicking. “Sundays are happy, wonderful days at The Cupcake Collection.” No matter what day of the week customers stop by, Francois wants her customers to experience joy when they eat her cupcakes. “Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside,” says Francois. “It’s the perfect thing that doesn’t cost too much, that makes you want to tell everyone about it and makes you smile on the inside.” That same joy has spread from Nashville all the way to Clarksville. Recently, Francois was determined to accommodate customers that were travelling from miles away for her cupcakes. She began by taking a Cupcake Bus, a mobile store filled with cupcakes, to different locations throughout the area. She found that Clarksville would be the ideal city for a second location. There, they were selling out of cupcakes in 1 hour for what normally took an entire day to do. It was no question that Clarksville would be the next new home for The Cupcake Collection. Besides cupcakes, Francois also makes wedding cakes. She spends many weekends preparing beautiful cakes for her top customers and managing her two locations. Francois gives honor to God for her success and cherishes everyday that she has to bring joy to her customer’s lives. She has some great advice for bakers and those aspiring to get into the business. “Do what you know how to do and do it well,” she says. “Focus in, hone your skills and do everything you can to make your products even better!”



Photo Credit: Dean Dixon

2011 Anniversary Issue

money market

Power & Purpose

How to Start & Successfully Own a Franchise by Monique Reed

In the midst of the economic downturn, many people are electing to start their own businesses. These businesses will take on various forms not limited to but definitely franchises. Franchising is a business model used in many different industries. Compared to starting a business from scratch, franchises allow the new business owner to utilize the systems and strategies of an established enterprise. You may be familiar with some of these well-known franchises: McDonald’s®, Subway™, Krispy Kreme®, ReMax® and Starbucks® among others. In a franchise opportunity, the franchisee is purchasing a license to use a system that was created by the franchisor. The franchisee does not own the system, but rather, is merely paying for the right to use the system and other intellectual property of the franchisor, including trademarks and tradenames. Most franchisees pay an initial franchise fee and a royalty on the sales the business generates. In exchange, the franchisee receives many benefits that allow him/her to literally hit the ground running. A few benefits of owning a franchise are: Proven Business System – Franchises offer business owners a proven business system and strategy. While many new businesses struggle to develop a viable and profitable business plan, franchises have presumably demonstrated ability to produce profits. Additionally, the franchisee receives the necessary instructions to operate the business like other similarly franchised businesses. Consider McDonald’s® for a moment. McDonald’s® has a proven system for selling hamburgers and fries that is recognized all over the world. When a McDonald’s® franchise is purchased, the franchisee receives detailed instructions on restaurant image, food preparation and customer service. The end result: the restaurant will look, smell, and feel like other McDonald’s® restaurants. In this manner, customers can have comfort because when they see those legendary Golden Arches, whether in Beijing, China or Richmond, Virginia, they know exactly what to expect.

After reading all these benefits, you may be ready to purchase a franchise. Before you do, please consider the following. Just because you are purchasing a proven business strategy, you are not guaranteed success. With a franchise, you don’t create the business, but you must still market your business and/or employ competent managers. You must, therefore, be committed to the hard work necessary to build your business. You will need capital to purchase and operate your franchise so carefully consider whether you have available funds to invest in your new venture. Finally, the Typically, it takes most franchises at most critical least to start generating factor to consider in profits—which means if you don’t deciding have savings to live on, you may whether to purchase a need to work part-time while you franchise is build your new business. how supportive the franchisor is. Talk to the franchisor about the specific support you will receive and poll other franchisees to gauge their experiences. A typical franchise agreement usually ranges from five to twenty years and has serious financial consequences, if terminated prematurely. Therefore, an aspiring franchisee should carefully consider the decision before signing on the dotted line.

a year

Monique Reed is a corporate attorney, real estate broker, speaker, success coach, and distributor for Arbonne International. Monique’s business websites, brrealtyllc.com and moniquereed.com, offer financial, success, and real estate tips to empower readers to live a life of impact.

Branding and Marketing – Franchises also offer business owners the advantage of name recognition. Since franchisors have heavily marketed their products and services, franchisees can leverage marketing dollars the franchisor has spent to brand the name in the marketplace. In contrast, it usually takes years for startup businesses to establish their brand in the marketplace. Pre-Established Supply Lines – Securing dependable supplier relationships is vital to the operation of a successful business, and is usually a challenge for a new business owner. Franchises generally offer franchisees a reliable avenue for suppliers and in many instances; franchisors will sell supplies directly to their franchisees. Training and Support – In addition to receiving established company policies and procedures, franchisors provide employee training programs so the new business operates effectively and efficiently. Owning a franchise allows you to be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. Franchises provide new business owners with a built-in support system. This system serves as a safety net to assist the new business owner in building his/her new business.


life lines

s o u l c o nn e cti o ns

The Truth About Social Networks By Vince McCaskill, Founder of By God Inspired

Parents/guardians should stay alert and understand how these sites work to ensure that their child is not providing information online that could pinpoint where they live, go to school, hangs out, etc. Be aware that children can create multiple accounts using fake names and ages allowing them to access content intended for adults. It is also important to know that children can temporarily deactivate and later reactivate their account without losing any previous information. Forming cyber neighborhood watches with family members and friends can aid in keeping your child safe.

Social networking sites have become popular destinations for millions of people around the world. Many use this technology platform as a vehicle to look for job opportunities, stay in the know with their family and current friend base, meet new friends, and connect with old friends. Social networking sites also connect business owners to new/existing customers and allow people from all across the world to support their favorite organizations or movements. Social networking sites consist of billions of people communicating and interacting online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you’re a big fan of social networks, there are alternative social networking sites such as By GOD Inspired that allows interaction in an online faith community.

Although there are tons of good reasons for using social networking sites, there are just as many risks associated with exploring sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and dozens

By GOD Inspired connects believers around the globe and uses the social networking platform as a vehicle to inspire people. This site offers virtual churches so individuals can listen

of other social networking sites. Before you venture into the virtual world, the key is to understand social networking sites before sharing information that could come back to harm you later. The obvious risks are privacy and one’s safety.

to sermons through By GOD Inspired’s (BGI) E-Cast E-Radio Station On Demand Network and a 24-hour inspirational radio station called BGIradio.com is available for round the clock music entertainment. Individuals, who sign up as members, can set up profile pages, create blogs, post events and videos, shop in the BGI Mall and much more. The site was launched in August of 2008 and since then has been visited nearly 1 million times by people around the globe. More than 2,400 people have established profile pages on the site. The site is free and even non-members have access to the inspirational content.

Countless men and women use social networking sites as a place to announce everything about their personal lives. Steer clear of providing detailed information about where you live, when you’re going out of town, where you are at the current moment and so on. Be wary of providing too much personal information about your family such as names and photos. If you’re not careful, having personal information in the public realm could make you a target for internet predators. Limit how much information you share about yourself and your family and never announce on these sites when you are leaving your house and your current location. This is absolutely dangerous. Children who are allowed to utilize social networking sites may find the instant connections to friends, family and digital fads to be fun but may be unaware of the dangers involved.

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2011 Anniversary Issue

Whether you utilize the mainstream social networking sites or you choose to get plugged in to an alternative site like By God Inspired, staying in touch with family and friends is just a click away. Stay safe and make wise choices whenever you spend time on the internet. As believers, we can make the internet a place where God’s love shines through and grace abounds. Be sure to check out www.bygodinspired.com to join a community geared toward inspiring and uplifting its members.

Photo Credit: Adrian Wilcox


Judy Jacobs

(Album: I FEEL A CHANGE) You are Jehovah. And I worship you. You are Jehovah. And I glorify You. There is no other. No other God like You. Your name be praised. (repeat) I Am.

I Am.

Which was and is and is to come. You’re the Lion and the Lamb. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done. Your train fills the temple. You are high and lifted up. Your name be praised.

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Lift up the name of Jesus. (repeat)

To learn more about Judy Jacobs, visit www.judyjacobs.com



f ait h & f ami l y

2011 Technology Guide For Kids & Young Adults Parents are you having a hard time trying to decide which technological device is good for your child? With technology advancing as quickly as it is and gadgets being released before the previous gadgets have gotten old, it’s hard for anyone to keep up. DIVINE has compiled a list of the top 10 gadgets for kids and young adults for 2011. Educational For smaller children, Leapfrog has introduced the Tag Reading System. This system allows readers to use a wand to interactively read books just by touching the wand to the words. This helps children learn to read! There are over 40 books and games that can be used with this system. The Tag Reader holds 10 books at a time. Priced from $49.99 V-Tech MobiGo is a handheld learning system that has a touch screen and a slide out QWERTY keyboard. It allows the user to play games, draw and play music. Games also teach letters, shapes, colors, spelling, etc. A cartridge is used with this system and games can also be downloaded from the Internet. This system is for kids 3 to 8 years old. It is great for learning and keeping children entertained while on the go. Priced from $55 The Amazon Kindle Wireless Reading Device is a revolutionary way to read books. It is 1/3” thin and only weighs 8.5 ounces, making it completely portable. It has a 6” display for easy viewing, built in Wi-Fi and stores up to 3,500 books and documents. You can read for up to 4 weeks without recharging. It is sold by Amazon.com and the Kindle store offers 630,000 books to choose from. Priced from $139 Entertainment (Young Adults) XBOX Kinect for XBOX 360 puts a new twist on game play. The best feature is there is no controller constricting the user from moving around! You simply use your voice and body. Kinect uses a motion sensor, facial recognition, skeletal tracking and voice recognition. XBOX Kinect has built in Wi-Fi and can be used with XBOX Live. You can also watch HD movies, watch sports and stream music. Priced from $149.99

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2011 Anniversary Issue

DIVINE The Apple iPad is a tablet computer that features web surfing, email, photos, HD movies, videos, podcasts, iTunes. It allows you to browse the internet with a touch of your finger. The App store has more than 300,000 applications to choose from. It has a multi-touchscreen and has a high-resolution LED Backlit IPS display. The iPad weighs 1.5 lbs and the screen is 9.7 inches diagonally. Priced from $499 The Apple iPod Touch has Facetime, video calling, email, a camera, High Definition video recorder, games, voice memos and Youtube. Its thin and curved design allows the iPod to fit comfortably in your hand. Priced from $229 Communications Apple iPhone 4 is the newest iPhone release. It has FaceTime, two cameras, retina display which is the highest resolution screen, Multitasking, which allows the user to switch between applications, High Definition video recording and editing, email, games, messaging, built in iPod, applications, maps, and many more features. Priced from $199 Skype allows you to call another Skype user for free as long as you have a computer, a built in microphone and an internet connection. Skype also allows you to call cell phones and landlines worldwide for 2.3 cents per minute. It also has free instant messaging. Text messaging starts at 4.7 cents per message. You can also video call other Skype users for free as long as both users have a webcam. Applications, also known as Apps, allow you to do virtually anything on your device. There are applications for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yelp, games, weather, movies, travel, maps and even applications for managing your bank account. Biblical Software Logos Bible Software allows you to study and research the Bible with the click of a button. It has multiple translations, an exegetical guide, Bible reading plans, articles, pictures, charts and interactive maps. Logos’ prices vary, you can create packages and even get on a payment plan. Logos Bible Software would be suitable for a young adult but may not be suitable for smaller children. Before purchasing any device, you should do your homework. Make sure the device will be the best fit for your child. Research to determine if the item has requirements or accessories needed for operation. Price the item at different retailers and always check if a newer version will be released in the near future.

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