Divinity Divine Magazine

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Moss gospel roots B orn and raised in Detroit, J. Moss hails from gospel music royalty as the son of the late Bill Moss, Sr., founder of Bill Moss & The Celestials and - the nephew of Gospel’s legendary Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, the cousin of her daughters - the Clark

Sisters. Singing since the age of four, his father and mother, Essie Moss, created an environment where music was the focal point. After J spent time as a Celestial, his father paired him with his brother, Bill Jr., in a group called The Moss Brothers, which recording two albums. J naturally picked up the piano and by the time he headed for college, Michigan State University, he had become a skilled songwriter and received his musical calling as his primary preoccupation in life. After two solo projects on an independent Detroit-based label in the early ‘80s, J Moss developed as a writer, artist and producer. That also marked his crucial introduction to Paul “PDA” Allen and Walter Kearney, the other two thirds of PAJAM. In 1996, J and his partners produced his cousin, Karen Clark-Sheard’s first solo album officially launching PAJAM

Productions. With hard work, PAJAM began a rapid ascent to become one of the most sought after production companies in the country, contributing to projects by both major Gospel and mainstream artists, to movie soundtracks and music for TV series. They also developed there own roster of stars, female group Ramiyah and stellar award male trio, 21:03. J Moss and his partner are know for “PAJAM Insurance” (guaranteed quality music). They still never lost sight of their goal to launch J Moss properly as a Gospel artist. Finally, in 2003, Gospel music pioneer Vicki Mack Lataillade and PAJAM entered into a joint venture with GospoCentric Records for The J Moss Project. With songs like “We Must Praise”, I Wanna Be” and Ps150, the first album sold over a quarter million cds and received 8 Stellar Awards, multiple Grammy and Dove nominations. This lead to the second J Moss album entitled V2 which featured an impressive guest list of talent like 21:03, Kierra “Kiki” Sheard, Byron Cage, Pastor Marvin Winans, “PDA”, Kirk Franklin and Anthony Hamilton. It also received multiple awards and nominations.


Publisher Darilyn Johnson www.johnsonhouseofhope.com www.divinitydivinemagazine.com Author Relania Warren relainah@yahoo.com Gerald Walker Lynette Jones www.coachlynettejones.com Susan Spain www.divinedeliverancemin.com Benjamin C McPherson III trae0034@gmail.com Author LaBrittany Pace dancingforhim@ymail.com Divine Magazine is a Non Profit exclusive magazine designed and equipped to fulfill the needs of upcoming business owners and ministries. Our mission is to discover the unknown why providing a platform for ministries, business owners, writers and fashion designers. Divinity Divine Magazine seeks to establish long term relationships with their clients and peers. Divinity Divine Magazine vision is to minister through articles and pictures but at the same time help business owners grow. With Divinity Divine Magazine no vision is a small vision but all visions are treated equal.


THE publisher


arilyn Johnson was born to the parents of Prophet/Pastor Darrell D. Johnson and Evelyn L. Shankle of Fort Worth, Texas in 1983. As a child she had dreams of becoming a lawyer and helping the people in her community as years went on Darilyn graduated in the top of half of her class, at Crowley High School and later enrolled at Tarrant County College where she majored in Healthcare Administration and minor in Criminal Justice. She is enrolled in Grand Canyon University working on her Bachelors in Healthcare Administration. She is the publisher of Divinity Divine Magazine and Founder of Johnson’s House of Hope Developments a Non Profit 501c3 organization.

J. Moss His Gospel Roots

from pain to

Michael purpose Benjamin C. Styles Minister McPherson III FASHION

Prophet Jolando D. Butler Pg 7

Sexual Attacks

Relaina Holland Warren Pg 10-11

Gerald Walker International Entrepreneur & Speaker Pg 8-9

Let’s Talk about sex Pg 14-15

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From Pain




ife is a series of events that come with twists and turns that must be navigated through. Abundant life is taking those obstacles and navigating through them with the mind frame of already possessing the victory. Living life through purpose says that I will take the twists and turns of life and the abundance of guaranteed victory and accomplish what I have been commissioned to do regardless of what I may experience. Therefore, if we know that life will present us with twists and turns, and we understand that there is purpose on our lives, which encompasses victory through Christ Jesus, the question to be answered is what do you do when what you see


is not lining up with what God said? We currently live in a society that has caused us to lose sight of what a process is. It seems like everything around us has become instant and no one has the time to avail themselves to properly go through what is known as the process. Never realizing that if the process is incomplete, the product will not operate effectively. And as a result of not going through the process, we find ourselves unable to grasp the very promise that we instantaneously tried to obtain. Some things in life require that we go through the pain, suffering,disappointment, heartbreak and even fire so that when we come out, it will serve as a testament, not only to those around us, of God’s goodness and sovereignty, but also as encouragement to ourselves of God’s ability to give us exactly what we need, when we need it. Even some of the mistakes that we make in life are necessary and will eventually serve as the very tool or resource that will bless someone else. As believers, we must understand that the things we go through are simply part of a process that is preparing us for a specific purpose. I distinctively remember when I was a younger boy (around the age of 9 years old), and my parents made the decision to separate and eventually divorce. It was one of the most difficult times of my life. I remember the feelings of guilt, pain, disappointment, anger, and even of feeling unwanted. From that moment in my life, everything changed. I had to make a decision of whether or not I would crumble under the pressure of what I was feeling and give up, or rise to the occasion and move forward. Let me take a moment to say, I thank God for a strong praying Mother, Grandmother and Sister! God began a process in me for a purpose that I couldn’t yet see. I went through life forced to be the “man of the house” stepping up to responsibilities that I didn’t even understand. I can vividly remember times sitting in my room with suicidal thoughts asking God, “Why me? Why us? Why now?” Until one day, while in total disgust of my life, sitting on the side of the bed with tears falling from my eyes and uncontrollable sobbing, a pistol in my hand, ready to end it all, God caused me to fall into a deep sleep. When I finally awoke over three hours later, I remember God revealing His promise and pur-

pose to me yet reminding me that I must go through the process first. And it wasn’t until I began to appreciate the process that I became able to put the pain into proper perspective. See, I knew at a very young age that God was calling me into ministry, but what I saw in my life was not lining up to what I heard God say. I was so focused on the destination of what God had spoken to me, and what He promised He would do for me, that I forfeited the promises that were attached to the journey. I have discovered that as believers, we have been more loyal and faithful to our trials and tribulations than we have been to the expectation of the promises and purpose of God. But the moment we arrive at the understanding that the same expectation of the inevitable trials and tribulations that we experience in life is the same expectation that we must have in regards to knowing that God will deliver us out of the very trials and tribulations that we anticipated and move us from the place of pain into the place of purpose. I previously asked the question, “What do you do when what you see is not lining up with what God said?” 1. You must understand that there is a call on your life. Trials and tribulation will come, but we must understand that we were uniquely created to fulfill a purpose on earth. Jeremiah 29:11 says it like this, “For I know the thought I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” You have been created for a purpose. 2. You must go through the process in order to get to your purpose.

Often times we get so wrapped up in what we are going through that we simply forget that, “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Don’t get discourage because of the process, remember troubles don’t last always. 3. Don’t forfeit the promises that are attached to the process. You are blessed and highly favored, you are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath, you are a lender and not a borrower, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, He will never leave you nor forsake you, goodness and mercy shall follow you, all of these are promises for the journey. Many times we get so focused on where we are going, how long it will take to get there and who is coming with us that we forfeit the peace that comes from the promises that are attached to the process. It is inevitable that at some point in life you will face some overwhelming issues, and you may even begin to have thoughts and feelings of doubt, disbelief and dismay; but rest assure that within the process there are promises that will sustain you while you’re on your way to your purpose. Put the pain into perspective, and allow it to propel you into the place that God has created for you. Make the decision today to move “From Pain to Purpose.” God bless you, ~Minister Benjamin C. McPherson III Grace and Peace!





SEXUAL attacks Author Relaina Holland Warren


s we know that sex and premarital sex before marriage is a sin and a abomination before God regardless if you’ve been born an raised in the church and studied the word of God at some point in our lives we’ve been told the famous quote “if you have sex before marriage your going to hell” not given any Spiritual education of the knowledge as to why it becomes sin in which if you did not know that premarital sex is when your engaged to be married so many of us have gotten this misunderstood but the whole point is that your NOT married at the time that intercourse has taken place an it shouldn’t take place without the benefit of a marriage license and standing before God to unite as one Sex was created by God for a husband and a wife to become one not only in the flesh but in the Spirit for the man releases into the woman to receive the mans seed to reproduce on earth as God has commanded. When we have sex before marriage its sin for it opens up the door to “your adversary, the devil, who prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8” for when you open up yourself to intercourse with someone who God didn’t design for you through marriage you’ve allowed the enemy to get you caught up and yoked up with things that weren’t meant for you to experience an it shows that your gullable an not grounded in the word of God nor faith in God to sustain you for God created sex

to bring forth life and unity for sex before marriage is sin which sin brings forth sickness and death which you can catch many diseases such as countless sexual transmitted diseases that you will never be able to get rid of such as HIV, AIDS, Cancer, Herpes, and etc. these diseases can be and has brought forth death also sex before marriage can also bring forth a great Spiritual death for when you allow yourself to be connected with someone that’s other then your spouse by marriage you intake their struggles issues and spirits within themselves that has now transferred into you along with the countless others their sleeping with so the others that their sleeping with spirits are with you two as your engaging in worldly sexual acts of sin together for now their spirits stay with you and your spirit with them so now your body which is a temple of the holy spirit is now defiled your also in bondage yoked up and connected to someone you don’t know we must know that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12” you must remain on guard wearing the full amour of God “Ephesians 6:10-20” being sustained by the Holy Spirit to remain free for who the Son set free is free indeed for when your mate comes you wont be filled with someone else’s spirits blocking you and your mate from cleaving you must whole heartedly stay in self control so that you can be filled with the Spirits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,


goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness; “Galatians 5:22-23” be sustained by the blood of Jesus Christ so that God can shape mold and form you into the man/woman of God that God has created for you to be not just for the use of Christ so that you can be all the things that your mate has prayed for you to be for when your soul mate comes there isn’t any hindrances for there’s always blessings in your waiting for “they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” For I found that waiting on the one whom God created just for you is worth the wait so I speak from total experience I’ve been with my husband for over 15 years an we’ve been married for two months an I know it sounds strange but because of my fleshly desires an being out of God perfect will I declined marriage for many years because I thought that I was missing out on something that the world had to offer an I thought I needed more of something that my flesh desired because I opened my treasure to things God didn’t appoint me to experience before marriage I left my husband then boyfriend in 2010 for someone that knew of God and the word of God but didn’t want to follow the plans of God so I confused compassion with compromising an became a silly woman that the word of God speaks of in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 When I met the other young man we talked on the phone daily for hours about anything

promise the Lord that I wouldn’t do it again when all along my husband Quintus Warren always told me that he’ll wait on me because I was worth the wait a precious jewel that God created just for him but I was blinded by fleshly desires and ignored the warning signs that were placed in my view an now as I look back I recognized the “Red Flags” so here’s advice to my bothers and sisters in Christ that aren’t married but are still in the dating realm do not go over one another’s home do not go out of town with one another only go on dates in the day time if not in the day time make sure your not alone after a certain time in the evening meet one another at the location where you’ll be having your date do not carpool also never let your conversation waiver to areas that will cause you to entertain sexual interactions always keep every conversation holy so that you may continually appear blameless and faultless before the Father for everything that we do has to glorify God Now if I would have followed the uncompromising instructions of the word of God falling into a sexual attack would have never taken place. Amen! So glory be to God of the Most High for I finally got enough strength to hear the voice of God, for when your out of His will your spiritual hearing is on mute because you leaned to your own understanding and rejected to follow His instructions Proverbs 3:5-6. But after three years of fence hopping and walking away from this sexual relationship to step back into the marvelous light, the Man of God that is

you could think of he excepted and respected that I was a woman of God we discussed the biblical meaning of sex we even discussed marriage so as time went on he thought it was ok that we engage in sexual activities but I told him that I wasn’t into that because I was celibate an had been for almost four years as time went by we decided to meet up an go on a date we connected in more ways then I could imagine because it was something brand new an fresh and he excepted and respected that I was a woman of God so as I continued to date this guy I had in my mind that I could pray him saved and filled with the holy ghost but as women we must use wisdom and discernment for change only takes place when your ready to be changed as the famous quote goes “either you pull them or they will pull you” I was pulled back and forth in a tug of war in the spirit and the flesh an since I wasn’t in the word fasting praying and going to church my faith became low for as it states in Romans 10:17 faith comes by hearing an hearing the word of God an since I wasn’t reading I lost myself I thought I lost who I was in Christ as this relationship spiraled up and down out of control I was in church off an on this young man had every material thing that I thought I wanted in a man so therefore I was abstracted to him instantly we were having intercourse daily I would leave church right after a fiery visitation of the Spirit just to go lay with someone that wasn’t my husband and each time I would repent pray and

now my husband for eternity prayers availed much for everything comes by fasting and praying for he had to seek Christ to get to me now I’m set free from the sexual sin of the world. Please don’t fall weak and prey to the enemy even though trials and tribulations come to make us strong to build us up in faith and to make our relationship strong with the Father. We must thank Him for choosing to use us for without a test we wouldn’t have testimonies, for We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 so if you find yourself falling an when you get back up don’t beat yourself down just count all joy James 1:2 so remain steadfast and unmovable (1 Corinthians 15:58) in faith not weary in doing good, for at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up which is your soul mate. Galatians 6:9 just patiently wait on your SOUL MATE so that you wont have to experience the wrath of God for you don’t want the anointing of your Spiritual gifts to go to waste for someone needs you be encouraged for God knows what needs need to be met JUST WAIT! Blessings, Relaina R. Warren



LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX Why The Need For “Sex And The Kingdom?”


By Kenneth M. Yelverton

’m often asked what motivated me to write “Sex and the Kingdom?” Why talk about matters pertaining to sex and sexuality from a biblical perspective? As the Senior Pastor of a predominately young adult age (25-45) church with young couples and families, I saw how many of the problems the congregants were dealing with were of a sexual nature. Some of the moral failures that I had to contend with typically surrounded those of a sexual matter. As often is the case in most churches, we don’t really address some of the difficult matters of internal sin and church discipline until we are forced to do so AFTER one is already “overtaken in a fault.” I truly concur with the Word of the Lord to Hosea, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6), and as a result we are witnessing a great number of people experiencing failure in managing their sexual nature in a way that pleases God. As I saw this as a rising issue within the ministry where I serve, after several “threats” of teaching a series of messages on sex, and prayerfully seeking the Lord for viable solutions, “Sex and the Kingdom” was birthed. There were many pressing matters that guided my thoughts and motivated me to write it, but I just want to highlight and speak to a few. By know means am I the resident expert on this subject, but I offer these five (5) that I want to address for why the need for 1. TO PROMOTE GOD’S VIEW OF SEX AND SEXUALITY We are living in a world where the dominant views are often mistaken for the correct views. The world’s view of sex is a view that portrays sex as something that is natural and should not be repressed but explored, enjoyed, and done with whomever wherever. The world promotes the use protection as the only precaution to sexual activity, but other than that, anything goes from a sexual

perspective. This view has been adopted by society by and large and has even been embraced by many churches and denominations. I wrote “Sex and the Kingdom” to bring to light from a scriptural perspective, God’s view of sex and how we are to handle our sexual nature. Some may say that God has no perspective. However, that is a difficult, next to impossible argument to make, especially considering that God created us in His image, and gave us life. He is the one that created us as sexual beings and gave us sexual identity, male and female. So then if God created us, then its safe to conclude that He created sex, therefore the creator of sex must obviously have a perspective on what He created. “Sex and the Kingdom” seeks to promote and highlight 2. THE CHURCH CONSIDERS SEX A “TABOO” SUBJECT For years, the church has done a not-so-good job of addressing the subject of sex and human sexuality. Even as a child growing up in church, the churches answer to the subject of sex was, and in many cases still is, “don’t do it…!” Because the church has taken the “don’t do it,” “let’s not talk about it” approach to the questions of sexuality, the subject has become a taboo, don’t touch subject. So then, God deals with it, the Bible addresses it, but the church says, “leave it alone!” We can clearly see how damaging that approach can be, and many can see the results of that position presently in the lives of many believers, who have suffered from a “hands-off ” approach by the Body of Christ. The church doesn’t address our sexual nature, created and given to us by God, and then when a local church experiences sexual sin within the church, we unfairly judge, isolate, condemn, and offer no solution or path to restoration. Yes, we must correct the sin and execute church discipline, but not to the permanent wounding of the soul, and with an eye fixed on restoring the fallen (Galatians 6:1, 2). If we can pull sex out of the “taboo zone” and look at it from a scriptural view and teach God’s people, we can perhaps better address matters of church discipline around


sexual immorality in a biblical light, and be the Church that equips believers for sexually successful living. 3. TO OFFER BIBLICAL ANSWERS TO SEXUAL QUESTIONS The truth of the matter is we all have questions as it pertains to things of a sexual nature. We automatically assume there are no biblical answers because if the Church’s response is simply “don’t do it” or not address it at all, then it’s safe to say that must be the way the Bible approaches it. However, when you do a study of sex and things pertaining to our sexual nature you quickly discover that the Bible does in fact have more to say about the subject, other than “don’t do it!” The Genesis account of creation alone has a plethora of biblical information for us to delve into, in seeking to walk in sexual integrity. If we agree that God is the creator of mankind and his sexuality, then we must explore the question of why God gave mankind sexual nature. Why did God create us as sexual beings? God has specific reasons and purpose for sex and our sexual nature, and the Bible gives us clear directives for God’s purposes, if we would only look, observe and study. This is especially important now considering the times in which we live, when everything that God abhors is looked at as acceptable, and that which is sacred is seen as common and outdated. The question in these times is the same question of old, “is there a Word from the Lord?” I offer “Sex and the Kingdom” as one resource to entertain some of the unanswered questions about sex and sexuality. 4. TO PROMOTE THE CHURCH AS A PRIMARY SEX EDUCATOR By and large, our peers are typically our primary sex educators. The uneasiness of many parents, along with the “hands-off ” approach by the Church, has left most people to the whim of peer sex education. This is a very concerning and unsettling position, especially considering the “unseen sources” for where our peers are drawing their information. The church must step to the forefront and assume the position of becoming a primary sex educator. With the rise of pressure placed upon legislation to change the laws concerning traditional marriage, and the growing support of the homosexual agenda for widespread acceptance, the times are too critical for the Church to not take Her rightful place in teaching biblical sexual education. The Church has to be a means of support to parents who struggle with having the “sex talk” with their children, by providing the tools, resources, and biblical instruction to share at home. The local church should provide counsel to those who are dealing with sexual addictions, strongholds, and a


host of other immoral behavior with an eye toward recovery and restoration. When the Church is silent on sexual matters, we leave the door open for other ungodly perspectives and nonbiblical solutions to become the acceptable norm. Therefore, the Church must offer and promote structured biblical sex education that is both sound in its doctrine, and open and 5. TO PROVIDE A ROAD MAP TO SEXUAL WHOLENESS Having seen first hand the damage done by the enemy through our flesh as a result of not having a sound biblical understanding of one’s sexuality, “Sex and the Kingdom” was written to help shine a light on a very dark path that many travel! Before many people come to understand who they are in God, and that there sexual nature should be viewed and handled as a gift from God, they have already participated in premarital sex. Unbeknownst to them, a bridge or tie has been formulated with those in whom they have indulged with, linking them to that person even after the sexual act has occurred. It sets in motion certain actions and emotions in our lives that really don’t even match or line up with our identity. In other words, we find ourselves acting out of character, and many can’t explain where those actions, feelings, or emotions come from. Little do we know it came from the person we have shared the inner most part of our being with, and from whomever they were with sexually before us. This leaves many people to wrestle with some very dark, strong and demonic forces that torment the very soul and cause many to succumb to lifestyles that are not pleasing to God. How do we shake free from ill-fated decisions and choices that we have made in the past, that are still affecting us today? How do we recover from the time lost in sexual ignorance and refocus on discovering and embracing our identity as established by God? Can we grasp hold of our sexual selves and maintain a lifestyle of sexual integrity so that our steps are not governed from “below the waist,” but from a heart and mind to please God? “Sex and the Kingdom” seeks to answer some of these questions and provide biblical insight to bring our lives into sexual wholeness and balance.Bishop Kenneth M. Yelverton is the Pastor of The Temple of Refuge Church located in the heart of Charlotte, NC. He is also the author of “Sex and the Kingdom: A Portrait of Biblical Human Sexuality.” He is married to Sharon A. Yelverton and together they have two beautiful children. Bishop Yelverton travels extensively throughout the US and is noted for his revelatory messages that bring healing and wholeness. To purchase your copy of “Sex and the Kingdom,” or for more information on the ministry of Bishop Kenneth Yelverton, please visit www.kennethyelverton.org


Dreams & Visions


cts 2:17 (NKJV) And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. This scripture is seen in similar context in the Book of Joel, but in the New Testament in the New King James Version the word afterwards changes to “in the last days”. From the various prophecies given in the Bible concerning signs and disasters that would come in the last days, we can conclude that we are indeed living in those days. The verse continues on to say that God will pour out His spirit on all flesh, all mankind, young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. Merriam Webster defines a vision as something seen in a dream, trance, ecstasy, supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation. There were many visions given in the Bible. The Apostle John had a vision on the island of Patmos in the book of Revelation regarding the end times. In Daniel 8:1-3 Daniel had a vision and after the vision Gabriel the angel came to him. In Luke 24:22-23, the women at Sepulchre saw visions of angels and had conversation with them. In Acts 10:10-20, while praying Peter goes into a trance and sees a vision and has a conversation with God. Visions are one way God communicates with us. When God give you a vision you will most likely be up, you can be sitting in the chair looking at your favorite television show or even daydreaming about what you are going to wear to church Sunday and all of a sudden a quick snap will take you into the spirit realm and you will see or hear of something that you know is not in your current surroundings, I remember a vision I had in September of 2012, I was wide awake on my way back home from a women conference, and I was sitting in the backseat of the car talking to some of the other women when all of a sudden I was snatched in the spirit to a church sanctuary with the whitest walls and I was standing before a prominent woman of God and a crystal pitcher of the clearest, purest, anointed oil appeared between the both of us, as we looked the pitcher turned over and began to pour, I came back to the backseat of the car with an utterance of tongues leaving my mouth, because the anointing was confirmed and I had experienced God on a another level a another dimension. When you have a vision from God He will give you interpretation of the vision and it will always line up with His word, which is why it is important to know and make sure that the vision you are seeing is from God. If God trusts you to give you a vision trust He will provide you with the interpretation. The second way God is doing a lot of communication is in dreams

Merriam Webster defines dreams as a series of thoughts, images, or emotions. Growing up as a child and not knowing any better I had a lot of dreams that were so real, but I was told that it was just a dream, or given a worldly meaning that if it was a man I saw that meant that was a woman. But it was not until I got older that I realized that dreams were real and could be given by God. Upon studying the Bible we learn of Daniel who were able to interpret the King dreams, Joseph had a dream which caused his brothers to be jealous of him. God also speaks loud and very clear through dreams, he will often give dreams to prophesy events that are coming in the world, or to warn of destruction or to give light to a situation, sometimes He may even give you a dream to take you to another level to show you something that you could not catch while you were up. It is important to pay attention to dreams that you have because they can be prophetic dreams, a lot of dreams that God give you can also have different meanings that is why it is important to pray and ask God to give you interpretation of the dream, also have you a journal where you can document your dream, try to remember symbols, weather, a specific person. God may even tell you something in a dream to go and tell another person, which is how He deals with me I do not prophesy a lot, but most of the time when I do it is because of what God has shown or told me in a dream. I encourage every believer if you know you are gifted in the area of dreams to start paying closely attention to them as I said before write them down, if you are not clear on the understanding pray and ask God for clarification, also get an understanding of if it is a dream that need to be shared or one that needs to stay with you, the reason for knowing what to share is because having dreams and visions is also a gift like prophecy so you will have some people to think you are crazy when you share with them a certain dream or vision, but know that you are not. Dreams and visions are so important in these days especially when a lot of people are having similar dreams of what is going to happen all over the earth. So my brother and or sister in Christ let us thank God for his wondrous ways of communicating with Him, even though we cannot see him face to face, He still makes a way to talk to us and show us certain objects or situations, you may not be a prophet that can prophesy at a church conference right then and there, but If you are gifted in dreams or visions, or the both then you too can see, hear and prophesy if that is what God has called you to do. For more understanding there is always the Bible and there are so many books out in bookstores one in particular that is a good read is “The Seer”, by Jim W. Goll which explains the prophetic powers of visions, dreams , and open Heavens. Be Blessed!


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