Whats up White Tigers?!?!
I hope you’re feeling merry this holidays season! This month most events have already passed and now it’s time to rest! Winter break is here and I’m so excited to for the new year! Congrats to all seniors getting early acceptances or who are submitting apps! I wish the best for us going foward. But, the term is not over yet! Be on the look out for new events, including electing a NEW LTG in January! Have a great break white tigers!
Im Adrian Wilson-Gardner one of your Division News Editors for 20242025! I am a senior at CHAMPS Charter Highschool and have been in key club for around 3 years now. I cannot wait for you guys to see what we have in store for this terms newsletters and have big ideas in mind!! roarin with service,
Emma Enriquez
Hello D16S!!
Hi White Tigers!
My name is Eunice Choi and I am one of your Division News Editors for this term! I am a rising senior at North Hollywood High School and am so excited to increase my involvement in Key Club through this role I can’t wait for all the fun and accomplishments this term has to offer!!!!
Executive Assistant
Media Coordi
Jamie Executive Assistant
Jadon Event Coordinator Isabella Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
Head Spirit Coord
Spirit Coordinator
Head Spirit Coord Ixchel Head Spirit Coord
Kyla Spirit Coordinator
Tiffany Member Recognition Coord
eventsclub club
Thiseventwasonewehaveallbeenwaitingfor,FallRally!Theday startedoffwithsomechants,wherewescreamedouttigerhearts out.Nextweknew,wewonthefallrallystick!Thatwasjustthe beginningofthefun.ThekeyclubbersatProvidencegottomeetso manynewpeopleandheardsomecoolnewchants.Weallloved bondingtogetherandgoingonrides.Thewholedaywasfilledwith joyandhappiness.FromwinningFallRallySouthtogoingonrides, thefunwasneverending.Wefinishedoffthedaywithsome shoppingandfunnelcakes.WewouldsayitwastheBestFallRally ever!
ACHAMPSKeyClubhadanamazingtimeatCHAMPSCharterHighSchool’sArtist lley!Aneventallaboutcelebratingcreativity, studentartistsweregiventhechancetoselltheiruniquecreationsandmakesomewell-earnedprofit. Atour booth, wejoinedinonthefunbyservingupcookies, donuts, andhomemade hotchocolatetotheattendees. Thewarmtreatswereahit, andwewereableto raisefundstosupportourclub’supcomingprojects ArtistAlleyprovidedan oexcellentplatformforstudentvendorstosharetheirtalentswhileallowing mrganizationslikeKeyClubtoengagewiththeschoolcommunityandfurtherour ission
Adrian Wilson-Gardner CHAMPSBulletinEditor
AlyssaAngel NHHSKeyClubbersareThankful!
OnThursday, November21NorthHollywoodKeyClubbersgatheredto fmakecardsforthepeopletheywerethankfulfor!Somemadecardsfor amily, friends, significantothers, teachers, andcoaches. Officersprovided allthematerialsneededthankstoMs. Bunis, thisincludedcoloredpencils, markers, andpaper. Ourmemberscreatedbeautifulcardsthatwerefilled withmeaning. Everyonehadawonderfultimeandmanylaughsweresharedamongstfriends. OurofficerboardisthankfulforalltheKeyClubmemberswhocontinuetosupportandattendourevents. ThankyouNHHS KeyClubmembersformakingthisamemorablesemester, fromyour officerboard!
OnNovember9,2024,ourPolyKeyclub attendedFallRallySouth with our wonderfulDivision16South with our cool merch and whitetiger accessories!Luckilythe spiritbattle wasinthe morningso wehad enough whitetiger energyamped with us!We were veryhyped with our chants and couldn’tholdin our excitement.We were even more excitedthat we madeittothe second round andthen won!Thistrulycompleted ourday andkept us with positive vibes.Forthe rest ofthedaywe enjoyedthe rides atSixFlags and gotto see so manypeoplefrom otherdivisions regions!Overall our experience atFallRallySouth was ablast.
Amy Vasquez
member recognition
Advisor: Gajan Fernando Burroughs.
Mr. Fernando has been in Key Club for a very long time and his experience and expertise assist me, my entire board, and members on a daily basis Mr Fernando makes everything easier- from applications to fundraisers He is our go to person whenever we need help. I would love to see him get a little appreciation for all the hard work he puts in for us and Key Club. .
Club: CHAMPS Charter Highschool
CHAMPS Charter Key Club has held consistent meetings, planned service events and fundraisers, and maintained very strong Kiwanis family ties throughout our school’s show season.
Officer: North Hollywood.
Eunice Choi has been working hard as North Hollywood Key Club's treasurer. She has been collecting dues and making sure everything is in its order. With events that have passed and events to come, she will always be willing to help in preparing the budget.
Member: Briana Romo (POLY).
Briana has been a very engaged member of our club this past month! She has helped create promotional posters for our club during club rush and she participated in Fall Rally South by attending and showing off her White Tiger Spirit!!!
tips for CTC
Are you interested im becoming the next LTG? If so, are you attending the upcoming Candidate Training Conference on December 7th?
If you answered yes to both, here are some tips to help you stand out and prepare!
Make sure you have signed the interest form to confirm that you are ready to take the next steps towards representing your division! Remember, the form is non-binding. Contact LTG Emma if you find yourself having any issues with getting it filled out.
Remember the best way to make a good first impression is to make sure you are presenting yourself well! Both in confidence and style. There is no strict dress code for CTC, but it’s always smart to dress smart.
Though it sounds cliche, it is very true. Make sure while you are interacting with others at the Training Conference that you are not trying to be anyone else but yourself! By showcasing your true personality you’ll have a much higher chance of creating a positive lasting impression.
Emma Enriquez | LT | d16s.ltg@chkeyclub.org
Jamie Mendoza| Executive Assistant | d16s.chkc.ea01@gmail.com
Esther Jun | Executive Assistant| d16s.cnhkc.ea02@gmail.com
Eunice Choi| News Editor | d16s.chkc.dne02@gmail.com
Adrian Wilson-Gardner | News Editor | dl6s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
Isabella Rodriguez| Event Coordinator | d16s.chkc.ec03@gmail.com
Lily Silva | Event Coordinator | d16s.chkc.ec02@gmail.com
Jadon Chung | Event Coordinator | dl6s.chkc.ec04@gmail.com
Irene Kim | Event Coordinator | dl6s.chkc.ec004@gmail.com
Amy Pham| Media Coordinator | d16s.chkc.mediacord@gmail.com
Emily Galvan| Media Coordinator | d16s.chkc.mediacord02@gmail.com
Lucas Cefalu | Treasurer | d16s.chkc.treasurer@gmail.com
Tiffany Gonzalez| Member Recognition | d16s.chkc.memberrec@gmail.com
Jordan Ribas | Head Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit01@gmail.com
Meagan Reyes | Head Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit02@gmail.com
Ixchel Braninin-Godinez| Head Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit003@gmail.com
Reia Adam | Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit04@gmail.com
Rhianne Andres| Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit05@gmail.com
Natalie Price | Spirit Coord | dl6s.chkc.spirit06@gmail.com
Nessy Mazur | Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit04@gmail.com
Areli Martin| Secretary | dl6s.chkc.dsec@gmail.com
Natalie Ferderer| Alliance MIT |natalieferderer2007@gmail.com
Tiffany Gonzalez| Burbank | tiffi5678@gmail.com
Aayush Bhambi | Burroughs | aayushbhambi@gmail.com
Lily Silva | CHAMPS | silvalily818@gmail.com
Brenda Rios | POLY | d16s.phspresident24@gmail.com
Alessandra Khachaturian | LILA | alessandra.khatchaturian@lilalions.com
Rio Bechet | LILA | rio.bechet@lilalions.com
Emily Galvan| North Hollywood | emily.galvan.563@gmail.com
Meagan Reyes| Providence |meagan.reyes@providencehigh.org
Reia Adams| Providence |reia.adam@providencehigh.org