The Tiger Times | Division 16 South | January 2025
Hello D16S!!
I hope you are having a good new year! The term is slowly coming to an end, and we are electing the next LTG THIS MONTH! Times flies so fast, I still remember running in front of you all, little did I know how much winning that election would change me! But, my term is not over yet!! We still have many events to come so be on the lookout!
roarin with service,
Im Adrian Wilson-Gardner one of your Division News Editors for 20242025! I am a senior at CHAMPS Charter Highschool and have been in key club for around 3 years now. I cannot wait for you guys to see what we have in store for this terms newsletters and have big ideas in mind!!
Hi White Tigers!
My name is Eunice Choi and I am one of your Division News Editors for this term! I am a rising senior at North Hollywood High School and am so excited to increase my involvement in Key Club through this role I can’t wait for all the fun and accomplishments this term has to offer!!!!
M e e t t h e D L T
Esther Executive Assistant
Media Coordi
Event Coordinator
Jamie Executive Assistant areli
Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
Lily Event Coordinator
Head Spirit Coord
Spirit Coordinator
Head Spirit Coord
Spirit Coordinator
Spirit Coordinator
Head Spirit Coord
Reia r
Tiffany Member Recognition Coord
oming events
Where: Burbank Boys and Girls Club
When: January 25, 2025
What: Electing the new Lieutenant Governors for Division 16 South and Division 16 North. All members are invited to watch the election and hear all the goals that the candidates have prepared.
This monththeJBHSkeyclub participatedindivisional events andin club events One ofthe main eventsthat our club members participatedin was thePIE-ZZAPartyevent Manyof ourboard members and club members wentto north weddington parkto make sandwichesfor our communities localhomeless shelters,drinkhot chocolate,andbond with other club members.Our club alsoheld a meetingwhere club members and officers were ableto makeletterstoteachersfortheholidayseason.Ourboard members announced other club eventsthat members could p in.This month's accomplishments are goingtohelpour club ac thingsinthe months ahead
JohBurroughsEditorGwendolynn Hager
member recognition
Advisor: Justine Bunis (NOHO)
North Hollywood Key Club's advisor, Ms. Bunis, has always been happy to help and reach out to Key Club with her kind words and leisure time She has been their Key Club advisor for many years and has always been there to support the club.
Member: Gwendolynn Hager (Burroughs)
Gwen has consistently turned in her monthly articles and she has always remained active on it. She participates a lot in almost all the Key Club meetings and events- due to her dedication to Key Club I feel she should be nominated.
Club: North Hollywood.
North Hollywood's Key Club has recently had its first meeting back for the spring semester. They are prepared to take on this fresh semester with new service events and consistent, weekly meetings. North Hollywood's Key Club has grown and flourished into a strong and kind community.
Officer: Amy Vasquez (POLY)
Amy is our Poly Key Club editor, she has done a wonderful job this past month by staying updated on division events and creating wonderful posts for our instagram!
district updates
spot the difference
Can you spot the differences between these two white tigers sporting New Years Party attire?