Whats Roaring Tigers?!?!
What’s roaring tigers? As school starts again be sure to attend your club meetings when they start and stay active within the division! These next few months have so many fun events in store that I’m so excited to present to you guys! Good luck to everyone starting school this month, and I hope to see you all at our events! roarin' with service,
Meet your News Editors!!
Hello D16S!!
Im Adrian Wilson-Gardner one of your Division News Editors for 20242025! I am a senior at CHAMPS Charter Highschool and have been in key club for around 3 years now. I cannot wait for you guys to see what we have in store for this terms newsletters and have big ideas in mind!!
Hi White Tigers!
My name is Eunice Choi and I am one of your Division News Editors for this term! I am a rising senior at North Hollywood High School and am so excited to increase my involvement in Key Club through this role. I can’t wait for all the fun and accomplishments this term has to offer!!!!
Executive Assistant Amy
Jamie Executive Assistant areli
Media Coordina
Event Coordinator Isabella Event Coordinator
upcoming events
Region 7 Color Splash
Where: Verdugo Skate Park
When: August 10, 12-3 PM
What: Fun in the sun! Meet new friends, play games, buy food, and pie the Region 7 LTGs!
Officer Training Conference
Where: Burbank High School (902 N 3rd St, Burbank, CA 91502)
When: August 17, 10-3 PM
What: Attend OTC to learn about the positions in workshops and play games with other key clubbers!
Fee: $5
eventsclub club
InthemonthofJuly,D16S,D3S,andD13Wcametogethertohikefora specialcause,ThePediatricTraumaProgram.WeallmetattheGriffith Observatoryandthefunbeganfromthere.Westartedoffwithicebreakers tolearnmoreaboutourfellowKeyClubmembers,whichwassuperfun! Whileonthehike,everyonegottoenjoybeautifulandscenicsights,twoof ourfavoritesbeingtheobservatoryandtheHollywoodsign.Therewasalso aphotoscavengerhuntduringthehike,whichincludedtakingpictures withnewpeoplewemet!Thisdefinitelyhelpedusmakesomenewfriends. EveryonefromProvidencereallyenjoyedgettingtomeetnewpeopleand reallyenjoyedthehike!
sOnJanuary5thourKeyClubofficerscameupwithaplantohostabake aletocollectfundsfortheUnionRescueMission Itwasafuntimeforour wKeyClubmemberstocollectbakedgoodsandcreateposterboardsall hilebuildingastrongerbondwitheachother. Whilegivingoutthe cbakedgoodsitwasincredibletoseetheenjoymentthatthetreats reatedamongtheLILAcommunity. ThisallowedourKeyClubbersto preflectonhowourdonationof$325dollarswouldaffectthosewhoarea artoftheUnionRescueMission. Wehopethatmanymorecontinueto adonatetothisimportantcauseasitwillbringgreatjoytothoseinneed ndfulfillmenttothosedonating.
Pilar Lee LILABulletinEditor
tThisAugust10thRegion7heldaColorSplashevent!Racoonsfromallover heregioncametogether,playinggamesandsellingdelicioussnacks. The eventstartedwithourLTG’sleadingicebreakergames. Eachdivisionsetgupstandseithersellingitemsorraisingawarenessfordifferentcharity roups. TheeventmadeaSPLASHonceitwastimeforthemainattraction, cchalk!Groupsparticipatedingamesofhotpotatotodecidedwhogot halksplashedonthem. Thiswasfollowedbyeveryonegivenabagand havingafreeforall . OverallthiseventwasasuccessandgainedlotsofparticipationfromRegion7 .AlyssaAngel
FromJuly24toAugust1BurbankKeyClubassistedinsettingupand servingduringregistrationforallgradesatBurbankHighSchool.Forsetup, ourhardworkersorganizedhundredsofbooksintotheirrespective sectionsinordertomakeregistrationdayeasierforstudents.Additionallya surpriseloadofbrandnewbookscameinduringtheset-updayssoour WhiteTigersworkedextrahardwithourlibrariantogeteverythinginorde fromcountingbooksandmovingshipmentboxes.Duringregistrationda ourWhiteTigershelpedassignthecorrecttextbookstostudentsaccord totheirfutureschedules!Withbignumbersofnewandoldstudents comingtopickupbooks,BurbankKeyClubdefinitelylightenedthelo forBurbankHighAdministration!
member recognition
Officer of the Month: Zitali Cruz
Zitlali Cruz. is Poly Key Club’s Event Coordinator and she has done a wonderful job of keeping in contact with other organizations in order to create amazing events for our club! She has participated in many of our events and has helped plan and put them together, including our Sheldon Park Clean-Up and our upcoming National Night Out! She is an amazing event coordinator and is very deserving of officer of the month!!
Club of the month: North Hollywood
For club of the month I would like to nominate North Hollywood due to their fun posts during the week before the Hike for PTP event. They keep their social media organized and members up to date with all the events. North Hollywood's key club is also excited for the incoming school term to continue their consistent meetings and serve their community.
Member of the month: Eli Velasco, CHAMPS
Eli Velasco Eli has been super enthusiastic about Key Club and assisted the president in preparing for the first club meeting of the school year
district updates
division maze
Emma Enriquez | LT | d16s.ltg@chkeyclub.org
Jamie Mendoza| Executive Assistant | d16s.chkc.ea01@gmail.com
Esther Jun | Executive Assistant| d16s.cnhkc.ea02@gmail.com
Eunice Choi| News Editor | d16s.chkc.dne02@gmail.com
Adrian Wilson-Gardner | News Editor | dl6s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
Isabella Rodriguez| Event Coordinator | d16s.chkc.ec03@gmail.com
Lily Silva | Event Coordinator | d16s.chkc.ec02@gmail.com
Jadon Chung | Event Coordinator | dl6s.chkc.ec04@gmail.com
Irene Kim | Event Coordinator | dl6s.chkc.ec004@gmail.com
Amy Pham| Media Coordinator | d16s.chkc.mediacord@gmail.com
Emily Galvan| Media Coordinator | d16s.chkc.mediacord02@gmail.com
Lucas Cefalu | Treasurer | d16s.chkc.treasurer@gmail.com
Tiffany Gonzalez| Member Recognition | d16s.chkc.memberrec@gmail.com
Jordan Ribas | Head Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit01@gmail.com
Meagan Reyes | Head Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit02@gmail.com
Ixchel Braninin-Godinez| Head Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit003@gmail.com
Reia Adam | Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit04@gmail.com
Rhianne Andres| Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit05@gmail.com
Natalie Price | Spirit Coord | dl6s.chkc.spirit06@gmail.com
Nessy Mazur | Spirit Coord | d16s.chkc.spirit04@gmail.com
Areli Martin| Secretary | dl6s.chkc.dsec@gmail.com
Natalie Ferderer| Alliance MIT |natalieferderer2007@gmail.com
Tiffany Gonzalez| Burbank | tiffi5678@gmail.com
Aayush Bhambi | Burroughs | aayushbhambi@gmail.com
Lily Silva | CHAMPS | silvalily818@gmail.com
Brenda Rios | POLY | d16s.phspresident24@gmail.com
Alessandra Khachaturian | LILA | alessandra.khatchaturian@lilalions.com
Rio Bechet | LILA | rio.bechet@lilalions.com
Emily Galvan| North Hollywood | emily.galvan.563@gmail.com
Meagan Reyes| Providence |meagan.reyes@providencehigh.org
Reia Adams| Providence |reia.adam@providencehigh.org