1 N O I S I V DI
H T U O S Volume 4
Issue 4
July 2017
Burleson Crowley Cleburne Everman Grandbiry North Crowley Paschal Corey Nieman Southwest Region 7 Advisor Coreyniemankc@gmail.com
Arely Alcala ~ ltg1south@gmail.com ~ 682.217.9017
Table of Contents
Calendar -pg.3 Letter from you LTG -pg.4 District Treasurer -pg.5 District Governor -pg.6 International Trustee -pg.7 Recruiting new members -pg.8 Noodleball -pg.9 #TOKeyClub -pg.10 Summer Collage -pg.11 Youth opportunities Foundation-pg.12 Preferred Charities -pg.13 District Staff -pg.14
August 2017
Hey Ya'll!! Hopefully each and everyone of you are ready to tackle on this coming school year! In this issue I've put some ideas on how to recruit new members if you have any other ideas please feel free to let me know so that we can all benefit as a whole. I want to congratulate you all on your hard work this summer and continue to ask you guys to do your best. Also ALWAYS remember to turn in your Reports and Newsletter all on time for maximum points!! One thing I did want to stress was the Y.O.F grant, I wanted you guys to start getting a head start and thinking about applying for this grant for more info please check out pg.11 I hope you get to enjoy these last couple of weeks of Summer vacation before school starts!!
District Treasurer Hello Division 1 South! My name is Foster Hillis, your new District Treasurer! I am very excited to serve each and every one of you in the Mighty Texas-Oklahoma District. I am here not only to help Club Treasurers, but all officers and members succeed. I hope you will use me as a resource for help and if you need me at any time you can contact me through email, my Remind 101, or even Instagram, whichever is easiest for you. If I’m not at Whataburger or competitively swimming, I’m usually at a service project helping our District’s Project; Homelessness. I am currently a Junior at Lawton High School (Division 18), where I am a Yearbook Editor, Student Council Assemblies Director, and in many other organizations. I love sailing on ships, wearing hats (backwards of course), and most importantly memes! Over the past couple of months I have been fortunate enough to work alongside Arely. Under her leadership—and great ideas—I know you guys are in great hands! This year, I will focus on helping all of you apply for the YOF Grant (Youth Opportunities Fund) and start inter-club scholarship programs. These both will provide you as members and your club overall benefits in the short and long term. Finally, I will be hosting Skype Webinars for Treasurers, Officers, and members. This month, we will focus on Fundraising and it will start at 4:00 PM on August 9th (Wednesday). During this, I will give hints on how to plan for fundraisers and talk about some that have worked for my club. So bring your best fundraising ideas to share. If you would like to join in this webinar or any of them in the future, please email me with your skype, name, and division so I can add you. If you have any questions about anything under the sun, you can of course contact me! Email: treasurer@tokeyclub.com Remind 101: @txoktreas to 81010 Instagram: @fosterhillis Yours in Friendship and Service, Foster Hillis District Treasurer
District Governor Hey 1S! I’m Sabrina Palma and I’m excited to say that I’m your new District Governor for the remainder of the Key Club year! I’m an upcoming senior at Garland High School. Outside of Key Club you can find me at boba shops, natatoriums, and debate rooms. I hope to be able to visit y'all before DCON and not cry too much about college applications. I will be working with you and your president to make sure your club will be the best they can be. The Governor’s Project this year is focused on helping children and adults with disabilities. This ranges from working with Wounded Warriors Project to volunteering at your local Special Olympics. Every month will be dedicated to a different non-profit organization. For example, November will be dedicated to epilepsy awareness and October will be dedicated to adults and children with Down’s Syndrome. This year’s project allows you to be creative and more hands on, so I hope you and your club takes advantage by participating in the Governor’s Project this year! As the summer is coming to an end, the opportunity to trap freshman into joining Key Club is just around the corner. Now’s your chance to prepare to increase your club membership and start the school year right with Key Club. Ways to increase your membership is volunteering for your school’s freshman orientation and hosting Key Club socials for the incoming freshman. You can find more advertisements and strategies to increase membership through Arely or the district website at tokeyclub.com. Thank you for all that you’ve done and feel free to contact me with the information found below! Yours in Service, Sabrina Palma E: governor@tokeyclub.com C: (972) 762-1021
International Trustee Hello Key Clubbers! Quick question-- what is your proudest accomplishment of this year? Was it perhaps finishing all nine seasons of The Office? Or maybe finally cleaning that one drawer in your room that you never open because you know everything will start pouring out? Regardless of your answer, I hope we can all agree that you have accomplished a lot. But that doesn’t mean you should stop now. Although we are halfway through the 2017 year, we as Key Clubbers still have a busy year ahead of us. Whether it’s submitting our YOF Grants or preparing for membership recruitment-- we as Key Clubbers are tasked making this year another incredible year for service. If you didn’t attend this year’s International Convention in San Antonio, you may not know who I am. Heck, I barely know who I am most of the time. But in short, my name is Saul Ontiveros. You can either pronounce my name with a “Paul” sound or a “Raul” sound-- whatever your heart desires. I am from Tempe, Arizona; home to the ASU Sun Devils. A few interests of mine include brewing tea, playing in our school’s mariachi and collecting old vinyl. I love to go thrifting and will always be seen sporting a pair of old Tevas Sandals. Now I know what you may be thinking,”Okay, we get it... you’re super rad and awesome, but why should I care about you?” Well inquisitive Key Clubber, I’m excited to say that I am your Key Club International Trustee for this service year. I am tasked in helping your District, alongside two other districts, grow and succeed in accomplishing its goals. Alongside these duties, I’ll also be serving on the Key Club International Board. While on the I-Board, I’ll be working on moving our organization forward and creating new, exciting opportunities for our members. Because I will not be meeting you in person until later this year, I encourage you to keep contact with me as frequently as you can. You are always welcome to contact me at whatever means are most convenient to you! Email, phone calls or a quick slide in the DMs will work just fine. Until then Key Clubbers, continue to make your homes, schools and communities spectacular. Saul Ontiveros Key Club International Trustee
Recruiting Members 1
Making Posters- this might seem cliche But making posters and posting them around school really helps get the word out about key club . Be sure to include when you guys meet and at what time.
Announce it on the intercom- another cliche way of getting members. Using morning or afternoon announcements to reach all students and inform them a little about Key Club and when you guys meet.
Recruitment Booth- In the beginning of the school year on the first day of school or on registration day, you guys can set up a booth to promote Key Club and letting them know that they are always invited to any of the meetings while of course also providing the dates for the meetings.
Promote on social media - Majority of students are on social media, so what better way to reach everyone than on social media? Promote meetings days and times. Also promote socials inviting everyone so that they can see that Key Clubbers have fun too!!
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Noodle Ball
Every Friday around 2 PM North Crowley visits a Nursing Home/ Rehabilitation to play their famous Noodleball with some of the patients in the dining hall. The concept of Noodleball is keeping the balloon in the air while using half of a pool noodle. They use noodles because some patients have a limited range motion, and they want to obtain maximum participation. The same thing applies to why they use balloons; the resident's reflexes aren't what they used to be. Noodleball offers the patients a chance to get out of their room and interact with others as well as promoting some physical activity. The game goes on for about 30-45 minutes, after they eat ice cream, sing a few songs and then have a mini-dance party. " It's great to see the big smiles on their faces, it can get competitive," says Tina, the President of North Crowley Key Club. If you would like to be featured in a future newsletter please submit a fun service project your club does!!
Picture submitted from North Crowley
The purpose of the hashtag is to make it indexed and searchable to others. By encouraging one hashtag to be used we can create a place where people can go and look at what other clubs are doing. Include the hashtag on any tweet, post, or picture when your clubs do a service project or host a social. You can also include it in your newsletter to spread the word on our official hashtag.
Youth Opportunities Fund The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation
If you have any questions regarding the Y.O.F grant feel free to email the District Treasurer at treasurer@tokeyclub.com or YOF@kiwanis.org For more information visit http://www.keyclub.org/service/fund/yof
Preffered Charities
District Staff District Governor: Sabrina Palma- governor@tokeyclub.com
District Secretary: Shelby Morton- secretary@tokeyclub.com
District Treasurer: Foster Hillias-treasurer@tokeyclub.com
District Editor: Stephanie Tran-editor@tokeyclub.com
Convention Liaison: Dajah Brooks-cl@tokeyclub.com
Tech Producer: William Chao- techproducer@tokeyclub.com