Division 43 | March 2017 Newsletter

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Region 17, Official Division 43 Newsletter Marina | San Benito| San Lorenzo Valley Scotts Valley | Seaside | The York | Monterey




4 - LTG’s Letter 5 - LTG Elect’s Letter 6 - Key Dates | Terrific Tigers 7 - Club Updates 16 - District Newsletter 17 - Editor’s Note 18 - Contact Info

ltg’s letter

Happy March Tigers! I am so excited for this upcoming month. I have many plans for the upcoming month, including celebrating my 18th birthday and vacationing in Hawaii with family. It’ll be nice to relax during spring break and to take time away from school. A little bit after this month is over, it’ll be my retirement.

Can you believe that there is just a little over a month in this term left? I feel as so many of my newsletters have been countdowns to the end of the term, but now I can’t believe its almost here. This year has been filled with ups and downs, and I can’t believe that just a few weeks ago I gave birth to a lovely Lt. Governor Elect. I know Leanne will do great within the next year of her term. I have been ensuring that she is well prepared for the upcoming term and that she has all the support she needs. Aside from the term coming to a close, my last year of high school is almost over. I have begun to receive letters from college and everything has started to feel so surreal. It’s hard to fathom that Key Club and school is all coming to a close and I have to cherish these last moments I have. I hope you all have a lovely month of March. Finish the term strong and good luck. 4

- Jasia Nicolas

Hello Tigers! My name is Leanne Bagood and I am thrilled to have the honor of introducing myself to all of you as Division 43's 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor!

ltg’ elect’s letter

Wo r d s c a n n o t d e s c r i b e th e excitement I have to be able to serve all of you in your journey through Key Club! Though I will be Lieutenant Governor, my Key Club story started just as many of yours; as a member! As a freshman, I knew almost nothing about Key Club prior to joining besides what I picked up from joint-events as a Builders Club member. That, however, changed as I began to attend events and became more involved, leading me to become club president. I took another step into Key Club when I applied to be an Executive Assistant, and let me say, it was one of the best choices I ever made. Not only did I grow as a leader, but I formed a connection with those I worked with. As Lieutenant Governor, I plan to G.I.V.E back to Key Club and assist all of you in having a bee-autiful experience as a member of it, just as I have! Not only will we be setting goals this term, but also taking the initiative to venture outside of our comfort zone so that we engrave ourselves into Key Club, and vice versa. I look forward to what the upcoming term has in store for all of us!

- Leanne Bagood


KEY DATES March DCM Look out in future emails for information on this month’s Division Council Meeting!

District Convention Where: Anaheim Convention Center Learn how to register via the Cyber Key!


Member of the Month

Xilonem Perez

Officer of the Month

Chris Xieu

cards for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Gabriel Ellison // Marina Member

We made cards for families who had their child at a premature birth. The premature born babies are sent to the neonatal intensive unit care (NICU) after birth. The parents of the premature born children aren’t even allowed to see their child until they are able to live in normal conditions without intensive care. Depending on how much the child is affected by premature birth, the process will take weeks to even months. We made the cards after school in a classroom with a box of markers and a big stack of plain paper for the cards. We all worked really hard on the cards for a good hour, and I got help on ideas for the cards. These were made to the families that had their child be affected by premature birth to show that they aren’t alone in this crisis. We wanted the families to be strong, and to show our support that they can get through this.


whale fest - Tina Ngo // Monterey Member


Whale Fest has given me a different perspective about the animals in the ocean. Not only did I learn new facts about whales, I also got to interact with all kinds of people. The place was lively and tons of people were there. It was cool to teach others about whales and to meet new faces. Also, I met my friends who attended Whale Fest, too! Overall, my experience volunteering there was great! I had an amazing time and everyone was so kind!


foster puppies

- Teagan Mauck // York President

I volunteer for the SPCA by fostering puppies and kittens year-round. My family has been given awards for most fosters raised, and it is one service project that brings my family and I tons of joy. However, this group of puppies proved to be more difficult than I was expecting. I received four squirming bundles of fluff and one very overprotective mother three weeks ago, with the instructions “Just socialize them and get them ready to be adopted.� Unfortunately, the mother dog terrorized my dogs, and went back as soon as she could be spayed. The puppies ended up having worms, and were incredibly disgusting. On top of a rather difficult litter of puppies, everyone in my family got sick, so I was the only one who was well enough to change, feed, and play with these four puppies, named Hamilton, Eliza, Angelica, and Jefferson. With many service projects, one can work for a few hours, and then be done with the project. With fostering, it can be a daily chore that one cannot simply not do. These little lives are depending on me, even when I have a lot of homework or I don’t feel good. This service project helped me find a passion for volunteering, something I continue to possess today.


bagels for the homeless - Melanie Paniagua // Marina Member

Before we made the bagels, we waited for the officers to get the supplies ready. Once they were ready, we were separated into different groups in which we all had different jobs. There were people cutting, spreading cream cheese, cutting, and bagging the bagels. We noticed that we needed more people to bag the bagels because there were too many bagels to be bagged. Overall this was a nice experience knowing that we helped feed homeless people.



York Key Club created and decorated over 100 valentines for veterans to be mailed to the Sacramento V.A. Clinic. I came up with the idea after many members approached me and asked if we could do something for Valentine’s Day as a club. I quickly improvised and told those members that we would be making valentines at the next meeting for “a charity,” allowing myself to do a little more research. I decided to choose the Sacramento VA hospital because veterans are often forgotten during holidays, even though they have done so much for our country. We spent the past two meetings cutting and pasting small hearts onto pieces of construction paper and signing them “Happy Valentine’s Day! -York Key Club” or some variation of that. As I wandered around, taking pictures and handing out stickers, many of the members commented on how this both took them back to kindergarten days and felt rewarding. We won’t be able to deliver these valentines in person, but it still feels good to bring happiness to people who deserve it.

valentines for veterans - Laura Bauman // York Vice President



by the seaside - Lizzy Rodriguez // Monterey President

I was super enthusiastic to have the opportunity to participate in a service event with Seaside Club. At first, the members were sticking by people in their respective club to the point where it was a small huddle of both clubs on either side. After a couple of icebreakers, the members began to engage with members of the other club. It was the first sunny day after a week of rain, and the members were enjoying that sun while picking up any beach debris. Overall, it was a great way to expand club interactions and make the beach a beautiful place. 15

BEE sure to check out our

District Newsletter at the Cyber Key!

resources CYBER KEY— http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/ KEY CLUB— http://www.keyclub.org/ DIVISION 43 GOOGLE GROUP- https:// groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/d43tigers 16


Aloha Tigers!

editor’s note

We are so close to te end of the term. Can you all believe it? It’s been a long year filled with fantastic service events, fundraisers, training conferences, and so much more. I’m so happy to have spent this past year with all of you! Recently we had our annual Region 17 Conclave, where Lt. Governor Elect Leanne Bagood was elected. I know she will do an amazing job as Lt. Governor, and Division 43 is in good hands. However, those of you who are interested in running for an officer position for next term, I highly recommend you to do so! Take the chance to step out of your comfort zone and grow not only as a leader, but with your home club as well.

Hang in there, as we only have less than two months of the term left, Tigers. See you all soon! x

- Dalanna Nguyen 17

Contact Info presidents LEANNE BAGOOD Marina bagood_leanne@yahoo.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

lieutenant governor JASIA NICOLAS Lieutenant Governor d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (831) 236 - 0294

SANTANA LOPEZ San Benito rodriguez.26690@sbhsd.k12.ca.us (831) 524 - 6050 -

MIRA LION San Lorenzo Valley miralion13@gmail.com -

VINEHA RAMESH Scotts Valley vineha.ramesh@gmail.com (831) 783 - 6886 -

ASHLEY KOENIG Seaside adkoenig313@gmail.com (831) 402 - 9037 -

TEAGAN MAUCK York teagan.mauck@gmail.com (831) 297 - 0236 -

LIZZY MONROY RODRIGUEZ Monterey elizabethmonroyrodriguez@gmail.com (831) 869 - 2602

division leadership team LEANNE BAGOOD Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

JANELLE INDUCTIVO Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (831) 917 - 6649 -

DALANNA NGUYEN Division News Editor d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (831) 224 - 9759

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