Division 43 | July Newsletter

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3 R 4 e n g o i i o s n 17 i v i D

The Tiger Times


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In this Issue…

03. Scavenger Hunt 04. Editor's Note 05. LTG's Message 06. District Governor's Message 07.Past Events 09.Key Dates 11.Keeping Up With The Clubs 13.Division Goals 15.Song of the Month 16.Scavenger Hunt Winner 17.DLT's Message 21.Spotlight On Service 23.Contacts

Hidden in the pages of this newsletter are five keys , be the first to find all the keys to recieve your own special page (refer to page 16 as an example). Good Luck to Email me at all of you guys ! d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com with the keys circled !


| Scavenger Hunt

Editor's Note

Hey Guys ! Its Nathan , your guys's Division News Editor ! I hope summer has been super fun and relaxing for you guys ( it totally has been for me I've been napping for hours). On top of that, I hope you guys have still been active in Key Club even though its summer ! No School=More Service! As you read through the Newsletter I hope guys like the fruit theme going on ! Speaking of fruits, my favorite fruit is Persimmons ( fun fact, they're regarded as the fruit of the gods!). Lastly, I hope you guys find the contents of the newsletter interesting and informative, have a PEACHY rest of your day !

Lieutenant Governor HEYO WASSUP TIGERS!

Hope that all of you tigers are doing SWAGGY as usual! With our FIRST training conference of the term taking place recently, I hope that yourself, your officers, and members had the chance to learn more about key club! Huge Huge shoutout to everyone including the r17 LTGs, the workshop presenters, and all of the key club and Kiwanis attendees for making this event a TOTORO-LY successful event! For those who did not attend this event, all the slideshow presentations during the event will be posted as an email through our division google groups very soon! We have lots of opportunities upcoming this month such as committee applications, AND a summer recruitment plan for your clubs, so please be on the lookout! Now is not at all a bad time to invite your friends to key club, and let them experience the amazing Key Club Experience! Don't forget to stay safe, and SWAGGY!

PAW-roud to Serve, Suyeon Hwang

District Governor Greetings D43 Tigers! Hope that all of you tigers are doing SWAGGY as usual! With

Welcome to July and I am so excited to serve alongside you all! My

our FIRST training conference of the term taking place name is Amy Wang and I serve as the California-Nevada-Hawaii recently, I hope that yourself, and members had District Governor for the 2021 toyour 2022officers, term. I am currently a rising the chance to learn about key club! Huge Huge shoutout senior at Sunny Hillsmore High School in Fullerton, California. A few of hobbies include binge watching Netflix, andpresenters, listening to tomy everyone including the r17 LTGs, thepainting, workshop music. during termattendees as we recover from this our and all ofEspecially the key club andthis Kiwanis for making membership decline, convince those around to join event a TOTORO-LY successful event! Foryou those whoKey didClub! not Just one message or inviting a friend to one event could make the attend this event, all the slideshow presentations during the biggest difference in someone’s high school journey. Although a event will be posted as goal an email through our division google dues-paid membership of 35,000 members may seem like a groups very soon! lots ofanything opportunities upcoming large number, we We can have accomplish together as a district with motivation effort. This applications, term has been AND off to asuch a strong this month suchand as committee summer start and I can’t wait toyour see our family areas start to recruitment plan for clubs, soexpand! please As bemore on the lookout! openisup, thattime the pandemic is not friends completely overclub, yet so Now notremember at all a bad to invite your to key please take the necessary safety precautions in order to protect and let them experience the amazing Key Club Experience! yourself and those around you. I hope I get a chance to know you all Don't to stay safe, and SWAGGY! betterforget in person during this term and I look forward to everything this next year has to offer!

PAW-roud to Serve, Suyeon Hwang

Stay Safe and Healthy Tigers! Dedicated to Service, Amy Wang

Past Events

| Past events


| Past events


L i ev

MCD enuJ

E x t r a v a g a n z a

Thank you to all tigers who attended last month's division council meeting at KCTC! For those of you who did not attend: the slides can be found here at https://tinyurl.com/div43juneslides

W SHO e th ME GA to u E ows e yo TH h s BE e hop I gam TO E sic rs, ABL clas rne nt! o c e M h eve e TEA m t his am UR Fro ht g un at t YO ? g i ff n S NS? To WA PIO ate l a LO AM s had u CH oro NTS hum ESTA NT CO


Af at ter cl ten be R1 ubb dee ing in 7 L er! s l ISA fo e rm TG Th arn -KE at s t ank ed YE io ru D n ly yo wh in u an a t d hop so t i o t ha e he so t t d fu tha mu rul stu di y n t at yo ch m o th u for ea gh is n ib a ev re att s t li u en le en o n t! ar din be ive ne g r d , a a k se, va nd ey lu w ab e le

Key Dates

| Key Dates



( MRF, MR, AV)

-Division Submissions


6:00 PM

17 4:00 PM

Beach Clean Up


"It felt great helping the community and helping make sure the ocean is plastic-free". - Simon Wordofa

Park Clean Up

"It was really nice to work with the Kiwanis members who were all so welcoming and kind. It was rewarding to see our pile after hours of hard work!" - Su Ah Kim

| Keeping up with the clubs


pause For COntest

otineB naS

"The pause for contest was to pause our phones to allow us to take a break while also being able to give meals to other people. I thought it was really great and it gave me a good reason to take a break from my phone!" - Andrea Zermeno

poster making event


"I had a lot of fun at the Poster making event! I got to see a bunch of new faces and I was actually kinda shocked about how many people came from San Benito! Everyone was really sweet and making online posters with everyone was super entertaining! Overall I had the best time and everyone there was super sweet! Thanks, Ysabelle for setting it up!" - Mars Kight

| Keeping up with the clubs


2500+ Service Hours $3000+ for PTP $2100+ for MNT 100% Dues Paid Clubs Increased Participation at DCM

| Division Goals


Bi-Monthly Division Wide Fundraisers

4+ Service Events Monthly per Club Monthly Division Spirit Events Monthly KiwanisJointed Events Consistent Communication with Kiwanis, Board, Clubs

| Division GOals


I chose this song because TXT supremacy duh. On a serious note, it's one of those songs you just want to blast driving late at night (cries with no license though). I like the sort of rock vibe it has as well, it's very different from what I actually listen to. The chorus and lyrics are *chefs kiss* -Morgan Fu, Social Media Coordinator

|Song of the month


"Imagine not winning" -Ysabelle Tanseco

||SCavenger Scavenger hunt Huntwinner winner

16 16

Hey everyone! I’m Su Ah, one of your two Executive Assistants. For my favorite fruit, it’s a close tie between peaches and golden kiwis :) As summer is quickly coming to an end, I hope to see more faces at our monthly DCMs and service events! Also, make sure to check your email for reminders and updates on various tasks/ events. Please remember, I cherry-ish each and every one of you in the division, so never hesitate to reach out with a question, comment, or concern. Thanks for reading!

Hi everyone this is Angela, one of your proud executive assistants! My favorite fruit hmm... that is a super difficult decision because I am definitely an all fruits and veggies person :D If I had to pick though, I would say watermelon or peach. Make sure to join the D43 Google Groups to stay updated on all our fun service and bonding events! And remember there are also opportunities to be recognized every month at the DCM as member and officer of the month. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out:)

|dlt's Message


Heyy! It’s your favorite Spirit Coord; Ysabelle Tanseco! Fun Fact; my favorite fruit are mangoes! anyways… Do YOU have what it takes to be another spirit coord and work beside me? WELL, you’re in luck! We are looking for another spirit coord; applications are open soon! Also, make sure you attend the DCM’s so you can participate in the cheer lessons held by yours truly <3

Hey guys! It’s Morgan, your Social Media Coordinator! I’m a VERY indecisive gal but my favorite fruits are golden apples, blackberries, white nectarines, and longans! Make sure to follow our Division 43 Instagram account @d43tiger! There, Division and District updates will be posted such as service events, newsletters, and more! You don’t want to miss the swaggy flyers our Division Marketing Committee makes!

|dlt's Message


Hey y'all! I'm Naomi Wordofa, currently serving as the Division’s Fundraiser Coordinator. If you get a kick for fundraising (especially for very important causes) and want to develop a strong sense of leadership, well you're in luck because we will soon be accepting applications for an additional fundraiser coordinator! Make sure to keep your eyes peeled (haha) because additional information about the position will be sent through email.This is also where you will find the application form and reach out resources if any questions surface during the application process. Speaking of important subjects, my favorite fruits are Peaches, Cantaloup, Mango and Watermelon (they are just so good!). Lastly, just remember to stay on the lookout for any fundraising events, where we will be counting on your participation for a successful event!

Hey! This is Simon, your Kiwanis Relations Coordinator! My favorite fruit is not too exotic and rather basic. Despite loving all fruits,(except bananas), I would have to pick the apple! Make sure to keep your eyes out each week for the Kiwanis Update when checking your email so you can stay up to date with what's going on in your division!

|dlt's Message


Hii! This is Katharina :) your SOSPC! I love any fruit sweet and juicy, but if I had to pick, I would say cherries. As your Spotlight On Service Program Coordinator, this month's focus is Bee Clean, CNH! Some event, service project, or fundraiser ideas for this month include a beach cleanup, educational workshops, reusable grocery bags, and a penny war!! Have fun and join us at our events!

|dlt's Message


s p o tl i g h t Spotlight o n on

s e r v ic e Service |Spotlight on Service


July’s Spotlight On Service Program is ‘Bee Clean, CNH!’. This month’s SOSP theme encourages us to keep a hygienic community by eliminating waste, embellishing our environment, and much more! Ideas on projects or fundraisers (some already mentioned) are outdoor cleanups, educational workshops, promoting cleanliness through social media, reusable grocery bags, host a car wash, and penny wars. As a reminder: the SOSP was created to encourage active participation with organizations and initiatives, and submissions are due at 6 PM on the 5th of every month! -Katharina Guth, SOSPC Coordinator

|Spotlight on Service


LTG, Suyeon Hwang



DNE, Nathan Rodriguez Email: d43.cnhkc.dne


EA, Su Ah Kim Email: d43.cnhkc.ea1


EA, Angela Tan Email: d43.cnhkc.ea2


Spirit Coordinator, Ysabelle Tanseco Email: d43.spiritcoordinator


Social Media Coordinator, Morgan Fu Email: morganfufu




Fundraising Coordinator, Naomi Wordofa Email: p596587


Kiwanis Relations Coordinator, Simon Wordofa Email:p596588


Spotlight on service Coordinator, Katharina Guth Email: katharina.guth12



Make sure to join the new google groups at tinyurl.com/div43gro ups to keep up with all things key club !

Join the new discord at tinyurl.com/div43disco rd to play games with us, chat, and more !



Thank you for reading, I hope your July is BERRY good !

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