Division 43 | July 2016 Newsletter

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Region 17, Official Division 43 Newsletter Marina| Pacific Collegiate | San Benito| San Lorenzo Valley Scotts Valley | Seaside | The York



Contents 4 - Meet Your DLT 6 - Beautification Day 7 - Division Beach Cleanup 8 - York Visits Natividad Hospital 9 - Seaside Banquet 10 - To Us Equality Is 11 - Articles & Visuals Reminder 12 - Contact Info

meet your dlt ltg’s message

ALOHA MY BEAUTIFUL BABY TIGERS! I hope you have all been well! Have you been enjoying your summer? Perhaps you have been visiting the beach, or maybe you've just been in bed sleeping the summer away. It's okay, I know you've all been working hard throughout the school year. Personally, by the time you're reading this, I'll be away at a summer program and will be hard to reach. In a few days, I will also begin a month long trip to Asia! I'm very excited, but unfortunately I will be hard to reach due to limited internet access and time differences. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please talk to your BEE-UTIFUL Division Leadership Team! They're here to help you! I hope you stay active this month and don't forget to help your home, school, and community. Make me PAWROUD when I arrive back! Can't wait to see you all again.

Mommy Tiger , - Jasia Nicolas

Hi Tigers! Although summer is quickly approaching, the spirit of service never ends! There will be many service projects and fundraising opportunities over the summer break, so make sure you all keep up the good work! This newsletter would not be possible if it weren’t for you guys, the members, sending in your BEE-UTIFUL articles every month. Be sure to continue to send in your articles on time, so you can showcase the hard work and service you guys have done! I cannot wait to share your Key Club stories, as well as the memories you’ll make this year.


-Dalanna Nguyen

editor’s note

executive assistant

Hola Tigers! I am honored to serve as one of your Division Executive Assistants for the 2016-2017 term! I currently serve as secretary of my home club at Seaside High School and served as EA last term as well. I started attending Key Club events with the thought of “Oh it’s just community service...” Little then did I know that Key Club was going to become one of the greatest blessings to me. Aside from my other extracurriculars such as JROTC, Music, Class Office, Internships, and being Captain of the Band Color guard team, I always make sure to make room in my life for my passion of service!

-Janelle Inductivo

Hello Tigers! I'm proud to say that I'll be serving as one of your EA's this term. Key Club has been part of my life since last year’s Regional Training Conference. After that I tried going to all the events I could, and here I am now serving as Marina's president and as an EA! Outside of Key Club, I am part of the Recruitment in Education & Science (RISE) program, a member of my school's cross country team, and class president. Despite being very busy, I still keep up with my grades and hope to be in the top 10 when I graduate. I hope you all will work together with me and the rest of the Division Leadership Team to make this a great term!

-Leanne Bagood

executive assistant


Emily Merlin plants flowers by the attendance office. Marina members work to improve the school’s front entrance.

beautification day - Leanne Bagood // Marina President


On Saturday, May 28th, our high school hosted a Beautification Day. It was a day completely dedicated to make our school look better, and all volunteers put in a lot of effort to do so. For the majority of the day I was helping redo the sign in front of the school, and let me just say, it was BACK BREAKING WORK. However, my friends and I made it fun by acting as if it was an actual school day. We took breaks at the usual time it would be, and even had lunch around the same time! Helping out was very tiring, but it was a Saturday well spent. I got to see our school transform to something nicer with cleaner tables and more colorful campus entrances!

division beach cleanup Vy Dang earns Officer of the Month.

Before the May DCM, we participated in a division wide beach cleanup. My partner for the cleanup was Marina’s Vice President, Martin. Despite the beach being fairly clean already, which resulted in us only picking up small scraps and pieces of glass, it was still pretty fun. We witnessed a dog grab a person’s bag and run off with the bag for a good five minutes. That experience added some spice to our day. After the cleanup, we had the actual DCM. It was like any normal DCM, informational. Lieutenant Governor Jasia provided us with donuts and they were really good! She also gave out

awards and revealed the newly appointed division leadership team. I was happy when I got officer of the month and a box of candy! I was also excited when two people from Marina, Leanne and Dalanna, were appointed EA and DNE! Overall, I had a great day! - Vy Dang // Marina Secretary

Members of the division listen during the DCM. As the school year was nearing the end, the service did not stop for us. Several key clubbers and myself spent the morning contributing our efforts to clean up the waste and litter present at the beach. There was less attendance than usual, but it warmed my heart to have two new members present at the cleanup and DCM! Although the weather was foggy, my spirit was bright for the beginning of this term. I’m glad to contribute any time I could make an impact on the land where we live.

- Janelle Inductivo // Seaside Secretary


York Visits Natividad Hospital - Laura Bauman // York Vice President

I’ve been crocheting hats for the homeless since my 9th grade year as part of a mandatory service learning project for my school. I’ve always enjoyed the project, and making the hats is relatively simple. When our club began to brainstorm ideas for our February/ March project, I immediately suggested crocheting these hats and donating them to an organization. After much research, I got into contact with Natividad Medical Center’s neonatal unit. Over the course of the next three weeks, we crocheted over 30 baby hats for the hospital, ranging in size and color. After e-mailing back and forth with the A member in the process of Director of Development, she invited our club to tour the birth center. I didn’t know what to crocheting a baby’s hat. expect when I walked through those large glass doors. The neonatal unit was fairly empty, containing only three newborns, but the nurses told our small group that there were enough beds to hold at least 25. It was heartbreaking to see the sick newborns, but the pictures of the babies’ “going home celebrations” made me smile. A new father sat with his newborn daughter at one of the beds as his wife received stitches in the operating room. Although he didn’t speak English and I do not know Spanish, we communicated through gestures. He picked out a small pink hat for his new daughter, and I have never seen a warmer smile from someone. Here we were, a small group of high school students, attempting to make a new parent’s life a little better with something as simple as a crocheted hat. We will be continuing this project as long as we can, and invite anyone else interested to join us.


A baby’s hat.

seaside’s banquet - Ashley Koenig // Seaside President

We ended our school year with a potluck in honor of our excellent work put in throughout the year. There was an abundance of food and laughter as our members recapped their favorite memories made throughout this year and participated in icebreakers. One of my favorite ones was “The Human Knot”, where our members worked in teams to untangle each other after randomly grabbing hands in a circle. This particular icebreaker was a little chaotic but it was tons of fun for the members and I.

Seaside poses for a photo following the banquet.

Seaside members work together to get out of “The Human Knot.”


To Us Equality Is - Teagan Mauck // York President

At the beginning of our second semester, I presented the idea of community service on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Throughout the course of our meeting, our brainstorm session turned from “What community service should we complete on Dr. King’s birthday?” to “How do we honor the memory of Dr. King?” We decided to write various questions on small whiteboards, visit Del Monte Shopping Center, and ask various shoppers to answer the questions on the whiteboards. We then posted the pictures on our newlycreated Instagram for York Key Club. Although the mall was shockingly empty for a three-day weekend, we showed up at 11 a.m., excited to begin our project. However, many of us were nervous to talk to strangers we barely knew. In the end, every member in attendance pitched our project to at least one person. Our chapter is characteristically shy, and this exercise in small-scale public speaking boosted many members’ confidence levels. However, some people questioned our project. One of our members half-jokingly remarked that she felt a bit like the late Dr. King Jr, as he too experienced anger, although on a much larger scale. However, not all of our requests were met with hostility. Some ecstatic individuals asked to write more than one answer to our questions, and others offered to take pictures of our answers. Although not exactly community service, York Key Club members gained valuable knowledge in leadership and small-scale civil rights on this day.


People from Del Monte express why equality is important to them.


Submit your ARTICLES & VISUALS Get your club featured in the Newsletter by:  Going to Events  Taking pictures at events and writing articles  Submitting your articles and visuals on time! Email to: d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com Remember: Each club is responsible for at least 2 articles with 3-5 visuals each, no later than the 8th of every month before 6 pm!


Contact Info JASIA NICOLAS Lieutenant Governor d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (831) 236 - 0294 -

LEANNE BAGOOD Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

JANELLE INDUCTIVO Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (831) 917 - 6649 -

DALANNA NGUYEN Division News Editor d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (831) 224 - 9759

thanks for reading!


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