Division 43 | October 2016 Newsletter

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Region 17, Official Division 43 Newsletter Marina| Pacific Collegiate | San Benito| San Lorenzo Valley Scotts Valley | Seaside | York




4 - LTG’s Letter 5 - Key Dates | Terrific Tigers 6 - Task Coordinator Introductions 8 - Club Updates 14 - District Newsletter 15- Editor’s Note 16 - Contact Info

ltg’s letter

Orange and black we got your back! We roar so loud don’t make a sound, now watch us tigers break it down!

Fall season is now here! This means colder weather, sweaters, hats, Fall Rally North, and… Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Okay, so story time: I actually tried a PSL for the first time last Fall. I believe I was waiting there after a meeting and after finishing my Matcha Green Tea Frappe, I got curious about the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte. To this day, I do not understand the hype. If you know me, you know I am definitely a milk tea person. Its rare I find something from Starbucks I truly like, and the seasonal latte was no exception. With that being said, I left the store with a barely touched PSL that neither me nor my friend bothered to finish. On another note, as stated earlier, Fall Rally North is approaching! I am excited to see all of you lovely members within the next few weeks. The DLT & I are in the process of planning some great spirit prep days and cheers for all of you. Be sure to learn the cheers when they’re released so we can show everyone at FRN what Division 43 is all about! With that being said, I hope you have all bought your spirit gear, whether it be shirts, drawstrings, bandanas, ears, tutus, capes, or all of the above! Be sure to thank your officers for organizing events for you to attend, whether it be RTC or FRN, or even helping order these items for you. They all work very hard and make sure you show them some love. 4

- Jasia Nicolas

KEY DATES Region Training Conference Where: Camp Jones Gulch YMCA What: An overnight training conference that consists of workshops on various topics, meeting new people, as well as a campfire & having spirit!

October DCM Don’t miss out on this month’s Division Council Meeting, which will also be held at Regional Training Conference!

Fall Rally North Where: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom See last month’s issue find more information on the event!

Member of the Month

Theresa Perez

Officer of the Month

Kateleen Alcantara 5

meet your task coordinators mnt coordinator

Hi Tigers!

I am so happy to say that I will be serving as your 2016-2017 MNT Task Coordinator! I first started participating in Key Club when I went to FRN last year. At first, I wasn't sure if this club was for me, but after I started going to other events I was hooked! Now, I am serving as Marina's secretary and as your MNT Task Coordinator! Besides Key Club, I am involved in the Recruitment In Science and Education (RISE) program. I also enjoy baking, watching Netflix, and my favorite foods are pasta and pho. I am quite the awko taco but that won't stop me from making this a great term!

- Vy Dang





My name is Sandy Le, and I am pleased to say that I will be serving as your PTP Task Coordinator this term! I'm currently a sophomore at Seaside High School, and I'm also involved in JROTC, National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), Color guard, and Swim. Like many, I joined Key Club because it was one of the most popular clubs on campus. Also, not only because of the amazing people I have met, but because of the great opportunities there was to create high school memories and giving back to my community. Even for a super shy freshman back in the day, I absolutely loved Key Club with all my heart. I look forward to meeting with you all and hopefully we'll have an amazing term together!

-Sandy Le


ptp coordinator

spirit coordinator




Well, if you don't know already, I am John Paul Naulivou, or as one of my teachers call me, "Saint of the Absurd". However, I hope I do come off as absurd to you because I like to see myself as an outgoing and pretty outspoken person. I'm pretty friendly with people that I meet and I'm someone that likes to get along with people as much as I can! I am from Monterey, California so I was basically born and raised in the place I love. I was introduced to Key Club by the one and only, Jasia Liane Nicolas! She got me to attend Key Club events in the first place and I decided I wanted to try it out. Later on, I realized how much I enjoyed using my own time to volunteer, help out around my community, and meet other Key Clubbers around the district! My future goals for while I serve as Spirit Coordinator is to get everyone to show their love for the division we serve and show it proud at Fall Rally North! On a personal level, I plan to meet with every member in Division 43 to assist them in memorizing cheers and become outgoing by the time of Fall Rally North. I really enjoyed my time at FRN by cheering my heart out and I hope I will be able to help every member feel the same way. I look forward to my position and working with all of you! :D

-JP Naulivou 7

The beautiful and luxurious cars at the Concorso Italiano Car Show was not the only aspect of having yet another memorable Key Club moment. It was also getting to admire the amazing automobiles, spending time with Kiwanis, directing traffic, escorting people to their parking spots, and even riding the back of a golf cart! I first took interest volunteering at Concorso because I thought it was an opportunity to get a glance at one of the best and largest Italian car shows in the world! I got more than what I signed up for because this experience was not so much of what I expected at all. I honestly learned more about people skills and how to do an upright job when you are put in a quite difficult situation.


concorso italiano - JP Naulivou // Marina Member

My first shift started at 4 in the morning, where I basically guided people to the general parking lot, if they chose to arrive early to the event. It was a very weary morning for me, but I was able to handle the task at hand. It was not so difficult at first because all I had to do was shine my flashlight through the road to the general parking. Then, hours passed and the early morning rush started to come and fellow Key Club members had to transfer to a different shift. I also had an opportunity to work with a fellow volunteer at the event named Manny, who later at the event became a good friend of mine. Manny and I helped guide cars to the general parking, and directed traffic from incoming cars and cars that were exiting the lot. This angered a lot of drivers, causing them to be very difficult to work with in a tough situation. Despite that, Manny taught me how to be calm, cool, and collected. He taught me that you need to approach the driver with a calm attitude and to tell them the situation and the solution. The drivers appreciated Manny’s honesty and admired that he took the initiative to help them in any way he can. I learned from him that in any way you are put in a difficult situation while with difficult people, you have to understand their frustration, act in a well-mannered way, and think clearly of the solution to help. In the end, it was a pretty fun learning experience and a great sight to see! I learned a lesson from a helpful friend and I saw a Lamborghini speed down the street. I was glad to have not only volunteered at this event, but to have learned this valuable lesson.


pb&j sandwiches - Hoan Le // Marina Treasurer

Our club decided that a service project we would do would be making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for our local homeless shelter. With 3 cans of peanut butter, 2 cans of jelly, and lots of persistence; we made OVER 50 SANDWICHES! It was fun letting our competitive side show since we made it into a peanut butter vs jelly competition. Overall the project was a whole lot of fun. Not only because of the competition, but also for doing good things for our community, as we spent our Friday after school with friends and 73 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!


seaside’s beach cleanup - Jessica Reclusado // Seaside Member

This was the 2nd Key Club event I have ever been too. We walked over 6 miles of beach, which was definitely a lot! During this event we picked up any trash we could find so we could keep our beaches cleaner. It was nice talking to other key clubbers and getting to know each other. I am new to Key Club, but I did not expect a lot of people to come. This event was amazing. We filled up a ton of trash bags with trash. My friends & I had so much fun as we realized we love being in Key Club and helping our community.


club rush

- Kateleen Alcantara // Marina Historian Club rush was something I could classify as exciting; it was frantically racking our brains for ways to catch the attention of students and creatively enforcing our ideas to recruit new members together. Marina's Key Club may be small, but it has a lot of passion and gut, something clearly shown in this year's club rush event. Being an officer this year has opened my eyes to just about how much time, money, and effort, gets put into school events like these. As exciting as club rush might've been to the upcoming members, it was also thrilling to the people who put it all together to see its success. Being busy, crowded, and definitely loud from our members, club rush was something that I felt united us as key clubbers. I distinctively remember some of our best members going all out in Key Club gear and supplies. Chanting what we had not only expressed our pride as D43 tigers, but it also caught the attention of just about everyone around us. Club rush was a fun event that made me appreciate and enjoy being a part of every moment of it.


spinning in service - Bobby Colston // Seaside Member

My first division council meeting experi en ce was a grea t experience. Prior to the event, I was never in Key Club, and the DCM was the first event I went to. We started the DCM with a couple ice breakers, and then we were briefed on what Key Club does and all the clubs that there are. Then, we made pin wheels for kids to be donated to the local Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula. Although, it was hosted in Marina, I felt welcome as I saw all the people from Seaside and new key clubbers I was not familiar with.


BEE sure to check out our

District Newsletter at the Cyber Key!

resources CYBER KEY— http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/ KEY CLUB— http://www.keyclub.org/ DIVISION 43 GOOGLE GROUP- https:// groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/d43tigers 14


editor’s note

Hello Tigers! A ssuming





newsletter on the day it is released, I will



R e g i o n al

T r ai n i n g

Conference at Camp Jones Gulch YMCA!

I hope you guys have been

enjoying your Fall Season, especially with Fall Rally North coming right around the corner. Make sure you talk to your officers for information regarding registration and even spirit gear. If you also haven’t already, make sure you look out for our Spirit Cheers video to learn the cheers we will be using during the rally! Last but not least, I hope you all have been taking care of yourself.

When you find yourself under stress, take time to breathe and relax every once in a while. Good luck, I bee-lieve in all of you!

-Dalanna Nguyen 15

Contact Info presidents LEANNE BAGOOD Marina bagood_leanne@yahoo.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

lieutenant governor JASIA NICOLAS Lieutenant Governor d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (831) 236 - 0294

SANTANA LOPEZ San Benito rodriguezsantana558@gmail.com (831) 524 - 6050 -

MIRA LION San Lorenzo Valley miralion13@gmail.com -

VINEHA RAMESH Scotts Valley vineha.ramesh@gmail.com (831) 334 - 4581 -

ASHLEY KOENIG Seaside adkoenig313@gmail.com (831) 402 - 9037 -

TEAGAN MAUCK York teagan.mauck@gmail.com (831) 297 - 0236

division leadership team LEANNE BAGOOD Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (818) 835 - 6243 -

JANELLE INDUCTIVO Executive Assistant d43.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (831) 917 - 6649 -

DALANNA NGUYEN Division News Editor d43.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (831) 224 - 9759

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