Division 65 | April Newsletter

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Front Cover 2. Table of Contents 3. Photo Credits 4-5. Closing Statement from Christon 6-7. Opening message from your LtG 8-9. Westview Club Spotlight 10-11. Pre-DCON meetings 12-17. PNW DCON 2K14 Recap 18-19. March of Dimes Walk 20-21. April DCM 22. Project Eliminate 23. Key Club basics 24. Let’s strive, sixty-five 25. ICON 26-29. Meet the district board 30-31. Divisional Cheers

32-33. Contact your LtG/Division

I would like to thank Bassel Hamieh (BMH PHOTOGRAPHY), Dave McMillan, Vincent Cheam, Yasmeen Ayoub, Jennifer Lo, Karolina Ryerson, Christon Senekham, Briana Vega, Tesla Skeels, Kyra Europa Dela Chica, Bryce Canete, and Rina Alazas for the photos used in this months newsletter. I sincerely apologize if I missed your name. Just know that I appreciate you. -Tasmia

Hello everyone! This me signing off as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2013-2014 Key Club year. First off, I would just like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Lieutenant Governor this past year. I would also like to thank all the officers and members for making this such a great year for our clubs and division. Our division would not have been able to come this far if it weren't for the hard work you've put into your clubs and the division this last year. Also, thank you to everyone who supported me in running for District Editor. Though I did not win the election, my love for service and leadership has not been tainted. As I reflect back on this past year, I am so thankful to have met and be befriended by so many caring, and fun individuals from around the division. Thank you all so much for giving me so much support throughout my term. Please welcome Tasmia Ahmed as your new Lieutenant Governor. I have the utmost confidence that she will be able to bring our division to greater heights. Incoming officers, please support and work alongside Tasmia in this next year. She will appreciate it a lot and it will make her job so much easier. Starting off as a new Lieutenant Governor can be a scary thing, so please support her like your outties have supported me!

Thank you all so much for such a great year. (I'm not graduating this year, so I'll still be around haha) Christon OUT. I love y'all. Agape.

Division 65, After being officially installed on Saturday night to serve as your Lieutenant Governor for 2014-2015, I would just like to say that the FEELS are out of this world. Division 65, you all have supported me as a club member since 2012 and I can't believe that three years later, this is where I stand. It wouldn't have been possible without your love, your laughs, and your undying passion to serve together. I promise to serve you well and be the best that I can be. I hope to strengthen our division, complete our charters, and continue to grow. This upcoming Key Club year will be quite exciting. With Ik Hoon Jung as PNW Key Club's district secretary (woot, woot!), we are going to have one heck of a year together. Welcoming our new officers and their leadership positions, leading our new generation of key clubbers, and continuing to make a difference in our community is what we stand for and I have full confidence that we will go above and beyond.

Consider me not just your Lieutenant Governor but rather a friend. I promise to listen and help you when you have any questions regarding key club or life in general– I will be there for you. Don’t hesitate to contact me! In love and service, Tasmia Ahmed

During the month of March, Westview Key Club collected personal care kit items for Bridgetown Nightstrike! Bridgetown Nighstrike is held every Thursday night under the Burnside Bridge in Portland . Volunteers throughout the Portland Metro area gather together to provide company, form relationships, hand out hygiene kits and pass out food to the homeless community. Nightstrike is one of Westview Key Club’s favorite projects. After collecting items for two weeks, they were able to assemble over 30 packages of personal hygiene items that included toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap bars, deodorant, wet wipes, protein bars, water bottles, socks, combs, chap stick, lotion, razors, etc. Between 7-10pm, Westview Key Clubbers walked around Downtown Portland and passed around these care packages. If your club is interested in participating in this life changing service project, then visit bridgetowninc.org to sign up your key club! Great job Westview, keep it up!

PRE-DCON MEETINGS Sunday, March 15th & Sunday, March 30th 1:30-3:00pm Southminister Presbytarian Church

In the month of March, Division 65 Key Club held two Pre-DCON meetings to prepare for 65th ANNUAL PNW DCON! During the DIY pre-dcon meeting, the division came together and created our spirit gear which consisted of DIY turtle shells and signs. On March 30th, the division came together one last time before DCONWe came up with cheers and Christon gave his innie will! Thank you to all the DCON attendees and club members that participated in last months pre-dcon meetings. They were a huge success and they wouldn’t have been possible without your passion and spirit for Key Club.






The 65th Annual Pacific Northwest District Convention was a blast! On the weekend of April 4th—6th, Division 65 brought over 75 attendees from 9 different schools to the annual Key Club convention held in downtown Seattle. Totaling over 1,700 Key Clubbers from across the Pacific Northwest, the weekend was an overwhelming experience with a lot of spirit, emotion, and JOSEPH VINCENT! The meet and greet, executive candidate speeches, 12:00 am curfews, deafening divisional cheers, training workshops, speed mingling, Zumba, and creative dating forums all the way down to some big news for Division 65 during Saturday night closing session—we can all agree that DCON 2014 was a huge success! Being able to witness the joy and laughter is truly a blessing. At DCON, Rina Alazas (Century Key Club outgoing VP) was awarded the oratorical speech, Christon Senekham was retired as LtG for Division 65, Katie Chanthakhoun was retired as District Communications Director, Tasmia Ahmed was installed as your new LtG for 2014-2015, and our very own Ik Hoon Jung (Southridge Key Club President) was installed as the PNW District Secretary! Division 65 was also awarded the second spirit stick for showing the most spirit, passion, and demonstrating leadership. Congrats Turtles, you’ve done it again! Ain’t no party like a turtle party cuz’ a turtle party DON’T STOP!


March for Babies Courtney Herr’s Senior Joint Division Walk Project

Century Key Club,

Saturday, April 26th 8:00am

Sunday, April 13th, 12-1pm

Rose Quarter Commons 1 N Center Court St Portland, OR 97227

All proceeds go towards Project Eliminate!

Every year in the United States, more than half a million babies are born too soon, 5,200 of them right here in Oregon and SW Washington. With your help, we work to improve the health of babies and support families if something does go wrong. One of Key Club International’s partner organizations includes March of Dimes. Key Club’s Major Emphasis “Children: Their Future, Our Focus”

Take a stand and walk with YOUR division. Event details coming soon!

APRIL Sunday, April 27th 1:30-3:00 pm

@ Southminister Presbytarian Church

12250 NW Denney Rd, Beaverton Or

What to bring? A club roster, journal, pen, your officers, & a smile!



reon 97008 AGENDA INCLUDES: 

Kick-start the new Key Club year 

Key Club year GOALS

Senior send-off//retirement info 

New Club charter info 

Summer Planning

Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) is a deadly disease which causes newborns painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch for babies born in unsanitary conditions. Together, with the help of UNICEF and Kiwanis, we have been able to fight MNT. For just a $1.80, we are able to provide a mother three doses of a vaccination which will protect her and her future children from MNT. The Pacific Northwest District along with Key Club International raised:

$80, 778.40 which is equivalent to 89,754 lives! Thank you, Key Clubbers.

Mission Statement Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. Vision We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. Core values The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness. Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. Motto “Caring–Our Way of Life” Cheer Hey Key Clubbers, how do you feel? WE FEEL GOOD, OH WE FEEL SO GOOD, UH! DOUBLE IT UP, UH, UH! TRIPLE IT UP, UH, UH, UH, ONE LAST UH, UHHHHHHH, RAPPER STYLEE, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH!


Century Key Club, Courtney Herr’s Senior Project Sunday, April 13th, 12-1pm All proceeds go towards Project Eliminate!

Hillhi Key Club’s egg-citing Easter Fundraiser - April 14-18th!

Did you enjoy DCON? Join us for


The 2014 Key Club International convention will take place July 2-6 in Anaheim, California, at the Anaheim Marriott.

Contact your LtG for more info or visit http://www.keyclub.org/events/

Meet th

PNW Distric

district governor | district treasurer |

he new

ct Board!

| district secretary | district editor

Dear Pacific Northwest District, The ending of District Convention is always hard, but it also marks the beginning of another Key Club year and another year of service. If you have not already met me I am Lisa Antonio, and I am honored to have the chance to serve as your District Governor for the next year. I am privileged to be leading such a diverse and enthusiastic district and I am excited to start building upon our strengths and creating new solutions for our district’s weaknesses. In this upcoming year I want to focus on clubs and members. I want to make sure clubs are thriving and increasing not only membership, but active membership. I want each club member to know the District Board is there to serve the members. I am looking forward to meeting all of you, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email, Facebook, or telephone! In Love and Service, Lisa Antonio

Hi, everyone. My name’s Ik Hoon Jung from Southridge High School in Beaverton, OR (Div. 65), and I’m excited beyond words to serve as your Distrct Secretary. I’ve been an enthusiastic member of Key Club since freshman year, and it is truly a dream come true to be in this great position. I hope my term can bring about great positive personal growth in both myself and other Key Clubbers, and I won’t let you down! Ik Hoon Jung

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Aneesh Pappu and I am the incoming District Treasurer. I am so honored and grateful to serve you all for the 2014-2015 term and I look forward to what we will accomplish together! One of my main goals is to actively educate club treasurers so that dues collection is easy and efficient for all clubs in our district. I also plan to effectively monitor the budget of the board and to oversee all fundraising efforts for the district project this year. In addition, I intend to play a very active role in working with growth committees on the district board to increase membership within our district. I want you all to know that I am always available to assist you with any and all problems that you may have in your clubs. Feel free to give me a call anytime, even if you just want to chat, and add me on Facebook! I look forward to meeting you all this year. In Caring & Service, Aneesh Pappu

Hey Pacific Northwest Key Clubbers! This coming year for our district is going to be a legendary one, and it’s an honor to be a part of it as your 2014-2015 District Editor. I’m so excited to be involved in your newsletters and giving THE ESPRESSO, our district newsletter, the publicity it deserves. I will make it as inclusive, informative, and exciting as possible. This position combines my love for service and design and I can say confidently that this year, not only will we Key Clubbers feel good, but we will also look good in all of the publications in our district! Jenny Zhang

DIVISION 65 TU Cheer 1:

Cheer 5:

We so fly, sixty-five! x6

Aint no Party like a tur le party dont stop. HEY

Cheer 2: HEY! You know how we do, three sixtyfive days, we rock it out, d-sixtyfive way. HEY! x 3

Cheer 6: Who rocks the house, five rocks the house

and when we in the h night long *BLOW YO Cheer 3:

repeat x 3

2-4-6-8 2-4-6-8 turtles gonna dominate 3-5-7-9 turtles looking mighty fine! X2

Cheer 7/FOLLOW THE Turtle Pledge:

I’m a reptile with cold Cheer 4/Gas Pedal: Slow it down, grab the wall, Wiggle like you’re trying to make your shell fall off six-ty five, six-ty five, six-ty five, six-ty five

I hibernate in deep de Though I walk so very

I give to people where D-6-5 (repeat) D-6-5 (repeat)

URTLE CHEERS I’m a reptile with cold blood (echo)

rtle party cuz a turt I hibernate in deep deep mud (echo) Y x4 If im scared I do not hide (echo)


With my shell i show my pride (echo) *tu rn around and shake tail*

house we rock it all D 6 5 (echo) OUR HORN* D 6 5 (echo)


d blood (repeat)

eep mud (repeat) slow (repeat)

ever I go (repeat)

Turtles assemble: BLOW ON YOUR HORN

Questions? Concerns? Contact me! Tasmia Ahmed Westview High School d65.tasmia@gmail.com (971) 998-3798 Next months newsletter will include the official Division 65 Club Roster for 2014-2015

Get to know Division 65! Facebook.com PNW Division 65 Key Club— Awkward Turtles! Instagram @div65keyclub Gmail Division65.keyclub@gmail.com ALOHA | BEAVERTON | CENTURY | FOREST GROVE | GLENCOE | HILLSBORO | JESUIT | MILLER EC | SOUTHRIDGE | SUNSET | WESTVIEW

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