Division 66 December 2013 Newsletter

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Official Newsletter of Key Club  Pacific Northwest District  Division 66  Volume 1  Issue 9  December 2013

TABLE OF Clackamas | Corbett | Dalles Wahtonka | Damascus Christian | Gladstone |

Message from the LtG....4 Divisional Editor….5 Social Media….6 November DCM Recap….8 DCM/PCM Information.…10 2014-2015 LtG Candidate….12 LtG Election Rally….13 Important Date….14 2

CONTENTS Gresham | Oregon City | Portland Luther | Reynolds | Sam Barlow | Sandy 3

Divisional T-Shirt Contest….15 Club Visits….16 Text Updates....17 “Spot” Light….18 Dcon 2014….20 “Spot” Update.…21 Club Officers….22 Contact Information….24 3

Words from the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hello Division 66, I hope you all had a nice thanksgiving break off from school! Just think, in a few more weeks and it’ll be time for Winter Break. With the Holiday Season just around the corner, I encourage you all to go out and have fun while impacting your community and making someone else’s holiday season the greatest too. As January approaches it means election time is near. Take this time to pay attention to the next generation and encourage them, foster them, and be their biggest support in running for future officer. I hope some of these great leaders take up the opportunity to run for Division 66 LtG. I just wanted to take this time to tell you how thankful I am for all of you. You leaders have such great dedication and motivation in helping other and making this Division even stronger. Your acts of kindness are so inspirational. LO-V-E I love my D-I-V! If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to ask. Happy Holidays Division 66! In love and service, Emilee Huey


Words from the DIVISIONAL EDITOR Hello Division 66, The Holiday Season is finally here. Not only is it the time of year in which we give thank for all that we have, it is also the season of giving. I know that this is a great time of year when we all host service projects to help out those less fortunate than us. If you have a project coming up, be sure to contact Emilee or me because I know that we would love to help out if possible. I can’t wait to hear all the projects. I hope to see many of you at the December Dcm, as Emilee is planning to do a service project. It’s sure to be lots of fun, so you won’t want to miss out. Until next time, have a fantastic holiday season! In caring service,

Brian Le

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others”

Photo Credit to Brian Le

~Brooker T. Washington



Pacific Northwest https://www.facebook.com/pnwkeyclub https://twitter.com/pnwkeyclub @PNWKey Club http://instagram.com/pnwkeyclub# @pnwkeyclub http://pnwmortie.tumblr.com/ http://pnwkeyclub.org/


MEDIA Key Club International https://www.facebook.com/keyclubintnl https://twitter.com/keyclub @Key Club

Division 66 https://www.facebook.com/groups/PNWD. 66KeyClubbers/?bookmark_t=group http://pnwdivision66.webs.com/




I officially call this meeting to order at 5:11 PM Service Projects o Clackamas  UNICEF (Trick or Treat)  Community feeds (Homeless feeds)  Community Clean Ups  Beach Clean Up at Seaside  Carnivals  Card making event for Doernbecher Children Hospital o Gresham  Trick or Treat for UNICEF  Thanksgiving Food Boxes  Stocking Stuffers  Adopt a Kid give them presents o Sam Barlow  Trick or Treat for UNICEF  Working with Kiwanis Fundraiser (pancake breakfast)  Trauma dolls for KCCP  Clean desks for teachers o Reynolds  Harvest Festival  Cleanup in community  Tutoring o Portland Lutheran  Football raffle  Trick or Treat for disabled  The Grotto  Adopt a road  Adopt a family o Damascus Christian  Cookies to Blood drive  Light up the light  Food drive o Sandy  Boo Bash for UNICEF  First Book (read books to Kindergarteners)  Tutoring kids  Adopt a family (community center)  Canned food drive o Benson (Division 62)  Carnivals at community centers  Trick or Treat for UNICEF  Marathons  Book drive o Skyview (Division 45)  KCCP  Bell ringing  Park cleanups Divisional Service Project for December o Caroling at a retirement center, children’s hospital o Spend time with people at children’s hospital, retirement center

DCM MINUTES Decorate retirement center for holidays Park cleanup Food Bank  Snowcap Officer Breakout Session o Discuss Issues, Duties, Questions, Concerns, why you joined key club and what you want to see from your officers o Groups:  Presidents & Vice Presidents  Secretaries, Treasurers, Editors  Club Members Ice Breakers 1. If you like… 2. Telephone Text Updates o Text @Division66 to (971) 717-3899 o Got everyone signed up o Get text updates Lieutenant Governor Elections o Duties as lieutenant governor  In charge of 12 schools of division 66 o Miramont Point on January 4th from 2 to 4pm o 2 delegates per school to vote o LtG election packets should be sent out soon o Running for higher office meeting before the December DCM o Only can have one candidate running for LtG per school o No campaigning UNICEF o $1000 raised as a Division o Trick or Treat for UNICEF  Gresham High School - $700+  Corbett High School - $217  Clackamas High School - $170 o Boo Bash (Sandy High School) raised $340 Divisional T-shirt Contest o Deadline December 14th o 25 giraffe “spots” per design submitted o Requirements in newsletter o Divisional theme DCON (District Convention) o Highly recommended for incoming club officers  Training o Come together to celebrate a great year of service with the Pacific Northwest o April 4th to 6th, 2014 o Seattle Convention Center & Sheraton Hotel o No governor’s banquet o Go out to restaurants o Around $270 o Clubs pay 1/3, Kiwanians pay 1/3, individual pay 1/3 Questions? Concerns? Problems? I officially call this DCM to adjourn at 6:29PM o o o

 

  


DECEMBER December Divisional Council Meeting (DCM)  When: Saturday, December 21st, 2013 at 1:003:00PM  Where: Frenzi Frozen Yogurt  What: At this DCM we will be doing a service project of making Christmas cards for children in hospitals, talking about upcoming and past events, LtG elects, and much more, Also, we will be having a Cookie Exchange, so please bring some kind of cookie(s), homemade or store bought, you’d like to share with the Division. If you are interested in running for higher officer at the district or international level I will be having a brief meeting after the DCM. **Please, remember that it is MANDATORY for at least two people from each club to attend the DCM.**


DCM & PCM The Key Date for the month of December

December President Council Meeting (PCM)  When: Saturday, December 21st, 2013 at 

Where: Frenzi Frozen Yogurt

 What: This is the chance for the club presidents of Division 66 to come together discuss questions, concerns, or issues the club presidents might be having with their home clubs.

Picture Credit to Brian Le


Looking for the

2014-2015 Division LtG 1. Why should you run Lieutenant Governor (LTG)? You should run for LTG because it's a great opportunity to lead the division and become more involved in key club. You have the opportunity to lead others while learning how to become a better leader yourself. Through service and dedication, you will have the opportunity to work on the Pacific Northwest District board, who will become like second family to you. Your term as LTG will truly be the most memorable experience of your high school career. 2. What kind of commitment is being LTG? As an LTG, you need to be willing to give up your free time in order to efficiently lead your division. You will need to be committed to lead not only your clubs but also the rest of the district. As a district board member, key club will become a priority. Staying up late to finish newsletters and getting up early to do club visits will become part of your routine. The dedication and commitment is vital, but always pays off in the end. 3. What kind of qualities you should have? A successful LTG will need to have strong communication skills, leadership skills, a passion for service, dedication and involvement, time management skills, responsibility, hard working, open minded, and optimistic. 4. What kind of job is being LTG? As an LTG, You serve on the district board along with other LTGs. You will be leading several clubs in your division throughout the year. You will be serving on two committees on the district board along with attending five district board meetings. You will be planning club visits, submitting monthly reports, and monthly newsletters to keep your division updated. Is your responsibility to communicate with each club in your division along with holding divisional council meetings. You will also be helping plan district convention 2015 and your summer area rally. If you are interested in running for LtG, please contact Emilee.


The 2014 -2015 Lieutenant Governor packet can be found


LtG Election Rally What: Electing the next Lieutenant Governor of Division 66 When: Saturday, January 4th, 2013 from 4-6PM Where: Miramont Pointe Why: To come elect your next Lieutenant Governor of Division 66

Last Years LtG Election

Photo Credit: Edward


Key Dates to Remember For the Month of December December 2013



1 Membership 2 Dues DUE





5 3


Club 6 Secretary Reports Due

10 8



Monthly 11 Newsletter Released




14 ELIMINATE Benefit Concert






21 December DCM/PCM



24 Christmas Eve

25 Christmas Day








Other important dates to keep in mind:  January 4th o Lieutenant Governor Elections  April 4th-6th o District Convention 2014



T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST Design an idea for our 2013-2014 Division 66 T-Shirt. Earn 25 Giraffe “Spots” for each submission.

Things that should be included in the design: FRONT: - Giraffe - Division 66 EITHER/OR: - Key Club Logo - Year (2013-2014)

BACK: - All 12 School Names (Clackamas, Corbett, The Dalles Wahtonka, Damascus Christian, Gladstone, Oregon City, Portland Lutheran, Rex Putnam, Reynolds, Sam Barlow, Sandy)

- Pacific Northwest District Key Club

Last Years T-Shirt Design

The fewer the colors, the cheaper the shirt will cost for you. Please limit yourself to 1-3 colors (minus the t-shirt color). All designs MUST be emailed by Saturday, December 14th to emeehuey1521@gmail.com.


Club visits are a great time to allow me to see how your club is functioning, meet your home Key Clubbers, and see your fellow officers in action. Please note that club visits do NOT have to be actually club meetings, they can be service projects that your club hosts.

Club Visits

To schedule a club visit (club meeting or service project) please feel free to call or email me.


Photo Credits: Edward Yan and Brian Le


Text Updates

That’s it! Thank you for subscribing to Division 66 on Remind101.

Reasons to subscribe to Division 66 text updates: 1. Get reminders about upcoming events and deadlines. 2. Stay in the loop about what is going on. 3. To have an easier way to stay updated 4. Faster communication on the go.



Since attending their first Divisiona

Cynthiana and Suemeng’s involve

Club has grown immensely. After b

Cynthiana and Suemeng have de

club at Reynolds High School. Sinc

enthusiasm for service and helping

club involved in helping students w

going to the DCMs. Their charisma

personalities make these two a joy breakers to random photoshoots, everyone’s faces. Cynthiana and strong hearts. Do not be surprised in the coming months!

Cynthiana and Suemeng, it has be

two. Keep on working hard and a

all the great things Reynolds Key C -Brian Le, Divisional Editor


LIGHT of the month

l Council Meeting in September,

ement with Division 66 and Key

being a fairly inactive club,

evoted themselves to restart their

ce then, the pair has shown great

g others. The two have gotten their

atic characters and optimistic

y to be with. From great ice

these two have brought a smile to Suemeng have great ideas and

when you see more from Reynolds

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chieving amazing things. Show us

Club has to offer!

Picture Credits to Cynthiana Yang and Brain Le

with homework after school and


District Convention 2014 When: April 4-6th, 2014 Where: Seattle Convention Center, and Sheraton Hotel Who: PNW Key Clubbers What & Why: A celebration of a years worth of service, where you can meet new people, learn and share service project ideas, install the District Board, and have fun. Bonus:  No overflow room  District Board has a goal of 3,000 Key Clubbers  Theme is announced: “Level Up in Service”  Some noise makers 11.3 allowed


Ask anyone what District Convention was like and everyone single person will say it was FUN! I encourage all of you to attend or at least send one club representative to DCON. I highly recommend you start fundraising now for DCON 2014 because DCON is about $232.


Leading Club: Clackamas High School Spot Break Down:  1 spot for every person that attends a DCM and/or PCM  10 spots for every time your respond or communicate with me or the Divisional Editor  15 spots for each time your Club Secretary turn in a Secretary’s Report  20 spots for every person that attends a Kiwanis DCM  25 spots when your club turns in their club dues and 50 points if your club turns them in by November 1st.  25 spots for every time you’re school is “Spot” lighted in the newsletter  5 spots for each picture that was sent in during Key Club week and each picture in the Key Club week page and TOT.  10 points for every time your met a deadline I send out


CLUB OFFICER POSITIONS Clackamas High School: President: Arthur Bookstein Vice President: Peter Le Vice President: Ivan Vilalobos Secretary: Brian Le Treasurer: Louiza Bovaeva Bulletin Editor: Anna Co Faculty Advisor: Robert Hadley Faculty Advisor: Alysha Atma Kiwanis Advisor: Roald Berg

Corbett High School: President: Jewel Denney President: Jamie Layton Vice President: Kali Andyke Secretary: Christianna Winters Treasurer: Tadzio Dlugolecki Bulletin Editor: Lindsey Woodard Kiwanis Advisor: Pat Haffner Kiwanis Advisor: Sylvia Maly

Dalles Wahtonka High School: President: Keaton Wallette Vice President: Daniela Leon Secretary: Ale Pena Treasurer: Ricardo Perez Bulletin Editor: Nancy Reyes Faculty Advisor: Paul Viemeister Kiwanis Advisor: Sherry Munro Kiwanis Advisor: John Westhafer

Damascus Christian High School: President: Ben Wescott Vice President: Bryce Ellis Secretary: Micah Swanson Treasure: Micah Swanson Bulletin Editor: Madison Voitovski Bulletin Editor: Jonah Carpenter Faculty Advisor: Elaine Milsark Faculty Advisor: Andy McClellan Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons


Gresham High School: President: Andrea Monteblanco Vice President: Emily Smart Secretary: Kaitlyn Franklin Treasurer: Rafael Castellanos-Welsh

Bulletin Editor: Victoria Blanger Faculty Advisor: Bill Chrisholm Faculty Advisor: Jim Gardenhire Kiwanis Advisor: Dick Vaughn

CLUB OFFICER POSITIONS CONT. Oregon City High School: President: Caitlyn Van Zandt Vice President: Sinjin White Juker Secretary: Zach Merrick Treasurer: Tony Petrich Bulletin Editor: Zoe Griffith Faculty Advisor: Jeff Allen Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons

Portland Lutheran High School: President: Olivia Nyberg Vice President: Hana Laughton Secretary: Nick Lommasson Treasurer: Regan Garrett Bulletin Editor: Emily Roan Faculty Advisor: Koty Cole Kiwanis Advisor: Bill Ragsdale Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons

Reynolds High School: President: Cynthiana Yang Vice President: Suemeng Vang Secretary: Vanessa Torres Treasurer: Gabby Villegas Faculty Advisor: Kathleen Hull Kiwanis Advisor: Grant McAllister

Sam Barlow High School: President: Ana Parvankin Vice President: Haley Coutts Secretary: Kendall Kissir Treasurer: Ashley DuPuis Bulletin Editor: Josh Crites Faculty Advisor: Annie Peterson Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons Kiwanis Advisor: Bill Ragsdale

Sandy High School: President: Madie Smith Vice President: Rachel Hansen Secretary: Moriah Shay Treasurer: Molly Nutt Bulletin Editor: Grace Knapp Faculty Advisor: Karissa Towse Kiwanis Advisor: JJ Anderson Kiwanis Advisor: Kimberley Nelson

23 16



Governor Trang Tran

Roshni Chandwani



District Secretary Hakikat Bains



District Administrator John Jay

District Treasurer Eric Grewal



Assistant District Admin Tom Saunders

District Bulletin Editor Sara Thomas



Finance Administrator Kevin Buyer

Convention Chair Denny Lim



DIVISION 66 EXECUTIVE BOARD Lieutenant Governor: Emilee Huey Clackamas High School Emeehuey1521@gmail.com Cell: (503) 701-4321

Divisional Editor: Brian Le Clackamas High School lebrian92@gmail.com Cell: (503) 407-4084


Thank You for Reading

“The Giraffe Press” 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS

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