Division 66 January 2014 Newsletter

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Official Newsletter of Key Club  Pacific Northwest District  Division 66  Volume 1  Issue 10  January 2014

TABLE OF Clackamas | Corbett | Dalles Wahtonka | Damascus Christian | Gladstone |

Message from the LtG....4 Divisional Editor….5 Social Media….6 December DCM Recap….8 LtG Election Rally Recap.…10 Cover Photo Credit: Brian Le


LtG Election Rallies….11 DCM/PCM Information.…12 Important Date….13 2014-2015 Division 66 LtG….14 What’s happening ….16

CONTENTS Gresham | Oregon City | Portland Luther | Reynolds | Sam Barlow | Sandy 3

2014 Divisional T-Shirt....18 Scholarships….19 Dcon 2014….20 “Spot” Light….22 Winter Rage.…24 Text Updates.…26 “Spot” Update….27 Club Officers….28 Contact Information ….30 3

Words from the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hello Division 66, Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great Winter Break. As we are approaching the end of third quarter of our term, I just wanted to say thank you for the great acts of service you all have done. Let’s end our term strong and take advantage of the last few months we have left and make a huge impact on our community. Finals are approaching quickly for some or are over for others. Make sure to prioritize your academics, before you take on many hours of service. For those of you that have finished your finals, sit back and relax, while helping others. Thank you to everyone that came the LtG election rally and supported Brian Le in becoming the 2014-2015 LtG Elect for Division 66. Also, the February DCM will be an awards banquet. I hope to see many of you there. Lastly, let’s think about the future. This is a great time to think about club elections, and encouraging your club members to run for office. Best to you all on your finals! If you have any questions, concerns, or would just like to talk feel free to contact me. In love and service, Emilee Huey


Words from the DIVISIONAL EDITOR Hello Division 66 Key Clubbers, The Winter Break is over and we are back to school. Many of us will be taking finals soon, so I wish you all the best of luck to do well on these exams. New year, new me, right? Why not make one of your resolutions be: help even more people than last year. With the new year, I challenge you all to make an even greater impact in the world. Come up with new service projects; recruit more members; dedicate more time to helping others. Keep in mind that even the smallest acts of kindness can go a long way. Let’s make 2014 be filled with helping others. February will be a big month for us as well. First of all, DCON hotel registration will be due. Second of all, we should start to consider officer election logistics. And lastly, Division 66 will be having an awards banquet! Be sure to look through this newsletter to stay up to date on all of these things coming our way. You won’t want to miss any of it! A final good luck to you all on finals, and I hope to see you again soon! In caring service,

Brian Le

Divisional Editor Photo Credit to Brian Le



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MEDIA Key Club International https://www.facebook.com/keyclubintnl https://twitter.com/keyclub @Key Club

Division 66 https://www.facebook.com/groups/PNWD.66KeyCl ubbers/?bookmark_t=group http://pnwdivision66.webs.com/


DECEMBER December 21st 2013 DCM Meeting  

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I officially call this meetings to order at 1:12 PM Attendance o Clackamas: Sydnie, Helene, Christina, Nick, Louiza, Edward, Arthur, Brian o Portland Lutheran: Olivia, Christopher o Barlow: Anna, Hailey o Reynolds: Cynthiana, Gabbie o Gresham: Aminah, Andrea, Victoria, Sabrina o Kiwanians: Sylvia Club Updates o Portland Lutheran: The Grotto o Sam Barlow: Macy’s Day Parade o Reynolds: crochet hats o Gresham: wrap gifts for families & gift exchange, stocking stuffers, gave gifts to Oxford House o Clackamas: Winter Rage (helped 130 families), The Grotto T-Shirt Voting o Narrowed the t-shirt designs down to the top two DCON o Cost $232 per student in a four person room o 2 payments  Registration $150  Hotel $82.50 for four person room o Deadline for hotel: 2/14/14 o Deadline for registration: 3/4/14 o Section A: Key Club o Section B: District Executive o Section C: Awards LtG Election o January 4, 2014 o Miramount Point o 4 PM to 6 PM o 2 delegates per school o January DCM February DCM o Awards Banquet o More information in the future Officer Election Ice Breaker Christmas Card Making


Photo Credits to Brian Le and Edward Yan


LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Division 66 LtG Election Rally/January DCM At the election rally, clubs elected the 2014-20145 Lieutenant Governor, played fun icebreakers, and talked about Dcon plus club elections. Thank you to Clackamas, Gresham, Sam Barlow, and Reynolds Key Clubs who had members/officers present at the election rally. A special shout to Division 65 and Division 62 representatives, plus the Kiwanians who came out to support Brian Le, our new LtG elect.


Photo Credit to Edward Yan

ELECTION RALLIES Other Division LtG Election Rallies:                      

Division 21 – January 10th Division 27 - January 11th Division 38 – January 11th Division 56- January 14th Division 44 - January 16th Division 62 – January 17th Division 64 – January 17th Division 19/36 – January 18th Division 22/24 – January 18th Division 28 – January 18th Division 34 – January 18th Division 42WA &42OR – January 18th Division 74 – January 18th Division 80 - January 18th Division 65 – January 19th Division 84 – January 20th Division 11/18c – January 22nd Division 18/20m – January 24th Division 13/15/17 – January 25th Division 32 – January 25th Division 35 - January 25th Division 68/70 – January 27th


February DCM

Division 66 Awards Banquet  When: Friday, February 21st, 2014 at 5:15pm  Where: Spaghetti Factory (12725 SE 93rd Ave. Clackamas)  What: This awards banquet will be held to recap on a year’s worth of service by Division 66 and recognize Key Clubbers, Club Officers, and Key Clubs on their outstanding service, passion, spirit, and much more. This dinner will cost approximately $15 per person. We will be having a Miracle Minute, and if the Division can raise $300 or more one person will have an opportunity to cake the LtG. This awards banquet is also the February DCM, so please, remember that it is MANDATORY for at least two people from each club to attend. The awards banquet dinner will be semi-formal. Have an officer or Key Club member that you would like to receive an award? Have a creative idea for an award? Please email your suggestion to emeehuey1521@gmail.com.


Key Dates to Remember Jan. 5th – Secretary Reports are DUE

Jan. 27th – Kiwanis DCM

Feb 21st - Awards Banquet

April 4th-6th – District Convention

April 11th-13th – Canada Key Leader 13


Lieutenant Governor Elect Brian Le Clackamas High School Junior, Class of 2015 Division 66, It is my honor to serve as your 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor. I cannot wait to begin working alongside such dedicated, passionate, hardworking young adults. My goals for the term are outlined in my OATH, or my promise to you: O: Outreach to the entire division. I want to get to know all officers and clubs first hand by attending service projects. A: Aide all clubs. I will be there to answer any questions, resolve any issues, help initiate ideas, and give input. T: Team up with others. As a way to unify the division and widen our impact, I will encourage collaboration amongst clubs within the division to create even larger service projects. H: Help out the next Lieutenant Governor. It is important for our division to continue to have strong, prepared leaders. I will make sure the next Lieutenant Governor is well equipped with materials and training to ensure success. I see so much potential in our division for growth and success. I have no doubt in my mind that we can achieve all these goals; however, it will take cooperation and teamwork from Key Clubbers all over Division 66. With that said, I look forward to building closer relations with all clubs in the division. I want to become a person you can look to for help. I will be there to get through tough situations with you and to congratulate you for a job well done. Please don’t ever hesitate to talk to me. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you better, and what better way than to start now?


Thank you everyone for your immense support, and keep up the good work!

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? If I could be any animal, I would want to be a bird. I love the thought of being free to roam the earth at my own will. Being a bird would allow me to see all the beautiful sights our world has to offer. What are your hobbies? Key Clubbing! But when I’m not doing that, I enjoy playing the piano, taking pictures, and going out to make great memories with friends. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? I would want mind reading. Sometimes people have thoughts in their mind, but don’t know quite how to express it. Mind reading would help me understand people better and, maybe even let me solve their problems. Favorite Quote: “No person was ever honored for what they received. Honor has been the reward for what they gave.” –Calvin Coolidge Favorite Food: I love fruits! They’re sweet, healthy, and yummy to eat. Apples are my favorite. Favorite Song: “How to Fly” by Jason Chen. They lyrics of this song remind me that tough times are inevitable and each us life lesson that make us better people. Favorite Movie: There are a lot of great movies out there, but I really enjoy watching shorts by Wong Fu Productions. They are so good at capturing an idea through telling a story. Photo Credits to Brian Le and Edward Yan



Photo Credits to Brain Le, Edward Yan, Emily Smart, Haley Coutts, and Kaitlyn Franklin




Divisional T-Shirt 2014 Divisional T-Shirt Design



 Price will vary based on how many t-shirt we order.  Advertise this t-shirt to your home clubs.  People attending DCON are highly encouraged to buy this shirt.  Pre-Ordering ONLY.  The cost of the shirt will be released later.  Pre-Ordering deadline will be early February.


KC SCHOLARSHIPS Possible Key Club Scholarships: 1. Erling M. Larsen Award $1,000 2. Joe & Marion Epler Award $1,000 3. Founding Director’s Award $1,000 4. Emeritus Director Award $1,000 5. Sylvester Neal Award $1,000 6. Pacific Northwest Foundation Award $1,000 and Pacific Northwest Foundation/Kiwanis International Foundation Matching Scholarships at $500.00 each. Requirements: 1. Been a Key Club member for the past two years 2. Be an active Key Club member 3. Have a 3.0 GPA or better

Application Deadline: February 1, 2014 The application and the process can be found on the PNW Key Club website. http://pnwkeyclub.weebly.com/scholarships.html


“Spot� Light

Club Officer Victoria Blanger Gresham High School Junior, Club Editor

Photo Credits to Brain Le and Victoria Blanger


Victoria can simple be described as a friend to everyone. At Gresham High School she stays busy by excelling in higher level IB classes as well as after school activities Victoria is not only an awesome Key Club officer but is also a member of National Honor Society and student government. Victoria is a great person and ambitious leader all-around. Andrea Monteblanco GHS Club Vice-President

“Spot” Light

Key Clubber Helene Huynh Clackamas High School Senior, Key Club Member

The last two years Helene has been in Key Club, she has been a great addition to Division 66. She really lights up a room. There are no words to explain how passionate she loves Key Club. Helene contributes a lot to Division 66 with her spirit. Not only is she spirited, but she is an amazing person. She’s always willing to help others no matter what the obstacle may be. Her cheerful attitude is a main key to why many key clubbers are enthusiastic about DCMs and events. Angel Le Division 62 Divisional Editor

Photo Credits to Brain Le and Louiza Bovaeva


DCON When: April 4-6th, 2014 Where: Seattle Convention Center, and Sheraton Hotel Who: PNW Key Clubbers What: A celebration of a years worth of service, where you can meet new people, learn and share service project ideas, install the District Board, and have fun.

Why should you go? Ask anyone what District Convention was like and everyone single person will say it was FUN! I encourage all of you to attend or at least send one club representative to DCON.

Price: $232.50

Registration Deadlines: Hotel: Friday, February 14th DCON: Tuesday, March 4th



Photo Credits to Brain Le and Sydnie Chen


Bonus:  No overflow room  District Board has a goal of 3,000 Key Clubbers  Theme is announced: “Level Up in Service”  Some noise makers allowed  Joseph Vincent is performing


Clackamas High School This year was my first year shadowing a family at Winter Rage. That experience gave me a new insight on how much Winter Rage can effect families, Seeing the looks on the mother’s face when she received clothes, food, and presents was something that really warmed my heart. Hung Le Sophomore, KC Member

This year’s Winter Rage was a heartwarming and inspirational event hat gave me a beautiful new outlook on our community, Although it was constantly busy, being able to see the smiles on people’s faces as they walked out the doors was more than an Key Clubber could have asked for. Sierra Ha Freshman, Class Representative


Winter Rage

Winter Rage is not only an opportunity to help out our community, but it also brings us all closer to each other. It’s a day where students come together for the collective good, irrespective of out differences. Helping others brings about a unique contentment something for which we don’t expect anything in return.

Participating in Winter Rage never ceases to inspire, in part, due to how our community tackles problems together. The fruition of the combined efforts (from volunteers, donors and leaders) to make Christmas happen for 120 families, is a one-ofa-kind experience. I definitely encourage you to help when the chance arises. Edward Yan IP Club President

Louiza Bovaeva Junior, Club Treasure Photo Credits to Brain Le, Louiza Bovaeva, & Edward Yan



Text Updates

That’s it! Thank you for subscribing to Division 66 on Remind101.

Reasons to subscribe to Division 66 text updates: 1. Get reminders about upcoming events and deadlines. 2. Stay in the loop about what is going on. 3. To have an easier way to stay updated 4. Faster communication on the go.



Leading Club: Clackamas High School Spot Break Down:  1 spot for every person that attends a DCM and/or PCM  10 spots for every time your respond or communicate with me or the Divisional Editor  15 spots for each time your Club Secretary turn in a Secretary’s Report  20 spots for every person that attends a Kiwanis DCM  25 spots when your club turns in their club dues and 50 points if your club turns them in by November 1st.  25 spots for every time you’re school is “Spot” lighted in the newsletter  10 points for every time your met a deadline I send out  5 points for each officer who completed their questionnaire  5 points for being the first responder to an email, Facebook post, etc.


CLUB OFFICER Clackamas High School: President: Arthur Bookstein Vice President: Peter Le Vice President: Ivan Vilalobos Secretary: Brian Le Treasurer: Louiza Bovaeva Bulletin Editor: Anna Co Faculty Advisor: Robert Hadley Faculty Advisor: Alysha Atma Kiwanis Advisor: Roald Berg

Corbett High School: President: Jewel Denney President: Jamie Layton Vice President: Kali Andyke Secretary: Christianna Winters Treasurer: Tadzio Dlugolecki Bulletin Editor: Lindsey Woodard Kiwanis Advisor: Pat Haffner Kiwanis Advisor: Sylvia Maly

Dalles Wahtonka High School: President: Keaton Wallette Vice President: Daniela Leon Secretary: Ale Pena Treasurer: Ricardo Perez Bulletin Editor: Nancy Reyes Faculty Advisor: Paul Viemeister Kiwanis Advisor: Sherry Munro Kiwanis Advisor: John Westhafer

Damascus Christian High School: President: Ben Wescott Vice President: Bryce Ellis Secretary: Micah Swanson Treasure: Micah Swanson Bulletin Editor: Madison Voitovski Bulletin Editor: Jonah Carpenter Faculty Advisor: Elaine Milsark Faculty Advisor: Andy McClellan Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons


Gresham High School: President: Andrea Monteblanco Vice President: Emily Smart Secretary: Kaitlyn Franklin Treasurer: Rafael Castellanos-Welsh

Bulletin Editor: Victoria Blanger Faculty Advisor: Bill Chrisholm Faculty Advisor: Jim Gardenhire Kiwanis Advisor: Dick Vaughn

POSITIONS Oregon City High School: President: Caitlyn Van Zandt Vice President: Sinjin White Juker Secretary: Zach Merrick Treasurer: Tony Petrich Bulletin Editor: Zoe Griffith Faculty Advisor: Jeff Allen Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons

Portland Lutheran High School: President: Olivia Nyberg Vice President: Hana Laughton Secretary: Nick Lommasson Treasurer: Regan Garrett Bulletin Editor: Emily Roan Faculty Advisor: Koty Cole Kiwanis Advisor: Bill Ragsdale Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons

Reynolds High School: President: Cynthiana Yang Vice President: Suemeng Vang Secretary: Vanessa Torres Treasurer: Gabby Villegas Faculty Advisor: Kathleen Hull Kiwanis Advisor: Grant McAllister

Sam Barlow High School: President: Ana Parvankin Vice President: Haley Coutts Secretary: Kendall Kissir Treasurer: Ashley DuPuis Bulletin Editor: Josh Crites Faculty Advisor: Annie Peterson Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons Kiwanis Advisor: Bill Ragsdale

Sandy High School: President: Madie Smith Vice President: Rachel Hansen Secretary: Moriah Shay Treasurer: Molly Nutt Bulletin Editor: Grace Knapp Faculty Advisor: Karissa Towse Kiwanis Advisor: JJ Anderson Kiwanis Advisor: Kimberley Nelson

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Governor Trang Tran

Roshni Chandwani



District Secretary Hakikat Bains



District Administrator John Jay

District Treasurer Eric Grewal



Assistant District Admin Tom Saunders

District Bulletin Editor Sara Thomas



Finance Administrator Kevin Buyer

Convention Chair Denny Lim



DIVISION 66 EXECUTIVE BOARD Lieutenant Governor: Emilee Huey Clackamas High School Emeehuey1521@gmail.com Cell: (503) 701-4321

Divisional Editor: Brian Le Clackamas High School lebrian92@gmail.com Cell: (503) 407-4084


Thank You for Reading

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