Division 66 November 2013 Newsletter

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Official Newsletter of Key Club  Pacific Northwest District  Division 66  Volume 1  Issue 8  November 2013

TABLE OF Clackamas | Corbett | Dalles Wahtonka | Damascus Christian | Gladstone |

Message from the LtG....4 Divisional Editor….5 Social Media….6 October DCM Recap….8 DCM/PCM Information.…11 Key Club Dues….12 Key Club Week Recap….14 Eliminate Merchandise….16 Important Date….17 2

Divisional T-Shirt Contest….18

CONTENTS Gresham | Oregon City | Portland Luther | Reynolds | Sam Barlow | Sandy

Club Visits….19 Secretary Reports….20 Text Updates....21 “Spot” Light….22 Trick-or-Treat UNICEF….26 Dcon 2014….28 “Spot” Update.…29 LtG Elections….30 World Prematurity Day….31 Club Officers….32 Contact Information….34


Words from the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hello Division 66, This past month I have seen great progress from every club, from raising money for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF to celebrating Key Club week in as many ways as possible. Fantastic job Key Clubbers! Officers, we officially have half of our term left. Let’s take this time to reflect on our term so far. Ask yourself, have you accomplished what you have wanted to accomplish? Are you striving to reach your goals? Have you been giving 100%? If not, there is still plenty of time to change that. I believe in each and every one of you. You all can succeed when you put your mind to it. You’re all successful and life changing people to me. Key Club week reminded me of all the dedication and passion all of us, Key Clubbers have for community service and being able to impact others lives with the simplest acts of kindness. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to ask, and I can’t wait t see you all at the next DCM. In love and service, Emilee Huey


Words from the DIVISIONAL EDITOR Hello Key Clubbers! I cannot believe another month has passed by already. Time sure does go by fast when you’re having fun—especially when you’re involving yourself with service. With the end of a successful Key Club Week, I have been reminded of Key Clubbers’ great enthusiasm and commitment to helping out the community. But beyond just the amazing work of Key Clubbers, I must commend our advisors, Kiwanians, Lieutenant Governor, and District Board, all of whom have been behind us in our endeavors. Without their hard work, we clubs would not function as well as we do. Kudos to these Key Players! I look forward to seeing you all at the DCM. I’m hoping that we can discuss service projects we all do, and hopefully even a Divisional Service Project. Keep up the good work, Division 66, and see you soon! In caring service, Brain Le

“Volunteering is good for the heart and the soul.” –Anonymous Photo Credit to Brian Le



Pacific Northwest https://www.facebook.com/pnwkeyclub https://twitter.com/pnwkeyclub @PNWKey Club http://instagram.com/pnwkeyclub# @pnwkeyclub http://pnwmortie.tumblr.com/ http://pnwkeyclub.weebly.com/index.html


MEDIA Key Club International https://www.facebook.com/keyclubintnl https://twitter.com/keyclub @Key Club

Division 66 https://www.facebook.com/groups/PNWD. 66KeyClubbers/?bookmark_t=group http://pnwdivision66.webs.com/




1. Introduction a. I officially call this Divisional Council Meeting to order at 5:03 PM on Friday, October 25, 2013 2. Club Attendance a. Clackamas: Sydnie, Stephanie, Christina, Helene, Brian, Arthur, and Edward b. Corbet: Tadzio c. Gresham: Kaitlyn, Andrea,Victor, Rafael, and Victoria d. Portland Lutheran: Chris, Morgan, and Olivia e. Reynolds: Suemeng, and Cynthiana f. Sam Barlow: Haley, and Ana g. Special Guests: Frank Morehouse (past Governor) started KCCP, Claudel King (past Governor), Sylvia Maly (Corbett advisor) 50 Anniversary, Greg Holland (past Governor), Sylvester Neal (past Governor & International President) Dick Vaughn (Div. 66 Kiwanis LtG and Gresham advisor) Greg McAllister (Reynolds advisor) 3. Club Updates a. Clackamas: Apple Festival, Haunted House, Seaside Beach Cleanup b. Corbett: Veterans Breakfast (invite Veterans) c. Gresham: local elementary school—working at a booth for Harvest Festival, 2 Thanksgiving Food Boxes per grade (8 at least), Trick or Treat for UNICEF d. Reynolds: Snowcap (postponed) build playground, own Key Club Projects e. Portland Lutheran: Trick or Treat for Handicapped (decorate a door), Meals on Wheels, adopt a road, Snowcap f. Barlow: Sun program (help with science), donate dinner (for Meals on Wheels), birthday cards for a homeless shelter, Key Club Week (cleaning classrooms) 4. Dues a. Treasure and Secretary should be doing b. Early bird deadline of November first i. Remove the old members ii. Add in new members iii. Pay dues with credit card or money order with receipt iv. Find steps in the Newsletter 5. Kiwanians a. Dick Vaughn i. Division 66 LtG. ii. 50th Anniversary for Columbia River Gorge Kiwanis iii. Kiwanis DCM on Monday, October 1. 5:30 for Kiwanis Advisors b. Sylvia May i. Columbia River Gorge Kiwanis 50th Anniversary ii. Key Leader 1. Great location—Camp Collins 2. Good leadership opportunity 3. Good time, great learning experience 4. Key-leader.org c. Claudel King 1.

OCTOBER DCM MINS CONT CONT ii. Go to Key Leader! iii. Youth Protection Leader 1. Making this better and safer for Key Clubbers d. Frank Morehouse i. School in West Linn e. Sylvester Neal i. Red Ribbon Week ii. Helping youth grow as leaders f. Greg Holland i. Goal: have all Key Clubbers join Kiwanis  ii. Creating Kiwanis clubs based on age group iii. Next-generation club: get out of CKI and join a younger group of individuals g. Greg McAllister i. Building and growing Reynolds Key Club 6. Division 66 Text Messaging Number a. Has much spam, since anyone can reply b. Good idea, just make sure they can only reply to the sender and only the sender 7. Giraffe Spots a. What are they? i. Each club earns points throughout the term b. Encourage to be active in Division c. Prize at the end of the term d. First to reply to email/Facebook get points 8. Eliminate Gear & Division T-shirt a. Divisional Shirt: $15 b. Eliminate Tee & Bro Tank: $15 c. Lanyards: $5 9. T-shirt Design a. Contest i. In the next newsletter b. More Divisional c. Trees 10. DCON a. Giraffe Onesies $25 11. Ice Breakers a. Train Wreck: everyone is in a circle, one person in the middle, name and where they’re from, one like/dislike, people who agree must switch spots b. Atoms: A leader calls out a number and the people have to get into groups of that number. If you can’t form a group with that number that means your group is out. c. Bang: everyone gets in a circle, moderator calls out name, they duck, people on each side d. Pterodactyl: This is a game where you say pterodactyl without laughing, smiling, or showing your teeth.


OCTOBER DCM MINS CONT CONT e. Pantyhose: You have groups of people, and each group has one person put on pantyhose. The other members in the group have a set time limit to blow up balloons and out them inside the pantyhose. f. Toilet Paper: Everyone goes around and takes a random number of pieces of toilet paper. For each piece of toilet paper 12. Club Visits a. Email Reynolds about Secretary Reports 13. Key Club Week a. November 4-8 b. Monday: c. Tuesday: d. Wednesday: e. Thursday: f. Friday: 14. Divisional Service Project a. Oregon Food Bank b. Environment c. Holidays i. Caroling: nursing homes ii. Toy Drive d. Meals on Wheels e. Flower Delivery with the Kiwanians f. Summer i. Benefit concert ii. Trip to Africa 15. Club Visits a. Meetings or events b. Shoots us an email/Facebook message 16. Questions a. Parkrose i. Part of D66 ii. D62 Kiwanis Club died down, advisor moved over to Rockwood (D66) b. Help each other out i. Invite other clubs to your own events ii. Clackamas Key Club wants to join iii. Support each other c. Habitat for Humanity 17. I officially adjourn this meeting at 6:14 PM on October 25, 2013


NOVEMBER DCM & PCM The Key Date for the month of November

November President Council Meeting (PCM)  When: Friday, November 15th, 2013 at 4:45-5:00pm 

Where: Café Delirium (308 N Main Ave. Gresham, OR)

 What: Club presidents have the opportunity to meet up with me to discuss any issues you might have or tasks you might need help on.

November Divisional Council Meeting (DCM)  When: Friday, November 15th, 2013 at 5:00-7:00pm  Where: Café Delirium (308 N Main Ave. Gresham, OR) 

What: At this DCM we will discuss past and upcoming Key Club service projects, membership dues, Divisional T-shirts, and much more. **Please, remember that it is MANDATORY for at least two people from each club to attend the DCM.**

Picture Credit to Brian Le


Membership Dues, Dues, How big of a club membership goal does your club have this year? How many members have you recruited this year? Those are some questions to think about when doing club membership. I’ve seen dues deadline for your clubs on social media. All of your advisers should have received an email containing your email and password, if they haven’t, please contact me as soon as possible or email memberservices@Kiwanis.org

Membership Update Center Link:


Membership Update Center Video Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tfAvudii-w

Dues Deadline October 1st – Membership Update Center Opens st November 1 – Early Bird Deadline for Dues st December 1 – Deadline for Dues


Dues Break Down $6.50 – International +$5.50 – District $12.00 – Total

Update Center & More Dues Login Information The email should be your facility adviser’s email and the 20122013 Key Club officers should have decided the password. Step 1: Update Key Club Officers Step 2: Click on “Membership Update Center” Step 3: Click on “Bulk Add members”

Send Dues to: Key Club International PO Box 6069 – Dept 123 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6069

Click on “Fiances” to print your invoice. If mailing in dues remember to send in a copy of your invoice. Do NOT send cash




Show your K in Everyway


To kick off Key Club week, we had “Show your K in Everyway.” Key Clubbers all over the world had a chance to get creative, in showing off his / her Key Club pride. One could wear nifty t-shirts, rock awesome lanyards, or even sport colorful wristbands! In all, it was a great day to get everyone pumped up about service, as well as get the word out about Key Club! -Edward Yan, IP CHS Key Club President

One of the most fundamentals of Key Club is getting into the spirit of service. International Key Club Week strives to celebrate all of the amazing aspects that made Key Club extraordinary. Day 2, “Kudos to the Key Players” recognizes the individuals who make Key Club a reality: presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, secretaries, editors, advisors, Kiwanians, and the District Board. -Louiza Bovaeva, CHS Key Club Treasurer Kudos to the Key Players


TUESDAY Photo Credit: Brian Le

For Key Club W “Connect the Wednesday, C Key Club Offic sure that their Clubbers know all part of som larger than ev Club. As part Key Club Wee posts made o Clackamas Ke account, we u graphic of a t illustrate Kiwan many “branch Builders Club, Circle K, and K

- Arthur Books CHS Key Club




ct The K’8


Week’s e K’s” Clackamas icers made ir Key ow that we’re mething even Key t of a series of eek Instagram on the official Key Club e used a small tree to anis and its ches”: K-Kids, , Aktion Club, d Key Club.

stein, b President

Thanks to Key Club, I’ve met so many amazing people. And because of Key Club, I’ve encountered so many different opportunities to help others and to, in general, have fun! Key Club is more than something to put on a resume. Key Club is all about helping others, and it doesn’t hurt to have plenty of fun and meet friends along the way.” -Helene Huynh, CHS Key Club Member

Key Clubbers met at Menchies to show our support for the children at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. We wrote cards, played icebreakers, and ate frozen yogurt. The cards contained optimistic and inspirational messages cheering for the children. I especially enjoyed this event, because I was once a patient at this hospital. These cards will certainly be very uplifting and encouraging to the children. I cannot think of a better way to end Key Club Week! -Joanne Tran, CHS Key Club Member

Bring a Friend to Key Club



Picture Credits to Kiwanis Cambodia/2011/Hale


Eliminate gear is here! Help support the Eliminate Project by purchasing a shirt, bro tank, lanyard or all three! If you are interested in purchasing one be sure to contact your lieutenant governor or club officers.


$5 \5


Key Dates to Remember For the Month of November November 2013









2 Early Bird Dues



5 Key Club Week

10 LtG Newsletter Released

11 Veteran’s Day

17 18 Prematurity Awareness Day

Club Secretary Reports Due









DCM/PCM Meeting 19

2525 26 25 Kiwanis DCM






23 Dance to ELIMINATE

28 27

ThanTksgiving 28 Day Thanksgiving



Other important dates to keep in mind: December 1st o Key Club Membership Dues  December 14th o ELIMINATE Benefit Concert  January 4th o Lieutenant Governor Elections  April 4th-6th o District Convention 2014 



T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST Design an idea for our 2013-2014 Division 66 T-Shirt. Earn 25 Giraffe “Spots” for each submission. Last Years T-Shirt Design

Things that should be included in the design: FRONT: - Giraffe - Division 66 BACK: - All 12 School Names (Clackamas, Corbett, The Dalles Wahtonka, Damascus Christian, Gladstone, Oregon City, Portland Lutheran, Rex Putnam, Reynolds, Sam Barlow, Sandy)

- Pacific Northwest District Key Club EITHER/OR: - Key Club Logo - Year (2013-2014)

The fewer the colors, the cheaper the shirt will cost for you. Please limit yourself to 1-3 colors (minus the t-shirt color).


All designs MUST be emailed by Saturday, December 14th to emeehuey1521@gmail.com.

Club visits are a great time to allow me to see how your club is functioning, meet your home Key Clubbers, and see your fellow officers in action. Please note that club visits do NOT have to be actually club meetings, they can be service projects that your club hosts.

Club Visits

To schedule a club visit (club meeting or service project) please feel free to call or email me. 19 Photo Credits: Edward Yan and Brian Le

How to do a

SECRETARY’S REPORT As a secretary, the Pacific Northwest District Key Club asks you to send in a report every month about what your club is up to. These reports are very quick to fill out as long as you keep all your information organized (such as who attended each service project and meeting).

Due: The 5th of Every Month Email to: - fellow officers - advisors and Kiwanians - Lieutenant Governor (emeehuey1521@gmail.com) - District Secretary (bains.hakikat@gmail.com)

Here is the link to the PDF File: You have the option of printing this out, filling it out by hand, scanning it, and sending it by email. Another, much easier way, is to fill it out on the computer. Here are the steps: 1. Save the form onto your computer 2. Go to pdfescape.com and press "Edit Your PDF Now" 3. Press "Upload PDF to PDFescape" and choose the file to this form and press "Upload" 4. You can now add text to this PDF. Press "Text" and click on where you would like to place the text. Finish filling out this form. 5. On the left hand side, press the green button with the down arrows called "Save and Download PDF" and save it. 6. Send this form to our District Secretary at bains.hakikat@gmail.com NOTICE: The “Total Hours” for Service Projects is computed by multiplying Members Involved and the number of hours spent on the project.



Text Updates

That’s it! Thank you for subscribing to Division 66 on Remind101.

Reasons to subscribe to Division 66 text updates: 1. Get reminders about upcoming events and deadlines. 2. Stay in the loop about what is going on. 3. To have an easier way to stay updated 4. Faster communication on the go.


“SPOT” CLUB OFFICERS Kaitlyn Franklin Grade: Senior School: Gresham HS Position: Club Secretary

-Rafeal Castellanos-Welsh, GHS Club Treasure


Picture Credits to Scott Lipner Photography and Brain Le

Always ready to contribute new volunteer opportunities and help recruit new Key Club members, Kaitlyn is on top of it. Since the beginning of her term as secretary of GHS’s Key Club, she has gone talk to classes full of Freshmen and Sophomores to inform he of Key Club. Kaitlyn is always going out of her way to fine new service projects such as adopting children from the Oxford house for Christmas to gift them with presents. With all of the weight on her shoulders she still manages to keep a bright smile on her face.

LIGHT of the month Andrea Monteblanco Grade: Senior School: Gresham HS Position: Co-Club President

-Victoria Blanger, GHS Club Vice-President

Picture Credits to Emily Smart, Andrea Montebklanco and Brain Le

Andrea is a well rounded, outstanding leader in her community. When she isn’t dancing for GHS Rythmettes, Andrea enjoys golfing for charity, capturing breath-taking pictures, and listening to music with friends. Already this year, Andrea has assisted in successfully getting over 89 members in Gresham’s Key Club. Through Andrea’s outgoing personality and contagious smile, Division 66 can assure that her year, as an officer will be a successful one!



SANDY HIGH In the spirit of Halloween, the Sandy High School Key Club hosted their annual Boo Bash. They set up many games, had lots of crafts, and handed out candy. They even organized a Haunted House. Better yet, the club donated all donations they received to UNICEF. Sandy Key Clubbers were very welcoming and hard working. They kept a positive atmosphere and always had a smile on their faces. Keep up the good work, Sandy Key Club! - Brian Le, Divisional Editor

24 22

Photo Credits: Madie Smith and Brian Le

LIGHT the month



TRICK-OR-TREAT For Trick-or-treat for UNICEF I got a group of my friends together to first go around the businesses in the Gresham community asking to donate some change for such a great cause. Then later that night of Halloween my friend and I went around my neighborhood first to collect as much money as we could. After knocking on about 10 houses and receiving such generous donations did we realizes once we mentioned UNICEF and Key Club did the people of our community actually know more than we anticipated. To the point where they didn’t have the need to ask us more about what we were doing. We finished off the night going through her neighborhood and having a ton of fun collecting donations for UNICEF. - Victoria Blanger, GHS Key Club Editor


Photo Credits: Kaitlyn Franklin and Brian Le



It felt great knowing that I was helping create a positive impact in our world while having so much fun for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. I, alongside my two of my fellow officers, went around the neighborhood and asked for donations for UNICEF. We got to relive childhood memories, dress up in silly costumes, and help the world—all at the same time. I encourage everyone to go out and Trick-or-Trick for UNICEF next year. - Brian Le, CHS Key Club Secretary

MONEY RAISED BY DIVISION 66 Clackamas $170.00 Corbett $217.00 Gresham $200.00


District Convention 2014 When: April 4-6th, 2014 Where: Seattle Convention Center, and Sheraton Hotel Who: PNW Key Clubbers What & Why: A celebration of a years worth of service, where you can meet new people, learn and share service project ideas, install the District Board, and have fun. Bonus:  No overflow room  District Board has a goal of 3,000 Key Clubbers  Theme is announced: “Level Up in Service”  Some noise makers 11.3 allowed


Ask anyone what District Convention was like and everyone single person will say it was FUN! I encourage all of you to attend or at least send one club representative to DCON. I highly recommend you start fundraising now for DCON 2014.


Leading Club: Clackamas High School Spot Break Down:  1 spot for every person that attends a DCM and/or PCM  10 spots for every time your respond or communicate with me or the Divisional Editor  15 spots for each time your Club Secretary turn in a Secretary’s Report  20 spots for every person that attends a Kiwanis DCM  25 spots when your club turns in their club dues and 50 points if your club turns them in by November 1st.  25 spots for every time you’re school is “Spot” lighted in the newsletter  5 spots for each picture that was sent in during Key Club week and each picture in the Key Club week page and TOT.  10 points for every time your met a deadline I send out



LtG Election Rally What: Looking for the next Lieutenant Governor of Division 66 When: Saturday, January 4th, 2013 Where: Miramont Pointe Why: To come elect your next Lieutenant Governor of Division 66 Last Years LtG Election


Photo Credit: Edward Yan

March of Dimes

World Prematurity Day

March of Dimes is one of Key Club international preferred charities. This organization works together for stronger and healthier babies in order to prevent prematurity. Key club can help raise awareness of this cause through world prematurity day. World prematurity day is November 17 so remember to raise awareness, spread the word, and wear purple! -Hakikat Bains, PNW District Secretary


CLUB OFFICER POSITIONS Corbett High School: President: Jewel Denney President: Jamie Layton Vice President: Kali Andyke Secretary: Christianna Winters Treasurer: Tadzio Dlugolecki Bulletin Editor: Lindsey Woodard Kiwanis Advisor: Pat Haffner Kiwanis Advisor: Sylvia Maly

Clackamas High School: President: Arthur Bookstein Vice President: Peter Le Vice President: Ivan Vilalobos Secretary: Brian Le Treasurer: Louiza Bovaeva Bulletin Editor: Anna Co Faculty Advisor: Robert Hadley Faculty Advisor: Alysha Atma Kiwanis Advisor: Roald Berg

Dalles Wahtonka High School: President: Keaton Wallette Vice President: Daniela Leon Secretary: Ale Pena Treasurer: Ricardo Perez Bulletin Editor: Nancy Reyes Faculty Advisor: Paul Viemeister Kiwanis Advisor: Sherry Munro Kiwanis Advisor: John Westhafer

Damascus Christian High School: President: Ben Wescott Vice President: Bryce Ellis Secretary: Micah Swanson Treasure: Micah Swanson Bulletin Editor: Madison Voitovski Bulletin Editor: Jonah Carpenter Faculty Advisor: Elaine Milsark Faculty Advisor: Andy McClellan Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons


Gresham High School: President: Andrea Monteblanco Vice President: Emily Smart Secretary: Kaitlyn Franklin Treasurer: Rafael Castellanos-Welsh

Bulletin Editor: Victoria Blanger Faculty Advisor: Bill Chrisholm Faculty Advisor: Jim Gardenhire Kiwanis Advisor: Dick Vaughn

Photo Credit: Brian Le

CLUB OFFICER POSITIONS CONT. Oregon City High School: President: Caitlyn Van Zandt Vice President: Sinjin White Juker Secretary: Zach Merrick Treasurer: Tony Petrich Bulletin Editor: Zoe Griffith Faculty Advisor: Jeff Allen Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons

Portland Lutheran High School: President: Olivia Nyberg Vice President: Hana Laughton Secretary: Nick Lommasson Treasurer: Regan Garrett Bulletin Editor: Emily Roan Faculty Advisor: Koty Cole Kiwanis Advisor: Bill Ragsdale Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons

Reynolds High School: President: Cynthiana Yang Vice President: Suemeng Vang Secretary: Vanessa Torres Treasurer: Gabby Villegas Faculty Advisor: Kathleen Hull Kiwanis Advisor: Grant McAllister

Sam Barlow High School: President: Ana Parvankin Vice President: Haley Coutts Secretary: Kendall Kissir Treasurer: Ashley DuPuis Bulletin Editor: Josh Crites Faculty Advisor: Annie Peterson Kiwanis Advisor: Laura Parsons Kiwanis Advisor: Bill Ragsdale

Sandy High School: President: Madie Smith Vice President: Rachel Hansen Secretary: Moriah Shay Treasurer: Molly Nutt Bulletin Editor: Grace Knapp Faculty Advisor: Karissa Towse Kiwanis Advisor: JJ Anderson Kiwanis Advisor: Kimberley Nelson

33 16



Governor Trang Tran

Roshni Chandwani



District Secretary Hakikat Bains



District Administrator John Jay

District Treasurer Eric Grewal



Assistant District Admin Tom Saunders

District Bulletin Editor Sara Thomas



Finance Administrator Kevin Buyer

Convention Chair Denny Lim



DIVISION 66 EXECUTIVE BOARD Lieutenant Governor: Emilee Huey Clackamas High School Emeehuey1521@gmail.com Cell: (503) 701-4321

Divisional Editor: Brian Le Clackamas High School lebrian92@gmail.com Cell: (503) 407-4084


Thank You for Reading

“The Giraffe Press” 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS

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