The Giraffe Press - Division 66 - Volume 5 Issue 1: April Edition

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Message from your Lieutenant Governor, Reanna Le! HEY GIRAFFES HOW DO YOU FEEL??

Contact Info E: P: (503) 380-7430 About Reanna Le Clackamas HS Class of 2018 (Junior)

Favorites: Service Event: Winter Rage Color: Red Food: Chicken Wings Drink: Taro Boba Tea Chocolate: Kit Kats Movie: Fast and Furious series

You’ll find me… Binge watching shows like Grey’s Anatomy, The Flash, and Prison Break Spending too much money on food and boba

Hello my name is Reanna Le and I’m your 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor! I’d like to start off by saying thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity. Without your support, I would never be able to call myself the Lieutenant Governor of the best division in the Pacific Northwest District. From your vote to elect me to coming up to me at District Convention to wish me the best of luck on my term, you guys really are the best! As I enter my fourth, and final year apart of this organization I call home, I just want to say that it’s been an amazing 3 years. Ever since October 2014, when I paid that $18 membership fee, I embarked on a journey, that has changed my life. Key Club has given me opportunities to make new friends from around the PNW district and help kids around the world 1 penny at a time through the Eliminate Project and Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program. I thank this wonderful organization for building me as person, and helping me create 3 years of unforgettable memories. In the coming year, I hope to give back to our amazing division by not only growing bonds between all 9 clubs but by helping YOU make the most of your Key Club experience because it really does pass by fast. With all that said, Division 66 Giraffes, you’ve just embarked on a 12 month adventure, that ends at DCON 2018. Between now and then, I hope to meet every single one of you at a DCM, service event or a meeting. Until then, don’t hesitate to Facebook message, email, or text me to introduce yourself! Go Giraffes! In Care and Service,

Reanna Le

Coming soon… Divisional Executive Board Messages Are you passionate about serving your home, school, and community? Would you like to work alongside the Lieutenant Governor and serve the best division in the PNW district? Do you possess the Division 66 Giraffe spirit? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should apply to be Division 66’s next Executive Assistant and Divisional Editor! I’m looking for two spirited, and passionate giraffes for my board to assist me in bringing Division 66 to greater heights. Are you qualified? Then click on the giraffes below to apply for Division 66’s Executive Board today!

Goodbye Lieutenant Governor Brian has always supported me as a Key Clubber, but most importantly, as a friend. He inspires me almost everyday to be stronger and more driven. I am more than happy to know that he will be PNW’s next district treasurer. Brian’s dedication, persistence, and passion always stirs up something magical and I can’t wait to see him continue to grow and flourish everyday. – Elizabeth Prasansouk,

I’ve been honored to know Brian Nguyen these past 3 years. I think Brian stepped out of his comfort zone when taking on his position as Lt.G. But I knew he’d be an awesome leader in our division. He was a great officer in his very active Key Club and I knew he’d excel even more as a Lt.G for Division 66. I am super proud of all that he’s accomplished and I am sure he will soar as PNW Key Club’s District Treasurer. He leads by example and gains respect by all who work with and for him. – Laura Parsons

Servant Leader describes Brian perfectly. He not only leads but does it best as he serves in Key Club and Kiwanis. I am so proud of Brian as our Lt.G and I know he will serve us well as District Treasurer. – Jerry Deas

Nothing can express how much I’m in disbelief. You started off as a hermit crab when we met 6 years ago. Now you’re like a dolphin – all social, flamboyant, and more (or less) mature. Good luck on d-treas bro. – Maggie Wu

Brian has helped our club grow so much; always able to provide answers to our questions and he doesn’t hesitate to help at all. One of the most sweetest, helpful and funny kiddos out there! Down to earth af and I wouldn’t have known what to do if he wasn’t right her e by my side this past term – Jessica Pham

Brian is one of those people who is somehow able to have a massive variety of friends and actually be close to ever single one of them. I don’t know if I should credit his charisma or his dance moves, but surely he’s the type of person we want to see leading others, and I’m super excited to see what he has in store for Key Club this term. – Jawan Ali

I remember meeting Brian my junior year, Brian le asked him to be in a video we wanted to enter for the video contest, and he said yes. We filmed at my house and at first, I thought he was pretty quiet and kept to himself, but as I got to know him over the years, I saw him outgoing self shine everyday and of course, his humor that makes me roll my eyes sometimes. As my Executive Assistant , he always asked if there was anything he could help with and did not hesitate to ask any questions He committed to the tasks that were presented and he did them thoroughly and well. He is willing to dedicate his time to solve issues and stay in our seemingly endless Skype call meetings. I’m so proud to call him my innie, and I can’t wait to see how he will improve the Pacific Northwest District Key Club as District Treasurer this upcoming year. I love you Brian! – Bailey Chen

Brian served Division 66 well as Lt. Governor. Brian will be a senior next year and wanted to continue to serve Key Club, so he ran for District Treasurer. Kiwanis Area administrators can not have favorites and we don’t vote, but like you, when a home sport team wins, you secretly smile. Thank you Brian, for having the willingness and ability to serve and the courage to run. It has been fun watching you mature into the qualified, trustworthy, energetic, friendly, and thoughtful man you are. It will be an amazing year for you. – Mel Adams

From the day we asked you to be the star of our Key Club promo video, I knew trouble was stirring. I am so proud of how far you have gone and how much you have grown since I met you as a freshman. Not only are you friendly and approachable, but also you are hard working, thoughtful, and genuine. Have the greatest term as DT and know that you always have a couch to sleep on in the summer! Keep doing you, grandson . – Brian Le

It’s been crazy knowing you since elementary school and watching the amazing things you’ve accomplished! I’m really looking forward to working with you throughout the year. – Karla Leung

It's been a pleasure working with you this past term. You are a leader that always works hard to ensure that everyone is included. Thank you for always maintaining strong contact with Reynolds and congratulations! I know you will do great this term and I can't wait to see your accomplishments! – Laura Molina

During my time as President at Gladstone, I had the pleasure of working with Brian. When I first took office, our club was very uninvolved with the entire division, but Brian always made sure to include us in events and constantly kept us up to date. He did this by emailing us monthly newsletters, and make sure our small school got represented. Many times our club would encounter issues that the officers and I were unable to find a way to work around, but luckily all I would have to do was send Brian a text. He also acted as a mediator when officers were having issues, and my attention was called away to class officer duties. It is with a heavy heart that I have to say goodbye to an amazing, Lieutenant Governor, mediator, and ultimately, friend. – Kobie Arnold

Brian is my giraffe dad and I love him – Austin Sayachith

Hello District Treasurer

W h e r e : Oregon Convention center W h e n : March 31st – April 2 nd , 2017 D i v i s i o n a l A t t e n d a n c e : 81 Giraffes

I want to go to DCON next year! – Allen Li I took an L by not going to DCON this year – David Sanchez Perez

Division 66 DCON Recap


On March 2017, over 1900 Key Clubbers, gathered in Portland, Oregon, at the Oregon Convention Center to celebrate their year of service with those who are just as passionate as they are for serving their home, school, and community. The giraffes of Division 66 started off their DCON experience by maxing to the Oregon Convention Center with their clubs. It was when they walked through the doors of the OCC that the fun weekend had begun. They were all greeted by a group of Lieutenant Governors and I, as we chanted “welcome to convention we’re really glad you came 68th annual is gonna insane”. The giraffes then made their way to the meet and greet, where they played icebreakers, dance dance revolution or went through an inflatable obstacle course. Afterwards all 1900 Key Clubbers, gathered as opening session began. It was here that we saw all the light sabers and bambams in the air, the constant chanting of divisions trying to win the spirit stick, as well as guest speakers like Aiden Kim and Chris James. After opening session, we went to caucusing, where the candidates for Executive Office, gave a speech, and answered questions from members. The day ended around midnight, as everyone made their way back to their hotels, waiting for elevators or giving up and going up many flights of stairs. On April 1st, we started the day off with a breakfast and a mega forum with guest speaker, The White Hatter. Afterwards, everyone attended a variety of forums from how to get a date to procrastination pros. By the evening, all the giraffes went back to their hotels to change into semi-formal attire as they prepared for closing session and the Governors Ball. It was here in which the old District Board retired and a new one was installed. Division 66 screamed their hearts out as we chanted for our IP Lieutenant Governor, Brian Nguyen, as he was inducted as the 2017-2018 District Treasurer. After closing session, all 1900+ Key Clubbers gathered and danced the night away at the Governors Ball, ending the memorable weekend on the dance floor. Everyone made their way back to the hotel once again, as they said goodbye to DCON 2017. With all that said, don’t forget to mark your calendars for March 15-18th, 2018! You surely don’t want to be sitting at home, watching everyone’s snapchat story, when you can be at District Convention 2018 too! Hope to see you there!

DCON 2017 was my first DCON and I’m so happy I decided to go. I attended super interesting forums like “Better Leadership” and “How to get a date” and met Key Clubbers from all over the PNW district. I left with amazing memories and can’t wait for DCON 2018! GO GIRAFFES! – Brenda Ramirez-Sanchez

DCON was a great experience for me and all of my friends that went with me. My favorite part was going to all of the forums with great the great speakers. It was a great experience and I'm definitely coming to the next one!- Jaden price

After two other DCONS, this one was the best. When I got to the opening ceremony, the spirit in the room overwhelmed me, spirit battle after spirit battle. The last moments of DCON was the most exciting as my close friend, B Nguyen , was elected District Treasurer and made me scream “Hey Key Clubbers, how do you feel” one last time. – Artthew Ng

My final DCON this year was bitter sweet. I’m really gonna miss the fun and meeting all the Key Clubbers around the Pacific North West. Thank you to the convention team for throwing another awesome DCON! – Patrick Le

DCON was an incredible experience. It is the only place where I can feel such love and passion to serve others. And at the end of the day, it felt like a huge family excited for all we’ve accomplished. – Jasmine Teeny

Going to DCON 2017 was a huge leap for my club as this was the first year that we have sent anyone there. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, however upon arriving I was welcomed with hugs and smiles and I can say from the bottom of my heart I loved the entire experience - Amanda Hendrickson

Dmitri Saberi District Governor Pacific Northwest District Key Club International

(509) 715-7475

My name is Dmitri Saberi, and I am so honored and excited to be serving as your 2017-2018 District Governor. Key Club is an organization that is not just capable of creating incredible opportunities- it is capable of changing lives. I have definitely had a life-changing three years of service, and am looking forward to another amazing year! Through my experience as a member, Lieutenant Governor, and now, a District Governor, I have gotten the opportunity to see Key Club from several different angles. What all those perspectives had in common was their focus: making a positive impact on those around us. My core plan as District Governor is centered around that, and I hope that we can create that impact as a District this year. But throughout my term, please keep in my mind that I am also a member just like you. Never hesitate to shoot me a text, email, or message with questions, concerns, or if you just want to talk! I am always here for you all, and one of the most rewarding parts of Key Club for me is connecting with you guys. Thanks so much, and I look forward to seeing you, talking to you, and working with you throughout the year! In love and service, Dmitri Saberi

Ashley Villanueva District Secretary Pacific Northwest District Key Club International (253) 347-6676

My name is Ashley Villanueva and I am both humbled and honored to be serving as your District Secretary for the 2017-2018 service year. Key Club has given hundreds of thousands of high schoolers across the globe the opportunity to be a part of a something much greater than they thought—the largest student-led service organization in the world. Because of this, we have all been impacted through the power of service. And this is what motivates me to not only serve you as a District Board member, but to connect, assist, and relate to you in any way possible! As I am entering my last year in Key Club, I hope to utilize my past experiences as club vice president and lieutenant governor, to the best of my ability while serving as District Secretary by increasing the bonds, communication, and voices heard around the district, while simultaneously being the support system to secretaries and ultimately the members. It may seem daunting to think about the “Executive Board” and the hierarchy of Key Club, but honestly, no title or position will define how we are all a part of the 270,000+ members in Key Club International. Keeping this in mind, you will hear or see this a lot by supposed “higher-ups”, but we really do mean it when we say to not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Reach me through text, email, social media, or snail mail! Thank you for reading! I look forward to working with the rest of the District Board to ensure that you have a fun and successful service year. In caring and service, Ashley Villanueva

Brian Nguyen District Treasurer Pacific Northwest District Key Club International

(503) 954-5855

Kaho Otake District Editor Pacific Northwest District Key Club International

(425) 221-7269

My name is Brian Nguyen and I am thrilled to be serving as your District Treasurer for the 2017-2018 Key Club term. I can’t wait to connect with all of you and bring our district to greater heights! Some of my goals for this term is to continue serving our communities and increase communication with you, the members, to ensure financial transparency. I hope to educate and update you all through my quarterly Treasurer Snapshots, which will have information that will help you increase your club’s financial success. This will be my fourth and final year in Key Club. Before serving as District Treasurer, I was honored to have the opportunity to serve as a Lieutenant Governor and Divisional Executive Assistant. The most important thing I’ve learned during my Key Club journey is that the members are the core of our district, and assisting you in anyway possible will continue to keep us as the Pacific NorthBEST! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk, feel free to contact me at any time. In the end, I’m just another Key Clubber who’s eager to serve the community and meet new people! In care and service, Brian Nguyen

My name is Kaho Otake (Yes, it does start with K, just like Key Club) and I am beyond honored and humbled to be serving as your 2017-2018 District Editor! While I may not be a familiar face to everyone, I, along with rest of the Executive Board, am Proud N’ Willing to Serve each and every one of you. For the past three years, Key Club has been a central part of my life: it taught me the value of service, perseverance through obstacles, and commitment to a cause. This year, my goal is to connect I, myself, to U, through inviting, informing, inspiring, and uniting all members. I can't wait give the attention and publicity that the Espresso deserves, and I hope you are just as excited. You can usually find me at Key Club events, camera in hand - so, don’t hesitate to say hi! In Love and Service, Kaho Otake

Meet your 2017-2018 PNW D

AYN: Nicholas Aspelund AYS: Andrew Lear 9: Cody Hawley 13/15/17: Lily Du 18: Sophie Choi 19/36: Maileca Gontinas 20i: Michael Lym 20m: Kevin Bui

21: Andrew Baek 22/24: Ryan Sun 26: Nhu Nguyen 27: Abbey Kim 28: Heliqiong Sun 30: Crystal Choi 32: Tera Chea 33: Yuri Yi

34: Kevin Tran 35: Casey Braa 38: Ingrid Redf 42C: Nicolas Sc 42V: Alina Mirg 44: Ishu Poudya 45: Jinhee Kwa 46: Benjamin S Rooney

District Lieutenant Governors

aten ford chaelling gorodskaya al ak Sailand-

48: Ryan Sorensson 52: Aryana Villafuerte 54: Mackenzie Dotta 56: Jane Tang 58: Mikena Loutherback 62: Erica Luu 34: Ava Eucker 65E: Julia Dayton

65W: Deepak Vijay 66: Reanna Le 70: Brandon Orick 74: Maisey Schering 80: Yulisa Cardenas 82: Molly Bloom
































April DCM: Awards Banquet Divisional Executive Board Applications Due

Secretary Reports Due



Secretary Report









The Dalles









Sam Barlow





Editor Report








10 10

10 0













How to get bonus points


Attend another division’s event (20) Connect with the other parts of the K-Family (35) Fundraise for KCCP (40) Bring someone to their first DCM (5) Create a (good) chant for our Division (5)

Thank you for reading!

Reanna Le | E: P: (503) 380-7430

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