WHEN: September 15th, 2024 (Sunday)
WHERE: Six Flags Over Georgia
WHAT: Listen to Keynote Speakers, get officer/member training, meet new people and gain leadership skills!
Full admission $70 will cover all the ticket, meal, parking and conference! Season pass holders get a reduced price.
https://www.gakeyclub .org/gltc
GLTC Website (Itinerary included) Pay by check
https://form.jotform.co m/242407352486155
GLTC is one of the biggest event of the Key Club term, open to all High School students and Kiwanis Family Members! Don’t miss a great opportunity to listen to inspiring speeches, get trained for further Key Club year, enjoy Six Flags with your friends while being involved in Key Club!
https://form.jotform.com/241994581950165 Register with the link below!
DCM is Key Club acronym of Division Council Meeting! Our second Division Council Meeting will be held on the day of the GLTC, September 15th.
I am hoping to also open the online option for the members and officers that were not able to attend GLTC. The presentation used for the officer/member training will be also sent out as well, so please look forward for the further email that includes the google meet link & presentation!
At this point, your club should have already conducted the officer election for the new board. Creating a strong board is crucial for rest of the year.
If your club successfully held elections, please make sure to fill out the Officer Information Form for next term. This is due September 15th.
Clubs should edit Membership Update Center with new member information, please update the information from the previous term. MUC opens September 9th.
All clubs must submit Officer Information Form aside from MUC. Submit the form before September 15th.
Officer Information Form:
http://www.keyclub.org/muc Membership Update Center: https://www.gakeyclub.org/officerinfo
Secretaries and Faculty Advisors, please remember to submit the Monthly Report Form due every 5th of the month, until the end of the term! Submitting this form will help the District stay up to date with all our clubs and collect data.
Once you submit this form, you will receive an email with your responses. If your club has a sponsoring Kiwanis club, please forward this email to their secretary, and please also utilize the data to fill out the Annual Achievement Report.
Please communicate with your club board to fill out this form, since it will be a crucial data for the club itself and for the district throughout the term!
2024-2025 Georgia District Monthly Report Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw5k9pqfv ANNzLhmQJ7iV F8rG1uYV6bYIPUm572YisoX2IA/viewform
Example of Annual Achievement Report:
By District Governor Annamaya Kanu
District Projects Committee has voted to continue supporting GSYH, setting a goal of $20,000 contribution directly to the organization. Learn more about GSYH in the link below!
Igniting Literacy is a state-wide service project for Georgia Key Club members to raise awareness of youth literacy rates. The initiative works towards building Little Libraries, organizes book drives and implement programs such as Ferst Readers.
Governor's Project Participation Recognition
Erica’s lighthouse is a nonprofit organization that is working towards to break down the stigma surrounding mental health. Join and participate on Suicide Prevention Week starting from September 8th through 14th to change conversation about mental health!
By District Governor Annamaya Kanu
The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for good stanging Key Clubs / members from Kiwanis International Foundation. Clubs will be able to apply for YOF for service project support.
Requirements to qualify for a grant:
FIll a need within your community (complete community needs assessment)
Support activities within at least one Kiwanis Children’s Fund cause area: health, education, or youth leadership development. Spend the grant money within 12 months of when the grant is awarded.
First cycle application must be received by October 15th @ 11:59 PM, but there is always chance to apply for the second cycle which is due March 1st. Good standing clubs mean dues-paid club (Early bird or Regular). Clubs may request funding assistance randing anywhere from US$250 to US$2000.
By District Governor Annamaya Kanu
Global Leadership Certificate is a program Key Club members could take to learn about the traditional & in-demand skills such as emotional intelligence, empathy and resilliency. Work at your own pace and strengthen your leadership skills! Take the course on:
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is an annual fundrasing campagine by Key Club, supporting UNICEF projects. During the entire month of October, Trickor-Treat for UNICEF encourage any age to participate on raising funds & awareness to help UNICEF keep children healthy, educated and protected. Learn and be prepared for Trick-or-Treat Season:
By District Secretary-Treasure Sarah Kim
New clubs are always welcome! As a reminder, there is a $400 chartering fee (includes member/advisor material) for a newly chartered club. Newly chartered clubs will NOT pay their dues for that year, and Kiwanis club can request a grant from the past Lt. Governors Association covering $200.
Find grant requenst on:
https://slp-chartering.kiwanis.org/ https://www.georgiakiwanis.com/past-ltgovernors-association.html
And send it to dbrilling@avchears.org
Learn more about online chartering:
Inactive clubs should pay a $100 reactivation fee in addition to the dues. Make sure to mail the fees and also to fill out the Petition for Reactivation! Petition for Reactivation: https://www.keyclub.org/resources/petition-forreactivation/
By District Secretary-Treasure Sarah Kim
Suspended clubs can always reactivate and continue the Key Club journey. Create a spereadsheet with information from each new member (such as first and last name, email address, grad year). Make sure to add the note to delete exsisting member so that those members doesn’t get billed.
Remember to calculate the dues owed. Using the dues information, determine the total amount of dues and request an invoice. Email the roster information to memberservices@kiwanis.org.
Identify the club with the club name and ID number on the check along with the roster sending it to Key Club headquarter. Kiwanis International PO Box 6069 Dept 123
By District Secretary-Treasure Sarah Kim
Due to dues increasement amendement that was passed last ICON 2024, members will now be paying $10 to Key Club International in addition to the $7 to the Georgia DIstrict. Any other fee that is left after $17 will go to individual club. Please notice your club and decide how much you will charge the members, and aim for the early bird submission (highly recommended). Due season is approaching very fast, so please start of receiving the dues as fast as you can aiming for early bird submission!
Due Deadline:
Early Bird (recommended): November 1st, 2024
Regular: December 1st, 2024
Late: February 1st, 2025
By District Bulletin Editor Kimberly Pacheco-Medina
Keyosk is GA district’s online planform in which clubs/board members have opportunity to share experiences and information about variety of topics.
Key Club members and advisors are welcome to submit a 100-300 word article including graphics to be featured on GA Keyosk Publication. These articles can be over anything related to Key Club! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcFcSLMiDU6blC-cqY2FUpERWkytjNC 3hD1YzqZfzRoveA/viewform Submit the article with link:
Please remember that clubs are available to tag @gakeyclub on instagram to get featured for amazing idea & service! https://www.instagram.com/gakeyclub/ @gakeyclub
https://www.tiktok.com/@gakeyclub https://www.facebook.com/gakeyclub/ Find Georgia Key Club in these Socialls:
By International Trustee Arianna Lee
https://keyclubintmy.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/alee keyclub org/ESQuQr3fumhOl Cq98EyEctAB8RhTYzqmgBt6UQz7pyba1g
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