October, 2014
Issue # 6
The Spots Inside Title ……………………………………………… 1 Table Of Contents …………………………… 2 Introduction …….………………………..……. 3 Trick Or Treat for Unicef………………………...4 Movie Night…………………………………..…5
Key Clubbers....................................................6 Important Information and Help.….…..…7-8 Contact Information…………….………..…..9
Hello Fellow Lady Bugs! Fellow Lady Bugs, I hope all of you are passing your classes. I also hope you have told your friends to join key club. Hopefully, all of your sport seasons have been great so far. Now, school has been in session for a month or so, this is a great time for me to get to know all of you. It is easier to visit your schools now that we actually have school. I hope to get to visit every school within the next month. Also, remember that this month is trick or treat for unicef. Get as many of your friends together and help raise money. This is a great time to help those around you and have fun. I hope all of you have a great month! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me. In Caring Love and Service, Division 80 Lieutenant Governor
Karla J. Bedolla Karla Bedolla
Movie Night
Last month I wanted to have a movie night but that was not possible. With Cross Country I had a hard time finding a date, but I would really like to have a movie night this month. Please send me any dates that can work for you as well as times. I will makes sure to find a venue that is suitable. Bring any kinds of snack to share with the rest of your fellow key clubbers. This will be a great opportunity to develop friendships as well as deepen those already created.
Key Clubbers of The Month This month there was no nomination for a key clubber of the month. Please, email me who you thing is worthy of this award and should be recognized. As I mentioned in the last newsletter you guys all deserves this award which is why all of you did receive this award. Hopefully, for my next newsletter I will be able to put one of your names on it. Please e-mail me anyone who you think deserves to be recognized and let me know why they deserve to be recognized.
Help! Key Clubbers we need to get down to business we still need to decide on a new mascot! We also need to train our officers as soon as possible. Also, there are still clubs missing there contact information so please get this to me as soon as possible. It is important for better communication. Remember to tell you friends that it is not to late to join! Please try to get as many people as you can so our division can grow. If there are any questions or concerns remember I am here to serve all of you. Feel free to contact me I will be glad to answer any of your questions.
Dates to Know 1. Secretary Reports are due the first of every month. 2. Officer contact due as soon as possible please 3. Vice President reports due the first of every month. 4. President Reports due the first of every month. 5. DCM will be held October 25th, 2014 at Dairy Queen.
Contact Information If there are any questions or concerns please contact me. Sincerely, Your New LTG Karla Bedolla E-mail:karlabedollaltg@gmail.com Phone: 541-720-5109 District Governor Lisa Antonio lisaantonio.dgov@gmail.com District Secretary Ik Hoon Jung ijungpnwsec@gmail.com District Treasurer Aneesh Pappu apappu97@gmail.com District Editor Jenny Zhang editorjennyzhang@gmail.com