New York District Key Club Division 9 June Newsletter 2012-2013

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To The Nines! June Newsletter-Volume 1, Issue 2

Table Of Contents Page 3: LTG Greeting Page 4: Introduction of Division Officers Page 6: Upcoming Events & ICON Page 7: Final Remarks from Helen Chen Page 9: A Senior’s Farewell Page 12: Service Spotlights Page 13: Major Emphasis Project Page 14: International Projects and Programs Page 16: About Me Page 17: Photos Page 20: Paperwork Status Chart and Word Search Page 21: Contact Information

Greetings to my fellow Division 9 members! If you don’t know me, my name is Helen Wong and I am your Lieutenant Governor (LTG) for the 2012-2013 term. If you do know me, my name is still Helen and I am still your LTG. All jokes aside, I plan to take my term very seriously. My divisional officers and I have planned numerous volunteer events and hangouts for the summer. I will be giving out more information as the dates come closer so I suggest that everyone please keep their summers free for us! Make sure you keep on participating in our events! I organize these things just as an excuse to hang out with you guys. Don’t fail me! The summer is a perfect time for our division as a whole to reconnect with each other and appear as a unified group in front of incoming members. This summer will be all about strengthening bonds. You may not realize it, but the more events you go to, the more memories you all share and unconsciously, you strengthen and build more bonds. I hope that by the end of this summer, the majority of the members will think of key club as their second family. It’s time to spend more time with each other! Yours in the Spirit of Service, Helen Wong LTG of Division 9 2012-2013

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Asia Wynn and no, I'm not Asian. Though I am a senior at Midwood H.S. who's smart and dedicated, I absolutely love to have fun. I've been known to be quite the comedian but in all seriousness my ultimate goal is to troll the world, and it all starts with you guys! JK! But I really want this year to be one of the most successful ones of the district and with Helen in office with fresh new ideas, it’s sure to be one. For the fall term, some ideas that I thought of to get the year started included a Key Club game night held at all of the District 9 schools, maybe a musical production put together by the division, and my favorite, the annual Polar Bear Plunge (possibly . . . Its FREEZING COLD!). I'm so happy to be a proud member of the Kiwanis Club and can't wait for the exciting year ahead of us! Yours in the Spirit of Service, Asia Wynn Executive Assistant of Division 9 2012-2013

Hello Division 9 Key Clubbers! My name is Stephanie Cherng and I am your new Divisional Secretary for the service year of 2012-2013. I am a student at Midwood High School. I look forward to working with each and everyone one of you to succeed in every obstacle that Key Club has to offer. It is such an honor to be your Divisional Secretary and I hope to see many smiling faces in events to come. There are three undermining themes in Key Club-diligence, integrity, and passion that we all as key clubbers have. With those three things we can promote kindness and virtue, not just for our community but also for society and the world. In many key club events there have been many imponderable moments to whether or not we, as an ensemble, could reach every goal there is to break. We have broken many records as Key Club and will continue to break more. But besides that point, I hope that this year will be the most memorable and fun for you guys! I hope to meet new people and see many people show up to events with happiness and determination. This summer will be a great way to bond with one another and learn more of what each Key Clubber has to offer and make friendships! I love you Division 9, stay beautiful and of course be kind to one another! Have a great summer!

Yours in the Spirit of Service, Stephanie Cherng Secretary of Division 9 2012-2013

Upcoming Events and ICON There are a whole bunch of events for you guys this summer! Not only will our division have events but our neighboring divisions will also join us for possible fundraisers! Keep your schedule free for your Key Club Family! June June 28th- Beach Hangout at Manhattan Beach July July 1st-8th- ICON July 27th- Prospect Park Restoration August Officers’ Divisional-TBD Some Events in Planning Karaoke Fundraiser with Division 10 Pool fundraiser with Division 10 A second beach hangout at Coney Island Beach Hangouts at Prospect Park ICON As you all know, ICON is the international convention for Key Club. It allows key clubbers from all over the world to get together and to share ideas, meet people and to reconnect. This year ICON will be held at Orlando, Florida. What I expect at ICON is key club in its most concentrated form. All of these members from all over the world gathered in one place will be sure to create mass presentations of key club spirit and unity. I look forward to spending a week of quality time with my board members and to find some new friends!

(More) Final Remarks from Helen Chen Greetings to all of my fellow Division 9 Key Clubbers! My name is Helen Chen and I am the immediate-past Lieutenant Governor of Division 9. I’m a graduating senior and soon-tobe Key Club Alumni. I’ve been a proud Key Club member for 3 years. Throughout the years, I’ve learn quite a lot about Key Club. It wasn’t about making keys. It wasn’t about earning service credits, hours, or making my college application “look” good; it was about our community. The joy of completing 6.2 miles in the AIDs walk or roughly 3 hours of selling peanuts was enough for me to realize the true meaning of serving our home, school, and community. When I first started my term as the Lieutenant Governor, I was worried whether I will become a disappointing or a satisfactory leader. From a quiet girl in the corner to a woman in the center of attention was a great deal of pressure to handle; especially when you have 20 or more officers and hundreds of key clubbers looking up to you. It was the dedication and commitment from my officers and members that kept me going. YOU GUYS (and gals) made Division 9 stronger than ever. YOU’RE the reason why Key Club is running for over 80 years. And I want to thank YOU for making Key Club the best student-led organization in the world. I have to admit, at times, I really just want to slack-off and sleep all day. I would like to ignore all the Key Club events and just eat like a pig. However, I can’t do that. The moment I swore to complete my duties to the fullest potential in LTC 2011 and paid the $12 dues back in September, was a one-year commitment that I have to complete for Key Club. Even in the summer, I was busy looking for events to attend. Helen’s word of encouragement: Don’t slack off during the summer. Even though you’re more prone to become a procrastinator, try to go out and join some Key Club events! Key Club is ALL-YEAR round. It is important for you to stay active all four seasons, even DURING the summer. I want to take this chance to thank all of my officers. I know I am a pain in the neck (so were you), but it was a pleasure to work with all of you. You are my KEY to success. Without you, there won’t be me or Division 9. So thank you, merci, gracias, grazie, ありがとう, 감사합니다, 謝謝, for everything you’ve done for Division 9 and for your club. I apologize for all the pressure and stress I gave you. I am grateful to meet all of you through Key Club and get to know most of you guys. I wish you best of luck in the future and enjoy college life! (Don’t party too hard, even though I know you will!). Key Club gave me the most rewarding experience that I could ever have in my entire life. Did I ever regret joining Key Club? No. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Key Club, I wouldn’t have meet the most interesting and amazing people in my life. I was able to meet my close friends (whom I know I will definitely stay in contact in the future). I became a confident and stronger person because of Key Club. All I can say is: I LOVE YOU KEY CLUB! AND I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER AND EVER!

Lastly, I want to thank Mr. Gioia, our Kiwanis Committee Representative. He gave me hard-core life lessons that even my parents wouldn’t give me. My year of experience with him gave me some real insights about the real world and about life. Thank you Grandpa Gioia, our memories together will be forever engraved in my heart. I had fun teasing you! My last and final words to all of my Key Clubbers: MAY ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR! And keep serving till the end! Yours in Service, Helen Chen Immediate-Past Lieutenant Governor Division 9 2011-2012

A Senior’s Farewell It’s the last month of the school year, so some of our graduating key club members would like to say a few words to all of the members. Farewell to my fellow Key Clubbers! Although I won’t be with you, I’m sure that you’ll be fine without me as you’ve always been. Just the thought alone, that you are a Key Clubber makes me feel at rest because I know for a fact that you’re on the right path. Remember the benevolent acts that you’ve committed as a Key Clubber and continue to transcend from any challenge. As cliché as it may sound at times, you are making a difference. Keep up the good work! From, Gary Chung Edward R. Murrow High School Key Club President of 2011-2012

Key Club has been the center of my school life for three years now and I wouldn't have had it any other way. As my club at Midwood High School grew and progressed, it helped me grow into a leader that was ready for anything ahead in life. I joined like many for the credits but once I saw the impact we have on so many lives I wanted to do more. With the help of my friends, fellow key clubbers and teachers, our club expanded beyond belief. It may sound corny but we became a family that worked together and occasionally fought. Personally my favorite part was seeing members do work but have fun at the same time. I hope all the new officers and members see that although the recognition is amazing the main focus is how many people they can help. Key Club had become a part of my life and with senior year coming to an end it was time to pass the club to the six new officers. With the paperwork done, it was a bittersweet moment to graduate from an organization that has taken up space not only in my room but also in my heart. To the four officers in my club, Natalya Romanyak, Samuel Rubinstein, Doris Goldych and Victor To I just want to say you guys were amazing, thank you for keeping me sane and helping me with everything that went on. Also if it wasn't for the help of our advisor, Mr. White, Mr. Gioia, Helen Chen and the other Division 9 clubs, we would have never done as much as we did this year. Thank you for giving me such a great three years and I hope to be back and see the wonderful progress being done next year. Good luck to the new officers and Helen Wong I have faith that you will make next year the best Division 9 year ever! Sincerely, Rebecca Khaimova Midwood Club President 2011-2012

Hey Division 9! I am Brooklyn Tech Key Club’s (Immediate Past) 2011-2012 President Jim Chan. I would like to take this opportunity to officially say my thank you’s & goodbyes to you guys for making my year as President (and four years as a Key Clubber), phenomenal. My first kudos go to all the amazing club officers out there! I would especially like to give shout-outs to some club Presidents! Dewey President Lauren, it was just a few months ago that I called you Laura (instead of Lauren) and you got pretty mad at me. LOL But things turned out much better, as we got to know each other. Keep your head held up high in all your Key Club plans and endeavors in life. Lincoln President Ashani, Props to you for a great two-term presidency! I remember at the Division 9 Beach Hangout, when you shared some of your home-made special hot sauce onto my burger or hotdog—that was delicious! You are a great griller! Good luck and have fun in college. Madison President Leo, Thank you for coming to the Coney Island Beach Clean-up, hosted by Tech! At first, I didn’t know who you were and thought you were stealing the equipment. (Probably cause of your height!) You will always be there to say “OMG—its’ JIM CHAN” when I’m around. I’ll miss that! You will do well in whatever plans you have for the future! Midwood President Rebecca, It was fun doing service projects with your club at the Neighborhood clean-up and other events. It was also great that we share the same Sponsoring Kiwanis club; Good luck in all that you do! Murrow President Gary, You are probably the weirdest, funniest, and the most awesome out of all the officers. I remember IM-ing you before we even met in person and sharing stories about our club officers (good ones of course!) and heading to the interdivisional, bothering Helen LOL. And we still talk to each other about whatever: college, life, prom, Kelly, etc. You are a jokester but still a deep person (LOL @ your poems) and I have no doubt you will do BIG things at Buffalo! Stay out of trouble and hmu anytime! P.S. When are you going to hook me up with some discounted Ray-Ban glasses? My next set of thank-you’s go to ALL the Division 9 Key Clubbers who supported Tech’s Division 9 Neighborhood Clean-Up and Division 9 Bowling Fundraiser. It was great meeting all of you at these events and at the Fall Rally and Divisionals! And of course, my lovely LTG, Helen Chen! As a two-term club officer, I have seen the major changes in spirit, enthusiasm and excitement Division 9 has developed under your strong leadership. You are truly an inspiration for others and I wish you all the successes in life! Perhaps we will meet again in Circle K! I HOPE SO <3 Finally, to my home club officers, committee leaders, and members—the greatest reward of being your President is seeing the smiles on your faces after service projects, seeing your shared enthusiasm for Key Club, and seeing the way you have grown into mature, responsible adults. I love all of you; Stay strong and continue to make me proud! It’s been great serving Brooklyn Tech Key Club in the mighty Division 9. With that said, I would like to give my final goodbyes and wish Helen Wong a successful new service year! Yours Always in Service, Jim Chan Key Club President 2011-2012 Key Club Treasurer 2010-2011 Brooklyn Technical High School


Hello! My name is Jason Li and I am an official member of KEY Club (Kiwanis Educates Youth Club). I have joined Key Club since early September of 2011 and have been a member since. When I first heard of key club I thought the clubs’ purpose was to make keys. We all did make keys, we made keys to success and to a brighter future. I have enjoyed my overall experience this year along with my other fellow members in key club. I attended key club events, whether it is a meeting, a divisional, walks, or other group activities. Not only did I meet other people in key club whom I can call my peers, I met great role models that have the leadership skills to lead others. Those people were the officers of key club. They welcomed new key clubbers with open arms and walked them through the process of what you do in key club and the purpose for it. Some of the evens I went to were the AIDS walks, Walk Now for Autism Speaks, Sean Casey Animal Rescue, and much, much more! Thank you key club for this great experience I had this year! Sincerely, Jason Li

“You have a brain in your head. You have feet

My Message To You: Congratulations to the seniors of key club! Thank you all for sticking through with this until the very end. You guys are the perfect members any LTG could wish for. You guys are the future leaders of tomorrow. May Key Club influence your journey wherever you may go. We’ll always be here waiting for you, arms outstretched, just in case you want to come back and visit. Please keep in touch! The end of high school doesn’t mean the end of key club! You’ll be, forever and always, a member of NEW YORK DISTRICT DIVISION 9 KEY CLUB!

“Don’t cry because it’s

in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any

over. Smile because it

direction you choose. You’re on your own. And


you know what to do. And YOU are the one

-Dr. Seuss

who’ll decide where to go…”

-Dr. Seuss

Service Spotlight Brooklyn Technical High School Special Olympics On May 20th, Brooklyn Tech Key Club, BETA and NHS members came together to cheer on the participants at Special Olympics. Special Olympics is an event for people with intellectual disabilities and this event allows them to have fun. Participants ran against each other and did many events while members timed them and gave out awards. It was a very hot and sunny day but seeing all of the happy faces and hearing people's laughter, I know that everyone had a great time. It was amazing to see how one small action of ours can make someone's day. Thank you to everyone who came out and made a difference in someone's life!

Major Emphasis Project Our Major Emphasis Project is “Children. Their Future. Our Focus.” This is a project that helps unify Key Club by focusing on one topic: the children. Many of our international partner organizations are to benefit children, such as March of Dimes and UNICEF. There are plenty of ways key club members can help support our main cause! 1. Keep on Doing What You’re Doing! Most of the things you do benefit children, directly or indirectly. Cleaning up beaches and parks give children a clean place to play and sending supplies to other countries will also benefit the children’s lives. Keep on doing what you’re doing! Don’t stop! 2. Spend More Time Children don’t crave toys; they crave for someone to play with them. Make a child feel better by organizing sports teams. Sports are a great way to meet new other children and to encourage teamwork. Organize days to do arts and crafts! Children are not recommended to do arts and crafts without supervision. Let children be able to explore their creativity be supervising them and making sure they don’t get hurt. 3. Spread the Word Most people do not know about the ELIMINATE project or what it stands for. You can help save future lives by telling everyone you know to get a tetanus shot to prevent neonatal tetanus. Protecting future lives is also part of helping children! 4. Read We can also organize days to read to children. Not only that, but we can also organize book drives to help enrich children’s lives. Books are a fundamental part of a child’s life and will better their future. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” -Dr. Seuss

5. Gifts Who doesn’t like gifts? Help out some busy parents by helping them purchase and wrap gifts for the holidays. You’ll sure to bring a smile on a child’s face!

NTERNATIONAL PROJECTS and PROGRAMS To all members of the mighty New York District Key Club: The International Projects Committee for the 2012 – 2013 service year is up and running. The three district projects for this year are March of Dimes, UNICEF, and The Children’s Miracle Network. This year the district is striving for bigger and better things, therefore each key clubber must put both feet forward in conducting as much service towards these charities as possible to not only meet, but to surpass the district goals. March of Dimes is an amazing organization that has a mission of preventing premature birth, birth defects, infant mortality and improving the overall health of all babies. Composed of many volunteers, researchers, educators, outreach workers, and advocates, they who work together to carry out their mission of March of Dimes through community services, education, advocacy, and research to save babies’ lives. The district goal for March of Dimes is $15,000 as well as 15,000 service hours UNICEF is an international organization that is even mandated by the United Nations to advocate for the protection of Children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. This includes child survival and development, providing basic education with gender equality, providing treatment to HIV/AIDS infected children, and to better a policy of advocacy and partnership. The entirety of this organization is based on good practices and developing a relationship not only with the people they are helping but also the volunteers and donors. The district goal for UNICEF is $50,000 as well as 25,000 service hours The Children’s Miracle Network is a international organization with an outstanding mission. Their goal is to actively supply and improve the health care for millions of young individuals much like yourselves, all around the world. By generating funds and awareness, the Children’s Miracle Network is now in over 170 hospitals nationwide. In generating not only hours of service but also donations you are impacting young lives who are battling every type of childhood illness and injury by giving them health and happiness. The district goal for the Children’s Miracle Network is $15,000 as well as 10,000 service hours. For all three of the above charities it is up to the mighty key clubbers of the New York District to come forth and provide as much service as possible. The service ideas are endless! Some examples of Ideas are as follows…  Walk/Run  UNICEF Boxes  School wide Penny Wars o Possible include a battle against the classes for an added excitement  Bake Sales  BB Q’s/Parties  Amazing Race style Contest o Different challenges at different locations either in a central part of town or inside your school to have teams race to the finish line. o Get teachers involved

 

Talk to local businesses and ask them to set up days where some of their commissions go the your local key club Other events such as… o Ice Skating o Bowling o Movie night o Game night Yours in Service, Alex Mandriota International projects and Programs committee Chair

About Me Who am I? No, I am not a random person who just organizes fun events for you to do. No, I am not the person who spams your Key Club Facebook Group’s wall. I am so much more than that. I am all of the above, and more. I am your new best friend. :D You will be hearing much more from me. You might get sick of me but I won’t get sick of you. I unofficially adopted you guys when I took this job so no, you can’t get rid of me. Don’t even think about trying. You guys shouldn’t think of me as the serious person you see in emails, newsletters and posts. I am so much more fun than that and if you meet me or any one of the divisional officers, you’ll see that we’re overflowing with key club spirit Fun Fact About Moi -My middle name is Miki. Not Micky, Mickey or Micki, but Miki. It’s Japanese. -I have 3 cats. Yes, I have a life. And yes, that life is Key Club. -I have 2 brothers. -My favorite color is purple but I love all colors. :D -I love everything to do with Key Club. I might buy out the entire key club store at ICON. -I love it when you guys message me or talk to me. It makes me feel special :D -My birthday is on August 19. That means I’m a fire sign but just to spoil all those plans out there to push me in the ocean during the beach hangout, I know how to swim. Well. Don’t even think about it. -I am an arctophile. Arctophiles love teddy bears. :D

Which Helen am I?

Officers of Dewey get ready for Freshmen Orientation.

An awesome poster :D

D-Board. Past and Present.

Musical Chairs :D

Anyone see a resemblance between the chairs above and the guys here? Musical Humans.

LOOK! A wild beaver appeared! No, it’s just our mascot at Peanut Day.

Old Key Club members? Nope, Kiwanis members :D

Some happy and exhausted key club members

Paperwork Status Chart *Updated as of June 16, 2012 School Abraham Lincoln Bishop Kearney Brooklyn Tech E.R. Murrow Fort Hamilton James Madison John Dewey L.M. Goldstein Midwood


March MRF

April MRF X









June MRF


New Utrecht Telecommunications Art

Word Search!

Contact Information My Information Email: Phone Number: 1-(347)-856-3339 Address: 47 Bay 22nd Street Brooklyn NY, 11214 Some Important Email Addresses Governor: Secretary: Treasurer: Editor: Webmaster: Executive Assistants:

Leonard Gioia Phone Number: 1-(646)-642-5345 Email Address:


DIVISION 9 FACEBOOK GROUP: Join, join, join!

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