Division 9 November Newsletter

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To The Nines! November Newsletter- Volume 1, Issue 5

New York District Key Club

Table of Contents Lieutenant Governor Greeting & Reminders ~ Pg. 3 Leadership Training Conference (LTC) & Running for Higher Office ~ Pg. 4 Key Club Week ~ Pg. 5 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF & Governor’s Project ~ Pg. 6 Service Spotlights ~ Pg. 7 Paperwork Status Chart ~ Pg. 8 Contact Information ~ Pg.9

Dear Division 9, I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are all safe from Hurricane Sandy. I know that I have you guys to be thankful for! Please keep up the good work guys! I see a lot of effort coming from each of you and I am so glad to see everyone having fun decorating their UNICEF boxes. Your creativity really inspires me! We will be welcoming our new club, Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School, at our December Divisional! Please remember to share the Key Club spirit in a courteous manner and to show them how proud of Key Club you guys are. Keep safe everyone, and happy holiday! Yours in Service, Helen Wong Division 9 LTG

Reminders: -Pay your dues everyone! Deadlines are coming soon and we need to get them in! -Make sure you give in your UNICEF money! Key Club International needs them by December 31st. -In your spare time, write about a recent event for our district newsletter. Send in those service spotlights to District Editor Holy Cheong! -December Divisional- Dec. 4 at FDR. We start at 4:30.

Leadership Training Conference (LTC) LTC is coming up! LTC stands for Leadership Training Conference and that is exactly what it is! On this weekend in Albany, you will be able to increase your knowledge of Key Club, get to attend several workshops, caucuses and dances. This year promises to be another exciting year as this is our 65th anniversary! This year, LTC will be Held at: Holiday Inn at Wolf Road, Albany During: the weekend of March 22nd - March 24th , 2013 The theme this year will be, “Under the Sea�.

Some important facts to keep in mind when thinking about LTC: -Signup quickly! Only the first 20 people from each school will get to attend -Each school must send in ONLY one check -You must have 1 chaperone for every 10 students. -LTC is loads of fun! It is an amazing, lifechanging experience that cannot be found anywhere else.

The pricing for this trip is as follows: Students: $260 Chaperones: $310 or $500 for a single room Please sign up before March 15th, or else the late fee will be $100.

Running for Higher Office If you plan on running for higher office, then you need to decide on which position you want to run for. We have several positions available. District Governor- The District Governor acts as the liaison between the International Board and the District Board. He or she is also the head of the District Board and governs all board meetings. District Secretary- The District Secretary is responsible for collecting and organizing all of the MRFs and ERFs in the state. They are also responsible for compiling a District Directory. District Treasurer- The District Treasurer is responsible for collecting all FRFs and keeping a record of all fundraising totals in the district. Lieutenant Governor- The Lieutenant Governor is the liaison between the District Board and the club level. Please attend the December divisional to sign up for this position. For those running for District positions, remember to send in your letter of intent to Mr. Goldstein by January 1st!

Key Club Week

This month, we celebrated Key Club week! Key Club week is the week f November 5th to November 9th. During Key Club week, we get to show our Key Club pride and spirit by doing various Key Club-related activites. On Monday, we SHOW OUR K! We dress up in our Key Club apparel and tell everyone about Key Club. Tuesday is KUDOS TO THE KEY PLAYERS! We thank all of those that help make Key Club what it is! On Wednesday, we CONNECT THE K’S! Key Club is not the only branch in the Kiwanis family. We have Builders Club, K-Kids, Circle K and Aktion Club! This day encourages us to build familial relations. On Thursday, we BRING A FRIEND TO KEY CLUB! We love new members and we love the fact that you’re spreading goodwill an encouraging service. We love it so much, that we decided to dedicate a whole day to it! On Friday, YOU DECIDE! That’s right! On Friday, you get to decide how you want to celebrate Key Club week. .You could have a party or a service project!

Trick or Treat for UNICEF Hey Division 9! I hope you guys had fun Trick-or Treating with this year’s new boxes! Unlike all the previous years, this year, we decided to try something new and let everyone decorate their own boxes! Also this year, all of the proceeds from this event will go to Eliminate. If your club has raised over $250.00 for this cause, your club will be eligible to receive a special patch! With the new boxes this year, there was also a new contest. The contest has ended but I hope everyone still had fun decorating and raising money!

Governor’s Project For the 2012-2013 service year, Governor Daniel Ivan Lin has chosen Keys to Accessibility for his governor’s project, Keys to Accessibility. Keys to Accessibility is all about helping the elderly and the disabled. We plan to reach 5000 service hours by the end of this year, We can help the elderly and the disabled by going to visit them, spending time with them, serving them food and just making their lives a better and happier time! This project was chosen this year because Governor Daniel does not want to neglect the elderly. We focus much of our time on helping the present and the future, but we have to stop and take a step back to help those we got us here in the first place. What’s different about this project is that it’s not the quantity that counts, it’s the quality that counts. We are only counting hours for this project. But the clubs who perform the most creative projects will get a special award at LTC!

Service Spotlight This year’s Fall Rally was everything it promised to be thanks to the hard work of everyone on the planning committee. The workshops were both informational and entertaining. We played awkward, giggle-inducing ice breakers and took just about a bajillion pictures and videos. Lunch was a slice (or three) of New York’s finest pizza and if we had some pocket money; a square of Helen and Herman’s charity cookie brownies. Overall, the event was a success and everyone had a jolly good time! By: Iris Li

Paperwork Status Chart School Name


Abraham Lincoln High School Brooklyn Technical High School Edward R. Murrow High School Fort Hamilton High School Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School James Madison High School John Dewey High School Leon M. Goldstein High School Midwood High School























































Telecommunications Arts High School

This status chart has been last updated on 11/11/12. If there are any mistakes, please email me or District Secretary Amber Lee.

Contact Information My Contact Information: Helen Wong Email: helenwong.ltg@nydkc.org Cell phone: 1-(347)-856-3339 Our KCR: Leonard Gioia Email: lgioia3@verizon.net

Governor Daniel Ivan Lin: Email: daniellin.gov@nydkc.org Secretary Amber Lee: Email: amberlee.sec@nydkc.org Treasurer Annie Porfido: Email: annieporfido.treas@nydkc.org Editor Holy Cheong: Email: holycheong.editor@nydkc.org Webmaster Barry Lee: Email: barrylee.tech@nydkc.org District Executive Assistants Tina Lee and Emily Giciwicz Email: tinalee.ea@nydkc.org emilygiciwicz.ea@nydkc.org

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