Photo by: Anna Meyer
The Trilogy Times September 2014
Your Community Newsletter
HOA Board Meeting: Tuesday, September 2nd The TGMA Board Meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month. Stop by the Lodge a few days prior to pick up an agenda or log onto to view it online. Meetings are held in the Sierra Ballroom at the Pacific Crest Lodge at 6:00 p.m.
Important Dates to Remember: th
4 Summer Concert: Saturday, September 6 Trilogy Bowl, 6:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m.
Community Wide Garage Sales: Saturday, September 13th All Canyons, 7:00 a.m. TGIS Annual Meeting: Wednesday, September 17th Ballroom, 1:00 p.m. Manager’s Message Manager’s Corner
In Our Community Board Broadcast
Chartered Club News
Canyon Updates
Community Happenings 42
Activities Lifestyles Desk
Special Presentations
Blue Water Sports Club
Chili Cook-off: Saturday, September 20th Lake Center/Trilogy Bowl, 5:00 p.m. Slurry Seal Project Beginning September 23rd!!!! Please check your mail for paving schedule and other important information!!!! Please contact the Lake Center Business Office for additional information.
Calendar September
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Trilogy at Glen Ivy… Trilogy at Glen Ivy A Non-Profit Corporation Our mission is to positively impact the lives of our residents by enhancing and maintaining HOA -owned assets; providing strong avenues of communication; and sponsoring activities and programs that reflect residents’ varied interests.
Important Phone Numbers Lake Center—HOA Offices Phone: (951) 277-7059 Fax: (951) 277-7049 Monday—Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Lake Center Library Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Pacific Crest Lodge Phone: (951) 277-7052 Fax: (951) 277-7097 Monday—Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Blue Water Sports Club Juan Romero, BWSC Manager Phone: (951) 277-7054 Monday —Friday 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. First Service Residential Customer Care Center (After Hours) (800) 428-5588 Property Emergencies (888) 596-4984 General Manager James Niccoli (951) 277-7051 Assistant General Manager John Rivera (951) 277-7056 Facility Manager Enrique Partida (951) 277-7058 Lifestyles Manager Monica Munoz (951) 277-7055 Community Service Manager Joy Marino (951) 277-7010 GMI Security (909)322-8636 (Only 9:00 p.m.- 5:00 a.m.) Work Orders/ Vacation Watch
Lake Center Office (951) 277-7059 Email:
FACEFACE-TOTO-FACE Face-to-Face meets quarterly at 10:00 a.m. in the Modjeska Lounge at the Pacific Crest Lodge. The next meeting will take place on:
Friday, September 5th, 10:00 a.m. Join a Board Member and James Niccoli and/or John Rivera to discuss issues that are important to you.
TGMA Board of Directors
TGIS Board of Directors
President Marilyn Mohr
President Bill Brewster
Vice-President Gary May
Vice-President Jim Pfeffer
Secretary Bob Fowler
Secretary Jane Snider
Director at Large
CFO John Cosgrove
Treasurer Bill Stehle
Assistant CFO John Perry
Appointed Financial Advisors Bob Abel Bruce Leman
Committee/Program Chairs Ambassadors Barbara Johnson
Landscape Bob Townsend
Communications Jane Snider
Rules and Regulations Jan Bostrom
Design Review Ed Carlson
Emergency Preparedness/ Neighborhood Watch Jane Snider Health/Wellness Team Linda Hlubik
Bill Brewster Sheriff Volunteers Larry Wieringa Please contact Business Office for committee information at (951) 277-7059 or visit
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Manager’s Corner GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT - SEPTEMBER 2014 Hello Trilogy! Over the past few months there have been lots of talk regarding the drought situation in California. In addition, there have been a number of regulations and restrictions imposed by Governor Brown. These restrictions have been reported on the internet, in newspaper articles, and on the local news; therefore, many of you may already be aware of them. The Trilogy Maintenance Association gets its water from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District and Lee Lake Water District. The Association and Valley Crest Landscape are in James Niccoli constant communication with these agencies regarding the regulations and restrictions. The General Manager Association and Valley Crest are working together to comply with these restrictions and because it is such an important topic I have asked Valley Crest to share with the community: A) What actually are the restrictions imposed by Elsinore Valley Municipal and Lee Lake Water Districts and B) What is Valley Crest doing in order to comply with the restrictions. The following information is provided by Valley Crest Landscape: With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record, Governor Brown declared a drought State of Emergency in January 2014 and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for water shortages. Governor Brown asked all Californians to voluntarily reduce water consumption by 20 percent. Since then, many water agencies have implemented their own water use restrictions. Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, which supplies water to most of the common areas throughout Trilogy HOA, has elevated their Water Restrictions to Stage II which is no longer simply voluntary cutbacks. Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District - Current Stage II water use restrictions are as follows: Water Use Prohibitions: • Washing down sidewalks or driveways • Overwatering, causing water to run off of a landscaped area • Using a hose without an automatic shutoff nozzle to wash a vehicle • Using a fountain or water feature unless the water is re-circulated Guidelines for outdoor water use and irrigation for residential and commercial: • Use sprinkler irrigation systems between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and before 6:00 A.M. • Limit sprinkler operation to no more than three times per week. • Watering by hand, with drip irrigation or reclaimed water is ok during daylight hours. • Sprinklers and irrigation systems should be adjusted to avoid overspray, runoff and waste. • Watering on windy days should be avoided. • Fix leaks or broken irrigation equipment as quickly as possible to reduce waste. Lee Lake Water District, which provides water to all the residences, (which includes the front yard irrigation), has not implemented any mandatory restrictions other than not irrigating between the hours of 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Valley Crest has modified the existing irrigation scheduling to comply with the new restrictions. Since the common area landscape will now only be receiving 3 days of irrigation, signs of stress may show up in common turf areas. In addition, the Trilogy Board of Directors approved converting the Trilogy Parkway medians from turf to planters with drip irrigation and California water friendly plants. This will put a stop to the excessive runoff and save the HOA in overall water consumption.
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Manager’s Corner… In order to maximize water use and prevent runoff as best as possible (it is almost impossible to stop runoff altogether), Valley Crest has programmed the controllers to use the cycle and soak method of irrigation. For example, instead of watering all at once, the sprinklers will be set to water the turf: • Up to 3 times a night • Approximately 5 minutes each watering zone • At least 1 hour in between each watering cycle Watering in increments gives compacted soil adequate time to soak up water. Once the water from the first round of watering is absorbed, then watering again about an hour later, the already moist soil will enable additional water to travel even deeper to the roots and in turn, create a healthier lawn. Valley Crest is also aware and sensitive to the effects the irrigation may have on your water bills. Nobody wants outrageous water bills; however, nobody wants to look at dead yellowing turf in the front yards either. The solution is to find that happy median point with over 1,147 residents (condos excluded); which you can imagine isn’t easy. Valley Crest is committed to providing excellent water management services and to providing solutions for creating a beautiful, yet sustainable landscape for the community. If you have issues please let us know so we can take the necessary steps to correct them. Message from Southern California Gas Company: SoCal Gas Customer Assistance programs Your community members may be eligible for a 20% discount on their monthly natural gas bill at their primary residence. SoCal Gas customers may also receive a discount on their Service Establishment Charge when starting new service. Discounts will be received once the easily completed application is approved by SoCal Gas. Recently the income requirements to qualify for California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) were raised so that a family of four that earns up to $47,700 can now receive the 20% off of their monthly natural gas bill. This also qualifies families for our Energy Savings Assistance Program for free energy-saving home upgrades such as attic insulation, window/door weather caulking, water heater blankets, furnace repairs and even sometimes furnace replacement. For more information, go to RECENTLY COMPLETED PROJECTS: • Tree Trimming – Tree trimming for the month of August consisted of Noble Canyon. The trimming crews will begin work in Corral Canyon in September. Please note: the trees are trimmed to promote health and growth and because certain species are trimmed at different times of the year or every other year, not every tree may be trimmed in your canyon. In addition, the Association does not guarantee views and will not trim or top a tree for this reason.
Pacific Crest Lodge Automatic Door Opener – The automatic door operator for the main doors at the Pacific Crest Lodge have been installed. The opener operates the right side door as you enter the Lodge and the left side door as you exit the Lodge.
Lake Center Painting – Painting of the Lake Center trim, trellis and the Amphitheater trellis were completed by Painting Unlimited.
Asphalt Repair on Whitetail Drive – A sinkhole was repaired on Whitetail Drive near the emergency gate. The repair was performed by Nelson Paving Company.
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Manager’s Corner… •
Library Leak – A leak in the ceiling of the library was repaired by the in-house maintenance staff and painted white to help create a lighter environment.
PROJECTS IN PROGRESS: • Drought Projects – At the August 5, 2014 General Session meeting the Board approved to remove the turf in the medians on Trilogy Parkway. The project will eliminate the current water runoff coming from the medians and generate significant water savings. In addition, 95% of the project is being paid for from a rebate program offered by the Metropolitan Water District. The Association has qualified and has received approval. The Association is currently acquiring final Riverside County approval and the work is tentatively scheduled to begin in late September.
Lake 16 - The Lake is still in bad shape and the golf course has not decided on a course of action. However, Management and representatives from the Board of Directors met on August 18, 2014. The Golf course explained to the Board that fixing the lake is a high priority; unfortunately, because the golf course is controlled by the courts and not a bank there are limited funds for capital improvement. The golf course is expected to provide the Board, their solution, in writing, regarding Lake 16 by mid September. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Speed Bumps - The report that Boulevard Engineering Studio’s performed on Cuyamaca Drive along with their speed control recommendations were presented to the Board at the August 5, 2014 General Session meeting. The Board understands that Cuyamaca is a private street and the Board is not obligated to follow the recommendation provided by Boulevard Engineering Studio. In addition, The Board may choose to do all of the recommendations or some of the recommendations all at once or in phases. The Board is scheduled to have further discussion regarding the speed bumps at the September 2, 2014 General Session meeting.
Community Website - The service agreement between the Association and Exolet, the new website provider, has been signed and executed. Exolet has met with the Communications Committee and will begin creating the new website. The website will take up to four (4) to six (6) months to be completed.
25 MPH Speed Limit Signs - At the August 5. 2014 General Session meeting the Board approved the purchase and installation of Speed Limit signs at all entry gates. The signs are scheduled to be installed in mid September.
AC Units for Blue Water Sports Club - At the August 5, 2014 General Session meeting the Board approved the purchase and installation of five (5) new high efficiency air conditioning units for the Blue Water Sports Club. The old units have become worn down and constantly needed repair and maintenance. In addition, the Association will be receiving $19,600 in rebates from Southern California Edison. The Association is currently acquiring final Riverside County approval and the work is tentatively scheduled to begin in late September or early October.
Do you have an issue or topic you would like me to discuss in the General Managers Corner? If so, please let me know by logging into and go under the Communications & Questions Tab, and click on eMail the HOA Business Office.
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Manager’s Corner… CODE COMPLIANCE Monthly Street Sweeping: Wednesday, September 3rd. The 1st Wednesday of every month between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm, all vehicles need to be off the streets to effectively clean the streets.
**Reminder** The trash pickup day is Monday. Trash cans may be set out the day before and after pickup. Other than those times, trash cans must be stored in the garage or behind a screened fence. Trash cans cannot be visible from the front of the home.
Joy Marino Code Compliance Manager
Mail Parking—
Underage Residents
Reminder! Cars cannot park in spots designated for the US Postal Service during the times indicated on the signs. Also, 5 minute parking spots are for 5 minute parking only (24 hours a day, 365 days a year). If you are coming for a club event, a social night, or just to hang out, do not park in these spots! You will get a parking violation if you do so.
As stated by the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R’s), a Qualifying Resident means a natural person who is 6ifty-6ive (55) years of age or older. Anyone who is residing in your home for more than 60 days in a calendar year needs to be listed on the Age Survey form. The form needs to be submitted to the Lake Center Business Of6ice with a copy of their identi6ication. Underage residents are not permitted to reside in Trilogy at Glen Ivy unless they are a Quali6ied Permanent Resident as de6ined in the Association CC&R’s.
Cobblestone Residents Reminder! Puncturing, piercing, or otherwise altering any exterior walls of the condominiums is a violation of the Cobblestone Supplemental CC&R's.
Design Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, September 9th at 1:00 pm All applications must be submitted to the Lake Center Business Of6ice by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 2nd. View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Board Broadcast Board Broadcast— Broadcast—September, 2014 Labor Day, the first Monday in September is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer. In U.S. sports, Labor Day marks the beginning of the NFL and college football season. Many of our residents enjoy watching and cheering for their favorite teams. Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance occurs on September 11th of each year, in memory of the 2,977 killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Initially, the day was called the Prayer and Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks. Flags are flown at half-mast at government offices, remembering those who lost their lives by these attacks. Let us not forget to be thankful for our freedom. On a lighter note there is still one more Summer Concert to be enjoyed on September 6th - “A Beatles Tribute,” being held at the Trilogy Bowl. Visit the Lifestyles Desk to buy your tickets for this event. TGMA Board is announcing the resignation of Director Mel Goldman. The Board would like to thank Mel for his service and contribution to the community. The Board will be making every effort the fill this vacancy as soon as possible. Thank You Mel for your service. August Board actions and decisions: • The TGMA Board approved the tax returns for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2014 and directed Management to file the completed forms with the governmental agencies. Additionally, the Board approved the payment to the Internal Revenue Service in the amount of $16,152 paid from Federal Tax Expense; and approved $5,585 payment to California Franchise Tax Board paid from Franchise Tax Expense. • Approved the transfer of $47,634 from the Cobblestone Special Benefit Area Operating Account to the TGMA Operating Account; and authorized the monthly transfer of $5,917 from the Cobblestone Special Benefit Operating Account to the TGMA Operating Account until such time as the $71,000 Earthquake Insurance has been paid in full. • Approved a contract with NPG Corporation to perform the asphalt resealing of the streets in six canyons. Two coats of sealer will be applied at a cost not to exceed $145,000 to be paid from Reserve Account; Street/Drive Reserve. Management and contractor will notify residents of the times that various areas will be completed, which should allow ample time for residents to make arrangements for their vehicles during the resealing application. • Approved a contract with Valley Crest Landscape to convert the medians on Trilogy Parkway to drought tolerant plants at a total cost not to exceed $76,109.82. This conversion is contingent upon the approval of rebates in the amount of $70,638 from the Metropolitan Water District. Funds in the amount of $5,471.82 for this project will be paid from Operating Budget-Capital Projects; and $70,638 will be expended from Operating Surplus. • Approved entering into a contract with Valley Crest for enhancements to the right-hand side of Coldwater Canyon Sunny Hills entrance slope and other selected common areas in the canyon. The cost of this project is $2,533.50 to be paid from budgeted line item, Plant Replacement. • Management is to obtain bids from qualified vendors for 3 different scenarios surrounding the recommendations resulting from the Speed Bump Traffic Study performed by Boulevard Engineering. These bids will be reviewed and discussed at the General Session Meeting of the Board of Directors in September.
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Board Broadcast • • • •
Approved purchase of 12 reflective aluminum “Speed Limit 25 MPH” signs to be installed at the entrances to each canyon and at each end of Falcon Street. The cost of the signs including installation will be $571.24 paid from Operating-Capital Projects. Board requested that Management reach out to Supervisor Jeffries’ office and ask for assistance with the maintenance of the catch basins. Management is to ask for information concerning who is the proper entity to contact in the future to “police” these areas. Approved the Ladies “Q” Club request for the formation of club for the purpose of playing pool. Anyone having an interest in participating should contact the Lifestyles Desk for information. Revised the Charter of the Landscape Committee to allow for more members of the committee to improve the committee’s ability to complete Canyon walks and inspections more frequently.
The next meeting General Session of the TGMA Board of Directors will be on September 2, 2014, in the Pacific Crest Lodge Ballroom at 6:00 PM. We invite you to attend and hope to see you there. TGMA Board of Directors
ROKA CLEANING SERVICES * FREE ESTIMATES * Weekly, Bi-weekly, or Monthly Services The Best Cleaning Services, at a low price. Follow us on Facebook for: Upcoming Events, News, Announcements, Find your friends & neighbors, etc.
Licensed, bonded and insured!
* Servicing many Trilogy Residents * For more information, please call: (951) 269-3730
Karla View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
TGIS Update TGIS BOARD REPORT The TGIS (Trilogy at Glen Ivy Community Services) meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM in the Lake Center. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. The TGIS Board of Directors have the responsibility of creating and developing new programs and activities for the residents of our community. Our goal is to do the best job adding to everyone's fun and fulfilling lifestyle here for Trilogy at Glen Ivy. In our recent board meeting, we discussed or funded the following activities: 1. The contract was sent to the vendor and the creation of the new Trilogy website will take about three months. We are anxious to partner with the Communication Committee and see all of the new features and functions of the site. 2. The "History of Trilogy at Glen Ivy and its Neighbors" was printed and made available in the Trilogy Library in the Lake Center. It is also online at This project was funded with $1,200. 3. The Mah Jongg Club was funded $200 for new table coverings. 4. The Glass Fusion group was funded $201.94 for supplies. 5. The board discussed the proposed gate cameras. The item will be considered later this fall. 6. Bill Brewster was chosen to be the liaison for TGIS and will meet with the TGMA liaison members and the Glen Ivy golf course management. The repair of Lake 16 by the Lake Center is one of many items to be discussed. 7. The Transportation Committee will meet on occasion to help determine the transportation needs of our community. 8. The balance of TGIS funds as of June 30, 2014 was $638,430. 9. The election of 2 candidates for the coming year was discussed. There are 2 positions for a 2-year term. Four homeowners have completed the application to be considered for a TGIS Director. The "Meet the Candidates Night" was August 7th and the ballots were mailed to homeowners in late August. The TGIS Annual meeting is September 17th. If you prefer not to vote, please mark your ballot for "quorum only" and return it to the ballot box in the Pacific Crest Lodge. You will help save your TGIS money. We continue to ask for suggestions that will improve our lives here at Trilogy. Again, the five categories are: 1. Clubs and Social Activities 2. Health and Wellness 3. Communication and Technology 4. Educational and Academic 5. Environmental We thank you for your submissions. Please continue to send your ideas to the TGIS Board of Directors at Pacific Crest Lodge Lifestyles desk or talk directly with one of the Directors. For information about the Bylaws, Minutes or Financials, go to View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Committee/Program Reports TECHNOLOGY HELP SESSION Thursday, September 11th, 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m., Tenaja Room Everyone is welcome to the Technology Committee’s interactive technology session to discuss almost any electronic device. Bring your questions and problems to our want-to-be experts. We will attempt to answer your questions about anything electronic. Computers…Printers…Smart Phones…Cameras… E-Readers… GPS…TV… Sound Systems…Wireless Internet…Software…Email…iPads and other Tablets If you don’t get an answer to your question, the committee will do some research and email you an answer. We have free WIFI at the Pacific Crest Lodge, Blue Water Sports Club and the Lake Center. No sign-on codes are required. The Technology Help Session occurs on the 2nd Thursday of every month!
Resident Couples Twilight Golf Tournament Monday – September 22nd
The next Resident Couples Twilight Golf Tournament is on September 22nd! Check in at 4:00 PM! All participants MUST have an established handicap. Enjoy golf and dinner. The sign up sheet will be posted in the Pro Shop – remember to indicate if you are having dinner. For more information contact Arlene Parker. View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Committee/Program Reports… EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS/NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH USING A CELL PHONE – PLEASE USE THE CALLING FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE: If you dial 911 (from you cell phone), it will go to a NUMBERS BELOW – PROGRAM YOUR PHONE NOW! California Highway Patrol Dispatch Center. If you tell Riverside Sheriff (951) 776-1099 them you are in Corona rather than the COUNTY OF Option 5 – continue to stay on the line if it is an RIVERSIDE, you will be connected to the Corona Emergency Center and lose VALUABLE TIME emergency! BECAUSE WE ARE NOT IN THE CITY OF Riverside County Fire/Paramedic Dispatch Center CORONA! (951) 657 – 2161 PHONE SCAMS: ⇒ Riverside County Sheriffs Department has an important message for the community “Jury Duty Scam”. If you receive a call asking for money because you have a warrant for not showing up for jury duty, hang up. If you have not shown for jury duty report to your assigned courthouse as soon as you can or contact them by phone to reschedule. Do not send or give anyone money. ⇒ Several residents have reported being contacted either by ⇒ Also, there have been reports that the IRS or another a grandchild or a friend that they are in serious need of company is after you for non-payments. Remember, no money. This scam has been around for years—just hang government agency or reputable company will contact up the phone on the caller. Then call your family or friend you by phone demanding payment or threating you in any to make sure they are OK. way.
TRILOGY at GLEN IVY ANNUAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DRILL THURSDAY – OCTOBER 16th 10:16 AM This year realism is being added to the drill. You can be a volunteer (and NOT have to do ANYTHING) except contact the Committee Chair, Jane Snider, to let her know that you are willing to have a ‘situation/problem’ (aka a sign) placed at the front of your home so that your Block Captain will practice how to respond to this situation. (If you have a flair for the dramatic, you can also volunteer to be a problem that needs to be handled.) Let Jane know.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE NOTIFIEDWHEN THE MAIL HAS BEEN DELIVERED? All you need to do is follow these steps, and you will soon receive an e-mail notification as soon as the mail has arrived! 1. Login to 2. Select ‘Home’ 3. ‘My Account’ 4. ‘Subscriptions’ 5. ‘Mail Has Arrived’ 6. Save changes!
Don’t have a login for Visit the front desk at Pacific Crest Lodge
Riverside County Sheriff Department Crime Reports for Trilogy at Glen Ivy Now on front page
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Lifestyles Desk… LAST DAYS IN VIETNAM During the chaotic final days of the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese Army closes in on Saigon as South Vietnamese resistance crumbles. With the specter of a Communist victory looming and only a skeleton crew of diplomats and military operatives still in the country, the United States prepares to withdraw. As they begin to realize the reality of certain imprisonment and possible death of their South Vietnamese allies, American diplomats and soldiers confront a moral quandary: obey White House orders to evacuate only U.S. citizens, or risk being charged with treason and save the lives of as many South Vietnamese citizens as they can. With the clock ticking and the city under fire, heroes emerge as a small handful of Americans take matters into their own hands. Renowned Sundance Film Festival veteran Rory Kennedy dares to reopen the books on a war that scarred our national psyche. Chronicling a story few of us know, Kennedy’s potent documentary may both shock you and restore your faith in humanity. This film has not yet been rated
Thursday, September 4th Ballroom, 6:30 pm Please RSVP at the Front Desk of PCL
Saturday, September 6th Trilogy Bowl 6:00pm—9:00pm Concert $15.00 per person 5:00pm—6:00pm Dinner $5.00 per person
Main Entrée choice of: BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich Smoky Mountain Grilled Chicken Breast Panini Smoked & Roasted Veggie Quesadilla
Comes with a choice of: Baked Mac ‘n Cheese Or Tasting Spoon Chopped Salad
Please note all guests must be 21 years of age or older. Also, do not forget to bring your lawn chairs!
Tickets on sale NOW!
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Lifestyles Desk… Get Ready to Clear Out Your Storage!
We are having a Community Wide Garage Sale!
Saturday, September 13th 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Canyon Gates to be opened during these hours
DON’T MISS OUT! *Advertising in Local Papers (Press Enterprise & Penny Saver) *Postings in common areas *Want to Help? Spread the word to your friends and families Please Call 277-7052 for any questions!
September Social Night! Thursday, September 25th Ballroom, 4:30PM.
Enjoy an evening of good music, mingling with friends and Subway dinner choice of: Ham or Turkey sandwich.
Cost: $5.00 per person With Live Entertainment by:
Skip Johnson
Checks are payable to TGIS
Tickets on sale NOW!
Join us for this month’s Social Hour!
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Lifestyles Desk…
All Canyon Chili Cook Off SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 - Trilogy Bowl HOLD ON TO YOUR CHILI PEPPERS!!! Trilogy’s Chili Cook Off returns with a Spicy Twist-Competition between the Canyons! OUR FIRST CANYON WINNER WILL BE CROWNED!!
Cost: $15 per person (checks payable to TGIS)
Chili Tasting 4:00pm—5:00pm Dinner 5:00pm—6:00pm Choice of Hamburger, Chicken Burger, or Hot Dog with potato salad, chips and a drink. Concert 6:00pm—9:00pm
The Legendary Mustang’s Hard-Charging Energy of Classic 60’s Rock N Roll!
Will your canyon’s be the hottest? Will your canyon’s be the spiciest? Will your canyon blow the top off this competition? Which canyon will toot their own horn the loudest?
Tickets on sale: NOW View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Lifestyles Desk… Introducing...
PIANO BAR NITE in the Modjeska Lounge Come and enjoy us for a nice, relaxed evening with a LIVE PIANIST playing!
Friday, September 26th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Please bring your favorite drink and appetizer to share with your friends and neighbors!
Please RSVP at the Lifestyles Desk Courtesy of TGIS View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Lifestyles Desk…
Thursday, October 16th 4:30 p.m., Sierra Ballroom Let’s continue the fun times with our next Social Night! Enjoy mingling with friends and LIVE entertainment by
Gil Alcantar! Alcantar $5.00 per person (includes food & entertainment) Tickets on Sale NOW Checks payable to TGIS
Enjoy delicious pizza Pizza choices: Pepperoni, Cheese or Supreme
AARP Driver Safety Courses! Monday, October 20th and Tuesday, October 21st 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Sequoia Room This course will be taught by an AARP-trained instructor: Steve Brodsky This course is taught in two (2) day, four (4) hour sessions. The course fee is only $15 for AARP members and $20 for nonmembers. Please make checks payable to AARP. Please note: AARP members must bring their cards and everyone should bring their Driver’s License number to each course meeting. Space is limited, only 20 students, so please sign up at the Lifestyles Desk today! Why Take a Driver Safety Course? The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older that has helped millions of drivers remain safe on today’s roads. AARP has offered the course in the classroom for 25 years. Tune up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the rules of the road. 1. Learn about normal age-related physical changes, and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes. 2. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes, and chances for injuries. Drive more safely. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states.
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Lifestyles Desk… Movie Night Come join us on Thursday, October 23, 2014 in the Ballroom at 6:30 p.m. RSVP at Lifestyles Desk
FREE popcorn and drinks will be provided
In a last ditch effort to save his career as a sports agent, JB Bernstein concocts a scheme to find baseball's next great pitcher. Hoping to find a young cricket pitcher he can turn into a major league baseball star, JB travels to India to produce a reality show competition called "Million Dollar Arm." He discovers Dinesh and Rinku, two 18 year old boys who have no idea about playing baseball, yet have a knack for throwing a fastball. As the boys learn the finer points of baseball - JB, with the help of his charming friend Brenda (Lake Bell) - learns valuable life lessons about teamwork, commitment and what it means to be a family.
This Film has Been Rated “PG”
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease: What you need to know! Presented by Linda Scheck Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 10:00 am, CFWB 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
An overview of UCI MIND, including basic scientific research in our labs and the clinical research with individuals who come to the UCI MIND Memory Assessment and Research Center, i.e. What we do. Areas of promising research currently underway at UCI MIND What the UCI MIND Memory Assessment and Research Center offers and why it is a vital resource for individuals, the community and the advancement of science nationwide An overview of the statistics on Alzheimer’s, the stage of the disease and behaviors individuals may exhibit in each stage Rick factors for Alzheimer’s and preventative strategies Time for questions and answers This presentation will be given from the point of view of a layperson and will be in broad, general terms. It will not be a scientific presentation. Please RSVP at the Lifestyles Desk!
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Lifestyles Desk…
H a l l o w e e n Pa r t y Friday, October 31st Sierra Ballroom, 5:00 pm—8:00 pm Costume contest in the following categories: Scariest
Most creative
1st place in each category will win a $50 gift card
Entertainment by mpg The multitalented entertainers in MPG have been performing in Southern California for more than 30 years. Their unique blend of Classic Jazz, Swings, Standards, Latin, Blues, R&B, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s Rock & Roll keeps them in demand for Special Events and recurring Club Dates. $20.00 per person tickets on sale now Includes dinner and dessert Checks payable to tgis
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Special Presentations Fine Arts Class Free Blood Pressure Testing
Complete a landscape or seascape in just one class.
is now in a new location!
Supply List:
Get your blood pressure checked in the Pacific Crest Lodge Lobby
September 11th and September 25th 9:30am - 11:30am
Acrylic Paints: Titanium White, Cad Red Light, Ultramarine Blue, Cad Yellow Medium Brushes: Bristlette #2 Round and Bristlette #8 Filbert
9x12 canvas, plastic cup for water, palette, paper or cloth towels and small palette knife. Cost: $25.00 + supplies 2 hour class Contact Chuck Kemp for more information.
LOWRY & ASSOCIATES The Key To Your Real Estate Success
Thursday, September 25th Ballroom, 12:00pm
We Specialize In: • • • •
Come RSVP for the Corona Regional Presentation
Let Us Assist You With All Your Real Estate Needs. Call 951-316-0401
and lunch at the Front Desk of the Pacific Crest Lodge.
Negotiating The Best Price For You Market Analysis Selling Buying
Barbara Lowry, Broker CalBRE # 01206474
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Blue Water Sports Club… COACHES CORNER Trilogy Fit Tip September 2014 There Is Wellness Success in Numbers! I know many people who are successful exercising regularly on their own. They plan their workout into their daily schedule, they have a routine that they know by heart, and they have the internal motivation to get to the sports club under any circumstances. Don’t you hate people like that? I’m kidding! Self-motivated people always impress me, but many of us—myself included--can benefit from exercising in a group. Group exercise classes, like the ones available at the Blue Water Sports Club, can be the remedy for all the reasons you tell yourself you will never be successful with an exercise program:
Meg Root ACE Certified Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist
• “I don’t hold myself accountable.” Trilogy is a community that feels like a family. If you’re MIA from a class, you may get a friendly knock on the door wondering where you are! • “I don’t know what to do.” The instructor takes care of that. There are classes for every fitness level and plenty of exercise modifications to make it safe and enjoyable for you. • “I can’t afford it.” When you do the math, classes cost only a few dollars. And if you’re into bargains, the more you go, the less they cost! What a motivator! • “Exercise is boring.” Trust me—not around here! With motivating music, fun routines, and plenty of laughs, exercise is anything but boring at the BWSC! Are you struggling to get your wellness in gear? Don’t go it alone. Call a friend and visit a class together. The first one is on us! You’ll be surrounded by the best support system in town and we won’t let you down! This fitness tip was brought to you by Meg Root. Meg is an ACE certified Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist. She teaches two specialty classes at the Blue Water Sports Club on Monday mornings: 9AM Strength, Mobility, and Balance, and 10am Moving for Wellness--a perfect class for beginners. E-mail her for more information at
Don’t forget to sign up for some great fitness classes at the Blue Water Sports Club.
Remember: Items for the Trilogy Times must be submitted by 8:00 PM on the 15th of the month to be considered for publication. It is each club’s responsibility to ensure their email address is correct so deadline reminders are received in a timely manner. View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Blue Water Sports Club… September Class Schedule
Start Date
Aqua Aerobics
8:00 AM
Crystal Pool
8:00 AM
Lake Center
Body Toning
9:00 AM
Lake Center
Lake Center
Aqua Fit
9:00 AM
Crystal Pool
9:00 AM
Lake Center
Zumba Basic
8:00 AM
Lake Center
Yin Yoga
10:00 AM
Lake Center
Aqua Aerobics
8:00 AM
Crystal Pool
Alignment Yoga
Core Pwr Training
9:00 AM
Pilates Infused Core
10:00 AM
Aqua Fit
9:00 AM
Crystal Pool
9:00 AM
Lake Center
Interval Training
8:00 AM
Lake Center
Yin Yoga
10:00 AM
Lake Center
Aqua Aerobics
8:00 AM
Crystal Pool
Alignment Yoga
8:45—10 AM
Body Works
9:00 AM
Lake Center
8:00 AM
Lake Center
Kundalini Yoga
9/20/2014 & 9/27/2014
* $35/month by check for unlimited classes $10/class by check, each day attended (Payable to TGMA)
Lake Center
Specialty Class
Start Date
Strength Mobility & Balance
M 9 AM
Moving For Wellness
M 10 AM
Golf Athletic Performance
Tue 1 PM
Maria K.
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Blue Water Sports Club… September Class Payment Sign-up Sheet * $35/month by check for unlimited classes $10/class by check, each day attended (Payable to TGMA)
Last Name ____________________________ First Name ________________________________ Date _________ E-mail Address ______________________________ Phone # _______________
Class Name
Maria Korcsmaros
Aqua Aerobics
Maria Korcsmaros
Aqua Aerobics
Matt Sirls
Alignment Yoga Gentle
Linda Grindstaff
Body Toning
Maria Korcsmaros
Body Works
Matt Sirls
Core Power Training
Gigi Coogler
8am (M) 9am (TH)
Gigi Coogler
Kundalini Yoga
Shikoba Baron
9am (T) 8am (F)
Gigi Coogler
Interval Training
Gigi Coogler
Maria Korcsmaros
Maria Korcsmaros
Pilates Infused Core
Linda Grindstaff
Zumba Basics
Gigi Coogler
Aqua Fit
Yin Yoga
Check Here
Member Signature _________________________________________________ Office Use Only Amount Paid ________________ Check # _______ Description ___________________________________________ Staff Signature _____________________________________________ View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Blue Water Sports Club… September Evening Schedule and Sign-up
Wed Tue
* $15/month by check for unlimited classes $10/class by check, each day attended (Payable to TGMA) Class
Start Date
Aqua Aerobics
Crystal Pool
Body Toning
7:00 PM
Aqua Aerobics
4:00 PM
Crystal Pool
6:00 PM
Kundalini Yoga
7:00 PM
Last Name ______________________________ First Name ______________________________________ Date _________ E-mail Address ______________________________________ Phone # _______________ Class Name
Aqua Aerobics
4:00-5:00 PM
Ann Smith
6:00 PM
Body Toning
7:00 PM
6:00 PM
Kundalini Yoga
7:00 PM
Check Here
Member Signature _________________________________________________
Office Use Only Amount Paid ________________ Check # _______ Description ___________________________________________ Staff Signature _____________________________________________ View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Blue Water Sports Club TAI CHI Class Forming Health benefits of Tai Chi: - Reduces falls in the elderly by improving balance - Helps reduce blood pressure - Improves quality of life for individuals with chronic or disabling conditions - Promotes bone density and connective tissue strengthening through weight bearing exercises - Secondary to limitation of deep knee bending and squatting exercise
Sign up at the BWSC front desk
FALL BOCCE BALL TOURNAMENT Sign-ups for the Fall Bocce Ball Tournament will begin on September 1st - September 19th Come and sign up individually or as a team at the BWSC front desk if you are interested in competing.
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Blue Water Sports Club… Interested in Line Dancing?
Interest list is forming for a Line Dance class. Sign-up at the front desk in the “Interest List Folder” at the BWSC.
Those interested please submit payment to the BWSC front desk.
Come One! Come All! Our NonNon-profit 100 Mile Club is Back For 20142014-2015! Our Goal: Walk/Run 100 miles over the course of the school year! Have Fun & Get Moving to A Healthier You! Register Today at The Blue Water Sports Club, only $10! We will track the miles you turn in Every 25 miles results in a milestone prize!
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Blue Water Sports Club… Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired? Tired? Kimberly Pauline, Registered Dietitian, has a PASSION for nutrition and disease reversal! Over the last 25 years, it has been scientifically proven that you can reverse chronic diseases with diet and lifestyle and Kimberly will explain how the food you eat and the way you move can lead you to freedom from chronic disease, obesity, and excessive medications. Outline of seminar: -The Rise of Chronic Disease: 75-84% of all disease is due to chronic disease -The Most effective way is to cure with lifestyle change including: • Fiber from whole foods • Reduce processed foods • Drink water • Sleep and reduce stress When: Thursday, September 18th at 10am Where: CFWB at BWSC Space is limited!
Can’t show up to morning classes because of a hectic schedule? Consider this: exercising daily improves your mood and promotes overall well-being!!!
Try these NEW classes: Pilates Mondays at 6:00 P.M. Body Toning Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Thursdays at 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. In Naropa Studio located at the BWSC with instructors Shikoba Baron and Matthew Sirls!
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Chartered Club News SINGLES CLUB Saturday, August 16th found us on the Metro link to San Clemente pier for a day of fun and food. Gals will head off to the Grand Canyon in October for a fun trip by rail through Grand Canyon and Sedona Arizona. Have a grand time. Plans are in the works for our annual Mystery Trip where only the driver knows where we are going. So watch for the date. We plan on attending the Candlelight Pavilion for the Christmas play “It’s Christmas Everyday”. Sign up lists will be available at the Pot Lucks. Plans are in the works for nominations of new officers and a committee for planning our annual Christmas dinner. If you want to be on this committee, contact Mary Alejandre. That’s all folks for this month. Georgia Caruso President, Trilogy Singles Club
BOOK CLUB ATTENTION READERS OF GOOD BOOKS! The Trilogy Book Club meets on the FIRST Wednesday of each month in the "Center for Well-Being" at the Blue Water Sports Club from 9:30AM to 10:30AM. This is a fiction reading group enjoying current fiction and one classic each year. The selection for September 3rd is: The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty and for October 1st: Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford.
Come join us! For information call Sharon Erbst
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Chartered Club News… LATIN CLUB Summer is almost over and I am sure that we will not miss the hot 90-100 degree weather. Looking forward to cooler weather and future events for the Latin Club. To name a few these are the following: September 28th—Annual Mariachi Night Ticket Sales are as Follows: Friday, September 6th 10AM -12 PM Ticket Sales for Non-Members if Space is Available: Friday, September 6th 10AM -12 PM
Sales are going great – so make sure you get yours before they are all sold out October: November: December:
Mixer—Date and Time to be announced Mixer—Date and Time to be announced Christmas Party - December 7th The Board is in the process of planning this event. Mark that date on your calendar. More information at a later date. Until next month, try to stay cool what is left of this summer.
PICKLEBALL CLUB Come join us Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8am to Noon and Sunday from 8:30 am to 11:00 am to find out why Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America! We now have 4 courts for play for all levels of skill, and have paddles and balls available for new players. Unlike other racquet sports that require years to develop a variety of "strokes" and that depend upon a power serve; Pickle ball is a game that is easy to learn and play and with a little practice women and men compete on the same level. Starting all games with an underhand serve, it is a game of shot placement and volley. With the smaller court (from the picture you can see 4 courts fit within our Tennis court # 2), you get an excellent aerobic work out without the "pounding" of running all over a tennis court. Join us for great fun and a fun "work out". Come to the court at the days/times above and sign up at the desk in the lodge or contact Les Kuhns.
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Chartered Club News… TRILOGY ON THE ROOF We celebrate our anniversary and share our annual membership meeting at the Red Ginger Restaurant on September 14th. We also share memories, future plans, great food and comradery. We are still reminiscing about our last event "The Roaring 20’s" and will share a film and photos of that event on September 30th when Arnie Finkelstein will show the movie he took and we will display all the photos. For a quick peak at some of the photos, go to Our next event this year will be our holiday (Hanukah) party and those details will be shared at a later time. Thank you all for your participation as we continue to try to share happy times and events. Sandy Rubin
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Chartered Club News…
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Chartered Club News… PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB At the August Photography Club meeting, results of the election were announced. Ellen Moralez joins Chuck Steen as co-president and the Board remains the same. We extend a huge thank you to Carol Revers for serving as co-president the last two years. The August Photo of the Month category was “Pictures That Tell A Story”. Bill Zastrow’s picture of the Lake at Hole 16 on the Trilogy Golf Course is the winning photo. The winning photos in the “Other” category were taken by Julie Craig of a baby in a flower pot and Judy Cheek at Yellowstone National Park. Since the majority of photos can be improved with simple editing techniques, Pamela Stahl provided us with a presentation on the basic editing steps. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Flip the photo (if needed). Crop as necessary. Resize ensuring you maintain the aspect ratio. Enhance by adjusting brightness and contrast and/or by sharpening the photo. If happy with the results, save your adjustments.
She then demonstrated how to enhance a photo by using contrast and adjusting the lighting level. Pamela finished her presentation by showing how to take a hazy photo and enhancing the sky to bring out the blue. Next month’s Picture of the Month category is “Before and After” using the basic editing techniques for adjusting brightness and contrast or by sharpening the photo. This provides us the opportunity to practice what Pamela presented. For all members and prospective members, annual dues are due in September. Please bring $12.00 cash with you to the September meeting. If you are interested in photography or any of our planned topics, please join us at a meeting. Meeting dates and planned activities for the next three months are: September 11th October 9th November 13th
Presentation by Harold Wolff on flash photography followed by a practice session Team activity Presentation on creating photo books All meetings are held at the Lake Center and begin at 1:00 p.m.
Photo by: Bill Zastrow
Photo by: Judy Cheek
Photo by: Julie Craig View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Chartered Club News… WORLD FEST CLUB
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Canyon Updates Canyon Luncheons Canyon
RSVP to:
4th Wednesday
11:30 AM
Martha Rushford
2nd Thursday
11:30 AM
Sheryl McClain or Linda Zastrow
4th Wednesday
11:30 AM
Judy Cheek
2nd Wednesday
12:00 PM
Donna Laventure
3rd Tuesday
11:30 AM
Eagle Glen
2nd Thursday
12:00 PM
Rose Zoba Susie Hall or Karin Foshay
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Canyon Updates… COBBLESTONE CANYON Our fun summer block party potlucks are in full swing! July’s party was an “All American” theme with BBQ’d burgers and hotdogs. We also enjoyed homemade chili from our Chili Cook-off Chefs, Ron Foshay and Larry Wolf. The All Canyon Chili Cook-off Finals will be on Saturday, September 20 at the Trilogy Bowl. Come out and support our Cook-Off contestants! Purchase your tickets at the lodge. Cost: $15 per person (checks payable to TGIS) Chili Tasting 4:00pm—5:00pm Dinner 5:00pm—6:00pm Choice of Hamburger, Chicken Burger, or Hot Dog with potato salad, chips and a drink. Concert 6:00pm—9:00pm The Legendary Mustang’s
Our August luncheon was well attended by 32 of our beautiful ladies. A “sunny yellow” sunflower theme brightened the tables. Thank you Ola!
Upcoming Activities! Thursday, September 11 - Birthday Luncheon at BJ’s Friday, September 26 - 6pm Cuyamaca Park our last potluck of the season – Italian theme Thursday, October 16 - Apple picking and lunch at Oak Glen Thursday, November 20 - Tour of Benedict Castle and lunch at the Mission Inn
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Canyon Updates… NOBEL CANYON Another month is gone. How time flies. Our Sunshine Committee is busy with the final plans for our September Event. It will have a western theme and should be a YAHOO of a time with a catered dinner and fun and games. Then the committee is on to the annual Boutique that will be November 8th. We will find out at the Boutique meeting what we will be allowed to serve in the Café for breakfast and for a late afternoon break. Many hours of careful planning goes into the Boutique by its committee and all the Sunshine Clubs. When we get the final OK on what we already have planned to serve, you won’t want to miss breakfast in the café before you start your shopping. IN MEMORY OF GARY REYNOLDS
It is with a sad heart that we inform you that Nobel Canyon has lost a dear friend. Gary Reynolds lost his fight with cancer on July 24th. His sweet nature and friendliness will be missed. A memorial was held in the Lake Center on August 30th to honor and celebrate Gary’s life. Our monthly birthday luncheon was held at Fridays at Dos Lagos. We enjoyed a good turnout, fun, fellowship and of course good food. Our August birthday ladies were Marj Beaubien, Karen Gross, Gerda Tomasino, Jewelene Bush, Glenda Phillips, Marge Zornes, Roberta Cole and Reneé Spiro. All Nobel Canyon ladies are welcome to attend these luncheons that are held on the second Wednesday of the each month at Fridays at Dos Lagos. NOBEL CANYON TOTR ROARING 20’S “GALS & GUYS”
Flapper Jane Haase
Kathy Burks and Joel Sullivan
Gangster Art Kelly
Dan and Dodo Lanthrop
Joy Kelly
Lynda and Randy Hlubik
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Canyon Updates… MODJESKA CANYON SUMMER SOCIAL and CHILI COOKOFF – July 27th was the perfect summer afternoon for canyon residents to meet, eat and play at our 2014 social event and chili cook-off. John Cosgrove got there early in the morning to prepare his chili cook-off entry. It was delicious!! John will be representing Modjeska Canyon at the Trilogy Chili Cook-off on September 20th. BE SURE TO GET YOUR TICKETS!! In addition to John’s award winning chili, our Sunshine Club provided lasagna, salad, garlic bread and dessert. The full-card bingo game resulted in a winner for every table. The bean bag toss got intense, but at the end of the day, Nadine was the women’s winner and Jim won for the men. Then Jim beat Nadine to become the grand prize winner. Kudos to the Sunshine Club for a great event. Shown below is a sampling of photos from this event. You can view more photos of this and past Modjeska Canyon events by clicking the link on the Modjeska Canyon page of the TGI Website. Go to:, click “Canyons”, and then click “Modjeska Canyon News”.
CANYON LUNCHEON: July was hot, but it didn’t stop the fun at our monthly luncheon. We celebrated Gwen and Susan’s birthdays and shared conversation and laughter. Priscilla, Doris, and Susan won the drawing. Our next luncheon will be September 24th. To get the details so you can join in the fun, contact Judy Cheek. Birthday Gals: Gwen and Susan
Do you know of a neighbor in need? The Modjeska Canyon Sunshine Club can help. Contact Susan Fischetti, Nonette Allen, Priscilla Williams or any Sunshine Club member. Among the services the Club can provide are visits to new neighbors, assisting the bereaved, and providing meals, visits, plants, and cards when someone is sick. View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
Canyon Updates… SADDLEBACK CANYON Don and “Hildy” Lewis and Jim and Bonnie Jeffers September Birthday Wishes to: Irene Bannonsky, Edna Barr, Sheryl Calhoun, Betsy Coon, Irene Samson, Theresa Scholin, Sharon Seelig, Eileen Taks, Dee Zostera, Shelly Tanner, Sylvia Kessick, Connie Sackett, and Nona Janus. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Sunday 9/7, 5-9pm Saddleback’s annual Fall Harvest Dinner at the Lodge. Contact Alice Hodgson for tickets. Tuesday 9/16, 11:30am Saddleback’s monthly Luncheon at Eagle Glen Golf Club Saturday 9/20, 4-9pm All Canyon Chili Cook-off and Concert: Come support and cheer on our own chili finalist: Jim Pfeffer, Bob Michowski, and Rudy Burbank. Tuesday 9/30 Summer has Floated Away: Free Root Beer Floats for Saddleback residents by the Pool hosted by the Sunshine Club. NEWS A special thank you to Annette Farrell who so graciously adorned our July luncheon tables with a rainbow of beautiful roses from her garden. As always, Annette opened up the luncheon with her engaging smile and much anticipated WOW (words of wisdom). Our June and July luncheons welcomed newbies Marie Holmes, Darlene Mangam, and Linda Bleifuss and celebrated June Birthdays with Rose Zoba and Sandi Clabough. Sandy Rubin and her energetic TOTR (Trilogy on the Roof) assistants scored another successful event with the Roaring 20’s themed event at the Lodge. Fran Dawson (also a dancer at the India Fest), Carla McKendry-Neeld, Jan Pfeffer, and Patti Blyleven dazzled the audience with their fancy footwork. On August 13th, Karen Gross, Patti Blyleven, and Sally Wieringa kicked off the first Birthdays for Charity (read details in article) event to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. A speaker from the Corona Veteran’s Center spoke to explain the many hardships returning Veteran’s experience after serving in the Middle East. The next event will be November 6th at The Lodge and St. Jude Children’s Hospital will be the beneficiary of this fundraiser. SOS … Join us (all canyons) on Fridays from 10-11am for the Movement for Wellness class at the BWSC (no September classes). We need at least 8 people to join or this class will be discontinued. If you’re stiff and need to stretch those muscles, then this class is for you. Contact Juan Romero at the Blue Water Sports Club.
Newbies: Marie Holmes, Darlene Mangam, Linda Bleifuss
BD Gals: Rose Zoba and Sandi Clabough Birthdays for Charity guests from the Corona Veterans Center: Ed Martinez and Ralph Sarabia
“Hildy” and Don Lewis
Dennis and Peggy Wortham
Contact Info Sunshine President—Bob Michowski Angel Chair—Patti Blyleven Special Events—Debbie Barkley RSVP Luncheon—Rose Zoba Medical Devices—Liana Hachiya Newsletter—Liana Hachiya, Chris Iseri
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Canyon Updates… COLDWATER CANYON Challenges Not one of us faces this life without a few challenges notched on to the side of our belts. It is what many consider to be the threads we sew together to create strength in our character, our minds and our souls. Moving to Trilogy with all its beauty, resources and friendships, we found many of our new friends sharing some of those character challenges with us as we became bonded in ways of lasting memories. Of such is the challenge to a local high school student Jordan Walker, his parents, family and girlfriend. A Friday night local high school all CIF football game, with many parents, grandparents, kids in frenetic spirit, cheering on their favorite team. The stakes were high, the game meant everything to families, friends, and especially the kids on the field and then, a freak accident. A star football Santiago High School Varsity team member, 16 year old is seriously injured. The crowd is silent, the injured players’ parents in the stands, in shock, his grandmother, Janice Walker, and Trilogy residents at home watching it on TV. That was in November of 2013. Much has been written of the strength of the Walker family, the hearts that openly supported the many community sponsored fund raisers for this family as they faced the mounting monetary demands placed upon them, what the future held for the health of their son. Direction became blurred in emotion as they journeyed through the slow but steady process of healing. Their faith, however always synchronized in restoring the positive where the negative sat waiting. Therapy guidance is on going, and Jordan is spirited fighter, a most optimistic young man, whose total focus is strengthening muscle use of his neck and shoulders to help in keeping him from toppling over when sitting as he goes about completing his high school education. Nervous at first about returning, until he saw groups of his friends who gathered him in shared prayer infusing him with the needed energy of support and healing. He has resumed his senior classes at Santiago High School, and with the incredible support of his mom, dad, granny, cousins, friends and last but far from very least his always at his side long time girlfriend, Brooke. He plans on furthering his education after graduation in college studying engineering. Through it all, a great big smile is among one of the most lasting and enchanting impression you are aware of about this young man. That GREAT BIG SMILE greeted Trilogy residents on August 10th at the Pacific Crest Lodge as the Walker Family - Jordan with brother, Shayne; mom, Ali; girlfriend, Brooke; cousin, Kendall and grandmother, Janice, hosted a special pizza and salad gathering to say a special Thank You for all their support given. Dad, Curtis not pictured, but there. Janice, usually making it happen on the food chain of most of the Trilogy events, working behind the scenes where she is comfortable, expressed overwhelming gratitude for the prayers and support the Trilogy Family has shown her family and grandson. It is a great story, could have been a tragic one, but for the strength of a family who faced with what seemed an unsurmountable challenge, united their energies to meet it head on. Challenges happen to people, families, everyday somewhere, random, never planned, changes lives, sacrifices made, but always present opportunity to show the strength of character we each possess in time of need. God Speed to the Boy with the Great Smile.
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Canyon Updates… CORRAL CANYON “A MOMENT FOR YOU” “Just living is not enough, said the Butterfly. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little Flower.” It is hard to believe, the summer is almost over and it was a hot one at that!
Happy September Birthdays To: Marilyn Shaw Cary Tillery
Aurora Wilton Margo Korn
Sylvia Kessick Cathy Basta
September Luncheon is on September 11th at BJ’s restaurant. Birthday luncheons are the second Thursday of every month. What a nice surprise to see all our new neighbors there. Please come and join the fun and to meet your new neighbors and your old friends.
Some Comments and Reminders from our Corral Canyon President Irene Lycett Christmas Tea Our Christmas Tea is coming soon on December 11th at the Lake Center. We are looking for people to host a table or to help. If you would like to take part in this fun event please call: Sheryl McLain or Linda Zastro. Corral Canyon Happy/Social Hour The event will be October 12, 2014 at the lodge. Planning will be starting soon. If you would like to help, call a board member: Irene, Sallie, Alice or Stella. Boutique for November 8, 2014 The Corral Sunshine Club has “The White Elephant” responsibility. 1. We have begun to collect items for the “White Elephant” 2. Drop off for donations will be the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 10:00 – 1:00PM, beginning now. Drop off at the Lycett’s. No heavy furniture or clothing. 3. Contact Irene Lycett or Sallie Martinez for more information about drop off. We are looking for new ways to bring old and new neighbors out. If you have any ideas please call Alice and I will be happy to pass the word on. Anyone wanting to help on a canyon or Sunshine function or if there is anything of special interest, birthdays, anniversaries or a special trip you would like to share with our canyon, please call me (Alice) and I will be happy to include it in the monthly canyon message.
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Community Happenings TRILOGY ANNUAL BOUTIQUE Our 2014 Trilogy annual Boutique is coming up November 8th, so put it on your calendars! There will be The Breakfast Cafe available from 7:30 AM or so to 11:00 AM. Then lunch fare kicks in with our annual hot dog feast with all the trimmings! Our Bake Sale will have a variety of homemade cakes, candies, cookies, brownies, etc. You will NOT want to miss out on this! The White Elephant Sale is always a community favorite. One person's junk has been proven over and over to be another' man's (or woman's) treasure! We have no expenses with this event so all profits go directly to help fund our canyon's Sunshine Clubs, which, in turn, assist ill or needy residents right here in TRILOGY. We will have 40+ resident and outside vendors for your shopping pleasure: homemade English Toffee, Caramels, Jewelry, Scones, Artistic gifts, and Ceramics! You name it! Our Facilities assigned canyon will provide golf cart rides to and from the upper parking lot and street parking. So put us on your calendar and we'll see YOU there! Kay Rookhuyzen, Boutique President & Vendor Coordinator Mary Griffin, Treasurer Kathy Williams, Secretary
CHRISTMAS GOLF CART PARADE Sunday, December 7,2014 The Christmas Golf Cart Parade is set for Sunday evening December 7, 2014. Please put the date on your calendar. Even if you don’t have a golf cart, this is still great fun for the whole family and will bring a smile to the face of kids all ages. If you are interested in participating with your golf cart or volunteering to help, please sign up on the interest list at the front desk in the Pacific Crest Lodge or for more information call Richard Lewis.
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Community Happenings…
Do you love attention? Are you the life of the party? Is Diva your middle name? If so you may be interested in being part of starting a DRAMA CLUB Here are some ideas to whet your appetite …
ater e h T ’ s r Reade Musica ls ♫ Reading
ct Play s
Stand-up Comedy
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or just come and have some fun by being an actor, audience or organizer! If you are interested in being part of starting a Drama Club here at Trilogy Please contact Joey Mercado
IN MEMORIAM Dick Cook-Coldwater Canyon
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Community Happenings… Birthdays for Charity On August 13, 2014, the "Birthdays for Charity" group met for the first time at the Lake Center for lunch. There were 81 guests, who enjoyed a delicious Mexican style meal and an amazing luscious-tasting cake donated by Saddleback Canyon resident, Stevan Ruzic. The Birthdays for Charity group was organized by Karen Gross, Patti Blyleven, and Sally Wieringa. The vision of this group is to help others, by using the money that you would spend on a birthday gift for a friend and donate that money to a charity instead. The first charity to be selected was the Wounded Warriors Project. We are happy to say that the Wounded Warriors Project will receive $1,500.00 from the generous donations made by our very own charitable TRILOGY residents. Our next meeting will be held on November 6, 2014 at 12:00 p.m., at the Pacific Crest Lodge. If you would like information about the group, you can contact Patti, Karen or Sally and they would be happy to discuss "Birthdays for Charity" with you. And, on a personal note, Karen, Patti and Sally would like to thank everyone who helped make the first meeting such a success. Your generosity is truly appreciated. Photos: Patti Blyleven and Sally Wieringa; Edward Martinez and Ralph Sarabia from the Corona Veterans Center; Preparing our Mexican lunch; Birthday Celebrants for July, August, and September.
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Community Happenings… TMAC MEETING DATE AND PLACE 2nd Wednesday of every month
Wednesday, September 10th at 7:00PM S A VE T H I S D A T E NOVEMER 8, 2014 • 9:00 AM TO 3:00PM AND HEAD FOR THE PACIFIC CREST LODGE and the TRILOGY at GLEN IVY Boutique
OUTSIDE VENDORS Offering beautiful & unique gift ideas GIANT “WHITE ELEPHANT” SALE Find a hidden treasure DELICIOUS BAKED GOODS & MORE Whatever your sweet tooth desires HOT DOG BAR & BREAKFAST CAFÉ Satisfy your appetite Don’t miss this wonderful event Shuttle service from parking areas for shoppers & vendors
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Turning 65 Soon? Planning to retire or have Medicare questions? Trilogy Resident since 2004 Dick Clark, CPCU, CIC Dick Clark Insurance Services 9164 Pinyon Point Court Corona, CA 92883-9333
Are you confused with all the Medicare choices? Let us use our 40+ years of experience to help. We will research your personal choices and make you aware of what is available and Phone: 951951-277277-1777 how it will fit with your Fax: 951-277-1818 personal situation. Cell: 714-402-1734 Email: Dick @
Phone or Email today for an immediate consultation. CA Ins. Lic# 0754448
VIKING RIVER CRUISE NIGHT Information Session Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 6pm
R.S.V.P. Steve McCormac AAA - Corona 951.817.5475
TRAFALGAR TRAVEL TALK NIGHT Information Session Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 6pm
R.S.V.P. Steve McCormac AAA - Corona
Realty ONE Group
Barbara McCollough, GRI BRE #01240045 951-297-8311
Judy Porter BRE #00574528 951-202-3378
All advertisers in the Trilogy paid to place theirand Use their services on at your own discretion youpassword would do are withnot anyrequired. company. View the newsletter in color!Times Log onto ‘Newsletter’ the menu; usernameasand
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All advertisers in the Trilogy paid to place theirand Use their services on at your own discretion youpassword would do are withnot anyrequired. company. View the newsletter in color!Times Log onto ‘Newsletter’ the menu; usernameasand
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September 2014 Sunday
1 Labor Day
2 HOA Board Meeting Ballroom, 6pm
3 Street Sweeping 8am - Noon
4 Movie Night Last Days in Vietnam Ballroom, 6:30pm
5 Face to Face Modjeska Lounge, 10am
6 Summer Concert #3 Trilogy Bowl, Dinner 5pm Concert 6pm
11 *Technology Help Session Tenaja, 10am
13 Community Wide Garage Sales All Canyons, 7am
20 Chili Cook-off Lake Center/ Trilogy Bowl 5pm
26 Piano Bar Nite Modjeska Lounge, 5pm
HOA Offices Closed
7 Saddleback Party 5pm
*Book Club CFWB, 9:30am 9 *GNC Pool Side Social
10 TMAC Meeting Ballroom, 7pm
Free Blood Pressure Testing PCL, 9:30am 14 *TOTR Luncheon Noon Red Ginger China Bistro
21 *Nobel Canyon Dinner Party
22 *Resident Couples Golf 4pm
17 TGIS Board Meeting Tahoe, 9:30am
18 Sick & Tired Seminar CFWB, 10am
TGIS Annual Meeting Ballroom, 1pm
*Annual Mariachi Night Pancho Villas, 5pm
25 Free Blood Pressure Testing PCL, 9:30am Corona Regional Presentation Ballroom, 12pm Social Night with Skip Johnson Ballroom, 4:30pm
28 *Coldwater Canyon Annual Party PCL 5:30
*Denotes a Club Event, for more information contact club/canyon representative. TGMA sign up’s and Ticket Sales are available starting September1st View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.
October 2014 Sunday
7 HOA Board Meeting Ballroom, 6pm
1 *Book Club CFWB, 9:30am
24 Piano Bar Nite Modjeska Lounge, 5pm
25 Understanding Alzheimers Disease CFWB. 10am
8 9 TMAC Meeting *Technology Help Ballroom, 6:30pm Session Tenaja, 12pm Free Blood Pressure Testing PCL, 9:30am
12 *Corral Canyon Social PCL
15 TGIS Board Meeting Tahoe, 9:30am
16 California Shakeout Drill 10:16am Social Night with Gil Alcantar Ballroom, 4:30pm
20 AARP Driving Course Sequoia, 1pm
21 AARP Driving Course Sequoia, 1pm
23 Free Blood Pressure Testing PCL, 9:30am Movie Night Million Dollar Arm Ballroom, 6:30pm
31 Halloween Party Ballroom, 5pm
*Denotes a Club Event, for more information contact club/canyon representative. TGMA sign up’s and Ticket Sales are available starting September 1st View the newsletter in color! Log onto and click ‘Newsletter’ on the menu; username and password are not required.