D36E Newsletter // August 2018

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Sky Bisons News

August Volume 3

Issue 3

What’s Inside? A. DLT MESSAGES


B. August Calendar


C. LTG Message


D. Spirit Team


E.Fundraising Committee


F. District Newsletter


G. CyberKey


H. Contact Info


Your Division News Editor HAI HAI Sky Bisons, Summer is almost over and some of us, including me, have yet to finish their summer homework. We have our Region 4 Picnic coming up and I am so excited to meet you all there. Even though Fall Rally is still far away, it will come sooner than you think. Do not forget about things you want to make like spirit sticks or free hug signs. As always, stay HYDRATED and LIT Sky Bisons

- Ellis Galiza

Your Division Tech Editor Hi Sky Bisons!

This is Sam Zureick, and I am serving as your new division tech editor! I have been working hard to create a new division website, so please check it out! School is starting back up again, and that means club meetings are rolling in too! Make sure to spread the word about Key Club to freshmen and your friends! Best Wishes,

- Sam Zureick

Your Service Task Coordinator To whom it may concern, I have so many plans and ideas I would like to share with my beloved division. I want August to be when all clubs in our division have a “golden age”. Also, I want member recruitment and retention to be at its all-time high. I plan to find and create really wonderful service events that will put many new and old members in awe of this upcoming school year. Even though our division is small in location and very limited in resources I have so many ideas we can use, to utilize the very little resources we have. August is one of the months that is very crucial for each club to recruit and retain members. Attract the members by thinking of club bonding ideas and let them have fun while at the same time making a difference in the community with service. Make sure that the members know that they are doing great things for the people around them. Please, as a member first before anything, I beg each fellow member to break away from your regular friend group and mingle. Board members of each club should also do icebreakers that would split people up so that they aren't just attached to one person in the club. As your Service Task Coordinator for the 2018-2019 term, I am telling you Key club is not all about the service, even though I am supposed to highlight service in this letter, that’s not all Key club has to offer. Key club offers so many opportunities and relationships. If we were just about service, we wouldn’t be any different from any other service club. Key club would not be Key club without service but, we wouldn’t have service and spirit without the members of each club. I hope to see you at all the service events for this upcoming month!

Beyond the Wonders,

- John Luu

YOUR Spirit Task Coordinator Salutations and greetings fellow Sky Bison!! It's your boy, David Chung, ready to serve my second term as your spirit task coordinator! My partner, Chris Kim, and I are ready to take that dub this year and bring home the spirit stick! I assure that we and our spirit team are working our bison buttocks off to achieve this goal. Be ready for earlier spirit sessions so that we can get our cheers into your guys' long term memory, increasing your ability to recite effectively. Stay tuned, stay awesome,

- David Chung

Your Spirit Task Coordinator Salutations fellow Sky Bisons! My name is Chris Kim and I work alongside David Chung as your Head Spirit Task Coordinator! Although our term has barely started, we have already accomplished many things. We raised $1000 at the July DCM selling food, we raised $750 from our car wash, and we will start selling division 36 east’s very own POPSOCKETS! Pls buy one :)

None of this could have been done without the help of my spirit team. My Spirit Coordinators were announced at the July DCM but they were installed at Officer Training Conference. From now to then, they have grew into amazing leaders and I can’t thank them enough for helping me throughout my term. It’s because of people like David, Liehla, Volker, John, Destiny, Elaine, Michelle, and Kimberly that made me join key club in the first place. We help each other and grow together and that is why I am so honored to be a part of such a life changing club. Thank you Division 36 East for believing in me and my spirit team and we won’t let you down! I love you <33 P.S PLS BUY POPSOCKETS

- Chris Kim

Your Executive Assistant Hey there, Mighty Sky Bisons!

My name is Samantha Dobey and I am so delighted to be serving as one of your Executive Assistants. For I think of all of us, Summer is closing up and the school year is soon to begin. Some of you spent the Summer volunteering in your community, making new friends or memories with old and some spent it as a much needed rest from the previous school year. Whether you did one of these things, any of these things , all of these things, or so much more, I hope you had the Summer you all deserved. While we all dread the beginning of the school year, or just school in general, this is a great opportunity to recruit members by setting up booths and displaying what your club has to offer. It is also a great time for your club board to plan the school year and the things you want to accomplish throughout this term. Set goals for not only your club, but yourself as well and think of the steps of how you will achieve these goals. There is only so much time left, so use every moment you have! Recruitment season is soon to approach and you know what that means. Advertise and showcase all of the amazing things this organization has to offer. Create recruitment videos, hang up flyers, utilize social media or simply ask someone to come out to your first meeting. Anything you do and say has a much greater impact than you think so use your words and actions to influence your peers. The school year may also signify procrastination and while many of you have already jumped on that by procrastinating on your summer assignments, I ask you all to try not to. I know, much easier said than done, but the things you do for your club and yourself reflect on the effort you contribute. Try making your life a tad bit easier, and get things done while you have the time. I wish you all the best of luck throughout this month and as always, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns, feel free to reach out to me whenever and wherever!

Flying with Service,

- Samantha Dobey

Your Executive Assistant Hello Sky Bisons! My name is Daniel Pham and I proudly serve as your Executive Assistant for the 20182019 term. I may be four months late but I would like to start off congratulating all the officers on their position. I hope everyone had a blast at the joint beach DCM with D36W. Unfortunately I was not able to attend the Beach DCM, but I look forward to meeting more of you during the August DCM. For many of us, school is starting up again. Whether you are going into your last year of high school or second, please remember it’s a new opportunity to earn redemption, push your limits, and to make great, new memories. This also means that Fall Rally is approaching fast, meaning we need to fundraise and recruit members quickly. New members come for the service but stay for the memories they make. Fall Rally is such an amazing experience that creates memories and helps members fall in love with Key Club, which makes it important to plan and advertise early. Lieutenant Governor Tam Dao’s goal is to make D36E the most improved division and one of the best divisions in CNH. With our hard work, service, and sprit, we can make our goal a reality. This may seem difficult and a reach, but our counterparts from D36W were able to accomplish this last term, it’s our turn to step up. The term will be difficult at times so feel free to contact me anytime via message: (909)499-2033 or my social media: ayungphame

-Serving with HEART

- Daniel Pham

Your Fundraising Task Coordinator Hello D36e! My name is Siouxsie and I am proud to serve as your Fundraising Task Coordinator! I’m an incoming Senior and I attend Indian Springs High School. Shout out to everyone who attended the Beach Cleanup I hope you all had as much fun as I did! I hope you’ve all had an amazing summer. In the month of August let’s all focus on recruiting new members and hosting cool fundraisers!! If you ever need help with creating ideas for fundraising DON’T hesitate to contact me because I’d LOVE to help you! Also shout out to Alex Pham, Elaine Wijaya, and Gerald Welly who are outstanding members of my Fundraising Committee!

See ya later!

- Siouxsie Lopez



























Articles & Visuals

Region 4 Picnic

DLT Messages 19














Your Lieutenant Governor

Hello Sky Bisons, I just want to thank all of you that came out to the beach clean up. This is the farthest event that Sky Bisons have held. I hope that you all had a wonderful time cleaning up the beach and being able to socialize with not only our division but also with division 36 west! Please give a huge shout out to the spirit team providing us with the food and drinks for the DCM. August is one of the more packed months out of the key club term. There’s the start of the school year, club rush, member recruitment, trying to find where all your classes are, and getting ready to deal with a whole school year. But, I believe that every single one of you are going to thrive. This is also the perfect month to try to get those underclassmen to join key club! Utilize your club rush to attract all those students and give incentives. Invite them to our very first region event of the term! In the month of August, region 4 will be hosting a region picnic! This is a great opportunity to meet people from Huskeys, Coyotes, and your fellow Sky Bisons. Sky Bison Merch should be coming out really soon so keep a look out for updates. Don’t forget the most important thing… service! Keep racking up those service hours and reach the goal of 50 hours by the end of the term. Do not forget that you must complete a total of 15 hours before Fall Rally to attend!

Serving With a Smile, - Tam Dao

Your 2018-2019 Spirit Team

Spirit Team

Head Spirit Task

Kimberley Quesada

Chris Kim & D

Spirit Team

Spirit Team


Michelle Quarshie



Spirit Team

k Coordinators

Volker Salinas

David Chung

it Team

hn Luu

Spirit Team

Spirit Team

Liehla Dureza

Elaine Wijaya

Your 2018-2019 Fundraising Comm

Head Fundraising


Fundraising Team Gerald Welly




g Task Coordinator

e Lopez

Fundraising Team Alex Pham

sing Team


District Newsletter: https://issuu.com/cnhkc/docs/cnh_dnews_07_1819



Tam Dao D36E LTG d36e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Sam Zureick

TEch EDITOR d36e.cnhkc.tech@gmail.com

David Chung

Chris Kim

SPIRIT TASK COORDINATORS d36e.cnhkc.stc@gmail.com

ELLIS GALIZA DIVISION NEWS EDITOR d36e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Samantha dobey

Daniel Pham

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS d36e.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com

Siouxsie Lopez FUNDRAISING TASK COORDINATOR d36e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com

John LUU Service COORDINATOR d36e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com

REMIND 101 Text @d36ekcto 81010 to join our remind group FACEBOOK To find updates on upcoming events on our Facebook page, go to http://tinyurl.com/d36efacebook INSTAGRAM @d36e_keyclub

Twitter @d36e_keyclub

District Newsletter: https://issuu.com/cnhkc/docs/cnh_dnews_07_1819




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