School of Planning and Architecture UD Research Paper- 2016/17
High-Density, High-Rise Residential Development and its psycho-social effects Divya Chand Advisor- Ms. Tina Bali
AbstractHigh density high rise urban housing environments are analyzed in terms of the social and psychological effects they have on the residents who live there. What aspects of the spaces lead to distress, why and how they can be combatted is researched through secondary studies, experiments and research papers. While they may have many severe ill-effects, ways of making high density residential buildings more people friendly are suggested. Cities are hosts to great numbers of people who work and live here. Global population is accelerating at a rapid pace and with it urbanization. Urban areas have been struggling to accommodate these large and diverse populations. Apart from air, water and food, one of the essential needs of these people is shelter, which is a primary objective in the design of cities. The demand for housing is at an all-time high and will only increase in the coming future. There are two typical ways in which cities of the world are meeting this demand. One is horizontal expansion and the other vertical. Much like Delhi, cities expand onto their peripheries consuming agrarian lands and neighboring villages as well as towns. Such horizontal expansion has its drawbacks, in that it increases transit distances, hence, time and leads to clogged traffic networks. This leads to increased pollution and hence, is not feasible with the current state of the environment. It is also extremely challenging in situations where the regional context is not favorable, like in Mumbai. Hence development tends to boom in the third dimension. Dense, high rise development is now seen all across the world. India has also joined the trend with developers building dense residential complexes, accommodating maximum units of housing in small parcels of land to gain maximum
profits. The public authorities also have to resort to the same strategy. 30 projects for re-densification have been planned for city centers in Delhi with a lot of work underway. In such high-rise developments, thousands of people live in close proximity to each other. Spaces that surround individual housing units are exposed to general view, perceived and used by the public. Multiple apartments on each floor share common lobby spaces. Each residential tower tends to have close to a hundred apartment units who share the same elevators and staircases. Multiple towers of this kind cluster together to form a residential society. Here, several people in the neighborhood share common spaces, resources and facilities. In such an environment it is humanly impossible to know thy neighbor let alone love them. The issue with high density: Urban design is defined as the process of shaping the setting (or public realm) for life in cities, towns and villages. With the high degree of anonymity that discussed situations generate, the public realm seems to begin at the first step out one’s door. Families are in constant interaction with countless number of people, most of whom they don’t know personally. Such high density environments affect the lifestyles of people living within. A large number of researches in different disciplines confirm that the multiple components of housing units and outdoor areas have the potential to contribute effectively to physical health and social and mental well-being of the residents. (Chatterjee, 2009) Studies on the specific effects of high density urban environments have been carried out since the mid-20th century in western nations. The findings bring to notice alarming yet relatable observations.
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