The case of Amaravati The competitive city paradigm: new urban governance and the entrepreneurial city
07/01/2019 Mini-Essay Urban Economic Geography
-Divya Chand Master in Urban Studies, Cohort-2
Spread in the October’17 issue of ‘Amaravati Times’, a monthly-magazine initiated in September ‘17. As the editor describes it: While much-hated hasty bifurcation left a bitter taste among the five crore Telugu people of residual Andhra Pradesh, the announcement of new capital Amaravati on the banks of holy River Krishna has evoked excitement and raised new hopes and aspirations. In line with their new found expectations, we have felt there is a dire need for a new English magazine that intended to inspire, enthuse, educate and enlighten masses amidst growing negative reporting that spoils the morning mood of readers. (Photograph by Author)