Pick a problem from one of the cases/ sites from your case weeks. Identify the various concepts that you have seen through the different weeks of the Commons that are represented in your choice of problem. Building on the idea of sustainable development, and questions of values and trade-offs, as represented through the notion of the ‘Planner’s Triangle’, explain how you (as an urban practitioner) would address and resolve the issue.
Divya Chand UFP
Picking the problem of the „Dying lakes of Bangalore‟, the text attempts to relate it to the various concepts of the Urban as discussed in the Commons under the broad categories of Inequality, Governance, Infrastructure and Economy, the ecological aspect being self-evident. The idea of what „Sustainable Development‟ would mean for a degraded lake in Bangalore is discussed through the notion of Campbell‟s „Planner‟s Triangle‟. How an Urban-space Designer/ Architect can begin to tackle with this issue in her capabilities and limitations, what values can be upheld and what tradeoffs might have to be made, is explored.