1 minute read

Mary Our Guide -Cl. Shaun Fernandes

Mary Our Guide

Behind every man's success there is a woman and behind every person's choice, a mother guides. When we were small we usually go to our mothers for things; even to make decisions we normally ask our mother. No matter how small or how big the decisions we have to make in life our mothers are ever ready to guide us in life. We see in the Bible that at the prompting of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob, that Jacob steals Esau's blessings from Isaac (Gen. 27: 5-10). And because of Bathsheba the mother of Solomon that he became the King of Israel (1 Kings 1: 5-17). Our mothers know what's best for us. She has kept us for 9 months within her womb and even after we were born she nurses us till we are strong enough. She is the only one who knows us through and through. It is close to impossible to hide anything from our mothers. When we look at Our Lady we see that in spite of her knowing what will happen to her Son, she lets him go. She knows that what He is doing is beyond her grasp of understanding, but when Jesus gave his mother to be the mother of us all she understood that she is meant to help all those who come to her and lead them to Jesus. Like all mothers, she knows that our needs are many and she satisfies not our physical needs but our spiritual needs. She knows that we lack certain things spiritually, so, like a mother who guides, she guides us to her Son Jesus who quenches our spiritual desires. Let us, therefore, look at Mary as our heavenly mother ever ready to guide us on the right path. Cl. Shaun Fernandes


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