Here’s how a hotter world making us less productive every year When the average daily high temperature over the year rises by 1 deg C, output falls by about 3%, according to the study
India’s poorest areas most vulnerable to heat waves, as planning targets cities. Current Affairs : For every 1 deg C increase in temperature above 27 deg C on a hot day in India, productivity of workers declines by as much as 4%, according to a new study. Annual average temperature in India has increased 2 deg C over 200 years to 2006, and is predicted to rise further by 1.5-2.0 deg C by 2030. Simply put, this means if a worker is packing 100 boxes of shoes in day at 27 deg C, he/she will pack only 96 boxes on a day when temperature is 28 deg C. Small industries such as cloth-weaving units, which cannot afford air-conditioning, are most vulnerable to production losses due to rise in temperature, as per the August 30, 2018, study prepared by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC), a think-tank. Hotter states more vulnerable to productivity losses Workers of “hotter regions” such as Delhi and Gujarat;together contributing about 10% of the country’s gross domestic product (on prices of 2014-15)–are likely to see a 4% decline in the productivity on hot day against a 2% decline in the efficiency of the workers in “milder climate” of South…Read more