Is AI really coming for your job? Chances are high if you're in India Artificial intelligence is dramatically accelerating the automation of factories and taking over routine tasks such as customer service or telemarketing
Jobs News : Most studies of the impact of artificial intelligence on jobs and the economy have focused on developed countries such as the US and Britain. But through my work as a scientist, technology executive and venture capitalist in the US and China, I’ve come to believe that the gravest threat AI poses is to emerging economies. In recent decades, China and India have presented the world with two different models for how such countries can climb the development ladder. In the China model, a nation leverages its large population and low costs to build a base of blue-collar manufacturing. It then steadily works its way up the value chain by producing better and more technology-intensive goods. In the India model, a country combines a large English-speaking population with low costs to become a hub for outsourcing of lowend, white-collar jobs in fields such as business-process outsourcing and software testing. If successful, these relatively lowskilled jobs can be slowly upgraded to more advanced white-collar industries. Both models are based on a country’s cost advantages in the performance of repetitive, non-social and largely uncreative work — whether manual labor in factories or cognitive labor in call centers. Unfortunately for emerging economies, AI thrives at performing precisely this kind of work...Read more
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