Walkout prompts Google to reform policies on dealing with sexual harassment Google CEO Sundar Pichai says in note company is “”sincerely sorry” for past policies a week after 20,000 workers around the world walked off their jobs to protest company’s response to sexual harass
Companies News : Alphabet Inc’s Google said on Thursday it would change the way it handles sexual harassment claims, a week
after 20,000 of its workers around the world walked off their jobs to protest its response to such issues. Arbitration will become optional for individual sexual harassment and sexual assault claims, Google said, enabling lawsuits on those matters. It also said employees who fail to complete mandatory sexual harassment training will be docked in performance reviews. “We recognise that we have not always gotten everything right in the past and we are sincerely sorry for that,” Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai said in a note addressed to employees. “It’s clear we need to make some changes.” Pichai’s actions respond to a couple of the five major requests made by employees during last week’s protests. They had called on Alphabet to…Read more
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