Simple handmade beaded jewelry- how to make crystal jewelry This how to make crystal jewelry tutorial includes merely two basic skills that are often applied in handmade beaded jewelry, which is exactly suitable for beginners.
This sort of lake blue Czech beads really glitter well in this how to make crystal jewelry project. Even some of you unfamiliar with Czech beads will soon fall in love this kind of super-clear and lustrous materials, and furthermore take a shine to this handmade beaded jewelry.
Materials and tools: blue Czech glass beads 12mm 16mm blue Czech glass beads 12mm brass rhinestone beads 0.5mm copper wire Jump rings Spring clasp Iron chain Wire cutter Round nose plier
Instructions: Step 1: make beaded link 1 , snip about 15cm length of wire;
Step 2: combine beaded link with chains
2nd, loop one end with plier.
1st, snip 2 pairs of chains measuring about
3 ,
10cm each;
rhinestone beads alternately;
2nd, attach them to both sides of beaded
4th, loop the other end and trim off excess
component with jump rings.
Step 3: finalize this handmade bracelet 1st, attach a spring clasp to one double ends of chains; 2nd, attach a jump ring to the other double ends.
Yes you are done! The handmade beaded jewelry completed by you is this beautifully shining crystal bracelet! Now after learning this way about how to make crystal jewelry, why not put round among friends and share this good project.
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