Learn Picture Framing and Start Your Own Business If you are interested to design picture frames on your own or want to start a home based business of making and selling picture frames, you will certainly need highly efficient Photo framing tools. This blog will provide you information about important picture framing tools. Picture Frame: Picture frames made up of different materials are available in market. You can choose a picture frame according to the durability, design and look you want for your picture frame. Frames made up of metal, wood, plastic, ceramics and steel are available. A range of wooden frames made up of different kinds of woods are available that include walnut, cherry, oak, basswood, cedar, rosewood and others.
Picture Mat: Picture mat is made up of plain paper or cardboard that outlines the picture inside a frame. The mat provides distinct visibility of the image and nice finishing to the photo frames. Trimmer Guillotine Measuring System: With the help of this measuring tool, you can measure the mat and cut it according to the dimensions of the picture. Mat Cutter: Generally, a miter saw is used to cut the mats according to the dimensions of the image. A nice estimate is roughly Âź to â…“ of the width of the image. This formula will help you to deduce the best suitable dimensions of the mat: L = E + (2 x C) + (2 x W), Where L = Length/Width of the measurement of the picture frame
E = Length/Width of the mat C = Clearance around the mat W = Width of the frame material Other tools: There are many other photo framing tools that play significant role in creating picture frames. The tools are Cord clamp, Strap clamp, Push master, Bench master, Clamp kit, Trimmer, Swiveling Base and others. Read More: http://beaautiful-interior-painting.weebly.com/blog/-learn-picture-framingand-start-your-own-business