Diy on a budget issue one

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DIY On A Budget ISSUE 01 / MARCH 2016

e d a M r fo you

Budgetdesign4U FRESH new ideas THE BEST OF events this month

Products we are all using, get the look.

Our members become your writers

Copywrite DIY On A Budget 2016, Toni Trevillion

Diy On A Budget ! Visit our website: Find us on Facebook: Group groups/1423184117937567/?fref=ts Facebook page: ttps:// Find us on Twitter: Find us on Instagram: Contact me at:

Page 1, Front cover. Page 2, Index. Page 3, Editors words. Page 4/5, VW camper bed. Page 6/7 Born on a building site. Page 8, FAQ. Page 9, How to create a glitter wall. Page 10, What DIY On A Budget has done for you. Page 11, Valspar upcucle Page 12/13, Solid wood floating shelves. Page 14, Childrens book shelves. Page 15, Childs single bed. Page 16/17, Arts and crafts table. Page 18/19, Life of an upcyclist. Page 20, Advertisement. Page 21, Bureau upcycle. Page 22/23, Let's make something. Page 24, Advert. Page 25, Home within a home. Page 26/27, Paper cutting. Page 28, Brick effect wall, using a sponge. Page 29, How to get the look. Page 30, Mosaic wall, using frog tape. Page 31, Lulu Blu, sewing. Page 32/33, How to do a brown paper floor. Page 35/35, Rainbow stags head. Page 36/37, Kelly's of the hook crochet. Page 38, Just for fun, star signs. Page 39, Back cover.

So here it goes, I have been forced into writing a bit about myself, for the first publication of DIY On a Budget. I have to be honest; I find writing about anything quite hard let alone writing about myself. I lack confidence and doubt my capability every day. I can’t spell, read or write very well at all so this is very hard for me to do. So please bear with me. I always found that I could pick items up quite cheaply, like wallpaper, floor tiles and the likes. But labour is often out of my reach. I had no choice but to start doing the work myself, working with what I could afford I was surprised with the success I had. It was then that I thought to myself, “I can’t be the only

person doing this” So I set up the group you have all come to know and love. DIY On a Budget was born with a few clicks of a mouse. I shared the group on a few other groups and headed to bed. Waking up the next day I had around 600 requests. Still I had no idea how much the group would grow. At the time of me writing this we have over 96k members, adding at least 500 new members each day. But what makes DIY On a Budget different? The success of the group certainly isn’t my doing; the success of the group is purely down to its members and the admin that volunteer their time. Without the members giving their advice,

uploading their homes, products used and tips and tricks it wouldn’t be a platform people wish to visit several times a day. So thank you to each and every one of you. This magazine will feature your work; it will be a magazine for real people doing real DIY. That is what DIY on a budget is all about. Thank you, for your support over the last two years. Without you all DIY On a budget wouldn’t exist. Toni Trevillion

We are always looking for new writers, if you would like to be in the next issue of DIY On A Budget and think you have a project our members would like to read about, please email me at

VW Camper Bed We wanted to make bunk beds for our 3 & 4 year olds boy/girl sharing a room, bunk beds to save space, we saw this on Google and thought we could do that, so we did, on a budget of ÂŁ80, my husband is a kitchen fitter by trade, so we had the use of his power tools, there was no plan. He just used measurements to suit the size of the bed. A frame was made using 38 mm prepared soft woods. The dash board and roof lip was made from 150mm floorboard pine. Shaped with a jigsaw and electric plane. The side was made from 6mm mdf as it doesn't give splinters when climbing in the door. And the front was made from 4mm ply as it allows the bend , basically just made our own template, the roof rack was made from 2 shoe racks nailed & glued onto frame, we sent off for VW badge from Amazon, the

lights were battery push in and off lights from B&M for ÂŁ2, the wheels were made from big plastic plates sprayed black with white painted inner ( had them in the cupboard) and mirrors were brought from B&M for the centres, we then used Valspar tester pots for the colours, and frog tape to get the lines. By Donna Portman

Have you done a home diy project like this that has saved you alot of money, and would also like to feature in the next issue of DIY On A Budget please email me at click here to get started

Born On A Building Site. My earliest memories are of my parents doing up their house which had fallen into dire disrepair while occupied by the last owner, a housebound elderly lady who did not have the physical strength or the money to do anything to halt the decay of the one hundred plus year old Victorian house .My grandparents who lived (and still do to this day) next door bought the house with the intention of renovating and letting it and after adding a small kitchen extension and putting a new roof on my newlywed parents bought the house and within a year I was born into a barely habitable shell. In just a few short years though, I watched as my Grandfather (a builder) and my parents transformed and rejuvenated the cold, echoing rooms into a warm and comfortable home. My mother had obviously paid attention to my Grandfather as he had

previously done the same next door where his own house had once been in a similar if not identical state. She grafted countless hours with my Father and Grandfather. My Fathers real talent though was outdoors; a self taught gardening perfectionist, he transformed the overgrown wasteland into a colourful, tranquil haven with space for my Brother and I to play in, and for him to indulge in his plant growing passion. I was always fascinated and amazed at what could be accomplished once one had a clear vision of what they wanted , and full of admiration for the hours , days, weeks and years of hard work that went into achieving those goals . Most of all though I admired the skill involved. I remember thinking before I could even speak that I wanted to master those skills , and as soon as I could walk I headed to my grandfathers shed to watch him work

whenever I could . To this day, he reminds me of the time I found his first battery Makita drill and proceeded to drive four inch screws into his lawn. Fast forward a decade or so, my school days were drawing to a close. most of my friends would be attending university , My grades were more than adequate to follow suit and my parents encouraged me to do so but I had always known what I wanted to do with my life .

My grandfather took me on as his apprentice on the condition that I attend college to gain a formal qualification. I chose plumbing, but as my grandfather specialised in property extensions so I was fortunate enough to gain experience in everything from digging foundations to putting tiles on a roof. After three years, I decided I needed to spread my wings and work away from family for a while. It was then that my eyes were opened. I gained employment with a social housing repairs team and met many people, some were very young and starting out adult life in their first home away from parents and having not yet mastered the sills of even basic DIY tasks. Many of my co workers begrudged people getting such

small repairs done for free, but I found myself feeling sorry for them for not having the guidance I had. Some of the tenants lived in properties unfit for habitation, the company’s excuse being that we, as a repairs team, were only responsible for maintaining these properties. Frankly, many of them were beyond maintenance. I recently discovered DIY on a budget , and find it very encouraging that there are so many of you with little or no experience who have been inspired by Toni and her group to get your hands dirty and make the most of what you have .As a builder of twelve years I hope to be able to help you by offering my years of experience to aid you with larger projects , not only for

your own satisfaction , but so that your children may have the same awe and wonder as I once had at a job well done. Come back next month offering you my advice on replacing taps. Written By Jame Hopkins.

I'm Raven a 33 year old mother of 3, I like to spend my spare time doing DIY. I love to watch something new emerge from something old or to watch a room transform with new decor. I'm self taught through trial and error and the occasional bit of help from Google or tips from the DIY on a budget Facebook page.

Frequently asked Help I've spilt candle wax how do I remove it? The best way to remove wax from any surface is to place paper over the spill and gently iron over it. The heat will melt the wax and the paper will soak it up. I want to paint this piece of furniture, should I use a brush or roller? What final effect are you looking for? If you don't like to see brush strokes then I would recommend using a foam roller. If you do like brush strokes then use a decent no bristle loss brush such as Harris for a lovely finish. I want to paint this piece of furniture do I need to sand it? Yes, although some paints boast no sanding required I have tried painting a piece without sanding first and despite 2 coats of varnish on top the paintwork didn't last long. Sanding provides a 'key' for the paint to adhere to, sand away any shiny surface such as varnish or old paint. Help my little darling has coloured in the walls/TV/table with crayons, how can I clean it off?

Baby wipes or magic eraser are great at removing crayon from various surfaces, go gently and take your time to avoid accidently taking paint off the wall etc. I want to paint my woodwork what's the difference between oil based and water based gloss? Oil based gloss is tougher paint and will withstand knocks and scrapes better but it will yellow over time. Water based while not as tough will stay white. I want to paint a pattern on my wall, frog tape is expensive can I use normal masking tape? You can use normal masking tape but you will need to be aware that normal masking tape doesn't have paint block like frog tape and the paint may bleed under the tape leading to wonky lines and touch ups. I have just painted/wallpapered this piece of furniture do I need to seal it? It will last much longer of you do, I like to use a clear water based varnish but furniture wax is another option too.

Glitter wall success using Valspar glitter.

Glitter Wall Fail.

Glitter wall subtle sparkle method. Method Add the glitter to the paint and mix in very well, I find pouring the paint into a bucket and using a paint stirring attachment for a drill is the best way. Paint the wall as you would normally but stir the paint often, put less in the roller tray at a time than you would normally so it's easier to keep stirring it. The type of paint and glitter is important, also the timeframe. On my first round of painting I had mixed the glitter in but broken my roller so I wasn't

able to paint for a few days till I could go shopping again. When I went to use the glitter paint the glitter had lost its shine, Valspar's paint glitter recommends using within 5 days. On my second attempt I used cheap glitter from EBay and ended up with no shine. For my third attempt I used the Valspar glitter but I used B&Q colours once paint as it was half price. The paint completely coated the glitter and destroyed the sparkle finally I used Valspar glitter with Valspar paint and

success! I now had 2 nicely painted walls with a nice but subtle sparkle. What would I do differently? If I had to do this again I would not waste time and money trying to use cheaper glitters and paints, Valspar might have been a few pounds more expensive to buy but in the long run, taking into account all the waste I had it would have been cheaper in the end and a lot less work. By raven Carlton

What has DIY On A Budget has done for you? The statements below have been sent in by our group Here our members have explained how DIY On A Budget has helped them in their day to day life.

DIY on a budget has been great for me. I suffer from depression + anxiety and I had never tried anything like up cycling before, and didn't realise I actually could afford to decorate if I tried! My house has come on amazing from what it was, and I no longer dread going home every day. Linda Davidson.

DIY has helped me get over the breakup of my 5-year relationship. Kept my mind busy and stopped me from thinking about him. It’s given me focus and a renewed energy for life. My home is beautiful, tidy and fresh and so is my mind. Louise Adcock

I first joined DIY on a budget not long after the group was first established. Since becoming a member I have received so much help and support in decorating my home which has kept me going through a very tough personal time. Now I'm giving up smoking!! And I need this site more than ever before. There is plenty of ideas tips and advice to keep me busy. I enjoy the laughs as well. I'd be lost without this group. I absolutely love it. Myree Clarke

This group has helped me immensely. I lost my son last May and it’s been a very hard time. I was in denial for months. In November I accepted the fact that he isn't going to come back to me and I stumbled across this group. I have lots of ideas and seeing everybody's posts will help me to get on with my D.I.Y. I love all the brilliant ideas the lovely people have. This site is amazing. Keep up the good work. I will be following forever. Thank you xx Susan Kathryn Green

I love the page, my marriage broke up a year ago and I had to move rather quickly with my 2 teenage boys, I have a lovely rented house and the landlady lets me have free hand. I’ve been able to do lots of stuff I was unable to do as I thought decorating was unnecessary and waste of money! I have made things and decorated to my taste, your page has given me loads of ideas and it is lovely to chat to members. Jak Daniels I just wanted to say a huge Thank You to you and all the other members of your group. I have Fibromyalgia and suffer on a daily basis and doing crafts helps. I've had so many good ideas and lots of inspiration for my home which has helped with my depression no end. Even when I'm not crafting I love looking at the site to see what everyone else has been up to and it always puts a smile on my face knowing others get the same pleasure from crafting!! I absolutely LOVE the groups DIY on a budget group. Thank you from me and my fella (he says it keeps me happy and out of trouble although he doesn't like the ever growing list of jobs he has to do hahaha) x Kara Michelle Riches

Valspar upcycling Well I am no longer a 'Valspar Upcycling virgin!'

can be stuck on using PVA/bond. I must say I now have 'the fever' and very much look forward to future Upcycling! Could not have done this without the help and inspiration of DIY On A Budget!

I was going to throw away these old set of drawers today, instead I transformed them to this! Thanks to the inspiration from this fab group DIY On A Budget. Written by They will be going into my bedroom which is currently being decorated, I Just need to put the handles on... I lightly sanded them firstly then coated all over with Valspar paint, I used less than a quarter off a tester pot, which I got on sale for 0.50 pence! Once dried, I cut out desired wallpaper to size and stuck it on using Solvite allpurpose paste, although the wallpaper



Solid Wood Floating Shelves For Under £20.00 We wanted some solid wood floating shelves to make a feature wall arrangement around a clock we had got from Home Bargains for a £10.00, so everywhere we went for the last couple of months we kept this in mind. We looked in The Range, Dunhelm, B&Q, B&M, Home Bargains, Wilko’s you name it we looked, they were either the wrong size, the wrong finish or too expensive, so I put my thinking cap on and came up with my method of floating shelves at under £20.00 for you to add your finish of choice. An ideal project for the coming Easter holidays..

The picture below shows the tools you will need; the cordless drill/ driver is optional (the one pictured was £20.00 from Aldi) an ordinary screwdriver will do just as well but you will need a hammer drill to drill for the bracket fixings also you don’t have to have an adjustable work bench

The timber for the shelves is 140mm x 40mm x 2.4m or 5 ½” x 1 ½ “x 8 foot £8.00 from B&Q The brackets are 90mm x 90mm x 20mm wide £1.49 each also from B&Q, I used 6 of these. The 2” screws and plastic plugs I needed were in a pack I got from a £ shop.

The timber for the shelves is 140mm x 40mm x 2.4m or 5 ½” x 1 ½ “x 8 foot £8.00 from B&Q The brackets are 90mm x 90mm x 20mm wide £1.49 each also from B&Q, I used 6 of these. The 2” screws and plastic plugs I needed were in a pack I got from a £ shop.

I always make multiple cuts across the grain first, and then gently cut following the lines that go with the grain. This reduces the chances of splitting the wood Next I popped the brackets back in the holes and held the shelves up to the lines marked on the walls to mark the positions of the brackets. You may need help with this for the larger shelf. Once I had marked the positions and the holes in the brackets I drilled and plastic plugged the holes. The brackets were then screwed to the wall.Now the shelf can be fitted using the pre gut holes in the back. The same method was used for the smaller upper shelves the only difference is I drilled the holes 40mm or 1 ½” from each end due to them being a lot smaller.

Firstly, I marked out the position of the shelves on the wall marking height and width with a level.I measured in 250mm or 10” from each end and along the line above and drilled a 22mm hole where the lines crossed. I was able to set my drill bit so as not to drill too deep you can wrap tape around the stem of your drill bit to indicate the depth required, placed a bracket in each hole and drew around them. Next I removed the brackets from the holes and chiselled out the marked area to the thickness of the bracket. Written by Mick Farley

Children’s bookshelves Hack using IKEA's BEKVÄM Spice Racks

You will need IKEA BEKVÄM Spice Racks The desired colour(s) of paint Clear varnish Foam roller and paint tray

The Spice Racks come flat packed so are ready for painting as soon as they are unwrapped. I used tester pots from Wilko, £1 each for 75ml. I used the colours Sugar Sweet, Lemon Burst and Bermuda. I painted the racks with a foam roller with one coat and allowed them to dry completely before giving them a second coat. Once they were completely dry I then gave them a finishing coat of varnish using Wilko Satin Quick Dry Ultra Tough Quick Dry Clear Varnish, £3 for 250ml. I fixed the racks to a piece of 10mm mdf using screws which they hook on to and fixed that piece of wood to the wall as my walls are plasterboard so they don't take well to screws. The racks can fit quite a few books, they are great value for money and make books more accessible to my Daughter than an ordinary shelf for books Written by Siobhan Range

Children’s single bed using IKEA's KALLAX 1x4 units You will need 3 x 1x4 IKEA KALLAX units 1 length of 4mm plywood 11 x IKEA DRONA boxes I purchased 3 KALLAX 1x4 units and built 2 of them, the 3rd unit I built up until putting the end piece of wood in place. I then cut the 3rd unit down so that it was only 3 cubes.

I then placed a length of 4mm plywood on top of the units which is 30cm by 190cm, this prevents any possible sagging of the mattress since there is a void between the two units. Written by Siobhan Range

I positioned the 2 complete units running lengthways and placed the 3rd cut down unit at the foot end of the bed base running width ways. I placed the edge that was cut at the wall end as although it seems structurally sound it isn't appealing on the eye.

Children’s Arts & Crafts Table Hack, Using IKEA's LATT Children’s Table

You will need IKEA LATT Children’s wooden table and chairs The desired colour(s) of paint Clear varnish 3 x 1m D shape wooden beading 1 x 1m 20mm wooden dowel 2 wardrobe rail holders Roll of arts & craft paper 1 IKEA BYGEL rail 4 IKEA BYGEL containers 4mm plywood Fabric Iron on vinyl 1 foam cushion pad Matt blackboard paint Rubber mallet

The table comes flat packed with two chairs but I had the table for some years before I up cycled it. I advise putting together the table but leaving the chairs in pieces as they come, I did unscrew the table but then realised I'd have a hard job not getting paint into the groves and worried that it would affect getting the table top to slide into the groves it sits in so I put it back together. I used masking tape on the white table top so that it didn't seap in to the grooves. I painted the pine parts of the table in Wilko's Sugar Sweet (£1 for a 75ml tester pot). I then went on to paint the pine pieces of the chairs in the same colour. I painted two coats on everything and then when it was completely dry I gave them a coat of varnish using Wilko Satin Quick Dry Ultra Tough Quick Dry Clear Varnish, £3 for 250ml. I gave that time to cure and then gave everyone another coat of varnish just to be extra sure that the paint can withstand the playtime of my 4.5-year-old Daughter. Take extra care not to get any varnish in the grooves of the chair otherwise it will cause you a problem when you fix the pieces back together. I purchased 3 x 1m lengths of wooden D shaped beading which was 0.95 pence each from B&Q and 1 x 1m length of 20mm wooden dowel which was also from B&Q for 0.95 pence. I painted those in the matching Sugar Sweet and varnished those too, using 2 coats of each.

bought from eBay for £1.65. I then cut the dowel rod to size and put it in place with the roll of paper on it, which was £3.00 from ELC. I then cut the wooden beading to size and nailed 1 to each shortest edge of the table top. It naturally creates a slight gap to slide the paper through which keeps it flat to the table and also allows the paper to be torn for a clean edge once your child's has finished their artwork.

£3.00 and cut out a square slightly smaller than the inside square of the seat base. One foam pad was enough for the two chairs but the second chair is two pieces together. I then wrapped fabric around it and used spray adhesive to stick it to the underside of the seat. Once it had dried I then had the hard job of getting the chairs back together. A rubber mallet and some patience is essential for this part. It took a bit of effort getting the seat base back into the groves of the I then marked out and attached chair pieces and took about 20 the IKEA Bygel rail £2 for 55cm minutes to do both. rail, to one of the widest sides of the table, the one I bought I then used Matt Black holds 4 Bygel containers they Blackboard paint from eBay are priced at 0.75p each. which was £2.25 delivered and is around 150ml. I paint two I then cut a piece of 4mm coats onto the white part of the plywood the size of the table table top so that when I top minus 5mm to allow space remove the vinyl covered to get it in and out of the table. plywood it reveals a Then I used some fabric I blackboard. The edges of the already had which was from table prevent chalk dust eBay, £3.99 for 1m x 1.6m. getting on the carpet. I cut a piece of fabric slightly Written by Siobhan Range bigger than the table to allow for enough fabric to cover and overlap the plywood. I then cut a piece of iron on vinyl which I bought from Amazon £8.99 - Heat n Bond. I ironed it on following the instructions. Once it had cooled I stuck the fabric around the plywood using high grab double sided tape (it's a strong tape used in the flooring trade). If you don't have that then spray adhesive glue would be suitable. The vinyl makes the table waterproof and wipe able.

I then marked and drilled two holes underneath the table on Next I tackled the chair opposite sides to slot in the cushions! I bought a foam wardrobe rail holders that I had cushion from Hobbycraft

"Upcyclist" - A person who has the vision and artistic creativity to repurpose old or unwanted materials & items that have already served a purpose. "Upcycling" - The innovative reuse of unwanted, unloved & preloved materials & items. Please like and share my page , click here.

The life of an Upcyclist So the big question "How did I become an Upcyclist?" I have had an obsession since a very young age to revamp, cut up, repaint & repurpose as many wonderful things including clothes, small mercy’s we never had Facebook then and like all upcyclers some projects worked and some just didn't! It became a mission to recycle and waste a minimal amount as possible it also served a purpose and refurbished the family home on a minimal budget without breaking the bank. For many years family and friends have received rather unique handcrafted gifts for birthdays and Christmas proud of the fact of them being 100% recycled and far more personal. Wanting for many years to have a job which really defined who I am utilising my creativity and love for upcycling is what pushed me to finally throw caution to the wind and give it a dam good go the theory that life is about having a happy work to life

ratio..... Wow what a shocker, the reality of being your own boss and working from home really is!! "How did I achieve starting my own home business? Well like any business you need a plan, boring as all that paperwork is there is a lot to do before embarking on having your own business. Firstly, you need a product, very difficult when your product has already served its purpose and the fact rarely two items will be the same so there is a need for market research and lots of it. Visiting various shops and looking for that place in the market where your product could be unique to what’s on sale around it. Pricing is always an issue so understanding the current market values and trends is a great help never be too cheap don’t under value your work at the same time don’t hike a price based on a vogue interior article you seen as most of us are aware the costs and labour gone into a piece will not always reflect

the price people are willing to pay! All of this takes time and an understanding of your potential markets is the key to producing financial forecasts to see if it is at all viable to survive and make a living. Luckily as we are in the business of recycling and upcycling it is possible to minimalize business costs as not everything you can locate for free this month’s latest colour means new paint but if you look after your brushes and reuse that’s a massive saving at the end of a year.

Next you need to have a visual product for potential resellers to see this is when the quality of your work will speak for itself. Once you've survived the critics and potential lovers of your work it’s time to test the market. I chose to do a small stall with handcrafted upcycled small decorative items just to gain peoples interested and feedback luckily for me people loved my items and were keen to see what was next. My FB page will and is the best advertising ever and good for comments which help a lot even the negative ones if you receive any. Finally all the boring stuff and financials done you are ready to make a business plan usually with the intention to apply for a start-up loan. For me I already had a workshop at home Id collected many tools over time and also had a small stock of furniture, decorative items and pallets.... I love pallets even had an old ladder or two so apart from paint and some new brushes and my labour all I needed to

do was crack on and save myself another monthly outgoing in the form of a loan. Yes, I need a van but my old golf is doing fine and gets filled to the brim with all sort of random finds and projects. I have a few contacts with local delivery drivers who don’t charge too much for larger items I personally deliver smaller items. There are down sides to not having a shop but boy I’m glad I don’t have the added overheads and worries for now. In general my business is slowly getting noticed Facebook groups are an amazing advertising tool but also engaging with your public and not constantly selling them something I think also plays a big part I spend a lot of time reading up on trends and colour forecasts which I do share on my page for all to see. My customers are increasing some value the art of recycling whilst others just must have a particular piece. You can’t please everyone

some people like Shabby Chic some prefer a more elegant twist others love industrial some like bling some like battered and worn the key is to be versatile at the same time bring a uniqueness that is yours, be on trend, be vintage, be whatever you need to be to get out there and start selling. Be able to give people something different but fitting to their own personal space. Question "would I do it all again?" Well the answer is Yes! Can anyone do it mmm a question only you and your product, masses of market research and a financial forecast can answer for you? For help and further advice on setting up your own business go to:>startwith-an-idea or www.>starting-andplanning Good luck Kerry at Upcycled Me


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Bureau Upcycle I picked up this bureau from a used Authentico chalk paint local second hand shop for ÂŁ40 which goes straight onto any I like the shape and detail on it. painted or varnished surface without sanding, I chose a grey Tools and Materials: 'Concrete' for the outside and Chalk paint Casa Blanca on the inside. As Brush the bureau was dark wood it Furniture wax needed three coats in all. Once Patterned napkins dry I used some fine sandpaper Cling film to go over the edges and Clear matt varnish detailed parts to give a Fine sandpaper distressed look. I then used Handles decorative napkins to decoupage the little draws, First of all, I gave the bureau a door and desk surface. I did clean, to remove any dust or this by covering the surface in marks which could show Mod Podge glue and then through the paint. The bureau placed the top layer of the was in good condition and napkin only onto the same didn't need sanding. I then area and smoothed it down

If you want to see your work on this page, please contact me at diyonabudget@

using cling film. Once dry I covered the same areas in 2 coats of clear matt varnish and then waxed the rest on the bureau with 2 coats. I then used some wallpaper to cover the inside shelves sticking it down with spay adhesive. Lastly I added some new glass handles to finish off the look. Written by Maia Loughlin

Let's Make Something! Hi everybody, my names Bongo (yes, that’s what my mum called me) and I’m a DIY on a budget craft worker. I’ve a small workshop in rural North Wales and I work reclaimed materials, locally sourced timber, driftwood and steel into furniture and other woodworking projects. Some I keep, some I give away and some I actually sell to pay for cat food and the usual bills. I do like my tools especially if they’re a bargain and from car boot sales, auctions, eBay and gum tree, more on this and the pitfalls to come! My first ever set of tools that I used to make furniture was very basic by today's standard, the price of tools has fallen


dramatically over the last few years and while cheap isn’t always best, it can be good enough to get you started and used with care can last a fair old while. Talking to friends and family about your plans is a good way of picking up unwanted tools even if it’s something as simple as a crosshead screwdriver or an old chisel that needs resharpening. I help out my neighbours as best as I can and with everyone getting older I seem to be the place to go and drop off bits and bobs that they don’t or can’t use any more. I’ve never had to pay for a Black and Decker workmate for instance. Tools I’m recommending as a

minimum basic set is • Claw hammer (a multi-use tool) • Trade Handsaw • Set square • Screwdriver posi and flat headed • Half inch flat chisel • Electric drill and a selection of bits • Sandpaper 40 & 80 grit • PVA wood glue • A workmate or table that you don’t mind getting damaged • Some eye protection, I like the wood turners full face masks myself

Pens, paper and maybe you can find a few things in your child’s maths set such as a protractor once you get adventurous. Set squares are invaluable and help you stay on track and keep your projects square. The tradesman’s handsaw has been designed to be a set square and a 90 and 45 degree angle are usually moulded into the handle (see photo). Very clever and useful if you can’t find your set square because its either buried in clutter or the kids have had it and its in their room somewhere. The only power tool I’m recommending at the moment if you’re really on a budget is a drill. A very versatile tool from putting up shelves in walls to drilling dowel holes in your latest creation. A close second but one I haven’t included is the jigsaw, again a very useful tool that opens up your work into more creative and decorative aspects. When buying tools second hand then it’s very important that you check that its working first, seems obvious but if you’re at a car boot for instance how would you even know? The price has to be right in case all you’re going to be doing is taking it home and then binning it! However a drill for a £1 is worth it though just for the chuck. I recently had to take a working chuck off a broken drill and replace a broken chuck on a working drill. Check blades for wobbles, listen to the motor, does it sound like its chattering? This could be worn or broken

bearings, gears may be stripped. Does it smell? Have a good sniff at the air vents around the motor; if it smells of burning plastic or similar then the motor itself could be goosed. Examine the cables for any nicks, cuts and repairs, circular saws and planers are usually the worst culprits for this sort of accident because of the exposed blades. A circuit breaker is a good safety purchase and you can get them that are already moulded into extension leads. Better safe than sorry. There’s a big trade off involved with tools versus time. You can use a block of wood with sandpaper wrapped round to great effect and that’s going to take time or you can use a belt sander which will take a tenth of the time. A handsaw gives a great cut, a jigsaw cuts that bit quicker, a chop saw cuts even quicker still, you get the idea but of course you pay for that privilege. It can be very easy to blow money on a dedicated piece of tooling that seldom gets used even though it looks rather cool and seems a bargain. So choose wisely and carefully. Right, so that’s your homework, gathering up some tools as best as you can because the next time you hear from me were getting straight down to it and making something, thanks for reading this far. This series of articles and projects will have an accompanying video on YouTube so you can actually see how it’s all put together. You can find me on the

Facebook group DIY on a budget where I’m more than willing to answer questions and of course take your ideas and suggestions on what you’d like me to cover in future articles! Crack on! Bongo thePoultryPeople thepoultrypeople See his intro video here.



A House with in A House The cost of paying rent had gone up so much it was far cheaper to pay a mortgage but saving up for a deposit was an impossible dream for my son and his family. With my daughter and her children already living at home along with my other son. I wanted to come up with a solution that would benefit everybody. We only had one bathroom and had been looking at a place to install a second, the only option I could afford was to change our second living room into a bedroom but what about a loo and storage? I thought of London and New York style living, then looked into mezzanine flooring and there laid the answer! With the help of a friend who was a builder and my husband’s labouring skills I set my plans in motion. Cost of wood for frame £147 brought from Terry's


timber in Liverpool this included all spindles. The mattress was made bespoke by a man who has his own market stall on Tuebrook Market £130 also in Liverpool. The electrician and builder were on a day rate; the total was £650. The balcony area has a double mattress and some floor space, the top part of the window area under the balcony was split into 3 sections. A section for a toddler’s bed with T.V. A large window and a space for special things. The bathroom area houses a shower enclosure with sink and toilet this cost £272 from Rapids in Liverpool city centre. The third section is now a wardrobe which was made from two brush poles £1.30 each from a local hardware store, doors were made after a £16 folding door didn't look right, again wood brought from Terry's timber

the wood was then painted silver mist £19 per tin purchased from taskers. The wall paper was on sale at £5.99 a roll, flooring and T.V were already in place. A large floor to ceiling cupboard was then made and painted black to blend in with the wall so visually it makes the room look bigger. A space for everything without it costing a fortune, most importantly a space for my family to save up for their own home. Written by Susan Jamieson

Hello, my name Zhela, and I am secret paper sniffer! I admit to being that odd person you peer sideways at in stationery shops, that is stood flicking through the card and paper sections stopping every so often to smell the paper. Sounds extremely odd I know, but this may be the start of you developing the habits of a secret paper sniffer too...

Paper Cutting My obsession began when I was flicking through the children's book section in the local charity shop After I knocked a teddy off the shelf into a box of photo frames. As I bent to pick the teddy up, something bright green in a glass frame caught my eye. As I picked it up to look closer, I saw it was a piece of card with shapes cut out, the remaining pieces made up a picture of a couple on a swing surrounded by flowers, I fell in love with the picture. I bought the frame for ÂŁ1.00 and decided to have a look online as to what it obsession was born. After digging a little deeper I found more information on my charity shop treasure. I realised I had found a papercut. I found this to be an art form dating back thousands of


years. For centuries our ancestors from all over the world had been taking sheets of paper and transforming them into beautiful designs by cutting a series of holes into the paper for the remaining paper to make a design. I eventually found a picture online of the papercut I had found. It was designed and cut by the world famous artist Rob Ryan. I'd love to say I found an original, but I wasn’t that lucky. I began to follow his work, and developed a bit of a secret crush on him....sssshhhhhh don’t tell anyone! Unknown to me, my exhusband had arranged for a signed birthday from Mr Ryan himself to get sent to me, its one of my most prized possessions.... After receiving this I decided to have a go at papercutting

myself. I started by downloading a free template from a well known browser and purchased a craft knife from the local pound shop. I admit my first few attempts included decapitating a good few animals and lots of swearing, but I loved how quiet and peaceful it was to sit, when my two boys had gone to bed, and to make something so delicate and pretty, and the rest for me is history; I was addicted! My obsession grew and I eventually started to papercut gifts for family and friends. I received a few orders from their family and friends and was soon booked up months in advance. I started to design templates for fellow papercutters to download via an online shop and vic'n'ernie papercuts was born.

My house is now filled with tiny bits of paper from the constant cutting I seem to do. I’ve found it in my bra and in my sons packed lunch box and floating in my coffee, you name it, its everywhere. Visitors to my house don’t even notice the coloured confetti that decorates every nook and cranny of our home. Even if they did the vacuum is always available if they feel they would like to clear a space to sit down... I’m sure you think I am waffling and are thinking, "Just tell me what to do" so here goes.... You don’t need expensive equipment, all you would need to get started is: A craft knife - there are many available online or in the local stationery store relatively cheap. A cut proof board to lean on. Some people prefer a self healing mat. I use a glass chopping board meant for the kitchen. Its really up to you, which ever you feel more comfortable using. A sheet of paper or your printed design and a flat well lit area with a place to lean on. That’s it.... Start by cutting the smallest sections first, turning the paper to make it easier for yourself, gradually moving to the larger sections; take your time. The old saying practice makes perfect definitely applies to papercutting, I started with wobbly lines and cutting a completely perfect circle was a long distance dream.... I still occasionally slip and chop the dot off an I, but I find this adds character and makes the design truly unique and individual to you. Please come back next month, when we can start learning how to paper cut together. Written By Zhela Cole.

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How to create a brick effect wall using a sponge. To achieve this look you can either paint the wall first with the colour mortar you want or you can paint on the Mortar after on white or magnolia walls. Next you need a Diall Tiling sponge one with the round edges (for a castle style brick shape) or a car sponge in a longer shape for longer bricks I bought mine from Wilkinsons. Paint an “L” shape in white down the left side of the brick and across the bottom. I then painted in black a “7” across the top of brick and down the right side. This creates the


light and shade giving it a 3D effect. Next step I dabbed in the middle part of the sponge with tester pots using a paintbrush. I used black, white and grey for the castle effect brick and orange, green, brown, grey and beige for the longer style brick. Place sponge just above the skirting board and work your way up to help keep the bricks level as you go along and press firmly against wall all over to get an even coverage. Written By Michelle Durrance

Amanda Stone Explains How To Get The Look. I use Annie sloan paint .I give the wood a clean no sanding . I use a thick coat of Annie sloan let it dry for 24 hrs .then I put on another and wait another 24 hrs .I then distress the wood using a fine sand paper and then wax with Annie sloan clear wax . wait a few hrs then buff ( shine) mabelsvintageinteriors/

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Mosaic Walls, Using Frog Shopping list Base colour paint - this is the colour you want the lines to be Paint in the colours you want the shapes to be Frog tape, yellow is best if you have recently painted the wall otherwise green is fine A brush for every colour

Method First you want to paint the wall in the colour you would like the lines between the shapes to be, I used white. You want to leave this over night at the very least before using tape or you will probably have a lot of patching up to do later. I chose to only paint part of the walls in this style so what I did next was use the frog tape to mask off the area's I was I

wanted then I pained the rest of the walls in the block colours I had chosen. I removed the frog tape while the paint was still wet and again I left this over night to dry. Next I broke out the frog tape and stuck it all over the walls at random, I found taking a photo on my phone and looking at the photo made it easier to decide which bit's I liked and which to change. This is the fun bit and why you need a brush for every colour rather than cleaning the same one between colours. Starting in a corner decide which colours you want where and mark them with a small splodge of paint. One colour at a time paint those shapes, as soon as you finish one colour start the next. As soon as you finish the first coat of

the last colour start again on the second coat, do not leave it 4 hours between coats just get straight on it. As soon as you have finished the second coat pull the tape off, try to pull it out from the wall and not sideways to avoid the wet paint on the tape touching the wall. If you have a large area to do this on I would recommend painting in sections so that you can peel the tape while the paint is wet. As you can see from my photo's I used green frog tape on a freshly painted wall instead of the yellow I've advised you use here, at the time I didn't know the yellow tape existed but I do use the yellow now. By raven jane Carlton


Today I woke up and decided I was going to be a writer! Hi I'm LuLu Blu, I'm 35 nearly 36 I'm a stay at home mum I have 2 beautiful children very fortunate to have a daughter and a son. My star sign is Pisces so I'm sure many of you can relate to me already. I'm a DREAMER and to be honest I love it, I love that I'm still finding out who I am and what I want to be at my age. What I do know is I'm very creative, I see things differently; I know exactly what I want in my head but can never find it to buy. Last summer on a whim I decided to book onto a sewing course, it's always kind off been another interest of mine, IV always painted and hand sewn (shockingly) costumes for my children. So I thought yeah why not? It was a 9 week course on a Wednesday evening for 3 hours, if I hated it I thought it's not actually on for long it will be bearable. Hello career number six! And I'm not joking, but the last 5 jobs/whims/experiences have totally made me a better person and defiantly made me

realise they wasn't the career I wanted to be in forever. Really I'm pretending to be a writer as I want to sew, I want to make pretty dresses from amazing fabrics that twirl and swirl in the right places. Now I'm attending my second sewing course, again it's only on for 9 weeks, my aim this time, is to share my experiences like a diary, or a blog? Would this be a blog? I'm not very technical I will ask my daughter in the morning as she's ten and of course knows everything, (slightly sarcastic, but smiling to myself) you're probably wondering by now what is the point to this? As I'm fully aware I'm waffling just hoping some readers may make it to the end. Every week I of course will be sharing my sewing experiences, I will also add projects I'm currently working on, so hopefully over the coming weeks/months you can see them from start to finish. Please send in any questions or tips and I will try my very hardest to answer them, if I can't I know a lady who can.

All tips/techniques/ will be published, maybe even one day growing into our own glossary. My main aim from this publication is to introduce myself, tell you a bit about what I will be doing, and expressing cannot express enough that I'm new to this, sewing and writing, so please be kind. Ideas, comments, suggestions always welcomed, I may hide and cry somewhere but it's meant to make you stronger? Seriously please let us know what YOU want to see and read, it's your magazine, Just one more thing, keep up the good work! I love looking at everyone's individual creativity, and running off to find the bargains you've posted. To be continued LuLu Blu X

How to do a brown paper floor Brown paper flooring is all the range in the USA, and its slowly coming over to the UK. With so many different ways of doing it and colours to choose from it’s becoming very popular. This is a method I have used in my own home, so I thought I’d write you a quick how to guide. I will also add the different ways you could make it work for your own home along the way. First make sure you have a clean floor, if it’s a concrete surface you are starting off with, be sure to give it a good clean. If you are starting off with wooden floor boards I would advise you to sand them first. If you keep the saw dust from sanding, you can


use this to fill the gaps in the floor boards. Mix the sawdust with PVA glue. Fill the gaps with this and then lightly sand the areas again once dry. The PVA, saw dust mixture will move with your floor boards and is less likely to crack than wood fillers. The reason behind this is to give you the flattest area possible and minimizing the lines from the floor boards underneath. Now that your prep is done, the hardest part of this process you are ready to begin your brown paper floor. I used normal parcel paper from my local pound land. But, and here is the exciting bit, you can use any colour paper you want. I’ve seen it done with book pages,

newspapers, marvel magazines, multicoloured crepe paper and much more. The possible looks and designs are endless. I went for the leathered look, which is the way I’m going to describe now, but with simple changes along the way you can really make the floor your own, cut the paper into squares for a tiled look, or into lines for a wooden flooring appearance.

What you will need, Paper of your choice, I worked with brown parcel paper. * PVA glue, mixed with water. * Varnish, clear if you want the colour of the paper you have. With a stain if you want to change the colour. Step one- Clean the area you are going to be working with. Step two- Tear off bits of the brown paper and screw them up. (Only screw for the leathered affect, this creases in the paper will show, which is what creates the leather look) Step Three – Use your PVA mix, taking a paint brush and coating the floor with PVA. Step Four- Unscrew your paper and lay it over the PVA on the floor, and an extra layer of PVA

over the top. instructions on the tin. Step five- Now lay PVA over the next area you want to Written By Toni Trevillion paper, overlap the next piece slightly with the one you have just laid. Again put PVA over the top of this piece. Step Six- repeat until the whole floor is covered. Step seven- Allow to fully dry. I suggest leaving it over night. Step eight – this is an optional step and all depends if you like the colour of the floor, I wanted a darker finish. To achieve this I used a stain. I had done 2 layers of stain using a brush. Step nine- varnish. This step matters. It will make all the difference in the durability of your floor, the more coats you do the better. You must follow


Stag head from Wilkinson's (January sales £1) Selection of paint testers, Valspar, B&Q (special offer £1 a pot) Pencil (for drawing rough lines on the stags head) Plain white emulsion paint for base coat (already had, Dulux) Paint brushes Mod Podge sparkle glaze (already had in cupboard from previous project)

Rainbow Blended Stags Head Firstly I painted the stags head with a base coat of white paint (any paint will do). Next I drew rough lines of where each colour would go. I've got to say I absolutely love the Valspar range of colours as there are just so many to choose from (my eyes were instantly drawn to the bright jewel colours) and such a bargain as purchased when the tester pots where on offer of just £1 a pot! (the pots go a long long way too). I then began by painting the first colour on (you can start from the top or bottom) I started from the bottom. After I had painted the second colour on I grabbed a dry brush (used my trusty round head brush) and stippled the colours together on the line where they meet, to blend and give and almost fade-in effect. Then continue doing the colours remembering to blend each one (keeping the brush you stipple with clean and dry each time, wipe off excess paint).


Once all the colours were done and blended I left to dry on newspaper. Once dry I gave the antlers a bit of sparkle/shimmer by giving them a light coat of Mod Podge sparkle glaze (which I already had in the cupboard from a previous project). Written By PJ Maddogpolly.

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Kelly's Off the Hook crochet Hi everyone, my name is Kelly and apart from Home DIY and being admin for the DIY on a budget Facebook page my passion is Crochet. I am self taught and I mainly learnt from watching YouTube videos and trial and error. At the start I was very dubious as I am a left handed and have been told it would be extremely difficult for us “lefties” to master the art of Crochet, well don’t listen, LOL!! All it takes is patience and a little determination. I started off small and “tried” to make Granny squares.... Well it was a disaster and it didn’t resemble a square in the slightest. So after a few swear words and lots of unravelling I decided to leave the Granny squares behind me and try some headbands with a bow instead and that when I started to fall in love with Crochet. It is something that doesn’t take long and if you use a chunky wool/yarn with a large hook you get really fast results. The whole headband is done using the double crochet stitch method. Here is my “how to” guide on how I make my popular bow band. I use a chunky yarn, the brand I use is Hayfield Bonus Chunky, which costs £2.20 for 100g from Hobbycraft or it can be purchased online. If you are a beginner then I would avoid the following colours; Black, Navy or White, as it can make it harder to see the stitches, Measure the head circumference of the person the bow band is for, then to start here are my directions. I don’t have a set pattern so I made this up as I went along. I use a size 6 mm or a 6.5 mm hook when using chunky yarn.


1. Slip knot and chain as many stitches as it takes until you are 5 cm off the circumference length. So for example if the head is 45 cm then chain until you have a length of 40 cm as you do not want it too big. 2. Do your first double crochet into the 3rd chain from the hook, as these missed chains will count as your first DC (double crochet) then do one DC in every chain until you get to the end. 3. When you have done the last DC in the last chain you chain one and turn your work over ready to do row two. 4. The next rows you do are really easy you just DC into every stitch and repeat rows until you have the desired width. Then fasten off leaving a tail of yarn long enough to sew the two ends together using a wool/yarn needle. 5. Now it is on to the bow, which is pretty much the same as the head band just smaller. So decide how big you want the bow to be. Then chain double the length as it gets folded in half and then repeat the same process as you did with the headband. Make sure you leave at least a foot of yarn as the tail because you use this when sewing both ends together. Once sewn together put the seam of the bow to the centre and wrap some of the tail yarn around the bow to cinch in the middle to create the bow. Then decide where on the band you want the bow. Then wrap the tail around the band to attach the bow. Once you have it neatly finished and you want to tie it off. I get my hook under all that yarn on the back of headband and then grab yarn loop it under and knot it off. Then trim excess and you are finished Yayyyy. I hope you like this as much as I do and I hope you can understand my instructions any questions please ask. Find me at Kelly’s off the hook crochet. Written By Kelly Nugent-Smith

Your Stars ! Aries: March 21 - April 19 Aries is represented by the ram and is a fire sign. Aries, this month you must stop starting fires! I know that DIY project may have gone awry, but burning it down is never the answer! Walk away and have a nice cup of hot chocolate and plan your next move, preferably without matches and petrol. Taurus: April 20 -May 20 Taurus is represented by the bull and is an earth sign. Taurus, knocking down that ‘spare’ wall may seem a good idea this month, but only do this if you have a friendly builder and scaffolder on stand by. Treat yourself this month to a new colour, but maybe dying your hair would be easier than remodelling the lounge. Gemini: May 21 - June 20 Gemini is represented by twins and is an air sign. Gemini, I know that you become easily bored but you really do not need to redecorate the kitchen that you decorated in February this year. Add a splash of colour with some spring flowers to brighten your kitchen and your mood. Cancer: June 21 - July 22 Cancer is represented by the crab and is a water sign. Cancer, your love of your home is a joy to behold, but you really need to start letting people into it this month, preferably without


hosing them down outside first and then making them wear forensic suits whilst they sit on your plastic covered sofa. Leo: July 23 - August 22 This sign is represented by the lion and is a fire sign. Leo, Leo, Leo, you really do not need to build that stage in your living room; you already ensure that you are the centre of attention in every situation. Clashing colours may be ‘Oh so in’, but your family really do not enjoy wearing sunglasses to protect their eyes from the glare of the walls every time they have a bath. Virgo: August 23 September 22 Represented by the virgin and is an earth sign. Virgo, this month try to lower your expectations a little, you really do not need to use that spirit level to ensure that the ‘cutting in’ is absolutely perfect! Live a little, enjoy a coffee in your pristine kitchen and try not to wash that cup up straightaway. Libra: September 23 October 22 Libra is blind justice holding a set of scales. An air sign Libra, it is always good to plan, but the ‘to scale’ drawings of your hall renovation are taking things a little too far. It’s just a lick of paint and some new lampshades; after all you’re not recreating the Taj

Mahal…although you would like to! Scorpio: October 23 November 21 Represented by a scorpion. Water sign Scorpio, your other half will feel the sting of your tail this month, but try to think before you speak. We all know that Orange and Red look dreadful together if not separated by a balancing colour, but try to use some tact before your loved one locks themselves away in the attic and refuses to help you with any home making ever again. Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 This sign is represented by the mythological creature, the Centaur, half-man, half-horse. A fire sign You’re exhausting me Sagittarius, you need to stop! It does not make sense to decorate every room in your house at the same time, plus your neighbour’s bathroom… Take it one room at a time and one day at a time, you will achieve far more doing it this way than trying to tackle everything in one day, in your lunch break. Capricorn: December 22 - January 19 Capricorn is represented by a goat and is an earth sign Your organisational skills come to the fore this month Capricorn when your brilliant idea for a

man/woman shed starts to come to fruition. Planning is your forte, but maybe this month you probably need to do some of the hard graft yourself and stop expecting everyone else to do it for you. Aquarius: January 20 February 18 Aquarius is represented by the water bearer and is an air sign. Aquarius you old hippy you! Not everyone is feeling the vibe this month when you reach out to them, it may possibly be because of your goat hair cardi, which smells like wet dog, but is more likely to be because of your pie in the sky idea of a tree-house in which to meditate in. Not everyone sees the world your way Aquarius. Which is a shame… Pisces: February 19 March 20 Pisces is symbolized by a fish. A water sign, Pisces, back away from that steamer now! Yes, it is the time to spring clean but you need some fun in your life too! Your wish to make a perfect home is frankly making you boring. Take up knitting, join a scrabble club, go mad on those magnolia walls and put up some pretty art. Take yourself out of your comfort zone this month, be a devil! Written By Theresa Avery.


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